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GSM Based Energy Meter



Since the first Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) network started to
commission and operation in 1991, the world has adopted the standard for mobile
communication. After the adoption, countries around the world are developing GSM
infrastructure for wider nationwide coverage at a rapid rate. The SMS was developed as
part of the Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) phase2 specification in
1992 as a text paging mechanism in addition to the original GSM voice service. It
experienced an astronomical increase usage making it as a popular communication means
for notification. The SMS has extended their service to content providers to deliver a
wide variety of services to mobile phone users. SMS is one of the convenient mean of
communication especially for reminder, notification, and a short note when the mobile
phone user is not expect to answer or respond immediately. With the advancement and
booming of ICT and internet technology makes online information system applications
such as e-commerce are gaining more acceptances by the public. The convergence of
GSM and ICT network allow more mobile and wireless applications to be implemented
such as electricity meter reading, billing, payment and distribution control. Now a day‟s
Current electricity billing is done by labor and manual reading from houses to houses.
This requires huge number of labor operators and long working hour to achieve complete
area billing. Analysis of cost in different aspects operator billing are prone to reading
error as sometime the houses power meter is place in a location which is hard to read with
naked eyes. Labor billing job is sometime restricted and slow down by bad weather
condition. The printed billing has the tendency of missing in the mail box. Various GSM
based power meter reading and control system (GPMC) systems using Power Line
Carrier (PLC) communications, Bluetooth and ZigBee were developed to address the
above mention problems, but the above mentioned AMR are either short in operating
distant and still require some intervention of human operators or prone to error and
reliability issue due to noise and poor power quality in the transmission line, more
importantly the above mentioned method does not allow control. With the rapid
development of Global System Mobile (GSM) infrastructure and Information

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GSM Based Energy Meter

Communication Technology (ICT) in the past two decades has made wireless automatic
meter reading system more reliable and possible.
The GSM Power Meter Reading and Control (GPMC) System takes advantage of the
available GSM infrastructure nationwide coverage in the country and the Short
Messaging System (SMS) cell broadcasting feature to request and retrieve Individual
houses and building power consumption meter reading back to the energy provider
wirelessly and the control system will monitor the power of the appliances which
consumes more power than its predefined limit. If the power increases to the predefined
limit the control system will control the power by means of different techniques for
different types of loads like resistive and inductive load so as to reduce a necessary power
consumption of appliances and to save the energy. The followings are the objectives of
the research project to ensure it meets the aim. To design a circuit this continuously
monitors the meter reading and sends the message to User and electricity department. To
design a mechanism that will monitors and controls the power of appliances.


1.2.1 Problem Identified:
The Electricity Board and the Water Board currently use a manual process for billing
purposes due to the following reasons: They have got used to the manual process and they
can go along with it even though there are concerns associated with it. They are reluctant
to change their current process since it will be an extra effort. The Electricity Board and
the Water Board cannot invest a huge amount of money for a new solution. However, the
customers face immense Problems with the current procedure of using this manual
process to calculate Bills. The Meter reader‟s perspective is that the reading is collected
manually from the meter and calculations for a specific month after which, the data gets
manually entered to the system.
There is no Route map for guidance or a plan covering each and every house. Another
issue is that Complaints cannot be made at the time of meter reading but back in the
office. From the customer‟s perspective there is no way of knowing their current
electricity usage or calculating it manually with the given formulae. There is also no
facility to compare the previous month‟s electricity usage with the current month. When
they need to make complaints about the bills or about the device it is considerably
difficult for the customers with the current system. Finally from the Electricity Board‟s
perspective, all these process are manually maintained. This is a big burden for them.

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GSM Based Energy Meter

Another serious issue is that they do not have a proper way to communicate with their
consumers when they want to notify about power failure or the latest news related to
power consumption.

