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Review article  173

Clinical advances in obsessive-compulsive disorder: a

position statement by the International College of Obsessive-
Compulsive Spectrum Disorders
Naomi A. Fineberga,b,c, Eric Hollanderd, Stefano Pallantie,f,
Susanne Walitzag,h,i, Edna Grünblattg,h,i, Bernardo Maria Dell’Ossoj,k,l,m,
Umberto Albertn, Daniel A. Gellero, Vlasios Brakouliasp,q,
Y.C. Janardhan Reddyr, Shyam Sundar Arumughamr,
Roseli G. Shavitts, Lynne Drummondt, Benedetta Grancinib,j,
Vera De Carlob,j, Eduardo Cinosi a,b, Samuel R. Chamberlainu,v,
Konstantinos Ioannidisu,v, Carolyn I. Rodriguezk,w, Kabir Gargb,
David Castlex, Michael Van Ameringeny,z, Dan J. Steinaa, Lior Carmibb,cc,
Joseph Zoharbb,dd and Jose M. Menchonee

Florence, Firenze, Italy,  fAlbert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York,

In this position statement, developed by The International USA,  gDepartment of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy,
College of Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders, University Hospital of Psychiatry Zurich, University of Zurich,  hNeuroscience
a group of international experts responds to recent Center Zurich, University of Zurich and ETH Zurich,  iZurich Center for Integrative
Human Physiology, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland,  jUniversity of Milan,
developments in the evidence-based management Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences Luigi Sacco, Ospedale Sacco-
of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). The article Polo Universitario, ASST Fatebenefratelli-Sacco, Milan, Italy,  kDepartment of
Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences, Stanford University, California, USA,  lCRC
presents those selected therapeutic advances judged ‘Aldo Ravelli’ for Neurotechnology and Experimental Brain Therapeutics,
to be of utmost relevance to the treatment of OCD, University of Milan, Milan,  mDepartment of Psychiatry and Behavioral
Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, nDepartment of Medicine, Surgery
based on new and emerging evidence from clinical and and Health Sciences, UCO Clinica Psichiatrica, University of Trieste, Trieste,
translational science. Areas covered include refinement Italy,  oDepartment of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard
Medical School,  Boston, Massachusetts, USA, pWestern Sydney Obsessive-
in the methods of clinical assessment, the importance of Compulsive and Related Disorders Service, Western Sydney Local Health
early intervention based on new staging models and the District, Blacktown Hospital, Blacktown, New South Wales,  qTranslational
Research Health Institute (THRI), Clinical and Health Psychology Research
need to provide sustained well-being involving effective Initiative (CaHPRI) and School of Medicine, Western Sydney University,
relapse prevention. The relative benefits of psychological, Sydney, Australia,  rOCD Clinic, Department of Psychiatry, National Institute
of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS), Bengaluru, India,  sOCD
pharmacological and somatic treatments are reviewed Spectrum Disorders Program, Institute and Department of Psychiatry, Hospital
and novel treatment strategies for difficult to treat OCD, das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao
Paulo-SP, Brazil,  tConsultant Psychiatrist, SW London and St George’s
including neurostimulation, as well as new areas for NHS Trust and St George’s, University of London, London,  uDepartment
research such as problematic internet use, novel digital of Psychiatry, University of Cambridge,  Cambridge, vCambridgeshire and
Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust,  Cambridge, UK, wVeterans Affairs Palo
interventions, immunological therapies, pharmacogenetics Alto Health Care System, Palo Alto, California, USA,  xSt. Vincent’s Hospital
and novel forms of psychotherapy are discussed. Int Clin Melbourne and The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia,  yDepartment
Psychopharmacol 35: 173–193 Copyright © 2020 The of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences, McMaster University,  zHamilton
Health Sciences, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada,  aaSA MRC Unit on Risk and
Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Resilience in Mental Disorders, Department of Psychiatry and Neuroscience
Institute, University of Cape Town, Cape Town,  South Africa, bbThe Post
International Clinical Psychopharmacology 2020, 35:173–193 Trauma Center, Chaim Sheba Medical Center,  Ramat Gan, ccThe Data Science
Institution, The Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya,  ddTel Aviv University, Tel
Keywords: evidence based, obsessive-compulsive disorder, position Aviv-Yafo, Israel and  eeDepartment of Psychiatry, Bellvitge University Hospital-
statement, treatments IDIBELL, University of Barcelona, Cibersam, Barcelona, Spain
University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield,  bHertfordshire Partnership University NHS Correspondence to Kabir Garg, Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS
Foundation Trust, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire,  cUniversity of Cambridge Foundation Trust, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, UK
School of Clinical Medicine, Cambridge, UK  dDepartment of Psychiatry and E-mail:
Behavioral Sciences, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Montefiore Medical
Center, Bronx, New York, USA,  eIstituto di Neuroscienze, University of Received 27 January 2020 Accepted 16 March 2020

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative

Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives License 4.0 (CC-BY- Once a neglected illness, obsessive-compulsive disor-
NC-ND), where it is permissible to download and share the work provided it is der (OCD) is now recognized as a common, highly disa-
properly cited. The work cannot be changed in any way or used commercially bling and potentially treatable early-onset brain disorder.
without permission from the journal.

0268-1315 Copyright © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. DOI: 10.1097/YIC.0000000000000314

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174  International Clinical Psychopharmacology  2020, Vol 35 No 4

Clinical and translational research in OCD grows apace, to be covered at a series of meetings, and the authors of
and over the past 10  years has contributed to substan- each section were chosen based on their expertise in that
tial advances in understanding of the phenomenology, area. An initial draft was prepared, based on a literature
brain-based biology and treatment response, leading to review, and circulated first among the authors and then
innovations in nosological conceptualizations, therapeu- to all ICOCS members and iterative edits were incorpo-
tic interventions and services. Recent changes in the rated. In sum, we have selected those recent therapeu-
DSM-5 (American Psychiatric Association, 2013) and tic advances judged by a range of experts to be of most
ICD-11 (WHO, 2018) diagnostic classification systems relevance to the treatment of OCD, including products
have set OCD at the head of a new family of obses- that are not licensed or labelled for treatment of OCD by
sive-compulsive spectrum disorders [otherwise known the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (Table 1),
as Obsessive-Compulsive or Related Disorders, or, which are marked with an asterisk (*) throughout the
Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders (OCRDs)], article, based on new and emerging evidence from clini-
including body dysmorphic, hoarding, hair-pulling, skin cal and translational science
picking and olfactory reference disorders and hypochon-
driasis, all sharing compulsive behaviour as a cardinal Global assessment of obsessive-compulsive
characteristic. Serotonin reuptake inhibitors [selective disorder
serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), clomipramine] or A comprehensive assessment of OCD requires trained
cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) involving exposure clinicians who perform direct interviews with the patient
and response prevention (ERP), represent the mainstay and, whenever possible, with family members, so that
of contemporary treatment for OCD, with emerging an accurate diagnosis can be determined and individu-
evidence suggesting that early intervention produces alized treatment can be tailored. The hallmarks of OCD
better outcomes (Fineberg et al., 2019). However, a sub- are obsessions (recurrent, intrusive, unwanted thoughts,
stantial minority of patients still fail to respond either in images or impulses and compulsions (repititive behav-
any meaningful way, or in terms of residual symptoms. iours or mental acts that the individual feels compelled
Treatment-resistant OCD has become a fruitful research to perform), these can present together or separately.
focus for clinical treatment and specialist services devel- The most common symptom dimensions of OCD are
opment, worldwide. contamination/washing, aggression/checking, symmetry/
ordering/arranging, sexual/religious (also known as ‘taboo
A number of evidence-based clinical guidelines for man- thoughts’) and hoarding (Rosario-Campos et al., 2006).
aging OCD have been published (Bandelow et al., 2012; Importantly, according to DSM-5, a diagnosis of Hoarding
Baldwin et al., 2014; Sookman et al., 2015). However, Disorder should be assigned when symptoms pertain to
recent feedback from topic experts and stakeholders this single dimension (American Psychiatric Association,
(National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, 2013). The presence and severity of symptoms can be
2019) has identified the need for an update, highlight- measured by validated instruments (Goodman et al.,
ing that clinical practice has progressed in many areas. 1989; Rosario-Campos et al., 2006; Storch et al., 2010),
This includes evidence of efficacy for new pharmaco- which is relevant to tailoring the behavioural treatment
logical interventions and augmentation therapies among and monitoring treatment response objectively. For the
treatment-resistant groups, advances in invasive and OCD diagnosis, while free-form interviews by clinicians
noninvasive neurostimulation technology as well as rapid are commonly used, structured interviews offer advan-
advances in information technology and telecommuni- tages in terms of objectivity and psychometric properties
cations and the introduction of technology-enhanced (Rapp et al., 2016). Suitable interviews for the diagnosis
interventions. Yet, in many parts of the world, access to of OCD in adulthood include the Structured Clinical
recommended treatments and specialist care services, in Interview for DSM-5 Disorders (First et al., 2016), or the
particular for children, remains limited. Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (Sheehan
et al., 1998). The Yale–Brown Obsessive-Compulsive
The International College of Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) is the gold-standard for assessing symp-
Spectrum Disorders (ICOCS; is a tom severity in diagnosed adult patients, and incorporates
global network of expert clinicians, researchers and a detailed checklist for individual symptoms (Goodman
‘experts by experience of OCD’, whose principal objec- et al., 1989). For initial screening, six brief questions can
tive is to support and stimulate the study and treatment be used. These include as follows: (1) Do you wash or
of obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders. In recog- clean a lot? (2) Do you check things a lot? (3) Is there any
nition of the need for updated clinical guidance on the thought that keeps bothering you that you would like to
treatment of OCD, the ICOCS has developed this posi- get rid of but can’t? (4) Do your daily activities take a long
tion statement, based on expert consensus and including time to finish? (5) Are you concerned about orderliness or
a balanced representation of genders, child versus adult symmetry? (6) Do these problems trouble you? Positive
psychiatrists and early career scientists, with global and response to one or more statements would indicate a
ethnic diversity. Agreement was reached on the key issues need for more detailed assessment (Fineberg et al., 2008).

