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Design and Motion Control of Autonomous

Underwater Vehicle, Amogh

V. Upadhyay, S. Gupta, A.C. Dubey, M.J. Rao, P. Siddhartha, V. Gupta,
S. George, R. Bobba, R. Sirikonda, A. Maloo, V.G. Idichandy
Department of Ocean Engineering, IIT Madras, India

Abstract—Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV) are Small fleets of coordinating underwater vehicles are being
slow-moving small unmanned robots capable of swimming in- developed which can operate continuously over a wide region
dependently below the water surface on pre-defined mission for prolonged periods.
paths and are commonly used for oceanographic exploration,
bathymetric surveys and military applications. With the use of Design of underwater vehicles comes with numerous tight
appropriate sensors and equipment, AUVs can perform under- constraints. The entire design of a vehicle can be divided
water object recognition and obstacle avoidance. Amogh is a
miniature AUV developed at Centre For Innovation (CFI), IIT
into various modules: hull design, propulsion, electronics &
Madras for AUVSI RoboSub competition. The vehicle has a instrumentation, power management, communication and con-
non-conventional dual hull heavy bottom hydrodynamic design trol systems. Usually long slender hull designs are considered
equipped with six thrusters which allow for motion control in for their favourable hydrodynamic characteristics. Thrusters
4 degrees of freedom. This paper presents various aspects of are the most common propulsion devices. More number of
the unique design of the vehicle. The performance of a simple
PID controller for steady depth and heading control has been
thrusters can provide an increase in speed and manoeuvrability
discussed. Simulations performed on a decoupled mathematical but at the cost of hefty power consumption. Underwater
model of the vehicle are compared against experimental results. gliders use variable buoyancy engines and wings to glide in
the longitudinal plane at the expense of very little power.
Index Terms—AUV, LQR, PID, Underwater Vehicle Sensors are used for measuring depth, attitude, velocity and
oceanographic sampling. Many ROVs that are used in the oil
and gas industry are equipped with manipulators to assist them
in underwater inspection, construction or repair tasks. AUVs
Human civilization depends to a great extent on the often use satellite networks for communication. Rechargeable
oceans, which are one important source of food, precious batteries are widely used for power supply. Above all factors,
minerals and transportation. In an effort to study them and mission requirements are the most important criteria in AUV
effectively utilize the resources, humans have invented various design. More details on AUV design and control can be found
tools, equipment and machines. Ocean exploration has been a in [1, 5].
challenging field due to the harsh and unforgiving nature of Amogh, developed at Indian Institute of Technology
marine environment. Nearly 97 percent of the water available Madras (IIT-M), is a miniature AUV designed specifically for
on Earth is contained in the oceans, still only 5 - 7 percent has RoboSub competition. However, the design of the vehicle has
been explored. However, there has been a rapid development been kept modular for an easy upgrade to a shallow depth
in ocean exploration technology over the past few decades. industrial exploration vehicle. The project has been supported
Advanced marine sensors, Sub-bottom profilers, Multi-beam by the Centre For Innovation, IIT-M and the National Institute
SONARs, Doppler current sensors and Monitoring buoys have of Ocean Technology (NIOT), Chennai. RoboSub is an inter-
provided valuable data on the oceans. One of the major national AUV competition organized annually by AUVSI at
breakthrough has been the development of Remotely Operated San Diego, USA. The problem statement of the competition
Vehicles (ROV) and Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV), requires the vehicle to carry out a series of tasks autonomously
which has resulted in a manifold increase in our reach to the such as crossing an underwater gate, hitting coloured buoys,
deep and far oceans. shooting miniature torpedoes, grabbing objects, and locating
AUVs are robots capable of operating underwater with an underwater acoustic source, etc. In this paper we briefly
complete autonomy, whereas ROVs are controlled remotely discuss the mechanical and electrical design of the vehicle
using inputs from human operators. These underwater ve- and later present the control system in detail. The dual hull
hicles can operate longer, reach higher depths, are easy to heavy bottom design of the vehicle provides great stability
maintain and still inexpensive as compared to conventional against roll and pitch motions. A decoupled model similar
underwater exploration methods. They have been widely used to [4] has been considered to simulate the vehicle depth and
for oceanographic exploration, military reconnaissance, oil yaw characteristics, and then compared against experimental
and gas exploration, and for search and rescue operations. results. Sections II & III present the mechanical and electrical

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(a) v1 (b) v2 (c) Current Version (v3)
Fig. 1 Different versions of vehicle design

design respectively. In section IV, the heave and yaw modelling

of the vehicle is discussed in detail.

