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Undrained Stability of Unlined Square Tunnels in Clays

with Linearly Increasing Anisotropic Shear Strength
Boonchai Ukritchon . Suraparb Keawsawasvong

Received: 4 March 2019 / Accepted: 9 August 2019

Ó Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

Abstract In general, the undrained strength aniso- approximate equations of the stability load factor and
tropy of clays is found in nature. Its effect on a stability factor of safety for square tunnels in anisotropic and
problem during undrained loading should be consid- non-homogeneous clays are first time presented by
ered in order to get a more accurate and realistic safety using a nonlinear regression, hence providing a
assessment. In this paper, the undrained stability of reliable, accurate and convenient tool for stability
unlined square tunnels in anisotropic and non-homo- analyses of the problem in practice. The numerical
geneous clays is investigated by the lower bound finite results reveal that the strength anisotropy has a
element limit analysis using second-order cone pro- significant impact on the stability load factor, espe-
gramming. The anisotropic undrained strength of cially when anisotropic clays have much difference in
clays is modelled by using an elliptical strength undrained strengths between compression and
envelope under plane strain conditions. The stability extension.
analyses of the problem are performed by the
comprehensive investigations of the effects of the Keywords Square tunnel  Anisotropy  Non-
cover-depth ratio, the normalized overburden pres- homogeneity  Underground opening  Lower bound 
sure, the normalized strength gradient, and the Second-order cone programming
anisotropic strength ratio on the stability load factor
and associated failure mechanisms. The computed
lower bound solutions are validated with the existing
results of square tunnels in isotropic clays. The new 1 Introduction

An unlined tunnel can be constructed in soils with a

B. Ukritchon (&) relatively high shear strength. A construction of the
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, unlined tunnel may trigger an instability and a massive
Centre of Excellence in Geotechnical and collapse because of a stress reduction around it.
Geoenvironmental Engineering, Chulalongkorn
University, Bangkok 10330, Thailand
During a tunnel process, the stability evaluation of the
e-mail: tunnel is an essential task that ensures an adequate
safety factor against the failure of unlined tunnel
S. Keawsawasvong boundaries resulting in an effective control for ground
Department of Civil Engineering, Thammasat School of
Engineering, Thammasat University, Pathumthani 12120,
surface subsidence and damages to existing structures.
Thailand Therefore, the knowledge of combined interaction

Geotech Geol Eng

between unlined tunnel configurations (i.e., cover of stability analysis for unlined square tunnels in clays
depth and diameter), loadings (soil unit weight, with anisotropic and linearly increasing strength since
surcharge and tunnel pressure), and soil shear a safe solution of the problem can be obtained.
strengths are crucial for its stability analysis. This Regarding the previous studies on the undrained
paper is concerned with a numerical investigation of stability of unlined tunnels, Davis et al. (1980) were
the undrained stability of an unlined square tunnel in a among the first to develop the analytical solutions of
cohesive soil whose undrained shear strengths are circular sections using the lower and upper bound limit
anisotropic and increase linearly with depth. The analysis. Later, a number of researchers employed the
dependency of an anisotropic strength of clay with FELA to compute the numerical solutions of this
respect to the mode of shearing is well recognized problem. For example, the undrained stability of
(e.g., Ladd 1991; Ladd and DeGroot 2003) while the unlined square tunnels in homogeneous clays was
form of a linearly increasing strength is commonly examined by Assadi and Sloan (1991). The influence
found in normally consolidated clays (e.g., Atkinson of non-homogeneous clays with shear strength
2007). increasing linearly with depth was also considered
The finite element limit analysis (FELA) (Sloan for square sections of tunnels (Sloan and Assadi 1991;
2013), a numerical method based on a finite element Wilson et al. 2013) as well as circular ones (Sloan and
concept, the plastic bound theorems (Drucker et al. Assadi 1992; Wilson et al. 2011). Other stability
1952) and an optimization approach, is one of aspects of circular tunnels were investigated as well,
available tools for the stability analysis of the such as the effects of seismic forces (Sahoo and Kumar
proposed study where the exact limit load can be 2012b, 2014b), two-soil layers (Sahoo and Kumar
bracketed from above and below by the upper bound 2019b), and water pressures (Sahoo and Kumar
(UB) and lower bound (LB) solutions. Because of its 2019a). Yang and Yao (2018) employed the upper
powerful capability and efficiency, the FELA has been bound limit analysis to study a collapse of tunnel roof
advocated for analyzing a variety of stability problems in non-homogenous soils. In addition, there were other
in geomechanics including stability problems in FELA studies on the stability of tunnels in Mohr–
anisotropic clays (Ukritchon et al. 2003; Ukritchon Coulomb (MC) soils such as square tunnels in
and Keawsawasvong 2018c, 2019a, 2019b), undrained cohesive–frictional soils (Yamamoto et al. 2011a),
basal stability of braced circular excavations (Keaw- circular tunnels in cohesive–frictional soils (Ya-
sawasvong and Ukritchon 2019), pullout capacity of mamoto et al. 2011b), elliptical tunnels in cohesion-
suction caissons (Ukritchon and Keawsawasvong less soils (Zhang et al. 2017), plane strain headings
2016; Keawsawasvong and Ukritchon 2016b), uplift (Zhang et al. 2019), while some studies existed on dual
capacity of piles (Ukritchon and Keawsawasvong circular tunnels in cohesive soils (Wilson et al. 2014;
2019c), cantilever flood walls (Keawsawasvong and Sahoo and Kumar 2013, 2018).
Ukritchon 2016c), bearing capacity of shallow foun- It should be noted that most of those previous
dations (Kouzer and Kumar 2010; Ukritchon et al. studies of tunnel stability are limited to Tresca or
2018; Ukritchon and Keawsawasvong 2017a), uplift Mohr–Coulomb failure criteria that correspond to the
and pullout capacity of anchors (Sahoo and Kumar type of isotropic strength. In fact, the undrained shear
2012a, 2014a; Bhattacharya and Kumar strength of a natural clay is generally anisotropic due
2012, 2015, 2017; Khuntia and Sahoo 2017; Bhat- to its deposition and sedimentation processes, geolog-
tacharya 2018; Sahoo and Khuntia 2018), stability of ical stress history and induced mode of shearing, and
conical slopes (Kumar et al. 2014; Keawsawasvong typically depends on the orientation of the major
and Ukritchon 2017c; Ukritchon and Keawsawasvong principal (compressive) stress to the vertical axis or
2018b), lateral capacity of piles (Keawsawasvong and depositional direction (Ladd 1991; Ladd and DeGroot
Ukritchon 2016a, 2017a; Ukritchon and Keaw- 2003). Ladd (1991) presented an empirical chart be-
sawasvong 2018a), collapse of active trapdoors tween undrained strengths obtained from triaxial
(Keawsawasvong and Ukritchon 2017b), limiting compression (TC), triaxial extension (TE), and direct
pressures of pile row (Ukritchon and Keawsawasvong simple shear (DSS) as a function of plasticity index of
2017b; Keawsawasvong and Ukritchon 2017d). Thus, clays. In the empirical chart, the curve of the shear
the lower bound (LB) FELA is adopted as the method strength in TC lies at the top, followed by that in DSS

