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Bible Study Outlines

By Pst. Pharm. Moses Ogenyi

TOPIC: – Christian
Duties & Responsibilities
Text: Dan 2:20,21, Psalm 24:1-2; Dan.2:48-49; Deut.28:13,14; Judges 5:6,7

Our Heavenly Father is the owner of the Heavens and the earth. He wants us to
occupy for Him till He comes. He promised that we shall be the head and not the tail,
that we shall be above only and not below. God is not a liar. He wants righteousness
to reign over wickedness and Light to rule over darkness in every sphere of society.
LET THEM HAVE DOMINION is still the mandate for every child of God. We must
wake up and not run away from politics and from political influence in the name of
Spirituality. Any attitude of negligence and carelessness will mean that we are handing
over our lives and lands to the wicked and evil children of satan to rule us as they
please to the glory of their master the devil. May God help us to arise and take our
place for God’s glory. AMEN (Isaiah 60:1; Judges 5:6,7)

1. Discuss the following duties and responsibilities expected of us as Christians

a. Prayer – 1 Tim.2:1-4. Are we to pray for good and godly leaders only?

b. Active participation in politics/ giving it all it takes: Luke 2:1-5

This include
i. Obtaining your PVC (permanent voter’s card) and being a
registered and eligible voter
ii. Voting – coming out to cast your vote on the day of election
iii. Waiting to see your votes counted and
iv. Being a responsible part of the electoral process for good
governance (by debunking false rumours, promoting peace and
safeguarding our corporate harmony wherever we find
v. Attending meetings - in our ward, local council, professional or
marketplace etc to lend our voice on matters that affects our
sphere of life. If we fail to actively participate, others will take
over and make decisions that will end up affecting us all

c. Knowing the constitution/ being current on national matters: We

must be current and updated about things happening around us to
ensure we do not end up surprised victims of circumstances around us.
Esther 2:11, 19,21-23.
God has called us to be agents of National transformation (Matt.5:13-16) like
Mordecai, Esther, David, Deborah, Daniel, Joseph, etc
We must ensure we do not disappoint God by being irresponsible and negligent about
matters of politics and governance/ leadership at any level where God has placed us.
Until Deborah arose, slavery and oppression continued. Until Moses arose, bondage
and servitude continued for Israel in Egypt. Will you not arise today to be a voice for
God wherever He plants you? May we rise as Saviours for our dear nation in Jesus
Name. Amen
TOPIC: – Christian
Duties & Responsibilities (Continued)

Text: Dan 2:20,21, Psalm 24:1-2; Dan.2:48-49; Deut.28:13,14; Judges 5:6,7

Our Heavenly Father is the owner of the Heavens and the earth. He wants us to
occupy for Him till He comes. He promised that we shall be the head and not the tail,
that we shall be above only and not below. God is not a liar. He wants righteousness
to reign over wickedness and Light to rule over darkness in every sphere of society.
LET THEM HAVE DOMINION is still the mandate for every child of God. We must
wake up and not run away from politics and from political influence in the name of
Spirituality. Any attitude of negligence and carelessness will mean that we are handing
over our lives and lands to the wicked and evil children of satan to rule us as they
please to the glory of their master the devil. May God help us to arise and take our
place for God’s glory. AMEN (Isaiah 60:1; Judges 5:6,7)

1. As continuation from our last study, discuss the following duties and
responsibilities expected of us as Christians
d. Promoting Peace and Unity (Hebrews 12:14; Matt.5:9)
e. Shunning violence, evil and criminal activities (Rom.12:9;
Psalm199:1-3,1 Thess. 5:22) such as.
i. Vote buying
ii. Giving false information or bearing false witness
iii. Lying about age, impersonation, etc
iv. Stealing of votes, ballot boxes, PVC or other electoral materials
such as laptops, tablets, mobile devices etc
v. Mention other activities we must shun and avoid as followers of
f. Paying of Taxes when due (Value added tax, Income tax, car
licenses renewal, electricity bills, toll gate fees, etc)– Rom 13:1-8
g. Submission to authority/ being law abiding. (Respecting curfews,
public holidays, respecting Government laws on sanitation, etc) Isaiah
God has called us to be agents of National transformation (Matt.5:13-16) like
Mordecai, Esther, David, Deborah, Daniel, Joseph, etc
We must ensure we do not disappoint God by being irresponsible and negligent about
matters of politics and governance/ leadership at any level where God has placed us.
Until Deborah arose, slavery and oppression continued. Until Moses arose, bondage
and servitude continued for Israel in Egypt. Will you not arise today to be a voice for
God wherever He plants you? May we rise as Saviours for our dear nation in Jesus
Name. Amen
TOPIC: – Mistakes
Christians must avoid

