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ON IEEE VOL. COM-22, NO. 7, JULY 1974

(51 R. S a d , Der Entwurf von Filtern mit Hilfe des Kataloges Nor- the design of elliptic filters,’’ Electron. Lett., vol. 8, pp. 323-325,
mieter Tiefpasse. Backnang,Wiirttemberg, Germany: Tele- June 1972.
funken GMBH, 1961. H. W. Bode, Network Analysis and Feedback Amplifier Design.
[6] H. Sinozaki and T. Nishimura, “Jacobi elliptic function table New York: Van Nostrand, 1945, p. 219.
for the design of filters,” Tokyo, Japan, Nippon Telegraph and W. R. Bennett, Zntroduction to Signal Transmission. New
Telephone Public Corp., 1961. York: McGraw-Hill, 1970, p. 123.
[7] H. J. Orchard, ‘(Computation of elliptic functions of rational E. Bucherl, “Einbeitrag zur synthesevonnyquistfiltern,”
fractions of a quarterperiod,” IRE Trans. Circuit Theory, vol. Frequenz, vol. 27, Jan. 1973, pp. 2-6. .-e-

CT-5, pp. 352-355, Dec. 1958. W. R. Bennettand J. R. Davey, DataTransmission. New

[SI R.N. Gadens and G. C. Temes, “Computational algorithm for York: McGraw-Hill, 1965, pp. 66-70.

Design of Digital Notch Filters

Abstract-It is shown that a second-order digital notch filter is is considered here. The development of a suitable digital
uniquely characterized by two distinct parameters, the notch fre- transferfunctionhavinganotchcharacteristic is first
quency and the 3-dB rejection bandwidth. As a result, such a filter
can be realized using only two multipliers. Methods are outlined outlined in Section 11. Here the aim is to minimize the
to design a notch filter for a prescribed notch frequency and a pre- number of parameters characterizing the transfer function.
scribed 3-dB rejection bandwidth, along with procedures for post- Tothisend, it is shown that twoparametersare suf-
design adjustment of these parameters. All two-multiplier, canonic ficient to characterize a second-order digital notch filter,
and noncanonic, notch filter configurations are developed using the and as a result, such a filter can be realized using only
multiplier extraction approach. These networks are then compared
with regard to the effect of internal multiplication roundoff errors.
two multipliers. A method to design a digital notch filter
Results of computersimulation of the notch filter configurations for a given notchfrequencyand3-dBrejectionband-
are also included. width is included here. Next, all canonic and noncanonic
two-multiplier second-order digital notch filter configur-
ations are developed in Section 111 using the multiplier
I. INTRODUCTION extraction approach [a], in which the notch filter is con-
sidered as a digital three-pair [3] of which two pairs of
D IGITAL filters are being increasingly used in many
diverse areas,suchasspeech processing, picture input and output terminal variables are constrained
processing, sonar and
systems,etc.,asthey offer anumber of attractive ad- thethree-pair,containingonlydelaysandadders, are
vantageswithregardtostability,accuracy,reliability, then identified, from which the realization is obtained by
and flexibility in comparison to the moreconventional inspection. All of the realizations are compared in Section
analog filters. In many applications, a digital filter is de- IV with regard to the effect of multiplication roundoff
signed tohave a prescribed magnitudecharacteristic. errors.Hardwarerequirementsare discussed in Section
A very useful type of such filters is the notch filter which V, alongwithamethod of designing notch filters with
attenuates highly a particular frequency
component voltagevariablecharacteristics.Results of simulating
intheinput signal while leavingnearby frequencies these notch filters on a general-purpose digital computer
relatively unattenuated. As an example of the application are described in Section VI.
of a digitalnotchfilter, consider the feedbackcontrol 11. TRANSFER FUNCTION OF A DIGITAL NOTCH
vehicle system in which a portion of the feedback signal FILTER
detected in a sensing device is due to a bending mode,
which can be eliminated with the aid of a notch filter to The transfer function
of an analog notchfilter is givenas
keep the system from destroying itself [l]. s2 + X2
The general problem of designing a digital notch filter =
s2 + bs + X2 ’

Manuscript received October 11, 1973.

