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This question paper contains 16 printed pages] Your Roll No. .... 6302 cee B.A. (Hons.)/I Sem. B ECONOMICS : Paper 02 (Mathematical Methods for Economics) (Admissions of 2011 onwards) Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75 (Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper) Note :-— Answers may be written either in English or in Hindi: but the same medium should be used throughout the paper. feof ga Weta Gr Bee ofits ar ext fret wa rer 4 dfsu;, dfea wit sat a sea we a ar arf | , All questions are compulsory, at ver aftart &i 1. (a) Find all real numbers x that satisfy the following inequalities : @O lx1 fe) bo, ea Qn, xl © Frafeter fee So nv a as ae site ae we afar st sta afar : In 1/24 In 2/3 4 In 8/4 $ ccccccccssne FID RANEY $ ccc Or * (aren) (a) Evaluate the following limits : lim In(1 +x) O MS x (i) Yim S21, 3 x90 0 & (6) (a) (8) (@) ~An investment of 50,000 at present yields 6,000 every year indefinitely. If the interest is compounded annually @ 10%, is this investment worthwhile ? Explain. 5 Fefefaa das a qeiea aifia : ~ ‘In(1+ x) m 2? o ins tm ' ada 4 sooo am faa atftaa wo 4 vfs ad 6000 at fa aren Bi afe ears aA afar era io atom 8 fifa fear oem 2% a wa ae faa ae ¢ 2 een aft) ‘The elasticity of Y = f(x) with respect to x is e. Find the elasticity of the total function x/(v) and the average function flzVx in terms of e. Also find the value/values of e for which : () the total function and (ii) the average function can have a maximum. 5 ) @) (6) ( 7) 6302 Examine the sign of first and second derivatives of the following function and indicate the shape of the curve and sketch a graph of : f(x)=x*+Inx, x>0. oo) v= 8 eB tel F yeremn obi ga wa yo) @ wearer alin a jon He & we A cea wer ga ale, aa at oe wT A aie aise fra fer: @ RA we ait (@) shea wer ofa a wad 1 frafefad Hert # yem ah fit aaa F fae at area atm ak am at wae al aga! eT my aia : fa)=x74lnx, x>0. @ “@) (@) Or (stern) Find the elasticity of Ax) with respect to'x given > fx) = (ax? +bx). How does the elasticity change as x increases ? 5 Examine the sign of first and second derivatives éf the following function and indicate the shape of the curve. Sketch a graph of : fix) = Leet 0), s x8 det Fg A yee aa Fife wale: f(x) = (ax +52). fen va @1 88-88 saga we E werent #8 aeent ont = 2 () (a) (6) (@) fafafas wee. & yen ah fede at s fag at aifa aifee ik aa st vac #1 aTETI waar am Gifaw : fla) = 5 (0-6), “Let (x - 4x) (x) = MoD Find all asymptotes of f- 5 Verify the quadratic approximation : Wd-x)sl+xtx? for x=0 and determine its accuracy for : |x] < OL. 3 AM. ifs far _ (th - 4x) fo- (x9 -x) ch at adeakiat et ama aifarei P.T.O. ( 1) 6302 (©) firma wireer a) aon aif x20 8 @ (6) Fam: ‘ WO-ax)s1+x4a? ak tx] <0) S faq geet zeria ar freer aif o (saan) Use Newton’s binomial formula (with 1 = 2) to calculate an approximate value of (28)"/3, Comment on the vafue of the remainder. 57 The total cost of producing x units of a product is, given by the function : TC = 10x? +200x4+6000 O0. What restrictions must be imposed on a, b, ¢ and a, if any, such that the corresponding marginal cost curve is positive at its minima ? (Find ey” a Af 2x3 —3y? 27, (ad) Let f be defined on (0, 5}. by f(x)=x?. Show that / has an inverse function g(x). Draw graphs of f and g. How are the two graphs related ? fred de alia: @) wefta aifre far aren » aed aro 2 ep om wa 3 Suppose the value of timber planted on some land is the following function of time : fli) = Ke An initial cost of C is incurred at time period ¢ = 0. What is the optimum time to cut timber for sale assuming zero upkeep cost ? Assume that ihe. interest rate is 10% per. “fet de Bowe afi: @ () am cif far flx)=x°+b (> 0) ae FA aa aifre frre fer : Of wa w sam FB f= x? F. fog afriada fag ae a a a anitfere | P.T.O. ©) € 16) 6302 frit fig Gy we am at oR Fa whee aan at? : a. 6(x~1) (x—2) (x-3)8 (way xB fet ani @ fiw y: @ after aA @ AT A wa wea t ? SI TAREE | aR cif fe Pee wi we oe me fa @ gd ata wa a fafa went paket cm uti am. =o aera a od gi ak vaca at arma yt a feat F fare | fee @ wel a gear od wt 2 om. vif fe =r at wz 10% wit t1

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