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- PART 1 -
1 STYLE ➢ Determine the Style of game you want to play. (Page 4)

2 TEAM ➢ Discuss with other players and the GM to decide the type of
Team your character will be in. (Page 7)

3 FORM ➢ Choose a Form for your character. (Page 10)

Determine the Base Attributes your character has, from
their Form.

4 ORIGIN ➢ Choose an Origin for your character. (Page 18)

Determine the Base Skills your character has, from their

5 FEATURES ➢ Determine the Features your character has from their Form,
whether they are Psychic Powers, Augmentations, Mutations
or Genetic Modifications.
Determine the Immunities, Resistances, Vulnerabilities
and Disadvantages your character has, from their Form.

6 SPECIALISM ➢ Choose a Specialism for your character. (Page 29)

Determine the additional Skills, Skill Upgrades and Fo-
cuses your character has, from their Specialism.


STYLES Car chases, exploding buildings, dodging laser
cannons, jumping out of windows, riding on the
Before creating a character, it's a good idea to
roof of grav-trains. You are one of the heroes in
consider what style of game you'd like to play.
a sci-fi action film.
This can be easily assessed by evaluating the
following common themes of a game of Sol-
Corps, and ranking them by importance. BECOMING GODS
Science, technology and a little bit of exploiting
• Action Heroes
the supernatural. Put those together with a lot
• Becoming Gods of influence, power and wealth, and maybe you
• Being the Kingpins can become a god.
• Being the Little Guys
• Corporate Conflict BEING THE KINGPINS
• Exposing Conspiracies What does it take to build and run a crime syn-
• Fire-fights dicate? Products, services, fronts. Managing
• Getting Rich your minions. Dealing with your competition.
• Investigation Bribery and corruption. All whilst staying out of
• Kung-fu Fighting jail, or getting put down.
• Opposing the System
• Protecting the Innocent BEING THE LITTLE GUYS
• Surviving the Day The system is designed to control you and keep
• Taking Down the Baddies you in your place. You are one of billions with
no real future. Will you rage against the ma-
• Working For the Man
chine or lie down and submit? Can you have
You may not feel this list is complete enough, hope, and what will you do to get it?
and should go ahead with discussing with the
GM and other players about adding themes that
you would like to define the style of game you
want to play. Big businesses fight over the remaining re-
sources of Earth and seek to expand their ex-
ploiting of the Solar System, constant conflict
with competitors both bloody and sneaky. Sci-
ence and technology has no boundaries, and
everyone needs the next advantage, but they're
going to need someone to steal it or destroy it.

The real powers behind the scenes conspire to
secure and grow that power. What dangers must
you confront and what sacrifices must you make
to expose them? And how much of a difference
can you actually make?


FIRE-FIGHTS Seeking to undermine the power of the elite is a

Bullets fly as you dodge and weave between dangerous job, as their agents and their law en-
cover, trying not to get your head blown off forcers are ever vigilant. They will hunt you, but
whilst spraying lead. What hardware do you perhaps you can stay one step ahead of them
need for the next take-down? Is the body ar- enough to keep being a thorn in their side, and
mour you wear going to be enough to protect eventually a major part of a revolution that will
you? Can you really afford another cybernetic bring them down. You are no mere terrorists af-
replacement limb? And just how many scum- ter-all. You are freedom fighters.
bags does your enemy have to throw at you?
GETTING RICH The law isn't something to put people under the
It's all about the money baby. Whatever it takes boot and keep the elite in power. It's a code of
to get the next best thing, have the best damn conduct, a system of justice, designed to protect
set of wheels, the finest pad anyone can have everyone, no matter their status, no matter their
and to never worry about needing again. Want, means. Not every cop is looking to smash heads
buy, have. That's life. Chase the green or be a for the man. They want to help, to make sure
sad nobody. everyone can feel safe walking down the street,
or sleeping in their beds.

Weird shit is happening and you need answers.
You need to figure out who or what is respons- Just making it to the end of a day can be a chal-
ible. Talk to the right people and stick your nose lenge in a environmentally compromised city of
in the right places. One clue leads to the next, violent gang warfare and a constant battle
and eventually you'll solve the mystery. between criminals and the enforcers of the law.
And just to make things even harder, insurgents
bring terror as they attempt to take down the
system, and corporations unleash yet another
It's not just self-defence, its a martial art, a bio-engineered monster or mutagenic patho-
philosophy, a way of life and a culture. Gangs gen, intentionally or not.
and clans adopt traditional fighting techniques,
incorporating post-human enhancements and
easily obtained firearms. Honour matters, and is
too easy to settle with a fully automatic drive-by The system isn't the problem to be solved. It's
shooting. There's no skill in that. One must get not going to change, and crusading against it is-
close and personal if one is to truly prove their n't the help most people need. Hell, it does
superiority. some things right. Most people have a roof over
their head and food in their stomachs, and they
don't have to put their backsides on the line to
take down the real scumbags.
The masses are kept docile, oppressed by a gov-
Those scumbags hiding amongst them, victim-
ernment and rogue corporations in order to
ising them need challenging, not the rich hiding
keep all the power in the hands of only a few.
in their ivory towers. Some might think anyone
People are experimented on and mistreated
who takes them on is just some kind of vigilante
everyday, and the media hides it all. Even demo-
wannabe hero, but they're the line between
cracy is a simple lie, just another means of con-
people and the real villains – the bullies, the
trol, and so-called post-humanism isn't evolu-
pushers, the criminals and the gangsters.
tion, it's just next-level tech consumerism.



The government needs capable officials, agents
to monitor and regulate both the masses and
the corporations alike. Insurgents seek to under-
mine their power and corporations seek to re-
place them, as they covertly grow their power-
bases and create their own competing empires
in the image of their maniacal chief executives.


As well as identifying the style of game wanted,
before a player creates a character, it is recom-
mended that the Games Master and players of
the game come together to discuss the style of
the game they all want, and the player charac-
ters suited to a team that they will be a part of.
The following section, Forging a Team, provides
some examples of the types of team that may
be suitable for the style of game that a group
wants to play. This includes a list of the individu-
al specialisms that are recommended for such a
team, with a view to each character bringing
needed abilities to the team, without too much
redundancy or stepping-on-toes, where it isn't
appropriate to the style of game.
Some teams need more than one character
bringing similar abilities to the game though,
especially where the style of the game is going
to involve a lot of combat. In such teams, a play-
er with a character who can't fight, take a hit or
take risks is going to feel left out, or get taken
out real quick, whilst other players will find their
characters having to constantly struggle to pro-
tect such a non-combatant.




Each type of PC team has a recommended 'moral- • Agency Cell
ity' setting for the game. This is a guide, to help a • Cop Squad
GM and players narrow down further what kind of • Freelancer Team
team best suits the game they want to play.
• Gangster Clique
• Gangster Royalty
White The PCs are good guys and real heroes.
• Insurgent Cell
They oppose evil and don't compromise their eth-
ics. They will sacrifice themselves for others and • Investigative Team
the greater good. • Post-human Cult
Light Grey For the most part the PCs try to be the • Professional Thieves
good guys, but may be forced to make difficult • Rogue AI Hunters
choices, where what is best for many may not be • Space Explorers
so good for a few, or them.
• Space Jockeys
Neutral Grey Ultimately the morality of the game
• Space Pioneers
will be decided by the behaviour of the PCs and
the choices they make as they face moral chal- • Space Rangers Squad
lenges. • Super Heroes
Dark Grey There's potential for the PCs to be out- • Wanted Fugitives
right selfish and evil, and their lives will likely be • Wasteland Warriors
much easier being so. If they struggle with these
actions, and try to do and be better, that can shift
the morality of the game lighter. If they indulge in
these actions, that can make the game much dark-
Black The PCs are not nice people. Being merciful,
generous or caring is likely to be bad for their own
prosperity. They will be much more likely to
prosper by being downright evil and selfish.


