The Revised Constitution Of-1

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Section 1: PREAMBLE
On August 28, 2021, the Chairman and its executive of Ubaha-Ishingwu
Improvement Union, Umunze, inaugurated a constitution Review Committee.

Section 2: The terms of reference were:
a. To identify grey areas and way forward to Ubaha-Ishingwu Improvement
b. To review a stalemated constitution and come out with a modern
constitution (bye-laws) that can stand the taste of time and devoid of
myopic and archaic politics of unnecessary rancor.

Section 3: Constitution Review Members

The committee members, swung into action, made consultations individually
with some worthy sons of the village and organized review sittings. Finally, the
useful opinions were put together to form a synthesis that ushered in what is
1. Chief Chukwudi Ogbuehi Chairman
2. Hon. Barr Nnaemeka E. Arinze Secretary
3. Engr. ThankGod Okonkwo Member
4. Engr. Echezona Chukwu Member
5. Engr. Ogochukwu Nwankwo Member

Section 1: NAME:
The organization shall be known, called and addressed as “IMPROVEMENT
UNION (U.I.I.U) hereinafter referred to as THE UNION”.

Section 2: MOTTO:
Love, Peace and Progress


i. To promote love, understanding and unity among indigenes of Ubaha-
Ishingwu, Umunze and ensure their faith in their father land.
ii. To serve as a preserver of the identity of Ubaha-Ishingwu, Umunze and
foster stability and co-operation among the elements of Ubaha-
Ishingwu, Umunze.
iii. To serve as supreme organization in catering for and defending the
interest and sovereignty of Ubaha-Ishingwu, Umunze.
iv. To serve as a coordinating and harmonizing organ of all other cultural
meetings and association of Ubaha-Ishingwu indigenes, Umunze.

v. To foster a systematic development of social, religious, educational,
economics, agricultural and other latent potentialities of Ubaha-
Ishingwu, Umunze.
vi. To promote adequate co-operation and understanding with neighboring
villages in the interest of peace and progress in Umunze in particular
and the local Government Area, the state, and the country in general.
vii.To foster adequate lawful measures of security of life/Properties in
Ubaha-Ishingwu, Umunze.

Section 1: MEMBERSHIP:
Eligibility of the membership of the Union is conceded to:
a. All indigenous male children of Ubaha-Ishingwu, Umunze, who are up to
eighteen (18) years old and above.
b. An adult female married to an indigenous Ubaha-Ishingwu man.
c. An adult widow and an unmarried indigenous woman of Ubaha-
Ishingwu, Umunze.


a. The union shall have branches within and outside the Federal Republic
of Nigeria organized as male and female wings separately.
b. The general Assembly of the union shall be attend by all members at
home, representative from branch Unions, at least two members,
including the Chairman and Secretary, eligible members without
branches, from abroad, and any other personality, specially invited to the
meeting by the union’s Executive Committee.
c. The Ubaha Students Union Leadership (President and Secretary).
d. Women Wing: this shall be the branch for all our women and U.I.I.U
shall continue to address issues concerning all Ubaha women through
this branch.

Section 3:
1. NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS: The National headquarters shall be sited
permanently at Ubaha-Ishingwu, Umunze and the General Assemblies
shall be held there. Any general assembly not held in Ubaha-Ishingwu,
shall be null and void.
a. All branches of the Union shall register with the National Headquarters
through the Administrative Secretary upon payment of enrolment fee of
N2,000.00 naira only.

b. All branches shall be equal in status and shall owe equal allegiance and
responsibility to the National Headquarters.

3. DEFUNCT UNION OR BRANCHES: If the union is unable to hold its

meeting and/or perform its function for two years or twenty-four months,
it shall be deemed defunct. Likewise a branch is deemed defunct if it is
unable to hold its meeting and/or perform its functions for two years or
twenty-four months. The asset or property of any defunct branch(s) shall
be returned to the general Secretary for safe keeping until such a time
that such a branch may come to life again.

In the event of Leadership crisis in the Union, the Ishingwu or Nze-

Ishingwu or both shall convey a meeting of all Ubaha people and in such
meeting, a CARETAKER Committee shall be voted in to run the affairs of
Ubaha-Ishingwu for a period of six months within which they shall
conduct a credible election.


member could, on seeing that the Union is becoming defunct, summon a
meeting of any other interested members to find ways and means of
bringing the union back to life. If a branch union is becoming defunct,
any active member from that branch shall keep the National
Headquarters informed. The headquarters shall appoint a committee to
seek ways and means of reviving the branch.

