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Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 35(3), 1999, p.

q Wildlife Disease Association 1999

Rabies in Skunks from Mexico

Marcelo Aranda,1,2 and Lorena López-de Buen1 1 Instituto de Ecologı́a, A.C. Departamento de Ecologı́a y
Comportamiento Animal. Apdo. Postal 63, 91000 Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico; and 2 Corresponding author (e-mail:

ABSTRACT: An enzootic focus of rabies in (Marmota sp.), opossums (Didelphis vir-

skunks in Mexico is described. Fifty three wild giniana), otters (Lutra canadensis), rabbits
animals including two badgers (Taxidea taxus),
32 bats (various species), one bobcat (Lynx ru- (Sylvilagus spp.), shrews (Sorex sp., and

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fus), two coatis (Nasua narica) three foxes Blarina sp.), squirrels (Sciurus spp.), and
(Urocyon cineroargenteus), one raccoon (Pro- weasels (Mustela spp.) (Verts, 1967).
cyon lotor) and 12 skunks (see below) were Rabies in wild animals recently has be-
tested for rabies by direct immunofluorescence
assay from 1991 to 1997 in the central part of
come of more importance in North Amer-
San Luis Potosi State, Mexico. Rabies occur- ica. In the United States, more cases in
rence was 21% of all tested mammals, with wild than domestic animals have been re-
19% in skunks and only 2% in other wild spe- ported, since rabies in dogs is nearly elim-
cies (one bobcat). Skunks represented 23% of inated as a result of vaccination of dogs
all mammals tested and had a rabies prevalence
of 83%. Only 10 individuals were identified: and stray-dog control programs (Krebs et
three hog-nosed skunks (Conepatus leuconotus) al., 1996). During 1989–90 dogs and cats
and seven spotted skunks (Spilogale putorius). accounted for more than 94% of rabies
All were involved in human attacks; the spotted cases in Mexico (Reid-Sanden et al., 1990;
skunk attacks were inside bedrooms while peo-
ple were sleeping, and the hog-nosed skunk at-
Uhaa et al., 1992), but from 1990 to 1998
tacks occurred outdoors. Skunk cases of rabies there were fewer cases of rabies in humans
represented 40% of all rabies cases in 1997, and dogs (Dominguez et al., 1998).
and 100% of cases registered for wild animals In Mexico, and Latin America in gen-
in San Luis Potosi state. This situation consti- eral, cases of rabies in terrestial wild ani-
tutes an important public health problem and
requires further epidemiological research to mals are rarely reported. Damude (1974)
make the human population aware of the prob- mentioned two cases of rabid skunks, one
lem and to establish measures to limit further in Guatemala involving Conepatus semis-
human attacks by rabid skunks. triatus, and one in Mexico. Loza et al.
Key words: Conepatus leuconotus, hog-
(1998) reported additional cases of skunk
nosed skunk, rabies, Spilogale putorius, spotted
skunk, survey. rabies from South Baja California and
Aguascalientes states in Mexico; they sug-
In Mexico, the problem of rabies in wild gested a new variant of rabies virus in the
animals is mainly associated with hema- skunks from Mexico. In both cases the au-
tophagous bats, especially Desmodus ro- thors did not identify the skunk species in-
tundus (Flores-Crespo et al., 1998). In the volved. Seven species of skunks are found
United States and Canada, where there in Mexico (Hall, 1981), with at least one
are no hemathophagous bats (Hall, 1981), species probably inhabiting every part of
cases of rabies in wild animals occur prin- the country. These include M. mephitis
cipally in raccoons (Procyon lotor), skunks and M. macroura; Conepatus mesoleucus,
(Mephitis mephitis and Spilogale puto- C. leuconotus and C. semistriatus; and S.
rius), foxes (Vulpes vulpes and Urocyon ci- putorius and S. pygmaea.
nereoargenteus), coyotes (Canis latrans), In San Luis Potosi (Mexico) some cases
and non-hematophagous bats (Organiza- of sylvatic rabies, mainly in skunks, have
ción Panamericana de la Salud, 1993). been reported. These cases suggest an en-
Other species occasionally affected are zootic focus of rabies in the area. Skunks
badgers (Taxidea taxus), bobcats (Lynx ru- are important rabies transmitters to hu-
fus), deer (Odocoileus spp.), groundhogs mans due their high susceptibility, long in-

cinereoargenteus), one raccoon (P. lotor)

and 12 skunks (C. leuconotus and S. pu-
torius) were tested by the direct immu-
nofluorescence assay (dIFA) on brain tis-
sue, in the Centro Estatal de Investigación
y Control de Zoonosis (San Luis Potosi
City, Mexico).
The occurrence of rabies in the tested
wild animals was 21% (11/53 samples).