Fig. 3 Mechanical configuration of AUV Amogh

Amogh has a modular, hydrodynamic, dual hull heavy

bottom structure with the hulls arranged in top-bottom fashion.
The heavy bottom design provides great stability by lowering
Fig. 2 AUV Amogh the Centre of Gravity (CG) and increasing its vertical separa-
tion with Centre of Buoyancy (CB). The mass concentration
near the bottom gives very high restoring moment to the roll
II. M ECHANICAL D ESIGN and pitch motions. The weight is distributed symmetrically
along the longitudinal axis of the vehicle. This is to ensure
Mechanical module of an AUV includes the design and that the CG and CB are aligned in a straight vertical line.
manufacturing of pressure hulls, skeletal frame and waterproof
enclosures for specific payloads. There are many factors to be A. Hull Design
taken into account during design, such as weight and buoy-
ancy limits, stability, payload space, sealing, materials and Amogh consists of an Acrylic cylindrical top-hull with
corrosion. In addition, the design must be hydro-dynamically a hydrodynamic Polypropylene nose cap and a customized
efficient to minimize drag and it should provide watertight rear end cap, which together provides watertight housing for
housing to the batteries, electronics and other payloads. The a front facing camera and the electronics. The nose cap has
selection of optimal shape and size of the enclosures, thus an ellipsoidal profile which is appropriate for imparting better
becomes challenging. The mechanical configuration of Amogh hydrodynamic performance to the vehicle with minimal drag.
is displayed in figure 3. Vehicle specifications are given in The cap profile is designed with major-to-minor axis ratio of
table I. 1.6:1. An exploded view of the top-hull is displayed in figure
Weight 34.5 kg
A structural analysis of the top-hull was carried out using
SolidWorks, for determining the appropriate thickness required
Net Buoyancy +0.08 kg
for withstanding the hydrostatic pressure at an operational
Dimensions 1000 × 520 × 530 mm
depth of 10m. The results obtained imply that 5 mm thickness
Max. Speed 1 m/s
of the hull is significant for it to withstand the pressure.
Max. Depth 20 m
Figure 5 shows the simulation results on a deformation scale
Table I Vehicle Specifications of 708.176.

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Fig. 4 Exploded view of the top-hull

Fig. 6 The skeletal frame supporting the hulls

in figure 1. The velocity contour of the current vehicle design

is shown in figure 7.

Fig. 5 Structural analysis of top-hull

B. Battery Pods

Cylindrical battery pods store batteries inside and act as

a heavy mass at the bottom. The battery pods, also referred
as the bottom hull, are designed to be easily replaceable and
carry extra battery packs if necessary.
Fig. 7 Velocity contour of the current vehicle design at forward speed 1 m/s
C. Skeletal Frame

A skeletal frame is required to mount both the hulls The comparison of estimated resistance in the surge
along with other mechanical modules including thrusters and direction for different design versions of the vehicles is shown
cameras. It accounts for mechanical strength of the vehicle, in figure 8. There was an intermediate reduction of power
both in water and on ground. Amogh consists of a custom required by 19% from v1 to v2 and an overall reduction of
designed Aluminium frame, modelled in SolidWorks and power required by 35% from v1 to v3.
analyzed in StarCCM+ for drag considerations in the surge
and sway degrees of freedom. Aluminium is chosen for its
high strength to weight ratio and resistance to corrosion
properties. Minimum drag in surge and sway directions is
the characteristic feature of the design. Figure 6 shows an
isometric view of both the hulls mounted on the skeletal frame.

CFD Study
The primary objective of performing CFD analysis was to
estimate the resistance offered by the flow around the vehicle
and to systematically find a way to reduce the resistance in Fig. 8 Resistance vs velocity in surge direction
allowed degrees of motion by changing the mechanical design
of the vehicle. This would help in estimation and reduction of The comparison of estimated side-force for different
resistance and hence the power required to drive the vehicle in versions of vehicle is shown in figure 9. In the sway direction,
that corresponding direction. The metamorphosis of design of the current version is relatively efficient with a reduction of
the vehicle from initial version to the current version is shown power required to move sideways by about 25%.

