Grammar Revision Pack (1) b1

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Grammar Revision Pack

LEVEL 5 Name:
Updated: 14/07/2017

Exercise 1: Decide which answer (A, B or C) best fits the space.

Maria’s homecoming

When the bus (1) _______ in a small square, Maria (2) _______ her magazine and didn’t realize
that she (3) _______ at her destination. ‘This is Santa Teresa,’ her husband Martin said. ‘(4)
_______ home! I suppose your cousin will be waiting for us. Come on. I’ll carry the bags.’ Martin
thought, ‘All those years while I (5) _______ in New York, I (6) _______ of this moment. And now
it’s real. I can’t believe it! Here I am, (7) _______ in the square’. Santa Teresa was Maria’s
birthplace, but she (8) _______ the town at the age of six. She had some memories of the town,
and some photos, but (9) _______ here still? She (10) _______. Nobody (11) _______ in the
square. Perhaps her cousin Pablo (12) _______ Maria’s letter. ‘What are we going to do now?’
asked Martin. ‘There isn’t even a hotel here!’

1) a. has stopped b. stops c. stopped

2) a. was reading b. read c. had read

3) a. arrived b. had arrived c. has arrived

4) a. You’ve arrived b. You arrive c. You’re arriving

5) a. was living b. have lived c. live

6) a. dream b. am dreaming c. dreamt

7) a. I really stand b. I was really standing c. really standing

8) a. was leaving b. had left c. has left

9) a. has she belonged b. did she belong c. does she belong

10) a. wasn’t knowing b. hadn’t known c. didn’t know

11) a. was waiting b. is waiting c. waits

12) a. wasn’t receiving b. hadn’t received c. hasn’t received

* Adapted from Intermediate Language Practice

Exercise 2: Write questions with or without the auxiliary do, does, or did.

1. When / your brother / pass his driving test?

2. Who / cook / in your family?
3. What / happen / if I press this button?
4. How long / you / spend / in Australia last summer?
5. Which / you / prefer – tea or coffee?
6. What / make / you angry?
7. Who / drink / all the fruit juice I / leave / in the fridge?
8. How long / it take / to get to Norwich from here?

Exercise 3: Write indirect questions.

1. “Where does Natalie live?”

Do you know _______________________________________?
2. “What’s the time, please?”
Could you tell me _______________________________________?
3. “Where did we park the car?”
Do you remember _______________________________________?
4. “Are there any tickets left for the concert tonight?”
Do you know _______________________________________?
5. “What time does the concert start?”
Can you tell me _______________________________________?
6. “When’s Sally’s birthday?”
Can you remember _______________________________________?
* Adapted from New English File Upper-intermediate Workbook (Exercises 2&3)


Exercise 4: Decide if the underlined parts are right () or wrong (X). Tick the correct ones and
correct the wrong phrases.

1. I was being late for my flight because I had parked in the wrong terminal.
2. Had you a good flight?
3. Someone stole their hand luggage while they wait in the queue.
4. Where was going Ewan when his car broke down?
5. Daisy had already left the airport when she realized she had the wrong suitcase.
6. Our suitcases were already at baggage reclaim when we were getting there.
7. We said goodbye to our friends. Then we went through security and passport control into
the departure lounge.
8. He had been flying for twelve hours by the time he reached Australia.

Exercise 5: Circle the correct verb form. Sometimes both are possible.

1. Jess was exhausted, but she was happy that she had completed / had been completing all her
2. We weren’t hungry during the flight because we had had / had been having a meal earlier in
one of the airport restaurants.
3. The crew were exhausted because they had worked / had been working all night.
4. After I had picked up / had been picking up my luggage, I took a taxi to my hotel.
5. My mother couldn’t move her legs because she had sat / had been sitting down for so long.
6. My flight arrived late because it hadn’t taken off / hadn’t been taking off on time.

Exercise 6: Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

My parents (1) _____________________ (never fly) before, and so they were very nervous when we
(2) _____________________ (arrive) at Heathrow Airport to take our flight to Benidorm in Spain. I
(3) _____________________ (leave) them at the terminal building with instructions to get in the
queue at the check-in desk while I (4) _____________________ (go) to park my car in the long-term
car park. However, when I (5) _______ (get) to the check-in desk myself, they were nowhere in sight.
I (6)_____________________ (look) for them everywhere until it suddenly occurred to me that they
(7)_____________________ (already / check in) and they (8) _____________________ (wait) for me
in the departure lounge. This was a real problem because I (9) _____________________ (give) all the
tickets to my mother, including my own, and so I couldn’t check in myself.

