Trabajo de Ingles

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1. A.

Add the vowels to the forniture words

1 armchair 3 cupboard 5 sofa 7 washbesin

2 bed 4 shelves 6 wardrobe 8 television

B. think of a room in your flat/house. Write theree objects that are in it.

It has a bed, a TV and a lamp.

2. A. Read the sentences. Draw the things in the picture.

There’s a newspaper on the chair and a shelf under the window. There’s a flower on the shelf.
There are two men on the left of the window.

B. Now add these things to your picture.

3. Write the places in the Word puzzle and find the secret massage. (Hint: What do you say
after a day in town?)
p o s t o f f i c e
c i n e m a
s u p e r m a r k e t
p h a r m a c y
t h e a t e R
m u s e u m
a r t g a l l e r y
l i b r a r y

4. A. put the words in the correct order

Where i can a buy for SIM card mobile?

Where i can sit?

How i can say “beatiful” in Italian?

Where they can the watch football match?

Can my friend the come to lesson?

What do the can we in sports centre?

B. Write answers to the questions above

1. At an electronics shop

2. On the sofa in the living room

3.” Beatiful” in italiano is bello

4. You can watch in on tv

5. Yes, your friend can come to the lessons

6. In the sports center you can play

5.Correct the sentences below

Do you have these shoes in size thirty-six?

Are too small

Do you have in these the size thirty-four?

How much does it cost?

That's too expensive

I take them

No, Okay, thanks anyway.

I am not sure, I need to think about it

B. Work in pairs. Choose four of the sentences above and write a conversation in a shop.

Buyer: Good morning

Saleswoman: Good morning, Can i help you with anything?

Buyer: Yes, do you have these shoes in size thirty-size?

Saleswoman: Mmmm yes, if we have

Buyer: How much does is cost?

Saleswoman: It has a value of thirty dollars

Buyer: That´s too expensive

Saleswoman: These are cheaper

Buter: No, Okay, thanks anyway

Saleswoman: Okay.

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