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transparency and scratch-resistance. A provision for a thin
filter film is incorporated in the design.

Fig. 9 Resistance vs velocity in sway direction

Fig. 11 The camera enclosure

D. Propulsion
G. Other Payloads
Six thrusters have been used in the configuration shown
in figure 10, for propulsion and steering of the vehicle. Each The vehicle uses a magnetic lever to trigger a reed-switch
thruster can provide a two blade bollard thrust of 2.2 to 2.9 to instantaneously kill the mission. Pneumatic actuators have
kg-f. been used to hold and grip objects. Wet mateable underwater
connectors from Seacon and SubConn have been used for
external electrical connections.


An AUV has to carry a number of different sensors

and electronic devices to facilitate underwater navigation,
data collection, communication and safety. The accuracy and
reliability of these electronic devices limit the degree of
performance and safety that can be achieved. The electrical
requirements can be grouped in several categories.
Navigational aids like accelerometers, gyroscopes, mag-
netometers and GPS are used to measure the absolute as well
as relative heading, orientation, velocity, acceleration and loca-
tion of the AUV. Depth is monitored using pressure sensors.
Active SONAR modules are used for obstacle avoidance or
Fig. 10 Thruster configuration of the vehicle
exploration purposes. An AUVs propulsion system requires
precise speed control and quick response to the closed loop
E. Waterproofing Mechanism feedback, achieved using good motor controllers. Cameras
are used to provide underwater vision capability. A central
Waterproofing is an integral part of hull design for processing unit (CPU) is used to process mission algorithms
protecting the equipment placed inside it. Amogh uses a face- and data. Microcontrollers help interface the CPU with the
seal mechanism for water-tightening of its hull and enclosures. payloads. Kill-switch, fuses, leak-sensors and other peripherals
A customized end-cap with grooves to accommodate two are used to ensure safety of electronics inside. Sensors are
rubber O-rings is sealed permanently to the hull. It is covered used to sample valuable oceanographic data such as dissolved
with a flat disc, which consists of 8 co-axial screw holes, to oxygen, chlorophyll and CTD data. Printed Circuit Boards
mechanically squeeze the O-rings and ensure water tightness. are used to organize and electrically connect the various
devices. AUVs are battery powered. To survive long under-
F. Camera Enclosure water missions, minimal power usage is desired as the battery
loading capacity of an AUV is very limited. The electrical
Amogh comprises of two cameras providing front and
configuration of the Amogh is given in table II.
bottom view to the vehicle, facilitating its navigation. A
transparent, watertight camera enclosure has been designed Power Management System
to enable the cameras to capture undistorted images. It is a
cylindrical assembly manufactured with Poly-propylene mate- A set of Lithium-Polymer (Li-Po) batteries have been
rial. The front covering is made of acrylic which provides used for power supply which provide a continuous mission

