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Rizal’s Life & Works of Rizal

1st Term Exam Reviewer

1. Who primarily sponsored Senate Bill 438?

Jose P. Laurel

2. Who endorsed House Bill 5561?

Jacobo Gonzales

3. Among the provisions in the amended SB 438 are the following, except:

The Noli and the Fili will no longer be taught in high school.

4. Among the reasons cited by Senator Roseller Lim as a possible ground for exemption from reading
the unexpurgated copies of the novels was __________.

Students can avail of the exemptions if they find reading the unexpurgated copies will
endanger their faith.

5. The exemption, as clarified by Senator Cipriano Primicias, includes ________________.

Exemption from reading the uncensored copies of the novels.

6. The second criterion for an individual to be declared national hero speaks of the motive and the
means employed by a candidate in achieving the motive. The criterion entails that _____________.

A candidate must not only possess or even express his/her love for the country. Rather,
his/her motive must only be for the good of the country (nothing personal) and the means employed
must be morally acceptable.

7. The sixth criterion clarifies that ________________________.

Complementing the desire for the country's freedom must be the desire - and the actual
action proceeding from such desire - for the country's progress.

8. According to the ninth criterion, _______________.

A candidate desires a better life not just for his/her contemporaries but also for future
generations, and this desire is reflected in his/her thoughts and actions.

9. Which presupposition about the equal importance between literature and history to each other is
expressed in this example? The Three Musketeers, although containing some historical inaccuracies,
narrate the culture of the people as well as the events that took place in France during her conflict
with the Protestant England.

Literature honestly presents history.

10. Which presupposition about the equal importance between history and literature is expressed
by this? Rizal's reading of Dumas' The Count of Monte Cristo and Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin inspired
his desires for the Philippines. And his novels inspired a lot of other Filipinos to desire for a better life
in the country.

Literature intervenes in history.

11. The feudal system brought by the Spaniards to the Philippines was the epitome of equality and
Rizal’s Life & Works of Rizal
1st Term Exam Reviewer

No, because what actually happened was that the encomendero preyed on the designated
officials while the designated officials preyed on the workers.

12. Which is the correct hierarchy during the 19th-century Philippine society?

Peninsulares – Insulares – Mestizo/Principalia – Indio

13. The political system during the Spanish colonial period was a centralized machinery.

True. Everything was directed from the monarchy in Spain. All Viceroys answer to the sitting

14. In which capacity did the Captain General exercise executive authority?

As the Governor of the Islands

15. Who served as the Military Vicar General of the Islands the Spanish-era Philippines?

Bishop of Manila

16. For which reason was the Cabo Segundo office created?

To succeed into the office of Governor General in the event of the latter's death

17. Which task was not exercised by the Real Audiencia?

Appointed the next Captain General

18. Who was appointed the highest judge of the Real Audiencia?

Captain General

19. Which depicts the correct hierarchy of local government officials during the Spanish-era

Alcalde Mayor – Corregidor – Capitan Municipal – Cabeza de Barangay

20. The following were the main causes of the problems in the 19th-century Philippine political
system, except:

The fact that high ranking officials were members of Spanish nobility.

21. Among the reasons for the strong opposition of the Roman Catholic Church to the two novels of
Dr. Jose Rizal was:


22. Main proponent of Rizal Law

Sen. Claro M. Recto

23. The exact date of the enactment of Rizal Law

June 12, 1956

24. The two novels of Dr. Jose Rizal, Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo are inspiring sources of
the Filipino sense of:

Patriotism and Nationalism

Rizal’s Life & Works of Rizal
1st Term Exam Reviewer

25. The implied recognized national hero aside from Dr. Jose Rizal was:

Andres Bonifacio

26. During Dr. Jose Rizal's time, he asserted that Tagalog literature is:

Living and dynamic literature

27. Rizal law was published in:

Official Gazette

28. Aside from the two novels of Dr. Jose Rizal, there was this 3rd but unfinished novel titled:


29. This 3 novel was written sometime in:


30. Among the criteria for proclaiming national heroes, which the following must be included:

Those who define and contribute to a system of freedom and order for a nation

31. The social structure of colonial Philippines was not:

A system that provided equal opportunity

32. The political system of the colonial Philippines was:

A centralized machinery

33. Which of the following did not describe the judicial system of colonial Philippines?

The Philippines was fully represented in the Spanish Cortes.