I immediately (10) _____________________ (call) my parents on their mobile, I was right; they
(11)_____________________ (check in) and gone through to the departure lounge. They
(12_____________________ (wait) for me nearly half an hour at the gate with my ticket in their
hands! Luckily a flight attendant went and fetched my ticket, and I finally joined them at the
departure gate!

* Adapted from New English File Upper-intermediate Workbook (Exercises 4, 5 and 6)

Exercise 7: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. If you _____________________ (commit) a crime, you’ll be punished.

2. If that boy _____________________ (try) to talk to me again, I’ll tell him I’m not interested.
3. I _____________________ (go) to the doctor tomorrow if I don’t feel better.
4. We _____________________ (call) an ambulance if you think he’s broken his leg.
5. You’ll regret it if you _____________________ (not take) advantage of this opportunity.

Exercise 8: Choose the correct answer.

1. Don’t leave the medicine on the table if / in case the children open it.
2. You’ll have plenty of time to travel when / in case your children grow up.
3. If / In case there isn’t enough evidence, the man will be acquitted.
4. Please return to your seats as soon as / as long as the fasten seatbelt sign is switched on.
5. It’s raining! You’ll get soaked if / unless you go out now.
* Adapted from New English File Upper-intermediate Workbook (Exercises 7&8)


Exercise 9: Use the verbs in the box to respond to each of the questions below in a suitable way.
You may need to change the tense. If there is a word in brackets, use it in your answer.

wake up break up take off calm down try out

make up let down believe in look down on look up to

1. A: Why don’t you like him?

B: He thinks he is so clever, and he _______________ (everybody).
2. A: Which class do you prefer?
B: The late one! I hate _______________early!
3. A: You really like her, right?
B: I trust her completely. She has never _______________ (me).
4. A: I’ve never taken a dance class.
B: Come with me this week. You can _______________ (it) for one class.
5. A: If they don’t stop making so much noise, I’m going to scream.
B: Wow. You need to _______________– it’s not that loud.
6. A: Did your parents ever realise what had happened?
B: No! I _______________ (story) and they believed it!
7. A: Are you afraid of flying?
B: When we are in the air it’s OK, but I hate _______________and landing.
8. A: Are you and Bob still together?
B: No, we _______________a couple of months ago.
9. A: Are you good friends with your sister?
B: Absolutely. Ever since I was a child I’ve _______________ (her).
10. A: Why did you stop talking to him?
B: He _______________ astrology and horoscopes and things like that – and it’s the only
thing he talks about

Exercise 10: Complete the e-mail with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the present
perfect simple or continuous.

Dear Sabine,

Sorry I (1) _______________ (not write) for ages, but I (2) _______________ (have) a lot of work
recently and I (3) _______________ (be) too exhausted to do anything in the evenings once I get
home. Today is a bank holiday though, so I (4)_______________ (write) emails all day to try catch up
with all my friends.

Guess what! I (5) _____________________ (move out) of my parents’ house! I (6) _______________
(live) in my new flat for a week now, and I love it! I (7) _______________________ (already unpack)
all my things and it’s beginning to feel like home. You must come and visit!

The bad news is that I (8) _______________ (split up) with Sebastian. He (9) _______________
(travel) so much recently that we (10) _______________ (not manage) to see each other much, so it
was time to finish it. But I (11) _______________ (meet) someone else. He’s called Carl and he’s a
colleague from work. We (12) _______________ (see) each other since the beginning of the summer.
We (13)_______________ (have) three dates so far and I really like him!

* Adapted from New English File Upper-intermediate Workbook (Exercise 10)


Exercise 11: Choose the correct answer.