Agency Cell Insurgent Cell

Morality Dark grey. Morality Neutral grey.
Most suited to these styles of game Corporate Most suited to these styles of game Corporate
Conflict, Exposing Conspiracies, Investigation, Conflict, Exposing Conspiracies, Fire-fights,
Taking Down the Baddies, Working for the Man Opposing the System
Movie/TV inspirations: Alias, Dark Angel, Ghost Movie/TV inspirations: Alita Battle Angel, Fight
in the Shell, Hannah, Total Recall Club, Johnny Mnemonic, Mr Robot, Push, Total
Suggested specialisms Recall, V, V For Vendetta
Agent, Pilot, Soldier, Trancer Suggested specialisms
Insurgent, Smuggler, Street Rat, Trancer
Cop Squad
Morality Light grey. Investigative Team
Most suited to these styles of game Action Morality Light grey.
Heroes, Fire-fights, Protecting the Innocent, Taking Most suited to these styles of game Being the
Down the Baddies, Working for the Man Little Guys, Exposing Conspiracies, Investigation,
Movie/TV inspirations: Blade Runner, Lethal Surviving the Day
Weapon, Outland, Robocop Movie/TV inspirations: Cast a Deadly Spell,
Suggested specialisms Sneakers, The Thing
Cop, Medic, Shaman, Suit Suggested specialisms
Cop, Scanner, Shaman, Trancer
Freelancer Team
Morality Neutral grey. Post-human Cult
Most suited to these styles of game Corporate Morality Black.
Conflict, Exposing Conspiracies, Fire-fights, Most suited to these styles of game Becoming
Investigation, Opposing the System,Taking Down Gods, Corporate Conflict, Exposing Conspiracies,
the Baddies, Working for the Man Investigation, Kung-fu Fighting
Movie/TV inspirations: Sneakers, Wanted Movie/TV inspirations: Alias, Big Trouble in Little
Suggested specialisms China, Dark Angel, Elysium, Hannah, Johnny
Heister, Mercenary, Nano-weaver, Street Rat Mnemonic, Scanners
Video Game inspirations: Deus Ex
Gangster Clique Suggested specialisms
Morality Dark grey. Agent, Nano-weaver, Scanner, Suit
Most suited to these styles of game Fire-fights,
Kung-fu Fighting, Surviving the Day Professional Thieves
Movie/TV inspirations: Breaking Bad, Robocop, Morality Light grey.
Sons of Anarchy Most suited to these styles of game Getting
Suggested specialisms: Rich, Opposing the System
Benny, Gangster, Smuggler, Street Rat Movie/TV inspirations: Die Hard, Firefly, Mr
Robot, Oceans 11, Sneakers
Gangster Royalty Suggested specialisms
Morality Dark grey. Heister, Mechanic, Smuggler, Trancer
Most suited to these styles of game Being the
Kingpins, Getting Rich, Kung-fu Fighting, Rogue AI Hunters
Opposing the System Morality: Light grey.
Movie/TV inspirations: The Godfather, Ozark, Most suited to these styles of game: Fire-fights,
Sopranos Investigation, Taking Down the Baddies
Video Game inspirations: Deus Ex Movie/TV inspirations: 'I, Robot', Lawnmower
Suggested specialisms Man, Max Headroom, Terminator
Gangster, Scanner, Street Rat, Suit Suggested specialisms
Medic, Nano-weaver, Trancer, Vigilante


Space Explorers Wanted Fugitives

Morality: Light grey. Morality: Light grey.
Most suited to these styles of game: Most suited to these styles of game: Action
Investigation, Surviving the Day Heroes, Exposing Conspiracies, Opposing the
Movie/TV inspirations: 2001 A Space Odyssey, System, Surviving the Day, Taking Down the
Prometheus, Space 1999, Star Trek Baddies
Suggested specialisms Movie/TV inspirations: Blade Runner, Dark Angel,
Mechanic, Medic, Mercenary, Spacer Push, Scanners, The Hulk, The A-Team, The
Invaders, V
Space Jockeys Suggested specialisms
Morality: Neutral grey. Heister, Nano-weaver, Scanner, Vigilante
Most suited to these styles of game: Being the
Little Guys, Surviving the Day Wasteland Warriors
Movie/TV inspirations: Alien, Firefly, Silent Morality: Dark grey.
Running, The Expanse Most suited to these styles of game: Fire-fights,
Suggested specialisms Surviving the Day
Mechanic, Medic, Soldier, Spacer Movie/TV inspirations: Cyborg, Mad Max,
Terminator, The Walking Dead
Space Pioneers Suggested specialisms
Morality: Neutral grey. Gangster, Nano-weaver, Shaman, Smuggler
Most suited to these styles of game: Being the
Little Guys, Corporate Conflict, Surviving the Day
Movie/TV inspirations: Aliens, Alien: Covenant,
Lost in Space, The Expanse
Suggested specialisms
Benny, Mechanic, Medic, Spacer

Space Rangers Squad

Morality: Neutral grey.
Most suited to these styles of game: Action
Heroes, Corporate Conflict, Fire-fights, Protecting
the Innocent, Working for the Man
Movie/TV inspirations: Avatar, Aliens, Outland,
Predator, Starship Troopers
Suggested specialisms
Cop, Medic, Soldier, Spacer

Super Heroes
Morality: White.
Most suited to these styles of game: Action
Heroes, Becoming Gods, Protecting the Innocent,
Taking Down the Baddies
Movie/TV inspirations: Seriously? This would be
a very long list.
Suggested specialisms
Nano-weaver, Scanner, Shaman, Vigilante


Basic Skills
FORMS Some forms provide a number of basic skills with a
In the near-future, your character is not just hu- rating. Often these skills and their ratings can be
man. Your character is transhuman. customised to further define the initial education,
design or purpose of a form.
Base Attributes
These basic skills are in addition to those provided
All characters start with the base attributes for by an origin.
their form.
Some forms receive basic skills only from the char-
STR is Strength, measuring how physically strong acter's selected origin and any education and/or
a character is. lifestyle packages that may provide. See Origins.

RES is Resilience, measuring how physically tough Features

a character is.
Most forms have some special features. There are
AGI is Agility, measuring how quickly and easily a many options to choose from.
character can move. The number given in brackets is both a rating and
a value that a feature may be sold for in return for
PER is Perception, measuring a character's ability
Character Points (see Creating a Character Part 2).
to see, hear, or become aware of something
If the value given is 0, that feature cannot be sold
through their senses.
and must be retained by the character.
REA is Reactions, measuring the mental response
speed of a character, as well as their wits, the capa- Immunities and Resistances
city for inventive thought and quick understand- Some forms have immunities and resistances to
ing. particular types of threats, harm or danger.
INT is Intelligence, measuring a character's ability The number given in brackets is both a rating and
to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. a value that the feature may be sold for in return
for Character Points (see Creating a Character Part
WIL is Willpower, measuring a character's mental 2). If the value given is 0, that feature cannot be
strength, determination, focus, and available con- sold and must be retained by the character.
trol to restrain impulses and resist mental stresses.
Vulnerabilities and Disadvantages
Some forms have vulnerabilities to particular
Attribute Customisation types of threats, harm or danger, and disadvant-
With the GM's go-ahead ,a player may: ages to life circumstances and situations.

