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The Epistle of St. Jude ...

verse 15:
"Behold the Lord has co'!"e with thousands of
His holy ones to executeJudgment upon ·all... "

L. Day of wrath and doom impending,

David's-word with Sibyl's blending,
Heaven and earth in ashes ending!

A. 0 what fear man's bosom rendeth, I

When from heaven the Judge descendeth,
On whose sentence all dependeth!
L. Wondrous sound the trumpet flingeth,
Through earth's sepulchres it ringeth.
All before the throne it bringeth.

A. Death is struck, I and nature quaking, I

All creation is awaking, I
To its Judge an answer making.

L. Lo! the book exactly worded,

Wherein all hath been recorded;
Thence shall judgment be awarded.
A. When the Judge His seat attaineth, I
And each hidden deed arraigneth, I
Nothing unavenged remaineth.

26 ·
L. What shall I, frail man, be pleading? .
Who for me be interceding,
When th~ just are mercy needing?

A. King of majesty tremendous, I

Who dost free salvation send us, f
Fount of pity, I then befriend us!

L. Think kind Jesus! - my salvation

Caused Thy wonprous Incarnation;
Leave me not to reprobation.

A. Faint and weary TJ}ou hast sought me,

On the Cross of suffering bought me, ·
Shall suGh grace be vainly brought me?
L. Righteous Judge! for siri's pollution
Grant Thy gift of absolution,
Ere that day of retrjbution.

A. Guilty, I now I pour my moaning, I

All my shame with anguish owning; I
Spare, 0 God, thy suppliant _groaning! I

L. Through the sinful woman .shriven,

Through the dying thief forgiven,
Thou to me a hope hast given.

A. Worthless are my prayers and sighing, I

Yet, good Lord, in grace complying, I
Rescue me from fires undying.

L. With Thy sheep...~plda?e_pdrovide me.
From the goats war 1v1 e me,
To Thy right hand do thou guide me.

A. When the wicked are confounded, I .

Doomed to shame and _woe unbounded, I
Call me, I with thy Saints surrounded.

L. Low I kneel, with heart's submission,

See, like ashes my contrition!
Help me in my last condition!

A. Ah! that day of tears and mourning!

From the dust of earth returning I
Man for judgement mu~t prepru-e him I
Spare, 0 God, I in mercy spare him!
Lord, al_l-pitying, Jesus blest, I
Grant them thine eternal rest.

The Epistle of St. Jude ... verse 20:

"But as for you, Beloved, build up yourselves
upqn your most holyfaith, praying in the Holy
Spirit." .

L. 0 Holy Spirit, who on the solemn day of

Pentecost didst suddenly descend upon the Apostles
gathered in the Upper Room 'in parted tongues as it
were of fire and didst so enlighten their minds,
inflame their hearts. and strengthen.their wills ~hat

henceforth they went through the entire worl? and
courageously and confide ntly procla1me~
everywhere the teaching of Christ and sealed 1t
with shedding of their blood, renew, we be_seech
thee, the wondrous outpouring of Thy grace 1n our
hearts also.

. A. How grievously I our minds are afflicted

with ignorance I concerning the nature I and dignity
of those divine truths I which form the object of
faith, I without which n·o -man may hope for
salvation. I How far men go astray I from a just
estimation of earthly goods, I which too often are
put before the soul itself. I How often our hearts
do not beat I with love of the Creator as they ought, I
but rather with an ignoble lust for creatures. How
often are we led I by a false respect for human
judgement, I when we ought to profess openly the
- precepts of Je·sus Christ I and to reduce them to
action I with a sincere heart and with the loss, if
need be, I of our worldly substance. I What
weakness we manifest in embracing I and carrying
with a serene and-willing heart I the crosse,s of this
life, I which alone can make the Christian I a
w~rthy follower of his divine Master.