Article 4
A. There shall be:
a. An enrollment fee of Two Hundred Naira (N1000) per member.
b. An annual subscription fee of Two Hundred Naira (N2000) per member
c. A registration fee of Three Hundred (N3000) naira per branch

B. The above fees shall be paid to the National Headquarters through the
financial secretary.
i. All payment shall be receipted.
ii. Half of the enrolment fee collected by the branch(es) utilized by them.

C. Besides the membership registrations fee, the Union may also raise
funds by levies, special contributions, donations, fines and sale of the

union’s constitution etc. at the appropriate time, the union can embark
on building of town hall which can be rented out to generate funds.


The Union shall provide membership card, which shall contain columns for
recordings, subscriptions and special levies. It shall be supplied to members at
the cost of [500] Naira only.

The Union’s constitution shall be printed in pamphlets for distribution to
members at an agreed price. It shall be obtained from the National
Headquarters, but it shall be supplied to members upon the payment of the
agreed fee. The purchase of copy of the constitution by each is mandatory
because it is another way of generating revenue for the Union.


a. An eligible male child of Ubaha-Ishingwu is considered as entitle to full
membership upon the payment of annual subscription and other
approved funds as contained in this constitution.
b. An apprentice, a student, man or woman or daughter or any member of
such category may be exempted from paying enrolment fee, annual
subscription and other payment provided that he or she enrolled himself
or herself duly as a member in the period of apprenticeship or
studentship, etc.
c. Any eligible but hesitant members shall be liable to backdated arrears of
annual subscription in addition to the penalty of extra one Hundred
Naira (N100) as enrolment fee.

Article 5:
Section 1: OFFICERS:
There shall be the following officers:
i. President
ii. Vice President
iii. General Secretary
iv. Assistant Secretary
v. Financial Secretary
vi. Treasurer
vii. Three joint auditors to be appointed when the need arises
viii. Publicity Secretary

ix. A Legal Adviser
x. Four Circular Bearers
xi. Three Provost
xii. Eight debt Collectors/Task Force

Section 2: ELECTIONS:
a. Election of officers shall be conducted every five years of single term (It is
applicable to president only), during the end of the year’s general
b. On each occasion, the election shall be conducted by returning officer,
who is to be appointed or elected on the spot by a simple majority of the
qualified/financial up to date member’s present at the meeting.
c. Candidates for the election shall be duly nominated and voted for.
d. Voting shall be by open secret ballot system.
e. That let real Ubaha person govern us, the real parents must be know by
Ubaha-Ishingwu, with a good parental background.
f. HAND OVER: That hand over shall be done in the general Assemble,
Both Documents and other things, NOT Executive to Executive, Let be at
the General Assemble (Peace Committee Inclusive)


a. Preside over all the General Assemblies and gatherings of the union.
b. Have power to direct the General Secretary to summon the National
Executive meeting of the general assembly.
c. Signs all the adopted minutes of the meetings and shall be responsible
for the maintenance of order and discipline at any meeting or gathering
of the union.
d. Open, close, adjourn or cause the meeting or gathering of the union to be
declared opened, closed or adjourned after second motion.
e. At his discretion and when necessary, extend the time limit of any
meeting provided the extension is no longer than one hour.
f. Always counter sign all vouchers prepared in respect of the union,
authorized for expenditure on behalf of the union.
g. Have power to appoint any ember to act for any/officer who is absent.
h. Draw up and submit regularly the President’s annual report for adoption
by the union.
i. Abide by the decision for the majority and shall have a casting vote; his
ruling on any matter shall be binding.

B. VICE PRESIDENT: The Vice President shall assist the President General
in all his duties as laid down in the constitution and shall act on his
behalf in his absence.
C. THE GENERAL SECRETARY: The General Secretary shall:
a. Treat all correspondence of the union.
b. Under President General’s direction, summon all the meeting of the
union specifying date, time and place of the meeting as well as the
agenda for the said meeting.
c. Take down or cause to be taken down, minutes of the General Assembly
and the Executive Committee and present or cause them to be present at
the appropriate time for ratification and adoption.
d. Be responsible for preparation and submission of the Union’s Annual
Progress Reports at the end of the year’s General Assembly.
e. Keep inventory of the Union’s property and keep her attendance register.
f. Help to coordinate the other wings of the union.
g. Shall keep an impress amount not exceeding Five Thousand Naira
(N5,000) for secretarial provisions and must duly retire such expenses
before the President approves another.

