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200 items/7 Categories/Projects

The 2011 LEA ADSP problems may involve any or all the following common types of buildings/ structures,
their grounds and their natural or built settings/environment. 
1. Residential Buildings
a. Low-rise residential buildings at low-density residential (R-1) subdivisions/zone lots;
b. Medium-rise residential buildings at medium-density residential (R-2) subdivisions/ zone lots;
c. High-rise residential buildings at high-density residential (R-3) or commercial (C) zone lots;


d. Low-rise transient residential buildings e.g. dormitory, pension house, hotel and the like
2. Commercial Buildings on Commercial Zone Lots (C-1, C-2 and C-3)
a. Medium-rise office building and the like
b. Low-rise department store building, community store building and the like
3. Institutional/Public Buildings on Institutional Zone (I) Lots
a. Low-rise educational and/or cultural building (school, library, multi-purpose assembly hall and the like)
b. Low-rise government building (national or local government office or civic center and the like)
4. Industrial Buildings on Industrial Zone (I) Lots
a. Medium industrial/manufacturing building;
b. Light industrial/manufacturing building
Test Composition
Compliance with Laws (NBC Rule 7/8)
Questions on Site Planning
Questions on Architectural Interiors
Questions on Space Planning
Questions on Structural Conceptualization
Questions on Architectural Design
 apply valid and subsisting State policies/ statutes/ laws that are in full effect i.e. building and building safety
laws, rules and regulations, standards, guidelines and procedures for use in evolving the architectural
plan/design for a given space problem.
 Specifically understands and knows how and when to properly apply the provisions of Rules VII and VIII (the
architectural rules) of the 2004 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Presidential Decree
(P.D.) No. 1096, otherwise known as the 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP)
 Rule 7: Classification and General Requirements of All Buildings by Use or Occupancy
 Rule 8: Light and Ventilation
 Guidelines on Easements, View Corridors/Sight Lines and Basements
 NBC Rule 7 & 8
Under the National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP), which is NOT part of the Gross Floor Area (GFA) for the
Project? Cooling tower area, if introduced (ref. p. 124 GFA; p.125 TGFA)
Which of the following is NOT part of the GFA? Basement Parking
Which of the following is NOT part of the GFA? Carport
Which of the following is part of GFA? Maid’s Room
What is part of BHL? Parapet
(p. 89 BHL excludes signage, mast, antenna, telecom tower, beacons)
Which is NOT part of Footprint? Basement
Which is NOT part of Footprint? Mall Garden
Which IS part of Footprint? Utility Room
Which is NOT part of RROW? Front yard
For R-1 development, what is the maximum height of a perimeter wall? 3.20 m (Height of abutment wall in R1 lots)
What is the Occupant Load for a Conference Room? 1.40
According to NBC, what is the maximum riser height and minimum run? 200mm x 250mm
What is the TGFA of an R-1 inside lot? 3 x 50% (Table VII.1, NBCP)

PROJECT TITLE and Description

A Proposed Medium-Rise APARTMENT BUILDING Project
TLA – 6,000 SQM
High Density Housing (Maximum R-3)
Under 2004 Revised IRR of P.D. 1096 or NBCP, what shall be the applicable range of the Floor to Lot Area (FLAR)
for the Project? 7.1 to 8.1 Table VII.G.1 p119
Using the prescribed FLAR designation/rights under the NBCP, what shall be the maximum Gross Floor Area (GFA,
in square meters) that can be generated for the Project? 48,600 6,000 x 8.10 = 48,600
Under the NBCP, and based on the maximum GFA (in square meters), what shall be maximum Total Gross Floor
Area for the Project? 58,320 48,600 x 1.20* = 58,320 Table VII.G.2 *col 3 Multiplier to convert GFA to TGFA
Under 2004 Revised IRR of P.D. 1096 or NBCP, what is the minimum unpaved surface area (USA) for the Project
Site (zoned as Maximum R-3)? The answer is a percentage (%) of the Total Lot Area (TLA) 10 p131 Table VIII.1
For the Project Site (zoned as Maximum R-3 under the NBCP), how much is the maximum allowable ISA (in square
meters)? 1,200 .20 x 6,000 = 1,200
For the Project Site (zoned as Maximum R-3 under the NBCP), how much is the minimum USA (in square meters)?
600 .10 x 6,000 = 600
For the Project Site (zoned as Maximum R-3 under the NBCP), how much is the combined total for the maximum
allowable ISA plus the minimum USA (in square meters)? 1,800 1,200 + 600 = 1,800
 Specifically able to match zoning classifications with the appropriate building uses/ occupancies as
prescribed under the 2004 Revised IRR of P.D. No. 1096 and under local government unit (LGU) zoning
ordinances/ maps and zoning IRRs (as may be applicable);

