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UNIT 4: For a better community

4A. Pronunciation
• Stress in two-syllable words with the same spelling Choose the correct option for stress for the
word in italic.
1. A. Food prices increased by 10% in a year.
a. 'increased b. in'creased
B. The temperature increase was quite small.
a. 'increase b. in'crease
2. A. The car was in perfect condition.
a. 'perfect b. per'fect
B. The best way to perfect your English is to live in a country where it’s spoken.
a. 'perfect b. per'fect
3. A. She was presented with an award.
a. 'presented b. pre'sented
B. The present situation could get much worse.
a. 'present b. pre'sent
4. A. High duties were placed on luxury imports.
a. 'imports b. im'ports
B. In 2021, Britain exported more cars than it imported.
a. 'imported b. im'ported
5. A. The snow was icy and white, contrasting with the brilliant blue sky.
a. 'contrasting b. contrasting
B. The artist has used contrast marvellously in his paintings.
a. 'contrast b. contrast
6. A. She’s promised to do all she can to help.
a. 'promised b. pro'mised
B. She made a promise to visit them once a month.
a. 'promise b. pro'mise

4B. Vocabulary
• Volunteering in the community
I. Complete the sentences with the words given.
donate confidence orphanage meaningful volunteers
charity helpful endless food bank homeless
1. All the money raised by the concert will go to ________________ .
2. Those women sell their jewellery, and ________________ the money to charity.
3. Most of the relief work was done by ________________ .
4. That celebrity agreed to arrive at the event to encourage volunteers to help the ________________ .
5. That programme provides a(n) ________________ to help children from poor families perform
better in school.
6. Our organization will provide you with ________________ opportunities for helping people in
7. The win boosted the team’s ________________ .
8. My father showed us that life was not ________________ without work.
9. It is ________________ to discuss your problems with your friends.
10. You can work as a social worker or a volunteer at a(n) ________________ in your free time.
• Teenagers and voluntary work
II. Complete the sentences with the words given.
donate generous participate deliver community
join join in sense benefit remote
1. Several voluntary organisations are trying to provide ______________ care.
2. We ______________ a volunteering group, and ______________ several volunteering campaigns.
3. They are working together to ______________ the whole community.
4. Their houses are ______________ from the village.
5. It was ______________ of him to donate a big sum of money to the orphanage.
6. The concert organisers say they will ______________ all the profits to charity.
7. They set off to ______________ supplies to a flooded village.
8. You should ______________ in the volunteer club, and you will understand the ______________ of
purpose in life.
III. Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.
1. Students in our school raised money, old books, and clothes ______________ charity.
2. He likes to give a small amount of what he earns ______________ charity.
3. The programme helps students get some experience ______________ the world of work.
4. The road they built is a direct benefit ______________ the villagers.
5. Many workers have little attachment ______________ the company.
6. The children are aware ______________ the danger of cyberbullying.
7. Many young people are ignorant ______________ recent history.
8. The internet is a tool that is useful ______________ all of us.
9. They want to walk 30 miles ______________ charity.
10. He advised me to get experience ______________ a related field like travel.
• Community development
IV. Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word below. For some blanks there may be
more than one answer, and there are some extra words.
volunteer volunteers volunteering voluntary
voluntarily experiencing experiences development
Thinking of volunteering?
According to a recent survey, 40% of young people aged 16 to 24, who live in Britain, have done
______________ work. Young people often 2______________ in places where they work with
younger children such as on holiday camps. Wanting to meet other people and experience new things
are the main reasons that they give for 3______________ . However, they also say they want to help
people whose lives are more difficult than their own. More and more young people are volunteering
abroad too. They often go to countries where there have been disasters.
Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO), an international development charity, always needs
______________ . The organization allows people to share their skills and 5______________ .
V. Fill in each blank of the passage with the correct word below. There are some extra words.
participants protection volunteering backgrounds services
short-term projects heritages understanding disabled
Volunteers For Peace Viet Nam (VPV) organizes around 10 to 20 work camps every year. Work
camps are the most common form of 1______________ volunteering, where a group of volunteers
work and live together on a project for 2 weeks.
Our types of 2______________ are mainly education or environment, and volunteers build
kitchens or toilet for kindergartens in poor areas, reforestation and environment 3______________ ,
working in the organic garden, construction or renovation of some centers for 4______________
children, protecting, preserving and promoting world 5 ______________ of Viet Nam...
VPV always has its own coordinator who acts as a work camp leader in each camp. International
work camps bring together volunteers from different countries and 6______________ aiming at
building up international 7 ______________ . Groups’ sizes vary between 10 and 20 8______________
VI. Fill in each blank of the passage with the correct word below. There are some extra words.
occupational basic helpful specialized rural
stimulated needy particular complex possible
Volunteers with an interest in working with ______________ children or in supporting children with

physical and mental disabilities in Viet Nam can join the Viet Nam Children’s programme.
Volunteers in our programme have the opportunity to work in the 2 ______________ district of Ba Vi
- located about 50 km north of Ha Noi. You will be working alongside the local staff and giving love
and care to the children who have physical and mental disabilities. Volunteers are welcome to focus on
______________ goals and encourage the children to be mentally4 ______________ .
Volunteers are needed to assist in caring for children, teaching 5 ______________ English, arts
and crafts, music, sports and other life skills if 6 ______________ . There is also a need for volunteers
who have 7 ______________ skills in physiotherapy, 8 ______________ therapy, nursing or other
professions with qualifications that could support children with mental and physical disabilities.