L. 0 Holy Spirit, enlighten our minds, cleanse

our hearts, and give new strength to our wills; to such
a .degree, at least, that we may clearly recognize the
v~.lue of our soul, and in like manner, despise

the perishable goods of this world, that we ~y love
God above all things and for the love of Him, our
neighbor as ourselv~s; that w~ may n?t only be free
from fear in professing our faith publicly, but rather
may glory in it; finally, th~t_we may accept not only
prosperity bQt also adversity as from .the hand of
the Lord, with all confiden~e that He will turn all
things into good for those who lovingly tend
towards Him. Grant, we beseech Thee, that we, by
constantly answering the sweet impulses of Thy
grace and doing that which is good with a
persevering heart, may deserve one day to receive
the rich reward of glory everlasting{Amen.

The Epistle of St. Jude ... verse 21:

"Keep yourselves in the love of God. "

L. I love Thee, 0 Jesus, who are perfect

charity; who in Thine essence art true God and true
man; in whom are contained the treasures of the
Divinity and all the fullness of grace which descends
to us upon this earth.

A. I love Thee, I dear Jesus, I who for love

of me I hast made Thyself like unto me; I enkindle
within me I the flame of Thy sacred love, 1· which
Thou didst bring from heaven; I that loving Thee,
I may grow into Thy likeness.

L. I love Thee, divine Jesus, my Lo rd an<l
Master because Thou has redeemed and freed me,
poor sl~ve of sin, by Thy Precious Blood. Of !hy
sweet mercy, grant that I may enjoy the full fruit of
Thy Redemption.
A. 0 sweetest Jesus I I implore that I I may .
love Thee more and more!

L. Most loving Redeemer, at Thy departure

from this world Thou didst not wish to leave us
orphans. In Thy compassionate love Thou didst
institute the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar,
wherein Thou hast given us Thyself in order to draw
our hearts to Thee and enrich us with the plentitude
of Thy graces. In this sacred mystery it is Thy desire
to hear our prayers and to be our refuge in every
need, our support in all difficulties, our comfort in
every affliction.

A. Thou art wonderful, I O Lord, I in all

Thy works, I· but in none more wonderful I than in
the Sacrament of Thy love. With deepest reverence
and awe· 1 we behold the divine Majesty, I whom
heaven and earth cannot contain, I enclosed under
the humble appearance of bread. Here the Creator
and Ruler of the entire universe I condescends to
dwell with the children of men I and invites the
poor and needy to come to Him. ·

· L. 0 Jesus our Advocate both High Priest
afld Lan1b of God forever, it was for our redemption
and sanctification that Thou didst offer Thyselfupon
the altar of the Cross. In Thy boundless_ love Thou
didst desire that this sacrifice of salvation should
be daily renewed throughout the entire world until
the end of time that through the merits of ~hy
Passion we may obtain the forgiveness of our s1ns
and be filled with Thy grace and blessing.

A. In every place f there is a sacrifice I and

there is offered to My name I a clean oblation. The
holy Mass is our only means of worthily adoring
and thanki~g our heavenly.Father. Through this
sacrifice I the divine justice is unceasingly honored
and appeased I and the treasures of grace are opened
to us. I O God, I how impenetrable is Thy wisdom f
how infinite Thy power I how boundless Thy
goodness and love!

The Epistle of St. Jude ... verse 23·:

"... but others, save, snatching them from the
fire. "

L. Ask what Thou wilt, 0 dearest Lord,

Nothing will we deny;
But only give us countless souls
For Thee before we die.

A. Let others pray about themselves, I
Thy grace leads many ways; I
Give us souls, I 'tis thus
Thy Spirit in us p~ays.
L. A life-long sorrow, if thou wilt,
And sharp enduring pain;
All, all were light, if souls for Thee
Might be the ·precious gain.

A. Tears will be sweet, I for Thou has wept, I

And blood, I if needs must be; I
No cost too great to purchase souls, I
0 dearest Lord for Thee.

L.- Wh~tever be the price, 0 Lord,

· This grace to us impart

A. ... Souls from the world I and sin set free, ·I

· Souls for Thy Sacred Heart.

L. Eternal God , Crea tor of all thin gs,

remember that the souls of infidels have been
created by Thee and formed to Thine own image
and likeness.

