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For Solution & Approach,

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For Solution & Approach,
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For Solution & Approach,
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For Solution & Approach,
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For Solution & Approach,
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Two numbers are in ratio of 7:13. When
24 is added in each number then ratio
becomes 11:17. Find difference between
both initial numbers.
दो संख्याएँ 7:13 के अनुपात में हैं । जब प्रत्येक
संख्या में 24 जोडा जाता है तो अनुपात 11:17
हो जाता है । दोनों प्रारं भिक संख्याओं के बीच
अंतर ज्ञात कीभजए।
(a) 24
(b) 42
(c) 36
(d) 60
(e) None of these

For Solution & Approach,

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The ratio of monthly incomes of Ram
and shyam is 9:8 and their monthly
expenditures are in the ratio 7:6. If each
of them saves Rs. 8000 per month, find
the sum of their monthly incomes.
राम और श्याम की माभसक आय का अनुपात
9:8 है और उनका माभसक व्यय 7:6 के
अनुपात में है । यभद उनमें से प्रत्येक प्रभत माह
8000 रु बचाता हो, तो उनकी माभसक आप
का योग ज्ञात करें ।

(a) 58000
(b) 68000
(c) 56000
(d) 60000
(e) None of these
For Solution & Approach,
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6 years ago, the ratio between the age
of B's mother and B's age was 7: 3.
8 years hence, the ratio between their
ages will be 7: 4. Find the present age
of B.
6 साल पहले B की माँ और B की आयु के
बीच का अनुपात 7 : 3 था। 8 साल बाद
उनकी आयु के बीच का अनुपात 7:4 होगा B
की वततमान आयु ज्ञात कीभजए।

A. 20 years
B. 34 years
C. 24 years
D. 32 years
E. 48 years

For Solution & Approach,

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The ratio of milk to water is 7:9. If
27 litres of water is added, the ratio
becomes 7:12, then find the amount
of milk in the mixture.
पानी और दू ध का अनुपात 7:9 है , यभद
27 लीटर पानी भमलाया जाता है , तो
अनुपात 7:12 हो जाता है , तो भमश्रण में
दू ध की मात्रा ज्ञात कीभजये ।
A. 27 litres
B. 63 litres.
C. 18 litres
D. 81 litres
E. 45 litres

For Solution & Approach,

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The ratio of milk to water is 5:3. If
68 litres of water is added, the ratio
becomes 7:11, then find the new
amount of water in the mixture.
पानी और दू ध का अनुपात 5:3 है , यभद
68 लीटर पानी भमलाया जाता है , तो
अनुपात 7:11 हो जाता है , तो भमश्रण में
पानी की नई मात्रा ज्ञात कीभजये।
A. 120 litres
B. 160 litres.
C. 180 litres
D. 110 litres
E. 170 litres

For Solution & Approach,

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The respective ratio between the A's
age after 3 years and B's age 3 years
ago is 10: 9 and the respective ratio
between the A's age 3 years ago and
B's age after 3 years is 17: 21. What is
A's present age ?

(a) 39
(b) 35
(c) 27
(d) 41
(e) 37

For Solution & Approach,

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For Solution & Approach,
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For Solution & Approach,
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Three containers A, B and Care having
mixtures of milk and water in the ratio
of 1:5, 3:5 and 5:7, respectively. If the
capacities of the containers are in the
ratio 5:4:5, find the ratio of milk and
water, if the mixtures of all the three
containers are mixed together.
a) 63:121
b) 53:115
c) 77:133
d) 115:53
e) None of these

For Solution & Approach,

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There are 2 vessels A & B containing 25
liters each of pure milk and pure water
respectively. 5 liters of milk from A is
taken and poured into B , then 6 liters of
mixture from B is taken and poured in A.
What is ratio of water A and B
2 बततन A & B हैं भजनमें क्रमशः 25 लीटर प्रत्येक
शु द्ध दू ध और शु द्ध पानी है । A से 5 लीटर दू ध
भलया जाता है और B में डाला जाता है , भिर B से
6 लीटर भमश्रण भलया जाता है और A में डाला
जाता है . A और B के पानी के अनु पात में A को
डाला जाता है ।

a) 4:5
b) 1:4
c) 5:4
d) 2:3
For Solution & Approach,
Refer the Video:
For Solution & Approach,
Refer the Video:
A jar contains 120 liter pure alcohol.
From this 24 liter of alcohol is taken out
and replaced with water . Again 24 liter
of mixture is taken out from it. Find the
final amount of alcohol in the mixture.
a) 72 liter
b) 76.8 liter
c) 96 liter
d) 78.2 liter
e) None of these