1- Increase one attribute of 4 to 5, in return for re- The number given in brackets is both a rating and
ducing one attribute of 4 to 3. a value that the feature may be bought off for at a
cost of Character Points (see Creating a Character
2- Then increase one attribute of 5 to 6.
Part 2). If the value given is 0, that feature cannot
3- Then increase one attribute of 4 to 5, in return be bought off and must be retained by the charac-
for reducing one attribute of 4 to 3. ter.
A player may optionally provide a reason for these
For example, if a player doesn't want his construct
changes as a part of their character's background.
to have a vulnerability to EMP, it will cost 2
Character Points to remove it.


A large chunk of your body has been The next stage of evolution realised, you
replaced with bionics and cyberware are psychic and aware of the supernatural

constructed mutated
A robot designed to to provide a You clearly aren't normal, but at least
frame for your artificial intelligence whatever changed you didn't kill you

enhanced replicated
Gene-engineered before birth, you Grown in a vat, you have a bio-engineered
develop a superior intellect and physiology mind and an advanced physiology



Cold (0), Fear (1), Pain (0)

Electricity (1), EMP (2)

Cyber-Maintenance (0)
Your cyberware needs regular maintenance.
Without it, implants will eventually degrade and

Identity Record (2)

You have a unique number. The state keeps metic-
ulous records on you, just like any norm. Sure, you
Augment, Cyborg, Stainless can have those records hacked, changed or de-
You were an old-fashioned, standard human being leted but that gets expensive, and in many cases is
growing up, but then when you reached your late criminal, and often easily reversed.
teens, a large chunk of your biological body was Mental Instability (3)
replaced with bionics and cyberware. This was
You are not mentally stable and are prone to de-
either due to severe injuries and you having par-
pression and manic episodes, and are quick to an-
ents with the money to save you, or because an
ger and act impulsively.
organisation wanted to make you better than hu-
man, for reasons. Your base MEN is halved.

Base Attributes More Machine Than Human (0)

You can't benefit from most genetic modifications,
as your biology is too heavily integrated or re-
4 5 3 4 4 4 4 placed with artificial components.

Basic Skills Obligations (0)

An augmented character's basic skills are entirely You owe those that augmented you, for their in-
determined by their selected origin. vestment in doing so.

Features Off-switch (1)

Bionics and Cyberware (0) Those that augmented you were kind enough to
build in an off-switch. With a simple transmission,
Much of your body is machine and thus has fea-
they can deactivate your implants.
tures that other forms do not have as standard.
They can also have your neural interface render
You may spend 500,000 credits on items from the
you unconscious.
Augmentations Catalog. You must spend at least
300K on bionic replacements, in order to be
classed as an augment. You must also have a
Neural Interface.

Machine Power (0)

Thanks to additional power-systems, your base
STA is doubled.


Perfect Recall (0)

Constructed Everything you experience is memorised and can
be recalled. You can choose to toggle this ability
on and off, and may access or erase any memories
you wish.

Power Plant (0)

You are powered by fusion cells. Your base STA is
None of your integral systems you select from the
Frame Systems Catalog require their own Power
Rating. All your systems count as having a Power
Rating equal to your STR divided by 2 (round-up),

Asphyxiation (0), Diseases (0), Hunger (0), Infec-
tions (0), Thirst (0), Toxins (0)
Construct, Bot, Frame
Whether clearly robotic, an android with fake skin,
or a machine covered with living tissue, you are a Cold (0), Fear (1), Pain (1),
manufactured artificial humanoid. A robot de- Psychic Attacks (0), Vacuum (0)
signed to look human, and to provide a frame with Vulnerabilities
a positronic brain for your artificial intelligence. Electricity (1), EMP (2), Extreme Heat (0),
Strong Magnetic Fields (1)
Base Attributes
Emotional Coldness (0)
5 5 4 4 5 4 3
Whilst emotions are something you are capable of
Basic Skills thanks to your sentience, you still struggle with
Initial programming to provide a level of them.
autonomy and self-awareness provides all con- You tend to come off as emotionless to others, as
structed forms with the following skills: you internalise and process your feelings.
Computer Operation 2, Cybernetics 2, General
Debt of Existing (2)
Knowledge 1, Robotics 3
You were built. You owe those who built you.
Frame Systems (0) Exploited (0)
Your body is a machine and thus has features that Whilst you have achieved legal recognition due to
biological frames do not have as standard. your advanced intelligence and proven sapience,
there are still many synthetic intelligences who are
You have a number of basic features, described in
effectively enslaved.
the Frame Systems Catalog, and you may spend
500,000 credits on the additional features of your Sometimes humans forget you are free.
frame from this catalog.
Regulated (2)
Mental Stability (0) You have built-in fail-safes and moral rules that
Your mind is designed to maintain mental health. can force you to be compliant and non-threaten-
Your base MEN is doubled. ing.
You must fight with yourself regularly to retain
your self-determinism.


Privileged (1)
Enhanced You have access to a wealthy lifestyle, supported
by a high income from an allowance from those
that raised you.
In addition to the assets gained from starting spe-
cialisms, you will also gain a luxury apartment and
an extra 10,000 credits to spend on personal kit
and extra features and furnishings for the apart-

Rapid Healer (1)

You regain PHY and STA five times more quickly
than the standard rate of a normal human.


Elf, Gene-E, U-Gen Ageing (0), Diseases (0), Infections (0)
You are a genetically engineered human that has
been modified before birth to develop a superior
intellect and physiology compared to normal hu- None
mans. Disadvantages
Base Attributes Diet and Drug Reliance (3)
STR RES AGI PER REA INT WIL You require a special diet and pharmaceutical sup-
plements in order to remain at optimal perform-
4 4 5 4 4 5 3
ance. Without them you will quickly become leth-
Basic Skills argic and weak.
All enhanced are privileged with a high level of Obligations (0)
education, providing the following basic skills:
You owe those that raised you for their invest-
Academia 1, Athletics 1, Business 1, Computer Op- ment in you.
erations 1, General Knowledge 1, History 1, Law 1,
Medical 1, Performance 1, Robotics 1, Science 1, This disadvantage is automatically and freely bought
Vehicle Operation 1 off if the Privileged advantage has been sold.

You may also increase two of these skills by an ad- Incompatibilities (0)
ditional 1 rating, and one of these skills by an ad- Implants, cybernetics, nanotech, further genetic
ditional 2 rating. You may choose a focus for any upgrades. You can't benefit from most of these ad-
skill you increase to a rating of 3 or more. ditions. Your immune system will attack them and
Features your body will reject them.

Genetic Modifications (0) Indicators (3)

You may spend 500,000 credits on features from You have physical attributes that make it easy to
the Gene Mods Catalog, and augmentations and recognise you are genetically enhanced.
mutations, from their catalogs, that are available You are taller than the average human, have larger
as gene-mods. These reflect additional improve- eyes than an average human, and large pointed
ments that have been engineered to develop in ears.
your formative years.
Your hair and nails grow at five times the normal
rate of a human.


others who are evolved.

Supernatural Sense (0)
You are constantly aware of supernatural energies
and manifestations that normal people do not
sense. This allows you to gain information that
others simply have no way of doing so.



