Lado, Ernesto Penas - Quo Vadis Common Fisheries Policy - Wiley-Blackwell (2019)

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Quo Vadis Common Fisheries Policy?

Quo Vadis
Fisheries Policy?

Ernesto Penas Lado

Brussels, Belgium
This edition first published 2020
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Preface xiii Norway 31

Acknowledgments xv The case for full exploitation of
Disclaimer xvii fishery resources 32
Preventing overfishing or fully
1 The common fisheries policy: stability exploiting? 32
or change? 1 Is under-exploitation positive? 32
Introduction: fisheries, a conservative Is under-exploitation a realistic
world 1 scenario in the CFP? 33
A distributional policy 1 The example of the US 33
Policy change vs. policy stability 2 Under-exploitation in the EU? 34
Why do policies change? 4 Under-exploitation vs.
Legal change vs. policy change 4 over-exploitation 36
Does the CFP change too much or too The consequences of
little? 6 under-exploitation 37
Policy rigidity vs. policy flexibility: why The effects on other marine areas 37
is the CFP so rigid? 7 The effects on land: is livestock
Policy implementation and policy production better than fishing? 37
change: the challenge of The public debate 38
implementing the 2013 reform 8 Are the fishery objectives of the new
The challenges of implementation 9 CFP too rigid? 39
The CFP’s legendary bad press 9 The lessons from the US system 39
The reformed CFP: success or failure? 10 Socio-economic objectives vs. biological
The notion of “policy success” in delivery: should the policy
fisheries management 10 establish specific socio-economic
Policy results: how good are they? 13 targets? 40
Improving reporting of policy References 41
performance 18
3 Implementing maximum sustainable
If the CFP is not so bad, why
yield 43
advocating policy change? 22
What is maximum sustainable yield? 43
References 23
Defining MSY 43
2 The objectives of the CFP 25 MSY in the reformed CFP 44
Introduction 25 MSY in international law 44
The common fisheries policy in the MSY and the Treaty 45
Treaty 26 Is maximum economic yield a better
Fisheries policy: a multi-objective policy 26 option? 45
The objectives in Article 39 of the Treaty 26 An area around MSY 46
Other legal principles applicable to MSY as biomass or as fishing
the CFP 27 mortality? 47
Policy objectives in other countries 28 Introduction 47
The United States 29 Bmsy as an “aspirational objective” 49
Australia 30 The interpretation by environmental
New Zealand 31 NGOs 50

vi Contents

Single stock objectives in the marine Pretty good yield 76

ecosystems: can all stocks be The Fcube model 77
“above Bmsy ” in mixed fisheries? 50 Multi-stock reference points 78
Bmsy , an elusive parameter 51 Managing stock aggregates? 78
The US system 51 How much can we sacrifice weak
Estimating Fmsy 52 stocks? 79
Single-stock Fmsy vs. ecosystem-based An ecological cap on TACs? 80
Fmsy 52 Trophic models 81
Proxies for data-poor fisheries 52 Multispecies models and trade-offs: is
Alternative approaches: escapement multispecies management
strategies 53 compatible with relative
Fmsy as a target or as a limit? 53 stability? 82
The notion of risk in fishery Is multispecies management compatible
management 54 with the objectives of the CFP? 83
The US case 55 Can associated species in mixed
Fmsy : a point value or a range? 55 fisheries be dissociated? 84
Background 55 The US experience in dissociating
The case for fishing mortality ranges 56 stocks 84
F ranges: handle with care. Are they How to dissociate stocks in mixed
precautionary? 58 fisheries in the EU? 85
The on-going experience: MSY in References 88
multiannual management plans 58 5 Achieving policy objectives in
F ranges and the choke species problem: Mediterranean fisheries 91
the Baltic precedent 58 MSY and Mediterranean fisheries 91
The consolidation of F ranges 59 Time to catch-up 91
The safeguards: biomass thresholds 60 The status of Mediterranean fisheries 92
Should all plans reproduce that Sustainable overfishing? 93
precedent? 60
Economic performance 94
Fmsy for all stocks: what does it mean? 61
The Mediterranean specificity 94
Data-poor and secondary stocks:
Global warming: a game-changer 95
manage them to MSY? 61
Can MSY be achieved by 2020 for all
Introduction 61 stocks in Mediterranean
Which stocks to manage? 62 fisheries? 96
Are the EU-managed stocks the right The point of departure 96
ones? 63 What stocks to manage in the
Problem stocks 66 Mediterranean? 97
References 67 A focus on EU stocks 98
4 The challenge of mixed fisheries 71 Avoiding “cut and paste” approaches 98
Mixed fisheries in the new CFP 71 A fishery approach? 99
Can MSY be achieved for all stocks in Streamlining scientific advice 100
mixed fisheries? 71 The need for a “client” for the scientific
Mixed fisheries and choke species 72 community 100
Choke species: some experience outside Data poor stocks and MSY proxies 101
the EU 72 Revising stock boundaries 102
Choke species under the new CFP 73 The CFP and GFCM 103
Alternative management approaches What instruments to use in
for mixed fisheries 75 Mediterranean fisheries? 103
Multispecies approaches 75 Fishing effort plans 104
What potential for multispecies models? 75 TACs 104
Contents vii

The multispecies approach: a better By-catch avoidance: mitigation 129

alternative for the Controlling the landing obligation 131
Mediterranean? 105 What to do with unwanted fish? 134
Closed areas 105 The need for monitoring 135
Mesh sizes 106 Is the landing obligation economically
The transition: a buy-out scheme for viable? 136
Mediterranean fisheries 107 References 137
References 108 7 Beyond single-stock TACs: the other
6 The landing obligation 111 instruments of the CFP 141
The CFP and the problem of Management by single-stock TACs 141
discarding 111 The advantages of TAC management 141
Discarding in the CFP: how much? The limits of TACs as an instrument 141
Why? 111 Other instruments available in the CFP 142
The 2013 policy on discards 112 Effort management 142
A critique of the landing obligation of Is effort a good management
2013 113 instrument? 143
Discards and direct human The Faroese system as an example 143
consumption 114 The experience of effort management in
What other countries do on discarding 115 the CFP 144
The US case 115 Effort management and technological
Norway 116 creep 147
Iceland 117 The potential for a (different) effort
The effects of a non-discard policy 117 management in the CFP 148
Biological effects 117 Technical conservation measures 149
Economic effects 118 The objectives of TCM 149
Choke species and the “perfect storm” The difficulty in increasing selectivity 150
of 2019 120 Technical measures in the new CFP 151
Relative stability as a contributor to Mesh sizes 152
choke species 120 Closed areas/seasons 152
Quota swaps as a possible solution 121 Minimum conservation reference sizes 155
How efficient is the quota swap system? 121 Technical measures and the landing
Are quota swaps increasing to facilitate obligation 157
the discard ban? 122 References 158
Can quota swaps be enhanced? 123 8 Fisheries and the environment 161
The flexibility mechanisms 124 The CFP and environmental policy 161
The de minimis allowance 124 Introduction 161
The survival exemption 124 Incorporating environmental concerns
The cross-reporting of catches 125 into the CFP 162
Ex-ante and ex-post quota adjustments: Overlapping legislation 163
banking and borrowing 125 The dichotomy between fisheries
Other possible elements of flexibility 126 management and environmental
TAC uplifts 126 protection: the case of sharks 168
Reducing minimum conservation Sharks: protect or manage? 168
reference sizes? 127 Shark finning 169
Working on the fringes of relative Some ideas on management 170
stability? 127 The effects of fishing on the
Other possible mechanisms 128 environment 171
Implementing the landing obligation Fishing: the evil of the seas? 171
in practice 129 Fishing down the food web? 173
viii Contents

Does sustainable fishing increase A note on consensus: is this the best

productivity? 173 method? 200
Preserving marine biodiversity 174 Are the ACs worth the investment? 200
How to measure biodiversity: existing The role of Producer Organizations 201
indicators 174 Environmental NGOs and the CFP 202
Protecting biodiversity on land as a NGOs and legitimacy: funding 203
comparison 175 NGOs and their influence 204
Marine Protected Areas: the ultimate NGOs and Advisory Councils 205
instrument? 177 Is cooperation between industry and
How to evaluate the preservation of NGOs possible? 206
biodiversity: the notion of The role of science 206
ecosystem services 178 The new CFP and fisheries science 206
The ecosystem approach 179 Improving scientific advice 207
The ecosystem approach and the CFP 180 Data and science 208
Ecosystem-based fisheries management 181 Streamlining the evaluation process:
A test case: managing forage fish 182 stock prioritization 209
What future for ecosystem-based Science and the management system 210
management in the CFP? 183 Economic advice 213
A provocative idea: balanced harvest 184 Science in the information age 214
Is selective fishing always a good The role of consumers: certification
idea? 184 systems 215
The notion of “balanced harvest” 185 The case of MSC 215
Is balanced harvest applicable in The dolphin safe certification 216
practice? 186 Other certification systems 216
References 186 Public or private labels? 217
9 Fisheries governance and the CFP 191 What to certify in the future? 218
The evolution of governance under Governance in the reformed CFP: the
the CFP 191 example of multiannual plans 218
Introduction 191 Background 219
The balance between discipline and Multiannual plans and the role of the
flexibility 192 institutions 219
Policy flexibility: the example of the How has co-decision fared for the CFP? 220
United States 193 Addressing variability and uncertainty 222
Can the CFP be more flexible? The Communicating the uncertainty 224
notion of “level playing field” in Spatial dynamics 224
the CFP 193 A governance system that quickly
The new paradigm of the CFP: incorporates variability 225
regionalization 194 How to make the CFP more adaptive to
The example of the US: a regionalized variability and uncertainty? 226
fisheries policy 194 Policy monitoring: from description to
Regionalization of the CFP: the causality 227
experience of discard plans 195 Policy complexity: can the CFP be
The role of stakeholder bodies 196 simplified? 228
The example of the US: what can we Is policy complexity inevitable? 228
learn from the US Regional The complex political/geographical/
Councils? 196 jurisdictional context 229
The EU’s Advisory Councils’ structure The evolution of the decision-making
and composition: are they workflow in the CFP 229
equipped to do their job? 199 The example of the US 230
Contents ix

Can regionalization reduce complexity? 231 What future for the fight against IUU
Can guidelines replace regulations in fishing? 254
the CFP? 231 The improvement of RFMOs 255
Changing the paradigm: from Why RFMOs are so important 255
prescriptive to collaborative The necessary improvements 255
governance 232 NEAFC and the “coastal states
Results-based management 232 arrangement” 259
Does the CFP have the structures for The changes in the traditional status
collaborative management? 232 quo of the oceans 259
Creating trust 233 The increasing privatization of the
References 234 world’s oceans 260
The emergent fishing nations 260
10 The CFP and international fisheries 237
References 261
The external dimension as an
essential part of the CFP 237 11 The missing elements of the 2013 Policy

Introduction 237 reform 265

The EU as the crucial actor in What the 2013 CFP reform missed 265
international fisheries The issues beyond the “big four” 265
governance 238 Rights-based management 265
The external dimension of the CFP and Is rights-based management good or
international governance 239 bad? 266
Marine Protected Areas: the miracle Why did TFCs fail in the 2013 reform? 267
instrument? 240 The experience of third countries 268
MPAs: what objectives? 241 The experience of some EU Member
The Aichi targets 242 States 271
Rights-based management and discards 272
The notion of “ocean grabbing” 243
Is there a market of fishing rights in the
The ultimate MPA: a ban on high seas
EU? 272
fishing? 244
Small-scale fisheries: no specific policy 273
High seas fishing: economic nonsense? 245
Defining small-scale fishing: more
A ban on high seas trawling? 245
difficult than it seems 274
International governance and
What small-scale and large-scale can
developing countries 246
provide 275
International fisheries governance: a
The comparative impacts of small-scale
rich country’s agenda? 246
vs. large-scale fishing 275
Capacity building 247
What can we learn from aboriginal
Fight against poverty 247 fishing rights? 276
Access to fishing rights 248 The fisheries control system 277
Large-scale MPAs and developing The dichotomy between EU policy and
countries 249 national control 277
Global fleet capacity 250 Harmonization of sanctions? 278
A problem of global governance 250 Enhanced powers for EFCA? 279
The Kobe process 250 The control of the landing obligation: a
A key factor: the allocation of fishing test case 279
rights 251 The management system: is
Fisheries enforcement at global level: cost-recovery possible in the
fighting against illegal fishing 252 CFP? 280
Introduction 252 Is self-control an option? 281
The success of the EU IUU policy 253 Fleet policy: does it still have any
A multilateral IUU policy 253 sense today? 282
x Contents

Background 282 How to address the problem: the case of

Fleet policy in the 2013 reform 282 Alaska 309
The US case 283 Marine pollution: the example of
Are capacity ceilings limiting anything? 283 micro-plastics and marine
Is there a case for fleet policy? 284 resources 310
The EMFF: an instrument to Distribution and incorporation to the
accompany the reform? 285 food chain 310
Some positives . . . 285 The effects of micro-plastics on
. . . and some negatives 285 consumers 311
The structural measures of the US as a What to do? 311
point for reflection 286 Fisheries in the information age 312
References 287 The influence of the information society
on policy making 312
12 The global context: emerging
The bad image of industrial fishing 313
challenges 289
References 314
The status of the world’s fishery
resources 289 13 Adapting the CFP to emerging
The Pauly/Hilborn controversy 289 challenges 317
So, who is right and who is wrong? 291 Adapting the CFP beyond reform 317
The case of the EU 293 Emerging challenges and the value of
Does fisheries management work? 294 long-term strategic thinking 317
The “perfect protein”: can the world Adapting the CFP to climate change 318
afford to under-exploit its fishing The evidence of climate change in EU
opportunities? 295 fisheries 318
Hunger and poverty: fish consumption A case study: Atlantic cod 320
and the global demand for fish 295 The consequences of climate change in
Are the land-based alternatives better? the CFP 320
Protein from livestock 295 The US example 321
A question of equity: the notion of A strategic plan to adapt the CFP to
“leakage” 296 climate change 321
Fisheries: a key component of future More food from the sea 323
diets 297 Seafood vs. land-based food 324
Aquaculture: the seafood of the Is the EU producing enough food from
future? 298 the oceans? 324
Aquaculture and capture fisheries: are Some background 324
they compatible? 298 Are there untapped fish resources? 326
Is aquaculture ecologically sustainable? 299 Exploiting the lower trophic levels 327
Fisheries and employment 302 Improving quota consumption 327
Employment at sea 302 Changing the policy paradigm: a policy
The property of the means of based on exploiting the surplus
production: who owns the fishing of the marine ecosystem, not
rights? Does it matter? 304 individual stocks 327
Why the structure of property matters 304 Developing new aquaculture
What possible effects on management? 305 practice 328
Climate change and fisheries The integration of fisheries policy into
management 305 a wider policy context 328
Global warming and the oceans 306 The wider notion of fisheries
Global warming and food production 307 management 328
The effects of climate change on fisheries The relationship between fisheries and
and aquaculture 308 other economic sectors 329
Contents xi

The challenge of science vs. social Evolution through adjustment 347

influence 329 A revamping of relative stability: from
Bridging the chasm: a “new deal” single-stock shares to combined
between the fishing industry and shares 350
environmental NGOs? 330 The Mediterranean: a new
Recreational fisheries in Europe 331 management paradigm 351
The US case 332 Should the CFP manage recreational
References 333 fishing? 351
What future for the fishery structural
14 Some ideas for the next CFP reform 335 funds? 352
A vision of the future CFP 335 An instrument to promote policy
The 2009 vision: is it still valid today? 335 change, not to maintain the
New elements of a vision of the future status quo 353
CFP 335 What structural funds for the future
New policy objectives 336 CFP? 353
An improved governance system 337 Introducing market mechanisms in
A more flexible, adaptive CFP 337 the CFP? 356
A new legislative culture: concentrating An alternative approach: RBM partial
on political objectives, not on and optional 357
micro-management 338 A specific policy for small-scale
A new decision support framework 339 fishing? 357
The future of regionalization 339 A reformulated discard policy 358
The notion of co-creation and the New objectives 358
“irrational” part of Accepting (while discouraging)
decision-making 340 over-quota landings 359
Creating breathing space for the ACs 340 Do we need to change the basic
A new structure for an enhanced role regulation? 359
for the Advisory Councils 341 Policy changes not requiring legislative
Relative stability: why it should change 359
evolve 342 Policy changes requiring clarification or
Why question the CFP’s cornerstone? 342 interpretation 360
Are individual annual quotas under Policy changes requiring legislative
relative stability biologically and change 360
economically rational? 343 References 360
An enhanced market of fishing rights Glossary 363
among Member States 344
Abbreviations 365
A European market of fishing rights?
The case of milk quotas 345 Index 367

The Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) established contribution to the CFP, after close to 30 years
in 1983, is one of the most integrated policies of of work in different parts of its engine room.
the European Union (EU), and its core purpose, At the time these pages are being written, the
the management of the biological fish stocks, is negotiation for the withdrawal of the United
part of the five exclusive competences of the Kingdom from the EU has barely started on the
Union, according to Article 3 of the Treaty of fishery side, and it is obvious that the outcome
Lisbon. In an earlier book (Penas Lado 2016) I of such negotiation cannot be anticipated.
explained the importance of this fact over and Given the central position of the UK and the
beyond the relatively minor weight of the fish- waters under its jurisdiction in the CFP, it seems
ing sector in the overall economy of the EU. safe to assume that such withdrawal, whatever
The policy has been reformed roughly every the conditions agreed, will have significant
10 years. The last reform in 2013 represented consequences for the CFP. The book does not
the most substantial policy change in the his- address these questions, but the ideas presented
tory of the CFP, notably due to the introduction can be of relevance for the future of the CFP
of three new important policy elements: the whatever the terms and conditions finally
regionalization of the policy, the introduction agreed on the departure of the United Kingdom
of a ban on discards, and the establishment of a from the EU.
clear-cut objective for the management of fish The evolution of policy making, in the EU
stocks: fishing at maximum sustainable yield and elsewhere, is characterized by an increasing
(MSY) levels by 2020. flood of information and the growing influence
Now the policy is at a crossroads: the cumu- of social media, which tend to result in quick,
lative effects of the implementation of the immediate snapshots of superficial informa-
reformed CFP, with its very ambitious policy tion, to the detriment of calm, in-depth analysis
objectives together with policy strands that are of objective data. The modest aspiration of
difficult to conciliate, the new challenges in this book is to provide some elements for
world fisheries (including for example climate an in-depth discussion of many of the main
change) and the effects of the withdrawal of challenges of the policy. Of course, without
the United Kingdom from the European Union, any pretension of being objective: the book
all together result in a huge challenge for the expresses my subjective views, and I can only
policy that calls into question old certainties invite those who will disagree to write about it
and will require a considerable re-thinking of and counter my arguments.
many old practices. The challenges of the CFP are mainly of
The purpose of this work is to complete my two sorts: one is the implementation of the
own account of the historical development of 2013 reform which will combine certain new
the CFP with an analysis of how the policy elements (landing obligation) without chang-
can meet the challenges of the future, using ing existing ones (individual catch limitations
examples of other comparable fisheries policies under relative stability) and is likely to produce
and taking a step forward to envision further a quagmire when all the new rules become fully
developments for the CFP of the future. On a applicable in the coming years. The other chal-
personal basis, and upon retirement from the lenge is the adaptation of the CFP to the new
European Commission, this could be my last challenges of the management of fish stocks

xiv Preface

around the world, and to do so in a way that will The book does not necessarily advocate rad-
not aggravate the complexity and unwieldiness ical change in the policy. Popular wisdom tells
for which the policy has long been known. us: “if it is not broken, don’t fix it.” But the
A substantial element of this analysis is based problem is that perhaps certain things in the
on my experience in the United States, where CFP may be broken or about to break, and
the implementation of the fisheries policy we don’t even want to know about it because
under the Magnuson-Stevens Act provided we don’t want to “open Pandora’s box.” More-
a privileged opportunity to compare policies, over, things that are not clearly broken today
and this comparison allowed me to look into may start breaking in the future, and good
the CFP under a different light. The US policy policies are those that try to anticipate change,
has been considered in a recent comparison as rather than respond to crisis. This book raises
“decidedly more successful at meeting its con- questions that must be discussed. If, at the end,
servation goals than has fisheries management the policy does not change, at least it should be
in the EU, as governed by the CFP” (Battista because the current policy is really better than
et al. 2019). The debates about the CFP have the possible alternatives, and not just because
always tended to be too Eurocentric and, given of policy inertia and intellectual laziness.
the very particular nature of this policy (a Finally, some may criticize my bid for the
unique mixture between national and inter- introduction of elements of flexibility in estab-
national policy) the experience from abroad is lishing objectives and evaluating results. This
often dismissed as “not applicable to the EU.” may be seen as an attempt to “water down” the
However, although “cut and paste” approaches policy. But that would miss the point: the ongo-
are obviously out of question, the experience of ing evidence shows that a policy with over-
the US in particular sheds extremely interesting ambitious or overly rigid objectives can only
light into the way the CFP is trying to achieve provide the perfect alibi for poor implementa-
its goals. This vision of the CFP from outside tion and enforcement. I believe that it would
by a CFP insider is unprecedented, and this is be in the policy’s best interest to have more
probably the most interesting part of this book. flexible and realistic goals and then concentrate
This book contains a number of critical views on achieving them effectively.
about the CFP as it stands today, and suggests
some ideas that many readers may probably Ernesto Penas Lado
consider unrealistic, premature, unacceptable Brussels, December 2018
or even outrageous. This only shows that
“thinking outside the box” is not necessarily an
exercise reserved for the young and inexperi-
enced. In any case, the critical views are written
from an unashamedly pro-European stance. Battista, E.W., Kelly, R.P., Erickson, A., and Fujita, R.
I bring a critical view of the CFP because I care (2019). Fisheries governance affecting conservation
about it and want it to be the policy the Euro- outcomes in the United States and the European
pean project deserves. The criticism is therefore Union. Coastal Management
my personal view on the areas where the CFP 08920753.2018.1498711.
Penas Lado, E. (2016). The Common Fisheries Policy. The
needs improvement, and the ideas proposed are
Quest for Sustainability, 392. Wiley-Blackwell.
intended to be food for thought for those who
will implement the policy in the years to come.

This work has largely been prepared during my Dave Fluharty informed me about US fish-
stay at the University of Washington, in Seattle, eries management in his excellent dedicated
USA, my alma mater for nine months under a course and in numerous exchanges. In this
European Commission fellowship. The Univer- course, the contribution from Penny Dalton on
sity of Washington’s academic excellence, open the implementation of the Magnuson-Stevens
mindedness and sense of intellectual freedom Act, Andre Punt on the stock management
provided me with the ideal conditions to learn, parameters, or Anne Hollowed on the US pro-
teach, read, discuss and write about fisheries gram to address climate change, among others,
management. In that context, the comparison were of particular value. His comments on the
between the CFP and the US fishery manage- final manuscript were extremely valuable.
ment system under the Magnuson-Stevens Very special thanks to Bill Karp, who con-
Act was particularly illustrative. Although that tributed very substantially to this work by
system cannot necessarily be applied in the EU providing me with his experience and insight
in many respects, the comparison between the into the US management system through var-
two management regimes allowed an analysis ious presentations and exchanges. He also
of the CFP, with its strengths and weaknesses, provided extremely useful comments both on
under a new light. substance and style to an earlier version and to
In particular, I am indebted to a number of key chapters of the final draft.
people who contributed to prepare these pages, Andrea Brocato and Tess Ames organized my
or to inspire them. fellowship at the University of Washington and
Ray Hilborn was a fundamental source of facilitated all the contacts and activities. Nadine
help, information and inspiration. His generous Marcos contributed in finding documents and
support to the organization of a course-seminar references on EU fisheries policy, in particular
on mixed fisheries in the University of Washing- during my stay in Seattle.
ton, and my participation in his various activi- Many colleagues provided me with their help
ties was extremely enriching. In that course, the and collaboration during my long years as an
lectures by Clara Ulrich, Bill Karp, Kevin Stokes, official in the European Commission. I learned
Dan Holland, Bruce Turris and Jim Armstrong so much from many of them that they also must
were of the highest interest. He also made very be considered as contributors to this book, much
useful comments on key sections of the book. more than they can probably imagine.


The opinions expressed in this book are those of the author and not those of the European


The common fisheries policy: stability or


Introduction: fisheries, a in 2009, where the European Commission

conservative world made an unprecedented self-criticism of the
policy (EU 2009a): a number of voices, notably
In Europe, as elsewhere in the world, fisheries from the industry itself, considered that the
are a traditional activity with a tendency to con- Commission presented a too negative view of
servatism, and this is reflected in the Common the policy which, in their view, was not justified.
Fisheries Policy (CFP). Traditionally, fisheries This example illustrates the weight of tradi-
communities tend to be rather resistant to tion in the evolution of the policy. In fisheries
change of policy. While much of this industry management in general, and in the CFP in
is quick to adapt to better technologies that particular, it is impossible to consider policy
would improve their performance, they tend improvements by starting with a blank page.
to be rather reticent to introduce changes in Any discussion on policy reform must always
management. This in turn implies that many take account of the complex maze of vested
traditional fisheries administrations, with a interests to keep the status quo or part thereof,
deeply-rooted tradition of paternalism, become and the limited capacity of the system (the
equally resistant to change. Yet, the fishing industry as well as administrations) to change
activity is subject to an increasing number of course. Any policy change should always be
challenges that call for policy change, or at least partial and gradual, or it will simply not take
policy adaptation. place. And, in most cases, change is not nec-
An observer from outside would probably essarily self-induced, but the result of driving
think that the strong and frequent criticism of forces from outside the industry/administration
the policy by its own stakeholders would imply complex.
a strong appetite for change. Yet, for many
years the criticism in the EU has not necessarily A distributional policy
resulted in a strong drive for policy change. This A fundamental part of the difficulty to reform
author has named this apparent contradiction the CFP is its distributive nature. A number
the “don’t like it but don’t change it” syndrome, of authors have alluded to the origins of the
whereby those who criticize the policy every policy that were dominated by considerations
day hesitate to change it or even consider it of national interest by the Council of Ministers
exaggerated when the criticism comes from when allocating fishing rights, rather than by
others (Penas Lado 2016). The best proof is the the search for a rational system to manage
reaction of much of the European fishing indus- fisheries (Schweiger 2010). Symes and Crean
try to the Green Paper on CFP reform published (1995) underlined the fact that when the

Quo Vadis Common Fisheries Policy?, First Edition. Ernesto Penas Lado.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

2 Chapter 1

CFP was established, ministers were simply In addition, it has been demonstrated in a
expected to defend national interest in obtain- number of cases that the agreement on allo-
ing a share of the resources, regardless of the cation of a fish stock is a pre-condition for the
consequences for the common good. This cre- adoption of management measures at EU level.
ated a deeply-rooted tradition of looking into This has two consequences: that the distribu-
maximizing the biggest possible piece of the pie tional aspects of the policy are a barrier against
in the short term, and that culture has largely policy change, but also that effective policy
survived to this day. Such culture, in addition, change can only take place if the distributional
has for a long time prevented management question is addressed. The latter is probably
from “growing the size of the pie.” the biggest challenge to any attempt at future
This tradition is also related to the paternal- policy change in the CFP.
ism that has prevailed in fisheries management Policy change vs. policy stability
in most Member State administrations. This led The CFP, since its inception in 1983, has been
part of the most competitive industry in 1983 subject to a process of reform three times,
to consider that the prevalence of the national roughly every 10 years. Reforms have been
interest was not related with free markets, but adopted in 1992, 2002, and 2013 (Penas Lado
rather with social welfare (cited in Schweiger, 2016). The traditional wisdom associated to
2010). In other words, national interests were these reforms has been that there needs to be
often defined in social welfare terms as opposed a balance between (a) the necessary adapta-
to free markets and sustainable harvests. tion of the policy as new evidence appears or
Although considerable progress has been new challenges are to be faced, and (b) the
made to redress these issues since 1983, the necessary time of stability to concentrate on
difficulty to re-consider the distributional part implementation.
of the policy still constitutes a major factor During the inter-reform periods, however,
opposing policy change and adaptation. Any a number of policy changes can still be intro-
change that could be construed as a question- duced, but these generally do not require a
ing of the initial distribution of fishing rights change of the legal basis of the policy, and cor-
(relative stability) finds automatic opposition respond to practical implementation of new or
by a still large majority of Member States and different approaches that are already foreseen
significant parts of the industry. in that legal basis.
It has been underlined that over time the The tradition of reform every 10 years contin-
distributional part of the policy, the allocation ues, and the current basic regulation 1380/2013
among Member States of single stocks through foresees in its Article 49 the presentation of a
relative stability, has been inevitably distorted report by the Commission to the European
because species have tended to decline or Council and to the Parliament on the function-
recover at different rates responding to variable ing of the CFP by 31 December 2022. Although
changes in stock abundance (Symes 1997). this clause does not imply necessarily another
However, this fact has never led Member States major reform as of 2023, it would seem reason-
to question the status quo, in a demonstration of able to think that the evolution of the policy
the extreme conservatism derived from the ini- is such that is difficult to see how it would
tial distribution: it is better not to touch it even just stay unchanged for another 10 years for
if in some cases it may be working against the the first time ever, in particular taking account
interest of a Member State. This state of mind is of the influence of important factors such as
also largely shared in the European institutions, Brexit or climate change. In the meantime,
where allegations that something may question the next years to come will be fundamentally
relative stability immediately translate into implementation time.
stopping the discussion: suggesting that idea is Indeed, some of the most substantial changes
simply a self-explanatory non-starter. of the policy have been introduced during this
The common fisheries policy: stability or change? 3

inter-reform period and without changing the event of a new reform of the CFP. He replied
previous legal basis. For example, the idea of loud and clear: “give us a break” in reference to
considering the maximum sustainable yield the need to have stability and not question the
(MSY) as the long-term objective of the man- policy so often.
agement of fish stocks (before being enshrined
in the 2013 reform) was gradually introduced Policy stability vs. policy inertia: are they
after the 2002 reform through a Commission one and the same?
Communication (EU 2006a) and gradually While it is very understandable to ask for “pol-
applied de facto in some long-term plans long icy stability” both by administrations and the
before the idea was consolidated in legislation industry, the problem of this notion is that
in 2013. it often translates into something else: policy
This fact is extremely important, because it inertia. While the first is desirable, in that
shows that policy change should not be seen just stability is necessary to ensure good implemen-
as a legislative change every 10 years, but rather tation, and to provide the industry with a clear
as an open-ended process where adaptation can framework where they can operate and plan
take place through practice when and where it future investments, the second is a problem in
is relevant and necessary, even without a fun- that it tends to dismiss necessary change and
damental legislative change in the policy’s legal improvement.
basis. There is, however, a very strong current Policy stability and policy inertia are def-
against policy change notably from two actors: initely not the same. The problem is that
fisheries administrations and major segments of distinguishing between the two is not nec-
the fishing industry. essarily straightforward and, for sure, is seen
In the case of fisheries administrations, there by different players from very different stand-
is a deeply-rooted reticence to policy change. points. I would argue, however, that certain
This is understandable: managing a fisheries cases are clear in distinguishing the two notions:
policy is complex; it requires a lot of work to
get familiar with the policy and to set up the • The regime applicable to the 12 miles is prob-
administrative and other instruments to run it ably a good example of good, positive policy
smoothly. The idea that once they have suc- stability: it is not questioned by anyone, it has
ceeded to do that the policy will be immediately never been identified as a problem and it pro-
questioned makes them extremely nervous. As vides security to fishermen and administra-
an example, the in-depth consultation by the tions alike.
Commission on the possible changes to intro- • The continuity of certain structural measures
duce in the control regulation of 2009 after the like the funding of temporary laying-ups
2013 CFP reform showed all administrations outside cases of force majeure, after decades of
asking for limited technical challenges: “evolu- application without any positive evaluation,
tion, not revolution” was the position held by is a clear case of policy inertia with more
practically all national administrations. than questionable effects.
The fishing industry is a more complex case. In policy terms, it is generally expected that
Always critical with the policy, they often try policy changes introduced in a reform will
to shy away from change when necessary: the enjoy the standard 10-year period for imple-
“don’t like it but don’t change it” referred to mentation. This is more than sufficient time to
above that much of the European industry ensure the economic stability of the activity, the
has practiced for so long. As an example, in need for changes in the management system by
a recent debate on the matter a distinguished national administrations and so on. But when
representative of the European fishing industry, certain policy features remain unquestioned
after expressing strong criticism to the policy, after one or even several inter-reform periods,
was asked what would be his top priority in the despite evidence for the need for change, this
4 Chapter 1

is not stability, it is policy inertia, which only have been facilitated by the political leader-
means the inability of the policy to face its ship in the European Commission, who have
challenges. Making a clear distinction between been increasingly open to the new advocacy
the two things can be a very enlightening coalitions, albeit in a very variable manner: the
exercise for future discussions on the need and 2002 CFP reform was influenced by a Fisheries
opportunity for policy reform. Commissioner who was sensitive for the first
time to views outside the mainstream epis-
Why do policies change? temic community. Still, some of the highlights
The balance between policy stability and policy of that reform (the introduction of Regional
change has been described as a function of the Advisory Councils) was clearly a demand of
interplay between epistemic communities that the fishing industry itself, while other reforms
traditionally dominate the policy debates which (the suppression of aid to new construction
tend to lean toward stability, so that policy of vessels) was clearly not, except for a few
change takes place when new advocacy coali- cases. This tendency was exacerbated in the
tions can bring a new policy image and impose 2013 reform, where two of the three main new
it, taking advantage of shifts in political lead- elements (the landing obligation and the MSY
ership (Meijerink 2005). On their side, Dudley objective by 2020) were adopted contrary to
and Richardson (1996) consider that although the industry’s will, and the third one (regional-
one of the adversarial communities may hold ization) was supported only by a fraction of the
an advantage over the other at a particular industry.
time, the scope for action in a number of dif- Another important reason for policy change
ferent policy-making arenas makes it unlikely is the tendency toward clarification of policy
that it will retain supremacy over time. Radical objectives and enlargement of policy scope.
change is most likely to be brought about by The tendency over the years clearly goes in the
factors exogenous to policy communities. direction of adding more and more layers to the
How does this relate to CFP reform? Indeed, policy, as shown in Figure 1.1. This is explained
the CFP has long been dominated by the fishing in particular by the need to enlarge the scope,
industry as the clear epistemic community. to include new policy objectives and principles,
One can wonder whether this role actually as well as the need to further clarify questions
corresponded to the scientific fisheries commu- that the previous policy basis left undefined.
nity, but if we follow the above definition, the And this trend is clearly additive: it adds new
scientific community has long been the only policy layers but rarely removes the previous
source of “objective” basis for the policy, but ones, resulting in a policy that accumulates
the tradition of largely ignoring its advice by new provisions over time.
decision-makers clearly points to the fishing This tendency has positive aspects, for
industry, and the national administrations that example that it includes new provisions that are
largely reflected its views as the real epistemic necessary for the policy to address new chal-
communities that have dominated roughly the lenges, but it also has downsides: in particular
first two decades of the policy. it adds complexity and increases the likelihood
In the same context, the main “advocacy of the different policy layers being conflicting.
coalition” has been that of a public opinion
influenced by environmental NGOs, which Legal change vs. policy change
have been the main drivers of policy change, The tradition of a legislative reform every
using to their advantage certain changes in 10 years together with implementation changes
political leadership. during the inter-reform periods has tradition-
These changes in leadership have indeed con- ally implied a philosophy that all the important
tributed to policy change quite substantially. changes in the policy must follow a new
The two last policy reforms (2002 and 2013) legislative basis.
The common fisheries policy: stability or change? 5

Number of words in basic regulation






0 Figure 1.1 Number of words in the basic

1983 1992 2002 2013 regulation of the CFP over the years.

However, it is important to underline that of that provision requires inter alia a system of
the different legal basis of the policy, starting real-time transmission of information by a reli-
with the two basic regulations of the policy able source; something that was never put into
(EU 1970a,b) actually had certain elements place. In fact, the only experience of this kind
that could have been developed into policy, but was applied by the Scottish fleet alone.1
never were, or in a very limited way. Among The elements for policy change can be varied
many possible examples, the possibility of using but always go far beyond the existence of a legal
fishing effort as an instrument was part of the basis:
initial palette of management instruments in • Sometimes, policy change is brought about
the CFP, but it was not until the first recov- simply by applying the policy’s own rules
ery plans for depleted stocks in 2004 that the with determination and conviction, in cases
instrument was incorporated as an additional where the rules had been ignored without
instrument to the total allowable catches (TACs) consequence.
and quotas. • In certain cases, the legal principle exists,
This reveals another tradition of the CFP: but the mechanisms to make it really appli-
while it is clear that new management cable in practice are not implemented.
approaches do necessitate a legal basis, very The above-mentioned case of the real-time
often this legal basis has been there for a long closures is a good example.
time, but has not been used because the policy • In other cases, the change takes place in cer-
never put into place the elements needed to tain areas and/or fisheries, where Member
make it happen. In other words: having a legal States and the industry concerned take such
basis is a necessary, but not sufficient condition changes more seriously, while in other areas
for policy change. this is not the case.
There are many examples of this dichotomy Overall, the CFP has always had a very wide
between the legal basis and the implementation range of possibilities in its basic legal texts,
in practice. A case in hand is that of the “real but these possibilities have not always been
time closures,” a type of measure to adapt fish- implemented in practice, either because the
ing practice quickly once there is evidence, for policy preferred other options, or else because
example, that a certain area is full of juvenile the non-legislative conditions necessary for
fish and should be avoided. Traditionally recom- their implementation simply were not there.
mended by many fishermen’s associations and This, in turn, means that before thinking about
a number of national administrations, a legal introducing changes on a legal basis, it is
basis for its application was indeed included in important to try to exploit all the possibilities
the new control regulation of 2009 (EU 2009b).
However, it was never applied in practice. The 1

reason is simple: the practical implementation conservation-credits/

6 Chapter 1

offered by the existing legal framework, and That is of course the situation where countries
this represents a certain change of “culture” in can afford to fail in their fisheries management,
the policy. and then compensate this failure with a certain
level of public funding. On the contrary, coun-
tries such as Iceland where the fishing indus-
Does the CFP change too much or too try is the country’s bread and butter (at least
until the touristic boom in recent years), simply
The CFP has evolved through the three reforms
cannot afford to fail in their fisheries manage-
and through the gradual evolution within the
ment, and that implies a much greater open-
successive frameworks. Whether the changes
ness to keep the policy under constant scrutiny
introduced in the policy are too slow and
and permanent adjustment and improvement.
limited, or too quick and substantial, that is Within the EU, this is also reflected by the posi-
of course a matter of different opinions. This tion of the regions where fisheries represent a
author will contend that fisheries policy in high percentage of income, that are traditionally
general, and the CFP in particular have been much more open to policy change.
very slow to change. Because of these elements, what is a slow
There can be a number of reasons for this: pace of change for some can actually look like
• The high level of uncertainty associated to the a very speedy and confusing policy evolution
activity, which creates a culture very unfa- to others. The speed of change depends on
vorable to innovations whose consequences subjective perceptions, and it is not possible to
are unclear. assess such speed in pure objective terms. The
• The relatively slow pace of technical inno- question, however, can be approached from
vation, which makes regulatory change less the point of view of the degree of adaptation of
necessary to accommodate such innovation the policy to certain challenges or to traditional
as compared to other economic sectors. shortcomings. There, a certain number of expe-
• The image of fisheries as a highly conflict- riences can shed some light in that discussion:
ual sector, where the difficulties associated in a number of substantial issues of the CFP,
to policy change offset the benefits of the progress has been extremely slow, or inexistent,
change itself, at least from the viewpoint of for example:
many politicians and managers. This often • The management areas for the establishment
makes the interest to keep social peace a of TACs have been basically unchanged for
higher priority than adopting necessary (but more than 30 years, despite clear evidence of
conflicting) changes in the policy. changes in the areas of distribution of a num-
• The relatively small size of the fishing indus- ber of stocks.
try when compared with other economic • The change from the downward trend to the
sectors in the EU, which generally puts upward trend in stock abundance took more
fisheries under the radar of other important than 20 years (from 1983 to roughly 2000)
policy changes affecting larger economic after the birth of the conservation policy.
sectors. • In certain areas, such as the Mediterranean
Ultimately, the political drive for reform of Sea, the conservation pillar of the policy is
the CFP is a result of the imbalance between still in its infancy, after the first attempts in
the low overall economic weight of the fishing 1994 (see Chapter 5).
activity in the EU as a whole and the (real or • Some ideas (the reduction in discarding)
perceived) unrest of the sector, that often dis- mentioned already in 1992 were only intro-
courages managers from undertaking difficult duced in the policy in 2013, that is, 21 years
and contentious change, because the political later!
price to pay is comparatively high and the • Similarly, the establishment of MSY as a pol-
rewards low. icy objective, established by international law
The common fisheries policy: stability or change? 7

(The United Nations Convention on the Law a Communication (EU 2006a) followed by
of the Sea; UNCLOS) as a binding objective in specific MSY objectives in certain long-term
1994, was only enshrined in the legal basis of recovery plans.
the CFP in 2013, 19 years later. • The experience of the use of effort man-
These few examples illustrate that, at least agement as a duplicate instrument to catch
in a number of important policy areas, policy limitations, established by the 2002 reform,
progress in the CFP has been extremely slow. In was considered a negative one and gradually
any case, perceptions about the pace of change eliminated from subsequent proposals. In
in the CFP are naturally variable. Some Mem- some cases, provisions on effort manage-
ber States, with dynamic, industrial fishery ment were simply ignored by Council in
sectors want a quicker pace of policy change practice, despite the requirements of the
and innovation. Others, with more traditional 2002 legal basis.
sectors prioritize the preservation of the status The above experience shows that in the
quo by all possible means. For the latter, any period within two reforms there may be very
change tends to be too much. substantial changes to the policy in practice,
Ultimately, this division also reflects ideolog- without necessarily requiring any change in
ical divisions about the way to handle fisheries: the legal basis. This is very positive, because it
while those favoring an economically-liberal shows that the policy needs, and can in practice,
approach tend to favor policy change, those be adapted through learning from experience
favoring a more paternalistic, State-driven eco- outside the reform periods.
nomic sector tend to be more adverse to policy
change. Interestingly, this division does not Policy rigidity vs. policy flexibility:
depend so much on the color of the govern- why is the CFP so rigid?
ment in each Member State: these ideological This is another fundamental question when it
divisions are remarkably stable within every comes to policy change: if the policy is flexi-
Member State despite changes of government, ble enough, it does not need to be modified so
and tend to reflect deeply-rooted and politically often. If it is rigid, then it needs to be adjusted
transversal traditions of liberal vs. paternalistic every time there is an unforeseen circumstance.
management models of their fishing industry. In this particular case, it seems clear that the CFP
is characterized by a high level of rigidity. Some
Changes in policy reform or in inter-reform examples cited by Penas Lado (2016) illustrate
periods this point, such as the case of the Baltic ice cover
It would be simplistic to think that the most and the cod summer ban, or that of the adapta-
substantial changes are necessarily those of tion of the European Fisheries Fund to address
the 10-year policy revisions. Sometimes, the the effects of the 2008 oil crisis.
most substantial changes have been introduced There is little doubt that the CFP is a very rigid
in the inter-reform periods. This is illustrated policy: all the rules, up to a remarkably tech-
by the experience of implementing the 2002 nical and detailed level, are laid down as legis-
reform (EU 2002): lation that is neither easy nor quick to modify.
• This reform failed to incorporate MSY as In addition, the room for maneuver to “inter-
the objective of the management of stocks, pret” the legislation is limited by the fact that
since the political drive from the World this is a role that corresponds exclusively to the
Summit on Sustainable Development took European Court of Justice, which implies that
place the same year, thus with little time the policy is “interpreted” only when the Court
to incorporate that political objective into establishes case law through its rulings.
EU law. However, this did not prevent the Is this rigidity inevitable or a conscious polit-
Commission promoting this objective years ical choice? This author will contend that this
before the following reform, notably through policy rigidity is mainly a tradition established at
8 Chapter 1

its inception and subsequently consolidated and this mistrust is regulations that establish too
even reinforced ever since. There is a good his- many details through co-decision.
torical reason for this: the difficulty of the long In fact, co-decision is an ideal procedure for a
period (1977–1983) of gestation of the policy policy where the legislative production is scarce
made it necessary to agree on all details to over- and is made up of a few legal acts, such as direc-
come the lack of trust among the players con- tives, that are adopted every so often. But the
cerned. This lack of trust has continued or even procedure is ill-adapted to a policy with a tradi-
been exacerbated in successive enlargements of tion of abundant and detailed legislation. In this
the Union, and thus the need to fix all the details case, co-decision can barely cope with the speed
has continued. at which the legislation needs to be produced
This has resulted in a policy that is not only and adopted.
rigid, but also complex, since most if not all the Obviously, any discussion on the future CFP
actors have traditionally put emphasis on secur- is not going to change the Treaty. But, as we
ing their vested interests and actually prefer a will see in Chapter 14, there is a way out: using
bespoke policy, no matter how complex, to a co-decision to adopt much less detailed and pre-
simple one that could be open to flexible inter- scriptive legislation, and re-centering the work
pretation by different players. of co-legislators on fewer but politically impor-
tant questions.
Co-decision and policy rigidity This requires a reflection on the role of
Since 2010 co-decision between the Council Parliament in the CFP: while Council is used
and Ministers and the European Parliament to decide on all matters pertaining to the CFP,
is the ordinary legislative procedure for the the role of Parliament as a co-legislator is
CFP. In this context, it is opportune to ask still relatively recent (2010) and still needs
if it has contributed to make the CFP more some adjustment, particularly in the way of
flexible or more rigid. The answer is not always concentrating its activity on the important
straightforward, but I will contend that, overall, political points, not so much on the technical
co-decision has rendered the CFP even more detail. In every political system, Parliaments
rigid than before. The reasons are varied: adopt laws, not regulations. Yet, in the current
• The process of decision-making has become co-decision process of the CFP the European
so complicated that once a decision is taken Parliament (and the Council) still have the
the system has little capacity or willingness to tendency to adopt too many technical details.
introduce amendments to cater for new cir- This requires a fundamental cultural change.
cumstances. We will refer to this in Chapters 9 and 14 in
• The sheer amount of regulations of the CFP is particular.
difficult to handle by a system with a limited
capacity to look at too many projects at the
same time; this considerably limits the oppor- Policy implementation
tunity for the Commission to make too many and policy change: the challenge
proposals in parallel, let alone modify those of implementing the 2013
adopted after very long and complex negoti- reform
• The balance of power between the two As these pages are being written, the CFP is in
co-legislators often results in regulations the middle of the inter-reform period. If we fol-
becoming too detailed and rigid, as a low the scheme described under “Legal change
result of institutional mistrust: Council and vs. policy change” above, this is not the time for
Parliament mistrust each other and often also policy reform, but just for implementation. It is
mistrust the Commission having too much true that any indication, at this juncture, that
room for maneuver to decide. The result of policy change may be necessary could seriously
The common fisheries policy: stability or change? 9

undermine the efforts to implement the 2013 • The effects of the growing influence of public
objectives effectively. The difficulties around opinion (largely through social networks) on
the full implementation of the landing obliga- policy decisions, the coming into play of new
tion are the best example: if a policy change economic players in the maritime space, and
was considered, it would probably follow that thus the challenge to handle an increasingly
all the actors concerned would concentrate complex policy context (see Chapter 12).
on what changes to introduce, not on how to • Last but certainly not least, the effects of the
implement the policy adopted already. withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the
EU, whatever the specific conditions agreed,
The challenges of implementation will fundamentally change the CFP. These
However, a number of reasons clearly indi- changes will require new policy decisions
cate that the policy implementation cannot and approaches that may wait until the next
necessarily be business as usual until the policy reform after 2022.
above-referred report of 2022. These reasons All the above points will make it necessary to
are the following: adapt the policy sooner rather than later, so the
• The implementation of the two new CFP idea that the current inter-reform period should
objectives: the MSY by 2020 for all stocks, be business as usual is not granted.
combined with the full implementation
of the landing obligation by 2019, and all The CFP’s legendary bad press
under the rigid, unchanged quota allocation That the CFP has always had a bad press is
keys under relative stability will produce beyond any doubt. The causes are mixed, but
an important choke species effect in many perhaps the very nature of fisheries man-
fisheries in EU waters, thus affecting the agement (imposing restrictions to preserve
ability of the fishery to deliver the objectives tomorrow’s fishing is not necessarily popular)
of the policy as according to Article 39, Treaty and the character of the policy as one of the few
on the Functioning of the European Union exclusive competence policies of the EU makes
(TFEU) (see Chapter 6). the CFP or “Brussels” an easy scapegoat. This
• The growing evidence of climate change bad press is particularly acute in the case of the
and its expected effects on fish stocks will UK, to the point that in the Brexit referendum
change the status quo of the policy, notably (see below) the British fishing communities
as a result of the displacement of the area voted massively for Brexit, despite the recent
of distribution of a number of key species in reform (2013) that was very well-received by
European waters. These changes will inter the British government of the time.
alia make current management areas obso- In addition to the policy’s own failings, that
lete and will aggravate the problem of choke are not in short supply, the CFP is also criticized
species (see Chapters 12 and 13). for decisions taken by Member States them-
• The achievement of the policy objectives in selves. A very interesting example is, as recently
the Mediterranean lags far behind other EU as 2016, that provided by the British tabloid
waters and will require a special effort and Daily Mail, which stated in large headlines
special instruments if such objectives are to
that the English fishing industry was “sunk by
be achieved at all (see Chapter 5).
EU quotacrats” based on the fact that 23% of
• The CFP is closely linked to the evolution of
English fish quotas were allocated to a single
the international management of fisheries,
Dutch-owned vessel, to the detriment of small
and this is subject to increasing pressure
operators.2 What the article ignored is that
that the policy has to adapt to, in particular
the allocation of the British fish quotas among
if and when this evolution leads to new
international obligations for the EU (see
Chapter 12). 2 Mail Online. Thursday, 7 July 2016.
10 Chapter 1

operators is decided by the British government, objectives of the policy may in fact be conflicting
without interference from “Brussels.” among them. The importance of recognizing the
Though policy change does not necessarily conflict between policy objectives is increasingly
follow critical views from the media, it would stressed (Hilborn 2007; Dichmont et al. 2010;
be naive just to ignore the weight of public Pereau et al. 2012; Zimmermann and Yamazaki
(or published) opinion in shaping up political 2017). This means that the management system
positions about the CFP. should incorporate ways to assess these conflicts
and incorporate the relative importance of the
objectives of different stakeholder groups in the
The reformed CFP: success or institutional framework (Pascoe et al. 2017).
failure? The notion of policy success is extremely
important because fisheries management fun-
Ultimately, the case for CFP reform will be damentally consists of applying restrictions to
determined by the consideration of the policy ensure the sustainability of the resources that
as a success or a failure. This consideration, the fishery depends on. Asking people to make
over and beyond superficial evaluations, is sacrifices is better understood when the people
more complex than it seems. It is largely a concerned can see the future rewards of such
question of expectations, as well as the way in sacrifices. However, if and when the results
which we report about its results: of these sacrifices are an improvement of the
• The same policy results can be viewed as biological status of the resources, but not a
success or failure depending on expectations, long-term improvement in the socio-economic
on the interpretation of policy objectives or condition of the industry, the sacrifices will
on the different weight given to the pol- be seriously questioned as being unjustified,
icy’s different objectives. There is no single inequitable, or simply unfair.
way to consider policy results as success or As we will see in subsequent chapters, the
failure. management of fish stocks in certain areas of
• To evaluate the degree of success of a policy it the United States has improved the biological
is also essential to ensure that the evaluation status of the stocks, but has not increased yields.
is done on all the relevant data. Reporting There are more fish at sea, but the proportion
on policy results is crucial because depend- of the fish caught is lower. Any sacrifice made
ing upon what aspects of the policy, and what to rebuild resources has benefited the resources
objectives we look at, we may have a very dif- but not necessarily the fishermen. Whether this
ferent view of the policy’s degree of success. was intended from the beginning, and whether
Let’s look at these questions. all fishermen concerned knew this from the
start, that is an interesting question. In any
The notion of “policy success” case, the nature of fisheries management is
in fisheries management such that it requires clarity and transparency to
The notion of policy success is not univocal. Dif- the industry as to what is the ultimate objective
ferent actors would have a very different view of of the policy, that is, what is its real measure of
what this “policy success” is all about. This is the “success”.
case in all fisheries around the world because In these pages, and in connection with Article
the objectives of fisheries policy are various and 39 TFEU (see Chapter 2), this author will argue
often conflicting, and what certain stakeholders that the real measure of the “success” of the
may consider a failure is perhaps a success for CFP is not simply to have more abundant fish
other stakeholders (Hilborn 2007). resources, or fewer overexploited ones, but
In the CFP, the different objectives of Article also, or primarily, to ensure high sustainable
39 TFEU point in the direction of a multi-faceted yields and ensure the maximum sustainable
notion of success. This is so because the different level of production of seafood.
The common fisheries policy: stability or change? 11

The different meanings of policy success In other words, Fmsy is an operational objective
Policy success can have a very different mean- that is expected to contribute to achieve the
ing in different places, or for different societal broader Article 39 objectives, but that does not
interests and governments. There are plenty of replace them. Policy success is therefore a much
examples, but one that easily comes to mind is broader notion than having all stocks at Fmsy .
the difference between management in a coun-
try like Iceland, where fisheries is the main Policy success and realistic policy objectives
industry, and other countries where fishing is a Policy success is also strongly dependent upon
small, secondary industry in the context of the the degree of realism of the policy objectives.
country’s economy. In the first case, the eco- Before the 2013 reform, the CFP suffered from
nomic self-sufficiency of the fleets is essential lack of clear objectives for the management of
for the whole country. Thus, the objectives for fish stocks. This problem was (at least partially)
management must privilege competitiveness resolved in this reform. The question now is
and economic output; the sector (and the whole whether the new objectives are realistic.
country!) simply can’t survive without them. The problem is not so much whether we
Here, the notion of policy success is necessarily have all the answers at this point in time.
related to an industry that can generate wealth As this author has explained, the European
for the country. law-makers were very conscious that when
In contrast, many countries in the EU have adopting new policy objectives nobody had
small fishing industries, representing much less all the answers to the numerous questions on
than 1% of the country’s gross domestic prod- practical implementation, and that this was
uct (GDP). In such cases, management can focus seen as the only way to prevent these ques-
more on social objectives such as preserving the tions standing in the way of establishing the
employment or the social fabric of coastal com- objectives (Penas Lado 2016, chapter 16).
munities, even at the cost of lower profitability But the question is different: are these objec-
and competitiveness. In such cases, the country tives really all fully attainable, and if so, by
can even afford to subsidize the industry to buy 2020? The reply to this question is certainly not
social peace. Here, the notion of policy success simple and, for sure, is highly variable for dif-
can be more related to the preservation of the ferent fisheries and areas. But it is necessary to
social fabric of coastal communities, even at the bear in mind the relative “attainability” of these
cost of a very low contribution to the country’s objectives, at least in certain circumstances, to
overall wealth. better evaluate the policy results as a reasonable
In the CFP, the establishment of a specific success, or as a complete failure.
objective of reaching Fmsy levels by 2020 has For example, the discard ban established
been an important step to provide a clear under Article 15 of regulation 1380/2013 is
long-term operational objective to the manage- basically the same for all areas, and the degree
ment of fish stocks, so as to end up with a long of flexibility to achieve it (notably the de min-
tradition of short-term decision-making. imis tolerance) is limited to 5% in all areas.
However, this operational objective does not Obviously, if in certain EU fisheries after 2019
mean that all the CFP is to be judged only by we have discard levels of around 7% or 8%,
this indicator. In fact, the Fmsy is a situation down from current levels of around 40%, that
around which one may expect that the other can be viewed as a failure because the target
objectives of the policy (as stated in Article 39 is not attained, but such a dramatic reduc-
TFEU) are more likely to be achieved. But this tion of discards would be an extraordinary
is just an expectation: MSY is a compromise accomplishment in reality.
that provides maximum biological production, If we look at other places, for example the
but does not maximize employment, ecosys- US, we see very different levels of discards and
tem preservation or economic profitability. also a different level of ambition in the policy
12 Chapter 1

for different fisheries; the results are evaluated Is 100% biological success possible?
in terms of the realized reductions in discarding The way Article 2 of Regulation 1380/2013 is
levels as compared to the initial levels, but with- formulated seems to leave little doubt about
out trying to obtain exactly the same results in the new objective of the policy: having all reg-
all fisheries (NOAA 2016). ulated stocks at Fmsy by 2020. Over and beyond
In comparison, in the new CFP even rea- the above considerations about the nature of
sonably good success in reducing discard levels the policy objectives, the question can also be
more than in the US would be considered a asked in strict biological terms: can all biological
failure, when comparing such results with a objectives be achieved at 100%? And if so, at
very rigidly defined objective. what cost?
The same applies to the MSY objective, partic- Species interactions take place at biological
ularly to the “aspirational” objective of having (predator–prey relationships) and technological
all stocks at levels of biomass “above Bmsy .” As level (species caught by the same gear). The
we will see below, scientists agree in saying that level of fishing mortality potentially applicable
having all stocks in a marine ecosystem at Bmsy is to a prey species, for example, depends on the
probably not attainable, because of inter-species fishing mortality applied to its predators, and
considerations. In addition, we have also seen its competitors for the same food (Jacobsen
that having all stocks at Fmsy cannot be done et al. 2014). Conversely, the productivity of
without serious foregone yields, which can be predators also depends on the abundance of
considered as not corresponding to some of their prey, as well as that of their competitors
the objectives of Article 39 TFEU. This is of (Cury et al. 2011).
particular relevance when we deal with mixed All this has consequences when it comes to
fisheries, where individual stock parameters the management of mixed fisheries through
are difficult to combine meaningfully. In these single-species TACs. Mike Sissenwine, Pamela
cases, Gaichas et al. (2017) conclude: Mace, and Hans Lassen have summarized this
in a very important paper (Sissenwine et al.
There is no single combination of fishing mor- 2014):
talities that provides for MSY for all species
simultaneously, so accounting for stock produc- In light of scientific uncertainty, natural variability
tivity and ecosystem trade-offs is key to providing in fish stock productivity (e.g. recruitment variabil-
reliable advice and to avoid unrealistic expectations. ity), ecosystem dynamics (species interactions that
(Emphasis added) prevent all stocks from achieving MSY simultane-
ously), and the technological constraints in mixed
If, as a result of the implementation of the fisheries that prevent optimal management of
CFP, we have a majority of stocks within Fmsy individual stocks, it seems unlikely that the amount
values, and many of them with increased trends of overfishing will ever be zero. What research and
management costs and cumulative foregone yields are
in biomass, even if they are not all above Bmsy
necessary to approach perfection (zero cases of over-
that would be a historical success for the policy.
fishing and overfished stocks)? (Emphasis added)
Yet, when comparing such results with the
policy objectives as defined legally in Article 2 The implications of this fact are very clear:
of Regulation 1380/2013, they will certainly the only way to achieve the objective enunci-
appear as a failure. ated in Article 2.2 of Regulation 1380/2013 is to
This illustrates how policy objectives, when accept “cumulative foregone yields” for a num-
defined in a very rigid manner, can make rea- ber of stocks. In other words, the only way to
sonably good results look like policy failure. achieve MSY in all stocks is in fact to fish at
This is extremely important and deserves a less than MSY for a number, perhaps many of
careful discussion on how to interpret, evaluate the stocks concerned, and thus failing to achieve
and present the delivery of the policy objectives the objective of Article 39 TFEU to maximize the
of the CFP. production of sustainable seafood.
The common fisheries policy: stability or change? 13

Rindorf et al. (2017) make the case for policy results are evaluated by the Commission in at
objectives that are more broadly defined with least two ways:
fisheries and ecological considerations: • Since 2006, the annual “policy statement”
(more recently called “Communication on
Management is more likely to meet policy objec-
fishing opportunities”) has summarized
tives if it incorporates fishery and ecological inter-
the status of fish stocks in Europe. Initially
actions than would be the case if advice is just given
from a single species perspective. restricted to stock status, the annual docu-
ment has been gradually extended to other
This clearly points to a more flexible way in policy questions, and in recent years has
evaluating the success or failure of the policy. gradually become a more integrated eval-
In other words, the simple statistics on the uation of policy results in an increasingly
percentages of individual stocks being overex- wide range of policy outcomes. This report is
ploited or not is too a simplistic way to report traditionally based on independent scientific
and evaluate policy progress. A more flexible evaluations and this provides it with an
and multi-faceted reporting is necessary. important credibility. The 2018 Communi-
cation on fishing opportunities (EU 2018a)
Different Member States’ expectations represents the best example of this trend.
It is also important to bear in mind that, over • Every 10 years, the policy is also evaluated
and beyond such Article 39 objectives, the real- in the documents presented by the Commis-
ity of fisheries management in Europe is that sion as justification for the next round of pol-
different Member States have different expec- icy reform. This kind of evaluation is more
tations and objectives. While certain Member a political one, and is entirely done by the
States want their industry to be self-sufficient Commission itself.
economically and manage it like any other I will base the evaluation of the policy on
economic sector, including free market mecha- the above communication on fishing oppor-
nisms, other Member States have self-declared tunities and, in particular, its technical annex
social objectives that are best achieved through (EU 2018b), because this is the most recent and
social engineering management, away from updated analysis of policy delivery. In doing
market mechanisms. so, I will refer to the different objectives of the
The latter is typical of Member States where policy in Article 39 TFEU to discuss how much
the fisheries sector is a frequent source of such objectives are being met in practice.
political contestation. In this case, the idea of
MSW (“minimum sustainable whinge”) has Status of stocks
been described as the way many governments Though not spelled out in Article 39 TFEU, it is
handle fisheries management: to achieve a min- obvious that the status of fish stocks is an essen-
imum level of complaining by the stakeholders tial measure of the success of the policy, notably
(Pope 1983). because the objectives of Article 39 can only be
Clearly, the notion of policy success or failure reached if fish stocks are healthy and highly pro-
is viewed very differently in different Member ductive.
States, and even among different regions within Since the objectives of the policy are
Member States. That only underscores the need expressed in fishing mortality, the best indicator
to have a definition of “policy success” that goes of stock status is the ration between the fishing
far beyond the achievement of the operational mortality exerted on the stocks and the target
objectives of Fmsy in 2020. fishing mortality established by the policy: Fmsy .
Figure 1.2 shows these ratios for different areas
Policy results: how good are they? where EU fisheries take place.
On the basis of the above, how can we judge Are these good results? In the Mediterranean,
the results of the CFP in recent years? These clearly not, in particular because there is not
14 Chapter 1


MED&BS: EU waters
NEA: EU waters
NEA: outside EU waters

2003 2006 2012 2016

Figure 1.2 Ratio between current fishing mortality and target fishing mortality in EU fisheries. Source:
Commission Staff Working Document SWD (2018) 329. Brussels, 11.6.2018.

even a positive trend. It is not just a matter of Marchal (2016), comparing the CFP with
getting there on time, or completely: in this the fisheries policy of Iceland, Australia and
basin, the trend is not even positive. There is no New Zealand, widely considered to be among
possible way around it: the conservation policy the most advanced in the world of fisheries
in the Mediterranean is a complete failure. management, concluded that:
However, the results in the Atlantic are posi-
The situation of EU fisheries has substantially
tive: the trend goes clearly in the direction of
improved over the period 2004-2013 in the North
achieving fisheries at Fmsy on average. One can
East Atlantic, with fishery status getting close to
discuss if the trend is too slow, if the objective to that of other jurisdictions, but the lack of recov-
have all stocks at Fmsy by 2020 will be achieved. ery for the Mediterranean fish stocks remains a
We have seen above the difficulties in achiev- concern.
ing perfection. In this context, the conservation
policy in the Atlantic and outside can certainly With the obvious exception of Mediterranean
be seen more as a success than a failure. fisheries, the results of the CFP particularly over
Concerning the attainment of the expectation the last two decades, is in this sense a reasonable
of biomass rebuilding “above Bmsy ” Figure 1.3 success.
shows the evolution over time of total biomass
of EU stocks. Fisheries productivity
Again, the Atlantic shows a positive trend The above figures show a first result: fish abun-
whereas such a trend cannot be observed on dance is increasing – in the Atlantic. However,
Mediterranean stocks. Given that achieving if we talk about productivity in the sense of
biomass objectives is much more elusive than Article 39 TFEU we must refer not only to the
achieving fishing mortality objectives (as we amount of fish at sea, but rather at how much
will see in Chapter 3) the policy in the Atlantic fish is actually being landed, sustainably. An
can be considered a reasonable success. In increase in fish abundance at sea accompanied
the Mediterranean, again, we must talk about by a lower rate of exploitation of that fish is not
policy failure. an increase in productivity in that context.
The scientific world has also looked at We will see in Chapter 13 that the CFP
this question. A large study conducted by is not increasing the production of seafood.
The common fisheries policy: stability or change? 15




0.5 Biomass in MED&BS
Biomass in NEA


2003 2006 2012 2016

Figure 1.3 Evolution over time of total biomass of exploited fish stocks in EU waters, comparing the
Mediterranean and Black Sea (MED&BS) with the North East Atlantic (NEA). Source: Commission Staff
Working Document SWD (2018) 329. Brussels, 11.6.2018.

Figure 13.2 in Chapter 13 shows that the total in the policy. Even in recent years, despite
landings from EU capture fisheries does not improvements in stock status, the total number
show a very clear upward trend despite the of employed fishermen has fallen from 140 000
general increase in stock abundance since 2006 in 2008 to 125 000 in 2017 (Figure 1.4). This is
as shown in Figure 1.3. Only as of 2012 there often referred to as a failure of the CFP (even
seems to be a certain tendency to an increased though the socio-economic model to fish EU
in overall yields. This has to be looked at resources remains a national decision) and the
in connection with the rate of consumption EU itself is often criticized (and blamed) for it.
of available quotas which, as we will see in But is this fair? Let’s look at this from another
Chapter 2, varies around 75%, which means angle, beyond numbers.
that the policy results in roughly a quarter of all Actually, the fishing industry suffers the
fishing possibilities not being used, something same phenomenon than any other established
that cannot be considered satisfactory in a industry: the increases in productivity due to
policy that is meant to promote food security. the introduction of new technologies inevitably
As for aquaculture, total EU production reduces the labor necessary to produce a given
remains stagnant since the turn of the century product. As technical improvement takes place,
(see Figure 13.2 in Chapter 13), despite many the same amount of fish can be caught with
initiatives and important investment of public fewer vessels and these vessels can be crewed by
funds. Overall, the objective of increasing pro- fewer workers. The reduction of employment
ductivity is not (yet) achieved. This constitutes in the fisheries sector, from that perspective,
an important challenge that is discussed in is the inevitable result of technical progress,
Chapter 13. like in any other established industry, and not
necessarily an indication of failure.
Optimum utilization of the factors In addition, the reduction of employment
of production, in particular labor is also an imperative of the improvement of
The number of jobs on board European ves- habitability and working conditions on board
sels has been diminishing since the inception fishing vessels. This author is familiar with
16 Chapter 1

160 30

average wage (EUR per FTE)
employment (thousand)
80 15

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Total employed FTE Average wage per FTE

Figure 1.4 Evolution of number of jobs at sea and average wages in the EU fishing fleet. Source: The 2017
Annual Economic Report on the EU Fishing Fleet (STECF 17-12). European Commission. JRC Science for Policy
Report. Edited by Natacha Carvalho, Michael Keatinge and Jordi Guillen.

fishing vessels of around 400 GT accommo- fishermen. This shows the trends toward fewer
dating, in the 1970s, 15 or 16 crewmen, all but better jobs.
crammed in tiny cabins and without a shower. In Norway, the number of jobs has been
When one considers the reduction of jobs at sea steadily decreasing for many years. According
as a “policy failure” one must look instead at to FAO, full-time employment in the catching
what this reduction also represents: a substan- sector decreased from 17 087 in 1996 to 13 260
tial improvement in habitability and working in 2003 (FAO 2016).
conditions for European fishermen. These two examples, coming from countries
The reduction of employment in the fishing generally acknowledged as successful examples
sector is strongly resented in many fishing areas of preserving a thriving and competitive catch-
of the EU, and often blamed on the failure of ing sector, illustrate the point that the reduction
the CFP to preserve employment. However, the of jobs at sea is not necessarily a sign of pol-
most successful countries in the world in terms icy failure, but rather an inevitable tendency in
of management (often presented as the model modernizing fisheries.
the EU should follow) have been losing jobs In this context, the data of Figure 1.4 show a
at sea in recent decades, as a result of greater very gradual reduction of employment, accom-
automation and increased fishing power of panied by a certain increase in average wages,
modern vessels. an evolution that can be considered generally
In Iceland, the official Government’s website3 positive. This picture is variable regionally, with
indicates that: positive trends in the Atlantic and more stable in
the Mediterranean, but its shows that in terms
The highest number of people working in the fish-
of employment, the CFP can claim reasonably
ing industry was in the 1980s about 16 thousand
good results, particularly in recent years, coin-
employees. After that the number of people has
declined constantly to the current level of about ciding with the positive trend in the status of
eight thousand. (Atlantic) stocks.