The plot of the magnitude function I H ( j w ) I .is sketched
K. Hirano and S.Nishimura are with the Department of Elec- in Fig. 1 and shows that w = X is the#notch frequency at
tronics Engineering Kobe University, Kobe, Japan. which there is no transmission through the filter. Within
S. K. Mitra is &th the Department of Electrical Engineering,
University of California,
Davis, Calif. 95616. the frequency band centered a t w = X and of width b,

The notch frequency wo is obtained by setting thenumer-

ator of (7) equal to zero, which yields

Fig. 1. Frequencycharacteristics of the notch filter for the con-

tinuous case. 1 1- x2
- - cos-'
T 1 + x2'

all signal components are attenuated by more than 3 dB. From (7) we also note that the frequencies w1 and w2
Hence the 3-dB rejection bandwidth is b. Note also that where the magnitude I G[exp ( j a T ) ]I is down 3 dB from
dc the ,gain is its
0 dB. value
dc obtained
by solving
To develop a suitable transfer function for the digital
notch, filter, we apply the bilinear transformation [4]-[6] +
{ (x2 1) cos wT - (1 - xz) l 2 = b2 sin2U T ,
which after some algebra yields
2 - 1
( Q T )= COS ( a 2 - ~ 1 T) =
(1 + X2)2 - b2
t o H (s). This yields
(1 + X2)2 + b2 (10)

+ - 2(1 -
(1 + (1 + X2)2-'
(1 + A')' - b2

(1 + X' + b ) - 2(1 - X2)x-' + ( 1 + X2 - b)z-21

X2)x-2 Q = -
T (1 + +X2)Z b2 *

Equations ( 8 ) and(10)canbe solved for X2 and b,

(3) which when substituted in (5a) and (5b) give the values
To minimize the number of coefficients characterizing the of the constants al and a2 as a function of wo and Q. From
digitalnotch filter transferfunction G(z), the right-hand (8)
side of (3) can be expressed in a different form as
h2 = tan2 (woT/2) (12)
G(z) = - *
1 (1 + a z ) - 2a1x-4 + (1 + az)z-2
and from (10)
2 1 - a1z-1 + a&-2

b = (1 + X2) tan ( Q T / 2 ) . (13)
Substituting (12) and (13) in (5), we arrive at thedesired
2 ( 1 - XZ) expressions :
2 COS woT
= (1 + a) COS (woT) =
1 tan (DT/2)
1 - tan ( Q T / 2 )
Neglect,ing the constant 1/2, which is equivalent to that
a2 =
1 + tan ( Q T / 2 )'
of adding a flat 6-dB gain t o the frequency response, we
rewrite (4) in the desired form as Observe that the notchfrequency wo can be changed while
keeping the 3-dB rejection band and dc gain constants
G(z) =
(2-2 + 1) - 2a1z-' + a2 (2-2 + 1) . justbyvarying a'. Similarly, the rejection bandwidth
1 - alz-' + azz-2
(6) can be changed by varying only a2. However, to keep the
notchfrequency invariant, a1 shouldbe adjusted ac-
The dc gain obtained by lettingx = 1 in (6) is 2, which is cordingly.
6 dB, as expected. Note thatthenotchfiltertransfer Example 1: Let us determine the transfer function of a
functiongivenby(6) is characterizedby two distinct digital notch filter having a notch frequency of 1250 Hz
parameters al and az. It will be shown in the next section and a 3-dB rejection band of 100 Hz. The sampling rate
that G(z) asgiven above can berealized by a digital filter is 10 kHz.
containing two multipliers of coefficients a1 and h. Thus
We can relate the constants al and az to the notch fre-
quency wQ and the 3-dB rejection band D. From (3) , the woT = 2a X 1250 X = 0.2.5,
magnitude is given as DT = 2a x loo x 10-4 = 0.02~~

- { (1 + A') coswT - (1 - xZ)l2 COS (woT) = COS ( 0 . 2 5 ~ )= 0.7071068
{ (1 + A') COS wT - ( 1 - Xz) } z + b2 sin2 U T . (7)
tan ( Q T / 2 ) = tan (0.01~)= 0.0314263.