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while that in TE lies at the bottom, where a lower

plasticity index increases the degree of strength
anisotropy. Previous studies of the anisotropic
strength of clays affecting undrained stability prob-
lems were performed including shallow foundations
(Davis and Christian 1971; Al-Shamrani 2005; Liu
and Hu 2009; Yang and Du 2016; Veiskarami et al.
2017), retaining walls and excavations (Su et al. 1998;
Ukritchon et al. 2003; Veiskarami et al. 2018),
stability of slopes (Lo 1965; Chen et al. 1975; Law
1978; Su and Liao 1999). Veiskarami et al. (2017)
presented an iterative procedure of a LB FELA with
linear programming (LP) using a modified anisotropic
strength criterion based on Casagrande and Carillo
(1944). Ukritchon and Keawsawasvong (2018c) pro-
posed a LB FELA with second-order cone program-
ming (SOCP) using an anisotropic strength criterion
by Davis and Christian (1971) while Ukritchon and
Keawsawasvong (2019b) extended their proposed
method to investigate the undrained face stability of
plane strain tunnel heading in anisotropic and non-
homogeneous clays. So far, there is no study of the
influence of the undrained strength anisotropy com-
bined with the strength non-homogeneity on the
stability of unlined square tunnels.
The objective of this paper is to extend the work of
Ukritchon and Keawsawasvong (2018c) using the LB
FELA SOCP for anisotropic clays to investigate the
undrained stability of unlined square tunnels in clays
whose undrained shear strengths are anisotropic and
increase linearly with depth. Then, the new design
equations for predicting the stability of the problem
are proposed based on a nonlinear regression to the
computed LB solutions. The proposed equations can
be used in practice for a reliable and accurate
evaluation of the stability of unlined square tunnels
in clays considering the combined effects of undrained
strength anisotropy and non-homogeneity in urban

2 Problem Definition

The problem definition of an unlined square tunnel Fig. 1 Problem definition of an unlined square tunnel in
with a width and height (H) and a cover depth anisotropic and non-homogeneous clays: a geometry; b soil
(C) under plane strain condition is shown in Fig. 1. profile; c typical LB mesh used for LB analysis
The unlined tunnel corresponds to the case of no
concrete lining but there is a tunnel pressure (rt)
applied normally to all faces of the tunnel and there is

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Fig. 2 Undrained anisotropic strength criterion by Davis and c

Christian (1971) for plane strain stability problems: a general
definition; b effect of re; c second-order quadratic cone

no shear traction on those faces. The soil profile

corresponds to an anisotropic clay with a unit weight
(c). The anisotropic shear strength of clay caused by
inherent and stress-induced anisotropy is character-
ized by three undrained strengths namely suPSC, suDSS,
suPSE under the mode of shearing in plane strain (PS)
compression (PSC), direct simple shear (DSS), and
plane strain (PS) extension (PSE), respectively. In this
study, the undrained strength anisotropy can be
described by two anisotropic strength ratios: re-
= suPSE/suPSC and rs = suDSS/suPSC. Thus, the former
indicates the difference in strength between PSE and
PSC while the latter shows that between DSS and PSC.
Experimental data by Ladd (1991) indicated that the
undrained strength in DSS tends to be somewhere
close to the extension strength. Thus, it is assumed in
the present study that the harmonic mean between
suPSC and suPSE is equal to suDSS, thereby giving rise to
a relationship between rs and re as:
rs ¼ ð1Þ
1 þ re
Note that when re = 1, rs is equal to 1 and this case
corresponds to the isotropic strength of clays. In
addition, the three anisotropic undrained strengths
(suPSC, suDSS, suPSE) increase linearly with depth as
shown in Fig. 1b. Thus, the anisotropic and non-
homogenous strength profile is defined by the PSC
undrained strength of suPSC0 at the ground surface with
its gradient of q. As a result, the gradients of the DSS
and PSE undrained strength are qrs and qre,
In the present study, the elliptical anisotropic
strength of clays defined by the Davis and Christian
(DC) (1971) criterion is adopted as shown in Fig. 2a,
while the re effect on the DC yield surface is illustrated
in Fig. 2b. Full details of the description of the DC
criterion can be found in Ukritchon and Keaw-
sawasvong (2018c).
The undrained stability of an unlined square tunnel
is concerned with a determination of a limiting
uniform surcharge (rs) applied on the ground surface
causing a collapse of soils moving toward inside the