 Specifically understands the architectural provisions of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 9514, otherwise known as
the 2008 Fire Code of the Philippines (FCP) and its 2009 IRR
Fire Protection
Fire Suppression
Fire Exits
Equipment’s, Materials

 Specifically understands the architectural provisions of Batas Pambansa (B.P.) No. 344, 1983 Accessibility
Law or An Act to Enhance the Mobility of Disabled Persons by Requiring Certain Buildings, Institutions,
Establishments and Public Utilities to Install Facilities and Other Devices and its IRR;
 Batas Pambansa (B.P.) No. 344, 1983 Accessibility Law
Minimum Provisions
B.P. 344 Toilet size
Size of Elevator
Parking Slot for PWD
Door Width min.
Height of Lavatory
Width of Sidewalks
Curb cutout
Width of Wheelchairs
Comfortable reach of PWD
Comfortable clearance for knee and leg space under tables
Width of Sidewalks / Curb cutout

 Specifically understands the architectural provisions of P.D. No. 957, Subdivision and Condominium Buyers’
Protective Decree and its 2001 IRR;
 Specifically understands the provisions of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 9266, otherwise known as the
Architecture Act of 2004 and its 2004 IRR, in the evolution of the architectural plan and design solution set
At what stage should you consider Tropical Design Concepts? At the very onset, during the Pre design Stage
At what stage should you consider Site Analysis? At the very onset, during the Pre design Stage
At what stage should you consider Programming? At the very onset, during the Predesign Stage
At what stage should you consider Provisions of NBCP? At the very onset, during the Predesign Stage
At what stage should you consider Provisions of RA 9514? Anytime during the Design Development Stage
At what stage should you consider Provisions of BP 344? Anytime during the Design Development Stage
At what stage should you consider Provisions of RA 9266? During Contract Documentation
At what stage should you consider Provisions of NBCP Rules 7 & 8? Anytime during the Design Development Stage


 Understands LGU land use plans and zoning ordinances (ZOs) and zoning classifications;
 how to apply provisions covering on-street/ off-street parking, character of building occupancy, arcades and
the like;
 Understands national/local government agencies (regulate physical planning and the planning/ design for

What is not included in Topographic Maps? Elevation of Adjacent Buildings

What type of plan does the Sangguniang Panlunsod adopt? CLUP
What plan guides the design of a structure? Zoning
What type of map guides the planning and design of structures in a municipality? Zoning

 principles and techniques of orienting a building in the Philippine setting i.e. with respect to sun, wind, rain,
view, noise, privacy requirement and the like;properly locate/ site a building with respect to the road right-of-
way (RROW), legal easement and the like;
 orienting a building with respect to sun, wind, rain, view, noise, privacy requirement

What is the prevalent sun-path? NE to NW and SE to SW

Which side of the structure will be exposed to the Sun for approximately 4 months? North

Which side of the structure will be exposed to the Sun for approximately 8 months? South
Which direction does "amihan" prevail? Northeast
Prevailing direction of "habagat"? Southwest
Where does "Easterly Wind" come from? East
Where is the best orientation of bedrooms? North
What’s the best thing to provide to serve as natural buffer on the SW orientation? Provide broad canopied trees

Where will you locate Trees as Buffers from the "Habagat" wind? West, Southwest and Southern part
Where on a property is the best place to plant trees to shade the Lower Floors? Right and Left Side

 properly locate/ site a building with respect to the road right-of-way (RROW), legal easement and the like;
properly locate/ site a building with respect to natural/man-made hazards found or proximate to the site;
properly apply the pertinent principles and techniques of tropical design to match the hot-humid tropical
environment in the Philippines; basic site planning principles with emphasis on the
development/manipulation of the site through considerations (interplay among orientation/site characteristics
- topography, access, ground cover, site sensitivities, etc.;
 general concepts of sustainable site development planning e.g. maximization of natural site features,
minimized foot-printing
 basic urban design principles.

