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Another week, another Kabuki dance in DC. At least as of this writing, the House Republicans are holding strong.

Send your representative an email encouraging them to stand firm and thanking them for holding to their principles!

Do you remember President Obama declared he was going to fundamentally transform America? Although some (including me) have criticized his leadership, as this debt ceiling and deficit reduction battle moves forward, perhaps we should re-evaluate his abilities. He is on the verge of transforming America forever if he wins his compromise on deficit reduction and the debt ceiling. And almost no one seems to be noticing. He has increased government from 20% of GDP to 25% in his short term in office. He has allowed the debt to grow to 72% of our annual national productivity and he has doubled non defense spending. His compromise is to reduce spending to 23% of GDP, setting that as the new standard and to raise taxes by $2T (the amount in the proposed compromise plus the amount in Obamacare) while slashing spending on national defense and leaving the entitlement programs essentially untouched. If successfulif the House doesnt hold the linehe will have turned America into a weak, socialist nation. And that, my friends is transformational!


Have you heard that a group of liberal Republicans and Democrats have proposed a deficit/debt reduction plan that adds $1T in new taxes onto the backs of working Americans? Thats right, the so-called Gang of Six Senators have suggested that we need to raise taxes by $1T in order to reduce the deficit and control our spiraling debt. They contend that it is a balanced approach because it cuts $2.7T in spending. The problem is that the tax increases are forever while the spending cutsif they are ever enactedwill only be temporary. However, the bigger problem with this compromise is what it says about Washingtons philosophy of governing. Lost in the back and forth of the debate is that ANY TAX

INCREASE IS A TACIT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT THAT OUR CURRENT GOVERNMENT IS TOO SMALL. If a majority of Americans believe that our current problems are the result of a government that is too small then we have certainly lost our way and we have become beggars rather than men.


Have you noticed how the liberals cry for a balanced approach to dealing with the out of control liberal deficits and debt always insists on increasing revenue as part of the solution? Surprisethey are right. We cannot cut spending enough to resolve our current problems. But they are wrong about how to raise revenue. Their approach to growing government revenue involves taking money from workers to support the fast growing segment of the population that is not working. In a dynamic real world, this approach drives us into an economic death spiral of ever diminishing returns since the public sector cannot create jobs when the government sucks all the capital out of Main Street. The real answer to enhancing revenue is to shrink the government, cut spending and regulation and turn the free enterprise system loose to create jobs. Reducing unemployment from 9.2% to 6.7% will increase revenue to the government and reduce the annual deficit significantly more than all the tax increases being pushed by the liberals.


What have the last five years taught us about the liberals governing philosophy? Liberals have been in charge in DC since January 2007 when Pelosi and Reid rode liberal majorities in Congress into leadership positions and took charge. What have their policies produced? Unemployment was 4.6% when the liberals took overtoday it is 9.2% and rising. And millions more are underemployed or have stopped looking for work. Ask yourselfare you better off than when the liberals took charge in 2007? Why are we suffering so under liberal policies? Cutting through the liberal pro-worker baloneythe most fundamental answer is liberals are anti-business.

Their big government philosophy requires a strong anti-business bias. Remember the line from the old Hollywood western when the crooked sheriff would look at the hero and say, This town aint big enough for both of us.? That is essentially liberals big government view of businessthis town aint big enough for both of us! But, you cannot be both pro-worker and anti-business. The past five years prove it.

Are you becoming tired of the charge of racist being thrown around indiscriminately? It seems the liberals, who cannot win the public policy debate on the merits, almost reflexively turn to ad homonym attacks. It is obvious to themif to no one else, that anyone supporting smaller government and free market capitalism is anti-black, anti-woman, anti-immigration and down right unAmerican. Since racist charges have lost some of their sting due to absurd overuse, the attack of preference by liberals today is to call conservatives immoral. Neither the charges of conservative racism or immorality have any basis in factbut liberals never let the facts get in the way of a good slur. But, no matter how silly, racist charges are still hurled in the public debatea liberal Congresswoman from Houstons inner city, recently said in essence that conservatives dont want to raise the debt ceiling because the President is blackconveniently forgetting that every liberal in Congress voted against a debt ceiling increase when Bush was in office. Source: 7/24/11

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