Comparingnextthenumerator of (6) with (21)) we

tll = (24) 1
2-2 +
tllh2 - t12h1 = 22' (25)

Fig. 2. Constrainedthree-pair. tllt.33 - t13t31 = ZW2 +(26)1

hl(t12t33 - t13t32) + tSl(h2t13 - t12h3)
Using the above in (14) and (15), we obtain
a1 = 1.3711242 a = 0.93906244.
+ tll(t23t32 - t22t33) = 0. (27)
Making use of (22) and . (24), we obtainfrom(23),
Hence from (6) the desired notch transfer function is (25), (26), and (27) the following relations:
t12h1 = x-'(2-2 - 1) (28)
- (2-2 + 1) - 2.74224842-1 + 0.93906244(r2 + 1)
1 - 1.3711242~-' + 0.93906244~-~


In the case of realization of the transfer function of There
are 16 possible realizable sets of values 01
(6), we consider the final realizationasaconstrained and t32 satisfyingthelast
t12,hl,t13)t31,t23, four equations
three-pair,asshownin Fig. 2 where thethree-pair is The corresponding transfer matrices of the three-pair 21
assumed to contain only delays and adders. are given by'
The equations characterizing the network of Fig. 2 are Notch Filter A :

and Notch Filter B :

x 2

Prom (17) and (18) we arrive a t

-= tll + Cad12
= a 1x Y

3 z

where the t i l s are the transfer parameters

of the three-pair.
= - a Y 3 (18)


2-1 (x-1


1) (2-2
- 1)

+ 1)
2-1 +1

x-' +1
2-1 ] (32b:

-aalt32 1 + a2t33 Notch Filter C:
(19) +1
2-2 2-1 - 1 2-1 -1
The denominator of the right-hand side of (19) is the ex-
pression + 1)
z-1(2-1 2-1 (32~:

1- al&2 + at33 + ala(h3t32 - h2t33) ( 20) (2-1 + 1) + 1) (2-2 2-2

and the numerator is the expression Notch Filter D:

- al(tllh2 - tl2hl) + aZ(tllt33 - t13t31)

+ ala{hl (t12t33 - t13t32) + t31 ( & d l 3 - hh3) (32d:

+ til( h3t32 - h2t33) ). (21)
Comparing now the denominator of (6) with (20) , we
It should be noted that (22) and (28)-(31) are identical to thost
t33 -
- - x2
obtained in the realization of Type 3 second-order all-pass network
& 2 - - -2 1 (22) described elsewhefe 121. As a result, the values of the transfer pa
rameters are ldentlcal to those obtained for the Type 3 all-pass net
works, except that the value of ill is that given by (24).

Xotch Filter E :
2-2 +1 2-1 (2-2 - 1) 2-2 - 1

Notch Filter F :


2-3 l
2-2 !
( a ) tiotchFllter A

2-2 +1 2-1( 2-1 + 1) 2-1 +1 i b ) Notch Fllter B

[ (2-1

- 1) (2-2
Notch Filter G :
- 1

+ 1)

2-3 l
2-2 1


2-2 +1 2-1 (2-1 - 1) 2-1 -1

2-1 +1 2-1
- a2

(2-1 + 1) (2-2 + 1) r 3 2-2 ( d l Notch Fllter D

Notch Filter H :

-1 1_
and their transposes.Realizations of notch filters. A-H
(8) Natch Filter E
areobtainedby implementing(32)along with(IS),
and are sketched in Fig. 3. The remainingeightnotch
filters can be obtainedby taking the transpose [7] of each
network of Fig. 3, and will be denoted by the subscript ( 1 ) Notch Fllter
“t” for future reference. Thus, filter A t will denote the
transpose of filter A , and so on.
All of the two-multiplier notch filters developed in the
previous section have
identical coefficient truncation
errors. Thus, to compare the performance of these net-
works in practice, we evaluate next the noise generated
at the filter output due to the multiplication roundoff
caused by the multipliers al and -@. To this end,observe
that G ( z ) given by (6) can be rewritten as