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Clinical advances in OCD Fineberg et al.  175

Table 1  The US Food and Drug Administration status of treatments covered in this article

FDA status for treatment of OCD

Treatment Adults Children and adolescents

Serotonin reuptake inhibitors

 Clomipramine Approved Approved from 10 years of age
 Fluoxetine Approved Approved from 8 years of age
 Fluvoxamine Approved Approved from 8 years of age
 Sertraline Approved Approved from 6 years of age
 Paroxetine Approved Not approved
 Citalopram Not approved
 Escitalopram Not approved
Second-generation antipsychotics
 Risperidone Not approved
 Aripiprazole Not approved
 Quetiapine Not approved
Novel pharmacotherapies
  Glutamate modulators (memantine, riluzole, topiramate, lamotrigine, N-Acetylcysteine, Ketamine) Not approved
 d-amphetamine Not approved
 Morphine Not approved
 Pindolol Not approved
 Clonazepam Not approved
 Buspirone Not approved
 Lithium Not approved
 Ondansetron Not approved
Noninvasive brain stimulation
  Low-frequency r-TMS at supplementary motor area Not approved
  Low-frequency r-TMS at orbitofrontal cortex Not approved
  High-frequency-deep rTMS over the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex/anterior cingulate cortex Approved for treatment of resistant OCD
  Transcranial direct current stimulation Not approved
  Electroconvulsive therapy Not approved
Invasive procedures
  Deep brain stimulation Humanitarian device exemption for severe refractory
  Stereotactic neurosurgical procedures Not approved

FDA, the US Food and Drug Administration; OCD, obsessive-compulsive disorder; r-TMS, recurrent-transcranial magnetic stimulation.

Obsessions and compulsions tend to occur concomitantly as a means to handle the distress evoked by the obses-
in the vast majority of people with OCD (Shavitt et al., sions and constitutes one of the main targets of the cogni-
2014). In addition, compulsions are commonly preceded tive-behavioural treatment for this disorder (Drummond,
not only by obsessions but also by subjective experi- 2014). Functional impairment varies in OCD. It is an
ences of incompleteness, or ‘not feeling just-right’, or important domain that reflects clinical severity and con-
so-called sensory phenomena (perceptual experiences stitutes an indirect measure of improvement during treat-
that precede or accompany compulsions) (Shavitt et al., ment. Impairment can be measured indirectly with OCD
2014). We could expect these phenomena to be targeted severity scales or with specific measures [e.g., the WHO
by cognitive-behavioural techniques in a way similar to Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (Üstün et al., 2010) or
the premonitory urges in the behavioural treatment of tic the Cognitive Assessment Instrument of Obsessions and
disorders (McGuire et al., 2015). Compulsions (Dittrich et al., 2011)].
Another relevant clinical feature that merits attention Comorbidity is almost always present with OCD and
when assessing subjects with OCD is the degree of is often ‘phase-specific’ (Pallanti and Grassi, 2014).
insight, meaning the extent to which the person recog- Assessment of specific comorbidities, like tic disorders,
nizes that his/her beliefs are not true (Eisen et al., 1998). anxiety and depressive disorders, disruptive disorders, eat-
Insight (good or fair insight, poor insight, absent insight/ ing disorders, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention
delusional beliefs) is a diagnostic specifier for OCD, body deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and schizophrenia
dysmorphic disorder (BDD) and hoarding disorder in (Zohar, 1997), is essential in guiding the formulation of an
the DSM-5 (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). In effective treatment strategy. Comorbidity has also been a
general, subjects with OCD have at least good insight, focus of emerging genetic studies of OCD. For example, a
with only a minority presenting poor insight or delusional recent study in 4645 OCD patients found different geno-
OCD (Shavitt et al., 2014). The presence of tic symptom- types to be associated with different OCD comorbidities.
atology represents another clinically relevant diagnostic Thus, OCD comorbid with bipolar disorders was associ-
specifier in the DSM-5, as tic may predict a more favour- ated with COMT, OPRM1 and GRIK1 genotypes; OCD
able response to dopamine antagonist agents (Bloch et and depressive disorders were associated with OPRM1
al., 2006). Finally, the clinician must obtain information and CYP3A4/5 genotypes; OCD comorbid with ADD/
regarding avoidance behaviours, which commonly occurs ADHD was associated with 5HT2C genotypes; and OCD

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176  International Clinical Psychopharmacology  2020, Vol 35 No 4

comorbid with anxiety was associated with CYP3A4/5 onset of symptoms and the age when a diagnosis of OCD
genotypes (Nezgovorova et al., 2018). However, these has been determined, because these data can help to pre-
findings should be viewed with caution, as the ‘candi- dict the prognosis (Fineberg et al., 2019). OCD frequently
date gene’ approach, in which specific genes are tested emerges in childhood, in which group accurate diagnosis
for association with specific disorders, chosen for the bio- is essential for care planning. Paediatric clinicians can
logical plausibility of their relationship, using relatively ask simple screening questions such as ‘do you ever have
small samples of affected subjects and healthy controls, unwanted thoughts or worries that won’t go away? Are
has been criticized for overestimating statistical associ- there things you have to do over and over again, even
ations. Attempts to replicate the findings have tended though you don’t want to or that don’t make sense?’ The
to produce disappointing results. Therefore, more unbi- formal diagnosis should be made with a structured inter-
ased forms of the association study, such as genome-wide view and the nationwide translated versions of the stand-
association studies (GWAS), which test the association ardized Children’s Y-BOCS (CY-BOCS), which has good
between a disease and multiple genetic variants across reliability (López-Pina et al., 2015a,b).
the whole genome, are to be preferred (Gordon, 2018;
Awareness of other conditions associated with the onset
National Advisory Mental Health Council Workgroup
and course of OCD symptoms can also be of help in
on Genomics, 2019). A recent meta-analysis of GWAS of
treatment planning, because OCD frequently follows
eight psychiatric disorders identified a common genetic
a chronic course, with most patients reporting resid-
factor linking OCD, anorexia nervosa and Tourette’s syn-
ual symptoms, or present an episodic course with long
drome (Lee et al., 2019b).
symptom-free periods (Skoog and Skoog, 1999). For
Interestingly, comorbid disorders that start before the example, a cross-cultural study has shown an associa-
onset of OCD symptoms seem to influence the occur- tion between reproductive cycle events and the onset
rence of additional comorbidities over time. In a cohort (mostly menarche) or exacerbation of OCD during the
of 1001 patients with OCD, separation anxiety disorder premenstruum, pregnancy, postpartum and menopause
preceded OCD in 17.5% of individuals and was associ- (Guglielmi et al., 2014). Relevant to prevention strategies,
ated with a higher lifetime frequency of posttraumatic exacerbation during or after first pregnancy posed a sig-
stress disorder; ADHD preceded OCD in 5.0% of sub- nificant risk to exacerbation in or after a subsequent preg-
jects, and was associated with higher lifetime frequen- nancy. The underlying factors responsible for triggering
cies of substance abuse and dependence; tic disorders exacerbation remain to be understood, especially the role
preceded OCD in 4.4% of subjects and were associated of oestrogen and oxytocin (Guglielmi et al., 2014).
with higher lifetime frequencies of OCD spectrum disor-
Information on the family history of OCD, tics and other
ders (de Mathis et al., 2013). In children and adolescents,
psychiatric disorders and the understanding of OCD
in addition to the considerations for the adult subjects, a
among family members and family accommodation
history of paediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disor-
are also relevant to treatment-planning and adherence.
ders associated with streptococcal infections (PANDAS)
Evidence shows that successful treatment depends on
should be taken, as this could also have treatment impli-
the reduction of the participation of the family members
cations (Wilbur et al., 2019). Taken together, these find-
in the patient’s compulsive behaviours (i.e., reduction of
ings emphasize the importance of identifying comorbid
accommodation) (Gomes et al., 2017). Moreover, a recent
disorders, as they may serve as markers of different bio-
analysis suggested that children with a family history of
logical or clinical substrates of potential relevance for
OCD have a six times lower response to CBT (Garcia et
treatment planning (see section Future directions for
al., 2010).
Suicidality should be included when assessing people
OCD needs to be differentiated from: anxiety disorders
with OCD (Dell’Osso et al., 2018). A recent meta-analysis
presenting with recurrent fears (as in the phobias) and
(Angelakis et al., 2015) found that OCD patients showed
excessive worry (as in generalized anxiety disorder);
relatively increased risk of ‘suicidality’, when compared
ruminations accompanying depressive mood in depres-
with healthy controls. In terms of absolute risk, estimates
sive disorders; OCD-related disorders like BDD (where
vary. Among 582 patients with OCD, 36% reported life-
there are specific concerns with one’s appearance),
time suicidal thoughts, 20% had made suicidal plans, 11%
hair-pulling disorder (the only compulsion); tic disorders;
had already attempted suicide and 10% presented with
eating disorders (concerns focussed on weight and shape
current suicidal thoughts (Torres et al., 2011). In another
and food); psychotic disorders (especially in poor-insight
study of 425 outpatients, recruited by the ICOCS net-
OCD and so-called schizo-obsessive disorder) and obses-
work, 14.6% of the sample reported at least one suicide
sive-compulsive personality disorder (with the hallmarks
attempt during their lifetime (Dell’Osso et al., 2018). In
of enduring rigidity and perfectionism over the lifetime)
the study by Torres et al. (2011), comorbid depressive
(American Psychiatric Association, 2013).
disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder were asso-
Along with the identification of the most bothersome ciated with a range of suicidal behaviours. Sexual/reli-
symptoms, the clinician should investigate the age of gious symptoms and comorbid substance use disorders