• Adjective suffixes: -ed vs -ing; -ful vs -less

VII. Choose the correct adjectives.
1. I worked hard last term, but my exam results were disappointed / disappointing.
2. It was an exhausted / exhausting tennis match, but he won in the end.
3. I’ll be surprised / surprising if Viet Nam win the World Cup.
4. I don’t like this film. It’s bored / boring.
5. This TV programme is very interested / interesting.
6. I forgot her name. It was really embarrassed / embarrassing.
7. I’m really annoyed / annoying because I can’t find my mobile phone.
8. I love parties. They’re really excited / exciting.
9. We really enjoyed the film. It was very entertained / entertaining.
10. Mai had studied hard for her exams and her results were very satisfied / satisfying.
11. The children were fascinated / fascinating by the clown’s performance.
12. This weather is very depressed / depressing. It really gets me down.
VIII. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets.
1. Which film did you find more ______________ , Alien or Saw? (frighten)
2. ‘What’s wrong? You look ______________ .’ - ‘I think I’ve lost my laptop.’ (worry)
3. The film we saw wasn’t very ______________ . My sister actually fell asleep. (excite)
4. The directions she had given us were ______________ , so we got lost. (confuse)
5. Did he really say you were ugly? I’m ______________ ! (shock)
IX. Complete the sentences with the -ed or -ing form of the verbs in brackets.
1. She’s very ______________ (please) with her new laptop.
2. He was very ______________ (disappoint) when his best friend didn’t give him a birthday present.
3. The weather’s really ______________ (depress). It’s raining today and it rained yesterday, too.
4. That film is really ______________ (amuse). I laughed all the way through it.
5. It’s Sunday afternoon and Sue’s got nothing to do. She’s really ______________ (bore).
6. That maths question was really ______________ (confuse).
7. He’s ______________ (delight). He passed his driving test this morning.
8. They’re going to watch their favourite group at a concert tonight. They’re very ______________
X. Complete the sentences with the appropriate adjectives from the nouns below and the suffixes
-ful or -less.
meaning care hope colour use care
1. A. There is a(n) ______________ display of flowers in the school garden.
B. Carbon dioxide is a(n) ______________ and odourless gas.
2. A. The villagers were ______________ against the rising flood water.
B. G7 is the group of the richest and the most ______________ countries in the world.
3. A. It was ______________ of him to leave the front door unlocked last night.
B. He is a(n) ______________ driver because he has never caused accidents.
4. A. Things might get better, and it looks ______________ right now.
B. Most of the students are making good progress, but Mike is a(n) ______________ case.
5. A. Having a job after retirement makes life more ______________ .
B. I don’t understand this phrase because it is ______________ .
6. A. Without fuel, a vehicle becomes ______________ for moving supplies.
B. A sharp knife is very ______________ in the kitchen.
XI. Complete the text with the suitable adjectives from the words in brackets, using the suffixes -
ed, -ing, -full, or -less.
Orphanage Volunteers Program in Kenya
You will work with HIV/AIDS orphans, many of whom are HIV positive. Others have been
abandoned after birth. Orphans in Kenya orphanages are extremely (1. disadvantage) ______________
and encounter a lot of (2. pain) ______________ experiences in their life. In fact, they have never
experienced (3. love) ______________ and (4. care) ______________ relationships. The children will
receive much needed attention, support, and love from you. Through the education and sympathy they
receive from you, the children are not (5. hope) ______________ anymore but they may be (6. power)
______________ to overcome poverty and children’s exploitation.
You will learn new things, have fun, experience a new culture, learn a new language, gain work
experience, meet new people and make lifelong friendships with fellow volunteers from around the
world and the local people. You are also (7. excite) ______________ to enjoy travel adventure in
Kenya. Volunteering in orphanages in Kenya will be one of the most (8. challenge) ______________ ,
and (9. reward) ______________ experiences of your (10. meaning) ______________ life.
XII. Complete the text about Mother Teresa with the suitable adjectives from the words in
brackets, using the suffixes -ed, -ing, -full, or -less.
This strong and independent woman was born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu in Skopje, Yugoslavia, on
August 27, 1910. During her early years, she was (1. fascinate) ______________ with stories of
missionary life and service. At the age of 18, Agnes was (2. determine) ______________ to follow the
Loreto Sisters of Dublin, an Irish community of nuns founded in the 17th to educate young girls.
In 1929, she was sent to Darjeeling, India, and in
1931 she chose the name of Teresa.
She started teaching the (3. disadvantage)
______________ children of the slums. Although she
had no (4. use) ______________ equipment, she made
use of what was available - writing in the dirt. She tried
to make the children literate, and teach them basic
hygiene. As they grew to know her, she began visiting
the poor and ill in their families in the (5. surround)
______________ slums. Mother Teresa found human needs in the poor she met, who thought that their
lives were (6. hope) ______________ .
From the birth in Calcutta, the Missionaries of Charity of Mother Teresa have developed in many
parts of the world and offered many vocations: homes for the (7. die) ______________ , refuges for
the care and teaching of orphans and (8. abandon) ______________ children, treatment centers and
hospitals for those suffering from leprosy, centers and refuges for alcoholics, the (9. age)
______________ and street people - the list is (10. end) ______________ .

4C. Grammar
• Past simple vs past continuous with when and while
I. Complete the sentences with the past simple or the past continuous of the verbs in brackets.
1. I was surfing the internet when I ______________ your email. (get)
2. It ______________ when I woke up this morning. (rain)
3. Someone ______________ in our seats when we got on the train. (sit)
4. Nick ______________ along the road when he sprained his ankle. (run)
5. My sister lost her bag while she ______________ round the city. (travel)
6. ______________ ' at two o’clock this morning? (you / sleep)
II. Match the beginnings (1-5) with the halves (A-E), and complete the sentences in the past
simple or the past continuous. Write the answer in each blank.
1. I first met her two years ago ____.A. when the phone (ring) ______________.
2. When we (talk) ______________ noisily, ____.B. while many tourists (rush)
______________ to the beach.
3. We were watching television ____.C. our teacher came in.
4. The car was travelling at full speed ____.D. when we (study) ______________ at the
middle school.
5. I (watch) ______________ TV in my hotel ____.E. when it (reach) ______________ the
room comer.

III. Complete the text with the affirmative or negative past simple of the verbs given below.
go (x2) hear know leave reply say sound
Lan ____________ to school yesterday because she wasn’t feeling well. Her parents ____________
1 2

the house at 7am and 3 ____________ to work. Lan was reading a book in bed when she 4
____________ a loud noise downstairs. It 5 ____________ like it was in the kitchen. Lan 6
____________ what to do. Finally, she 7 ____________ loudly, ‘Hello. Who’s there?’ Nobody 8
____________ .

IV. Complete the sentences with the sentence parts given below and when or while.
they were studying in London they lost the ball I left the house this
he was travelling round Viet Nam the teacher came in you were making dinner
1. Quan was standing on his table______________________________________________________.
2. John went to Ha Noi______________________________________________________________.
3. It wasn’t raining__________________________________________________________________.
4. I smelled burning_________________________________________________________________.
5. My parents met__________________________________________________________________.
6. The children were playing volleyball_________________________________________________.
V. Complete the sentences with the sentence parts below and when or while.
they were studying in London they lost the ball I left the house this
he was travelling around Viet Nam the teacher came in you were making dinner
1. John went to Ho Chi Minh City_____________________________________________________.
2. The children were playing football___________________________________________________.
3. I smelled burning_________________________________________________________________.
4. It wasn’t raining__________________________________________________________________'
5. My parents met__________________________________________________________________.
6. Tom was standing on the desk_______________________________________________________.
VI. Complete the text with the past simple or the past continuous of the verbs in brackets.
Throughout her short life, Diana, Princess of Wales (1. do) ____________ so much to publicize work
on behalf of homeless and also disabled people, children and people with H1V/AIDS. During her
marriage, the Princess (2. be) ____________ President or Patron of over 100 charities.
In the year before her death, aged 36, the
Princess (3. play) ____________ an active role in
the campaign for a ban on the manufacture and use
of land mines. In January 1997, she (4. visit)
____________ Angola as part of her campaign. In
June, the Princess (5. speak) ____________ at the
landmines conference at the Royal Geographical
Society in London. Later, in June 1997 while she (6.
visit) ____________ America to promote the American Red Cross landmines campaign, she (7. meet)
____________ Mother Teresa in the Bronx, New York. The Princess's last public engagements (8.
include) ____________ her speech in Bosnia, while she (9. spend) ____________ a few days from 7
to 10 August visiting the landmine projects in Travnic, Sarajevo and Zenezica.
It is estimated that 2.5 billion people (10. watch) ____________ her funeral on TV.

4D. Reading
I. Read the text, and answer the questions.
Every year thousands of people take time out from their work or studies and travel abroad. Some
of them don’t stay in hotels and they don’t lie on the beach and sunbathe. Instead, they help people in
developing countries with local projects. This new way of travel is called ‘voluntourism’.
According to a recent travel survey, 25% of young people are interested in voluntourism.
Organizations like BUNAC and Raleigh International match people to projects around the world.
These organizations make a big difference in countries where children don’t go to school, or people
don’t have access to medical facilities. Volunteers often build new schools and medical centres in
Africa and Asia.
South America is a very popular destination, too, and right now hundreds of volunteers work
there. Eighteen-year-old Maria Black is a volunteer from the UK. At the moment, she is teaching
English in Chile. ‘At the end of this week, I’m flying home, but more volunteers are arriving
tomorrow. It’s a great experience, so I want to volunteer again next summer. You see the world, learn
about different cultures and help people, too.’
1. What is voluntourism?
2. What is the percentage of young people interested in voluntourism?
3. What are the popular destinations of interested in voluntourism?
4. What do people who take part in voluntourism do?
5. What is Maria Black doing at the moment?
6. What do volunteers like Maria Black experience?