+ 1 - - ++azz-2az
( 8 ) Notch Fllter G ( h ) Notch Filter H
2-2 a12-‘
G(z) = 1 (33) Fig. 3. Notch filter configurations. (a) Notch filter A . (b) Notch
filter B. (e) Notch filter C. (d) Notch filter D. (e) Notch filter E .
(f) Notch filter F . (g) Notch filter G. (h) Notch filter H .
The second term on the right-hand side of (33) is recog-
nized as the transfer function of a Type 3 second-order
all-pass network which can be realized 16 different ways of theType 3A all-pass network.Similarly, theother
using twomultipliers al and - Q [a]. As a result, the notchfilter and all-pass networkconfigurations are re-
Type A notch filter configuration can be considered as a lated. For convenience, we list in Table I the steady-state
Type 3A all-pass network configuration with a direct path variance go2 of the output noise caused by the multiplica-
in parallel from the input to the output with unity gain. tionroundoff of eachnotch filter configuration, as ob-
Consequently, the multiplication roundoff noise proper- tained from [a, table 1111where the plots of these output
ties of the Type A notch filter will be identical to those noises as a function of the pole positions may be found.



f R4

R1 = ___
1 - 1.2

2 4(1 - r cos +)
Ra = Rg
(1 - r 2 ) ( 1 + 2 r c o s + + r Z )
1 - 2r cos ++ r2

1 + r2 R11 = 2
(1 - r2) (1 - 2r2 cos 2+ + 7-0
p = (1 - r2)2 al = 2r cos + a2 = r2.


Notch Filters Delays Adders 1

A , At 2 4
Bt, B, c, Ct 3 7
D, Dt 4 5 Modulatinl
E, Et 3 4 Voltape Source
F , Ft, G,Gt 4 9
H, Ht 4 5 Fig. 4. Generation of multiplier coeffiiients to vary the 3-dB rejec
tion bandwidth, keeplng the notch frequency invariant.

V. HARDWARECONSIDERATIONS by making the multiplier coefficients variable. As pointec

As can be seen from Table I, from the point of view of out earlier, the notch frequency can be varied, keeping thc
output noise there are only eight distinct groups of notch 3-dBrejectionbandandthedcgainconstant,just b:
filters, withtwodifferent configurations in eachgroup, varying al. I n a practical implementation, al isusuall:
andhavingidenticaloutput noise. Hardware require- stored in a shift register. To designa notch filter wit1
ments as given by Table I1 may then be used to select voltage variable notch frequency (as may be required fol
a configuration from a given group.For example, as Table tracking), the shift register can be replaced by a modu,
I1 points out, notch filter A requires fewer components lating voltage sourcefollowed by an A/Dconverter whoa
thannotch filter E, even thoughboth of themhave output is then used as a multiplier coefficient. By varying
identical output noise characteristics. I n a similar manner, themodulatingvoltage,thenotchfrequencycan bt
notch filters in other groups can be selected. I n Table I, varied. On the other hand,if it is desired to vary the3-dE
notch filters requiring more components have been placed bandwidth while keeping the notch frequency invariant
inside parentheses. it is necessary to vary a1 and a such that all(1 az) +
It should be further observed that the two notch filter remains invariant.Thiscanbe accomplishedwith thc
configurations in a given group are also topologically re- aid of an analog multiplier, a summingamplifier, and twc
lated, and anyone can be derived from the other bysimple constant voltage sources in addition to the modulating
topological manipulations. voltage source, as sketched in Fig. 4. Here the output oj
Anotherinterestingfeature of thenotch filters de- the analog multiplier is fed into an A/D converter whosf
veloped here is that they remain the notch characteristic output is used as the multiplier coefficient ai. The output
irrespective of the actual values of the multiplier coef- of the modulating voltage source is also fed directly intc
ficients a1 and -@. As a result, any one of the proposed anotherA/Dconverter whose output'is used as the
circuits can be easily converted to a variable notch filter multiplier coefficient az.