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Clinical advances in OCD Fineberg et al.  177

were associated with suicidal thoughts and plans, while interventions and poor therapy response, particularly in
impulse control disorders were associated with current relation to pharmacological treatment (Dell’Osso et al.,
suicidal thoughts, suicide plans and attempts. In the 2010; Albert et al., 2019). The need for service investment
study of Dell’Osso et al. (2018), comorbid tic disorders as in early intervention for OCD is further highlighted by
well as medical disorders and a previous history of hospi- studies indicating that OCD is among the top 10 most
talization were also associated with increased suicidality. disabling of all disorders, accounting for 2.2% of all
years lost to disability (Ayuso-Mateos, 2006), with eco-
Neuropsychological assessment of patients with OCD
nomic costs to society including those associated with
suggests that there are deficits across a broad range of
lost productivity, which are long-lasting and profound.
domains (Fineberg et al., 2018a). For example, a recent
It has been estimated that in the USA, over $10 billion
meta-analysis found that patients with symptoms related
dollars per year are spent on treatments for OCD alone
to symmetry and orderliness were more likely to have
(Hollander et al., 2016).
poor performance on memory, visuospatial ability, ver-
bal working memory and cognitive flexibility tests, OCD has been traditionally viewed as a secretive illness
whereas patients with doubting and checking were more with some phenotypes (e.g., with sexual, religious or
likely to perform poorly on memory and verbal memory aggressive content) being particularly associated with
tasks (Bragdon et al., 2018). Other meta-analyses have reluctance to seek help (Dell’Osso et al., 2015). There
found cognitive flexibility and response inhibition to be may also be difficulty detecting the disorder in childhood
impaired in OCD in general (all literature pooled), with (Storch et al., 2014). Nonetheless, a greater effort needs to
medium–large effect sizes (Lipszyc and Schachar, 2010; be made at multiple levels (e.g., education, service devel-
Chamberlain et al., 2019). It must be considered that opment and screening of ‘at risk’ individuals) to imple-
comorbid neurodevelopmental disorders, such as ASD ment effective strategies for prevention, early diagnosis
(Postorino et al., 2017), or ADHD are expected to influ- and intervention. For instance, there have been reports
ence performance on distinct tests, especially but not indicating that the earliest symptoms shown by OCD
exclusively in youth. patients belong to the symmetry and ordering dimension
(Kichuk et al., 2013) and these may represent a red flag
Behavioural analysis of OCD involves obtaining a history
for early detection of subthreshold/early symptoms.
to ascertain the specific situations that provoke obsessions,
anxious thoughts or uncomfortable feelings and then Children of individuals with OCD represent another
separating out the compulsions or anxiolytic behaviours. high-risk group deserving attention and potentially
This is important, as during therapy the patient needs to needing preventive interventions. The presence of tic,
face up to the anxiety-provoking thoughts or uncomfort- paediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome, obses-
able feelings while resisting the urge to ‘put this right’ sive-compulsive personality disorder and impulse control
using compulsive thoughts, behaviours or avoidance. Full disorders may be indicators of comorbid OCD or herald
descriptions of behavioural analysis are given elsewhere the subsequent development of OCD (Fineberg et al.,
(Drummond, 2014). From a cognitive perspective, there 2019). Staging models may also be useful (Fineberg et
have been several theories about the underlying beliefs al., 2019; Fontenelle and Yücel, 2019), with four major
that may trigger OCD, such as the failure to challenge stages proposed (from stage 0 ‘increased risk, asympto-
underlying beliefs sufficiently (Emmelkamp et al., 1988), matic’ to stage 4 ‘severe illness’). However, their clini-
inflated responsibility and guilt if compulsions were cal utility and applicability remain to be investigated.
not acted upon and negative consequences occurred Interventions such as psychoeducation and reduction of
(Salkovskis, 1985, 1999), or an overinflated idea of danger family accommodation represent promising areas for pre-
(Jones and Menzies, 1998) (see section Novel forms of vention and early intervention when OCD is at its early
psychotherapy below). stages in high-risk groups (Brakoulias et al., 2018). One
Australian health service (Brakoulias, 2018) has recently
Early intervention in obsessive-compulsive begun using existing early intervention services for
disorder psychosis to provide early intervention to patients with
OCD frequently has an onset early in life (Fineberg et al., OCD (Brakoulias, 2018) (Western Sydney Obsessive-
2019). Childhood or adolescent onset accounted for more Compulsive and Related Disorders Service).
than 50% of the sample in a recent international multisite
report (Dell’Osso et al., 2016). Unfortunately, early onset Cognitive behavioural therapy, selective
is all too often not associated with early help-seeking serotonin reuptake inhibitor or their
and recognition of the illness. OCD has been consist- combination as a first-line treatment for
ently associated with a long duration of untreated illness adults with obsessive-compulsive disorder
(DUI) – around 7 years on average (Dell’Osso et al., 2019) Pharmacological therapies (SSRIs and the tricyclic clo-
– with this period accounting, in many cases, for more mipramine) (Zohar et al., 1996; Fineberg et al., 2012) and
than half of the overall duration of illness (Albert et al., psychological therapies (ERP, CBT) (Abramowitz, 2006)
2019; Dell’Osso et al., 2019). Longer DUI implies late are often efficacious in treating OCD in adults. As SSRIs

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178  International Clinical Psychopharmacology  2020, Vol 35 No 4