D. ASSISTANT SECRETARY: The Assistant shall assist the General

Secretary in the discharge of his duties and act for him in his absence.

The Financial Secretary shall:
a. Collect and record all monies due to the Union.
b. Issue receipts for moneys collected and handed over such moneys to the
Treasurer within 24 hours of receiving them.
c. Keep the finance register, file, and prepare vouchers for all authorized
d. Prepare the Union’s Financial report annually.
e. Keep inventory of the Union’s Financial records.

The Treasurer shall:
a. Receive and pay to the bank promptly all the moneys received for and on
behalf of the union and issue receipt to the financial secretary.
b. Pay only the bills approved by the Executive Committee/General

c. Submit to the Union at an Executive or General Assembly or at any
meeting as the Union may require, or direct, accurate true record of
accounts (covered with receipt) of the financial transaction of the union.
d. Prepare statement of the Union’s Account annually including assets and
e. Keep an impress account of Ten Thousand Naira (N10,000) for
unforeseen immediate expenditure approved by the Chairman and
documented by the financial secretary.

G. THE AUDITOR: the Auditor shall:

a. Be appointed by the general house.
b. Have power to collect, examine and scrutinize all relevant property and
documents of the union for effective auditing.
c. Prepare and submit to the Executive Committee or, and the General
Assemble, a duly sign report annually.
d. They shall be Two(2)Auditors.

H. PUBLICITY SECRETARY: The Publicity secretary shall publicize and

project the activities of Ubaha-Ishingwu, Umunze by every available
means provided by Executive of the Union.

I. THE PROVOSTS: The provost shall be responsible for sitting

arrangement. They shall assist in the maintenance of order and
discipline during meetings and functions. They shall take or cause to be
taken the records of all late comers to the meeting and submit such to
the financial secretary for the collection of fines for lateness.

J. LEGAL ADVISER: Legal Adviser shall be on ground in the conduct and

procedure of the meetings and hall be charged with the responsibility of
advising and directing the Union on constitutional issue. The
appointment of a Legal Adviser shall be done by the President and
ratified by the general house.

K. CIRCULAR BEARER: Four circular bearers shall be appointed one from

each of the kindred groups of Ubaha-Ishingwu to circulate information
from the Executive and other officials’ bodies as deemed necessary.

L. DEBT COLLECTORS OR TASK FORCE: A Task Force appointed by the

executive shall be responsible for collecting fines and debts from the

people concerned. They shall be entitled to remuneration on each trip as
specified by the Executive. Any property seized by them shall be
deposited at a safe place as directed by the executive, pending their
retrieval by the defaulters. Nobody or group has any right or power to sell
or dispose of such property/properties without the approval of the
Executive, proceeds so derived remain the income of the Union, That the
executive will consider the amount that the person who sold things
collected by the task force, he must pay what of the item sold.

Article 6:

Section 1: MEETINGS:
The Union shall hold six (6) kinds of meetings: They shall comprise:
a. The Annual General Assembly
b. An Emergency Meeting of the Union.
c. National Executive Committee
d. Tactical working Committee
e. Peace Committee
f. Five-yearly General Returns.

Section 2: QUOROM:
The proceedings of the meetings shall be valid only when the quorum is
a. The general assembly quorum is formed if thirty member’s including the
President and the General Secretary and other deputies, are in
b. For the Committees and Branch Unions, quorum is formed if one third of
the numerical strengths of the committee or their deputies in attendance.

Section 3: FUNCTIONS:
a. The General Assembly: shall be held in Ubaha-Ishingwu Umunze once
every year either in the months of July or August or in December. The
National Executive Committee shall fix the duration of the meetings. It
has legislative powers by way of enacting adequate rules and regulations
in the interest of peace and progress in the Union meetings and Ubaha-
Ishingwu Village. It shall have the power to control and ratify activities of
other meetings in Ubaha-Ishingwu. It shall also decide broad questions
of policy affecting the welfare of Ubaha-Ishingwu, Umunze.

