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A Practical Approach to Understanding Acid-Base Abnormalities in Critical


Article  in  Journal of Pharmacy Practice · February 2011

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Journal of Pharmacy Practice

A Practical Approach to Understanding Acid−Base Abnormalities in Critical Illness

Amy L. Dzierba and Prasad Abraham
Journal of Pharmacy Practice 2011 24: 17
DOI: 10.1177/0897190010388153

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Journal of Pharmacy Practice
24(1) 17-26
A Practical Approach to Understanding ª The Author(s) 2011
Reprints and permission:
Acid–Base Abnormalities in Critical Illness DOI: 10.1177/0897190010388153

Amy L. Dzierba, PharmD, BCPS1 and Prasad Abraham, PharmD, BCPS2

Acidbase disorders are common in the critically ill. Arterial blood gas (ABG) analysis is frequently used to identify and manage
acidbase disturbances. Using a systematic problem-solving approach to acidbase disturbances will facilitate the identification
and assess the progression and severity of the metabolic and respiratory abnormality. The intent of this review is to examine
acidbase physiology and regulation, provide a method to evaluate a patient’s acidbase disorder, and provide therapeutic

acidbase, arterial blood gas, critically ill, intensive care

Introduction an enzyme present in the lungs and kidneys. H2CO3 weakly

ionizes to produce Hþ and HCO3, whereas NaHCO3 com-
The ability to correctly interpret acidbase abnormalities in
pletely ionizes to generate HCO3. When an acid is added to
the critically ill population is essential for recognizing and
the system, it combines with HCO3 generating CO2 that is dis-
managing metabolic and/or respiratory disorders. Topics deal-
solved in the blood and subsequently eliminated via the lungs.
ing with acidbase physiology are often met with great anxi-
In cases when a base is added, it combines with H2CO3 to gen-
ety, fear, and disdain. The intent of this practical review is to
erate HCO3, which is eliminated via the kidneys. To better
assuage that anxiety, deepen understanding of acidbase disor-
quantify the relationship between pH, CO2, and HCO3 in this
ders, and cultivate interest in this topic.
physiologic buffer system, Henderson and Hasselbach devel-
oped the following formula4:
Basic Physiology
Precise control of hydrogen ions (Hþ) in the blood is essential pH ¼ 6:1 þ log½HCO
3 0:03  PaCO2
for the maintenance of homeostasis. Despite the body’s large
production of acids, Hþ concentrations are rather low and con- Thus, the pH increases as the HCO3 concentration increases
stant, hence are described for practical purposes as pH (nega- and decreases when the partial pressure of carbon dioxide
tive log of Hþ concentration).1 Maintaining blood pH within (PaCO2) increases.
a narrow range is vital to attenuate abnormal cellular function- Although bicarbonate is the principal buffer in the body,
ing. The body’s complex buffer system minimizes significant other variables exist contributing to the regulation of acid-
alterations in pH along with the respiratory and renal base balance. The Stewart approach describes the pH in terms
systems.2,3 of the concentrations of weak acids (albumin and phosphate),
Buffers within the intracellular and extracellular fluid that PaCO2, and the strong ion difference.5,6 This approach has
regulate pH include sodium bicarbonate/carbonic acid been validated and may offer more insight into extreme acid-
(NaHCO3/H2CO3), phosphates, proteins (eg, albumin, globulin), base conditions observed in the critically ill patient popula-
and hemoglobin/oxyhemoglobin. The dominant buffer system of tion.5,7 The wide spread use of this method has most likely
the human body is bicarbonate (HCO3)/carbonic acid. The
dynamics of the system and its components are as follows: 1
NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA
 H2 CO3 ! H þ HCO3 þ fNa g !
CO2 þ H2 O ! þ  NaHCO3 þ Department of Pharmacy and Drug Information, Grady Health System,
Atlanta, GA, USA
Reactions within this system can flow in a bidirectional
Corresponding Author:
manner to maintain homeostasis depending on the concentra- Amy L. Dzierba, Department of Pharmacy, 622 West 168th Street, New York,
tions of each component. The conversion of carbon dioxide NY 10032, USA
(CO2) to H2CO3 is slowly catalyzed by carbonic anhydrase, Email:

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18 Journal of Pharmacy Practice 24(1)

Table 1. Normal Values for Arterial Blood Gas Interpretation Table 2. Primary AcidBase Disturbances

pH 7.35–7.45 Primary Disorder pH PaCO2 (mm Hg) HCO3 (mEq/L)

PaCO2 35–45 mm Hg
PaO2 80–100 mm Hg Metabolic acidosis <7.35 <22
HCO3 22–26 mEq/L Metabolic alkalosis >7.45 >26
BE 2 to þ2 Respiratory acidosis <7.35 >45
Respiratory alkalosis >7.45 <35
Abbreviations: PaCO2, partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood;
PaO2, partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood; HCO3, serum bicarbonate Abbreviations: PaCO2, partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood;
concentration; BE, base excess. HCO3, serum bicarbonate concentration.