II. Read the text, and answer the questions.

Friendly Visitors
Americans don’t have to do military service, but many young people do voluntary community service.
In some schools they have to do 10 to 100 hours of community service if they want to graduate. Many
students enjoy the experience and continue as volunteers. Nina Davis is 16 and she is a Friendly
Visitor volunteer. She visits Maggie Lewis every week. Maggie is 82 years old, and she lives alone.
She doesn’t have a family, so Nina’s visits are very important to her.
T joined Friendly Visitors last year as my community service project. Volunteers have to visit an
elderly person once a week, but I see Maggie twice or three times every week. I enjoy visiting her. We
talk about films and books. She loves watching science fiction films and she has an amazing collection
of DVDs. Her life isn’t easy because she has to use a wheelchair. She never asks me to do chores, but I
sometimes wash the dishes and clear the table. It’s difficult for her to do these things. Maggie likes
cooking and she makes delicious biscuits for me to take home. I never think about our age difference.
Maggie is a young person inside!’
‘Before Nina started coming, I was very lonely. It was a lovely surprise when Nina arrived one day.
She comes here after school, and we talk about different things. She shows me photos of her family
and school. She likes playing chess, and we sometimes have a game. I was a teacher when I was
younger, and I help her with her homework. Her grades are better these days. She takes me to the park
when it’ sunny. Volunteers don’t have to do housework, but Nina often does the grocery shopping for
me. She also takes out the garbage. She’s kind to me. I am very grateful.’
To become a Friendly Visitor volunteer, you must complete an application form and give three
references. For those under 18, parents have to give their permission.
1. Why are Nina’s visits very important to Maggie?
2. How often does Nina visit Maggie?
3. Why is life difficult for Maggie?
4. What chores does Nina do for Maggie?
5. What game do Maggie and Nina play?
6. How does Maggie help Nina?
7. Where do Maggie and Nina go on sunny days?
8. What must you do if you want to become a Friendly Visitor volunteer?
III. Read the text, and do the tasks that follow.
Medical students volunteer to join Covid-19 frontline
Since the 4 wave of Covid-19 broke out in Viet Nam in late April 2021, hundreds of medical students

from Ho Chi Minh City’s universities have enthusiastically supported frontlines in the pandemic
While most students left the city for their hometown to avoid getting infected, many students of the
Faculty of Medicine decided to stay and registered to join the fight against the pandemic. The students
were assigned to the rapid response team of the city. They are on duty at the quarantine checkpoints;
they take sample for testing, collect data and trace contacts. For many days, they start early in the
morning and work until the next morning. When asked, they all say they don’t feel tired at all even
though the work is quite tough. The medical officials comment that the students are very supportive,
and their expertise and computer skills are very good.
Medical students also try to balance between studying online and participating the volunteer work to
fight the pandemic. They hope the city will return to normal soon.
Task 1. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
1. Most medical students have participated in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. _____
2. They have done several tasks on duty. _____
3. They have to work long hours to fulfil their tasks. _____
4. They are enthusiastic but they don’t have high level of knowledge and skill. _____
5. Computer skills may be useful in the volunteer work. _____
6. They don’t study at all while they take part in the campaign. _____
Task 2. Match the words in the text to their meanings.
1. frontlines _____A. a disease that spreads over many regions
2. pandemic _____B. a high level of knowledge or skill
3. quarantine _____C. to find someone or something that was lost
4. trace _____D. important positions where you have much influence or face to
something serious
5. expertise _____E. a period of time during which many activities stop to prevent the
spread of a disease
IV. Read the texts, and offer the appropriate locations for each statement. Write B for Bali, P for
the Philippines, S for Sri Lanka, or A for the three locations.
Teen volunteering in the world
Teen volunteering in Bali
If you are looking for the ideal destination for your first trip abroad, then Bali will definitely be at the
top of your list. The teen volunteers in Bali can enjoy convenient travel around the island at the
weekends, cheap tourist activities and some awesome cuisines. During the week, you will support
volunteer projects, such as Turtle Conservation, Construction and Renovation, or Kindergarten. The
Bali programme offers volunteers a unique insight into the Balinese culture right from the first day of
the orientation, so you’ll feel right at home and fully prepared for your upcoming volunteering work.
Teen volunteering in the Philippines
On the Philippines programme, teen volunteers can experience the best of volunteering along with the
stunning natural beauty of Palawan Island. The projects are all about making most of your time
outdoors. It doesn’t matter if you choose the Kindergarten project, Teaching project, Construction and
Renovation project or the Environmental project, the emphasis is on volunteering while enjoying
yourself. You can spend time exploring Palawan and lying on its beach at weekends.
Teen volunteering in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka is the perfect location for young volunteers. Young volunteers have the opportunity to work
in the local community with children and the elderly, with accommodation, or for those with a love for
animals, consider the Wild Elephant Conservation project. During your free time, volunteers can check
out the local markets and shops, discover the stunning Sri Lanka beaches or take a trip on one of Sri
Lanka’s famous rail lines.
1. You can spend time on the beaches at the weekends. ___________
2. You can help the elderly. ___________
3. You can help small children at the kindergarten. ___________
4. You can help local people with your teaching. ___________
5. You can help local people with building or repairing their houses. ___________
6. You can take part in wildlife conservation projects. ___________
7. You can have opportunities to enjoy local special dishes. ___________
8. You can have opportunities to explore local cultures. ___________
9. You can experience shopping there. ___________
10. You can experience travelling by train there. ___________
V. Read the text, and answer the questions.
Volunteer body collectors help lay Covid-19 victims to rest
Thu Ha - the leader - received a phone request to pick up the body of a dead Covid-19 victim in Ho
Chi Minh City, and then she called - Trung - a member for help, and he agreed without hesitation. It’s
one of the tasks of Sunflower Volunteer Group.
Sunflower Volunteer Group has nearly 100 members, of which the burial team includes about 20. Both
Ha and Trung started out with driving ambulances and providing oxygen tanks for Covid-19 patients.
In August 2021, the number of deaths from Covid-19 rapidly increased and the city’s funeral service
facilities were packed, they were transferred to a group specializing in post-mortem examinations. Thu
Ha admitted that at first she was quite worried because she often had to come in close contact with the
bodies of Covid-19 patients. But she thought if she stayed at home who would do these things, so she
did it again.
Her group members are clerks, teachers, bankers or even company directors. If they see people in
difficulty, they will help.
Her daily job is to receive information from local people and request support from the Department of
Health. When required, she assigns vehicles and tasks to each member. When the ambulances set off,
Thu Ha stays back to process death certificates, or deliver ashes to relatives.
Thu Ha’s team has supported the burial of about 300 people. Currently, the team continues to help
families whose members have passed away but cannot afford to pay for their own burial.
1. What work did Thu Ha and Trung start their volunteering work?
2. Why did they transfer to the burial team?
3. What was she worried about?
4. Why did Thu Ha stay with the group?
5. What is her daily job?
6. What is the current task of the team?

