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Objective for Product Discoverability

As a user i want to complete

my commitment to watch
01 episode 2 which my friends
have seen
As a user I am inclined to
02 explore trending and top series
from each category/genre

As a user I am making search

03 smarter with favourites and
trending top tags.
As a user I want to cope up for
the missed lectures and have
04 assistance in mocks and
Goal: Creating hyper-personaloized
05 learning methods as required needs of
the student to skyrocket his perfomances
Painpoints / Challenges
Currently need to traverse everywhere in search of what i am looking for.
With help of AI , users search words can give them, relevant list of search/top
Searched by like-minded people end user persona types, to gain the path of
pattern (identify the pattern).
1. Lead sources segregation, to get parameters : users intent.
2. Automate as per the channel values , if yes.. Backtracking the data.
3. Voice enabled use case for vernacular crowd

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