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 Drastically increase/decrease- to become larger or smaller in size, amount and number.

The number of people watching TV has drastically decreased in the recent years.

 Deal with a problem- to solve a problem

The best way to deal with this problem is to assess both the benefits and disadvantages.

 Assess pros and cons- evaluate advantages and disadvantages of something.

In order to be able to make a decision, you should assess all the pros and cons of the issue.

 Overcome hardship- succeed in dealing with a problem or difficulty.

She could overcome the hardship that life has prepared for her.
 Out of curiosity- you are interested in knowing something for no other reason except that you
just want to know it.
I am asking this question just out of curiosity.
 Frankly speaking- to tell the truth
Frankly speaking, we don’t have patience to deal with this every day.
 Prevent further consequences- to stop something that can possibly happen as a result of a
particular action or set of conditions.
To prevent  further consequences on the poor, the Government has taken a number of price stabilizing
 An undeniable fact- a fact that cannot be denied or disputed.
But there is the undeniable  fact that since last year economic conditions have very greatly changed.
 Adapt to changes- change your ideas or behavior in order to deal with it smth successfully. 
The world will be different, and we will have to be prepared to adapt  to the  change.
 Raise awareness- lift to a higher level the state of knowing something.
The artistic protest was meant to raise awareness of institutional racism.
 Environmental damage-the emission of hazardous waste into the environment caused harm to
the environment.
 The British Green Party found that the levels of toxicity and environmental damage outside handmade
production centers were paltry compared to the levels found outside factories used for mass production. 

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