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The PhilCAT/ DOH Certification Self-assessment and Survey Tool


Survey Criterion Evidence of Progress and Achievements DOTS Surveyors' Comments Survey
Item (Completed by TB DOTS Center) Center Team
Rating* Rating*
Goal The TB DOTS Center provides a safe and effective physical environment to its staff and patients.
1. The TB DOTS center is TB Dots facility is within the Rural Health 4
easily located and Unit area.
patients have convenient
and safe access to the
This standard will be achieved when:
1.1. There is appropriate Inplaced signages on the road leading to the 4
signage bearing the name TB Dots facility.
of the TB DOTS center to
assist patients accessing
the center.
1.2. Physical access is Adequate space and easy to locate the area. 4
appropriate for the needs
of patients.
1.3. Entrances and exits are Separate entry and exit from the RHU. 2
clearly marked and free of
obstruction and other
hazardous conditions.
1.4. There are resources to Inplaced signages and information at the 4
inform patients of the facility.
daily and hourly schedule
of TB DOTS services,
ensure the quality of
patient waiting.

*Rating scale: 1
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time.
The PhilCAT/ DOH Certification Self-assessment and Survey Tool


(To be completed by survey team only. The survey team must make comments on items where the survey team disagrees or partially disagrees with
information provided by the TB DOTS center.)

Goal: The TB DOTS Center provides a safe and effective physical environment to its staff and patients.
Standard 1: The TB DOTS center is easily located and patients have convenient and safe access to the center.

Rating (please tick appropriate overall rating for this standard)

Non- Low Moderate Extensive

Achievement Achievement Achievement Achievement

*Rating scale: 2
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time.
The PhilCAT/ DOH Certification Self-assessment and Survey Tool


Survey Criterion Evidence of Progress and Achievements DOTS Surveyors' Comments Survey
Item (Completed by TB DOTS Center) Center Team
Rating* Rating*
Goal The TB DOTS Center provides a safe and effective physical environment to its staff and patients
2. The TB DOTS Center 4
provides facilities for the A consultation and waiting area is provided.
comfort and privacy of
its patients and staff.
This standard will be achieved when:
2.1. The TB DOTS center A personnel in charge of the center 4
maintains a clean and maintaining it’s cleanliness and orderliness.
wholesome environment
within and immediately
outside its premises.

2.2 There are resources and Patients are on scheduled visit. Walk-ins are 4
processes to ensure the also entertained promptly.
quality of patient waiting.
2.3 The lighting in each area The center is an open area at the back of 4
of the center is the RHU.
appropriate for the
assigned purpose of the
2.4 The privacy of the staff- Privacy of the patient’s records are assured. 4
patient encounter is

*Rating scale: 3
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time.
The PhilCAT/ DOH Certification Self-assessment and Survey Tool


(To be completed by survey team only. The survey team must make comments on items where the survey team disagrees or partially disagrees with
information provided by the TB DOTS center.)

Goal: The TB DOTS Center provides a safe and effective physical environment to its staff and patients.
Standard 2: The TB DOTS center provides for the privacy and comfort of its patients and staff.

Rating (please tick appropriate overall rating for this standard)

Non- Low Moderate Extensive

Achievement Achievement Achievement Achievement

*Rating scale: 4
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time.
The PhilCAT/ DOH Certification Self-assessment and Survey Tool


Survey Criterion Evidence of Progress and Achievements DOTS Surveyors' Comments Survey
Item (Completed by TB DOTS Center) Center Team
Rating* Rating*
Goal The TB DOTS Center provides a safe and effective physical environment to its staff and patients.
3. The TB DOTS center It is safe from any sharps and falling debris, 4
provides for the safety of contaminations.
its patients and staff.
This standard will be achieved when:
3.1 There is adequate clean A wash area and a comfort room is provided. 4
water for personal hygiene
and sanitation purposes.
3.2 The TB DOTS center Maintained cleanliness. Decontaminations 4
maintains appropriate and harmful objects through personnel
levels of cleanliness and assigned.
antisepsis of all physical
areas, equipment and
3.3 General waste, sharps, Appropriate segregations of wastes and 4
pathological and sharps are ensured.
infectious waste,
pharmaceutical and
chemical wastes are
appropriately segregated,
safely handled and
disposed of according to
accepted safe disposal
3.4 TB drugs are securely A cabinet for TB drugs is provided. 4
stored under appropriate
storage conditions.
3.5 Sputum and other body Sputum collection area is provided. 4
fluids are collected in a
*Rating scale: 5
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time.
The PhilCAT/ DOH Certification Self-assessment and Survey Tool


