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Practice Worksheet

Name: _______________ Level: IV Sec: _____

Gregorian Date: ___________ Islamic Date: _________

Worksheet No. 2
Q1. Thomas has $60, Tom has $70. How much money do they have between
a) $100
b) $150
c) $130
d) $110

Q2. Harry weighs 82 pounds, Joseph weighs 68 pounds. How much do they weigh have
a) 210 pounds
b) 150 pounds
c) 98 pounds
d) 240 pounds

Q3. 48 students are there in a class, 16 of them are girls who wear glasses, 13 of them
are boys who wear glasses, and rest of the students don’t wear glasses. How many
students don’t wear glasses?
a) 20 Students
b) 18 Students
c) 19 Students
d) 24 Students

Q4. Fill in the missing numbers 6 x 4 = 3 x __

a) 12
b) 4
c) 8
d) 6

a) 16

b) 24

c) 20

d) 36


a) 63

b) 65

c) 68

d) 64

Q7. The Punjab Mail arrived at Lucknow at 11:55 a.m. It reached at Lucknow 1 hr. 25
min. late. What was the scheduled arrival time of the train at Lucknow?

a) 12 : 50 pm
b) 1 : 20 pm
c) 10 : 30 am
d) 1 : 20 am

Q8. What do a square, rectangle, parallelogram and rhombus all have in common.
a) They each have four sides
b) Their all angles are of 90 degree.
c) Both (a) and (b).
d) None of these.


What is the difference between no. of apples and no. of oranges?

a) 4
b) 10
c) 2
d) 8

Q10. What is the fraction shaded in following diagram?

a) 6/10
b) 6/8
c) ¾
d) Both (b) and (c)

Q11a) . Write three thousand four hundred and seventy three in


Q11b) Write 6304 in words.

Q12a) Write these numbers in order from smallest to largest.

625, 325, 789, 1025, 826, 108

Q12b) Write these numbers in order from largest to smallest.

280, 450, 390, 670, 1056, 825


Q13. a)

What time is it?

________________ o’clock

Q13 b)
According to clock above, what was the time 25 minutes ago?


Q14. The chart is partially filled with sums. Complete the chart by finding the sums.

Q15. Solve the number bonds.

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