34. Describe the administrative system of the Philippines during the Spanish era.

Appointed officials enforced proportional contribution from the people to raise money for

35. The role of the Catholic friars in the Spanish-era Philippines:

All of the above

36. Which of the following statements best described the relationship between the friars and the
government officials in the Philippines during the Spanish period?

All of the above

37. The educational system during the Spanish colonization of the Philippines:

Did not allow Filipino students to attend school until the later decades of the Spanish rule.

38. Why was the Educational Decree of 1863 a milestone in the history of education in the
Philippines under Spain?

All of the above

39. As a student in Europe, Jose Rizal, along with the other Filipino students:
Rizal’s Life & Works of Rizal
1st Term Exam Reviewer

Were attracted to democratic and nationalistic ideals and the adoption of a constitution that
guaranteed natural and civil rights.

40. Which of the statements is not true about the industrial advances in Europe?

The industrial developments in Europe during the 19th century made the lives of the
working class, also called the proletariat, more comfortable.

41. A feeling of belongingness that uplifts the spirit of oneness to fellow countrymen and, looking up
to a common goal for the nation’s development.


42. The intensive signification of camaraderie or a split of comradeship, the main elements of which
are unselfishness and good faith.


43. This is a value of fidelity either to a superior or to a duty, to love or to anybody.


44. This is a belief that all things are subject to fate. This is symbolized in the phrase “bahala na”.


45. A Filipino trait that makes Filipino parents exercise almost absolute power over the children.

Respect for Elders

46. This refers to an ordinary Filipino family that consists of the grandparents, the parents, and the
children. Everything revolves around it.

Close Family Ties

47. This refers to painful apprehension of rival ship directly affecting one’s happiness.


48. This is an act or practice of attending to and entertaining strangers or guests without reward, or
with kind and generous liberality.


49. This means a distinguishing or marked feature, peculiarity, such as a “trait of character”.

Common Trait

50. One migration theory involved ten Datus who fled Borneo to escape the wrath of their heartless
king. They landed in Panay, made friends and traded with the native Aetas, and eventually settled in
the lowlands.

This story was a work of fiction called Maragtas; however, the Filipinos racial origin came
from early Bornean, Indo-Chinese, some people from South China, as well as Southeast Asian

51. When the Spaniards came, the natives were ignorant and uncivilized.
Rizal’s Life & Works of Rizal
1st Term Exam Reviewer

The statement is false. The settlers had established their traditions, government, a thriving
agricultural economy, were skilled and educated, practiced culture, arts, and religion, as well as
maintained trade relations with Asian neighbors.

52. Which among the theories is true about the migration of our early ancestors in pre-Hispanic

Early inhabitants are believed to have reached the area of what is now the Philippines
through land bridges connecting the islands to Malaysia and China

53. Which of the following statements is correct?

All of the statements are true.

54. How did our native culture survive through time despite the various changes in Philippine

Although our ancestors absorbed new influences, their inward cohesiveness firmly
established and molded us as a people and sustained the native culture.

55. Which of these statements do not describe the social state of pre-colonial Philippines?

Human sacrifice and cannibalism were practiced.

56. Our indigenous culture started in the prehistoric and pre-Christian era.

This statement is true because archeologists and historians found evidences of organized
community life dating back to the crude Old Stone Age.

57. Which of the following best describes our ancient culture?

All of the above.

58. Which of the following does not describe our ancestors?

Our ancestors' culture was inferior to the Spanish culture.

59. The early island settlers practiced religion.

This statement is neither true nor false because the Muslim Malays were not early island
settlers as they were the last to arrive in the migration wave.

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