This reduction, however, corresponds also to Standard of living of producers

an increase in the average levels of salaries by In recent years, the profitability levels of EU
fisheries have improved substantially. This has
3 translated in some cases in improved wage
The common fisheries policy: stability or change? 17

Revenue and profits
2 193%
179% 176%

1.6 151% 152%

134% 136%
1.4 129%
124% 123% 123%
1.2 107% 107%
1 110% 113% 110% 112%
104% 105% 104% 106% 106%

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Revenue Gross Value Added Gross profit

Figure 1.5 Evolution of the level of revenue and profits in EU fishing fleets. Source: Commission Staff Working
Document SWD (2018) 329. Brussels, 11.6.2018.

levels; In some cases, however, there is a question of working conditions and safety on
trend toward higher profitability but not better board. Although these are rather elusive to
salaries: the substantial increase in foreign report quantitatively, anyone involved with
crews in many EU Member States (in some the fishing sector will agree with the dramatic
cases with very low salary levels) indicates improvement that has taken place in safety lev-
a reverse trend: that of higher profitability els and working conditions on board European
through lower wages. As a result, there is a fishing vessels, at least in those fleets that have
trend toward higher wage levels (Figure 1.4) been renovated (up until 2004, with EU public
but this is much less clear than the increase in aid). These improvements, difficult though it
profitability levels (Figure 1.5). may be in quantitative terms, is without doubt
By region, the Atlantic is doing better than one of the biggest successes of the CFP.
the Mediterranean. Not surprisingly, the pos-
itive trend in the status of fish stocks in Stability of markets and availability
the Atlantic area results in generally higher of supplies at reasonable prices
profits and better wages, while in the Mediter- The CFP is not able to supply the consumption
ranean, the lack of progress on stock status levels of fisheries and aquaculture products
(see Chapter 5) translates in profitability and in the EU. While fish production in the EU
wage levels that are also generally stagnant amounts to 5.88 million tonnes, 1.9 million
(EU 2018c). tonnes are exported, while 8.68 million tonnes
In fact, these profitability levels have been have to be imported to account for a total
achieved at a constant level of revenue, which supply of 14.56 million tonnes, corresponding
implies the improvement corresponds to gains to an apparent consumption of 12.77 million
in productivity, and this in some cases may be tonnes (EU 2017). That means that the CFP
based on lower wage levels in certain fleet seg- supplies only 46% of the total consumption of
ments. This shows a picture that raises mixed fisheries and aquaculture products by European
feelings. Profitability levels are on the rise, but consumers. And this self-sufficiency is not only
these do not always translate into better wages. low: it is also decreasing.
Another element that must be also evalu- This hardly looks as a policy success.
ated as part of the standard of living is the However, considering the size of the European
18 Chapter 1

fishing grounds as compared with Europe’s the kind of failed policy that is presented by
population, even the most successful CFP could a number of stakeholders, and even scholars
not, in all likelihood, cover 100% of the con- (Khalilan et al. 2010).
sumption of these products. So in any case it is Overall, the results of the policy are moder-
a mitigated failure: even with increased produc- ately positive. And even the poor results (in
tivity of the wild stocks and higher aquaculture biological and economic terms) of the Mediter-
production, it is difficult to see how the EU ranean fisheries do not seem to trigger a strong
could one day become entirely self-sufficient. appetite for change: the preservation of the
The 46% figure represents a partial failure, not social fabric of coastal areas, even at the cost of
a complete one. And it can be attributed to low productivity and low profitability, seems to
several factors: be stronger than the drive for change.
• The inability on obtaining the maximum Overall, the results of the CFP are moderately
sustainable production from the wild fish positive, particularly in recent years. For this
resources, for a number of reasons that will reason, there is no justification for dramatic
be examined in Chapter 2. evaluations of the CFP as a complete failure.
• The sluggish development of aquaculture Even if not all objectives are achieved, and their
production, practically stagnant from the achievement may not be complete and still
beginning of the century. take time, the policy is on the right track. And
• The consumption patterns of European con- where it is not (the Mediterranean) this can
sumers, who tend to dismiss low value fish be clearly related to the relative absence until
and demand high-end quality products that recent times of a real policy to manage fishery
the EU waters have in limited supply. resources. The CFP is actually better than it has
The two first questions are an indication of traditionally been given credit for.
relative policy failure.
Improving reporting of policy
Other questions: integration
As indicated above, the evaluation of the CFP as
of environmental concerns
a success or as a failure also depends largely on
As we will see in the next chapter, the inte-
what we look at, and this in turn is a result of
gration of environmental concerns is also an
what we report about. It is important to under-
objective of the policy, according to Article 11
line that in most fisheries policies around the
TFEU. In general terms, this integration has world, while the objectives are socio-economic
gone a long way, and includes the EC Natura as well as biological, the reporting on policy
2000 areas in European seas, the prohibition performance has been almost exclusively bio-
to catch a number of protected species, rules logical. The CFP has also suffered from this for
for the protection of marine mammals and a long time. This is why it is so important that
seabirds and so on. Although this is and will the reporting on policy performance actually
always be a matter for discussion, one can includes all the relevant questions that consti-
safely assume that Article 11 TFEU is being tute the various policy objectives, and not just
reasonably well-implemented in the CFP. We the status of fish stocks.
will look at this in more detail in Chapter 8.
The current reporting
Is this good enough? Policy progress toward MSY must be reported
With all the above caveats, the CFP can be con- regularly by the Commission, as required by
sidered as a policy that at least in the Atlantic Article 50 of Regulation 1380/2013:
and Baltic area, is slowly achieving its main
The Commission shall report annually to the Euro-
objectives and gradually delivering most of the pean Parliament and the Council on the progress
objectives of Article 39 TFEU. Though certainly on achieving maximum sustainable yields and on
not a resounding success, it is certainly not the situation of fish stocks . . .
The common fisheries policy: stability or change? 19

In addition, reporting is also due on the to come, a picture of the ecosystem response to
implementation of the landing obligation. So the management of the individual stocks, and
far, the Commission has reported on policy cast more light as to whether the maximum lev-
progress by showing statistics of the num- els in biomass for all the stocks can be reached
ber of stocks that are fished at Fmsy level, as all at once.
this is the operational objective of the new
CFP (EU 2018a,b). Indeed, the new reporting A positive evolution: the 2018 policy
requirement of the reformed CFP continues statement
the tendency of the dichotomy between “socio- The Commission has identified the above
economic objectives but biological delivery.” problem and, in recent years, the annual
This makes the exercise very simple and communication on fishing opportunities is
objective (under the condition that the eval- gradually including a wider scope of policy
uation be done by independent scientists). outcomes, beyond the simple delivery of MSY
by individual stocks. The last of these reports
However, it carries a risk: as the objective
(EU 2018a,b) includes, in addition to reporting
applies to all stocks, a pure statistical analy-
on stock status, the results of the policy in
sis can present a reasonably good result as a
socio-economic terms, thus making reporting
policy failure. For example, if by 2020 all the
increasingly corresponding to the wide scope of
important stocks are within Fmsy but a few sec-
objectives of Article 39 TFEU.
ondary ones are not, this could be considered,
Although this is just a preliminary step, it
particularly in historical terms, as an important
is a very important one in that it is a turning
achievement. Yet, the pure statistical analysis
point in the traditional reporting about the
showing that the proportion of stocks at Fmsy
CFP: it introduces reporting on the evolution of
is not 100% would appear as a failure, and
socio-economic and ecological parameters that
calls for more dramatic management measures.
match much better the multi-objective nature
In addition, the current reporting referring
of the policy.
only to MSY achievement would ignore some
of the objectives of Article 39 TFEU, notably The US example: The Fish Stock
those on providing European consumers with Sustainability Index
abundant affordable fish, or that of ensuring a In the US, the National Oceanic and Atmo-
high standard of living to the producers. spheric Administration (NOAA) measures the
A more complex question is that related to performance of U.S. federal fisheries through
the aspiration of achieving Bmsy levels as a result the Fish Stock Sustainability Index (FSSI). First
of the Fmsy -based policy objectives. Mixing Fmsy implemented in 2005, the FSSI is a quarterly
levels and Bmsy levels may be confusing, giv- index that currently includes 199 fish stocks
ing the impression that whenever Fmsy levels selected because of their importance to com-
have been achieved but Bmsy levels are still not mercial and recreational fisheries. The FSSI
reached, then the policy may be inadequate. measures the performance of these important
The solution devised by the Commission is to fish stocks, which represent 85% of total catch.
ask ICES to report on general levels of biomass, The FSSI increases when NOAA Fisheries
as a result of the management of the stock con- determines the status of a stock and when a
cerned, but also as a result of any other eco- stock’s status improves (either no longer subject
logical factor influencing biomass levels. In this to overfishing, no longer overfished, biomass
way, the evaluation of biomass would not be increases to at least 80% of target, or is rebuilt).
a duplicate reporting on how individual stocks The number of stocks in the index may be
respond to management, but rather a more gen- revised as new fisheries develop and stocks are
eral evaluation of how the ecosystem is reacting assessed.
to management, together with other relevant The US system is equivalent to the one estab-
factors. This approach should show, in the years lished in the EU since 2006 as explained above,
20 Chapter 1

in that it puts together regularly the statistics secondary in the US because of the absence of a
corresponding to the status of the stocks regu- clear-cut time limit for reaching the objectives,
lated according to their biological status. but the idea could be useful for Europe, as we
However, the index does not refer to any of will see below.
the other objectives or considerations included
in the objectives of the Magnuson-Stevens Possible future improvements in reporting
Act. In particular, under the US 10 national stan- on the CFP
dards (see Chapter 2 “Policy objectives in other The reporting under Article 50 of Regulation
1380/2013 must be done seriously and carefully
countries; The United States”), the first one
every year. This reporting is currently being
being to “Achieve optimum yield and prevent
done by STECF. This is a guarantee of objectiv-
overfishing” the index is clear in expressing
ity and independence. Although the reporting
the level of overfishing, but does not indicate
is done under a Commission Communication,
if the stocks concerned are exploited at their
therefore a document under its own respon-
“optimum yield”. In fact, as we will see below,
sibility, its credibility requires that the data on
the extremely positive picture shown by this
MSY and discard levels be prepared by inde-
index (see Figure 1.6) must be compounded
pendent scientists without political meddling.
with the significant level of under-exploitation
While it is obvious that the reporting required
of a number of these stocks (see Chapter 2 “the under Article 50 of Regulation 1380/2013
US case”), for which it is debatable whether should continue, the question is whether, in
they are exploited at “optimum yield” levels. the light of the objectives of Article 39 TFEU, it
A final comment on this index: it reflects net would not also be important to report on the
results, not the process leading up to them. The achievement of the other objectives of such
difference between “over-exploiting” (F > Fmsy ) article of the Treaty. The idea could be to refer
and “over-exploited” (B > 0.5Bmsy ) would allow to the biological status of the stocks, as ever
the establishment of a difference between the before, but to add considerations on the level
stocks that are no longer overexploited and of achievements of the different objectives of
those that are on the right track (at fishing Article 39 TFEU, to underline that the ultimate
mortality levels) but that are not yet at the objective of the management of fish stocks is to
biomass level. This differentiation is perhaps achieve all such goals.

800 758
750 1,000 (Total Possible Score)
FSSI Score

350 382.5











Figure 1.6 Evolution over time of the United States’ Fish Stock Sustainability Index (FSSI) between 2000 and
2015. Source: NOAA (
The common fisheries policy: stability or change? 21

In any case, the policy changes introduced by The traditional reporting on biological objec-
Brexit will also inevitably change the reporting tives could be more nuanced with the following
about CFP performance: since many more ideas:
decisions will have to be taken in the con- • Overall evolution of the biomass of the
text of bilateral or trilateral (with Norway) species under management, as a better
negotiations, it will become more difficult to ecological indicator of the evolution of the
attribute credit or blame to any particular party ecosystem. The evolution to the biomass
in explaining policy outcomes. of individual stocks “above Bmsy ” would be
Hilborn (2018) provides an example of how better understood in that context.
reporting on stock status can be made more • The evolution of the F levels. Even if certain
complete by referring not only to the num- stocks do not achieve the Fmsy target by 2020
ber of stocks fished at or beyond Fmsy levels, in some cases, the evolution of F values
but also on how much yield is being lost as would show whether the F values are at
a consequence of suboptimal abundance and least being reduced, in other words if, for
fishing pressure. Thus conveying more useful the stocks where the target is not reached, at
information on the management system is least the F reduction is on track.
maximizing long-term sustainable yield, and • In the Mediterranean, the choice of fewer,
not just eliminating overfished stocks. In the more representative stocks should be made
CFP, some ideas for improved reporting are to ensure that annual reporting really reflects
presented below. an evolution in comparable terms that would
allow progress to be detected.
A more meaningful reporting on stock In any case, strong emphasis should be made
status on the trends. Beyond annual ups and downs,
Current reporting on stock status is basically it is the trends toward achieving the objectives
a statistical exercise on the number and per- which matter most.
centage of stocks that are on target. Yet, this
statistical exercise may have relatively little Socio-economic results
meaning, both ecologically and economi- As we saw, Article 39 TFEU establishes clear
cally. For example, if from one year to the socio-economic objectives, however, the report-
next two very small stocks with low eco- ing on policy progress never included these.
nomic value reach their Fmsy objective, but This new reporting could include:
one very large (and economically valuable) • A summary of the value of all the landings
stock is fished at higher than Fmsy , the annual of all species confounded, as an indicator of
statistics would look good: one more stock the total revenue generated by the sustain-
at Fmsy level! able exploitation of the stocks and a summary
Yet, economically this can be negative, even of average income of fishermen in different
ecologically negative if the large stock has a cru- fleet segments across Europe, as an indication
cial role in the marine ecosystem concerned. It of the evolution of the standard of living of
is therefore important to find more meaning- the producers.
ful ways of reporting on the state of the stocks. • A description of the trends in the average
Some ideas can be: prices of fish, to evaluate whether the CFP
• To report on the total biomass of the stocks is providing for affordable fish for European
fished at Fmsy as compared to the rest. consumers, taking account as much as possi-
• To report on the total market price of stocks ble the effects of imports, to the extent that
fished at Fmsy as compared to the rest. such effects can be evaluated.
With these two relatively simple indicators, • A description of the trends observed in salary
the state of the stocks can be at an ecologically levels and other indications of working con-
and economically more meaningful way. ditions, to complement the data on number
22 Chapter 1

of workers with the evaluation of the quality be added. This would be important to judge
of the employment of these workers. overall progress on biodiversity: in theory
• An overall reporting on the total amount of there could be a certain loss of biodiversity
seafood produced by the CFP, not only in cap- in heavily fished areas but that could be
ture fisheries, but perhaps also through aqua- compensated by a higher proportion of areas
culture, as a result of the EU policy to favor protected from fishing as part of the Natura
this development since the beginning of the 2000 network.
structural policy. This reporting would shed objective light on
This kind of reporting would indicate to what the question of the real contribution of fishing
extent the CFP is making progress to deliver one activity in relation to biodiversity conservation.
of the objectives of Article 39 TFEU.
Results on the achievement of high,
Environmental results sustainable supply of food
Beyond Article 39, the CFP must also contribute Since Article 39 TFEU is basically an article
to larger environmental objectives. These could about food security and, whatever the chang-
also be subject to regular reporting. This report- ing circumstances, the article has never been
ing would include: changed by the European lawmakers, the
• A summary of all fish abundance in the fish- reporting could also refer to the way in which
ing grounds, as an indicator of the potential the CFP contributes to food security in Europe.
biomass, for all stocks confounded, that can This would include, for example:
be extracted by fishing. This would com- • A summary of all catches taken from the
plement the information corresponding to stocks, as a general indicator of the amount
individual stocks with an evaluation of the of protein being produced; and an indication
status of the marine ecosystem and its carry- of the percentage that such catches represent
ing capacity. In this context, the reporting on as compared with the total biomass. In other
the achievement of levels of stock abundance words, what percentage of the biomass are
at levels “above Bmsy ” would be much better we exploiting?
understood. • A description of the sources of any mismatch
• A summary of a simple indicator of marine between the maximum potential yield and
biodiversity. Such an indicator (see Chapter 8, the realized yield; the relative contribution
in the section “The effects of fishing on the of over-exploitation and under-exploitation
environment”) would illustrate how the of resources as a source of inefficiency in
fishing activity is affecting biodiversity levels fully exploiting the biological potential of the
in EU waters. To the extent possible, this European fish resources.
reporting should put the evolution of bio- The above ideas would provide the reporting
diversity into perspective, evaluating the on the status of European fisheries with a much
different causes for biodiversity loss (or gain) wider scope of considerations and elements of
including other human activity. This could analysis to evaluate the extent at which the
also include an evaluation of the evolu- objectives of Article 39 TFEU are being achieved
tion of the “mean trophic level” that has by the CFP.
been proposed to measure the alteration of
marine food webs by fishing (see Chapter 8, If the CFP is not so bad, why
under “Preserving marine biodiversity”). advocating policy change?
This would make it transparent if the CFP This would seem to be contradictory: the strong
is really producing a “fishing down the food advocacy of policy change in these pages does
web” effect. not seem to correspond to an evaluation of
• In that vein, progress in protecting areas of policy performance that we can summarize
high biodiversity in European waters could at least as “not so bad” and certainly better
The common fisheries policy: stability or change? 23

than is usually given credit for. Why should we commercial fisheries. Proceedings of the National
introduce further changes in the policy then? Academy of Sciences 107: 16–21.
The reasons for change are three-fold: Dudley, G. and Richardson, J. (1996). Why does pol-
icy change over time? Adversarial policy commu-
• Even if “not so bad”, the policy has the
nities, alternative policy arenas and British trunk
potential to be much better in many regards, roads policy. 1945–1995. Journal of European Public
and the policy should aspire to be much bet- Policy 3 (1): 63–83.
ter than just “not so bad.” There is plenty of EU (1970a). Council Regulation (EEC) No 170/83 of
opportunity for improvement in many areas 25 January 1983 establishing a Community system
so there is no reason for self-complacency for the conservation and management of fishery
resources. OJ. No L 24. 27.1.83.
with the moderate achievements.
EU (1970b). Council Regulation (EEC) No 171/83 of
• The new policy targets established in the
25 January 1983 laying down certain technical con-
2013 reform will in some cases be very servation measures for the conservation of fishery
difficult to achieve. Even if the best efforts resources. OJ. No L 24. 27.1.83.
are made to that effect, the results are likely EU (2002). Council Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002 of
to be disappointing, and this requires these 20 December 2002 on the conservation and sus-
policy objectives to be revised in the light of tainable exploitation of fisheries resources under
the Common Fisheries Policy. Official Journal of the
the ongoing experience to evaluate whether
European Communities L 358 of 31.12.2002 59.
they are achievable in the first place, and at
EU (2006a). Communication from the Commission to
what cost. the Council and the European Parliament imple-
• The policy has to face a number of challenges menting sustainability in EU fisheries through max-
that may seriously question the positive imum sustainable yield. COM (2006) 360 final.
trends observed in recent years. Even policy Brussels, 4.7.2006.
strands that work relatively well today will EU (2009a). Green Paper. Reform of the Common
Fisheries Policy. Brussels, 22.04.2009. COM (2009)
be under pressure from other factors, such
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as climate change and other global trends.
EU (2009b). Council Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009
The policy can never assume that what has of 20 November 2009 establishing a Community
worked in recent years will necessarily con- control system for ensuring compliance with the
tinue to do so under the new context that is rules of the common fisheries policy, amending
unfolding. Regulations (EC) No 847/96, (EC) No 2371/2002,
It is essential that the relatively positive (EC) No 811/2004, (EC) No 768/2005, (EC)
No 2115/2005, (EC) No 2166/2005, (EC) No
view of policy performance does not lead to
388/2006, (EC) No 509/2007, (EC) No 676/2007,
self-indulgence: there is absolutely no reason (EC) No 1098/2007, (EC) No 1300/2008, (EC) No
to relax; recent trends can be reversed and 1342/2008 and repealing Regulations (EEC) No
new challenges may seriously question the 2847/93, (EC) No 1627/94 and (EC) No 1966/2006.
achievement of policy objectives. It is for these OJEU. No L343 of 22.12.2009, pp. 1–50.
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Aquaculture Products. 94 pp.
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in fisheries: Australian experiences. ICES Journal 138: 124–137.

The objectives of the CFP

Introduction The 2013 reform adopted for the first time

a clear objective for fisheries management:
The first fundamental element for a success- achieving maximum sustainable yield (MSY)
ful fisheries policy is to have clear objectives. for all regulated stocks by 2020. This was a
The Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) has for a breakthrough, in that it provided for the first
long time lacked clear operational and fishery- time a measurable objective as well as a time
specific objectives. The general policy objectives limit to achieve it.
enunciated in the treaties are an extension However, this breakthrough does not resolve
those of the Common Agricultural Policy and all the problems. The scientific literature is
are not sufficiently specific for fisheries man- already referring to this: the principles are
agement, resulting in decisions that all too often promising, but the specific implementation is
have been the result of short-term considera- not necessarily always conducive to smooth
tions or pure political negotiations, rather than implementation. For example, certain authors
the outcome of an objective pursuit of clearly indicate that although the mentioned reform
defined goals. elements are in general very promising, their
The 2002 reform introduced the objective concrete design does not always meet existing
of achieving “ecological, economic, and social expectations (Salomon et al. 2014).
sustainability” (EU 2002), as a way to translate In particular, the notion of MSY is one that
the objectives of the Common Agricultural Pol- can be implemented in many different ways:
icy in the Treaty into the management of wild, expressed in biomass or fishing mortality, used
exhaustible resources. This was an improve- as a limit or a target and so on. Some of these
ment, but still did not provide a clear target for questions were addressed in the trilogue to adopt
the management of fish stocks, and did not the new regulation, but others were not. So
establish a deadline to achieve such a tar- even under the much clearer policy objectives
get either. there is still ample room for interpretation, and
Thus, the problem largely remained, and this has implications also on the consideration
after 2002 many management decisions were of policy implementation as a success or a
still taken on short-term, political considera- failure.
tions. This was referred to by the Commission Such discussion can have very far-reaching
itself as one of the five structural deficiencies of consequences on the way the new CFP is
the policy in the context of its diagnostic prior implemented, with implications on the amount
to the last reform (EU 2009a). of fishing possibilities and their conditions

Quo Vadis Common Fisheries Policy?, First Edition. Ernesto Penas Lado.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

26 Chapter 2

for exploitation that can affect fishermen’s Policy originally in the Treaty of Rome. These
livelihoods. In the context of these discussions, objectives apply mutatis mutandis to the CFP, as
many different interpretations could be taken laid down in Article 39 TFEU.
and they could indeed be all legitimate. Article 39 TFEU reads as follows:
Some of these interpretations find inspiration 1 The objectives of the common agricultural policy
in the experience of other countries having shall be:
encountered similar issues before. There has (a) to increase agricultural productivity by pro-
been a recent trend to compare the performance moting technical progress and by ensuring
the rational development of agricultural pro-
of the CFP with that of the fisheries policy of
duction and the optimum utilization of the
countries such as the US, Norway, or New factors of production, in particular labor;
Zealand. These comparisons have underlined (b) thus to ensure a fair standard of living for
the greater success of these policies to reduce the agricultural community, in particular by
overfishing as compared to the CFP. On that increasing the individual earnings of persons
basis, certain stakeholders such as environmen- engaged in agriculture;
tal Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) (c) to stabilize markets;
(d) to assure the availability of supplies;
often suggest that the CFP should seek inspi-
(e) to ensure that supplies reach consumers at
ration in the policies of these third countries.
reasonable prices.
However, while recognizing the value of these 2 In working out the common agricultural policy
experiences, Europe has to find its own way and the special methods for its application,
to interpret and implement these provisions, account shall be taken of:
and in that sense, there is no better source (a) the particular nature of agricultural activity,
of inspiration than Article 39 Treaty on the which results from the social structure of
Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). agriculture and from structural and natural
disparities between the various agricultural
The common fisheries policy (b) the need to effect the appropriate adjust-
in the Treaty ments by degrees;
(c) the fact that in the Member States agricul-
ture constitutes a sector closely linked with
Fisheries policy: a multi-objective
the economy as a whole.
As we will see below, fisheries management is These objectives reflect the need in 1958 to
in general a multi-objective policy around the ensure that EU policy would provide for food
world, and the CFP is no exception. Although security in Europe. The fact that the Treaty of
most fisheries management systems across the Lisbon in 2009 did not change these objectives
world often focus on delivering pre-determined at all can only be interpreted as meaning that
biological targets, these are practically never the agriculture (and by extension fisheries) con-
only declared objective of the policy. tinue to be policies to ensure Europe’s food
This implies that fisheries management must security. In subsequent Treaties after 1958
evaluate the trade-offs across different and other horizontal considerations were added,
often conflicting ways in which people value such as the need to ensure compatibility with
and use the marine resources (Halpern et al. environmental policy, but the main thrust of
2012; Longo et al. 2015). Different models of the agricultural/fisheries policy has remained
fishery management provide different solutions unchanged and clearly focused on ensur-
to this problem. ing the provision of a steady supply of food
for Europeans as well as adequate economic
The objectives in Article 39 of the standards for producers.
Treaty If the objectives of the new CFP as defined
The objectives of the CFP in the Treaty are the in Regulation 1380/2013 need to be considered
same established for the Common Agricultural against the background of Article 39 TFEU,
The objectives of the CFP 27

the question is then to determine what of fluctuations in fishery resources are smoothed
the different interpretations of that regulation out as much as practicable.
contributes better to the achievement of the It is important to bear this in mind because
objectives in the Treaty. the CFP of 2013, when it defined clear opera-
The different objectives of Article 39 can be tional objectives and specific deadlines for the
best achieved in a situation characterized by first time, still left ample room for interpretation
an abundant, steady supply of fish and by a on how these objectives should be implemented
well-functioning market: in practice. This requires further guidance on
• The increase in productivity requires that policy implementation.
resources be brought to the level where they When looking for such guidance as to how
can produce high yields on a stable basis. the objectives must be implemented, it seems
• The high standard of living for producers clear that it is the text of Article 39 TFEU
require that there is a good balance between that should be at the source. However, it is
the number of fishermen and their means of frequent in the public debate to hear that the
production and the natural resources they objectives of Article 39 TFEU for fisheries are
exploit. old-fashioned, food security objectives for the
• The stability of markets requires profes- post-war European agriculture, and that they
sional organizations that control supply and are out of tune with today’s principles on the
demand. management of fishery resources, with other
• To assure the availability of supplies (these countries having much better fishery objectives.
being highly fluctuating natural resources) Is this the case? We will examine below the
requires managing these resources at a point fundamental principles that inspire the fisheries
at which their biological variability is reduced legislation of third countries often cited as a
as much as possible. possible model for the EU.
• To ensure reasonable prices it is necessary to
have a well-functioning open market avoid- Other legal principles applicable
ing monopolies. to the CFP
From the above one can suggest that bringing Although Article 39 TFEU constitutes the legal
resources to levels around maximum sustain- basis for the CFP, this basis is not isolated: many
able yield and exploiting them through efficient other principles apply.
market conditions are the best way to imple-
ment the objectives of Article 39. Integration of environmental concerns
It is also worth noting that paragraph 2(b) An obvious example is that of the applica-
states that the policy should establish its adjust- tion of environmental objectives, laid down in
ments by degrees. This is a very important Article 11 TFEU:
element for the CFP. Indeed, the new CFP has
Environmental protection requirements must be
incorporated this principle by enshrining the
integrated into the definition and implementation
long-term management plans as the centerpiece
of Community policies, in particular with a view
of fisheries management, and also by establish- to promoting sustainable development.
ing phasing-in periods for the new objectives,
such as the landing obligation. But beyond It is to be noted the emphasis of this provision
these cases this principle must be considered is on the “promotion of sustainable develop-
also as a basis to try to avoid too dramatic ment,” showing that the intention of the
changes in fishing possibilities where possible: legislator was not to view environmental pro-
although fishery resources are fluctuating by tection as a good in itself, but rather to promote
nature, so that very stable catch quotas are an development in a way that will ensure sus-
illusion, the policy should try to develop all tainability. The nuance is important, because it
possible mechanisms to ensure that the natural means that when environmental protection will
28 Chapter 2

conflict with other policy areas, the objective of words, the content and form of the action must
the Treaty is certainly not to prevent develop- be in keeping with the aim pursued. The princi-
ment, but rather to ensure it is sustainable. ple of proportionality is laid down in Article 5 of
the Treaty on European Union. The criteria for
The EU’s four freedoms and the internal applying it are set out in the Protocol (No 2) on
market the application of the principles of subsidiarity
Beyond this most obvious case (because of and proportionality annexed to the Treaties.
the frequent overlap between fisheries and This principle has implications for the CFP
environmental policy) it is also important to too, in particular when dealing with very
underline that all other principles applicable to marginal and secondary species, which may
EU policies also apply to fisheries policy: there is have on occasion a disproportionate influence
no exception to this. Principles such as the “four on the policy despite their minor importance.
freedoms” of the internal market are also of full The example that comes to mind is that of some
application to the fisheries policy. These free- “choke species” under the landing obligation
doms (free movement of people, goods, capital, (see Chapter 6), that could stop a fishery with
and services) constitute the backbone of the EU plentiful quota thus producing disproportion-
internal market and, although their seamless ate effects on the overall delivery of policy
implementation is still not fully achieved, it objectives.
remains a key objective of EU policy, with a
potential overall gain of three trillion Euros, The precautionary principle
according to a recent report (EU 2017). The precautionary principle, enshrined in
The objective of the single market, in turn, Article 191 TFEU allows the EU to take precau-
is to be conducive to increased competition, tionary measures in cases of significant human
increased specialization, larger economies of or environmental risks even if the scientific
scale, allowing factors of production to move basis available is uncertain. This principle is of
to the area where they are the most valued, high relevance for the CFP, because the nature
thus improving the efficiency of the allocation of the scientific advice for fisheries management
of resources.1 This clearly points to economic is, by its own nature, highly uncertain.
dynamism, not to the preservation of the status The CFP has long suffered from what has
quo that so often has characterized the CFP. been called a “reverse precautionary princi-
All this means that, when looking at the ple”: many measures were not adopted because
performance of the CFP as an EU policy, one the scientific evidence was not certain enough
must, for sure, look at the way in which the (Penas Lado 2016). It is important to bear in
biological resources are preserved, at how mind that the CFP is a policy that concerns
the marine ecosystem is protected, but also highly variable natural resources for which
whether the four freedoms of the single market the scientific evidence is and will always be
are fully achieved, even more so in a policy uncertain: the CFP must work on the basis
which is among the few exclusive competences of uncertain science, and for this reason the
of the EU. This is, however, a question that is precautionary principle should always inspire
rarely looked at in the context of mainstream decision-making. Otherwise there is a clear
discussion and debates on fisheries policy. risk of decisions not being taken. This clearly
translates into the principle of basing decisions
The principle of proportionality on the best scientific advice available.
It is also relevant to refer to the principle of pro-
portionality. Under this principle, the action of Policy objectives in other
the EU must be limited to what is necessary to countries
achieve the objectives of the Treaties. In other

It is interesting to compare the objectives of
fisheries policy of the EU with those of certain
The objectives of the CFP 29

countries around the world. While the notion These standards are further detailed through
of sustainability is a fundamental element of guidelines. These provide a way to interpret
all legislation, it is also true that this notion the standards, but in a very flexible way: these
is always accompanied by references to the guidelines constitute a basis on which the
socio-economic benefits related to the full proposals from the stakeholder bodies, the
exploitation of the resources available. Let’s Regional Fishery Management Councils, are
look at some examples. evaluated. At the same time, these guidelines
are updated from time to time to incorporate
The United States
the on-going experience and lessons learnt
The Magnuson-Stevens Act (MSA) was first
from implementation and changes in policy
adopted in 1976, just in advance of the decla-
and priority.
ration of a 200-mi exclusive economic zones
This flexibility contrasts with the new CFP’s
(EEZ) in order to eliminate foreign fishing
rigidity in some of its objectives. While very
and develop a sustainable US fishing industry.
detailed and legally-binding provisions are use-
Re-authorized twice (1996 and 2006) it consti-
ful in certain contexts, excess rigidity can prove
tutes the basis for the entire US fishery man-
poorly adapted to changing circumstances,
agement system. By the time these pages are
varied situations and emerging evidence on
written, a third re-authorization is under way.2
implementation. The overall balance between
The broad goal of sustainability is imple-
rigidity and flexibility is a crucial question to
mented through the 10 national standards of
ensure the success of a policy.
the MSA which provide direction for achieving
The MSA includes, in its Section 2 on “Find-
specific goals to:
ings, purposes, and policy”:
1 Achieve optimum yield and prevent over-
to encourage the development by the United
2 Require the use of the best available scien-
States fishing industry of fisheries which are
tific information.
currently underutilized or not utilized by United
3 Manage stocks as a unit. States fishermen, including bottom fish off Alaska,
4 Ensure that allocations are fair and equi- and to that end, to ensure that optimum yield
table, promote conservation, and prevent determinations promote such development in a
excessive shares. non-wasteful manner.
5 Consider efficiency in utilization; not have
economic allocation as sole purpose. The emphasis on developing the industry to
6 Allow for variations and contingencies. fully utilize the resources available is notewor-
7 Minimize costs, avoid duplication. thy. As we will see below, the consequences of a
8 Consider fishing communities to provide policy based on catch limitations on individual
for their sustained participation and to stocks, combined with a discard policy, con-
minimize adverse economic impacts. tribute to a considerable extent to significant
9 Minimize by-catch, and by-catch mortality. under-exploitation of a number of US stocks.
10 Promote safety of human life at sea. However, the policy in general is considered a
It should thus be noted that the policy has success because it reduces overfishing. This is
multiple objectives, not only biological but also an apparent contradiction, which shows that
social. It is also true that the way these objec- even if the legal basis established long ago
tives are defined does not establish a hierarchy indicates certain principles related to indus-
among them, which means that, like in the CFP, try development and social and economic
the management should seek a reasonable bal- use of the resources, this has not prevented
ance among them. the evolution of the policy toward a de facto
conservation-driven implementation.
In terms of level of ambition, the US policy
magnusonstevens/ in 1996 required the recovery of fish stocks
30 Chapter 2

within 10 years with certain exceptions, while agreements hinder conservation and
the CFP, when it established its MSY objective, management efforts by US fishermen; and
considered a shorter period of six years, and no ✓ the stock is affected by unusual events that
exceptions. The US experience shows a positive make rebuilding within the specified time
relationship between the implementation of improbable without significant economic
rebuilding plans and the recovery of biomass harm to fishing communities.
for 44 stocks (Oremus et al. 2014). However, • The bill also would replace the term over-
as we will see below, this positive trend in fished with depleted and would define
biomass was not necessarily accompanied by depleted as a decline in stock biomass,
higher yields. It is also true that some of these regardless of its cause.
stocks “recovered” as a result of updated and The above points are of extraordinary inter-
improved information rather than changes est, and show that the US policy is trying to
required in rebuilding plans. learn from the experience, while trying to
reduce the burden to the industry. The flexi-
On-going changes bility in the recovery time of depleted stocks,
At the time of writing, there is an on-going the introduction of elements of third country
re-authorization of the MSA. Interestingly, this influence in management and the increased
includes the challenge to balance conservation attention to mixed-fisheries aspects are a clear
and utilization of fish populations. In effect, indication that a policy focused so prominently
Bill H.R. 200, adopted by the US Congress on on eliminating overfishing in all individual
July 11 2018, is named “Strengthening Fish- stocks may produce undesirable effects that
ing Communities and Increasing Flexibility in now must be corrected. A very important
Fisheries Management Act.”3 Among other pro- lesson for the CFP.
posals, the bill proposes the following changes:
• When specifying a time period for rebuilding Australia
stocks, H.R. 200 would amend the current The Fisheries Management Act of 1991 also sets
section from “as short as possible” to “as out our responsibilities in relation to the pursuit
short as practicable.” H.R. 200 would replace of ecologically sustainable development. This
the 10-year rebuilding requirement with a objective is a requirement to manage the long-
time frame that “may not exceed the time term sustainability of fisheries resources for the
the stock would be rebuilt without fishing benefit of all users and interest groups both now
occurring plus one mean generation.” and in the future. The objectives, as enunciated
• Bill H.R. 200 would add exceptions to stock in Article 3 of the Act4 are as follows:
rebuilding requirements such as:
The following objectives must be pursued by the
✓ the cause of stock depletion is outside the
Minister in the administration of this Act and by
jurisdiction of the Council or the rebuild- the Australian Fisheries Management Authority
ing program cannot be effective only by (AFMA) in the performance of its functions:
limiting fishing activities; a implementing efficient and cost-effective
✓ one or more components of a mixed-stock fisheries management on behalf of the Com-
fishery is depleted but cannot be rebuilt monwealth; and
b ensuring that the exploitation of fisheries
within the specified time without signif-
resources and the carrying on of any related
icant economic harm to the fishery or
activities are conducted in a manner consistent
without causing another component to with the principles of ecologically sustainable
approach a depleted status; development (which include the exercise of the
✓ management activities by another coun- precautionary principle), in particular the need
try under informal trans-boundary to have regard to the impact of fishing activities

3 4
The objectives of the CFP 31

on non-target species and the long-term sustain- 2 A soft limit that triggers a requirement for a
ability of the marine environment; and formal, time-constrained rebuilding plan; and
c maximizing the net economic returns to the 3 A hard limit below which fisheries should be
Australian community from the management of
considered for closure.
Australian fisheries;
d ensuring accountability to the fishing industry
These standards have certain characteristics
and to the Australian community in AFMA’s that made them extremely interesting as an
management of fisheries resources; and example:
e achieving government targets in relation to the • They consider a target not a limit as the basis
recovery of the costs of AFMA. for management, and recognize the natural
In addition to the objectives mentioned in fluctuation of fish stocks, so the system is not
subsection (1), or in Section 78 of this Act, the
based on a fixed point but one around which
Minister, AFMA, and Joint Authorities are to have
there is room for fluctuation.
regard to the objectives of:
a ensuring, through proper conservation and • A limit to trigger special action, which is set
management measures, that the living resources at 0.5 Bmsy and a hard limit to establish a fish-
of the Australian Fishing Zone (AFZ) are not ery closure. But there is no requirement for
endangered by over-exploitation; and stocks to be all “above Bmsy .”
b achieving the optimum utilization of the living New Zealand has, reputedly, one of the best
resources of the AFZ.
fisheries management systems in the world,
Once again, we see a multi-purpose policy despite the flexibility of its objectives in the
where the biological requirements are com- law. Its example shows that making the basic
bined with the notion of “cost effectiveness,” legal texts or the standards very ambitious and
high economic return and full utilization of the demanding is not necessarily a condition for
resources. policy success.

New Zealand Norway

The fisheries policy of New Zealand is often In Norway, another example frequently cited as
cited as a success story in terms of the ecological an example for the CFP, the objective of the fish-
and economic sustainability it has achieved. eries policy is:5
But what is the objective of this policy? In
The Fisheries policy shall contribute to establish
effect, according to the 1996 Fisheries Act, the
a sound basis for an economically viable devel-
purpose of the fisheries policy is: opment of the fisheries industry. A sustainable
management of the living marine resources is
to provide for the utilization of fisheries resources
pre-conditional. Through market orientation
while ensuring sustainability.
and increased value adding, the fisheries sector
The term “utilization” meaning: shall contribute to good employment and living
opportunities in the coastal communities.
conserving, using, enhancing, and developing fish-
eries resources to enable people to provide for their Again, beyond the very general notion
social, economic, and cultural well-being. of “sustainability” as a pre-condition, socio-
economic considerations are at the core of the
The policy objective is clearly one that puts
declared objectives of the policy.
emphasis not only on sustainability, but just as
much on utilization and social benefit. Interest-
Rigid vs. flexible objectives
ingly, like in the US, these objectives are made
One important lesson that can be drawn from
more precise through standards. In respect
the above comparative analysis is that the most
of harvest strategy these standards are three
successful fisheries policies in the world do
(Anon. 2008):
1 A specified target about which a fishery or 5

stock should fluctuate; fisheries_and_aquaculture_fkd.pdf/nb-no/

32 Chapter 2

not necessarily have very ambitious and rigid • the effects of the policy in mixed fisheries;
objectives in law. These best examples show • inefficiencies in the sharing of fishing rights;
how, even with built-in flexibility in the legal and
text, it is serious implementation that can lead • inefficient markets.
to success, rather than very rigid, ambitious These are explained in subsequent pages. It
objectives on paper that may be unrealistic or is important to understand that low, inefficient
very difficult to implement. exploitation levels of available – sustainable –
resources may hinder the achievement of some
of the objectives of Article 39 TFEU.
The case for full exploitation
of fishery resources Is under-exploitation positive?
As we will see below, certain combination of
Preventing overfishing or fully policy provisions, particularly when applied
exploiting? to mixed fisheries, can lead to significant
It is obvious that keeping stocks at unsustain- under-exploitation of stocks that could be
able levels, and even at levels that will not pro- exploited sustainably at higher harvest lev-
duce MSY is not compatible with the objectives els. In the context of a policy where the only
of the CFP and does not contribute to achieve operational targets established are biological,
the objectives of Article 39 TFEU. As fish stocks this under-exploitation is often not seen as a
have traditionally been markedly below sus- problem. But, is it?
tainable levels it is logical that the CFP, for many If the management of mixed fisheries leads to
years, has focused on ensuring such sustainabil- under-exploitation of certain stocks, then it is
ity. Not surprisingly, the fish stock management true that this can have certain positive conse-
policy has been traditionally called “con- quences:
servation” policy, a term that indicates the • Creating a “safety net” for the stocks con-
philosophy behind it and is arguably responsible cerned that would ensure they are farther
for its bad image among EU fishermen. away from possible over-exploitation. In
This author has named his own account of the other words, under-exploitation could be
development of the CFP as “the quest for sus- seen as the practical establishment of a lower
tainability” (Penas Lado 2016). This quest is by risk of over-exploitation of fishery resources.
no means finished and, despite positive trends • Reducing the overall pressure on the marine
in recent years, self-indulgence is absolutely to environment, with positive consequences for
be avoided. the ecosystem.
However, as the status of stocks in Europe For the above reasons, a policy leading to
gradually reach more sustainable levels (in the under-exploitation of sustainable levels of fish-
Atlantic and Baltic), and as the CFP clearly ing is generally seen, by environmentalists, as a
establishes the MSY objective by 2020, the positive development.
issue will gradually be raised of the possible In contrast, the under-exploitation can cer-
under-exploitation of the resources, either as tainly be seen as a problem in economic and
a result of the management system or because social terms, in that it represents significant
of market failures. Indeed, this is the case in loss of sustainable revenue and negative effects
the US, as we will see below. This opens a on employment. However, if we look into this
new debate: if Article 39 TFEU undoubtedly question from a wider perspective, the negative
requires sustainable fish stocks, it can also be effects of under-exploitation of resources go
argued that this article also requires full and much beyond that:
complete exploitation of the resources available • The objectives of Article 39 TFEU would
sustainably. And there are at least three reasons be more difficult to achieve: the abundant,
why the exploitation of the EU’s sustainable steady supply of fish would not be assured;
fishery resources may not be complete even if including consequences on European con-
sustainability is achieved: sumers.
The objectives of the CFP 33

• The dependence of Europe on imported The risk of under-exploitation, in any case,

seafood would increase. As we will see must be compounded with the possibility
below, the under-exploitation may increase of a backlash in the tendency toward better
pressure on resources in third countries management of resources in recent years. The
where management is weak. danger to avoid is to use the full exploitation
• It would put additional pressure on land argument as an excuse to undermine all efforts
ecosystems. The unexploited fish would to ensure sustainability. This idea should there-
need to be replaced by alternative animal fore be understood as an attempt to strike the
protein. If this is chicken, for example, what right balance, not to jettison all the efforts made
would be the implication in terms of addi- in recent years to advance toward sustainability.
tional production of maize or soya to feed
that poultry? How much forest would need
to be chopped down to provide for the extra
Is under-exploitation a realistic
scenario in the CFP?
farmland? And if this is farmed fish, the
effects of this sector on the conservation of
The obvious problem with the over-exploitation
wild forage fish are also very controversial.
of so many fishery resources around the
• Relative stability (the cornerstone of the CFP)
world (FAO 2016) may give the impression
may not be, de facto, fully respected, in par-
that under-exploitation is not an issue, or
ticular if the under-exploitation would affect
one that is far less important than that of
some Member States more than others.
over-exploitation. The long history of over-
• To sum up: the objectives of Article 39 TFEU
exploitation of European fishery resources and
may not be fully achieved.
the slow progress accomplished may give the
Ultimately, the question is: what is the best
impression that this question is not worthy of
way of implementing the objectives of Article
attention. Some may even argue that it would
39 TFEU? Again, over-exploitation of resources
be counter-productive to raise it, when the full
cannot guarantee any of these objectives, cer-
sustainability of resources in Europe is still not
tainly not in the long term. But what about achieved.
under-exploitation? Is the under-exploitation This is true, and nothing in this book should
of fishery resources conducive to the objectives be understood as a reason to undermine the
of Article 39? I will try to demonstrate that continuous struggle to phase out overfishing
the answer is no; that the best way to achieve from European fisheries. However, as that
these objectives is to ensure sustainable but full objective is gradually approached, and as the
exploitation of these resources. new combination of CFP measures (individual
We will see below that certain combination of [Total Allowable Catch] TAC + landing obliga-
circumstances, in particular the achievement of tion + relative stability) kick in fully in 2019,
MSY objectives for individual stocks, combined the possible under-exploitation of EU fishery
with the landing obligation and all under rela- resources becomes a potential problem. It is in
tive stability could lead mixed fisheries to a situ- this light that the question should be examined.
ation of considerable partial under-exploitation.
This risk could be avoided by providing The example of the US
for a wider interpretation of the mandate of The experience of other countries shows that
Article 2.2 of Regulation 1380/2013, which the theoretically “successful” fisheries man-
establishes specific objectives for all regulated agement can lead to a substantial under-
stocks individually. The idea that will be devel- exploitation of the resources. The US rightly
oped in these pages is to interpret this objective claims that, because of fisheries management,
as one that delivers a beneficial overall outcome overfishing has largely been eliminated in US
along the lines of what the economists call a waters (Anon. 2014).
“central tendency” that holds for the most part The Magnuson-Stevens Act has led to a high
but not always. degree of sustainability of the main fishery
34 Chapter 2

resources . . . and to a considerable under- Table 2.1 Data on the level of consumption of EU
exploitation of these resources. The US situation TACs in recent years according to the official
catch-reporting system.
can be roughly characterized by a considerable
reduction of the fishing pressure, but without 2014 2015 2016 2017
an increase in yields as a result. In other words,
70.43% 77.81% 75.66% 73.85%
the success of the US system consists of fishery
resources being more abundant, but exploited Source: Data elaborated by the author.
less heavily. This conservative management
approach takes into account as well the diffi- the level is of a completely different dimension
culty of estimating yield and it provides a de than that of the US. As shown in Table 2.1, the
facto “insurance” policy or hedge that avoids overall level of quota consumption in the EU is
inadvertent over-exploitation. considerably higher than in the US, with quota
In the case of the New England groundfish consumption levels between 70 and 80%,
fishery, under the 2005–2009 management and an apparent downward trend since 2015,
plan the annual catch limits increased substan- the first year in which the landing obligation
tially, while the total landing remained roughly kicked in. A more detailed analysis by species
constant. Between 2005 and 2011, the under- (see Figure 2.1) shows a very wide variation
fishing of the sustainable catch limits was esti- in the percentage of quota consumption for
mated at more than 550 000 tonnes, worth different species and different geographical
US$ 1.8 billion. In 2010, the catch of all areas, so there are indeed certain levels of
managed groundfish species was under the under-utilization of quotas under the EU. And
prescribed catch limits; in fact, only 37% of the this is all before the full implementation of
aggregate catch limit was caught (Rothschild the discard ban and the full impact of choke
et al. 2014). In the west coast of the US, the species. Why? Current under-exploitation of
total consumption of TACs has been lower than certain resources can be the result of several
40% and the trend has been downwards for factors:
years (Ray Hilborn, personal communication). • Theoretically, the effects of the management
If we look at other examples in North America, system in mixed fisheries, where the combi-
we see a similar trend: in the groundfish fishery nation of individual fish stock objectives and
of western Canada, the rate of consumption of the ban on discarding can lead to fisheries
quotas varies around 50% only (Bruce Turris, being stopped before all quotas are con-
personal communication). sumed (the “choke species” effect). However,
The above results must be interpreted with given the low level of implementation of
care. In particular, the low percentages are the landing obligation during these years,
not ascribed to whether they are due to choke it is unlikely that choke species have been
species effects, market considerations, or other responsible for this decrease.
factors. The figures show a level of under- • The “paper fish” effect, that is, in some cases
exploitation of available fishing opportunities the quotas established may be higher than
that raises many questions as to whether the US the real abundance of the fish. Although this
system is effectively delivering all its declared is a phenomenon that has been considerably
economic objectives. reduced over time, there can still be cases
We will see below how that table compares where quotas are set artificially high.
with the percentages of quota consumption in • In a number of cases certain quotas may not
Europe under the CFP. be fished because of market inefficiencies.
These can be of very different nature:
Under-exploitation in the EU? (a) In some cases, the species concerned has
In the CFP, there is also a certain level of just a low market value so that its full
under-exploitation of the resources, although exploitation is not economical;
The objectives of the CFP 35

An iting


ac e



H e
H ing
















Figure 2.1 Consumption of TACs by some key species in EU waters. Average for years 2014–2016.
Source: Data elaborated by the author.

(b) In some other cases, the quotas avail- or herring have consumption levels over 80%
able may not be fished because they are other species such as plaice have barely a utiliza-
allocated to Member States that have no tion over 50% and a very valuable stock such
economic interest while other Member as hake has less than 80% consumption. If sec-
States may be more than willing to catch ondary species are considered, utilization levels
them. This is an undesirable effect of the are lower, for example tusk TACs are fished at
rigidity of relative stability that will be around only 30%.
dealt with in subsequent chapters. These results, however, must be considered
While the effect of choke species is still to be carefully. In particular, they correspond to
evaluated, since the combination of individual official catches, that is, they do not take into
TACs under the landing obligation is still in the account unaccounted catches, or “black land-
phase-in period, there is no doubt about the ings.” If such unaccounted landings are taken
effects of the market inefficiencies. into account (whatever their real magnitude
These percentages are variable geograph- may be), the figure of under-exploitation would
ically. For 2015 the overall consumption of be smaller, though it would probably still be
TACs was 77.8%, but percentages were higher significant. On the other hand, however, the
in certain areas such as the Baltic or North table has been made not from the original TACs
East Atlantic Fishery Commission (NEAFC) but from the “adjusted TACs” that is, after the
but significantly lower in the main area, the quota swaps among Member States (around
western waters, that accounts for 3/4 of all 2000 per year, involving around 13–14% of
TACs. As indicated above, there can be several total catch possibilities). This implies that even
reasons to explain that. What is remarkable is after the adjustments through quota swaps,
that this question has actually never been fully the level of quota consumption is far from
investigated institutionally. In other words, complete.
why is this not seen as a problem, or even as The trend in Table 2.1 is not straightforward
a question to ask? Perhaps it’s about time that to interpret. Although the reduction coincides
this question be seriously investigated. with the gradual implementation of the landing
TAC consumption is also variable for different obligation, it would be premature to explain
stocks, as shown in Figure 2.1: while sole, sprat, the reduction on account of choke species
36 Chapter 2

effects (see Chapter 6). There may be some theoretical one, or like establishing the wrong
cause/effect relationship with first sale fish priorities.
prizes which, according to European Market There is no doubt that the over-exploitation
Observatory for Fisheries and Aquaculture of quotas in the CFP has been and continues to
Products (EUMOFA),6 have been declining in be a serious concern. But it is a well-known con-
certain years for certain groups of species: cern that has been subject to many initiatives
• Prices of groundfish increased until 2011, but in terms of recognizing the problem (EU 2007),
have declined since, from an average of over taking offenders to the Court of Justice, reshuf-
€2/Kg in 2011 to less than €1.5/Kg in 2015. fling the control legislation (EU 2009b) or
• Prices of small pelagic fish show an identi- improving compliance by Member States
cal trend, with a reduction from €0.75/Kg in through the coordinated approach of EFCA.
2011 to less than €0.60/Kg in 2015. In contrast, the question of under-exploitation
• On the contrary, flatfish prices have remained of certain stocks in European waters has not
stable, at around €4.5/Kg from 2011 to 2015. been subject to any initiative, or indeed been
The objective of the above data is not to considered an issue at all.
play down the threat of overfishing. In fact, Recent studies suggest that there is still a
the figures correspond to landings, not total potential for an increase in global fish pro-
catches. If discards are added to these figures, duction, to be achieved both by improving
the effects on the resources are obviously sig- management of currently over-exploited fish-
nificantly higher. Last but not least, the referred eries but also by expanding catches in certain
TACs are, in a number of cases, higher than well-managed stocks (Costello et al. 2016).
those necessary to ensure sustainability. In turn, Hilborn and Costello (2018) after a
The real objective of the above table is to complete analysis of world fisheries through
demonstrate that in the CFP there is also a meta-analysis, concluded that:
problem of under-exploitation of a number
of TACs, and that the problem seems to be There is considerable room for increased profit in
getting worse, even if there is little evidence of most of these fisheries from better management.
choke species effect so far. If this was evident Increased yield will come from rebuilding overex-
ploited stocks, reducing fishing mortality on stocks
even before full implementation of the landing
that are still fished at high rates, and surprisingly
obligation, what can we expect as the policy
from fishing some stocks harder. Indeed, in Europe
becomes fully effective? and North America the primary potential for
increased yield comes from fully exploiting stocks
Under-exploitation vs. that are now lightly exploited.
It is also true that the under-exploitation of As we saw above, many stocks in EU waters
certain quotas may also be considered as a are not fully exploited. It is noteworthy that,
minor problem if we compare it with the unlike EU waters, in third countries, where
over-exploitation of many other quotas due EU fleets fish under bilateral agreements, there
to poor enforcement of catch limits, which is have been initiatives designed to ensuring that
still very significant in many European fish- the fishing opportunities paid with European
eries, as regularly reported by the European tax-payers’ money, are fully used.
Fishery Control Agency (EFCA). Indeed, the In EU waters, on the contrary, the fact that
main problem of the CFP for many years has fishing opportunities are not paid by tax-payers
been that of quota over-exploitation. In that money has led to a tradition where such under-
context, talking about under-exploitation may exploitation, whenever it happens, is not seen
sound like comparing a real problem with a as a problem. However, if we look again at the
terms of Article 39 TFEU, this will have to be
6 addressed one day.
The objectives of the CFP 37

The consequences The three main world’s markets for fish (the
of under-exploitation EU, Japan, and the US) consume 30% of the
world’s fish supply, although they represent
As we saw above, there is an obvious conse- only 12% of the population (Swartz et al. 2010).
quence of the under-exploitation of fishery The three importing blocs have very clear
resources: it does not contribute to achieve the spheres of influence. It is obvious then that
objectives of Article 39 TFEU. However, for if these three importers do not fully use their
many societal interests this may not be unde- sustainable resources, this will result in consid-
sirable: under-exploiting fishery stocks has erable pressure on the exporting countries,
positive ecological effects in reducing pressure many of which are developing countries
on the marine ecosystems. But is this really with little means to ensure good manage-
so simple? ment. This means that under-exploitation of
It is simple if we look at the European marine resources protects the marine environment in
environment alone. It is not simple at all if we the importing countries, but aggravates it in
look at the globe as a whole and particularly the exporting ones; a new form of environ-
at the world’s food-producing systems. The rea- mental neo-colonialism, that certain authors
son is simple: all the animal protein that does call “leakage” (Helvey et al. 2017). Indeed,
not come from sustainable exploitation of Euro- importing countries should have an interest to
pean fisheries will have to be replaced by ani- preserve the exporting countries’ ecosystems,
mal protein coming from other fisheries in the on which they also depend. An adequate level
world (some of them poorly managed), or from of exploitation of the importing countries’ own
the already over-stretched land-based agricul- resources may also contribute to that.
ture and livestock systems. It is also pertinent to ask the question of how
much fish originated in illegal, unreported, and
The effects on other marine areas unregulated (IUU) fisheries is being imported
The EU fish market is not self-sufficient: to fill the gap of Europe’s inability to extract
according to Eurostat, in 2014 the EU exported the maximum possible sustainable yield from
2 145 169 t of fish (worth EUR 4.3 billion) but its marine resources?
imported 5 947 708 t (worth EUR 21 billion), so The above points only reflect one basic fact:
the EU market runs a deficit of nearly 4 million in the world everything is interconnected, and
tons of fish a year. While much of the imported what Europe (the world’s first consumer of
production comes from well-managed cap- seafood) does with its own fish resources will
ture fisheries, from countries with sustainable have a bearing in the rest of the world; it is in
fisheries policies such as Norway or Iceland, a this light that the debate on over-exploitation/
significant part of the EU’s seafood imports also under-exploitation must be looked at.
corresponds to catches from countries where
such production is not always sustainable, or The effects on land: is livestock
where it takes place under socially-unsound production better than fishing?
conditions. In other cases, seafood imports Land ecosystems are already under tremendous
come from countries known to have pro- pressure from farming, urbanization, and many
duced such seafood at the cost of considerable other uses (Lambin and Meyfroidt 2011). Many
degradation of their coastal habitats. initiatives are taking place to find solutions to
The effect of the possible under-exploitation increase food production while, at the same
of EU resources may also be looked at from this time, reducing deforestation. Some of these ini-
viewpoint: what are the ecological effects in the tiatives involve proposals to reduce the average
exporting countries of any increase in produc- dependence of human populations on animal
tion to replace the resources that Europe itself protein. Among all land uses, it is important
will not be able to exploit sustainably? to underline in the present context the use
38 Chapter 2

of land for the production of livestock, which effects of livestock production is the estimation
competes with seafood as the main source of of its contribution to the global production
animal protein for human consumption. of greenhouse gases: according to the World
FAO produced in 2006 a complete review of Watch organization, livestock production is
the effects of livestock production (FAO 2006): responsible for 51% of the total production
• Worldwide, the production of livestock of greenhouse gases, more than any other
accounts for 70% of total agricultural land sector of the human economy. In addition,
and 30% of the land surface of the planet. livestock production is the single largest driver
The expansion of livestock production is a of habitat loss (Machovina et al. 2015) due
key factor in deforestation, in particular in to the cutting down of forest land to produce
Latin America, where 70% of the former sur- feed crops.
face of the Amazon is occupied by pastures As we will see in Chapter 13, fish protein
and feed crops. is healthy; its consumption is highly recom-
• The livestock sector is responsible for 18% mended by doctors and nutritionists, and the
of anthropogenic CO2 emissions. The largest world’s appetite for fish is on the rise. The
share of this comes from land use change fish not exploited sustainably will have to be
due to expansion of pastures and arable land replaced by other animal proteins. Even if such
for feed crops. The sector also emits 37% of proteins are mainly from poultry (with much
anthropogenic methane (with 23 times the lower impact than swine or dairy livestock)
global warming potential of CO2 ). its production will only contribute to increase
• The sector also represents a major source of the ecological impact on land, notably due
biodiversity loss, due to massive deforesta- to the necessary increase in feed crops, with all
tion. Last but not least, the sector represents the effects on global warming, fresh water and
8% of global human water use, mostly for pesticide use and loss of biodiversity that we
the irrigation of feed crops. have seen above.
This was the picture in 2006. All the above It is really in this light, by considering the
effects must have been aggravated in recent world ecosystem as a whole, that we must
years. examine the problem of the potential under-
Even in the most efficient transformer of utilization of fishery resources: as an extra
vegetable crops into animal protein among pressure on the world’s already overstretched
terrestrial livestock (poultry) it is estimated land ecosystems.
that an average of 3 800 m3 of water are nec-
essary to produce 1 tonne of chicken. FAO The public debate
summarized that: The above data clearly shows that in terms of
influence in the world’s ecosystems and climate
Over the past decades, the poultry sector’s growth
and trends toward intensification and concentra- balance, livestock is far more important, and has
tion have given rise to a number of environmental a much greater effect than fisheries. Yet, while
concerns. A direct consequence of these structural there is abundant public debate about the neg-
changes (industrialization, geographical concen- ative effects of overfishing, little is said about
tration and intensification) in poultry production is the negative effects of excessive livestock pro-
that far more waste than can be managed by land
duction. Why?
disposal is produced, resulting in environmental
One of the causes may be the different degree
of interest shown by environmental NGOs. In
Other important works have estimated Europe, the most dynamic NGO in recent years
the effects on livestock production and have has been the Pew Charitable Trust, which has
made projections of estimated surplus and launched impressive campaigns and which
deficits (Steinfeld et al. 2006). But perhaps has been in recent years extremely active in
the most meaningful information about the the fight against overfishing. Yet, the website
The objectives of the CFP 39

of this important NGO7 includes no mention the main situation of over-fishing are phased
of the problem of livestock in the world’s out, there is a need to examine the trade-offs
environment. between precaution and conservation and the
This author has no evidence to explain this, social and economic benefits that the fisheries
but this fact casts a certain doubt as to the legit- can provide (Sissenwine et al. 2014).
imacy of the strong focus to fight against the Another important consideration is whether
interests of the fishing industry, whose negative the prescriptive objectives established for indi-
effects on the world’s ecosystem clearly falls vidual stocks are flexible enough to deal with
behind those of other human activities, and technical and biological interactions in multi-
which produces a high quality, relatively low species fisheries and ecosystems or in data-poor
impact food for humankind. situations where scientific certainty cannot be
Fisheries management is at present subject quantified. This clearly calls for management
to a high level of public scrutiny, and this must systems to evolve in response to changes in
be welcomed as a good development, since the fisheries, in the environment and in society at
issues related to fisheries management are of large (Sissenwine et al. 2014).
interest for society at large. But such societal Certainly, providing greater flexibility in
scrutiny should also take account the larger management objectives may lead again to abuse
impact on the world’s ecosystem of the other leading to over-exploitation. However, overly
human, food-producing activities, and how prescriptive rules may lead to large foregone
they compare with the fishing activity itself in yields in mixed fisheries (see next chapter).
terms of benefits and impacts in the world’s Where to strike the right balance is one of the
ecosystems. fundamental challenges for the implementation
of the CFP.
The failure of the CFP to ensure sustainable
fisheries over many years certainly supports
Are the fishery objectives of the
the idea of a policy with very rigid and specific
new CFP too rigid?
policy objectives with relatively little room for
interpretation, as the only way to create “self-
All the above considerations lead to a substan-
discipline” to go in the right direction (Penas
tial question: the objectives for the management
Lado 2016, chapter 4). However, if we look at
of stocks under the new CFP, are they too rigid?
the future of the CFP, and especially if we look
Would more flexibility be necessary to ensure
at the new policy adopted in 2013, which com-
a better balance between the necessary avoid-
bines increased rigidity with the combination
ance of over-exploitation and the risk of under-
of measures that can be difficult to conciliate
in mixed fisheries, one can question whether
The answer is not straightforward and can
there is a need to provide certain internal
be a function of policy development. Typi-
flexibility in the policy while at the same time
cally, fishery management systems have been
keeping certain basic elements to ensure that
put into place to react to serious situations of
the main objective of ensuring sustainability be
over-exploitation of fishery resources. In those
cases, the introduction of specific, more pre-
scriptive objectives is very useful because they
The lessons from the US system
replace more flexible systems that were prone
The US system provides an excellent example
to abuse, leading to over-fishing. However,
in terms of the balance between specificity
as these more prescriptive systems tend to be
of policy objectives and the flexibility of the
based on biological parameters only, and as
means to achieve them. The US system has a
number of advantages to adapt policy outputs
7 through flexible combinations of solutions, and
40 Chapter 2

above all, to keep up with the evolution of flexible, and arguably simpler policy. Only with
the industry and the conditions under which it more trust among Member States, industries
operates. Many of these elements of flexibility and EU institutions could the CFP establish
are certainly a source of inspiration for the simpler rules, allowing for different solutions
CFP. However, the US system has also certain in different areas, even if they are not perfectly
rigidities that are preventing the achievement equivalent. The idea that any regional differ-
of the overall balance above mentioned. In ence may constitute a “discrimination” is still so
particular, the US system is failing to ensure deeply rooted in the EU system, and this makes
that the exploitation of its resources is not only the kind of flexibility of the US system very
sustainable, but also complete. difficult to apply. Only if the CFP can develop
The most important element of flexibility that sense of trust will the policy be able to
in the US, as compared with the EU, is that evolve from a detailed, prescriptive approach,
the guidance on how to achieve the overall where all the rules are established as hard law
objectives of the policy are specified by the 10 to one based on recommendations with an
national standards, that can be implemented ample room for maneuver for implementation
under a considerable degree of flexibility, in different places and circumstances.
including the consideration of different levels
Socio-economic objectives vs.
of risk. biological delivery: should the policy
The EU does not have a similar instrument, establish specific socio-economic
and the way in which the basic tenets of the targets?
policy are specified in more specific rules always As we saw above, fishery legislations in general
takes the form of legally-binding regulations, establish objectives that are economic and social
thus removing room for maneuver when imple- as well as biological. The scientific literature
menting the policy. The tendency in the CFP includes the development of the notion of
has been to build ever more detailed regulations “Maximum Social Yield” which captures the
to pin down all players to a – theoretical – strict trade-offs between social, economic, and eco-
delivery of policy goals, showing a remarkable logical sustainability (Charles 1988). Yet, the
lack of trust among the players concerned. general tendency is also that the operational
The US experience in providing for flexibility parameters used for stock management tend to
would not be easy to replicate in the EU. The be primarily, if not exclusively, biological. Why?
main reason lies probably in the multinational The reason for this has been very well-
nature of the CFP that adds a fundamental explained by some authors, for the specific
element of distrust among key players. In the case of Australia. In this country, the regional
US, with all participants being from the same authorities responsible have chosen a role lim-
country, there is a relatively high level of trust ited to ensuring biological sustainability, with
among the actors, whose legitimacy is not fun- the economic management being left to the
damentally questioned by anyone, although commercial industry (Emery et al. 2017). The
this is very variable and has exceptions. In the reasons for this are generally applicable to many
EU, on the contrary, the traditional mistrust countries, and certainly to the EU as well:
among fleets from different Member States • The industry tends to be resistant to change,
places an extra pressure on the so-called “level even sometimes to changes that would
playing field” that ends up requiring hard increase their economic benefit, since change
law solutions to problems that, in the US, are requires modification of existing business
resolved by providing for flexibility for different structures.
fisheries, in different regions, taking different • There is lack of information on the reasons
solutions and even different levels of risk. for the proposed regulations, creating confu-
This author has repeatedly advocated the sion as to the real motives for the proposed
need to establish trust as the basis for a more change.
The objectives of the CFP 41

• The industry is heterogeneous, and any mea- negotiations, without transparency and often
sure is viewed differently by diverse business mixing genuine social questions with oppor-
structures. tunistic or partisan politics, which in turn has
• That heterogeneity also results in difficulties traditionally undermined the credibility of the
for the industry to reach consensus or wide “social” arguments in fisheries management
agreement on management changes aligned under the CFP.
with overarching legislation objectives.
In the specific case of the EU, we must add the
very different culture of management among
Member States, some of which consider the Anon. (2008). Harvest Strategy Standard for New
fishing industry as any other economic sector Zealand Fisheries. New Zealand Government. Min-
that must stand on their own economically, istry of Fisheries, October 2008, 25 pp.
while others see it as a strategic sector where Anon (2014). Ocean Studies Board. Evaluating the Effec-
State policies should pursue specific economic tiveness of Fish Stock Rebuilding Plans in the United
States. National Academies Press.
and social objectives. Thus, it is impossible to
Charles, A.T. (1988). Fishery socioeconomics: a sur-
agree on a common definition of the “maximum
vey. Land Economics 11: 201–211.
social yield” that is valid in all Member States. Costello, C., Ovando, D., Clavelle, T. et al. (2016).
For these reasons, it seems inevitable that the Global fishery prospects under contrasting manage-
CFP, even though Article 39 TFEU has a number ment regimes. Proceedings of the National Academy
of socio-economic objectives, will always have of Sciences of the United States of America 113 (18):
trouble in establishing its operational objectives 5125–5129.
Emery, T.J., Gardner, C., Hartmann, K., and
in specific socio-economic terms. But that also
Cartwright, I. (2017). Beyond sustainability: is
means that the operational biological objectives
government obliged to increase economic benefit
should facilitate and promote the achievement from fisheries in the face of industry resistance?
of the larger socio-economic objectives loosely Marine Policy 76: 48–54.
defined in Article 39. In other words, the target EU (2002). Council Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002 of
of having all stocks at the biological level of 20 December 2002 on the conservation and sus-
maximum sustainable yield, should be con- tainable exploitation of fisheries resources under
strued in a way that will allow the achievement the Common Fisheries Policy. Official Journal of the
European Communities L 358 of 31.12.2002, p. 59.
of a range of socio-economic objectives. This
EU (2007). Court of Auditors report strengthens the
calls for a flexible interpretation of MSY as an case for a reform of fisheries control. IP/07/1862.
area around which different socio-economic Brussels, 5 December 2007.
objectives can be achieved. EU (2009a). European Commission. Green Paper: Reform
This represents a challenge, because social of the Common Fisheries Policy. Com. 163 final. Brussels:
objectives seem quite far from being integrated European Commission (22-4-2009).
into the current fisheries management, despite EU (2009b). Council Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009
of 20 November 2009 establishing a Community
a wealth of research on the topic (Rindorf
control system for ensuring compliance with the
et al. 2017). This is due to a lack of coupling of rules of the common fisheries policy, amending
knowledge gained with qualitative and quan- Regulations (EC) No 847/96, (EC) No 2371/2002,
titative methods (Rockmann et al. 2015) and (EC) No 811/2004, (EC) No 768/2005, (EC)
the lack of well-defined and broadly agreed No 2115/2005, (EC) No 2166/2005, (EC) No
social objectives and associated indicators (Pas- 388/2006, (EC) No 509/2007, (EC) No 676/2007,
coe et al. 2017). In other words, the social (EC) No 1098/2007, (EC) No 1300/2008, (EC) No
1342/2008 and repealing Regulations (EEC) No
objectives of Article 39 TFEU have never been
2847/93, (EC) No 1627/94 and (EC) No 1966/2006.
incorporated into the mainstream scientific
Official Journal of the European Union L 343/1.
advice for the CFP, until very recently. The EU (2017). Communication from the Commission
result is that “social” considerations have tra- to the European Parliament, the Council, the
ditionally been included as part of political European Central Bank, the European Economic
42 Chapter 2

and Social Committee and the Committee of Pascoe, S.D., Plaganyi, E.E., and Dichmont, C.M.
the Regions. Reinforcing integrated supervision to (2017). Modelling multiple management objectives
strengthen Capital Markets Union and financial in fisheries: Australian experiences. ICES Journal of
integration in a changing environment. Brussels, Marine Sciences
20.9.2017. COM (2017) 542 final. fsw051.
FAO (2006). Livestock’s Long Shadow. Environmental Penas Lado, E. (2016). The Common Fisheries Policy. The
Issues and Options, 390. Rome: FAO. Quest for Sustainability, 392. Wiley-Blackwell.
FAO (2016). The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture. Rindorf, A., Dichmont, C.M., Thorsen, J.T. et al.
Opportunities and Challenges, 200. Rome: Food and (2017). Quo vadimus. Inclusion of ecological, eco-
Agriculture Organization. nomic, social and institutional considerations when
Halpern, B.S., Longo, C., Hardy, D. et al. (2012). An setting targets and limits for multispecies fisheries.
index to assess the health and benefits of the global ICES Journal of Marine Sciences 74 (2): 453–463.
ocean. Nature 488: 615–620.
Helvey, M., Pomeroy, C., Pradham, N.C. et al. (2017). Rockmann, C., van Leeuwen, J., Goldsborough, D.
Can the United States have its fish and eat it too? et al. (2015). The interaction triangle as a tool for
Marine Policy 75: 62–67. understanding stakeholder interactions in marine
Hilborn, R. and Costello, C. (2018). The poten- ecosystem-based management. Marine Policy 52:
tial for blue growth in marine fish yield, profit 155–162.
and abundance of fish in the ocean. Marine Pol- Rothschild, B.J., Keiley, E.F., and Jiao, Y. (2014). Fail-
icy 87: 350–355. ure to eliminate overfishing and attain optimum
.2017.02.003. yield in the New England groundfish fishery. ICES
Lambin, E.F. and Meyfroidt, P. (2011). Global land Journal of Marine Science 71 (2): 226–233. https://doi
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ing land scarcity. Proceedings of the National Academy Salomon, M., Markus, T., and Dross, M. (2014). Mas-
of Sciences of the United States of America 108 (9): terstroke or paper tiger – the reform of the EU′ s
3465–3472. common fisheries policy. Marine Policy 47: 76–84.
Longo, C., Hornborg, S., Bartolino, V. et al. (2015). Sissenwine, M.M., Mace, P., and Lassen, H.J. (2014).
Role of trophic models and indicators in cur- Preventing overfishing: evolving approaches and
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ogy Progress Series 538: 257–272. 71 (2): 153–156.
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Machovina, B., Feeley, K.J., and Ripple, W.J. (2015). Steinfeld, H., Gerber, P., Wassenaar, T. et al. (2006).
Biodiversity conservation. The key is reducing meat Livestock’s Long Shadow, 229. Rome: FAO.
consumption. Science of the Total Environment 536: Swartz, W., Rashid Sumaila, U., Watson, R., and
419–431. Pauly, D. (2010). Sourcing seafood for the three
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requirement to build US fish stocks: is it working? Policy 34: 1366–1373.
Marine Policy 47: 71–75.

