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Science - Mid-Term Examination

Name: __________________________________ Date: _________________

Grade: 6 ______

This paper consists of two (2) sections. Read EACH instruction carefully before attempting to
answer the question.

Section A

Read and choose your answer carefully (5mks)

1. What is the name given to the environment and conditions in which an animal or
plant lives?

a) environment c) atmosphere

b) habitat d) biotic

2. Which word best describes the following statement: All living and non-living
natural and man-made things in a place and the interaction among them is called

a) aquatic c) terrestrial

b) habitat d) environment

3. The different plants and animals in an environment are called _____________.

a) habitat c) environment

b) organisms d) abiotic

4. All the following are types of soil except.

a) sand c) rocks

b) clay d) loam

5. Adaptations in plants and animals varies from region to region and according to climates.

a) True c) Not sure

b) False d) Maybe

Write True or False for each sentence. (3mks)

6. Camel and scorpions are found in the desert. __________

7. A pond is a salt water habitat. __________

8. A swamp is a fresh water habitat. ___________

Section B

9. A list of animals found in different environment is given below. Place a tick {√} in the box
where each animal would MOST likely be found. (4mks)






10. Use a tick {√}to select the soil type based on the properties (3mks)

Soil Type and Properties Loam Clay Sand

I am sticky when wet and hard when

dry. I have small particles. Water
doesn’t pass through easily

I am coarse and made of tiny rocks. I

have large particles. Water passes
through easily

A mixture of clay, loam, sand and

humus and the best soil for plant
growth. Holds the right amount of

Section C

Use these words to complete the sentences: Aquatic, Terrestrial, Environment, Surrounding,

Our ______________________________ is our _____________________. All living and non-living

______________ are a part of it.  The natural environment is divided into two sections. They are
_______________________ and ___________________.


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