elevated PaCO2 levels. While PaO2 is a component of the

been dampened as a result of the mathematically cumbersome
ABG, it does not directly impact the acidbase balance.
nature of the equations.
HCO3: The concentration of HCO3 reported with an
The respiratory system is the second line of defense against
ABG is a calculated number from PaCO2 and pH. Serum
acidbase abnormalities responding within minutes of the
HCO3 will provide a more accurate assessment of the
derangement. The largest fraction of CO2 is transported via the
body’s concentration. Metabolic acidosis will yield a low
blood in the form of HCO3 to the lungs where it is removed from
serum HCO3, while elevated serum HCO3 levels are
the body.1 Either an increase or decrease in the rate and depth of
observed in metabolic alkalosis.
respirations will occur in response to aberrations in PaCO2 values.
Base excess (BE): The BE is a calculation characterizing the
The renal response is the final line of defense in the mainte-
acidbase abnormality corrected for changes in hemoglo-
nance of blood pH through the retention or excretion of HCO3.
bin. This is the difference between normal HCO3 and
The kidneys will compensate by retaining HCO3 in the setting
actual HCO3concentrations.8 Caution should be advised
of a decreased systemic pH and excrete HCO3 with an elevated
when interpreting the BE in patients with chronic respira-
pH.1 In addition, the kidneys help generate ammonia (NH3) in
tory disorders. A patient with chronic respiratory acidosis
the distal tubules, which facilitates Hþ secretion as well as gen-
will have an elevated serum HCO3 as the desired and
eration of ‘‘new’’ HCO3. Renal compensation begins approxi-
appropriate compensatory response, however an elevated
mately 6 to 12 hours after an acidbase derangement, however
BE will result, suggesting a metabolic problem potentially
full compensation may take 3 to 5 days.3
leading to unnecessary intervention.
In summary, interdependence exists between PaCO2,
Components of Arterial Blood Gas and HCO3, and the extracellular concentration of Hþ.
Knowledge of normal values (Table 1) and assessment
Normal Values of the change in the degree and direction of PaCO2 and
Applying a structured approach to the interpretation of blood HCO3 can help differentiate between the 4 primary acid-
gas samples will aid in the identification of acidbase abnorm- base abnormalities (Table 2).
alities. Components of the arterial blood gas (ABG) include the
pH, partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2), partial pressure of car-
Arterial Versus Venous Blood
bon dioxide (PaCO2), bicarbonate (HCO3) concentration, and
base excess. The assessment of each component will facilitate
Gas Sampling
the understanding of the origin and severity of the metabolic or ABG sampling is considered the standard practice to detect
respiratory disorder. acidbase abnormalities and monitor interventions. Obtaining
arterial samples may prove difficult to obtain and may possibly
pH: The measurement of arterial blood pH is a way to assess lead to complications including pain, hematoma formation,
the concentration of Hþ. An inverse relationship exists infection, and occlusion or thrombosis of the artery.9 As a
between pH and the concentration of Hþ such that with result, clinicians have investigated the utility of venous blood
increased Hþ concentrations, the pH will decrease and gas (VBG) sampling as an alternative. Overall, there appears
vice versa. The pH may be within normal range in the set- to be sufficient correlation in pH, PaCO2, and HCO3 values
ting of a mild acidosis, mild alkalosis, or mixed disorder. between arterial and venous samples in stable patients.
PaCO2: Evaluation of the partial pressure of CO2 in arterial Peripheral VBG (pVBG) sampling may be an acceptable
blood will help characterize the adequacy of lung func- alternative for the initial assessment of a patient presenting to the
tion in addition to the rate and depth of breathing. Hypo- emergency department with diabetic ketoacidosis,10 or uremic
ventilation will result in a higher PaCO2, whereas acidosis.11 In addition, pVBG may be useful as a screening test
hyperventilation will result in a lower PaCO2. for arterial hypercarbia. Cutoff values of 45 to 46 mm Hg for
PaO2: The partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood is mea- pVBG PaCO2 have been reported to have 100% sensitivity for
sured to assess how well oxygen is able to move from the the detection of arterial hypercarbia.12-14 For patients with
lungs into the blood. Hypoxemia (PaO2 <60 mm Hg) is indwelling central venous catheters, the use of central VBG
often observed in patients with impaired gas exchange and (cVBG) sampling may appeal to clinicians in efforts to reduce

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Dzierba and Abraham 19

Table 3. Pitfalls in Blood Gas Interpretation

Problem Abnormalities Comments

Presence of air bubbles Increased PaO2; decreased PaCO2 Expulsion of air bubbles when sample is drawn.
Delayed time to analysis Increased PaCO2; decreased PaO2 Cellular metabolism dictates the consumption of oxygen
and the production of carbon dioxide.
Anticoagulants Decrease PaCO2 Occurs when an excessive amount of heparin is added to
a syringe, to avoid use commercially available
blood gas syringes.
Temperature Increased PaO2 and PaCO2 with Each degree above or below 37  C will result in a
hypothermia; decreased PaO2 change in PaO2 by 5 mm Hg and a change in PaCO2 by
and PaCO2 with hyperthermia 2 mm Hg. Most laboratories analyze samples with a
reference to normal values at 37 C.
Timing of sample collection in relation No change in PaO2 Equilibrium times may differ depending on the
to increase or decrease in inspired severity of pulmonary disease. Patients with normal
oxygen concentration lung function will equilibrate within 1 to 3 minutes,
whereas patients with compromised lung function
may take up to 25 minutes to equilibrate.