and CBT have been thought to have broadly similar effi- for it to be recommended as initial monotherapy in this
cacy in acute treatment, current guidelines recommend population.
taking account of patients’ clinical features, needs and
Some studies suggest that a combination of CBT and an
preference as well as service availability when choosing
SSRI may be superior to SSRI monotherapy (Foa et al.,
a first-line treatment (Baldwin et al., 2014). Monotherapy 2005; Liu et al., 2005; Franklin et al., 2011; Romanelli et al.,
with CBT involving ERP is particularly recommended 2014; Meng et al., 2019), exposure monotherapy (Cottraux
as an initial treatment in those with mild–to-moderate et al., 1990, Fineberg et al., 2018a) or multimodal CBT
OCD, in the absence of severe depression, in those who (Hohagen et al., 1998). However, it is uncertain whether
do not prefer medications and where this form of treat- combining ab-initio CBT and an SSRI is advantageous
ment is accessible, available and preferred by patients compared to either treatment used alone (Albert et al.,
(National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, 2012). Confidence in the superiority of the combination
2005a; Koran et al., 2007; Katzman et al., 2014; Janardhan of medications and psychotherapy partly stems from the
Reddy et al., 2017). In contrast, SSRIs are particularly fact that, as described above, most psychotherapy trials
recommended as a first-line treatment option in more are considered variants of combination trials because
severe OCD, in those who have comorbid depression, in most patients in these studies were stabilized on SSRI or
those with previous history of good response to SSRIs, in clomipramine (Skapinakis et al., 2016b). Most guidelines
those who are uncooperative with CBT or in situations and literature recommend a combination of SSRIs and
where ERP/CBT is not available, accessible or preferred CBT involving ERP in severe OCD, but the recommen-
by patients. A combination of CBT involving ERP and dation is based on evidence of its efficacy as an augment-
SSRIs is often recommended in severe OCD, in the pres- ing strategy in patients who have clinically significant
ence comorbid depression and in poor responders to CBT symptoms despite treatment with medications and not
or SSRIs alone (National Institute for Health and Clinical necessarily in severe OCD (Simpson et al., 2008, 2013).
Excellence, 2005b; Skapinakis et al., 2016b; Hirschtritt et A recent randomized feasibility study that included
al., 2017; Janardhan Reddy et al., 2017). In essence, most patients treated in primary care found that although com-
guidelines recognize SSRIs and CBT involving ERP as bined treatment with SSRI and ERP was associated with
first-line monotherapies, but prefer CBT involving ERP the largest improvement after 16 weeks, SSRI monother-
over SSRIs. apy was the most efficacious and cost effective treatment
after 52 weeks (Fineberg et al., 2018b). If replicated, this
Several meta-analyses and systematic reviews have finding would carry major implications for health services
demonstrated SSRIs and clomipramine (Ackerman and planning, especially where resources are limited, such as
Greenland, 2002; Soomro et al., 2008; Skapinakis et al., lower and middle income countries.
2016b) and CBT involving ERP to be more effective
than placebo (frequently waiting list in CBT trials) in The critical importance of adequate
the treatment of OCD (Gava et al., 2007; Rosa-Alcázar treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder
et al., 2008). Although an earlier meta-analysis suggested in children and young people
superiority of clomipramine over SSRIs (Ackerman and For children and young people, CBT should always be the
Greenland, 2002), a recent network meta-analysis failed first-line approach (Sánchez-Meca et al., 2014; Skapinakis
to demonstrate the superiority of clomipramine over et al., 2016a), with ERP as core elements (Lewin et al.,
SSRIs (Skapinakis et al., 2016b). Direct head-to-head 2014). ERP is both highly effective and also an accept-
comparisons of various medications are few and there able intervention for youth ages 3–8  years with OCD
seems to be no individual differences in efficacy among (Lewin et al., 2014). Children with a strong family history
SSRIs (Skapinakis et al., 2016b), although, of course, they of OCD are reported to respond less well to conventional
may differ in side effect profiles. CBT (Garcia et al., 2010), possibly owing to family accom-
modation of their symptoms. Key adaptations for younger
Most studies of CBT involving ERP included sympto- children include extensive parental involvement target-
matic patients stabilized on antidepressants (Skapinakis ing family accommodation and frequent family meetings
et al., 2016b). Although the observed effect size of CBT while delivering a full course of ERP. According to the
was larger than the SSRIs and clomipramine, this supe- study of Sánchez-Meca et al. (2014), effect sizes were
riority could well be attributed to the additive or syn- large for CBT (d+  =  1.742) and combined (medication
ergistic effects of two effective treatment modalities. plus CBT) interventions (d+ = 1.710) and moderate for
Therefore, it is not clear whether the efficacy data attrib- pharmacological only treatments (d+  =  0.746). Family-
uted to CBT with ERP can be generalized to patients based CBT (Piacentini et al., 2011; Freeman et al., 2014)
who are not taking medication for OCD. The efficacy is also effective for children and adolescents with OCD,
of CBT as monotherapy still needs to be established especially when there is a high degree of accommodation.
clearly in drug-naïve or drug-free patient population The extant literature also supports CBT when delivered

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Clinical advances in OCD Fineberg et al.  179

in group settings. More recently, the use of technical treatment, with the duration of treatment under place-
devices (smart phones and tablets) using App-delivered bo-controlled conditions extending up to 12  months.
CBT seems promising. Studies with a longer follow-up period or investigating
relapse following CBT are relatively scarce. In the case
Medication is, however, indicated for children and
of adults, the majority of relapse prevention studies have
young people when symptoms are more severe, CBT
shown an overall superiority of SSRI compared with pla-
has failed, skilled CBT is unavailable, and there is a
cebo in preventing relapse (Fineberg et al., 2007) and that
comorbid disorder (e.g., depression) that may respond
discontinuation of maintenance treatment, even after a
to medication, or when, in the judgement of the par-
period of prolonged well-being under SSRI, is associated
ent or clinician, earlier introduction of medicines is
with a heightened relapse risk. Relapse was particularly
clinically indicated. SSRIs have been shown in rand-
prominent in patients with comorbidities, which is the
omized controlled trials to be well tolerated and effec-
rule rather than the exception in children with OCD.
tive in youth (Geller et al., 2004; Skarphedinsson et al.,
As childhood and adolescence are critical periods for
2015). Sertraline and fluvoxamine have been approved
achievement of social, educational and occupational mile-
for children from 6 to 8 years of age. Dosing schedules
stones, relapse prevention is particularly relevant for the
should include low starting doses, slow titration sched-
younger patient population (Fineberg et al., 2019). There
ules and maximum recommended doses. Following
has been one randomized controlled relapse prevention
adequate response and stabilization, treatment should
study in paediatric OCD, which showed an advantage for
be reviewed after 6–12 months.
paroxetine* over placebo (Geller et al., 2004). As there is
In the case of nonresponse or inadequate response, no available evidence suggesting a duration of treatment
another SSRI should be tried (Geller et al., 2004, 2012; beyond which treatment can be discontinued safely,
Locher et al., 2017). Treatment with SSRIS in CBT- more recent guidelines emphasized the importance of
resistant patients may improve OCD symptoms. Although maintaining medication for at least 12 months to reduce
clomipramine may be effective, it is not recommended as relapse risk (Baldwin et al., 2014).
a first-line treatment because of its potential side effects.
The clinician’s role in enabling an informed choice about
However, if there are no cardiac contraindications, clomi-
whether or not to discontinue medication at any par-
pramine* is also an option in youth but requires electro-
ticular time is challenging, considering the limitations
cardiogram monitoring. In the case of insufficient efficacy
of the available relapse prevention studies. Strategies
of drug treatment with several SSRIs and clomipramine,
for safely managing emerging relapse, such as reinstat-
or in the presence of tic disorder, augmentation with
ing either ‘booster’ CBT or medication at the first sign of
antipsychotics, for example, aripiprazole* or risperidone*
symptoms, do not have established evidence of efficacy.
in low dosage may be used. Minimal duration on antipsy-
Nevertheless, it is advisable to establish a relapse-man-
chotics (these medications are not approved or indicated
agement plan, in cooperation with patients and their fam-
for paediatric use) is encouraged and close monitoring is
ilies based on vigilance for emergent symptoms and rapid
access to treatment previously known to be effective. If
medication is to be discontinued, this should be done
Relapse prevention
gradually, after a careful explanation of the potential con-
Relapse prevention strategies play an essential role for
sequences, such as withdrawal symptoms and relapse
the optimal clinical management of OCD, consider-
risk. SSRI tapering over a period of months, rather than
ing its frequently chronic course and relapsing nature.
weeks, may reduce the risk of withdrawal symptoms
Recovery occurs in only about one-fifth of adult cases,
(Horowitz and Taylor, 2019).
while for children, the mean persistence rates for full or
subthreshold OCD have been estimated at around 60%
Treatment-resistant obsessive-compulsive
(Maina et al., 2001; Stewart et al., 2004). Earlier age of
disorder – novel pharmacotherapies tested in
OCD onset, increased illness duration, inpatient status,
the presence of comorbidities and a positive family his-
After well supported first- and second-line treatments
tory seem to predict greater rates of persistence (Geller
and strategies have been exhausted, some patients will
et al., 2003; Stewart et al., 2004). Furthermore, relapses
continue to experience impairing OCD symptoms. Next-
in OCD are associated not only with considerable dis-
step treatment strategies may include continuing with
tress, significant functional impairment and impairment
the chosen SRI for an extended period of time, switching
of quality of life (Hollander et al., 2010) but also with a
to another SRI, augmenting the SRI with a second-gen-
decreased response to a previous efficacious treatment
eration antipsychotic agent* or raising the dose of SRI to
(Maina et al., 2001).
the highest tolerated level* (Fineberg and Craig, 2007;
To date, relapse prevention studies in OCD have mainly Bandelow et al., 2008; Fineberg et al., 2012; Stein et al.,
investigated SSRIs and clomipramine as the maintenance 2012).