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This represented 19% (10/53) of the tested
skunks and only the 2% (1/53) other wild
species (one bobcat). Skunks represented
23% (12/53) of all mammals tested, with a
rabies prevalence of 83% (10/12) (Fig. 2).
The enzootic area of rabid skunks was ap-
proximately 1,900 km2 (218309 to 228009N,
998009 to 1008309W) (Fig. 1). It has a high
level of human activity, mainly agricultural.
The area is located in a transition zone be-
FIGURE 1. Area where rabies skunk cases have tween the arid high plateau and the trop-
been reported in San Luis Potosi (Mexico). The black ical region at an altitude between 500 and
circles (●) show the most important populations, and
the asterics (*) with numbers the order in which cases
1,500 m; the vegetation is natural submon-
occurred. tainous chaparral and heavy mesquite in
the central region of San Luis Potosi state
(Instituto Nacional de Estadı́stica, Geogra-
cubation periods (Parker and Wilsnack,
fı́a e Informática, 1988).
1966), and their ability to live near human
From 10 positive skunks identified,
populations (Leopold, 1965). Many skunk
three were hog-nosed skunks (G. leucon-
species have been benefited from human
otus) and seven were spotted skunks (S.
activities, making dense populations feasi-
putorius). All were involved in attacks to
ble near small rural communities.
humans. Seven spotted skunk attacks were
From 1991 to 1997, 53 wild animals in-
at night, inside the bedrooms while the
cluding two badgers, 32 bats, one bobcat,
victims were sleeping. Three hog-nosed
two coatis (Nasua narica), three foxes (U.
skunk attacks were outside the houses.
One was at night and provoked by victim,
but the others were at dawn without prov-
ocation and with great aggression on the
part of the animals.
Although the number of rabies cases is
low, the situation in San Luis Potosi illus-
trates some important aspects of sylvatic
rabies. It may represent an enzootic focus
in skunks that has not been reported in
In the United States and Canada, the
spotted skunk is identified as an uncom-
FIGURE 2. Number of wildlife animals tested for mon host for sylvatic rabies because there
rabies and number of rabid skunks in the San Luis
Potosı́ state (México) from January 1991 to April are only isolated cases involving this spe-
1998. All cases were tested by the direct immunoflu- cies. Epizootic outbreaks are more com-
orescence assay. mon in the striped skunk (M. mephitis;

Charlton et al., 1991; Schubert et al., where the human attacks occurred had a
1998). The hog-nosed skunk, is not even great variation in their structure and con-
mentioned as a host for rabies in this part struction, but all of them had in common
of North America. However, there have areas that permitted access by which the
been rare cases of rabies in C. leuconotus. small skunks could get inside the bed-
This species is seldom reported rabid, pos- rooms (Parker, 1975). Details of the at-
sibly because their relative scarcity and in- tacks were unobtainable because the vic-
frequent contact with humans (Parker, tims were asleep. But, if these skunks are
1975). The southern part of the United naturally aggressive, it is likely that during

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States is the northern limit of distribution the furious phase of the disease, a person
of the genus Conepatus (Ceballos and Mi- could be bitten without provocation. In
randa, 1986). This may explain its naturally fact, most cases involved children.
low population, and the resulting unlike- The number of rabied skunks reported
lihood that rabies would not be a problem from 1993 to 1997 in San Luis Potosi, sug-
in these species. The cases described here- gest the presence of peaks in prevalence
in constitute the first reporting of C. leu- every 4 yr (1993, 1997) (Fig. 2). However,
conotus in connection with an enzootic fo- Garcı́a et al., (1998) cited only 12 cases of
cus of rabies in Mexico. Unlike the situa- human attacks by rabid skunks in 1998.
tion in the United States, the genus Co- The rabid antigenic variant was V-8
nepatus and the spotted skunk (S. (skunk-center-south).
putorius) are relatively common in Mexi- Further research is necessary to answer
co, especially in the tropical and subtrop- several as yet unadressed questions. Are
ical regions. Mephitis mephitis is not found there other wild species that have been af-
in the state of San Luis Potosi. The hood- fected by the rabid skunks? Are patterns
ed skunk (M. macroura) is present, al- detectable in terms of gender, age and
though no case of rabies has been reported time of the year? It is impossible to deter-
for this species (Ceballos and Miranda, mine from the information we have at pre-
1986). The hog-nosed skunk is considered sent if this rabies enzootic zone could
the least abundant of the three genera, but reach an epizootic level. We do not known
this could be due to the difficulty of cap- the relationship of rabies prevalence with
turing the skunks, because of its more in- host sex, age, or reproductive state. How-
sectivorous habits (Leopold, 1965). ever, there is no doubt that it constitutes
Another relevant finding regarding a public health problem. In San Luis Po-
skunk rabies in Mexico relates to the at- tosi, the incidents reported herein repre-
tacks themselves. The difference in the sented 40% of all rabies cases reported in
number of attacks between the spotted 1997, and 100% of the cases reported in
(70%) and the hog-nosed skunks (30%) wild animals. Salazar and Mejia (1998)
could be linked to the relative abundance mentioned that sylvatic rabies is emerging
of each species. Compared to other more as a new problem in the Jalisco state, and
omnivorous species, the insectivorous hog- Suzán and Ceballos (1998) found 18% of
nosed skunk may find human dwellings the wildlife and feral cats and dogs tested
less attractive. Frequently, spotted skunks were positive for rabies near México, D. F.
locate their den in rock piles or under Presently, the health service organizations
houses, but hog-nosed skunks, prefer rock in the state of San Luis Potosi have begun
crevices. Also, the spotted skunk is more a campaign to make the human population
aggressive by nature than other species aware of the rabies problem and to estab-
(Leopold, 1965); this, coupled with its lish measures to limit, as much as possible,
ability to climb, omnivorous habits, and the likelihood of further attacks by rabid
small size permits the spotted skunk to en- skunks.
ter human dwellings with ease. The houses We thank O. Garcı́a and A. Uresti for

their help in submitting information about stituto Mexicano de Recursos Naturales Renov-
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