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square tunnel that is resisted by an applied tunnel The surcharge applied at the ground surface is
pressure (rt). This type of the collapse is known as an optimized in the objective function of the LB SOCP
active failure. Note that a passive failure due to a optimization problem subjected to the constraints of
relatively large applied tunnel pressure causing soils static admissibility, which is written in a matrix form as:
above the tunnel to move upward towards the ground
MaxðfcgT frgÞ
surface is not considered. In this study, the undrained ð2Þ
active failure of square tunnel is caused by the driving subject to ½A]f rg þ ½Yfzg ¼ fBg
forces of the surcharge (rs) and soil unit weight (c) that where {r} and {z} are nodal stresses and auxiliary
are resisted by the tunnel pressure (rt) as well as the variables, [A] is a matrix of all constraints for
shear resistance of anisotropic and non-homogeneous equilibrium equations at triangular elements and stress
clays (suPSC0, q and re). discontinuities, and stress boundary conditions, [Y] is a
matrix for relationships of nodal stresses and auxiliary
variables, and z 2 Q3c is a conic quadratic (second-
3 Method of Analysis
order) constraint for the DC anisotropic strength
criterion. The optimal solution of the SOCP optimiza-
This paper adopts the LB FELA SOCP for anisotropic
tion problem in Eq. (2) is solved by the MOSEK
clays recently developed by Ukritchon and Keaw-
software package (MOSEK 2018), a conic optimizer
sawasvong (2018c) in order to examine the undrained
based on a primal–dual interior-point algorithm (An-
stability of unlined square tunnels in anisotropic and
dersen et al. 2003).
non-homogeneous clays. The principles of the method
The example of a finite element mesh for a square
of the LB FELA SOCP for anisotropic clays are
tunnel with C/H = 3 is illustrated in Fig. 1c. Basically,
summarized herein while the full details of the method
the domain of the problem employs a uniformly
can be found in that reference.
structured mesh created from a series of square blocks
Due to the assumption of an infinitely long square
subdivided into four triangular elements. For all
tunnel, the problem can be modelled based on the
numerical results reported in this paper, the extremely
plane strain condition. The soil mass surrounding the
fine meshes are discretized consisting of 16,000 -
tunnel is discretized into a number of three-noded
50,000 elements for C/H = 1–5 in order to obtain the
triangular elements (see Fig. 1c) in which a right-
very accurate LB solutions. Note that a more number
hand-side axis system and the tension positive sign
of elements are required for a larger C/H ratio.
convention for normal stresses are adopted. At each
Figure 1c also shows stress boundary conditions for
node of triangular elements, the primary unknowns are
shear (s) and normal (rn) tractions of the problem. At
three stresses (rxx, ryy, sxy) in 2D Cartesian coordinate
all unlined boundaries of the tunnel, shear tractions are
system. By allowing each element to possess its
constrained to be zero while normal tractions are
unique node, a stress discontinuity may develop at a
enforced to be equal to the tunnel pressure (rt). At the
shared edge of adjacent triangular elements. Stress
ground surface, normal tractions are constrained to be
discontinuities are required to be modelled in the LB
the surcharge while shear tractions are enforced to be
analysis in order to obtain an accurate LB solutions
zero. At the symmetrical plane, shear tractions are
(Sloan 2013). Therefore, a piecewise stress field
setup to be zero while normal traction are uncon-
modelled by the LB mesh is continuous within
strained. At the bottom and right boundaries of the
triangular elements, but is discontinuous across at
domain, there is no required constraints for both shear
shared edges of adjacent elements. A set of statically
and normal tractions. To avoid the effect of insuffi-
admissible constraints can setup by satisfying the LB
cient size of the problem, the domain size is enlarged
theorem (Drucker et al. 1952) as: (i) equilibrium
sufficiently enough for each C/H ratio to capture a
equations within triangular elements; (ii) continuity of
plastic yielding zone, thereby confirming no change of
shear and normal stresses along stress discontinuities;
the lower bound solution of the problem.
(iii) stress boundary conditions; and (iv) yield criterion
obeying the DC anisotropic strength function
expressed as a second-order quadratic cone as shown
in Fig. 2c.