Implementing maximum sustainable


What is maximum sustainable social benefit do not necessarily occur at MSY

yield? levels (Zabel et al. 2003; Anderson et al. 2015;
Hilborn et al. 2015). However, the introduction
Maximum sustainable yield (MSY) is the basic of the MSY objective can also be associated
objective of fisheries management in interna- with economic benefit. Guillén et al. (2016)
tional law (United Nations Convention on the estimated that in NE Atlantic fish stocks were
Law of the Sea, UNCLOS), in a number of coun- to be exploited at MSY, the EU fishing sector
tries around the world and, since 2013, in the could get an additional €4.64 billion per year in
Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). profits than they would if current exploitation
rates were maintained. This forecast seems to be
Defining MSY proving right, since the improvement of stock
The most common definition of MSY is that status observed in recent years is producing a
provided by the Organization for Economic net increase in the profitability levels of the EU
Co-operation and Development (OECD):1 fleets (EU 2018a).
The concept of MSY is very old and has
Maximum sustainable yield (MSY) is the largest
always been hotly debated. Though consol-
long-term average catch or yield that can be taken
from a stock or stock complex under prevailing
idated in international and EU law, it has
ecological and environmental conditions. important detractors. Some even wrote its
epitaph long ago, based on the view that MSY
The notion of MSY as an objective for fish- “advocated yields too high” (Larkin 1977). MSY
eries management has been applied in a wide has also been dismissed as the wrong objective
number of cases, including the World Summit for fisheries management: a world’s renowned
for Sustainable Development of 2002 in Johan- scientist like Sidney Holt considered MSY “the
nesburg (United Nations 2002). A number of worst idea on fisheries management” based
countries and organizations have also used this on the argument that it “both enthrones and
concept as a fisheries management objective institutionalizes greed” after recognizing his
(Mace 2001; Worm et al. 2009). earlier support to the idea as a better objective
It has been argued that this notion has always than the existing over-exploitation of certain
addressed the biological conservation of the fish stocks.2
stocks, but does not consider that other possible
objectives such as maximizing economic or 2

1 fisheries-management/

Quo Vadis Common Fisheries Policy?, First Edition. Ernesto Penas Lado.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

44 Chapter 3

MSY in the reformed CFP objectives) other questions (MSY as a limit or as

Regulation 1380/2013 established, for the first an objective, MSY as point values or as a range)
time in the history of the CFP, a long-term were not discussed at all by the EU legislators.
objective for the management of fish stocks. For these reasons, it was not possible to dis-
This objective, the MSY, was considered as the cuss harvest strategies in relation to reference
best way to achieve the objectives of Article points and the explicit acceptance of particular
39 Treaty on the Functioning of the European levels or risk with reference to these points.
Union (TFEU). At the same time, this objec- All these questions are essential to determin-
tive was established for the first time under a ing how the policy works. Several strategies can
specific time frame: 2020. be employed for implementing the notion of
This represented a breakthrough for the CFP, MSY and the effects of each strategy will differ.
in that it corrected one of the CFP’s most clearly Thus, the basic regulation on MSY by 2020,
identified problems: the lack of a specific objec- essential though it is, does not consider all
tive for the management of stocks (EU 2009), options for implementation. This necessitates a
leading to decision-making that for many discussion on each strategy and its likely effects.
years favored short-term political considera- This is not always happening, at least in a
tions rather than the long-term sustainability. structured, purposeful way, and the way the
The effects of this decision are, inter alia, to basic objective of achieving MSY by 2020 is
tie down the EU institutions to a very clear being implemented is more the result of specific
agenda to achieve such an objective within the regulations, notably the Baltic Sea management
required time frame and thus eliminate the plan (EU 2016a) and the subsequent North Sea
short-termism that has plagued the policy for plan (EU 2018b) establishing a precedent and
so many years. thus paving the way for future cases, rather
Before being enshrined in the basic regula- than that of a deliberative consideration of
tion of the CFP in 2013, the notion of MSY possible pros and cons of the different options.
was first introduced at a time when the policy This is the objective of this chapter.
was clearly failing to address overfishing and,
in that context, moving to MSY represented a MSY in international law
net improvement of the situation at that stage. The idea of MSY as a flexible concept is reflected
I would be wrong to blame the notion of MSY in international law. Article 119 of UNCLOS3
for the earlier failure of the CFP to address requires States to:
over-exploitation: the major danger of assign-
maintain or restore populations of harvested
ing the notorious failure of the CFP to a wrong
species at levels which can produce the maximum
culprit, MSY, is to distract research efforts away
sustainable yield, as qualified by relevant environ-
from investigating the real causes that likely mental and economic factors.
lay in the institutional set-up (Mesnil 2012).
Indeed, policies based on MSY objectives have This “as qualified” clearly indicates that other
been very successful in reducing overfishing to considerations about economics and ecology
very low levels in the US (Hilborn 2007). should be considered, so the implementation of
However, the inclusion of MSY as the objec- MSY may actually deviate from a single point
tive of fisheries management under the CFP Fmsy value.
came at a cost: the MSY notion has many impli- The EU is a signatory of UNCLOS, so the
cations that are difficult to handle in a political achievement of that objective in EU fisheries has
negotiation, particularly as this was the first been a legal obligation for the EU since UNCLOS
time EU legislators were confronted with this became effective in 1994. The fact that it has
concept in hard law. While certain aspects of it
were discussed explicitly (the implementation 3

of MSY through biomass or fishing mortality texts/unclos/unclos_e.pdf/

Implementing maximum sustainable yield 45

taken so much time to become enshrined in The MSY objective established in regulation
the CFP (only in 2013) is yet another demon- 1380/2013 is subject to considerably different
stration of the slow pace of evolution and interpretations. For example, some environ-
adaptation of the CFP itself. mental NGOs present the notion of MSY as
At the same time, the rather flexible def- a limit, implying that fishing mortality levels
inition of MSY in UNCLOS is important to should be at Fmsy levels or lower, and that these
bear in mind while considering the following F levels should be such that will ensure that
pages. While certain policy players (some envi- biomass levels of all stocks are above Bmsy .
ronmental Non-Governmental Organizations These different interpretations are legiti-
[NGOs]) advocate the notion of MSY as a strict mate, in the light of the not-so-clear legal text.
limit that must be respected in all stocks, the However, the point value interpretation that
above definition in international law recognizes environmental NGOs promote has a basic flaw:
that the notion of MSY must take into account it does not take account of a number of legal
socio-economic considerations. elements in the Treaty:
• As we will see in Chapter 4, a strict interpre-
MSY and the Treaty tation of Fmsy as a limit will lead, in mixed
All the preceding sections can be summarized as fisheries, to very low levels of exploitation of
one: is MSY the best target to achieve the objec- certain healthy stocks. This would not corre-
tives of Article 39 of the Treaty? And what inter- spond to Article 39’s objective of maximizing
pretation of MSY can best achieve that? This is production.
one, if not the most, quintessential question for • In some cases, keeping a very strict interpre-
the management of fish stocks under the CFP. tation would imply dramatic cuts in fishing
The objectives laid down in Article 39 TFEU opportunities, and this runs counter with
are varied, and under some circumstances Article 39’s point about “the need to effect
incompatible. That means that a reasonable bal- the appropriate adjustments by degrees.”
ance among such objectives should be achieved. • The choke species effect (see Chapter 4) may
No single point can maximize the delivery of all lead to closures of important and healthy
the different objectives. In fact, the Commission fisheries because the Fmsy of a very secondary
presented its proposal for MSY as the opera- species may be overshot. This may not cor-
tional objective of the CFP as the best way to respond to the principle of proportionality
achieve the objectives of Article 39 TFEU based established in the Treaty.
on that idea. This author consistently presented In any case, the question remains contro-
the notion of MSY in the CFP as: “an area versial. MSY is not a straightforward question,
within which we can strike the best balance and different ways of implementing the notion
among the different objectives of Article 39.” are possible – and legitimate. I would strongly
This implies that MSY must not be seen as argue that the main reference to help us inter-
a miracle point that will deliver all goals, but pret what we should mean by MSY, remains the
rather that, the goals being varied, the MSY Treaty, notably its Article 39. This is so obvious
should be a wider notion around which differ- that is often forgotten.
ent balanced combinations of these goals can be
considered. But then, what should be that area? Is maximum economic yield a better
As we will see in Chapter 4, this is of par- option?
ticular importance in the context of mixed Part of the above debate has concerned the
fisheries, where the scientific literature clearly possible alternative use, as a policy objective, of
indicates that setting Fmsy as a management the notion of maximum economic yield (MEY).
target without any flexibility for compromises As shown in Figure 3.1 the costs of fishing
may lead to disappointment by some of the increase linearly with the increase in fishing
stakeholders (Kempf et al. 2016). effort, but fisheries yield does not. The point
46 Chapter 3

Costs increasing the to increase (agricultural)
Yield individual earnings productivity
Revenue of persons engaged
...optimum utilisation of the factors
of production, in particular labour


Maximum Maximum Maximum Fishing effort

Economic Sustainable Employment
Yield Yield
Figure 3.1 Different policy objectives in Article 39 TFEU around MSY.

that maximizes the difference between costs as the ideal target for fish stock management.
and yields (that is, the point that maximizes However, if we consider the objective “to
sustainable profits in the fishery) is generally ensure a fair standard of living for the agricul-
found at lower fishing levels than MSY. This tural community,” in particular by “increasing
makes MEY an attractive alternative to MSY, the individual earnings of persons engaged in
both from the point of view of economists (agriculture)” one would tend to think that
(maximizing economic yield) but also for envi- management should move to the MEY target,
ronmental NGOs, since MEY corresponds to where higher profitability would allow better
lower levels of fishing than MSY. income for the producers. These two elements
This author has already argued why the together would probably lead to the idea that
objective of MEY did not make headway in the the objectives of the CFP should be best deliv-
recent reform of the CFP: because a number ered when fish stocks are managed somewhere
of Member States do not consider maximizing between MEY and MSY. Indeed, this is what
economic yield as their objective for fisheries happens in the US system.
management, and they prefer more “social” However, in the CFP these objectives do not
objectives instead, even at the cost of lower exist today in a vacuum: they have to be deliv-
profitability (Penas Lado 2016, chapter 16). In ered in a policy characterized by: (i) objectives
addition, the experience of trying to manage and catch limits for individual stocks; (ii) fixed
fisheries at MEY, for example, in Australia, allocation keys under relative stability; and
show that this leads to additional complex- (iii) the landing obligation. As we will see in
ity (Pascoe et al. 2017). So, if MSY is not subsequent chapters, if we try to apply the idea
necessarily a fixed point, and MEY is not neces- of management “somewhere between MEY
sarily a clearly better alternative, in what area and MSY” we must address the factors which
should fisheries management in the CFP be contribute to under-exploitation, notably choke
situated? species and market failures. As a consequence,
the theoretical advantage of the “between MEY
An area around MSY and MSY” approach is offset by the fact that in
If we consider the objective: “to increase agri- the context of mixed fisheries, that approach
cultural productivity” and “to assure the avail- can result in a high level of under-exploitation
ability of supplies” one should consider MSY of many resources, which in turn means that
Implementing maximum sustainable yield 47

the MSY would not in fact be achieved, and MSY as biomass or as fishing
the increase in agricultural productivity or the mortality?
availability of supply of Article 39 TFEU would
not be delivered. Introduction
For this reason, and if the CFP is to ensure also The notion of MSY can basically be expressed
these objectives, in a sector where the EU is not through two different approaches: the biomass
self-sufficient and must import a large amount corresponding to MSY, Bmsy , and the fishing
of the fish it consumes, it is necessary to look mortality corresponding to that objective, Fmsy .
beyond the “MEY to MSY” approach and look In the first case, the approach consists of bring-
for a wider concept of MSY as an area around ing the abundance of the stock to the level
which we can strike the best balance among the where it can produce a maximum yield on a
objectives of Article 39. sustainable, stable basis. In the second case,
This is shown in Figure 3.1, where differ- the approach is the ensure that, whatever the
ent policy objectives of Article 39 TFEU are abundance of the stock (influenced largely by
placed against the central MSY point for a given natural factors outside our control) we will
stock: if maximum biological yield is privileged, exploit only that part of the stock that will
the central MSY point will provide it. If more allow a maximum yield on a sustainable, stable
economic efficiency is the priority, the MEY basis. Both approaches are possible and can
notion will be the ideal reference. If maintain- somewhat be combined. They have pros and
ing employment levels is preferred, this will be cons that must be examined.
achieved at fishing mortality levels (Fsoc ) higher This question was hotly debated in the nego-
than MSY, even at the cost of a lower economic tiation leading up to the 2013 reform. The
profitability. position of the Commission (that management
Since we saw in Chapter 2 that the CFP has should be based on fishing mortality, not on
several objectives with different socio-economic biomass) finally made headway, for several
values, one cannot expect that the single MSY reasons:
central point will provide all the best perfor- • Fishing mortality reference points are more
mance for all these objectives. Rather, the robust to scientific uncertainty than biomass
delivery of a reasonable combination of policy reference points (Sissenwine et al. 2014).
objectives does require that management is Bmsy estimates are highly variable, and it
kept within an “area” around the central MSY is not a good idea to have very fluctuating
point. Within this area, different options with long-term objectives: moving targets make
different trade-offs are possible. policy difficult to understand and implement.
This requires the implementation of the MSY • While Fmsy can be reasonably established
objective under two basic options: through management, Bmsy is partly the
• To aim higher than the “MEY to MSY” range result of natural factors outside our control.
and trying to maximize sustainable food • Experience shows that Bmsy can some-
production even at the cost of a higher risk times not be reached even if the fishery is
of over-exploitation of certain individual closed for several years. Cod in Flemish Cap
stocks; or (Perez-Rodriguez et al. 2012), North Sea
• To allow some flexibility in determine the rel- herring (Diockey-Collas et al. 2010), Pacific
ative importance of individual Total Allow- sardine off California;4 all these are examples
able Catch (TACs)/landing obligation/relative of fisheries that collapsed and were closed for
stability so as to minimize the choke species many years without biomass recovering until
effect. many years later. This shows that the Bmsy
Both ideas are not mutually exclusive and
will be develop in subsequent pages of this 4

work. .PDF/
48 Chapter 3

objectives may be unachievable even under of Bmsy cannot be assured in such a time-
the most restrictive management regime for frame, if at all. Figure 3.2 illustrates this
a relatively long period of time. point: for the Northern Hake stock fishing
• It is not known if all estimates of Bmsy for mortality started to be dramatically reduced
different associated stocks can all be achiev- in 2005, but only in 2009 did the spawning
able at the same time. Sometimes Bmsy esti- stock biomass start to increase as a result.
mates may correspond to abundance levels Other examples show how this time gap
of a certain species that may be incompati- between the reduction of fishing mortality
ble with maximum abundances for another and the increase in biomass is extremely vari-
species. As the biomass of different species able, and in some stocks can reach around
increases, part of these increases may be dis- 10 years.
sipated by ecosystem effects, The implications of this discussion are clear:
• It is not possible to set a time limit to reach if the policy objectives are implemented in
Bmsy . Experience shows that between the terms of biomass, then the management system
reduction of F and the increase in B there is must take account of the natural factors that
always a time gap, roughly between 3 and can influence such biomass, and this implies
10 years. That means that if Fmsy is reached the establishment of catch limits that are much
within a given time frame, the achievement more precautionary. By fixing objectives in


F(15–80 cm)




1978 1982 1986 1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 2010 2014

250 MSYBtrigger
SSB in 1000 t





1978 1982 1986 1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 2010 2014
Figure 3.2 Evolution of fishing mortality and spawning stock biomass for Northern Hake, showing how F started
to be reduced around 2005 but biomass levels only started to increase toward 2009. Source:
Implementing maximum sustainable yield 49

terms of biomass, the influence of fishing in the above Bmsy . It is now necessary to determine
overall stock abundance must be minimized to how the management based on Fmsy objectives
reduce the chances of other ecological factors can meet the expectation of biomass levels
affecting the target biomass. On the contrary, above MSY.
approaches based on fishing mortality simply The confusion has also reached the scientific
discount from the management strategy the world: certain authors claim that the objective
effects we cannot control, assuming that stock of the policy has two phases: reaching Fmsy
abundance can never be perfectly managed, by 2020 and subsequently continue reducing
and simply ensuring that whatever nature fishing mortality until all stocks are above Bmsy
will provide us with, we will only exploit a levels (Froese et al. 2018). This interpretation
sustainable part of it. has absolutely no basis. The idea of a second
phase where fishing mortality levels would be
Bmsy as an “aspirational objective” reduced further than Fmsy in order to achieve
The above discussion confronted two philoso- biomass levels above Bmsy never crossed the
phies in the CFP reform negotiation, and the mind of the EU co-legislators. Yet, the inter-
solution was very much a typical EU product, pretation is there and has significant advocates.
where legislators try to avoid winners and Clearly this requires a clarification.
losers. It was accepted that fisheries under the In this regard, it is important to underline that
CFP would be managed based on the achieve- this aspirational objective cannot have a specific
ment of Fmsy objectives by 2020, as the basic deadline. We have seen in Figure 3.2 above that
operational parameter, but that language was there is a time gap between the reduction of
introduced to the effect that the objective of fishing mortality and the increase in spawning
the CFP would have the aspiration of bringing stock biomass. This time gap is in fact very
the biomass of the stocks to levels higher than variable for different stocks. In some cases,
those producing MSY. The compromise was the biomass reacts quickly to the reduction
in fact clear that the policy would be based on in fishing pressure: following the reduction of
Fmsy parameters, but that Bmsy would remain fishing mortality on North Sea whiting, around
an “aspirational” objective, to be expected from year 2000, the biomass reached a rapid peak in
a sound implementation of the former. Specific 2002. In other cases, however, this takes much
wording was established to that effect, which longer: the cod stock in the same area took
was believed by legislators to clearly reflect the five to six years to show any sign of recovery
above conclusion (EU 2013, Article 2.2): of biomass following the general reduction of
fishing mortality on gadoids around the year
In order to reach the objective of progressively 2000. In certain other cases, such as west of
restoring and maintaining populations of fish Scotland cod, the reduction of fishing mortality
stocks above biomass levels capable of producing
(although with ups and downs) since approx-
maximum sustainable yield, the maximum sus-
imately 2005 has not yet produced any signif-
tainable yield exploitation rate shall be achieved
by 2015 where possible and, on a progressive, icant increase in spawning stock biomass.5 In
incremental basis at the latest by 2020 for all other cases, such as blue whiting, the relation-
stocks. ship between F and B is much less clear-cut, and
since 2011, for example, the biomass has been
However, this phrase has created consider- increasing despite an increase in fishing mortal-
able confusion. Although nobody questions ity in parallel, due to increasing recruitments.6
that the operational parameters for stock man-
agement should be the fishing mortality levels,
it is argued (notably by NGOs) that the Fmsy
values to be used are those that will ensure that 6

the biomass (even without time limit) will be Advice/2015/2015/whb-comb.pdf/

50 Chapter 3

This simply illustrates the point that the rela- But it is important to underline the real
tionship between fishing mortality and spawn- meaning of some of these interpretations by
ing stock biomass is not simple; it can take dif- some NGOs. These argue that the ultimate
ferent forms for different stocks and is difficult objective, through the management of fishing
to predict. But, crucially, while fishing mortality mortality, is to ensure that the management
is a parameter that can be established through bring all stocks above Bmsy levels. For example,
fisheries management, biomass cannot, even Pew states that:
less so in relation with any specific time limit.
To bring the stock back to BMSY or above, in a
Ultimately, the very notion of a policy objec-
defined timeframe, fishing pressure needs to be
tive that is so difficult to achieve must also be reduced even further below FMSY. 7
raised. Even if only aspirational, the idea that
policy success means having all stock above This interpretation of the above Bmsy objec-
Bmsy is misleading. Trying to project individual tive clearly implies that achieving Fmsy levels is
Bmsy parameters to all species in the ecosystem not enough. Furthermore, the scientific com-
is just not straightforward. As International munity agrees that it is practically impossible
Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) to have all stocks above Bmsy levels at the
clearly states (ICES 2016): same time, at least in mixed fisheries (see next
chapter). This implies that this interpretation
As a population of fish increases one cannot expect
of the law by NGOs would amount to setting
that growth and mortality for that species remains
constant as there will be increasing competition for
a policy objective that is practically impossible
food and habitat within that population. to achieve. This was never the intention of the
legislators. And even if it was, it can certainly
This implies that trying to pursue the objec- not be expected that the policy will deliver it.
tive of having all stocks above Bmsy simply Given that achieving biomass objectives does
ignores ecosystem considerations, and does not not only depend on fisheries management,
correspond to a credible ecosystem approach to but also on ecological factors outside our con-
fisheries management. trol, any policy that purports to “ensure” that
Since such an objective may be unachievable certain biomass levels should be achieved sim-
even if all fisheries were closed, given the ply does not make any sense. The legislators
ecosystem effects mentioned above, taking it simply cannot force nature to behave in any
too literally can give rise to frustration and a particular way.
false impression of policy failure. There is clearly
a need for a very flexible interpretation of that Single stock objectives in the marine
aspirational objective, as the expectation that ecosystems: can all stocks be “above
bringing stocks within fishing mortality targets Bmsy ” in mixed fisheries?
is expected to produce overall good levels of As we have explained, the “aspirational” objec-
biomass of all stocks confounded, rather than tive of the new CFP is that the Fmsy policy by
specific single-stock biomass reference points. 2020 will be such that we should expect, as a
result, that biomass levels of all stocks will be
The interpretation by environmental “above Bmsy .” The question is: even in the best
NGOs of scenarios, even if all stocks are effectively
Despite all the above, the debate lingers on, fished at their Fmsy values, is it possible, and
particularly stirred up by some environmental likely, that all stocks will reach biomass values
NGOs, who have a very different reading of the “above Bmsy ”? And, if not, does this mean that
basic regulation. Granted, the text of the basic the policy is failing?
regulation as regards the above Bmsy objective
can be read and interpreted in different ways, 7

and these readings can of course be legitimate. turning_the_tide_msy_explained.pdf/

Implementing maximum sustainable yield 51

Already at the level of a single species, it is This is extremely important: ICES define
difficult to determine what is the real level of Bmsy not as a fixed parameter, but rather as
Bmsy . This parameter is defined, for a num- an average of the level of biomass that can be
ber of stocks, with limited consideration of expected if the fishery is conducted at Fmsy level
multi-species effects. Bmsy estimates are gener- on a stable basis. In this regard, the notion of
ally based on single stock population dynamics, Bmsy as an aspirational objective rather than
and their estimation has a low robustness due as a legally-binding target, corresponds much
to climatic and other effects on the abundance better to the scientific basis for the policy.
of the fish stocks. In the same document, ICES remind us that:
If we add the ecological relationships among Fishing mortality is the only variable that can
different species, then the individual Bmsy esti- be directly controlled by fisheries management.
mate becomes even more elusive. In fact, there A management strategy that harvests variable
is little evidence that if we take all the estimates yield in response to natural variability in stock size
of single-stock Bmsy , all these values could actu- will on average give yields closer to the long-term
ally be reached at once. In some cases, perhaps MSY than a strategy operating with the maximum
constant yield that could be taken sustainably.
the Bmsy of a predator species may prevent that
of a prey species from being reached, or the Bmsy This is a clear indication that management
of two competing species in the same trophic should be based on fishing mortality, not on
level may not be possible because of competi- estimations of constant maximum stock abun-
tion between the two. In these circumstances, dance or yields, at least from the point of view
it seems prudent not to take this aspirational of harvest levels. However, it must be recog-
objective of having all stock biomass levels nized that from an economic standpoint, the
beyond Bmsy as a very strict measure of policy industry may prefer in some cases a strategy
success, but simply as something to be moni- based on constant TACs, even at the cost of a
tored and re-evaluated, to better know how the lower overall harvest levels.
biomass of the different stocks in the ecosystem
react to the policy of keeping all exploitation The US system
rates at around Fmsy levels. As we saw in Chapter 2 under the headings
One way or another, this problem is recog- “Policy objectives in other countries; The United
nized in different management systems around States”, the first of the 10 national standards
the world. For example, in the US and New under the Magnuson-Stevens Act (MSA) estab-
Zealand, a stock is considered “overfished” lishes as an objective “optimum yield” and the
when its biomass is lower than half Bmsy , which avoidance of “overfishing.” While the notion of
is a recognition that having all stocks at the indi- “optimum yield” is difficult to grasp, because it
vidual Bmsy estimate is not realistic, although cannot necessarily be equated to the biological
it is not necessarily clear if the .5 Bmsy cut-off notion of MSY, the avoidance of overfishing
recognizes ecosystem/multispecies factors. is a clearer objective. To achieve that, the US
system uses a combination of fishing mortality
and biomass. But the way they are applied is
Bmsy , an elusive parameter interesting:
In addition to the above, Bmsy is a very elusive • A fishery is considered to be undergoing
parameter to estimate. Largely dependent on “overfishing” when the fishing mortality is
ecological conditions that can be highly fluc- higher than Fmsy (F > Fmsy ).
tuating, Bmsy is not a “stable” parameter. ICES • A stock is considered “overfished” when
define Bmsy (ICES 2016) as: its biomass is lower than a certain thresh-
old called “minimum stock size threshold”
The expected average biomass if the stock is (MSST), which is established at half the value
exploited at Fmsy for a long time. of Bmsy (B < MSST = 0.5 Bmsy ).
52 Chapter 3

It is important to understand that the notion Certain authors have estimated these fore-
of overfished does not necessarily mean unsus- gone yields to be very substantial, in the order
tainable. In fact, it is possible for a fishery to be of magnitude of 40% (Gislason 1999; Collie
sustainable and stable at low levels of biomass. et al. 2003; Sparholt and Cook 2009; Fernandes
It is also interesting to note that while the and Cook 2013). ICES is also aware of this fact
criterion on fishing mortality is very strict (ICES 2013a).
(any level of fishing mortality higher than Fmsy This has very important implications for
corresponds to overfishing) the criterion on management: single-stock Fmsy estimates that
biomass is far less demanding, considering that ignoring ecosystem effects may produce in fact
a stock is not overfished even if its biomass a very ineffective way of exploiting fishery
is considerably lower than Bmsy , just as long resources sustainably. This is of high relevance
as it higher than 50% of that value. In other considering that the policy itself is meant to
words, that while the US policy is very strict on promote the ecosystem approach. In the per-
fishing mortality levels, it is much more flexible spective of increasing the production of seafood
on biomass levels. From this perspective, the (see Chapter 13) the need to include ecosys-
US and the EU system are very different, with tem elements in the estimation of Fmsy levels,
the US policy being much more flexible in its replacing the current single-stock approach,
aspirations for high levels of biomass for all must be put on the table.
stocks as a result of sound management. This is
important to have the right expectations when
analyzing the performance of the CFP. Proxies for data-poor fisheries
Fmsy can be well-estimated in data rich stocks.
However, not all stocks are data-rich, and many
Estimating Fmsy will, arguably, never be. What to do in those
cases? In these cases, a heuristic approach
The notion of Fmsy can be implemented in is necessary, through the use of Fmsy proxies
different ways according to the type of stock that provide estimates of Fmsy -like objectives
managed, the type of fishery where it is caught, that can be derived from the data available.
and the type and quality of the scientific advice The scientific literature provides for a number
available. It is not possible to use one single of proxies that can be adequate for different
definition and estimation method and extend cases.
it automatically to all stocks and fisheries. This ICES (2015) has summarized the approaches
implies that the notion of MSY as a magic figure on MSY proxies for data-poor stocks. This
is neither realistic not possible in many cases. report shows the wide range of methodologies
used by ICES to estimate MSY proxies depend-
Single-stock Fmsy vs. ing upon stock characteristics and level of data
ecosystem-based Fmsy availability:
The traditional Fmsy estimates, such as those • Life history indicators
regularly produced by ICES, are primarily based • A stochastic production model in continuous
on single-stock considerations that do not fully time (SPiCT)
incorporate aspects of the ecosystem func- • A mean length mortality estimator
tioning, such as density-dependent population • The length-based spawning potential ratio
dynamics, sexual maturity, and so on. The (SPR) method
consideration of these factors in the estima- • The catch-based MSY method
tion of Fmsy values results in higher levels of • The age-based methods
mortality and thus higher sustainable yields. In • ICES also indicate that for certain stocks, such
other words, ignoring ecosystem factors leads to as silver smelt, the MSY remains difficult to
estimates of Fmsy that can cause foregone yields. assess.
Implementing maximum sustainable yield 53

There are also very creative approaches where needs to remain in the sea, not just for stock
data-poor stocks can be evaluated through anal- reproduction, but for the preservation of a prey
ogy to similar, data-rich stocks. This is known species. We will refer to this in Chapter 8.
as the “Robin Hood approach” whereby val- ICES has recently reviewed the different
ues for parameters of selectivity functions methodological options (ICES 2017). The real
are provided to data-poor assessments in the question from the point of view of the policy
form of penalties on the estimated parameters, is: is an escapement strategy an equivalent
which leads to stock assessments for the most to MSY? The answer is yes: an escapement
data-poor stocks being informed by those for strategy can establish, with different levels of
the data-rich stocks (Punt et al. 2011). New probability, the annual amount of fish that can
approaches are also being developed based on be removed while maintaining a high probabil-
the life story parameters of the species: a data- ity of avoiding reproductive failure. From that
poor stock can “borrow” the evaluation of point, the MSY can be considered as the very
data-poor stocks having a similar life story in fluctuating yield that could be harvested every
the same area. year based on the natural fluctuations of the
The above consideration shows two impor- stock.
tant things: (i) that MSY is not a magic figure
that can be obtained with similar methods in
all cases; and that (ii) the objective of MSY Fmsy as a target or as a limit?
by 2020 may have to rely on different man-
agement approaches for different stocks. A Fmsy can be applied either as a target or a limit.
standard, unified approach for all stocks is not If it is a target, this implies that the manage-
possible. ment uncertainty can result in real F levels
that are either higher or lower than the Fmsy
Alternative approaches: escapement established, so that such objective would be
strategies reached only on average. On the contrary, if
In some cases, the notion of Fmsy is poorly Fmsy is considered a limit, then it would be
adapted to the population structure. In par- necessary to establish the probability of the real
ticular, the abundance of short-lived stocks fishing mortality to be lower than the limit.
(anchovy, sandeel, etc.) depends primarily on This probability cannot be 100%: this would
annual recruitment. In these cases, rather than imply closing down all fisheries. The question
an elusive Fmsy concept (which would be very is then: if Fmsy is a limit, what is the acceptable
variable in different years), these stocks can probability of managing the fishery within the
be better managed by the so-called escape- limit in practice: 95%? 90%? 51%? Obviously,
ment strategies, which consist of evaluating the depending upon the probability established the
strength of the annual year class as the main management would give extremely different
component of the spawning stock biomass, and results: if the probability is established at 95%,
then reserving a proportion of that biomass that very low catch limits would be established. The
should “escape” fishing mortality to reproduce lower the probability, the higher the catch lev-
the stock, the rest of the biomass being available els, and if the probability was 51% this would
to fishing. be almost identical to Fmsy as a target.
In some cases, managers establish not two, This question may look technical but it has
but three components: one for reproduction, considerable legal and political implications,
another one as food for predators, and the third in terms of policy output and also in terms of
one as quota for fishing. This is in fact a further the evaluation of the success of the policy (see
step in the implementation of the ecosystem Chapter 1). If we implement Fmsy as a target,
approach, by introducing a trophic element the good implementation of the policy would
into the evaluation of the amount of fish that still lead to a situation where in any year stocks
54 Chapter 3

would be equally likely to be above or below establish a level of fishing that will be so low (at
Fmsy . This would not be a bad result at all, if least for a number of stocks) that the fishery will
we look at the history of the CFP, but it would fail to deliver its full potential. The consideration
“look” to some as not corresponding to the of these two risks together changes substan-
policy objective of the 2013 reform. tially the notion of risk which, traditionally,
If we implement Fmsy a limit, a new discussion only referred to the risk of overexploitation.
would be necessary to determine the probabil- The level of risk acceptable is not a sim-
ity level that such limit would be overshot. And ple question. It depends on many factors and
in any case, even under the “limit” scenario, ultimately, it depends on the weight given by
there would still be a certain number of stocks managers and stakeholders to different factors,
whose fishing mortality still may be higher such as the economic and social consequences
than the limit Fmsy , thus giving the impression of their choice of risk level. It is then logical
of policy failure if the number of stocks at Fmsy that in different cases, different fisheries and
is not 100% in 2020, even if we succeed in different places the level of acceptable risk may
having all stocks around the target. In any case, be different.
considering Fmsy as a limit, the result would Traditionally, the notion of risk has been asso-
be that on average the level of exploitation of ciated only with the biological aspects: provided
stocks would be lower than Fmsy . that the risk of biological over-exploitation is
The problem is that this issue was not dis- averted, all other risks tended to be ignored.
cussed at all in the trilogue, so any definition It is important that this risk continues to be
would be legitimate. In practice, the Com- averted: the CFP’s job to ensure sustainable
mission has implemented Fmsy as a target in stocks is not yet achieved, and all efforts should
the first proposal for a multiannual plan, for continue to be done toward that objective.
Baltic stocks, although the final decision by the However, as we move to a future where the
co-legislators was to apply this as a limit with individual stock objectives will be combined
exceptions (EU 2016a). The same approach has with the landing obligation and all under rela-
been adopted for the North Sea (EU 2018b). tive stability, the risk of under-exploitation will
This seems to establish this as the standard to have to start being looked at just as well, since
follow, but the discussion lingers on and it is far such under-exploitation is also contrary to the
from obvious that this will be consolidated in objectives of Article 39 TFEU.
the future. The level of risk will obviously determine the
relative success of the policy: a very low risk
The notion of risk in fishery management will ensure that most stocks will
management not be overfished, but at a cost: a lower level
The above discussion on the use of Fmsy as of exploitation of potential yields and potential
limit or target boils down to the discussion food production. A higher risk can lead to a cer-
of the notion of risk in fishery management. tain number of stocks being overfished, but a
As is always the case in the management of potentially higher overall level of exploitation
natural resources, the management system has and food production.
to deal with a high level of uncertainty, that no To be sure, the biological health of the
amount of science will ever be able to eliminate resources is a pre-condition for the other
completely. objectives of Article 39 TFEU to be achieved.
The question of risk is also double-faced, in Biological sustainability must therefore be a
the light of the above considerations on full priority in terms of risk evaluation. But the
utilization of resources: the most obvious risk is question is: when certain levels of sustainability
that the rate of exploitation of many stocks will are achieved, at least for the main species, the
be higher than that corresponding to long-term further pursuit of biological recovery may lead
sustainability, but another risk would be to to very significant foregone yields, which in
Implementing maximum sustainable yield 55

turn can be considered as not corresponding to country has very extensive and fertile farmland
some of the objectives of Article 39. to ensure food security. While this is under-
standable for countries like the US or Canada,
The US case the idea of a policy of “conscious under-
In the case of the US, the first of the 10 national exploitation” of fishery resources is less obvious
standards talk about “optimum yield.” This opti- for countries with limited capacity to produce
mum yield is defined as: food, or even for countries relying on imported
fish (as we will see in Chapter 12).
Maximum Sustainable Yield as reduced by social,
economic or ecological factors (emphasis added).

The word “reduced” was introduced in the Fmsy : a point value or a range?
2006 reauthorization of the MSA to replace
the term “modified,” as it was understood that Background
the MSY modified by social and economic fac- Regulation 1380/2013 does not define how to
tors gave rise often to TAC levels that did not express Fmsy . While it is true that in the absence
ensure the sustainability of the stocks. of such definition it is generally understood that
The term “as reduced” clearly indicates that Fmsy is a point value of fishing mortality, it is also
the MSY notion is a limit, not a target. However, true that other interpretations are also possible,
there is no indication of what is the probability such as considering Fmsy as a range of F levels
level to overshoot MSY, as we indicated above. that would tend to deliver MSY.
This level of risk of overshooting the limit is The question is important for a very simple
decided on a case-by-case basis, following the reason: it is not clear that in mixed fisheries all
advice of the Regional Councils, each of which stocks can be fished exactly at their individual
have a risk management policy. Many use a Fmsy levels. That means that if some stocks in
P* (probability of overfishing) concept.8 This the mix are fished at their individual Fmsy value,
implies that, in some cases, the TACs are estab- other stocks may be fished at higher or lower
lished at F values considerably lower than Fmsy , values of fishing mortality. And the only option
that is, at a very low level of risk, while in other to ensure that no individual stock is fished at
cases the TACs corresponds to F values much levels higher than Fmsy is probably to fish some
closer to Fmsy (higher levels of risk). In those of the stocks in the mix at F levels lower than
cases, there is little difference between the F as Fmsy : it is clear that all stocks cannot be fished at
a limit and the F as a target. Fmsy simultaneously.
In any case, the US system has an obvious The Commission, in the framework of long-
effect: it leads to lower levels of fishing than term plans, has proposed to express Fmsy values
those corresponding to a full exploitation of for individual stocks as F ranges, not point val-
resources at MSY levels. This has been described ues. There are two reasons:
as a system of “conscious under-exploitation • The need to find a solution to the institutional
of natural marine resources so that marine deadlock on the relationship between Coun-
ecosystems are preserved in perpetuity while cil and Parliament on the interpretation of
contributing to food production” (Mace 1999). Articles 43§2 and 43§3 TFEU; and
This is, however, an objective that reflects • The need to find a solution to the possible
what one can qualify as a US perspective that effects of the combination of three policy
is, the philosophy that under-exploiting fish- elements: MSY for individual stocks, discard
ery resources is not a problem, because the ban and relative stability in mixed fisheries,
possibly leading to the need to close fish-
8 eries when the quota of the weakest stock
101102-03/abc_control_rules/5_Fisheries%20Forum is exhausted while plentiful quotas for other
%20-%20Regl%20Risk%20Policy%20Report.pdf/ associated stocks remain uncaught (see the
56 Chapter 3

“choke species” issue in Chapter 4); a sce- The first recovery and management plans,
nario that could be considered as contrary to adopted under the previous basic regulation
Article 39 TFEU. (EU 2002) were prior to co-decision in fish-
In the first long-term plan adopted (for the eries. That means that both the multiannual
Baltic Sea) the co-legislators accepted this plans and the corresponding annual TACs were
approach but including a considerable number adopted by the Council of Ministers alone. This
of conditions on the use of the upper and lower allowed the plans to establish “harvest control
part of the F ranges. In any case, the issue rules” that would turn the annual decisions
remains controversial, and NGOs in particular on TACs into an exercise of implementation
consider that Fmsy values in the upper part of of a multiannual strategy. This was institu-
the range are higher than Fmsy , that means, tionally acceptable, although not exempt of
they consider that Fmsy can only be a point implementation problems, because it meant
value. annual self-discipline, imposed by Council onto
But everything changed with the Treaty
The case for fishing mortality ranges
of Lisbon, which established that co-decision
The idea that the Fmsy notion is necessarily a
(under Article 43§2 TFEU) would be the ordi-
point value is not warranted. Selecting a target
nary legislative procedure for the CFP, while
fishing mortality rate within a range allows
certain annual regulations, such as annual
optimization of sustainable yields while allow-
TACs and fish guide prices would remain as
ing consideration of other aspects to be included
an exclusive competence of Council (under
in decision-making (Hilborn 2010). In addi-
Article 43§3 TFEU). As a consequence, the
tion, the flatness of the yield curves of many
multiannual management plans would have
stocks (Pope 1983) allows for a large space to
to be adopted by co-decision (Art. 43§2) while
operate in that regard. In economic terms, it
annual TACs would still be adopted only by
is obvious that in mixed fisheries, achieving
Council (Art. 43§3). This introduced a new
overall economic benefits may require certain
problem: if the multiannual plans continued to
low-productivity stocks to be fished at fishing
include detailed “harvest control rules” estab-
mortality rates higher than those correspond-
lishing the “formula” to calculate annual TACs
ing to their individual Fmsy (Pascoe and Mardle
for the stocks concerned, then the decisions on
annual TACs would be just “rubber-stamping”
This suggested the consideration by the Com-
of the multiannual plans, and therefore the
mission of fishing mortality ranges as a possible
Council under Art. 43§3 would have no room
solution. This was also aided by the need to
for maneuver (TACs would be automatically
resolve a long-standing inter-institutional irri-
established by the harvest control rule, and
tant that had blocked the adoption of new
Art. 43§3 would then be devoid of content,
management plans and even the amendment
at least for the stocks under these plans).
of existing ones since the entry into force of the
This was politically unacceptable for Council
Treaty of Lisbon in 2010.
that saw the establishment of annual TACs
as a prerogative that it was not ready to
F ranges and the inter-institutional problem give up.
It is important to leave a written record of The alternative proposed by Council (that
the institutional reasons why the Commission multiannual plans would not include a harvest
proposed, and the legislators finally accepted, control rule) was not acceptable for the Parlia-
to implement the fishing mortality objectives ment, or indeed for the Commission:
as F ranges in the Baltic Sea multispecies • For the Parliament, because excluding the
management plan (EU 2016a), establishing a harvest control rule from multiannual plans
precedent for subsequent plans. would remove from co-decision some of the
Implementing maximum sustainable yield 57

most important decisions in the CFP: those structured as a trilogue, and worked on the basis
concerning the basic balance between the of Commission non-papers proposing compro-
biological need to recover the resources, mise solutions. After a number of meetings of
and the consideration of gradual approaches the Task Force, a final text was agreed, provid-
to take economic and social factors into ing for a satisfactory and balanced solution to
account. This balance is best expressed in the problem.
the harvest control rule of the plans. For the
The key to the agreement was the Commis-
European Parliament, the position of Council
sion’s idea to implement the Fmsy objectives as
meant leaving Art. 43§2 empty of content as
ranges instead of point values. This means that
regards fundamental decisions on resource
the multiannual plans would not determine an
exact formula to calculate annual TACs, but
• For the Commission, because a multian-
nual plan without a long-term strategy on only a framework within which different TACs
how to establish annual TACs would be would be possible. This provided a win–win
worthless, and also because a plan with- situation:
out self-discipline by Council would be a • For Parliament, it ensured that they had a
step backwards: without any rules on TAC say in determining the basic balance between
setting, the annual TAC setting process biology and socio-economics in the manage-
would revert to past practice as stand-alone ment of EU fisheries, by fixing the fishing
decision-making procedure based on short- mortality limits and timetable (as well as
term considerations. the safeguards, see below) of stock recov-
In this context, the lack of agreement ery and management within multiannual
between the two co-legislators resulted in a plans;
period of more than five years (from the entry • For Council, it ensured that annual TACs
into force of the Lisbon Treaty in January
would not be entirely constrained by co-
2010 to the adoption of the Baltic multiannual
decision: within the established frame-
plan in early 2016) in which no single plan
work, annual TACs could still vary to
was adopted or even amended. This situation
some extent, depending on Council-alone
clearly had to be resolved. And the solution
was so difficult that the Commission proposed
and the co-legislators agreed to avoid the The conclusions of the Task Force were
question in the context of the negotiations a breakthrough, in terms of how to find a
for the reform of the CFP concluded in 2013. solution to the problem and how to move
In fact, article 10.1 of regulation 1380/2013 forward. Meaningfully, the Task Force was
reads: composed, in the three institutions (Council,
Parliament, and Commission) by the same
As appropriate, and without prejudice to the people who had negotiated the reform, which
respective competences under the Treaty, multian-
clearly indicates that the Task Force was ideally
nual plans shall include . . .
placed to interpret the intentions of the legis-
lators in 2013 when finding a solution to this
This language was crafted to ensure that the
institutional impediment did not stand in the
way of an agreement on the reform package, so The conclusions of the Task Force were not
the question would have to be resolved at a later formally adopted by the co-legislators, so their
stage. value is more political than legal. They were
Once the CFP reform was adopted the instrumental in agreeing on the Baltic plan and
co-legislators established a Task Force to find subsequent ones, which demonstrates their
a solution to the problem. This Task force was considerable policy value.
58 Chapter 3

F ranges: handle with care. Are they caused by minor species of minimal value in the
precautionary? overall economic performance of the fleet. This
The main problem associated to the use of F introduced a new element in the picture: the
ranges is the allegation that the upper part of the definition of two categories of stocks: those with
F ranges may not be precautionary. As we saw specific F objectives (target stocks) and the sec-
above, the Baltic plan established limitations ondary stocks (by-catch stocks) for which other
on the use of the upper part of the F ranges. In measures would be established.
fact, scientists have warned that sustained fish- The comparison between the two cases shows
ing in the upper part of the ranges may lead to a positive evolution, demonstrating that some
unacceptable risks when technical interactions of the lessons of the Baltic case were learnt.
occur (Ulrich et al. 2017). In addition to the distinction among target
The reply to this question is not straight- and by-catch species, particularly necessary
forward. In a meta-analysis carried out by because of the much higher number of stocks
European scientists, to assess if “pretty good managed in the North Sea as compared with
yield” F ranges can be used without impairing the Baltic, the North Sea plan included a much
recruitment, it is demonstrated that the reply to more flexible approach for the provision of sci-
this question is different in different cases. By entific information and deriving management
analyzing a limited number of cases, they found advice.
that fishing at Fmsy is generally precautionary
with respect to impairing recruitment for highly
exploited teleost species in Northern waters, The on-going experience: MSY
whereas the upper part of the range providing in multiannual management
95% of MSY is not necessarily precautionary plans
for small and medium-size teleost fish. The
study further concludes that these results do Whatever the theoretical considerations, the
not apply to non-teleost fish, such as sharks notion of MSY, both related to fishing mortal-
and rays, with lower reproductive potential ity and to spawning stock biomass is already
(Rindorf et al. 2016). This points to the consid- subject to practical implementation, notably in
eration of an asymmetrical range around the the context of multiannual management plans
Fmsy point value, with more flexibility for the (MAPs). At the time of writing this volume,
lower than the upper part of the range. two of such plans have been adopted under the
This implies that the use of F ranges must new CFP, and others are in the pipeline. MAPs
be subject to the evaluation of the precaution- already in place are those for the Baltic Sea (EU
ary character of the upper part of the range, 2016a) and for demersal stocks in the North Sea
and this has to be assessed case-by-case. In (EU 2018b). Moving forward, the tendency of
other words, F ranges must not be a right but the CFP to “cut and paste” precedents to ensure
just a possibility to address the mixed fishery a level playing field is very likely to establish
problems described above, and always within these two MAPs as the “gold standard” in terms
a framework of achieving sustainability. The of how the MSY approach is implemented.
solution to this is already available: scientists
can calculate ranges that correspond to “pre- F ranges and the choke species
cautionary” levels, understood as 95% chance problem: the Baltic precedent
of spawning stock biomass staying above Blim . The negotiation of the Baltic multiannual plan
In the case of the North Sea multiannual plan, was a first opportunity to apply the guidelines
the higher number of species involved, and the adopted to resolve the institutional deadlock,
secondary nature of some species, introduced a but also to recognize that individual Fmsy values
new element: the possible choke species effects. in mixed fisheries could result in certain sus-
Such effects would be especially unwelcome if tainable quotas not being fully exploited, due
Implementing maximum sustainable yield 59

to choke species effects. This discussion was The consolidation of F ranges

made difficult by the lack of experience: the The Fmsy ranges were consolidated in the first
arguments were theoretical, and it was not easy two multiannual plans referred to above. The
for the co-legislators to grasp the problem in plans established an F range divided in two
practice. parts, upper and lower, separated by the Fmsy
On the other hand, the insistence from cer- point value, with associated conditions for the
tain groups in the European parliament, who use of both parts. In fact, these plans introduced
were reluctant to accept the idea of Fmsy being the idea of F levels in the lower part of the range
represented by a range, led to the adoption of (that is, using Fmsy as a limit) as the normal
a solution that would minimize the use of the criterion, leaving the use of the upper part of
upper part of the range and would establish the range to very special conditions:
safeguards in case stock abundance would fall • When the stocks concerned have a spawn-
under certain levels. For example, according to ing stock biomass higher than an estimated
Article 4.4 of the regulation, the upper part of threshold level (MSY Btrigger ); and
the F range could be used only in the following • When it was necessary for the purpose of
cases: avoiding choke species effects and preventing
(a) if, on the basis of scientific advice or evi- too high inter-annual variations of the TACs
dence, it is necessary for the achievement (up to 20%).
of the objectives laid down in Article 3 in This implies that Fmsy should be considered to
the case of mixed fisheries; be a limit in normal circumstances, and only in
(b) if, on the basis of scientific advice or evi- case of healthy stocks, and on additional consid-
dence, it is necessary to avoid serious harm erations of choke species or inter-annual stock
variation, can the upper part of the range be
to a stock caused by intra- or inter-species
used. In other words: Fmsy is used as a limit, and
stock dynamics; or
in special circumstances as a target.
(c) in order to limit variations in fishing oppor-
The question of how frequently will the plan
tunities between consecutive years to not
actually allow for the use of the upper part of the
more than 20%.
range will depend on how the scientific advice
In addition, legislators also adopted certain
interprets the notion of MSY Btrigger . In fact, the
safeguards, laid down in Article 5 of the reg-
Baltic multiannual plan defines MSY Btrigger as:
ulation to the effect that, if the biomass of
the stocks regulated would fall under a cer- MSY Btrigger means the MSY trigger reference
tain threshold level, this would trigger special point, expressed as spawning stock biomass, below
action. which specific and appropriate management action
Overall, this was a compromise that preserved is to be taken to ensure that the exploitation rates,
in combination with natural variations, rebuild the
the basis of the inter-institutional agreement
stocks above levels capable of producing maxi-
and provided for some flexibility in the imple- mum sustainable yield in the long term (emphasis
mentation of fishing mortality targets, but added).
with limits and guarantees to prevent possible
negative effects of an excessive flexibility. The This definition is different than the one pro-
difficulty in adopting this regulation was jus- vided by ICES, and this only introduces an
tified not only on the differences of approach undesirable confusion. In effect, ICES define
allowed under Regulation 1380/2013, but MSY Btrigger simply as “the value of spawning stock
also based on the value of this proposal as a biomass (SSB) that triggers specific management
precedent for others, in yet another example action” 9 .
of the tendency of the CFP to ensure a level
playing field that stifles the necessary flexibility 9

of approach in different circumstances. Acronyms_and_terminology.pdf/

60 Chapter 3

In addition, the idea that MSY Btrigger should avoidance of “choke species” problems, can only
“ensure” anything when combined with natural take place in certain cases, when biomass lev-
variations is an example of trying to legislate the els are in excess of threshold levels. This limits
behavior of nature, something obviously hope- considerably the value of F ranges.
less. The idea of ensuring a given result in terms
of biomass for a highly fluctuating fish stock is
alien to the management of natural resources.
Should all plans reproduce that
Finally, it is difficult to interpret what is meant
Under the CFP, there is a strong tendency to
by “in combination with natural variations.”
follow precedent. The question is, then: should
If this definition is treated literally by sci-
other areas, where circumstances are different,
entists, it may result in fisheries being closed
when the biomass is lower than MSY Btrigger , follow the same model? This is of particular
and even so this would never “ensure” that relevance for the establishment of MAPs in the
biomass rebuilds to any given level. In fact, Mediterranean.
this definition tries in practice to recover the If precedent is followed, once a strategy
proposal by the Greens during the 2013 reform for implementing MSY has been established
process, who wanted the objective of the policy for one MAP, the same strategy should be
to be expressed in biomass. In a way, this lan- employed in subsequent plans to ensure a level
guage implies that the fishing mortality should playing field. However, there is a fundamental
be determined by the obligation to reach a problem with this approach: it corresponds to
certain biomass level, rather than considering the deeply-rooted tradition of the CFP that
the biomass level as an expectation if and when maintaining a level playing field implies leg-
the right fishing mortality is applied. islative harmonization, something that the US
Finally, having a definition of MSY Btrigger system (see Chapter 2) proves wrong: the same
in EU law that does not correspond to the standards can be reached with very different
ICES definition is a perfect formula to create solutions. A “cut and paste” strategy based on
confusion. The alignment of the EU defini- the Baltic precedent may be politically easier,
tion to the one used by ICES would be the but has important downsides:
best solution to avoid any confusion or wrong • It ignores the capacity of the system to learn
expectations. from experience.
• It ignores the different characteristics of
The safeguards: biomass thresholds the different fisheries in question, which
The two MAPs also established a system of safe- can have, inter alia, very different needs to
guards. Although the co-legislators understood address choke species problems.
that the intention of the basic regulation as • It ignores the differences in the management
regards the MSY objective was to use fishing instruments used. While these safeguards can
mortality, and not biomass as the operational work for a TAC-based system, they may be
parameter, the aspiration on Bmsy strongly inadequate for the effort-based system used
influenced the outcome of the trilogue on the in the Mediterranean.
two MAPs. In particular, under strong pres- Overall, the development of multiannual
sure by the Greens the two MAPs included management plans, the centerpiece of EU fish-
biomass-related safeguards. They imply that if eries management under the new CFP, should
the estimated spawning stock biomass of the respond to the philosophy that inspired the
stocks concerned were below certain thresh- regionalization of the policy: to achieve the
old levels, then exceptional measures would same standards while adapting to the charac-
apply. teristics of different fisheries and sea basins.
This implies that one of the declared objec- This implies an important change in current
tives of the F ranges, as mentioned above, the practice, as we will see in Chapter 9.
Implementing maximum sustainable yield 61

Fmsy for all stocks: what does it instrument proposed is primarily an effort
mean? regime: how can the effort level ensure that
Article 2.2 of the basic CFP regulation estab- the fishing mortality of all these stocks is kept
lishes MSY objectives for all stocks. But is it within the range? This is a question where
obvious what that means in practice? only the ongoing discussion and the future
Although the standard interpretation in the experience of implementation will tell.
Atlantic and the Baltic is that “all stocks” means
those with a TAC, a number of doubts have been
raised regarding the exact interpretation, partic- Data-poor and secondary stocks:
ularly in the context of multiannual manage- manage them to MSY?
ment plans:
• For some stocks there is no standard estimate Introduction
of MSY, so they can hardly be treated as those All fishery management systems in the world
having such estimates. have to cope with stocks for which there is too
• Some stocks are small and marginal, and the little scientific information to ensure proper sci-
value of their management at Fmsy is almost entific evaluation. As fisheries research tends to
nil, as the fishery is conducted on the basis concentrate on the most commercially impor-
of the main stocks. Some of these stocks can tant species, data-poor stocks tend to be those
also be important choke species. This poses a of minor economic importance, although there
serious question of proportionality. are exceptions to this general rule.
• In the Mediterranean, where TAC manage- All management systems, to a different
ment does not exist, the whole notion of “all degree, handle this question on the basis of two
stocks” is open and subject to different possi- different kinds of solution:
ble approaches. • Trying to regulate all stocks, even at the cost
• Finally, the regulation itself has an alterna- of many of them being subject to very sim-
tive to Fmsy objectives, as laid down in Article plistic and unsophisticated advice and man-
9.5 of Regulation 1380/2013 for cases where agement, as data-poor stocks.
increases in selectivity in mixed fisheries may • Trying to regulate only the main stocks (gen-
not be possible. In this case, specific alterna- erally the most important commercially, but
tive measures shall be taken. this can also vary) and leaving secondary
The term “all stocks” has to be defined on a stocks outside the evaluation/management
case-by-case basis in the context of the multi- cycle, and assuming that the management of
annual plan. In fact, an important precedent the main stocks can provide sufficient assur-
has already been set in the North Sea man- ance that secondary stocks will be reasonably
agement plan for demersal stocks (EU 2018b): healthy.
the distinction between target stocks for which Different management systems have a dif-
specific Fmsy ranges are established as objectives, ferent combination of these two solutions,
and the by-catch stocks for which an alternative although some, like the US or the New Zealand
approach is set. systems, tend to solve the problem by enlarging
In the case of the Mediterranean, the ques- the evaluation to the widest possible range
tion is even more complex. The recent proposal of stocks. This implies that while the main
for a multiannual plan for the management of species are fully evaluated, the less important
demersal stocks in the western Mediterranean ones must have simplified evaluation. In New
(EU 2018c) establishes F ranges as objectives for Zealand, for example, more than 600 stocks
a relatively wide range of stocks. This approach, have been defined (most of them in inshore
largely influenced by the aforementioned Baltic waters) but only around 24 have a “state of
and North Sea MAP development approaches, the art” evaluation. For the rest, simplified
poses a new problem: since the management methods are used (Kevin Stokes, personal
62 Chapter 3

communication). In the US west coast, 2/3 of certain secondary stocks should be managed at
the 90+ managed stocks are without traditional all must also be discussed.
assessments to help define stock status in rela- The debate is complex. In principle, it would
tion to management targets. For those cases, seem as though the largest the number of stocks
stock complexes are often employed for man- evaluated and managed, the better, from the
agement purposes. Productivity–susceptibility point of view of ensuring sustainability and
analysis (PSA) is used to assess the vulnerabili- ecosystem stability. However, the question is
ties of these stocks (Cope et al. 2011). not so simple, and the extension of the num-
The evaluation and management of data-poor ber of species evaluated and management ad
stocks have been subject to different approaches, infinitum would also have downsides:
in the US (Cope et al. 2015), Australia (Dowling • Evaluation and management are costly. In
et al. 2015) and other countries. Interestingly, the US it is estimated that relatively sim-
some of the US regional councils have encour- ple assessment can cost between $30 000
aged the preparation of guidelines on the and $50 000 (excluding the cost of basic
assessment of data-poor stocks (Anon. 2011). research), while a more complex evaluation
Progress in the evaluation of data-poor sin- can cost $250 000–$300 000 (Lapointe et al.
gle stocks has been important in recent years 2012). And this cost does not include data
(Thorson et al. 2013; Rosenberg et al. 2014), so collection or peer review. This is higher than
there are fewer and fewer excuses for failing to the annual revenue generated by certain
address the management of these stocks. secondary stocks. There is, therefore, an
In the case of the CFP, the approach is mixed. important consideration of cost effectiveness
The evaluation/management system applies of the management system.
to the main but not all stocks occurring in EU • The increase in the number of regulated
waters, but among them many are data-poor stocks makes management more complex
and subject to a different evaluation method- (including more complicated rules on quota
ology. In fact, a number of EU-regulated stocks management, technical measures, choke
have always been data-poor and have long species effects, etc.) with less than obvi-
suffered from almost total absence of scientific ous benefits in terms of the overall fishing
advice. An important improvement was intro- pressure on the main species.
duced in 2012 through the data-limited stocks • Some of the secondary species represent a
(DLS) approach, which provides precautionary very low percentage of the catches, and even
quantitative advice on data-deficient stocks a low percentage of the biomass in the ecosys-
(ICES 2012). This new approach has in fact tem. It is estimated that, in the North Sea,
established a new scenario, where the number the main seven species regulated account
of stocks without advice has been dramatically for 90% of the catches, while the remaining
reduced. The issue has also received attention 10% accounted for 15–20 species. A num-
from the European Parliament, which commis- ber of these secondary species are indeed
sioned a very useful study on the subject in part of the TAC and quota system, repre-
2013 (O’Brien and Le Quesne 2013). senting increased complexity and cost and
little, if any, benefit in terms of the overall
Which stocks to manage? management of the North Sea fishery.
We referred above to the question of what The CFP, like most fisheries management
stocks should be considered subject to the systems around the world, does not manage
MSY objective as the basic regulation refers all the species of the ecosystem. In general
to all stocks. But the question of the stocks to terms, only the main commercial species are
manage is wider: over and beyond the specific regulated, while species of minor economic
management of all regulated stocks under a importance are generally left out of the man-
specific MSY objective, the question of whether agement system. This has been justified, for
Implementing maximum sustainable yield 63

example in the case of Norway, by at least two political considerations, over and beyond pure
reasons (Gullestad et al. 2014): cost/effective management.
• The management of minor species is not
cost-effective. Stocks that perhaps should be managed
• Many of these species are coastal and largely by the CFP
exploited by an unknown number of recre- Some stocks of considerable importance are not
ational fishermen. managed under the CFP. There can be several
By and large, these reasons can also be reasons to explain this:
applied to the management of stocks in the • Certain stocks were not present, or sought
Atlantic and Baltic under the CFP. Certain after by fishermen at the time of establishing
stocks represent such a low economic inter- the list of regulated stocks (1983 for the
est that the cost of their management could initial ones, with more stocks added as a
actually be greater than the economic value of result of successive enlargements). In recent
the landings. In some other cases, very local, times, however, either their presence has
coastal fish are only exploited by very artisanal increased (due to global warming?) or new
or recreational fishermen, and do not lend commercial interest has been developed. This
themselves to management at European level. case is exemplified by stripped red mullet
(Mullus surmulentus) in the North Sea, now
Are the EU-managed stocks the right abundant and commercially exploited in
ones? this area but not yet subject to management
As the policy applies to the regulated stocks, under the CFP. The reason is that the man-
it is pertinent to ask the question whether the agement would require an allocation key
stocks currently regulated under the CFP are among Member States, a question for which
the right ones. Does the CFP need to include there is no appetite in any administration.
more stocks? Or perhaps certain secondary • In other cases, the difficulty of solving
stocks should not necessarily be managed? allocation problems among Member States
The achievement of the Fmsy objectives for concerned prevented the EU from taking
stocks of secondary importance poses several measures to manage stocks that were always
kinds of problem: considered commercially and biologically
• A number of them are data-poor, and do not very important. There is no better example
have estimates of Fmsy . It is necessary to use of this than Iberian sardine, shared by Spain
proxies. and Portugal and essential for both Member
• Some of them do not have any real influence States, but traditionally not subject to EU
on the decisions made by the skippers. The management under the CFP because no
question is then whether it is worth to invest agreement on allocation could be reached.
in their research and management. Should Only in recent years has the EU agreed to
these stocks be kept under the TAC and quota delegate the management of this stock to the
system? two Member States concerned.
• Some secondary stocks must be subject to • Finally, in other cases the key importance of
the discard ban from 2019 onward because recreational fishing in the management of
they have a TAC. This aggravates the “choke the stock represents a major obstacle for tra-
species” problem (see Chapter 6). ditional EU management, which as we saw
Actually, the list of regulated stocks in Euro- generally excludes recreational fishing. This
pean waters is not necessarily the result of an is the case of sea bass (Dycentrarchus labrax)
objective analysis of the cost/effectiveness of where the already difficult question of allo-
their inclusion in the management system, but cation among Member States only adds to
rather the result of many years of develop- the difficulty of regulating the massive level
ment of the policy, very often responding to of recreational catches. Recent measures
64 Chapter 3

adopted for this stock demonstrate the dif- law, is equivalent to that under direct EU
ficulty of addressing that combination of management.
problems in a stock that should benefit from • For sea bass, the status of the stock, with
high priority for management on account of increasing fishing mortality and plummeting
its economic and ecological importance in biomass, together with its widely-distributed
EU waters. nature and the complex mix of gears and
The solution to this problem is not straight- Member States involved, should make it a
forward. Bringing these stocks under CFP man- real priority to bring this stock under the
agement would in effect require an agreement mainstream EU management system. Recent
on allocation. This has proven difficult enough arrangements (EU 2017) in the absence of
but in the context of the implementation of the such management, can only be considered
new CFP of 2013, bringing more species into an exceptional, transitional situation. In
the TAC and quota system would only aggravate addition, it is perhaps the best example of
the choke species problem. In addition, these how an efficient management regime for a
species are not unregulated; either they have stock cannot take place if recreational fishing
some kind of provisional management, or man- is not included in management.
agement by Member States through delegation, Overall, the question of which stocks should
with results that must be carefully evaluated. be managed under the EU regime is not only
about reducing the number of stocks, but also
For these reasons, the balance of pros and cons
about the need and opportunity to include a
of such an initiative must be carefully balanced.
few, key ones. Furthermore, it is important for
Beyond that, there is also a question of need
the future of the CFP that the discussion on
and priority. Put it another way, a question of
which stocks to include under the EU man-
cost/efficiency. If we take the three cases above,
agement system should take the form of a
there is a different degree of need to bring these
science-based analysis of advantages and dis-
stocks in the CFP.
advantages, and not consideration on political
• For stripped red mullet in the North Sea and
adjacent areas, ICES have produced advice.
Nothing therefore prevents its management.
Stocks that perhaps should not be managed
However, the question must be evaluated
by the CFP
in the light of several questions: how does
The CFP has brought into the TAC and quota
a fishery for this stock interact with other system a certain number of species of secondary
stocks subject to EU TACs and relative stabil- importance. The reasons are varied, but in gen-
ity? What would be the added value for the eral they originated from the idea of ensuring
overall management of North Sea stocks? that no fishery can develop outside the TAC
How much of a choke species effect would and quota system itself or, in some cases, to use
this produce? The fact that there seems to be the management (and the associated relative
no particular demand to manage this stock stability) to consolidate fishing rights. While
tend to give a certain indication that the these are legitimate considerations for Member
possible management of this stock may be States and their industries, the result is a system
seen more as a problem than a solution to where the need and opportunity to regulate
anything. certain species can be questioned.
• For Iberian sardine, the stock is regularly In effect, certain species are secondary in
evaluated (ICES 2013b), so the scientific economic terms; there are almost no directed
basis is available (and better than that for fisheries for them, and their catches do not
other stocks under EU TACs). The question is determine fisheries behavior: what happens
whether the bilateral management between with them is more likely to be the result of man-
Spain and Portugal, now enshrined in EU agement and business decisions that are taken
Implementing maximum sustainable yield 65

based on the main target species in the fishery. the two species will have to be retained on
There is very limited scientific knowledge about board, and could become choke species.
some of these, and given their relatively low In fact, the Commission has already taken
overall value, it is doubtful whether the sci- the initiative of asking ICES what would be
entific community should invest their limited the effect of removing these stocks from the
research resources to investigate them. management system under the CFP. The ICES
These species, generally included in the data- report concluded that:
poor category, have been managed on the basis
ICES advises that the risk of having no catch
of very simple considerations and often pro-
limits for the dab and flounder stocks is currently
duced “paper fish.” Overall, these species were considered to be low and not inconsistent with the
not considered a problem, since they never objectives of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP).
drew too much attention or efforts to manage The advice is valid as long as dab and flounder
them. Under the current regulatory scenario, remain largely by-catch species, with the main
however, their inclusion in the list of species to fleets catching dab and flounder continuing to
fish the target species (plaice and sole) sustainably
be subject to the landing obligation as of 2019,
within the FMSY ranges provided by ICES.
introduces a new factor: they can contribute to
aggravate the choke species effect without their The message is very clear: the inclusion of
management being necessary to manage the dab and flounder in the annual TAC and quota
target species in fishery. regulation is not really necessary. This certainly
In this context, it is opportune to ask the constitutes a precedent of a type of analysis
question of what is the added value of having that could well be extended to other stocks and
such species in the management system. Should areas.
they continue being managed by the CFP? Two
cases are worth looking at: dab and flounder in Boarfish
the North Sea and boarfish in western waters. The boarfish represents a very different case.
This small fish (Capros aper) started to be
Dab and flounder in the North Sea exploited by Irish fishermen at the beginning of
These are secondary species in the beam-trawl the 2000s, and by 2006 had reached significant
flatfish fishery. The reason why they were levels (Stange 2016). As the fishery (used for
included in the TAC and quota system was to fish meal) expanded, a TAC was established for
prevent the development of a fishery by Span- the first time in 2011 (EU 2011). At the time,
ish vessels in the North Sea, upon the Spanish the idea was to ensure adequate management
accession in 1986. Upon accession, Spain did of the fishery – and to “fix” relative stability on
not obtain quotas of regulated species in this it by the initiators of the fishery. However, the
area, where it had no track record of fishing. by-catches of this species in fisheries targeting
But theoretically Spain could have developed a other stocks were not considered. Following
fishery entirely based on non-regulated species the adoption of the landing obligation, concerns
in these waters. For this reason, certain sec- that this species would “choke” for other fish-
ondary stocks, hitherto non-regulated, were eries arose, and a number of fishing interests in
subject to TACs since 1985. It is to be noted Europe have questioned the wisdom of having
that the likelihood of Spain developing such a TAC on this stock.
a fishery for non-regulated species alone was This case is much less clear-cut than the pre-
extremely low. vious one, at least for two reasons:
The annual TACs for these species is practi- • This stock is subject to a directed fishery
cally meaningless because there is no evaluation by some Member States, it is not simply a
of these stocks, and the fishery where they are bycatch. Thus, the need for management, as
caught is governed by the sole and plaice. How- the stock is not indirectly managed through
ever, when it comes to the landing obligation, the management of the main target species
66 Chapter 3

in the fishery, as in the case of dab and The case of deep-sea stocks
flounder. The above considerations have already resulted
• The relative stability for this stock is very in the elimination of several TACs in the spe-
unbalanced, so the removal of the TAC would cific case of the deep-sea stocks, regulated
have a very different meaning for different since 2004 through biannual TACs. The last
Member States. regulation on these stocks (EU 2018d) elim-
inated certain TACs existing in the previous
Other stocks? one (EU 2016b): for example no TAC for black
The discard ban provides a good opportunity to scabbardfish in ICES subareas 1–4 (North Sea
revise the list of species subject to TACs and quo- and Skagerrak) was set due to the low quota
tas, for the purpose of ensuring that those reg- uptake and due to the fact that no targeted
ulated are those that determine the behavior of fisheries were taking place, and no TACs for
the fleets, while ensuring that no unnecessary roundnose grenadier in ICES subareas 1, 2 and
complexity or burden is imposed on either the 4 (North Sea) and greater forkbeard in ICES
industry, the scientific community or fisheries subareas 1–10, 12, and 14 were set, on the basis
managers. of scientific advice. ICES advice establishes that
A recent ICES report (ICES 2018), requested removing the TACs would generate no or a low
by the European Commission, has concluded risk of unsustainable exploitation.
that removing the EU TACs for the following These examples clearly show that the list of
stocks would generate a low risk of stocks stocks should not be considered fixed forever,
being exploited unsustainably. This report does but revised regularly on the basis of relevance
not refer to the landing obligation, but only of such management and its cost effectiveness.
to the cost/efficiency of continuing adopting
single-stock TACs for them: Problem stocks
• Plaice in ICES Division VII.a The management system also has to handle the
• Plaice in ICES divisions VII.f and VII.g case of the so-called problem stocks. In effect,
• Tusk (Brosme brosme) in ICES Division III.a while a number of stocks respond positively to
and Subarea IV management (though with variable response
• Plaice in ICES Subdivision III.a.21 times) there are certain stocks that do not
• Lemon sole (Microstomus kitt) in ICES Division seem to respond to management efforts, or
III.a, Subarea IV, and Division VII.d respond only in a limited way. In these cases,
• Cod in ICES Division V.b the lack of response to management (notably
• Haddock in ICES Division V.b. to a reduction of fishing mortality) casts doubts
This exercise, however, cannot be done sim- on the efficiency of the policy itself, and often
ply on the basis of an evaluation of the added justifies the call for more dramatic action, that
value of the TAC from the point of view of man- in turn poses a serious problem for the industry
agement: it also has to take account of whether concerned. How to handle these cases?
the possible removal of the TAC would have Steadman et al. (2014) have studied 10 stocks
an effect in altering relative stability. This is in EU waters that, after numerous attempts to
yet another example of how the distributional improve management, are still considered out-
questions in the CFP often stand in the way of side safe biological limits. Among other consid-
a possible rationalization of the management, erations, the difficulty in bringing these stocks
and shows the increasing contradiction of a to Fmsy by 2020 without unacceptable economic
very integrated EU policy that still relies on a hardship or without seriously affecting fisheries
fixed, rigid distribution of rights among Mem- for healthier stocks illustrates why these can be
ber States, something that has been addressed considered problem stocks.
in other policies, but that has always been taboo These stocks raise fundamental issues of fish-
in the CFP. ery management: why are they so difficult to
Implementing maximum sustainable yield 67

rebuild? Are there ecological reasons, outside References

our control, that prevent rebuilding? What
sacrifices would be necessary to recover them Anderson, J.L., Anderson, C.M., Chu, J. et al. (2015).
if possible? Are such sacrifices acceptable and The fishery performance indicators: a management
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10 (5): e0122809.
more questions than answers, but another
Anon. (2011). Assessment methods for data-poor
fundamental challenge for management.
stocks. Report of the review panel meeting.
Some of the difficulties in rebuilding these National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). South-
stocks may come from the mixed species nature west Fisheries Science Center (SWFSC). Santa
of the fisheries where they are caught, thus Cruz, California. April 25–29 2011, 24 pp.
preventing the intended reduction of fishing Collie, J.S., Gislason, H., and Vinther, M. (2003).
mortality required on a single-stock basis. But Using AMOEBAs to display multispecies, multi-
fleets fisheries advice. ICES Journal of Marine Science
part of the problem too may come from ecolog-
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ical factors: in some cases, positive recoveries
Cope, J.M., DeVore, J.D., Dick, E.J. et al. (2011). An
have been associated to favorable climatic con- approach to defining stock complexes for U.S. west
ditions and subsequent strong recruitments coast groundfishes using vulnerabilities and ecolog-
while in other cases such conditions are not ical distributions. North American Journal of Fisheries
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time, at least at the levels traditionally known. pean Union, L24, 27.1.2011.
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the chances of recovery of such species may be European Parliament and of the Council of 11
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The challenge of mixed fisheries