Which of the following is the most pervious? Lawn with Carabao Grass
Which of the following is the most pervious? Lawn with Carabao Grass
Which of the following is the most impervious? Pavers with mortar in between

 classifications, general properties and characteristics of plants and trees;

Among the choices, which has the MOST impervious surface? Concrete
Which tree is the best to locate beside the building…Palm Tree
(The tree does well when planted beside a building or fence line, which will serve as a backdrop to highlight the
ribbon fan palm's natural, flowing foliage)
What Tree is Rigid, Medium Spread Leaves, Shallow Rooted, Small Diameter Roots, Not Resistant to Strong Winds
and may be a hazard if planted near a building/ structure? Coconut d.
(The shallow root system, lack of a tap root and the tree's preference for sandy soils make it susceptible for being
easily uprooted.)
Which of the following tree is GOOD for the site because of its deep roots and cannot be easily destroyed by the
wind? Mahogany
(Mahogany are hardwood trees and deep-rooted they withstand the strongest winds. They are safer than the
softwood trees and are ideal to be planted on the sides of roads. They do not harm the road, footpath or buildings.
They give good shade also.)
Which is NOT a good characteristic of a tree that can be harmful in the site?Arboreal


 typology of AI elements, their minimum/ maximum sizes and their respective detailing;
Which is NOT an equipment? Wall
Which of the following is not considered furniture? Curtain
Which of the following is NOT a furniture? flat LED TV
In a building, what do you call curtains, drapes, etc. Furnishings
Which is NOT a Furnishing? Sectional Sofa
Which is NOT a Furnishing? Shelves
Which of the following is NOT an Architectural Interior?Eaves
Which of the following is NOT an indoor equipment? Exhaust Fan
Which is NOT considered a fixture? Wall Hanging
Which is NOT included in the Architectural Interiors? Fittings
Which is NOT included in the Architectural Interiors? Furnishings
Which is NOT an Architectural Interior (AI) element?Eaves
Which is NOT an Interior Appliance? Exhaust Fan
Which is not an Architectural Interior element? Furnishings

 architectural lighting
Why is CFL preferred over other types of lamps? More sustainable
What can you not provide in a pinlight hou sing?LED
Why wouldn’t you use mercury vapor lamp on the living room? Because it will be very bright
Which of the following is a good lighting device for a general production area with the ceiling consisting of the soffit of
a suspended slab? troffer lighting (fluorescent lamps with soffit-mounted light boxes and diffusers)

 common AI finishing materials/processes.

Which Flooring material is the most resilient? Linoleum
Which Flooring material is the LEAST resilient Ceramic Tiles
Resilient flooring is made out of:
Cork – bio-based renewable material composed from the dead cells on the outer bark of oak trees; inherently
antibacterial, fire resistant and does not putrefy easily
Linoleum – Another bio-based material; manufactured out of flax and linseed oil; comes in tiles and sheets;
enjoys longevity with nominal maintenance involving no striping or waxing
Polyvinyl Chloride – PVC, a petroleum-based material widely used in commercial flooring
Rubber – inherently antibacterial and rot resistant; floorings can differ widely in types, textures and materials
Features of resilient flooring:
intrinsically impervious to all kinds of stains
Treated with upper layer of wax, easier to clean and maintain
resilient to abrasion and scratches caused by rolling heavy furniture across the floor
endure heavy traffic, choice for homes with children/pets
ample range of designs and textures/inexpensive
does not require waxing (shinning surface layer)
does not trap dust (sensitive to allergic people)
bounce-back attribute that prevents breaking of delicate objects

Which of the following would you specify for the Lobby Flooring? Granite
Which of the following is the most economical but elegant flooring material for the Lobby? Synthetic Granite Tiles
Which of the following would you specify for the Unit’s Kitchen Counter?Ceramic

 sustainable AI finishing materials and processes (environment-friendly design and Green Architecture -
material sourcing, production, transportation and handling, installation, use, maintenance, disposal)

In terms of material production, which of the following flooring materials is considered to have the lowest carbon
footprint? hand-cut natural stone

 safety characteristics of common AI finishing materials and processes (fire safety/ flammability, toxicity,
emissions, disposal)
 minimum spatial requirements (dimensions and footprints) of basic indoor furniture types/ pieces;