1.2.2 Solution Proposed:

The suggested solution highlights the following: Mobile and a Web site. Mobile is
consists of two separate Mobile applications which are given to both Meter reader and the
Customer (Customer is able to use the system only as a subscriber to this particular
system.) A Web site is maintained basically for administrative purposes. Meter readers
will get the best benefits from this particular system. From the beginning of the day, a
mobile phone with a route map called Walk Order Map(fig 4)which has the route of
houses that he has to cover within a day, will be in use. Whenever a meter is read, the
particular meter is indicated with the red color confirming that the reading is already
captured. This leaves no room for „missed‟ readings especially for novice Meter Readers.
Meter readers are not required to do the calculation manually. All that needs to be done is
to get the meter reading and send it to the system as bulk. Then the system does the
calculation and proceed bills are sent to the relevant consumers via SMS. Importantly, the
Meter reader can make complaints then and there whenever a fault is seen or an illegal
power usage is spotted. In such a case, an image of that particular meter can be sent. This
option is also provided through system.

1. The objective of this project is to send consumed unit through SMS to MSEB.
2. To change the aspect of energy billing system.
3. To collect the consumed unit without capturing photo by collector man.
4. To make tariff system (i.e. generate or calculate bill) more easy and simple and
also to cutoff the power supply relay is used when consumer doesn‟t pay energy

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GSM Based Energy Meter



Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) technologies, electrical utilities (EUs) have been
exploiting their own infrastructure to bill their customers in an efficient and economical
way. Since the amount of data that has to be send is quite low related to the available time
to perform this task, AMR applications have been demanding low bit rates. At this
moment, EUs are exploring and demanding other services as load and alarm management,
remote monitoring and disconnections, etc. In this context, the Low Voltage modems
should provide more throughout while keeping the cost of the hardware low. The results
of this low complexity AMR technology are that in order to deploy an AMR network, the
cost of the equipment on the customer premises and the added value services that the
system provides are two key factors in its business case. It describes the different methods
by which distribution transformer loads can be allocated for power-flow studies.
Individual distribution loads are calculated using four different methods of allocation. The
results of the power-flow studies are compared to those determined using the actual
customer meter readings.
• Daily kWh
• Monthly kWh
• Transformer kVA
The purpose of enhancing the management level of the meter reading of power
enterprises, web services based GPRS automatic meter reading system is put forward the
characteristics of GPRS technology and Web Services technology are analyzed, and the
architecture of web services based GPRS automatic meter reading system. The
characteristics of GPRS technology and Web Services technology, described and it
introduced how to build the Web Services based GPRS Automatic Meter Reading System
with these technologies. This system has such merits as: real time, wide coverage, open
and easy to maintenance and extension. At present, this GPRS Automatic Meter Reading
System has gained good application in practical work and been proved to be correct. In a
microprocessor-based automatic meter reading system is implemented, which provides a
cost-effective, reliable, and interference free data transfer between remote meter reading
units and the utility control center. The meter reading and management processes are free
from human involvement.

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GSM Based Energy Meter

Based on the existing telephone networks, it is very flexible for the utility companies
to access, service and maintain this meter reading system. A user friendly and window
based user interface is designed which fully utilizes The personal computer's terminate
and stay resident programming technique to achieve communications between the remote
meter reading units and the personal computers in the utility control center. This paper
describes the hardware design of the remote reading unit and the software implementation
of the communication module and user interface. In we propose a novel Automatic Meter
Reading (AMR) system using the IEEE 802.15.4-compliant wireless networks. The mesh
network based automatic utility data collection system (AUDCS) provides a cost-efficient
solution by exploring the self-organization, self-healing capabilities of the mesh networks
and utilizing the state-of-art semiconductor chips and the radio transceivers compliant
with IEEE 802.15.4 standard. An IEEE 802.15.4 network may operate in either the star
topology or the peer-to-peer topology. The peer-to-peer mode is chosen for the AUDCS
system, as it is more flexible and robust than the centralized implementation based on the
star topology.
In the AUDCS system, each node has the capability of two-way communications and
may relay or forward the data for the neighboring nodes within the transmit range, hence
eliminating the need of installing dedicated communication nodes to collect data. In
addition, mesh networking provides the self-healing function by automatically re-routing
via other neighboring nodes. The application data characteristics are exploited in the data
gathering and dissemination to achieve better energy efficiency. It is possible for Chinese
automatic meter reading system (AMRS) to be equipped with wireless sensor networks
due to their low-cost, simplicity and mobility. In the current study, we compared the
advantages of ZigBee with other two similar wirelesses networking protocols, Wi-Fi and
Bluetooth, and proposed a wireless solution for AMRS Based on ZigBee technology. As
an explorative application of ZigBee technology in AMRS, The design reduces the
system cost and power consumption and improves the system‟s flexibility and
practicality. A questionnaire-based household survey was conducted in order to
understand the dynamics of energy use in households. About 10 household consumers
were interviewed in Mumbai, a metropolitan city in the state of Maharashtra (India).
Income is one of the major determinants of energy use in households (Reddy, 1995).
Hence, the households were segmented according to their monthly income and a total
of six income categories were formed as given below:
Income Category (IC) 1: monthly income up to Indian, Rs.5000,

