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Agapito, Dave Raven D.

BSBA-FM 1A (1st year) Ma’am Julia Lea B. Radovan

Performance Task

“Rumors, Truth and Lies”

In the country of Wholecake Island there are many people living there, there are people
who are good and have morals and people who are bad. Since they are from the same country,
they trust each other. One day there are three friends that meet together. Kei is from the city and
the other two are from the province which are Kaguya and Natsuki. There will be an Autumn
Festival at the City so they will meet to watch the fireworks.Since the pandemic already ended
they decided to strengthen their bond. Kei is really famous to the people and can influence his

5 hours before the fireworks start, they meet in the countryside. 3 PM

Kei: Hello Kaguya and Natsuki. Long time no see, it’s about 3 years since we last saw each
other because of the pandemic. There are tons of stories I'm going to tell you, are you doing too
well in the province?

Kaguya: It’s nice meeting you again this time, even though three years already past we are still
doing well, I hope we make a ton of memories together.

Natsuki: Keeeeiiiiii I really miss you. I'm glad you are doing fine, you grow quickly and you are
so mature.

Kei: HAHAHAHA since we're already here, let's go to the Festival and buy a ton of food and
play something together before the fireworks start.

15 mins have passed and they have already bought the food that they will eat while
watching the fireworks.

Natsuki: Do you know Kei, Kaguya is really a good singer? You know what, let's go and register
the name of Kaguya in the singing contest in the festival hehehe. (even though she is not a
good singer he said this to Kei just for fun.)

Kei: Wow, I did not know that Kaguya is a really good singer. I want to hear Kaguya singing on
stage. Yeah, let's go, let's register her name.

After they register the name of Kaguya in the list of who will compete on the stage, they
call Kaguya and let her go to the stage to perform. Kaguya is really mad at them, but she can
not do anything in that situation so he sings a song to the audience.
Natsuki: HAHAHA you hear that Kei, Kaguya is singing on stage and her tone is not in tune.
Even though she is almost perfect, there are still things that she is not good at.

Kei: Are you happy Natsuki? The audience is really disappointed. I'm disappointed in you

Natsuki: I'm so sorry I thought it was not a good idea. (Natsuki ran away)

After that Kei grabbed the arm of Kaguya and went to the bench and talked to her.

Kei: Natsuki said a lot of bad words at you, he also said that you are the worst and also you are
not worth anything (she told a lie to her because she is really mad at Natsuki after he embarrass
Kaguya at front of the stage)

Kaguya: She cried, after her friend told her that.

Kei also uses social media such as facebook to expose his friend, he writes
misinformation about him and spreads it. Many people believe that Natsuki is an arrogant
person. But Kaguya did not know that Kei told misinformation about Natsuki that he did not even
commit. Then after 2 hours Natsuki came to Kaguya and begged for forgiveness.

Natsuki: I'm so sorry Kaguya for letting you be embarrassed at this stage.

Kaguya: What, you think I will forgive you after all you say to me!

Natsuki: I did not say anything to you, its true that I say you are not perfect but that is all

Kaguya: Don’t lie to me!

Natsuki: But I didn't.

Kaguya: Shut up!

1 hour before the fireworks start. Kei realized that she went too far about Natsuki and
should not spread misinformation about him to social media. Many people are already mad at
Natsuki because Kei spread rumors about him, even though it's just a few hours that is past. Kei
Wrote a post and apologized to his fans by spreading rumors. She also went to Subaru and said
sorry but did not tell about the rumors spreading about him.

Kei: I'm sorry Natsuki, I told Kaguya false information about the thing that you did not say to

Natsuki: It is my fault at the first place, don't mind it, let’s go and apologize to Kaguya because
she is the victim here.
They went to Kaguya and apologized for what they did and since Kaguya is warm
hearted and will listen to his friends he immediately forgave them for telling the truth.

5 mins before the fireworks start, they go to the site where the fireworks will take place
Kei: Hey Natsuki, will you forgive me if I did something wrong that I should not.

Natsuki: ahmmm…of course I will forgive you ( and he smile to her)

Kei: I spread misinformation about you on facebook, sorry.

Natsuki: don’t mind it, I don’t care if many people hate me, I don’t care if no one believes me as
long as I have you and Kaguya that will trust me, that’s all matters (he smile and the fireworks

After that Kei, Kaguya, and Natsuki promise to each other that they won’t betray each
other and will continue their friendship until the end.

Kei: pinky promise?

Kaguya: yesss…

Natsuki: of courseee and we will protect each other, Even though there are problems no
communication our friendship will never end.

“A true friendship can last forever, death cannot tear them apart, simple words, misinformation
and unethical communication can destroy it, but as long as you trust them and value them, you
can get up from the ground”

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