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4 Results and Discussions isotropic Tresca criterion given by Wilson et al. (2013)
is presented in Table 1. Note that the stability load
The undrained stability of unlined square tunnels in factors (rs-rt)/suPSC0 in this table correspond to 30
anisotropic and non-homogeneous clays is related to cases of square tunnels in isotropic (re = 1) as well as
the combined interaction between: (i) tunnel config- both homogeneous (q = 0) and non-homogeneous
uration, namely tunnel cover depth (C), tunnel diam- (q = 0) clays. In all cases, it can be observed that the
eter (D); (ii) loadings namely soil unit weight (c), LB solutions of the present study agree very well with
surcharge (rs), and tunnel pressure (rt); and (iii) soil those of Wilson et al. (2013). Generally, the former is
shear strength, namely a reference undrained strength more accurate and larger than the latter about 0.1–6%.
under plane strain (PS) compression at ground surface In addition, the trends of the stability load factors
(suPSC0) and its strength gradient (q), and anisotropic (rs-rt)/suPSC0 between them are very consistent with
strength ratio (re). Despite many input variables of the each other, where an increase in C/H and/or qH/suPSC0
problem, the number of essential variables can be and a decrease in cH/suPSC0 result in a rise in (rs-rt)/
decreased by reformulating them into a set of dimen- suPSC0.
sionless parameters. Based on those input variables, it Table 2 summarizes all computed LB solutions of
can be shown that the stability of the problem can be unlined square tunnels in anisotropic and non-homo-
described by the stability load factor as a function of geneous clays. To maintain the suitable length of the
the four dimensionless parameters as: paper, only some graphical results are generated to
portray the influence of the input dimensionless
ðrs  rt Þ=suPSC0 ¼ fðC=H; cH=suPSC0 ; qH=suPSC0 ; re Þ
parameters C/H, qH/suPSC0, cH/suPSC0 and re on the
ð3Þ stability load factor as shown in Figs. 3, 4, 5 and 6,
where (rs-rt)/suPSC0 is the stability load factor, C/ respectively. In this paper, a positive sign of the
H is the cover-depth ratio, cH/suPSC0 is the normalized stability load factor ((rs-rt)/suPSC0) indicates that the
overburden pressure, qH/suPSC0 is the normalized surcharge at the ground surface is larger than the
strength gradient, and re is the anisotropic strength tunnel pressure in order to cause the active failure. On
ratio measuring the difference in undrained strength the other hand, a negative sign of that indicates that the
between PS extension and PS compression. tunnel pressure is larger than the surcharge in order to
Parametric studies are comprehensively performed stabilize the active failure.
on the four dimensionless parameters that have the A very complex relationship between (rs-rt)/
range as: C/H = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, cH/suPSC0 = 0, 1, 2, 4, suPSC0 and C/H is observed in Fig. 3. When cH/
qH/suPSC0 = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, and re = 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1. suPSC0 is small, an increase in C/H results in an
Note that the results with re = 1 (i.e., rs = 1) corre- increase in (rs-rt)/suPSC0 (see Fig. 3a, c). On the
spond to the case of isotropic strength, where the DC contrary, when cH/suPSC0 is large, an increase in C/
criterion is identical to Tresca failure criterion. The H gives rise to a decrease in (rs-rt)/suPSC0 (see
practical range of re may be conveniently estimated Fig. 3b, d). Figure 4 shows an increasingly linear
from the data of Ladd (1991) who proposed an relationship between (rs-rt)/suPSC0 and qH/suPSC0.
empirical correlation between the undrained shear This result makes some sense as an increase in the
strength ratios in compression and extension as a strength gradient generally contributes to an additional
function of plasticity index of natural clays. Based on shear resistance of soils. A decreasingly linear
the Ladd (1991) data, the re ratio ranges from 0.5 to 0.8 relationship between (rs-rt)/suPSC0 and cH/suPSC0 is
in practice. Thus, the present study considering re in observed in Fig. 5. As expected, an increase in soil
the range of 0.4–1 covers its practical cases. unit weight basically generates a more driving force of
All LB analyses of unlined square tunnels in the problem, thereby reducing the stability load factor.
anisotropic and non-homogeneous clays are simulated It is also found from Figs. 4 and 5 that the slope of line
successfully by employing the method outlined in the with a high C/H value is larger than that with a small
previous section. To confirm the accuracy of the C/H value. Finally, the effect of undrained strength
computed LB results, the validation of the present anisotropy by the re parameter is clearly demonstrated
study of re = 1 with the existing solutions of the in Fig. 6. An increasingly nonlinear relationship
between (rs-rt)/suPSC0 and re is observed. Thus, a