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180  International Clinical Psychopharmacology  2020, Vol 35 No 4

Although switching to another SRI often is recommended, Glutamate modulators such as memantine*, riluzole*,
there is little evidence to support this approach in OCD. topiramate*, lamotrigine*, N-acetylcysteine* and ket-
When a partial or moderate response has been achieved amine* have varying levels of support (Koran et al.,
following the adequate first-line treatment, there is 2007; Pittenger et al., 2011; Koran and Simpson, 2013;
randomized controlled trial (RCT) and meta-analytic Pittenger, 2015). Memantine augmentation showed ben-
evidence to support augmentation with an second-gener- efit in case studies and open-label trials (Poyurovsky et
ation antipsychotic (Brakoulias and Stockings, 2019; Dold al., 2005; Pasquini and Biondi, 2006; Aboujaoude et al.,
et al., 2015; Stein et al., 2012; Zhou et al., 2019); however, 2009; Feusner et al., 2009; Stewart et al., 2010; Bakhla et
the use of these agents would be considered off-label. Of al., 2013). In addition, two RCTs of memantine showed
these agents, risperidone* is supported by the greatest exceptionally high response rates (100% in one study),
number of studies, which have generally been positive inconsistent with the literature (Ghaleiha et al., 2013;
(Brakoulias and Stockings, 2019). Two RCTs (Muscatello Haghighi et al., 2013). Riluzole augmentation showed
et al., 2011; Sayyah et al., 2012), several open-label studies promise in a case series and open-label trial (Coric et al.,
(Connor et al., 2005; Pessina et al., 2009; Ak et al., 2011), 2003, 2005). Subsequent small controlled studies have
and multiple case reports have demonstrated the effi- been mixed (Pittenger et al., 2008; Emamzadehfard et
cacy in OCD of aripiprazole* as an augmentation agent al., 2016). While topiramate augmentation showed prom-
(Matsunaga et al., 2011; Higuma et al., 2012; Hou and Lai, ise in case studies and open-label trials (Rubio et al.,
2014; Ercan et al., 2015; Akça and Yilmaz, 2016; Patra, 2006; Van Ameringen et al., 2006; Van Ameringen and
2016; Brakoulias and Stockings, 2019). One meta-anal- Patterson, 2015), small RCTs have also produced mixed
ysis also found a larger effect size for aripiprazole than results (Mowla et al., 2010; Berlin et al., 2011; Afshar et al.,
for risperidone: Cohen’s d  =  1.11 (aripiprazole) versus 2014). Lamotrigine augmentation showed mixed results
d = 0.53 (risperidone) (Veale et al., 2014). Quetiapine* has in case reports (Kumar and Khanna, 2000; Uzun, 2010;
also been examined as an augmentation agent in OCD, Arrojo-Romero et al., 2013; Hussain et al., 2015) and ben-
but the evidence is conflicting. Despite several positive efits in two small RCTs (Bruno et al., 2012; Khalkhali et
studies (Atmaca et al., 2002; Denys et al., 2004; Vulink et al., 2016). Limited data suggest that N-acetylcysteine
al., 2010; Diniz et al., 2011), negative results have been is of benefit in some cases of refractory OCD (Lafleur
found in many placebo-controlled trials (Carey et al., et al., 2006), with mixed data in four RCTs (Afshar et al.,
2005; Kordon et al., 2008; Fineberg et al., 2013). 2012; Sarris et al., 2015; Paydary et al., 2016; Costa et al.,
2017). N-acetylcysteine is generally well tolerated. A
Contrary to the depression literature, a meta-analysis of single intravenous dose of ketamine has been reported
SSRIs in OCD found that high doses (high end of rec- to be of rapid (in hours) and robust benefit in unmed-
ommended dosage, not higher than recommended doses) icated adults with OCD in case report and open-label
were more effective than medium or low doses in the studies (Rodriguez et al., 2011, 2016) and a randomized
first-line treatment of OCD (Bloch et al., 2010). Response controlled cross-over study (Rodriguez et al., 2013). In an
was more robust for patients with comorbid tics and open-label trial of medicated OCD adults with multiple
in individuals who had received more than 12  weeks comorbidities, depression improved on ketamine but
of maximal SSRI monotherapy (Bloch et al., 2008). improvement in OCD symptoms was minimal, and two
However, tolerability is a significant issue as compared patients developed new-onset irritability and suicidal
with lower doses so that this strategy requires caution in ideation (Bloch et al., 2012; Niciu et al., 2013). Experience
primary care settings (Stein et al., 2012). The Food and with intranasal ketamine in OCD is very limited (Adams
Drug Administration in the USA raised a safety warning et al., 2017; Rodriguez et al., 2017). Ketamine should only
in 2011 against citalopram doses higher than 40 mg/day be administered at sites with expertise in this approach,
due to a modest but probable risk of arrhythmias (US with appropriate precautions including monitoring for
Food and Drug Administration, 2012). However, a more side effects and screening individuals who have a current
recent meta-analysis identified only 18 cases where elec- or past substance abuse problem (Sanacora et al., 2017).
trocardiogram QTc prolongation or torsades de pointes
was associated with citalopram at doses between 20 and In two double-blind, placebo-controlled studies, d-am-
60  mg/day. The authors concluded that these cardiac phetamine was superior to placebo in unmedicated
adverse events were infrequent (Tampi et al., 2015). OCD adults (Insel et al., 1983; Joffe et al., 1991). A sub-
sequent double-blind comparison of SSRI augmentation
When an inadequate treatment response persists, less with d-amphetamine versus high-dose caffeine showed
well supported treatment strategies (lacking multiple benefit of both drugs (Koran et al., 2009). Oral morphine
randomized, controlled trials or meta-analyses) may be showed benefit in a case series (Warneke, 1997) and in
considered (Koran et al., 2007; Koran and Simpson, 2013), a double-blind crossover study (Koran et al., 2005) in
including use of glutamate modulators*, d-ampheta- adults with OCD. Precautions should be taken in the
mine* or oral morphine sulfate*. case of both d-amphetamine and morphine to screen out

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Clinical advances in OCD Fineberg et al.  181

individuals who have current or past substance abuse device for the treatment of resistant OCD. However,
(Koran et al., 2007). considering the cost of this device, there is a need for
replication studies confirming the efficacy of the above
Other drugs, such as pindolol*, clonazepam*, buspirone*,
protocol, which included personalized symptom provo-
or lithium*, have been tested, but the results have been
cation as an interventional component. Less-expensive
mixed and some of the placebo-controlled trials have not
deep coils, which have shown promise in targeting the
found positive results. Some promising results have been
dorsomedial prefrontal cortex in open-label trials on
found with the 5HT3 antagonist ondansetron* (Serata
OCD (Modirrousta et al., 2015; Dunlop et al., 2016), are
et al., 2015) and a clinical trial is currently underway
yet to be evaluated under controlled conditions.
(, 2017) though a double-blind place-
bo-controlled trial of low daily dosages of odansetron* Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)* involves
(0.5 and 0.75 mg) in a relatively large sample was nega- administration of low-amplitude (1–2  mA) electric cur-
tive (, 2015). rent to the brain between a cathode and anode. Anodal
tDCS is thought to enhance cortical excitability and
Treatment-resistant obsessive-compulsive cathodal tDCS to have an inhibitory effect (Rachid,
disorder – noninvasive neurostimulation 2019). The SMA and OFC are key targets. A randomized
Noninvasive neuromodulatory interventions targeting sham-controlled trial (n  =  24 treatment-resistant OCD
the corticostriatothalamocortical (CSTC) circuits hold subjects) demonstrated efficacy for anodal tDCS admin-
promise as augmenting intervention for treatment-re- istered over bilateral pre-SMA and cathodal tDCS over
sistant OCD (Lusicic et al., 2018). Repetitive transcra- right supraorbital regions (Gowda et al., 2019). However,
nial magnetic stimulation (rTMS)* is the best studied another randomized crossover trial (n  =  12) found clin-
noninvasive modulatory intervention in OCD. rTMS ical improvement with cathodal tDCS over pre-SMA,
delivered at low-frequency rTMS (≤1  Hz) (LF-rTMS) while anodal tDCS was ineffective (D’urso et al., 2016).
is thought to inhibit the activity of underlying cortical Thus, replication studies are needed to determine the
regions, while high-frequency rTMS, provided at ≥5 Hz, optimal stimulation protocol for tDCS over SMA in
is thought to enhance cortical activity (Lefaucheur et al., OCD*. Another randomized sham-controlled trial (n = 21
2014). Conventional rTMS, provided through the fig- treatment-resistant OCD patients) showed efficacy for
ure-8 coil, is relatively focal, modulating superficial cor- cathodal tDCS delivered over the OFC and the anode
tical regions over a depth of around 2  cm (Lefaucheur over the right cerebellum, but the effect was not sus-
et al., 2014). LF-rTMS* protocols targeting the sup- tained at follow-up (Bation et al., 2019). Other promising
plementary motor area (SMA) have been found to be results in treatment-resistant OCD for protocols target-
helpful for OCD in multiple RCTs and meta-analyses ing OFC and other cortical regions, such as dorsolateral
(Mantovani et al., 2010; Gomes et al., 2012; Hawken et al., prefrontal cortex and dorsomedial prefrontal cortex, are
2016; Zhou et al., 2017; Rehn et al., 2018). This effect has found in case reports and small uncontrolled studies and
been found to last up to 3 months (Gomes et al., 2012). A have to be confirmed in well designed trials (Brunelin
recent trial demonstrated superior efficacy of this proto- et al., 2018; Rachid, 2019). Furthermore, studies present
col over antipsychotic augmentation in treatment-resist- significant heterogeneity and methodological differences
ant OCD subjects (Pallanti et al., 2016). However, given in sample selection criteria, concomitant treatment and
recent inconsistent reports on inhibitory rTMS proto- tDCS stimulation protocols (da Silva et al., 2019; Rachid,
cols targeting the SMA (Arumugham et al., 2018; Harika- 2019). Some authors suggest that overall cathodal tDCS
Germaneau et al., 2019; Pelissolo et al., 2016), there is a may be better than anodal in treating OCD (Rapinesi et
need for large multicentre trials to confirm its efficacy at al., 2019).
this location.
Currently, there are no RCTs to support the efficacy of
LF-rTMS targeting the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC)* has electroconvulsive therapy* (ECT) in OCD (Fontenelle
also shown promise in small RCTs (Ruffini et al., 2009; et al., 2015). Hence, ECT may be recommended only for
Nauczyciel et al., 2014). There is a need for larger trials acute treatment of comorbid conditions such as depres-
targeting the OFC to confirm its efficacy and tolerability. sion or psychosis*.
RCTs targeting the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex have,
in contrast – and unlike in major depressive disorder – To summarize, LF-rTMS delivered over the SMA (with
shown highly inconsistent findings in OCD (Lusicic et figure-8 coil) and HF-deep-rTMS over the dorsomedial
al., 2018). A multisite randomized sham-controlled trial prefrontal cortex/anterior cingulate cortex (with H7 coil)
found high-frequency deep rTMS, using an H7 coil, over appear promising interventions in treatment-resistant
the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex/anterior cingulate cor- OCD. There is a pressing need for large replication stud-
tex to be efficacious and well tolerated in a treatment ies and evaluation of long-term effects/maintenance pro-
resistant OCD population (Carmi et al., 2019). This FDA tocols. The evidence for tDCS is highly preliminary and
approval and CE (Conformité Européene) certification further exploratory studies are encouraged.

