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       Essentials of Java with respect to testing Framework

Day 1: Intro to Java and why its still relevant and general introduction to automation and how is the
market and what are the benefits to learning

Day 2: Java basics like loops, keywords and basic practice programs to get students get comfortable
with the language

Day 3: Some advanced concepts like Polymorphism, Inheritence, Encapsulation and practice
programs related to the concepts.

Day 4: Java Collections API – Very important topic wrt automation

Day 5: Basics of Lambdas, modules, streams and practice programs

Day 6: Practice programs to get students comfortable with java

Day 7: Again practice since atleaset some time is needed to get comfortable so after students are
comfortable with java it is easier to grasp other concepts.

·        Testing tools like Junit, Mockito & Wiremock

Day 8: What are unit testing frameworks and what all frameworks are used in industry.

Day 9: Intro to Junit and testng

Day 10: Annotations

Day 11: Comparison of Junit and TestNg and show which additional annotations are there in testNG

Day 12: Hands on with Junit and TestNg

Test Automation tools like Selenium, Cucumber/Postman

Day 13: Intro to selenium. Also talk about history of selenium and where its headed. What is the
latest version.

Day 14: Setup

Day 15: what all functions are available in selenium and how does it work internally. Do a small
demo program of simply opening a website.

Day 16: xpath and css locators and practice locators – very imp

Day 17: implicit and explicit waits – very imp

Day 18: other misc functions like multiple windows, flash content

Day 19: write some complex scripts combining all the knowledge above and write an end to end

Day 20: execute same test on multiple browsers and multiple os, run tests parallely

Day 21: selenium grid and cloud execution like browserstack

Day 22: basics of cucumber and do demo cucumber scripts

Day 23: Intro to postman and api testing in general

Day 24: various postman features and get hands on with postman to send and receive various kinds
of requests.

·        Rest API testing using Swagger and rest assured

Day 25: Intro rest api and setup rest assured

Day 26: rest assured vs native java libraries in java 11

Day 27: rest assured methods available for sending, receiving and deserializing objects

Day 28: Data Transfer Objects and POJO

Day 29: Hands on with rest assured library

Day 30: Hands on with java 11 native library

Day 31: Important interview topics and guidance and tips for interviews

Day 32: Any discussions, doubts, queries session for overall course or if someone wants to repeat
some topic.

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