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Table 1 Validation of the C/H qH/su0PSC cH/su0PSC Wilson et al. (2013) Present study
computed LB solutions of
(rs–rt)/suPSC0 with the UB LB LB
existing results given by
Wilson et al. (2013) for the 1 0 0 1.98 1.94 1.941
square tunnels in isotropic 2 0 0 3.11 3.00 3.035
and non-homogeneous clays 3 0 0 3.72 3.58 3.610
(re = 1) 4 0 0 4.20 4.05 4.085
5 0 0 4.60 4.44 4.485
1 0.5 0 2.49 2.45 2.449
2 0.5 0 5.56 5.42 5.454
3 0.5 0 8.15 7.89 7.934
4 0.5 0 10.80 10.39 10.465
5 0.5 0 13.59 13.05 13.159
1 1 0 2.99 2.95 2.951
2 1 0 7.77 7.63 7.649
3 1 0 12.45 12.12 12.159
4 1 0 17.28 16.65 16.751
5 1 0 22.44 21.55 21.718
1 0 1 0.92 0.82 0.850
2 0 1 0.82 0.66 0.716
3 0 1 0.40 0.24 0.305
4 0 1 - 0.12 - 0.30 - 0.220
5 0 1 - 0.73 - 0.90 - 0.841
1 0.5 1 1.49 1.45 1.449
2 0.5 1 3.43 3.23 3.281
3 0.5 1 4.94 4.62 4.677
4 0.5 1 6.56 6.12 6.202
5 0.5 1 8.34 7.77 7.893
1 1 1 1.99 1.95 1.951
2 1 1 5.72 5.55 5.588
3 1 1 9.28 8.87 8.940
4 1 1 13.06 12.38 12.501
5 1 1 17.20 16.28 16.461
1 0 2 - 0.30 - 0.44 - 0.392
2 0 2 - 1.54 - 1.73 - 1.650
3 0 2 - 2.96 - 3.16 - 3.089
4 0 2 - 4.51 - 4.70 - 4.628
5 0 2 - 6.15 - 6.34 - 6.276
1 0.5 2 0.49 0.45 0.449
2 0.5 2 1.25 0.99 1.065
3 0.5 2 1.70 1.32 1.401
4 0.5 2 2.30 1.82 1.925
5 0.5 2 3.07 2.48 2.615
1 1 2 0.99 0.95 0.951
2 1 2 3.63 3.38 3.442
3 1 2 6.08 5.60 5.689
4 1 2 8.83 8.10 8.241
5 1 2 11.95 11.00 11.197

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Table 2 Computed LB solutions of the stability load factor for plane strain tunnel headings in anisotropic and non-homogeneous
cH/suPSC0 qH/suPSC0 C/H re = 0.4 re = 0.6 re = 0.8 re = 1.0

0 0 1 1.124 1.466 1.731 1.941

2 2.1644 2.5456 2.8203 3.0349
3 2.6018 3.0181 3.3447 3.6098
4 2.8977 3.3843 3.7694 4.0851
5 3.1440 3.6912 4.1261 4.4845
0.25 1 1.2677 1.6553 1.9556 2.1957
2 2.7880 3.5281 3.9580 4.2796
3 4.1515 4.8649 5.3799 5.7943
4 5.2450 6.0903 6.7569 7.3036
5 6.2988 7.3437 8.1737 8.8584
0.5 1 1.4109 1.8436 2.1789 2.4488
2 3.3751 4.3353 5.0057 5.4537
3 5.5039 6.6310 7.3646 7.9342
4 7.5176 8.7465 9.6920 10.4652
5 9.3964 10.9363 12.1555 13.1591
1 1 1.6972 2.2197 2.6247 2.9509
2 4.5343 5.8685 6.8805 7.6493
3 8.0749 10.0366 11.2504 12.1594
4 11.9115 14.0222 15.5273 16.7514
5 15.5544 18.0872 20.0810 21.7181
1 0 1 0.1243 0.4664 0.7077 0.8503
2 - 0.0602 0.2689 0.5184 0.7161
3 - 0.7061 - 0.2932 0.0271 0.3049
4 - 1.4247 - 0.9287 - 0.5493 - 0.2207
5 - 2.2154 - 1.6472 - 1.2014 - 0.8407
0.25 1 0.2677 0.6553 0.9556 1.1957
2 0.7880 1.3852 1.7633 2.0593
3 0.9807 1.6176 2.1141 2.5172
4 1.0057 1.8351 2.4898 3.0258
5 1.0564 2.0878 2.9062 3.5801
0.5 1 0.4110 0.8436 1.1789 1.4488
2 1.3751 2.3347 2.8808 3.2812
3 2.4889 3.4507 4.1290 4.6772
4 3.3288 4.5107 5.4412 6.2024
5 4.1741 5.6957 6.9013 7.8933
1 1 0.6972 1.2197 1.6247 1.9509
2 2.5343 3.8685 4.8793 5.5875
3 5.0749 6.9440 8.0774 8.9404
4 7.8431 9.8068 11.2905 12.5006
5 10.3516 12.8581 14.8367 16.4614

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Table 2 continued
cH/suPSC0 qH/suPSC0 C/H re = 0.4 re = 0.6 re = 0.8 re = 1.0

