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3d Chakra: Solar Plexus (Manipura)

Are you struggling with feelings of inadequacy and insignificance?

The modern world we all inhabit is a place ruled by

competition, where he who shouts loudest is listened to, and the rest of us struggle with the
frustration of having our voices unheard, and our opinions and needs often ignored. This
dog-eat-dog mentality we are surrounded with can create a vast amount of problems for
the majority of us in our private and professional lives, as many people feel they are lacking
the self-confidence to succeed at work, at home, or in our romantic lives. These problems
pervade almost all sections of society, and a feeling of powerlessness and impotence can
quickly escalate into a vicious circle. When our self-confidence is knocked as a result of
shyness or a lack in self-belief, we continue to lose confidence. We begin to believe that we
are worthless, or have nothing to contribute, or are unable to find love, happiness and
success. Almost everybody struggles with confidence at some point in their lives, and
almost everybody finds it difficult to overcome shyness, or make their voice heard, no
matter what the reality of the situation may be. Thankfully, by concentrating your energies
on a particular chakra, you may find that you can easily and quickly boost your self esteem
to a level wherein your voice rings out above the crowds, or where you can walk with your
head held high, raise your sights and aspirations, and achieve your goals. If you are ready to
regain your own personal power, then read on!


What is the Solar Plexus Chakra?

Above your navel and just below your sternum is your Solar Plexus
Chakra (Manipura), the center of the energy associated with ego. This wheel of energy, when
open and turning healthily, is where you find an endless resource of positive power, which
drives us to believe in ourselves, and achieve the goals that we alone set. Those moments in
our lives when we have to pull ourselves together, make a confrontation or intervention, or
pluck up the courage to talk to someone we want to know or ask questions of are all a
product of the Solar Plexus Chakra, and as such, this is the home and production center of
all of our self-belief, self-confidence, our voice and our will-power. We’ve all experienced
the power of this chakra at some point – perhaps we’ve had to perform well in an interview,
or do some public speaking. Perhaps we’ve had to ask someone on a date, or confront
somebody to solve a problem or grievance. Whatever the nature of the situation, we’ve all
had moments in our lives when we’ve felt the true power of our voice and personality come
into the fore, and have noticed a dramatic change in everything from our tone to our
posture. This is the power and the effect of a well functioning Manipura.

The Sanskrit word Manipura translates as ‘shining gem’, a fitting term for this particular
chakra, as it is the precious, powerful and beautiful aspect of our personality which shines
in times of need. However, as with a gemstone buried in earth, often this aspect of
ourselves becomes hidden from view, forgotten or neglected. Often, the pressures that
living and society put upon ourselves cause us to ‘keep our heads down’ and put up with
poor treatment or lowered expectations and aspirations, and we end up burying our true,
shining voices beneath layers of pretense or shyness. Also, as with a gemstone, we are
multi-faceted; our personalities have more than one surface, and we are capable of allowing
different aspects of our ego to shine at different times and in different situations, but under
pressure and buried beneath layers of doubt and a lack in confidence, the gemstone ceases
to shine, becomes dull, or scratched, or chipped. However, with time, concentration and a
few simple methods, we can get the solar plexus chakra open and turning once again, and
polish the gemstone within us to shine brightly as it should.

Be Guided towards success and confidence


The Manipura is represented as being a vivid golden yellow in color, and when we have self
belief and confidence to do what we feel we must do, without letting anyone or anything
stand in our way, the energy coming from this chakra is like a ray of sunshine, lighting our
path and warming our body with the glow of belief in our abilities. The solar plexus chakra
should be making your body, mind and spirit empowered in a world which all too quickly
can bring you down and make you feel inadequate, incapable and insignificant. However,
deep down, we know this not to be truth. Each and every one of us is bestowed with a divine
power, and we all have a path to follow and not be distracted from. It is the Manipura, which
guides our way, and keeps our heads held high.

What can happen if my Chakra is blocked?


It doesn’t take much for the Solar Plexus Chakra

to become blocked or weakened. It may be a result of poor feedback in regards to
something you’ve worked hard on. It could be a lack of affection, or even some mild
criticism from a partner or loved one. Family matters can often have a negative effect on this
chakra, such as a parent or sibling making you feel as though you have neglected
something or somebody, or a spouse seeming distant, or children growing up and requiring
your attention less and less. If you feel as though your ideas, words and efforts have been
unappreciated in the past, and you’re losing the will the keep trying at home or at work, the
chances are you have an imbalance of this chakra. Many of us often feel as though our goals
are unattainable, and our ideas and plans are worthless and without any value to ourselves
and those around us. Frustration and disappointed are quick to take a powerful hold on our
consciousness, and a blocked solar plexus chakra is often the result and the cause at once.
In other cases, an imbalance of this 3d chakra can have quite an opposite, yet equally
harmful effect. It isn’t unusual for people with feelings of inadequacy and impotence to
dramatically overcompensate this sensation of lacking. People who feel worthless often
develop a sort of egomania, or become power hungry, vengeful, callous and selfish.
Narcissism is often a result of an imbalanced Manipura, as the individual disguises to
themselves and those around them their feeling of helplessness or worthlessness, and
creates a false confidence, which, more often than not, crumbles spectacularly, leading to
serious depression and further over compensatory behavior and character traits.

As well as manipulative and selfish behavior, a closed third chakra can manifest itself in a
wide array of physical and mental debilitations. Because this particular chakra is situated in
the very center of the body, these physical difficulties often originate in this area, but can
quickly spread to other areas of the body. If you find yourself suffering from digestive
problems such as trapped gas, stomach aches or ulcers, you may find that your solar plexus
chakra needs some serious attention. Likewise, difficulties such as diabetes, celiac’s disease
and liver problems are associated with the Manipura chakra. As such, not only is it vitally
important for you to keep your Solar Plexus Chakra open and vibrant for your self-belief and
confidence, but for your physical well being also.

