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Supply Chain Management . A presentation by Ramchandra N.


A PROJECT REPORT on Regional Logistic Head in H & R Johnson India Mumbai Submitted for the requirement of MBA IN SCM


About Johnson Tiles A division of Norcros Group Holdings Limited, with over 100 years' experience, Johnson Tiles are the UK's leading manufacturer and importer of ceramic wall and floor tiles. We produce wall and floor tiles in Stoke on Trent to the highest standards and this excellence in quality and design is recognized throughout the industry. We operate in both residential and commercial markets and pride ourselves on having a detailed knowledge of the demands of both areas. Our tiles have been used by major contractors for housing projects, schools, universities, hotels, hospitals, industrial developments and the leisure industry.

2. General: H & R Johnson Tiles India Provides logistics management services also manages manufacture the tiles & sanitary wares in all over India. This facility handles 8 branches & 9 warehouses in western region Vision Improving lifestyle of our customer by providing innovative products & services. Core values Honesty , Integraity & fairness. People as a source of strength , Passion of excellence , Innovation , Entrepreneurship . Web site =

Corporate Office
Windsor, 7 th Floor, C. S. T. Road , Kalina Santacruz (East), Mumbai - 400 098.

TURNOVER; Last year the turnover was around 1300 crores & this year they are cross to 1600 crores Major markets: In India they cover maximum states they also cover international markets like U.K. , China , Sri Lanka , etc.

3. WHAT IS SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT " Is the strategic management of activities involved in the acquisition and conversion of materials to finished products delivered to the customer"


" Is the stra



Strategic Supply Chain Design Resource Acquisition Long Term Planning (1 Year ++)

Tactical Production/ Distribution Planning Resource Allocation Medium Term Planning (Qtrly,Monthly

Operational Shipment Scheduling Resource Scheduling Short Term Planning (Weekly,Daily)

Supply Chain Management Underlying Principles Compression - (Planning/Manufacturing/Supply) Conformance - (Forecasts/Plans/Distribution) Co-operation - (Cross -Functional) Communication - (Real Time Data)

Key activities handled To provide information to Sales on daily basis regarding Sampling, Production, New Product Design, etc Co-ordinate with Logistics Co-coordinators, plant logistics, Sales team of western region to maximum dispatches To prepare MIS on transportation, insurance, sampling, Vehicle Tracking , etc. Tracking of Containers ( Ship & Rail ) of all India dispatched from various plants. Streamline the Settlement of insurance claims



Value Addition

New Alternate Route Services srtarts

a) b)

Particulars Old Rail Services Rajkot to Delhi Rajkot to Kolkatta

Old Service Providers Adani Logisitcs Shriniwasa Roadways Shriniwasa Roadways Shriniwasa Roadways Transrail Logistics Shriniwasa Roadways Transrail Logistics

Current Service Providers Adani Logisitcs Shriniwasa Roadways Arya Logistics Balaji Cargo Movers Shriniwasa Roadways Shriniwasa Roadways Transrail Logistics Shriniwasa Roadways Transrail Logistics ATM Cargo Movers Suraj Enterprises

c) d) e) a) b) c) d) e)

Kunigal to Delhi Pen to Delhi Pen to Kolkatta New Addl Rail Services Rajkot to Guwahati Rajkot To Siliguri Rajkot to Chennai Rajkot to Pondicherry Rajkot to Bangalore

Shriniwasa Roadways

Shriniwasa Roadways Arya Translogistics Arya Translogistics Arshiya Rail Infrastructure

Insurance part

Highest transit insurance claims settled i.e. 449.

4. Literature Survey

What is Motivation ?

Motivation is an important virtue which can be defined in various ways. Motivation is that force which directs ones behavior towards the task. You can also say that it is an Energy, which drives a person to accomplish something. It is Motivation that helps in increasing the morale of a person to do better work. Whether it is about reading a book to attain knowledge or going to get a glass of water when you feel thirsty, it is motivation which causes one to act. Now, we cannot go to the shop and purchase motivation. But luckily, motivation can be cultivated. All we need to do is make up our mind to change, push our fears aside and reach out for our goals.
Defination of Motivation.

According to one of the universally accepted definitions of motivation, it is an internal state of being, or an internal condition that activates ones behavior, giving it direction. Motivation has also been defined as a desire or need which directs and energizes behavior that is oriented towards a goal. Another definition of motivation states that it is the influence of the needs and desires on the intensity of behavior and direction it will follow. There is one more expert who defined motivation as the arousal, direction, as well as persistence of ones behavior. However, the fact remains that is rather difficult to clearly define motivation, as various experts in the field have come to their varying conclusions through the years