Abbreviations: PaCO2, partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood; PaO2, partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood.

the need for arterial catheterization. Adjustment of cVBG values Step 1: Look at the pH. Determine the pH status (acidemia
(increase pH by 0.05 and decrease PaCO2 by 5 mm Hg) will <7.35 or alkalemia >7.45). Caution: a near normal pH
improve the prediction of a normal ABG.15 does not necessarily rule out an acidbase disorder.
Despite these studies that demonstrate correlation between Step 2: Determine the primary acidbase abnormality
VBG and ABG sampling, there are several limitations to the (respiratory/metabolic). If the measured pH and PaCO2
clinical use of VBGs. Hemodynamic instability or cardiovascu- are both abnormal, assess the direction of change (Table
lar collapse produces a significant disparity between arterial 2). If both values change in the same direction, the primary
and venous blood.16 In addition, a VBG may not accurately acidbase abnormality is metabolic; whereas if they
reflect the acidbase status because of unpredictable differ- change in opposite directions, the primary acidbase
ences in PaCO2 levels, the inability to detect hypoxia from sig- abnormality is respiratory. If either the measured pH or
nificant hypercarbia, and the lack of detection of a mixed PaCO2 are abnormal, a mixed acidbase abnormality
acidbase disturbance. Lastly, there have been no studies exists.
addressing the clinical outcomes associated with clinical deci- Step 3: Assess the degree of compensation for the primary
sions made from VBG values. acidbase abnormality. Determine the appropriate level
of compensation for the primary acidbase disorder
Pitfalls in Blood Gas Interpretation (Table 4). Compensation can be classified as uncompen-
sated, partially compensated, or fully compensated. The
Blood gas samples must be collected, handled, and analyzed pH will be out of normal range in an uncompensated or
properly for accurate results.17 Every sample must be obtained partially compensated scenario and approach near nor-
anaerobically and anticoagulated with immediate expulsion of mal values in a fully compensated state although other
air bubbles.18 After collection, the sample should be immedi- parameters may still be abnormal. The human body never
ately analyzed or properly chilled and analyzed within 30 min- overcompensates. For primary metabolic disorders, use
utes. The patient’s status at the time of the sample collection the serum HCO3 to predict the expected change in
should be documented including inspired oxygen concentration PaCO2.24 For example, in a patient presenting with a
or supplemental oxygen flow, mode of supported ventilation, primary metabolic acidosis if the measured PaCO2 corre-
respiratory rate, and body temperature. As with any aberrant sponds to the calculated PaCO2, respiratory compensa-
laboratory value, one should consider the clinical picture of the tion is sufficient. If the measured PaCO2 is greater than
patient and any potential sampling errors before clinical inter- the calculated value, a concurrent respiratory acidosis
vention. Table 3 describes the observed changes of ABG values exists, whereas if the measured PaCO2 is less than the
as it relates to the presence of air bubbles,3 delayed time to calculated value, a concurrent respiratory alkalosis
analysis,3 excessive anticoagulants,19 extreme changes in body exists. For primary respiratory disorders, either use the
temperature,20 and the timing of the collection in relation to a measured PaCO2 to calculate the expected change in
change in inspired oxygen concentration.21,22 pH or based on the change in PaCO2 calculate the
expected change in HCO3.
Clinical Approach to AcidBase Analysis Step 4: If a metabolic acidosis exists, calculate the anion gap
(AG) and delta gap. The AG is the difference between
Utilizing a systematic problem-solving approach, as outlined,
major extracellular cations and anions in the blood. It
will facilitate the identification of acidbase abnormalities.23

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20 Journal of Pharmacy Practice 24(1)

Table 4. Compensatory Response

Disorder Expected Compensation

Metabolic acidosis PaCO2 ¼ 1.5 (HCO3) þ 8 + 2

(Winter’s formula)
Metabolic alkalosis PaCO2 ¼ 0.7 (HCO3) þ 20 + 1.5
Acute respiratory acidosis HCO3 will increase by 1 mEq/L for each 10 mm Hg rise in PaCO2 above 40 mm Hg
Expected pH ¼ 7.40  [0.008  (PaCO2  40)]
Chronic respiratory acidosis HCO3 will increase by 4 mEq/L for each 10 mm Hg rise in PaCO2 above 40 mm Hg
Expected pH ¼ 7.40  [0.003  (PaCO2  40)]
Acute respiratory alkalosis HCO3 will decrease by 2 mEq/L for each 10 mm Hg decrease in PaCO2 below 40 mm Hg
Expected pH ¼ 7.4 þ [0.008  (40  PaCO2)]
Chronic respiratory alkalosis HCO3 will decrease by 5 mEq/L for each 10 mm Hg decrease in PaCO2 below 40 mm Hg
Expected pH ¼ 7.40 þ [0.003  (40  PaCO2)]

