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Name: AGAPITO, Dave Raven D.

Score: ___________
Course & Year :BSBA-FM1A Date: 09/22/22
I. First Impressions
1. What are your first impressions about the undelivered speech?
Reading the first paragraph of the undelivered speech is serious, dignified and curious. I
feel that the undelivered speech is important and Senator Benigno S. Aquino, Jr. is saying a
sincere speech for the people, he wants to have rights and freedom for people without
undergoing through violence. He is already decided on something bad that will happen it is quite
heartbreaking to read something like this when he is fighting for freedom and accused of
falsified charges of weapons against the government getting imprison and waiting for his death
since he has death penalty that is waiting for him. Even though it is a false accusation he
already gave up and accepted his faith since he thinks that this is his faith in his life to suffer
with Filipinos. This is very detailed and I think that all the events that happen have an important
role. After reading the undelivered speech I felt like there are still mysteries that need to be
uncovered to know what exactly happened.

2. What kind of document is it?II. Looking More Closely

The document is a speech

A. Make a list of unusual or unfamiliar words or phrases you encountered while reading
the speech.
1. subversion
2. leniency
3. triumphant
4. deteriorated
5. surmounted

6. growing cadre
7. agonies
8. disputants
9. jurisdiction
10. regime

11. allegedly
12. subversion
13. authoritarian dogma
14. steadfastly
15. asylum

B. Is there a specific date on the speech? If so, when is it? If there is none, are there clues
that might indicate when it was written?
There is no specific date that is written on the undelivered speech but there are clues
and it is when he arrived on August 21, 1983.
C. Is there an indicated location? Where is it? There is no specific location that tells on
undelivered speech.
He stated that he returned from U.S for surgery therefore Senator
Benigno S. Aquino, Jr. is possibly here in the Philippines.

D. Who authored the document? Why did you say so?

Senator Benigno S. Aquino, Jr. wrote the speech in first person point of view, he used “I”
in a sentence which represents that Senator Benigno Aquino Jr. wrote this speech.

E. To whom was the written document addressed? How did you know?
If I’m not mistaken this written document is addressed to people who were against him
and hate him, since Senator Benigno Aquino, Jr. spoke in his beliefs and what is really the truth.

GEC03 Readings in Philippine History 17


F. What is the purpose of the document? What made you think so?
As said in the speech Senator Benigno Aquino, Jr. wanted to solve the problem by non
violence, justice, rights and freedom can be achieved without violence so people can
understand it.Not only by relying on military power but can also be achieved without violence
happening. It clearly says in the first sentence of the speech, which is the main point of
undelivered speech that is why I think this is the purpose of the document.

III. Thinking Further

A. What do you think is the most important information that the author of the document was
conveying? Why?
The factors he deems necessary to end the dictatorship are what I consider to be the
most significant factors. The previous is historical knowledge that the populace may already be
familiar with. However, it is crucial that they convey their ideals for the country honestly and that
they are understood by the general public.

B. What is the point of view of the author? Is it objective? Why?

This point of view is a first person point of view which is subjective. Senator Benigno
Aquino Jr. is giving his personal point of view about what will happen to the rights and freedom
in the Philippines if they do not do anything as soon as possible at that time.

IV. Drawing Conclusions

Integrate your background knowledge of the context of the speech with the
content of the speech. What conclusions can you draw about the historical period when
the speech was written?
This is my conclusion after I read the undelivered speech. Benigno Aquino is fighting for
the rights and freedom of the Filipino people. It is like that Senator Benigno Aquino, Jr. is
holding a knife that will be stabbed in himself with a death sentence that awaits him. The killings
are increasing by the time it is passing. This drawing represents how hard Senator Benigno
Aquino, Jr. is fighting for. Even though the tip of the knife touches the skin, it causes too much
damage and the people will not believe in him. He wants to make people aware of what is
happening, but what is he got? The people became against and hated him. The blood on the
knife represents the struggle of Mr. Senator, he fights for justice but it is not enough to have
peace, he wants peace but he has a military solution that will get rid of him. When time is
passing the blood is slowly reaching to the ground which means that Mr, Senator time is
reaching on end, he surrendered himself and it looks like he admits his defeat.

# Live free like a Straw Hat Pirates.

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