Mixed fisheries in the new CFP management objectives, can really deliver such
objectives, and at what cost.
The special challenges posed by the manage-
ment of mixed fisheries are well-recognized Can MSY be achieved for all stocks
in the new Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) in mixed fisheries?
(see below) as well as in important interna- The notion of maximum sustainable yield
tional instruments of fisheries managements, (MSY) was based on the productivity of individ-
such as FAO’s Code of Conduct for Responsible ual species, ignoring interactions within the
Fisheries (FAO 1995). fishing process, and aiming to maximize the
The difficulties associated with mixed fish- weight or value of landings under assumptions
eries were identified very early in the process of constant vital rates (Rindorf et al. 2017). Over
of development of fishery assessment methods. time, it has become obvious that assumptions on
As early as the late 1950s, Ricker (1958) already constancy and independence in vital processes
indicated that when two or more populations are rarely fulfilled, so a dynamic approach is
of a species, characterized by different repro- necessary if interactions among species and with
duction potentials, are fished in common, total their environment are to be considered (Fog-
potential catch is less than when each can be arty 2014). If the linkages in fisheries systems
fished separately at its optimum level. Paulik are ignored, unintended and perverse conse-
et al. (1967) already presented solutions to the quences may occur (Degnbol and MacCay 2006).
problem of finding the common rate of exploita- As we saw in Chapter 2 individual MSY
tion that maximizes total sustained yield from objectives are very difficult to achieve for all
a mixture of stocks, and Hilborn (1976) offered stocks in mixed fisheries, at least without a high
in the 1970s a new methodology to calculate management cost and considerable foregone
optimal harvest rates for mixed stocks. yields (Sissenwine et al. 2014). In a multi-
There has always been some scientific basis species context, there is no single combination
for the idea that mixed stocks cannot simply of fishing mortalities that provides for MSY for
be managed through the sum of management all species simultaneously (Gaichas et al. 2017).
systems for individual stocks. Yet, fisheries Other authors have indicated that single-species
management, in the EU and elsewhere, has total allowable catch (TACs) are not consistent
continued to this day fundamentally based with each other when the stocks are caught by
on single-stock considerations. This leaves the the same fleets (Baudron et al. 2010). Zimmer-
question open as to whether the new CFP that mann and Yamazaki (2017) point to the need
is still based on the achievement of single-stock to consider inter-stock relationships:

Quo Vadis Common Fisheries Policy?, First Edition. Ernesto Penas Lado.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

72 Chapter 4

Not accounting for such inter-stock dependence whether steaming costs may increase and catch
hinders or even reverses the conservation and eco- rates decrease (Simons et al. 2015).
nomic benefits of stock rebuilding and increases The choke species effect has been reported for
the risks that rebuilding strategies fail to achieve
a number of fisheries around the world (Kraak
their management objectives. . . . this underlines
that constant, single-species management targets
et al. 2015), associated with single-stock TACs
such as precautionary spawning biomass or MSY with no-discard policies. In the specific case of
biomass may be unattainable for all stocks in the the CFP, the choke species phenomenon is the
ecosystem. result of two combined factors:
• Different TAC levels. The application of
This strongly contrasts with the very strict individual objectives for individual stocks
interpretation of the basic regulation of the CFP combined with a ban on discards. In these
as regards the possibility of having all stocks cases, when the TAC of the weakest stock is
above Bmsy levels. reached, it is no longer possible to continue
fishing for other (healthier) stocks without
Mixed fisheries and choke species discarding the former. The fishery must then
The term “choke species” has been defined by stop.
International Council for the Exploration of the • The allocation of TACs in national quotas.
Sea (ICES) as follows:1 The fact that, in the CFP, the TACs are allo-
A choke species is a term used to describe a species
cated among Member States in national
with a low quota that can cause a vessel to stop fish- quotas, and these allocations are extremely
ing even if they still have quota for other species. different for different stocks. As a result, it
is possible that two species with no choke
The problem of choke species exists, one way effect between them in terms of total TAC,
or another, in all fisheries managed through may be choke for individual Member States
single-stock catch limitations combined with a if their quota allocation is very unbalanced:
policy or restrictions on discarding. But even one stock may be choke for one Member
without them, choke species effects may also State and a different stock may be choke for
occur on economic grounds: even if certain another Member State.
fisheries for secondary species can be con- In this chapter we will examine the question
ducted when the quotas for the main ones from the point of view of the TAC levels: What
are exhausted, the economic interest of such can be the effect of different TAC levels com-
practice may not be obvious. bined with the discard ban in mixed fisheries?
The scale and extent of this phenomenon The other source of choke species, the fixed
depends on a number of factors, including quota allocation of the different stocks among Mem-
availability, the spatial overlap of target and ber States under relative stability is looked at in
by-catch species, and the ability of businesses to Chapter 6.
avoid catch-limiting species while maintaining The consequences of the choke species effect
economic viability (through temporal or spatial can be that healthy stocks are substantially
avoidance, gear selectivity, etc.). The effects under-exploited. This may be acceptable in
of choke species can be direct (early closures of certain political systems, but not in others. The
a fishery even when quotas of certain species evidence of this emerging problem has alerted
are still available), or indirect economic ones, the European fishing industry that is deploying
when the spatial overlap of fish stocks with its best efforts to find practical solutions.
respect to target and by-catch species may
determine where effort is displaced and hence Choke species: some experience
outside the EU
1 The experience of the US on choke species
Inotherwords/Lists/Posts/Post.aspx?ID=13/ is very illustrative, as we saw in Chapter 2.
The challenge of mixed fisheries 73

True, this phenomenon may not be due only to Choke species under the new CFP
choke species effects. Other factors such as low The importance of the problem of choke species
economic interest of many of the stocks under was anticipated by the co-legislators in the CFP
the management policy may be at the origin of reform of 2013. Although the regulation fore-
this phenomenon. And so far, relatively little sees the increase in selectivity as the primary
is known about the different causes of the low solution, it also recognizes that there will be a
quota consumption. However, expert advice need to provide advice on the appropriate fish-
points at the management of weak stocks to ing mortality levels (EU 2013, recital 8):
avoid by-catch as a strong reason why fish
Management decisions relating to maximum sus-
are left in the sea (Dave Fluharty, personal
tainable yield in mixed fisheries should take into
communication). account the difficulty of fishing all stocks in a mixed
In the US, where the policy establishes clear fishery at maximum sustainable yield at the same
objectives by individual stocks, like in the CFP, time, in particular where scientific advice indicates
there is on-going debate on the need to intro- that it is very difficult to avoid the phenomenon
duce, through the next reauthorization of the of “choke species” by increasing the selectivity of
the fishing gears used. Appropriate scientific bod-
Magnuson-Stevens Act, special provisions for
ies should be requested to provide advice on the
mixed fisheries, since “it is a rare fisheries scientist
appropriate fishing mortality levels in such circumstances
who would contend that all stocks in a multispecies (emphasis added).
complex are able to be demonstrably abundant
simultaneously” (Frulla and Hawkins 2017). The problem is that such requirements must
This evidence has led the US Congress be applied in the legal context of Article 2.2,
in its on-going proposal to reauthorize the which lays down MSY as an objective “for all
Magnuson-Stevens Act (Bill H.R. 200, July stocks.” If we take these elements literally, then
2018) to introduce changes that would add it would in principle seem that the “appropriate
exceptions to stock rebuilding requirements fishing mortality levels” would in many cases
when “one or more components of a mixed-stock have to be lower than Fmsy , so the policy may
fishery is depleted but cannot be rebuilt within the lead to the kind of under-exploitation observed
specified time without significant economic harm to in some mixed fisheries in the US.
the fishery or without causing another component to Although it is still relatively early to fully
approach a depleted status.”2 understand the effects of choke species (since
What this means in catch share fisheries or in the landing obligation is still in its phase-in
fisheries with prohibited species by-catch (e.g., period) the scientific community is already
Pacific halibut and herring) the by-catch is evaluating the potential effects. For example, it
limiting on the quota fisheries. There are estab- has been predicted that in the North Sea demer-
lished constituencies to whom these by-catch sal mixed fishery, the full implementation of the
species are allocated. Further, if one species in a discard ban would result in the closure of the
fishing complex is determined to be overfished fishery when approximately half the available
the rebuilding plan limits by-catch by others. quotas are still uncaught, producing a propor-
See under “How much can we sacrifice to weak tional reduction in revenue as compared to the
stocks?” below. situation prior to the landing obligation (ICES
This is a clear example of the recognition that 2016a). This is shown in Figure 4.1, drawn
mixed fisheries pose serious problems in the from Ulrich et al. (2017) concerning the mixed
way of the rebuilding of individual stocks in the fishery for demersal stocks in the North Sea.
mix, and how policy has to introduce flexibility The left-hand side box represents the sce-
to deal with these cases. nario of full consumption of the haddock TAC:
all other TACs are overshot, leading to signif-
icant discards (stripped part of the columns)
2 in the other species. Upon implementation of
74 Chapter 4

250 250
Max Min sq_E Max Min sq_E

200 200
Predicted catches 2016

150 3 150

100 100
4 2
50 1 50

5 5

0 0 2:Haddock
–50 –50
12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345
Figure 4.1 North Sea mixed-fisheries projections for 2016 following standard display as in ICES (2015). Source:
Ulrich et al. (2017).

the landing obligation, this is no longer pos- the future practice, including the possible partial
sible. The second box from the left represents or full application of these flexibility mecha-
the scenario under which none of the TACs nisms, and the possible perverse incentives to
are exceeded and no discards take place. This discard illegally will determine the real extent
would correspond to the full, effective imple- of the problem of choke species.
mentation of the new policy. It is apparent that The European fishing industry has frequently
only the TAC for sole would be fully harvested, drawn attention to the negative effects of
while the remaining TACs would be signif- the choke species effect.3,4 Its potential con-
icantly under harvested. This illustrates the sequences are clear: failure to resolve the
problem very well: combining MSY-based TACs problem would result in lower profitability
for individual stocks under the landing obliga- levels for the industry, even serious economic
tion in mixed fisheries can lead to significant difficulties, and it would potentially contribute
under-exploitation of a number of stocks in the to under-exploitation of healthy resources, thus
fishery. failing to deliver on some of the objectives of
The choke species problem, in addition, can Article 39 TFEU.
actually be aggravated by the improvement The economic effects of choke species are
of certain stocks. Such is the case for hake in potentially considerable. In a study conducted
the North Sea, where higher abundances of on two stocks (saithe and cod) caught by bot-
this stock contrast with low quota shares, thus tom trawling in the North Sea, Mortensen et al.
contributing to turn the healthy hake stock (2018) found that cod would choke the fishery
into a problematic choke species. This calls for
a more holistic and responsive approach to the
management of the multispecies fishery.
This assumes a full implementation of the
landing obligation, without the effects of the 4
flexibility mechanisms foreseen in Article 15 of 904/Choke%20species%20and%20quota%20prices
Regulation 1380/2013. That means that only .pdf/
The challenge of mixed fisheries 75

early in the absence of quota balancing options, complex, difficult to model and always data-
resulting in an 87% reduction in revenue, while hungry. Thus, Skern-Mauritzen et al. (2016)
saithe could choke the fishery later, resulting in estimate that only 2% of the world’s fish stocks
a 43% reduction in revenue. are managed including these multispecies inter-
The idea of multispecies management is
Alternative management indeed recognized as an objective in the context
approaches for mixed fisheries of Regulation 1380/2013. However, it is proving
very difficult to implement in practice. There
The “choke species” problem is a consequence are a number of reasons for this, and the first
of the single-stock management policy. The dif- one is the absence of a sound, reliable scientific
ficulty in resolving the problem favors the con- basis for it.
cept of “multispecies” management, where in The term “multispecies management” can
theory the management would focus more on have more than one interpretation. Fur-
the relationship among different stocks, their thermore, scientists have proposed several
effects on single-stock objectives and eventually approaches for managing fisheries taking into
on fishery-related objectives rather than stock- account multispecies considerations. Follow-
related objectives. ing Zimmermann and Yamazaki (2017), two
modeling approaches can be identified:
Multispecies approaches • Analytical, multi-stock models and
Multispecies approaches to manage mixed fish- • Models that encompass entire food web
eries would imply lower emphasis on single effects, such as competition and predator-prey
stock objectives and more focus on the overall relationships.
maximum yield of a group of species taken in Many authors have proposed different mod-
the same fishery. By changing the focus from els for multispecies fisheries, some of them
individual stocks to groups of associated stocks a long time ago (May et al. 1979) and more
the management gets closer to the manage- recently, attempts to model species interactions
ment of the surplus of the ecosystem, and from include Hollowed et al. (2000) and Plagányi
that perspective it can be considered as a step et al. (2014) among others. Some of these mod-
toward the ecosystem approach to fisheries. els also include consideration of socio-economic
Of course, the interactions among species also factors (Ratz and Lloret 2016). The question
have a significant economic dimension, as dif- is then: can this type of modeling approach
ferent species have different market prices and inform the CFP in the near future, or is it better
levels of interest for fishermen. This implies that to try to advance individual stock objectives
multispecies approaches require the considera- based on traditional approaches?
tion of trade-offs between biological yields and
economic benefits. What potential for multispecies
The importance of incorporating multispecies models?
effects in the management of fish stocks has In the early 1990s the public concern that
been recognized by many authors (Kempf et al. industrial fisheries were “robbing the food” of
2016; Zimmermann and Yamazaki 2017). In the target species in the North Sea was a major
fact, Anderson (1975) or Wilson (1982) among motivator behind the development of multi-
others have recognized the problem in earlier species models, beginning in the 1970s with the
contributions. In recent times, the importance seminal work by Andersen and Ursin (1977).
of these inter-stock relationships is considered At present, ICES run multispecies virtual popu-
a key aspect of the ecosystem approach to lation analysis (VPA) from time to time and the
fisheries (Garcia and Cochrane 2005; Mor- results are used to update the natural mortality
ishita 2008). However, these relationships are values used in the single-species assessments
76 Chapter 4

used for the routine ICES advice. That means dependent upon natural effects that are not
that even the single-species advice from ICES possible to manage.
is to some extent informed by multispecies
considerations. Pretty good yield
The new CFP will require a new type of scien- Introduction
tific basis, focused on multispecies approaches. As we saw above, the incorporation of MSY tar-
In some cases, this advice is already emerging. gets in the CFP has been a very important step
For example, multispecies considerations are forward in providing for clear objectives for the
already taken into account by ICES in the con- management of fisheries in Europe. However, it
text of the best-evaluated European sea basin: can be argued that the optimum biological yield
the North Sea. Already in 2013, ICES5 con- may not be the only legitimate objective of fish-
cluded, inter alia that: eries management. We have argued above that
• There is no single MSY solution in a multi- the objectives of Article 39 TFEU can be best met
species context, and policy choices will have in “an area around the notion of MSY.” That
to be made. means that MSY may not necessarily be seen
• Yield of virtually all species is strongly as a single figure but rather as an area within
affected by the abundance of cod and saithe, which other elements may also legitimately be
which are the main predator fish species. taken into consideration.
Changing management target fishing mor- This idea has given rise to the introduction of
tality (target F) for cod and saithe therefore the notion of pretty good yield (PGY) by Alec
influences the yield of other stocks more McCall of the US National Marine Fisheries ser-
than the management targets for these other vice, defined as the 80% of the optimum yield
stocks. (Hilborn 2010). This notion reflects the fact that
• Due to predation, it is unlikely that all most fisheries management systems have mul-
stocks can be maintained above precaution- tiple objectives, so that rather than a point, a
ary single-species biomass reference points broad range of harvest policies can provide good
simultaneously. yield while also producing other desired out-
puts, be they biological and/or economic.
• Target fishing mortalities leading to close-to-
maximum average yield (Fmsy ) in a multi-
Pretty good multispecies yield
species context are in general higher than
More recently, the notion of PGY has evolved in
the agreed single-species Fmsy values.
connection with mixed fisheries in Europe, as
• Due to a successful reduction in fishing mor-
pretty good multispecies yield (PGMY) also as
tality for many stocks, natural mortality is
a possible solution to the “choke species” prob-
becoming the dominant source of mortality
lem. The obvious use of the notion of pretty
in the North Sea. This means that the stock
good yield is its use in a scenario of mixed
dynamics are increasingly more influenced
fisheries where individual stock objectives are
by natural processes than by fisheries.
difficult to achieve all at once. Then the notion
The implications of the above report are
is called pretty good multispecies yield (Rindorf
extraordinary: a policy based on single-stock
et al. 2016). In this context, the notion of
parameters and objectives in a multispecies
PGMY could be considered as a proxy of MSY
context clearly leads to unreasonable expecta-
that also contributes to fully implement the
tions, derived from the difficulties of achieving
landing obligation by reducing substantially
these individual objectives all at once. And, as
the “choke species” effect. PGMY is defined by
F levels are reduced, the fisheries become more
Rindorf et al. (2017) as:

achieving at least a specified percentage of the

5 MSY while allowing scope for achieving additional
Advice/2013/2013/mult-NS.pdf/ objectives.
The challenge of mixed fisheries 77

Other authors (Kempf et al. 2016) indicate, By providing for a range of fishing mortality
for the North Sea, that the current approach options for individual stocks in mixed fisheries,
of treating each stock separately and ignoring managers can establish TAC levels correspond-
trade-offs may result in unacceptable ecosys- ing to the fishing mortalities per stock that
tem, economic or social effects, leading to will maximize overall yields, or minimize the
disappointment by stakeholders, and that to amount of foregone yields due to the exhaus-
treat Fmsy no longer as a point estimate but tion at an early stage of the TACs for the less
rather as a pretty good yield within sustainable productive stock in the mixed fishery.
ranges was seen as a promising way forward to Figure 4.2 shows the fishing mortality ranges
avoid unacceptable outcomes when trying to for the main demersal species in the North Sea,
fish all stocks simultaneously at Fmsy levels. as presented by Ulrich et al. (2017). The figure
Although the notion is not specifically shows the central Fmsy point, the ranges and the
referred to, the Commission has already adopted optimum F levels to maximize MSY in the con-
this approach in the context of the Baltic and text of the mixed fishery. It can be observed that
the North Sea management plans, with the the optimum F corresponds to different parts of
introduction of fishing mortality ranges. These the F range for different stocks.
correspond to an implementation of the PGMY, The different combinations of F values within
in the sense that some stocks can, under very the ranges can be modeled in terms of avoidance
specific circumstances, be fished at mortalities of choke species effects, but can also be eval-
higher than the individual Fmsy , but always uated in terms of economic yield. This allows
within a limit that is considered precautionary. for annual decisions on TAC levels that, while
This notion is extremely useful in that it respecting the overall objective of MSY, provide
provides managers with flexibility to manage for flexibility to deliver other policy objectives
trade-offs in multispecies mixed fisheries. It just as well.
is clear that high long-term yields and lower
risks of stock collapse are achieved when all The Fcube model
individual stocks are managed at fishing mor- Another interesting development is that of the
talities lower than Fmsy , that is, when they are so-called Fcube model. Fcube stands for the 3
managed within the lower part of the fishing Fs: “Fleet and Fisheries Forecast.” This model is
mortality ranges (Thorpe et al. 2017). based on the idea, as we explained above, that
The notion of pretty good yield makes envi- applying single-species assessment and quotas
ronmental non-governmental organizations in multispecies fisheries can lead to overfishing
(NGOs) nervous, notably in the sense that it or quota underutilization, because advice can
opens the door to the management of certain be conflicting when different stocks are caught
stocks at levels higher than the individual within the same fishery. The Fcube model offers
Fmsy value. One possible way to ensure that different scenarios of fishing effort and calcu-
the flexibility provided for by the pretty good lates the level of overfishing and underfishing
yield concept applied to individual stocks is to of each stock in a mixed fishery as compared
combine it with some safeguards, as we will with the catch levels of the stocks based on
see below. single-stock comparisons.
Scenarios of different levels of effort and
How would PGMY solve the choke species corresponding multispecies catches have been
problem? developed for the North Sea by Ulrich et al.
PGY would not resolve in itself the problem of (2011) and for the Iberian Peninsula (Iriondo
choke species in all fisheries, but in a number of et al. 2010). As we will see in Chapter 5, this
them it would certainly reduce the effects of the type of model also has considerable potential
phenomenon. In particular, it would contribute for multispecies management in the Mediter-
to solve the choke species effect at TAC level. ranean Sea.
78 Chapter 4

0.6 FMSY range






0.1 Figure 4.2 Fishing mortality ranges for

the main demersal stocks in the North
COD HAD PLE POK SOL Sea. Source: Ulrich et al. (2017).

The notion of Fcube is also relatively adapt- This concept has also been explored also in
able to bio-economic modeling: the FcubEcon the Iberian fisheries by Garcia et al. (2017),
management framework for effort allocation where TAC advice was generated under the
between fleets and fisheries is based on the traditional single stock approach and compared
economic optimization of a fishery’s earn- with such advice based on multi-stock refer-
ings while complying with stock-preservation ence points using a bio-economic optimization
criteria (Hoff et al. 2010). model. The multi-stock scenarios in principle
The Fcube model is very useful for mixed allow for a better utilization of combined TACs.
fisheries where multispecies objectives would The model allows for reference points to be all
be allowed. On the contrary, in a context where considered precautionary in the sense of ICES:
the individual Fmsy objectives have to be applied that the probability of being below Blim was
to all stocks, the effort levels would those nec- less than 5%. The authors also indicate that the
essary to ensure that no single stock is exploited model can be adapted to be used within the
at an F > Fmsy , thus producing foregone yields. limits imposed by the fishing mortality ranges
that have been introduced in the Baltic plan
Multi-stock reference points and are likely to be used in subsequent ones.
This kind of approach is based on developing This type of model can allow the develop-
an algorithm that characterizes bio-economic ment of reference points for stocks associated
reference points that optimize economic and in a given fishery that will be more consis-
biological benefits. When tested in the mixed tent among them, that will correspond to a
fishery for hake in northern waters, includ- more efficient use of available fishing oppor-
ing the interaction with two other associated tunities (thus reducing choke species effects),
species (anglerfish and megrim), the model and where the condition that all TACs be
predicts that when TAC levels are established precautionary can be imposed.
under this scheme, management performs bet-
ter in economic and biological terms than that Managing stock aggregates?
corresponding to single-stock reference points Another possible approach to handle mixed
for the three species separately (Da Rocha et al. fisheries is to define the notion of MSY not
2012). for an individual stock, but for an assembly of
The challenge of mixed fisheries 79

closely related stocks. This would allow the That means that concerns that not focusing
establishment of objectives and measures for on the weakest stock may lead to its overex-
the management of the aggregate as a whole, ploitation in the mix, are to be compounded
allowing for changes in the result of individual with a substantially lower level of overall fish-
stocks within the aggregate. ing effort corresponding to the total level of
Edwards et al. (2004) describe this approach catches of the aggregate.
as “portfolio management” whereby man- This kind of approach, however, is not easy
agement combines fish stocks that are joined to implement, notably due to the difficulty of
by ecology (e.g. predation, competition) and putting together all the scientific information
unspecialized fishing techniques (e.g. mixed necessary to develop such complex ecological
species trawls) into a portfolio which balances models (Hilborn 2011). But this underscores
expected aggregate returns against the risks the interest on relatively simple models where
associated with single-stock uncertainties. species relationships are implicit rather than
Managing stocks under this approach can sig- explicit. The advantages of these models, even
nificantly increase benefits for society relative if simplified, are that system-level proper-
to single-species approaches. ties (including total biomass, total catches,
A very interesting article (Fogarty et al. 2012) aggregate size composition) tend to be much
describes the development of surplus produc- more stable for the species aggregate than
tion models for 12 demersal fish species in the for any of its individual species (Fogarty and
Gulf of Maine (NE USA) at both single-species Murawski 1998; Auster and Link 2009). These
and aggregate levels, as a possible way to characteristics appear to reflect compensatory
manage species assemblages rather than indi- processes related to a sequence of species
vidual stocks. Interestingly, the equilibrium replacements under the constraint of overall
yield (MSY) and biomass at MSY (Bmsy ) levels energy limitations of the ecosystem (Fogarty
for the summed-up single-species production et al. 2012).
model reference points exceeded the aggregate
model results by 28.0 and 27.5% respectively. How much can we sacrifice weak
Biological interactions such as competition and stocks?
predation are potential reasons for the differ- All the above options have an obvious down-
ence. Not accounting for biological interactions side: if they provide some kind of “averaging
may result in overly optimistic predictions of out” of fishing mortality among associated
long-term yields and unrealistically high esti- stocks as a solution to the choke species prob-
mates of Bmsy . This begs the question about lems, that implies that certain stocks would
flexibility associated with fishing some individ- be exploited at higher F levels than those cor-
ual stocks at >Fmsy . responding to the individual Fmsy values. Put
These results are extremely interesting, in it another way: this would mean accepting a
various aspects: certain level of over-exploitation of a certain
• They confirm that setting reference points number of stocks. The question would then be:
for single stocks without ecological consider- how far can we go with this? How much can we
ations may produce overestimations of Bmsy , over-exploit certain individual stocks in order
which in turn implies that the aspirational to minimize choke species effects and maximize
objective of having all stocks at biomass levels the sustainable production of seafood?
“above Bmsy ” may simply not be achievable The answer is not straightforward, particu-
at all. larly from an ecological point of view. While
• Managing aggregates actually produces lower the idea of fishing down a weak stock can
estimates of sustainable yield. This is not have little economic effect, if and when such
surprising but raises serious management stock has a low economic value, the question
implications. of the evaluation of the ecological value of the
80 Chapter 4

over-exploitation of an individual stock is much of all stocks combined in a mixed fishery, to

less clear. compensate the higher risk taken for some
Actually, if we move toward the concept of individual stocks. This measure can indeed be
ecosystem-based management, the emphasis complementary to the individual TACs, and in a
on weak stocks could be compounded by the longer perspective could be considered a funda-
overall status of the ecosystem. Marine ecosys- mental element in a new kind of management
tems can be very stable even if their individual system for mixed fisheries.
species fluctuate to a substantial degree. This In the Bering Sea/Aleutian groundfish fishery
is shown in Figure 4.3, drawn from the ICES in Alaska, management established an ecosys-
ecosystem overview of the greater North Sea tem cap for the annual TACs of groundfish
ecoregion (ICES 2016a): the ratios F/Fmsy and for this region by requiring that the optimum
spawning stock biomass (SSB)/MSY Btrigger for yield range must fall between 1.4 and 2 mil-
different groups of stocks fluctuate consider- lion tonnes. This has limited the sum of TACs
ably over time. Yet, the averages for all stocks for all species concerned to 2 million tons, a
together are much more stable. lower figure than would result from adding
This simple image suggests that, rather than the individual TACs of the same species when
focusing on individual stocks, whose abundance considering single-stock considerations, which
is in any case naturally fluctuating, fisheries some years amounted to 2.8 million tons
management could focus more on the overall (Witherell et al. 2000). This implies that certain
surplus that the ecosystem can produce, which stocks, particularly flatfish, have been exploited
is in fact remarkably stable. well below sustainable levels (Witherell 1995).
Interestingly, the origin of the measure was ini-
An ecological cap on TACs? tially not related to ecosystem considerations,
The idea of the multispecies pretty good yield but to limit foreign fishing at a time when the
could be combined with a safety net applicable US fishing capacity was lower than it is today.
to the whole fishery: a limitation of the overall This long-term experience is very illustrative
catch of all stocks combined. This would corre- of what can be an alternative approach to
spond to a kind of ecological cap to the catches the low-risk strategies for individual stocks: to

Greater North Sea



SSB/MSY Btrigger

1960 1980 2000 2020
benthic crustacean demersal pelagic

Figure 4.3 Evolution over time of fishing mortality relative to Fmsy and biomass relative to MSY Btrigger for
different groups of stocks in the greater North Sea ecoregion. Source: Updated from ICES (2016a). Reproduced
by courtesy of ICES.
The challenge of mixed fisheries 81

consider a wide range of options for individual of marine resources” (Mace 1999). Can this
stocks (with higher risk for some of them) but experience be translated to the CFP?
in the framework of an overall low-risk strategy
for the whole fishery and its ecosystem. Trophic models
This TAC cap concept has been further Trophic models are a consequence of the appli-
developed by other authors into a step-by-step cation of the ecosystem approach to fisheries
multispecies approach based also on the idea of management, and we will refer to this in
an overall cap on all catches combined. This Chapter 8. However, it is important also to refer
approach consists of four steps (Gaichas et al. to this type of model here.
2017): In recent decades, studies on how fisheries
• Limit total removals from the ecosystem and marine food webs interact have been
• Allocate the total removals limit across developed. However, by and large fisheries
among aggregate species groups management continues to be based on single-
• Maintain individual species above minimum species considerations. Trophic models have
stock size thresholds been demonstrated to be difficult and costly to
• Optimize the species mix (within aggregates) develop. They are data hungry and require a
based on bio-economic portfolio analysis. substantial level of knowledge regarding inter-
The above proposal (that the authors them- actions among different species in the fishery
selves present as very preliminary) deserves (and their ecosystem). This makes progress
attention in that it provides internal flexibility slow and difficult.
(among stocks) within an overall limit estab- The Commission tried to use the opportunity
lished as an ecological cap. This would allow of the new CFP to produce the first multispecies
taking a higher risk for some individual stocks model for the Baltic Sea, including trophic rela-
but in the context of an overall low ecological tionships. The (theoretically) simple food chains
risk. It is placing the evaluation of risk at the of this sea were considered an ideal place to start
level of aggregate species more than at the level such models. But the task proved too complex
of individual stocks. Although the concept of and in the end the current management plan
higher risk is not part of the current thinking for the Baltic Sea (EU 2016a) is still based on
in Alaska, the theoretical possibility is there to individual stock parameters.
consider in other contexts. An ultimate use of trophic models, such as
Of course, such a strategy would need to be those developed by Gascuel et al. (2011) is to
developed in much more in detail, particularly provide a theoretical basis to explain complex
its second step, which may not necessarily be patterns, such as cascading effects, maximum
neutral under relative stability in the EU con- sustainable ecosystem yield and fishing down
text. In addition, the level of risk of the overall the food web. The value of these models in the
level of the total removals would need to be CFP has to be put in context. While it is difficult
carefully compounded with step 3 on the level to see such models entirely replacing the cur-
of protection of individual stocks. In addition, rent single-stock management, they can provide
the above kind of management requires a very as a complementary tool that may be extremely
sophisticated level of discussion with stake- useful to management:
holders and a very adaptive system to address • They can help understand the effects of fish-
the numerous, different and changing scenarios eries management on the ecosystem, and to
and their respective trade-offs (Jennings et al. better understand the role of fisheries man-
2016). agement in achieving the “good environmen-
This also includes the treatment of the indi- tal status” of the Marine strategy Framework
vidual target for stock management (MSY) as a Directive (see Chapter 8).
limit rather than as a target, in what has been • They can serve to establish a general cap
described as a “conscious under-exploitation on the overall use of the ecosystem, thus
82 Chapter 4

allowing greater flexibility among individ- Multispecies models and trade-offs:

ual species targets, provided such cap is is multispecies management
respected. compatible with relative stability?
• They can allow better understanding of the In addition to the many implications and
achievability of the aspirational objective of trade-offs associated with application of multi-
maintaining all stocks above Bmsy . species models, issues associated with specific
Tropho-dynamic models have been devel- concerns arise in the EU because different levels
oped in recent years and can in many cases of exploitation or under-exploitation, and their
already provide a sound basis for management. associated economic performances, would not
However, fisheries management still relies necessarily be neutral under relative stability.
largely on individual stock decisions, with little Thus, different scenarios would affect Member
regard to species interactions. Among the rea- States differently, so that any discussion on
sons to explain this, the increased complexity the overall merits of any given scenario would
of such models, the need to bring in more likely be hampered by allegations that such
expertise and stakeholder input, is in most scenarios undermine relative stability.
cases at odds with the management system’s This could even be more delicate in the case
of trophic models. If these models are devel-
strong inertia (Longo et al. 2015).
oped, this would lead inevitably to decisions on
An associated explanation is that the benefits
whether the management should “manipulate”
of this kind of approach are generally only
the trophic levels: would it be advisable, for
visible over relatively long periods, and the
example, to under-exploit prey species in the
management system tends to favor quick solu-
expectation that this would imply more food
tions where the results of management become
for predators and higher yields for these? Or
apparent as soon as possible (Daily et al. 2009).
the other way around?
Overall, despite the growing scientific basis
During the bilateral negotiation between the
available for trophic models, their utilization is
EU and the Russian Federation to establish
still extremely restricted. Many authors have
the new bilateral arrangement in the Baltic
analyzed the reasons for this and, according to
Sea following the EU enlargement of 2004,
Longo et al. (2015) the main ones are:
Russia insisted in the inclusion of Western
• The lack of decision-support tools helping
Baltic cod in the list of stocks to be managed
with the integration of ecological and social jointly, even though this stock occurs entirely
assessments of fisheries (see also Koen et al. in EU waters. The reason? Cod feeds on sprat,
2013). the main interest for Russia. By having a say
• The need for a more effective institutional on the management of cod, they could favor
process to translate this interdisciplinary higher exploitation rates of this stock, resulting
knowledge into action. theoretically in lower cod abundance, lower
In the specific case of the EU, the first predation on sprat and higher abundance of
problem should actually be resolved: the Sci- the latter (Penas Lado 2016).
entific, Technical and Economics Committee Within the EU, a case in hand can be the
for Fisheries (STECF) does have the capacity balance between cod and one of its principal
to integrate the different contributions from prey items, sandeel, in the North Sea. If trophic
biological, economic, and social science. On the considerations are included, one could for
contrary, the institutional framework and rel- example, favor a higher rate of exploitation of
ative stability (see below), does not favor such the cod (predator) and a relatively lower one
approach. The implementation of this approach for sandeel (prey), on the basis of the higher
would necessitate a change in paradigm in the economic value of the former. However, while
way the CFP adopts its policy, as we will see in the fishing rights for cod in this area are mainly
Chapter 9. in the hands of the UK (47% of the quota) the
The challenge of mixed fisheries 83

TAC for sandeel is mainly allocated to Denmark as associated to some level of flexibility, the
(over 90%). That implies that any strategy to difference between MSY and PGMY blurs
favor economic factors would benefit the UK considerably. What are, then, the elements of
more than Denmark, something that the latter flexibility that can justify the interpretation of
would no doubt consider a de facto breach of MSY not as a point value, but an “area around a
relative stability. point value”? Let’s look at some considerations:
All these difficulties are associated with the • In some cases, the yield curve of certain
traditional definition, entirely dependent upon stocks is flat-top that is, the maximum yield
quotas for individual stocks. These difficulties does not correspond to a fixed F point but
could be overcome if relative stability were to rather a range around it.
be defined as a more general notion of allocating • Importantly, the consideration of Fmsy as a
Member States a fixed amount of the total bio- range of F levels rather than a point value, as
logical and economic production from the Euro- established by the Baltic Management Plan
pean seas. This could remove the difficulty that (EU 2016a) and the North Sea Management
single stock-based relative stability represents. Plan (EU 2018) provides a precedent of
In Chapter 14 we develop some ideas as to how interpreting MSY as a kind of PGMY. It is
this could be done. important to underline that this provision is
not a derogation to the policy objectives set in
Is multispecies management Article 2.2 of the basic regulation 1380/2013;
compatible with the objectives it is a proportionate way to implement them.
of the CFP? • The need to ensure that the two main new
In principle, one may think that the different objectives in the new CFP (MSY and the
multispecies approaches referred to above are landing obligation) can be achieved simul-
not compatible with the specific policy objec- taneously. We saw above (Figure 4.2) that
tives of the CFP as laid down in Article 2.2 in mixed fisheries the implementation of the
the new basic regulation 1380/2013 since MSY objective can lead to very significant
these objectives clearly state that MSY must be levels of under-exploitation of TACs. If a very
reached for all stocks. That seems to indicate extreme implementation of MSY can pre-
that there is little or no room for any solution vent practical implementation of the landing
that would depart from the achievement of Fmsy obligation, then the implementation of the
levels for each one of the individual stocks man- policy is not balanced. Both objectives must
aged under the CFP. For example, the notion be achieved in parallel, and neither objective
of PGMY referred to above, would seem in should become an obstacle to the other.
principle incompatible with the notion of MSY • All the earlier considerations on Article 39
applicable to all stocks, enshrined in the basic TFEU (see Chapter 2).
regulation. Yet, as we have seen, different mul- Furthermore, Regulation 1380/2013 recog-
tispecies or ecological models are based on some nizes explicitly the problem of mixed fisheries,
degree of “averaging out” fishing mortality lev- and allows for special considerations in this
els for the stocks associated in mixed fisheries. regard, in the context of multiannual man-
The question, however, is less clear-cut agement plans. Article 9(5) of this regulation
than it appears to be. In fact, the differences reads:
between the two notions are due to the con-
sideration of MSY as a point value of fishing Multiannual plans may contain specific conser-
vation objectives and measures based on the
mortality without any flexibility. But the text of
ecosystem approach in order to address the spe-
Article 2.2 does not say anywhere that MSY
cific problems of mixed fisheries in relation to
should be considered necessarily as a point the achievement of the objectives set out in
value, as we explained above. If, for a number Article 2(2) for the mixture of stocks covered by
of reasons, the notion of MSY is to be considered the plan in cases where scientific advice indicates
84 Chapter 4

that increases in selectivity cannot be achieved. From the above it follows that a management
Where necessary, the multiannual plan shall based on a gear/area/time breakdown of fish-
include specific alternative conservation measures, ing activities could indeed contribute to dissoci-
based on the ecosystem approach, for some of the
ate different stocks in the catch. However, the
stocks that it covers.
extent to which this can be done without major
economic disruption to the industry is much less
For these reasons, at least, it is not far-fetched
clear. Furthermore, some of the differences in
to consider that Regulation 1380/2013 could
the degree of association among stocks are not
indeed allow implementation of the PGMY
permanent; they fluctuate with time and are not
or other multispecies approaches in mixed
necessarily amenable to a management through
fisheries, as a way of ensuring that the notion
fixed technical measures.
of MSY contains the necessary flexibility to be
what it was always conceived to achieve: the
The US experience in dissociating
objectives of Article 39 TFEU. stocks
In the US system, technical measures are used
alongside catch limitations as management
instruments. The Northeast coast of the US has
Can associated species in mixed been subject to numerous efforts in establish-
fisheries be dissociated? ing technical measures to dissociate associated
species in the catch as a way to avoid choke
As we have seen, mixed fisheries are a problem species effects and other undesirable outcomes.
because different species are associated together These experiences tend to show that the best
in the catch. But is this association permanent? way to achieve that objective is the use of
Is it inevitable? Another solution to the problem dynamic measures, that is, to use real-time
of choke species is the possibility of dissociating information on the presence of the target and
species that normally appear associated in the bycatch species to inform skippers in real time
catch. about the areas where species discrimination
It is true that the notion of associated species may be high. For example, Dunn et al. (2014)
is not an absolute one. On the contrary, stocks found that the use of empirical move-on rules
that appear “associated” can show very different could reduce catch of juvenile and choke stocks
degrees of association when we look at a more between 27 and 33%, and depredation events
detailed breakdown of this association in terms between 41 and 54%. Dunn et al. (2016)
of areas, gear, and time of the year: further found that dynamic closures (which
• Some stocks are associated in certain areas typically involve setting relatively small por-
but not in others. A case in hand is plaice and tions of the ocean off-limits for shorter periods,
sole in the North Sea. Plaice cannot be fished based on fine-scale, real-time assessments of
without catching sole in its southern part. But changing conditions) are up to three times
in the northern part where sole is less abun- more efficient at reducing by-catch with lower
dant, it is possible to conduct a plaice fishery costs to fishermen than static measures that
with much lower catches of sole. close large areas and remain in force longer.
• The gear is also an essential factor. Gadoids These real-time closures were not initially
are strongly associated with Norway lob- acceptable to the industry, because their target
ster (Nephrops norvegicus) in certain trawl and by-catch species were different in vari-
fisheries, but not at all in long-line or pot ous fisheries, and because the basis for such
fisheries. real-time decisions has to be objective. In this
• As seasonal abundances of different stocks regard, the partnership between the fishing
vary, so does their degree of association in industry and governmental agencies seems
the catch. to be the crucial factor. For example, in the
The challenge of mixed fisheries 85

Gulf of Maine, through support from the general data-limited, TACs for these species
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- tend to have little value. Instead, scientists
tion (NOAA) Fisheries Northeast Cooperative have suggested spatial proxies to MSY as the
Research Program, the Gulf of Maine Research best option (ICES 2012). These tools have been
Institute has developed a near real-time spa- recently developed further (Dedman et al.
tial/temporal fishing area selectivity tool (FAST) 2015). More recently, Dedman et al. (2017)
in partnership with the groundfish industry, developed a tool to allow for different scenarios
which skippers trust to make their decisions on for the management of these stocks based on
avoidance of choke species and by-catch (Peros closed areas of different dimensions, to inform
et al. 2014). stakeholders and managers on the options
Other experiencers suggest that wide-ranging available and their effects.
studies of species’ life histories, potential These tools are extremely promising for
changes in fleet behavior and individual incen- managing weak stocks, at least for stocks with a
tives are important for developing and imple- clear (and relatively stable) spatial distribution.
menting mitigation programs (O’Keefe et al. However, the above methods must be com-
2014). pounded with their economic effects, which
must always be evaluated. In particular, the
How to dissociate stocks in mixed potential risk of spatial approaches is that they
fisheries in the EU? determine a displacement of the fishing effort
For the above purpose there can be two types of to different areas than those initially intended
solution: either through technical conservation by the fishers. This may have negative eco-
measures, or through the individual behavior of nomic effects. In addition, the displacement
skippers. They are largely complementary, and a may also generate negative biological effects: in
combination of the two may in fact allow a cer- a study conducted on the cod/saithe fishery in
tain level of dissociation of species that, under the North Sea, the spatial displacements of the
current circumstances, are strongly associated fleets to avoid catching cod (choke species in
in mixed fisheries. this fishery) would increase effort in the area
where juvenile saithe is most abundant, thus
Special measures for weak stocks: spatial provoking a reduction of the saithe spawning
management stock biomass in the long run (Simons et al.
One obvious possibility to dissociate stocks 2015). Clearly, these measures are promising
would be to adopt area-based restrictions, when but their effects, both biological and economic
and where the weak stocks would be well- must be evaluated on a case by case basis.
localized. To protect the weak stocks in question
would need to show either a particular geo- The role of technical conservation measures
graphical distribution (so as to allow for specific Many of these measures may allow a cer-
area limitations) or certain characteristics that tain dissociation of species. The association of
would allow for technical measures to increase species is never identical in different areas, so
selectivity against such stock. These charac- area-based approaches to catching available
teristics are not necessarily there in all cases. TACs can play only a limited role in the dissoci-
That means that the use of that provision (that ation. Similarly, gear structure and rigging may
the co-legislators introduced largely in order also reduce catches of the associated species.
to address the choke species problem) depends There are many examples of gear that select
on the existence of practical solutions allowing different species differently: grids, square mesh
dissociation of species in the catch in fisheries panels, etc.
where they are traditionally caught together. For this type of solution to be workable, tech-
The case of demersal elasmobranchs (for nical measures have to be flexible and adaptive,
example, skates and rays) is illustrative. In something that the traditional approach of
86 Chapter 4

Regulation 850/98 for example does not allow. particular, rather than a legal basis without
In that regard, the recent proposal by the implementation.
Commission for a new framework on technical
measures (EU 2016b) is intended to provide The role of new technologies
such possibility. In addition, in the EU system Fisheries technology is constantly improving
such measures should be, to the extent possible, since the development of industrial fishing
neutral under relative stability, to ensure that more than a century ago (Walsh et al. 2002).
the limitations adopted for the protection of the Not surprisingly this evolution continues today.
weak stock do not affect different individual In fact, the policy-driven evolution toward ever
Member States very differently. more selective fishing is leading to the develop-
If we look at the US experience, the solu- ment of new gear technologies that allow for a
tion of the dynamic move-on measures seems much better discrimination among species (and
more promising. This can be done as private even sizes) in the catch. The question is: how
schemes by the industry. This is very flexible much can these new technologies facilitate the
and must be applied through a real-time system dissociation of species within mixed fisheries?
largely based on trust. So far, attempts to use A report by ICES documents the wide range
this real-time instrument have been limited, of improvements in gear technology that
and the Scottish example of the “conservation are taking place throughout the world (ICES
credits” despite its presumed success, has been 2016b). These include improvements in trawl
rather limited and its effect, rather uncertain door design, underwater imaging and many
(Anon. 2010). A different model is when the other technologies that improve the skipper’s
avoidance measures initiated by the indus- ability to discriminate species. The idea that,
try are subsequently enshrined in law. For in particular trawl fishing is basically a blind
example, in the US, when fishing under the operation where one cannot control which fish
specific management regime for Bering Sea is caught by the gear is gradually being replaced
pollock, fishery cooperatives are empowered to by one where the skipper has an increasing
hold operators accountable for moving on. This number of options on what to catch and what
is no longer a voluntary scheme and the trust to avoid.
concern is much less (Karp et al. 2001). It is gradually becoming possible to some
In fact, real time closures have been already degree to increase the species selectivity of
regulated, in the context of the control regula- fishing gear so as to better dissociate different
tion: Articles 51 to 54 of Regulation 1224/2009 species in the catch in mixed fisheries. How-
lay down conditions for the establishment ever, these technologies will reduce mixed
of real time closures within the CFP, includ- species effects, but it is difficult to see how this
ing closures by Member States and by the dissociation will ever be perfect and complete.
Commission (EU 2009). However, these pro- In addition, with better selectivity may come
visions have practically never been applied. an economic problem: improved avoidance of
Beyond the question of the wrong place of unwanted species and/or sizes may also reduce
these provisions (they are technical rather efficiency (and increase cost) for harvesting
than control measures) the reason behind this target species. Better selectivity does not nec-
failure is probably the absence of a practical essarily translate into better profits since these
mechanism to make them work, requiring will depend on the basket of fishing rights avail-
the two crucial factors that allow its success- able to fishermen. The real use of these new
ful use in the US: in particular the system of technologies can only come through their com-
real-time information gathering and dissemi- bination with management: only by ensuring
nation, and the trust by operators. If real time that fishermen have real economic incentives
closures are to be implemented in practice in to use these new technologies will they pro-
the CFP, those are the questions to look at in vide a substantial contribution to dissociate
The challenge of mixed fisheries 87

species and reduce choke species effects in Here again the US experience is useful: one
mixed fisheries. of the most sophisticated systems of bycatch
avoidance is that of the fishery for Alaskan
Can skipper behavior do the job? pollock, whose stakeholders don’t have a right
Beyond the role of technical conservation mea- to catch salmon in principle, and have put
sures, it is also true that individual skippers together a system of salmon avoidance. These
can do a lot in terms of dissociating species in rules are known as “rolling hotspots” where
their catch, through a combination of factors the areas with a relatively high density of
such as depth, area, speed, haul duration, etc. salmon are identified and reported in real time
as well as gear-rigging based on experience and (Jim Armstrong, personal communication).
in-depth knowledge of the fishing grounds. The system is entirely run by the fishermen’s
Modern technologies allow for an increasingly cooperatives, who agree by contract to coop-
selective fishing,6 thus opening the door for erate in running the system and abide by
more avoidance of unwanted catches through its rules, without direct intervention by the
the behavior of skippers. This kind of behavior Federal Government (Dave Fluharty, personal
is not amenable to legislative approaches, so communication). But a key to the success of
its application probably depends entirely on this type of scheme is that the cooperatives are
the existence of the right incentives. What can allowed by law to penalize vessels that fail to
those incentives be? apply the move-on directions. So in the end
The experience of Scottish skippers as part of it is a mandatory program, with management
the conservation credits scheme has been stud- delegated to cooperatives.
ied by O’Neill et al. (2014). The introduction of This example, among others, illustrates that
more selective gear that would help dissociate industry-run systems have a considerable
certain species in the catch was fundamentally potential to allow for by-catch avoidance. The
dependent upon the incentives available to questions here are two-fold: (i) what kind of
ensure that no loss of daily income took place incentive is necessary to make this work and
in the short term. In addition, the authors illus- (ii) can this kind of system work in the EU?
trate how larger mesh sizes can also provide In terms of incentives, a lot could be done at
indirect benefits such as a reduction in fuel national level in terms of quota allocation, since
consumption. Overall, they found that more the allocation of national quotas to the fishing
selective fishing is possible, even on a voluntary industry remains a national competence that
basis, provided that the right incentives are on all Member States defend fiercely. At EU level,
offer. These take notably the form of increased the precedent of the quota top-ups allowed to
quotas or increased days at sea when and where Member States using CCTV cameras, agreed
these are limited. by Council for a few stocks means that the
This experience shows that there is a poten- idea is not necessarily far-fetched. The main
tial for a more selective fishing, that skippers difficulty, however, would be to allow this kind
themselves may be able to opt for voluntarily, of system as a scheme run by the industry itself.
on the basic condition that the adequate incen- Although not necessarily incompatible with
tives (notably in terms of better access to the EU law, the difficulty could be to broker an
resource) be provided for, and that these incen- agreement among all industry interests (or at
tives should guarantee short-term incomes, not least the main ones, fishing beyond territorial
just long-term benefits. waters) that they would all agree to implement.
This would require a new paradigm in terms of
6 For example, the use of cameras attached to trawl governance, where a collaborative, rather than
gear allow for better discrimination of the species to a prescriptive approach would be developed.
be caught. We will look into this question in Chapter 9.
88 Chapter 4

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Rätz, H.-J. and Lloret, J. (2016). Optimising sustain-
Helsinki, 1–4 August 2000, vol. 215 (ed. E.D. Ander-
able management of mixed fisheries: differentiating
son), 493–503. ICES Marine Science Symposia.
and weighting selective strategies. Ocean and Coastal
Wilson, J.A. (1982). The economical management of
Management 134: 150–162.
multispecies fisheries. Land Economics 58: 417–434.
Ricker, W.E. (1958). Maximum sustained yields from
fluctuating environments and mixed stocks. Jour-
Witherell, D. (1995). Management of flatfish fish-
nal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 15:
eries in the North Pacific. In Proceedings of the
International Symposium on North Pacific Flatfish,
Rindorf, A., Dichmont, C.A., Levin, P.S. et al. (2016). pp. 573–589. Alaska Sea Grant College Program
Food for thought: pretty good multispecies yield. Report AK-SG-95-04, University of Alaska, Fair-
ICES Journal of Marine Science, DOI: banks, 643 pp.
10.1093/icesjms/fsw071. Witherell, D., Pautzke, C., and Fluharty, D. (2000). An
Rindorf, A., Dichmont, C.M., Thorson, J. et al. (2017). ecosystem-based approach for Alaska groundfish
Quo vadimus. Inclusion of ecological, economic, fisheries. ICES Journal of Marine Science 57: 771–777.
social and institutional considerations when setting Zimmermann, F. and Yamazaki, S. (2017). Exploring
targets and limits for multispecies fisheries. ICES conflicting management objectives in rebuilding of
Journal of Marine Science 74 (2): 453–463. https://doi multi-stock fisheries. Ocean & Coastal Management
.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsw226. 138: 124–137.

Achieving policy objectives in

Mediterranean fisheries

MSY and Mediterranean policy has worked since 1983, and in fact only
fisheries started to produce results in terms of reduction
of fishing mortality at the turn of the century.
The policy objective of maximum sustainable This means that the CFP only managed to get
yield (MSY) by 2020 in the 2013 reform applies its act together in starting to reduce overfishing
to all European Union (EU) stocks, including after 17 years of its inception! In contrast, the
obviously the Mediterranean stocks. This is conservation policy was not applied to the
the first time in the history of the Common Mediterranean in 1983 and the first attempt to
Fisheries Policy (CFP) that the policy objectives look at the management of stocks took place
are specifically applicable to Mediterranean only in 1994, with the first technical measures
fisheries. Given that such fisheries have been regulation (EU 1994). Even this first attempt
subject to a different management regime this was limited to consolidating existing national
represents a major challenge for the CFP. The measures on mesh sizes in EU law, but there
status of resources, and the lack of tradition and was no attempt to address the question of the
“culture” of fisheries management at EU level management of Mediterranean stocks.
make it necessary to catch up with the Atlantic A real management policy only started
and Baltic, both technically and politically, and (somewhat modestly) in 2006 with the new
all that in a very limited period of time: before regulation (EU 2006) which established effort-
2020. This is just one fundamental challenge based management plans as the basis for stock
for Mediterranean fisheries within the CFP, management. Only the multilateral manage-
but there are others, as well as interesting ment of an iconic stock (bluefin tuna) took
opportunities.1 place in the 1990s, but that was a result of
the work of ICCAT (International Commis-
Time to catch-up sion for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas),2
When looking at Mediterranean fisheries, it is not a CFP initiative. The first attempts to
essential to bear in mind the very different tim- manage Mediterranean fisheries in a more
ing of the development of a stock management systematic manner are very recent: some man-
policy as compared with the Atlantic. In the agement plans were adopted by the General
latter, the total allowable catch (TAC) and quota Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean
(GFCM) in recent years (Food and Agriculture

inseparable/files/ogs_italy_research_topic_eu_cfp 2 International Commission for the Conservation of

.pdf/ Atlantic Tunas, see chapter 10.

Quo Vadis Common Fisheries Policy?, First Edition. Ernesto Penas Lado.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

92 Chapter 5

Organization [FAO] 2018) and, at EU level, two compared to sustainable yield reference values
proposals were made for long-term manage- of MSY (Collocca et al. 2013).
ment plans, for small pelagic fish in the Adriatic These differences may appear surprising, but
Sea (EU 2017) and that for demersal stocks in they are probably the consequence of the fact
the western Mediterranean (EU 2018a). These that the “assessed stocks” have traditionally not
are still not adopted by the EU co-legislators at been the same from one year to the next, so
the time of writing. overall evaluations carried out in different years
This clearly implies that the management (on a different set of stocks) can provide differ-
of stocks in the Mediterranean is more than ent results. In any case, all possible combina-
two decades behind that of the Atlantic. This is tions of reporting on stock status coincide with
important to remember when evaluating the the high level of overfishing of most Mediter-
slow progress observed since 2006. ranean stocks.
In terms of fishing mortality, other authors
The status of Mediterranean fisheries show that, up to 2014, the average exploitation
Figure 5.1 shows the magnitude of the prob- rate for the main demersal and small pelagic
lem: not only fishing mortality levels are very stocks of the Mediterranean Sea is around three
far from the Fmsy objective. Even worse, they are times the estimated level of Fmsy (Cardinale et al.
not even being significantly reduced. 2017). In addition, the exploitation pattern of
The general status of Mediterranean stocks most Mediterranean fisheries is extremely inad-
is bad, and certainly much worse than in the equate, with most fisheries having a very low
Atlantic (EU 2016a). This has always been selectivity, resulting in extremely high levels of
the impression in the scientific community, mortality of juvenile fish (Collocca et al. 2013).
but only in recent years this has been made These high levels of over-exploitation
clear through more complete and systematic also seem to have significant effects on the
scientific advice. According to the Scientific, Mediterranean ecosystems, where the over-
Technical, and Economics Committee for exploitation of the fish has altered and sim-
Fisheries (STECF), more than 95% of the plified the food webs over time, especially by
Mediterranean assessed stocks are exploited reducing the proportions of top predators and
at levels larger or much larger than Fmsy (EU increasing the presence of non-commercial
2015; Osio et al. 2015). Other authors consider species at lower trophic levels (Coll et al. 2010;
that 85% of the assessed stocks are overfished Lotze et al. 2011).









Figure 5.1 Evolution if the ratio current F/Fmsy for Mediterranean stocks. Source: Commission Staff Working
Document SWD (2018) 329. Brussels, 11.6.2018.
Achieving policy objectives in Mediterranean fisheries 93

Sustainable overfishing? somehow surprisingly, shows a rather stable

One can certainly wonder why, if the resources situation. This looks like a contradiction: with
are so over-exploited, there are relatively few the very high fishing mortality levels shown
cases of fishery collapse in this area, or even in Figure 5.1, how is it that biomass levels are
why this situation is not necessarily seen as a stable instead of collapsing?
complete disaster by the fishing industry, and This sustainable overfishing would be charac-
why the calls for urgent action to remedy this terized by a low yield per recruit, but a relatively
situation have always been received with a mix- stable one for most stocks. This would be easy
ture of disbelief and resistance. to test if there were, as in the Atlantic, long time
The prevailing view has always been that series of stock abundance. Yet, as we saw above,
Mediterranean fisheries are somehow “protect- the information on time series is patchy, and this
ed” by a number of factors, such as the high makes a systematic and complete evaluation
diversity (and high resilience to change), the of this question difficult. However, for smaller
existence of safe havens for a number of stocks groups of stocks certain time series exist that can
(adult fish situated in deep waters, outside the shed some light on this question: in areas where
reach of trawling, that can ensure relatively relatively long time series exist, a decreasing
stable recruitments) or the relatively high price trend in the abundance of commercial species
of fish (all for direct human consumption) has been observed (Coll et al. 2009). More
that make low yields relatively profitable. specific cases, such as small pelagic fish (GFCM
This situation has led to an extended belief 2015) and common sole in the Adriatic Sea (EU
that Mediterranean fisheries are in a state of 2016b) show the old and significant decline in
“sustainable overfishing”. Is this true? Theo- biomass levels of the stocks concerned.
retically, a fishery can be over-exploited (in Other recent studies also cast serious doubts
terms of yield per recruit) and be sustainable, in about the sustainable overfishing theory.
the sense that the reproductive capacity is not A meta-analysis of 42 Mediterranean stocks
impaired. Indeed, Figure 5.2 shows the evolu- of nine species in 1999–2010 showed that the
tion of biomass in Mediterranean stocks and, exploitation rate has been steadily increasing,











Figure 5.2 Evolution of total biomass of Mediterranean stocks since 2003. Source: Commission Staff Working
Document SWD (2018) 329. Brussels, 11.6.2018.
94 Chapter 5

selectivity has been deteriorating and the The Mediterranean specificity

abundance of the stocks has been shrinking The Mediterranean fisheries show certain dif-
(Vasilakopoulos et al. 2014). ferences as compared with the Atlantic. These
Overall, however, beyond more specific cases, differences (traditionally grouped under the
Figure 5.2 seems to confirm that the Mediter- heading of “Mediterranean specificity”) are
ranean is characterized by a strong growth frequently mentioned:
overfishing, but not so clearly a recruitment • The high diversity of the ecosystem and the
overfishing. high number of species in the catch, with
sometimes no clear target species identified.
Economic performance For example, in a bottom trawl fishery off the
We have noted the generally positive trend in Turkish coast, 135 different species belonging
the economic indicators of EU fishing fleets in to 10 classes, 26 orders, and 71 families were
recent years. These trends, however, are due identified (Gökçe et al. 2016). This makes
to significant progress in the Atlantic basin, but it difficult sometimes to distinguish a clear
Mediterranean fisheries do not follow the trend. target species.
Figure 5.3 shows the evolution of the gross • The very bad conservation of most stocks, in
value added and average wages for Mediter- particular in terms of growth overfishing (EU
ranean fisheries in recent years, broken down 2016b and 2016c).
between small-scale and large-scale fleets. • The poor tradition of systematic and coordi-
Contrary to the very positive trend shown nated scientific advice, lacking the tradition
in Figure 1.5 in Chapter 1 for the whole EU of TAC-related advice by International Coun-
fleet, Mediterranean fleets hardly show signifi- cil for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) and
cant improvements in recent years, and this is partially duplicated between STECF and
particularly the case for the small-scale sector. GFCM.
A superficial analysis reveals how this can be • The tradition of local or at best regional man-
associated with the status of the stocks: in both agement due to the coastal nature of many
areas, the economic improvement follows quite fisheries.
closely that of the overall abundance of the bio- • The traditional weakness of the multilateral
logical stocks, in a very clear demonstration of management in the sea basin under GFCM,
the case for the improvement of stock status as although this is changing for good: in recent
the fundamental precondition to any improve- times, GFCM has been responsible for impor-
ment in the socio-economic status of Mediter- tant initiatives regarding scientific advice and
ranean fisheries. management (FAO 2018).

Mediterranean Sea Mediterranean Sea

35 25
Average wage (thousand Є)
GVA per FTE (thousand Є)

20 15

15 10
0 0
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
(a) (b)
Figure 5.3 Evolution of: (a) Gross value added (GVA) and (b) average wages for small-scale (SCF) and large-scale
(LSF) fishing vessels in the Mediterranean. Source: EU (2018c).
Achieving policy objectives in Mediterranean fisheries 95

• Last but not least, the narrowness of the (Hadjimichael et al. 2010), corresponding to a
Mediterranean continental shelf, which very late and incomplete incorporation to the
determines a fundamental difference with acquis of the conservation pillar of the CFP.
the Atlantic (see Figure 5.4): the coastal In any case, these differences should not be
nature of most fisheries, the absence of considered as an excuse for the obvious failure
large common fishing grounds for fleets of the policy in this basin. These differences
of different nationalities, and the different have been known for a long time. Sometimes,
jurisdictional regime of these waters. This Mediterranean Member States have, to differ-
is in stark contrast with the width of the ent degrees, hidden behind this specificity to
continental shelf in the waters of the EU-10 avoid taking specific measures to address the
where the CFP originated. This chart alone situation. If anything, the specificity means that
explains probably more than anything else the conservation policy should have specific
the real Mediterranean specificity. instruments and probably a specific timing
Another important difference that has a to achieve objectives, but it cannot be taken
considerable bearing on the management of as an excuse for the long-standing lack of
Mediterranean fisheries is the fact that the EU will by many players to address the problem
is not alone in the basin: A key factor is that seriously.
only nine out of the 23 country-members of
the GFCM are members of the EU. Thus, in Global warming: a game-changer
many cases, the EU has to call upon other inter- In Chapter 12 we will look at the effects of
national legislative agreements in an attempt climate change on the world’s fisheries and the
to protect fish stocks. These non-EU GFCM challenge that this represents. In the Mediter-
members are known as the Mediterranean ranean these effects are particularly acute: the
Partner Countries and in 2006 they accounted warming of the waters together with the easy
for 54% of fish caught in the area whereas the access of warmer water species from the Red
EU Member States accounted for the rest. Sea are producing an extraordinary invasion of
The importance of catches by non-EU coun- alien species in the basin. More than 900 alien
tries in the Mediterranean is not only high: it species have been identified in the Mediter-
is also growing over time: between 1990 and ranean in recent decades.3 The Eastern part is
2006, the total catches by Partner Countries particularly affected, and the effects of these
in the Mediterranean increased by 47%, with species has been known for a number of years
Egypt, Lebanon, and Syria showing the greatest (Galil 2000; Streftaris and Zenetos 2006), as are
relative increase of 105%, 148%, and 113%, the increasingly complex interactions between
respectively (Hadjimichael et al. 2010). This incoming and native species (Mills et al. 2004).
is extremely important because it creates an The effects are different from those in the
understandable fear in EU Member states Atlantic. As we will see, in the open Atlantic
and their industries that any effort to reduce waters global warming produces a northward
catches to recover overfished stocks will only displacement of the area of distribution of
result in an increase by their competitors, with many stocks. In the Mediterranean this is not
no benefit for the resources. possible: species that would normally migrate
The above differences are both the cause northwards are “squeezed” by newcomers to
and the consequence of very different pol- the northern part of the basin, where they are
icy approaches under the CFP between the increasingly overlapping with the alien species,
Atlantic/Baltic and the Mediterranean. And producing new types of interactions that are
these differences are not only quantitative still not entirely known.
(“a sea of difference” for Symes 1999) but
also quantitative: Mediterranean fishermen are 3

subject to considerable fewer EU regulations 110523171111.htm/

96 Chapter 5

>200 m
<200 m
Union Waters boundary
EU Member State
Other Country
Cartography: D G MARE - Unit C4 - 14/07/2017
Projection: Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area
Scale 1:22 000 000
Map Reference: EU_shelf_170714tl

Figure 5.4 Chart of the continental shelf in different areas of European seas, showing the narrowness of the
Mediterranean shelf. The EEZ lines are indicative, not authoritative.