Survey Criterion Evidence of Progress and Achievements DOTS Surveyors' Comments Survey
Item (Completed by TB DOTS Center) Center Team
Rating* Rating*
safe and hygienic way.
3.6 There are documented, Health staff assigned at TB Dots are well- 4
disseminated and trained through NTP
implemented procedures
to identify and address the
risks of contamination of
staff and patients from
sources of infectious
(To be completed by survey team only. The survey team must make comments on items where the survey team disagrees or partially disagrees with
information provided by the TB DOTS center.)

Goal: The TB DOTS Center provides a safe and effective physical environment to its staff and patients.
Standard 3: The TB DOTS center provides for the safety of its patients and staff.

Rating (please tick appropriate overall rating for this standard)

Non- Low Moderate Extensive

Achievement Achievement Achievement Achievement

*Rating scale: 6
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time.
The PhilCAT/ DOH Certification Self-assessment and Survey Tool


Survey Criterion Evidence of Progress and Achievements DOTS Surveyors' Comments Survey
Item (Completed by TB DOTS Center) Center Team
Rating* Rating*
Goal Patients receive adequate and effective diagnostic and therapeutic services at every phase of their management from screening for TB to
4. All patients undergo a Complete physical evaluation and clinical 4
comprehensive assessment is done on every patient.
assessment to facilitate
the planning and
delivery of treatment.
This standard will be achieved when:
4.1 Appropriate professionals TB coordinator, medical technologist and 4
obtain and document the physician evaluates the patient and dig out
relevant history for each history.
4.2 A physician completes Physician diagnosed each patient through 4
and documents the history, clinical evaluation and sputum
relevant physical analysis. (gen X / X-ray)
examination for each

*Rating scale: 7
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time.
The PhilCAT/ DOH Certification Self-assessment and Survey Tool


(To be completed by survey team only. The survey team must make comments on items where the survey team disagrees or partially disagrees with
information provided by the TB DOTS center.)

Goal: Patients receive adequate and effective diagnostic and therapeutic services at every phase of their management from screening for TB to

Standard 4: Patients receive adequate and effective diagnostic and therapeutic services at every phase of their management from screening for TB
to rehabilitation.

Rating (please tick appropriate overall rating for this standard)

Non- Low Moderate Extensive

Achievement Achievement Achievement Achievement

*Rating scale: 8
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time.
The PhilCAT/ DOH Certification Self-assessment and Survey Tool


Survey Criterion Evidence of Progress and Achievements DOTS Surveyors' Comments Survey
Item (Completed by TB DOTS Center) Center Team
Rating* Rating*
Goal: Patients receive adequate and effective diagnostic and therapeutic services at every phase of their management from screening for TB to
5. All patients have Medical technologist is a regular personnel 4
continuous access to and on a daily duty.
accurate and reliable TB
diagnostic tests.
This standard will be achieved when:
5.1 All patients undergo Regular medical technologist 4
sputum microscopy by a
qualified and trained

5.1.1 The TB DOTS With policies and procedures implemented 4

center plans and with a regular medical technologist
implements policies and personnel/staff.
procedures for assuring
the quality of sputum
microscopy results.

*Rating scale: 9
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time.
The PhilCAT/ DOH Certification Self-assessment and Survey Tool


Survey Criterion Evidence of Progress and Achievements DOTS Surveyors' Comments Survey
Item (Completed by TB DOTS Center) Center Team
Rating* Rating*
5.1.2 If sputum Referred to TB Dots Caraga for GenX.
microscopy facilities are
not available in the TB
DOTS center, policies
and procedures for
referring patients to
accessible centers are
implemented and
monitored for
5.1.3 External providers Referring unit is at TB Dots Caraga. 4
of sputum microscopy are
contracted based on
policies and procedures
that include accreditation
status and the presence of
quality control systems.
5.2 Policies and procedures Referred patients are followed up and 4
for referring patients to monitored of their results x-rays are done at
accredited and accessible any accredited facilities.
X-ray facilities are
implemented and
monitored for
5.3 Policies and procedures Patients are referred to TB Dots Caraga for 4
for referring patients to an easy tracing and follow up of results
appropriately constituted
and accessible TB