Addiction (1), Diseases (1), Infections (1), Toxins (1)

Coveted (0)
Evo, Psyker, Supermind There are a lot of organisations, especially the cor-
You are the next stage of human evolution porations, who would love to identify you as
realised. One of a growing number of humans to evolved and then exploit your talents. Or dissect
develop psychic abilities, and an awareness of the you in a laboratory.
supernatural. However, such increased power of
the mind comes with a weakening of the body. Fragile Aura (0)

Base Attributes Implants, cybernetics, nanotech, genetic modifica-

tions. You can benefit from any such additions or
STR RES AGI PER REA INT WIL changes to your biology, but they will damage
3 3 4 5 4 5 5 your aura and weaken your psychic capabilities.

Haunted (0)
Basic Skills
You are constantly aware of supernatural energies
An evolved character's basic skills are entirely de-
and manifestations that normal people do not
termined by their selected origin.
sense. This makes it very difficult to concentrate
Features on any pursuit of a mundane 'real-life', or just to
Psychic Powers (0) get a good night's sleep.

You may select from the Psychic Powers Catalog Mental Instability (3)
four psychic powers at rating 1, three psychic You are not mentally stable and are prone to de-
powers at rating 2 and one psychic power at rating pression and manic episodes, and are quick to an-
3. ger and act impulsively. Your base MEN is halved.
If you select all powers from the same class of
Psychic Allergies (0)
psychic power, you may either select a bonus
power from that class at rating 1, or increase your Synthetic materials, chemical additives and pretty
rating 3 selection to rating 4. much anything that isn't manufactured from nat-
ural ingredients interferes with your abilities and
Psychic Recognition (0) makes you ill.
You have an aura of psychic energy and are able to Wearing body armour or a helmet is debilitating.
perceive such auras on anyone who is similarly In fact, you need to be careful about any clothing
evolved. It takes considerable practice and effort you wear, as well as about what you eat, drink or
to be able to hide your own evolved status from simply touch.


mutation, from the Mutations Catalog.

Mutated 2. You must pick one moderate mutation and may
pick a second if you have taken a second minor
mutation. These must be from the Mutations
3. You must pick two major mutations. Only one
major mutation may be advantageous. These
must be from the Mutations Catalog.

You should then choose a suitable category of

mutant for your character.

Radiation (1), Diseases (1),
Mutagenic Vectors (0), Toxins (1)

Mutant, Mutt, Mutie Vulnerabilities

Environmental factors, genetic engineering gone None
mad or wrong, exposure to mutagenic substances
or viruses. A combination of the above. You clearly Disadvantages
aren't normal, but at least whatever changed you Deformed (0)
didn't kill you. It is practically impossible to disguise the fact you
are a mutant. Normal humans consider many of
There are several categories of mutants, including
Hybrids which are typically a splicing of human and your physical characteristics as deformities.
animal DNA, and the much more common Ex-Os, Embarrassing Mistake (3)
who have been changed by extraterrestrial factors
Some powerful organisation, probably one of the
such as artificially generated atmospheres, low
corporations, feels responsible for your creation.
gravity and solar radiation.
They think you're an asset to retrieve, or more
A character's mutations determine which category
likely just a threat to their reputation that must
they are considered to be in.
Feared (0)
STR RES AGI PER REA INT WIL Most norms fear you simply because you are so
Base 4 5 5 4 4 3 4 clearly not like them.

Isolated (0)
Basic Skills
It is practically impossible for you to live in norm
None - determined by their selected origin.
population centres and you tend to be where oth-
Features ers like you go. Slums on Earth, space stations and
Mutant Abilities (0) ships, or the slums of another planetoid's colony.
You may spend 50,000 credits on items from the Mutated Physiology (0)
Gene Mods Catalog, and augmentations from the Implants, cybernetics, nanotech, genetic modifica-
Augmentations Catalog, that are indicated as be- tions. You can benefit from any such additions or
ing available as mutations. changes to your biology, but they will be a lot
Primary Mutations (0) more expensive. You also have a far greater chance
of them failing or being rejected.
1. You must pick one and may pick a second minor


Replicated Deadline (5)
You simply die at age 5.

This disadvantage can only be bought off if the

Immunity to Ageing is sold, and Indentured Em-
ployee also bought off.

Fake Past (0)

All your memories up to the point of leaving the
vat are implants. Designed to keep you docile and
sane. And even though you know this, you can't
not hang onto them.

God Complex (1)

It is simply fact that you are better than normal
humans. You have little regard for the conventions
and demands of society, and expect special con-
Synth, Replicant, Vatborn sideration and privileges. This regularly brings you
Grown in a vat, you are a biological construct re- conflict with society and its authorities who deny
sembling an adult human, but with a bio-engin- you them.
eered mind (full of false memories) and an ad-
Indentured Employee (5)
vanced physiology.
The company that made you can't own you, but
Attributes that doesn't mean you can be easily free of them.
STR RES AGI PER REA INT WIL If you are to prosper, you must work for those who
made you, or for those who pay them for your ser -
Base 5 5 5 5 4 4 3 vices. If you disappear, they will hunt you down
and remind you of your obligations.
Basic Skills
Implanted memories provide a level of autonomy Restricted Life (0)
and self-awareness, giving all replicated forms the Creating enslaved replicas may now be illegal in
following skills: most places, but your legal rights are still greatly
Academia 1, Athletics 1, Computer Operation 1, limited and the authorities are always keeping a
Medical 1 very close eye on you. There are a lot of places
you are still not allowed to go.
Rebellious (0)
Genetic Modifications (0)
Knowing what you are and what little of you has
You may spend 250,000 credits on items from the
been decided by you, makes you angry. Especially
Gene Mods Catalog, to reflect additional im-
when you continue to have very little independ-
provements that have been engineered into you
ence or self-determinism. You are prone to viol-
during your growth in the vat.
ence and rebelling against the system, state and
Immunities those that enforce their restrictions on you.
Ageing (1)
This disadvantage can be freely bought off if the
Resistances God Complex disadvantage is bought off.
Diseases (0), Infections (0), Toxins (0)



ORIGINS Some origins provide a character an education
Where does a character come from? If they were
package, which itself provides one or more basic
made, what were they made for? What education
skill rating upgrades.
did they get? What kind of environment did they
develop in? What contacts did they make that they These may also be useful if a player wishes to cre-
may turn to in the future? How many credits did ate or modify their own origin. Of course, this
they manage to save? should be done with agreement from the Games
All these questions are answered by selecting an
origin for a character.
Lifestyle Education Packages
CRUNCH! Typically determined by the lifestyle of your par-
ents, usually dependent on their occupation and
One Origin the income from it. Many institutions will provide
Normally a character can only have a single origin, one of these even if you're an orphan.
although a player may want to create a character Destitute Stealth +1, Streetwise +2, Survival +1
with more. The GM should decide if this is allowed Benny Domestics +1, General Knowledge +1, Get-
on a case by case basis. A better approach may be ting By +1, Streetwise +1, Tech Savvy +2
to combine the two origins.
Zero Computers +1, Domestics +2, Electronics
+1, General Knowledge +2, Getting By +1, Mech-
Combining Origins
anics +1, Tech Savvy +1, Vehicle Operation +1
There are many cases where two origins could be
Wageslave Academia +1, Computers +1, General
combined to create a more appropriate origin for
Knowledge +2, Security +1, Socialising +1, Tech
a character. If the GM allows this, only one attrib-
Savvy +1, Vehicle Operation +1
ute bonus is selected, skill upgrades are divided
equally between the two origins (so the character Suit Academia +2, Business +1, Computers +1,
gets half the upgrades from one, and half the up- General Knowledge +3, Law +1, Science +1, Secur-
grades from the other), half the contacts are ity +2, Socialising +2, Tech Savvy +1
gained from each origin, and any savings from the
two origins averaged (added together, then di- Formal Education Packages
vided by two). Access to these is also often determined by the
occupation of parents and the income from it.
SKILLS Again, the state will provide a basic education if
An origin will provide a character with one or more you're an orphan, or your parents can't afford bet-
basic skill rating upgrades. ter.
When creating a new character, the maximum for State School Academia +1, Athletics +1, Com-
any skill rating is 7, and any upgrade that would puters +1, Domestics +1, General Knowledge +1,
take a rating beyond that is discarded. History +1, Science +1
Corporate School Academia +2, Athletics +1,
Focuses Computers +1, General Knowledge +2, History +1,
You can find out more about a particular skill, and Science +2, Socialising +1
possible focuses for them, from the Skills Cata- Military School Athletics +2, Computers +1, Do-
logue. mestics +1, Firearms +1, General Knowledge +1,
History +2, Leadership +1, Science +1, Unarmed
Combat +1
Further Education Increase two skills from a
Each origin provides one or more changes to base
formal education package by +1, and choose two
of the following: Business +1, Law +1, Mechanics
+1, Medical +1, Performance +1, Psychology +1