For Solution & Approach,

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For Solution & Approach,
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The price of a book varies directly as the
no. of pages in it and inversely as the time
periods in years that have elapsed since
the date of purchasing. Two books cost
the same, however, the no. of pages in
the first book it triple of the second book
if the first book is sold on 18 years ago,
how long ago was the second book sold?

एक पुस्तक की कीमत सीधे इसमें पृष्ों की

सं ख्या के रूप में भिन्न होती है और खरीद की
तारीख से बीत चुके वर्षों में समयावभध के
भवपरीत होती है । दो पुस्तकों की कीमत एक ही
है , हालांभक, पहली पुस्तक में पृष्ों की सं ख्या
दू सरी पुस्तक के तीन गु ना है यभद पहली पुस्तक
18 साल पहले बे ची गई थी, तो दू सरी पुस्तक
भकतनी दे र पहले बे ची गई थी?
a) 54 years
b) 9 years
c) 6 years For Solution & Approach,
d) 3 years Refer the Video:
Arvind Singh purchased a 40 seater bus. अरभवंद भसंह ने 40 सीटर बस खरीदी।
He started his services on route number 2 उन्ोंने रूट नंबर 2 (टे रीपुभलया से
(from Terhipuliya to Charbagh with route चारबाग तक 50 भकमी की लंबाई
length of 50 km). His profit (P) from the वाली रूट) पर अपनी सेवाएं शुरू
bus depends upon the number of की ं। बस से उसका लाि एक भनभित
passengers over a certain minimum न्यूनतम संख्या में याभत्रयों की संख्या
number of passengers ‘n’ and upon the पर भनितर करता है , ’n’ और बस से
distance travelled by bus. His profit is यात्रा की दू री पर। उसका लाि ३६
Rs.3600 with 29 passengers in the bus भकमी की यात्रा के भलए बस में 29
for a journey of 36 km and Rs.6300 with याभत्रयों के साथ 3600 रुपये और बस
36 passengers in the bus for a journey of में 36 याभत्रयों के साथ 6300 रुपये का
42 km. What is the minimum number of
है । याभत्रयों की न्यूनतम संख्या भकतनी
passengers are required so that he will
होनी चाभहए ताभक उन्ें कोई नुकसान
not suffer any loss?
न हो?
a) 12
b) 18
c) 20
d) 15 For Solution & Approach,
Refer the Video:
Arvind Singh purchased a 40 seater bus.
He started his services on route number 2
(from Terhipuliya to Charbagh with route
length of 50 km). His profit (P) from the
bus depends upon the number of
passengers over a certain minimum
number of passengers ‘n’ and upon the
distance travelled by bus. His profit is
Rs.3600 with 29 passengers in the bus
for a journey of 36 km and Rs.6300 with
36 passengers in the bus for a journey of
42 km. What is the minimum number of
passengers are required so that he will
not suffer any loss?
a) 12
b) 18
c) 20
d) 15 For Solution & Approach,
Refer the Video:
For Solution & Approach,
Refer the Video:
In an office of 1200 employees, the
ratio of urban to rural members of
staff is 8: 7. After joining of some new
employees, out of which 20 are rural,
the ratio becomes 5: 4. The number of
new urban employees is
एक ऑभिस के 1200 कमत चाररयों में से ,
स्टाि के शहरी और ग्रामीण सदस्ों का
अनु पात 8:7 है । कुछ नए कमत चाररयों के
शाभमल होने के बाद, भजसमें से 20 ग्रामीण
कमत चारी हैं भजससे अनु पात 5 : 4 हो जाता
है । तो नए शहरी कमत चाररयों की सं ख्या
भकतनी है ?
(a) 100
(b) 85
(c) 76
(d) 108
(e) None of these
For Solution & Approach,
Refer the Video:
The ratio of students in a coaching
preparing for B.Tech. and MBA is 4 : 5.
The ratio of fees collected from each of
B.Tech. and MBA students is 25 : 16. If
the total amount collected from all the
students is 1.62 lakh, what is the total
amount collected from only MBA
B.Tech. और MBA की तैयारी करने वाले एक
कोभचंग में छात्रों का अनु पात 4: 5 है । B.Tech
और MBA छात्रों में से प्रत्येक से एकत्र की गई
िीस का अनु पात 25: 16 है । यभद सिी छात्रों
से एकभत्रत कुल राभश 1.62 लाख है , केवल
MBA उम्मीदवारों से कुल भकतनी राभश एकत्र
की जाती है ?
a) 62000
b) 80000
c) 72000
d) NOT For Solution & Approach,
Refer the Video:
Swami brought pulses of worth
Rs.32/kg and Rs.45/kg. He mixed
them with a third variety in the ratio
1: 1: 2. If the mixture is worth
Rs.88/kg, then the price of the third
variety per kg will be:
स्वामी ने 32 रुपये /भकलोग्राम और 45 रुपये /
भकलोग्राम मू ल्यकी दाल खरीदी। उसने उन्ें
1: 1: 2 के अनु पात में तीसरी भकस्म के साथ
भमभश्रत भकया। यभद भमश्रण की कीमत 88
रुपये /भकलोहो, तो तीसरी भकस्म की दाल की
प्रभत भकलो कीमत होगी:

A. 169.50
C. 175.50
B. 137.50
D. 145.50
E. None of the above
For Solution & Approach,
Refer the Video:
A bag contains a certain number of
coins of Rs 1, 50 paise and 25 paise in
ratio 7:8: 4. If there is Rs. 360 in the
bag then calculate number of coins
of 25 paise.
एक वैग में 1 रु, 50 पैसे व 25 पैसे के कुछ
भसक्के 7: 8: 4 के अनु पात में है , यभद बै ग में
कुल 360 रु हो तो 25 पैसे के भसक्को की
सं ख्या ज्ञात कीभजये

(a) 210
(b) 120
(c) 240
(d) 360
(e) 250

For Solution & Approach,

Refer the Video:
A box contains 280 coins of Rs 1, 50
paise and 25 paise. The value of each
kind of coin are in the ratio of 8: 4:3.
Then calculate number of coins of 50
एक बॉक्स में 1 रुपए, 50 पैसे और 25 पैसे के
280 भसक्के हैं । प्रत्येक प्रकार के भसक्के का
मू ल्य 8 4:3 के अनु पात में है तो 50 पैसे के
भसक्कों की सं ख्या की गणना करें ।

(a) 80
(b) 120
(c) 60
(d) 100
(e) 250

For Solution & Approach,

Refer the Video:
One year ago the ratio between A's and
B’s salary was 3: 4. The ratios of their
individual salaries between last year's
and this year's salaries are 4 : 5 and 2:3
respectively. At present the total of their
salary is Rs.4160. The salary of A now is?