A. Behold, 0 Lord, I how to Thy dishonor I

hell is being filled with these same souls. Remember
that Jesus Christ, I Thine only Son, ·I has suffered a
most cruel death I for their Salvation. Do not

permit, I we bese~ch Thee, 0 Lord, I that Thy
divine Son be despised any longer by infidels, I but
rather be Thou appeased I by the prayers of Thy
saints I and of the Church the most holy spouse of
Thy Son, I and vouchsafe to be mindful of Thy
mercy. Forget their idolatry and infidelities I bring
them also_ to know Him I whom Thou didst send, I
Jesus Christ, Thy Son, OJJr Lord, I who is our health,
· life, and resurrection I' through whom we have been
redeemed and saved, I to whom be all glory forever.

L. Divine Heart of Jesus, convert sinners,

save the dying, deliver the holy souls in purgatory.

A. Almighty and everlasting God, I who

· seekest not the death of sinners~ I but always that
they may live I graciously receive our prayer, I and
deliver the heathen I from the worship of idols I
and gather them into Thy Holy Church I unto the
praise and glory of Thy name. Through Christ our
1· Lord. Amen.
The Epistle of St. Jude ... verse 25:
" the only God our Savior, through Jesus
Christ our Lord, belong glory and majesty,
dominion and autho,··ity, before all time, and
now, and forever. Amen. "

L. We pray Thee, 0 A,lmighty and Eternal
God, who through Jesus Christ has revealed Thy
glory to all nations, to preserve the works of Thy
mercy that Thy Church, being spread through the
whole world, may continue with unchanging faith
in the confession of Thy Name.

A. We pray Thee, I who,alone art go~d and

holy, I to endow with heavenly knowledge, Isincere
zeal, I and sanctity of life, 1·our Sovereign Pontiff, ·
the vicar of our Lord Jesus Christ, I in the ·
_ government of His Church; f likewise our beloved .
bishop all other bishops, prelates, and pastors of
. the Church I and especially those who are
appointed to exercise among us I the functions of
the holy·ministry,. I and conduct Thy people in the
;vays of salvation.

L. We pray Thee, 0 Gqd of might:' wisdom,

and justice, through whom authority is rightly
administered, laws are enacted, and judgement
decreed, assist with Thy Holy Spirit of Counsel
and Fortitude the President of the Philippines that
his administration may be conducted in
righteousness and be eminently .useful to Thy
people over whom he presides by encouraging due
respect for virtue and religion, by a faithful
exe'cution of the laws in justice and mercy, and by
restraining vice and immorality. Let the light of Thy
di vine wisdom direct the deliberations of Congress

and .shine forth in all proceedings and laws framed
for our rule and government so that they may tend
to the preservation of p~ace, the promotion of
national happiness, the increase of industry,
sobriety, and useful knowlege; and may perpetuate
to us the blessings of equal liberty.

A. We pray for His Honor, the Mayor of

Manila, I for the members of the Board, I for all
judges, magistrates, and others officers I who are
appointed to guard our political welfare I that they
may be enabled, by Thy powerful protection, I to
discharge the duties of-their respec~ive stations I
with honesty and ability.

L. We recomme nd lik~wise to Thine

unbounded mercy all_our brethren and fellow
citizens throughout the Philippines that they may
be blessed in the knowledge and sanctified in the
observance of 'Thy most holy law, that they may be
.preserved in union and in that peace which the world
cannot give, and that after enjoying the blessings
of this life, they may be admitted to those which
are eternal.

A. FiI1ally, I we pray to Thee, I O Lord of

mercy, I to remember the souls of Thy servants
departed I who are gone before us I with the sign
of faith I and repose in the sleep of peace I the
souls of our parents, I relatives, and friends I the
souls of those who, I when living, were devotees

of St. Jude, I and particularly of such as are lately
deceased J the souls of aJI benefactors I who ~roved
their claim to our grate ful and char itabl e
remembrance. To these, 0 Lord, 1 and to all who
rest in Christ, I grant, we beseech Th~e, I a place
of refreshment, I light, and_ everlas~1ng peace, I
through the same Jesus Christ, · I O~r Lord and
Savior. Amen.

