Intro and Theory Exp 4 Instrument

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Measurement can be express as the value assign to objects, event or any observations
based on some rules and regulations. The value obtained will indicate that an observation
belongs to a certain category which at other time these numbers will indicate that the
observation has more of some property than an observation that is assigned a lower number.
Meanwhile, level measurement can be defined as the determination of the position during an
interface between two substance such as fluid, solid or combination of those. Most level
measurement is achieved through inference. Inferential level measurement techniques obtain
a level indication by monitoring the pressure exerted by the liquid in the column. Based on
the theory, the pressure exerted at the base of column of liquid is given by:

P = density x gravitational acceleration x height

In order to determine the level of liquid, it is essential to know the specific gravity
value of the liquid involved. This is due specific gravity is expressed as the ratio of the
weight of the volume of a liquid to that of an equivalent volume of water. Level is then
determined by multiplying the liquid height above the pint of measurement and the specific
gravity as indicated by the formula below.

Level = Height x Specific gravity

In this experiment, there are two methods that were applied which are the open tank
system and the closed tank system. Open tank system can be described as a system that has
no external pressure where atmospheric pressure is experienced by the tank. In an open tank
system, the level measurement in this system can be considered as the simplest. This is due to
the differential pressure transmitter for level measurement is normally mounted at or below
the tank connection in order to measure the liquid pressure above. The pressure is sensed by
the process flange and the transmitted to the high side of the sensing element of the
transmitter. Meanwhile, closed tank system can be express as a system where the tank could
supply the external pressure forces in order to increase the tank pressure. In this system, gas
pressure must be compensated as there is a gas exist above the liquid in the tank. This is
because the gas pressure will cause a change in the level transmitter output. Besides, the
pressure exerted by the gas may be high and a pressurized close tank will require a reference
connection from the transmitter at low side to the top part of the tank. It is purposed to
compensate and balanced out the pressure above the liquid so that true level measurement can
be made. Both of these methods were used to differentiate the high and low-pressure level of
liquid in a tank.

The word calibration can be defined as a test during which known values of measure
and are applied to the transducer and corresponding output readings are recorded under
specified conditions. The calibration of an instrument can be checked at several points
throughout the range of the calibration of the instrument. According to the theory, the
calibration range is defined as the high and low operating limits between which device will
operate correctly and which the other specifications are guaranteed. The limits are basically
determined by the zero and the span value. Span value can be obtained by determining the
difference between the high and low value of the process variables measured. Every
instrument has a different calibration range which symbolize the capability of the instrument.
Besides, every instrument has an error and these errors occurs due to many factors such as
addition of components to the output loop and process changes or caused by the electrical
power supply.

In this experiment, sight glass was used in order to measure the liquid level
measurement inside the tank. Physically, sight glass is a visual measurement that has a
transparent tubing made from glass or plastic outside the tank. The level measurement inside
the tank and at the sight glass will always be equal to one and another.

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