b. Emergency Meetings:(A) An Emergency Meeting of the union shall be
summoned by the General Secretary in consultation with the President
General as often as need arises.(b).With the consent of the president.
c. National Executive Committee: the National Executive committee shall
comprise the entire elected officers of the general assembly as specified
in article 14 pages 3. Plus one nominated member from every ward of
Ubaha. The meeting shall precede the General Assembly, besides, it shall
sit as often as the need arises. It shall lay down the procedure in all
matters not covered by this constitution and shall take decisions on all
the ramification of the General Assembly. It shall formulate such bye-
laws and propound, such policies as may appear necessary and proper
in the interest of unity, peace and progress of the village of Ubaha-
Ishingwu, Umunze, which subject to the ramification of the General
Assembly shall be incorporated into general policies of the Union; where
such bye-laws and policies are necessitated by a period of emergency,
such provisions shall be suspended with the termination of such period
of emergency. It shall have powers to access and read through, the
provisions of the entire branch constitutional to the General Assembly.
d. TACTICAL WORKING COMMITTEE: The committee shall be made up of
one elected member from each ward of Ubaha-Ishingwu. The President
General and Secretary are ex-officers members of the committee; the
committee shall receive directive from the executives. It shall make plans
for the future tasks of Ubaha-Ishingwu, Umunze, defend the interest of
the Union and execute the Union’s projects by the means and methods
approved by the Union.

e. PEACE COMMITTEE: This committee shall comprise of one elected

member from each ward and four elected elders. The president and
General Secretary have right to attend its meetings, but it shall have its
own Chairman and Secretary. It shall look into the settled cases of gross
misconduct, threats to internal security and/or intra group conflicts
upon the recommendation and request of the National Executive or the
General Assembly. Fines shall be according to the gravity of any offenses
and such fines collected shall be paid to the National Treasurer who shall
take full records of all revenue collected by the Committee. General
report of the committee shall be rendered to the Executives every three
months. That after the nomination of the chairmen of the(15)council
wards, that the Executive committee should conduct election to elect
peace committee chairmen and secretary to make them
independent.1.The members of the said committee must be

natural.2.Any member who is convicted by any court of law for any
criminal matter shall not be a member.3.If any member of the committee
is find wanting or convicted by court shall be replaced by the executive
committee.4.If there is many report or misconduct of a member of the
peace committee, the person shall be given fair hearing then after finding
him wanting he shall be replaced.5.They should be an avenue of power
sharing, President general of Ubaha-Ishingwu and Chairmen of Peace
Committee shall not be from the same kindred other officers not
affected.6.They shall be chairmen, Vice chairmen secretary Assistant
secretary, Treasure, financial sec, provost.
f. In Peace committee, they should a Supervisors of Selected Men from
different 4 clans of Ubaha to Oversea the work of Peace committee for
effective practice.
g. Any case that is in Peace Committee which justice is not followed, It can
be transferred to Ubaha Executive.
h. That “UNDER AGED PERSONS” are not included in the peace
Committee, the minimum age of the members of the peace committee
shall be 50 Years old.
i. That peace committee is different from Ubaha Executive
j. That peace committee’s member should be a person who is presentable
and enough wisdom.
k. Any case in peace committee that has lasted for (3) Three Months in
peace committee without Judgment or a delay, such matter can be
transferred by the aggrieved parties to Ubaha Ishingwu Executive.
l. Any woman of Ubaha Ishingwu who marries in Umunze or Outside
Umunze has no right over landed property of her father’s Family.


May be set up if there is need for it like:
i. Electricity Committee
ii. Health Committee
iii.Environmental Committee
iv. Scholarship Committee
v. Security Committee, ETC


A. That the committee shall consist of one person from each council ward
that will make up the committee.
B. They shall be responsible for all land matters/developmental levies in

C. They shall report grey areas to the national body where necessary and
know the step forward.

1. That all Ubaha-Ishingwu youths shall not be responsible for the
collection of land percentage for the entire Ubaha from individuals who
are not indigene.
2. That the control of youth activities such as their election and other things
must be under the directive and supervision of the National body of
3. That National body of Ubaha-Ishingwu has the power to summon the
leaderships of youth when necessary or to address them on some vital
4. That youth of Ubaha-Ishingwu must not involve or treat and handle
matters that involves LANDS and MARRIAGES issues, rather let them
deliberate/treat purely on youth affairs.

Section 2: TRUSTEES:
a. The President, General Secretary, the Financial Secretary and the
treasurer shall be the Trustees to the Union.
b. The Signature of the president and any two of the Trustees shall be valid
before any withdrawal can take place in the bank.
c. They shall sign the financial documents of the Union and the
withdrawals from the bank.
d. Any vacancy in the number of issues of trustees shall be filled on the
recommendation of the national executive from among the members.
Such officer shall act in the vacant post until a substantive trustee is
appointed by the general assembly. In such situation, the General
Secretary must send letter signed by the President to communicate the
development to the bank.