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Batteries 11.1 V x 2, 18.5 V x 2 Added Mass
Camera Standard webcam x 2
CPU Intel Atom D2700 2.13 GHz The added mass and added inertia of the vehicle have
Microcontroller Arduino Mega-2560 been derived using analytical relations from [6]. The nose
Navigation Unit VectorNav IMU of the top hull has been considered as an ellipsoid and the
Pressure sensor Piezo-resistive remaining length as a cylinder. Similarly the bottom hull has
Table II Electrical configuration of AUV Amogh been considered as a cylinder to derive its added mass. The
skeletal frame of the vehicle has been assumed as a thin plate.
endurance of nearly 45 to 60 minutes. Li-Po batteries can
hold a high charge density and provide a continuous supply of The mass moment of inertia of the vehicle has been
high current. The current and voltage across batteries, thrusters obtained from 3D-modelling software and experimentally de-
and other electrical peripherals is regularly monitored through termined using bifilar pendulum test. Both methods yield
adequate sensors and the data is logged for further analysis. similar values. The values of inertia and added mass details
This data is used to monitor the performance and health are given in table III.
of various peripherals on the vehicle and use the results to
Parameter Value
develop an efficient power management system. Sway added mass (Yv̇ ) -29.202 kg
Heave added mass (Zẇ ) -26.498 kg
Underwater Vision Yaw added mass (Nṙ ) -0.082 kg-m2
Inertia (Izz ) 1.1089 kg-m2
Amongst the various tasks to be carried out by the Table III Vehicle inertia and added mass
vehicle is to track and hit underwater coloured buoys, cross
an underwater gate and traverse coloured lanes. Two cameras
Thruster model
looking separately in the front and the bottom have been used
to capture feed for real-time processing. Objects in the feed are The DC brushed thrusters are controlled using motor
analysed for their color, shape and location. This information controllers which produce a voltage output proportional to the
is used by mission control software to direct the vehicle control duty-cycle of the input pulse-width modulated (PWM) signal.
system to achieve a desired state. The thruster model as shown in figure 13 can be written as:
Fprop = 0.0002727x2 + 0.0198x (1)
where Fprop is the force generated by one thruster in Newtons
Precise heading and depth control is required to success- and x is the input PWM signal.
fully execute the mission tasks. Amogh uses a discrete PID
control to maintain its trajectory. Vehicle control is greatly sim-
plified due to the inhibited roll and pitch motions. A decoupled
control model is used here and simulation results are compared
with experimental observations. The axis configuration of the
vehicle is shown in figure 12.

A. Parameter Identification

Fig. 13 BTD-150 thruster force model

Drag Force
The drag force in the heave and yaw directions has been
determined experimentally. The data was recorded in a 2
metre deep water column facility in calm conditions. Depth
Fig. 12 Axis-configuration of the vehicle was measured continuously at different thrust values using an
analog piezo-resistive pressure sensor mounted on the vehicle.

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Yaw rate was logged at different torque levels using an on-
board MEMS gyroscope embedded in an Inertial Measurement
Unit (IMU).
The depth measurements of the vehicle recorded at differ-
ent thrust levels are shown in figure 14. The relation between
the vehicle buoyancy (B), total dry weight (W ), thrust (Zprop )
and the drag force (Zdrag ) at the corresponding terminal
velocity for downward motion can be written as:
Zprop + W = B + Zdrag
Zprop = (B − W ) + Zdrag (2)
Similarly for yaw motion,
Nprop = Ndrag (3)
where Nprop is the external yaw moment and Ndrag is the yaw
angular drag acting on the vehicle at terminal yaw velocity.

Fig. 15 Yaw angular rate vs. time at different values of anti-clockwise thruster moment

Fig. 14 Depth vs. time at different values of thrust (N)

The vehicle is equipped with two thrusters which facili-

Fig. 16 Yaw angular rate vs. time at different values of clockwise thruster moment (N-m)
tate sway and yaw motion. The thrusters are placed on either
side of the CG with their axis parallel to each other and are
used to supply the required external moment or thrust to the
vehicle. The yaw angular rate (r) of the vehicle recorded at mass, C(v) is coriolis and centripetal forces matrix, D(v) is
different moment values (Nprop ) is shown in figure 15 and 16. hydrodynamic damping matrix, g(η) is restoring forces and
moment matrix and τ is a vector of control inputs. However,
this is not appropriate for developing conventional decoupled
B. Mathematical Model control. The model is divided into non-interacting subsystems
represented by separate heave and yaw equations of motion.
The vehicle dynamics as described in [2], is most con- The motivation of decoupling comes from the shape and
veniently shown using non-linear equation of motion given design of the vehicle which restricts the motion of the vehicle
by: in roll and pitch degrees of freedom.
M ν̇ + C(ν)ν + D(ν)ν + g(η) = τ (4) Heave Dynamics
where ν is the linear and angular velocity vector, M is The heave response of Amogh is decoupled from the pitch
6 × 6 inertia matrix which includes hydrodynamic added response because of its heavy bottom design. Thus, the heave

