Savanna High School Band & Colorguard Student Leader Handbook & Contract

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Updated: 4/7/2020

Savanna High School Band & Colorguard

Student Leader Handbook & Contract

Core Values & Expectations:

The role of any leader of the Savanna Band & Colorguard program is
one that exemplifies the utmost, highest of standards in every facet of that
student’s life. The expectation is that every student leader is consistently
leading by example, whether on or off the marching field, as well as in class
and outside of class. The leadership role is one that demands one hundred
percent commitment, one hundred percent of the time. There is no “off
time” for a student leader. This means that every word, action, or lack
thereof affects not just that leader’s individual performance, but that of
those around him/her, and thus affects the entire band & colorguard
program. It is the expectation that every leader is leading by example in
the following manners:
1) Musically/Performance Caliber: This means that as a leader, you
should be the one practicing the most, the first to know your musical
parts (or count structure, choreography, drill, etc.), and the first one to
offer help to ANYONE around you, regardless of whether they are in
your section or not.
2) Character: Students are expected to display appropriate character
in behavior, words, and actions. YOU ARE YOUR OWN ACTIONS;
NOT WHAT YOU SAY YOU ARE! It is expected that you will be
encouraging appropriate language use and valuing respect with those
around you, towards ANY ADULT including chaperones, staff, other
teachers, and peers. The expectation is that as a student leader, you
are living up to these expectations during EVERY rehearsal (on the
field and in the classroom), performance, fundraiser, or any other
band & colorguard related activity. Appropriate character
expectations also include behavior. Bullying, harassment, racial
slurs, sexist remarks/comments or actions, and the like WILL NOT be

Updated: 4/7/2020

3) Attendance & Punctuality: Again, the expectation is that as a leader

you are the first one to show up, and the last one out. It falls on
YOUR SHOULDERS to make sure ALL EQUIPMENT (whether on
the field or in class) is PROPERLY, AND NEATLY PUT AWAY. This
includes props, music stands, chairs, instruments, music, music
folders, flags, bags, water jugs, sticks, mallets, accessories, etc. In
other words, BE THERE, & ON TIME, and DO NOT BE THE FIRST
ONE TO LEAVE at the end of class, or rehearsal. Encourage your
sections to do the same!
4) Fair Share: As a student leader, you cannot demand that your
sections participate in fundraising and stay current with their fair
share accounts if you are not SETTING THE EXAMPLE FIRST! It is
expected that you will be involved in either fundraising, and/or taking
care of your fair share AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!
5) Academic Standing: Every student leader is expected to MAINTAIN
PASSING GRADES AND A GPA of 2.5 or higher, for the ENTIRE
SCHOOL YEAR, and NOT JUST IN THE FALL! Notice that you are a
everything, encourage those around you to also do the same.
6) Vision, Initiative, & Integrity: DO NOT WAIT to be asked to do
something. If you know it is the right thing to do, JUST DO IT! Get it
done, and moreso, delegate and coordinate people to help you get
things done. Do the right thing when nobody's watching; THAT IS
INTEGRITY. Have vision to see the potential of the people around
you. Don’t give up on your sections. Invest in the people around
you, consistently, intentionally (meaning not just for the sake of doing
it, in a mediocre manner, or last minute). Have goals, but more
importantly, have a plan of action of how you want to individually work
with your sections, but also outline very clear rules, and expectations.
7) Communication and Calendar: It is expected that you are in
constant communication with the band director, staff, boosters, and
your sections. This means AT ALL TIMES, whether in-person
meetings, email, social media groups, Remind 101, or any other

Updated: 4/7/2020

forms of communication (not only when things aren’t going well). It is

expected that you and your parents/guardians will be consistently
attending monthly parent meetings. Also, you should be helping
reinforce the calendar and upcoming events, by reminding your
sections through a group text chat, a Facebook group chat, or any
other means of communication.
8) Outreach & Professional Development: Every student leader will
encourage those in their sections to do so as well. Also, student
leaders must attend ongoing leadership training that will be provided
by the band director or attend ones that are available and provided by
other organizations or individuals.

