Final Exam For Calculus III, 2016, 90': y y y y e T

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Final Exam for Calculus III, 2016, 90’

(TEST 1)
(-1)n (5n 2 + 1)7n
I. Examine for convergence or divergence: (a) å ;
n =1 (2n )!
æ 1 æ 1 öö
(b) å n 5 çççè n 2 - sin çççè n 2 ÷÷
n =1

æ x + 1 ö÷n
II. (a) Find the domain of convergence of the series: å çç ÷ ;
(7n 3
+ 4) çè 4x - 5 ø÷
n =1
(b) Expand the function f(x) = -4cos2x, 0 < x < π, in a half-range Fourier sine series.

III. Find an integrating factor for the equation

4 3 x2 5 2
(15x y + 2x )dx + (6x y - )dy = 0.
Then, solve this equation.

IV. A mass weighted 29.4 kg stretches a spring 14.7 m. The mass is acted on by an external
force of 4sin2t Newton (N) and moves in a medium that imparts a viscous force of 10 N when
the speed of the mass is 2 m/sec. Then, the mass is set in motion from its equilibrium position
with an initial velocity of 5 m/sec. (Here, g = 9.8 m/s2)

(a) Formulate the initial value problem describing the motion of the mass.

(b) Find the solution of the problem.

V. Using Laplace transform, solve the following initial-value problem

4y ¢¢¢ + 7y ¢¢ - 16y ¢ + 5y = e 2t cos 3t ; y(0) =y '(0) =y ''(0) = 0.

Note: Students can only use the table of Laplace transforms; other materials are forbidden.
Final Exam for Calculus III, 2016, 90’
(TEST 2)
(-1)n (7n 2 + 5)6n
I. Examine for convergence or divergence: (a) å ;
n =1 (2n )!
7ç 1
æ 1 öö
(b) å n çç 3 - sin çç ÷÷ ÷÷
èn çè n 3 ÷÷
n =1

(-5)n æ x + 1 ÷ön
II. (a) Find the domain of convergence of the series: å çç ÷ ;
(6n 2
+ 2) çè 5x - 4 ÷ø
n =1
(b) Expand the function f(x) = 2sin3x, 0 < x < π, in a half-range Fourier cosine series.

III. Find an integrating factor for the equation

3y 2
(32x 4y 5 - )dx + (40x 5y 4 + 6y )dy = 0.
Then, solve this equation.

IV. A mass of 39.2 kg stretches a spring 19.6 m. The mass is acted on by an external force of
4cos(3t) Newton (N) and moves in a medium that imparts a viscous force of 12 N when the
speed of the mass is 2 m/sec. The mass is set in motion from its equilibrium position with an
initial velocity of 4 m/sec. (Here, g = 9.8 m/s2)

(a) Formulate the initial value problem describing the motion of the mass.

(b) Find the solution of the problem.

V. Using Laplace transform, solve the following initial-value problem

3y ¢¢¢ + 11y ¢¢ - 7y ¢ - 7y = 4e 3t sin 4t ; y(0) =y '(0) =y ''(0) = 0.

Note: Students can only use the table of Laplace transforms; other materials are forbidden.

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