Higher Education Packages FORM RESTRICTIONS

Normally only the most privileged individuals will These are a guideline, and If restrictions are get-
have access to a higher education, due to the cost. ting in the way of players creating the characters
Sometimes talent and superior ability is enough to they want, then they should talk with their GM and
get noticed and then sponsorship, in the form of a see if it's okay to just ignore them.
scholarship. Which then contracts you into work-
ing for those who have sponsored your education. Origin Restrictions by Form
Graduate Degree Choose one skill already at rat- Corp Kid NOT CONSTRUCTED/
ing 3 or more, and increase it by +1. Choose a fo- MUTATED/REPLICATED
cus for the skill, if one has not yet been chosen. Fugitive NO RESTRICTION
Masters Degree Choose one skill already at rating
4 or more, and increase it by +1. Choose a focus Low-tek MUST BE EVOLVED/MUTATED
for the skill, if one has not yet been chosen. Made Free MUST BE CONSTRUCTED
Doctorate Choose one skill already at rating 5 or
more, and increase it by +1. Choose a focus for Made to Entertain MUST BE REPLICATED
the skill, if one has not yet been chosen. Made to Kill NO RESTRICTION
Business Scholarship Business +2, choose one fo-
cus for the skill. Made to Labour MUST BE CONSTRUCTED/
Law Scholarship Law +2, choose one focus for MUTATED/REPLICATED
the skill. Made to Protect NOT EVOLVED
Research Scholarship Choose one of the follow-
ing, and a focus for the skill: Computers +2, Cyber-
netics +2, Medical +2, Psychology +2, Robotics REPLICATED
+2, Science +2 Military Brat MUST BE AUGMENTED/
Sports Scholarship Athletics +2, choose one fo- EVOLVED/ MUTATED
cus for the skill.
An origin provides two contacts (each is level 2), MUTATED/REPLICATED
and often ties to an organisation and group, and
organisations and groups that are enemies.
Decide what the specialism of a contact is, and
what your relationship has been and now is with State Bread MUST BE EVOLVED/MUTATED
each contact. For example, they may be a parent,
guardian, sibling, colleague, friend, benefactor or
ally. Urban Upbringing MUST BE EVOLVED/MUTATED

Many origins provide you with some savings.
These credits can be spent on basic gear for a
character, or held onto for spending during play.



Born and raised in SERVE
a corporate arcology Built to do the
domestic work

Escaped from an or- Raised by parents
ganisation using you in the forces

Born and raised in Part of a tribe
tech-free wasteland always on the move


ENTERTAIN A privileged and
Created to make carefree childhood
norms happy


Built to choose your BORNE
own destiny A child of the void
and one of the clan

Bred to fight wars An orphan raised by
and win them the institutions

Designed to do the Raised to survive
hardest jobs the megacity hell


Trained to defend Raised by nobodies,
valuable assets to be a nobody


Corp Fugitive


Your parents are wageslaves and you grew up in a You belonged to an organisation that was exploit-
corporate arcology where they live to work. That ing you. You escaped. Maybe they've forgotten
provided you an education, preparing you to be- about you, or maybe they're still trying to re-cap-
come a wageslave or to give you a chance to be- ture you. Either way, you have learnt ways to stay
come a suit. Either way, loyal to and dependent on off the scopes of the authorities.
the corporation that owns them, and that they owe.
Attributes AGI +1
Attributes INT +1
Basic Skills
Basic Skills
Athletics +1, Crime +1, Firearms +1, Low
Business +1, Computer Operation +1, His- Profile +2, Security +1, Stealth +2, Street-
tory +1, Law +1, Medical +1, Science +1, wise +1, Survival +2
Security +1, Tech Savvy +1
You receive either the Corporate School or
You receive the Wageslave Lifestyle pack- Military School package (choose one), and
age, the Corporate School package, Further the Destitute Lifestyle package.
Education package, and any one Scholar-
ship package. Ties

Ties Whichever group aided your escape and

continues to hide you.
Whichever corporation your parents are
employed by. Enemies

Savings 5000 credits. Whichever organisation you escaped from.

Savings 500 credits.


Low-tek Made to
TRIBER Entertain


You grew up outside of the cities, in a small rural You were designed to make the norms
community hidden away from the interference of happy. You were built to sell yourself, to
a state that smothers and brainwashes humanity provide pleasure with no sense of self-
with comforts, luxuries and technology. You were
worth, no guilt, no real desires of your own.
taught to survive and thrive off the land, to be
part of something natural. A tribe of free people, Attributes AGI +1
who turn to each other, not computers, robots
and the all-powerful system ran by the richest Basic Skills
few, exploiting what little remains of a natural
world. Acrobatics +2, Athletics +1, Performance
+3, Psychology +1, Socialising +3, Un-
Attributes RES +1, PER +1, INT -1 armed Combat +1
Basic Skills Education
Athletics +2, Crime +1, Melee Weapons +1, You receive the Zero Lifestyle package.
Stealth +2, Survival +3, Unarmed Combat
+2 Ties

Education Whichever organisation that manufactured

you and whichever entertainment agency
You receive the Destitute Lifestyle package. bought your contract from your manufac-
Ties turer.

Whichever low-tek tribe you grew up with. Savings 2000 credits.

Savings 500 credits.


Made Made
Free to Kill


Whoever made, you, wanted you to be You were designed for combat and to fight in
whatever wars your makers, guardians or buyers
free. Your benefactors would like you to be
want you to fight in. You were built to sacrifice
a part of their organisation, but it really is
yourself, and to feel no remorse when you fail to
up to you. do so by killing that which tries to kill you first.
Attributes WIL +1 Attributes STR +1, RES +1, INT -1
Basic Skills Basic Skills
Academia +1, Domestics +2, General Athletics +3, Firearms +3, Melee Weapons
Knowledge +1, Getting By +1, History +1, +3, Stealth +2, Survival +2, Unarmed Com-
Law +1, Streetwise +1, Survival +1, Tech bat +3
Savvy +1, Vehicle Operation +1
Education You receive the Military School
Education package and the Zero Lifestyle package.
You receive the Zero Lifestyle package. Ties
Ties Whichever organisation raised, augmented,
Whichever organisation manufactured you. enhanced or manufactured you or bought
your contract from them.
Savings 2500 credits.