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182  International Clinical Psychopharmacology  2020, Vol 35 No 4

Treatment-resistant obsessive-compulsive The long-term benefits of VC/VS DBS are less certain. An
disorder – deep brain stimulation and open-label follow up study of 10 patients (Greenberg et al.,
ablative neurosurgery 2006) reported a reduction in mean Y-BOCS from 34.67
A significant number (10–40%) of patients do not at baseline (severe) to 22.37 (moderate) at 36 months. In
respond to any available therapy and suffer from severe, addition, significant improvements in global functioning,
enduring symptoms and dysfunction (Fineberg and Gale, depression and anxiety persisted.
2005; Denys, 2006; Gupta et al., 2019). For this highly The anteromedial subthalamic nucleus (amSTN) has
refractory patient group, ablative neurosurgery* and been identified as another promising target for DBS
deep brain stimulation* (DBS) remain modalities to be in OCD. Sixteen patients were randomized according
considered. These procedures are usually delivered as to a crossover design to either 3 months active or sham
an adjunct to existing pharmacological treatments, and treatment, resulting in a significantly greater reduction
CBT is frequently also administered, either during the in mean Y-BOCS in the stimulation versus sham group
acute treatment phase or follow-up. DBS is considered an (endpoint 19  ±  8 versus 28  ±  7) (Mallet et al., 2008). It
experimental treatment, but has an FDA ‘humanitarian remains unclear whether VC/VS holds any advantage
device exemption’ for severe refractory OCD (US Food over amSTN DBS. A recent ‘mechanism of effect’ study
and Drug Administration, 2009). of six OCD patients, in which electrodes were implanted
Stereotactic neurosurgical procedures for intractable in both these sites, found differential improvements in
OCD have been available for >50  years (Miguel et al., mood (VC/VS) and cognitive flexibility (amSTN), sug-
2019). The procedures include dorsal anterior cingulot- gesting that DBS exerts therapeutic effects at these tar-
omy and anterior capsulotomy and are reserved for the gets via different brain networks (Tyagi et al., 2019).
most severe, treatment nonresponsive patients. A sys- There have been no head-to-head trials compar-
tematic review involving 10 studies and 193 participants ing ablative neurosurgery with DBS. A recent review
suggested both procedures were efficacious (Brown et al., (Pepper et al., 2015) retrospectively evaluated 20
2016). The authors reported a mean Y-BOCS reduction studies of varying methodological quality involving
of 37% for cingulotomy and 57% for capsulotomy. The 62 patients who underwent DBS of the VC/VS or the
rates of serious or permanent adverse events were 5.2% nucleus accumbens and 108 patients who underwent
in the cingulotomy studies and 21.4% in the capsulotomy anterior capsulotomy. The capsulotomy group showed
studies. Another recent review of publications on anterior a significantly higher (51%) mean reduction in Y-BOCS
capsulotomy spanning over five decades (Pepper et al., than the DBS group (40%). No difference in surgical
2019) reported ‘significant clinical response’ in 73–90% of complication rates was observed. Adverse events across
patients and ‘remission’ in 24–39% of patients with treat- both modalities included intracranial haemorrhage
ment-resistant OCD. (2–5%), persisting postoperative side effects (5–7%),
DBS was investigated as a partially reversible alterna- cognitive and personality changes (7–13%) and suicide
tive to surgical ablation (Nuttin et al., 1999). The original (1–2%). Weight gain (defined by an increase >10%) was
stimulation target was similar to the site of anterior cap- significantly higher in the capsulotomy group (29 ver-
sulotomy, that is, ventral capsule/ventral striatum (VC/ sus 3%). In other studies (Mallet et al., 2008; Menchón
VS). Three reasonably sized studies have provided evi- et al., 2019), hypomania after electrode implantation is
dence in favour of the acute efficacy of DBS in the VC/ commonly (6%) reported.
VS. The first involved 24 patients who were followed In summary, studies of both DBS and ablative neurosur-
up to four years and reported a 37% median improve- gery have shown these techniques are clinically effec-
ment in baseline Y-BOCS scores (Luyten et al., 2016). tive for this highly refractory and extremely chronically
‘ON’ phases of stimulation were compared with ‘OFF’ disabled patient group. However, there is as yet insuffi-
phases (no stimulation), demonstrating that improve- cient evidence to determine which technique to choose
ments were unlikely to represent ‘placebo’ effects. The at an individual patient level. Further clarification of the
second study investigated 16 patients, initially as open differential effects of ablation and stimulation across
label, reporting a 46% reduction in baseline Y-BOCS the different candidate neural targets, as well as better
at 8 months as well as a significant difference (25%) in understanding of the interaction between somatic, phar-
Y-BOCS scores when compared with sham stimulation macological and psychological interventions, have the
in a subsequent month-long double-blind phase (Denys potential to advance the field towards a personalized
et al., 2010). A recent 12-month multicentre study of approach. Agreement over standardized patient selection
30 patients given VC/VS DBS (Menchón et al., 2019) and treatment protocols that would allow clinical out-
reported a mean reduction of baseline Y-BOCS of 42%. comes data to be collected and compared across treatment
Sixty percent of patients were responded (reduction in centres, represents an achievable milestone towards this
baseline Y-BOCS > 40%). goal (Menchón et al., 2019). Meanwhile, technological

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Clinical advances in OCD Fineberg et al.  183

innovations, for example, MRI-guided focussed ultra- to establish identifiable OCRD-specific illness patterns
sound, laser interstitial thermal therapy (Miguel et al., and use those real-time results to create an immediate
2019), offer potential for safer and more cost-effective feedback loop with the patient, which could then be used
surgical approaches. therapeutically by providing direct feedback on their
behaviour and progress.
Future directions for research
Other forms of active online intervention have become
Problematic usage of the internet
increasingly available for OCRD (Whiteside et al., 2013)
Problematic use of the internet (PUI) is an umbrella
and may potentially enhance and facilitate treatment
term for a range of repetitive functionally impairing com-
adherence (Andersson et al., 2014; Marzano et al., 2015).
pulsive behaviours including gambling, gaming, sexual
For example, WhatsApp group interventions, in which
behaviour, shopping, video-streaming or social media use.
the patient reports to their clinician, in real time, their
While advances have been made in defining diagnostic
difficulties, daily achievement and progress, enable
criteria and developing rating scales for some forms of
continual communication, real-time reporting, prompt
PUI (e.g., Gaming Disorder) (Király et al., 2015), a consid-
responses and rapid intervention when needed. In addi-
erable amount of research is needed to understand bet-
tion, the digital intervention may serve as a platform for
ter the broad range of PUI phenomena and translate the
continuous monitoring of tasks delivered in face-to-face
known behavioural phenotypes into valid and reliable
meetings. Another example of existing digital interven-
diagnostic criteria and assessment tools, to facilitate the
tions is the proactive use of webcams and smartphone
systematic investigation of aetiological factors and brain-
cameras. Using this domain and with patient’s consent,
based mechanisms, as a platform for the development of
the clinician has the opportunity to monitor patients in
preventive and therapeutic interventions (Fineberg et al.,
their natural environment. As the digital platform bridges
the elapsed time between therapeutic sessions, it over-
Significant cross-sectional associations between PUI and comes geographical distances and enables therapeutic
OCD symptoms have been found (Carli et al., 2013). practice in the patient’s natural environment (WHO,
For example, in a two-site international online survey, 2016), where symptoms are manifested daily. In addition
ADHD and social anxiety disorder were associated with to enriching the clinical picture by direct observation of
high PUI scores in young participants, whereas OCD and symptoms, it confers the general assertive outreach ben-
generalized anxiety disorder were associated with high efits of telemedicine, which can be critical for otherwise
PUI scores in older participants (Ioannidis et al., 2018). difficult to treat socially isolated patients who cannot
access help otherwise.
Novel digital interventions in obsessive-compulsive
In practice, this approach breaks down the traditional
terminology of ‘outpatient’, ‘in-patient’ and ‘day hospi-
Digital technology offers new opportunities for monitor-
talization’, by allowing real time, objective and continu-
ing and interventions. The extensive use of smartphones
ous monitoring (WHO, 2016). The combination of digital
and the vast amounts of information they contain has
monitoring and online communication produces a form
positioned them as a proxy for behavioural and social
of ‘virtual hospitalization’, enabling comprehensive and
interactions (WHO, 2016). Harnessing smartphone tech-
intensive treatment by offering continued monitoring
nology along with smart wearables (e.g., smart watches)
and delivery of therapy in the patient’s natural environ-
is expected to be a valuable source of continuous, objec-
ment, where the OCD usually occurs, and not within the
tive and reliable data for clinical characterization, behav-
artificial setting of the clinic. While such approaches are
ioural monitoring and treatment support (Marzano et al.,
2015). This is true for several disorders, but especially still under development, digital tools seem to bear great
true for obsessive-compulsive problems such as PUI, as potential and may change the landscape of treatment in
the digital media that is directly linked to the disorder is OCRDs, providing potentially cost-effective alternatives
the same one that can accurately monitor the behaviour to hospitalization or outpatient clinics.
(Ferreri et al., 2019).
Immunological therapies
Accordingly, using digital technology along with big data Inflammation and release of inflammatory cytokines affect
analyses may enable the potential to characterize the ‘dig- brain circuitry involving both reward and threat-sensitiv-
ital phenotype’ of the disorder (Ferreri et al., 2019) and ity, producing potentially adaptive and beneficial behav-
to identify those individuals most at risk (e.g., by moni- ioural responses (Raison and Miller, 2013). There is
toring online internet usage in comparison with changes growing evidence of dysfunctional immunological func-
in diurnal variation, lack of human contact, lack of geo- tion in the pathogenesis of a significant subset of OCD
graphical movement, restricted circles of friends, etc.). patients. Elevated levels of basal ganglia antibodies have
A research avenue in this direction is to use (real time) been detected in adult OCD patients’ plasma compared
big data analysis, alongside machine learning algorithms, with psychiatric control groups (Nicholson et al., 2012). In