*Rating scale: 10
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time.
The PhilCAT/ DOH Certification Self-assessment and Survey Tool


Survey Criterion Evidence of Progress and Achievements DOTS Surveyors' Comments Survey
Item (Completed by TB DOTS Center) Center Team
Rating* Rating*
Diagnostic Committee are
implemented and
monitored for


(To be completed by survey team only. The survey team must make comments on items where the survey team disagrees or partially disagrees with
information provided by the TB DOTS center.)

Goal: Patients receive adequate and effective diagnostic and therapeutic services at every phase of their management from screening for TB to
Standard 5: All patients have continuous access to accurate and reliable TB diagnostic tests.

Rating (please tick appropriate overall rating for this standard)

Non- Low Moderate Extensive

Achievement Achievement Achievement Achievement

*Rating scale: 11
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time.
The PhilCAT/ DOH Certification Self-assessment and Survey Tool


Survey Criterion Evidence of Progress and Achievements DOTS Surveyors' Comments Survey
Item (Completed by TB DOTS Center) Center Team
Rating* Rating*
Goal Patients receive adequate and effective diagnostic and therapeutic services at every phase of their management from screening for TB to
6. A care plan is developed Individual record for every patient provided. 4
and followed for all
This standard will be achieved when:
6.1 All treatment is consistent Treatment is in line with NTP guidelines 4
with the National
Tuberculosis Program
6.2 Flow charts of patient Every diagnostics and treatment procedures 4
management from entry to are in line with the NTP guidelines.
separation are used to
facilitate quality care and
are accessible to patients
and staff.

*Rating scale: 12
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time.
The PhilCAT/ DOH Certification Self-assessment and Survey Tool


Survey Criterion Evidence of Progress and Achievements DOTS Surveyors' Comments Survey
Item (Completed by TB DOTS Center) Center Team
Rating* Rating*
6.3 DOTS partners are Every criteria, procedures and diagnostics are 4
selected and assigned consistent with NTP guidelines.
based on predetermined
criteria and procedures
and these are accessible to
patients and staff.


Survey Criterion Evidence of Progress and Achievements DOTS Surveyors' Comments Survey
Item (Completed by TB DOTS Center) Center Team
Rating* Rating*
6.4 Education is provided to Proper IEC and health promotions are given 4
all patients to help them to every patients diagnosed and treated.
understand their medical
condition and prognosis
and to encourage their
adherence to the treatment
regimen and health
promotion / illness
prevention activities.
6.5 An appropriately An individual record of each patient is 4
comprehensive evaluation provided.
of the patient's clinical

*Rating scale: 13
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time.
The PhilCAT/ DOH Certification Self-assessment and Survey Tool

progress is made
and documented at each
6.6 Policies and procedures Health partners, (BHWs, immediate families) 4
for detecting treatment are included in every treatment.
defaulters and getting
them back into treatment
are implemented and
monitored for
(To be completed by survey team only. The survey team must make comments on items where the survey team disagrees or partially disagrees with
information provided by the TB DOTS center.)

Goal: Patients receive adequate and effective diagnostic and therapeutic services at every phase of their management from screening for TB to
Standard 6: A care plan is developed and followed for all patients.