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IC2: Rs.5000 to Rs.10, 000,

IC3: Rs.10, 001 to Rs.15, 000,
IC4: Rs.15, 001 to Rs.20, 000,
IC5: Rs.20, 001 to Rs.25, 000, and
IC6: above Rs.25, 000about fifty households,
Were surveyed from each income category these included the list of end-use
technologies (energy carriers and appliances), the extent of use and pattern of use of end-
use technologies and the criteria consumers use to choose a particular technology for a
particular end-use. The electricity consumption data for the period March 2011 to January
2012 (i.e. for one year) was also obtained.

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GSM Based Energy Meter


The figure 3.1 shows the block schematic for the meter side for the measurement of
meter reading from the remote location. The message which is send by the server side for
the request of the reading which is firstly received by the GSM modem, then
microcontroller(Master) first read the message from the sim card, then Master controller
will communicate with the slave microcontroller which is continuously taking the reading
from the meter via serial peripheral interface, the slave who setup the communication
with master and slave will send the current reading which is store in the Stack of the slave
will send it to the Master microcontroller.


Interface LCD Display


SCU RS 232 Mobile



230 V Load

Fig. 3.1 Block Schematic for GSM based energy meter reading (Meter side).

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This project is designed with microcontroller, Meter Interface card, Signal

conditioning unit, Real-time clock, level logic converter and data cable with mobile. The
output of the Meter Interface card is given to signal conditioning unit, which converts the
square pulse and given to microcontroller. RTC is the real time clock which generate time
signal. It is the special type battery in build IC. Even though power supply off, it
continuously generating the time signal and given to microcontroller. Here the
microcontroller may be Atmel which is flash type reprogrammable microcontroller. In
microcontroller we have already programmed that cost per unit. So it receives the pulse
from signal conditioning unit and increment the count value. Corresponding unit and cost
are displayed on the LCD display. Every 1minute after microcontroller sends the
consumed unit and price to MSEB officer mobile phone, through RS232 converter. If
customer fails to pay bill within time limit than MSEB officer sends cutoff sms & light
gets disconnected after payment of bill on sms is send & house load starts.

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The present chapter introduces the operation of power supply circuits built using
filters, rectifiers, and then voltage regulators. Starting with an ac voltage, a steady dc
voltage is obtained by rectifying the ac voltage, then filtering to a dc level, and finally,
regulating to obtain a desired fixed dc voltage. The regulation is usually obtained from an
IC voltage regulator unit, which takes a dc voltage and provides a somewhat lower dc
voltage, which remains the same even if the input dc voltage varies, or the output load
connected to the dc voltage changes.

A block diagram containing the parts of a typical power supply and the voltage at
various points in the unit is shown in fig 19.1. The ac voltage, typically 120 V rms, is
connected to a transformer, which steps that ac voltage down to the level for the desired
dc output. A diode rectifier then provides a full wave rectified voltage that is initially
filtered by a simple capacitor filter to produce a dc voltage. This resulting dc voltage
usually has some ripple or ac voltage variation. A regulator circuit can use this dc input to
provide a dc voltage that not only has much less ripple voltage but also remains the same
dc value even if the input dc voltage varies somewhat, or the load connected to the output
dc voltage changes. This voltage regulation is usually obtained using one of a number of
popular voltage regulator IC units.

Fig.4.1 Block diagram of power supply.