1. Before my sister had children, she used to sleep / sleeping for eight hours every night.
2. When we moved to Britain from Poland, we weren’t used to drive / driving on the left.
3. Chris got divorced last year but he soon got used to live / living on his own.
4. When Lucy was little, she didn’t use to eat / eating vegetables at all.
5. My parents are slowly getting used to be / being retired.
6. My new job is exhausting. I’m not used to get up / getting up so early.
7. Did you use to play / playing a musical instrument at school?
8. Living in a foreign country seems strange at first, but you soon get used / get used to it.

Exercise 12: Rewrite the sentences using a form of used to, get used to, or be used to.

1. Stephen wasn’t usually so assertive in the past.

Stephen _______________ so assertive.
2. Has working at night become more normal now?
Have you _______________ at night?
3. I don’t normally have breakfast so early.
I’m _______________ breakfast so early.
4. Chloe wore her sister’s clothes when she was a child.
Chloe _______________her sister’s clothes when she was a child.
5. We have adapted to living in the country very quickly.
We have _______________in the country very quickly.
6. She often looks after people so she will make an excellent nurse.
She is _______________people, so she will make an excellent nurse.
7. They still don’t know how to use the new system – they keep making mistakes.
They haven’t _______________the new systems yet.
8. I couldn’t sleep because I don’t normally sleep on a sofa.
I couldn’t sleep because I wasn’t _______________on a sofa.
* Adapted from New English File Upper-intermediate Workbook (Exercise 11&12)

Exercise 13: Decide if the underlined parts are right () or wrong (X). Tick the correct ones and
correct the wrong phrases.

1. Emma’s still very upset about her divorce, so you shouldn’t ask her about it. ___________
2. The invitation said we didn’t need to wear formal clothes, so we wore jeans. ___________
3. Employees don’t have to download any software as it’s against company rules. ___________
4. We’re supposed to finish early on Fridays, but we always end up staying late. ___________
5. If you want to be sure of passing your exam, you really ought study more. ___________
6. The boss is in a bad mood today so you should watch out. ___________
7. You don’t need to show your passport for domestic travel within the UK. ___________

Exercise 14: Choose the correct alternative in each pair. Sometimes both may be possible.

Becky: Hi, I’m Becky. I’m Amanda’s new personal assistant.

Matt: Well, you (1) can’t / needn’t sit in that chair because it’s mine. The assistants sit over

Becky: I’m so sorry.

Matt: You (2) needn’t / don’t have to apologize. And incidentally, never apologize to the boss.
Amanda says we (3) mustn’t / aren’t allowed to ever say sorry, just do the job and do it
well. Have you met her yet, by the way?

Becky: Only briefly, at my interview.

Matt: Well, you (4) had to / ought to get ready for a shock. By the end of today, you’ll be
wondering if you should have accepted this job.

Becky: What do you mean?

Matt: Let’s just say that you (5) can’t / don’t have to relax when she’s around. Oh, and you (6)
must / should have her carrot juice ready by 11 a.m. and it’s already three minutes
past. You (7) should / ought to hurry up!
* Adapted from New English File Advanced Teacher’s Book (Exercise 13&14)


Exercise 17: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Use either
to+verb OR verb+ing.

1. ______________ is my favorite sport. (ski)

2. I want to go to London ______________English. (learn)
3. It’s impossible ______________in this heat. (sleep)
4. I’m really looking forward to ______________ my friends next week (see)
5. I heard everybody ______________ about me. (talk)
6. Let’s not go by train. It would be easier ______________. (drive)
7. ______________, we must practice harder. (win)
8. ______________ alone in a strange country, you need to prepare well. (travel)

Exercise 18: Complete the sentences with the correct form of a verb from the list. Use either
to+verb OR verb+ing.

buy call climb find read send spend

1. My sister is trying _____________ a new job. She doesn’t get on with her boss.
2. Do you remember _________ the apple tree in our parents’ garden when we were children?
3. Did you remember _____________a plumber - because the shower’s still broken.
4. Laura forgot _____________her mother a birthday card.
5. I remembered _____________the milk, but I forgot to buy any bread!
6. If you can’t sleep at night, try _____________ a book in bed. It will help you relax.
7. I’ll never forget _____________a romantic weekend in Paris with my first boyfriend.
* Adapted from New English File Upper-intermediate Workbook (Exercise 17&18)

Exercise 19: Complete the text with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.