Updated: 4/7/2020

Leadership Positions

Drum Major:
The role of drum major involves being the student face of the band &
colorguard program. Aside from the core values, it is expected that the
drum major IS the drum major ALL SCHOOL YEAR long, and off the field
(this means in the classroom as well). The drum major’s role will entail
bringing all of the student leaders together, by constantly communicating
with them, planning and setting times to meet with everyone, coordinating
and overseeing all of the other student leaders. This means providing them
with support, by reinforcing rules, consequences, rehearsal etiquette,
expectations and the core values. It is the drum major’s role to make sure
that the marching band field is set-up and ready to go for rehearsal,
including all props, field paint, yard markers, sound system, ladders,
podium, and other miscellaneous things. This doesn’t mean it has to be
done alone, so coordinating people to help with tasks is essential. During
concert ensembles and even during second semester, the drum major is
responsible for continuing any applicable assignments with ALL sections,
for the good of the band and colorguard program. It is crucial that the drum
major is in constant communication with the band director, staff, booster
parents, and all other student leaders. The drum major must continue to
work on their primary musical instrument as well as practice conducting
techniques, know the musical score for the marching band show, and have
things like their own personal small metronome and tuner with them at ALL
marching band rehearsals, as well as a 3 ring binder with sheet protectors.
Nine volt batteries and auxilary cables (⅛ inch to ¼ inch cables for
metronome) are also part of the responsibility of the drum major. Monday
sectionals attendance is MANDATORY. This is where the drum major will
work on conducting with Mr. Penaloza, as well as oversee the sectional.
Furthermore, the drum major must be in constant communication with
section leaders, captains, and the Band Staff President & Vice President.

Updated: 4/7/2020

This will ensure that we are always on the same page and that there is
clear communication amongst every facet of our program.
Section Leaders (Wind):
The role of the section leaders involves being the “boots on the ground” of
the band & colorguard program. This means that the heavy lifting is first
done by YOU, and then you show your section how, explain the why, and
you guide them through the process with actions. It is your responsibility to
help support your section in the following manners: musically, academically,
with band & colorguard paperwork, the calendar, upcoming events,
meetings, fair share, etc. It is also the section leader’s role to display and
enforce appropriate rehearsal etiquette in class and on the marching band
field. It is the section leader’s responsibility to make sure he/she and their
section are prepared with all rehearsal materials such as appropriate attire,
water jugs, pencils, sheet music, coordinate sheets, etc. It is also expected
that the section leader is providing help and guidance with concert music,
ALL YEAR LONG, and not just during first semester, regardless of what
class period/ensemble you and the other people in your section are a part
of. It is the section leader’s duty to reinforce rules, expectations, and
consequences. Communicate constantly and effectively with your section,
the drum major, band director, staff, and booster parents.

Drum Captain & Front Ensemble Section Leader:

The role of the section leaders involves being the “boots on the ground” of
the band & colorguard program. This means that the heavy lifting is first
done by YOU, and then you show your section how, explain the why, and
you guide them through the process with actions. It is your responsibility to
help support your section in the following manners: musically, academically,
with band & colorguard paperwork, the calendar, upcoming events,
meetings, fair share, etc. It is also the section leader’s role to display and
enforce appropriate rehearsal etiquette in class and on the marching band
field. It is the section leader’s responsibility to make sure he/she and their
section are prepared with all rehearsal materials such as appropriate attire,
water jugs, pencils, sheet music, coordinate sheets, etc. It is also expected

Updated: 4/7/2020

that the section leader is providing help and guidance with concert music,
ALL YEAR LONG, and not just during first semester, regardless of what
class period/ensemble you and the other people in your section are a part
of. It is the section leader’s duty to reinforce rules, expectations, and
consequences. Communicate constantly and effectively with your section,
the drum major, band director, staff, and booster parents. Furthermore, it is
your role to teach the percussionists the GOLDEN NUGGETS of BEING A
PERCUSSIONIST. This means even the simple things like keeping your
working space neat, and organized. Teach your sections how to put
together hardware such as cymbal stands, etc. Teach your sections about
set-up for both concert band ensembles, marching band, and winter line.
Help your sections interpret percussion notation and technique/effects.
Teach your sections about BASIC, FUNDAMENTAL RUDIMENTS,
cadences, etc.!!! Pass on the knowledge to the next generation.