The same enemies of the organisation that

augmented, enhanced or manufactured
you or you are contracted with.

Savings 1000 credits.


Made to Made to
Labour Protect


You were designed to do the tedious, re- You were designed to protect whatever assets your
petitive and physically demanding work makers, guardians or buyers want you to protect. To
put yourself at risk, so that norms don't have to.
that norms don't want to do themselves.
You're far better suited for it, and much Attributes REA +1, PER +1, WIL -1
cheaper to maintain.
Basic Skills
Attributes STR +2, REA -1
Athletics +1, Firearms +2, Investigation +1,
Basic Skills Law +1, Leadership +1, Melee Weapons
+1, Psychology +1, Security +2, Unarmed
Academia +1, Athletics +3, Computer Op-
Combat +2, Vehicle Operation +1
eration +1, Mechanics +1, Vehicle Opera-
tion +1 Education You receive the Military School
package and the Wageslave Lifestyle pack-
You receive the Zero Lifestyle package.
Whichever organisation augmented, en-
Whichever organisation mutated or manu- hanced or manufactured you or bought
factured you or bought your contract from your contract from them.
Savings 500 credits. The same enemies of the organisation that aug-
mented, enhanced or manufactured you or you are
contracted with.

Savings 2500 credits.


Made Military
to Serve Brat


You were designed to do the domestic jobs Your parents were in the military, always mov-
that norms don't want to do themselves. ing from one war-zone to another. You grew up
You're obedient, meticulous and polite. on military bases, where you were given a de-
cent education and a lot of discipline, aimed at
Most importantly you're cheap to keep.
making you ready to do your duty too, when
Attributes STR +1 the time comes.

Basic Skills Attributes RES +1

Athletics +1, Domestics +3, Mechanics +2, Basic Skills

Socialising +1, Vehicle Operation +2
Athletics +1, Firearms +1, History +1, Se-
Education curity +1, Streetwise +1, Survival +1, Tech
Savvy +1, Unarmed Combat +1, Vehicle
You receive the Zero Lifestyle package. Operation +1
Ties Education
Whichever organisation augmented, en- You receive the Military School package
hanced or manufactured you or bought and the Benny Lifestyle package.
your contract from them.
Savings 500 credits.
Whichever military organisation your par-
ents were a part of.

Savings 1000 credits.


Nomad Rich


You moved around a lot, never really stay- You're one of the few born into a family
ing in one place for more than a few with wealth and status. You've been
weeks. Usually sleeping under the stars pampered, educated, spoilt. Given a lot of
somewhere remote in the remaining wil- opportunities to improve yourself and to
dernesses, and only staying in the out- achieve, to help you find and take your
skirts of urban centres when your tribe place amongst the elite.
needed something from the state.
Attributes INT +1
Attributes PER +1
Basic Skills
Basic Skills
Athletics +1, Business +2, Computer Oper-
Athletics +1, Crime +1, Mechanics +1, Sur- ation +2, History +1, Law +1, Medical +1,
vival +3, Unarmed Combat +1, Vehicle Op- Science +2, Security +2, Socialising +2,
eration +1 Tech Savvy +1

Education Education

You receive the Destitute Lifestyle package. You receive the Suit Lifestyle package, the Cor-
porate School package, Further Education
Ties package, and any one Scholarship package.
Whichever nomad tribe you grew up with. Ties
Savings 1000 credits. Whichever corporation or other organisa-
tion your parents are loyal to.

Savings 10,000 credits.


Space-borne State


You were born in space, on a space station, on a You have no parents. You were raised by the
ship, or on one of the many colonies scattered state and its institutions, in an over-populated
across the various planetoids of the Solar System. city full of norms with little to no chance to el-
You grew up learning about how life here is evate themselves in society. You got a basic
tough and harsh, but that you are free, and that
state-provided education, preparing you to be-
you are an important and needed part of a clan
come just just like them. And to teach you to
of spacers that will fight for you to remain free.
be grateful and like it.
Attributes AGI +1
Attributes INT +1
Basic Skills
Basic Skills
Acrobatics +1, Athletics +2, Computer Op-
Academia +1, Computer Operation +1,
eration +1, Low G Activity +3, Mechanics
Domestics +1, General Knowledge +1, His-
+1, Survival +2, Unarmed Combat +1,
tory +1, Law +1, Science +1, Security +1,
Vehicle Operation +1
Streetwise +1, Tech Savvy +1
You receive the State School package and
You receive the State School package and
the Zero Lifestyle package.
the Benny Lifestyle package.
Whichever spacer clan you grew up with.
Whichever state institution you grew up in.
Savings 2000 credits.
Savings 500 credits.


Street Urban
Feral Upbringing


You got your education on the streets, Your parents were Zeroes and Bennys and
from living amongst the gangsters. Obey- you grew up in a loud, over-populated city
ing the law and conforming might make full of norms with little to no chance to el-
norms comfortable, but you've learnt that evate themselves in society. You got a basic
crime and rebelling, whilst risky as hell, has state-provided education, preparing you to
far greater rewards and an opportunity to become just like your parents, just like
become someone that matters. everyone else in the city.

Attributes REA +1 Attributes RES +1

Basic Skills Basic Skills

Athletics +1, Crime +2, Firearms +1, Secur- Academia +1, Computer Operation +1,
ity +1, Stealth +1, Streetwise +3, Survival Domestics +2, General Knowledge +1, His-
+1, Tech Savvy +1 tory +1, Law +1, Science +1, Tech Savvy +1

Education Education

You receive the Destitute Lifestyle package. You receive the State School package and
the Benny Lifestyle package.
Whichever street gang you grew up with.
Whichever city-block you grew up in.
Savings 500 credits.
Savings 500 credits.


lowed are made from each specialism.

SPECIALISMS Talk to the Games Master about whether it's
Whether from experience, training or design and okay to combine specialisms.
programming, every character has one or more
specialisms that determine what they are particu- Custom Specialisms
larly good at doing. You may want a character to have a specialism
A specialism also provides some background for a that's not in the book. That's okay. Use the ones
character, in the form of previous (and potentially provided as a template and go ahead and make
current) occupations, or designed purpose, if your own. Just be sure to record them so you
they're a construct or replicant. can refer to them and use them again.

Selected specialisms also provide a choice of skills, The Games Master has final say on whether a
and a set of statuses (see Creating a Character Part custom specialism for a PC is right for the game
2 for more about these). they're running.


