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Name : Tondog, Norhayna B.

Section: Grade 12 Stem

Topic : Lesson 6 Thesis Statement

Thesis Statement : Although death penalty can be reinstated, still it is not effective
and should be dropped as the form of punishment because it
can be used as a tool for control not justice, it is inhumane
and it doesn’t deter crime

Topic : Death Penalty

Position : Death penalty is not effective and should be dropped as the

form of punishment

Reason : 1.It can be used as a tool for control, not justice

2. It is inhumane

3. It doesn’t deter crime

Concession : It can be reinstated

“An Issue of Life and Death”

When people claim that the death penalty is an effective deterrent assumption is often
the only thing that comes to mind. It should be remembered, nevertheless, that an assumption
is not necessarily true. The ability of the death penalty to serve as a deterrent is not supported
by enough evidence. It is often believed that the intense fear of facing such justice or
punishment can be dissuade murder and other offense deserving of this type of punishment. If
this were the case, people would avoid drug use and highway speeding out of concern for legal

Human behavior and history have demonstrated that rational human instincts do not
prevent criminal behavior. If that were the case, we would never use the death penalty. Just
informing the public about the law would make them so afraid that they would never commit a
crime again. It is unfortunate that some people commit crimes out of passion and are
unconcerned about the consequences. People will commit crimes whether the death penalty is
used or not. It is thus worth noting that the death penalty can be used as a tool for control
rather than justice, and that the option is never conclusive evidence or justification in the
criminal justice system as a means of deterrence in preventing people from committing crimes.

The death penalty is the cruelest, most inhumane and degrading punishment. Amnesty
International opposes the death penalty in all cases, regardless of who is charged the natures
or circumstance of the crime, guilt or innocence or method of execution. Some countries
execute people who were under the age of 18 at the time the crime was committed, others use
the death penalty against people with mental and intellectual disabilities and still others use
the death penalty after unfair trials, all of which are clearly violations of international law and
standards, people or death row can spend years not knowing when their time us up or whether
they will see their families for the last time.

The death penalty does not deter criminals from committing crime. Most criminals who
commit crimes do not have intentions of being caught and believe that they are invincible from
the repercussions of their actions. Because of this, the death penalty really does not deter
criminals from committing a crime. In fact, the death penalty could be considered an “easy way
out” because the criminal does not have to spend several months, years, or even the rest of his or
her life behind bars with little contact with the outside world. The criminal can just die and no
longer have to suffer with knowing what he or she did, how it has affected others, and how it will
continue to affect his or her life. Also, many criminals end up committing suicide in prison
because they do not want to have to spend every day locked in a jail cell for extended periods of

Conclusively, with or without the death penalty, people are still going to commit crimes.
As much as there have been some studies explaining that a death penalty is an effective form of
deterrence, there lacks conclusive evidence to prove that people are deterred. The death penalty,
therefore, is not effective and should be totally banned.


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