2 0 1 - 0.9136 - 0.6871 - 0.5227 - 0.3924

2 - 2.4465 - 2.0994 - 1.8479 - 1.6501
3 - 4.1783 - 3.6953 - 3.3464 - 3.0894
4 - 5.9689 - 5.3951 - 4.9668 - 4.6278
5 - 7.7947 - 7.1549 - 6.6671 - 6.2758
0.25 1 - 0.7323 - 0.3447 - 0.0445 0.1430
2 - 1.3271 - 0.8527 - 0.5090 - 0.2392
3 - 2.3016 - 1.6708 - 1.1813 - 0.7855
4 - 3.2740 - 2.4495 - 1.8021 - 1.2740
5 - 4.2206 - 3.1942 - 2.3836 - 1.7179
0.5 1 - 0.5891 - 0.1564 0.1789 0.4488
2 - 0.6249 0.2079 0.6882 1.0649
3 - 0.6677 0.1986 0.8628 1.4006
4 - 0.9131 0.2547 1.1741 1.9251
5 - 1.0703 0.4388 1.6332 2.6150
1 1 - 0.3028 0.2197 0.6247 0.9509
2 0.5343 1.8685 2.8470 3.4420
3 2.0749 3.7909 4.8617 5.6894
4 3.6945 5.5746 7.0427 8.2407
5 5.1316 7.6191 9.5842 11.1972
4 0 1 - 3.9666 - 3.5292 - 3.2604 - 3.1140
2 - 7.7490 - 7.1890 - 6.8006 - 6.5149
3 - 11.5782 - 10.9436 - 10.4676 - 10.1047
4 - 15.4152 - 14.7166 - 14.1849 - 13.7570
5 - 19.2701 - 18.5164 - 17.9384 - 17.4698
0.25 1 - 3.0042 - 2.7219 - 2.5221 - 2.3668
2 - 6.0253 - 5.5585 - 5.2136 - 4.9442
3 - 9.0124 - 8.3588 - 7.8667 - 7.4758
4 - 11.9597 - 11.1150 - 10.4678 - 9.9468
5 - 14.8881 - 13.8419 - 13.0343 - 12.3775
0.5 1 - 2.5891 - 2.1913 - 1.9579 - 1.7781
2 - 4.8733 - 4.2984 - 3.8717 - 3.5357
3 - 7.2337 - 6.3854 - 5.7327 - 5.2080
4 - 9.4799 - 8.3181 - 7.4115 - 6.6752
5 - 11.6288 - 10.1272 - 8.9465 - 7.9804
1 1 - 2.3028 - 1.7803 - 1.3753 - 1.0491
2 - 3.4657 - 2.1766 - 1.4867 - 0.9519
3 - 4.0111 - 2.6543 - 1.6567 - 0.8516
4 - 4.7701 - 2.9273 - 1.4825 - 0.3054
5 - 5.3481 - 2.8876 - 0.9451 0.6472

Geotech Geol Eng

Fig. 3 Influence of C/H on re= 0.4, γH/suPSC0 = 0 re= 0.4, γH/suPSC0 = 4

the stability load factor of 20 0
tunnel headings: a re = 0.4
and cH/suPSC0 = 0;
b re = 0.4 and cH/ 15 -5

(σs −σt ) /suPSC0

(σs −σt ) /suPSC0

suPSC0 = 4; c re = 1 and cH/
suPSC0 = 0; d re = 1 and cH/ 1
suPSC0 = 4 10 -10
5 -15 0.25
0 -20
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
(a) (b)

re= 1, γH/suPSC0 = 0 re= 1, γH/suPSC0 = 4

30 10
(σs −σt ) /suPSC0

(σs −σt ) /suPSC0

20 0.5 0

10 -10 0
0 -20
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
(c) (d)

larger difference between the strengths in extension (i.e., F(rxx, ryy,sxy) \ 0). The quasi-velocity field is
and compression (i.e., a lower re ratio) leads to a lower deduced from the dual optimal solution of Eq. (2) as
stability load factor. suggested by Ciria et al. (2008). Basically, the quasi-
Figures 7 and 8 illustrate the predicted failure zones horizontal and vertical components of a triangular
and failure mechanisms of unlined square tunnels element are piece-wise constant and equal to the dual
affected by the dimensionless parameters C/H, qH/ solutions that correspond to the horizontal and vertical
suPSC0, cH/suPSC0 and re, respectively. These presented equilibrium equations of the element (Ciria et al.
results can be visualized and interpreted using a 2008). Since each triangular element is assigned to
contour of the relative shear stress ratio (Trel) and a have its own quasi-velocity field, a jump of the quasi
quasi-velocity field. The Trel value is defined by the velocity may exist at the nodes sharing the same
undrained shear strength of clays divided by the coordinates. It should be noted that the graphical
computed maximum shear stress (smax), and hence it results of Trel contours and quasi-velocity fields shown
ranges from 0 to 1. When the contour of Trel is equal to in Figs. 7 and 8 are generated using Techplot software
unity, the failure zone is detected corresponding to the (Tecplot 2013). Figure 7a–d show the predicted
stress state plotting on the DC strength envelope (i.e., failure mechanisms comparing C/H = 1, 2, 4 and 5
F(rxx, ryy,sxy) = 0). In contrast, when Trel is less than for the cases with re = 0.6, cH/suPSC0 = 1 and qH/
unity, no failure zone is detected corresponding to the suPSC0 = 0.5. The failure of the tunnel is accompanied
stress state plotting inside the DC strength envelope by the movement of soils from the ground surface to

Geotech Geol Eng

Fig. 4 Influence of qH/ re= 0.6, γH/suPSC0 = 1 re= 0.6, γH/suPSC0 = 2

suPSC0 on the stability load 15 10
factor of tunnel headings: C/H C/H
a re = 0.6 and cH/ 1 2 1 2
suPSC0 = 1; b re = 0.6 and 10 3 4 5 3 4

(σs −σt ) /suPSC0

(σs −σt ) /suPSC0

cH/suPSC0 = 2; c re = 0.8 5 5
and cH/suPSC0 = 1;
d re = 0.8 and cH/suPSC0 = 2 5 0