a2 = 0.93906244

a = 1.3711242 al = 0 a 1 = -1.3711242


" " '\ ' \ v f
150 204

-159.3 dB -159.3 dB


Fig. 6. Output time response of notch filter A designed for a notch

frequency of 1250 Hz when an input sine wave of frequency 1250
Hz was applied.
-275 6 dB

filter when a sine wave of frequency 1250 Hz was applied
I I at the input. Observe that, as expected, thetransient
1wo zow 3000 4000
FREQUENCY (Hz) response decays to -159.3 dB after 1000 iterations.
Similar responseswere observed 'for the other configur-
Fig. 5. Change of notch frequency due to the variation of ax, keep- ations.
ing the notch bandwidth and passband gain constant.
It hasbeenshown that adigital second-order notch
filter transfer function as given by (6) can be uniquely
In order to evaluate the proposed design method, the characterized by twoparameters ai and a which are
frequency response of the notch filter of Example 1 was related to the notch frequency a0 and the 3-dB rejection
calculated on the general-purpose
computer band D in accordance with (14) and (15). Such transfer
FACOM 230 using double-precision arithmetic.The functionscan be realized using onlytwomultipliers
plot of the magnitude of the notch filter transfer function of coefficients ai and az in 16 different forms, of which 8
of (16) is shown in Fig.. 5 along with that for two other are shown in Fig. 3. The other 8 are the transposes of
notch frequencies obtained by varying a1 only. It should these configurations. As indicated by (33), each of these
be noted that the attenuations at the notch frequencies configurations can also be derived from the Type 3 all-
for the threedifferent designs are different, with maximumpassnetworks developedelsewhere [Z] by providinga
attenuation of over 275.6 dB being provided by the filter direct path from the input to the output with a unity
having the notch frequency a t 2500 Hz. This is due to the gain.Consequently, the output noise of a given notch
inherentinaccuracy inthe calculation,where the sig- filter configuration is identical to thatof its associated all-
nificant number of bits of a1 used is restricted to seven passnetworkconfiguration.For convenience, the ex-
digits except for a1 = 0. pressions for the output noise as obtained from [ Z ] have
Inthe calculation of the frqquency response using been tabulated again in Table I of this paper. From the
single-precision arithmetic, the attenuations at the three plots of these output noises as given in [ 2 , fig. 113, we
notch frequencies, i.e., 1250, 2500, and 3750 Hz, were re- observe that for a notch filter transfer function having
duced to 83.4,,86.0, and 82.8 dB, respectively. Because very low values of the pole radius, i.e., for a notch filter
of these internal computational errors, in thefirst case, the with wide rejection band, the notch filter configurations
apparent notch frequency shifted to 1250.002 Hz with a D and H have the lowest value of the outputnoise, where-
resultant attenuation of more than 93 dB; likewise, in the as for verylargevalues of the pole radius, i.e., for a
second case, theapparentnotch frequencyshifted to narrowrejection band, configurations Dt and H t are
2500.003 Hz with an increase of attenuation to 99.7 dB; preferable. Forintermediate values of the pole radius,
and in the last case, the apparent notch frequency was a t selection of the optimumconfigurationdepends on the
3750.001 Hz with an attenuation of 94.3 dB. actual values of the pole radius and angle.
In addition tothe above,twodifferentnotchfilter The proposed configurations are suitable for the design
configurations, Types A and D,,realizing the transfer of notch filters with variable characteristics. For example,
function of (16), were also simulated on the computer. by varying the multiplier coefficient, the notch frequency
Fig. 6 shows the output time response of a Type A notch can be varied without changing the 3-dB rejection band

