雅思 - 寫 - line graph

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The line graph shows the percentage of South Korea workers in different
employment by sector divided into three groups services workers, agriculture
workers, and industry workers from 1881 to 2011.
Overall, the proportion of service workers was the largest over the 30-year period.
The percentage of agricultural workers changed significantly between 1981 and
2011. The proportion of industrial workers was the second largest group during the
period 1981 to 2011.
Looking at the graph more closely, one can see the percentage of service workers
was the popular sector. It grew consistently by 30% from 38% in 1981 to 68 percent
in 2011. In contrast, the figure for agriculture workers decreased slowly from 32% to
5% over the 30-year period and plunged from 2006 to 2011. Meanwhile, the
proportion of industrial workers increased by 8% between 1981 and 1991, Dropping
to the same point in 2011. However, 30% of the percentage of industrial and
agriculture both reached in 1984.
The table shows how much economic value the international students contributed to
the US in 2005, 2010, and 2015, and the bar graph indicates those students’ figures
based on their country changed from 2005 to 2015.
According to the table, it is clear that the economic value of students from overseas
grew significantly in the US.
The amount of jumped from 10.1 billion dollars in 2005 to 15.6 billion dollars in
2010. Then, the rate of growth rose even more considerably during the last five years
of the period, climbing by more than 20 billion dollars. Compared to the total of
economic value international students contributed in 2005.
In the bar chart, it is apparent that the total amount of students from China, India,
and South Korea was higher in 2015 than it was in 2005.
In 2005, the number of students from each of the three countries was less than
100,000, although there were slightly more than in the other two. However, the
figure of students from China and India has a significant growth in 2005.
There were approximately 230,000 Indian students and almost 350,000 Chinese
students in the US that year, with the letter more than the number of Korean
students studying in the US by about three times.

The table shows the percentage of domestic policy by five sectors of government
spending in Germany, Italy, and the UK in 2009.
Overall, it is clear that all three nations had a high figure for health policy and had a
lower percentage of environmental protection.
Looking at the table more closely, one can see Germany and Italy had similar policy
data on economic affairs, environmental protection, health care, and education by
just 0.2% to 0.5% in 2009. However, the proportion of public services Italy spent was
higher than the other two countries by 8.6%.
Finally, the percentage of public services and economic affairs in the United Kingdom
was approximately 4.5%. The UK spends the largest percentage on health policy than
Germany and Italy. In contrast, the proportion of environmental protection was the
lowest in 2009. Meanwhile, 6.4 percent of the United Kingdom’s expenditure was the
second highest in that year.

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