N O V E N .A P R A Y -E R -S

St. Jude :Thaddeus, 1 true relative of Jesus and

Mary, I I ~alute thee I through the most Sacred
Heart of Jesus! f Through this Heart I I praise and
thank God. I .for all the graces H~ has bestowed
upon thee. Humbly prostrate before thee, I I
implore thee through this Heart I to look down
upon me I with/compassion. I Oh, despise not my
poor prayers; I let not my trust be c~nfoun4ed I To
thee God has granted the privilege I of aiding
mankind in the most desperate cases. Oh, come to
my aid, f· that I may praise the mercies of God! All
my life I will -be grateful to thee I and will be thy
faithful client I until I can thank thee in heaven.

L. Blessed Apostle, with confidence we

invoke the·e!

ssed A po st le , I w it h co nf idence we
A. B le
invoke thee!
de , h el p o f th e h o p el es s, ~id us in
L. St. Ju
our distress!

S t. Ju de , he lp o f th e h o p eless, I aid us in
our distress!
at b ef o re de at h f we may
. Pray for us , I th
r si ~ s I by si n ce re re p en ta nce I and
expiate all ou e h o ly sacraments!
the w orthy re ce pt 1o n "'o f th

, th at w e n1 ay ap p ea se the Divine
Pray for us g em en t!
b ta in a fa v o ra b le ju d
Justice and o
, th at w e m ay be ad m itted I into
Pray for us f
y o f th e b le ss ed f to rejoice in the
the compan ·
ce o f o u r G od fo r.e ve r.
st le , I S t. Ju d e T ha dd eu s, I
fyiost Holy Ap o
d fr ie n d o f Je su s, I th e n a~e of
faithful serv~nt an b el o v ed M aster I into
d el iv er ed th y
the traitor who as ca u sed thee to be
o f H is en em ie s I h
the hands C h u rc h h o n o rs I and
y, b u t th e
forgotten -by man 1 ·
th e p at ro n o f hopeless
invokes thee ·u n iv er sa ll y as
d of
cases and o f things despaire
w ho am so m iser ab le; I make
P~ay for me I
e th ee , I o f th at p ar ti cu lar privilege
use, I impl or dy help I
br in g v is ib le an d sp ee
accorded to thee I to
where help almost despaired of. Come to ':°Y
assistance I in this great need I that I mar reftt~e
the consolations and succor of heaven I •~ a my
necessities, I tribulations and suffen;f~;t }
particularly (here mG:ke your request ) I an
may bless God with thee I and all the elect forever.

I promise thee, I O Blessed Jude"' I t~ be ever

mi_ndfuJ I of this great favor I ~nd I will never
cease tq;l1orior thee I as my special and powerful
patron I and to do all in my power I to encourage
devotion to thee. Amen.

L. St. Jude Th_addeus, pray for us!

A. And for all who invoke thy hid!

Let Us Pray
0 St. Jude Thaddeus, thou re~ ati ve of Jesus
Christ, thou glorious apostle and martyr, renowned
.for thy virtues and miracles, faithful and prompt
intercessor of all who honor thee and trust in thee!
Thou art a powerful patron and helper in grievous
afflictions. I come to thee and entreat thee from the
depths of my heart; come to my aid with thy
powerful intercession, for thou hast received from
God the'privilege to assist with thy manifest help,
those who almost despair of all hope. Look down
upon me; my life is a life of crosses, my days are
days of tribulation and my heart is an ocean of

bitterness. All my paths are strewn with thorns and
scarcely one _moment pas~es but is. witnesses of tny
tears and sighs; uneas1n~ss, discouragement,
mistrust and almost despa!r prey upon my soul.
Thou canst not forsake me 1n this sad plight. I will
not depart from thee until thou hast heard me. Oh,
~asten t? my aid, I will be grateful to thee all my
hfe. I will honor thee as my special patron. I will ·
th~nk God for the gr~ces bestowed upon tJ}ee and
will encourage devotion to thee according to my
. power. Amen.