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Voltage regulators comprise a class of widely used ICs. Regulator IC units contain the
circuitry for reference source, comparator amplifier, control device, and overload
protection all in a single IC. Although the internal construction of the IC is somewhat
different from that described for discrete voltage regulator circuits, the external operation
is much the same. IC units provide regulation of either a fixed positive voltage, a fixed
negative voltage, or an adjustable set voltage. A power supply can be built using a
transformer connected to the ac supply line to step the ac voltage to desired amplitude,
then rectifying that ac voltage, filtering with a capacitor and RC filter, if desired, and
finally regulating the dc voltage using an IC regulator.

4.2.1 Three terminal voltage regulators:

Fig shows the basic connection of a three-terminal voltage regulator IC to a load. The
fixed voltage regulator has an unregulated dc input voltage, VI, applied to one input
terminal, a Regulated output dc voltage, VO, from a second terminal, with the third
terminal connected to ground. For a selected regulator, IC device specifications list a
voltage range over which the input voltage can vary to maintain a regulated output
voltage over a range of load current. The specifications also list the amount of output
voltage change resulting from a change in load current (load regulation) or in input
voltage (line regulation).

4.2.2 Fixed positive voltage regulator:

Fig. 4.2 Fixed positive voltage regulator.

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The series 78 regulators provide fixed regulated voltages from 5 to 24 V. Figure 19.26
shows how one such IC, a 7812, is connected to provide voltage regulation with output
from this unit of +12V dc. An unregulated input voltage VI is filtered by capacitor C1 and
connected to the IC‟s IN terminal. The IC‟s OUT terminal provides a regulated + 12V
which is filtered by capacitor C2 (mostly for any high-frequency noise). The third IC
terminal is connected to ground (GND). While the input voltage may vary over some
permissible voltage range, and the output load may vary over some acceptable range, the
output voltage remains constant within specified voltage variation limits. These
limitations are spelled out in the manufacturer‟s specification sheets. A table of positive
voltage regulated ICs are provided in table.


4.3.1 Why do we need to learn Microprocessors/controllers?

 The microprocessor is the core of computer systems.
 Nowadays many communications, digital entertainment, portable devices, are
controlled by them.
 A designer should know what types of components he needs, ways to reduce
production costs and product reliable.
4.3.2 Microcontroller:
 A smaller computer on chip RAM, ROM, I/O ports.
 Example:
Motorola‟s 6811, Intel‟s 8051, Zilog‟s Z8 and PIC 16X.

Fig. 4.3 Microcontroller block diagram

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4.3.3 Three criteria in Choosing Microcontroller:

1. Meeting the computing needs of the task efficiently and cost effectively speed, the
amount of ROM and RAM, the number of I/O ports and timers, size, and packaging,
power consumption easy to upgrade cost per unit.
2. Availability of software development tools assemblers, debuggers, C compilers,
emulator simulator, and technical support.
3. Wide availability and reliable sources of the microcontrollers.

4.3.4 Comparison of the 8051 Family Members:

Feature 8051 8052 8031

ROM 4K 8K 0K

RAM 128 256 128

Timers 2 3 2

I/O pins 32 32 32

Serial port 1 1 1

Interrupt source 6 8 6

Table 1: Comparison of the 8051 Family Members

4.3.5 Specific features of 8051 are:

 8 bit registers A and B.
 16 bit program counter (PC) and data pointer.
 8 bit program status word (PSW).
 8 bit stack pointer (SP).
 Internal ROM or EPROM (4K).
 Internal RAM of 128 bytes:

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 -4 register banks, each with 8 registers.

 -16 bytes, addressed at bit level.
 -80 bytes of general purpose data memory.
 32 input/output pins arranged as four 8 bit ports (P0, P3).
 Two 16 bit timers/counters (T0, T1).

4.3.6 Program Memory Organization:

Fig.4.4 Program Memory Organization Of 8051

4.3.7 Data Memory Organization:

Fig.4.5 data memory organization of 8051

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4.3.8 Registers:

Fig.4.6 8-bit registers of the 8051.

4.3.9 Memory Mapping In 8051:

Fig. 4.7 Memory Mapping Of 8051.

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4.3.10 Stack in the 8051:

 The stack pointer in the 8051 is only 8 bits wide, which means that it can take
value 00 to FFH. When 8051 powered up, the SP register contains value 07.