0 -5

-5 -10
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
ρH/suPSC0 ρH/suPSC0
(a) (b)

re= 0.8, γH/suPSC0 = 1 re= 0.8, γH/suPSC0 = 2

20 15
15 1 2 10 1 2
3 4 3 4
(σs −σt ) /suPSC0

(σs −σt ) /suPSC0

5 5
10 5

5 0

0 -5

-5 -10
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
ρH/suPSC0 ρH/suPSC0
(c) (d)

the tunnel roof and/or the vertical face depending on An increase of qH/suPSC0 results in a decrease of the
the cover-depth ratio. An increase in the cover-depth failure zone. The largest size of failure zone can be
ratio gives rise to an enlargement of the failure zone seen in Fig. 7e for the case of homogeneous strength
size that grows laterally away from the vertical face of with qH/suPSC0 = 0. The effect of cH/suPSC0 on the
tunnel and propagates to the ground surface. For predicted failure mechanism is presented in Fig. 8a–d,
example, the failure mechanism of C/H = 1 is a where the cH/suPSC0 ratios are varied from 1 to 4 while
collapse of the tunnel roof without any failure to the the other parameters are C/H = 3, qH/suPSC0 = 0.5
vertical face of tunnel. In contrast, the failure of C/ and re = 0.6. In this comparison, the failure zones and
H = 5 occurs at the roof as well as the vertical face of the quasi-velocity fields of the cH/suPSC0 variations are
tunnel, which induces a presence of the failure width quite similar. Finally, Fig. 8e–h show the comparison
on the ground surface of 4H from the centerline of of failure mechanism for four cases with qH/suPSC0-
tunnel. The impact of qH/suPSC0 on the failure = 0.5, cH/suPSC0 = 1 and C/H = 3 but different re
mechanism of tunnel is illustrated in Fig. 7e–7h. In ratios of 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1. Even though there is very
this comparison, the qH/suPSC0 ratios are varied from 0 small difference in the failure mechanism of the re
to 1 while the other parameters are re = 0.6, cH/ variation, a lower re ratio gives rise to a lower stability
suPSC0 = 1 and C/H = 3. It is found that qH/suPSC0 has load factor.
a strong influence on the failure mechanism of tunnel.

Geotech Geol Eng

Fig. 5 Influence of cH/ re= 0.4, ρH/suPSC0 = 0.25 re= 0.4, ρH/suPSC0 = 0.5
suPSC0 on the stability load 10 15
factor of tunnel headings:
a re = 0.4 and qH/ 5 10
suPSC0 = 0.25; b re = 0.4

(σs −σt ) /suPSC0

(σs −σt ) /suPSC0

and qH/suPSC0 = 0.5; 0 5
c re = 1 and qH/
suPSC0 = 0.25; d re = 1 and -5 0
qH/suPSC0 = 0.5
-10 C/H -5 C/H
1 2 1 2
-15 3 4 -10 3 4
5 5
-20 -15
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
γ H/suPSC0 γ H/suPSC0
(a) (b)

re= 1, ρH/suPSC0 = 0.25 re= 1, ρH/suPSC0 = 0.5

15 15
10 1 2
(σs −σt ) /suPSC0

(σs −σt ) /suPSC0

3 4
5 5

-5 C/H
1 2
3 4 -5
-15 -10
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
γ H/suPSC0 γ H/suPSC0
(c) (d)

5 New Design Equations rs  rt a1 ðC=HÞrea3 a4 ðC=HÞ2  a5 ðC=HÞ
¼ þ
suPSC0 1 þ a2 ðC=HÞ 1 þ a6 ðC=HÞ
In practice, it is not convenient to employ the results in      
Table 2 since some interpolations are necessary when qH a7 cH C
r  a8 þ a9
the input dimensionless parameters do not fall exactly suPSC0 e suPSC0 H
on the studied values. Thus, an approximate solution ð4Þ
for the stability load factor of square tunnels in
anisotropic and non-homogeneous clays is developed where a1 = 2.5492, a2 = 0.3706, a3 = 0.4358,
based on a nonlinear regression analysis. Employing a4 = 2.8358, a5 = 0.7021, a6 = 0.5688, a7 = 0.3335,
all 320 computed LB solutions with an appropriate a8 = 1.0543 and a9 = 0.1022.
mathematical form of a curve-fitting technique, the The accuracy comparison of (rs-rt)/suPSC0
new design equation of the stability load factor is first between the proposed approximate expression and
time reported below with a coefficient of determina- the computed LB solutions is shown in Fig. 9, where
tion (R2) of 99.85% as: good agreement between them can be accurately
achieved (R2 = 99.85%).
By multiplying suPSC0 to both sides in Eq. (4), the
proposed design equation can be reformulated into a
compact form as:

Geotech Geol Eng

Fig. 6 Influence of re on the C/H = 1, ρH/suPSC0 = 0 C/H = 1, ρH/suPSC0 = 1

stability load factor of tunnel 3 3
headings: a C/H = 1 and
qH/suPSC0 = 0; b C/H = 1
and qH/suPSC0 = 1; c C/ 0

(σs −σt ) /suPSC0

(σs −σt ) /suPSC0

H = 5 and qH/suPSC0 = 0; 0
d C/H = 5 and qH/
suPSC0 = 1 -3

γH/suPSC0 -3 γH/suPSC0
-6 0 1 0 1

2 4 2 4
-9 -6
0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
re re
(a) (b)