L. St. Jude Thaddeus, pray for us.

A. And for all who invoke thy aid.


I firmly believe I that Thou art really and corporally

present I in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar. I
adore The e here present I from the very depths of
my heart, I and I vvorship Thy sacred presence I
with all possible hum ility. 0 my soul, I what joy to
have Jesus Christ I always with us, I and to be able
to speak to Him , I heart to heart, I with all
confidence. Grant, 0 Lord , I that I, I having ~dor~d
Thy divine Majesty I here on earth I 1n this
wonderful Sacrament, I may be able to adore You
eternally in heaven. I Amen.
(One Our Father. Hail Mary & Glory Be .... for your
Special Intentions)

(Th~ Blessed Sacrament is Exposed)


Hymn: ·rantum ergo Sacramentum Venere mur cernui

Et anti quum documentum Novo cedat ritui
Praestet tides supplementum Sensuum defectui

Genitori, Genetoque Laus et Jubilatio

Salus, honor, virtus quoque Sit et benidictio
Procedenti, Ab utroque Comparsit Laudati_o

(Silent Prayer)

L. You have given them brea~ from .heaven.

A. Containing in itself all delight. ·
L. The Lord be with you.
A. And with your spirit.


0 God, who in this wonderful sacrament, left us a

memorial of your passion. ·
Grant, we implore you, that we may so venerate
the sacred mysteries of your body and blood as
always to be conscious -o f the fruit of your
You have live and reign forever and ever. Amen.

The Di vi ne Pr ai se s

Blessed be God
Blessed be fii s Holy Name .
Blessed be Jesus Christ true G·od and true man
Blessed be the Name of Jesus
Blessed be His Most Sacred Heart
· Blessed be His Most Precious Blood
Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacran1ent
of the Altar
Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete
Blessed be the Great Mother of God Mary
Most Holy
Blessed be Her Holy and Immaculate Conception
Blessed be Her Glorious Assumption
Blessed be the Name of Mary Virgin and Mothe
Blessed be St. Joseph, Her most Chaste Spouse
Blessed be God, in His Angels And in His.Saints
(The Blessed Sacrament is returned to the tabernacle)


0 sacrament most Holy
0 sacrament divine
All praise and all thanksgiving
Be every moment thine
Be every moment thine

Grant, almighty and eternal God, everlas~ing
health to those who believe. Hear us for thy
for whom we implore the_aid of 1'hy tender m_ k,
that being restored to bodily health they ma
thanks to Thee in Thy church, through Chris give
t our
Lord . .Atnen.

They shal1 lay their hands upon the sick and
they shall recover. May Jesus, the Son of Mary
, the
Lord and Re
deemer ofthe world, through the merits
and intercession of His Holy apostle Jude Thad
an d all His saints, show them favor an
d mercy.


L. Lord, show us your mercy and love.
A. An.d grant us your salvation.
L. The Lord be with you.
A. And also with you.

Let Us Pray
L. Dearly beloved brothers and sisters, let
us pray to God almighty Father that we ma
be transformed into Christ image through the
devout use of these signs as aids to praye
May the Lord in his love and mercy cherish

and reinforce with his ~lessing, these tokens
0 f yo Ur d
evotion and piety, so that you ma"
take up the course oft e present 1·11e_
.c. • h ·;
wit out
offending anybody. And y~u may attain eternal
life with joy, through Christ our Lord. Amen.


(For private use only)

Lord, have mercy on us.

Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God, the·Father of heaven, have mercy on us .
. God, the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy
on us.
God, the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, pray for us.
St. Jude, relative of Jesus and Mary, pray for us.
St. Jude, while on earth deemed worthy to see Jesus
and Mary and to enjoy their company,* .
St. Jude, raised to the dignity of an apostle,
St. Jude, who hadst the honor of beholding thy
Divine Master humble Himself to wash thy feet,
St. Jude who at the Last Supper didst receive Holy
Communion from the hands of Jesus,
St. Jude, who, after the profound grief which the
death of thy beloved Master caused thee, hadst

the consolation of beholding Him risen from. the
dead and of assisting at Iiis glorious Ascension,
St. Jude, who was filled with the J-Ioly Ghost on
the day of Pentecost, . · .
St. Jude, who didst preach the Gospel 1n Persia,

*Pray for us.

