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Language Department

Module: Assessment


Managua, April 2020

1. Reflect, according to your previous knowledge and experience answer
the following questions:

1. What is assessment?
Assessment is mean to be the way to know the progress which students had in some
class following a learning process supported on techniques and strategies to figure it
2. Why is it very important to assess learners learning?

'Nothing we do to, or for our students is more important than our assessment of their
work and the feedback we give them on it. The results of our assessment influence
students for the rest of their lives...'
Is very important because it gives us an clear idea what we have to get better as
teachers and what contents we should retake with the students like feedback

3. What are the characteristics of a good evaluation?

4. Mention some essential principles of the assessment
1. validity: The examination measures / assesses what is stated in the learning objectives.
2. Reliability (Reproducibility): Different assessors will give an objective assessment of the students' work
based on agreed criterion.
3. Equivalence: Different versions of an exam must be at the same level in the same severity.
4. Educational effect: The examination should motivate the student to learn.
5. Catalytic effect: The examination provides feedback that stimulates learning.
6. Acceptability: Different stakeholders find the examination process and the results.
7.Feasability: The exam is practical and realistic

5. Why is it Important the teacher assesses with competence approach?

Because it’s better to have defined what is the essential knowledge you want the
students to know or to do about all the contents were providing before then you’re not
losing time with other activities which they are not focus on the competences
6. What are the phases of the evaluation?

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