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1: Tectonic Plate

Head-On Collision
Part A: Converging Continental Plate and Oceanic Plate Q20. As the plates continue to grind against each other,
what other geologic event could take place?
Objectives: _________________________________________
• Explain the processes that occur along convergent _________________________________________
boundaries. _________________________________________
• Determine the consequences of colliding plates. .
Part B: Convergence of Two Oceanic Plates
Procedure: Procedure:
1. Study Figure 10 showing a cross-sectional diagram of 1. Study Figure 11. It shows a cross-section of two
plates that are converging, and answer the questions that converging oceanic plates.
follow. 2. Using your knowledge gained from the previous
activity, identify the geologic events or features
resulting from this collision.

Figure 10. Cross-sectional diagram of converging continental and oceanic plates

Q15. What type of plate is Plate A? What about Plate B?

Why do you say so?
Figure 11. Cross-sectional diagram of converging oceanic plates
Q16. Describe what happens to Plate A as it collides with
Plate B? Why?
_________________________________________ Q21. What are the geologic processes/events that will
_________________________________________ occur because of this plate movement?
_________________________________________. _________________________________________
Q17. What do you think may happen to the leading edge of _________________________________________
Plate A as it continues to move downward? Why? _________________________________________.
_________________________________________ Q22. What geologic features might form at the surface
_________________________________________ of Plate A?
_________________________________________. _________________________________________
Q18. What do you call this molten material? _________________________________________
_________________________________________ _________________________________________.
_________________________________________ Q23. If the edge of Plate A suddenly flicks upward,
a large amount of water may be displaced. What
Q19. What is formed on top of Plate B?
_________________________________________ could be formed at the surface of the ocean?
_________________________________________ _________________________________________
_________________________________________ _________________________________________
_________________________________________. _________________________________________.
What have you learn?
Cut this portion and submit to your teacher

Part C:BTwo Continental Plates Converging PROCEDURE:
Guide Questions:
to the happened
diagram, and check
to the yourofunderstanding
strips clay as they were
Describe the function of each part of the breathing pushed from opposite ends?
of the breathing system by labeling each part and
• modeling
system. clay _________________________________________
giving its functions in the box corresponding to
• 2 blocks of wood _________________________________________
the part.
• paper _________________________________________
Procedure: ________________________________________.
1. On a piece of paper, flatten the modeling clay with the Q25. If the strips of clay represent the Earth’s lithosphere,
palm of your hand. what do you think is formed in the lithosphere?

Q26. What other geologic event could take place with

this type of plate movement aside from your answer
in Q25?
2. Cut the clay into four strips; each strip should be 0.5 _________________________________________
cm thick, 4 cm wide, and 12 cm long. ________________________________________.
3. Put 4 strips one on top of the other.
Q27. In terms of the consequences on the Earth’s
lithosphere, how will you differentiate this type of
convergent plate boundary with the other two?
GUIDE QUESTIONS: ________________________________________.
Q1. What does each part of the “Bunch of Grapes” model represent, in relation to the breathing system?
When two continental plates converge, a
collision zone is formed. Unlike the other two types
Place a block of wood at each end of the clay strips of convergent boundaries, subduction ceases for
Q2. How
and will you
slowly pushdescribe
the twothe pathway
blocks of oxygen
together. in the breathing
Observe system? type of convergence. No trench, no
this particular
what happens to the clay. volcano, and definitely no island arc are created
during this process. Instead, what is created is a large
Q3. What will happen if one part of the system fails to carry group
out itsof tall mountains
function properly?called mountain range.
About 40 to 50 million
_________________________________________________________________________________________ years ago, two large land
masses, India and
_______________________________________________________________________________________. Eurasia, collided to begin the
formation of the most visible product of plate
tectonics - the Himalayas. Since subduction is impossible
KEY CONCEPTS between two colliding continental plates, pressure is
The air we breathe goes through the nose, nasal passages,
releasedandbythen through
pushing the trachea
the crusts upward or and
which separates into two branches, called bronchial tubesthe Himalayan
or bronchi, onepeaks.
entering each lung. The bronchi
subdivide many times inside the lungs, analogous to the Also, collision
branching of continental
pattern plates
of grapes, finally is associated
becoming with
shallow earthquake activities.
tubes called bronchioles. In the last part of the terminal bronchioles are tiny bubble-like bunch of structures
called alveoli or airsacs.

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