The Games Master decides the number of special- A specialism provides a new character with several
isms that may be chosen by a starting character. skill rating upgrades.
This will determine the starting experience and When creating a new character, the maximum for
capabilities of characters. A character's level is any skill rating is 7, and any upgrade that would
equal to the total number of specialisms they have take a rating beyond that is discarded.
Primary Skill
CRUNCH! This is increased by a rating of 4, and a focus
Taking The Same Specialism More Than Once
If the Games Master is allowing starting charac- Secondary Skills
ters to take more than one specialism, they may
A total of 5 skill points should be distributed
repeat a specialism, that is take the same spe-
between rating increases between these skills. No
cialism more than once. As well as getting some
more than 3 skill points may be spent on the same
of the benefits again, the character may also ad-
vance in rank and status within that particular
specialism, and may gain access to additional Each skill point increases a rating by 1.
Tertiary Skills
Combining Specialisms A total of 5 skill points should be distributed
You shouldn't combine specialisms that are between rating increases between these skills. No
clearly mutually exclusive. more than 2 skill points may be spent on the same
It's recommended that no more than two spe- skill.
cialisms are combined, as this will water-down Each skill point increases a rating by 1.
specialisms to the point where a character isn't
really specialised. Bonus Skills
When combining specialisms, feature selection A total of 3 skill points may be spent on any skill,
must be split equally between the specialisms. A whether included in the specialism or not. No
character doesn't get all of the features of all of more than 1 of these skill points may be spent on
the specialisms. the same skill.
For example, combining Insurgent with Suit, in Each skill point increases a rating by 1.
order to be a corporate saboteur working from
the inside, provides 50% of the benefits of each
specialism. So half of the skills selections al-



It's up to the Games Master if they want to use These are only a guideline, and If restrictions are
the following rules. getting in the way of players creating the charac-
ters they want, then they should talk with the GM
Repeating a Specialism
about ignoring them.
If the Games Master allows a new character to
take the same specialism more than once, then Specialism Restrictions by Form
the primary and secondary skills are only in-
creased by a further 1, the tertiary skills only get
3 skill points to increase ratings, and bonus skills Agent Y Y Y Y N N
only get 1 skill point to increase ratings. Cop Y Y Y Y N Y
For example, if a character was allowed to take Benny N N Y Y N N
the Agent specialism twice, then the second in-
Gangster Y N N Y Y N
stance their Security would be increased by 1,
their Combat Training, Firearms and Investiga- Heister Y N N Y Y N
tion, would be increased by 1, they'd only have Insurgent Y N N Y Y Y
3 skill points to spend between Crime, Espion-
age, Law Enforcement, Martial, Discipline and Mechanic N Y N Y N Y
Unarmed Combat, and only 1 skill point to Medic Y Y Y Y N Y
spend on bonus skills. Mercenary Y N N Y Y Y
Taking Different Specialisms Nano-weaver Y Y N N Y N
If the Games Master allows a new character to Scanner N N N Y N N
take more than one specialism, then the same
Shaman N N N Y N N
reduced skill rating increases can apply to an
additional specialism taken, as those for repeat- Smuggler Y N N Y Y N
ing a specialism. Soldier Y Y N Y Y Y
Alternatively, the GM can allow the same skill
Spacer N Y N Y Y Y
buys as described under Skill Upgrades (p. 29),
for each additional specialism, but this can Street Rat N N N Y Y Y
mean dealing with some highly skilled charac- Suit N Y Y Y N N
ters for a new game.
Techno-Mage Y Y N N Y N
More Focuses Trancer Y Y N N Y N
A GM may wish to allow a focus to be chosen
Vigilante Y N Y Y Y N
for a skill at rating 4 or 5, and a second for a
skill at rating 7.

Max Rating 8 or More

When characters are starting with more than
one specialism, the GM may wish to allow skills
to start with a rating higher than 7. If the cap re-
mains 7, then allowing an additional focus for
each rating point being discarded may be an
option worth considering,


Agent Benny

“If you've got a problem with my boss, “I might be a no-one, but that means I have noth-
you've got a much bigger problem. Me.” ing to lose trying to be someone.”

You are a security and counter-espionage You are one of the masses, just another
specialist, protecting corporate or state as- nobody trying to rise up, to find some pur-
sets, data and personnel from their en- pose or meaning. Maybe some respect and
emies and competitors. recognition as well.

Primary Skill Primary Skill

Security Getting By
Secondary Skills Secondary Skills
Combat Training, Espionage, Firearms, In- Domestics, Streetwise
Tertiary Skills
Tertiary Skills
Gang Culture, General Knowledge, Tech
Crime, Law Enforcement, Martial Discipline, Savvy
Tech Savvy, Unarmed Combat
A small apartment; a P.I.A.I. (Rating 1).
A safe-house with workshop; a cover iden- Three level 2 contacts chosen from the fol-
tity; a Firearms Licence (Grade 3); a re- lowing specialisms: Benny, Cop, Gangster,
gistered employer; Stealth Armour (Rating Insurgent, Street Rat, Trancer.
Support 0 Network 2 Welfare 1
Support 4 Network 3 Welfare 7
Renown 0 Enmity 0 Obligations 3
Renown 0 Enmity 2 Obligations 5


Cop Gangster

“I'll take my boot off your throat when you “I'm no criminal. I'm an outlaw. The real crimin-
stop being a problem, dipshit.” als are the bastards running this shithole.”

You are police. Your duty is to protect the Crime is a way of life, one made all the bet-
innocent, serve the public trust and to up- ter when you're part of a gang, organised
hold the law. These are ideals that you al- and ambitious. There's honour amongst
ways struggle to meet. thieves worth dying for.

Primary Skill Primary Skill

Law Enforcement Gang Culture

Secondary Skills Secondary Skills

Crime, Security Low Profile, Streetwise

Tertiary Skills Tertiary Skills

Firearms, Investigation, Streetwise, Un- Crime, Firearms, Unarmed Combat, Vehicle

armed Combat, Vehicle Operation Operation

Assets Assets

A small apartment; a personal transport; a A safe-house; a personal transport; a 5K

Firearms Licence (Grade 2); a registered budget for personal kit, weapons and ar-
employer. mour.

Support 7 Network 2 Welfare 3 Support 5 Network 3 Welfare 4

Renown 0 Enmity 1 Obligations 5 Renown 1 Enmity 2 Obligations 3


Heister Insurgent

“Patience and planning is what counts. You can't “I'm not sitting on my backside letting
get caught if no-one ever sees you coming.” those fuckers get away with it anymore.”

You are a professional thief, cat burglar and Taking down corrupt governments and cor-
con-artist, able to identify the best scores porations doesn't make you a terrorist. It
and then circumvent the tightest security makes you a revolutionary, a freedom
to acquire the prize. fighter.

Primary Skill Primary Skill

Con Espionage

Secondary Skills Secondary Skills

Crime, Security, Stealth Crime, Stealth

Tertiary Skills Tertiary Skills

Acrobatics, Espionage, Low Profile, Socialising Firearms, Low Profile, Streetwise, Survival

Assets Assets

A luxury apartment; a safe-house with work- A personal transport; a safe-house with

shop; a cover identity (Rating 8); personal garage.
transport; a hidden nest-egg account worth
100K; a 20K budget for specialist gear, personal
kit and gadgets.
Support 4 Network 5 Welfare 1

Support 1 Network 6 Welfare 7 Renown 1 Enmity 2 Obligations 2

Renown 2 Enmity 2 Obligations 3


Mechanic Medic

“Machines are easy. But they break. “The thing about this trans-human technological
So I fix them, because I can. QED innit.” nightmare, is everyone still gets hurt.”

You repair, maintain and modify machines, You dedicate your efforts to caring for and
old and new. You're also a capable designer healing others, because there's always
and engineer, and know how to handle someone who needs it more than you do.
yourself in the driver's seat.
Primary Skill
Primary Skill
Secondary Skills
Secondary Skills
Academia, Science
Tech Savvy, Vehicle Operation
Tertiary Skills
Tertiary Skills
Cybernetics, Investigation, Psychology,
Computers, Electronics, Robotics, Security Tech Savvy

Assets Assets

A small apartment with garage and work- A small apartment with office and clinic; a
shop; a Selfer Licence (Grade 1); a personal Medical Licence (Grade 3); a personal
transport; Mechanic's Tools (Rating 5). transport.