Fig. 4.8 Stack Pointer Register

4.3.11 Special Function Registers:

 A register
 B register
 DPTR Register (Data Pointer)
 PSW (Processor Status Word)
 SP –Stack Pointer.
 P0 -Port 0 latch register.
 P1 –Port1 latch register.
 P2 –Port2 latch register.
 P3 –Port3 latch register.
 SCON -Serial Control Register.
 TCON –Timer Control Register.
 SBUF –Serial Buffer Register.
 IE –Interrupt Enable Register.
 IP -Interrupt Priority Register.
 TMOD –Timer Mode Register.

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 PCON –Power Control Register.

 TH0 –Timer 0 High byte register.
 TL0 –Timer 0 Low byte register.
 TH1 –Timer 0 High byte register.
 TL1 –Timer 0 Low byte register.

4.3.12 Pin description of 8051:

Fig. 4.9 pin diagram of 8051 microcontroller

1. Vcc(pin 40):
 Vcc provides supply voltage to the chip.
 The voltage source is +5V.
2. GND(pin 20):
 Ground.
3. XTAL1 and XTAL2 pins 19,18):
 These 2 pins provide external clock.

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 Way 1:using a quartz crystal oscillator.

 Way 2:using a TTL oscillator.
4. RST (pin 9): reset.
 It is an input pin and is active high.(Normally low)
 Way 1:Power-on reset circuit
 Ways 2:Power-on reset with de-bounce.
5. EA (pin 31) external access.
 The /EA pin is connected to GND to indicate the code is stored externally.
 For 8051EA pin is connected to Vcc.
6. PSEN (pin 29): program store enable.
 This is an output pin and is connected to the OE pin of the ROM
7. ALE (pin 30): address latch enable.
 It is an output pin and is active high.
 8051 port 0 provides both address and data.

4.4.1. Description and features:
Rugged glass package, using a high temperature alloyed construction. This package is
hermetically sealed and fatigues free as coefficients of expansion of all used parts are

Fig.4.10 Bridge rectifier and Diode symbol

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4.4.2. Features:
•Glass passivated.
•High maximum operating temperature
•Low leakage current
•Excellent stability
•Available in ammo-pack.


4.5.1Description and features:
NPN transistor in a TO-92; SOT54 plastic package PNP complements: BC556 and
1. VBEsat decreases by about 1.7 mV/K with increasing temperature.
2. VBE decreases by about 2 mV/K with increasing temperature.

 Low current (max. 100 mA)
 Low voltage (max. 65 V).

Fig.4.11 Simplified outline and symbol.


In communications, RS-232 is a standard for serial binary data interconnection

between a DTE (Data terminal equipment) and a DCE (Data Circuit-terminating
Equipment). It is commonly used in computer serial ports.

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4.6.1Scope of the Standard:

The Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA) standard RS-232-C [3] as of 1969 defines:
 Electrical signal characteristics such as voltage levels, signaling rate, timing and
slew-rate of signals, voltage withstand level; short-circuit behavior, maximum
stray capacitance and cable length.
 Interface mechanical characteristics, pluggable connectors and pin identification.
 Functions of each circuit in the interface connector.
 Standard subsets of interface circuits for selected telecom applications the
standard does not define such elements as character encoding (for example,
ASCII, Baud rate or EBCDIC), or the framing of characters in the data stream
(bits per character start/stop bits, parity). The standard does not define protocols
for error detection or algorithms for data compression. The standard does not
define bit rates for transmission, although the standard says it is intended for bit
rates lower than 20,000 bits per second. Many modern devices can exceed this
speed (38,400 and 57,600 bit/s being common, and 115,200 and 230,400 bit/s
making occasional appearances) while still using RS-232 compatible signal levels.
Details of character format and transmission bit rate are controlled by the serial
port hardware, often a single integrated circuit called a UART that converts data
from parallel to serial form.

4.6.2 Circuit Working Description:

In this circuit the MAX 232 IC used as level logic converter. The MAX232 is a dual
driver/receiver that includes a capacitive voltage generator to supply EIA 232 voltage
levels from a single 5v supply. Each receiver converts EIA-232 to 5v TTL/CMOS levels.
Each driver converts TLL/CMOS input levels into EIA-232 levels.