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equation of motion can be written as: A comparison of the simulated yaw response with the experi-
mental response for a moment Nprop = -5.9347 N-m is shown
(m − Zẇ )ẇ = ZHS + Zdrag + Zprop (5) is figure 18. The angular position is represented on a 0o - 359o
w = ż (6) scale.
where m is the total dry mass of the vehicle, w is the
heave velocity, Zẇ is the heave added mass, and Zprop is
the propeller thrust acting in the heave direction. ZHS is the
hydrostatic force acting on the vehicle.
ZHS = W − B (7)
The drag force determined using experimental data shown in
figure 14 can be written in terms of the heave velocity as:
Zdrag = 45.7717w2 + 16.2236w (8)
where Zdrag is in Newtons and w in m/s. The heave velocity
and depth can be obtained by solving equation 5 and 6
respectively, for different values of Zprop . A comparison of
the simulated heave response with the experimental response
of the system for two different thrust levels is shown in figure

Fig. 18 Simulated vs. experimental yaw response

C. Controller Design

Amogh uses feedback control to maintain a steady depth

and heading. A simple PID controller was tuned for the
dynamic model represented by the equations 5 and 9. Due to
the changing payload requirements of Amogh, it is required
to implement robust control which can compensate for minor
changes in system parameters such as buoyancy and weight.
The Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) with delta implemen-
tation can be one optimal solution for such dynamic systems
and has been studied for heave control of the vehicle.
Fig. 17 Simulated vs. experimental heave response PID Controller
The control law (δ) for the system is given by:
Yaw Dynamics Z
The decoupled yaw equation of motion of the vehicle can δ = [Ki ∗ e(t)]dt + Kd + Kp ∗ e(t)
be written as:
where, Ki is the integral gain, Kd is the derivative gain, Kp
(Izz − Nṙ )ṙ = Ndrag + Nprop (9) is the proportional gain and the error, e(t), is the difference
r = ψ̇ (10) between desired value and measured value of the control
parameter. Figures 19 and 20 show the result of PID depth
where ψ is the yaw position of the vehicle. The angular drag and heading control respectively.
determined using experimental data shown in figure 15 and 16
Linear Quadratic Regulator
can be written in terms of the yaw velocity as:
The heave equation of motion is linearized at operating
Ndrag = 0.003052r|r| (11) point w = 0, assuming the system to be neutrally buoyant,
where Ndrag is in N-m and r in deg/s. The angular velocity which results in following equation:
and the yaw position of the vehicle are obtained by solving
(m − Zẇ )ẇ = Zprop (12)
the equations 9 and 10 respectively, for different values of
the external yaw moment which is delivered using thrusters. ż = w (13)

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function using Algebraic Riccati Equation (ARE). The state-
feedback law is given as:
u = −K1 ∗ z(t) − K2 ∗ w − K3 ∗ ζ (16)
The weighting matrix Q is given by:
Q = CT C (17)
C = [wz ww wζ ] (18)
The matrix C is tuned to a value that results in the desired
system response. Finally, the control law for the closed loop
system with delta implementation [3] is given by:
d dz
δ = (K3 ∗ e(t) − (K2 ∗ + K1 ∗ z))dt (19)
dt dt
The block diagram for this system is shown in figure 21. The
experimental and the simulated response have been compared
in figure 22.
Fig. 19 Depth control using PID

Fig. 21 Closed loop block-diagram for LQR with delta implementation

Fig. 20 Heading control using PID

Let us introduce a state ζ as the integral of the error e(t). The

controller is tuned in such a way that at steady state ζ̇ = 0,
which results in zero steady-state error. The system dynamics Fig. 22 Depth control using LQR

with the augmented state can be represented in state space

form by following equation:
       The simulation results from the decoupled modelling of
ż 0 1 0 z 0
 ẇ  =  0 Zprop the vehicle are reasonably similar to the experimental obser-
0 0  w  +  1 
(m − Zẇ ) vations. The difference in the results can be attributed to the
ζ̇ 1 0 0 ζ 0
complex shape of the vehicle and the approximations made in
(14) estimating the added mass and other coefficients. Appendages
The cost function used for minimization in LQR is given by: such as electrical cables, connectors and the external camera
Z have also not been accounted for. However, the model has
J = z(t)Qz(t) + ρuRu(t) (15) proven to be adequate for control system design of the vehicle.
Heading control has been achieved using a PID controller,
where Q and R are weighting matrices. The state-feedback whereas for depth control, both PID and LQR methodology
gains, K = [K1 K2 K3], are obtained by solving the cost has been studied. Vision feedback based control of the vehicle

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with a more precise mathematical model shall be the scope of
our future study on the vehicle.


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