Support 1 Network 3 Welfare 2 Support 4 Network 4 Welfare 2

Renown 2 Enmity 0 Obligations 1 Renown 1 Enmity 0 Obligations 4



“I'm not freelance. What I do isn't free. And what I “I'd like you to meet some very small friends of
do is kill your enemies, without asking why.” mine. They eat metal. And flesh.”

You call yourself a professional soldier. You Nanites are everywhere, just waiting for
also know you are a gun for hire. At what you to take control and give them your
point your ethics become expendable, purpose. The ones you have taught you
you're still figuring that out. how. You belong to them, them to you.

Primary Skill Primary Skill

Athletics Tech Savvy

Secondary Skills Secondary Skills

Combat Training, Firearms, Unarmed Com- Computers, Security

Tertiary Skills
Tertiary Skills
Con, Cybernetics, Electronics, Robotics
Martial Discipline, Melee Weapons, Secur-
ity, Stealth, Survival
A small apartment; a safe-house with work-
shop; a Nanite Infection (Rating 3).
A safe-house with workshop; a 10K budget
for weapons, ammo and armour.
Support 1 Network 6 Welfare 3
Support 4 Network 4 Welfare 6
Renown 1 Enmity 2 Obligations 2
Renown 1 Enmity 3 Obligations 3



“The future is ours. But first we determine “No it's not bullshit. They're real. And one
which of us is strong enough to take it.” of them really doesn't like you.”

You're an underground operative, staying You're a mystic and have developed unusu-
off the radar of authorities, whilst making al rituals allowing you some ability to con-
connections and eliminating threats. tact spirits, divine and heal with touch.
Primary Skill Primary Skill

Low Profile Meditation

Secondary Skills Secondary Skills

Meditation, Stealth, Psychology Performance, Survival

Tertiary Skills Tertiary Skills

Crime, Espionage, Investigation, Science Academia, Con, Investigation, Low Profile,

Two safe-houses, one with Research Laboratory; a
Scanner Underground contact (a level 3 Scanner). A safe-house with Lodge.

Additional Requirements Additional Requirements

To take this specialism you must have at least one To take this specialism you must have the following
of the following psychic powers at rating 3 or more: psychic powers: Healing Hands at rating 1+, Spirit
Ghost Walk, Pyrokinesis, TK Blast, Read Mind, Tele- Channelling at rating 2+, Precognition at rating 1+,
pathic Assault. Psychometry at rating 1+.

Support 2 Network 4 Welfare 2 Support 2 Network 4 Welfare 2

Renown 0 Enmity 2 Obligations 2 Renown 1 Enmity 1 Obligations 2


Smuggler Soldier

“How big is it? Where do I load it? Where do “I'm no hero. I'm well trained, heavily armed
you want it? I'll tell you how much.” and ready for war. No heroics, just my duty.”

You're a careful courier, moving illicit goods You fight in whatever damn conflict you
quickly and quietly across borders. You must, to preserve the rights of civilians and
prefer not to know exactly what it is you're all those incapable or lacking the will to die
carrying. It's your confidence and your reli- for a righteous cause. You save lives, by
ability that your customers count on. combating those that would end them.

Primary Skill Primary Skill

Smuggling Combat Training

Secondary Skills Secondary Skills

Low Profile, Vehicle Operation Athletics, Firearms, Unarmed Combat

Tertiary Skills Tertiary Skills

Crime, Security, Stealth, Tech Savvy Law Enforcement, Martial Discipline, Med-
ical, Vehicle Operation
A commercial light transport; a safe-house
with garage. A safe-house with workshop; a 10K budget
for weapons, ammo and armour.

Support 1 Network 8 Welfare 5 Support 5 Network 3 Welfare 4

Renown 2 Enmity 2 Obligations 3 Renown 1 Enmity 2 Obligations 3


Spacer Street Rat

“It's dangerous sure, but you've no idea what free- “You need the right people for the job. I got the
dom is until you've been out here.” people. And maybe another job.”

You are one of the many doing the hard You are an urban wheeler-dealer and fixer
and dangerous work needed to make a life who'll do anything, or find someone else
for you and your clan-kin off-world. able to do it, for the right price.

Primary Skill Primary Skill

Low-G Activity Streetwise

Secondary Skills Secondary Skills

Mechanics, Vehicle Operation Crime, Gang Culture

Tertiary Skills Tertiary Skills

Acrobatics, Athletics, Science, Survival Con, Firearms, Low Profile, Stealth, Survival,
Unarmed Combat
A small worker-class spacecraft, shared
with a level 2 Spacer and two other level 1 A safe-house with office.
Spacers; a Selfer Licence (Grade 1); a Three level 2 contacts chosen from the fol-
Spacesuit (Rating 3); a Zero-G Multitool lowing specialisms: Agent, Gangster, Insur-
(Rating 3). gent, Mechanic, Mercenary, Spacer, Trancer.

Support 7 Network 5 Welfare 2 Support 3 Network 6 Welfare 1

Renown 1 Enmity 2 Obligations 4 Renown 1 Enmity 3 Obligations 1



“Yeah I am corp. I work hard, look good, live good. “All these unprotected devices they carry,
You ain't gonna tell me there's better than that.” put in themselves. Mine to play with.”

You're a mid-level executive for a corpora- You specialise in 'Quacking' – quick hack-
tion. You run an office, workshop or a lab. ing on the go. No trance-state necessary –
You worked hard and bloody to get where you're wide-awake as you identify devices
you are, and no-one is taking that away. in proximity that have a wireless connec-
tion, and then exploit them with scripts
Primary Skill
and malware.
Primary Skill
Secondary Skills
Tech Savvy
Cybernetics, Law, Science, Robotics, Elec-
Secondary Skills
Computers, Security
Tertiary Skills
Tertiary Skills
Academia, Computers, Psychology, Secur-
ity, Socialising Crime, Cybernetics, Stealth, Streetwise,
Vehicle Operation
A luxury apartment; a personal transport; a
hidden nest-egg account worth 100K; a re- A Neural Interface (rating 2); a Quacker Ter-
gistered employer. minal (Rating 5); a safe-house with work-
Support 4 Network 5 Welfare 5
Renown 1 Enmity 1 Obligations 5 Support 1 Network 7 Welfare 2
Renown 3 Enmity 1 Obligations 1


TRANCER Vigilante

“I'm a digital wizard, a data vampire. The Net “I am justice. I am punishment. You might escape
is my domain and and nothing escapes me there.” the law, but you won't hide from me.”

Your jam is interfacing with computers and Crime and injustice is everywhere, and the
manipulating the Net, data and everything cops always seem to be busy elsewhere. So
connected. Really fast in a trance-state. Le- you will use your resources and talents to
gitimacy of operations varies. deal with those who avoid prosecution.

Primary Skill Primary Skill

Computers Stealth

Secondary Skills Secondary Skills

Crime, Tech Savvy Martial Discipline, Streetwise, Unarmed

Tertiary Skills
Tertiary Skills
Academia, Cybernetics, Espionage, Security
Crime, Espionage, Gang Culture, Investiga-
A Neural Interface (rating 3); a Trancer Ter-
minal (Rating 5); a safe-house with work-
shop. A small apartment; a safe-house with work-
shop; Stealth Armour (Rating 2); a 10K
Support 1 Network 7 Welfare 2 budget for personal kit, weapons and gad-
Renown 3 Enmity 1 Obligations 1

Support 2 Network 5 Welfare 5

Renown 0 Enmity 5 Obligations 1



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