Abbreviations: PaCO2, partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood; PaO2, partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood; HCO3, serum bicarbonate

is calculated as follows25: AG ¼ Naþ  (Cl þ HCO3). of primary acidosis include a low pH and low HCO3. Causes
In low albumin states, add 2.5 to the calculated AG for of metabolic acidosis can be categorized into 2 broad states:
every 1 g/dL of albumin that is less than 4 g/dL.26,27 The AG and non-AG. The utility of this information lies in the fact
AG is based on the premise that for every milliequivalent that there are a limited number of disease processes or drugs
of acid that is available, a milliequivalent of HCO3 is that produce a metabolic acidosis with an AG. An easy mnemo-
consumed. A normal AG range is 10 to 14 mEq/L depen- nic used to remember these factors is MUDPILES29: Methanol,
dent on the laboratory process.24,28 A metabolic acidosis Uremia, Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), Paraldehyde, Isoniazid
may be present with an AG > 12 mEq/L; however an AG (INH) and Iron, Lactic acid, Ethylene glycol and Ethanol-
 20 mEq/L indicates a primary metabolic acidosis induced ketoacidosis, Salicylates. While this is not an all-
regardless of pH or serum HCO3 concentration. inclusive list, it does capture the majority of the causes.
The body will attempt to maintain a normal acidbase bal-
There may be situations where concurrent metabolic ance or compensate for the metabolic acidosis through the
disorders exist. To identify if mixed metabolic disorders removal of acid. This takes place via the removal of carbonic
are present, the delta gap should be calculated (D gap ¼ acid as CO2. The expected compensation will be a reduction
total AG minus the normal AG [12 mEq/L]). Next, add the in PaCO2 manifested by an increase in respirations.
delta gap to the measured HCO3 concentration. If the Management of patients with metabolic acidosis is specific
sum is greater than normal serum HCO3 (>26 mEq/L), to the disease process/drug. Acidosis occurring with methanol
there is an underlying metabolic alkalosis; if the sum is and ethylene glycol is the result of their toxic metabolites and
less than normal serum HCO3 (<22 mEq/L), there is an management includes the inhibition of further metabolite pro-
underlying non-AG (NAG) acidosis. This rule is based duction by utilizing fomepizole, an alcohol dehydrogenase
on the law of electroneutrality, which means that if the inhibitor.30,31 Chronic renal failure leads to the decreased filtra-
AG is increased by 10 there should be concurrent reduc- tion and increased reabsorption of both organic and inorganic
tion in HCO3 by 10 as well, or that a 1:1 relationship acids; this is rectified with hemodialysis.32 DKA and alcoholic
exists. ketoacidosis (AKA) develop as a result of ketone generation
due to a lack of insulin or inhibition of insulin production.
Replacement of insulin stores, which is the cornerstone
Metabolic Disorders of DKA management, inhibits fat metabolism, the source of
Metabolic disorders will initially cause alterations in the serum ketones.33 AKA corrects very easily with administration of
pH and HCO3concentrations. These shifts will be in the same dextrose and saline.34 INH toxicity leads to depletion of pyri-
direction (as pH decreases so does the serum HCO3). Meta- doxine potentially resulting in seizures. The AG is a result of
bolic acidosis is defined as a serum HCO3 < 22 mEq/L and the generation of lactate from seizure activity as well as INH’s
a pH <7.35, while metabolic alkalosis is defined as a serum ability to inhibit the formation of nicotinamide adenine dinu-
HCO3 > 26 mEq/L and a pH >7.45. cleotide, which is essential for the conversion of lactate to pyr-
uvate.35 Moreover, INH also decreases the metabolism of beta-
hydroxybutyrate, further compounding the AG acidosis.36
Metabolic Acidosis Management involves administration of high doses of pyridox-
Metabolic acidosis occurs either as a net retention of nonvola- ine.37 Iron toxicity causes uncoupling of mitochondrial oxida-
tile acids (those other than carbonic acid) or loss of HCO3. tive phosphorylation as well as generation of free radicals that
The typical laboratory abnormalities associated with this type exert direct cellular toxicity.38-40 The former leads to the

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Dzierba and Abraham 21

Table 5. Evaluation of Urine Electrolytes Table 6. Causes of Metabolic Alkalosis

Urine Solutes Chloride Responsive Alkalosis Chloride Unresponsive Alkalosis

Cause of acidosis U Gapa NH4þ Cl Naþ Vomiting Cushing’s syndrome

Nasogastric (NG) suctioning Exogenous steroids
GI HCO3 losses # " # # Past use of loop or thiazide Increased rennin/aldosterone states
Renal HCO3 losses " " $ $ diuretics Licorice ingestion
Excess Cl intake # " " " Posthypercapnia Gitelman’s syndrome
Cystic fibrosis Bartter’s syndrome
Urinary gap ¼ sum of urine Naþ, and Kþ minus urine Cl; normal range is
10 to þ10 mEq/L. Current use of loop or thiazide
Abbreviations: HCO3, bicarbonate ion; NH4þ, ammonium ion; Cl, chloride diuretics
ion; Naþ, sodium ion; ", increased; #, decreased; $, equivocal; GI, Refeeding syndrome