Which will you not provide a manager’s office? Conference Room

Which will you not provide a secretarial position? Executive Chair

 typology and proper use of AI fenestrations (indoor door/window types/hardware;

 Understands the typology and proper AI application of millwork (trims, baseboards, rails, casings)
 applications/ combinations of hardware items;
 AI material economy

Which flooring material is NOT the most economical? Italian granite slab


 preparing simple AI specifications;
 preparing simple AI quantity surveys and estimates; and
 typology and contents of AI documents.
 prepare simple architectural programs (spatial quantity and quality)
 prepare space plans and their derivatives - blocking plans, stacking plans (proper space planning
processes - space planning surveys/ interviews/ reportage);

Where is a Service Area best located? Back of the house

Which of the following is NOT to be located at the basement? MRF
Which of the following is NOT to be located at the basement? Solid Waste Storage
Which of the following provisions should NOT be situated close to one another? Homeowner’s Association Office &
Generator Room
Which of the following is not a good depth of a fixed countertop? 0.30 m
What is the Standard Size of a Corner Table? 0.45m x 0.45m
Which is the size of a bedside table? 0.44 m
Ideal size of one side of a square table for 8-persons? 1.22 m
What is the NET Area of a comfortable Bed for one person? 0.90m x 1.90m
What is the ideal size of a Bed for one person? 0.90m x 2.10m
What is the NET Area of a Matrimonial Bed? 1.50m x 1.90m/1.50m x 2.00m
What is the NET Area of a comfortable Bed for two persons? double bed 1.35 x 1.90
Which of the following is ideal for the one side of an 8-seater dining table? 4.50 m (1.50 x 2.70)
What is the ideal room size, in square meters, for a Junior Executive Office with Side Return, 2 Client Chairs and a
Filing Cabinet? 4.50 (p.151) – 1.5 x 3 ADPH - Fajardo
What is the ideal room size, in square meters, for a Junior Executive Office with 2 Client Chairs and a Filing
Cabinet? 4.50
What is the ideal room size, in square meters, for a Junior Executive Office with Side Return, 2 Client Chairs a Filing
Cabinet, and a Personal Computer?4.50
Which NET floor area (in square meters) best applies to a basic clerical station with no side return provision?
2.4 (2.0 to 2.65 m for one person clerical – page 149, Fajardo)
Which is the good dimension (in meters) for a clerical table with no side return?
2.4 (2.0 to 2.65 m for one person clerical – page 149, Fajardo)

 hierarchies of spaces and of end-users

Which of the following is NOT an executive position at the Government-Owned and Controlled Corporation (GOCC)?
Division Chief

1. Chairman of the Board (40sqm./2 immediate staff – Directors, Corporate Secretary, immediate staff )
2. Executive Offices
President/ immediate staff 50sqm.
EVP 30
SVP 25
3. General Offices
VP 20. sqm
AVP 15
Division Chiefs 10
Senior Officer 7.5
Permanent staff 5

 typology, characteristics and common combinations of furniture and equipment items; minimum spatial
requirements (dimensions and footprints) of basic indoor/ outdoor furniture and equipment types/ pieces,
standard clearance requirements for use or operation; includes vertical, diagonal and vertical conveyances,
vehicle types for determination of parking and/or storage
 storage practices; and
 computing for the allowable maximum building footprint (AMBF), floor plates, total gross floor area (TGFA)
and gross floor area (GFA) for buildings.


 appropriate structural solutions for various building types/building parts;
 structural components of a building;
 required interfaces between the structural, architectural and utility components of a building;
 protect basements;
 roof and wall types/support requirements;
 appropriate structural bay and element sizes for the different building applications/
 approximating the sizes of structural bays and elements;
 structural components within/along the perimeter of the building grounds i.e. structural cum civil works

