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ვარიანტი 3

Name, surname ____________________

Date __/__/____

Task 1 Complete the text with a preposition from the box.

in (x 2) | off (x 3) | up

We need to wake up at 6 am because we are setting (1) _____ at 6:30 am. We will drive along the main road for
two hours and then turn _____(2) onto the small road that goes to the airport. We are going to go _____ (3) to the
airport. The plane takes _____ (4) at 10 am. When we arrive in Madrid, the school has a bus to pick us (5) _____ .
The director of the school told us to come _____(6) to his office to meet him.

Task 2 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

downloaded | made | opened |sent | started | took | watched

Yesterday, I (1) __________ some new photo editing software. Then I (2) __________ some photos. I put the
photos onto my laptop and used the software to make them look good. I put them on my blog. I (3) ________
some phone calls and (4) _________ some text messages to tell my friends to look at them. Then I relaxed and (5)
__________a film. For the next few days, all my friends (6) ___________ conversations with me by talking about
my photos. A few days later, I got an email from one of my friends. There was an attachment, which I (7)
_________ . It was a link to a website that buys photos. Maybe they'll buy some of mine!

Task 3 Correct the mistakes in bold.

1 I'm keeping money to buy some new clothes.

2 Let's go to shopping tomorrow.
3 There are some great clothes to sale in that shop.
4 The customer said, 'Save the change.'
5 Mum does a shopping every Saturday

Task 4 Complete the text with one word in each gap. The first and last letters are given.

Josh went to the computer shop to buy a new (1) l - - - - p. He wanted one with good (2) g - - - - - - s for
gaming. When he got home, he downloaded some cool (3) s - - - - - - e. Josh uses apps to (4) s - - - - m
music and to chat. When he sends emails, he prefers to use a (5) k - - - - - - d to type. The (6) s - - - - n of
his phone is too small to type on. He uses the (7) c - - - - a on his phone a lot, and uploads his photos on
social media. If he uses his parents' (8) p - - - - - r, he has to pay for the ink.

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