generation of lactic acid and subsequent AG acidosis. Treatment wasting of HCO3.45 Several heterogeneous types of RTA may
involves chelation. Lactic acidosis can have many etiologies but lead to metabolic disarray through the failure of acid secretion
are generally divided into low delivery of oxygen or a normal into the urine. Distal (type I) RTA is characterized by a defect
delivery of oxygen along with either an increased production in Hþ secretion in the distal tubule, whereas an impairment in
or decreased removal of lactate.29 Treatment involves either proximal reabsorption of HCO3 exists in proximal (type II)
restoring oxygen delivery or removal of toxic agents. RTA.46 Both disorders produce a urine pH that is not maxi-
Historically, sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) was utilized in mally acidified leading to a NAG acidosis with profound hypo-
the treatment of severe metabolic acidosis. Presently, there is kalemia. Impairment in ammonia synthesis in the distal tubule,
no clinical benefit to the administration of NaHCO3 except for which is essential for Hþ secretion, is seen in type IV RTA,
toxin excretion and life-threatening hyperkalemia. There is a often presenting as a hyperkalemic and hyperchloremic acido-
theoretical risk of worsening intracellular acidosis (via genera- sis. Typically, only type I RTA requires treatment with chronic
tion of CO2) resulting in potentially worse outcomes.41 Other alkali therapy.29
complications of NaHCO3 include overcorrection alkalosis, A urethral diversion is a procedure performed in patients
hypokalemia, and volume overload. Tris-hydroxymethyl ami- with bladder cancer, where a section of small or large bowel
nomethane (THAM), an organic amine, has been utilized as is utilized to create a ‘‘neo’’bladder, after the old one has
an alternative to NaHCO3 because of its lack of CO2 genera- been resected. The challenge with this procedure is that the
tion, however strong clinical data are lacking.36,42 neobladder acts very much like a part of the GI tract and
NAG acidosis results from a loss of base, causing a low reabsorbs Cl in lieu of HCO3, therefore wasting HCO3
HCO3 and pH, despite a normal AG. A mnemonic for the spe- and creating a NAG acidosis, which does not correct with
cific etiologies of NAG acidosis is ACCRUED43: Acid infu- time.47 The small bowel is a tremendous source of HCO3
sion/Aldosterone inhibitors, Compensation for respiratory secretion; hence, in patients that develop diarrhea or small
alkalosis, Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (acetazolamide), bowel fistulas, there is a wasting of HCO3 along with other
Renal tubular acidosis (RTA), Ureteral diversion, Extra ali- cations leading to acidosis. Management includes identifying
mentation/ Hyperalimentation, Diarrhea/other gastrointestinal the underlying causes of diarrhea and prompt correction,
(GI) losses such as fistulas. In general, NAG acidosis can be whereas with fistulas bowel rest and supportive care is
broadly categorized into GI or renal losses of HCO3 or the paramount.48
gain of exogenous Cl. Measurement of either urinary
ammonium ion (NH4þ) or calculation of the urinary AG will
help differentiate between renal and nonrenal causes of HCO3 Metabolic Alkalosis
loss (Table 5). Metabolic alkalosis is a pathophysiologic condition that
Administration of excess sodium chloride (NaCl) is a com- results in the net gain of HCO3 or loss of Hþ from the
mon iatrogenic cause of NAG acidosis, often termed hyper- extracellular fluid. In the absence of other confounding acid-
chloremic acidosis. To maintain electroneutrality, the body base abnormalities, metabolic alkalosis clinically presents as
maintains a ratio of HCO3 to Cl of approximately 0.25 or an increase in serum pH as well as serum HCO3. Metabolic
greater.44 Excess NaCl disrupts this ratio, creating a dilutional alkalosis is classically delineated into 2 types: chloride
acidosis due to a net retention of Cl. Correction of this type of responsive and chloride unresponsive. Rarely is excessive
acidosis requires only the removal of excess NaCl. Substituting HCO3 administration the sole cause of metabolic alkalosis,
NaCl (154 mEq of Naþ and Cl) with lactated Ringer’s except in transient states.49 In severe cases of metabolic
(130 mEq Naþ and 110 mEq Cl), which is more isochloremic, alkalosis, patients present with lethargy, confusion, cardiac
may prevent this problem. arrhythmias, and muscle spasms.50 Some of the more
Drugs such as aldosterone inhibitors (spironolactone) and common causes of metabolic alkalosis are presented in
carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (acetazolamide) will lead to Table 6.23,44,49

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22 Journal of Pharmacy Practice 24(1)