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184  International Clinical Psychopharmacology  2020, Vol 35 No 4

addition, significantly increased levels of CSF autoanti- looking for evidence to confirm or refute the obsessions
bodies directed against basal ganglia and thalamus were can become incorporated into rituals. Cognitive therapy
found among drug-naive OCD patients, and were asso- may also turn out to be less cost-efficient, as it requires
ciated with increased levels of CSF glutamate and gly- more training and supervision for the therapist and usu-
cine, indicating underpinning abnormalities in excitatory ally takes more time in therapy. It is therefore probably
neurotransmission and correlating with hyperactivity in best used in situations where there is OCD refractory to
the ventral cognitive circuit (Bhattacharyya et al., 2009). ERP therapy (Drummond and Edwards, 2018).
Translocator protein distribution volume, a marker of the
Rational emotive therapy, on the other hand, has been
microglial component of neuroinflammation, was found
shown to have some possible beneficial effects in OCD
to be significantly elevated in the CSTC circuit of OCD (Emmelkamp et al., 1988). Australian researchers have
subjects compared with healthy controls, demonstrat- developed danger ideation reduction therapy (DIRT),
ing inflammation within the neurocircuitry extending using rational emotive therapy but with instructions
beyond the basal ganglia, and affecting the adult popu- not to undergo exposure for patients with contamina-
lation rather than solely childhood OCD (Attwells et al., tion fears; good outcomes in case reports and some small
2017). controlled trials have been found (Jones and Menzies,
A common genetic link may explain an excess of some 1998; Krochmalik et al., 2001; Maqbool et al., 2017). The
autoimmune comorbidities. For example, in the acute techniques used in DIRT include cognitive restructur-
paediatric onset subset of children (PANDAS), there is ing using rational emotive therapy (Ellis, 1962); filmed
immunological cross-reactivity with epitopes associated interviews with people who work in feared situations;
with streptococcal infection expressed on the surface of corrective information about the real risks of ‘contami-
basal ganglia neurons. About 20% of the mothers of chil- nation’ as opposed to the deleterious effects of overzeal-
dren fulfilling criteria for PANDAS (Chang et al., 2015) ous hand-washing and attentional focussing whereby
had at least one autoimmune disease. Multigenerational patients are taught to focus the mind away from the dan-
studies also show that OCD patients’ relatives are more ger-related intrusive thoughts.
likely to have an autoimmune disease such as Sjögren’s In recent years, the so-called Third Wave Therapies have
syndrome, coeliac disease, Guillian Barrè, Crohn’s dis- been used in a number of psychiatric conditions (Pérez
ease, Hashimotos Thyroiditis, type I diabetes mellitus, Álvarez, 2012). The therapy of this type most commonly
ulcerative colitis, multiple sclerosis and psoriasis vul- used in OCD is mindfulness, which teaches an individ-
garis (Mataix-Cols et al., 2018). A subset of patients with ual to focus on the world around them rather than their
PANDAS with motor symptoms demonstrated antineu- internal dialogue. A recent study demonstrated that
ral antibodies against dopamine (D1) receptors as well both cognitive restructuring and also mindfulness led to
as elevated antibodies against tubulin, lysoganglioside a small improvement in Y-BOCS score when compared
and higher activation of calmodulin-dependent protein with waiting list controls. However, the strength of effi-
kinase II (Cox et al., 2015). cacy for both treatments appeared to be less than that
Immunomodulatory therapy represents a new field of generally found with ERP (Rupp et al., 2019). Despite
investigation in OCD. While treatment with antimi- promising results for metacognitive therapy in patients
crobials has delivered inconsistent results (Burchi and with OCD in case series, a full controlled trial has yet to
Pallanti, 2018), other immunological modulators, such as be performed (Melchior et al., 2019).
celecoxib* (Shalbafan et al., 2015) and nonspecific non- Many OCD patients describe their compulsions as habit-
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Spartz et al., 2017), ual, that is, fixed ‘stimulus-response ’acts that, through
have produced some positive findings, the latter only habit learning, occur automatically in response to a
in a subset of young people. Thus, evidence of the use- specific environmental trigger. Habit reversal therapy
fulness of this approach in OCD remains insufficient. (HRT) (Azrin and Nunn, 1973) is a long-established
Nevertheless, researchers and clinicians should consider form of therapy that helps patients alter habitual perfor-
genetic and immunological profile differences in the mance through a variety of behavioural methods. HRT is
search for precise individualized therapy for OCD. reported to be efficacious for the treatment of Tourette
syndrome and Tic Disorders and has more recently been
Novel forms of psychotherapy applied with success in OCRDs such as trichotillomania
Although it may seem logical to try to tackle OCD using and skin picking behaviours. However, there remains
cognitive therapy, little evidence suggests that it offers a scarcity of evidence from controlled trials to support
any advantage to graded exposure and self-imposed the efficacy of HRT in OCRDs in general and OCD in
response prevention (Tyagi et al., 2010; Ougrin, 2011). particular (Lee et al., 2019a). Emerging neurosciences
Poorly applied cognitive therapy, such as that expecting evidence identifying faulty habit learning in OCD
patients to re-evaluate actual dangers, may make some (Fineberg et al., 2018a) suggests further study of HRT in
patients with OCD worse. This is because the process of OCD would be worthwhile.

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Clinical advances in OCD Fineberg et al.  185