Rating (please tick appropriate overall rating for this standard)

*Rating scale: 14
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time.
The PhilCAT/ DOH Certification Self-assessment and Survey Tool

Non- Low Moderate Extensive

Achievement Achievement Achievement Achievement


Survey Criterion Evidence of Progress and Achievements DOTS Surveyors' Comments Survey
Item (Completed by TB DOTS Center) Center Team
Rating* Rating*
Goal Patients receive adequate and effective diagnostic and therapeutic services at every phase of their management from screening for TB to
7 Patients have continuous Every TB medications are assured of 4
access to safe and availability of stocks and efficacy.
effective anti-TB
medications throughout
the duration of their
This standard will be achieved when:
7.1 The TB DOTS Center has A health budget of municipality is provided 4
developed and (P 100,000.00)
implemented policies and
procedures for assuring a
continuous supply of TB
drugs to all its patients for
the entire six months
*Rating scale: 15
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time.
The PhilCAT/ DOH Certification Self-assessment and Survey Tool

duration of
7.2 The TB DOTS center Maintained buffer stocks of anti-TB drugs. 3
maintains an appropriate
buffer stock of anti-TB
7.3 The TB DOTS Center has Anti TB drugs are placed in a safety cabinet, 4
developed and on a TB room.
implemented policies and
procedures for assuring the
quality and safety of its
TB drugs.
(To be completed by survey team only. The survey team must make comments on items where the survey team disagrees or partially disagrees with
information provided by the TB DOTS center.)

Goal: Patients receive adequate and effective diagnostic and therapeutic services at every phase of their management from screening for TB to
Standard 7: Patients have continuous access to safe and effective anti-TB medications throughout the duration of their treatment.

Rating (please tick appropriate overall rating for this standard)

*Rating scale: 16
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time.
The PhilCAT/ DOH Certification Self-assessment and Survey Tool

Non- Low Moderate Extensive

Achievement Achievement Achievement Achievement


Survey Criterion Evidence of Progress and Achievements DOTS Surveyors' Comments Survey
Item (Completed by TB DOTS Center) Center Team
Rating* Rating*
Goal The management and staff adhere to clear and collaboratively developed policies and procedures for the efficient operation of the TB
DOTS center.
8. Policies and procedures Every patients are followed up and 4
for providing care to monitored by a HCW and BHWs in every
patients are developed, barangay.
implemented and
monitored for
This standard will be achieved when:
8.1 The TB DOTS center's TB Dots center are consistent with the NTP 4
policies and procedures guidelines and standards.
are consistent with the
organization's goals,
*Rating scale: 17
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time.
The PhilCAT/ DOH Certification Self-assessment and Survey Tool


Survey Criterion Evidence of Progress and Achievements DOTS Surveyors' Comments Survey
Item (Completed by TB DOTS Center) Center Team
Rating* Rating*
statutory requirements,
accepted standards, and
the TB DOTS center's
8.2 Policies and procedures Sole referral facility is TB Dots Caraga. For 4
for patient referral to other quality assurance and easy follow-up.
services are implemented
and monitored for


Survey Survey Item Survey Item Survey Survey Item Survey
Item Item Item
8.3 Patient default rates are Every defaulters are followed up and 4
monitored and policies and encouraged to continue treatment and
procedures are developed assured of efficacy and safety of treatment.
and implemented to
improve default rates. The
policies and procedures
are monitored for
8.4 Policies and procedures TB Dots center is in partnership within ILHZ 4

*Rating scale: 18
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time.
The PhilCAT/ DOH Certification Self-assessment and Survey Tool

for identifying and municipality and TB Dots Caraga.

working with external
groups in providing DOTS
services are developed,
implemented and
monitored for
(To be completed by survey team only. The survey team must make comments on items where the survey team disagrees or partially disagrees with
information provided by the TB DOTS center.)

Goal: The management and staff adhere to clear and collaboratively developed policies and procedures for the efficient operation of the TB DOTS
Standard 8: Policies and procedures for providing care to patients are developed, disseminated, implemented and monitored for effectiveness.

Rating (please tick appropriate overall rating for this standard)

Non- Low Moderate Extensive

Achievement Achievement Achievement Achievement

*Rating scale: 19
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time.
The PhilCAT/ DOH Certification Self-assessment and Survey Tool


Survey Criterion Evidence of Progress and Achievements DOTS Surveyors' Comments Survey
Item (Completed by TB DOTS Center) Center Team
Rating* Rating*
Goal The management and staff adhere to clear and collaboratively developed policies and procedures for the efficient operation of the TB
DOTS center.
9. Policies and procedures Every patient is of individual record and 4
for managing patient history with appropriate treatment category.
information are
developed, disseminated,
implemented and
monitored for
This standard will be achieved when:
9.1 Each patient is uniquely Every patient has their own individual 4
identified from entry and information or data and record.
throughout the course of
9.2 The TB DOTS center Database are updated and accessible. 4
maintains a database of
patient records and related
registries and enables the
staff to easily access these