Text: Matt 13:24,25; Luke 19:13; Song of Sol.2:15; 2 Cor.5:20; Gen.1:26

The current reign of darkness and evil in the political and leadership space is a clear
indication that godly people allowed the gap that gave access for darkness to creep
in like it happened with the first earthly governors (Adam and Eve) in Eden. In many
spheres today, servants are now riding on horses while princes walk on foot. It is
time to correct the mistakes of generations past as we fight to take back our land and
our nation for Jesus. How did we get here? What mistakes must we avoid going
forward as a Church and as God’s salt and Light to the nation? May God give us
Grace to correct our mistakes and to avoid repeating the same mistakes our fathers
have made in the past. Amen


1. Discuss the following mistakes we make as Christians and how to avoid /

correct them:
a. Not showing interest in the political or leadership affairs of our nation or
land. Matt 13:24,25
b. Not attending meetings in offices, neighbourhood, professional group
etc. (Job 1:6; Job 2:1)
c. Not being a registered voter. Luke 2:1-5; Num 1:2-4
d. Praying without corresponding action. Esther 4:16; Esther 5:1-4;
Neh.1:4, Neh. 2:2-5; Dan.2:17,18,49
e. Praying contrary to Scriptures. James 4:1-4; Dan. 9:2,3

God has called us to be agents of National transformation (Matt.5:13-16). The
Jezebels and Jeroboams are not relenting in enshrining their crooked and devilish
systems everywhere. Corrupt god-fathers are planting, raising and replicating their
kind as tares to choke the wheat (the godly people/ children of God) in various spheres
of our civilization. We need to wake up and think generationally with adequate focus
on mentoring, training and discipleship more than ever before. Our agenda must be
clearly defined with a long-term strategy/ succession plan to ensure we do not lack the
right people at the top for the growth of the Gospel.
Generations have been enslaved by the gaps their fathers created (Judges 2:7-11).
We need Daniels, Davids and Mordecais that will train, disciple and mentor people to
occupy for the Lord in different spheres of society. May we be effective vessels for
supernatural transformation of our dear nation in Jesus Name. Amen
TOPIC: – Mistakes
Christians must avoid (Continued)

Text: Matt 13:24,25; Luke 19:13; Song of Sol.2:15; 2 Cor.5:20; Gen.1:26

The current reign of darkness and evil in the political and leadership space is a clear
indication that godly people allowed the gap that gave access for darkness to creep
in like it happened with the first earthly governors (Adam and Eve) in Eden. In many
spheres today, servants are now riding on horses while princes walk on foot. It is
time to correct the mistakes of generations past as we fight to take back our land and
our nation for Jesus. How did we get here? What mistakes must we avoid going
forward as a Church and as God’s salt and Light to the nation? May God give us
Grace to correct our mistakes and to avoid repeating the same mistakes our fathers
have made in the past. Amen

1. As continuation of our last study, discuss the following mistakes we make as
Christians and how to avoid / correct them:
f. Evil speaking. John 1:46; Eph. 4:31; 1Peter 2:1; Titus 3:2; Jude 1:8-10
g. Allowing, participating in or supporting corruption. 2 Cor. 6:14-18; Titus
2:11,12; Eph. 5:7-12
h. Fear & timidity. 2 Tim. 1:7; Esther 4:16; Matt. 10:26-28
i. Ignorance about the constitution/ electoral process. Acts 7:22; Hosea
j. Not current on national issues. Hosea 4:6; Esther 4:7,8
k. Declining political offer or appointments/ refusing opportunities for
influence – Prov. 29:2; Gen.41:38-40; Dan. 2:48,49; Dan. 3:30;

God has called us to be agents of National transformation (Matt.5:13-16). The
Jezebels and Jeroboams are not relenting in enshrining their crooked and devilish
systems everywhere. Corrupt god-fathers are planting, raising and replicating their
kind as tares to choke the wheat (the godly people/ children of God) in various spheres
of our civilization. We need to wake up and think generationally with adequate focus
on mentoring, training and discipleship more than ever before. Our agenda must be
clearly defined with a long-term strategy/ succession plan to ensure we do not lack the
right people at the top for the growth of the Gospel.
Generations have been enslaved by the gaps their fathers created (Judges 2:7-11).
We need Daniels, Davids and Mordecais that will train, disciple and mentor people to
occupy for the Lord in different spheres of society. May we be effective vessels for
supernatural transformation of our dear nation in Jesus Name. Amen

Updated Nov 18, 2022

by Pst. Pharm. Moses Ogenyi
Copyright © Bethlehem Publishing, Maiduguri, Nigeria

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