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1. Tell me one activity that is good for both mental and physical health. 
I think it is doing yoga. It helps you not only relax but also prevent from sickness
2. How often do you take a nap in the afternoon?
I take a nap every day. Because I want to reduce fatigue
3. Are you usually sleepy in the middle of the day?
No I am not. Because I sleep well at night
4. How many hours do you usually sleep at night? 
I sleep 7 hours at night, because it helps me have better health
5. Do you like chatting on social media?
Yes I do, because I can connect with my friends
6. Do you ever feel stressed at work or school? 
Yes I do, because I have a lot of exercises to do
7. Are you reading anything interesting at the moment?
Yes I am, I am reading a book on accounting by a Japanese author
8. How often do you check your emails?
I check my email 3 times a week, because I have to check important emails and delete junk
9. Which things make you feel happy? 
I am given a small gift for no special occasion
10.What kind of regular exercise do you do? 
I sometimes do exercise because I so lazy
11.How often are you late for class? 
I am rarely late for class because my house is near from school
12.How often do you check your phone for messages? 
I usually check my phone for messages because I don’t want to miss any messages
13.How often do you go on holiday/travel? 
I go on travel twice a year during the summer and new year holidays because those are the
times when I have a lot of free time
14.How often are you stressed at university? 
I am often stressed at university because I have to a lot of exercises to do
15.How often do you play board games? 
I sometimes play board games because I and my friends like playing chess
16.How do you usually spend your free time? 
I take a bus and go around the city
17.Are you playing a sport these days? 
Yes I am, I am swimming these days
18.Do you like eating out in restaurants? Why/Why not? 
I don’t like eating out in restaurants because I love the food my mother cooks
19.Where do you normally go on holiday? 
I often go on holiday to Dalat because the air is fresh and quiet, the food is delicious
20.Where do you plan to go on holiday this year?
I plan to go on holiday to Đồng Tháp this year because I want to see the lotus flowers there
and meet a close friend of mine

1. Are you a competitive person? 
Yes I am because I always want to be the winner of every games I play
2. Do you always like winning? 
Yes I am, because winning makes me feel happy and proud of myself
3. Do you prefer being a spectator or a player? 
I prefer to be a spectator because I can learn a lot of good skills from good players
4. What sports do you like doing? 
I like to play chess because it helps me train my brain
5. What sports don't you like watching on TV? 
I don't like watching boxing on tv because it's too violent and causes a lot of injury to players
6. Which famous sports personality would you like to change places with 

7. Do you support a sports team? 

Yes I do, I think sports team helps me know how to work well in a team

8. Do you ever disagree with a referee's decision during a game? 

No I don’t because I think the referee’s decision is always right
9. What sports trophy would you like to win? 
I’d like to win a gold cup because it's the top prize in every match and a sign that I'm the
10.Do you find it easy to learn the rules of new games / activities?
No I don’t I think it takes time to learn new rules

1. What's the best way to get around your town or city? 

2. Is there a traditional method of transport where you come from? 

3. How often do you use public transport? 

4. Is there a lot of traffic where you live? 

5. What's the best way of travelling long distances? 

6. Is there a metro where you live or where you come from? 

7. What's your worst travelling experience? 

8. Have you ever been on a long boat trip? 

9. Would you like to have an electric car? 

10. Do you have to travel to work or school in the rush hour? 

11. What is the fastest means of transportation? 

12. What is the safest means of transportation?

1. Do you like taking risks? 

2. Are you a decisive person? 

3. Why do some people find it difficult to make decisions? 

4. Would you like to go on some kind of expedition? 

5. What kind of person makes a good expedition leader? 

6. Have you ever been climbing? 

7. What do you prefer - mountains or the sea? 

8. How good a survivor do you think you would be? 

9. Where were you born? 

10. Where did you grow up? 

11. When did you learn to ride a bike? 

12. Where did you go on holiday last year? 

13. Have you ever broken a bone? 

14. Have you ever had a job? 

15. Have you ever had an accident?

1. How much recycling do you and your family do? 

2. What kinds of things do you regularly recycle? 

3. Do you use plastic water bottles more than once? 

4. What can we do to raise people's awareness of environmental problems? 

5. Do you ever order things online or by telephone? 

6. Do you have any problems with online orders? 

7. What percentage of your friends go online every day? 

8. How many people in your country have computers in their homes? 

9. How much paper do you throw away? 

10. Do you use reusable bags?

1. What stage of life would you say you are 
2. What plans do you have for your next holiday? 

3. What are you doing this weekend? 

4. What's the best celebration you've been to? 

5. Describe a special or traditional celebration in your country. 

6. Do you like dressing up in costumes or masks? 

7. At what age can you drive a car or get married in your country? 

8. When do you think children become adults? 

9. Have you ever had a life-changing experience? 

10. How does your family celebrate birthdays? 

11. What do you do on New Year's Day? 

12. Do you think it is a good idea for people to take a career/study break to travel for months?

13. If you could travel for 6 months, where would you go and why? 

14. What do you and your friends do on Valentine's Day?

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