What type of (R-1) foundation should be used if the adjacent lot is sloping upwards? Isolated
Which of the following Structural Elements can be erected along a Side or Rear Property Line if the property is
resting on relatively flat terrain? Firewalls and Perimeter Walls

 soil types and foundation types

On a swampy area, what type of soil should the foundation rest on? Hard to very hard
Assuming the site will be on a converted rice field, on what soil must the foundation rest? Very Hard
Assuming the site will be on a flood plain, on what soil must the foundation rest? Very Hard
Assuming the site will be on Adobe soil, what foundation will you use? Isolated Footing
What foundation presents the LEAST disturbance & potential damage to neighboring lots? Isolated Footing
What foundation presents the MOST disturbance & potential damage to neighboring lots? Bored Pile
What type of roofing is ideal for a project situated in a forested area? Very Steep
What will be the best Roofing for an Industrial structure that sits near a River? Steel Deck
What will be the best Roofing for a Residential structure that sits near a River? Slightly Steep Gable Roof (Character)
If the project site is located in a lake, what should be the ideal roofing material? Concrete (deck)

 typology and contents of structural documents;

 structural design economy
 simple structural quantity surveys and estimates

How much tee runner angle section (in lineal meters) is required for the same 4.00 m x 6.10 m conference room?
20.2 (4.00 +400+6.10+6.10)

To fit 3 vehicles per structural bay (meters times meters, center to center), which of the following should NOT be a
recommended bay measurement for the Project? 7.25 x 8.0
To fit 3 vehicles per structural bay (meters times meters, center to center), which of the following should NOT be a
recommended bay measurement for the Project? 7.25 x 8.0
For 2 cars to be situated between two columns, which is NOT a possible clear distance between the said columns?
4.60 m Note: 4.60/2 = 2.30
A 4sqm wall is to be covered with tiles. If you will use 0.30m x 0.30m tiles, how many will be needed?
4.00/0.9 = 45 TILES


 architectural plan and design approaches, methodologies and criteria;
 while form and function must be in harmony, the considerations of building/ spatial function (architectural
plan) must not be superseded by considerations of the form (evolved architectural design) i.e. form must
always follow function;
 differences among the building amenities, facilities, services and utilities (AFSU), their respective examples
and their interrelationships

What shouldn’t be located at the (C-2) lobby? Driver’s Lounge

Which of the following is NOT considered a Facility provision? Homeowner’s Association Office
Which of the following is NOT considered a Utility provision? Guest Parking
Which of the following is NOT considered a Service provision? Overhead Water Tank
 architectural styles, composition, imagery and material combination/ manipulation and building archetypes;

Which Style would you recommend for a four storey condominium building? Neo-classical
What lines should be prominent for this building? Vertical
What is the best style for a Government Building if there is a limited budget? Modern Lines
What is best used to complement the area? Business (Office)
What should be the archetype for a Government Office Building? Modern with Clean Lines
What should be the archetype for R-1 developments Safe and Relaxed
A building is FUNCTIONAL if There is no Dead Space
What kind of Treatment should best fit the Facade of a Garment Factory?
More on Concrete with less Glass and Steel
For a massive factory structure, what should be the prominent architectural ‘lines’ to be seen from the street?
What kind of Treatment should best fit the Facade of a Government Office Building?
More on Concrete with less Glass and Steel
In Interiors, what color represents “Royal and Noble?”
PURPLE: power, royalty, nobility, elegance, sophistication, artificial, luxury, mystery, royalty, elegance, magic
Which color has the tendency of mitigating aggressive behavior? Pink
In Institutional Design, what color is inviting to the eyes of a person? Green
Which color signifies purity and authority? White
What is the best paint color for a Roof deck? Dark Gray
What is the best paint color for exterior walls? Light Beige
What paint color is not recommended for the exterior of a Firewall? Black

 cross-effects of architectural material finishes/ textures, color, life/ durability/ weathering/wear patterns,
acquisition/ installation/ operation/ maintenance/ insurance costs, safety, sustainability (source/availability,
production/transport/handling/installation/usage/maintenance/ replacement/disposal/recycling
methodologies), capability for substitution, modularity
 safety characteristics of common architectural finishing materials and processes i.e. relating to
considerations of fire safety/ flammability, toxicity, emissions, disposal and the like;
 architectural finishing materials/installation processes/environment-friendly materials and processes
(sustainable design/Green Architecture - material sourcing, production, transportation/handling, installation,
use, maintenance, disposal, carbon footprints
 finishing materials banned from use;
 proper use of fenestrations i.e. door and window types and hardware
 proper use of equipment for building occupancy/ use, operation/maintenance i.e. electrical, electronic,
mechanical, plumbing, sanitary
 architectural lighting/exterior and general lighting to address general/specific architectural and allied
 preparing simple architectural specifications;
 preparing simple architectural quantity surveys and estimates;
 architectural research phase requirements, required documentation and deliverables/ outputs;


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