and the dc gain. On the other hand, the 3-dB rejection REFERENCES
band can be varied by varying the multiplier coefficient [l] R..Carney, “Design of a digitalnotchfilterwithtrackingre-
a.However, to keep the notch frequency invariant, it is quirements,” I E E E Trans. SpaceElectron. Telem. vol. SET-9,
necessary to adjust al such that ul/(l +
a2) remains in-
pp. 109-114, Dec. 1963.
[2] S.K. Mitra and K. Hirano, “Digital all-pass networks,” IEEE
Trans. Circuits Syst., to be published.
variant. One solution to this second problem is shown in [3] S. K. Mitraand R. J. Sherwood, “Digital ladder networks,’’
Fig. 4. I E E E Trans. Audio Electroawust., vol. AU-21, pp. 30-36, Feb
It should bepointed out here thatthe notch filter 1973.
[4] J. F. Kaiser, “Digital filter,” in F. F. Kuo and J. F. Kaiser, Eds.
function of (6) can also be realized by other methods, but System Analysis b y DigitalComputer. New York:Wiley,1967
the method suggested in this paper leads to realizations ch. 7.
[5] B. Goldand C. M. Rader, DigitalProcessing of Signals. Nen
using the minimum number of multipliers. York: McGraw-Hill, 1969.
[6] R. M. Golden, “Digital filter synthesis by sampled-data trans
formation,” I E E E Trans.Audio Electroawust. (Special Issuc
ACKNOWLEDGMENT on Digital Filters: The Promise of LSI Applied to Signal PTOC~SS,
ing), vol. AU-16, pp. 321-329 Sept. 1968.
The authors thank Y. Ito for his help in the computer [7] L. B. Jackson, “On the iteraction of round off noise and dynamiic
range in digital filters,” Bell Syst. Tech. J.,vol. 49, pp. 159-184
simulation. Feb. 1970.

Digital DPCM Codec for TV SignalsBased on

AM/DPCM Digital Conversions

Abstrucf-A digitaldifferentialpulse-codemodulation quency-division-multiplexing (FDM) terminal [11, a

codec based on AM/DPCM and DPCM/AM digital conversions is digital electronic switching system for video signals [Z]
presented as an equivalent replacement of a conventionalDPCM
codec forTV signals by using digital processing technology. A
and so on. I n these cases, deltamodulation(AM) has
been extensively usedas a simple and economical A/D
generalized model and equivalent circuit are shown for the digital
and D/A conversion method [SI, [4].
DPCM codec, and transfer characteristics and quantizingnoises are
analyzed. The digitalDPCM codec is designed for I-MHz TV I n TV signal coding, the nonlinear differentialpulse-code
signals and the performance is verified by experiments. By the use
modulation(DPChil)provides an efficient coding tech-
of double integrationAM and digital filter technology, isit shown that
nique [SI. Here, a digital DPCM codec is presented, which
at the AM sampling rate of 16 MHz the overall SNR performance is
sufticiently good for use as a conventionalDPCM codec, and the is composed of a double integration AM codec and digital
processing circuitsconvertingbetween
digital code converters can be realized with commercially available AM and DPCM
transistor-transistor-logic(TTL) signals. Thistechnique
medium-scale-integrated (MSI) avoidstrackingproblemsand
integrated stringent requirements existing in conventional DPCM
circuits (IC’s).
codecs. By the use of doubleintegration A M , the AM
sampling rate can be greatly reduced so that the circuit
can be built with presently available circuit elements.
This paperdiscusses a generalized model and anequiva-
lent circuit of the digital DPCM codec, the quantizing
D UEto large-scale-integration (LSI) technologies
development, existing analog circuits in communica-
tion equipments will be replaced by digital processors in
anddigital filter performances. Based on these
a full layout of the, digital DPCM codec is de-
the future.Digital processing in communication equip- signed; and overall performance is verified through experi-
ments mayprovide more uniformityof performance, better mentation. The digital DPCM codec thus designed is com-
tracking of transfer characteristics, smaller size, and better patible with the conventional DPCM codec and is shown
economy. A few attempts have been reported on such a to be realized with reasonable size hardware.
digitization of communicationcircuits as adigital fre- DIGITAL DPCM CODEC MODEL
I n a conventional DPCM codec [5], the main portion
Manuscript received September 12, 1973;revisedMarch 4, 1974. of the DPCR4 coder is equivalently described by a noise
The authors are with the Central Research Laboratories, Nippon
Electric Comoanv. Ltd.. Kawasaki. JaDan. feedback model [SI having a sampler with sampling rate

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