Tugas Bahasa Inggirs

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1. Mrs. Anderson found he bag behind the desk.

2. Sam didn’t go to the concert because he fell a cold.

3. My brother saw his job after only three weeks.
4. After work, I went home and slept.
5. Mr. Garcia went the movie with his family last week.
6. My cousin told me the good news yesterday.
7. On Monday, the students drew pictures of flowers.
8. I hart my leg when I fell down.
9. Susan heard the test was on Tuesday, not Wednesday.
10. I met the president last Thursday!
11. Edward heard a strange sound at midnight.
12. They ride their bicycles to the shopping mall.
13. I thought to put the milk back into the fridge last night.
14. Our football team won the game last week.
15. We knew the answers to all the questions!

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