C/H = 5, ρH/suPSC0 = 0 C/H = 5, ρH/suPSC0 = 1

10 40
5 0 1
2 4
(σs −σt ) /suPSC0

(σs −σt ) /suPSC0

-10 γH/suPSC0
0 1
2 4

-20 -10
0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
re re
(c) (d)

rs ¼ suPSC0 Nc Na1 þ qHNq Na2 þ rt  cHNc ð5Þ Nc represent the stability factors reflecting from the
effects of constant undrained strength (suPSC0), lin-
where early increasing strength gradient (q), and soil unit
a1 ðC=HÞ weight (c), respectively, while the factors Na1 and Na2
Nc ¼ ð6aÞ represent the stability factors accounting for the
1 þ a2 ðC=HÞ
undrained strength anisotropy (re). It should be noted
a4 ðC=HÞ2  a5 ðC=HÞ that the negative sign of the last term in Eq. (9)
Nq ¼ ð6bÞ represents the effect of soil unit weight (c) which
1 þ a6 ðC=HÞ
contributes to a driving force causing an active failure
  of tunnel. The development of the curve-fitting
Nc ¼ a8 þ a9 ð6cÞ expression in Eq. (4) ensures that the units in the left
and right hands of Eq. (5) works out perfectly in terms
Na1 ¼ rea3 ð6dÞ of stress while all stability factors are absolutely
dimensionless. Figure 10a shows the variation of Nc,
Na2 ¼ rea7 ð6eÞ Nq, and Nc as a function of the cover-depth ratio (C/
H) while Fig. 10b illustrates that of Na1 and Na2 as a
Note that the five factors in Eqs. (6a)–(6e) are the
function of the anisotropic strength ratio (re). By
new stability factors for square tunnels in anisotropic
employing Eq. (5), the limiting surcharge (rs) of the
and non-homogeneous clays. The factors Nc, Nq, and
problem can be readily computed from the input

Geotech Geol Eng

Fig. 7 Comparisons of the

relative shear stress ratio
(Trel) and quasi-velocity
field for the cases of re = 0.6
and cH/suPSC0 = 1: a C/
H = 1 and qH/suPSC0 = 0.5;
b C/H = 2 and qH/
suPSC0 = 0.5; c C/H = 4 and
qH/suPSC0 = 0.5; d C/H = 5
and qH/suPSC0 = 0.5; e qH/
suPSC0 = 0 and C/H = 3;
f qH/suPSC0 = 0.25 and C/
H = 3; g qH/suPSC0 = 0.5
and C/H = 3; h qH/
suPSC0 = 1 and C/H = 3

Geotech Geol Eng

Fig. 8 Comparisons of the

relative shear stress ratio
(Trel) and quasi-velocity
field for the cases of C/
H = 3 and qH/suPSC0 = 0:
a cH/suPSC0 = 0 and
re = 0.6; b cH/suPSC0 = 1
and re = 0.6; c cH/
suPSC0 = 2 and re = 0.6;
d cH/suPSC0 = 4 and
re = 0.6; e re = 0.4 and cH/
suPSC0 = 1; f re = 0.6 and
cH/suPSC0 = 1; g re = 0.8
and cH/suPSC0 = 1; h re = 1
and cH/suPSC0 = 1

Geotech Geol Eng

20 values of rt, suPSC0, q, c, H and the stability factors Nc,

(σs−σt)/suPSC0, LB soluons 15 Nq, Nc, Na1, Na2 calculated from Eqs. (6a)–(6e).
The safety assessment of tunnel is required during
the process of tunneling by geotechnical engineers.
5 The conventional concept of the factor of safety (FS)
0 based on the mobilized strength is adopted to accom-
plish this task. By replacing suPSC0 with suPSC0/FS and
q with q/FS in Eq. (5) and solving for FS, the new
-10 design equation of the factor of safety (FS) against the
R2 = 99.85%
-15 active failure of square tunnels in anisotropic and non-
homogenous clays is proposed as:
-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20
(σs−σt)/suPSC0, Proposed design equaon
suPSC0 Nc Na1 þ qHNq Na2
FS ¼ ð7Þ
rs þ cHNc  rt
Fig. 9 Comparison of the stability load factor (rs-rt)/suPSC0
between the proposed design equation and the computed LB Surprisingly, the meaning of FS in the above
solutions equation follows reasonably with the classical defini-
tion of the factor of safety commonly used in stability
5 20 analyses in geotechnical engineering, where FS is

defined as the ratio of soil resistance to driving stress.
4 Regarding the FS expression in Eq. (7), the numerator
Nc 15
is the contribution of undrained shear resistance of
Nc and Nγ

3 clays considering strength non-homogeneity (q) and

10 anisotropy (re) while the denominator is the net

2 driving pressure generated from the surcharge (rs)
5 plus the effect of soil self-weight (c) less the applied
1 tunnel pressure (rt).

It should be noted that the present study considers
0 0 the undrained stability of unlined square tunnels with
0 1 2 3 4 5
C/D sharp corners. The sharp corners may not be con-
(a) structed practically as it can introduce very high stress
concentrations in the soil mass. Such high stress
gradients can be reduced by adding some curvature at
tunnel corners such as using square tunnels with round
0.95 corners or horseshoe-shaped ones. However, the effect
of tunnel corner curvature to the undrained stability of
Na1 and Na2

the problem is not within the scope of the present

0.85 study.

0.75 Na1 6 Conclusions

In this paper, the lower bound (LB) finite element limit
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 analysis (FELA) with second-order cone program-
re ming (SOCP) for anisotropic clays recently developed
(b) by the authors is applied to investigate the undrained
stability of unlined square tunnels in non-homoge-
Fig. 10 Proposed stability factors of plane strain tunnel neous and anisotropic clays obeying Davis and
headings: a Nc, Nq and Nc; b Na1 and Na2 Christian (DC) failure criterion. The new LB solutions

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