St. Jude, who didst convert many people to the

St. Jude who didst perform wonderful miracles in
tlie power of Holy Spirit,
St. Jude, who didst restore an idolatrous king to
he~lth, both of soul and body,
St. Jude, who didst impose silence.on demons and
confound their oracle-s .
St. Jude, who didst foretell to a weak prince an
honorable peace with his powerful enemy,
St. Jude, who didst take from deadly serpents the
power of injuring man,
St. Jude~ who disregarding the threats of the
impious, didst courageously preach the doctrine.
of Christ,
St. Jude, who didst gloriously suffer martyrdom
for the love of thy Divi~e Master,
Blessed Apostle, with confi denc e we invoke
thee ( 2x ).

*Pray for us.

St. Jude, help of tht hopeless, aid us in our
distress ( 3x ). . .
That by thy intercession ~oth priest~ and people of
the Church may obtain an ardent zeal for th
faith of Jesus Christ, we beseech_thee, hear us~
That thou wouldst defe~d our Sovereign Pontiff and
obtain peace and unity for the Holy Church, we
beseech thee, hear us.
That all heathens and unbelievers may be converted
to the true faith, we beseech thee, hear us.
That faith, hope and charity may increase in our
hearts, we beseech thee, •hear us.
That we may be delivered from all evil thoughts
and from all snares of the devil, we beseech thee'

hear us.
That thou wouldst vou~hsafe to aid and protect all
those who honor thee, we beseech thee, hear us.
That thou wouldst preserve us from all sin and from
all occasion bf sin, we beseech thee, hear us.
That thou wouldst defend us at the hour of death,
againts the fury of the devil. and his evil spirits,
we beseech thee, hear us.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world
Spare us, 0 Lord.
Lamb of God, who takest a\vay the sins of the world
graciously hear us, 0 Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins ofthe world
have mercy on us.

L. Pray for us, Blessed Jude.

A. That we may be made worthy of the

promises of Christ.
(Followed by the veneration of St. Jude's relic)

Prayer of Thanksgiving
(To be said when a favor has ·been gran ted)

Omost sweet Lord Jesus Christ, in union with

Thy Holy Mother Mary and all the Angels and
Saints, I praise, glorify and bless Thee for all the
graces and privileges Thou has bestowed upon Thy
chosen Apostle and intimate friend, St. Jude
Thaddeus. I pray Thee, for the sake of his-merits,
grant me Thy grace and through his intercession
come to my aid in all my needs but especially at
the hour of my death deign to strengthen me against
the rage of my enemies. Amen.

(Indulgences: 300 days: plenary, on th~ usual conditions, if Said
daily for a month. Preces et Pia Opera, n 450.)

O Glorious St. Jude Thaddeus, by those

sublime priv_ilege~ which s_o ennobled thee_ in thy
lifetime relationship according to the flesh with Our
Lord Jesus Christ and the apostolate; by that glory
which, as the reward of thy labors and martyrdom
thou dost now enjoy in heaven; obtain for us fro~
the Giver of every good all the graces we need to
enable us to profit greatly by that divinely inspired
doctrine which thou hast handed down to us in thy
Epistle: that is, to build the edifice of perfection
upon the foundation of faith, praying through the
grace of the Holy Spirit; to keep ourselves always
in the love of God, looking for the mercy of Jesus
Christ unto life everlasting: and to help by every
available means those who go astray. Thus shall
we exalt the glory, the majesty, the dominion, the
authority of Him, who is able to preserve_us without
sin and keep us without blemish and in gladness
unto the coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ, God our
Savior. Amen.

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Great St. Jude in hea-ven's glo-ry, pa-tron

$&u J t ~ J!].$§ f '!Ji ) 2@

of all hope - less souls. In our

4; J , :f@\j l l-llJ, t ~ ~ ®.
tri-als be our re-fug e Help us in our pre-sent

woes E-ver pray-ing in- ter-ce d -ing, de-so-

~ n J e+~H§:[Q lh l I al
la-tion's end-less plead-ing Saint of God mag-nifi-

.~t:¥ n !~i ": *- .•;: c' , itc~,n

cent Hear +hy cli-ents sup-pli- ant.

Human hearts in desperation

Mid the dreary toils of life
Countless thousands have you


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