Function table: Each driver


Low level High level

High level Low level

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Low level High level

High level Low level

Table 2: Function table: Each driver

In this circuit the microcontroller transmitter pin is connected in the MAX232 T2IN
pin which converts input 5v TTL/CMOS level to RS232 level. Then T2OUT pin is
connected to reviver pin of 9 pin D type serial connector which is directly connected to

Fig. 4.12 Positive Logic Diagram

In PC the transmitting data is given to R2IN of MAX232 through transmitting pin of 9

pin D type connector which converts the RS232 level to 5v TTL/CMOS level. The
R2OUT pin is connected to receiver pin of the microcontroller. Likewise the data is
transmitted and received between the microcontroller and PC or other device vice versa.

Fig.4.13pin diagram of MAX 232

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Fig.4.14 PCB layout

4.8. GSM/GPRS Module:

Fig.4.15 Picture of SIM900

The SIM900 is a complete Quad-band GSM/GPRS solution in a SMT module which

can be embedded in the customer applications. Featuring an industry-standard interface,
the SIM900 delivers GSM/GPRS 850/900/1800/1900MHz performance for voice, SMS,
Data, and Fax in a small form factor and with low power consumption. With a tiny
configuration of 24mm x 24mmx 3mm, SIM900 can fit almost all the space requirements
in your M2M application, especially for slim and compact demand of design. ZSIM900 is
designed with a very powerful single-chip processor integrating AMR926EJ-S core
zQuad -band GSM/GPRS module with a size of 24mmx24mmx3mm zSMT type suit for
customer application an embedded Powerful TCP/IP protocol stack zBased upon mature

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and field-proven platform, backed up by our support service, from definition to design
and production.
4.8.1 General features:
 Quad-Band 850/ 900/ 1800/ 1900 MHz
 GPRS multi-slot class 10/8
 GPRS mobile station class B
 Compliant to GSM phase 2/2+
– Class 4 (2 W @850/ 900 MHz)
– Class 1 (1 W @ 1800/1900MHz)
 Dimensions: 24* 24 * 3 mm
 Weight: 3.4g z
 Control via AT commands (GSM 07.07 ,07.05 and SIMCOM enhanced AT
 Commands).
 SIM application toolkit.
 Supply voltage range 3.4 ... 4.5 V.
Specifications for fax:
Group 3, class 1
Specifications for data:
 GPRS class 10: max. 85.6 kbps (Downlink).
 PBCCH support.
 Coding schemes CS 1, 2, 3, 4.
 CSD up to 14.4 kbps.
Specifications for SMS via GSM / GPRS:
 Point-to-point MO and MT
 SMS cell broadcast
 Text and PDU mode
 MUX Drive
Specifications for voice:
 Half rate (HR)
 Full rate (FR)
 Enhanced Full rate (EFR)

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4.9 RELAY:

Fig. 4.16 Relay circuit diagram

A relay is an electrically operated switch. Current flowing through the coil of the relay
creates a magnetic field which attracts a lever and changes the switch contacts. The coil
current can be on or off so relays have two switch positions and they are double throw
(changeover) switches. Relays allow one circuit to switch a second circuit which can be
completely separate from the first. For example a low voltage battery circuit can use a
relay to switch a 230V AC mains circuit. There is no electrical connection inside the relay
between the two circuits; the link is magnetic and mechanical. The coil of a relay passes a
relatively large current, typically 30mA for a 12V relay, but it can be as much as 100mA
for relays designed to operate from lower voltages. Most ICs (chips) cannot provide this
current and transistors usually used to amplify the small IC current to the larger value
required for the relay coil. The maximum output current for the popular 555 timer IC is
200mA so these devices can supply relay coils directly without amplification.

Fig. 4.17 Picture of relay

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Relays are usually SPDT or DPDT but they can have many more sets of switch
contacts, for example relays with 4 sets of changeover contacts are readily available.
Most relays are designed for PCB mounting but you can solder wires directly to the pins
providing you take care to avoid melting the plastic case of the relay. The animated
picture shows a working relay with its coil and switch contacts. You can see a lever on
the left being attracted by magnetism when the coil is switched on. This lever moves the
switch contacts. There is one set of contacts (SPDT) in the foreground and another behind
them, making the relay DPDT.