VI. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Projects Abroad Vietnam is a Non-Governmental Organization. Its main placements mainly focus on
providing care for children with disabilities, and its main partners include Hanoi Friendship Village,
Hope Center, Phuc Tue Center for intellectual disabled children, etc.
Standards of cleanliness and sanitation in care centres can often be quite poor. Many of the children
that attend daycare facilities also come from low-income families where this isn’t a priority. This
means that the spread of infections and sickness is common. We educate and run activities to promote
proper hygiene, with the aim of improving overall health in these care centres.
We aim to promote a lifestyle of proper nutrition, exercise and medical care and life skill education
targeting healthy behaviour. Our health education programme also includes gender education.
Volunteers are encouraged to include physical activities in their daily routines, promoting healthy
foods as well as good hygiene practices.
It has been shown that a lack of stimulation in early years, particularly in situations of poverty or
neglect, can lead to delayed development later in life. With that in mind, we aim to improve the
emotional and cognitive development of the children we work with through regular games, activities
and interaction with our volunteers, while taking care to include and offer the same level of attention to
each child.
In Viet Nam, there are very limited resources made available for people with disabilities. Those with
disabilities can be marginalized and have severely restricted opportunities when it comes to finding
work. This has a huge impact on their quality of life. By providing individualized care and attention,
we can give more specialized and worthwhile treatment to those who are most in need.
1. The project tries to improve healthcare by _______.
A. recording poor standards of cleanliness and sanitation in care centres
B. making daycare facilities available for low-income families
C. encouraging proper hygiene to improve overall health
D. educating and running activities to promote the quality of care centres
2. In order to promote healthy behaviour, volunteers should include the promotion of _______.
A. physical activities, proper nutrition, and life skill education
B. focusing on gender education only
C. healthy foods as well as good hygiene practices for volunteers
D. their daily routines to follow healthy foods as well as good hygiene practices
3. Volunteers offer _______ to children to improve their emotional and cognitive development.
A. stimulation in early years B. later development in life
C. the same level of interaction D. regular games, activities and interaction
4. The programme provides _______to disabled people so that they can find work more easily.
A. opportunities to limited resources B. a huge impact on their quality of life
C. specific care and attention D. the emotional and cognitive development
5. The word “marginalized” in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. put in the outer part B. treated as if someone is not important
C. being different from the others D. put in many activities
V. Read the texts, and do the following tasks.
‘I’ve just spent a month volunteering on a sports project in Rabat, Morocco. I worked as a sports coach
in a really poor area of the city. The aim of the project is to encourage local children to take up sport. It
gives them an alternative to hanging around in the streets and it encourages them to do their best. It’s
wonderful to see how sport can make a difference. One of the boys, Hassan, was a different person
after I taught him in football.
I didn’t want to leave Rabat. I’m going to keep in touch with the people I made friends with. They’re
going to be friends for life. I’m returning to Morocco in a few months’ time. I’m going to see the
landscape there like the Atlas mountains.’ Sam, 16
‘Last summer I went to Arusha in Tanzania as a medical volunteer. I worked in a small hospital in the
town, helping doctors and nurses. It was so interesting. The facilities in the hospital are a little simple
and they don’t have the good treatments as in the UK. However, everyone does their best for the
patients. I think it does you good to know the lives of people who are less advantaged than you.
Volunteering in the hospital has helped me make up my mind. I’m definitely going to apply to study
Medicine at university. I don’t know which university in the UK I’m going to choose, but I know that
one day I’m going to return to Tanzania as a good doctor. Maybe I’ll work in the same hospital in
Arusha.’ Anna, 17
Task 1. Write S (Sam), A (Anna) or B (both) for the sentences.
1. Who travelled to Africa? _______
2. Who was a health worker? _______
3. Who organized activities? _______
4. Who plans to go sightseeing? _______
5. Who wants to get qualifications? _______
6. Who plans to work abroad? _______
Task 2. Choose the correct answer for each question.
1. What kind of people did Sam and Anna help?
A. Similar people to themselves
B. People who have comfortable lives
C. People whose lives are harder than the lives in the UK
2. What did Sam encourage Hassan to do?
A. Improve his situation B. Travel to other places C. Become a sports coach
3. What did Anna do in the hospital?
A. Volunteered as a nurse
B. Taught the nurses what to do
C. Helped the staff in their jobs
4. What might Anna say about her studies?
A. ‘I may go to university in London.’
B. ‘I’ll definitely go to Oxford University.’
C. ‘I’ll probably study overseas.’
VI. Read the text, and do the tasks that follow.
A good cause
Next year, 25 students from Woodhill Secondary School are going to Costa Rica 1 ____________ .
Although Costa Rica is quite a small country, it is home to half a million species of wildlife, such as
jaguars, howler monkeys and turtles. This is the highest density of species of any country in the world.
The students are going to take part in a wildlife conservation project. They will do surveys to discover
how global warming is affecting the local wildlife. Experts will analyse their results and decide what
actions to take 2 ____________ the existence of any of the species.
The students need to raise £1,000 each 3 ____________ on this trip. As a result, they are doing lots of
things in their free time to make money. They have already done a sponsored 20-mile hike. The
students asked everyone they knew to sponsor them 4 ____________ as much money as possible - the
grand total was £1,300!
The group also organized a day 5 ____________ . They designed leaflets 6 ____________ and
delivered them in the local area. On the day, residents left bags of clothes outside for the students.
They sold the clothes to a recycling company and raised £410.
Have you got any small jobs for the students, such as washing your car or cleaning up your garden?
Please send an email to:
Task 1. Complete the text with the phrases below.
A. in order to raise
B. so as not to threaten
C. to advertise the event
D. to do voluntary work
E. for collecting old clothes
F. so that they can go
Task 2. Read the text again, and answer the questions.
1. What makes Costa Rica a good place for studying wildlife?
2. What are the students going to do in Costa Rica?
3. How much is the trip going to cost?
4. How far did the students walk for their first event?
5. How did local people find out about the students’ second event?
6. What did the students do with the clothes?
7. Why do you think the students want more jobs to do?

IX. Complete the text with sentences A-G. There is one sentence that you do not need.
A. Other people buy products from their online shops.
B. She can hear her schoolmates cheering and she knows she has to finish.
C. They don’t make donations because they haven’t got much money.
D. It’s cool and clear and Mohammed has not been ill for weeks.
E. By the end of this year, people will have completed more than 350 events.
F. They give up their free time and volunteer.
G. Over the next few years, this money will be helping people like Mohammed.
Go the Extra Mile
London, UK: It’s two o’clock in the afternoon and Sophie Hanson is running a marathon. She’s
wearing a T-shirt that says ‘Go the Extra Mile’, but she’s feeling tired. 1____________ . She grabs a
bottle of water, takes a long drink and carries on. By the time she finishes, she will have raised £200.
Halfway around the world, in Sierra Leone, Africa, Mohammed Koroma is thirsty. It’s 30 degrees
outside, so he picks up a cup of water and takes a long drink. The water is from a new well in his
village, so it isn’t contaminated, 2 ____________ . He will be going to school again at 8 a.m.
Sophie and Mohammed are two teenagers with very different lives, but their lives are connected
through charity. Sophie is taking part in a huge national event that raises money for people in the UK
and abroad - a sponsored run for Sport Relief. Mohammed’s village has a new well that was paid for
with money from the same event. Every year, Sport Relief and its sister charity, Comic Relief, raise
money for good causes. 3 ____________ . These events include marathons and football matches, talent
shows and baking competitions and when they are all completed, they will have raised over £50
million. That’s enough money to transform the lives of thousands of people. 4 ____________ .
According to recent research, the UK is the fifth most generous nation in the world. Charities are an
important part in the British society, and some of the world’s biggest and most famous organizations,
such as Oxfam and Save the Children, started in the UK. Today, there are over 160,000 charities, and
more than three quarters (79%) of people donate money or volunteer time every month.
Many people make regular donations to big charities that aid poor people in different countries.
____________ . Smaller charities, such as sports projects or hospices – hospitals for people who are
dying, deal with more local issues and rely on smaller events, like car boot sales and fun runs. They
also rely on volunteers for the day-to-day running of these projects.
Teenagers play a big role in this culture of giving. A recent World Vision study showed that 69% of
teens are aware of the needs of others thanks to the internet and globalization. And although teens may
not have much money to give, they often help in other ways. 6 ____________ . In the UK, more than a
third of teenagers have given time to charities in the last year. In fact, supporting a charity is part of
everyday life, and young people are the new champions of this culture. I feel good when I do
something,’ explain Sophie after the race. ‘I read about so many problems in the news - at home and
abroad. Often, I feel helpless. I don’t have a lot of money, but then I can volunteer. I can get sponsors
and I can make a difference.’ Back in Sierra Leone, Mohammed is smiling.
• Project
X. Imagine that you organized a community project. Choose a project below, and then answer
the questions.
Make a difference in your community
1 Keep your local park clean and safe for everyone to use. Rubbish and animal waste that is left in
parks can be dangerous, too. So, choose a park and organize a cleanup event.
2 Elderly people in an old people’s home are often bored and lonely. Make someone’s day by
organizing a visit from you and your friends. You can read stories, play games, play music, or just
3 Animal rescue centres are charities and they need things like dog and cat food, old newspapers and
towels. Why don’t you help by organizing a collection among friends, neighbours or people at your
1. Which project did you choose and why?
2. How did you organize your event?
3. What difference did you make?