The Union shall have an official stamp, which shall always be in the custody of
general Secretary. The Official stamp shall be affixed to all documents as may
be deemed official by the Union. Any document bearing the stamp shall have
the signature of the President General and the Secretary General.

Article 8:

Section 1: DISCIPLINE:
For the proper procedure, orderly conduct, and decorum at meetings, the
following disciplinary measures are needed to be taken:
a. Negligence of Duty: officers shall live up to their call. Any brazen
negligence of duty or dereliction of duty shall be checked by the National
Executive Committee. It shall be tried. If the officer standing trial is
found guilty, he shall be liable to warning or caution or fine not
exceeding Two thousand Naira Only (N2,000), depending on the gravity
of the offense.
b. Disobedience or Contempt of the Union: any member whose conduct
or actions constitute disobedience to either the National Executive
committee or the Union or who behaves in manner capable of
constituting contempt to the union shall be liable to a written caution or
fine not exceeding One Thousand Naira Only (N1000).
c. Lateness: any member who arrives at the General Assembly Chamber
late shall be liable to a fine not exceeding Two hundred Naira (N200). A
member is late to the meetings if he comes after the reading of the
minutes of the precious meeting. Fines shall be paid before reasons(s) for
lateness may be heard. If the meeting considers the reason(s)
substantial, the money will be refunded.
d. Interruption: Any act calculated to cause breakdown of order and
discipline such as 1. Indecent interruption by a member another member
who is legitimately having the floor; 2. Addressing the President or any
other member in a manner or language deemed likely to be provocative;
3. Making unnecessary and unauthorized noise by the indiscriminate
shouting or hooting; 4. Indulging in private audible conversation, etc,
shall be penalized according to the fine nor exceeding Five Hundred naira
Only (500).
e. Absence: Any member who absents himself from meeting without
Cogent/ good reason shall be liable to fine of Five Hundred Naira (N500)
per day of absence.
f. Resignation: Any officer in whom the Union has expressly lost
confidence shall tender his resignation promptly and shall return to the
General Secretary all the property of the Union in his possession. The
Secretary shall then issue him with a discharge certificate and also notify
all branches. If the officer has no shame and refuses to resign, the
national executive shall force him to resign or expel him or suspend him
with fair hearing and due process.
g. Claims: No member, on resigning from office or membership or otherwise
shall have any claim on any property or fund of the union.

h. The president has power to impose fines ranging from Two hundred
Naira Only N200 to N1000 One Thousand Naira Only on anybody who
disobeys or ridicules the exalted office of the president. In very severe
situations such offender shall be tried by the general house and
appropriate fine imposed accordingly to the gravity of the offence.


a. At a period when there is case to suspect that there are some un-located
Ubaha-Ishingwu elements subverting the peaceful and progressive
programme of the village, the National Executive Committee shall cause
the whole male and or woman members of Ubaha-Ishingwu, Umunze to
pledge their loyalty and support for progressive programmes of Ubaha.
Any member(s) who fail(s) to do this unfaithful and shall be branded an
enemy of peace and progress of Ubaha-Ishingwu, Umunze. He/she shall
not be allowed in any gathering of Ubaha-Ishingwu people. They shall set
a panel to look into the matter on or before two weeks and give them
report and recommendations to the national executive committee.
b. If a member comports himself in such a manner that he is suspected of
subversion to the well-being and peaceful living of Ubaha-Ishingwu,
Umunze, he shall be summoned to the National Executive Committee to
clear himself. If evidence is heavy against him, and finally he is found
guilty, he shall be penalized by the National Executive Committee.
c. Anybody who is up to the age of 18years, whether boy or girl, should be
engaged in a vocation which will help him or her to earn some means of
substance. It is expected that such a youth should be in the school or
trading, apprentice in any technical profession, farming in full swing or
otherwise. All adult men or women should take it as a duty to cast
occasional glance on ever idle youth and watch their behaviours. They
should alert the President General to direct the Task Force to monitor
such youths. Behaviors to watch include:
i. Idleness, roaming about in the day or night, staying in the drinking
house up to 10pm, smoking of Indian Hemp or other dangerous
tobacco, matching along the road in the day or night aimlessly – with
the opposite sex, etc. maximum penalty as Executive may decide,
should be imposed on such defaulter without mercy.
ii. Poison: any Ubaha citizen who is proved to have given poison to his
or her fellow citizen shall be liable to a fine of One Hundred thousand
Naira Only (N100,000.00) only plus expulsion from Ubaha Village for
a period of three calendar years. On his/her return, the person must

pay all the arrears which could have accumulated due to his/her
prolonged absence.
iii.Drunkenness: Any Ubaha citizen that has been found to be drunken
to the state of unconsciousness shall be liable to a fine of Five
Thousand (N5000) only.