Fig. 4.18 Relay Switch Connections:

The relay's switch connections are usually labeled COM, NC and NO:
 COM= Common, always connect to this; it is the moving part of the switch.
 NC= Normally Closed, COM is connected to this when the relay coil is off.
 .NO= Normally Open, COM is connected to this when the relay coil is on.

4.9.1 Circuit description:

This circuit is designed to control the load. The load may be motor or any other load.
The load is turned ON and OFF through relay. The relay ON and OFF is controlled by the
pair of switching transistors (BC 547). The relay is connected in the Q2 transistor
collector terminal. A Relay is nothing but electromagnetic switching device which
consists of three pins. They are Common, Normally close (NC) and normally open
(NO).The relay common pin is connected to supply voltage. The normally open (NO) pin
connected to load. When high pulse signal is given to base of the Q1 transistors, the
transistor is conducting and shorts the collector and emitter terminal and zero signals is
given to base of the Q2 transistor. So the relay is turned OFF state. When low pulse is
given to base of transistor Q1 transistor, the transistor is turned OFF. Now 12v is given to

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GSM Based Energy Meter

base of Q2 transistor so the transistor is conducting and relay is turned ON. Hence the
common terminal and NO terminal of relay are shorted. Now load gets the supply voltage
through relay. Relay Operation:




Table 3: Relay Operation

4.9.2 Relay layout:

Fig.4.19 Relay layout

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5.1 Simulation Diagram:

Fig.5.1 Circuit diagram of GSM based energy meter.

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5.2 Hardware Implementation:

A large part of the project involved choosing the appropriate hardware components to
take the meter reading from the meter and send it to user and to server remotely and to
control the power consumption and provide a wireless link. The initial idea was to search
for an all-in-one solution that would have all the components integrated, allowing for the
smallest size possible. Initially it was thought that a simple circuit could be built and
attached to a microprocessor to control the power. But the cost of the circuit with
microprocessor is very high. It was decided that designing a simple circuit, with the help
of the microcontroller and would provide accurate power controlling and the
measurement of meter reading. The following sections describe the research process as
well as the implementation of these integrated circuits. Hardware implementation was
done in Eagle 6.0 which is having the facility of PCB layout print.

5.2.1 Snapshot:

Fig.5.2 Snapshot of hardware model.

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5.3 Software Implementation:

Fig. 5.3 Meter side program flow.

According to the hardware circuit design features, meter reading terminal program
flowchart was introduced as shown in figure. First the system initializes each module, and
then reads the meter reading regularly and stores them. When the receiving the command,
meter send the current status along with the energy consumption.

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Fig. 5.4 Server side program flow

According to the hardware circuit design features, server side terminal program
flowchart was introduced as shown in figure. First the system initializes each module, and
then the server which send the reading request to the meter through GSM modem. When
the server receives the reading, it will store the data in the database and sends the
consumption to the user via sms.

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Fig. 5.5 Power control system program flow.

The power control system program flow is shown in fig. The this control system, the
power of appliance get set to 100%, then the routine written in boot loader in such a way
that it will detect the phase of each and every pulse of AC cycle and according to that the
delay is given to microcontroller to turn on the Trial. As per the calculated delay if the
time is over then the triac get off and much will see the other phase detection to control
the power remotely.

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The project is having the facility of getting the meter reading at any time to the MSEB.
The fig. shows the message which is send by the meter to MSEB.

Fig. 6.1 SMS send to meter side to MSEB.

The project is having the facility of sending the current meter reading of the customer
of each day to the customer from the MSEB side which maintains the database for meter
reading. The SMS is shown in fig.

Fig. 6.2 SMS send to MSEB side to customer.

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If customer do not pay electricity bill before given date of month then from MSEB
side switch off the load by sending SMS. The SMS is as shown in fig.

Fig.6.3 SMS send from MSEB to switch off load.