As a police officer, I was very upset when my motorbike (1) _____________ (take) from outside my
house last month. When I found out that over 20 motorbikes (2) _____________ (steal) in my area in
the previous six months, I promised myself that the thief would (3) _____________ (catch) and
punished. All the victims of the thefts (4) _____________ (question) and all the motorbike dealers in
the area (5)_____________ (visit) by my colleagues and I. Our investigations came to an end late last
night when we identified the criminal… as my next-door neighbor!

He (6)_____________ (just arrest) and at the moment he (7) _____________ (hold) at the local
police station. His case (8) _____________ (hear) in the Magistrate’s Court next week and we all
expect him to be found guilty. He might (9) _____________ (give) a short prison sentence, but the
best thing is that no more motorbikes (10) _____________ (steal) in my area in the near future.

* Adapted from New English File Upper-intermediate Workbook (Exercise 19)

Exercise 20: Complete the sentences with passives so that each has a similar meaning to the one

1. You can find more information on our website.

More information _____________________ .
2. I hope they won’t charge us too much.
I hope _____________________ .
3. You couldn’t describe him as handsome, but he was a very charming man.
He _____________________ .
4. Someone must have borrowed my calculator and not returned it.
My calculator _____________________ .
5. You have to revise your report and hand it in before Friday.
Your report _____________________ ..
* Adapted from Oxford Practice Grammar Advanced Supplementary Exercises (Exercise 20)


LEVEL 5 Name:

Error Correction Exercises Class:

Updated: 14/07/2017

Circle the mistake (A, B, C, or D) in the following sentences and write the correction in the space.

1. I am afraid I can’t help you because I try to finish my homework.

Correction _______________________
2. A: Did you see Ron at the party?
B: No, he has already left by the time I arrived there.
Correction _______________________

3. Just as she started to fall asleep yesterday, she realises that she had forgotten the food in the
Correction _______________________

4. A: When did you start to work for BBC?

B: I have been working for them since I have come to Turkey in 1996.
Correction _______________________

5. I am always enjoying eating good food when I travel abroad.

Correction _______________________


Circle the mistake (A, B, C, or D) in the following sentences and write the correction in the space.

1. A: Were the casualties taken to hospital on time?

B: Unfortunately not. They were waiting on the road for two hours when the
ambulance arrived.
Correction _______________________

2. A: Was your friend waiting for you when you arrived at the airport?
B: No, she was leaving before I arrived because my plane was very late.
Correction _______________________

3. By the time I finished doing my homework, my mother cooked the dinner.

Correction _______________________

4. When I visited the factory after so many years, the manager remembered me immediately
and he said that he remembered everybody who works in the factory since he started
managing there in 1995.
Correction _______________________

5. Why don’t you explain everything to him? If you won’t tell him the truth, I’m sure you will
regret it one day.
Correction _______________________


Circle the mistake (A, B, C, or D) in the following sentences and write the correction in the space.

1. I haven’t been finishing my homework yet.

Correction _______________________

2. This is the first time he has been playing in a team.

Correction _______________________

3. I have been cleaned the house all morning but my mother is not happy with it.
Correction _______________________

4. We have been shared the same flat since we came to Ankara several years ago.
Correction _______________________

5. How did you come on with a name for your shop?

Correction _______________________


Circle the mistake (A, B, C, or D) in the following sentences and write the correction in the space.

1. She would work for a large company, but she quit and started her own business.
Correction _______________________

2. When she was young, she would to play with dolls, but now she is busy with her job.
Correction _______________________

3. Frank has always lived alone. He is used to live alone.

Correction _______________________

4. I had always lived in small cities, but now I’m getting used living in a big city.
Correction _______________________

5. When I was a child, I didn’t used to worry about things, but now I worry about every single
Correction _______________________


Circle the mistake (A, B, C, or D) in the following sentences and write the correction in the space.

1. New research shows some young people can’t help to eat food which contains large amounts
of sugar, salt, and animal fat.
Correction _______________________

2. I’m very worried about to take the exam, because I haven’t done very much revision.
Correction _______________________

3. Don’t forget to warming up before you start exercising.

Correction _______________________

4. After an hour of driving, they stopped buying food, and then continued their journey.
Correction _______________________

5. It was very exciting to seeing my favorite band play live.

Correction _______________________


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