An up-to-date member shall be entitled to certain privilege(s). such may
include: organized reception, send off, condolences, relief, aids, etc.
a. Testimonial Cards: a testimonial card shall be issued free of charge to
any full-fledged member transferring from one branch to another.
b. Meritorious Officers: example President, Secretary, Treasurer and
Financial Secretary, etc found to have performed credibility shall be
honoured with certificate of merit. At the end of the term of office. It shall
be the duty of the incoming executive to recommend that the out-gone
deserving executive members be honoured with certificates of merit.
Such recommendation must be approved by the general house. However,
a member of the Executive, who fails to render account of his
stewardship within three months after vacating office shall be liable to
fine of One Hundred Thousand Naira Only (N100,000) and no certificate
of honour shall be given to such member(s). Also no certificate of honour
shall be given to any member of the executive found to have embezzled
the Unions’ Money.
Any case from Council ward can be appealed to Umunna from Umunna
to Ubaha Executive, IF the decision is not favourable to any party he or
she can Appeal to UMUNZE.

Section 4: Offences/Penalties
a. PENALTY FOR NON-REGISTRATION: To ensure that every citizen of
Ubaha-Ishingwu village, especially youths, come within the ambit of law,
registration is compulsory for all male citizens of 18 years and above. All
potential but jobless youths must be registered as non-financial
members. Anybody within this category, who is caught within the
bounds of this law, has no privilege as Ubaha indigene to protect him. He
must face adequate penalty as if he is a member of the Union.
b. FIVE-YEARLY GENERAL RETURN: For the purpose of solidarity, amity,
familiarization and projection of cooperate existence, there shall be five
yearly compulsory general returns of all members during the month of
August or December, as may be directed by the National Executive. A

fine of Five Thousand Naira (N5000) shall be paid by a member who fails
to return without valid excuse/reason. This general return should
coincide with the election year so that constituting the new executive
shall be the duty of all.
trees or Palm fruits near houses or Building must remove it or failure to
do that must pay a fine of #50,000 And must be reported to the
Environmental department, if He or She fails to comply. (Electricity
Committee is Inclusive)


a. No member shall take a fellow Ubaha-Ishingwu person to police or court
without reporting first to the National President and his executive for
settlement or transfer to the peace Committee. If the reports is made and
the settlement fails with the Executive and/or peace committee, and if
any of the disputant opts to go to the police or court in defiance of the
advice of Ubaha-Ishingwu constituted authority, the National Executive
and/or the peace committee shall testify to the stand and advise of of
Ubaha-Ishingwu over the case, at any level the case rises to. Thereafter,
the offender shall pay the fine of Fifty Thousand Naira Only N50,000 in
any case, anybody who takes an Ubaha-Ishingwu indigene to the police
outside the Aguata and Awka shall pay a fine of One Hundred Thousand
Naira Only (N100,000).
b. Fighting: fighting is not allowed or accepted. Specified fines shall be
imposed on anybody that fights and is found to be guilty by the
Executive or Peace Committee. The fine shall be as directed by the
subject of the fight involves restitution or replacement of the subject
matter, the offenders shall be made to pay as deemed reasonable at
c. Stealing: stealing is a criminal case that must be reported to the law
enforcement authority, if confirmed to be stealing, if the person is finally
convicted, he or she shall pay, on discharge, a fine ranging from (N5000)
to f(N50,000) to the union, depending on the gravity of the stealing
offence and directive of the National Executive or the General Assembly.
No case of stealing shall be concealed without reporting to the National
Executive and law enforcement authority. Anybody or person who hide or
conceal the case of stealing shall pay a fine of Fifty Thousand Naira Only
(N50,000) and may be reported to the law enforcement authority, for
concealing a crime.

d. Genuine Business: Every Ubaha citizen is encouraged to engage
him/herself in a genuine business. Any person who engages in illegal
business if arrested, tried and convicted shall pay a fine of One Hundred
Thousand Naira Only (N100,000) at Ubaha-Ishingwu Improvement Union
on Return.
e. Again, no businessman dealing on Indian Hemp, selling and drinking/
taking of (WeeWee/Igbo/Marijuana), Mkpuru-Mmiri (methamphetamine)
or any drug banned by National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA)
shall be allowed to open shop in Ubaha-Ishingwu.

