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At 5:30 on a Monday’s morning, the alarm clock rang, waking A up from his dreams.

He slowly got out of his bed and opened his phone to check the e-mails. As soon as he
clicked the Gmail symbol, a bunch of mail popped up with various unfinished tasks,
which made him feel immensely exhausted and depressed.

A: Aaah! There are so many tasks to do and the deadlines are coming. How can I
finish all out of them in just such a short time? I’m going to be finished!!!

A kept complaining until he came to the dinning room to have breakfast with his
parents. His complaints irritated his parents so much that they couldn’t help listening
to them but started to shout at him:

Dad: Keep silenced and finish your breakfast! There is no point complaining. If you
had spent your time doing the assignments instead of surfing the Internet and
gossiping with your friends, you would have finished them soon before. You should
feel lucky that I haven’t punished you for that.

A: But daddd, I just spent a little time on chatting with my friends to keep in touch
with them as well as relaxing after a hectic studying schedule. I still studied at night
but there wasn’t enough time!

Mom: Your dad is right! Why can your friends do it but can’t you? You’re so lazy!
You never make us feel proud of you in front our colleagues. Their children are really
excellent and hard-working! They never make their parents feel worried at all! Why
can’t you be like them?

A was let down by his parents’ words so much that he didn’t feel like saying anything
anymore. He tried to finish his breakfast as soon as possible and rode to his

His grimace had attracted his friends’ attention. They came close to ask him.

B: What’s wrong with you? Is everything alright?

Because A was too shy to tell them, he said without consideration.

A: It’s none of your business! Get the hell out of my way!

C: Hey! We are just caring about you! If you don’t want to tell us, just say. Don’t be
so impolite like that!

A knew he was wrong but he didn’t want to admit that. Therefore, he stayed silenced
and avoid eye-contacting with them. Then, He went straight into the classroom.
Because of his depression, he couldn’t focus on the lecture. Unfortunately, his
professor recognized his inattention, so he said:

AAA! Please stand up and answer me this question. Please tell me 12 things that
destroy a first impression mentioned in the video.

Because he didn’t listen to the video, he knew nothing to answer and he couldn’t ask
his two deskmates for help, either because of their previous quarrel. Seeing him not
saying a word, his professor got angry and shouted: “If you keep being distracted like
this, you will never be able to pass the final exam. By the way, your assignment for
the mid-term exam is a mess. Everyone else has done it rather well, except YOU. You
must have spent not enough time on it. The assignment

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