एक साल पहले A और B की सै लरी के बीच का

अनु पात 3:4 था। भपछले साल और इस साल की
सै लरी के बीच उनकी व्यक्तिगत सै लरी का
अनु पात क्रमश: 4:5 और 2:3 है । वततमान में उनके
वेतन का कुल योग 4160 रु है तो A की वततमान
सै लरी है ?
(a) 1600
(b) 1700
(c) 1800
(d) 1900
(e) None of these
For Solution & Approach,
Refer the Video:
If the ratio of incomes of A and B in
2001 is 2 : 3 and the ratio of incomes
of A in 2001 and 2002 is 4:5. Find the
expenditure of A in 2002, if saving in
the same year is Rs. 4000. It is given
that in 2001 the sum of income of A
and B is Rs. 25000.
यभद वर्षत 2001 में A और B की आय का
अनुपात 2 : 3 हो और वर्षत 2001 तथा 2002
में A की आय का अनुपात 4:5 हो। वर्षत 2002
में A का खचत ज्ञात करें , यभद समान वर्षत में
उसकी बचत 4000 रुपये है । यह भदया गया
है भक वर्षत 2001 मैं A और B की आय का
योग 25000 रुपये है ।
A. Rs. 5000
B. Rs. 9500
C. Rs. 8500 For Solution & Approach,
D. Rs. 10500 Refer the Video:
E. Rs. 7500
Four friends A,B,C and D have some money
among them one day they decided to
equate the money, so first A gave B what B
had initially, then B gave C what C had
initially , Again C gave D what D had initially
and finally D doubled the money of A. Thus
each of them had equal sum of Rs. 48.
चार दोस्तों A, B, C और D के बीच में कुछ पैसे हैं एक
भदन उन्ोंने पैसे को बराबर करने का िैसला भकया,
इसभलए पहले A ने B को भदया जो शु रू में B के पास
था, भिर B ने C को भदया जो शु रू में C के पास था,
भिर से C ने D को भदया जो शु रू में D के पास था ।
और अंत में D ने A का धन दोगु ना कर भदया। इस
प्रकार उनमें से प्रत्येक के पास रु 48 के बराबर राभश
What was the amount with C after second
a) 45
b) 69 For Solution & Approach,
c) 72 Refer the Video:
d) 84
Two vessels P and Q contain ‘a’ litres of
petrol and ‘b’ litres of kerosene respectively.
‘c’ litres of petrol and quantity of Kerosene is
taken out and then transferred to Q and P
respectively. This process is repeated several
times. If after the first operation the
concentration of petrol and kerosene does
not change then what is the value of ‘c’?
a) ab / (a-b)
b) ab / (a+b)
c) 2ab / (a+b)
d) (a/b)²

For Solution & Approach,

Refer the Video:
In ABC Corporation there are some
management trainees. These trainees are
divided into 3 groups A,B and C for 3
different projects in the ratio of 3:4:5
respectively, where P,Q,R are the projects-in
charge of A,B,C respectively. The difference
between the no. of trainees in A and C is not
greater than 3. Also P,Q,R belongs to the
group of trainees, the no. of assistant of Q is
what % less than the no. of assistant of R?
ABC कॉपोरे शन में कुछ प्रबं धन प्रभशक्षु हैं । इन
प्रभशक्षुओ ं को क्रमशः 3: 4: 5 के अनु पात में 3 अलग-
अलग पररयोजनाओं के भलए 3 समू हों A, B और C में
भविाभजत भकया गया है , जहां P, Q, R क्रमशः A, B, C
के पररयोजना प्रिारी हैं । A और C में प्रभशक्षुओ ं की
सं ख्या के बीच का अंतर 3 से अभधक नही ं है । इसके
अलावा P, Q, R प्रभशक्षुओ ं के समू ह से सं बंभधत है , Q
के सहायक की सं ख्या R की सहायता की सं ख्या से
कम है For Solution & Approach,
a) 33.33% b) 25% c) 20% d) 16.66% Refer the Video:
Three persons A, B and C agree to pay
their hotel bills in the ratio of 3:4:5. A
pays the first day’s bill which amounts to
Rs. 26.65, B pays the second days bill
which amounts to Rs. 42.75 and C pays
the third day’s bill which amounts to Rs.
53. When they settle their accounts,
which of the following happens?