Section 6: ROAD MAINTENANCE: It is a binding duty on all Ubaha-Ishingwu

to maintain the roads within the village. Members of each ward should,
through communal labour, maintain the roads within the areas, while the
tactical committee of Ubaha should take up more serious constructions beyond
the scope of the wards. It is the duty of the Tactical Committee to examine and
consult the Local Government to construct roads for future better development.
The ward and Tactical Committee should resist any obstruction caused by
individuals. Where any individual construct fence or any obstruction and
refuses to demolish it, the tactical committee should refer the matter to the
executive, who shall take it up with the Local Government, whose duty is to
maintain the roads in urban areas. This should be done to facilitate the
provisions of electricity, drainage, water and other amenities to every corner of
Ubaha Village. Every member of the ward, indigene or non-native must
participate in the work. Anybody who fails to participate should be reported to
the executive who shall investigate and impose a fine of Five Thousand Naira
Only (N5,000) on defaulters. Maintenance of roads in Ubaha must be every


a. DOGS: Ubaha-Ishingwu has proscribed dogs, for this reason, any Ubaha
person has the right to kill any dog found outside its owner’s premises.
b. SHEEP AND GOATS: Owners of such animals must ensure that they are
constantly restricted inside their pens or in the case of sheep on their
rope. Anybody who finds any of such animals roaming about should
report to the Rate Agent of such wards and neighbouring wards about
them. The enforcement of such a control is vested on the Rate Agents or
any ward Counselors. Rate Agents are empowered to organize and catch
the animals. The owners shall pay a fine of Two Hundred Naira Only
(N200) on each animal to the ward. The animals caught should remain
with the Rat Agent for a maximum of (7) days within which they attract

the sum of Five Hundred Naira Only (N500) per day, payable to the Rate
Agents for the day-to-day feeding of the animals before collecting them
back. If the owners fail to redeem them, a report should be made to the
President General, who should give order for their sale. Proceeds from
such sale shall be shared equally between the Union and the Ward after
deducting Five Hundred Naira Only (N500) a day for the up-keep of each


The right of collection of sand should be vested on the Ward. Ward chairman
should control the collection of sand along the road within their wards, subject
to directives and guideline by Ubaha Executives. But strictly sand must not be
collected at low places of the road, which will always attract stagnant flood.
Sand must be allowed at such places to allow for easy flow of flood water. Sand
collection must not be done in areas prone to erosion. Ubaha-Ishingwu shall
not allow anybody to establish Private enterprise that could constitute
environmental hazards to our people. Things that could easily pollute and
contaminate the atmosphere must not be allowed to thrive in Ubaha-Ishingwu.

Examples of such pollutants include: dust from asphalt plants, hydrocarbon,

discharges from uncontrolled burning of petroleum products, by-products of
asbestos companies that have the capacity to cause serious health problems
like cancer, asthma and other deadly respiratory diseases, etc.

Article 8:
Any member may be allowed to contest for any position up to two tenure’s
excluding the President-General who should enjoy only a single term of Five (5)
years Only. The tenure of the executive in each case is four years coinciding
with compulsory general return after which there should be an election.


This constitution shall be subject to amendments in part or whole as and when
motion secures two thirds (2/3) majority of the member present, first at the
National Executive, and then at the general assembly to which it is submitted.
A motion for such amendment shall be circulated to all branches at least a
month before the General Assembly is due.


1. Chief Chukwudi Ogbuehi Chairman

2. Hon. Barr Nnaemeka E.Arinze Secretary
3. Engr. ThankGod Okonkwo member
4. Engr. Echezona Chukwu member
5. Engr. Ogochukwu Nwankwo member

This review constitution was approved by Ubaha-Ishingwu people this

day, the ________of __________________, 2022__


___________________________ _________________________
Mr. Chukwudi Ogbuehi Hon. Barr. Nnaemeka E. Arinze
(Chairman Constitution Review Committee) (Secretary Constitution Review Committee)

___________________________ _________________________
Mr. Ferdinand Okafor Comrade. Okey Nzebuafor
(President Ubaha-Ishingwu Improv. Union) (Secretary U.I.I.U.)