*Rating scale: 20
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time.
The PhilCAT/ DOH Certification Self-assessment and Survey Tool


Survey Criterion Evidence of Progress and Achievements DOTS Surveyors' Comments Survey
Item (Completed by TB DOTS Center) Center Team
Rating* Rating*
9.3 Policies and procedures 4
for ensuring the security Every patient is assured of data
and confidentiality of confidentiality.
patient information are
developed, implemented
and monitored for
9.4 The TB DOTS center All TB DOTS record are reported and 4
submits complete and updated accurately
accurate reports to all
relevant agencies in a
timely manner.
9.5 The TB DOTS center Every patient is monitored of progress and 4
regularly reviews its improvement and compliance
records to assess and
improve performance.

*Rating scale: 21
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time.
The PhilCAT/ DOH Certification Self-assessment and Survey Tool


(To be completed by survey team only. The survey team must make comments on items where the survey team disagrees or partially disagrees with
information provided by the TB DOTS center.)

Goal: The management and staff adhere to clear and collaboratively developed policies and procedures for the efficient operation of the TB DOTS
Standard 9: Policies and procedures for managing patient information are developed, disseminated, implemented and monitored for effectiveness.

Rating (please tick appropriate overall rating for this standard)

*Rating scale: 22
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time.
The PhilCAT/ DOH Certification Self-assessment and Survey Tool

Non- Low Moderate Extensive

Achievement Achievement Achievement Achievement


Survey Criterion Evidence of Progress and Achievements DOTS Surveyors' Comments Survey
Item (Completed by TB DOTS Center) Center Team
Rating* Rating*
Goal The TB DOTS center staff provide efficient and competent DOTS services.
10. The TB DOTS Center A medical technologist and a smearer are 4
has an adequate number available
of qualified personnel A HCW assigned in every brgy.
skilled in providing
DOTS services.

This standard will be achieved when:

10.1 An adequate number of A HCW assigned in every Barangay for 4
qualified and appropriately update and monitoring.
trained personnel provide
and are accountable for the
following functions:

*Rating scale: 23
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time.
The PhilCAT/ DOH Certification Self-assessment and Survey Tool


Survey Criterion Evidence of Progress and Achievements DOTS Surveyors' Comments Survey
Item (Completed by TB DOTS Center) Center Team
Rating* Rating*
10.1.1 Leadership, TB Dots center are managed by the
management and overall physician, medtech and TB coordinator 4
responsibility for the
operations, resources and
performance of the TB
DOTS center
10.1.2 Clinical patient care Sputum exam available 4
services genX and Xray-referred.
10.1.3 Diagnostic services, Medical technologist doing sputum 4
including sputum microscopy.
10.1.4 Drug management In Coordination with NTP guidelines. 4
10.1.5 Information IEC materials provided, TB posters posted. 4
10.1.6 Financial Local Health Budget provided. 4
10.2 Personnel follow clear job Personnel are assigned of every job/ 4
descriptions, responsibilities.
responsibilities and
10.3 All personnel are All personnel are trained for quality services 4
responsible for safety in and management.
the workplace and the
quality of the service they

*Rating scale: 24
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time.
The PhilCAT/ DOH Certification Self-assessment and Survey Tool


Survey Criterion Evidence of Progress and Achievements DOTS Surveyors' Comments Survey
Item (Completed by TB DOTS Center) Center Team
Rating* Rating*
10.4 Personnel receive up to Personnel are trained on every TB programs 4
date training based on (virtually and face to face).
training needs assessment.


(To be completed by survey team only. The survey team must make comments on items where the survey team disagrees or partially disagrees with
information provided by the TB DOTS center.)

Goal: The TB DOTS center staff provide efficient and competent DOTS services.
Standard 10: The TB DOTS Center has an adequate number of qualified personnel skilled in providing DOTS services.

Rating (please tick appropriate overall rating for this standard)

Non- Low Moderate Extensive

Achievement Achievement Achievement Achievement

*Rating scale: 25
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time.

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