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7.1 Advantages:
1) Labour (collector man) charges will reduce.
2) Easily adopted tariff system.
3) More reliable system.
4) Fast electricity billing operation achieved.
5) If the consumer can‟t pay the electricity bill then power supply will be cut by
using relay.
7.2 Disadvantage:
1) Sometime due to weak network it create barrier.
7.3 Application:
1) For MSEB purpose.
2) For consumer purpose like residential, commercial, and industrial.

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8.1 Project Schedule:

Time Period Activity Completed
1 21/12/2015 Explanation of idea about project on the basis of synopsis.
2 26/12/2015 Material purchasing.
3 28/12/2015 Material purchased.
4 9/1/2016 Start assembling or mounting.
5 11/1/2016 Assembly of microcontroller and relay is done on PCB.
6 23/1/2016 Remaining material purchased.
7 1/2/2016 Done all assembly.
8 8/2/2016 Final Touchup on hardware model.
9 13/2/2016 Shown soft copy of report.
10 15/2/2016 Done all correction by guide.
11 20/2/2016 Shown hard copy of report.
12 22/2/2016 Correct all mistake & shown final black diary.
13 25/2/2016 Brought all group member black diaries.
14 12/3/2016 Final demonstration & presentation.

Table 8.1 Project Schedule

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8.2 Costing of Material:

Sr. No. Components Quantity Cost

1. Microcontroller (AT89S52) 1 85.00

2. LCD Display (20X4) 1 580.00

3. PCB(including general purpose) 3 1850.00

4. Solid State Relay 1 150.00
5. Regulator (IC 7805) 2 50.00
6. Crystal (11.0859MHz) 1 75.00
7. Transistors 2 30.00
8. 14 260.00
2. 100 µf
3. 10 µf
9. Registers 15 120.00
10. Resister Array 1 25.00
11. LED 5 25.00
12. Diodes(IN 4007) 5 30.00
13. Heat sink 2 550.00
14. Transformer(230V/9-0-9V) 1 315.00
15. Single Phase Energy Meter 1 850.00
16. GSM Module(SIM 900) 1 600.00
17. Cables 15m 160.00
18. Lamp 1 40.00
19. Holder 1 30.00
Total cost = 5825.00

Table 8.2 Costing of Material

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For future research, it is suggested that image processing be done in the mobile device
as the image gets captured. The send the numeric value can be sent to the server through
Web service. This particular solution can be further expanded over the Sri Lanka Water
Board as well since they are following almost the same process of billing customers. This
system is well tested and it is proven that it functions properly and accurately so that it
can be a solution for the Electricity Board to serve their customers satisfactorily.
This project is very useful in today‟s life. By using this project MSEB will able to
generate bill without sending collector manlike that without sending collector man labour
charges will reduces. Also to makes the billing system as fast as possible and simple.

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The basic idea of developing mobile was to address some common issues related to the
manual electricity billing process. Before suggesting this solution they were using a
manual process on meter reading, amount calculation, and billing customer and so on.
The interaction between customer and Electricity Board was very poor and it took much
longer to respond to customer queries. The other major problem which was identified
during the literature survey is that customers keep complaining that bills are incorrect.
Most of the time bill calculation and system updating are done manually. There can be
some resulting human errors to frustrated customers who are not satisfied about the
service of the Electricity Board at all. Another difficulty observed was with making
complaints against the Electricity Board service via a call. The suggested system has
come up with solutions which address all the above mentioned problems. With this
service the burdens of the Meter reader as well as the Electricity Board get lessoned and
are made more efficient. A mobile solution is given for the Meter reader so that the day to
day work becomes less tiresome. Most of the manual processes and calculations are
eliminated so that the meter readings can easily be collected more accurately to be
updated to the system. On the other hand, the Android customers are also given a mobile
solution so that they can view their latest bills, make complaints against the Electricity
Board‟s service, and make payments and other important tasks efficiently. Administration
tasks of the Electricity Board can be easily done via a Web site which is provided as part
of the complete project.

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1. Mazidi-8051
4. Development of the in-home display system for residential energy monitoring
(IEEEAUG 2013).J. B. Gupta, Electrical and Electronic Measurements.
7. Electronics for you magazine.
8. Pradko, “programming and customizing the 8051 microcontroller”, TMH

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