Pharmacogenetics on the serotonergic system in the treatment and patho-

Pharmacogenetics or pharmacogenomics define genetic physiology of OCD. As a result of neuroscience insights
variants that influence either drug metabolism, delivery, including endophenotype-based approaches (reviewed
affinity to receptors or transporters may contribute to the in Fineberg et al., 2018a), OCD has been removed from
prediction of drug efficacy or toxicity, promoting preci- the anxiety disorder grouping in the DSM-5 (American
sion medicine (Hess et al., 2015). Because approximately Psychiatric Association, 2013) and ICD-11 (WHO, 2018)
one-quarter of OCD patients do not respond to treatment and now stands at the head of a new family of OCRDs.
with either SSRIs or CBT alone, or their combination
The realization that OCRDs as a group are different from
(Hirschtritt et al., 2017), it has been suggested that phar-
other anxiety disorders has led to significant changes in
macogenetics may contribute to better drug-response
understanding their impact (the prevalence of OCRD in
prediction and side effect tolerance (Zai et al., 2014).
the population is more than 9%) (Carmi et al., 2019, in
Currently, several pharmacogenetic approaches using submission) and to refinement of the treatment approach
hypothesis-free GWAS have been conducted into the (e.g., focussing on the urge to perform compulsions and
association between candidate genes and drug response in the need for higher doses of serotonergic medication).
OCD patients (Di Bella et al., 2002; Denys et al., 2007; Van
This position statement highlights the major changes
Nieuwerburgh et al., 2009; Miguita et al., 2011; Grünblatt
that have been taking place in the last few years in the
et al., 2014; Zai et al., 2014; Umehara et al., 2015; Mas et al.,
field of OCD, in terms of conceptualization, diagnosis,
2016; Qin et al., 2016; Umehara et al., 2016; Taj et al., 2018;
assessment, intervention (with focus on early interven-
Lisoway et al., 2018; Sina et al., 2018; Abdolhosseinzadeh
tion), strategies for optimizing the efficacy of specific
et al., 2019a,b; Alizadeh et al., 2019). The candidate
pharmacological intervention (SRI) with specific psycho-
genes investigated belong to: (1) pharmacokinetic regu-
logical intervention (ERP), the critical role of treatment
lating genes, such as the CYP450 liver enzymes such as
of children and young adults and the importance of main-
CYP2D6 and CYP2C19; (2) serotonergic systems, such as
tenance of well-being.
SLC6A4 and its promoter, HTTLPR, HTR2A, HTR2C,
HTR1B and TPH2; (3) glutamatergic systems, such as As new neuroscience insights are revealed, new thera-
SLC1A1, DLGAP2, DLGAP2, GRIN2B, GRIK2, SLIT, peutic interventions are being explored (e.g., glutamater-
SLITRK5; (4) dopaminergic systems, such as COMT, gic agents, dopaminergic modulators, etc.). This position
MAOA, DRD2 and DRD4 and (5) other systems, such as statement also covers invasive and noninvasive neuro-
BDNF, NTRK3, MOG, OLIG2 and DISP1. modulation as experimental interventions, including
deep TMS (achieving FDA indication for OCD in 2018)
Currently, no consensus with sufficiently robust results
(US Food and Drug Administration, 2018).
exists in the pharmacogenetics of OCD, due to the fact
that many studies used naturalistic approaches, did not Looking to the future, other exciting avenues for inves-
employ double blinded designs or crossed over with the tigation include the use of digital tools to monitor (and
tested drug, used a variety of drugs and doses, as well as eventually to diagnose OCRDs), better understanding
used various cutoffs and measures determining response. of links between excessive Internet use and OCRDs,
Although there is still a need systematically to assess the advanced genetic methods and new pharmacological
pharmacogenetic link between treatment response (to domains (e.g., immunological systems). Indeed, it seems
SSRIs, tricyclics, antipsychotics, clomipramine, etc.) and that the future was never so bright for OCRD patients.
certain genes, some data are already available, though very We trust that this position statement has managed to cap-
limited, on the Internet (e.g.,; ture, describe, explain and shed light on many of these
Whirl-Carrillo et al., 2012) summarizing some findings on developments, including those in the front line of under-
pharmacogenetics of some drugs and giving some recom- standing and treatment of OCRD in the future.
mendations aligning with those of the FDA, European
Medicine Agency, Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Acknowledgements
Agency, Japan and Health Canada (Sante Canada). The authors wish to acknowledge the members of
the International College of Obsessive-Compulsive
Conclusion Disorders (www., who have contributed to
Until just 40 years ago, OCD was considered rare, of psy- the development of this article. With particular thanks
chological origin and without effective treatment. Now, all for critically reviewing the statement and editing the
have changed; the finding in the 1970s and 1980s that ser- manuscript, to Rajshekhar Bipeta, Julius Burkauskas,
otonergic medication (clomipramine, followed by SSRIs) Artemisa Dores, Giacomo Grassi, Donatella Marazziti,
was effective (Montgomery, 1980; Zohar et al., 1987; Pedro Morgado and Humberto Nicolini. We grateful to
Zohar and Insel, 1987) opened the door to great inter- the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology
est in OCD (Zohar, 2012). This led to the development (ECNP) Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders
of specific forms of psychological intervention (ERP) Research Network (OCRN) for providing monetary sup-
which replaced the dynamic approach and to a focus port for the open access article processing charges for

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186  International Clinical Psychopharmacology  2020, Vol 35 No 4

this article. We are also grateful to the ECNP OCRN, companies in the last 36 months. Outside professional
American College of Neuropsychopharmacology and activities and interests are declared under the link of
the World Psychiatric Association Scientific Section the University of Zurich,
for Anxiety and Obsessive-Compulsive and Related interessenbindungen/client/web. V.B. has received lec-
Disorders, for providing networking support. ture honoraria from Lundbeck and Otsuka. V.B. is a clin-
ical investigator in a clinical trial funded by Boeringher
This article refers to studies funded by the National Ingelheim and has obtained competitive grant funding
Institute for Health Research (NIHR) RFPB (Grant from a Pfizer Neuroscience Grant, the Nepean Medical
Reference Number PB-PG-0712-28044, NIHR RfPB Research Foundation, the University of Sydney, Western
PB-PG-1216-20005). The views expressed are those of Sydney University, Western Sydney Local Health
the authors and not necessarily those of the NIHR or the District and the Better Foundation. C.I.R. has served
Department of Health and Social Care. as a consultant for Allergan, BlackThorn Therapeutics,
Rugen Therapeutics and Epiodyne, receives research
N.A.F. was supported by a COST Action Grant grant support from Biohaven Inc. and a stipend from APA
(CA16207; European Network for Problematic Usage Publishing for her role as Deputy Editor at The American
of the Internet; European Cooperation in Science and Journal of Psychiatry. J.M.M. has received honoraria and
Technology; and a NIHR grant [NIHR travel grants from Exeltis, Janssen, Servier, AbBiotics and
RfPB PB-PG-1216-20005; FEasibility and Acceptability Medtronic in the last 36 months. B.M.D. has received
of Transcranial Stimulation in Obsessive-Compulsive lecture honoraria from Lundbeck, Angelini, Janssen,
Symptoms (FEATSOCS)]. S.R.C. was supported by a Neuraxpharma, Arcapharma and Livanova. Y.C.J.R. has
Wellcome Trust Clinical Fellowship. E.H. was funded received grants from the Department of Biotechnology
by DOD, and OPD-FDA. E.G. was funded by the (DBT) and the Indian Council of Medical Research
University of Zurich. (ICMR) of the Government of India and is currently
involved in a study funded by the National Institute of
All authors were involved in drafting the manuscript and Mental Health (NIMH), USA. Y.C.J.R. is the lead author
agreed to its publication. All authors read and approved of the Indian Psychiatric Society (IPS) Clinical Practice
their sections of the final version of the manuscript. Guidelines for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and is
also the lead author of the Clinical Practice Guidelines
Conflicts of interest for Cognitive Behaviour Therapies in Anxiety Disorders
N.A.F. declares that in the past 3  years, she had held and Obsessive-Compulsive Related Disorders (in
research or networking grants from the ECNP, UK press). D.J.S. has received either research grants or con-
NIHR, EU H2020, MRC, University of Hertfordshire. sultancy honoraria from Lundbeck and Sun or both.
In the past 3 years, she had either accepted travel or S.P. declares funding from the National Institute of
hospitality expenses or both from the BAP, ECNP, Mental Health, USA; R21 NCTID NCT03669315. J.Z.
RCPsych, CINP, International Forum of Mood and received grants and research support from Lundbeck,
Anxiety Disorders, World Psychiatric Association and Servier, Brainsway, Pfizer and the DOD, honoraria and
Indian Association for Biological Psychiatry. In the past 3 consultation fees from Lundbeck, Roche, Lilly, Servier,
years, she had received payment from Taylor and Francis Pfizer. S.R.C. consults for Promentis and Ieso Digital
and Elsevier for editorial duties. In the past 3 years, she Health. S.S.A. has received research funding grant from
had accepted a paid speaking engagement in a webinar the Wellcome Trust-DBT India alliance and Indian
sponsored by Abbott. Previously, she had accepted paid Council of Medical Research. M.V.A. reports being on
speaking engagements in various industry supported the Advisory Boards of Allergan, Almatica, Brainsway,
symposia and have recruited patients for various indus- Janssen, Lundbeck, Myriad Neuroscience, Otsuka and
try-sponsored studies in the field of OCD treatment. Purdue Pharma (Canada); M.V.A. is on the Speaker’s
She leads an NHS treatment service for OCD. She holds Bureau for Allergan, Lundbeck, Otsuka, Pfizer, Purdue
Board membership for various registered charities linked Pharma (Canada) and Takeda; and has received research
to OCD. She gives expert advice on psychopharmacol- support from Janssen, Purdue Pharma (Canada), the
ogy to the UK MHRA and NICE. S.W. has received Canadian Foundation for Innovation and Hamilton
royalties from Thieme, Hogrefe, Kohlhammer, Springer, Academic Health Sciences Organization (HAHSO).
Beltz in the last 5 years. Her work was supported by D.A.M.D.G. has received grant or research support
the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF), diff. EU from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute
FP7s, HSM Hochspezialisierte Medizin of the Kanton of Child Health and Human Development subcon-
Zurich, Switzerland, Bfarm Germany, ZInEP, Hartmann tract with Duke Clinical Research Center Pediatric
Müller Stiftung, Olga Mayenfisch, Gertrud Thalmann Trials Network, Biohaven Pharmaceuticals, Neurocrine
and Vontobel Fonds in the last 5 years. She received Biosciences, Nuvelution Pharma, Peace of Mind
no honoraria from pharmaceutical or other industrial Foundation, Syneos Health and Teva Pharmaceutical

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Clinical advances in OCD Fineberg et al.  187

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