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Computer Aided Manufacturing

BITS Pilani Dr. Kurra Suresh

Pilani Campus
BITS Pilani
Pilani Campus

Lecture # 5

Fundamentals of CNC
Rotating Arm Mechanism

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Machining Centers
 Machining centers are more rigid than conventional machines and
equipped with ATCs and rotary tables.

 Capable of machining complex parts with high accuracy. May not be

economical for small parts.

 Turning centers.

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus


 CNC Control panel

 Numerical problems

 Fundamentals of NC Programming

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

MCU Functions

 Various functions on the control panel of the MCU are the direct interface
between machine operator and NC system.

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Mode Selection

 Auto mode for continuous execution of part program.

 Manual or Dial mode G-code, M-code, V, f, d and co-ordinate information

is entered and executed block by block.

 Jogging mode is used for positioning the slides. Jogging mode is used
for coarse positioning and discrete jogging switches are used for fine
 Block by Block mode is used to read and execute one block of
information at a time.

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Compensations and override

 Cutter radius compensation: This feature is used to offset actual tool

path from programmed tool path.

 Tool length compensation: This feature is suitable in drilling

applications where varying lengths of drills are used.

 Feed rate override: This feature is useful to override the programmed

feed rate in case of adverse cutting conditions.

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Readout Displays

 Sequence number readout: Helps to know the location

of programming errors.

 Present position readout: Electronically display the

present position of one or more axes.

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

CNC Controller

 Keyboard to edit part program and CRT screen to

display messages.

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

A stepper motor has 200 steps and it is mounted on the leadscrew of an NC
machine. The pitch of the lead screw is 0.2 mm. Find (i) BLU of the system (ii)
The linear velocity in mm/min if motor receives pulse frequency of 200

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

A DC servo motor is driving the table of an NC machine with a lead screw having
pitch of 5mm. The motor has a speed of 900rpm and a digital encoder coupled with
it emits 500 pulses/rev. Find (i) Linear velocity of table (ii) BLU (iii) Frequency of
pulses generated by the encoder.

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

The positioning system of a NC machine has a lead screw with pitch 5mm.
The gear ratio of stepper motor to the lead screw is 5 to 1. The stepper motor
has 40 steps. If table moves 200mm from present position with linear velocity
420mm/min, find (i) number of pulses required for this movement (ii) Stepper
motor speed and pulse frequency.

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

A stepping motor of 100 steps/rev is mounted on a lead
screw of an NC machine through a gear rate G=2. For
each revolution of motor shaft, the lead screw rotates G
revolutions. This motor receives pulse frequency of
2000pps & the pitch is 1mm. Find BLU.

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

BITS Pilani
Pilani Campus

Part Programming

 Machining involves an important aspect of relative movement between cutting tool and
workpiece. In machine tools this is accomplished by either moving the tool with respect to
workpiece or vice versa.

 In order to define relative motion of two objects, reference directions are required to be
defined. These reference directions depend on type of machine tool and are defined by
considering an imaginary coordinate system on the machine tool.

 A program defining motion of tool / workpiece in this coordinate system is known as a

part program. Lathe and Milling machines are taken for case study but other machine tools
like CNC grinding, CNC Hobbing, CNC filament winding machine, etc. can also be dealt with
in the same manner.
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Part programming requires establishment of some reference points. Three
reference points are either set by manufacturer or user.
a) Machine Origin
The machine origin is a fixed point set by the machine tool builder. Usually it
cannot be changed. Any tool movement is measured from this point. The controller
always remembers tool distance from the machine origin

b) Program Origin:
It is also called home position of the tool. Program origin is point from where the
tool starts for its motion while executing a program and returns back at the end of
the cycle. This can be any point within the workspace of the tool which is
sufficiently away from the part. In case of CNC lathe it is a point where tool
c) is carried out
Part Origin
The part origin can be set at any point inside the machine's electronic grid system.
Establishing the part origin is also known as zero shift, work shift, floating zero or
datum. Usually part origin needs to be defined for each new setup. Zero shifting
allows the relocation of the part. Sometimes the part accuracy is affected by the
location of the part origin. Figure 29.1 and 29.2 shows the reference points on a
lathe and milling machine
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus


A) Word address format:

 In word address format the instruction block consists of one or more words. A word
consists of an address followed by numerals. For the address, one of the letters from
A to Z is used. The address defines the meaning of the number that follows. In other
words, the address determines what the number stands for.
 In word address format the program can be written either in standard sequence or
non-standard sequence. The standard sequence is
N-word G-word X-word Y-word Z-word F-word S-word T-word M-word EOB
Ex: N30 G81 X40 Y30 Z10 F300 S1500 T05 M08;

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus


(B) Tab sequential format:

Unlike in word address format, the NC words in this method have to be written in the
standard sequence with no address alphabet of any word. Each word is separated by pressing
tab key.

Ex: 30 81 40 30 10 300 1500 05 08 EOB

( C ) Fixed Block Format:

In fixed block format, NC words are written in the standard sequence without address
alphabets of the words. No tab is required. Each NC word must have same number of
characters in the same format.

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus


1. Fixed sequential format

0050 00 +0025400 +0012500 +0000000 0000 00
0060 01 +0025400 +0012500 -0010000 0500 08
0070 00 +0025400 +0012500 +0000000 0000 09

2. Tab sequential format

0050 TAB 00 TAB +0025400 TAB +0012500 TAB +0000000 TAB TAB
0060 TAB 01 TAB TAB TAB -0010000 TAB 0500 TAB 08
0070 TAB 00 TAB TAB TAB -0000000 TAB 0000 TAB 09

3. Word address format

N50 G00 X25400 Y125 Z0 F0
N60 G01 Z-10000 F500 M08
N70 G00 Z0 M09

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus


( A) Preparatory codes:

Preparatory codes are used to prepare the control unit for implementing the
Ex: G01 : Prepares the control unit for linear interpolation.

(B) Miscellaneous codes:

Miscellaneous functions use the address letter M followed by two digits.
They perform a group of instructions such as coolant on/off, spindle on/off,
tool change, program stop, or program end.
Ex: M03 Spindle clockwise

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus


In principle, all codes are either modal or non-modal

Modal code stays in effect until cancelled by another code in the same

Non-modal code stays in effect only for the block in which it is programmed.
Afterwards, its function is turned off automatically.

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Turning Center Programming

G – Codes: Canned Cycles:

G00 – Rapid traverse positioning G90 – Rough turning canned

G01 – Linear interpolation cycle
G02 – Circular interpolation (CW) G94 – Facing canned cycle
G03 – Circular interpolation (CCW) G92 – Thread cutting canned
G04 – Dwell cycle
G20 – Inch data input G71 – Stock removal in turning
G21 – Metric data input G70 – Finishing cycle
G98 – Feed (mm/min) G73 – Pattern repeating cycle
G99 – Feed (mm/rev) G74 – Peck drilling in Z-axis
G96 – Constant surface speed (m/min) G75 – Peck grooving in X-axis
G97 – Spindle speed (rpm)/Cancel CSS
G40 – Tool radius compensation cancel
G41 – Tool radius compensation left
G42 – Tool radius compensation right
G28 – Reference point return
G33 – Single pass threading
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Turning Center Programming
M – Codes:

M00 – Program stop

M01 – Optional stop
M02 – End of program
M03 – Spindle start (CW)
M04 – Spindle start (CCW)
M05 – Spindle stop
M06 – Tool change
M08 – Coolant on
M09 – Coolant off
M30 _ End of program and rewind
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

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