Table 7. Causes of Respiratory Acidosis Table 8. Causes of Respiratory Alkalosis

Central respiratory Central sleep apnea; opiates and sedatives; trauma; Central Anxiety; cirrhosis; sepsis; pregnancy; tumors; aspirin
depression stroke; status epilepticus stimulation overdose; severe pain
Airway obstruction Obstructive sleep apnea; foreign body; tumor; Hypoxia Pneumonia; congestive heart failure; high altitude;
aspiration; bronchospasm pulmonary fibrosis or edema
Respiratory Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; acute Iatrogenic Excessive mechanical ventilation
disorders respiratory distress syndrome; permissive
hypercapnia; pneumonia; pulmonary edema;
Neuromuscular Guillain-Barré syndrome; myasthenia gravis; brain warranted. Addition of spironolactone, an aldosterone
dysfunction stem or cervical cord injury antagonist, may be considered in conditions of excess aldoster-
one such as congestive heart failure and hepatic dysfunction.
With Bartter’s syndrome, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhi-
In order to differentiate between the 2 general classes of bitors have shown some promise in reducing potassium wasting,
metabolic alkalosis, evaluation of urine Cl is helpful. Patients while with Gitelman’s syndrome administration of potassium
that have a low urine chloride (<10 mEq/L) are those that have sparing diuretics such as amiloride or triamterene have benefi-
chloride responsive alkalosis, whereas patients that have a nor- cial effects.65,66 Refeeding syndrome requires aggressive elec-
mal or high urine chloride (>10 mEq/L) have chloride unre- trolyte replacement along with slow titration of nutrition for
sponsive alkalosis.23,49 In most cases of chloride optimal outcomes.67
unresponsive alkalosis, urine potassium (Kþ) will also be ele-
vated (>30 mEq/L), indicating significant renal losses of Kþ.49
Respiratory Disorders
In chloride responsive alkalosis, there is a depletion of Cl.
Metabolic alkalosis associated with GI losses (vomiting or NG As stated earlier, the largest fraction of CO2 is transported to
suctioning), Cl is lost in the form of hydrogen chloride.51 the lungs through plasma in the form of HCO3. In the
Diuretics, both loop and thiazide, cause a wasting of Cl via alveoli, HCO3 combines with Hþ resulting in the release
inhibition of the Naþ/Kþ/2Cl pump and the Naþ/Cl pump, of CO2 which is then excreted through respiration, maintain-
respectively.52 The increased delivery of Naþ to the distal ing a normal pressure of 40 mm Hg. Derangements in PaCO2
tubule promotes Kþ and Hþ secretion.53 With volume contrac- will lead to alterations in pH. If the patient is suffering from
tion, aldosterone secretion is stimulated leading to an acceler- a primary respiratory problem, an inverse relationship will
ated wasting of Kþ and Hþ. Reduced glomerular filtration in exist between the PaCO2 and pH (as the pH decreases the
combination with hypokalemia stimulates the reabsorption of PaCO2 will increase and vice versa). The severity of change
HCO3 in the proximal tubule.54-58 will help to determine whether the patient is suffering from
In patients with chronic respiratory acidosis, the kidneys an acute process or if there is an underlying chronic ventila-
compensate with retention of HCO3 along with the wasting tion deficit.
of Cl.59,60 If the respiratory acidosis is rapidly corrected, with-
out sufficient Cl replacement, the HCO3 reabsorption per-
sists resulting in metabolic alkalosis. Cystic fibrosis results in Respiratory Acidosis
a defect of chloride channels, hence profound skin losses of Respiratory acidosis occurs as a direct result of hypoventila-
Cl can occur resulting in metabolic alkalosis.61 tion or the inability of the lungs to excrete CO2 as produc-
The pathophysiology of chloride unresponsive metabolic tion continues, leading to a rise in PaCO2 (hypercapnia).
alkalosis involves both the depletion of Kþ along with exces- Respiratory acidosis may result from a variety of acute and
sive mineralocorticoid activity. While each factor indepen- chronic conditions including impaired central respiratory
dently causes mild metabolic alkalosis, the combination leads drive, a decline in gas exchange, airway obstruction, medi-
to an additive effect.62,63 As mentioned previously, hypokale- cations, or neuromuscular dysfunction (Table 7). Acute rise
mia stimulates the reabsorption of HCO3 at the proximal in PaCO2 can be associated with neurological manifesta-
tubule often observed with mineralocorticoids, licorice, and tions such as headache and confusion, potentially leading
Gitelman and Bartter syndromes, leading to the development to stupor and coma if left untreated. Treatment of respira-
of metabolic alkalosis.48,64 tory acidosis is focused on alleviating the underlying condi-
Management of chloride responsive alkalosis simply tion; however, treatment goals will differ depending on the
requires the replacement of Cl, which can be in the form chronicity of the respiratory decline.
of NaCl or KCl.23,44 Hydrochloric acid or ammonium chlor- Patients presenting with acute respiratory acidosis will
ide can be used, if there are contraindications to NaCl or have an elevated PaCO2 with an acute decline in pH. Com-
KCl, but these are very rare instances.49 Management of pensation occurs through a metabolic process where the kid-
chloride unresponsive alkalosis includes the prompt correc- neys begin to excrete more acid and less HCO3. This
tion of hypokalemia. In cases where excess mineralocorticoid process begins approximately 6 to 12 hours after the derange-
activity is present, removal of the offending agent is ment, resulting in only modest changes in serum HCO3