Importance of Motivation. One of the most important factors that lead one to their goals is the drive. This drive is known as motivation. It is a zest and determination with a kind of excitement that leads one to persevere to reach greater heights, in no matter what avenue of their life; be it personal or professional. The drive may come from an internal or external source. The individual determines this. The factors that motivate an individual keep changing as one climbs the ladder of age and maturity. And also, achievement of one goal sets the ball rolling for another one to be achieved. Thus, to be motivated is a constant need. There are times when one faces a period of de-motivation and everything seems bleak. It is then that they need to find what would motivate them back into action

For every individual there is a variable driving force. In fact, it is not just a single factor, but a combination of factors that lead people to achieve their goals. The fact is that with routine monotony steps in and then everything seems like stagnant waters. It feels like there is nothing new. Breaking this cycle of monotony has helped many bounce back with enthusiasm. This is why human resource managers create a training calendar, which will take away employees from the routine they are stuck to, as well as enhance their skills in various areas. Others pursue hobbies during the weekend, thus giving them something to look forward to, as each week comes to a close. There are people who redefine their goals and ambitions from time to time in order to fill them with newer levels of enthusiasm to achieve greater feats. One needs to take stalk every now and then and find the motivator required to carry them through

Employees Motivation. With every job these is one common problem that people face, which is getting stuck in the machine of time and routine. This leads to boredom, and is known to be a de-motivator by the experts. It is for this reason that human resource managers are asked to ensure that there are activities and varied ways and means to keep employees motivated from time to time. Today, the large multinational companies are taking stock of the problem and are doing all that they can to ensure that employees are happy and ever enthusiastic about their work. This is vital in order to get the maximum out of them and to keep employee burn out at bay. And ensuring this lies in the hands of the managers.

Quotes Winners compare their achievements with their goals, while losers compare their achievements with those of other people Nido Qubein To achieve great things, two things are needed; a plan, and not quite enough time. Leonard Bernstein Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside of them was superior to circumstances. Bruce Barton Study while others are sleeping

Style of Motivation.

While the world seems to be a changing place, there are few aspects that remain a constant. One is the outcome of motivation- which is positive and even if the effects of any kind of motivation does not immediately result in a positive response, the effect qualifies as neutral, but never, negative. The overall impact of motivation is never a negative one! Motivation is an important aspect in any individuals; life. As children, motivation helps in performance through school and education, as well in activities that fall in the extra-curricular category. There are a variety of ways and styles to motivate. Styles to motivate is a fancy terminology, which basically indicates the ways that one can be motivated. While the spoken communication, in any form, may it be speech, lecture, session, even pep-talk (one-on-one boosting conversation/talk) or any other vocal form of communication, with positive words included act as styles of motivation to individuals.

5. Objectives of study .

1. An objective can also serve as a signpost for us during particular stages in our lives, without
actually having to achieve it. It is therefore necessary to look at our goals periodically to see if they are still valid for us or whether we wish to adapt them. 2. We can also represent this using the two models for human development discussed earlier: No one forces us to build our own pyramid of personal development. We can also dig holes or do nothing. It is just that in this way we will never achieve the highest objective.

3. No one forces us to stop wearing our glasses of subjective perception. We can continue to apply our judgements or even put on additional glasses. It is just that in this way again we will never achieve the highest objective. 4.Our free will will be respected in any event. Development within the sense of the basic rights of existence will only take place if we want it. We normally express this will by our objectives. We will therefore deal in more detail with the setting and achievement of objectives in the following sections.

6. Scope of objectives

Improve Leadership skill. Employees attraction Encourage & participate Goal setting.
Management by Objectives is a powerful tool for aligning employees actions with an organization's goals. Its overarching premise is that of employee empowerment. By empowering employees to take responsibility for their performance and allowing them to see how their achievements impact the organization as a whole, you increase people's motivation, dedication, and loyalty. When you bring that full circle and link performance to evaluation and appraisal, you have a strong system that supports and values employees and facilitates great performance.

7. Research Methodology

Research Methodology
Meaning & Why Research Objectives and Motivation in Research. Characteristics of Good Research. Types of Research. Research Approaches. Research Process

Meaning :
Discovery of facts , Development of facts and verification of facts. Discover answers to questions through the application of scientific procedures. Find the truth which is hidden & not discovered yet. Systematic inquiry to provide information to solve managerial problem. Art of scientific investigation. Systematic effort to gain new knowledge Movement from known to unknown

Clover and Balsely: Process of systematically obtaining accurate answers to significant and pertinent questions by the use of scientific method of gathering and interpreting information.

Research comprises Defining and refining problems Formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions Collecting, Organizing & Evaluating data Making deductions and reaching conclusions & at last carefully testing the conclusions to determine whether they fit the formulating hypothesis

Characteristics of Research

Prediction for future occurrences. Direction towards solution. Accuracy in observation and description. Basis of research is experience . Gathering of data. It is a scientific program.

Patient activity. Quest for answers. Objective and logical. Carefully designed procedures. Need Expertise. Careful critical enquiry.

Why Research
Environmental factors demanding managers to have more & better information for decision making.

