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Experimentation and Multiple Regression are two sides of the coin. Opposite to each other.

Features of Experimentations:

A. Assumed CAUSAL RELATIONSHIP between Independent variable and Dependent variable. Any
changes that would be observed in the dependent variable is brought about the manipulation
made in the independent variable. If gusto mo malaman ang possible effects ng isang particular
variable to other variable, use experimentation.

Ex: The more money (independent variable) you have the happier (dependent variable) you
become. Presence vs. Absence.

Ex: If you are sick, presence of medication will make you feel better.

Internal Validity – the cause of the changes in the DV is purely brought about the manipulations made in
the IV. If you didn’t ensure internal validity, more likely failed experiment.

Extraneous or Confounding Variables – affects the internal validity?

Independent Variable – the one you manipulate. It is the cause of changes or predictors.

Dependent Variable – the one we measure. It is the result of changes or outcomes.

Internal Validity Threats

1. History – prior to your experiment, san ba siya galing? Ano yung naexperience ng participants
mo prior to the experiment.
2. Maturation – Matagal na sya doon sa experiment and the participant starts to figure out the
experiment and responses are not already based on the presentation of the stimuli but based on
his/her muscle memory. How long the experiment is? The longer the experiment, nagkakaroon
ng maturation of experiment.
3. Selection Process – There should be a randomization. Hindi gumagamit ng purposive sampling
ang experimentation. It’s always random.
4. Testing – Paano kinukuha ang DV. Ex: response time, frequency, etc. Not necessarily based on
the scale.
5. Instrumentation – Ano ang tool na ginagamit mo in order to measure the DV. Ex: how will you
get a response time? Use of application/technology to get a more accurate response time.

B. MANIPULATION on the independent variable

Ex: Money brings happiness – you need to manipulate the amount of money they have.
Ex: Framing of Martial Law news clip (positively frame and negatively frame news clip)

Manipulation Techniques
1. Amount (e.g parenting – specify length of times spent by parents with their children)
2. Kinds (e.g learning modality – different kinds of learning modality (online, onsite, hybrid) –
which one who learn better?)
3. Levels (e.g difficulty/qualification)


1. Ethics
2. Manipulation Check – e.g. color of the wall affects attention span (yellow wall and green yellow)
– ensuring that the manipulation you made brought conscious experience to the respondents.
3. Logistics – kung kaya yung resources mo
4. Research questions and hypothesis/es

C. RANDOM ASSIGNMENT of sample – walang predetermination who goes to treatment A or

treatment B.
This addresses the following:
 Objectivity of the experiment
 External Validity – generalization

D. Have a CONTROL & EXPERIMENTAL groups (e.g are online students skillful? May point of
comparison ka dapat of students who did not do online)

Stages of Experiment Involving Special Attention

1. Pre-Experimental Concerns
a. Participants crosstalk – sharing the details of the experiment to the next participants
Contributing Factors: size and type of institution, access of participants to each other,
online activities of participants
Approaches to address cross talks: letter of confidentiality, classroom-based treatment,
less self-report approach

b. Demand Characteristics – it exists when something about the experimental process

places a “demand” on participants to act in a certain way.
“Good subject effect”
Approaches to address: Control for physical characteristics of the experimenter, control
for tendency to conformity, control for identification of subjects
2. Post Experimental Concerns
a. Suspicious probes – degree of confidence of the subject in part and in whole
Approaches to address: non discourse agreement, post experimental inquiry


1. One-group posttest only design – isa lang ang treatment level (e.g. people attending online class
which is sila lang ang treatment level)

2. One-group pretest-posttest design

3. One-group double pretest posttest design

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