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Dzierba and Abraham 23

usually not rising above 31 to 32 mm Hg. If compensation system disorders. Just as in respiratory acidosis, general
has occurred, but the serum HCO3 value is above or below assumptions may be applied when assessing for compensa-
the expected number, another acidbase abnormality is pres- tion (Table 4). Treatment of respiratory alkalosis is focused
ent (Table 4). In contrast, patients with chronic respiratory on treating the underlying cause. As with respiratory acido-
failure resulting from persistent conditions such as chronic sis, supplemental oxygen therapy should be considered in all
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), neuromuscular patients presenting with hypoxia.
impairment, or upper airway obstruction will have chronic,
stable elevations in PaCO2; however the pH will be main-
tained within a near normal range as a result of renal com- Mixed AcidBase Disorders
pensation. Patients may experience an acute decline in their The natural tendency of the body is to compensate for a pri-
respiratory function (acute on chronic respiratory failure), mary acidbase imbalance in an attempt to return the pH to
leading to further increases in PaCO2 and a decline in pH. a normal range (Table 4). Oftentimes when there are 2
Adult patients suffering from acute respiratory distress syn- opposing conditions, one may be too quick to assume com-
drome are often ventilated with low tidal volumes to pensation, when in fact there may be 2 opposing primary
improve outcomes.68 This protective lung ventilation strat- conditions present. Mixed acidbase disorders can be sim-
egy is associated with some degree of hypercapnia (PaCO2 ply defined as a condition in which 2 or more acidbase
rarely exceeding 80 mm Hg) and acidemia that is tolerated imbalances exist. Some of the more common mixed acid-
by clinicians. base imbalances can be categorized into 2 groups. The first
Treatment of acute respiratory decompensation resulting set of imbalances will have an additive effect on the change
in acidosis should be directed at identifying and reversing in pH (metabolic acidosis þ respiratory acidosis or
the underlying cause. Patients presenting with life- metabolic alkalosis and respiratory alkalosis). Metabolic
threatening hypoxemia (PaO2 <40 mm Hg) should be admi- acidosis with a respiratory acidosis is commonly observed
nistered supplemental oxygen in order to maintain adequate in patients with cardiopulmonary arrest and patients with
tissue oxygenation.69 High levels of supplemental oxygen COPD and shock. The other set of imbalances will have
should be used with caution in patients with chronic hyper- opposite effects on pH, resulting in a near normal reading
capnia with a goal PaO2 of 60 mm Hg. Overcorrection of (metabolic acidosis þ respiratory alkalosis or metabolic
PaO2 in this situation may lead to worsening of alveolar alkalosis þ respiratory acidosis). Metabolic acidosis with
ventilation.69 a respiratory alkalosis is commonly observed in patients
In cases of severe or worsening acidosis, assisted venti- presenting early with septic shock and salicylate
lation should be initiated. As ventilation improves either intoxication.
with noninvasive pressure support or mechanical ventila-
tion, the PaCO2 will decrease and correction of acidosis
will ensue. Reductions in PaCO2 should be made gradually Summary
in patients with chronic hypercapnia with a goal close to Acidbase abnormalities occur frequently in the critically
the patient’s chronic baseline without complete normaliza- ill patient population. Using a logical and systematic
tion. Abrupt reductions in PaCO2 may result in significant approach when interpreting aberrant values of an ABG sam-
cerebral vasoconstriction and ischemia.70 In addition, judi- ple will facilitate the identification of acidbase abnormal-
cious use or avoidance of any medications that suppress the ities. Understanding physiological mechanisms contributing
respiratory drive including sedatives and opiates should be to metabolic and respiratory disorders along with various
considered along with vigilant correction of electrolyte clinical settings in which they commonly occur will assist
abnormalities. The administration of exogenous sodium in proper treatment. When possible, treatment ought to be tar-
bicarbonate to correct the acidosis is not indicated in this geted at correcting the underlying disorder. To evaluate the
scenario and could be potentially harmful leading to meta- understanding of acidbase abnormalities, Appendix A high-
bolic alkalosis, pulmonary edema, and increased accumula- lights 5 common scenarios often faced in clinical practice.
tion of CO2.

Respiratory Alkalosis Appendix A

Respiratory alkalosis is characterized by hyperventilation or Cases
excessive elimination of CO2 through expired air. Causes of
respiratory alkalosis may result from a variety of acute and Case #1: A 35-year-old man is brought into the emergency
chronic causes (Table 8). Most commonly patients will pres- department with complaints of severe shortness of breath and cough
for the last 12 hours. He appears to be in respiratory distress, using
ent with dyspnea, chest pain, palpitations, and less com-
accessory muscles to breath. A chest radiograph shows bilateral lower
monly with nausea and vomiting.3 Therapeutically,
lung infiltrates. The following are pertinent laboratory values.
respiratory alkalosis is used for treatment of elevated Arterial Blood Gas on Room Air Chemistry Panel
intracranial pressure in head trauma or other central nervous
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24 Journal of Pharmacy Practice 24(1)

(continued) What is the patient’s primary acidbase imbalance?