This is an important game-changer. In addi- of climate change can be met with more
tion to the well-known effects of the geograph- appropriate and more flexible mechanisms.
ical drift of many species, in the Mediterranean
the mix of stocks, and the replacement of tra-
ditional species by new ones is advancing fast, Can MSY be achieved by 2020
and this has obvious consequences on ecosys- for all stocks in Mediterranean
tem structure, as well as on the scientific advice.
Among other factors, this phenomenon implies
Now under the new CFP the MSY objective
that certain changes in abundance of stocks may
must be achieved at the same time, and that
actually not be due at all to increased fishing
means the Mediterranean must catch up with
mortality, but rather to increased competition
the rest of EU waters in just a few years. This
from the new, alien stocks. This represents a
implies reductions of fishing mortality from
huge challenge to the science base of the policy
now to 2020 at levels much higher than those
in this basin, already in need of catching up
necessary in the Atlantic or the Baltic. Can this
with other EU areas. be done at all? How?
As I will explain in Chapter 13, the relative
successful management system of the Atlantic The point of departure
has a fundamental flaw in this particular con- The fact that the new CFP in 2013 established
text: its high level of structure and rigidity is exactly the same time limit for the achievement
ill-adapted to the kind of dynamic processes of the MSY objective, despite the huge differ-
derived from climate change. For this reason, ence in stock status between the Atlantic/Baltic
it is important that the Mediterranean tries to and the Mediterranean is a tribute to the
develop its own approach where the challenges importance that European legislators give to
Achieving policy objectives in Mediterranean fisheries 97

the notion of level playing field. However, the Important though they are, it is also clear that
evidence of a stock status indicating that a vast the EU cannot entirely depend on multilateral
majority of Mediterranean stocks are very far cooperation in the sea basin if the objective of
away from Fmsy objectives makes the achieve- MSY is to be delivered by 2020.
ment of the new CFP objective extremely
difficult in this basin. What stocks to manage in the
In Chapter 2 we saw the relative success of Mediterranean?
the US system to remove overfishing. This has Article 2 of Regulation 1380/2013 requires that
implied recovery times of 10 years for the most the objective of bringing stocks to MSY levels
over-exploited stocks. This sharply contrasts by 2020 shall apply to all stocks. In the Atlantic
with the six-year (2014–2020) timeline to this is interpreted as referring to all stocks regu-
bring all Mediterranean stocks to Fmsy levels. lated under TACs and quotas. But the question
The question of proportionality is obvious. is much less clear for the Mediterranean. While
These difficulties must be also seen in the light the stocks to be subjected to the discard ban
of the achievements of the current conservation are those under a minimum landing size, it is
framework, based on technical measures effort not obvious that the list of “all stocks” for the
management plans. A very recent work clearly purpose of Article 2 of Regulation 1380/2013
indicates that this management system is not should be the same. It is to be noted that the list
providing a solution to the problem of Mediter- of species under minimum size includes species
ranean fisheries (Cardinale et al. 2017). of fish, crustaceans, and molluscs that are
This fact, of course, has not prevented the coastal, and where it is questionable whether
Commission to make its utmost to make this they should be managed at EU level.
objective possible. A recent initiative through a Most fisheries management systems in the
meeting in Malta (the MedFish4ever4 ) involv- world are based on single stock considera-
ing EU Mediterranean Member States and tions. With different approaches, only the
seven non-EU States has boosted political com- main commercial species are managed, and
mitment to redress the situation. In any case, the management of species of minor economic
however, the two main agreements of this significance is often disregarded. It is essential
meeting clearly fall short of what would be that the managers choose those stocks that are
necessary to achieve the goals established in to be evaluated continuously in order to focus
the reform of 2013: management on them. Having full analytical
• By 2020, ensure that all key Mediterranean assessments for more than 100 species in all the
stocks are subject to adequate data collec- Geographical Statistical Areas of the Mediter-
tion and scientifically assessed on a regular ranean is clearly not possible, due to insufficient
basis. In particular small-scale fishermen are data and manpower (Osio et al. 2015).
to acquire an increased role in collecting On the other hand, the idea of manag-
the necessary data to reinforce scientific ing all the combinations of species/statistical
knowledge. areas making up more than 300 “stocks” in
• Establish multi-annual management plans the Mediterranean basin is not realistic. The
for all key fisheries. On its part, the Commis- management system cannot absorb all those
sion has already initiated this process with its stocks, either in terms of scientific assessment
proposal for a multi-annual fisheries plan for or in terms of management. Besides, it is
small pelagic stocks in the Adriatic. even questionable whether there is an added
value in trying to manage all these stocks. The
example of the Atlantic is again relevant: in the
Atlantic/Baltic area, not all the known stocks
medfish4ever_declaration_127EBE71-C8F2-262C- are managed; only the main ones are, and even
D21E41DF99099E65_44383.pdf/ so ICES has recently advised that eliminating
98 Chapter 5

certain stocks from the list of managed ones those proposed by Member States, with little
under the CFP would have little effect on the or no overall planning on priorities. This does
overall conservation of EU fisheries in this not ensure a systematic approach based on
area (ICES 2018). In the Mediterranean case it clearly-defined priority stocks, and only con-
would make sense to make an interpretation of tribute to perpetuate the patchy framework still
“all stocks” as meaning only the main stocks, largely existing today. In addition, as we will see
those that determine the behavior of fishermen. below, the scientific community needs to focus
There are methodologies to base the pri- its work on these priority stocks on a systematic
oritization of unassessed stocks, such as the basis. For these reasons, it is essential that man-
productivity-susceptibility analysis (PSA) which agers take decisions on the definition of priority
correlates well with the International Union for stocks/fisheries so that everybody’s work can
Conservation of Nature (IUCN) red list scores. focus on these, as the best way to build a man-
These scores can be combined with landings agement system that will deliver the CFP goals.
and average prices, to derive a list of the pri-
ority stocks that respond to a combination of A focus on EU stocks
biological vulnerability and commercial impor- As we saw above, progress in the multilat-
tance. When applying such methodology, Osio eral management of shared Mediterranean
et al. (2015) found that eight of the 15 highest stocks is necessarily slow, because some North
ranked stocks are currently not assessed. This African countries are still trying to expand
clearly underscores the problem of scientific their fisheries, but also given the enormous
advice and the need to streamline for a group political and financial difficulties of a number
of priority stocks. of Mediterranean coastal states to undertake
In GFCM, an important attempt has already serious fisheries management.
been made by establishing a list of priority However, a number of stocks are distributed
stocks based on: (i) economic importance exclusively, or primarily in EU waters, partic-
and (ii) level of risk. The list includes pelagic ularly in areas such as the Gulf of Lyons, the
(sardine, anchovy, and horse mackerel) and Northern Adriatic and the Northern Tyrrhenian
demersal stocks (notably hake, red mullet, and Seas. In these cases, progress can be made
red shrimp) as well as species of particular con- without cooperation from non-EU countries,
servation concern (eels, red coral) and invasive and without fear that these will benefit from
species.5 The list is rather short, but it is an the EU’s sacrifices.
important step. One can certainly expect that in This is already on-going: the first two propos-
a context of patchy scientific advice, the advice als for management plans in the Mediterranean
for these priority species will be assured on a are those for small pelagic fish (sardine and
regular basis. It is important to bear in mind anchovy) in the Adriatic Sea (EU 2017) and
that such lists are likely to evolve over time, as that for the demersal stocks in the western
species abundances shift under climate change. Mediterranean (EU 2018a). In both proposals
Whatever the list of stocks or fisheries to be the stocks concerned are primarily distributed
subject to priority management, the point is and exploited at EU level, so there is little
that this is a decision that has to be made by excuse about lack of cooperation by third coun-
fisheries managers on a systematic basis. The tries. At the time of writing, the two proposals
current approach, represented by the man- are being discussed by the EU co-legislators and
agement plans of the 2006 regulation has a the final outcome cannot be anticipated.
major flaw: the system is largely “bottom up”
so the stocks/fisheries under such plans are Avoiding “cut and paste” approaches
Since the long-term management plans were
5 developed in the Atlantic and Baltic, there
assessment/priority-species/en/ can be a tendency to use these models and
Achieving policy objectives in Mediterranean fisheries 99

apply them mutatis mutandis to Mediterranean TACs, and are poorly adapted to the tradition
fisheries. In fact, the initial proposal for a and preference for effort-based management
multiannual plan for small pelagic fish in the in the Mediterranean.
Adriatic Sea was based on the same instruments • For demersal fisheries, the important prob-
(F ranges) than the reference case, the Baltic lem is selectivity, which requires special
Sea multiannual management plan (MAP) (EU measures to address. While it plays a sec-
2016d). The use of instruments developed for ondary role in the Baltic and North Sea
fisheries managed by single-stock TACs was, MAPs, it should play a key role in any MAP
however, poorly adapted to this area. on demersal stocks in the Mediterranean.
Above and beyond these technical argu-
A similar trend is observed in the proposal
ments there is also an important political
for a plan for western Mediterranean demer-
one. Mediterranean stakeholders have always
sal stocks (EU 2018a). Despite a genuine effort
resented (rightly or wrongly) that Mediter-
to establish a tailor-made approach to Mediter-
ranean policy has been somehow a second
ranean fisheries, the proposal bears still a con-
priority after the Atlantic, and that the whole
siderable resemblance to those of the Baltic and
of the policy has been designed for the latter
North Sea plans, something that may not neces- and thus poorly adapted to the specificities
sarily contribute to an easy passage through the of the Mediterranean sea basin. Now that an
decision-making process. active Med AC exists and makes meaningful
It is very important to ensure that the devel- proposals, any impression of “cut and paste”
opment of a conservation policy be done based policy development will undoubtedly meet
on tailor-made approaches, even if that implies serious opposition in this area.
that the notion of harmonization and level plain As we argue in other parts of this book,
field is less visible. This is really a test case for the level playing field does not mean policy
the CFP to be able to adapt to local conditions harmonization, but an equivalent level of
and to regional differences. A number of factors ambition and standards. This case illustrates
make “cut and paste” approaches inadequate in better than any other the need to develop a
a Mediterranean context: bespoke Mediterranean conservation policy
• The point of departure is different, and the that will combine the incorporation of the
instruments to be considered as part of the special features of the fisheries in this area, the
MAP must reflect that. A clear example need to include stakeholders’ “buy in” and all
is the idea of incorporating specific struc- under common CFP standards.
tural measures to the plan (scrapping and
A fishery approach?
temporary laying ups) as suggested by the
The considerations of the previous chapter
Mediterranean Advisory Council in prepara-
about the acceptability of a “pretty good
tion of the Western Mediterranean demersal
multispecies yield” and other multispecies
plan. Without exceptional measures of this
approaches as proxies to the MSY objective
kind, it is very difficult to see how the
of Article 2.2 of Regulation 1380/2013 can be
dramatic reductions in fishing mortality nec- repeated here, although for different reasons.
essary to get anywhere close to a Fmsy level If in the previous case the avoidance of choke
could be achieved. species was the main reason, in the Mediter-
• The scientific advice available is different and ranean one can arrive at a similar conclusion
this implies that the approaches proposed in even in the absence of TACs and, hence, choke
the North Sea for example may not be prac- species.
ticable in the Mediterranean. Perhaps it is here in this context that the
• The Baltic and North Sea plans are tailor- notion of “aggregate MSY” (Fogarty et al. 2012)
made for fisheries managed by single-stock could be developed and applied, at least for the
100 Chapter 5

most complex bottom trawl fisheries for a wide years, it proved extremely difficult to provide a
range of stocks. In this vein, the idea could be systematic picture of the status of the stocks in
developed to accompany this aggregate MSY the area, as was done in the Atlantic and Baltic.
so that a total cap on catches from the ecosys- Indeed, the annual “Policy Statement” pub-
tem, to provide a general safety net that the lished by the Commission since 2006 including
lesser attention to individual over-exploited a description of the evolution of stock status
stocks would be compensated by an overall in recent years only contained such analysis
safety net for the species aggregate. As we saw for the Atlantic and Baltic, but was silent on
in Chapter 3, this approach may in fact turn the Mediterranean, for lack of a systematized
out to be more conservative than the sum of approach. Only since 2014, thanks to the work
individual stock objectives. of STECF, it was possible to start providing this
Despite all available principles and method- kind of analysis of the overall status of the
ologies to assess and manage stocks through stocks. Even so, the percentage of stocks con-
single-stock measures, the mixed nature of sidered “evaluated” is insufficient (EU 2016a).
many Mediterranean fisheries lends itself to Even these first attempts to evaluate Mediter-
this kind of approach. The idea could be, at ranean stocks systematically were undermined
least for certain fisheries, particularly those by by a number of problems:
bottom trawl, to develop a management based • A high level of uncertainty of the evaluations.
on species aggregates rather than individual • The very high number of stocks but the rel-
stocks. This could actually solve a number atively low number of them subject to some
of the difficulties associated with the above kind of evaluation.
approaches based on individual stock param- • The fact that the stocks evaluated were dif-
eters. The question would at least deserve a ferent every year (!) thus preventing the
serious discussion. establishment of comparable time series to
describe the evolution of stock status.
This is all the consequence of the traditional
Streamlining scientific advice lack of a “client” asking for systematic advice to
run a well-established management system. The
The traditional wisdom is that the scientific TAC and quota system in the Atlantic and Baltic
basis for Mediterranean management is clearly have provided ICES with a client asking specific
insufficient, and that this is a significant factor questions every year, thus forcing the scientific
contributing to the poor state of stocks in this community to gear up to provide such advice
area. While this is true and certainly has to annually. In the Mediterranean this client has
be addressed, it is also important to underline traditionally been missing and it is necessary to
that this relatively poor level of scientific advice create it if fisheries science in this area is to pro-
cannot be used as an excuse to avoid measures duce consistent and systematic advice.
that are clearly necessary in the light of the There are two main conditions to ensure that
available information (EU 2015). The scientific the CFP constitutes the client that is so essen-
advice needs to be streamlined and adapted to tial to bring together the best coordinated efforts
the policy priorities established by the 2013 CFP by the scientific community: clarity of objectives
reform. This is beyond doubt, but it is proving and stability.
extremely difficult to do in practice. • Clarity is essential in defining what stocks
must to be evaluated regularly, and what
The need for a “client” for the are the management areas concerned by
scientific community the evaluations. So far, the evaluation
There is abundant and good fisheries science in of Mediterranean stocks has been based
the Mediterranean. And, contrary to extended on a selection of stocks evaluated that
belief, there are plenty of data too. Yet, for many changed every year! That makes evaluation
Achieving policy objectives in Mediterranean fisheries 101

discontinuous and, specially, makes mean- Fmsy values is also dependent on the variability
ingful time series impossible, since the stocks of the fishing mortality at age, that is, is very
evaluated every year are different. dependent on the exploitation pattern that,
• Ensuring the stability in the choice of the as we have seen, is extremely unselective in
key stocks and ensuring that such key stocks Mediterranean fisheries (Collocca et al. 2013).
are evaluated every year, thus allowing for The difficulties of evaluating data-poor stocks
a complete time series of evaluations, is a in the Mediterranean has long been a common-
fundamental component of any successful place . . . and an excuse. This evaluation should
strategy to address the problem. start from a clear standpoint: it is not possible to
This clarity and stability is the responsibility replicate the kind of evaluation available for the
of fisheries managers, not scientists. Managers best assessed stocks in the Atlantic and Baltic
should establish a clear list of priority stocks stocks; a new approach is absolutely necessary.
where the evaluation work should concentrate The scientific literature describes abundantly
(thus avoiding annual variations in the list of different methods to evaluate stocks in data
stocks evaluated) and ensure the stability of poor situations. In the Mediterranean, the sit-
such evaluations over time. uation is in many cases not strictly a data-poor
Once managers have established the man- one, but one where many data are not used
agement structure and have thus clarified as according to a clear, stable, and systematic
what the “client” wants, it is also essential that methodology.
the different scientific bodies also clarify their Methods to handle this kind of case are not
respective roles and avoid duplications. Here in short supply: good reviews have been done,
again, the experience of the Atlantic between inter alia, by Cope et al. (2011), Costello et al.
ICES and STECF is worth mentioning: while (2012), Jardim et al. (2014), Rosenberg et al.
these bodies duplicated their work to some (2014), and Thorson and Cope (2015). Some
extent for a number of years, recent efforts methods allow the estimation of management
have considerably streamlined their functions reference points concerning yield and biomass
and today ICES carry out the basic evaluation for fisheries where approximate catches are
work while STECF concentrates on all the known from the beginning of the exploitation
elements that ICES does not deliver, either (Dick and McCall, 2011).
because of their economic nature or because of Other methods borrow information for eval-
their EU-only interest. uation from data-rich stocks. This method,
This scheme could well be reproduced in the so-called “Robin Hood” approach, is based
the Mediterranean, with GFCM’s Scientific on the notion that stocks found and caught
Advisory Committee (SAC) playing the role of together exhibit similar, but not identical,
ICES and with STECF doing the economic and trends in exploitation rates. This allows assess-
the EU-only tasks. This distribution of labor is ments for data-poor stocks to “borrow strength”
important to avoid possible duplications, but from data-rich stocks and can lead to more sta-
also to provide a much-needed trust in the bility and precision for data-poor stocks (Punt
system of provision of scientific advice to all et al. 2011). The possible use of this methodol-
relevant players in the basin, something that an ogy, however, may be limited by the availability
EU body like STECF cannot ensure. of data-rich stocks from which other stock
can borrow. This abundant methodology also
Data poor stocks and MSY proxies removes any excuse about the difficulty to
We addressed the question of data poor stocks manage Mediterranean stocks on account of
in Chapter 3, but the question is of particular alleged “poor data”.
relevance in the Mediterranean: there are few The improvement of scientific advice is nec-
stocks where the Fmsy has been estimated. In essary but not sufficient. The long tradition
addition to the difficulties, the estimation of of the CFP of fixing TACs at levels higher
102 Chapter 5

than those recommended by scientific advice species/zones, just like in the Mediterranean)
is well-illustrated. However, the problem is of rockfish! And in New Zealand, the number
certainly not restricted to the Atlantic around of stocks managed is around 300, including
TACs: the reductions of fishing efforts adopted many small stocks of coastal species. However,
by GFCM for bottom trawling have been much doing this requires time and investment that
lower than those recommended by scientists are not necessarily available, and certainly not
(Carpenter et al. 2016). enough to deliver results by 2020, so another
For a long time, the scientific advice in the more realistic approach is necessary.
Mediterranean has been discredited. This fact, The above exercise of identification of the
combined with the inevitable harshness of the main stocks must be complemented with the
reductions proposed by scientists to address the further study of the boundaries of such stocks,
acute overfishing problem, make it even more since it would be most desirable that these stock
necessary than in other areas to build trust in boundaries will coincide, as much as possible,
the scientific advice. This is not an easy process, with the areas for their management. In the
but the experience of the Atlantic, where both Mediterranean, most stock boundaries are still
ICES and STECF have opened their doors to the based on a combination of species and FAO
participation of the fishing industry, and the statistical areas, with relatively little knowledge
increased use of science/industry partnerships, on population structure and distribution. For
have contributed to increase dramatically the certain important species, a number of different
credibility of the scientific advice in the Euro- stocks are identified: 15 for red mullet, 12 for
pean industry. This is another pending question hake, 11 for anchovy or 5 for sardine (Cardinale
in the Mediterranean basin. et al. 2017).
It is obvious that the management system
Revising stock boundaries cannot cope with so many stocks, and this
The problem of stock boundaries in the Mediter- implies the need to work on at least two
ranean is very old. Out of the over 300 stocks important questions:
identified, a number of them are not clearly • Better identifying stocks with boundaries
biological unit stocks, but rather the defini- based on stock distribution and not on
tion of a species in one of the statistical areas statistical divisions; and
defined by FAO. This is not a very unusual case. • Prioritizing the research and management on
In British Columbia, Canada, the management the most important stocks.
of the demersal fishery deals with as many as Figure 5.5 shows the problem of stock
40 different stocks (actually, 40 combinations of boundaries. According to the last evaluation

10°W 0° 10°E 20°E 30°E 40°E 50°E

Figure 5.5 Location of GSA 7, area for which evaluations of sardine and anchovy by STECF. Source: EU (2016e).
Achieving policy objectives in Mediterranean fisheries 103

of the sardine and anchovy stocks by STECF normally expect that the state of the stocks in
(EU 2016b) the stocks are evaluated for by FAO European waters of the Mediterranean would
area. The question is: is a FAO Statistical Area be somehow better than that of stocks shared
the area of distribution of a discrete stock? If we with non-EU States. However, the Commission
take the example of the natural distribution of demonstrated that this is not the case: stocks
sardine and anchovy in the Atlantic, with their distributed in EU waters are in no better shape
very wide (and fluctuating) areas of distribu- than those distributed partially or totally in
tion, it is difficult to see how such a small area third countries’ waters (EU 2016a). This implies
can represent a biological stock. that, while progress in GFCM is certainly impor-
The MAREA project,6 financed by the Euro- tant, this organization and the other countries
pean Commission, has started revising stock of the basin cannot be blamed any more than
boundaries and, although the difficulties are the EU for the poor state of the stocks.
considerable, progress has been achieved in This has led the EU to prioritize the devel-
better defining the stock structure of data-rich opment of management plans applicable to
stocks, such as Mediterranean hake (Merluc- fisheries distributed primarily in EU waters.
cius), while other stocks have proven much Such is the case of the proposal for a manage-
more elusive, such as white octopus (Eledone ment plan for small pelagic fish in the Adriatic
moscata). This important work has to continue (EU 2017) and that for demersal fish in the
and be consolidated. western Mediterranean (EU 2018a).
Unfortunately, the decision-making process
The CFP and GFCM of the two above plans is proving extremely
The GFCM is responsible for the multilateral slow and difficult, and this creates a new sce-
management of fish stocks in the area. One nario: namely where EU internal management
essential factor in the development of stock measures can actually become slower to adopt
management in this area is the degree of than measures at the level of GFCM. This, cou-
progress achieved by the regional organization, pled with recent important progress in GFCM’s
GFCM. For many years, progress on fisheries ability to work out management plans casts a
management in the framework of GFCM has very interesting new light on the relationship
been extremely slow, although it is fair to say of the CFP and GFCM. The latter being long
that things are changing, and GFCM in recent considered as holding back progress in the man-
years has been able to accomplish unprece- agement of Mediterranean fisheries, current
dented progress. experience may actually prove otherwise, and
This slow progress has an important bear- progress in the GFCM seems to be advancing
ing on the position of EU Member States and more quickly now than internal EU manage-
industry: it is very difficult to convince either ment; something to be taken into consideration
of the two to make sacrifices to recover shared in future initiatives.
fish stocks if countries of Northern Africa do
not do the same. As a result, slow progress in
GFCM favors slow progress in the EU. This is a What instruments to use
vicious circle that has to be broken, if progress in Mediterranean fisheries?
is to be made to achieve MSY levels by 2020.
The role of GFCM, however, must be put According to the current Mediterranean regu-
into the right perspective: if GFCM was respon- lation (Regulation 1967/2006) the main instru-
sible for the sluggish progress toward stock ment to manage fisheries in the area is the
recovery in the Mediterranean, one would national or EU management plan through the
use of fishing effort. Since the entry into force
6 of this regulation, a relatively low number of
studies/stockmed_en/ these plans have been actually implemented: by
104 Chapter 5

February 2016, 28 national plans were adopted a fishery requiring important reductions in
and 13 in advanced preparation. Many of these fishing mortality, as indeed is the case of most
plans concern small fisheries and correspond Mediterranean fisheries.
largely to a “bottom up” approach as mentioned However, experience shows that changes
above, which does not guarantee a systematic in policy are slow and, given the urgency of
management system of the main fisheries in achieving the MSY 2020 objective, the use of
the basin. In addition, their implementation effort is not going to disappear overnight. By
has not necessarily constituted a success: in and large, and despite the possibility to intro-
a number of cases, the nominal reduction in duce TACs in certain Mediterranean fisheries,
fishing effort has not resulted in a reduction of one can expect that most fisheries, and par-
fishing mortality of the key stocks (Cardinale ticularly coastal demersal fisheries, will still be
et al. 2017). managed through effort plans. The Fleet and
The results of the management instrument Fisheries Forecast method (Fcube) estimates
established in the 2006 regulation are therefore potential effort by fleet in mixed fisheries sit-
very unimpressive. This does not mean nec- uations to achieve specific targets of fishing
essarily that the instrument is inappropriate, mortality (Maravelias et al. 2012).
but it means that the traditional view that
fisheries should only be managed by effort as TACs
a self-evident truth must be revised. It seems It has been explained elsewhere that there
therefore opportune to discuss what would be is no objective basis to exclude the use of
the appropriate instruments to use in these catch limitations from certain fisheries in the
fisheries. Mediterranean. In addition to bluefin tuna,
already subject to TACs in the context of
Fishing effort plans ICCAT, and the recent case of swordfish, also
This is the instrument favored in Regulation subject to catch limitations in the same context
1967/2006. The reasons for this are clear, since 2016, science has already recommended
although it has been argued that in reality the the use of this kind of instrument, for example
main reason to justify an effort-based approach in the case of directed fisheries for sardine
instead of a catch limitation approach has been and anchovy in the Adriatic Sea, giving rise
the weight of tradition and the lack of appetite to a proposal from the Commission in that
to negotiate allocation keys (Penas Lado 2016). regard (EU 2017). Other authors consider that,
It is useful, in this context, to draw from the if Mediterranean fisheries are to achieve the
experience of the US in using effort manage- objective of MSY in 2020, a TAC-based system
ment. Up until 2010, the groundfish fishery off would be necessary (Cardinale et al. 2017).
New England was managed using “days at sea”. As we have seen the Commission has already
The system had to be changed to a catch-limit proposed applying TACs for small pelagic fish in
system based on different stocks because, in the the Adriatic (EU 2017). This proposal is based
words of Rothschild et al. 2014: on the STECF advice that “controlling catches is the
Problems arose because attempts to control over- most appropriate means of adapting fishing mortality
fishing resulted in a continuous ratcheting down of and it would be a more effective management tool for
the number of days a boat could fish. The days at small pelagics” (EU 2014).
sea system was widely criticised not only because it However, TACs in this basin will probably be
not only created days at sea limits that were eco-
of limited use. Only in those fisheries with a rel-
nomically infeasible (e.g. 25 days boat-1 year-1)
atively clear target species, caught in relatively
but it also did not prevent overfishing.
clean fisheries will the TACs be useful. The
Although the circumstances are different, Mediterranean represents a good opportunity
the New England case shows what can hap- to learn from the shortcomings of the policy
pen if a real reduction of effort is applied to based on individual TACs in mixed fisheries in
Achieving policy objectives in Mediterranean fisheries 105

a context of individual objectives and combined changes in fish communities. Furthermore,

with relative stability. multispecies approaches are better adapted to
The recent proposal for a multiannual plan for the use of fishing effort as the primary manage-
demersal stocks in the Western Mediterranean ment instrument, a choice determined by the
(EU 2018a) actually proposes a TAC only for deeply-rooted tradition of controlling fishing
one stock: hake, in recognition that the main time in many Mediterranean ports.
instrument proposed (effort applicable to spe- Multispecies approaches have downsides too,
cific fisheries) may not be enough to achieve the and one of the main ones is the relative disre-
MSY objectives for a stock considered the main gard for the problems of particularly vulnerable
target species for trawlers. stocks, which may be partially “sacrificed” for
As we have argued above, the Mediterranean the purpose of achieving multispecies goals. But
lends itself very well to some intermediate this has possible solutions too. One can be the
approaches. Over and beyond effort man- adoption of specific area/time closures appli-
agement, the idea of using “aggregate MSY” cable when and where the most vulnerable
and catch limitations for species aggregates may species are found. Another one is to accept that
have interesting potential, in that it would be an the management system will inevitably lead to
instrument to control total output, presumably a level of overfishing of certain stocks, but that
resolving the problems associated with effort can be compensated by the limitation of the
management, not for individual species but for total impact of the fishery on the ecosystem,
aggregates that may represent a management through the establishment of an ecological cap
of the “carrying capacity” of the fishery. This such as a limit to the overall removals from the
idea would at least deserve some discussion to ecosystem, as I refer to in Chapter 4. This would
better evaluate its potential. be fully consistent with the whole approach
of focusing management on the surplus of
The multispecies approach: a better the ecosystem and not to its individual stocks
alternative for the Mediterranean? which, under any circumstance, will be very
The Atlantic management approach, based variable as a result of climate change.
on single-stock TACs under a fixed scheme
of management areas and allocation keys will Closed areas
be under considerable pressure in the near Scientific evidence on the positive effects of
future for a number of reasons, but primarily closed areas, notably through the “spill-over
by climate change. The Mediterranean is barely effect”7 is abundant: see for example Goñi et al.
starting now to establish a systematic stock (2008), Forcada et al. (2009) among others.
management system. Without the weight of Interestingly, evidence also shows that the
the past, the management of fisheries could be benefits of this kind of instrument are higher
based on a new paradigm, trying to avoid the in the case of very poorly managed fisheries,
problems that the rigid nature of the Atlantic whereas for relatively well-managed ones the
system will cause under the emerging dynamic closed areas do not provide a very important
scenario created by climate change. benefit (Buxton et al. 2014). This implies that
In particular, management in the Mediter- in the particular case of the Mediterranean,
ranean, especially for demersal fisheries, has where management has been largely absent,
an opportunity to develop a management sys- the potential for this instrument appears
tem that would not place so much emphasis significant.
on individual stocks but rather on multi-
species approaches. Such approaches would
7 The protection of fish inside the protected area
respond better to the high level of diversity
results in an increase in the abundance of the fish not
of the fisheries (that is dramatically increasing only within the area, but also in the surrounding areas
under climate change) as well as to the quick where the fish can be exploited.
106 Chapter 5

This kind of instrument was also part of The above example encapsulates the diffi-
Regulation 1967/2006 (EU 2006), which culty of using closed areas as a mainstream
established two types of protected area, some instrument for fisheries management:
of the “Community fishing protected areas” • If they do not reduce the overall fishing mor-
(Article 6) to cover areas shared by more tality, their value for conservation is limited.
than one Member State, and “National fish- • If they do, they will require the use of pub-
ing protected areas” in their territorial waters lic money on a permanent basis to compen-
(Article 7). In both cases, Council and Member sate for the loss of fishing activity, something
States, respectively, should declare a network of highly questionable from different points of
these areas within two years of entry into force view.
of the regulation, and further areas should sub- Overall, closed areas can be useful to address
sequently be established. These two provisions specific, well-localized problems and can there-
clearly indicated that the protected fishing areas fore constitute significant contributions to effec-
were considered at the time as a fundamental tive management, particularly for very local
instrument for fisheries management, and this management systems or as complementary
was intended by Council as a way of avoid measures in the case of multispecies approaches
having to apply TACs. requiring protection for specific species with a
The results are less than impressive. The stable and well-known geographical or bathy-
extension of marine protected areas (MPAs) metric distribution. However, insofar as these
is still rather limited, and estimated at 9.5% areas cannot address the fundamental problem
of the waters within the exclusive economic of excess fishing capacity and effort, it is diffi-
zones (EEZs) of coastal States of in the Western cult to see such instruments as constituting, on
Mediterranean. With this level of coverage, it is their own, the main management instrument
estimated that MPAs will contribute relatively for these fisheries.
little to the achievement of the MSY 2020
objective (Cardinale et al. 2017). Other estima- Mesh sizes
tions are that, by mid-2015, there were 1077 As we saw above, the very unselective nature
MPAs covering 6.45% of the sea basin area. of most Mediterranean fisheries results in an
Coverage is variable, with only the Western extremely low yield per recruit. Scientists rec-
Mediterranean exceeding the 10% coverage ommend that the achievement of the MSY
target (Rodriguez-Rodriguez et al. 2016). objective by 2020 will not happen on the basis
Part of the problem for the low level of of reductions of fishing mortality alone, but
implementation of these provisions may lie in that a significant improvement in the exploita-
the expectation that the protected areas would tion pattern is paramount. For example, in the
be associated with a system of payments to hake stock, an improvement of the exploitation
compensate for the foregone activity. Indeed, pattern to exploit the stock to its optimum level
as has been explained by this author, on the (Lopt ) would allow the MSY fishing mortality
discussion of the new structural instrument in that scenario (FLopt ) to be up to four times
of the CFP for the period 2014–2020, certain higher than at current levels (Fcurr ) or MSY
Members of the European Parliament strongly with the current exploitation pattern (Fmsy )
advocated the establishment of a scheme of (Collocca et al. 2013).
payments to Mediterranean fishermen to stop Theoretically, Regulation 1967/2006 set out
fishing in protected fishery areas (Penas Lado to improve selectivity in Mediterranean fish-
2016, chapter 16). Failure in obtaining guaran- eries, by moving the basic bottom trawl mesh
tees of such funding resulted in a total loss of size from 40 mm diamond to 40 mm square
interest in the instrument itself. This raises the mesh or 50 mm diamond mesh. However, the
issue of whether the protected fishery areas are rather unambitious change that this represents
a viable instrument in the absence of public aid. (and even so it was extremely difficult to adopt,
Achieving policy objectives in Mediterranean fisheries 107

in the face of strong opposition from much of Regulation 1967/2006 responded to the idea of
the industry) does not fundamentally change capitalizing on the local culture. Here again, the
the catch composition for the most important Mediterranean culture of fisheries management
demersal stocks, even if stock yield should is that of little or weak multilateral manage-
tend to increase in the future (Guijarro and ment but strong local management. Perhaps
Massutí 2006). this could make these fisheries a textbook case
It is clear on that basis that the current tech- of how local collaborative approaches could
nical measures as represented in Regulation contribute to resolve the much-needed increase
1967/2006 fall short of what is necessary to in selectivity that is an essential condition for
stand a chance of achieving the MSY 2020 the sustainability of resources in this area.
objective. In this context, a new approach
seems necessary. The traditional one of legally-
binding, detailed rules on mesh sizes, that has The transition: a buy-out scheme
characterized the CFP since its inception in for Mediterranean fisheries
1983 must evolve. In line with the idea of
the new framework on technical measures The transition to the 2020 goal of all regulated
(that we will refer to in Chapter 7) we need stocks at Fmsy is so much more difficult than in
a much more flexible approach, based on a the Atlantic that it makes sense to consider it
results-based management where it will be for as a specific project with specific means. Other-
the industry and Member States to find the wise, it is an illusion to think that the same tran-
right combination of measures (including mesh sition as in the Atlantic and Baltic Seas could
sizes) that would best contribute to achieve the take place in this context.
goals established in the policy, provided the The level of socio-economic sacrifice associ-
right incentives are applied. ated with the very strong reductions in fishing
In Chapters 6 and 7 we touch upon the ques- mortality and selectivity in the fisheries con-
tion of how technical measures, and particularly cerned that will be necessary to achieve the
mesh sizes, can contribute to increase selec- MSY 2020 goal bears no comparison with that
tivity. The general understanding is that top– of the Atlantic. Once co-legislators established
down, prescriptive measures have a scope for the same time limit to achieve MSY than in
improvement that is seriously limited by their other EU waters, there seems to be little doubt
direct effect on catch rates and fishermen’s that the transition will require special measures
revenues. for the Mediterranean. This is one of the ques-
Perhaps the difficulty is to find the right tions where the new structural instrument of
incentives; in the Atlantic/Baltic such incen- the CFP, the European Maritime and Fisheries
tives can take the form of higher quotas, for Fund (EMFF) of 2014 falls short of what would
example, but this option is not available in be necessary to provide the necessary support to
the Mediterranean if TACs are not applied. achieve the fundamental goal of the new CFP.
Perhaps a possibility to explore may be to have This new instrument purposely tried to
incentives in terms of fishing effort (if and become a fundamental aid to the achievement
when this will remain the main management of the general objectives of the CFP. However,
instrument) for fishermen that would engage perhaps under the pressure to ensure a “level
in significant increases of selectivity through playing field” and avoid any impression of
their own device. discrimination, the new EMFF failed to estab-
The local or sub-regional nature of some lish the necessary instruments and priority to
fisheries, together with the strong tradition of focus the main problem for Mediterranean
local self-regulation in many Mediterranean fisheries: the much more difficult transition to
ports could actually facilitate that. The idea of the MSY 2020 objective adopted a year before,
the national management plans introduced in and thus the need to provide for an exceptional
108 Chapter 5

set of instruments to accompany the economic current EMFF to address the problem of
and social hardships of this transition. Mediterranean fisheries should be corrected. In
Reprogramming national programs under this regard, the proposal (EU 2018b) includes
EMFF is always possible, although it is not easy the possibility for specific fleet adaptation
to do in political terms, since the allocation of programs. The proposal clarifies that the sup-
EMFF funds to different sectors is often a deli- pression of scrapping aid after 2017 in the
cate and politically sensitive exercise. However, current EMFF was due to lack of sufficient
there is no political excuse: if the achievement targeting. This proposal admits the possibility
of the MSY 2020 objective (even for a limited of a program for the adjustment of capacity in
number of key stocks) is understandably hard, certain fleet segments and sea basins.
at least there should be no excuse from the It is important that this possibility be main-
financial point of view: the EMFF was theoreti- tained during the co-decision process, and
cally designed as an instrument to accompany that enough money can be allocated for this
the reform. There is hardly a more important purpose. Unless fleet adjustment takes place, it
objective in the reformed CFP than achieving is difficult to see how Mediterranean fisheries
MSY by 2020. Arguments to justify that this could get anywhere close to the MSY objective
objective cannot be made easier through EMFF even long after 2020.
because the funds are committed for something
else is difficult to understand, and is contrary
to the very philosophy under which the EMFF
2014–2020 was adopted: to be an instrument to
accompany and facilitate the implementation
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of the 2013 CFGP reform. ner (2014). When is spillover from marine reserves
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resources or the total catches allowed are those journal.pone.0107032/
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allocation of days or catches is most unlikely (2017). Mediterranean Sea: a failure of the Euro-
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to be economically sustainable for the fleets
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concerned. This probably only means that these
reductions are economically, socially, and thus Carpenter, G., Kleinjans, R., Villasante, S., and
politically impossible to implement unless there O’Leary, B.C. (2016). Landing the blame: the influ-
is an adjustment of the fishing capacity that ence of EU Member States on quota setting. Marine
can be compatible with rebuilt, sustainable Policy 64: 9–15.
fisheries. This calls for an ambitious program .2015.11.001.
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2017 in the structural policy (EU 2014). Clearly, (2013). Rebuilding Mediterranean fisheries: a new
and no matter how unpopular this may be, this paradigm for ecological sustainability. Fish and Fish-
eries 14: 89–109.
question will have to be revised.
Cope, J.M., DeVore, J., Dick, E.J. et al. An approach
The proposal for a new fisheries structural to defining stock complexes for U.S. west coast
fund to cover the period 2021–2027 represents groundfishes using vulnerabilities and ecological
probably the last opportunity. The problems distributions. North American Journal of Fisheries
referred to above concerning the use of the Management 31 (4): 589–604.
Achieving policy objectives in Mediterranean fisheries 109

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sures for the conservation of fishery resources in demersal stocks in the western Mediterranean Sea.
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The landing obligation

The CFP and the problem catches). After 2000 discards represent slightly
of discarding less than 10% of total annual catches (Zeller
et al. 2017), although this estimation is highly
Beyond doubt, the introduction of the landing controversial. A very good summary of the
obligation in the 2013 Common Fisheries Pol- problem of discarding from different angles is
icy (CFP) reform represents the most prominent provided by Uhlmann et al. (2019).
(and challenging) question of the implementa-
tion of the policy; one that will contribute to Discarding in the CFP: how much?
shape up, like no other change ever made, the Why?
fishing policy of the future. The levels of discarding in European fisheries
Discards have always existed in European have always been controversial because data on
Union (EU) fisheries. Although data have discarding have always been patchy. However,
always been incomplete, the levels of discarding they are significant in a number of fisheries.
in some fisheries have been known for a long The discards in European fisheries have been
time (EU 1992). They have long been consid- estimated as being around a million tons a year
ered a problem but, for a long time, other issues (Holmyard 2015); that is about 20% of the
took priority and the CFP did not address this total landings, estimated as 5.12 million tonnes
question directly. In recent years, however, the in 2015.1 According to the Impact assessment
introduction of policies to eliminate or reduce carried out by the Commission in 2011 (EU
discards in a number of countries around the 2011), beam trawlers have the highest discard
world, and the growing influence of a public rates, whatever their target species.
opinion that cannot understand why the fish- Bottom trawling for mixed fisheries have
ing activity wastes so much fish, have resulted generally very high but very variable discard
in this issue taking center stage in policy deci- rates, ranging between 18% and 70%, with
sions. The evolution of the EU policy as regards little differentiation by gear or geographical
discarding has been reviewed by Borges (2015), area. In the area with the best data, the North
Borges (2018), and Borges and Penas (2019). Sea, discard levels vary between practically zero
Discarding is a phenomenon that exists in in pelagic fisheries to nearly 50% in demersal
all fisheries in the world and is clearly not an ones (ICES 2017). Discard rates also change
exclusive European problem (Kelleher 2004).
Worldwide, fish discards increased from the
1950s to reach a peak in 1989 at 18.8 mil- 1

lion tonnes (between 10% and 20% of total index.php/Fishery_statistics_in_detail/

Quo Vadis Common Fisheries Policy?, First Edition. Ernesto Penas Lado.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

112 Chapter 6

over time. For example, in the North Sea, • Lack of quota. This is the most obvious con-
in 2012–2015, discard rates of demersal and sequence of the management system based
crustacean species remained constant (7–10% on individual stocks, combined with a rigid
and 15–20%, respectively, of the total catch of scheme of allocation of the total allowable
these species), while discards of benthic species catches (TACs) among Member States under
declined sharply between 2014 and 2015 relative stability. But beyond this problem at
(40–25%). Discard rates of pelagic species were EU level, discards are also produced by the
close to zero during 2012–2015 (ICES 2017). allocation systems of national quotas estab-
These discards often represent an unac- lished by Member States, which sometimes
counted source of fishing mortality, which has result in specific fleet segments, or individual
for a long time undermined the reliability of a vessels, lacking quotas of certain stocks even
number of stock evaluations. This constitutes if their Member State still has such quotas
another important motivation for a no-discard available.
policy: improving our knowledge of everything • Rules on catch composition. The rules on
that is actually caught, thus contributing to catch composition associated to the use of
improve the quality of the scientific advice. But certain mesh sizes, as laid down in Regulation
over and beyond these considerations, there is a 850/98 (EU 1998), forced discarding under
societal motivation: discards have been consid- certain circumstances. These rules have
ered morally reprehensible for a significant part already been modified to avoid conflict with
of the European society and have contributed the new landing obligation, through the
to stock over-exploitation (Rochet et al. 2014). so-called “omnibus regulation” (EU 2015a)
While discarding can occur for a number that aligned existing technical measures with
of reasons, these investigations indicate that the requirements of the new discard policy
discarding in the past was mostly driven by of the reformed CFP.
market demand, but recent legal and reg- • High-grading. This is the so-called “economic
ulatory constraints have led to changes in discarding” that is, the discarding of lower
fishing strategies and became a significant rea- value fish of a given species to maximize de
son for discards (Damalas et al. 2015). These value of the quota available by landing only
regulatory constraints are fundamentally the the larger, higher price fish. Although theo-
improvement in the implementation of the retically banned since 2009, little has been
minimum landing sizes, which has traditionally done to enforce it.
obliged fishermen to discard the undersized • In the Mediterranean, high species diversity
fish. However, there are also reported cases of and high percentage of non-commercial
discarding due to high-grading by small-scale species. Despite the general impression that
fishing in the Mediterranean (Fabi and Grati in these fisheries everything is landed, a
2005). European Commission study2 indicated that
Discarding in the Atlantic is primarily due to out of ca. 100 species caught in a bottom
implementation of rules of the CFP and eco- trawl, only c. 40 were retained.
nomic decisions taken by the skippers and vessel
owners, although the relative contribution of The 2013 policy on discards
different elements is difficult to ascertain: The landing obligation of 2013 was certainly
• Minimum landing sizes. In Atlantic waters, not the first attempt to address the question of
catches of undersized fish seem to have been discarding in the CFP. As far back as 1994, the
the primary cause of most discarding (EU problem was already identified by scientists,
2006). This has changed after the reform,
and today the fish under the minimum con-
servation reference sizes must be landed and 2

counted against their quotas (EU 2015a). docs/body/report_en.pdf/

The landing obligation 113

and an approach to solving it was outlined EU co-legislators in 2013, particularly from the
(Crean and Symes 1994): European fishing industry.

A reduction in discards can only be achieved

through the realignment of policy instruments, A critique of the landing obligation
greater collaboration between regulators and of 2013
resource users, and closer integration of policy and The criticism to the discard ban does not come
market behaviour. only from the industry: meaningfully, the sci-
entific community has also been critical. All the
However, this recommendation never mate-
above considerations do not prevent different
rialized. The process leading up to the decision
scientific voices in Europe from advocating a
to ban discards in EU fisheries has been
different approach, based on a stepwise devel-
explained by this author (Penas Lado 2016,
opment (Veiga et al. 2016). But perhaps the
chapter 16). To cut it short: the bottom–up,
best critique on the whole historical approach
collaborative approach initially proposed by the
leading up to the adoption of the new discard
Commission in 2007 (EC 2007a) did not work;
policy is that of Borges (2015), who argues
it was simply not taken seriously, perhaps for
that an increase in public awareness, due to
lack of incentives to do so. In this context,
public campaigns against fisheries discards, has
imposing in EU legislation a relatively detailed
focused managers’ attention onto a symptom
discard ban with a specific delivery date with
of fisheries mismanagement, rather than on its
a relatively short phase-in period was done on
underlying causes of over-exploitation and lack
purpose: the experience of other countries such
of fisheries control. This has distorted the dis-
as Norway, which developed this policy on a
cussion of the reform of the CFP and potentially
very gradual basis, incorporating new species
undermined its provisions relating to discards.
in the discard ban along a very long period, was
The recent publication of a comprehensive
considered short of the political expectations of
analysis of the discard problem (Uhlmann
the time in the EU.
et al. 2019) allows a very complete basis for
It was feared that a very long and gradual
discussion. It would have been very useful to
phasing-in period to implement a non-discard
have such an analysis at the time when the
policy would go down politically as a failure to
decisions were taken by the co-legislators in
act on an issue that required a quick solution.
This called for a more dramatic solution, where
The critical views on this policy decision come
the ban would take place as quickly as pos-
from different angles:
sible even before the practical solutions were
• Many in the fishing industry (even from
Member States that institutionally supported
It was believed that once the legislation was
the landing obligation) believe that compli-
in place, the obligation to abide by it would
ance with the discard ban would make many
mobilize everybody to find the practical solu-
fisheries unprofitable, since vessels should
tions the make the policy workable. This was
either fill their holds with low-value fish, or
the reason why the EU co-legislators opted for
stop fishing very early in the year due to lack
a top–down approach despite the evidence of
of quota for choke species. The European
better results through bottom–up approaches
industry tends to see the landing obligation as
(Penas Lado 2016; Catchpole and Gray 2010).
an opportunistic political move.3 Academia
The political decision was very high-profile,
has started to study the likely economic
and this means that sticking to it will have a
high political value. However, this does not
prevent strong criticism to the decision, and not
so much to the idea of reducing discards, but 3

rather to the specific provisions adopted by the pide-la-despolitizacion-la-gestion-pesquera/

114 Chapter 6

effects of the implementation of this measure of the de minimis tolerance (Article 15.5(c)), the
(Anderson 2014; Hatcher 2014). cross-species flexibility (Article 15.8) and the
• Sardà et al. (2015) also consider that it is inter-annual flexibility (Article 15.10) is fixed
doubtful that this discard ban will result in an in the law for all fisheries across the board.
effective reduction of discards, and that the This represents typically a “one-size-fits-all”
policy as adopted may actually negatively kind of solution that the CFP has been so often
affect ecosystems at all hierarchy levels, for criticized for. An example is the comparison
ignoring the ecosystem-based approach. between the Baltic and the North Sea: while
• Some scientists criticize the way in which discards in the Baltic rarely exceed 5–10%, in
the EU laid down the obligation, with a very the North Sea they can reach 50%. Yet, the
short learning period of four years, instead of maximum allowance is identical in both cases.
the gradual, learn-by-doing approach used in True, it can be argued that these are ceilings
Nordic countries (Johnsen and Eliasen 2011). and that in every fishery the use of these flex-
• The small-scale fishing sector, already suffer- ibility mechanisms may not reach such ceiling,
ing from limited levels of profitability due to which normally should be reserved for the most
low capitalization (Villasante et al. 2015) may difficult cases. However, the co-legislators did
suffer disproportionately from this measure not consider a different degree of flexibility for
(Veiga et al. 2016). different cases, since they preferred to give pri-
• The approach by fishery instead of by species ority to the “level playing field” and, specially,
(initially proposed by the Commission) is because some of them wanted to ensure that
unwieldy in practical terms, given the diff- the policy would “look” strict, so that too much
iculty of defining such fisheries (EU 2015b). flexibility for some cases would be seen as too
These arguments have a clear political risk: lenient a policy.
that of a backlash in the enthusiastic support As a result, and even if the flexibility is indeed
that the no-discard policy received from most applied at different levels in different cases (for
political players at the time. After the enthusi- example, the Mediterranean Member States
asm of 2013, one can certainly perceive a riptide asked for the maximum application of the de
in such enthusiasm, when the implementation minimis rule for the first year of application of
in the real world increasingly shows the difficul- the landing obligation) the net result is that
ties of turning a much-appreciated policy into in certain cases the ceilings may be reached
a reality in the fishing grounds. In hindsight, without a clear need to do so, thus resulting
some of the promoters of this ambitious pol- in a fishing practice that does not change sub-
icy (on paper) now increasingly question their stantially current practice, while in other cases
unwavering support in 2013. it may not be sufficient to cater for all the
practical difficulties to reduce discards.
The discard ban and the “level playing As we will see below, there are other
approaches for this kind of policy where the
In addition to the above criticism, this author
objectives are modulated for different types
has a particular one, related to the way in
of policy without such modulation being seen
which the co-legislators decided on this funda-
as “discrimination”. There is a very important
mental part of the policy. As briefly presented
lesson to be learned from this for the future of
above, the level of discards is extremely vari-
law-making in the CFP.
able for different cases, particularly different
gear. This could have justified a different level
of ambition in eliminating discards, or at least Discards and direct human
a different application of the flexibilities of consumption
Article 15 of Regulation 1380/2013. However, One of the questions that still causes confusion
this was not the case, and the maximum level in the implementation of the discard ban is the
The landing obligation 115

text of Article 15.11 of Regulation 1380/2013, to bear in mind, caters for problems of human
which reads: health such as the mad cow disease.
This also means that there should be no
. . . the use of catches of species below the mini-
problem at all in the small fish being processed
mum conservation reference size shall be restricted
as part of products for human consumption.
to purposes other than direct human consumption,
including fish meal, fish oil, pet food, food addi- The real motivation for the co-legislators was to
tives, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. avoid that, as a result of the landing obligation,
European consumers could see juvenile fish
This provision has given rise to a surprising being legally sold in markets or served in restau-
level of confusion, which is still seen in on-going rants, something that the public opinion would
scientific publications. The confusion comes never be able to understand. But the provision
from the fact that certain – overzealous – admin- of Article 15.11 was certainly never intended to
istrations interpret the ban on direct human create artificial and unnecessary difficulties to
consumption as a human health question, an industry that has already enough challenges
and believe such undersized catches should be with the implementation of this new policy.
treated as Category 3 material according to the
EU animal by-product legislation (EU 2009a).
This implies, inter alia, that such fish cannot What other countries do
be used for indirect human consumption and on discarding
that vessels should be equipped with storage
facilities to ensure that no contact takes place Since the non-discard policy of the EU arrived
between these fish and the fish that will be sold relatively late in time, at least as compared with
for direct human consumption. If that inter- other countries, it is important to draw on the
pretation made headway, this would impose experience of these countries. Karp et al. (2019)
a disproportionate (as well as unnecessary) have made a very good analysis of the different
burden on European fleets. approaches applicable in different countries. Let
Actually, the above interpretation makes us look at some of the most significant.
no sense at all. The reason why co-legislators
decided to ban the direct human consumption The US case
of undersized fish had absolutely nothing to In Chapter 2 we referred to the 10 national
do with human health and the protection of standards for fisheries management under the
consumers: it was simply intended to prevent Magnuson-Stevens Act. Standard no. 9 says:
the development of a market for undersized
To the extent practicable:
fish, once such fish would be landed as per
(1) Minimize by-catch.
the landing obligation. The idea was to prevent
(2) To the extent by-catch cannot be avoided, mini-
the establishment of a high market price for mize the mortality of such by-catch.
undersized fish (that is highly appreciated by
consumers in certain European markets) but at By-catch is defined as “fish” that are har-
the same time to allow for some limited bene- vested but not sold or kept. These provisions
fits for fishermen landing a certain amount of do not include seabirds or mammals (which
inevitable catches of these small fish. enjoy special protection) or legally-retained
It is obvious that undersized fish pose a non-target species, but include economic and
problem of fishery conservation, and it should regulatory discards and unobserved mortalities.
be handled on that basis. But obviously there The above standard provides for ample flex-
is no question of the undersized fish being ibility to determine specific objectives and
unhealthy for humans, so there is absolutely no measures that are established on a fishery-
point in classifying that fish as part of the animal by-fishery basis, taking into account the sci-
by-products legislation which, it is important entific advice but also the fishery-specific
116 Chapter 6

considerations discussed by the Regional Table 6.1 Fish by-catch and fish landings by
Management Council. The degree of com- geographical area in the US (data for 2013).
pliance with this guidance is quite variable and
Fish by-catch Fish landings
limited monitoring often impedes verification. Region (lbs.) (lbs.)
It is important to underline that the flexibil-
Greater Atlantic 140 219 256 738 953 648
ity provided by this national standard does not Southeast 243 558 458 156 063 630
necessarily translate into a very lenient policy. Alaska 279 161 533 4 545 327 715
The experience of implementation shows that West Coast 15 562 500 643 331 523
this flexibility is used to determine a non- Pacific islands 10 628 968 33 277 790
Totals 689 130 985 6 116 954 306
discard policy that in some cases brings down
discards significantly, and in all cases encour- Source: National Marine Fisheries Service (2016). U.S.
ages appropriate improvement. National By-catch Report, First Edition, Update 2. L.R.
One fundamental difference in the US is that Benaka, D. Bullock, J. Davis, E.E. Seney and H. Winarsoo
the establishment of level of discards is specific (eds). U.S. Department of Commerce, 90 pp.
for different fisheries and largely responding
to the evaluation of feasibility by the industry fisheries in different regions and the different
itself. Although implementation is very vari- levels of difficulty to address the problem.
able, in the best cases once the discard objectives In any case, the level of reduction of discards
are established, the implementation is highly is always variable for different fisheries in every
enforced, notably with the generalized use of region: For example, in Alaska, the pollock
observers on board. This contrasts with the EU fishery has very low discard and constitutes
policy, characterized by a legislative approach a very high proportion of the overall catch.
establishing in hard law the same tolerance However, discard in some other fisheries can be
levels and flexibility mechanisms across the quite high. Similarly, most of the discard from
board and leaving enforcement to usual con- the Southeast occurs in the directed shrimp
trol mechanisms, poorly adapted to the new fisheries.
The results of this policy is that US fisheries Norway
have reduced discarding substantially, but dif- A starting point is that most fisheries in Nor-
ferent fisheries still have extremely different wegian waters are of relatively low diversity.
levels of discarding in practice, as shown in The problems of high discard levels associated
Table 6.1, drawn from US national by-catch notably with mixed fisheries were, in Norway,
report Benaka et al. (2016). much less serious than in many fisheries in
As it can be seen, while the overall discard the EU. That means that the task was, initially,
rate is around 11% overall, the percentages easier than in the EU.
are extremely variable by region: in Alaska the The Norwegian discard ban policy has very
percentage is 6% and in the West Coast, 2%, often been mentioned as a model in the EU
while in the greater Atlantic reaches 19% and debate on the problem of discarding. It is worth
in the Southeast (largely influenced by shrimp describing the system to see the differences
fisheries) it jumps to 156%. with the EU policy.
These data clearly show the result of a pol- Gullestad et al. (2015) have described this
icy that tries to “minimize by-catch” (National system. It is much wider and complete than
Standard 9): the results reflect striking differ- just a ban on discarding. The use of real-time
ences between the West Coast, where discard closures is an important element to mini-
levels are extremely low, to the southeast where mize the amount of small fish that has to be
they continue to be huge. This is not necessar- discarded. These are applied through a collab-
ily a sign of policy success in some regions and orative scheme that ensures acceptance by the
policy failure in others, at least not exclusively: industry. The very gradual introduction was
it also reflects the very different conditions of another key factor: new species were included
The landing obligation 117

in the ban along a very long period of time, thus Also, voluntary move-on measures are used
allowing for a slow and effective learning pro- to collect and share information on where and
cess whose results were gradually incorporated when to avoid unwanted catch (Uhlmann et al.
into the policy. In addition, different accom- 2019). The system also includes provisions on
panying measures were introduced, including the landings in excess of quotas.
compensation to fishermen for landing illegal
catches, obligation to change fishing grounds,
tailoring of quota regulations, development of
selective gear and so on.
The effects of a non-discard
The main difference with the EU system is
that the Norwegian system is based on species,
The discard ban policies have often been pre-
not fisheries, and that its implementation fol-
sented as a contribution to good management.
lowed a very slow process along many years,
However, the ultimate political motivation
gradually including more species while at the
for such measures in the EU has been the
same time learning from the implementation to
introduce the necessary changes. consideration of discarding either as a sign of
The Norwegian system has been much policy failure (Euro-skeptics) or as an unethical
praised. However, to this day it remains difficult practice: a waste of good, healthy protein in
to obtain data on real levels of discarding in a world riddled with malnutrition. But the
Norwegian fisheries. Unlike the US case above, idea that eliminating discards can contribute to
where very transparent reporting allows an more healthy fisheries and a healthier ecosys-
evaluation of the effects of the policy, in Nor- tem has also been voiced very frequently as a
way the information on the real level of discards self-evident fact. However, the evidence does
under their non-discard policy remains elusive: not always point in that direction. This leaves
since Norway does not employ observers or use open the question of the real effect of this
electronic monitoring, it is basically impossible policy on such questions as the management of
to monitor and evaluate effectiveness. stocks and the effects on biodiversity. Discard
estimates are notoriously unreliable, especially
Iceland when regulations encourage covert discarding
Iceland has a complete system to ensure the behavior. It follows that full retention will result
most efficient rate of exploitation of available in more accurate fishing mortality estimates if
resources, and this includes inter alia a very everything is estimated at the point of delivery.
efficient system of exchange of quotas among The discard ban policy seems to have no way
operators as well as specific measures to deal back in political terms, but its specific terms
with unwanted catches upon landing. The and conditions can and should be subject to
results are quite impressive: discards were low scrutiny and evaluation. Beyond the ques-
in 2012 in all gears, or 0–0.71% of landed catch. tion of the practicality of its implementation,
Total cod discards were 0.41% of landed catch there is also a question of what is the effect
and total haddock discards 0.08% (Pálsson et al. of a non-discard policy over the exploited fish
2013), although the reliability of these impres- stocks and over the marine environment in
sive figures has been questioned (Uhlmann general.
et al. 2019).
Key features to the success of the discard Biological effects
ban include: improved selectivity; real-time In terms of the effects of a reduction of discard-
closures; monitoring, control and surveil- ing on fish stocks, some authors believe that
lance (MCS); mechanisms that include discard the emphasis on avoiding the catch of small fish
monitoring (although of limited in scope); (typically subject to discard ban) and the drive
regulatory incentives to land undersized catch to conduct more size-selective fisheries has led
with partial or zero deduction from quota. to significant improvements in the exploitation
118 Chapter 6

pattern of targeted species (Gullestad et al. on much larger societal considerations than the
2015). This is a very positive result of this type mere effect on fisheries and ecosystems, includ-
of policy. Other studies however show how the ing notably the avoidance of wastage of healthy
discard ban can be positive for certain species food. Ultimately, what is important is that a
but negative for others (Hall and Mainprize discard ban policy should be clear as to what
2005; Simons et al. 2015). The latter show the objectives are, and therefore what are its
that it is not self-evident that the discard ban, intended effects and expectations. Overplaying
by definition, will have positive effects for the expectations of this policy can only lead to
conservation, at least for all species. frustration and possible backlash at a later stage.
Very often, the idea of the discard ban was
considered by many of its promoters as being Economic effects
positive for the fisheries and for the marine The exact economic effects of the discard ban
environment. The affirmation that “preventing in the EU are difficult to anticipate, since they
discards is good for conservation” is still often depend on whether the existing mechanisms to
cited as a self-evident mantra. However, the resolve choke species effects are used, and with
scientific evidence does not necessarily confirm what effects. It also depends on whether the
that; rather the contrary. In a study conducted new obligation is seen only as a problem, or also
in the North Sea, where 30–40% of trawled as an opportunity to be embraced through a
fish was discarded before the ban, it was shown change of culture in the way the industry fishes.
that landing the entire catch while fishing as In any event, much of the European fishing
usual would have conservation penalties for industry has voiced strong concerns about
seabirds, marine mammals and seabed fauna, this, while recognizing the need to address the
and no benefit to fish stocks. The study further problem (Fitzpatrick et al. 2019).
recommended considering the broader ecosys-
tem consequences of fishery management Landing obligation as a problem
policy, since species interactions may dissipate Existing literature provides some elements to
or negate intended benefits (Heath et al. 2014). evaluate this question. A recent study (Hoff
In the case of the effects on seabirds, the et al. 2019) considers that, despite the potential
likely effects are mixed: A discard ban may to reduce the impact through mitigation, the
have negative consequences by creating a food overall picture shows that the industry will be
shortage for scavenging birds. Some species may worse off with the landing obligation than it
offset this by feeding more on other birds, with would be without such policy.
potentially negative population-level impacts, In more specific terms, a study in the cod
or by moving into novel environments. In /saithe fishery in the North Sea, where cod can
general terms, however, it is considered that be a choke species, it was found that failing to
the effects of discards on scavengers are limited, apply a mechanism of inter-species quota flexi-
so the implementation of the landing obligation bility would result in a significant reduction of
is not likely to have a very strong impact on profits in the long term (Simons et al. 2015).
scavenging biota (Depestele et al. 2019). In a different context, Lart et al. (2002) found
On the other hand, benefits of a discard ban that discarding practices were most closely
may be a reduction in seabird by-catch in fish- related to economic influences than to fishery
ing gear, as well as a reduction in populations regulations, and concluded that in most of their
of large generalist species that currently domi- studied cases, efforts to reduce discarding that
nate some seabird communities (Bicknell et al. failed to take account of economic influences
2013). So there seems to be no obvious overall were unlikely to be successful in effectively
ecological benefit from that point of view. reducing discarding. The question is, then, is
However, the above cases do not delegitimize the discard ban as spelled out in Article 15 of
the discard ban. This policy can still be justified Regulation 1380/2013 applicable in practice
The landing obligation 119

without significant disruption in the economy (if avoidance measures make it possible) once
of the European fisheries? the choke species quotas are exhausted?
This is very important and has wider implica- There is probably no clear answer to this
tions: if the economic effects are not well-taken question, although it is easy to assume that this
into account, the incentive for fishers to ensure kind of “economic choke species effect” can
compliance disappears altogether, which in actually happen despite improved avoidance.
turn requires extremely expensive control and This only underscores the need to keep the
enforcement systems to guarantee compliance development of the discard ban well-monitored
(Graham et al. 2007). This makes it particularly for its economic effects, in order to detect such
important to ensure that the implementation kind of problem and try to find possible and
of the discard ban can be done with sufficient practicable solutions sooner rather than later.
degree of flexibility to ensure that the necessary As the experience of other countries shows,
adaptations can be assumed by the industry the discard ban only work if the industry finds
without undue economic cost. economic solutions for its side effects.
The problem of choke species, as described
above, is very clear-cut: if there are no quotas The landing obligation as an opportunity
available, fisheries have to close. However, the Over and beyond the economic downsides
related to conducting more selective fisheries
problem can be more complex if we consider
(lower CPUE, increased operating costs, cost of
the economics of the fishery. In theory, if avoid-
gear modifications, etc.) there can be also some
ance measures are applied (see Chapter 3 and
positive effects. The main one is the incentive
under “TAC uplifts” below) one could consider,
for the industry to use, or to increase market
for example, conducting a fishery for whiting
value of species hitherto neglected.
only when quotas for cod and/or haddock are
One clear effect is the opportunity to develop
exhausted. Even if such a case was technically
a better market value for species of low interest
possible, thanks to avoidance measures, the
today. Many examples illustrate this, such as the
question is: would that fishery be profitable?
recent initiatives taken by the Spanish industry
Indeed, this problem has nothing to do with
to find a market value to species such as the
the discard ban. Even before the discard ban is
“marujito” (Gadiculus argenteus), a fish of low
fully applied, the question of differential quota
value, relatively abundant in European waters
availability is one that has existed since the
and not subject to management. Discarded or
inception of the CFP as a result of the focus on used as bait, the species has been subject to
individual stock catch limits. One can certainly campaigns to introduce it in the markets and
assume that, if this has not forced the early increase its value.
closure of fisheries, as the discard ban will, it Beyond that, the discard ban policy provides
may have created an inefficiency in the way incentives to develop markets for other species
quotas are used. The figures shown in Chapter 2 traditionally discarded, such as invertebrates.
are higher than those corresponding to other Although not considered part of the discard
systems, such as the US, but are still short of a ban policy per se, innovation is necessary and
very efficient utilization of all catch possibilities. the policy does encourage “cultural” change
Little has been studied about this, which to compensate for possible losses by finding
implies that only the future conduct of the new markets for species hitherto not fully
fisheries will tell. It is important to underline utilized or, in some cases, not utilized at all.
that the effect of choke species goes beyond A number of interesting projects have been
the practical possibility to continue fishing for developed in different parts of Europe in recent
the remaining stocks when choke species are years with the purpose of developing markets,
exhausted. The real question is: can the fishery with certain processing, of almost everything
be profitable when fishing for other stocks coming out of the sea, from low-value fish,
120 Chapter 6

to fish trimmings (skin, guts, etc.) to inver- produce a backlash against the very idea of the
tebrates to make aquaculture feeds and even landing obligation.
pharmaceutical products.
These are potentially positive economic
Relative stability as a contributor
consequences of the discard ban policy; they
to choke species
create a new opportunity, for those interested
As we indicated in earlier chapters, the prob-
in developing it, to use for profit an increasing
lem of choke species, expressed in TAC levels,
number of species and products that are part of
is considerably aggravated in some cases by
the ocean’s bounty but have never been given
the allocation of these TACs among Member
before an economic value.
States under relative stability. There are cases
where two TACs of associated species can be
well-aligned, without any choke-species effect,
Choke species and the “perfect while the allocation of such TACs among Mem-
storm” of 2019 ber States is very different, so in fact one species
can be “choke” for a Member State and the
Since the landing obligation is subject to a other can be “choke” for another one.
phase-in period from 2015 to 2019, this year A case in hand can be that of the relation-
will the one where the LO will apply to all reg- ship between two species that are often asso-
ulated species. This means that in 2019 there ciated, such as hake and cod. In ICES areas VI
will be, for the first time, a combination of: and VII combined the TAC for hake for 2018 is
• LO applicable to all regulated stocks; 62 536 tonnes and the combined TAC for cod is
• Fishing mortality reductions in a number of 5578 tonnes (EU 2018a). That means that cod
stocks to achieve the Fmsy target by 2020; and catches must represent 9% of hake catches. But
• Relative stability keys. this is at TAC level. If we look at national quota
The three factors, separately, contribute to level, the ratio is extremely variable for differ-
choke species effects particularly in mixed fish- ent Member States: around 35% for Belgium
eries. But it is the combination of the three, and Ireland, around 12–13% for France and the
and their cumulative effects that will produce Netherlands, but it goes down to 5% for the UK
what the fishing industry has come to call “the and 0% for Spain. See Figure 6.1.
perfect storm”. This implies that while certain Member States
And that is not all: to these combined factors have a ratio between the two species that cor-
we must add two potentially important ones: responds to the TAC levels, other Member
(i) the displacement of certain stocks from the States have a very different ratio between
areas where they traditionally have their quo- their national quotas for the two stocks. In the
tas, as a result of climate change; and (ii) the extreme case of Spain, the ratio is zero: Spain
possible future effects of Brexit. has a substantial quota for hake, but a zero
In addition, it is to be borne in mind that quota for cod. Where the imbalance is highest,
when co-legislators adopted the landing obli- one of the two species will be a choke in the
gation, they knew (the Commission insisted fisheries in ICES areas VI and VII.
on this point) that the practical implemen- In any case, the real problem remains con-
tation of this measure would pose many troversial because its magnitude may depend
questions whose answer we did not know. The to a certain extent on the full implementation
co-legislators (and the Commission) under- of existing flexibility mechanisms. Not surpris-
took to ensure that, once the legislation was ingly, different views can come from different
adopted, all the relevant actors should “put quarters: while for example the North Sea Advi-
their heads together” to find those answers sory Council has made a detailed analysis of the
in a cooperative manner. Failure to do so will fisheries where choke species effects are highly
The landing obligation 121






Figure 6.1 Ratio between the cod and





hake quotas in ICES areas VI and VII per

et Member State.

likely,4 other analysis, done for environmental The reason is simple: they considered that such
NGOs, consider these claims not well-justified.5 mechanism was already existing: quota swaps.
By way of comparison, in the case of Alaska, The ca. 2000 quota exchanges per year are the
for example, by-catch quotas are established for tool for Member States, on a strictly voluntary
allocative reasons, rather than to address other basis, to compensate for the frequent mismatch
concerns (Witherell et al. 2000). This means between their basket of fishing opportunities
that once the main allocation of target species and the needs and interests of their fleets.
has been set, by-catch quotas are allocated to However, as we will see below, this mech-
avoid having to close the fishery due to the pres- anism, at least the way it has traditionally
ence of a “choke species”. This of course does applied, does not seem to provide an effective
not entirely eliminate choke species effects, solution to the many allocation-related chokes.
but reduces them considerably. In the US, the
general tendency is that the choke species effect
How efficient is the quota swap
is mainly provoked by the shortage of certain system?
target species (sablefish, salmon, halibut, etc.) The efficient use of resources requires an effi-
that can be by-catch to other fisheries and cient “market” for the exchange of fishing
where operators may not have a quota. But rights. Yet, this market does not exist among
the choke species effects are more rarely the Member States over and beyond the system of
result of secondary species, where different
quota swaps among Member States.
mechanisms allow for flexibility to obtain the
The system of quota swaps has existed since
necessary quotas to avoid closing the fishery.
the inception of the TAC and quota policy in
1983, and has worked every year since then.
Today, around 2000 swaps are effected by
Quota swaps as a possible Member States each year. This system certainly
solution smoothens the rigidity of the allocation keys
under relative stability.
All the above elements were of course well- A study on swaps (Hoefnagel et al. 2015)
known for the co-legislators when the 2013 indicates that in 2013, Member States swapped
reform was adopted. Why then didn’t they approximately 17% of their quotas for all
foresee a mechanism to solve the problem? species. These exchanges take place under
different formulas, depending upon need and
4 opportunity, and the authors mention cases of
%20Advice/Year%2011/NWW%20MS%20LO 1 : 1 exchange rate between stocks having a 5 : 1
market price ratio. Swapping traditions are also
5 influenced by the national systems to allocate
or-crying-wolf/ fishing rights.
122 Chapter 6

The above study identifies several types of between their respective industries, some-
swaps: times involving a real quota purchase, where
• Swaps at producer organization or group the financial transfer takes place at industry
level; level, but where the formal quota transfer
• Swaps at individual fishermen level; takes the form of a quota exchange between
• Swaps at government level; States. Given the lack of transparency of
• Intra-company swaps. In some cases, these this system, it is impossible at this stage
swaps are proposed by owners having vessels to evaluate the dimension of this practice
in more than one Member State. that national administrations tend to be
Despite its significant merits to provide rela- very discreet with. But to the extent that
tive stability with some much-needed flexibility, this mechanism exists and is used, it is a
the system of quota swaps has a rather limited proof that the rigidity of the relative stability
capacity to resolve the problem of choke species, requires in practice mechanisms to provide
for a number of reasons: flexibility to improve quota utilization. In
• It generally works as exchanges quota-for- other words, even if a market of quotas
quota. This means that Member States can does not officially exist, it seems to develop
generally use this system to get more quotas somehow behind the scenes, in a completely
of their stocks, of interest only if they have non-transparent way.
“currency” that is, unused quotas of interest • As described by the above study, swaps can
for the Member States they want to exchange also be restricted by governments in order to
with. This is often not the case. avoid too many fishing rights being accumu-
• The tradition is to use this to exchange quotas lated in a few (particularly foreign) hands
of target species. Many national fleets count (Hoefnagel et al. 2015).
on these exchanges as an integral part of • In some cases too, swaps may be restricted by
fishing opportunities for such target species, certain Member States, even if “currency” to
so they are not easy to change for others buy them is available, with the intention of
for the purpose of getting choke species. limiting overall consumption of the TAC to
A very good example is the traditional swap keep prices high.
between Spain and France: Spain gives During the negotiations leading up to the
anchovy to France and France gives hake to 2013 reform, the Commission advanced the
Spain in return. Both Member States benefit idea of a “enhanced quota swap market” as a
because both consider their national quotas mechanism to alleviate the problem of choke
of hake (Spain) and anchovy (France) too species. However, the voluntary nature of the
low. But if Spain needs cod and haddock exercise, and the exclusive competence of
(clear choke species in western waters), it is Member States in running it do not allow for
not clear at all whether it could get a quota of the Commission to get actively involved in
these stocks from France, and at what price. promoting a more fluid market of exchanges
• The lack of transparency of the system. The of quotas. The question is, however, whether
“deals” among Member States are done by Member States, under the pressure of having
national administrations and their results to find solutions to the choke species problem,
are communicated to the Commission ser- will take the necessary steps to develop these
vices so that they can be integrated into the exchanges more effectively.
quota management system. However, the
information is not made openly public, so Are quota swaps increasing
the industry has no opportunity to have a to facilitate the discard ban?
complete picture of who and where may When the landing obligation was adopted, the
have unused quotas to exchange. expectation of the co-legislators was that the
• Allegedly, certain quota exchanges between problem of choke species due to the rigidity
Member States are originated by deals of relative stability could be at least partially
The landing obligation 123

resolved through increased quota swapping. factor explaining the relatively low level of
Although it is still too early to evaluate the quota exchanges through swapping (Andersen
trends in the levels of quota swapping in rela- et al. 2009).
tion with the implementation of the discard Access to information is a prerequisite to
ban, the data available so far do not show any transparency, which is one of the principles of
consolidated tendency: swapping remained good governance (Hoefnagel et al. 2015). If the
limited after the enforcement of the landing Commission’s quota management system was
obligation, and only in the last year with data made available publicly, the industry could see,
available (2017) a certain increase in total in real time, which Member States have unused
swapping was observed. quotas of their choke species. This information
Table 6.2 shows the recent trends in the level would prompt possible deals among industry
of swapping: while the level has been around sectors of different Member States that could
11–12% of total quotas swapped, in 2017 the then translate into real quota swaps if the
percentage went up to nearly 15% which may national administrations would agree with
be in principle a good sign, that as the full imple- their industry’s proposal.
mentation of the landing obligation approaches, In reality, this would only mean enhancing
Member States are stepping up their swapping a process that already takes place: the quota
levels to avoid choke species effects. However, swaps agreed by national governments are
it is remarkable that if we compare this table originated in demands from their national
with Table 2.1 in Chapter 2, we can see that the industries. The transparency of the system, as
increased level of swapping has not led to an suggested above, would not change anything
increase in the overall level of quota utilization. in substance, but by increasing the trans-
It will be important to monitor the evolution parency the opportunities for swaps would be
in the levels of swapping as of 2019 to assess much better identified by the industry and the
how much the quota swapping can constitute swaps could eventually become more effective
an effective solution to choke species. in addressing the real needs of the industry
in the new scenario. This idea in fact has
Can quota swaps be enhanced? been advanced by representatives of the EU
Since quota swaps are a voluntary mechanism, fishing industry and would deserve serious
the Commission can do nothing to force Mem- consideration.
ber States to increase the level of quota swaps Such an idea, however, would require the
(or at least to change their nature) so as to consent of Member States: Article 113(2) of the
facilitate the resolution of the choke species control regulation (EU 2009a,b) states that:
problem. However, the Commission can do
The data exchanged between Member States and
something to facilitate this, while preserving
the Commission shall not be transmitted to persons
the voluntary nature of the swaps: to provide
other than those in Member States or Community
transparency on quota consumption. Indeed, institutions whose functions require them to have
the little knowledge available by the industry such access unless the Member States transmitting
on quota exchange opportunities is a major the data give their express consent.

