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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science IV

At the end of the lesson the students will be able
Content Standards: Name the body parts of
animals that make them adapt in water
Performance Standards: Construct a prototype
model of organism that has body parts which can
survive in a given environment
Learning Competency: Infer that body structures
help animals adapt and survive in their particular


Topic: Body Parts of Animals That Live in Water
Reference: Science 4 Learner’s Material p98-100
Material: Book, PowerPoint Presentation,
pictures/visuals, and pen & paper

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

1. Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
“Class, before we start our
discussion, we will be having
a prayer first.”

“Let’s bow our heads and feel

the presence of Almighty *Bows their head and pray.
“Our Loving God, we praise and
thank you for the blessings you
have given to us, thank you for
giving us a chance to continue
learning amidst the pandemic
that had caused a lot of changes
in our lives. Bless us with
wisdom to understand our lesson
and the joy to learn with our
classmates. Bless also our
teacher’s as they impart to us
the value of learning. Help us
to become the children you want
us to be. In these we pray to
Jesus Christ, our lord.”

“Amen”. “Amen”.

b. Greetings

“Good morning, Class.” “Good morning teacher.”

“How are you today, class?” “We’re fine, teacher.”

“We're good.”
“We're happy.”

“It's good to hear that

you're fine and happy and I
hope you are in good
condition with your

c. Checking of Attendance
“Let’s proceed to the “Teacher, I am glad to say that
attendance first. Who is no one is absent today.”
absent today?”

“That’s good to hear!” .

d. Review
“Before we proceed with our
topic for today, can you “Teacher, our lesson yesterday
recall what was our lesson is about the Proper care of
yesterday?” Internal Organs.”

“Correct, very good!”

“Internal organs play an

important role to keep us
healthier. It is necessary
for health to keep your
internal organs safe and
(disease free) to gain
health. It promotes the
growth of your body.”

“There are common ways in *Students raise their hands to

caring for the different recite.
organs, can you give some
proper ways in caring for our “Teacher!”

“Teacher, eat a balanced diet,

“Yes, go ahead.” and exercise daily.”

“Teacher, avoid harmful

“Very Good. What else?” substances like alcohol,
cigarettes, and drugs and also
you get enough rest.”

“Teacher, have a positive

“Awesome, What else?” outlook in life, drink 8 to 10
glasses of water daily, and keep
your surroundings clean.”

“Good job everyone, I think

all of you really remembered
our lesson yesterday. Any “None, teacher.”
other questions, class?”

e. Motivation
The teacher will present a
video *watched the video

(The teacher will play the


“After watching the video,

what water animals did you

“To answer these questions,

we will play a game in which
teacher will show you
pictures of the animals and
you are going to guess what
it is. Did you understand?”
“If you want to answer, just
say your name.”
“Teacher, is it a dolphin?”

“Teacher it is a Shark!”
“For the first picture, what
water animal do you think it
“Okay? Maybe it looks like a
dolphin but it is something
that is more aggressive than
a dolphin. Who wants to try
“Okay, Very good!”

“Teacher, it’s a turtle!”

“How about this second

“Very Good! Let's go to the
third photo.”

“Teacher, it is a Crab.”

“What is this one?”

“Very good, it’s a crab.”

“Teacher, it looks like a

“Teacher, it’s an octopus.”

“What about this one?”

“Okay? Somehow, they look “It is a Walrus, teacher!”

similar but this is not a
jellyfish. Who wants to try
“Very good!”

“Teacher, it’s a Lobster!”

“How about this next one?”

“Very good! Let us see for
the last photo.”

“What do you think is this?”

“Very good class! Seems like
you have the knowledge about
the animals that live under
the water.”

2. Lesson Proper
a. Presentation
“We are going to do some
activity. And teacher will
Group you into three.”

“Group 1 is student a.”

“Group 2 is student b.”
“Group 3 is student c.”

“Each of the group are going

to complete a puzzle.”
“Teacher will give you 30
secs to complete it”

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3
“Yes, teacher.”
“Class, are you done?”
“Teacher, the puzzle that we
“Okay group 1, please present have solved is nemo or fish.”
your answer.”

“Very good, what about group “Teacher it is a clam.”

the 2?”
“Teacher it is a crab.”
“Very good, what about group

(The teacher will ask the

following questions to the

Guide questions: “Teacher, on the water like

lakes, river, ocean and other
1.Where do you think these bodies of water.”
animals live?
“Teacher it is also in the
2. What is their habitat?
“Because they can breathe under
3. Why can these animals the water.”
survive in water?

4. Will they survive if they “No, because some of the water

are placed on another habitat animals can’t breathe in land.”
like on land? Why not?

5. What is the importance of “For the animals to survive and

letting them live in their live.”
natural habitat?

b. Discussion

“Based on the activities

that we have conducted, “Teacher, water animals”
what do you think our
lesson for today?”

“What animals did you (Answer may vary)

observe in the previous
“Teacher, ocean, lake, river and
“Where do you think other bodies of water.”
these animals live?”

“Animals have body

structures that help
them adapt to water.”

“Kindly watch this video

first for you to have an
idea how a fish life

“Fish have two types of

body parts. The fish
with and non-scale.”

“In with scales, of

course it has scales,
this body part is their
use protection from
diseases and from
animals that live in the
water. Also, their
scales are smooth and
slimy, it is arranged
overlapping from head to
tail so as the water
slips smoothly as it
moves forward.”

“The example of these

are milkfish, tilapia,
salmon, and etc.
“Meanwhile, the fish
that without scales has
tough leathery skin. The
example of these are
Galunggong, Rays, and

“Fish have gills for

breathing underwater and
fins for swimming.”
“Before we proceed to
the next water animals,
let us watch this

“Shrimp and Lobster are

covered with an outside
skeleton or exoskeleton
while other animals like
clams and mussels are
covered with shells.”
“Yes, teacher!”
“An adaptation is the
structure or behavior
that helps an organism
survive in its
“Do you think all parts
are important?”

c. Fixing Skills
Directions: List down the
animals that correspond to
the body part that makes them ANSWER KEY:
adapt to water.

Fins Claws/ Exoskel Shells

Fins Claws/ Exoske Shells and Pincers eonl
and Pincer leton Gills
Gills s


d. Application

Directions: Kindly draw

their habitat together
with the animals that
live underwater. Make in
a creative manner on a
short bond paper.

e. Generalization
“What have you learned
for today's lesson?”
“Animals have body structures
that help them adapt to water.
Like fish they have fins and
gills, crabs they have
pincers/claws, clams they have
shells and shrimp they have

Directions: write true if the statement is correct and
false if the statement is wrong.

1. Crabs use fins and gills.

2. Crabs used their pincers and claws for protection.
3. Shell is one of the body protections for mussel and
4. Fish have gills for breathing underwater and fins for
5. Shrimp and lobster are covered with scales

Answer Key:

1. False
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. False


Directions: On a short bond paper cut out at least five

(5) animals that you can see on land.

Prepared by:
Dela Cruz, Veronica
Isiderio, Andrealyn
Razo, Lucy
Sayo, Ashley

Submitted to:
Mrs. Manigo, Gina

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