Is the patient compensated?
Arterial Blood Gas on Room Air Chemistry Panel Answers:
pH: 7.54 Naþ: 145 mEq/L
PaCO2: 22 mm Hg Kþ: 4.5 mEq/L The pH is above 7.45 indicating an alkalosis. The PaCO2 is low and in
PaO2: 93 mm Hg Cl: 110 mEq/L the opposite direction of the pH. The primary imbalance is a respiratory
HCO3: 18 mEq/L CO2: 23 mEq/L alkalosis.
Oxygen saturation: 90% BUN: 10 mg/dL The HCO3 is within normal limits (chemistry panel). The patient is
SCr: 0.6 mg/dL not compensated. The kidneys begin compensation 6 to 12 hours after
What is the patient’s primary acidbase imbalance? the derangement with complete compensation at 24 hours.
Is the patient compensated? Case #4: An 80-year-old woman is brought into the emergency
Answers: department by ambulance with a COPD exacerbation. A chest com-
The pH is above 7.45 indicating an alkalosis. The PaCO2 is low indi- puted tomography scan reveals significant emphysema. The following
cating the primary imbalance as a respiratory alkalosis. are pertinent laboratory values.
The HCO3 is within normal limits (chemistry panel). The patient Arterial Blood Gas on Room Air Chemistry Panel
is not compensated. pH: 7.36 Naþ: 146 mEq/L
PaCO2: 55 mm Hg Kþ: 4.1 mEq/L
PaO2: 60 mm Hg Cl: 107 mEq/L
Case #2: A 47-year-old woman, admitted to the ICU 1 week ago
HCO3: 30 mEq/L CO2: 32 mEq/L
after a motor vehicle crash is now febrile and hypotensive. Her chest Oxygen saturation: 76% BUN: 16 mg/dL
radiograph reveals left lower lobe pneumonia. She is initiated on SCr: 1.2 mg/dL
appropriate antibiotics and remains hypotensive despite adequate fluid What is the patient’s primary acidbase imbalance?
resuscitation and vasoactive medications. The following are pertinent Is the patient compensated?
laboratory values. Answers:
Arterial Blood Gas on Room Air Chemistry Panel
pH: 7.25 Naþ: 145 mEq/L The pH is normal at 7.36, but on the low side of neutral (<7.4). The
PaCO2: 35 mm Hg Kþ: 4.5 mEq/L PaCO2 is high and in the opposite direction of the pH. The primary
PaO2: 80 mm Hg Cl: 110 mEq/L imbalance is respiratory.
HCO3: 15 mEq/L CO2: 15 mEq/L The HCO3 is also high. The patient’s kidneys are compensating
Oxygen saturation: 100% BUN: 30 mg/dL for the change in PaCO2, thus normalizing the pH. This should be
SCr: 2.0 mg/dL interpreted as a fully compensated respiratory acidosis.
Serum lactate: 6 mEq/L Case #5: An 80-year-old woman found down at home is brought
What is the patient’s primary acidbase imbalance? into the emergency department by ambulance. On arrival her tem-
Is the patient compensated? perature is 101.2 F, blood pressure 60/40, heart rate 110 beats/min,
What is the cause for the disorder and subsequent treatment for it? and respiratory rate 13 breaths per minute. On examination she
Answers: appears in respiratory distress. A chest radiograph shows bilateral
The pH is below 7.35 indicating an acidosis. The HCO3 is low indi- lower lung infiltrates. The following are pertinent laboratory values.
cating the primary imbalance as a metabolic acidosis. The AG is 20 (145  Arterial Blood Gas on Room Air Chemistry Panel
pH: 7.14 Naþ: 145 mEq/L
[110 þ 15]); therefore, this is an anion gap (AG) metabolic acidosis.
PaCO2: 70 mm Hg Kþ: 4.5 mEq/L
To make sure there is no other underlying acidbase disorder, calculate
PaO2: 60 mm Hg Cl: 110 mEq/L
the delta gap (20  12 ¼ 8), then add this value to the serum HCO3
HCO3: 23 mEq/L CO2: 23 mEq/L
(8 þ 15 ¼ 23, which is a normal HCO3). The patient only has an AG Oxygen saturation: 90% BUN: 10 mg/dL
acidosis. SCr: 0.6 mg/dL
Using the formula to assess for compensation would yield a calcu- What is the patient’s primary acidbase imbalance?
lated PaCO2 of 28 to 32 ([1.5  15] þ 8 + 2). Therefore, since the Is this a mixed picture?
calculated PaCO2 is greater than the measured, the patient is partially Answers:
compensated and a respiratory acidosis also exists.
The pH is below 7.35, indicating an acidosis. The PaCO2 is high and
Going through the MUDPILES mnemonic, patient history, and
in the opposite direction of the pH, thus, a respiratory alkalosis. How-
laboratory data, the patient has lactic acidosis due to septic shock and
ever, the HCO3- is also low.
thus requires supportive care.
In acute respiratory acidosis, each increase in PaCO2 of 10 mm Hg
Case #3: A 35-year-old man is brought into the emergency depart-
above normal will cause the pH to decrease by 0.08 units and the
ment by ambulance with complaints of severe shortness of breath and
HCO3 to increase by 1 mEq/L. Therefore, there is an additional
cough for the last 12 hours. On examination, he appears in respiratory
metabolic component.
distress, using accessory muscles to breath. A chest radiograph shows
bilateral lower lung infiltrates. The following are pertinent laboratory
values. Declaration of Conflicting Interests
Arterial Blood Gas on Room Air Chemistry Panel The author(s) declared no conflicts of interest with respect to the
pH: 7.54 Naþ: 145 mEq/L authorship and/or publication of this article.
PaCO2: 22 mm Hg Kþ: 4.5 mEq/L
PaO2: 35 mm Hg Cl-: 110 mEq/L
HCO3complaints: 18 mEq/L CO2: 23 mEq/L Funding
Oxygen saturation: 75% BUN: 10 mg/dL The author(s) received no financial support for the research and/or
SCr: 0.6 mg/dL authorship of this article.

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Dzierba and Abraham 25

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