Whether these Member States not using their

Table 6.2 Evolution of quota swaps, in absolute value
and percentage, in recent years.
quotas and refusing to swap them will agree that
such information is made public remains a chal-
Quotas lenge.
Year Quotas swapped Percentage(%) It is also important to underline that the mar-
2014 4 581 509.720 548 558.180 11.97 ket of quota exchanges through swapping does
2015 4 259 138.905 528 721.654 12.41 not have any policy orientation and is entirely
2016 4 095 420.096 483 782.374 11.81
voluntary. Failure to use the fishing opportuni-
2017 5 003 375.775 744 402.974 14.88
ties is not seen as a policy problem. This con-
Source: Data elaborated by the author. trasts sharply with the provisions available in
124 Chapter 6

certain agreements with third countries, where despite the perceived low impact of discarding
unused quotas allocated to Member States must in this area, the Mediterranean AC and the
be made available to other Member States ready Member States concerned proposed to apply
to use them. This has been the case for example the maximum level of the de minimis tolerance:
in Greenland for the last 10 years (EU 2007b). 7% for the application of the landing obliga-
Another question, much more far-reaching, tion to pelagic species (EU 2014a). In other
is whether relative stability itself, or at least cases, the plans were much more limiting in
some of its traditional allocation keys, could allowing for the application of the de minimis,
and should be modified to better adapt the for example in the plan for pelagic fish in the
management system to the new scenario of Atlantic (EU 2014b).
the landing obligation. This extremely impor- The real problem of the de minimis flexibility
tant and delicate question is addressed in is its use as “combined de minimis,” a practice
Chapter 14. started by Member States that the Commission
has not found a legal basis to reject. In short, the
combined de minimis means that the percentage
The flexibility mechanisms
of discarding is calculated against the combined
quota of a number of stocks. As a result, a per-
The CFP, like most management systems in
centage of discarding of 5%, when calculated
the world, has a number of flexibility mech-
against several combined quotas, can result in
anisms to allow a smooth implementation of
percentages of discarding for certain stocks very
a non-discard policy. This, however, does not
much in excess of 5%. Theoretically (and per-
mean that such mechanisms will be enough
haps in practice?) the combined de minims can
to cater for all the possible cases of choke
allow, for certain stocks, an actual increase in
species. While many fisheries may find ade-
quate solutions with these mechanisms, there
This poses a fundamental question: if this
is no guarantee that all fisheries will.
combined de minimis is questioned, and the
At this juncture, it is important to bear in
quota swap system is not improved, the imple-
mind that the philosophy of the legislator
mentation of the LO under relative stability
in 2013 was that discards should be reduced
will be practically impossible in a number of
as much as possible through various means,
cases. If it is not questioned, a number of stocks
and notably by fishing more selectively and
that the flexibility mechanisms were neces- could still sustain high levels of discarding,
sary only to address those cases where, after and the credibility of the policy would suffer
such reductions, there would be a residual considerably as a result.
level of inevitable discards. It is important Overall, the combined de minimis, although
therefore to consider that these mechanisms theoretically not excluded by the legal texts, is
were intended only to deal with a “residual” incompatible with a serious implementation of
problem, not with the main one. the LO. Its use by Member States only shows
Beyond the quota swap system that can pro- the failure of the EU quota swap market and the
vide certain flexibility to address the problem failure of relative stability to evolve. Only if the
of relative stability and choke species, the basic latter are addressed will it be possible to rule out
regulation includes several mechanisms of flexi- the “combined de minimis” as what it really is: a
bility, on the understanding that the discard ban desperate, false solution.
would be in some circumstances extremely dif-
ficult to apply at 100%. The survival exemption
Article 15 of Regulation 1380/2013 allows an
The de minimis allowance exemption to the landing obligation for species
A case in hand is the discard plan for the having a “high survival” when discarded. This
Mediterranean applicable for 2015. Here, and exemption has already been used in some of the
The landing obligation 125

current discard plans. An example is Norway and (ii) that the stock with a quota shortage is
lobster in south western waters (EU 2015c). The not outside safe biological limits.
problem with this exemption is that the rate of This mechanism is potentially very useful
survival to the catch and discard is very diffi- to provide much-needed flexibility in terms
cult to estimate, and certainly variable in dif- of mitigating choke species effects. In fact, a
ferent circumstances. Theoretically, many fish similar mechanism is used in Iceland, where
species can survive discarding under certain cir- over-quota catches of all stocks (except cod)
cumstances, making these provisions a potential can be counted against other quotas, according
excuse to undermine the principle of banning to the “cod-equivalent” formula.
discards. Recent studies however have signifi- Scientific studies have indicated that a flex-
cantly constrained the extension of the problem ible system like this can indeed have benefits,
(Morfin et al. 2017). notably in terms of the economic performance
The difficulties associated with this mech- of the fleets. In the cod/saithe fishery in the
anism are those of a very loosely defined North Sea, providing for this inter-species
principle (how high is “high survivability”?) to flexibility is expected to provide a significant
be applied on very inconsistent scientific advice. improvement in economic performance. Fail-
This provides a lot of room for maneuver, but ing to use such flexibility results in a reduction
also a lot of room to question whatever the of 29% in net profits, thus providing little
decision made. Inevitably, decisions on high incentive for compliance (Simons et al. 2015).
survival have to be done on a case-by-case In practice, this mechanism has been used
basis (Rihan et al. 2019). The situation is made only once, according to the European Commis-
further complicated by the very different results sion services.
obtained in similar fisheries, but also for the
different levels of discarding, which makes a Ex-ante and ex-post quota
given percentage of survival to discarding very adjustments: banking and borrowing
different in terms of the overall amount of fish The mechanism for banking and borrowing
that is caught and thrown back dead to the sea quotas from two consecutive years, up to a
(EU 2017). maximum of 10% is actually not a new mech-
Overall, a way forward to implement this pro- anism. This allows counting quota overshots
vision is to combine the estimated percentage against the quota of the following year, as well
of survival with the total proportion of discards: as saving unused quotas from one year to the
a low survival rate in a fishery with low dis- next one. In fact, the old regulation on inter-
cards will produce a very limited amount of fish annual quota flexibility has applied for many
discarded and dead and could be considered years: Regulation 847/96 (EU 1996). The nov-
more acceptable than a case of higher survival elty it provides is that the quotas which were
but with a very high level of total discarding, subject to penalization are now acceptable to
resulting in a more significant total amount of the level of 10%.
fish being discarded and dying. This mechanism also exists in other coun-
tries, and it is generally recognized as providing
useful flexibility in some cases. However, such
The cross-reporting of catches mechanisms cannot resolve certain questions:
Another mechanism of flexibility in Article 15 in particular, when relative stability is very
of Regulation 1380/2013 is the possibility for unbalanced, the banking and borrowing will
Member States to count catches of a stock for not solve the problem, at best it will displace
which they have no quota, against the quota of it to the following year and, depending upon
another stock. This is subject to two conditions: the annual circumstances, it may in some cases
(i) that full transparency is provided to ensure even aggravate the problem of choke species in
there is no confusion in real catches by stock; the mid and long term.
126 Chapter 6

Other possible elements According to Borges (2018), of the 40, 64,

of flexibility and 88 TACs under the LO between 2015
and 2017 respectively, around 30% (primarily
Beyond the elements of flexibility incorporated demersal stocks) were increased in 2016–2017
into the basic regulation, other mechanisms of to account for the LO and, of these, 10 TACs
the CFP can be used to reduce in some cases the were set above landings advice before any
most undesirable choke species’ effects. adjustments were made. The author concludes
that the LO is likely to have contributed to TAC
TAC uplifts increases above the maximum advised catch in
An immediate solution to this problem, that has 2016 and, particularly, 2017.
already been implemented, is the concept of Overall, these quota uplifts have the merit
TAC top-ups or uplifts, that is, additional TACs of providing compensation that, presumably,
that account for fish that used to be caught facilitates the implementation of the discard
and discarded and that, on implementing the ban, but in a context where the enforcement of
landing obligation, would be landed without the ban is still in its infancy, the net effects are
increase in the total fishing mortality. The idea less clear. If the ultimate goal of the discard ban
of these is to increase the TACs as a propor- was, as the Commission originally intended,
tion of the estimated level of discards in the to change the way our fishermen fish, toward
fishery, so that the revised TACs would be the more selective fishing, and apply the landing
sum of what is normally landed plus what is obligation to the remaining unwanted catches,
normally discarded. These have been applied one can cast serious doubts as to whether the
in the first years of the phase-in. Theoretically, quota top-ups really provide an incentive to
this should result in “fishing mortality-neutral” change fishing practice, but rather contribute
TACs. This solution is of course well-received to make business as usual easier.
from the industry. It is probably premature to This instrument can provide a solution in
evaluate the effects of its application. However, some cases where the target species, in par-
a number of concerns have emerged: ticular, may be exhausted relatively soon in
• The top-ups are estimated by science on the the year while quotas of by-catch species are
basis of existing data. But these data do not still available. As such, it can certainly provide
anticipate future increases in selectivity, nor much needed flexibility. Quota uplifts, on the
do they take account of different discard contrary, cannot solve the problem of choke
levels by different operators in the same species due to relative stability. For Member
fishery. The quota top-ups may give higher States with very low or even zero quotas of
quotas even to those whose discards were some of their choke species, the quota uplifts
not so high. hardly make a difference, because an uplift of,
• The fact of basing top-ups on estimated dis- say, 10% makes little difference for those with
cards can act as a disincentive to reduce dis- very low quotas, and makes no difference at all
carding through technical means: the higher for Member States with zero quotas.
the discards, the higher the quota top-ups. In addition, while the first quota uplifts were
• Ultimately, this may be a partial solution to associated with certain measures, such as the
the question of TAC levels, but certainly not use of CCTV cameras (thus increasing the level
to the choke species problems as related to of information about real catches) some quota
quota allocation; these top-ups are allocated uplifts in recent years have been adopted with-
among Member States according to relative out any compensation. They have meant a net
stability, so for example when and where increase in fishing mortality without any advan-
a Member State does not have a quota of tage in terms of better enforcement or better
a certain stock, any quota top-up to a zero information about what happens in the fishing
national quotum is still a zero quotum. grounds.
The landing obligation 127

It is also important to understand that these most realistic scenario in the short to mid-term
quota uplifts are nowhere to be found in Reg- is to do what part of the European industry
ulation 1380/2013, and are applied by Council has referred to as “working in the fringes of
alone in the context of the annual TAC and relative stability” that is, to leave the basic allo-
quota exercise. This is politically significant cation keys unchanged, but to introduce some
because it is an element of policy flexibility that marginal elements of flexibility around these
the European Parliament did not agree to, and keys to provide for much-needed flexibility to
has no power to question. This certainly adds resolve the choke species effects generated by
to the lack of trust between the two institutions the allocation of TACs into national quotas.
when it comes to the management plans.

“Others” quota for by-catch only

Reducing minimum conservation
reference sizes? In some cases, choke species effects may be
This is a tempting idea: in theory, by reducing avoided by adding a relatively small number
the minimum catch size, fishers can land and of by-catch quotas. These would be based on
sell for human consumption a higher per- scientific estimates of inevitable by-catch levels
centage of the small fish that they inevitably in certain areas, when and where at least some
catch under current rules. This has been done Member States have no quota.
for example with cod in the Baltic, where a For example, Regulation 2016/2285 on bian-
reduction from 38 to 35 cm was adopted with nual TACs for deep sea stocks (EU 2016) estab-
the purpose of allowing the marketing of cod lishes quotas for “others” only as by-catch, for
between 35 and 38 cm, in a context where black scabbardfish in ICES areas V, VI, VII, and
increases in selectivity were considered difficult XII. The same applies to roundnose grenadier in
(EU 2014c). ICES areas Vb, VI and VII and red seabream in
This resulted in decreased selectivity by ICES areas VI, VII, and VIII.
incentivizing commercialization of smaller In the general TAC regulation for 2017 (EU
size eastern cod, while there was no apparent 2017) there are also other precedents:
reduction in discard rates (ICES 2017). This • “Others” quotas (as by-catch) are set in tusk
ran counter to the idea of the legislators about (Union waters of ICES IV), blue ling in ICES
the need for increasing selectivity in order to Vb, VI, and VII, as well as in international
facilitate the implementation of the landing waters of ICES XII, and in ICES areas II and
obligation. IV, ling in ICES I and II. In cod in areas I and
II, the quota table includes more specifically
Working on the fringes of relative a quota for “other Member States” and even
stability? this quota is subject to an allowance for up to
Relative stability is a well-consolidated princi- 14% by-catches of haddock.
ple, with ample political support and favorable • In the Northeast Atlantic Fishery Organisa-
case law from the European Court of Jus- tion (NAFO) area, the quota table for Amer-
tice. However, as we approach the “perfect ican plaice establishes a zero TAC for the
storm” referred to above, the case for a certain Union, corresponding to a “no directed fish-
adjustment to certain aspects starts to become ery” approach, but the quota table goes on
much more an issue than was the case ever the allow for a “maximum of 1250 kg or 5%,
before. whichever is the greatest,” as by-catch. A
A fully-fledged revamping of relative stability similar approach applies to yellowtail floun-
would be a daunting, highly political task that der under a zero quota for the Union (2500 kg
cannot be done in the short term and outside or 10% whichever is higher as by-catch) and
a major framework of policy reform. We will again a similar approach applies to capelin
refer to this in Chapter 14. For this reason, the and Northern prawn.
128 Chapter 6

In addition, in the general TAC regulation for the EU to reconsider its internal allocation key
2018 (EU 2018a), both bluefin tuna and sword- to increase its efficient consumption. We will
fish in the North Atlantic have an “other” quota look into this question in Chapter 14.
available, only as by-catch, to Member States
not having a quota of their own, and in the Other possible mechanisms
bi-annual TAC regulation for deep sea stocks Eliminating TACs
(EU 2016), there are unallocated, “others” quo- We referred to this possibility already in
tas (only as by-catch) for black scabbardfish, Chapter 4. Although eliminating a TAC for the
roundnose grenadier and red seabream. sole purpose of facilitating the landing obliga-
These examples show how today’s relative tion does not seem a very good idea, it is true
stability already has a number of “others” that the value of certain TACs for the overall
quotas or by-catch quotas that constitute a conservation policy is very limited, and the
precedent showing that this kind of approach elimination of a certain number of these TACs
could be considered in a number of cases to may not have significant effects on the general
take account of by-catches in a way that does status of EU stocks. If and when decisions to
not undermine the principle. eliminate some TACs are taken for the purpose
of simplifying the policy, these will have as a
Quota top-ups not allocated according side effect the facilitation of the implementation
to relative stability of the landing obligation.
This is an idea initially considered in the frame- A recent report by ICES6 has established that
work of the 2013 reform trilogue. The idea the removal of a TAC for seven stocks in EU
would be to consider some top-ups that would waters would imply a “low risk of these stocks
be allocated to those Member States not having being exploited unsustainably.” This is clearly
quotas of such stocks, in cases where such an open door to the possibility of revising the
by-catches were unavoidable. This was actually list of species subject to TACs.
not fundamentally different from the previous
Prohibited species list
solution, except in that there was a recognition
This possibility has also been floated: by con-
of the need to apply a different relative stability
sidering a choke species as a protected one, its
for the top-ups. For this very reason, it was not
retention on board would be banned and thus
would be discarded legally. Obviously, this kind
These examples clearly show that the use of
of measure would not be an incentive to avoid
by-catch quotas is a relatively common feature
catching the species concerned in the first place,
within the current context, so there is no fun-
and would correspond to an undue use of a
damental problem in suggesting that this kind
mechanism intended to protect endangered
of solution could be extended to other stocks
species such as marine mammals or certain
where scientific data show a certain level of
species of sharks. Using such a mechanism
inevitable by-catches.
for mainstream fish species would seriously
undermine the credibility of the policy and
Small adjustments to some relative
will, again, run counter to the intention of the
stability keys
policy to reduce unwanted catches as much as
This would be by far the most far-reaching
possible through avoidance measures.
instrument, but it cannot be overruled alto-
gether. The author has explained already (Penas Managing fisheries by fishing effort
Lado 2016) how the relative stability key for The use of fishing effort management as the
blue whiting was re-negotiated in December main management instrument would certainly
2005, as a result of an external factor: the
negotiation of a new TAC and allocation by the 6

coastal States of the North East Atlantic, forcing Advice/2018/Special_requests/eu.2018.24.pdf/

The landing obligation 129

contribute to eliminate part of the choke species extensive report on the improvement of selec-
problem. The question is analyzed in Chapter 7. tivity to contribute to this purpose. But the
question is just not about technical measures
(EU 2018b). A study commissioned by the
Implementing the landing European Parliament (EU 2015d) based on the
obligation in practice case of plaice in the Baltic Sea (a well-known
choke species in the demersal fishery) con-
The political drive to adopt the policy in cluded that a series of different measures can
2013 was stronger than the knowledge and contribute to minimize choke species effects.
experience necessary to ensure it could be The measures include (not surprisingly): (i) a
implemented smoothly in the real world (Penas national redistribution of quotas and (ii) inter-
Lado 2016). That task was – on purpose – left national quota swaps to solve the choke effects
for implementation. This raises the question of as a result of allocation; also (i) the improve-
the practicality of the implementation of this ment of selectivity and (ii) spatial–temporal
policy under the specific conditions imposed in avoidance to solve the problem at the level
Article 15 of Regulation 1380/2013. An analysis of TACs. Meaningfully, the study recognized
of this question has been done by Borges and that all potential solutions to the choke species
Penas (2019). problem will have economic consequences,
Despite the likely practical difficulties, it primarily for the fisher, but also for the retailer,
seems clear that in political terms there seems consumer, and the society at large.
to be no way back on the development of a This implies that over and beyond the tech-
no-discard policy as a central element of the nical solutions (which we will review below)
CFP. However, the specific rules may be subject there is a fundamental challenge to be met: that
to continuous evaluation. Certain authors have of making solutions to the choke species prob-
signaled that no-discard policies need a gradual lem economically acceptable for the economic
approach of learning by practice (Johnsen and stakeholders at large. This will in fact require an
Eliasen 2011). In fact, it is extremely difficult, evolution of the governance culture in the CFP,
if not impossible, to get a new policy right in as we will discuss in Chapter 9.
just one go. Learning from experience as imple-
mentation takes place remains an unavoidable Technical measures and the landing
feature of good policy making. And for that, obligation
ensuring adequate monitoring of what hap- In Chapter 4 we examined the question of how
pens, and what is the effect of the different associated species can be dissociated in practice.
measures taken, should remain a fundamental We can draw on those elements here to discuss
priority for the years to come. how much the question of unintended catches
of undesired fish can be mitigated, if not com-
By-catch avoidance: mitigation pletely eliminated. The very philosophy of the
The philosophy of the discard ban was that the discard ban, as expressed by the Commission,
thrust of the effort should be placed in avoid- was to reduce as much as possible the catching
ing undesired catches in the first place. During of unwanted fish through increasingly selective
the discussions on the reform, phrases like: “to fishing, so that the real ban on discard would
avoid discarding, avoid catching the undesired apply to a much smaller fraction of total catches
fish in the first place” became mantra. The ques- as compared with today’s levels of discarding.
tion is, then, how can the industry avoid catch- The scientific literature refers to many cases
ing the undesired fish in the first place? And to where different technical measures have suc-
what extent? cessfully reduced levels of discarding, although
The Scientific, Technical and Economics of course results are very variable (Graham
Committee for Fisheries (STECF) has made an et al. 2007).
130 Chapter 6

A very good review of existing mitigation as a test of how a fleet information system,
methods was compiled by O’Keefe et al. (2014). providing the skipper with information about
The authors conclude that although a num- hotspots of unwanted species can allow skip-
ber of schemes were successful in reducing pers to make a better plan for the selective
by-catch, most reported unanticipated results fishery based on more qualified information
related to shifts in fishing effort, changes in (Eliasen 2014). Hence the kind of collabora-
catch of non-target species, reduced catch of tive approach that clearly emerges is the most
target species and socio-economic impacts to effective one for the implementation of a new
fishing fleets. This was largely the result of lim- policy objective, and also underlines the need
ited knowledge of the effects of these schemes, for testing of new approaches to make the CFP
and the authors recommended more research adaptive to new challenges.
in this area. In any case, the study found that The big question, therefore, is how the above
a combination of mitigation measures would scheme could be implemented in practice, and
be more effective than any single one, and whether it could be implemented under the
emphasized the value of cooperative solutions current governance system. The high contri-
among fishers, scientists, and managers as the bution foreseen for avoidance and selectivity
most effective way to reduce by-catches. must be seen in this context: will the tradi-
The analysis of the mitigation measures that tional approach on technical measures allow
we have seen in Chapter 4 leads to the conclu- for such a fundamental contribution? Or will
sion that there seem to be two main approaches more innovative approaches, like the two men-
for mitigating the undesired by-catches and thus tioned above, involving fundamental changes
facilitate a no-discard policy: real time closures in governance be necessary?
and incentive-based increases in selectivity. The question is not even new, or a direct
Both approaches have been successful in re- result of the 2013 reform. It is important to
ducing by-catch in other countries when imple- note that, already in 2011, the North Sea
mented in a flexible way that allows for full Regional Advisory Council (NSRAC) examined
industry collaboration. These two instruments, the regime applicable to the real-time closures
however, have a problem in the CFP: they in the CFP, and found it confusing and devoid
require a kind of governance that departs signif- of guarantees of success. Consequently, they re-
icantly from the tradition for detailed and pre- quested a dedicated research project to test such
scriptive regulatory approaches of the CFP, that a system and evaluate its effects (Anon. 2011).
apply even to the regionalized decision making. This fact is very meaningful: the industry
examined the possibility of using an instrument
Can the industry do it? for which the CFP provided a legal basis, but
Implementation of these two approaches, how- they hesitated to use it because of the lack of
ever, is not necessarily incompatible with the evaluation of its practicality. This implies that
legal basis of the CFP. Rather, it represents a for the CFP to be able to adopt solutions to
kind of de-centralized governance, with full the many challenges ahead, it needs to give
involvement by the industry that will require itself the means to test new policy and manage-
a new, bold, and creative approach. Whether ment approaches, and to do so in cooperation
such an approach will ever be possible under with the industry to ensure that these new
the CFP, this author will contend, it is not a approaches can make headway if they demon-
legal problem. It is one of political will and strate their value at test level. We will look at
courage to question our own approach, learn this question in Chapter 8.
from our own shortcomings and involve the In the current context, there has been one
industry beyond national perspectives. main case where the industry has taken impor-
In this sense, the recent experience of the cod tant steps toward adapting their fishing prac-
avoidance plan in Kattegat is very important, tice to implement the LO: the Swedish demersal
The landing obligation 131

fleet.7 However, it is important to understand coordination between stakeholders; and cau-

that this has been done largely as the result of tion about the ecological cost of landing discards
a very strong pressure by the Swedish govern- (Garcia-Rivera et al. 2015).
ment on their own industry, a kind of pressure This is one of the main reasons why, as we
that is difficult to see in other Member States. will see in subsequent chapters, the implemen-
tation of the CFP requires the further develop-
The need for collaborative solutions ment of collaborative approaches to implement
From the above elements there is perhaps one the main policy objectives in the real world.
conclusion that stands out: the problem of
discard has so many causes, so many different Controlling the landing obligation
manifestations and drivers in different circum- The control and enforcement of a non-discard
stances, that it is very difficult to see how any policy is not straightforward. This question,
given set of measures can offer a universal solu- however, received limited attention when the
tion. At the end, discard avoidance boils down discard ban was adopted: is it possible to control
to individual skipper behavior, taking into it? And if so, at what cost? As Penas Lado (2016)
account all the regulatory, economic, and even explained, during the 2013 reform process the
educational elements involved. This means question of control was not addressed since a
that ultimately the problem of discards requires major revamping of the EU fisheries control
in practice very different and case-specific regulation had taken place not long before (EU
approaches. 2009b). This meant that the question of the
This does not mean that policy objectives in controllability of the LO provisions was not
hard law are not appropriate, but rather that addressed.
these policy objectives should allow for case- The discard ban will increase the need for ade-
specific flexibility, both in terms of the level of quate control of the fishing activity in the EU. As
ambition and, specially, in terms of the specific Condie et al. (2014) have summarized:
means to implement them in practice. In other Catch quotas and a discard ban create strong
words, the implementation of a successful incentives for more selective fishing practices, but
discard ban policy requires what Eliasen et al. also for non-compliance with full documenta-
(2014) call a “selective behavior” in fishers. tion of catches. A high level of monitoring and
enforcement will be required to ensure that fish-
Such behavior is impossible to regulate, so
ers improve profitability through more selective
instead of trying to legislate all the minutiae of
fishing practices rather than illegal discarding.
skipper’s behavior, it seems preferable to work
out collaborative approaches with the industry Existing methods to control this policy are
where the right incentives may be identified generally expensive and labor intensive, and
and used. cannot necessarily be applied to all vessels
Other studies, already based on the emerg- concerned:
ing experience, point at the still high level • Observers on board can be very effective,
of discards in the Mediterranean, found that but they are expensive and applicable only
the existing regulation has more weaknesses to vessels beyond a certain size. It is diffi-
and threats than strengths and opportunities, cult to see this solution applied to the EU’s
and recommended that the governing system thousands of vessels.
should take into consideration the contex- • CCTV cameras can also be effective, but they
tualization of discard management according also require significant manpower (to revise
to the specific characteristics of each métier; the footage produced by the cameras) and
are effective only in low-diversity fisheries.
7 In addition, the experience shows that this
together-to-address-challenges-in-swedish- technology is strongly opposed as a matter of
fisheries/ principle in a number of Member States.
132 Chapter 6

The EU control agency, European Fisheries reporting responsibilities and are generally
Control Agency (EFCA), has been developing believed to have a significant deterrent
methodologies to control the landing obliga- effect on discarding. Their effect is primarily
tion, notably on landing. Overall, the methods deterrence. Their reports on compliance
exist, and the financing through the European are reviewed in regional headquarters and
Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) too. In that can lead to consequences for the vessel
principle there seems to be no excuse, and the captain and crew. Observers cannot stop
measure should be adequately enforced. But is unpermitted processes or do other enforce-
this going to be the case? ment except through reporting. In some
The experience of the first stages of the cases, observers are paid by the industry.
implementation is not impressive. The attitude • In Canada, a number of fisheries are subject
of public administrations so far has been largely to control through CCTV cameras. The case
one of “wait and see” the effects of the land- of the Canadian Pacific groundfish fishery is
ing obligation before taking enforcement too of particular interest: in some fleet segments,
seriously. Certain national administrations con- on-board monitoring reaches 100% of the
sidered, at the beginning of the implementation operators. Importantly, observers are paid for
of this measure that they should be “controlling by the vessel owners.
but not enforcing.” That is, the implementation It is noteworthy that in some of the above
was being monitored, but no sanctions were countries the definition of the discard policy
being imposed on violators. objectives is much less strict than in the EU.
This may be a reasonable attitude at the first As we saw above, the case of the US is prag-
stages of implementation of a new policy before matic: “reducing by-catch as much as possible.”
its real effects are fully grasped. However, this This is a national guideline and regulations
cannot continue forever. At a certain stage, if are more specific and stricter for some fishery
the landing obligation continues to be “con- management plans. Overall, the objectives
trolled but not enforced” the measure itself, are seriously enforced at least for the most
and by extension the reformed CFP would be important fisheries.
seriously undermined. In contrast, the EU policy, at least in these
initial stages, seems to respond to the opposite
The experience of third countries approach: very rigid and ambitious policy objec-
The experience of countries having applied this tive, but general inability to take enforcement
type of policy is very varied: seriously. This is a fundamental point for reflec-
• In Norway the control is assured by 15 tion in the context of future policy discussions.
inspection vessels conducting c. 2000 inspec-
tions per year. As a result, according to Controlling the LO in the EU
Gullestad et al. (2015), half a dozen captains/ In the EU, the above solutions are not used yet.
companies are fined every year. Beyond This is related to a certain number of problems
these figures, the Norwegian enforcement for the time being:
of the discard ban is generally perceived as • The idea of extensive use of observers (even
weak. more so if paid for by the industry itself)
• In the US west coast, the main instrument is very far from being acceptable. This may
to control the discard objectives is the use of largely be the result of the lack of “owner-
observers on board. In Alaska, some fisheries ship” by the industry of the discard policy,
have a 100% observer coverage. While cov- and also due to the lack of “culture” of
erage is different for different fisheries, these cost-recovery in Europe, which makes this
observers have a clear mandate to monitor notion extremely difficult to incorporate in
and report discards. They are not scientific the short term. Importantly, there cannot be
observers: they actually have compliance a strong economic argument: EMFF provides
The landing obligation 133

for abundant funds to finance control means, over time. The credibility of the measure, and
and the level of financing is actually higher even the 2013 CFP reform as a whole, will be
than what Member States thought they could largely dependent upon the real application and
spend, so there is no shortage of money. enforcement of this provision in practice.
• The use of CCTV cameras is strongly opposed The methodology exists, and even if the
by some national administrations, some control means it will continue being paid for by
of which argue they are against principles taxpayers’ money, funds for control purposes
enshrined in their national constitution. This, are certainly not in short supply. As I advocate
however, tends to sound as an excuse more in different parts of this book, not all fisheries
than a reason and, if the right incentives have to be subject to the same level of coverage
are there, one can wonder whether such simultaneously. Implementation can also be
considerations would be put on the table. subject to testing and to gradual introduction,
Despite the above difficulties, observers with well-known methodologies (observers
and cameras will sooner or later have to be and CCTV cameras) in selected fisheries where
tested. The methodologies developed by the the industry can accept a high level of enforce-
EFCA are fundamentally a system to identify ment in exchange for some kind of quota-based
potential offenders, and it is therefore more incentive. Again, the CFP has to break the
useful as a tool for risk assessment than one for deadlock of the “all or nothing” approach on
effective enforcement. The discard policies are control too, with testing being developed for
extremely difficult to enforce effectively with- the most willing, or for those with the highest
out some kind of monitoring of what happens discard problem to resolve.
on board the fishing vessel. If the CFP wants to The recent proposal to update the 2009
be credible in enforcing this policy, this question control regulation (EU 2018c) provides for the
will have to be addressed at some stage. elements to control the landing obligation. In
So far, the control of the discard ban has doing so, it will remove the excuse that this
been subject to much methodological study and objective came after the last revamping of the
discussion led by the EFCA. And the legal pro- control measures, so the latter do not allow for
visions to control this new policy are gradually adequate enforcement of the LO. It is an open
being introduced in the legal basis of EFCA’s question how many of these elements will be
Joint Deployment Plans: the so-called SCIPs incorporated into the final regulation which is
(Specific Common Inspection Programmes). at present being discussed by the EU legislators.
However, the practical implementation is still In any case, the CFP should ensure that the
at a very early stage. discard ban is credibly monitored and enforced.
Serious enforcement of the discard ban, based But that also means that the discard ban must
on intensive on-board monitoring, seems to be be proportionate and reasonable, and will not
the most effective option, but it is expensive cause excessive economic disturbance to the
and in Europe today does not seem to have fleets concerned. The worst possible scenario,
the industry’s agreement, let alone enthusiasm. to be avoided by all means, is one where the
Good enforcement will only be possible if and policy “looks” strict but due to its undesirable
when the policy itself is better tailored to the economic consequences for certain fleets it is
real problems on the fishing grounds through a then not seriously enforced by national agen-
more collaborative approach with the industry. cies. Experience has shown many times that
At this point in time, however, it is premature when regulations are not well-designed, they
to evaluate the level of control of the landing end up not being well enforced. This author
obligation. The fact that it is a new policy that is would argue that it will be much better for the
still in its phase-in period, does not make this a landing obligation and the CFP in general, to
top priority for the national inspection systems ensure that its rules are flexible enough to be
of Member States. However, this should change applicable in practice, rather than keeping their
134 Chapter 6

strictness on paper and then failing to enforce are eating, that offers the best opportunities to
them in the fishing grounds. introduce certain species in the human con-
sumption market. Europe consumes significant
What to do with unwanted fish? amounts of hoki (Macruronus novaezelandiae)
One of the practical difficulties in implementing from New Zealand without ever knowing what
the discard ban is the lack of alternatives, partic- the fish looks like.
ularly in small ports, for any unwanted fish that Interesting examples are being developed.
have to be landed against the initial interest of For example, the fishing company Nordic Wild-
the fishermen. While in large ports, particularly fish has been assisting in the development of
those close to a fishmeal factory can find eas- a new technology that can make use of all
ily non-human consumption markets for their by-products from whitefish such as cod, pol-
unwanted fish, this kind of solution is not avail- lock, and haddock. Instead of discarding the
able in smaller ports and in ports of the Mediter- heads, guts, and the rest of the fish, they can all
ranean, where there are no fishmeal plants. It is be incorporated into a hydrolysis process that
necessary to find practical solutions applicable separates the bones, leaving a kind of “soup” to
in these places. which enzymes can be added and valuable oils
and proteins extracted.
What is “unwanted” fish? In the US Alaska region fisheries, some ves-
The very notion of “unwanted” fish is very vari- sels are being retrofitted to incorporate on-
able geographically and even in a given place, it board plants to produce fish meal and oil from
also varies with time, as new species and prod- hitherto discarded fish. As fish oil and fish meal
ucts are gradually incorporated into the main- prices rise, and in a context of a full-retention
stream consumption patterns. no-discard policy, the idea of using all catches
Geographically, the differences are striking. to produce valuable products clearly gains
While in the Mediterranean Sea many species momentum. As an example, the vessel Star-
can be sold for direct human consumption as bound, built in 1989 to fish for Alaskan pollock,
consumers accept a wide variety of species, in was retrofitted by adding 20 m of additional
other parts of the world (including Europe) the hull space for a fishmeal fish oil on-board pro-
diversity of species on offer is rather low despite cessing plant (Anon 2016). This was motivated
the thriving fisheries in their coast. by regulation requiring improved retention and
All this implies that in many areas there is a utilization.
considerable potential to enlarge the range of There are also very creative solutions. The
species subject to consumption and therefore fishery for pollock in Alaska has a low level of
having a market value. by-catch, but these include salmon and halibut,
highly-valued species that the fleet concerned
New uses of low-value fish cannot catch because they are designated as
This is an area where considerable progress prohibited species for that fishery. The North
has been achieved, although this is not nec- Pacific Fishery Management Council has initi-
essarily obvious for the consumer. Here again, ated a voluntary scheme whereby the pollock
geographical differences are striking: a fish like fishermen concerned have a choice: the salmon
blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou), used for and halibut caught can be either discarded, or
fish meal or for surimi in some European coun- kept and frozen on board and later delivered
tries, is highly appreciated for direct human to a food bank, free of charge. This implies that
consumption after very simple treatment (gut- they would freeze the fish on board but would
ting and heading) in some southern European not obtain any benefit from it (Dave Fluharty,
markets. But it is perhaps the development of personal communication).
“fish fingers,” surimi or similar products, where FAO has looked into this question in its last
consumers are not aware what species they report on the state of the world fisheries and
The landing obligation 135

aquaculture (FAO 2014) and has described All the above examples, and many others
a wide range of possible uses of low-value, developed in recent times (Iñarra et al. 2019)
unwanted fish or even fish trimmings: show that there is no shortage of ideas on what
• Salmon trimmings have been used for differ- to do with fishery by-products. And, under the
ent purposes, partially for human consump- EMFF, there is certainly no shortage of public
tion and the rest for animal feed ingredients. funds to help either.
• The tuna industry is successfully using fish
trimmings from canneries. The dark meat is The need for monitoring
used for pet food, the oil is used in various At this point time it is difficult to foresee how
industries and other by-products are used the discard issue will evolve in the CFP. It is
for the food industry to fortify of bread and important to underline the crucial importance
yogurt for example. The cooking juice of the of monitoring what is going on. As a policy,
tuna is also used as a flavoring agent, sauce, the LO has suffered from the beginning from
or condiment. the patchy and incomplete scientific basis to
• In some Asian countries such as Thailand the ensure good decision making. Whatever the
tilapia skin is popular as a snack for human future evolution of the policy, it should clearly
consumption. be based on better information. Now, with the
• Different fishery by-products are used to work of the EU research program DiscardLess
produce animal feed. In small ports, far away and the publication of an excellent book on
from a processing plant, the production the matter (Uhlmann et al. 2019) we are in a
of silage, in relatively simple facilities and much better position than we were when the
cheap storage conditions, allows the use of LO was adopted. And the presumed effects of
fish by-products, to later be transported to the “perfect storm” referred to above should be
processing facilities when enough quantities monitored to ensure a good basis for whatever
have been accumulated. questioning will be made to the 2013 policy.
• Pharmaceuticals and bioactive ingredients This monitoring is important for at least three
are also derived from fishery by-products, reasons:
such as omega-3 or gelatine. • To have a better knowledge of the real discard
Other authors have described numerous uses levels;
for unwanted fish, including oils, enzymes, • To verify the implementation and effects of
flavors, pigments, and other ingredients to be whatever flexibility or allowance mechanism
used in agriculture or pharmaceuticals (Archer is put in place, to evaluate their effect and the
2011). Stewart (2014) recommends six cate- case of their continuity; and
gories of non-food uses: fish meal and oil, bait, • To better understand changes that will occur
ensiling, composting, energy production and as the policy evolves. If the 2013 policy was
rendering. decided somehow blindly, without practical
Europe runs a significant deficit of non-food knowledge of its effects, any future revision
products derived from fish, so the opportunity should be based on better knowledge of what
is there to develop such markets. There are happens in the real world.
of course difficulties, notably related to the This implies inevitably the use of instruments
less than obvious profitability of handling, such as cameras or observers. Over and beyond
transporting, and storing products that would the discussion on the role of such instru-
otherwise have been discarded, particularly in ments (whether they should also contribute to
small ports, but the current structural instru- enforcement) it is just unthinkable that a high-
ment (EMFF8 ) placed a strong emphasis on the profile policy objective like this would be imple-
public support of these initiatives. mented without having the means and methods
to monitor its results. This deficiency is signif-
8 European Maritime and Fisheries Fund. icant and must be remedied in the near future.
136 Chapter 6

Is the landing obligation in the “conservation credit” scheme shows that

economically viable? possible economic downsides can be compen-
sated by appropriate incentives (O’Neill et al.
Beyond controllability, the real question is 2014).
whether certain EU fisheries, especially those These discrepancies show that the economic
with a high level of discards and techni- effects of the implementation of the discard ban
cal difficulty to improve selectivity, can survive will be very variable, depending on a series of
economically in the new context. As mentioned factors that are associated to the characteristics
above, a recent study (Hoff et al. 2019) casts a of the fishery as well as those of their markets:
rather pessimistic outlook about this question, • It is to be expected that bottom trawl fish-
indicating that in general terms the industry eries will have the biggest economic problem.
will be worse off applying the landing obligation Their unselective nature makes these fish-
than they would be otherwise. eries particularly vulnerable to the effects of
Perhaps there is no better example of this choke species.
than the North Sea flatfish fishery, conducted by • Fisheries that take place far away from their
the Netherlands and Belgium, which encapsu- home ports are likely to suffer more. The
lates the real problem with no-discard policies: number of days of steaming to and back from
the net used by these vessels (in the North Sea the fishing grounds (these days implying
south of parallel 56 degrees N), of 80 mm in high running costs and no income) require
the cod-end is necessary to catch sole, the main that the vessels fill their holds only with
commercial species, that has a streamlined high-value fish. The obligation to keep on
body that allows it to escape nets of larger sizes. board and fill the vessel holds with low-value
But this net also captures very large amounts fish unintendedly caught can reduce the
of plaice, species of lower commercial value profitability of the fishing trip.
having a less streamlined body, and whose • Fisheries in Member States with a very
small individuals are retained by the 80 mm imbalanced relative stability, that is, where
cod-end to a substantial degree. To conduct a the fishing rights are very different from the
viable fishery for sole, these fleets inevitably real catch composition of their vessels will
catch large amounts of small plaice that have have difficulties. In addition, fleets segments
little or no market value and have traditionally in Member States where there is no effec-
been discarded in large amounts. Both species tive market mechanism to exchange quotas
are technically difficult to dissociate in the among different fleets are likely to suffer
catch, so implementation of the discard ban on more.
this fleet would result in large catches of small, • In fisheries conducted from small, isolated
low-value plaice which would accompany the ports it is more difficult to develop alter-
catches of sole. Consequently, the plaice quota native markets for the unwanted and the
would quickly be used up with low value undersized fish.
fish, and the fishery would have to be closed In any case, in the European context it is
before the sole quota is used. This is clearly difficult to determine the level of economic
uneconomical. Little wonder the Dutch fishing difficulty that the full implementation of the
industry concerned is among the most vocal of landing obligation will imply. Perhaps the best
those opposing the discard ban. study on this is a very recent one by Seafish for
Not all the forecasts are negative, however. In the specific case of the UK fleet (Russell et al.
some cases, the discard ban is seen as an oppor- 2017). According to different bio-economic
tunity to increase the amount of fish landed and models tested, it seems there will be relatively
to use the extra landings to open up new market little choke species effect until 2019. But that
opportunities (Leitao and Baptista 2017). And year, when all regulated stocks will be subject to
the experience of the Scottish fleet participating the discard ban, the choke species effect will be
The landing obligation 137

significant in a number of fisheries. In 2019, the However, if and when the practical imple-
Scottish Nephrops fleet is expected to encounter mentation of the landing obligation, as specifi-
a choke point of 43% of the 2015 days at sea, cally set out in Article 15 of Regulation
an average of 38 days per vessel, and the North- 1380/2014 shows that many problems remain
ern Ireland Nephrops trawl fleet is expected to unresolved, and that this results in significant,
encounter a choke point of 6% of the 2015 days negative economic impacts on the European
at sea. These are very precise estimates of the fishing industry, the CFP should have the capac-
number of days that vessels will have to stop ity to learn from the experience and introduce
fishing as a result of choke species. The study, the necessary flexibility to ensure that the main
however, does not consider the extent to which policy core, the substantial reduction of waste
these are the result of the implementation in European fisheries, is resolved in a way
of different measures. Solutions to the choke that is fully compatible with the other policy
species effect are largely lacking and further objectives and with the overall economic health
work on this issue is necessary. of the sector.
The above study focuses on the UK, but other
Member States will encounter similar or even
more acute problems. A case in hand is Spain in
Western waters, which has significant quotas of Andersen, J.L., Nielsen, M., and Lindebo, E. (2009).
Spain’s traditional target species (hake, megrim, Economic gains of liberalising access to fishing quo-
anglerfish) but zero quotas of gadoids (cod, had- tas within the European Union. Marine Policy 33:
dock) that are associated in the catch. In the case 497–503.
of zero quotas, the quota uplifts are not useful. Anderson, J. (2014). Likely economic impacts under
the CFP landings obligation and the challenges that
It is also important to underline that the eco-
lie ahead. Lowell Wakefield Fisheries Symposium Series
nomic difficulties associated with the landing (29): 29.
obligation may be encountered in fleets that Anon (2011). Position paper on the implementation
in principle look similar. Years ago, Sweden of real-time closures. North Sea Regional Advisory
introduced a Nephrops grid that allows high Council 6.
yields of Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) Anon (2016). Making the most of it. Intrafish Fisheries
while avoiding associated fin fish in Kattegat. 55 (12): 14–21.
Archer, M. (2011). Fish waste production in the
The same technical solution was proposed for
United Kingdom. Retrieved from: www.seafish
the Scottish Nephrops fleet. However, for this .org/media/Publications/SR537.pdf/
sector this type of grid was technically possible L. R. Benaka, D. Bullock, J. Davis, E. E. Seney and
but economically not viable because fin fish H. Winarsoo (eds). (2016). U.S. Dep. Commer.,
represent 50% of the revenue of that sector. 90 p. U.S. National By-catch Report, First Edition,
The experience of other countries outside Update 2.
the EU is not necessarily useful for the EU. In Bicknell, A.W.J., Oro, D., Camphuysen, C.J., and
Votier, S.C. (2013). Potential consequences of dis-
particular, the system in the US is less strict than
card reform for seabird communities. Journal of
the one in Europe, to the effect that discards
Applied Ecology 50: 649–658.
are eliminated as much as practicable, which Borges, L. (2015). The evolution of a discard policy in
implies that if certain reductions make the fish- Europe. Fish and Fisheries 16: 534–540.
ery uneconomical, the industry itself can argue Borges, L. (2018). Setting of total allowable catches in
that such reductions are not “practicable.” the 2013 EU common fisheries policy reform: pos-
Ultimately, these real or potential difficulties sible impacts. Marine Policy 91: 97–103.
Borges, L. and Penas, E. (2019). Discards in the com-
are the main challenge to the practical imple-
mon fisheries policy: the evolution of the policy. In:
mentation of the discard ban. If the industry
The European Landing Obligation. Reducing Discards in
sees its implementation as becoming uneco- Complex, Multi-species and Multi-jurisdictional fisheries
nomical, no amount of top–down control will (eds. S. Uhlmann, C. Ulrich and S. Kennelly), 431.
be able to ensure good compliance. Springer Open.
138 Chapter 6

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cards of fish at sea: a review of European pilot of 28 June 2007 on the conclusion of the fish-
projects. Journal of Environmental Management 91: eries partnership agreement between the European
717–723. community on the one hand and the Govern-
Condie, H.M., Catchpole, T.L., and Grant, A. (2014). ment of Denmark and the Home Rule government
The short-term impacts of implementing catch of Greenland, on the other hand. OJEC L172 of
quotas and a discard ban on English North Sea 30.6.2007, p. 1–25.
otter trawlers. ICES Journal of Marine Science 71: EU (2009a). Regulation (EC) no 1069/2009 of the
1266–1276. European parliament and of the Council of 21 Octo-
Crean, K. and Symes, D. (1994). The discards prob- ber 2009 laying down health rules as regards ani-
lem: towards a European solution. Marine Policy mal by-products and derived products not intended
18 (5): 422–434. for human consumption and repealing Regulation
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Historical discarding in Mediterranean fisheries: tion). OJEU L 300 of 14.11.2009, p. 1.
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C. Ulrich and S. Kennelly), 431. Springer Open. (EC) No 1098/2007, (EC) No 1300/2008, (EC) No
Eliasen, S.Q. (2014). Cod avoidance by area regula- 1342/2008 and repealing Regulations (EEC) No
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108–113. EU (2011). Impact assessment concerning the Com-
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Beyond single-stock TACs: the other

instruments of the CFP

Management by single-stock • TACs can be calculated as corresponding to

TACs specific levels of fishing mortality, at least at
the level of single stocks. They are well-suited
The total allowable catch (TAC) system based to implement a conservation policy based on
on single stocks has been the cornerstone of the fishing mortality objectives.
Common Fisheries Policy since 1983 (except in • They are based on the most traditionally
the Mediterranean as we saw in Chapter 5), as available scientific advice, that in most cases
is the case in most fisheries management sys- correspond to single-stock dynamics.
tems around the world. Does this mean that it • Ultimately, they are user-friendly in that they
is the best possible management system? And establish a clear relationship between man-
are they the system that will be best adapted for agement and the expectations of fishermen.
the future challenges of the policy? What are As we saw in the previous chapter, the TACs
the other possible instruments and would they in the CFP were set in 1983 largely as a way to
present advantages to today’s system? allocate fishing rights. Ultimately, this is proba-
bly the main reason why this is, still today, the
prevailing management instrument. However,
The advantages of TAC management these advantages do not imply that the TACs are
The best proof of the merits of single-stock the one and only viable instrument for effective
TACs as the main management instrument in management. In particular, the emphasis on
fisheries is the fact that it is, by far, the most single-stock objectives, mixed with no discard
commonly used instrument around the world. policies produces, in mixed fisheries, the choke
In the CFP, single-stock TACs have a number of species effect that we saw in Chapters 4 and 5.
advantages: In this context, some downsides also become
• They are an ideal instrument to work out apparent.
allocations of fishing rights, in a way that the
industry and national administrations can The limits of TACs as an instrument
easily identify and quantify with economic Despite the above advantages, TACs are not
interests. perfect and, in certain circumstances, may
• They allow a species-specific approach, par- arguably not be the best instruments to ensure
ticularly for weak stocks. This advantage, sound management. In scientific terms, many
however, is questionable in mixed fisheries, contributions underline the caveats of TAC
as we saw in Chapter 4. systems (Kell et al. 2005; Schwach et al. 2007;

Quo Vadis Common Fisheries Policy?, First Edition. Ernesto Penas Lado.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

142 Chapter 7

Baudron et al. 2010). The latter summarize legal basis (Regulation 1380/2013) Article 7
these caveats as follows: provides for a very wide variety of management
• the intrinsic uncertainty in fisheries advice instruments to be used in the CFP: multian-
and the difficulty in providing precise point nual plans, targets for fish conservation and
stock/fishery estimates and reliable TAC environmental impact, incentives (including
advice for most stocks; economic ones) to achieve different targets,
• the political pressure when negotiating measures on TAC allocation, minimum con-
annual TACs, which often results in TACs servation sizes, pilot projects on alternative
not being consistent with scientific advice; management systems, and a wide variety of
• the resistance of the fishing industry to TACs technical conservation measures.
varying significantly between years; Once again, it is not the legal basis that
• the difficulty in achieving single-species establishes the pre-eminence of TACs, it is
objectives in a mixed-fisheries context; and traditional practice. All these other alternative
• the weak linkage between output control mechanisms are there, they can be applied. The
(TAC) and the levels of capacity and effort. question is: should they? Would they provide
In addition, one can add the difficulties of better management, at least in certain cases?
enforcement. After more than 30 years of CFP, The alternative question is: if the CFP has so
the EU institutions themselves still consider that far made very limited use of alternative instru-
TACs are not well-respected, as indicated in var- ments, is this the result of the conviction that
ious EU reports including from the European the existing ones are better, or rather the result
Court of Auditors, including very recent ones of the attachment to the status quo and the high
(EU 2017). If we add the effect of the landing level of policy inertia (see Chapter 1), given the
obligation, requiring the control of the amounts extreme complexity of introducing novelties?
of fish discarded under the different flexibility Let us look at the experience and potential of
mechanisms, the enforcement challenge of the the other instruments of the CFP.
system is enormous.
The Commission itself has been critical with
the TAC system in the past, in particular in the Effort management
context of the preparation of the 2002 reform
(EU 2001). The context was, at the time, that of Fisheries management by effort is an impor-
a strong advocacy by the scientific community tant potential alternative to management by
to use effort management since TACs were not catch quotas. The current legal basis of the CFP
effective in limiting the fishing mortality of the considers effort management as an option and
cod stocks in EU waters. it has always been the preferred option in the
In any case, the above caveats in the TAC Mediterranean. However, the effort manage-
system should be analyzed now under a new ment systems established in parallel to catch
light: that of the new CFP characterized by its limitations in the context of several long-term
three combined elements of individual TACs, management plans adopted since 2004, such as
relative stability and landing obligation. It is in inter alia the cod recovery plan, the southern
this context that the possible use of alternative hake and Nephrops plan or the Baltic cod plan
instruments, at least in certain specific cases, have been eliminated in recent years without
may actually provide the kind of flexibility explanation. Why? This certainly deserves a
that the traditional TAC system cannot provide reflection.
under the CFP after 2013. This author has already argued that the main
difficulty encountered by the effort manage-
Other instruments available ment associated to management plans was that
in the CFP it applied in parallel to TACs, so that if the
TACs have never been the only management effort prevented Member States to fully exploit
instrument available in the CFP. And, in today’s its quotas, then it was perceived as a breach
Beyond single-stock TACs: the other instruments of the CFP 143

of relative stability (Penas Lado 2016). This is • The consequence of the above is the possi-
confirmed in a study by Kraak et al. (2013): the bility of an “efficiency rush” that will allow
main problem is that the landing quotas taken vessels to increase their real ability to catch
in a mixed fishery did not limit catches because fish while not modifying their nominal effort
fishers were incentivized to continue fishing descriptors.
and discard over-quota catch while quota for • Fishing efficiency is ever growing, ren-
other species was available. The effort limita- dering effort indicators quickly obsolete,
tions intended to reduce this effect were insuf- although some authors have even consid-
ficient to adequately limit fishing mortality in ered that such an increase in efficiency can be
targeted fisheries, because fishers experienced well-predicted (Pauly and Palomares 2010).
them as prohibiting the full uptake of other Any effort parameters should be revised
quotas. regularly.
• The fishing effort being limited, this can pro-
Is effort a good management duce a tendency by fishermen to concentrate
such effort on the catching of the most valu-
In fact, effort is not generally used as the
able species, that can in some cases be those
main management instrument. Catch limita-
in most need of protection. In other words,
tions by species are, by and large, the most
effort limitation may not be sufficient to pro-
widely used method. Does this mean that effort
tect particularly vulnerable stocks.
management is not a good instrument to man-
The shortcomings of effort can certainly be
age fisheries? The answer is not necessarily
worked out. For example, it is possible to refine
the definition of effort by adding to the kw/days
Effort management can theoretically have
some metrics relating to the size and geometry
certain advantages:
of the gear deployed in routine monitoring of
• Effort is very closely correlated with fishing
fishing effort (Eigaard et al. 2011).
mortality (Sissenwine et al. 2014), and there
is a growing need to ensure that the manage-
ment system should be more robust to major The Faroese system as an example
sources of uncertainty (Degnbol and McCay Effort management systems have been used in
2006). different parts of the world. Perhaps the best
• In ecological terms, TAC management tends example of implementation of an effort sys-
to have a low correlation with total fishing tem is that of the Faroe Islands with its mixed
effort, and generally fails to mitigate the gadoid fishery, established in 1996. Hegland
effect of fisheries management on non-target and Hopkins (2014) have analyzed the Faroese
species (Reiss et al. 2010). system, indicating that it has several interesting
• Effort management would eliminate the advantages, notably:
problem of choke species under a discard ban, • It curtails the discard problem in a very sim-
since the problem of availability of single ple way;
quota species would disappear. • The system enjoys ample support by the fish-
However, effort management also implies sig- ing industry concerned; and
nificant disadvantages: • The system exhibits great ingenuity in using
• Effort is difficult to define meaningfully. The targeted effort allocations and extensive use
normal descriptors of effort are vessel size of closed areas to both balance and steer
(vessel tonnage and/or engine power) and catches and cater for the needs of diverse
time of fishing (fishing days/hours) but these fleet segments.
are static parameters, that do not take into However, its promoters are also aware of
account other factors which determine the the limitations of the system that is consid-
ability of a vessel to catch fish, such as gear ered as not having achieved its objectives,
type and size or the fish-finding equipment. notably because it has long been insufficiently
144 Chapter 7

restrictive (Lokkegard et al. 2007) and have set In general terms, when considering stocks in
forth to address them: isolation, effort management does not necessar-
• The system does not have a maximum ily perform better than TACs. However, when
sustainable yield (MSY)-like objective, and stocks are considered in mixed fisheries, effort
existing International Council for the Explo- management seems to be appropriate, and
ration of the Sea (ICES) advice is poorly inter-annual flexibility of the system appears
adapted to this management system. The to be the best compromise between short and
Faroes are now undertaking to give the long-term objectives, as well as between bio-
system a clearer management objective logical sustainability and economic return
(Hegland and Hopkins 2014). (Baudron et al. 2010).
• The issue of “effort creep” must be better
assessed, to ensure a good correspondence The experience of effort
between days at sea and fishing mortality. management in the CFP
• The use of closed areas as a complementary Actually, the CFP already has an important
measure has to be better understood. experience in the use of effort as a management
The Faroese experience is of particular rel- instrument, both as a stand-alone instrument
evance (like the Icelandic experience) for one as well as an additional one to TACs and quo-
reason: the economy of the Faroe Islands tas. This implies that discussions on the merits
depends almost entirely from its fishing indus- and shortcomings of this type of instrument
try. Getting fisheries management right is abso- can indeed be based on experience, not just
lutely paramount: they just can’t afford to get prejudice.
it wrong.
In that vein, the problems encountered have Effort in management plans: a duplicated
not always been an inevitable consequence of instrument
fishing effort management per se, but rather The most prominent implementation of effort
of the inability to adapt to scientific recom- management in the CFP has been that of the
mendations. The initial effort levels were too multi-annual management plans that started
high, and it then became politically difficult to with the cod recovery plan in 2004 (EU 2004),
reduce them according to scientific advice. This followed by several others that also incorpo-
is an extremely useful lesson to learn from the rated effort management, such as for example
Faroese system. the southern hake recovery plan (EU 2005). The
Finally, the Faroese experience is now under- incorporation of effort management, in addition
going change. Early in 2018 the Faroese Parlia- to TAC management in these stocks, followed
ment passed the Act on Management of Marine recommendations from ICES to the effect that
Resources, which states that all living marine single-stock TACs in mixed fisheries were not
resources in Faroese waters are property of the limiting fishing mortality in the depleted stocks.
people of the Faroe Islands, and as such, fishing However, effort management was eliminated
licenses may never become private property.1 from these plans several years later, and the
The evolution of the Faroese policy in the future new plans for the Atlantic and Baltic, after the
is of the highest interest, in that it may indicate reform of 2013, do not include effort manage-
whether one of the most prominent effort man- ment. It is important to understand why:
agement systems in the world passes the test • In the old plans, effort management was
of implementation over time, in a country that an instrument that duplicated, not replaced,
simply can’t afford to get fisheries management existing management by TACs. This increased
wrong. the complexity and workload for both the
industry and administrations.
1 • Even if effort had replaced TACs, it would
faroese-parliament-passes-fisheries-reform/ have been very difficult to translate relative
Beyond single-stock TACs: the other instruments of the CFP 145

stability (expressed in catch quotas) to a new schemes are now beginning to result in an
one based on new effort quotas. improved ecosystem state as indicated by the
• The duplicity of instruments produced a regional-scale improvement in the LFI.
vicious circle: if effort levels limited the ability An interesting analysis of the cod recovery
of Member States to catch their quotas, then plan was carried out by Kraak et al. (2013).
they were not acceptable as a breach of rel- Although the analysis is limited to the imple-
ative stability. But if they didn’t limit quota mentation of the amended cod plan (EU 2008)
uptake, then they had no added value for as of 2009 and does not refer to the initial cod
conservation. recovery plan (EU 2004), it is an interesting
Regrettably, the withdrawal of the effort
summary of the positive and negative aspects of
management systems has been done somewhat
the new instrument introduced by the EU. On
“through the back door” that is, without an
the positive side, they indicate that the buy-back
explanation or justification of the reasons why
scheme of more fishing days for the adoption
this was carried out. For example, while the
of more selective gear has indeed increased the
original Baltic cod recovery plan contained
use of these more selective fishing methods. On
an effort management scheme (EU 2007a),
the new Baltic plan (EU 2016a) completely the negative side, the landing quotas taken in a
excludes such an instrument without even a mixed fishery did not limit catches because fish-
justification. This was already so in the corre- ers were incentivized to continue fishing and
sponding Commission proposal. discard over-quota catch while quotas for other
This clearly indicates that effort manage- stocks were available. The effort limitations
ment was eliminated because it was perceived intended to reduce this effect were insufficient
by Member States, stakeholders, and much to adequately limit fishing mortality in tar-
of the Commission services as too complex geted fisheries, although fishers experienced
and basically useless, even if certain scientific them as prohibiting the full uptake of other
evaluations did not necessarily underpin this quotas.
view (EU 2014). That the instrument was The Scientific, Technical and Economic Com-
removed was hardly a surprise. The real sur- mittee for Fisheries (STECF) has regularly
prise is the absolute lack of analysis behind evaluated the results of the different effort
that decision and the lack of justification. This management schemes in the EU (for example,
reveals to what extent the need to eliminate EU 2014). The evaluation is difficult and often
the effort schemes was simply taken for granted inconclusive, largely due to the very imperfect
implementation of the effort regime in some
Yet, the scientific literature offers some anal-
cases. This makes it difficult to assess the con-
ysis of the use of effort management as an
tribution of the effort regime to the recovery
instrument in European fisheries. Fernandes
of the stocks. In certain cases, one can wonder
and Cook (2013) underline the key role of an
whether the effort regime has contributed
overall effort reduction in European fisheries
little simply because it has not been seriously
in the subsequent positive trends toward stock
recovery. The benefits of effort reduction are implemented. In other cases, there has been
also important for the ecosystem. Engelhard a positive contribution. These results are of
et al. (2015) studied the positive evolution of considerable interest but, as stated above, they
the Large Fish Index (LFI) showing that this have been largely ignored in recent manage-
indicator of good environmental status has been ment decisions, where the elimination of effort
on the rise in areas where the fishing effort by regimes has been decided without reference to
bottom trawlers has been reduced. On this basis, scientific reports or indeed without any justifi-
the authors considered that this provides strong cation at all. A debate on this question, based
support that recent European effort reduction on scientific evidence, is long overdue.
146 Chapter 7

The experience of the “western waters” wrote in the above report about the use of effort
regulation management as applied to non-TAC stocks:
Indeed, the CFP has experience in the manage-
The management by fishing effort could represent
ment of a stand-alone effort management sys-
an important tool in the scallop and crab fisheries,
tem: the so-called “western waters regulation” as those are not limited by TACs. However, the
(EU 2003). This regulation is a mix of different parameter currently used for management is not
elements related to the accession of Spain to the precise enough, especially for crab fisheries, and
EU in 1986, and its main instruments still reflect the regime should be able to react to management
the objective of limiting major displacements of initiatives of stakeholders, which is currently not
fishing effort among different areas of the west- the case.

ern façade of EU waters. But, interestingly, it has Again, the potential for this instrument for
also provisions for management through effort non-TAC species, provided that it can be adap-
of certain fisheries such as crab and scallop fish- tive to management changes and learning pro-
eries not subject to TACs and quotas. cesses in cooperation with stakeholders, seems
The effort ceilings established in this regula- an idea that, yet again, has not been developed
tion are not based on stock management objec- any further. With the regionalization of the
tives; they represent the effort levels exerted in CFP in 2013, the idea of a system to manage
the past, to ensure such levels are not increased non-quota species through a system “able to
in the future, regardless of stock status. The sys- react to initiatives from stakeholders” acquires
tem acts as an area-based duplication of the an entirely new significance. This will be further
capacity ceilings of the fleet capacity policy and discussed in Chapter 9.
its objective is (still today!) to prevent signif-
icant changes in the distribution of national The – failed – Kattegat case
fleets in EU waters as related to the accession of Since learning from failure is important, it is
Spain to the EU in 1986. worth mentioning the initiative by Denmark
The western waters regime was analyzed in and Sweden (joined somewhat reluctantly by
depth by the Commission in 2010 (EU 2010), Germany) to establish a new experimental
and some of the conclusions are very interesting management system in the Kattegat region,
and worth discussing. Although the scheme is a based on effort limitation and eliminating TACs
fixed one, applicable to large areas without clear and other measures as well as eliminating dis-
linkage with the management of specific stocks, carding. This initiative, taken in the mid-2000s,
the Commission recognized that: was an industry-led attempt to find simpler
Due to its static nature, the 2003 effort regime can- alternatives to the TAC system, notably inca-
not be used for stock management or management pable of addressing the question of discarding.
of multi-species fisheries; it was not conceived for The experiment, however, never materialized.
that purpose . . . However, a general effort regime It is important to understand why:
might have a potential to be linked to biological • On the Commission side, the level of effort
parameters and thus to future management con- proposed was too high to ensure sustain-
siderations, provided that those parameters will be
ability of the Kattegat cod stock, at the time
able to reflect the status of a variety of stocks at the
subject to a recovery plan. When the Com-
same time.
mission, following scientific advice, indicated
This is very interesting. Already in 2010, what would be the effort levels that would
the Commission recognized the potential of deliver the recovery of the Kattegat cod
this general overall cap to effort as a potential stock, the industry concerned lost interest in
instrument to complement the single-stock the project.
TAC-based management, although this idea has • On the Council side, the adoption of the
never been developed ever since. It is also very experimental scheme required a legal dero-
interesting to remember what the Commission gation from certain CFP regulations. A
Beyond single-stock TACs: the other instruments of the CFP 147

number of Member States in Council, even if • That the long-standing tradition in this area
unaffected by the experiment, were not sym- was that of regulating days of fishing and/or
pathetic to it because they feared a precedent times of fishing, and that building on exist-
of a system that would dismantle relative ing practice was preferable to imposing a new
stability. one.
• For some Member States, it was politically Subsequently, the management plans imple-
difficult to admit that in the Kattegat fish- mented on that basis have consisted in the
ermen would not have to be constrained establishment of effort limitations. The results,
by TACs, while their fishermen complained however, seem to have been limited, as we
about low TAC levels. The high priority given pointed out in Chapter 5. A report of the STECF
to the level playing field, already referred to indicated that in the effort management sys-
in other sections, played a key role here. tems analyzed, there was indeed a reduction
The Kattegat case, if anything, clearly indi- of nominal effort; but this reduction did not
cates that any experience in developing alter- necessarily translate into a reduction of fishing
native management systems must address the mortality (Cardinale et al. 2017). This implies
above questions. First, they should be able to that either (i) the nominal effort measured
provide the same level of achievement of the does not necessarily represent the real effort
policy goals, and not be seen (perhaps unfairly) deployed; or (ii) that vessels reacted to the limi-
as a way to get “off the hook” on the sacrifices tation of effort by further developing the ability
necessary to achieve such policy goals. But of the vessels to catch fish through technical
most importantly, they should not be seen as development or adaptations in fishing practice.
a precedent for anything. It is this obsession The implementation of these effort plans
for precedents that stands in the way of devel- is still relatively recent, and their evaluation
oping innovative, potentially interesting policy incomplete, so it is difficult to draw clear con-
approaches. We will refer to this in the context clusions why they do not seem to have achieved
of the evolution of governance in Chapter 9. the objective expected. This also underlines the
importance of continued monitoring and eval-
The Mediterranean case uation of the policies under the CFP: unless we
In the Mediterranean, there was no stock man- learn more about the reasons for policy success
agement policy for many years: up until 2006. and failure, we cannot propose improvements
The TAC and quota system did not apply there to the policy. This seems to be the situation we
since 1983, and the first EU regulation on the are in today.
conservation of stocks was that on technical
conservation measures of 1994 (EU 1994), Effort management
which basically consolidated existing rules on and technological creep
mesh sizes at national level, but did not estab- Whatever the conditions, one fundamental
lish measures for the management of the stocks. difficulty of effort management systems is
It was only the regulation of 2006 (EU 2006) technological creep, that is, the increase in the
that introduced the first system to address the vessels’ ability to catch fish even if the param-
question of the reduction of fishing mortality eters to measure effort (for example, engine
of Mediterranean stocks. And for that purpose, power or gross tonnage per day of fishing) stay
the instrument chosen was the management unchanged. Abundant bibliography exists on
plan based on fishing effort. The reasons were this phenomenon. A very good summary is
two: provided by Marchal et al. (2007) who state,
• That the multi-species nature of most
meaningfully, that:
Mediterranean fisheries did not lend itself
to management by catch limitations by The results suggest that fishing effort descriptors
individual stock; that are not traditionally measured (gear type,
148 Chapter 7

ground rope type, length of net used per day, • It would solve the problem of choke species
headline length, crew size, number of winch or and facilitate the implementation of an ambi-
net drums) may have a substantial impact on catch tious non-discard policy.
• It would be amenable to the implementation
These factors increasing catch rates are of an ecosystem-based management through
extremely difficult to legislate. Or if they are, shifting emphasis from individual stock yield
then the policy aggravates its tendency to to ecosystem yield.
top–down micromanagement that has been so • It would provide for ample flexibility in
often criticized. This leads effort management implementation through stakeholder initia-
systems to a crossroads: tive.
• If these factors are not regulated, then the • With modern technologies, a simple effort
total amount of nominal effort must be con- system would be much easier to enforce
tinuously reduced, to keep-up with techno- than the catch limitations and the landing
logical creep. obligation as laid down today in the CFP.
• If this kind of development is prevented As we have seen above, however, the main
through legislation then technical progress difficulty in taking this route would be that a
is hampered and long-term viability of the new effort system should not duplicate the TACs
fleets concerned may be compromised. and quotas, but rather replace them, and would
Besides, preventing such development may require a new allocation of effort quotas. Many
prove extremely difficult to enforce. Member States and stakeholders could see this
Overall, unlike in some fisheries where the as a breach of relative stability. The key to allow-
industry itself can guarantee that no technical ing for effort management may be in translating
creep takes place, the management by effort the current allocation keys expressed in catch
seems to require inevitably a regular ratcheting- quotas to new ones based on effort, but which
down of nominal effort levels, if only to com- would be considered equivalent by all Member
pensate for technological creep. States.
This would be a complex exercise, but per-
The potential for a (different) effort haps it may be tested on a few, clean and
management in the CFP non-contentious fisheries. As we will see in
Overall, the potential for effort management Chapter 9, the instruments of the CFP should
in the CFP as a stand-alone management sys- not necessarily be “all or nothing,” blindly
tem has never been fully explored outside the applicable to all circumstances. In some cases,
Mediterranean. However, in political terms, what is not possible elsewhere could actually be
it is certainly not possible to suggest at this applied, starting on an experimental basis, with
point in time the use of effort management specific fisheries, and fleet segments of various
in the Atlantic and Baltic Seas, at least as a Member States, when and where there is an
duplicate instrument to TACs and quotas. Yet, opportunity to develop new, more efficient
the evidence available suggests that under approaches to fisheries management.
certain circumstances effort management has This is yet another example where possible
been positive, and that at least justifies that policy improvement could be tested in a limited
the debate about its possible use should not be scenario, among willing partners, allowing the
avoided. It is also important to underline that CFP to learn from the experience without pre-
the new basic regulation of the CFP (EU 2013) judging future extension to other fisheries.
does include effort management as one of the
options for management. Translating relative stability to effort?
Effort management as the only management Shepherd (2003) had already proposed a system
system (without quotas) could have consider- to overcome the main problem of effort man-
able advantages in the new CFP: agement (beyond the question of duplication
Beyond single-stock TACs: the other instruments of the CFP 149

of instruments). This author considered that Technical conservation measures

the problem could be resolved by requiring
that all changes of effort (whether up or down) The term technical conservation measures
should apply pro rata to all those affected, so (TCM) have always referred to a variety of
all entitlements to fish with a particular gear in measures that determine the selectivity of the
a particular area could and should be adjusted fishing operations. This includes mesh sizes,
up or down by the same proportion. This kills minimum landing sizes (MLS), closed areas, the
two birds with one stone, because it imple- protection of endangered species and so on, but
ments the principle of relative stability, and at they do not include any measures to limit the
the same time avoids the need to decide on amount of fishing.
the equivalence between different vessels and
gears (i.e. to solve the long-standing problem The objectives of TCM
of determining fishing power). Technical measures have traditionally been
Yet again, a test in a limited scenario could be stand-alone measures, in that they applied
the way to go to test the potential interest of this without a clear-cut objective (beyond a generic
approach. In addition, possible new approaches increase in selectivity) and generally discon-
on the definition of relative stability (see nected from the other conservation instru-
Chapter 14) could facilitate this. ments, in particular TACs and quotas. Even
under the new policy the contribution of tech-
An intermediate approach: effort nical measures to achieving the MSY objective
management and the ecosystem approach and to facilitate the landing obligation remains
A possible intermediate use of effort manage- unspecified.
ment could be to be a complementary measure This is somehow in contrast with the evidence
in terms of capping the overall effort in a of the effects of age-selectivity on long-term
given ecosystem. This would correspond to yields: it has been shown how relatively subtle
the ecosystem approach by submitting all the changes in selectivity can produce substantial
TACs and quotas to an overall ecological cap, differences in MSY and Fmsy (Scott and Samp-
understood as a general limitation on the level son 2011). And, as we saw in Chapter 5, the
of interference with the marine ecosystem. very low selectivity of Mediterranean fisheries
This idea could make sense in relation with makes it extremely difficult to achieve MSY
any policy of introducing flexibility among the levels in these fisheries (EU 2016b). Despite
individual objectives for individual stock man- that, management instruments in the CFP still
agement (see Chapter 4) as a compensation for focus exclusively on reaching Fmsy levels (esti-
allowing exploitation of certain stocks above mated as corresponding to current, not ideal
their individual MSY level. This ecological cap age-selectivity) while quantitative objectives
would be an extra guarantee that going slightly in terms of increased selectivity are fiercely
beyond ideal exploitation levels for certain resisted, as demonstrated by the opposition
individual stocks would be done only under a by Member States to the establishment of a
general cap on the overall exploitation of the quantified target, in the context of the latest
ecosystem. proposal to revamp the technical measures of
As we saw in the case of Alaska (see 1998 (EU 2016c).
Chapter 4) this kind of cap can be established in Technical conservation measures have been
terms of overall catches. But nothing prevents an associated, though secondary tool for fish-
its application also as an overall effort cap to eries management in the Atlantic and Baltic,
ensure that whatever flexibility is established while for the Mediterranean they have long
in terms of different stocks, the overall fishing been the main tool for fisheries management.
pressure exerted on the ecosystem would not In any case, they cannot be seen as the only tool
go beyond a certain, precautionary threshold. for management, for at least two good reasons:
150 Chapter 7

