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ვარიანტი II

Name, surname ____________________

Date __/__/____

Task 1 Read the sentences and complete the entertainment words. The first letter is given.

1 He loves listening to classical singers, so he’s going to the o - - - - h - - - - .

2 I learnt about fashions from the 1950s at the m - - - - -.
3 They’re going to the g - - - - - c - - - to play some games together.
4 She’s a really famous piano player and she’s playing at the c - - - - - - h - - - this weekend!
5 They are looking for people to act in a new play at the local t - - - - - - .
6 We’re going to an exhibition on 15th century painters at the a - - g - - - - - - .

Task 2 Complete the sentences with the words or phrases in the box. There is one word or phrase you do not
bridge | bus stop | delayed | missed | traffic |railway station | roundabout | traffic lights

1 There is so much --------------- on the road today. We’re going to be late!

2 When you get to the --------------- , take the first exit.
3 The boat was too big to go under the --------------- .
4 Their train is so --------------- they will be late.
5 I was waiting for the bus at the --------------- , but it didn’t arrive.
6 If the --------------- are green, then you can go.
7 He slept too late, so he --------------- the train

Task 3 Complete the text with one word in each gap. The first letter is given.

We always go camping on holiday. I sleep in a small (1) t - - - and my parents have a large one. Every day, we go to
the (2) b - - - - . I sometimes go (3) s - - - - - - - in the sea, but not when the water is cold. We always take our bikes
on holiday and we go (4) c - - - - - - . Mum loves taking (5) p - - - - - with her camera. In the evening, we go to a
restaurant or have a (6) b - - - - - - - outside. I never take my tablet so I don’t play computer (7) - - - - s . I usually
read books or (8) m - - - - - - - -.

Task 4 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.

1 I don’t like playing board __________.
2 She reads newspaper ___________ about sport.
3 He’s watching a TV ___________ about video games in the 1980s tonight.
4 We’re seeing the film on the biggest cinema __________ in town this weekend.
5 Do you ever watch films on a DVD _________?

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