Colorguard Captain:
The role of the colorguard captain involves being the “boots on the ground”
of the colorguard program. This means that the heavy lifting is first done by
YOU, and then you show your section how, explain the why, and you guide
them through the process with actions. It is your responsibility to help
support your section in the following manners: academically, with band &
colorguard paperwork, the calendar, upcoming events, meetings, fair share,
and of course technique and work. It is also the colorguard captain’s role to
display and reinforce appropriate rehearsal etiquette in class and on the
marching band field. It is the colorguard captain’s responsibility to make
sure he/she and their section are prepared with all rehearsal materials such
as appropriate attire, water jugs, pencils, flags, rifles, sabers, coordinate
sheets, etc. It is also expected that the colorguard captain is providing help
and guidance with technique and work, ALL YEAR LONG, and not just
during the first semester. It is the colorguard captain’s duty to enforce
rules, expectations, and consequences. Communicate constantly and
effectively with your section, the drum major, band director, staff, and
booster parents. Furthermore, it is your role to teach your section the

Updated: 4/7/2020

GOLDEN NUGGETS about colorguard. Things such as taping flags,

maintaining equipment, attire, costumes, make-up, hair arrangement, etc.
Pass on the knowledge to the next generation!

Executive Staff Positions

The president is in charge of all executive functions of the band and
colorguard program. This means that excellent communication skills are
necessary, as well as mandatory attendance to all booster meetings
and parent meetings. The president will oversee the other executive
positions and coordinate functionality and communication amongst
everyone. It will be essential to maintain communication with the band
director, drum major, student leaders, and booster parents. The president
must help plan, oversee and help run fundraisers alongside the boosters.
This includes both band staff sponsored fundraisers, as well as any other
general band and colorguard fundraisers. It is crucial that the president is
present at ALL said functions that involve running events such as
fundraisers and meetings. It is the role of the president to help provide any
other support to the rest of the band staff. The single most important in this
role is to communicate with the ENTIRE band and colorguard upcoming
events, by sending out reminders to section leaders. It is crucial to be in
constant communication with the band director and booster parents. This
role will require the mandatory attendance of all monthly Tuesday night
booster meetings. Furthermore, it is essential to help create flyers for
EVERY concert, performance, and fundraiser on the calendar, plus
advertise said flyers on social media, text messaging, emails, and verbal
communication. This position will require access to wifi and a computer, as
well as critical managerial and organizational skills.

Vice President:

Updated: 4/7/2020

The role of the vice president is to be of support and assistance to the

president and all of the other band staff positions. This means enforcing
that everyone is being effective and efficient in their positions and offering
any other help as needed. The vice president will also be responsible for
online and social media fundraising campaigns, in collaboration with the
parent boosters. The single most important in this role is to communicate
with the ENTIRE band and colorguard upcoming events, by sending out
reminders to section leaders. It is crucial to be in constant communication
with the band director and booster parents. This role will require the
mandatory attendance of all monthly Tuesday night booster meetings.
Furthermore, it is essential to help create flyers for EVERY concert,
performance, and fundraiser on the calendar, plus advertise said flyers on
social media, text messaging, emails, and verbal communication.This
position will require access to wifi and a computer, as well as critical
managerial, communication, and organizational skills.