• Technical conservation measures are not fish may have a lower yield per recruit, but a
stock-specific, but fishery-specific, so they higher economic interest. Increasing selectivity
cannot address conservation problems of in these cases, provided the overall exploitation
specific stocks. remains sustainable, is questionable.
• They tend to be stable, and are generally not
responsive to changes in stock status. The difficulty in increasing selectivity
Technical measures can be extremely con-
Is increasing selectivity always required? tentious, because they have direct effects on
Perhaps the lack of specific objectives of the the vessels’ operation and profitability: unlike
traditional TCM policy is also related to the quota management, where adequate allocation
fact that, in some circumstances, the need to and fleet adjustment can ensure fair quota lev-
increase selectivity is not necessary or even pos- els for the operators remaining in the fishery,
itive. While the need to reduce catches of small the implementation of certain technical mea-
fish is generally accepted as an axiom (high sures can have very direct effects on individual
size-selectivity maximizes yield per recruit) vessels’ catch rates, thus directly affecting
there may be cases where low selectivity can be income. As Suuronen and Sardà (2007) put it:
compatible with sustainable, profitable fisheries
if and when (i) smaller fish are more easily The successful use of technical measures appears
accessible; and (ii) small fish may fetch higher to depend largely on their acceptance by industry.
Measures that increase costs or reduce earnings
market prices.
are unattractive, so if short-term effects are not
These circumstances are not frequent, but accounted for, the potential long-term gains may
they do exist, thus perhaps justifying that cer- never materialize.
tain fisheries may not seek to establish technical
measures that maximize size selectivity. It is a In this regard, it is worth comparing the
question of trade-offs: a lower yield per recruit evolution of the two main pillars of the con-
may be compensated by more profitable fishing servation policy in the last 20 years: while TAC
(at a lower level of fishing mortality). Such levels have changed quite dramatically during
an approach could be acceptable under certain this period for a number of stocks, the tech-
circumstances. A case in hand is that of the sea- nical measures (particularly the mesh sizes)
sonal European fishery for Northern albacore, have very seldom changed. As these pages
regulated by the International Commission for are written, the current rules are still those of
the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). Regulation 850/98 (EU 1998) despite several
This fishery exploits the young albacore fish proposals to upgrade them. The reasons have
that migrate northwards in the Atlantic during been explained as the result of the different
the summer months, and become available to ways that the industry can adapt to changes
mid-sized vessels from the continent which in these rules: lower TACs can be absorbed
can’t access this resource during the rest of the by reducing fleets or finding alternative catch
year. Although it is a fishery for the young fish, opportunities, so individual catches per vessel
it has long been remarkably healthy,2 due to can be assured in many cases. In contrast, larger
the low overall level of exploitation. mesh size will inevitably result in lower catch
In terms of market prices, species such as rates (in the short term at least) by individual
sardine and horse mackerel are well-known vessels, even in the event of fleet reduction
to have price structures that do not neces- (Penas Lado 2016).
sarily favor large individuals. This indicates The current positive trend in stock status (at
that exploitation patterns based on juvenile least in the Atlantic and Baltic) has taken place
mainly as a result of a reduction in fishing mor-
2 tality, but not as a consequence of a substantial
2017-04-e.pdf/ increase in selectivity, since technical measures
Beyond single-stock TACs: the other instruments of the CFP 151

have remained almost unchanged since the turn as the primary instrument to resolve the prob-
of the century. This is extraordinary: the mesh lem of choke species (EU 2013).
sizes are probably the most long-lasting mea- In the Mediterranean, technical conservation
sures in the CFP. This illustrates the extreme dif- measures have a particular relevance: as we saw
ficulty in modifying them: because they have a in Chapter 4, the improvement of exploitation
direct effect on catch rates of individual vessels. patterns through increased selectivity is a fun-
In addition, the most important cases of damental element to achieve the objective of
over-regulation in the CFP (as well as in other MSY by 2020 (Collocca et al. 2013).
fishery policies around the world) have gen- Furthermore, the growing importance of en-
erally been related to technical measures. For vironmental concerns, and the need to progress
these reasons, the new Commission proposal toward more ecosystem-based approaches,
for a new approach on technical measures (EU underlines the contribution of technical mea-
2016c), proposes a substantially new way of sures to the CFP, notably if we consider that the
regulating these measures, based on regional- improvement in selectivity is an important fac-
ization and result-based approaches. However, tor to reach management objectives under an
the reception of such a proposal by Member ecosystem approach to fisheries management
States and the industry left no doubt: neither (Fauconnet and Rochet 2016).
wanted to establish any specific target for the
In the new CFP, the improvement of selec-
improvement of selectivity. This demonstrates
tivity is understood as a contribution to better
the above point: reducing fishing activity can
yields. In fact, MSY is also a function of selec-
be acceptable in the end; it has been done since
tivity, which implies that a better exploitation
2000, but reducing catch rates of individual
pattern could increase sustainable yields by
vessels remains by and large almost impossible
maximizing the yield per recruit of the stocks
to accept.
Things, however, can be more complex.
Technical measures in the new CFP
While an excess of catches of small fish may
In the new CFP after 2013, technical conserva-
be negative from the point of view of the yield
tion measures acquired a special relevance for
per recruit of the stock, and while large fish
several reasons. But one stands out: the philos-
generally fetches higher prices than small ones
ophy of the landing obligation proposed by the
(Zimmermann and Heino 2013) there can
Commission and adopted by the co-legislators
was that the policy objective obligation and its be some exceptions, particularly in Southern
flexibility mechanisms would actually apply Europe where there is a tradition of eating small
to the “remaining” problem of discarding that fish. There may be occasions where stocks can
would result from a major shift in the way be well-exploited, sustainably and profitably, at
European fishermen fish, with much enhanced less than ideal exploitation patterns.
selectivity. In this light, the landing obligation There are stocks where mid-sized fish have a
was presented as the last component of a strat- better market value than large fish, as we saw
egy whose main aim would be to “change the above. As another example, the increase of large
way we fish” in Europe. This change of fishing cod in the Barents Sea fishery has not necessar-
practice toward much higher selectivity would ily been welcomed by all: very large fish don’t
be achieved through a variety of instruments, fit into the filleting machines and thus have a
but these would be developed around a new lower value!
approach on technical conservation measures. In ecological terms, it has also been argued
It is important to underline that the above that harvesting smaller fish, which have higher
interpretation is clearly spelled out in the new productivity, allows a greater stable biomass
basic regulation which, in its recital 8, refers to than harvesting larger fish, which have lower
the “increase in the selectivity of the gears used” productivity (Law et al. 2012).
152 Chapter 7

These questions indicate that the increase in Some of these species are economically crucial
selectivity of fisheries is not always necessar- for the economic survival of certain sectors.
ily a straight line leading to better yields, or In this context, compulsory increases in mesh
to higher profitability. In addition to specific sizes may be economically unacceptable for
difficult issues such as the pulse trawl case, certain fleets and may only result, at best, in
the questions discussed above may lead to the formal compliance with the new rules but with
considerable difficulties in adopting the new new methods (gear riggings, net materials, etc.)
proposal on technical measures (EU 2016c), that nullify the effect of the larger mesh.
still currently being discussed as these pages are This opens up the possibility of a different
written. This is unfortunate, since the new pro- approach: one that would make such mesh size
posal represents a breach with the old tradition increases more voluntary and dependent upon
of centralized, top–down technical measures. the provision of incentives that would alleviate
It proposes regionalized, results-based man- any economic downside associated with the
agement where the stakeholder bodies would loss of certain catches. As illustrated by O’Neill
play a fundamental role in identifying specific et al. (2014) such incentives can allow the
solutions to improve selectivity, which would adoption of more selective ways to fish if the
be adapted to different fisheries and different incentives are such that can ensure that there
areas. is no short-term loss of daily income.
Such an alternative approach to technical
Mesh sizes measures would not be easy to apply to the
Mesh sizes have always been the main instru- whole of the CFP, since their very nature is
ment to ensure selective fishing in the CFP rather optional, not compulsory, and the CFP
and, with whatever future scenario, they even under regionalization is still dependent
will continue to be an important instrument. upon hard law approaches. In addition, O’Neill
However, the implementation of the landing et al. (2014) also found that the incentives
obligation brings the EU policy on mesh sizes may be very different for different fleet seg-
to a new dimension: that of improving selec- ments, which underscores that one-size-fits-all
tivity and reducing unwanted by-catch (in approaches generally favored in legislation may
particular undersized fish) so as to facilitate the not work.
implementation of the landing obligation. Experiences like the conservation credits
Indeed, as we have seen already, the message scheme have been possible in a relatively
of the Commission in relation to this measure reduced microcosm, e.g. the Scottish demersal
is that the landing obligation would apply to industry. Taking such an approach on a broader
the remaining undesired catches once all efforts scale would require fundamental changes in
have been made to avoid catching them in the the governance of the CFP that we will discuss
first place, notably through improvements in in Chapter 9, but it would also imply a serious
selectivity. The question is then, how much can discussion about incentives. These should, if
a new policy on mesh sizes reduce unwanted possible, not be based on public money, but on
catches so as to facilitate the implementation of advantages in terms of quota availability and so
the new policy objective? on, that could largely be done at national level,
The contribution of larger mesh sizes in this not just at EU level.
regard is well-documented (EU 2018). Techni-
cally speaking, there is relatively little problem Closed areas/seasons
in increasing size selectivity through larger sizes. Closed areas/seasons have many objectives:
The problem is economical instead. protecting aggregations of immature fish,
More selective fishing simply reduces catches protecting aggregations of spawning fish, pro-
of species that are more streamlined and are tecting benthic communities of high diversity
not retained in the cod-end with larger meshes. (Natura 2000) and even protecting the forage
Beyond single-stock TACs: the other instruments of the CFP 153

fish for a population of marine birds. In some but do not reduce the fishing pressure) can
cases the objective of the oldest closures has contribute to the overall policy objective. This
been blurred over time: of the ca. 40 closed would be the key to their wider contribu-
areas/seasons contained in Regulation 850/98, tion: our ability to forecast and measure their
many do not have an objective today, so sci- contribution to the overall fishing mortality.
entists have been largely unable to evaluate An important potential use of closed areas/
their effectiveness (EU 2007b). Specially, the seasons is to complement the multispecies
relationship between these areas and the other approaches proposed in Chapter 4 for mixed
elements of the policy (notably long-term fisheries. If and when that type of management
plans) remains largely untrodden territory. can imply a high level of risk for some of the
There are examples of how closed areas can stock in the mix, the use of closed area/seasons
combine with other measures such as effort could be a way to ensure that the overall level
management to achieve objectives. The case of of effort is adapted to the multispecies objec-
the Faroe Islands mentioned above, and that tives while bringing special protection for the
of the New England groundfish fishery until stocks in need. Naturally, this is only possible
relatively recent times are good examples. in certain cases, where the geographical distri-
bution of the species concerned is well-known
Closed areas and objectives and stable.
Apart from the closed areas under Natura 2000
to protect areas of high biodiversity, the CFP Closed areas as mainstream fisheries
has established a number of closed areas with management instruments?
various objectives, but primarily with those Much has been discussed about the use of
of protecting well-known and relatively stable different types of closed areas/seasons as a
aggregations of juvenile fish (for example, the mainstream fishery management tool. In gen-
plaice box in the North Sea, or the hake boxes eral terms, closed areas/seasons can be useful,
in NW Spain). However, in a number of cases, but they are certainly no panacea. They can be
certain closed areas do not seem to have a clear most useful when dealing with the manage-
objective. Some intended to protect spawning ment of mixed fisheries on sedentary species,
cod (in the Celtic Sea) only lasted a few years but are much more limited when dealing with
since they were demonstrably useless in reduc- pelagic species that move within large areas.
ing total effort. For others, adopted already at In any case, these areas need to be examined
the inception of the policy in the early 1980s, on a case-by-case basis, and must have clear
the objectives were never clearly spelled out. objectives and be monitored, so as to be able
In any case, these closed areas have, at best, to evaluate their effects against such objectives
a stand-alone objective: to improve selectivity. (Hilborn et al. 2004).
However, in no case are they directly related to One particular question that is essential to
other measures (such as catch limitations) with determine the usefulness of this type of mea-
a clear indication of the expected contribution sure for fisheries management is what can be
of the closed area to achieve overall objectives. their effect on the total fishing effort exerted on
For the future the closed areas/seasons should the stocks under consideration. If closed areas
be much better combined with the other mea- only mean displacing the fishing effort outside
sures as an integral set of rules to deliver the areas concerned without overall reduction
the MSY objectives. The potential of closed of effort, their influence on management will be
areas/seasons to complement the measures to small, even counter-productive in some cases.
reduce fishing mortality toward Fmsy must be Lauck et al. (1998) suggested that marine
explored further, in particular in connection reserves should be at least 20% of avail-
with multispecies fisheries. We would need to able habitat to be effective. This may be variable
evaluate better how closed areas (that displace depending upon the objective sought, but the
154 Chapter 7

experience in European waters clearly shows As we saw in Chapter 4, the US experience

that, unless the areas protected are very exten- shows that this type of dynamic measure is
sive, they will have a very low impact. In much more effective than static closures in
particular they will simply displace effort from terms of avoiding by-catch or choke species
one place to another, with less than obvious (Dunn et al. 2016). What can we learn from the
benefits. US system and to what extent is this experience
Overall, the potential of closed areas as a applicable in the CFP?
mainstream management instrument is rather From the US experience, real-time closures
limited. It can be useful for certain small com- require the following elements:
munities where the “refuge effect” can spill • A clear, reliable source of the immedi-
over to the surrounding areas, and where the ate information on the basis of which the
overall balance between the limitation of activ- closures can be implemented.
ity and the increase in yields in surrounding • A non-legislative nature, since the law can
areas is positive. However, this is not necessar- simply not keep up the pace of real time clo-
ily always the case, particularly for large areas sures.
and, especially, for moving resources. Closed • The trust among the operators that all are fol-
areas can serve complementary purposes such lowing the same rules.
as protecting biodiversity or even well-known Real-time spatial management approaches
aggregations of juvenile or even spawning fish. can create incentives for fishers to develop, use
But such measures, alone, are not sufficient to and share information and technology to avoid
manage fisheries because this always requires undesired catch. Compared to Europe, the US
some kind of limitation on the overall outtake has developed spatial management tools with
of the species in question, across all its natural more truly real-time mechanisms and with
area of distribution. greater involvement of the fishing industry in
designing and operating the tools (Little et al.
Real-time closures 2015).
In the EU, the idea of real-time closures has The CFP has a legal basis to conduct real-time
been subject to many discussions; it has always closures – it is placed in the control regulation:
been considered a very promising instrument, Articles 51–54 of Regulation 1224/2009 (EU
if only it could apply under the rules of the 2009). However, these provisions have never
CFP. Progress has been limited because the been used. Apart from the obvious fact that
nature of decision-making necessary to make the provisions are in the wrong regulation
this instrument work is incompatible with EU (something that matters more than it seems in
decision-making. An interesting study commis- principle, as the control regulation is normally
sioned by the European Parliament has looked known and handled by officials different from
into this question (Anon 2010). those responsible for management) there are
In particular, the study analyzes the most clear reasons why this happens: the problem
developed system of real-time closures devel- is not the legal basis. This is necessary but not
oped under the CFP: the Scottish “Conservation sufficient. The implementation of real-time
credits” scheme, whereby closures of 56 square closures requires the three above conditions,
miles (7.5 × 7.5 nautical miles) are established and these have one fundamental requirement
normally for 21 days whenever high aggrega- in common: trust. And trust is something that
tions of small cod are documented. The report traditionally has been in very short supply in
finds it difficult to evaluate the net benefits the CFP.
of this scheme because the system displaces This is an important lesson to learn: the CFP
fishing effort but does not reduce it. The main has a certain tendency to believe that the way
advantage of the system cited is the significant to do something is legislating on it, but the
buy-in by the industry. legislation itself, necessary though it may be,
Beyond single-stock TACs: the other instruments of the CFP 155

does not in itself provide the other elements credits to spend according to spatiotemporally
necessary for that legal basis to be applied in varying tariffs was explored though simulation.
the real world: incentives, trust, interest. It is in According to this concept, fishing mortality
this area that the Commission should work if rates of multiple species and impacts on the
real-time closures are to become the promising ecosystem are regulated through a “single cur-
instrument that it has demonstrated to be in rency.” This currency could be spent in using
other countries. their fishing-impact credits in limiting fishing
From the recent experience, perhaps the in sensitive areas, or fishing longer in less sen-
only body that could create such a trust are sitive areas. The authors found very promising
the Advisory Councils. If the industry and possibilities and suggested that the system be
other stakeholders could work out a system to tested (Kraak et al. 2014). This method, in the
establish real-time closures that all would trust, authors’ view, would outperform traditional
certainly the CFP could examine the formula to management of mixed fisheries, and would be
give some legal backing to this type of measure. better than broad-brush effort management
It is important to address this question because (Kraak et al. 2015).
the CFP desperately needs to find ways of incor- These ideas could work well in the CFP, but
porating this type of bottom–up management, given that the allocation of national quotas to
which has proven so useful in other places, as individual operators is a competence of Member
part of the acquis of the CFP. States, it is they who can take the initiative.
Perhaps the only way forward may be to
include in the legal basis of the EU an empow- Minimum conservation reference
erment for fishermen organizations to manage sizes
these closures, with a contribution from the EU MLS have been one of the most traditional
in terms of facilitating the logistic aspects neces- measures of the CFP since 1983. Arguably, they
sary to ensure a quick and complete flow of the are also one of the most easily understood but
information necessary to run it. As indicated one of the least enforced in certain EU areas. In
above, however, the main difficulty for this the context of the modified CFP, the traditional
would be the tendency to rely on “hard law” to minimum landing sizes were changed into min-
ensure a level playing field. As in other similar imum conservation reference sizes (MCRSs), to
circumstances, it may be useful to think about express the fundamental change introduced in
a pilot project, where a relatively limited and the legislation on the landing obligation: small
well-selected fishery would test a system of real individuals smaller than the MCRS should
time closures, applicable only to them, and then no longer be discarded but must be landed
their catch composition could be compared to and sold for purposes other than human con-
that of a similar fleet. This would allow testing sumption. This change was introduced in the
of how this measure could bring about a change so-called “omnibus regulation” (EU 2015)
in the size composition of catches of the main which intended to prevent legal contradictions
target species. As we saw in Chapter 3, this kind between the new basic regulation including the
of system works well in the fishery for Alaskan landing obligation (Regulation 1380/2013) and
Pollock in the NE Pacific, based only on private the existing technical measures regulations,
arrangements within the industry without notably Regulations 850/98 and 1967/2006.
intervention of the Federal Government. Can
this ever be done in the EU? How important are minimum sizes
for management?
Can skippers do the job? The use This question is less straightforward than it
of individual incentives seems in principle. True, in extreme cases,
The idea of real-time incentives whereby indi- the very high impact on juveniles constitutes
vidual fishers would be allocated fishing-impact a major barrier to good management. The
156 Chapter 7

Mediterranean illustrates the absolute need to small size, notably by “legalizing” certain sizes
improve the exploitation pattern to allow for hitherto illegal, and thus could contribute to a
sustainable management (Collocca et al. 2013), smoother implementation of the non-discard
as we saw in Chapter 4. However, in other policy.
cases the question is not so clear. As mentioned
above, the fishery for northern albacore (Germo Minimum sizes and regionalization
alalunga) by European fleets is fundamentally a Minimum sizes have always been different for
seasonal fishery for juvenile (ages 1 and 2) fish. different regions within the CFP. Most typically,
Yet, the stock is remarkably stable.3 Mediterranean minimum sizes have been sig-
Minimum sizes are important where the nificantly lower than those of the Atlantic for
exploitation pattern is key for conservation (as the same species, on account of two factors:
in the Mediterranean), but in fisheries with (i) the lower growth rate and earlier sexual
a low level of overall effort, the exploitation maturity of certain species in this basin com-
pattern can be secondary and so can be the pared with the same species in the Atlantic;
measures to limit the capture of small fish. and (ii) the use of much smaller mesh sizes
On the other hand, minimum sizes have a in the Mediterranean and thus the need to
very attractive side: they are very intuitive: establish a certain proportionality between the
everyone tends to agree that catching small gear used and the acceptable sizes of the fish
fish is bad, and that makes their protection an caught by them.
objective that is socially acceptable and widely It has been argued that the different min-
understood. It is also a kind of measure that can imum sizes in different European regions
be straightforward to implement. Despite these make enforcement more difficult, including the
advantages, however, it would be a mistake application of these sizes to imported fish. The
to believe that their implementation has been regionalization of the CFP is likely to produce
a success: when and where the selectivity of an even bigger dispersion of minimum sizes
the fishing gear is very low and when and in different European regions, thus rendering
where there is a good market for the small control more difficult and, meaningfully, mak-
fish, minimum sizes have not always been ing the policy more difficult to understand for
well-implemented. the European consumer. Is this dispersion of
Overall, minimum sizes are important in minimum sizes a good development?
certain fisheries where the exploitation pattern It is possible to have a policy with different
is bad and overall effort is high, and they are minimum sizes from different areas, and this
measures that enjoy ample support in public is already the case in particular between the
opinion. Changing such policy may make sense Atlantic and the Mediterranean. However, if
in the context of the landing obligation (see this dispersion of sizes is to be controllable,
Chapter 6) but it would be counter-intuitive to there has to be very strict rules on traceability,
pursue an ambitious conservation policy and which in turn imply considerable administrative
in that context, question the use of minimum burden and policy complexity.
sizes or relaxing their implementation. In any case, the example of the US shows an
However, changes in minimum sizes would extremely diversified set of measures on fish
be very different for fishermen than changes in size, including notably the sizes applicable to
mesh sizes: while the latter will affect catch rates recreational fishing. This shows that this can
and thus fishermen’s incomes, certain changes be done, although the difficulties to enforce
in minimum sizes could actually remove some such regulations are a good demonstration that
of the difficulties to be encountered with the the CFP should be careful not to disperse its
unavoidable retention on board of fish of regulations, to the point of making them too
3 complex, difficult to understand and even more
ACTIVE_ENG.pdf/ so to enforce.
Beyond single-stock TACs: the other instruments of the CFP 157

Technical measures and the landing This was technically and politically difficult
obligation and is still today subject to controversy:
As we saw in Chapters 4 and 6, there is a • Some proposed that the small fish inevitably
need to dissociate associated species in mixed caught should be allowed to be sold in the
fisheries, and technical measures can play a markets.
role here. Technical measures are not the only • Other (Mediterranean) countries thought
way to mitigate by-catches, and evidence of that undersized fish should be outside the
existing by-catch avoidance schemes shows discard ban and should be thrown back to
that generally the best solution is a combina- the sea as before.
tion of different measures identified through • Others wanted undersized fish to be given to
collaborative approaches among the industry, charity, with no benefit for the fishermen.
scientists, and managers (O’Keefe et al. 2014). Finally, the idea adopted was to give fisher-
It was also clear that top–down fixed measures men a partial incentive to land the undersized
were much less effective than flexible, real-time fish unintentionally caught. If there was no
measures with the cooperation of the industry economic benefit at all, it was feared that
(O’Neill et al. 2014). fishermen would have no incentive to respect
There is no doubt that improving selec- the landing obligation. If, on the contrary,
tivity (including through mesh sizes) should the undersized fish could be sold for their full
be an important contributor to facilitate the value, it was feared that this could contribute
implementation of the discard ban. A different to develop a targeted fishery for the undersized
thing is whether the traditional approach of fish (which in certain European regions, can
top-down compulsory increases in mesh sizes indeed fetch high prices). The solution of allow-
is the right one, as discussed previously. ing the marketing of the undersized fish only
for uses outside direct human consumption was
a compromise to provide some economic incen-
Minimum sizes and the landing obligation tive, but not full economic incentive to land
It can certainly be argued that the minimum fish these fish for the human consumption market.
sizes represent an extra difficulty in implement- Whether this is a good solution, only practi-
ing the discard ban: the stricter the minimum cal implementation will tell, and as suggested in
sizes, the more difficult to eliminate them from many areas, it would be good for the policy if the
the catch, and thus the more difficult it becomes lessons learned from this implementation could
to have a really discard-free fishery. From that be used to modify the policy and improve it if
perspective, it can be argued that relaxing the necessary, rather than maintaining it regardless
policy on minimum sizes (at least for secondary of its results.
species) can indeed facilitate the implementa- Beyond this, the question can also be asked
tion of the discard policy by making it easier to as to the need for a policy on. This policy
conduct certain fisheries with fewer demands aggravates the consequences of the discard
on the landing of undersized fish. ban (undersized fish cannot be sold for human
The discussion leading up to the adoption of consumption) and complicates control and
Regulation 1380/2013 focused quite a lot on the traceability. Traditional wisdom makes it clear
question of the policy to follow in relation to that exploiting small fish reduces yield-per-
undersized fish and the landing obligation. In recruit. However, this does not mean that a
particular, once a certain amount of undersized fishery exploiting small fish cannot be sustain-
fish is inevitably caught, what would be the best able. In certain cases, the small fish can fetch
course of action? Throw them back to the sea very good prices. The question is then: is it
(and thus exclude them from the discard ban)? conceivable and even desirable to have at least
Or keep them on board and sell them, but then certain fisheries without limiting catches of fish
under what conditions? under minimum size?
158 Chapter 7

Eliminating minimum sizes could be possible recent European fleet reduction schemes. Environ-
only in the case of resources where the manage- mental Conservation 42 (3): 227–236.
ment would ensure high, stable yields. Again, EU (1994). Council Regulation (EC) No 1626/94 of
27 June 1994 laying down certain technical mea-
testing this kind of approach in a specific case
sures for the conservation of fishery resources in
could be interesting to evaluate its potential.
the Mediterranean. OJ L 171, 6.7.1994, p. 1–6.
Once more, we come back to the question of EU (1998). Council Regulation (EC) No 850/98 of
the need to allow for testing of new approaches 30 March 1998 for the conservation of fishery
in limited, specific cases, as one of the ways resources through technical measures for the pro-
in which the CFP can learn better from the tection of juveniles of marine organisms. OJ L 125,
experience and improve its results. Such test- 27.4.1998, p. 1.
ing should be very well-explained; as we saw EU (2001). Green Paper on the Review of the Com-
mon Fisheries Policy. European Commission, Fish-
above, minimum sizes enjoy ample support in
eries Directorate. Brussels, 20.03.2001 COM (2001)
society at large, and their partial elimination
135 final.
for the above purposes may well be difficult to EU (2003). Council Regulation (EC) No 1954/2003
understand. of 4 November 2003 on the management of the
fishing effort relating to certain Community fish-
ing areas and resources and modifying Regulation
References (EC) No 2847/93 and repealing Regulations (EC)
No 685/95 and (EC) No 2027/95. OJEU 289 of
Anon. (2010). Real time closures of fisheries. Euro- 7.11.2003, p. 1.
pean Parliament. Directorate General for Internal EU (2004). Council Regulation (EC) No 423/2004 of
Policies. Fisheries, 56 pp. 26 February 2004 establishing measures for the
Baudron, A., Ulrich, C., Nielsen, R., and Boje, recovery of EU (2006). Council Regulation (EC)
J. (2010). Comparative evaluation of a mixed- No 1967/2006 of 21 December 2006 concerning
fisheries effort-management system based on the management measures for the sustainable exploita-
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67: 1036–1050. Sea, amending Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93
Cardinale, M., Osio, C., and Scarcella, G. (2017). and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1626/94. Offi-
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perverse consequences of ignoring linkages in fish- resources through technical measures for the pro-
eries systems. ICES Journal of Marine Science 64: tection of juveniles of marine organisms. OJ L 345,
793–797. 28.12.2005, p. 5–10.
Dunn, D.C., Maxwell, S.M., Boustany, A., and Halpin, EU (2006). Council Regulation (EC) No 1967/2006 of
P.N. (2016). Dynamic ocean management increases 21 December 2006 concerning management mea-
the efficiency and efficacy of fisheries manage- sures for the sustainable exploitation of fishery
ment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of resources in the Mediterranean Sea, amending Reg-
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engine power and gear-size relations of fiver Euro- of 18 September 2007 establishing a multiannual
pean trawler fleets. Fisheries Research 110: 39–46. plan for the cod stocks in the Baltic Sea and the fish-
Engelhard, G.H., Lynam, C.P., García-Carreras, B. eries exploiting those stocks, amending Regulation
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indicator: spatial trends reveal positive impacts of No 779/97. OJEU L 248 of 22.9.20017, p. 1.
Beyond single-stock TACs: the other instruments of the CFP 159

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Fisheries and the environment

The CFP and environmental the more recent Marine Strategy Framework
policy Directive (EU 2008a) illustrate this overlap.
• In general terms, the failures of the fisheries
Introduction management may turn what were initially
The Treaty requires (Article 11, Treaty on the fisheries management issues into environ-
Functioning of the European Union [TFEU]) mental ones. This has happened a number
that environmental conservation be integrated of times; a good example being the EU
in all Community policies, but this integra- ban on driftnets; initiated as a gear conflict
tion should pursue, notably, the promotion of but resolved as a question of protection of
sustainable development. This means that the cetaceans (Penas Lado 2016).
incumbent legislation should not be construed • The implementation of the ecosystem
as an obstacle to prevent the full exploitation of approach to fisheries management blurs the
sustainable resources, but rather to ensure that boundaries between fisheries management
such exploitation is environmentally sustain- and environmental policy, by developing
able. This is important, because it implies that more integrated management frameworks.
a policy that prevents sustainable development • Last but not least, the Non-Governmental
on account of (over)protection of the marine Organizations (NGOs) that used to intervene
ecosystem is arguably not compatible with the in environmental questions, over the last
Treaty. few years have increased their interest and
There has always been an overlap between influence on mainstream fisheries manage-
fisheries and environmental policy, and the ment issues and have become mainstream
overlap is growing, creating frequent conflict. stakeholders in the fisheries decision-making
The overlap is multi-faceted: process.
• Many questions in the management of For these, and possibly other reasons, it is
marine resources are overlapping between impossible today to talk about fisheries man-
fisheries management and the protection of agement without referring to a wide range of
the environment. The protection of marine issues one way or another related to environ-
mammals in fisheries, or the protection of mental policy. By and large, environmental
endangered shark species are good examples. policy is the single most important policy inter-
• Many environmental regulations have a very acting with fisheries policy. In the context of the
important bearing on fisheries management. European Commission’s inter-service consul-
Examples such as the Habitats Directive (EU tations that precede the adoption of a proposal
1992a) and the “Natura 2000 network”, or under the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), the

Quo Vadis Common Fisheries Policy?, First Edition. Ernesto Penas Lado.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

162 Chapter 8

consultation with the services responsible for destroying fishing practices. From that point of
environment policy is almost invariably the view, the ecosystem approach would funda-
most substantial and difficult. mentally consist of keeping fishing mortality
It is important to underline that between rates low enough to prevent ecosystem-wide
fisheries and environmental policy there is no overfishing, reducing or eliminating by-catch
legal hierarchy. This means that none of the two and avoiding habitat-destroying fishing meth-
policies must prevail over the other. Instead, ods (Hilborn 2011). That is indeed the main
they should be implemented in a way that thrust of the approaches proposed by the
makes them as compatible as possible. This rep- Commission in its communication of 2008.
resents the main challenge: finding the balance The CFP has, over the years, incorporated a
point where both policies are made compatible. substantial amount of environmental concerns.
This is the case, in particular, as regards the Probably many more than the CFP is given
implementation of the marine strategy frame- credit for. A non-exhaustive list includes:
work directive and the CFP. But the challenges • The overall reduction in fishing pressure has
are much wider, and go much beyond specific been ongoing since the turn of the century
EU legislative frameworks. The protection of and continues taking place in the Atlantic and
marine biodiversity from the effects of fishing, Baltic. However, it has still not been achieved
the discrepancies between the two policies in the Mediterranean (EU 2017).
when addressing a number of conservation
• Incorporation in the regulations of technical
issues, and ultimately the development of the
measures of fishery closures or limitations to
ecosystem approach, a concept everyone agrees
protect Natura 2000 marine areas. All Natura
with, but which has countless different inter-
2000 areas proposed in the marine space
pretations, are fundamental challenges for the
have been subject to protection from all or at
future CFP.
least certain types of fishing under the CFP.
In addition, a “fast track” procedure to adopt
Incorporating environmental
fisheries measures for Natura 2000 areas has
concerns into the CFP
been incorporated into the new CFP (Article
Some background: the 2008 communication
11 of Regulation 1380/2013).
In 2008, the Commission published a commu-
• Limitation of fisheries in certain areas to pro-
nication (EU 2008b) laying down a strategy
to incorporate environmental concerns into tect fish that constitute the main food source
the CFP, as required by Article 11 TFEU. This for endangered seabirds: the sandeel closure
communication has resulted in a number of ini- in the North Sea (EU 1998).
tiatives, at different degrees of implementation, • Legislation to reduce the incidental mortal-
and in particular the reduction of the overall ity of cetaceans in gillnets through the use of
fishing pressure and the measures to pre- pingers (EU 2004).
vent incidental catches of non-target species. • The inclusion of a growing list of protected
These measures have become mainstream species whose catch is completely forbidden.
components of the CFP. Following the example of the iconic basking
It has been argued by the Commission shark, today the annual fishing opportunities
itself that if the management of individual regulation (EU 2018) includes as many as 36
stocks is done properly, then the ecosystem protected species.
approach would to some extent be achieved: • Action plans for the protection of sharks (EU
well-managed fisheries would minimize the 2009a) and seabirds (EU 2012) in EU fish-
impact on ecosystems and by-catch species. eries.
However, single stock management does • The practice of discarding has been banned
not consider impacts on no-target species, in Regulation 1380/2013 (EU 2013a) to enter
trophic interactions among species and habitat- fully into force in 2019.
Fisheries and the environment 163

These are but examples of how the process of environmental procedures regarding fisheries
incorporation of environmental concerns actu- to avoid discriminatory measures (Fock 2011).
ally started long ago in the policy and continues However, it is important to bear in mind the
taking place today. place that the CFP has in the overall workflow of
the implementation of these directives; to avoid
creating false expectations as to how far reach-
Overlapping legislation
ing the CFP and its instruments to implement
Out of the many overlaps between the two
these directives can be.
polices, two pieces of environmental legislation
Unlike the CFP, the two directives mentioned
appear as particularly relevant for the CFP in
above require the initiative of Member States
terms of the number and importance of the
to designate areas to be protected. This desig-
overlaps: the Natura 2000 network and the
nation, and the procedure associated to it (con-
Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Since
sultation with stakeholders and other Member
there is no hierarchy between fisheries and
States concerned) must be done before the CFP
environmental policy, the solution to the over-
is involved. It is only when the protection of
lap is their alignment, not the prevalence of
the zone concerned requires limitations of fish-
one over the other.
ing that the CFP comes into play, since Member
The alignment between the CFP and the
States cannot take measures on their own in the
Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)
context of a policy with exclusive EU compe-
is not straightforward. As Van Hooff and
Kraus (2017) point out, both instruments
For a number of years, the CFP did not have a
differ significantly in the governance set-up,
specific decision-making process to incorporate
including the underlying advisory process. The
the protection of marine Natura 2000 areas into
difference may actually contribute to making
its legislative body. In some cases, proposals
uncoordinated requests for scientific advice
from Member States for protection from fishing
and uncoordinated proposals for policy imple-
of certain marine areas had to be handled by
mentation, including from Member States
the Council of Fisheries Ministers, without any
themselves: very often, the services responsible
guarantee of being adopted. For this reason, the
(Fisheries and Environment departments) do
new basic regulation of the CFP had to provide
not sufficiently coordinate initiatives, and this
for a specific mechanism to do this efficiently,
contributes to frequent friction.
through regionalization (Article 11 of Regula-
tion 1380/2013). But it is important to realize
The CFP and Natura 2000: the value that this procedure is to be used only once the
of Article 11 of Regulation 1380/2013 procedure for designation of a site Natura 2000
The Natura 2000 network is part of the imple- is well under way following Member States’
mentation of the EU directives on habitats (EU initiatives and adequate consultation with all
1992a) and birds (EU 2009b). the stakeholders. If such a previous step has not
The implementation of Natura 2000 by Mem- been well-fulfilled, the CFP and its consultative
ber States still has a number of issues to resolve bodies cannot compensate for that since they
in terms of consultation with stakeholders, are designed to cater for fisheries issues only.
resolving different national conservation strate- Often fisheries and the CFP are somehow
gies or resolving the impact of fishing. It has blamed for lack of progress in the designation
also been argued that the MSFD lacks a com- of certain marine Natura 2000 areas overlap-
prehensive approach to manage the protection ping waters of more than one Member State.
and integrate EU sectorial and national policies However, in such cases, experience shows that
(Salomon 2009). For these reasons, it has been the problem is not fisheries: it is the designation
suggested that the CFP can play a pivotal and that is blocked in the first place in Member
integrative role in the standardization of all the States for lack of agreement among them on
164 Chapter 8

issues such as protection from oil and gas • Descriptor 7: Permanent alteration of hydro-
drilling, gravel extraction and so on, outside the graphical conditions does not adversely affect
field of application of the CFP. the ecosystem.
Some environmental stakeholders blame • Descriptor 8: Concentrations of contaminants
Article 11 of Regulation 1380/2013 for delays give no effects.
in adopting protection to Natura 2000 mar- • Descriptor 9: Contaminants in seafood are
itime zones. This is completely misplaced. The below safe levels.
contrary is true: without this article, national • Descriptor 10: Marine litter does not cause
initiatives to protect marine areas would have harm.
no guarantee of being adopted by the fisheries • Descriptor 11: Introduction of energy (includ-
co-legislators, as was the case before 2013. It is ing underwater noise) does not adversely
this article, adopted in the CFP reform of 2013 affect the ecosystem.
to address this problem, that now ensures that Among these descriptors, at least five have
proposals from Member States for maritime a bearing on the CFP. Ensuring that the MSFD
Natura 2000 areas are dealt with by the CFP and the CFP are fully compatible and reinforce,
under a fast-track, efficient procedure. rather than conflict with each other, represents
It is therefore important to ensure that the an important challenge for the EU and its
procedure of agreement of fisheries measures Member States. We will see below what are
for Natura 2000 areas is kept in the right place, such interactions.
and with the right expectations, in the overall
Descriptor 1: Maintaining biodiversity.
context of the Natura 2000 workflow.
The CFP has always been concerned about
biodiversity issues, though without precise
objectives. The implementation of MSFD has
The CFP and the Marine Strategy
a clear bearing on the CFP as the objectives
Framework Directive
of biodiversity protection mean significant
The Marine Strategy Framework Directive or
restrictions in fishing practice. It is obvious that
MSFD (EU 2008a) represents the ultimate
fishing activity alters the marine environment
example of what we can consider an inte-
and can reduce biodiversity. The question is
grated ecosystem approach. Such an approach where and how to establish the balance
can be fundamentally distinguished from the between continuing an activity necessary for
ecosystem-based fisheries management (EBFM, the production of food and the necessary
see below). protection of marine biodiversity.
The MSFD has a number of objectives that The effect of fishing on marine biodiversity
clearly interact with the CFP: it sets out to can be twofold:
achieve “Good Environmental Status” (GES) • the destruction of rich ecosystems as a result
in all European seas by 2020. The Directive of destructive fishing practices (for example,
establishes 11 “descriptors” of GES: bottom trawling in cold water coral beds);
• Descriptor 1: Biodiversity is maintained. • the reduction of populations of certain
• Descriptor 2: Non-indigenous species do not species caught incidentally (cetaceans, tur-
adversely alter the ecosystem. tles, etc.)
• Descriptor 3. The population of commercial Both questions are already covered by cur-
fish species is healthy. rent environmental and fisheries policy. Natura
• Descriptor 4: Elements of food webs ensure 2000 already protects the high-biodiversity
long-term abundance and reproduction. marine areas in Europe. While more areas
• Descriptor 5: Eutrophication is minimized. could still be established under this frame-
• Descriptor 6: The sea floor integrity ensures work, there doesn’t seem to be a strong case
functioning of the ecosystem. for a brand new approach on this. As for the
Fisheries and the environment 165

by-catch species, the CFP has an ample set of practices: the regulation on the use of alien
measures to protect them, such as for example species in aquaculture (EU 2007). This aspect
the regulation on the protection of cetaceans is, at least, well-covered by the CFP, although
(EU 2004). Overall, the descriptor should be this of course cannot stop the undesired effects
well-covered by on-going initiatives. It is dif- of global warming in terms of the increased
ficult to see what additional initiatives could presence of warm-water species in European
be taken under MSFD that would go beyond waters.
these, and why, and how that could be justified
as compatible with the CFP. Descriptor 3: Commercial fish species.
The definition of this descriptor as “main- This descriptor is not just to be harmonized
taining” biodiversity seems to point at a future with the CFP: it should be the CFP. The com-
where the GES will be characterized by preserv- patibility between MSFD and the CFP requires
ing the biodiversity that exists, not necessarily seamless coincidence between this descriptor
to rebuild the one that was lost. This would and the objectives of the CFP. However, there
be an equivalent, in land, to preserve areas has been a certain tension in this context.
with high biodiversity, but not necessarily The MSFD is environmental legislation and
to turn farmland back into forest. Similarly, this means that the national administrations
ideas of preserving as no-take zones very large responsible for its implementation are those
amounts of seafloor, including areas that have responsible for environmental policy, and their
been trawled for decades, would not seem practice involves frequent consultations with
to correspond to the notion of “maintaining NGOs rather than with the fishing industry. As
biodiversity.” a result, the coordination, at the level of Mem-
ber States, has not necessarily been perfect, and
Descriptor 2: Non-indigenous species. a number of discrepancies in terms of how this
This is also a very far-reaching objective. descriptor should apply have appeared, often
Although the primary objective is to prevent creating a certain confusion as to its objective:
the introduction of non-native species, either is it coinciding fully with the CFP or going
voluntarily (through aquaculture) or invol- beyond?
untarily (for example through vessels’ ballast The answer is easy: Descriptor 3 must seam-
water) this objective may quickly become lessly correspond to the CFP. The CFP and
obsolete due to global warming: whatever the the MSFD have no hierarchical relationship
efforts to implement the directive, the species in legal or policy terms. None of the two
composition of the European seas is changing, policies should prevail over the other one,
with alien species becoming common in many which means that their implementation should
areas. This is particularly obvious in the Eastern look for as much harmonization as possi-
Mediterranean, which suffers from the invasion ble. And, while the other descriptors do not
of alien species from the Red Sea through the have other clear-cut objectives in EU law, the
Suez Canal. descriptor on commercial fisheries has the
For these reasons, this descriptor is one of now clearly-defined objectives of the CFP as in
the most difficult to implement: the occurrence regulation 1380/2013. If Descriptor 3 departs
of non-indigenous species in the European from those objectives, this would be impos-
seas is taking place largely as a result of phe- sible to justify in either legal or policy terms.
nomena outside the remit of the CFP and the Meaningfully, the new objectives of the CFP
EU’s environmental policy. In any case, if the were established in 2013, after the adoption
highest risk of the introduction of alien species of the MSFD, and were adopted with the clear
has been certain aquaculture practices, the CFP idea that achieving such objectives would auto-
has given itself an instrument to regulate and matically correspond to the achievement of
prevent unintended negative effects of such Descriptor 3.
166 Chapter 8

This question is, however, far from being MSFD. This was never the intention of the leg-
resolved in practice, and it still surfaces in the islators in 2013.
context of the relationship between the CFP
and the MSFD: Descriptor 4: Food webs. To the extent that
• Commission Decision 2017/848 (EU 2017) fishing activity can alter the structure and func-
on the implementation of MSFD includes a tion of marine ecosystems, the implementation
criterion for Descriptor 3 which goes beyond of this objective could theoretically have an
the CFP: the size structure of the stock. This influence on the way certain fisheries activity
means that stocks that have reached the is conducted. If the notion of “fishing down
maximum sustainable yield (MSY) objec- the food web” is taken into consideration,
tives under the CFP could be considered the fulfillment of this descriptor could require
“unhealthy” under MSFD (!). measures to reduce fishing pressure.
• In the Baltic Multi Annual Plan (EU 2016) Indeed, the CFP has, for many years, aimed
there is a provision allowing for lower at reducing the total level of fishing pressure,
total allowable catch (TACs) than those through a variety of measures, from TACs
determined by the CFP objectives if this is adapted to low fishing mortality rates, to direct
necessary to fulfill Descriptor 3 of the MSFD reduction of fishing effort and fleet capacity.
on commercial stocks. As these go beyond These measures have produced a net reduction
of the total level of fishing pressure since the
the MSY objective of the CFP, this provision
turn of the century, and the trend continues
implies that some TACs may have to be set at
at least in the Atlantic and Baltic (see Figure
lower levels than those required by the CFP
1.2). In this regard, the MSFD cannot probably
in order to fulfill the extra criterion of the
contribute more than simply supporting the
efforts under the CFP to reduce the overall
• In addition, the requirement of achieving
fishing pressure to the fishing mortality levels
Bmsy is included without a different time
necessary to achieve the goals for 2020.
perspective than the achievement of Fmsy .
However, there are other implications. In this
Yet, as we saw in Chapter 3, there is always
chapter we explain how the idea that fishing
a time gap between the achievement of Fmsy
is seriously producing a “fishing down the
levels and the recovery of the biomass to Bmsy
food web” effect is far from evident (Branch
levels (if this happens at all). This implies
et al. 2010). We also explain how it is less
that even in the most successful cases (Fmsy in than obvious that selective fishing can actually
2020) there is no reasonable expectation that contribute to preserve ecosystem structure and
Bmsy levels will be reached at the same time. function (Zhou et al. 2010). As we explain
This, again, can have the effect of turning a below, the preservation of the current structure
successful policy result (Fmsy in 2020) into an of the food webs does not necessarily have to
apparent failure. correspond to the traditional wisdom of ensur-
MSFD should also evaluate its own achieve- ing selective fishing. Other approaches such as
ment of the GES after 2020. It would be both balanced harvest may be possible that, despite
legally and politically difficult to explain how their doubts and potential downsides, certainly
environmental and fisheries policy would have need to be carefully considered.
a different evaluation of the results achieved in Ultimately, fisheries alter the ecosystems,
ensuring the sustainable management of fish- although certainly much less than does agricul-
ery resources. Achieving Fmsy is already difficult ture, in particular in the case of pelagic fisheries.
enough. If, in addition, stocks for which this dif- Here, MSFD has to recognize that a productive
ficult objective is achieved can still be consid- ocean is not, and cannot be a pristine one. It
ered “unhealthy” by environmental policy then is not possible to maximize the production of
the CFP will always appear as a failure under sustainable food from the ocean (as required
Fisheries and the environment 167

by Article 39 TFEU) based on pristine marine The scientific literature has already evaluated
ecosystems. For this reason, the preservation the effects of bottom trawling on the seabed,
of the food webs should be considered as the including considerations on management. The
preservation of the currently exploited food vulnerability of the sea bottom to trawling is
webs, and should not be construed as an aspi- very variable depending upon the trawling
ration to recover long-lost unexploited marine technique, the depth (and the wave-induced
food webs, that could only arguably be recov- natural disturbance), the composition of the
ered at the cost of losing most of the fishing sediment (mud, sand, gravel, etc.) and so
activity, something unwarranted either by the on. The “easy” solution of closing to trawling
Treaty or by common sense. certain currently trawled areas may have the
undesired effect of displacing trawling to areas
Descriptor 6: Seafloor integrity. Certain where vulnerability is higher, thus producing
fishing activities, such as bottom trawling, more damage in the longer term (Kaiser et al.
affect seafloor integrity. The implementation 2002).
of this objective may therefore result in some A recent report (ICES 2017) has assessed the
limitation on the use of bottom trawls. The status of the sea bottom, in terms of the impact
question here is whether this should require of bottom trawling, in the North Sea. Fishing
the establishment of a quantified target in pressure was found to be highly aggregated. In
terms of percentage of the floor protected the Greater North Sea, a relatively high impact
from bottom trawling. A number of envi- occurred in deeper waters and in muddy
ronmental NGOs promote this approach, and habitats. The trade-off analysis indicated that
some have even suggested the protection of landings in weight and value were also concen-
70% of the seafloor being banned for bottom trated at the highly aggregated (core) fishing
trawling. grounds. The relatively high landings per unit
This raises a very important issue: while the of impact at the core fishing grounds imply
areas that have benthic communities of high that an overall reduction of fishing impact on
diversity (such as those protected under Natura the seabed, achieved by reducing fishing at the
2000) would effectively be destroyed by bottom peripheral grounds, may result in a smaller
trawling, many other areas of the European sea reduction in landings and a larger reduction in
bottoms have been trawled for decades. These pressure than if the reduction were at the core
areas could be compared to farmland that is fishing grounds.
regularly plowed for the production of food, as This important report illustrates the current
opposed to pristine forest where biodiversity is situation, but it does not assess whether the
conserved. current level of impact is excessive or not.
If the seafloor with high biodiversity is (or ICES very clearly indicate that this is not for
should be) protected by Natura 2000, what else scientists, but for fisheries managers to deter-
should be done under MSFD? If the protection mine, as it is a question that depends on policy
of the seafloor goes much beyond Natura 2000, objectives. In this regard, one can suggest that
one would be protecting areas that Natura 2000 the amount of trawling that corresponds to
itself did not consider worthy of protection on GES should be that necessary (no more; but
the basis of the habitats directive. What would no less) to fish North Sea stocks at Fmsy levels,
then be the purpose of such protection? How as established by the CFP. Restricting this more
much do we know about the effects of protect- than that would amount to impose, through
ing sea bottom with relatively low diversity? environmental legislation, stricter objectives
What would be the trade-offs of such protec- than those established by the CFP, something
tion against the possible limitation of fishing? that is not granted, either legally or politically,
These questions must be addressed seriously to since the two legislations must be aligned, but
implement that provision. one should not supersede the other.
168 Chapter 8

True, it could be argued that fisheries could be example of the dichotomy between two pol-
exploited at Fmsy levels with less bottom trawl- icy approaches: (i) the fisheries one, where
ing and less impact on the sea floor, through marine species are considered a resource to
reconversion of the bottom trawl fleet to other be exploited sustainably; and (ii) the environ-
gear. This would be an interesting perspective, mental one, where species are considered as
but it should, in any case, take account of two an asset of mankind that need to be preserved,
factors: (i) that certain species (i.e. Norway over and beyond any consideration of possible
lobster) need bottom trawling to be caught sustainable development.
efficiently; and (ii) that fleet reconversion is Contrary to extended belief in many coun-
very costly and takes time, so any tendency tries, sharks are not just by-catch species: they
to reduce bottom trawling while maintaining are targeted, used and traded at very significant
fishing at Fmsy level should in any case be partial levels around the world (Vannuccini 1999) so
and very gradual; something not achievable by beyond ecological or ethical considerations,
2020. they are also fishery resources in their own
When evaluating the effects of bottom trawl- right.
ing, for instance in the North Sea, one must bear
in mind that this area claims the world’s highest The precedent of whaling
number of oil and gas rigs,1 among other human The best illustration of the above dichotomy
impacts, so bottom trawling should be put into is the regime applicable to whale species under
the correct perspective in terms of its relative the International Whaling Commission (IWC).
contribution in the overall preservation of the Here, following the establishment in 1986 of a
seafloor integrity of the area. moratorium on whale hunting to protect the
many whale species close to extinction, the
majority policy of the organization (with an
The dichotomy between important influence by the EU Member States)
fisheries management has been to oppose any re-opening of whale
and environmental protection: hunting, even for those species where scientific
the case of sharks advice clearly indicates that a certain level of
sustainable exploitation is possible. At EU level,
The above cases show how the two policies are the IWC is followed by the Directorate General
being combined. However, in a number of cases of the Environment, not the Department of
the interaction between the two policies is not Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, which indicates
easy, and a number of issues can be considered that this is seen, policy-wise, as an environ-
differently, and managed under very different mental question, not one of management of
instruments, depending upon their considera- marine resources.
tion as fisheries or environmental issues. These Although certain countries of the world (led
are the “areas of friction” between the two poli- by Japan) continue advocating the sustainable
cies. There is perhaps no better example of this exploitation of whales as a marine resource
than the question of the conservation or man- like any other, it is difficult to see any possible
agement of sharks. change in this policy by the EU any time soon.
The case for sustainable exploitation of at least
Sharks: protect or manage? some whale species has been made clear by
It is important to raise the issue of sharks the scientific advice available to the IWC who
because they represent, today, the most clear is able to evaluate the abundance of different
whale species.2 If whales are not exploited,


fields_of_the_North_Sea#List_of_fields/ 2
Fisheries and the environment 169

is not for lack of such scientific basis. Many as the EU has already done for a number of
authors advance hypotheses on the possible years. For example, the annual regulation on
beneficial effects of certain levels of exploitation TACs and quotas for 2018 (EU 2018) contains
of whales, notably in terms of competition with more than 10 shark species whose catch is
man for forage species. prohibited.
Over the years, the excellent scientific advice However, there is abundant literature argu-
available to the IWC has evolved toward ing in favor of direct management of sharks as
anti-whaling positions, not entirely based on a better alternative for conservation than tradi-
grounds of the sustainability of the whale tional approaches based on their consideration
populations, but rather on the moral rejection as protected wildlife (see below in “Some ideas
of whaling. In these circumstances, Morishita on management”).
and Goodman (2005) wonder whether such
scientific advice is relevant and necessary at all.
Despite all the evidence, the idea that whales Shark finning
are to be entirely protected, even if certain The issue of the exploitation of sharks has been
levels of exploitation are possible, is completely made more difficult by the existing practice
consolidated in Europe, although with certain of shark finning. By “finning” we understand
exceptions, notably by Denmark on behalf of the practice of catching sharks to cut and
the Faroe Islands. For whales, environmental market their fins and discard the fish carcass.
considerations have prevailed over those of This practice, is very common among Far-East
marine resource exploitation and management, long-liners catching tuna. For these fleets,
probably forever. Will sharks follow suit? sharks are not the target species; these fishers
are not interested in the whole shark carcass. In
Should sharks be the new whales? the event of incidental catches of sharks, they
Sharks are iconic species that have drawn the only cut and keep the fins and discard the rest.
attention of both NGOs and the public at large. This is really the practice that has caused outcry
Given their particular reproductive characteris- in the international community. However, this
tics (very few, well-developed eggs laid, instead was not the practice in Europe. The few Mem-
of millions of small eggs, and ovo-viviparism in ber States active in catching sharks actually
some cases, thus very few offspring per female) used the whole animal (the meat, the liver, the
they are closer to marine mammals than to skin, the bones) so they did not practice finning
other fish in terms of reproductive strategy and as such.
thus are very sensitive to over-exploitation. Different initiatives have been taken by the
They are, however, keenly-sought species for a international community to stop this practice.
number of fisheries in the world, some of them The whole idea of banning shark finning is
seeking the whole animal, others interested twofold:
only in their fins. • to stop a practice that is unacceptable from
According to FAO, many vulnerable shark the point of view of animal welfare; and
species (a term that also includes skates and • indirectly, to reduce catches of sharks by
rays) are declining. Global catches reported to make economically non-viable the catch and
FAO tripled from 1950 to a historical maximum retention on board of the fins only.
of 893 000 tonnes in 2000, and have declined As in many other issues, the EU has taken the
ever since to 766 000 tonnes in 2011 (FAO lead by passing legislation to the effect of ban-
2014). ning this practice. An EU ban on shark finning
The CFP has taken a number of measures has been in operation since 2003 (EU 2003).
to protect sharks, generally responding to the The 2003 finning ban has recently been
protectionist approach. These amount to a com- revamped with a new, stricter regulation
plete ban on a number of endangered species, (EU 2013b) to ensure better enforcement of
170 Chapter 8

the former. This revamping, however, intro- a number of cases of management of elasmo-
duced an extra cost in existing practice in branchs. And FAO’s International Plan of Action
European fleets while vessels from the Far East on Sharks established guidelines including the
continue their finning practices unchecked, in “rational long-term economic use” of sharks
an example of how NGO-led policy can put (FAO 2000). The EU adopted in 2009 an action
European fleets at a disadvantage without a plan to implement FAO’s plan (EU 2009b).
significant overall influence on finning levels FAO proposes a number of measures to man-
at global level. This has produced in European age shark species sustainably:
fishermen a sense of unfairness: they have to • Improving species identification and report-
implement a policy that removes flexibility in ing. This is important because, unlike most
their fixing practices to solve a problem that commercial fish, skippers cannot tell apart
they did not cause. most shark species, and can distinguish only
While the practice is rejected in western the main ones.
countries notably on grounds of animal wel- • Implementing shark conservation measures.
fare, it has been argued that this practice can This represents a major challenge because
actually be sustainable. An economic study traditionally the Regional Fisheries Manage-
of trends in the Hong-Kong shark fin market ment Organizations (RFMOs) have failed
showed a clear preference for large fins. In to consider sharks as part of their mandate,
the specific case of blacktip shark, the fin sizes or have prioritized other species for their
preferred in the market are well in excess of management.
those corresponding to the age of maturity of • Combating the illegal, unreported, and
the shark, thus providing for a very good basis unregulated (IUU). This responds to the evi-
for management measures based on shark size. dence that shark catches often overlap illegal
Such management would also be favored by fishing.
the use of size-selective gear such as hooks • Improving regional cooperation.
and lines, allowing for release of the smaller • Improving labeling and certification.
individuals (Fong 2002). • Addressing international trade.
Banning shark finning does not constitute All these above elements should allow, in
in itself a policy to manage sharks, and cannot well-defined cases, that the catch of certain
replace proper management of the commer- species of sharks should be subject to manage-
cial shark species. However, the public outcry ment as fish resources and not simply forbidden
against this practice (related to animal welfare as a threat to endangered species. But for that
as much as to biodiversity protection) has a it would be necessary that all stakeholders
very strong bearing on the public perception admit that at least certain shark species are
of any fishing activity involving sharks, and amenable to exploitation and management,
this implies an additional difficulty, by making and that the practice becomes as transparent
the sustainable management of commercial and rationally managed as any other fishing
sharks stocks a highly sensitive issue, where practice, something still hard to achieve in most
emotional arguments often prevail over ratio- cases.
Doomsday scenarios about the status of shark
nal arguments about sustainable, science-based
populations are not necessarily all agreed by
management approaches.
science. For example, in a very complete study
of sharks in the Northwest Atlantic and Gulf
Some ideas on management of Mexico, Burgess et al. (2005) conclude how
On the above dichotomy between avoidance shark population declines are very variable,
and managed exploitation, FAO has long taken and that in a number of cases the real status of
the view that sharks can indeed be exploited populations is actually healthier than asserted.
and managed. Shotton (1999) already reviewed More recent studies (Dulvy et al. 2014) indicate
Fisheries and the environment 171

that, while alerting about the risks of collapse marine environment, such as pollution, oil and
of a number of shark populations, they advo- gas drilling, maritime transport and so on. And
cate improved fisheries management and trade aquaculture is not treated any better. Why?
to avoid extinction and promote population There is abundant scientific literature on the
recovery. This clearly implies that sharks can negative effects of fishing on the marine envi-
be and should be managed as fishery resources ronment. A recent example is the study on the
and that such alternatives as banning all shark global footprint of fisheries by Kroodsma et al.
catches are not necessarily the only option. (2018). The study indicates that industrial fish-
The management of sharks remains a rather ing occurs in more than 55% of ocean area and
secondary issue in some of the regional fishery has a spatial extent more than four times that of
organizations that could theoretically under- agriculture. This dramatic conclusion has been
take to do it. The fact that many of the shark abundantly reported in the mass media, causing
fisheries are not just targeting sharks but also considerable public concern about a catastrophe
tuna and tuna-like species (mainly swordfish in the making.
in the case of the European fleets) does not However, a recent comment on that study
necessarily contribute to give shark manage- (Amoroso et al. 2018) reveals that such a con-
ment the kind of priority that it would deserve. clusion is an artifact of the spatial scale of the
For instance, the International Commission for analysis, and that the global (all vessels) and
the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) has regional (trawling) impact of fishing at a higher
been successfully managing tuna fisheries in the resolution reduces the above estimates by a fac-
Atlantic since the 1960s, but has only recently tor of 10 and 5 respectively, so the comparison
started taking some measures to manage certain of the impacts of agriculture and fisheries of the
shark species. Kroodsma article is misleading. Yet, the latter
As a result, failure to address shark manage- comment has received no media attention.
ment properly as a legitimate fishery resource It is true that both fisheries and aquaculture
results in NGOs “filling the void” by taking modify the natural environment, but so does
initiatives against shark fisheries in interna- (even more) agriculture. In fact, while agricul-
tional environmental fora. This is the ultimate ture dramatically modifies terrestrial ecosys-
example of how failing to address fisheries tems by eliminating all biodiversity, marine
management issues only allows environment exploited ecosystems (particularly pelagic
policy to take over instead. For this reason, the ones) fundamentally keep their ecological
idea of a dedicated Regional Fisheries Manage- structure and most of its biodiversity while
ment Organizatiion to manage shark fisheries, being exploited. Yet, the need for agriculture
and ensure their proper management, has been to feed the world’s growing population is not
proposed by certain authors (Herndon et al. questioned by anybody, while fisheries and
2010) and this idea would certainly deserve aquaculture are seriously criticized. In addition,
careful consideration. the effects of fisheries on the marine environ-
ment are almost never compared with those
of other human activities, such as oil and gas
The effects of fishing on the drilling, maritime transport or seabed mining.
environment Let alone pollution coming from land sources:
from chemicals to plastics, and especially pes-
Fishing: the evil of the seas? ticides and other pollutants that end up in the
In recent times the fishing activity has received oceans coming from agriculture and husbandry
increasing attention in terms of its negative run-off. If all these impacts are considered, fish-
effects on the marine environment. Sometimes, eries and aquaculture tend to be at the receiving
the effects of fishing make more headlines end of negative environmental impacts, rather
than other human activities that threaten the than at their origin.
172 Chapter 8

The real effects of fishing on the marine envi- And perhaps also another question of rapport de
ronment remain very difficult to evaluate sci- force among different human economic sectors
entifically. Many attempts have been made to and their capacity to influence public debate
express such effects through indicators (see for in their favor. Culturally, much of the criticism
example Fulton et al. 2004). These authors con- of fishing activity as destructive comes from
clude that it is necessary to use a variety of indi- countries that never had to rely on fishing as a
cators simultaneously to detect the full range source of food. In these cultures, fishing is not
of impacts from fishing. This complexity results an essential part of their diet, which depends
in a serious difficulty in telling apart the real from rich and abundant farmland, so they can
effects of fishing from the natural fluctuations of afford to consider their seas as nature reserves
marine ecosystems, or even the effects of other without any negative consequence in their food
human intervention on these ecosystems. supply. Interestingly, some of these countries
The main advocates of this negative image have obtained their extended farmland thanks
of fishing activity are certain environmental to extensive logging of primeval forests, with
NGOs. Greenpeace describes the CFP as a “bro- an enormous loss of biodiversity. For these
ken” policy open to abuse by industrial-scale reasons, one should not be over-impressed by
fleets, notably on the basis of some well-known criticism from that origin.
examples of illegal fishing.3 On the same side, Furthermore, as we will explain later in
Sea Shepherd accused the CFP of “inten- these pages, fishing activity is, overall, very
tional bad management,” in response to the small in global terms that cannot match the
short-term interests of the fishing industry.4 In economic and political influence of other eco-
such cases, a few negative examples are used nomic sectors, both food-producing sectors on
to generalize a bad image of a whole sector. land, or other economic sectors in the world’s
Few industries around the world, with a much oceans. This often makes the fishing industry
larger influence on the world’s ecosystems, suf- an easy scapegoat, which their overall effects
fer this negative campaigning, which have an on the world’s environment would not justify
enormous effect on public opinion and have an in comparative terms.
increasingly crucial influence on policy making.
The campaigning against industrial fishing by Fisheries, at the receiving end
certain NGOs is often joined by other interests, of environmental degradation
such as those of recreational fishermen. And Interestingly, much is said about the negative
the results are not just a question of image: effects of fishing on the environment, but
they have a bearing on policy decisions, such little on how fishing suffers from the degra-
as the net increase in no-fishing zones for com- dation of the marine environment due to
mercial fishing that take place in a number of other economic activities. Yet, these effects
countries around the world. This has led some are well-demonstrated in a number of cases,
well-known scientists to suggest voluntary including the effects of numerous pollutants
self-transparency by the fishing industry as a carried by runoff waters from land (Bukola
way to fend off unfair allegations about the real et al. 2015).
effects of fishing (Hilborn 2018). The negative effects of pollution, in addition,
Over and beyond the real effects of fisheries are not just immediate: pollutants such as heavy
from an objective, scientifically-based perspec- metals, dioxins, and others are bio-accumulated
tive, there is at the start a cultural question. in fish, and although they do not cause signifi-
cant fish mortality, they compromise the value
of fish as a healthy source of food for humans
in the long term. From this point of view too,
4 fishing is at the receiving end of the negative
20160204-fr-01.html/ impacts of other human activities (often from
Fisheries and the environment 173

land) rather than the cause of environmental found substantially different values than those
degradation. quoted in the 1998 paper. Catch MTL, a new
This is of course not a blanket defense of paper says, declined from the 1950s but has
whatever the fishing industry does. As in other increased since the mid-1980s (Branch et al.
economic sectors, the world’s fishing industry 2010).
is also riddled with illegal activity, abusive Species richness has long been used as an
practice, short-term greed and so on, and these indicator of ecosystem functioning and health.
activities must be energetically fought. But While global richness is declining, regional
overall there is no objective basis to say that trends may be very different. In a study con-
fisheries, including those on an industrial scale, ducted in nine open marine areas of North
if and when practiced sustainably to produce America, positive species richness trends were
much-needed food for humankind, are in any found in eight out of these nine regions, thus
way the evil of the seas. providing evidence that while global trends
may be negative, sub-global richness trends can
Fishing down the food web? be stable or increasing (Batt et al. 2017).
The over-exploitation of fishery resources is, The controversy lingers on. It is clear that
according to certain authors, not only a prob- fishing alters the marine environment. But the
lem of inefficient use of sustainable resources, latest evidence suggests that the MTL of the
it also has negative consequences in the marine catch does not necessarily reflect the structure
ecosystem. The expression “fishing down the of the food webs, since catches of different
food web” has been coined as an alleged species are largely driven by economic interest
negative effect of fishery over-exploitation. and opportunity, not just by their relative abun-
According to this theory, overfishing would dance in the ecosystem. Overall, the “fishing
produce: “a gradual transition in landings down the food web” may be happening in
from long-lived, high trophic-level piscivo- poorly-managed fisheries, but when and where
rous bottom fish to short-lived, low trophic traditional fisheries management works, it does
level invertebrates and planktivorous fish” not seem to take place. Any projection of global
(Anon 2005). This effect, first described in trends will have to take that into account.
a famous study in 1998, considered that the
mean trophic level (MTL) of the catches of
the world’s fisheries were declining by 0.1 per Does sustainable fishing increase
decade. The effect would be more pronounced productivity?
in the northern hemisphere (Pauly et al. 1998). The above idea of a substantial part of the
This theory has given rise to doomsday sce- marine environment being dedicated to the
narios where fishermen would end up finding production of food must also be examined from
only jellyfish to catch. This powerful image has another angle: the sustainable exploitation of
been abundantly used by environmental NGOs fishery resources: does it increase, reduce or,
to raise awareness about the non-sustainability or maintain the productivity of the marine
of fishing activity in recent years. The question ecosystem concerned?
is: is this kind of scenario realistic? Is this hap- On land, everyone is familiar with the idea
pening already? of farmland being more productive (in terms
The issue is one very hotly debated in the of food) than wild environments. A lawn that
scientific world. In fact, more recent studies is mowed regularly produces more grass than
have questioned this theory, showing that the a wild grassland. Does this happen in marine
MTL of fisheries catches frequently diverged ecosystems too?
from the MTL of the ecosystem, given the The question is complex and easy conclusions
selective character of the fishing activity. They are to be avoided. However, as mentioned in the
also looked again at the MTL of catches and previous chapter, harvesting smaller fish, which
174 Chapter 8

have higher productivity, allows a greater sus- and microorganisms and their ecosystems – it
tainable biomass yield than harvesting larger is about people and our need for food security,
fish, which have lower productivity (Law et al. medicines, fresh air and water, shelter, and
2012). a clean and healthy environment in which
This may not necessarily make sense eco- to live.
nomically (if larger fish fetch much better At international level, the CBD has adopted
prices and enjoy consumer preference over the so-called Aichi targets: 10% of the ocean
small ones) but it simply shows that it is the- surface covered by marine protected areas
oretically possible to manage fisheries in a (MPAs), an objective that the EU has signed up
way that the production of sustainable fish to and is committed to reaching.
protein is maximized, and that this would not
correspond necessarily to the maximum biodi-
How to measure biodiversity:
versity – just as in the case of agriculture. The
existing indicators
idea that keeping certain marine areas as areas
The objectives of preserving biodiversity have
of high fish production with low biodiversity
raised a problem: how to measure it. While
is not an impossible concept, but one that
progress in fisheries management can be made
could possibly be examined and developed in
relatively simple (see Chapter on measuring
certain areas in exchange of protecting others,
policy success) measuring biodiversity is much
with high biodiversity, from all kinds of fishing
more complex. Since the adoption of the CBD,
(see below).
there has been a “boom” of indicators. Teixeira
et al. (2016) provide a very good evaluation of
Preserving marine biodiversity existing indicators, underlining that there is still
a lack of practical ones, and that much more
The protection of biodiversity features in research is needed on the topic.
almost all maritime policies around the world. In a different study, Butchart et al. (2010)
However, its implementation poses a series of compiled as many as 31 indicators to measure
questions that must be addressed to ensure the evolution of biodiversity in respect of the
that the measures established for that pur- objectives set by the CBD. Again, the problem
pose achieve their objective and at the same with these indicators is that they provide a
time allow for the continuation of legiti- rather complex picture of the evolution of
mate, sustainable exploitation of the ocean’s biodiversity. The above authors indicate that,
resources. over time, some indicators increase and others
Conserving marine biodiversity has been decrease, sending a rather complex, confusing
an important objective for EU policy for quite message as to whether the objectives are being
a long time. Perhaps the main instrument to achieved. Indeed, this is not surprising, many
achieve that has been the “habitats directive,” components of the ecosystem are fluctuating,
first adopted in 1992 (EU 1992a), including its and cannot be expected to evolve as a straight
implementation through a series of protected line over time: ups and downs are inevitable
areas under the network Natura 2000. and do not necessarily describe a clear-cut
At international level, the most prominent overall trend.
initiative is that of the Convention on Biological In addition, there is a certain tendency to
Diversity (CBD). Signed by 150 government measure biodiversity in large oceanic areas,
leaders at the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, the ignoring the fact that in the oceans there is
CBD is dedicated to promoting sustainable an increasing specialization of the space, with
development. Conceived as a practical tool for certain areas being heavily fished or subject to
translating the principles of Agenda 21 into other economic activities and others protected
reality, the Convention recognizes that biologi- from them. Should biodiversity be measured
cal diversity is about more than plants, animals in the same way in both types of marine area?
Fisheries and the environment 175