4E. Speaking
• Everyday English
I. Choose the correct response. Then practise the short exchanges in pairs.
1. A: Are there people who need help in your B: a/ There are some charity centres.
community? b/ They are some street children.
2. A: Why should we train young people to get B: a/ Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a
their own jobs? lifetime.
b/ When they have jobs, they’ll help us with
3. A: What should we do first to help street B: a/ They need healthy lifestyles.
people? b/ They need a shelter first.
4. A: What did you do in the Green Summer B: a/ We helped local people widen some roads.
Campaign? b/ We could gain experience in social work.
5. A: I can’t donate money. B: a/ You can contribute time and work.
b/ You can donate cheques or cash.
6. A: Why did you pick up litter on the beach? B: a/ We tried to protect the environment.
b/ We protected the necessary facilities.
7. A: What did you do at the nursing home? B: a/ We helped take care of war invalids.
b/ We helped old people have happy time.
8. A: Why should we help villagers repair their B: a/ They’re basic facilities for their lives.
houses and have running water? b/ They need a healthy environment, too.
B: a/ It sounds great!
9. A: I taught poor children in evening classes. b/ That’s a good idea!
B: a/ We need reliable volunteers for our office.
10. A: How can we help the disadvantaged in b/ We can raise the issue in the next meeting.
our neighbourhood?

• Talking about the benefits of volunteering activities

II. Read the conversation with a Peace Corps member, and fill in each blank with the correct
phrase/sentence. There is an extra one.
(The Peace Corps is a volunteer programme run by the US government, helping people outside the
United States.)
A. And what’s the most rewarding things?
B. learning about another culture
C. For about a year now.
D. For me, it’s finding a way to fit into a community that’s very different from my own.
E. For me, it’s a kind of something that can fit my gap year before entering university.
F. Most of the time. The work can be very difficult, but it has its rewards.
Phong So, how long have you been in the Peace Corps?
John 1_________________________________________________________________________.
Phong Do you enjoy it?
John 2_________________________________________________________________________.
Phong What’s the most challenging thing about being in the Peace Corps?
John 3_________________________________________________________________________.
Phong 4_________________________________________________________________________.
John That’s easy. The most rewarding thing about being in the Peace Corps is 5_______________

III. Complete the conversation between the reporter and Jonathan Thompson - an HIV/AIDS
advocate and enthusiast of English teaching for foreign students, using the sentences (A-F) given.
There is an extra one.
A. If you are optimistic, and open yourself up to your project and people, you will get more
experience than you could possibly imagine.
B. Once we managed to discuss the causes of HIV transmission in his country.
C. Outside of the hospital, I designed and hosted a three-hour HIV/AIDS workshop for 20 local
university students.
D. Viet Nam felt like home to me, and if it had not been for this experience, I never would have
known I could feel that way about a place so far away from my own world.
E. After the workshop ended, one student stated, “I’m planning to have a small talk with my
friends at university and my brother at home about HIV.”
F. I decided to become an international volunteer because I wanted to have an impact on the
global community, not just the place I call home.
Reporter Why did you decide to become a volunteer in Viet Nam?
Jonathan For me, my purpose is being what the community needs me to be, when they need me to
be it. 1_________________________________________________________________
Reporter What did you do in your project?
Jonathan Through my project, I was able to spend one month in Ha Noi providing HIV/AIDS
prevention and education. One way I tried to help the local community was through
HIV/AIDS-related English education at a government designated HIV/AIDS hospital.
Reporter What was the workshop about?
Jonathan The workshop brought these students together with volunteers from all over the world,
promoting understanding of the virus on a global level and inspiring everyone to consider
cultures and ideas outside their own. 3________________________________________
Reporter Tell me about somebody you met who impressed you?
Jonathan One person that really impressed me was Cuong, a Vietnamese man that managed our
volunteer housing. Cuong and I did not share a common language and he wanted to learn
English. With some lessons, Cuong became more communicative and more socially
alive. It was not always easy but our desire to be friends was stronger than our language
barriers. 4_______________________________________________________________
After a month, he made his first complete sentence.
Reporter What advice would you tell a future volunteer?
Jonathan I would advise a future volunteer to willingly accept what you don’t know.
Reporter What did you learn about yourself in Viet Nam?
Jonathan I learned that I can adapt to another culture, keeping calm and improving the community
language and getting over culture barriers. 6___________________________________
IV. Complete the conversation between the reporter and Nun Nguyen about Hai Bang’s story of
her forever lasting smile, using the responses (A-F) given. There is an extra one.
A. With great help from the FPT team, Hai Bang and I were able to reach Operation Smile’s
examining day.
B. Instead, with her smile, she can live as a normal person: having friends and attending school.
C. Hai Bang did not cry, she just lay in hospital bed and looked at us with her lovely bright eyes.
D. It took me days to days to take care of the baby and she was getting better little by little.
E. But if she wishes to go to college, I will also do my best to support her. We think schooling is a
priority task.
F. When the doctor said that she could receive surgery the following day, everybody was filled
with happiness and joy.
Reporter Hello, Nun Nguyen. We heard that Hai Bang has left hospital after the surgery. It’s
good news for both of you, and it’s a long story before the forever lasting smile.
When was she taken to your pagoda?
Nun Nguyen Hai Bang was abandoned by her own mother when she was only 2 months old. At
that time, the baby was hardly to eat anything even a little milk.
Reporter Maybe the baby was malnourished, and what happened then?
Nun Nguyen 1
Reporter Of course, with effort, patience, and love. How could she get surgery?
Nun Nguyen One day, the crew from FPT arrived at our pagoda bringing great news for the poor
kid: Operation Smile had come to Ho Chi Minh City for the surgical mission. 2____
Reporter And when did Hai Bang receive the operation?
Nun Nguyen 3
Reporter After the surgery, her life would change forever, and she would smile brighter than
ever after the surgery.
Nun Nguyen That’s right. From now on, Hai Bang would no longer need to hide herself behind the
pagoda’s doors. 4_____________________________________________________
Reporter Well, do you have any plans for Hai Bang now?
Nun Nguyen If she has strong belief in Buddhism, I will help her to become a nun.
Reporter Thank you for the interview, Nun Nguyen.