The secretary will be responsible for taking notes at EVERY meeting
(including parent meetings, booster meetings, parent meetings, etc.);
whether it is a student leader meeting, booster meeting, etc. The meeting
notes will need to be shared with everyone involved in the meeting in the
form of “minutes”. Notes must be legible, neat, and organized in a manner
that anyone can easily access and read the notes at any given moment.
This position will require access to wifi and a computer, as well as critical
managerial, communication, and organizational skills.

The treasurer’s role is to help raise, count, and keep track of funds in band
staff, as well as the booster funds. This means that the treasurer’s role will
include attending ALL booster meetings and parent meetings, so that the
treasurer can assist the parent booster treasurers. The treasurer will assist
the president in planning and running fundraisers for the band and

Updated: 4/7/2020

colorguard program. Mandatory attendance to all fundraising events is

required. The treasurer will keep neat and organized spreadsheets of
funds, for the sake of accountability that can easily be shared and
accessed by anyone on the executive cabinet. This position will require
access to wifi and a computer, as well as critical managerial,
communication and organizational skills.

The role of the librarian includes the filing, organization, copying, and
distribution of sheet music to ALL ensembles. This means that the librarian
must have excellent communication skills with section leaders, in order to
make that happen. Quick but effective copy machine training will be
provided by the band director. Also, the librarian is responsible for keeping
track of, organizing, and filing any other warm-up books, method books,
chorale books, sight reading books, etc. Lastly, the librarian must have
sure the music library shed is always kept neat and organized. The
librarian will also be responsible for updating and managing the sheet
music library on Charms. This position will require access to wifi and a
computer, as well as critical managerial, communication, and organizational

Violations of Role/Position
Upon selection or role, any and all violations of this handbook will result in
immediate removal from office/position. There will be a three strike rule,
which means that the first strike will include a conversation between the
band director and the accused individual or individuals. The second strike
will require a full student leader trial, alongside the band director in order to
discuss final solutions, options, and to review the case at hand and remind
the individual or individuals about their contract and agreement to the
outlined expectations. The third infraction will result in immediate removal
from office. If at any point any infraction is of a very serious matter, the

Updated: 4/7/2020

matter will head to administration, counselors, law enforcement, or any

other party that may need to be involved and notified.

Student Leader Consent & Agreement 2021-2022

I _________________________________ (full name), as a member of the Savanna

Band & Colorguard program for the ______________________ school year, selected to

serve as ___________________________________ (position/role) for said school

year, hereby consent and agree under full understanding of what my role,

responsibilities, and expectations are, to serve to the very best of my ability and

capacity, with due diligence, integrity, and commitment. I am fully aware that any

violation of anything stated and outlined in the Student Leader Handbook may result in

my immediate removal from office as stated in the Violations of Role/Position section. I

solemnly swear to live up to very high standards, including all Savanna and Anaheim

Union High School District rules and policies, and to lead by example at all times. I will

guide, nourish, support, and encourage those around me and those entrusted in my

care to do the same. I understand that my leadership role in the Savanna High School

Band & Colorguard program is a full-time commitment, and I am prepared to go above

and beyond the call of duty, and to serve with integrity, justice, honor, vision, and

initiative. I am ready to commit and to live up to high standards and expectations in

every sense of the word, and in all regards as it pertains to my assigned role/position in

the Savanna Band & Colorguard program.

Updated: 4/7/2020

(Print Student Name) ________________________________ (Date) __________________

(Signature) ________________________________

Parent/Guardian Consent And Agreement 2021-2022

I ______________________, parent/guardian of ________________________,

have also read this Student Leader Handbook & Contract and am in full

agreement with this document. I also give my full support and consent for my

student to participate in a student leadership role in the Savanna Band &

Colorguard program and am aware of my students’ responsibilities while in the

leadership role. I also understand that my student can be removed from their

leadership role and/or face any school and district consequences for

inappropriate behavior, language, and actions, including the potential removal

from the Band & Colorguard program.

Parent/Guardian Name: _________________________ Date: ______________

Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________________


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