Nze.Leonard Nzeaghara.
(Nze Ubaha-Ishingwu)

Article 1:
Section 1:
To avoid recrimination and rancor associated with the choice of Nze-Ishingwu and
Ichie-Ishingwu, the following procedures are set up for the selection and presentation
of persons to occupy the two posts for Ubaha Ishingwu.
a. Ichie-Ishingwu shall always be selected from the head kindred of Ubaha-
Ishingwu based on clear recommendation of the personal character of the
candidates, a person incapable by age, illness, unsound mind, irresponsible or
any other debility, which will hinder him from representing the Community in
the exalted capacity. He must not be a minor below the age of 81 years, That
he has no right to constitute a cabinet or council for any arbitration but any
matter must be handled by the peace committee, where such matter is well

handle, It should be referred to National body. That he is answerable to the
Executive body.
b. Ichie is the custodian of Culture and Tradition of Ubaha
c. That Nze is created for the welfare of Ubaha and represent Ubaha in Umunze in
General and also help in creating and maintaining peace.

Nze-Ishingwu shall be a well-educated person. Minimum academic qualification for
the position shall be West African Examination Council (WAEC/SSSC/GCE) or the
Any person with questionable character as pointed out in the case of Ichie-Ishingwu
shall not be elected on this exalted position. Any person, who poses himself out to
fight it before the call up for submission of nominations, shall be disqualified. That
he has no right to constitute cabinet or council members for any arbitration but any
matter must be handle by the peace committee, where such matter is not well
handled such matter should be referred to the National body, That he is answerable
to Executive body.


1. If a serving Nze dies, an interregnum of 12 months shall be observed before the
unions executive can call up for submission of nominations for the purpose of
short listing candidates. Nomination form shall be printed by the executive and
given out to interested persons at a non-refundable fee of One Hundred
Thousand Naira Only (N100,000).
2. It will be from the two clans, Ubaha Umudia or Ubaha Abu.
3. A person who is not in Umunna or Ubaha cannot be elected as Nze Ubaha.
4. The criteria should be a person who has no criminal records or who has not
been convicted of any criminal offence in any court in Nigeria.
5. After the submission of nominations, the executive must meet to service and
shortlist only the best three candidates.
6. No campaign is needed but on the day of the election, each of the three
Candidates shall be given Twenty minutes to address all Ubaha people (men
and women).
7. After the process, an election shall be conducted and people shall vote in
favour of any Candidates of their choice.
8. Any candidate that wins shall be presented to the appropriate quarters as the
Ubaha-Ishingwu Nze elect.

9. The Nze-Ishingwu shall make out time and call for the celebration of his
position on the day he receives the staff of office from the Igwe of Umunze. The
people of Ubaha voluntary shall appreciate the Nze by being present at this
occasion and whoever has gift(s) can happily present it to the Nze-Ishingwu,
The elected Nze Ubaha must give the people of Ubaha a big life cow.
10. The Nze Ishingwu must observe the protocols associated with his elevated
position and shall be seen to work for the peace and progress of Ubaha in
particular and Umunze in general. This stool is for life and must not be
hereditary. Whenever the opportunity calls, Ubaha-Ishingwu people shall vote
in any person they consider best suitable for the position of Nze-Ishingwu

The above provisions shall serve as our collective way of selecting our Ichie
Ishingwu and Nze Ishingwu. any other procedure is made null and void by the
provisions of these guidelines. any amendment must be agreed by 2/3 majority
of members present in a highly published general assembly.

The above procedure was approved by Ubaha-Ishingwu people this _______ day
of_____________, 2022______


___________________________ _________________________
Mr. Chukwudi Ogbuehi Hon. Barr. Nnaemeka E.
(Chairman Constitution Review Committee) (Secretary Constitution Review Committee)

___________________________ _________________________
Mr. Ferdinand Okafor Comrade Okey Nzebuafor
(President Ubaha-Ishingwu Improv. Union) (Secretary U.I.I.U.)

Nze Leonard Nzeaghara
(Nze Ubaha-Ishingwu)

Part one

1. Eligibility for Nze and Ichie
2. Procedure for selection/election of Nze-Ishingwu
3. Amendment


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