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Unit 4 - Week 3 Course outline How to access the porta? ‘Wook 2 Week 2 Week 2 Fourh ©: The Check Lectre 28: The cheek Lectre 20: The cause Locure 21m Produ the Users arate Cortex Loeure 32: Protyping Lectre 35: User ess Lectre The ‘Crucial Step Missed ALM :Rajondra Singh "Rivet Regenetanon in Rajan" Fanc-The ‘concopton Lecuie 35:5 The Concestion Lecture 36: synations Suates Leche 37 :One rocuct many problems Lectre 28: Concept cuss Lecure 29: From ‘neato product Lectre 40: Prowyping Leche At: Materials and Technologies Lecure 42 Collaborative forts ALM 2: Embrace Irvant Warmer Cows ‘Save Lives (Quiz: Assignment 3 ‘Ween Feedback Assignments Sohifons Week 4 Download Videos v Assignment 3 ‘The due date for submiting this assignment has passed. Due on 2019-09-18, 23:59 IST. ‘As per our records you have nat submitted this assignment. 2) What wote the comruniis that hac tobe taken to account in vedesigrng he pall forthe Mata Vaso Devi temple? The passengers © The Porters Ratway omrelas “The focal Manufacturers Np, the answer is inooeet Sere: 0 ‘Accepted Answers: The passengers ‘The Porters The local Manufacturers 2) What are the advantages of the tied wooden logs that are used to can the paki? © They abst shock ‘They acto te suengin of he skaless ste! pai They ae Hone ding movement © Wooden suface contact for laa is easy on the shoulder No, tne answer is moorect. Sere: 0 ‘Accopted Answers: ‘Thay absorb shock ‘They are tlenble during movement Wooden surface contact fo laa is easy on the shoulder '3) Which of these are the issues vith old palk thatthe porters were using? 18 made or aluminium pipes No, tne answer isincoect. Score: 0 is oawy dus to use of GI water pipes 4) Accoraing to Rayondra Singh, Waterman of Ind, what are the greatest challenges faced in water conservation, today? vorerpboitation of undground aqui: © Cooperate socal responsibly (CSA) set by the companies © Drought and tess rainfall © Patton of waterbotes, No, the answer isincomeet. Score’ 0 Accepted Anus: (Overexprotation of underground aqurer Potion of waterDouies. '5) Some ofthe fssues that ha tobe tacked for redesigning the letter box were: Water seepage © Hea conosion © india Pos: Branding Vandalism No, the ansirris incom, Scare 0 Accepted Answers: Water soopago ‘Heavy conosion Vanda 6) ERP (Fiber Reinforced Pastcs) was chosen to make the literbox top because: fs cheaper than moulded plastic manufactured i 11s easy to manufacture fr pilot production. ‘ean be made in very large quantities for mass production 1 not aosznenicaly appoating, No, the answer isinconeet Scare: 0 ‘Accepted Answers: eis easy to manufacture for plot proauetion. lage quanti, 7) who collects letiars tram the post boxes?” ‘The lowest division clerk of the past office, fiers trom India Post vounteors at india Post te postman who deters letters No, the answer is incomes Scare 0 ‘Accepted Answers: The lomest cision clk of the past office £8) What was the ‘Problem statement’ to work on Embrace baby warner for & developing country like India? To sche the problem of infant mortalty To develop a baby warmer less than $ 300, To tnd a substitute for an incubator es 80% of infants need it to Keep warm. ‘To work on a portable warmer. No, the answer isinconeet Scare: 0 ‘Accepted Answers: TT develop a baby warm less than $ 500. 4 point 41 point 4 point 4 point 4 point 4 point 4 point 4 point

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