4F. Writing
• Writing an application letter for volunteer work
I. Read the advertisement, and complete the email with in order, so, that or to.
Could you share your computer skills?
Learning Matters is seeking ‘Computer Friends’ to volunteer at the An Phu Community Centre.
Computer Friends come to the centre on Saturday mornings to help people improve their computer
skills. You will be supported by a supervisor. For more information, contact
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to inquire about the ad for Computer Friends. I would like to get involved in this
volunteer programme.
I am a high school student at Le Quy Don High School. My favourite subjects are science and IT. I am
planning to go to college when I finish high school 1 ____________ to study computer science and
possibly become an IT teacher. If I have free time on the weekends, I go cycling with my friends.
I believe that I have the right qualities for the programme. I consider myself to be a friendly person
who can explain things clearly,2 ____________ I think I could help people with their IT skills. I have
experience tutoring my younger cousins, but I would like to be a Computer Friend 3 ____________
learn more about teaching.
I would be grateful if you could send me more information about being a Computer Friend. I am also
interested in visiting the community centre so 4 ____________ I can see how the programme works. I
look forward to hearing from you.
Phong Nguyen
II. Read the advertisements A-C and Mai’s letter, and do the tasks that follow.
Volunteer Opportunities
A. Helpers for people with disabilities
Charity organization seeks enthusiastic, patient, and caring young people. We help to teach
disabled people basic skills, such as shopping and household chores, so that they can become
more independent.
B Youth theatre assistant
We need help from active, sociable people who are willing to move equipment, make and serve
refreshments, or help out as needed behind the scenes at our popular performances.
C Library helper
Do you like small kids and books? If so, your local library needs you. Spend one hour every
Saturday morning listening to children read and helping them to enjoy books and become better
Dear Sir or Madam,
1 I am writing to inquire about one of the volunteering opportunities advertised on your website. I
would be very interested in getting involved in helping people with disabilities in my area.
2 I am at present a student at Nguyen Thuong Hien High School. I am studying English, and
literature, history and geography are my favourite subjects. I play basketball in the school team
and I like most sports and the outdoor activities.
3 I believe that I am suitable for this kind of project. I am eager to get involved in order to get some
community service experience. I would describe myself as sociable and hardworking. I have some
experience working in a local shop, so I think I am good at dealing with people.
4 I would be grateful if you could send me further information so that I can see what opportunities
there are in my area. If any of them take place after school or at weekends, I’ll contact you. I look
forward to hearing from you.
Task 1. Match paragraphs 1-4 to the purposes a-d.
a. give general information about yourself ______________
b. give the reason for writing ______________
c. request more information ______________
d. explain how you meet the requirements ______________
Task 2. Look at the other advertisements B and C, and choose a project that interests you.
III. Use the given words/phrases to make sentences for an application letter to respond to the job
advertisement. You have to add some words or make some changes when necessary.
Volunteers Needed: We need reliable, dedicated volunteers to work at our Greenleaf Child Center.
Your job will include helping children at a kindergarten or a primary school, and instructing some
basic football skills to them.
Dear Sir or Madam,
1. I / interested / opportunity / volunteer / Greenleaf Child Center. I / have / experience / working /
children / and / would like / continue / do / it
2. last year /I / volunteer / a tutor / Friendship Village School / enjoy / able / help children /
kindergarten / learn / a classroom. In / position /I / assist / classroom projects / and / field trips
3. for / previous summers / I / volunteer / children / my neighbourhood / assisting football coaches /
teach basic skills / small children
4. if / Greenleaf Center / a need / a dedicated volunteer / I / willing / have / opportunity / work with
5. my schedule / the summer / flexible / and / I / available / evening and weekend hours / as well /
during the day
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely

IV. Put the paragraphs of an essay in the correct order (1-5), then complete the gaps with the
phrases below.
My first reason for Another argument for My final point is To conclude
A_____ 1
__________________ donating our money to WaterAid, is that it helps communities to
set up and maintain their own water and hygiene projects. By doing this it educates people
and encourages communities to look after their own needs. Better hygiene can reduce
childhood deaths by 35%.
B_____ 2
__________________, I believe that our school should choose WaterAid as its charity,
because it helps the poorest people in the communities and it will really benefit from our
C_____ Our school, Nguyen Thuong Hien High School, has asked the students to choose its main
charity for the year. In my opinion, we should choose WaterAid, because access to safe,
clean water is a basic human right.
D_____ 3
__________________ that many people might say that WaterAid is a much smaller
charity than other projects. In fact, annual total donations to any other project is nearly ten
times the donations to WaterAid. However, this is why I feel that WaterAid needs our
money more.
E_____ 4
__________________ choosing WaterAid is that in many parts of the world the poorest
people don’t have faucets or even water wells. Often their only source of water is
dangerous because it’s dirty and it’s very far from their homes. In fact, 884 million people
do not have access to safe, clean water and 5,000 children die each day from water-related
diseases. I am convinced that by supporting WaterAid, we can help reduce these numbers.
V. Write complete sentences using the words/ phrases given in their correct forms. You can add
some more necessary words, but you have to use all the words given.
Five Reasons Why You Should Volunteer
1. it / so easy / get familiar / a routine / as a student / class, homework, sleep / so / it / worth / volunteer
/ make / a difference / the community / and / personal life
2. giving / helping hand / community / be / one / best ways / gain experience / a future career
3. volunteering / be / great way / discover / new passions / or / interests / future career
4. the / most / exciting aspect / volunteer work / be / that / you / not know / who / you / meet / or / what
kind / impact / they / have / your life
5. applying good lessons / classroom / get practical experience / be / the most valuable things / your