More variables to consider in every decision.

Knowledge increment in the field of management .

Global and Domestic competition.

Quality of theories and decision models getting increased.

Increased role of govt.

Growth of commercial sites on web

Workers, shareholders and customers wants to have their share in decision making. Data mining or extraction of knowledge from internal database. Use of technology (computers). Tools used to conduct research have increased.

Objectives in research
Description Explanation Forecasting Control Modeling

To gain familiarity or to achieve new insights to the phenomenon. Exploratory or Formulative Studies.

To portray accurately the characteristics of a particular individual, situation or a group Descriptive Studies.

To determine the frequency with which something occurs or with which it is associated with something else. Diagnostic Studies.

To test a hypothesis of a casual relationship between variables. Hypothesis testing Studies

Types of Study

Most elementary level To generate some statistics

Descriptive Study- Observation

Who, What, When, Where and sometimes How. Describe a subject by creating profile of problems, people or events.

Explanatory Study: Why

Explains the reason . Use of theories or hypothesis to study the forces that caused the event to occur.

Predictive Study: Forecasting

Predict when and in what situation the event will occur.

Types of Research
1.Descriptive To describe the event as it exists in present. Survey and fact finding enquiries of different kind No control over the variable. Report what has happened or happening. Most ex- post facto projects . E.g.. Frequency of shopping, Preferences of people
2. Analytical Research

Use of facts and information already present to make the critical evaluation of the event. 3. Applied Research To find solution for an immediate problem being faced by a society or business organization. 4. Fundamental Research Concerned with generalization & formulation of a theory. 5. Quantitative Research Measurement of quantity or amount

6. Qualitative Research Based on qualitative analysis. 7. Conceptual Based on abstract idea or theory, Used to develop new concepts or to reinterpret the existing ones. 8. Empirical Research Relies on experience and observation alone without due regards for system or theory. Data based research with conclusions which are capable of being verified by observation or experiments. 9. Exploratory Research

Development of hypothesis rather than its testing 10. Formularized Research These studies are with substantial structure & with specific hypothesis to be tested. 11. Diagnostic Studies To determine the frequency with which something occurs or with which it is associated with something else. 12. Historical Research Utilizes historical sources like documents , remains etc to study events & ideas of past

Quantitative Approaches Deals with numerical measurements (i.e. quantities). Quantitative approaches aim to test hypotheses, and usually to identify numerical differences between groups. Qualitative approaches Deals with how people understand their experiences (i.e. qualities).

9. Analysis of the study

Employees working hard in the direction of company goals and having a robust desire to remain in the organization are essential for the success of a organization. To be able to create such organizational commitment of the workers, the knowledge about what motivates and satisfies them is important. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis (Motivation Analysis - Motivation Factors at Work) is to investigate and analyse the factors which motivate employees, under consideration of individual characteristics. Limitation: Age, gender, marital status, work area, position and the years a person has been working in the company represent the individual characteristics examined in this study. Realisation: Literature research as well as a practical survey consisting of mail questionnaires and personal interviews were carried out in order to best serve the purpose of this thesis. Results: Skills, task identity, task significance, autonomy, feedback, environment, job security and compensation are important for motivation factors of employees. Taking into consideration the extent to which these factors are present at work and the employees satisfaction with this state

11. Recommendation According to motivate workers When motivate a worker, we must realize that people are different, and a technique or way of motivating than success in a particular worker does not necessarily mean it will be successful in another. So before deciding on which method to use to motivate, we get to know each of our employees, to decipher what their needs, motivations, preferences, objectives or personal goals and, on that basis, determine the methods or most appropriate forms of motivation to use.

Do not forget the money The most common way to motivate workers remains the money, we must always be taken into consideration as a good source of motivation. We have to consider money as a motivation, not only in determining the compensation to pay (which should be as fair as possible, according to their knowledge, skills, and performance), but also can eg , create contests where rewards are monetary, reward workers who have had better performance, encourage the promotions, etc..

Motivated to achieve good customer service Today, due to the high number of competitors, and equal in quality and prices of products, the key to success lies in providing excellent service and customer care. And the best way to achieve this, is by having our employees motivated. A motivated and satisfied workers not only get higher output or productivity at work, but also contagious motivation and satisfaction to customers, offering a good service or care on their own initiative. No satisfied customers without satisfied employees

Be fair When determining a workers compensation, we must ensure internal equity, ie ensuring that there is no marked difference between the salaries or wages of a worker with those of their peers. And, at the same time, also seek external equity, ie ensuring that there is no marked difference between the salaries or wages of our workers compared with workers from the competition. Similarly, upon recognizing their performance, achievements or objectives achieved, we must also be equitable and fair to acknowledge or reward, according to the performance or results. A worker usually compare their inputs and outputs of their work with other workers, and if you think there is a reward inequitable, it can generate discontent, dissatisfaction, lower production, and can even choose to leave the company.

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