तीन व्यक्ति A, B और C 3: 4: 5 के अनु पात में

अपने होटल के भबलों का िु गतान करने के भलए
सहमत हैं । A पहले भदन के भबल का िु गतान
करता है जो रु26.65, B दू सरे भदन के भबल का
िु गतान करता है जो भक रु42.75 और C तीसरे
भदन के भबल का िु गतान करता है जो रु53.00 है ।
जब वे अपने खातों का भनपटान करते हैं , तो भनम्न
में से क्या होता है ?
a) A gives Rs. 3 to Anthony
b) B gives Rs. 2 to Amar
c) A gives B Rs. 1.95 and Rs. 2 to C For Solution & Approach,
d) None of the above Refer the Video:
At sahara shopping centre, a person can सहारा शॉभपंग सें टर में , एक व्यक्ति एक बार
purchase as much articles at a time as में अभधक से अभधक ले ख खरीद सकता है
his or her age that is a person of ‘n’ क्योंभक उसकी आयु जो भक ‘n’ वर्षत की आयु
year’s age can purchase only n similar का व्यक्ति है , एक समय में केवल एक ही
articles at a time. Amisha is younger to तरह के n ले ख खरीद सकता है । अमीर्षा
अपने बडे िाई से छोटी है भजसने अिी-
her elder brother who has just entered
अिी अपने भबसवां दशा में प्रवेश भकया है ।
into his twenties. One day Amisha went एक भदन अमीर्षा सहारा शॉभपंग सें टर गई,
to the Sahara Shopping centre, she उसने िू तल पर एक भवशे र्ष दर पर एक ही
purchased same toffees at a particular टॉभियां खरीदी ं। ले भकन जब वह तीसरी
rate on the ground floor. But when she मं भजल पर पहं ची, तो उसने पाया भक वह
reached on third floor she found that भजतनी रकम ग्राउं ड फ्लोर पर खचत कर रही
she could purchase double the no. of थी, उससे दोगु नी टॉिी खरीद सकती है ।
toffees with the same amount as she तीसरी मं भजल पर टॉभियों की समान सं ख्या
had spent on the ground floor. Also to खरीदने के भलए उसे पहली मं भजल पर 2
purchase the same no. of toffees on the रुपये कम खचत करने पडे । उसने भकतने
टॉभियां खरीदी ं?
third floor she had to spend Rs. 2 less
than that of on the first floor. How
many toffees did she buy? For Solution & Approach,
a) 6 b) 12 c) 18 d) 15 Refer the Video:
At sahara shopping centre, a person can
purchase as much articles at a time as
his or her age that is a person of ‘n’
year’s age can purchase only n similar
articles at a time. Amisha is younger to
her elder brother who has just entered
into his twenties. One day Amisha went
to the Sahara Shopping centre, she
purchased same toffees at a particular
rate on the ground floor. But when she
reached on third floor she found that
she could purchase double the no. of
toffees with the same amount as she
had spent on the ground floor. Also to
purchase the same no. of toffees on the
third floor she had to spend Rs. 2 less
than that of on the first floor. How
many toffees did she buy? For Solution & Approach,
a) 6 b) 12 c) 18 d) 15 Refer the Video:
Three friends A, B and C decided to share तीन दोस्तों A, B और C ने सोडा पानी को D
the soda water with D, who had no soda के साथ साझा करने का िैसला भकया,
water. A contributed 2 tumbler more भजनके (D) पास सोडा पानी नही ं था। A ने
than that of B and B contributed 1 B की तुलना में 2 भगलास का अभधक
tumbler more than that of C and then योगदान, B ने C से 1 अभधक भगलास का
all of them had equal amount of soda योगदान था और भिर उन सिी में सोडा
water. In turn D paid money, which was वाटर की समान मात्रा थी। बदले में D ने
पैसे का िु गतान भकया, जो D के भलए उनके
divided among A,B and C in the ratio
योगदान के अनु पात में A, B और C के बीच
of their contribution to D. Thus A had भविाभजत भकया गया था। इस प्रकार A ने
gotten thrice as much money as B had तीन बार उतना पैसा कमाया था भजतना B
gotten. The price of each tumbler of ने प्राप्त भकया था। सोडा वाटर के प्रत्येक
soda water was RS. 15 and each भगलास की कीमत 15 रुपये थी और प्रत्येक
transaction was integral in numbers ट् ांजेक्शन या तो पैसे के बं टवारे या सोडा
either the sharing of money or वाटर के योगदान में अभिन्न था। उस धन
contribution of soda water. What was का योग क्या था जो B ने प्राप्त भकया था?
the sum of money that B had got?
a) 15
b) 18 For Solution & Approach,
c) 22.5
Refer the Video:
d) NOT
Three friends A, B and C decided to share
the soda water with D, who had no soda
water. A contributed 2 tumbler more
than that of B and B contributed 1
tumbler more than that of C and then
all of them had equal amount of soda
water. In turn D paid money, which was
divided among A,B and C in the ratio
of their contribution to D. Thus A had
gotten thrice as much money as B had
gotten. The price of each tumbler of
soda water was RS. 15 and each
transaction was integral in numbers
either the sharing of money or
contribution of soda water. What was
the sum of money that B had gotten?
a) 15
b) 18 For Solution & Approach,
c) 22.5
Refer the Video:
d) NOT

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