I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. interesting B. singer C. single D. strong
2. A. understanding B. friendship C. secondary D. handsome
3. A. volunteer B. cheerful C. needy D. career
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4. A. volunteer B. passionate C. handicapped D. cultural
5. A. disabled B. invalid C. obvious D. creative
II. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
6. I particularly have a(n) ______ in working with children.
A. luck B. opportunity C. chance D. interest
7. The win ______ the confidence of the football team.
A. rose B. helped C. grew D. boosted
8. They had to sit through ______ meetings, and they felt very tired.
A. finishing B. ending C. endless D. ends
9. The elderly people in our neighbourhood appreciated the ______ of the place.
A. cleaning out B. cleaning away C. cleaning up D. cleaning on
10. Many teenagers ______ their applications to become volunteers in that summer campaign.
A. give out B. give in C. send in D. send away
11. Many people who ______ think that they are very fortunate to live the way they do and want to
give something back to society.
A. volunteer B. volunteers C. volunteering D. voluntary
12. I would like to continue to lend my helping hands to achieve the goal of giving all children an
equal chance of having ______ futures.
A. succeed B. successive C. successful D. succeeding
13. Last year we ______ in the Community Village project in Mai Chau, Hoa Binh while the disabled
artisans ______ to follow their trades.
A. join - are trying B. joined - were trying
C. joined - had tried D. were joining - were trying
14. During the volunteer programme, they ______ up international understanding while they ______
for the needs of the local community.
A. builds - are working B. were building - were working
C. were building - worked D. built - were working
15. ______ also helped to set up and arrange two retail stalls, selling the products to visitors.
A. Volunteer B. Volunteers C. Volunteering D. Voluntary
III. Read the text and put the verbs in brackets in the past simple or the past continuous.
Student-run food bank to feed needy people
A group of students in Ha Noi (16. collect) ____________ leftovers from restaurants to supply
meals to needy people in their “Ha Noi Enough” project while several customers (17. waste)
____________ so much food there. Some people (18. worry) ____________ about the quality of the
food preprocessed from leftovers while the volunteers (19. deliver) ____________ them. Therefore,
project members (20. take) ____________ photographs as a proof of quality while they (21. give)
____________ the food to the poor. Project leaders (22. call) ____________ more restaurants to help
them save food when they (23. develop) ____________ their project. While the “Ha Noi Enough”
project (24. gain) ____________ more reputation, volunteers also (25. host) ____________ several
social activities, including "Warm winter and Tet enough" and "Save Food, Save the Earth".
IV. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following
Think Globally, Act Locally
Wangari Maathai was the first African woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004. She was
also the first female scholar from East and Central Africa to take a doctorate (in biology), and the first
female professor ever in her home country of Kenya. Maathai played an 26 _______ part in the 27
_______ for democracy in Kenya.
As a young girl in Kenya, she was surrounded by a rich, beautiful
forest. As she saw the forest being cut down, she understood how the lack of
forests 28_______ farming and life more difficult for her 29_______ . People
fought over water and over food. She decided to plant nine seedlings and as
the trees grew, she had her plans to plant trees for 30_______ .
In 1977 she 31_______ a movement aimed at opposing the
deforestation that was threatening the means of subsistence of the
agricultural population. The campaign 32 _______ women to plant trees in
their local environments and to think ecologically. The so- called Green Belt
Movement spread to other African countries, and 33_______ to the planting
of over thirty million trees.
Maathai’s Green Belt Movement for African women was not limited in
its vision to work 34 _______ sustainable development, she saw tree-planting in a broader perspective
which included democracy, 35_______ , and international solidarity, as in the words of the Nobel
Committee, “She thinks globally and acts locally.”
26. A. act B. acting C. active D. action
27. A. fighting B. struggle C. contribution D. building
28. A. made B. let C. caused D. brought
29. A. humanity B. ability C. responsibility D. community
30. A. peace B. rest C. life D. fame
31. A. starts B. started C. has started D. was starting
32. A. made B. took C. got D. encouraged
33. A. caused B. contributed C. urged D. lead
34. A. for B. to C. with D. at
35. A. woman rights B. women rights C. woman’s rights D. women’s rights
V. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Street Children Volunteer Programme in Delhi
There are about 100 million street children in India who do not attend any school and spend most of
their time on the streets. In Delhi, the capital city, it is estimated that there are about 175,000 street
children of which 10% are runaways. In fact, there are more than 25,000 children who live in and
around railway stations in Delhi. They can be seen searching the rubbish heap for a meal, sleeping
between the tracks, often beaten and sexually abused.
Volunteer Work in the Street Children Programme in Delhi, India consists of taking informal
education classes with the children, playing games with the children, and introducing them to different
new activities. Volunteers can teach the children good habits such as cleanliness, hygiene, and
greetings. On some of the days, volunteers can plan a trip with the children to a museum or zoo in
Delhi. Such educational trips are very useful for the children where they love spending time and
playing with the volunteers.
Volunteers work at the various contact points or shelter homes, being run by various organizations,
which serve as day care centers for these street children. They can assist in providing love, care, basic
literacy, recreation and most importantly spend time and shower affection on them.
36. Street children in Delhi ______.
A. spend most of their time in and around railway stations
B. live in very badly physical and mental conditions
C. account for 100 million from all parts of India
D. can search heaps of food for meals
37. Volunteers may do all of the following activities EXCEPT ______.
A. giving informal lessons to children B. playing games with children
C. teaching children good habits D. taking children to evening classes
38. Educational trips are very useful for the children because ______.
A. there are many museums and zoos in Delhi
B. they can learn good habits such as cleanliness, hygiene and greetings
C. they have a good time and lots of fun with volunteers
D. they can play many educational games with volunteers there
39. Day care centers for street children offer ______.
A. care, education, and recreation
B. time, shower, and affection
C. supply of volunteers for various organizations
D. contact points or shelter homes at railway stations
40. The word “They” in the last paragraph refers to ______.
A. volunteers B. organizations C. day care centers D. street children
VI. Complete the conversation, using the parts (A-F) given. There is an extra one.
A. Not only getting knowledge, volunteering encourages better sense of responsibility.
B. What is the programme about?
C. That sounds great. I’m very excited.
D. There are several programmes for teenagers to take part in. I have seen some advertisements in
the newspapers.
E. As a volunteer, you can provide valuable community services, such as supporting disadvantaged
families, making the community more beautiful, and so on.
F. I’d like to join it because volunteering provides physical and mental rewards.
Quan I saw a poster for a voluntary programme in our community. Would you like to join, Hieu?
Hieu 41
Quan Its purpose is to make our environment cleaner and greener.
Hieu Great! 42___________________________________________________________________
_________________________. It makes you healthier, more optimistic, and less stressful.
Quan That’s true. Besides health benefits, it brings people together. As a volunteer, you can get
people from diverse backgrounds toward a common goal, and build teamwork.
Hieu I agree with you. 43___________________________________________________________
______________________. Besides that, we can also learn a lot.
Quan Certainly, Hieu. Volunteers can discover hidden talents that may change their view, and they
can gain knowledge of local resources available to solve community needs.
Hieu Sure. 44____________________________________________________________________
Quan And above all, volunteers make a difference to the community. Tomorrow both of us will
register for the voluntary programme.
Hieu 45

VII. Use the given words/phrases to make sentences for an application letter to respond to the
job advertisement. You have to add some words or make some changes when necessary.
Volunteers Needed: We need reliable, friendly and patient volunteers to work at our Happiness
Nursing Home during this summer. Your duties will include organizing activities for elderly people.
Dear Sir or Madam,
46. I / interested / volunteering / your organization / and / enclose / CV / your consideration. I /
understand / you / regularly need / volunteers / arrange activities / elderly people / community
47. as / I / a reliable / friendly / patient person / I believe / I / enjoy / these duties / and / benefit / your
organization / becoming a volunteer
48. I / spend / a lot / time / over the last year / take care / my grandmother. This / give me / an
understanding / needs / wishes / elderly people / who / not able / rely / their own family
49. I / keen / get / any training / you / feel / necessary / undertake / role
50. I / able / work / flexible hours / the summer vacation / and /I / available / an interview / at your
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully


I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. donation B. charity C. attachment D. character
2. A. overspent B. achievement C. environment D. movement
3. A. hopeless B. endless C. success D. harmless
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4. A. interact B. understand C. volunteer D. contribute
5. A. priority B. ability C. community D. voluntary
II. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
6. Don’t forget to ______ your information about your interests and skills in your CV.
A. finish B. add C. fill in D. compare
7. Our school organised a pop concert to ______ money for the charity.
A. raise B. rise C. give D. bring
8. You can donate the clothes you don’t use any more - there’s no point in having them ________ in
the wardrobe.
A. unusual B. reused C. used D. unused
9. How can I stop ______ emails or junk emails every day?
A. wanted B. unwanted C. unwilling D. uncertain
10. Becoming a foreign volunteer had given her a new ______ of purpose in life.
A. direction B. sense C. taste D. feeling
11. In our volunteer programme, the possibilities are ______, and all you need is determination and a
little creativity.
A. end B. ending C. endless D. everlasting
12. While Tom ______ English to poor children in Phnom Penh last year, he ______ a lot about
Cambodian culture.
A. is teaching - knows B. taught - was knowing
C. was teaching - knew D. was teaching - was knowing
13. My passion for volunteering to help children ______ during my middle school years while I
______ for the summer community service.
A. begin - work B. began - was working
C. have begun - have worked D. was beginning - was working
14. Volunteers ______ games and ______ activities with disadvantaged children while they ______
for the center.
A. played - had - worked B. were having - having - were working
C. have played - playing - are working D. played - had - were working
15. “______ your country can do for you - ______ you can do for your country.” (from US President
John F. Kennedy’s inaugural address)
A. Don’t ask what - ask what B. Ask what - don’t ask what
C. Ask not what - ask what D. Ask what not - ask what
III. Fill in each blank in the following letter from the President of “Action for a Better
Community” to volunteers with the correct word below.
participants decision volunteer poverty community
difference family opportunities interview participation
Dear Volunteer,
Welcome to our team! Thank you for choosing to become a member of our 16 ___________ ! We are
delighted to have you as part of our dynamic, caring team! “Action for a Better Community” (ABC)
was founded more than 45 years ago. In the beginning, ABC was one of hundreds of “community
action agencies”, established in communities throughout the United States to help low-income people.
We started with small amounts of money with a strong determination to help people break the cycle of
___________ and achieve self-sufficiency.
ABC has made a(n) 18___________ for over 35,000 children and families served through the Head
Start programme.
Your 19 ___________ as a volunteer is especially important as we move in the future with a focus on
child development services, employment and training, housing, and health (especially AIDS/HIV-
related education and counselling).
___________ jobs range from direct service to our programme 21___________ to agency leadership
as members of our Board of Directors.
Together you bring your range of skills, experience and dedication to support ABC’s vital work in our
___________ . We promote and provide 23 ___________ for low-income individuals and families to
become self-sufficient.
Your 24 ___________ , placement and orientation are important first steps. Your 25 ___________ to
help ABC in order to help people help themselves is greatly appreciated!
James H. Norman
President & CEO
IV. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following
The Buddha of the Poor
More than 26,000 children now have bright 26 ________ faces after receiving free operations. About
173,000 poor people received free treatment to regain their vision, and nearly 3,400 deaf children were
given hearing aids. These are part of the 27 ________ of the Ho Chi Minh Association for Support of
Poor Patients, launched and run by Mr. Nguyen Vinh Nghiep.
Mr Nghiep, the former Chairman of the People’s Committee of Ho Chi Minh City, retired in 1992, and
________ his Association two years later. Together with his former colleagues, Mr Nghiep has 29
________ billions of VND from individual 30 ________ and organizations to support more than a
million poor people nationwide through seven major 31 ________ programmes, such as “For the
children’s smile”, “Bringing light to poor blind people and blind children from birth”, “Sound and
voice for deaf and mute Children”, “Wheelchairs for people with disabilities and paralysed children”.
The “Free meals for patients and their relatives” programme has offered over 2.6 million free meals to
poor people in 10 hospitals.
Mr Nghiep said, “Helping one person to gain their ________ means bringing happiness to him or
herself, freeing two or three more people from 33 of the patient, and more importantly, building 34
________ for poor patients in society.”
In 2002, Mr Nghiep, 35 ________ “The Buddha of the Poor”, was given the national title of Labor Hero
in the Renewal Process, and his Association received the title in 2005.
26. A. smile B. smiles C. smiling D. smiley
27. A. acts B. acting C. actions D. activities
28. A. established B. set C. put up D. opened
29. A. raised B. got C. risen D. requested
30. A. donating B. donors C. donations D. charities
31. A. human B. humanity C. humanities D. humanitarian
32. A. eyes B. eyesight C. views D. ability
33. A. looking after B. dealing with C. taking care D. taking place
34. A. trust B. hope C. future D. dream
35. A. knowing B. known as C. regarding as D. regarding
V. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO)
VSO is a registered charity dedicated to assisting in developing countries. It is a recruitment agency
which finds, selects and places volunteers in response to overseas requests.
This work makes it distinctive among other charities and organizations in the UK. It sends people, not
money, so it tries to respond to requests from overseas which ask for volunteers. Its purpose is to
support the poorest members of the community. Both staff and volunteers also pay special attention to
women’s roles in development projects. This is because women’s roles in child-rearing, in education
and community relationship are essential in any healthy process of change.
Over the past 38 years, more than 21,000 volunteers have worked abroad with VSO. There are now
over 1,900 volunteers working in 59 of the less developed countries in Africa, Asia, the Pacific, and
the Caribbean.
The application of each volunteer is carefully considered in order to select and interview candidates
against each job request from the field, to look for the person with the right blend of skills and
VSO volunteers do not go to developing countries as visiting experts with all the answers. It is always
a process of sharing and learning. The aim is that when the volunteer returns home, there exists a
community with a stronger sense of independence, and a volunteer with a new understanding of life
and people everywhere. The range of jobs required of VSO is wide, reflecting the needs of any society
in the modern world.
36. VSO is different from other charities and organizations in the UK because it ______.
A. is a registered body
B. sends financial aid to developing countries
C. sends volunteers to help abroad
D. recruits volunteer to work in Britain
37. Requests from overseas most likely to be dealt with are those which ______.
A. specially ask for female staff and volunteers
B. require volunteers to work with the local inhabitants
C. require help and advice on health care
D. need help to train less wealthy members of the community
38. According to those who work for VSO, who plays the most important part in bringing about
A. charitable organizations B. volunteers from abroad
C. women in local communities D. staff who recruit volunteers
39. What happens when VSO wants to appoint new volunteers?
A. They give preference to applicants living abroad.
B. They give each applicant several interviews.
C. They refer applications to countries requesting volunteers.
D. They match all applicants to jobs very carefully.
40. The volunteer chosen to go out to a developing country ______.
A. must have experience of working overseas
B. will quickly become an expert in the field
C. will gain more knowledge about the world we live in
D. must leave the country before it becomes independent
V. Complete the conversation, using the sentences (A-F) given. There is an extra one.
A. Fantastic. How long has he provided credit to the poor in his community?
B. In which country, Phong?
C. I think access to even a small amount of credit can transform the lives of the poorest citizens
of the world.
D. I think the poor need money - exactly the capital - to escape poverty. How did Professor
Yunus originate his idea?
E. I think his small loan helped them break the cycle of poverty for good.
F. How can he develop his ideas to the community? You said that he established a bank for the
Phong I heard the story about a man who established a bank for the poor, Nam.
Nam Really? It sounds great! 41____________________________________________________
Phong In Bangladesh, one of the poorest countries in the world. He’s Professor Muhamad Yunus.
He is recognized for his work in providing small amounts of credits to the poor for self-
Nam Great! 42__________________________________________________________________
Phong It was an idea originated on a day in 1976 when he lent $27 from his own pocket to forty-
two people living in a tiny village. These people only needed enough credit to purchase the
raw material for their trade.
Nam 43
Phong I agree with you. He offered a solution to the world poverty too; that is lending poor people
money which is suitable to them, teaching them a few sound financial principles, and they
will help themselves.
Nam Brilliant! 44________________________________________________________________
Phong He established Grameen in 1983, a bank devoted to providing the poorest of Bangladesh
with small loans. They want to help poor people, and they don’t see them as an object for
making money. Twenty-three years later they won the Nobel Prize for Peace for their work
in eradicating poverty.
Nam Wonderful! 45______________________________________________________________
VI. Use the given words/phrases to make sentences for an application letter to respond to the job
advertisement. You have to add some words or make some changes when necessary.
Volunteers Needed: We need enthusiastic volunteers who have a love in nature to work for WWF
Center, Viet Nam. Your jobs will include taking care of animals and planting trees.
Dear Sir or Madam,
46. I/ interested / volunteer position / WWF Center / Viet Nam. I / very enthusiastic / save / our
planet / and / contribute / this cause
47. since / I / young / I / curious / both plant / animal life. Saving / little kittens / other animals /
distressful situations / and / planting trees / all I / do now
48. my love / nature / make / me / want / work / this field / all my life
49. I/ confident / that /I / physical ability / which / needed / most positions / WWF
50. I / excited / opportunity / join / your organization / a volunteer / and / make / contribution. I /
available / an interview / at any time
I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you for your time and consideration.

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