GEHI 121 Module 2 Lesson 2

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At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:
• identify the reasons for the migration of people;
• explain why states regulate migration;
• discuss the effects of global migration on the economic
well-being of states; and
• discuss the ideas and importance of global citizenship.

Time Frame: Weeks 15 – 16

Welcome to Lesson 2! This lesson is designed to facilitate your understanding on
Global Migration and Global Citizenship. This lesson also looks the impact of migration on
both sending and receiving countries and discuss the relevance of citizenship. Enjoy this lesson
and keep learning!


The pictures below show Venezuelans migrated from neighboring countries after their
country’s economic crisis. Look at the pictures and express your thoughts!

Consider the questions below: (ANSWER THIS!)

1. In your own opinion, why people migrate?

2. In what way do you think this migration benefits people? Host community/country? Home

Global Migration

Defining Migration
 movement of people, including children, within a
country or across an international border
Categories of Migration
1. Internal Migration – refers to people moving
from one area to another within one country
Example: John migrating to Manila from Digos
for work opportunities.
2. International Migration – refers to people
cross borders of one country to another
Example: John migrating to Australia from the
Philippines for work opportunities.
2. International Migration – refers to people cross
borders of one country to another
Example: John migrating to Australia from the
Philippines for work opportunities.

Groups of International Migration

1. Those who move permanently to another
country (immigrants)
2. Those workers who stay in another country for
fixed period (at least 6 months in a year)
3. Those who are illegal migrants
4. Those migrants whose families have
“petitioned” them to move to the destination
5. Those who are refugees (asylum-seekers),
i.e. those who are “unable or unwilling to return
because of a well-founded fear of persecution on
account of race, religion, nationality,
membership in a particular social group, or
political opinion.

 The estimated number of

international migrants in the world
is 258 million?
 Around 760 million people move
within their own nation (internal
 90 percent of internal and
international migration moved for
economic reasons?
 10 percent of internal and
international migration were
refugees or asylum seekers?
 In 2019, United States, Germany,
and Saudi Arabia had the largest
number of immigrants of any
Challenges of Migration
 People are arriving in countries or towns
in huge groups, often seeking
 Many international migrants arrive in
developing countries that have less
money, food, job opportunities, and
natural resources to share with
 Having to share these resources among
more people can sometimes create
problems or tensions.
 Rural communities can also suffer from
the loss of young workers who migrate,
often meaning that less food is produced
or available.

Benefits of Migration
 Migrants can bring new skills, knowledge
and cultures to their host countries
 Migrants contribute to economic growth
provided they are given access to more and
better jobs
 They can increase the workforce in
communities where there aren’t enough
people to do all the work and also free up jobs
for young people in the country they leave
 Once they settle down, they often invest in
their host community or support their
home country by sending money.

Table 1. Migrant Contribution to Destination Country, in dollars and as percentage of
national GDP, 2015

Country Contribution Percentage of GDP

United States $ 2 trillion 11 percent
Germany $ 550 billion 17 percent
United Kingdom $ 390 billion 14 percent
Australia $ 330 billion 25 percent
Canada $ 320 billion 21 percent
 anti-immigrant groups and nationalists argue
that government must control legal
immigration and put a stop to illegal entry
of foreigners
 many of these groups are gaining influence
through political leaders who share their
 US President Donald Trump and UK
Prime Minister Theresa May, who
have been reversing the existing pro-
immigration and refugee
sympathetic policies of their states.

 Trump attempted to ban travel into

the United States of people from
majority-Muslim countries, even
those with proper documentation

 Trump also continued to speak about

his elections promise of building a wall
between the United States and
Global Citizenship
Defining Global Citizenship
 refers to the way of living that recognizes the (our)
world is an increasingly complex web of connections
and interdependencies
 our choices and actions may have
repercussions for people and communities
locally, nationally or internationally
 nurtures personal respect and respect for others,
wherever they live
 encourages individuals to think deeply and critically
about what is equitable and just, and what will
minimize harm to our planet
 exploring this helps learners grow more confident in
standing up for their beliefs, and more skilled in
evaluating the ethics and impact of their decisions.

Global Citizen is someone who:

 is aware of the wider world and has a sense of
their own role as a world citizen;
 respects and values diversity;
 has an understanding of how the world works;
 is outraged by social injustice;
 participates in the community at a range of
levels, from the local to the global;
 is willing to act to make the world a more
equitable and sustainable place; and
 takes responsibility for their actions.

How to be an Effective Global Citizen?

 people need to be flexible, creative, and proactive
 they need to be able to solve problems, make
decisions, think critically, communicate ideas
effectively, and work well within teams and groups
 these skills and attributes are increasingly
recognized as being essential to succeed in
other areas of 21st century life too, including
many workplaces
 these skills and qualities cannot be developed
without the use of active learning methods
through which pupils learn by doing and by
collaborating with others.


1. Your instructor will be dividing you into groups.

2. Do a survey in your neighborhood and ask families about their relatives (parents,
children, uncles, aunts, cousins, etc.) who had migrated or worked abroad.
Minimum of five (5).

3. Consider the following:

a. Who are they?
b. Where they migrated or are working?
c. How long they have been there?
d. What has changed in their lives because of this migration?
e. What has changed in their home when they went back?
f. How do they cope with the visit or return in our country?
g. Do they have plans of going back to their host country? Why? Why not?

4. Observe social distancing and health care protocols prescribed by the IATF.

5. Provide documentations.

6. Submit your group output in Microsoft Word and e-mail this to your instructor.

Rubrics in Grading Group Output (80 points)

0 20 60 60 80
Student is unable to Student is able to Student is able to Student not only Student establish the
establish the ideas establish the ideas establish the ideas establish the correct correct ideas and
and concepts and concepts and concepts ideas and concepts concepts prescribed
prescribed by the prescribed by the prescribed by the prescribed by the by the topic, shows
topic. topic but shows topic and shows topic but also shows evidence by citing
erroneous correct evidence by citing relevant examples,
understanding. understanding. relevant examples. and consistently
additional thoughts
to the Core idea.
Congratulations! You have successfully completed Lesson 2. Should there be questions
and clarifications in some part of the lesson, kindly message your instructor.

If you do not have any questions or clarifications, you are now prepared to move on to
Lesson 3 – Sustainable Development and Global Food Security. Enjoy and keep working! God

Abinales, P. N., & Claudio, L. E. (2018). The contemporary world. Quezon City : C & E
Publishing, Inc.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. (2015). Activity book: Change the
future migration. Rome, Italy : Viale delle Terme di Caracalla

IDEAS for Global Citizenship. What is global citizenship? Retrieved from http://www.ideas-

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