Solar plexus chakra healing techniques


So how can you begin to heal this important chakra? How

can you overcome your shyness or lack of self-confidence, or temper your over-
compensatory behavior to ease your day-to-day life and encounters with others? There are
thankfully many tried and tested techniques which can vastly help with these problems, and
can help open your chakra and return you to the naturally confident and happy individual
you know you are and should be. Healing this chakra requires you to reflect on how
effectively you use your voice to communicate your needs, thoughts, and ideas. If you’re
hesitant to express your opinions, afraid that you will face ridicule or rejection – try yelling
as loud as you can the next time you’re home alone. You are a human being with a human
voice, driven by the power that is based in your solar plexus. You may have become used to
not using your true voice, having it silenced by other people or by your own lack in
confidence, but it is still there, and still has the power to build and create, to drive you
forward you bring you all that you deserve. By using this ‘scream therapy’, you may surprise
yourself by noticing how it feels to ‘free’ your voice, you may even shock yourself in regards
to how good it feels to really let go!

On the contrary, if you’re a naturally talkative person and used to dominating every
conversation, why not try forcing yourself to listen – without interrupting – to what one of
your close friends or family members has to say? Not only is this excellent practice for
levelling out your natural confidence and allowing your real personality to come forward, it
will help change other people’s perspectives of you, and will result in them being willing to
listen carefully to what the ‘real’ you has to say in the future. If you have been told, or you
suspect yourself of over-compensating your feelings of inadequacy, this needs to be tackled
quickly and calmly. Your blocked Solar Plexus Chakra is allowing you to behave in
potentially selfish and harmful ways, and perhaps you need to heal yourself by sitting down
and thinking carefully about how you want to be perceived, what you truly want to achieve,
and how you can do this with your own, genuine voice. Think about those around you –
what do you admire in people? What do you admire in yourself? Try to focus on your most
genuine positive attributes and achievements, think about things which you have done by
yourself, for yourself, using the best parts of your genuine personality. We actually need
very little in this life, yet society constantly tells us to grab more and more, at whatever cost.
Take stock of your possessions and your desires. Which are truly necessary? Try to spend
some time thinking about what you really want, and what really makes you happy. Such
thoughts and meditations can be hugely beneficial for opening the Manipura.

Seek out new experiences and wisdom

Focusing on restoring the energy
fundamental to your presence in the world could also mean encouraging yourself to step
out of your comfort zone by changing your daily routine. Try a new class at the gym or talk
to a co-worker you might not normally talk to. By removing yourself from your comfort
zone, your natural resource of confidence and the energy of self belief will be coaxed out of
you, and you will have little choice but to be yourself and to focus on the positive aspects of
your personality. Others will likely see you as confident and self-assured even if underneath
you’re not quite there yet. If you have the time and resources, why not go on a short holiday
alone, or take up a new hobby or activity where you are likely to meet new people and be in
new situations? Of course such things take a bit of time and planning, but you can always
try this quick journaling exercise to get the energy from your Solar Plexus flowing right away!
In a quiet environment, take a fresh sheet of paper and write down your full name in capital
letters at the top. Read the following questions one at a time and write down your most
immediate response – the first thought that comes to your head. If you’d like, you can
elaborate on your instinctual response, by highlighting any emotions, physical sensations,
or outcomes.
 When was the last time you did something that made you feel powerful?
 Recall a person from your childhood who always made you feel like you were being heard.
 Write down one sentence that highlights your unique talent or ability.
 If you could say one thing to a friend, spouse, child, boss or parent, what would it be?

A World of possibilities through The Solar Plexus Chakra


The key to a healthy, open solar plexus chakra is making sure that you are speaking with
your own voice, and allowing your own unique and thoughtful ideas to come forward
naturally, without being drowned out or hidden away, and without overpowering other
people with false resources of confidence. By striking a normal, natural balance between
standing up for your own needs, focusing on your own goals and opening yourself to other
ideas, wisdom and influences, you can find a vast resource of self-belief that can lead to
satisfaction, feelings of worthiness and inner peace and happiness. With a healthy third
chakra, you will notice that you are assertive without being unfair or overbearing, you can
be respected without having to demand it, and you can become more flexible and more
productive in many different ways.
People with a well-functioning 3d chakra have the confidence to laugh off their mistakes
and see failure as a learning curve, without being misled by frustration and feelings of
inadequacy. By developing a thriving Manipura, you can quickly learn to recognize your own
unique positive attributes, build on your talents and abilities, and get people to recognize
what makes you special and empowered. You can become grounded, responsible, reliable
and extremely productive, and your relationships with those around you can improve
immensely – learn to love and respect yourself, and others shall quickly follow.


Location: Above the navel

Influences your personal power and ability to channel
Energies: Fire, energizing, charging, lends energy
You know your Personal Power Chakra is STRONG when you are admired for your confidence and
healthy self-esteem, both in your career and personal life. You’re never afraid to speak your mind, and you
empower those around you to do the same. Your family, colleagues and community see you as a
charismatic individual, determined to use your charisma and power for making the world a better place.
You know your Personal Power Chakra is WEAK or CLOSED when you struggle with self-esteem
issues, and feelings of unworthiness. You tend to question yourself when faced with important decisions
like whether to move to another city, change your career, get married to your partner or to have children.
You feel like a victim in the world, and often feel powerless to circumstances and other people’s desires.
You may also suffer from frequent stomach pains and stomach anxiety.

Based on the chakra test the Personal Power Chakra for Kiran is WEAK

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