There is a possibility to approach biodiver- population is resolved through two different

sity conservation as on land: by specializing mechanisms:
the territory. If we take a somehow similar • Through territorialization. National parks
approach in the sea, the idea could be to mea- are the best example: defined geographical
sure the evolution of biodiversity in areas being areas protected from any human activity
fished in a specific way, while the biodiversity that would destroy the biodiversity they
in MPAs could be measured differently. All this contain, while allowing economic activity in
points to a differential approach. How can we other areas where biodiversity simply does
measure marine biodiversity in marine areas not exist anymore. The contrast between
that are not protected for that very purpose? national parks and farmland is the best
example of this approach.
A simplified approach? • Through protection of individual species,
Dulvy et al. (2006) have proposed an inter- such as the complete ban to hunt endan-
esting idea: to use as a biodiversity indicator gered species wherever they occur, from
the relative abundance of 23 fish species in bears to eagles.
the North Sea. The idea is to classify these fish In any case, the establishment of these mea-
according to their level of threat of collapse, sures reflects the need to protect the remaining
according to a semi-quantitative scale of zero biodiversity existing on land, but does not
(no risk) to three (highest risk of collapse), the question that the vast majority of the territory
idea being to bring the ecosystem to zero (no will still be necessary for human activity such
fish species being threatened). as agriculture, industry or habitation. Further-
This idea is of course preliminary, but it has more, the territorial approach does not try
two very attractive characteristics: to protect biodiversity everywhere, rather, it
• Its simplicity. Instead of more than 30 fluctu- responds to the need to have areas protected
ating indicators sending confusing messages, and areas dedicated to the production of food or
this indicator provides a simple, understand- other goods, where biodiversity is secondary to
able time series on how things evolve. the main objective of producing goods. Indeed,
• The fact that these fish can be proxies of the establishment of national parks or reserves
ecosystem structure and function. This is where biodiversity is preserved is probably
often the case on land with the use of certain only possible because the other land areas are
species as indicators of ecosystem health. dedicated to the production of goods.
Rather than monitoring dozens of elements, The question is: can this approach be applied
it is much simpler to focus on a few indicator in the oceans? One side of the question is
species for which, in addition, we have the already clear: the protection of high diversity
luxury of disposing of very long time series marine environments is on-going, and has a
to detect trends much more reliably. number of good examples such as the marine
This approach is of course amenable to Nature 2000 areas, where biodiversity is basi-
improvement, but in view of the confusion cally untouched. The real question is: if these
and complexity of current approaches on the areas are sufficiently large and representative,
measurement of biodiversity through count- could the rest of the oceanic areas be subject to a
less – and often contradictory – indicators, it kind of exploitation regime that maximizes the
may actually be better to measure it through a production of food, as in the case of farmland?
much simpler set of indicator species, like the The idea is still alien to the public debate on
one referred to above. biodiversity conservation. In a very interesting
article, Lubchenko and Grorurd-Colbert (2015)
Protecting biodiversity on land as a consider that the Aichi targets are still very far
comparison away from being achieved, and that only 1.6%
On land, the dichotomy between protecting of the ocean is “strongly” or “fully” protected,
biodiversity and producing food for a growing as compared with the corresponding figure on
176 Chapter 8

land of around 15%. Their suggestion is that seem to apply to the sea: why? Is this justified?
the protection of biodiversity in the ocean must Does it necessarily have to be like that?
quickly catch up with that of land. The marine ecosystems supporting fisheries,
However, this comparison fails to refer to should they privilege output or biodiversity? By
the situation of the non-protected areas. In comparison with terrestrial ecosystems, agricul-
fact, on land most of the remaining 85% of the tural land has completely sacrificed biodiversity
surface is not protected at all from biodiversity in order to maximize output. Should cer-
loss. Farmland represents nearly 40% of the tain marine ecosystems exploited for fisheries
world’s land surface and has a very low bio- production do the same?
diversity, and this is accepted as an inevitable This is a complex question. Fishing is not
fact: humankind needs to produce food, and farming, so the terrestrial example should not
high food production through agriculture is be taken literally. The question is that certain
not compatible with high biodiversity. In the marine ecosystems can be held at lower levels
ocean, no such equivalent exists, and the bio- of biodiversity but higher levels of commercial
diversity objectives still try to protect, one way output. In addition, such ecosystems could
or another, biodiversity in practically all marine even be held at relatively low trophic levels,
areas. The specialization of zones between food if this means higher yield of fish protein with
production and biodiversity is very clear on a high market value. We must bear in mind
land, but it is still in its infancy as regards the that certain low-trophic level species, such as
world’s oceans. the anchovy in the Bay of Biscay, fetch higher
This idea would have far-reaching conse- market prices than a number of its predators
quences, because certain effects, such as the from higher trophic levels in their ecosystem.
loss of diversity or the environmental effects of The idea of that type of ecosystem could
certain fishing techniques like bottom trawling also be seen in connection with a network
would be seen under a very different light if of MPAs to preserve the marine ecosystems
they are considered as affecting biodiversity, or well-identified as having a particularly high
rather as an efficient way to exploit certain sea biodiversity. This would correspond to an
zones dedicated to maximize the production approach equivalent to that on land: large areas
of food. are dedicated to agriculture while areas of high
biodiversity are preserved as national parks.
Areas for fishing: a low-diversity, This resolves the dichotomy between preserva-
high-productivity marine ecosystem? tion and production by doing both in different
As we saw above, the most widely accepted parts of the territory. With all the caveats
definition of the ecosystem approach insists on due to the different nature of the ecosystems
the need of ensuring exploitation of resources concerned, and the differences between land
while preserving ecosystem structure and func- farming and sea fishing, a similar approach
tion (FAO 2003). This deserves a reflection: it could be a reasonable solution to this problem:
means that the exploited marine ecosystems preserving meaningful ocean areas of high
must preserve their structure and, at the same biodiversity as MPAs and, in turn, exploit other
time be exploited. It is important to underline areas for fisheries under criteria of maximizing
that this is not at all the approach taken to sustainable production of fish.
produce food and preserve biodiversity on land. Coastal areas dedicated to intensive aquacul-
On land there is a clear-cut separation ture already provide an example. Areas with
between areas to produce food, where no con- intensive production of oysters or mussels rep-
siderations on preserving ecosystem structure resent exactly the above idea: they are ecosys-
and function apply (farmland) and areas where tems highly modified by man to maximize
pristine ecosystems are preserved (national the production of food from primary produc-
parks and the like). But this distinction does not tion, and largely replacing the – much more
Fisheries and the environment 177

diverse – natural ecosystems by a very short and network and implemented in the CFP. On
effective food chain. These ecosystems are, if the contrary, some of the areas protected
and when well-managed, extremely productive under other initiatives, without a clear iden-
ecosystems with low diversity. Can this be done tification of the ecosystems to protect, remain
in certain areas for capture fishing? of dubious usefulness to protect biodiversity.
• Good geographical delimitation. Today’s research
Marine Protected Areas: the ultimate and control technologies allow the accurate
instrument? determination of the areas that deserve pro-
The value of MPAs to preserve biodiversity has tection. The tendency to protect very large
been known for years. In recent times, how- areas that encompass spots of high diversity
ever, the drive to establish large-scale MPAs as with other areas could be understandable
a multi-purpose instrument for marine con- when the knowledge of the sea bottoms
servation has gained so much momentum that was patchy. Today, however, the knowl-
is becoming almost an undisputed mantra for edge in many areas of the world is detailed
environmental advocacy groups and significant enough to target the real high-diversity areas
parts of society. much more precisely so that broad-brush
Lubchenko et al. (2003) among many other approaches are neither necessary nor justi-
authors have advocated this kind of “emerging” fied.
instrument, which can allegedly provide mul- • Evaluation of winners and losers. Beyond the
tiple benefits: habitat protection, conservation question of the biological effects, large MPAs
of biodiversity, enhancement of ecosystem ser- can have very different consequences in
vices, recuperation of depleted stocks and their terms of who is excluded from the exploita-
export to fished areas, and so on. However, tion of resources in these areas and who is
these authors recognize that MPAs cannot be a not. Although extended wisdom implies that
solution against climate change, pollution, or MPAs can benefit small-scale, developing
overfishing originated outside their boundaries, countries’ interests, the experience tends to
so the instrument should in any case be com- show the contrary: large MPAs affect directly
plemented by other approaches. Other studies those who fish in these areas without alter-
(for example, Roberts et al. 2001) underline native, while industrial interests can afford
the positive effects on fisheries management, to find new places outside the MPAs.
claiming increased adjacent catches for arti- • Social license. Large MPAs are also easier to
sanal fisheries outside marine reserves between establish in remote areas, where the existing
46% and 90%. However, other authors under- number of economic activities is lower, and
line that there are important gaps in scientific so is the resistance to that instrument. The
knowledge about marine reserves that must be result is that MPAs are established where it is
filled if these are to be a useful management politically easier because pressure groups are
instrument, but these tend to be ignored by weaker, but not necessarily where the pro-
uncritical advocacy (Sale et al. 2005). tection would make more sense in ecological
MPAs can indeed be very effective instru- terms.
ments for the purpose of protecting biodiversity. • The overall balance between protection
But for that to be the case, there are a number and – sustainable – exploitation. The propos-
of conditions for their application: als by certain groups to bring the protection
• Adequate definition of objectives. MPAs are rele- of biodiversity in the world’s oceans to 30%
vant insofar as they represent well-identified of their surface should be compounded with
areas of high biodiversity. The best, positive the effects of such a measure on the world’s
example of this can be the deep-sea areas ability to take full advantage of marine
with cold coral communities of Lophelia resources and produce more seafood (see
pertusa, protected under the Natura 2000 Chapter 2), or on who will benefit from that.
178 Chapter 8

• Adequate enforcement. One must bear in mind 2005). This grouped ecosystem services into
that enforcement of fishing activities is led by four broad categories: provisioning, such as the
the existence of the fishing activity itself. If no production of food and water; regulating, such
fishing is allowed in these areas, what incen- as the control of climate and disease; support-
tive is out there to invest in very expensive ing, such as nutrient cycles and crop pollination;
enforcement? Who will enforce this kind of and cultural, such as spiritual and recreational
measure? benefits. To help inform decision-makers, many
These are just a few reflections on the use ecosystem services are being assigned economic
of MPAs. The Natura 2000 network is a very values.
good, positive example of the points above: they The notion of ecosystem services is easy to
protect well-identified areas of a surface pro- formulate, but extremely elusive when it comes
portionate with the ecosystem to protect, and to applying in practice, although the subject
they are part of the control and enforcement has been explored by some authors (Bouma
system of the CFP. When considering proposals and van Beukering 2015). The EU initiative
for very large-scale MPAs, the example of the Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and
Natura 2000 in EU waters is an example to be their Services5 distinguishes three broad types
borne in mind. of ecosystem services:
• Provisioning. Provision of tangible outputs.
How to evaluate the preservation Fisheries and aquaculture production would
of biodiversity: the notion be part of these ecosystem services.
of ecosystem services • Regulating. Services to maintain the ecosys-
Humankind benefits in a multitude of ways tems. In the oceans, the capacity to absorb
from ecosystems. The exploitation of its and recycle organic matter from sewage
resources is an obvious benefit. But the notion would be a case of ecosystem service.
of ecosystem services conveys the philosophy • Cultural. Symbolic, spiritual or intellectual
that, over and beyond the direct economic ben- benefits. It has been argued that the abil-
efits derived from the exploitation of resources, ity to observe pristine, natural ecosystems
the preservation of ecosystems also provides has even a positive influence on human
humankind with a number of more intangi- health, particularly for children (Ten Brink
ble benefits, which are not necessarily easy et al. 2016), although these are much more
to measure in economic terms (the so-called difficult to identify and evaluate.
“externalities”). Collectively, these benefits are The evaluation of ecosystem services is cen-
becoming known as ecosystem services. tral to a number of environmental questions,
Already in the last century the ecosystem notably to the discussion on the number of
goods and services provided by the biosphere extensions of the MPAs being proposed around
were estimated to be in the range of US$ 16–54 the world (see below). The development of
trillion per year, with an average of US$ trillion such methodologies would cast much-needed
per year, as a minimum estimate (Costanza objectiveness in evaluating the different mer-
et al. 1997). Twenty years on, the notion and its its in generating wealth and jobs of different
evaluation have been reviewed (Costanza et al. activities (or protection from) taking place in
2017). Most of this value would be outside the the marine environment.
market, that is, unaccounted for in economic This is methodologically difficult. While on
terms. The EU has proposed a long-term view of land there has been more progress on this
how the ecosystem services should be protected, question, such as the study of “externalities”
valued and restored in EU policies (EU 2011).
The ecosystem services concept itself was 5 1st
MAES Report (2013) drawing on Millennium
popularized by the Millennium Ecosystem Ecosystem Assessment (2005), TEEB (2010) and
Assessment (MA) in the early 2000s (Anon. CICES.
Fisheries and the environment 179

of economic activity, this remains more elusive The ecosystem approach

in the marine environment. For example, the
investments in air-cleaning technologies can be The ultimate integration between the fisheries
compared with the savings in health systems and environmental policies is the implemen-
through the reduction of lung disease, as an tation of the ecosystem approach to fisheries
indirect way to attach an economic value to management. The notion is enshrined in many
clean air. In the oceans this is in principle less international agreements. Although different
clear-cut, so more studies are necessary. And definitions exist, FAO (2003) uses the following:
then, of course, there is the question of the
intangible benefits of conservation, probably The ecosystem approach to fisheries explicitly
not amenable to economic evaluation but nev- addresses the need to take account of the interde-
pendences of species and functioning of aquatic
ertheless important at least for a significant
ecosystems when managing fisheries. This means
part of society. For example, over and beyond
recognizing that the range of measures chosen
the – easy to calculate – economic value of should not only address a series of target species
whale watching, is there any way to calculate concerns, but also preserve ecosystem function
the benefit to society of knowing that these and integrity.
extraordinary creatures are not extinct?
The evaluation of ecosystem services can However, other definitions available illustrate
make progress, but it will always be extremely the considerable differences in the way different
difficult, if not impossible, to create a common institutions and individuals look at the meaning
“currency” that will allow us to compare ben- and practical implementation of the ecosystem
efits to society from fishery exploitation with approach. Moreover, it has been argued that the
those associated to the social benefits of having sound management of individual stocks consti-
more plentiful fish and other biota at sea. But tutes a positive contribution to ecosystem-based
the more this is investigated, the more it will management (Froese et al. 2008).
be to bring some objective elements into an The concept is complex and cannot be
otherwise ideological discussion, likely to be developed and fully applied overnight. In the
dominated by those with the greater capacity 1990s different authors developed different
to mobilize public opinion in their favor. approaches to turn it into implementable poli-
All these elements are extremely important, cies. The work of Grumbine (1994), Mangel
but they have very different levels of objective et al. (1995) or Christensen et al. (1996) can be
basis to incorporate them in decision-making. emphasized in this regard.
While the provisioning tends to be clear to Morishita (2008) categorizes four types of
identify and evaluate, the regulating service is ecosystem approach for fisheries management:
less clear-cut and, in the case of the oceans, • By-catch mitigation in the managed fisheries;
clearly inexistent: while seawater recycles • Multi-species management;
organic matter, it cannot recycle heavy metals • Protection of vulnerable ecosystems; and
or plastics. As for the “cultural” ecosystem ser- • Integrated approach.
vices, these are very elusive to evaluate under These four types are not necessarily mutually
common standards, and are extremely different exclusive, and many countries around the
for different cultures. Just an example: while world are developing a combination of these
whaling is generally rejected on cultural/ethical different approaches, sometimes in different
grounds in most countries, in certain coastal cases and different fisheries.
communities of the Faroe Islands, there is a It is important to underline that the bound-
strong cultural value attached to the annual aries of what the ecosystem means can also be
practice of culling pilot whales, and in certain subject to very different interpretations. While
coastal communities in Japan, whaling is a a narrow interpretation of “ecosystem” leads
deeply-rooted tradition. to the consideration of the biological aspects
180 Chapter 8

alone, many other authors consider that the whole policy approach. This is the case of the
“ecosystem” also implies considering people as Marine Strategy Framework Directive.
part of the ecosystem (Helpern et al. 2012). This is equivalent to the two approaches pro-
If we consider the notion of the ecosystem posed by Hilborn (2011): one is more pragmatic,
approach in connection with the objectives of building on existing single-species management
Article 39 TFEU, it seems obvious that people by adding, for example, predator requirements
whose economic activity depends upon fishery for forage fish in a piecemeal fashion. Another
resources should be considered as an integral approach focuses on overall ecosystem structure
part of the notion of marine ecosystem. and functioning as represented by trophic rela-
tionships and ecosystem models.
The ecosystem approach and the CFP As we will see below, the two approaches
EU law requires that the CFP applies the have in fact been adopted at EU level and they
ecosystem approach. But beyond the CFP, this are somehow being developed in parallel.
notion is also applied on a larger scale in EU
policy, as an objective that embraces all EU The ecosystem approach in the CFP reform
policy areas. From that starting point, one The new CFP requires the application of the
can build this approach from two different ecosystem approach, defined as follows (EU
angles: 2013a,b):
• The incremental approach. This means that the
ecosystem approach must be built through The CFP shall implement the ecosystem-based
a gradual process of incorporating, as the approach to fisheries management so as to ensure
that negative impacts of fishing activities on
scientific basis allows, additional layers of
the marine ecosystem are minimised, and shall
considerations in the management of ocean
endeavour to ensure that aquaculture and fish-
resources. In other words, the incremental eries activities avoid the degradation of the marine
approach would start with existing man- environment.
agement of fishery resources and gradually
integrate, like layers in an onion, addi- This definition corresponds to a very tradi-
tional considerations in terms of effects on tional approach, of minimizing the effects of
the environment, human activity, physical fisheries on the environment, but does not
oceanography and as many additional ele- go as far as requiring a real ecosystem-based
ments as the knowledge basis would allow. management. From that angle, one could con-
Under this model, the ecosystem approach sider that this traditional approach of pursuing
would be a gradual process where additional a traditional fisheries policy while including
elements for consideration and for manage- policy measures to minimize the impact on
ment are gradually integrated as our ability non-target species or certain marine habitats
to combine all these factors into meaning- would be a good-enough approach. However,
ful management will allow. This process the development of very different approaches to
should eventually lead to the development ecosystem management, the growing evidence
of ecosystem-based fisheries management of interaction between fisheries and other
(EBFM). This is the traditional approach human activities on the marine environment,
implemented under the CFP. as well as the growing level of overlap among
• The holistic approach. This is where the pol- different EU legislations, all call for a much
icy would start with a complete picture of all wider considerations than those of Article 2.3.
the relevant factors for ocean management, In addition, the new CFP does not pro-
far beyond fisheries, to try to build models of vide any particular guidance on how to apply
ocean management by putting all these ele- this approach. This view is shared by cer-
ments together at the same time. In this con- tain authors, who consider that the success
text, fisheries would be just one block of the of the ecosystem-based management of EU
Fisheries and the environment 181

fisheries depends much more on the specific necessary to develop its scientific basis with the
implementation of the measures and on the benefits it would provide or rather the problems
accompanying incentives, which in the end, it would create.
implies that the institutional and political set- The science base for EBFM is complex and
tings will determine its success (Prellezo and is considered in some cases as insufficient to
Curtin 2015). develop such an approach in practice. We have
referred to the case of the Baltic Sea in Chapter
Ecosystem-based fisheries 3. Indeed, EBFM is still often viewed as an
management over-ambitious goal, particularly in systems
EBFM would correspond to the incremental lacking capacity and/or resources (Patrick and
approach described above, and can be, as we Link 2015). In some cases, the expansion of
saw in Chapter 4, a way to smooth out some single-species reference points to take account
of the rigidities of management based on single of the use of performance measures for a single
stock objectives, particularly when combined or a small selection of ecosystem metrics is not
with no discard policies. But it is also a way to possible at present, owing to the absence of
better address the obvious relationship between a clear understanding of their dynamics and
individual stock dynamics and the dynamics of a lack of underlying theory to explain their
the marine ecosystem where they live. behavior (Hall and Mainprize 2004).
There are current developments that point However, considerable progress has been
to the introduction of trophic relationships and made in recent years, and certain authors
area-based management to further the imple- (Longo et al. 2015) argue that what stands in
mentation of the ecosystem approach. These, the way of EBFM today is not the lack of under-
however, introduce complexities that are still standing of the food web dynamics, but rather
today difficult to manage. The introduction of two other elements:
trophic relationships for fisheries management • The lack of decision support tools helping
is scientifically complex. with the integration of ecological and social
In addition to their complexity, ecosystem- assessments.
based management poses difficult questions in • The need for more effective institutional
terms of trade-offs: for example: if the relation- framework to translate multidisciplinary
ship between a predator (cod) and a prey (sprat) knowledge into action.
is well-established, what should management In other words, in addition to the question of
favor? Maximizing cod catches because of their the scientific basis, there is a problem of gov-
higher value, thus manipulating the ecosystem ernance. In addition, increasing integration also
with unknown consequences? In addition to requires developing transdisciplinary expertise
the risk to the ecological balance, this would (Ciannelli et al. 2014), something that must be
also potentially affect relative stability because taken into account in the decision-making pro-
different Member States have different levels cess.
of cod/sprat quotas in their basket of fishing Overall, either approach outlined above is
rights, so that approach would favor the Mem- complex, data-hungry, and requires complex
ber States and the fleet segments having larger governance structures. The temptation is to
cod quotas, thus opening up a very difficult stick to the current system of management of
discussion on relative stability among Mem- individual stocks. However, given the growing
ber States and on social equity within these interaction between fisheries management and
Member States. other policies, and economic activities, and
This would be just a simple example of the in a context of growing population density,
reasons why the idea of expanding the notion of increasing use and potential conflict among
EBFM to include trophic relationships must be users of the marine environment, it is clear
analyzed cautiously, compounding the efforts that the case for the implementation of a true
182 Chapter 8

ecosystem approach is becoming more urgent fish is not necessarily always straightforward.
than ever (Longo et al. 2015). If all relevant factors are considered, there is
This has important implications for the CFP, little evidence for a strong connection between
because the implementation of such approaches forage fish abundance and the rate of change
requires, as we will see in Chapter 9, an impor- in the abundance of their predators (Hilborn
tant cultural shift toward a more integrated and et al. 2017). Engelhard et al. (2014), analyzing
collaborative management of the policy. the North Sea, found that reducing fishing
mortality of forage fish may not lead to larger
A test case: managing forage fish stocks of piscivorous fish, especially if their early
One of the most tangible applications of the stages compete with forage fish for zooplankton
ecosystem approach is that of the management resources. In complex ecosystems, changes in
of forage fish. As “forage fish” we understand the impact of fisheries on forage fish may have
a series of species, of small size in adulthood, potentially complex (and perhaps unantici-
very abundant, generally feeding on plankton, pated) consequences on other commercially or
that constitute a significant source of food for ecologically important species.
the upper trophic levels of the marine ecosys- Despite these shortcomings, there are a cer-
tems. In certain fishery management systems, tain number of examples of such an approach.
the quota allowances for these fish take into The case of capelin is well-known: this fishery
account the need to preserve an important part in the Barents Sea is managed through the joint
of these resources as food for their predators, Norwegian-Russian Fisheries Commission, and
so the commercial yields are in fact lower than multispecies interactions are explicitly taken
they could be on account of their role in the into consideration when setting quotas, in par-
marine ecosystem. ticular by setting aside part of the total biomass
of the capelin stock as food for the cod in the
The ecological role of forage fish area (FAO 2014).
The species that prey on forage fish are very
varied, including larger, carnivorous fish of Can the CFP protect forage fish? The
economic interest as well as non-target species interaction with relative stability
such as seabirds, seals, and other marine ani- The question of forage fish is certainly not alien
mals. The key role of these species in the marine in the CFP. However, other than certain limited
food chain has originated specific approaches cases, such as the closure of an area to fishing for
to protect this food source in order to preserve, sandeel to protect it as food for a seabird once
or manage sustainably, the predator species, considered endangered: the kittiwake gull (EU
either commercial or not. Since these species 1998) there are basically no measures of this
are commercially valuable (although many just kind in the TAC and quota policy. Why?
for reduction to fish meal or to produce surimi) In the early 1990s the public concern that
certain management systems in the world have industrial fisheries were “robbing the food” of
established measures to protect them over and the target species in the North Sea was a major
beyond their estimated sustainable catch levels motivator behind the development of multi-
based on individual stock population dynamics. species models, beginning with one in 1977
This implies that the catch limits establish (Andersen and Ursin 1977). At present, ICES
for these species must be significantly lower run multispecies virtual population analysis
than those corresponding, for example, to their (VPA) from time to time and the results are
estimated MSY levels, since a certain propor- used to update the natural mortality values
tion of the stock is reserved as food for its used in the single-species assessments used for
natural predator (Smith et al. 2011). However, the routine ICES advice. This means that even
the apparently obvious role of forage fish in the single-species advice from ICES is to some
determining the abundance of the predator extent informed by multispecies considerations.
Fisheries and the environment 183

In 1992, a scientific meeting was arranged by of both. But what is more open to debate is how
the Commission on the topic (EU 1992b). The much the CFP will be able to develop, within
analysis took account of both mixed-fisheries the notion of the “incremental” approach, the
and predation and competition effects. The notion of EBFM.
results showed a relatively small impact of Hilborn (2011) draws a very useful compari-
the sandeel fishery on cod. Though reducing son between the two most common approaches:
the sandeel fishery could increase the abun-
dance of whiting, this was not thought to be • Continuing with the traditional single-species
interesting or important. In 1998, the European approach but gradually reduce by-catches
Parliament reported on the topic and concluded and protecting sensitive habitats; and
that industrial fisheries, in moderation, are • Building truly ecosystem-based harvest con-
justifiable in the North Sea. trol rules, supported by ecosystem models
However, in the CFP the application of this and ecosystem indicators.
type of management would face a fundamental The first type, relatively simple, is in fact
problem: relative stability. In fact, the TACs for being applied already in the CFP. The foresee-
sandeel and Norway pout, main forage fish in able evolution of this model will be to gradually
the North Sea, is largely dominated by Denmark modify single-species strategies by ecosystem
that has over 90% of the TAC of sandeel and knowledge, and this will eventually imply set-
almost 100% of the TAC for Norway pout. In
ting fishing mortality levels below MSY levels,
contrast, Denmark’s share of the main predator
particularly for forage fish species. In prac-
species of these forage fish is much lower: 20%
tice, ICES recommendations on single-species
of the cod and 5% of the haddock in the North
parameters are already incorporating, to the
Sea. This implies that if the EU established a
extent possible, inter-species relationships.
special protection regime for the forage fish,
The second type of management is much
this would affect Member States differently,
more difficult. As expressed by Longo et al.
with Denmark possibly feeling that the system
(2015) its very nature makes it much more
“sacrificed” the Danish fishmeal fishery for the
complex, expensive, and data-demanding. And,
sake of (unproven?) benefits for other stocks
crucially, it requires more complex combination
of interest to other Member States. In other
of expertise and stakeholder involvement, thus
words, this type of policy could be considered
being more likely to be curtailed by gover-
as undermining relative stability by, at least, a
nance inertia. In addition, as we saw above,
Member State.
This fact is recognized in the scientific litera- the different trade-offs offered by this type of
ture. Beyond this particular case, management management would be sometimes difficult to
plans in the CFP are limited by path dependency accept in a CFP dominated by the rigidity of
by being subject to relative stability, which dic- relative stability.
tates a stock by stock perspective, making But this kind of EBFM also poses other ques-
inclusion of biological interactions virtually tions: the understanding of marine food webs
impossible (Ramírez-Monsalve et al. 2016). carries the risk or opportunity of manipulating
the ecosystem in favor of certain policy objec-
What future for ecosystem-based tives. For example, as suggested by Hilborn
management in the CFP? (2011), one obvious option would be the delib-
The two above approaches, incremental and erate over-exploitation of low-value species
holistic, will be developed in parallel, since both that prey upon or compete with high-value
are enshrined in EU law. We have seen above species, just like on land humankind has histor-
what are the points of overlap between the ically killed lions, bears or wolves and plowed
CFP and the MSFD that will necessitate close up the native habitat to produce a much higher
cooperation to ensure seamless implementation return of food production from the land than
184 Chapter 8

would otherwise be obtained by collecting the • Estimation of ecosystem “carrying capacity”

native species. at different levels, so that further flexibility
This clearly deserves a debate, which is linked on a single-stock basis can be compen-
to the idea (see under “Preserving marine bio- sated with an overall ecological safety net
diversity” above) of specializing intensely fished expressed in terms of total removals from
areas in the most efficient way of producing the ecosystem.
food, even as modified ecosystems, just like • A better estimation of the “ecosystem ser-
farmland on land. This debate is complex vices” to better compare fisheries with other
because the different trade-offs in ecological uses (or protection) of marine areas. This
terms also have different consequences in eco- will be important in a context of increasing
nomic and social ones, so it is not possible to occupation of the marine environment and
handle these ecological trade-offs in a “neutral” growing implementation of maritime spatial
or “scientific” manner: the introduction of planning.
socio-economic analysis of the effects of the • A better estimation of the effects of measures
different ecological options would be absolutely to preserve biodiversity, including spatial
necessary for this type of EBFM. Without this approaches (like national parks on land) and
kind of debate, it is difficult to see how this even a better evaluation of selective fishing
second type of EBFM will ever be able to make (see “balanced harvest” below).
headway within the CFP. • A better evaluation of the effects of “selective
We referred above to the two broad approaches fishing”: does it really contribute to preserve
to implementing the ecosystem approach. ecosystem structure and function?
While the MSFD is a well-defined legislative • In both a European and global content, how
framework with specific objectives and dead- can we maximize the sustainable production
lines, the future of this approach is relatively of seafood? What species and trophic levels
well-established in legislation. On the con- can provide this? And what kind of ecosys-
trary, the incremental approach proposed in tem structure and function can deliver this
the 2008 Commission communication (EU objective better?
2008b) is much more open-ended, and not These ideas clearly indicate that the ecosys-
pre-determined at all in legislation. It is in this tem approach in the CFP, far from being already
context that the future development of the applied, is an area of work where very substan-
ecosystem approach for fisheries management tial progress can still be done.
can be best discussed.

A provocative idea: balanced

Why do we need to further develop harvest
the ecosystem approach?
Over and beyond the above achievements, one Is selective fishing always a good
can wonder if that is all that we can expect idea?
from the implementation of the ecosystem In the debate about fisheries policy, there has
approach under the CFP. Clearly, the answer always been a traditional wisdom requiring the
is no. In strategic terms, there are a number of fishing activity to be selective. This may have
areas where the CFP could continue to explore different meanings:
a more advanced version of this concept: • Species selectivity would be the fishing prac-
• Development of multi-species models, to tice that tries to maximize the catches of
develop further flexibility in a policy tradi- the target species while trying to minimize
tionally dominated by single-stock objectives. the incidental catch of non-target species, in
• Development of trophic considerations in particular endangered species such as marine
management of stocks. mammals or seabirds.
Fisheries and the environment 185

• Size selectivity, where the focus is in avoiding ecosystems of harvesting strategies that do not
the catch of juveniles of the targeted species, consider trophic relationships (Anon. 1999;
to maximize yield per recruit of commercial Hollingworth 2000; Smith et al. 2011). This
fisheries. raises an interesting scientific question: if we
The need for “selective fisheries” has become exploit the ecosystem very selectively and, at
almost an undisputed mantra in all discussions the same time, establish the objective of pre-
on fisheries management. Fisheries manage- serving ecosystem structure and function, is the
ment has always promoted selectivity: small former compatible with the latter? Indeed, the
fish and iconic endangered species have always idea that one can preserve ecosystem structure
been subject to policies to reduce or eliminate and function by harvesting very selectively part
entirely their catch (see “Technical conservation of such structure is counter-intuitive.
measures” in Chapter 7). This trend has long
extended beyond the dimension of endangered
The notion of “balanced harvest”
species to include species that are to be avoided
This question has led a group of scientists to pro-
regardless of their biological status, as “icon-
pose in 2010 the notion of “balanced harvest”
ic” species deserving protection on their own
meaning that instead of exploiting the marine
right. This new dimension is ever growing: the
ecosystem very selectively, it would be prefer-
species that are protected on moral grounds,
able to do so unselectively, removing the differ-
even though they could sustain sustainable lev-
ent species of the ecosystem according to their
els of exploitation. The case of certain whales
level of productivity (Kolding et al. 2016).
referred to above is the best example.
FAO (2014) defines this notion as:
The number of species that fishermen cannot
catch is ever growing, turning fishing increas- a management strategy that aims at distributing
ingly selective. In addition to the growing list of fishing pressure across all trophic levels to ensure
species whose catch is forbidden in the annual the maintaining of trophic relationships across
TAC and quota regulation, the landing obliga- species and sizes . . . showing how harvesting
tion is providing a step forward in this trend: should take place across the different trophic levels
the species to be avoided are not only those that in a way that is proportional to their respective
levels of productivity.
need biological protection, or that are iconic,
but also those species for which fishermen have
The notion of balanced harvest should be
no quota, nor the right to discard them under
looked at in the context of the emerging
the new policy. All this development introduces
paradigm of the EBFM. Extended wisdom is
a very selective fishing, where only a part of
that selective fishing (concentrating on target
the species of the ecosystems are exploited
species and avoiding by-catches) is a contribu-
while the rest must be spared. The question
tion to this approach. However, this belief is not
is, then: does this increasingly selective fishing
necessarily scientifically-based. In fact, if one of
contribute to preserve ecosystem structure and
the fundamental objectives of the EBFM is to
function? In other words: is selective fishing
allow sustainable exploitation while preserving
always a good idea?
ecosystem structure and function, it is far from
A group of scientists have in recent years
obvious that fishing certain species and sparing
started to question the wisdom of this com-
others may contribute to that objective at all.
monplace that requires all fishing to be as
Zhou et al. (2010) summarize this as follows:
“selective” as possible. The motivation of this
group is to investigate the fascinating question
Selective fishing alters biodiversity, which in turn
of whether selective fishing really has positive changes ecosystem functioning and may affect
effects on the marine environment. fisheries production, hindering rather than help-
From a scientific standpoint many have ing achieve the goals of Ecosystem-Based Fisheries
considered the negative impact on marine Management.
186 Chapter 8

This concept has given rise to a very intense imagine any time soon. Likewise, allowing
controversy in the scientific community. A the catch of juvenile fish would be rather
number of well-known authors have consid- counter-intuitive, difficult to understand and
ered that for the balanced harvest the empirical to accept by consumers and the public at
evidence is scarce and questionable, and that large.
the development of such a notion would “hin- • The application of this notion may give rise
der the policy changes needed for the rebuilding to a catch composition in many fisheries that
of ecosystems, healthy fish populations and would not necessarily reflect economic inter-
sustainable fisheries” (Froese et al. 2015). est. As indicated above, fisheries based more
Interestingly, certain authors find that on low-value small forage fish would not
although selective, balanced fishing is pre- necessarily be more interesting economically.
dicted to produce the highest total MSY and the • This would have implications on the question
lowest impact on trophic structure, it is effec- raised in “8.0” above: should the man-
tively a fishery predominantly targeting small, agement system propose the commercial
forage fish (Jacobsen et al. 2014). Whether that exploitation and the preservation of ecosys-
would be economically interesting, that is a tem structure and function all at once in all
different matter. marine areas, or rather should it ensure the
Another interesting development is that of preservation of pristine ecosystems (through
the relationship between the balanced harvest MPAs) while allowing for high fish produc-
and the no-discard policy implemented by tion (perhaps very selective) in the exploited
any western countries in recent years. One areas, very much like the division of land
can wonder if the notion of balanced harvest uses between farming areas and national
would only make a non-discard policy more parks?
difficult, since the thrust of the no-discard It is important that research continues on this
policy is precisely to render fishing much topic. If not necessarily a notion to be applica-
more selective and minimize the unwanted ble to the full extent of its implications in the
part of the catch. Both concepts, however, short term, the idea of a balanced harvest can
could be made compatible, notably in fisheries contribute to finding a better solution to the
with a very high level of compliance (Borges problem of combining a high sustainable rate
et al. 2016). of exploitation of commercial species with the
maximum possible preservation of the marine
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in practice?
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Fisheries governance and the CFP

The evolution of governance as the ordinary legislative procedure from 2010,

under the CFP as a result of the entry into force of the Treaty
of Lisbon, many other changes are the result
Introduction of new administrative requirements introduced
The governance of the Common Fisheries Pol- in recent years, such as the consultations with
icy (CFP) has traditionally been a controversial stakeholders’ bodies or the requirement for
issue and, while it has considerably evolved impact assessments prior to any new initiative.
over time, the perception of governance as a We will refer to these in the sections below.
problem has always remained common place. In addition, the governance of the CFP has
A very recent study, comparing fish- evolved also as a result of the different legal
eries management in the US under the requirements and objectives that have been set,
Magnuson-Stevens Act and the CFP (before over the years, to try to improve the policy’s
and after the 2013 reform) casts some inter- capacity to deliver results. Finally, a number
esting light into the governance of the CFP of changes of practice have also taken place
(Battista et al. 2019). The authors give the within the existing framework.
pre-2013 reform CFP low scores across most of The evolution of governance has been the
the attributes, with consistently higher scores result of a permanent struggle between two
for the US system. They recognize, however, opposing motivations:
that many of these low scores are improved • The need to build self-discipline in the
following the most recent round of CFP reforms system, so that the policy sticks to its own
in 2013, but many gaps remain: guidance on objectives and does not deviate from them on
goal prioritization in the face of trade-offs is the basis of short-term considerations. This
still lacking, as are clear directives concerning requires inter alia clear objectives, particularly
whether maximum sustainable yield (MSY) for the mid and long term.
should be seen as a target or a limit, and how • The need to be flexible to be able to adapt
to reconcile the MSY mandate with the new decisions to special circumstances and to
discard ban in multi-species fisheries. changing conditions, and the need to learn
The governance of the CFP is dynamic and from experience and adjust the policy as
has been evolving both as a result of reform a result, while at the same time respect-
processes but also through gradual evolution ing deeply-rooted EU principles such as
during the inter-reform periods. While some of non-discrimination. This in turn implies that
the changes introduced over time are institu- the long-term objectives must be flexible and
tional, such as the introduction of co-decision revisable.

Quo Vadis Common Fisheries Policy?, First Edition. Ernesto Penas Lado.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

192 Chapter 9

The first motivation tends to produce rigid, changing circumstances, so it is necessary to

complex, and stable policy frameworks, while strike a reasonable balance between the two.
the second calls for flexibility, simplification, The dividing line between discipline and
and adaptability. The balance between these rigidity is not necessarily clear-cut, because this
two considerations is a permanent source requires a fine analysis of what are the fun-
of tension in the policy and often results in damental policy elements that should remain
contradictory initiatives. fixed and stable, thus establishing discipline in
The question of complexity is also influenced the governance system, and those that are more
by the continuous growth in the number of marginal, which may remain flexible and easy
Member States, areas and fisheries to regulate to change and adapt. Somehow, the reform of
and issues to address, and this exacerbates the the CFP in 2013 addressed this question, but it
difficulties to conciliate the two contradictory did so largely as an exercise on power grabbing
needs. and therefore the above question is not fully
In recent times, two developments have also resolved in Regulation 1380/2013. The actual
added a new dimension to the governance: in dividing line is that everything considered fun-
2010 the introduction of co-decision by Council damental was to be decided under co-decision,
and Parliament as the ordinary legislative proce- while the less fundamental elements of the
dure for the CFP and the introduction of region- policy can be delegated to regionalization. This,
alized decision-making in the policy reform of however, does not mean that the secondary
2013. Figure 1.1 in Chapter 1 showed how the policy elements are so simple to adopt: region-
number of words of the basic regulation of the alized decision-making is certainly lighter than
CFP continues to grow every time the policy is co-decision, but still relatively heavy as a legal
reformed. and administrative procedure.
In practice, this question is clarified only in
The balance between discipline terms of the scope of policy elements that can
and flexibility actually be regionalized (that is, made relatively
The long-standing failure of the CFP to address more flexible and easily modifiable). And such
overfishing (from 1983 to 2000 fishing mortal- scope is rather narrow: in fact, regionalization
ity continued to increase in the most important is applicable only in the context of multian-
Atlantic stocks) fully justifies the long quest nual plans (Articles 9 and 10), measures to
for the establishment of self-discipline in the incorporate environmental legislation (Article
system to be able to address this problem, 11) and the landing obligation (Article 15).
even at the cost of unintended rigidity. The In principle all other policy pillars fall out-
main element of self-discipline introduced in side this process. Meaningfully, this did not
the policy was the introduction of long-term include technical measures, arguably the most
recovery and management plans, starting in amenable to regionalization of all instruments,
2004 with the cod recovery plan (EU 2004a). to the point that the recent proposal for new
As this author has explained, these plans were technical measures had to include an amend-
introduced when the recovery of very depleted ment of the basic regulation to make that
stocks made it clear that annual decisions possible.
were not sufficient, and that a self-disciplined Overall, given the ever-increasing complex-
long-term strategy to take annual steps toward ity of governance, the balance is still too much
a long-term objective was necessary (Penas on the side of discipline and policy rigidity, so
Lado 2016, Chapter 4). However, the estab- the real challenge of the policy for the future is
lishment of very clear-cut long-term objectives to maintain clear principles and objectives but
may bring to the policy too much rigidity, to create sufficient flexibility to achieve them
in terms of the possible inability to adapt to through different, adaptive means.
Fisheries governance and the CFP 193

Policy flexibility: the example of the necessarily prejudge its use in other fisheries.
United States These two lessons are certainly worth bearing
The US system is a very good example of a flexi- in mind when thinking about the CFP.
ble policy, where the main objectives and princi-
ples are established in hard law and are legally
binding, but where the more detailed rules on Can the CFP be more flexible? The
notion of “level playing field”
how to implement the law and how to achieve
in the CFP
the objectives rely more on guidelines, which
The CFP has a limited capacity to develop a
can be applied with a fair degree of flexibility.
flexible approach similar to that of the US, and
The best examples are the 10 national
these limitations are not necessarily always
standards for the implementation of fisheries
of a legal nature. Nothing in Article 39 TFEU
management, referred to in Chapter 2 under the
indicates that the CFP should govern through
headings “Policy objectives in other countries;
The United States”, which are complemented by regulations that should specify every technical
guidelines on how to apply the legislation, reg- detail, and that there is no space for guide-
ularly updated and adapted without necessarily lines to implement the policy objectives with
changing the Magnuson-Stevens Act. a degree of flexibility. The question is: is that
This system allows for a good balance inevitable?
between the fundamental principles and This author will contend that the main reason
objectives, enshrined in hard law, and the why it is so difficult to advance toward more
implementation, where the system is open to flexibility in the CFP’s rules is the high politi-
continuous evolution through learning from cal importance that most Member States attach
practice. This flexibility also allows for a lot to the notion of a level playing field, that is,
of room for maneuver for the stakeholders to the importance that all fishermen in Europe are
adopt the kind of measure they see fit, and governed by the same or very equivalent rules,
results in a patchwork of management sys- since no single Member State is ready to accept
tems that tend to be the best adapted to every that their fishermen are seen as being discrim-
circumstance. inated against in EU law. The problem is that a
Examples of this flexibility are: level playing field is traditionally equated to pol-
• The very different levels of risk to implement icy harmonization. There is still relatively little
the MSY “as reduced by” when fixing total place in the system (even after regionalization)
allowable catch (TACs) in different fisheries, to admit that different rules in different fish-
largely as a result of input from the Regional eries can really be trusted as being equivalent
Councils. in achieving the same policy goals.
• The use of industry-managed measures to In the above example of the US, it is impor-
handle discards and quota exchanges, which tant to note that the notion of level playing field
applies only in certain fisheries but not in also applies, but differently: the level playing
others. field in the US system is to have the same stan-
• The use of rights-based management, which dards, but not to harmonize the instruments to
applies only to certain fisheries, not univer- achieve such standards, something that is also
sally to all. food for thought for the CFP. We will develop
• The different levels of discard allowances as a the point that the implementation of the level
result of fishery-specific considerations. playing field without trust among the play-
These are but a few examples of this policy ers leads inevitably to policy complexity and
flexibility which implies two important lessons: rigidity, in other words, in very detailed and
(i) that very different solutions are possible to prescriptive legislation. Any attempt to ques-
implement a common standard; and (ii) that the tion this traditional trend will require a great
use of an instrument in one fishery does not deal of trust among the players concerned.
194 Chapter 9

The new paradigm of the CFP: not more seriously considered by national
regionalization administrations under regionalized policy
making than they were by the Commission
The regionalization of the CFP introduced in under the traditional system, regionalization
the 2013 reform carries important promises, will fail to deliver its fundamental objective.
notably the establishment of a legal basis that • Last, but not least, it is a process that lets
provides for a real say to the stakeholders, the European Parliament out of the picture
and for a management that gets much closer as regards the substance of the regionalized
to the problems of the real world. Although decisions.1 If the Parliament feels that Mem-
it was in principle also viewed by certain ber States use this procedure to somewhat
Member States (the UK) as a way to take undermine the general rules established by
decision-making powers “away from Brussels” co-decision, this may result in a considerable
and to partially re-nationalize the policy, it is shrinkage of the amount and significance of
clear that this interpretation must not prevail, the provisions left for regionalization in the
and it was not the original idea of the Euro- context of co-decision legal acts.
pean Commission in any case. On the contrary, Overall, the success of this new decision-
regionalization must be clearly a way of making making process depends on the way in which
decision-making, particularly on more tech- these potential difficulties will be addressed.
nical questions, closer to the fishing grounds,
closer to the stakeholders, more sensitive to The example of the US: a
regional differences and specificities and more regionalized fisheries policy
easily adaptable to changing circumstances and The case of the US is an extremely interest-
new challenges. ing example of a policy that was regionalized
In this context, it is important to compare from its inception in 1977. In effect, the
regionalization in the EU with the regional Magnuson-Stevens Act (MSA) adopted in 1976
structure of the US fisheries policy, where it already introduced a regionalized approach,
was never intended to remove power from the including the establishment of eight Regional
Federal Government, but to ensure that the Fishery Management Councils. Their experi-
policy is well-adapted, in such a huge country, ence is valuable for analyzing with respect to
to regional differences and specificities. the potential of regionalized management, its
However, like with any other instrument, advantages and disadvantages.
regionalization also has certain risks that must The regionalized policy has been subject to
be addressed: a series of changes over time, in particular to
• Measures in different sea basins may be very adjust the shortcomings of the policy and, at the
different from each other, thus becoming an same time, to adjust the level of autonomy that
extra complexity for those vessels that fish the Regional Councils enjoyed from the begin-
in more than one area in the same trip. In ning of the policy. The main characteristics of
other words, regionalization may not always this regionalized policy are the following:
be a contributor to policy simplification as it • The Regional Councils are advisory to the
is expected to be. National Marine Fishery Service regional
• The buy-in by the stakeholders is dependent administrators who perform the adminis-
on the use that national administrations trative functions. The federal government
will make of the input from the stakeholder
bodies. Contrary to extended belief, national 1 Regionalized decisions take the form of Commis-
administrations are not necessarily more sion’s Delegated Acts. These have a procedure allow-
ing Parliament (and Council) to oppose adoption, but
open to stakeholder advice than the services
only if and when the Commission’s Act goes beyond
of the European Commission in Brussels. the mandate for such decision, and not on questions
If the stakeholders feel that their views are of substance.
Fisheries governance and the CFP 195

reviews the decisions and recommendations standards are respected, there is ample freedom
made by the Councils and can only overrule to adopt the policy as recommended by the
their recommendations if they are in vio- different stakeholders’ preferences.
lation of the MSA or other relevant laws.
This has happened in only a limited number Regionalization of the CFP:
of cases. In other words, these Councils the experience of discard plans
have enjoyed a large room for maneuver The adoption of the discard plans to implement
to establish their policy, within the legal the landing obligation has been the first practi-
framework established by the Magnuson- cal example of how the regionalized CFP works.
Stevens Act. This experience is illustrative of how the CFP is
• These Councils enjoy the flexibility provided responding to the challenges expressed above.
by the Magnuson-Stevens Act to establish This experience allows us to draw some prelim-
regulatory measures that, de facto, apply dif- inary conclusions:
ferent levels of risk in fisheries management. • Member States did the job in general terms.
Put it another way: they do not necessarily The procedure for the Commission to legis-
produce a “level playing field” in terms of late in case of Member States’ failure to do so
the level of risk associated, for example, was not used. But this has been the case in a
to the establishment of catch limitations. very pressing context: that of adopting flexi-
However, this flexibility is today lower than bility mechanisms for the implementation of
it used to be, as explained in Chapter 3, the landing obligation. The real challenge of
in connection with the way of introducing regionalization will come with other kinds of
qualifications to the basic MSY value. When measures without the pressure to deliver on
it was realized that the flexibility to “modify” a specific time limit.
such a value gave rise to a certain number of • Regional differences among plans were sub-
recommendations for non-sustainable levels stantial. This can be considered positive on
of fishing, the MSA had to be modified in one account: that the tradition of looking for
2006 to ensure that the MSY values could a “level playing field” did not prevent such
only be reduced as a result of the flexibility. differences. However, these differences also
• The Regional Councils make recommen- had a downside: that fleets which operate in
dations on a very wide range of issues, far more than one area in the same fishing trip
beyond than the relatively narrow range have to fulfill different and conflicting rules
of measures that the new CFP consid- in that trip; in other words, that regionaliza-
ers under regionalization. Among many tion makes the rules more complicated for
examples, one can cite the role of Regional them, not simpler.
Councils in recommending systems of allo- • The degree to which Member States followed
cation of fishing rights, and methodologies the advice of the corresponding Advisory
to do so: using transferable quotas or not, Councils (ACs) was very variable, including
etc. the two extremes: while the first conditions
The US Regional Fishery Management Coun- applicable to the discard ban for pelagic fish
cils have, as a result, a much wider room for in Atlantic waters, proposed by the Mem-
maneuver to shape up policy, because there are ber States concerned and adopted by the
many fewer policy strands established through Commission (EU 2014a) largely ignored the
detailed hard law. A key for this is the rela- recommendations of the Pelagic Advisory
tively low importance given to the level playing Council, the rules applicable to the Mediter-
field: the MSA acts by establishing minimum ranean (EU 2014b) for the first discard ban
standards on a few questions, and these stan- in that area were a perfect reflection of the
dards are not formulated in detailed terms in advice provided by corresponding Advisory
the legislation. That means that insofar as the Council.
196 Chapter 9

• The scrutiny by the Commission services This in turn will only happen if and when
of the earlier versions of the draft pro- they see that national administrations trust and
posed by Member States worked remarkably endorse their proposals, something that will
smoothly. As an informal procedure not take time, effort, trust, and good will.
contemplated in the basic regulation, the
analysis of the proposals by Member States,
The role of stakeholder bodies
carried out based on the scientific scrutiny
by the Scientific, Technical, and Economic
Stakeholder bodies are meant to play a key
Committee for Fisheries (STECF), proved an
role in the new CFP, notably in the context of
informal but very effective method to remove
regionalization, where their proposals could
from Member States’ proposals those aspects
be the basis for the regional measures to be
where the scientific justification was weak,
proposed through agreement by the Mem-
forcing Member States to base their final
ber States concerned. This is known to be
proposals on a much better technical or
challenging, because of the complexity and
scientific basis. This is a very good example
variety of legitimate stakeholder interests in
of the way in which informal, cooperative
Europe. In general terms, regional, and other
mechanisms between Member States, the
differences make it very difficult to decide
Commission and stakeholders can provide
on trade-offs that are acceptable to everyone.
flexible solutions.
No poll or focus group can be considered as
• On a less positive note, the mechanism is
having the “correct” or “universal” set of opin-
such, particularly when it is applied with a
ions and values (Levin et al. 2015; Pascoe
specific and tight deadline, that for measures
et al. 2017). In the specific case of the CFP,
difficult to evaluate but with less than obvi-
the sheer complexity of the Union makes this
ous justification, the system gives Member
even more difficult than in small countries.
States the benefit of the doubt, in a way
In New Zealand, for example, certain prob-
that a Commission proposal would probably
lems can be resolved simply by organizing
might never do otherwise.
a few meetings among the –limited –actors
Overall, the experience is encouraging but,
involved (Kevin Stokes, personal communica-
as happened between the first Regional Advi-
tion), something almost impossible to do at EU
sory Councils set up in 2004, there needs to
be a learning curve of several years to ensure
that the system works properly. In particular, The example of the US: what can we
the discard plans worked out at the begin- learn from the US Regional Councils?
ning because national administrations invested The 1976 Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Conser-
heavily in brokering agreements, but this kind vation and Management Act, set up eight
of investment is not easy to maintain in the regional fishery management councils to
years to come. The real challenge is to replace manage marine fisheries within a 200-mile
such investment by the work of the ACs, which wide zone contiguous to the United States.
in fact should largely replace national admin- These were set up to cater for the different
istrations in designing measures and brokering characteristics of US fisheries in different areas.
agreements. The experience of these councils is very rich
This will not be simple, on either side. and illustrative. Largely considered a success,
National administrations will have to learn to their role underwent an evolution over time to
largely delegate these questions to the stake- ensure that the ample room for maneuver they
holders, something that has not happened yet, enjoyed did not lead to bad decision-making.
at least in all areas. But it will also crucially This experience, however, is extremely vari-
require the ability, the willingness and the able, with certain councils working significantly
means by stakeholders to invest in the process. better than others. In terms of lessons learned,
Fisheries governance and the CFP 197

I will draw in particular from the Regional At the Council meeting there is open review
Council that, arguably, works best of all: of the scientific basis for management actions
the Northwest Pacific Fishery Management by the Scientific and Statistical Committee.
Council. • The remarkable transparency of the discus-
sions, including the reporting of activities
Their functioning contrary to the law, such as catches of pro-
This author attended the sessions of the North tected species or the comparison between
Pacific Fisheries Management Council, respon- TACs and estimated catches. This allows the
sible for the management of fisheries in Alaska, Council to evaluate, in aggregated form,
held in Seattle from 30 January to 2 February the problems associated with the practical
2017. A number of observations can be made implementation of the policy, its flexibility
about such meeting: or rigidity and so on, thus allowing for a pro-
• The level of involvement of stakeholders, cedure of constant re-evaluation of agreed
and their investment in spending several rules, and their adjustment as necessary.
days away from home, was impressive. • The constant scrutiny of policy results
This probably is the result of the Regional included also for example reports on the
Councils’ capacity to shape up the final deci- effects of rights-based management and
sions, which makes attendance worth the its effects on the levels of accumulation of
investment. fishing rights in fewer hands.
• The presence and activity of environmental Many of these ideas could well be tested and
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) tried in the EU’s ACs. However, one reflection
was relatively secondary. This may be due must be made: the workings of the US Regional
to several reasons: (i) that the legal frame- Councils imply a costly, time consuming invest-
work established by the MSA is satisfactory ment that the industries concerned can only see
for them so their involvement in the daily as worthwhile if they are sure that they recom-
discussions is not seen as crucial; (ii) that mendations will, at the end of, the day, turn into
they prefer to exert their influence outside policy. This is perhaps the biggest challenge for
the Councils, including litigation where the role of the ACs in the new CFP.
appropriate; or (iii) that fisheries in the area Another important lesson drawn from the
concerned are no longer a top priority for US experience is the importance of training. In
these NGOs, given notably the very positive effect, handling fisheries management issues
evolution of the resources, at least as regards implies the ability to grasp a wide range of
the clear reduction of overfishing in recent issues, scientific, economic, and social. The
years. Whatever the reasons, this is in stark better the knowledge about these issues among
contrast with the European ACs, where the stakeholders, the better-informed the discus-
relationship with environmental NGOs is still sion will be, and the better the management.
seen as a major difficulty. For this reason, the US National Marine Fish-
• The business-oriented debates, including an eries Service (NMFS) has initiated a program of
apparently high level of knowledge by stake- training of stakeholders to make them familiar,
holders of the basic concepts of fisheries man- in particular, with the basic concepts of fisheries
agement. The program of training of Council science.
members, organized by the Federal Govern- Finally, it is also useful to bear in mind
ment, may substantially contribute to this. that the above examples from the US coun-
• The very close relationship between fisheries cils are actually some of the most positive,
science and the Councils. Some evaluations notably taking place in the North Pacific Fish-
of stocks are made at meetings back-to-back ery Management Council. One of the keys
to the Council meetings, with important for their success is the excellent organiza-
presence of the industry in these evaluations. tion of the industry, largely constituted by
198 Chapter 9

business-oriented operators with the capacity pollock allocation. Cooperative fishing began
to think strategically and negotiate practical under the AFA program in 1999. The effects of
solutions. In other US councils where the AFA on the pollock industry were tremendous.
industry is less structured, the results are cer- Capacity was reduced, efficiency was increased,
tainly much less impressive. This is a point regulatory by-catch was reduced, a higher por-
to be kept in the back of one’s mind when tion of the fish was utilized, and higher valued
thinking about the pros and cons of industrial products were produced.2
vs. artisanal fishing, as we will see in Chapters
11 and 14. Environmental NGOs and Advisory Councils
Another important question in the US Councils
The role of cooperatives is the participation of environmental NGOs.
In the US, a large part of the industry has While it is important, and often includes litiga-
been organized in cooperatives, which in turn tion, many of the discussions on management
have played a major role in the management measures are not followed or questioned by the
of their fisheries. Between 1997 and 2011, NGOs. This is remarkable, and compares posi-
fishing cooperatives on the West Coast of the tively with European ACs, where the difficult
US and Alaska grew to cover almost 60% of US discussions between industry and NGOs are
West Coast and Alaska commercial fisheries. often cited as the main difficulty for their work.
In these fisheries, cooperatives now manage Why does this happen?
capacity reduction and harvest limit compli- It is difficult to find literature on this topic,
ance internally, transforming the way harvest but the personal experience of the author and,
limits are met – but not how they are set. more importantly, that of US scientists with
These cooperatives have lengthened seasons ample experience in such meetings, is that
and have reduced un-harvested allocations environmental NGOs, once they have secured
and by-catch; they have also contributed to that the Magnuson-Stevens Act requires that
establishing no-fish areas. They remain ready TACs will be established based on Fmsy as
to enlarge their field of intervention, but that “reduced” by other factors, are sufficiently
would require an evolution of the regulatory reassured of the basis for sound management
system (De Alessia et al. 2014). and then prefer not to interfere in the discus-
US cooperatives have been favored through sions on how much the industry will want to
policy: the American Fisheries Act (AFA). The reduce their fishing mortality levels with regard
AFA was signed into law in October 1998. to Fmsy . Having a sufficiently reassuring legal
The purpose of the AFA was to tighten US basis seems to be the best formula to avoid
ownership standards for US fishing vessels interference between industry and NGOs. This
under the Anti-reflagging Act, and to provide outcome followed long years of continuous lit-
the pollock fleet the opportunity to conduct igation of Federal decisions from certain NGOs,
its fishery in a more rational manner while which forced the system to adopt policy goals
protecting non-AFA participants in the other in their direction.
fisheries. Another reason, from expert advice, seems to
The AFA eliminated the race for pollock be the development of more positive, coopera-
through the establishment of cooperatives with tive approaches by certain NGOs, which prefer
specific provisions for their allocations, struc- to cooperate with the industry in the search
ture, and participation by catcher vessels and of satisfactory solutions for all, thus creating a
processing plants, as well as annual reporting positive atmosphere of cooperation that reduces
requirements and excessive share limits. In litigation and facilitates agreement. NGOs such
response to a directive in the AFA, the Coun-
cil added measures to protect other fisheries 2

from adverse effects arising from the exclusive pollock-cooperatives/

Fisheries governance and the CFP 199

as the Environmental Defence Fund (EDF) Advisory Councils of 2004 only had a “reactive”
have taken this approach, and it is generally role (commenting on Commission initiatives)
felt that it has produced excellent results both the new Advisory Councils of 2013 are also
in terms of achieving objectives and creating expected to be proactive and take initiatives to
a positive atmosphere for cooperation among propose specific solutions under regionaliza-
stakeholders. tion. Yet, their structure remained unchanged
except for the composition above mentioned.
The EU’s Advisory Councils’ structure Even their funding was initially unchanged.
and composition: are they equipped The new composition rules are often con-
to do their job? sidered by the European fishing industry as
The importance of a good participatory involve- problematic: ACs often report serious diffi-
ment of stakeholders in the process of designing culties in striking agreed recommendations
policy orientation has been demonstrated (Long between industry and NGOs. Industry com-
et al. 2015; Sampedro et al. 2017). This good plains about rigidity in NGOs and NGOs
participatory involvement is crucially influ- complain about industry’s ways of ignoring
enced by the composition of the stakeholders’ their views altogether.
bodies. This implies that all the important actors In other sections of this chapter I advocate
must be there, but also means that all actors more collaborative approaches for managing
must actively and positively participate. For the CFP. This would inevitably mean that the
this reason, the composition of the advisory ACs should evaluate whether they have the
bodies is a key element in determining their right structure, means and context to under-
contribution to good governance. take such role. Collaborative approaches can
hardly be implemented without a fundamental
Advisory Councils: from reactive rethinking of the ACs’ structure and function.
to proactive And, in this vein, the longer experience in
The new CFP of 2013 introduced a change in other countries would seem to indicate that the
the composition of the original Advisory Coun- catch composition is not necessarily the key: it
cils of 2004: the increase in the participation is the ability to establish effective collaborative
by non-industry interests from a third to 40%. methods that allows stakeholder bodies to excel
This was intended as a message to the effect in their role in policy making.
that the new policy actually meant business
in terms of taking conservation much more
seriously, and to send the message that fisheries Advisory Councils and science
management was not an activity open to a This question has been hotly debated for quite
very wide scope of societal interests, and not some time. Certain old regional advisory coun-
only to the more specific interests of the fishing cils (RACs) repeatedly asked the Commission to
industry. It is also important to note that certain use part of its annual grant to finance the oper-
stakeholders needed to be associated in the ation of the RACs to hire their own scientists, to
process. A number of authors have underlined help them prepare their own recommendations
the particular role that women can play as on a scientifically sound basis. The Commission
stakeholders. In particular, experiences around (including this author) traditionally opposed
the world demonstrate that women’s voices this idea, for fear that these scientists could be
are essential to assess the crucial question of used to try to produce alternative science and
the resilience of human communities to policy try to question that produced by International
change (Calhoun et al. 2016). Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)
However, this change did not reflect the more and/or STECF and end up creating confusion.
fundamental change in the role of these Coun- This, however, has not prevented certain indus-
cils under the new policy: while the Regional try segments from bringing their own scientists
200 Chapter 9

to RAC meetings, simply by paying them from so difficult to conciliate that the ACs may fail
their own pocket. to arrive to a meaningful recommendation.
The experience of the US Advisory Councils As a result, the ACs may fail to fulfill their
is extremely useful here. In such councils the promise of delivering decision-making to the
industry is free to bring their own scientists if fishing grounds, and end up being still dom-
they pay for them, but what is more important inated by the administrations.
is the intense collaboration between science • The industry does not have as much as an
and stakeholders. In particular, many evalua- opportunity as they would wish to discuss
tion exercises are done in combination with the issues industry-to-industry, since the pres-
Council’s meetings in an overall collaborative ence of other stakeholders can sometimes be
effort. This has succeeded in bringing scientific intimidating.
advice to an extraordinary level of trust by the It is important to understand that for the ACs
industry. to fully do their job and become an instrument
In the CFP, even if the scientific process of for co-management, the working environment
both ICES and STECF has long incorporated has to be one of trust and collaboration among
observers from stakeholder interests, and this all the stakeholders. True, this is not a question
has certainly contributed to improve the under- of percentage composition of different interests,
standing and trust between the two, the process but rather a question for the governance sys-
of scientific advice is still physically separate tem to reassure everyone that their voices will
from the discussions of the ACs. The idea of be heard. Somehow, with a certain dose of cyn-
exploring a more collaborative approach, for icism, one could argue that the 60%/40% com-
example organizing AC meetings back-to-back position of the ACs in the reformed CFP is a way
with STECF working groups dealing with for administrations to delegate to them the diffi-
the stocks of interest of that AC, could be cult task of balancing out the different interests
explored. and positions of different stakeholders (typically
a fisheries manager’s job), and make the work
A note on consensus: is this the best of the administrations easier.
method? For this reason, the author has always advo-
Although the legislation does not prejudge cated the idea that consensus is certainly of
the way in which the ACs should adopt their value, but it should not be an obligation. It is
recommendations, it has been commonplace preferable to have strong and clear recommen-
that recommendations by consensus have more dations by a majority and then reflect minority
added value and are more likely to be followed. views rather than struggling unsuccessfully
Indeed, this is the philosophy behind the 2013 for consensus and failing to make a useful
decision to enlarge the participation of the recommendation.
interests other than the fishing industry to
40%, up from 1/3 in the previous RACs. Are the ACs worth the investment?
The idea is that by asking the different Everyone involved in the CFP would agree that
stakeholders to get together in relatively bal- the ACs are there to play a fundamental role
anced proportions and by giving a premium to in the current and future CFP. Yet, certain ele-
consensus recommendations, those recommen- ments cast doubt on whether this expectation
dations would be more balanced and would can and will be met:
be a better basis for decision-making than • As we saw above, the CFP reform gave the
would be the more extreme positions of specific ACs very substantial new tasks but did not
stakeholders. fundamentally change their structure, func-
The problem with this philosophy is twofold: tion and even, initially, funding.
• Very often, the points of view of the catch- • A number of observers talk about a deep crisis
ing sector and the environmental NGOs are in some of the ACs, and question their ability
Fisheries governance and the CFP 201

to deliver what the new CFP is asking them the process of regionalization. But a lot can be
to do. done to ensure that they can do their work
This kind of situation has to be put into per- with a relatively high expectation of seeing the
spective: in the US system, where the regional bulk of their work turned into policy.
Councils have been working for much longer Drawing from the experience observed in
than their EU equivalents, the good example of some of the most successful US Regional Advi-
the North Western Regional Advisory Council sory Councils, a number of elements seem to
cannot hide the fact that other councils do not be important in that respect:
work nearly as well. This demonstrates that • The structure and function of the ACs could
making these councils work is something that be revised to make them more adapted to the
takes many years and, in some cases, might entirely new tasks from the reformed CFP, in
actually never entirely happen. This, at least, particular the need to make proactive propos-
should be enough to indicate that the current als in the framework of regionalization.
problems encountered in some of the ACs is • As advocated in this chapter too, the range
a growth crisis, and pessimism is just not an of questions subject to decision by regional-
option. ization could be enlarged, so as to give the
There can be many factors undermining the ACs a say on issues of considerable impor-
ability of the ACs to deliver what is expected tance to them that are currently still outside
from them in the new CFP. Some have been their remit. This would allow stakeholders to
mentioned above: the difficulties in conciliating propose package approaches instead of more
the different points of view of industry and isolated solutions.
NGOs, the lack of trust among some of the • National administrations should rely more
actors, the limited means, arguably insufficient on the ACs to make up the recommenda-
to take up the new roles, etc. But above all, tions under regionalized decision-making.
there is a factor that appears as the crucial one: The experience of discard plans shows that
for ACs to work, their participants have to be in some cases national administrations drew
convinced that their hard work in the ACs up these plans as a political process, largely
is really worth the investment. This question downplaying the role of the ACs.
somehow summarizes all the other points: Many other ideas could be examined for the
stakeholders will make ACs work if they see same purpose. In any circumstance, it seems
that what they do has a clear reflection in the clear that the ACs established in the 2013
policy. reform are at a crossroads: with almost the
Participation in ACs is costly, sometimes tech- same structure as the old RACs, they have to do
nically difficult (for example, understanding the an entirely new work, much more demanding
science) and time-consuming. If we want Euro- and difficult. Nobody can expect that this will
pean stakeholders to take up the heavy invest- happen overnight, and without a rethinking of
ments that this represents, we have to give them their structure and function.
the assurance that their investment is worth it.
This means that they should see much of what The role of Producer Organizations
they do reflected in the policy. Is this the case Producer Organizations (POs) are an old insti-
today? tution in the CFP. Established very early in the
We have seen above how some national policy as the main instrument for the industry
administrations largely ignored the advice of to organize itself, notably in relation with mar-
the ACs on some of the initial discard plans. ket policy, their main role has been to balance
Of course, expectations cannot be dispro- fish supply with demand, so as to make public
portionate either: no AC can expect that all intervention in the markets just a last resort.
their recommendations will be automatically In that vein, as the market policy under the
rubber-stamped by national administrations in new CFP has lost most of its old instruments,
202 Chapter 9

and as the public funding to the POs is being 10-fold between 1960 and 1997 to roughly
phased out, the issue of the increased role to 16 000! (Bhagwati 2004).
be played by the industry in the future policy The influence of environmental NGOs has
may be a good opportunity to rethink POs, been steadily growing since the inception of the
not exclusively as an instrument for market CFP. Today, such influence is extremely high.
policy, but rather as an instrument to allow And, over time, their field of interest has been
the European fishing industry a more proactive enlarging: while they focused on the protection
role in the governance of the future policy. of endangered species in the first years of the
POs could be used as a way to allow the fish- CFP, today they take an interest in all issues
ing industry the level of involvement in policy related to mainstream fisheries management.
making that will be implied in a more coopera- NGOs were very influential in the process
tive, bottom–up governance system as proposed of policy reform in 2013. In addition, NGOs
in these pages. While parts of the industry do ensure a very close monitoring of the CFP,
not need such an instrument, many sectors may including for example a frequent questioning
actually benefit from having a PO with capac- of whether the Commission makes its propos-
ity and mandate to represent their interests in als on annual TACs as according to scientific
the meetings of the Advisory Councils. We must advice.3
bear in mind that the bottom–up policy advo- In fisheries management, NGOs are there
cated here will imply a heavier involvement of to stay. They have been even recognized as
the industry, and this represents a challenge for formal stakeholders in the CFP. But their role
those industry segments that already consider goes beyond, and their activity as lobbies to the
to be overstretched by the current system. governmental agencies is much more influen-
This idea could be combined with provisions tial than their contribution to the work of the
in the future structural policy to provide for stakeholders’ bodies. However, their legitimacy
funds to (at least the weaker) POs to have remains a controversial question, particularly in
financing so as to ensure their active partic- some cases related to their sources of funding.
ipation in the governance system. Failure to The influence of NGOs in the CFP has been
provide such financing might actually result very positive in a number of cases, when and
in a new system where only the most pow- where they have contributed to raise aware-
erful sectors would actually be able to have a ness in the society at large about the need
constructive contribution. This would fail to to address certain problems. In other cases,
deliver the objective of the ACs to be a fair they have provided vital input to implement
representation of stakeholder’s views. certain strands of EU policy, for example in
the fight against illegal fishing. In this context,
for example, the contribution of certain NGOs
Environmental NGOs and the CFP such as the Environmental Justice Foundation,
among others, has been extraordinary by pro-
Although environmental NGOs are part of viding a crucial amount of evidence of illegal,
the stakeholder consultation bodies discussed unreported, and unregulated (IUU) activity for
above, their role is certainly not limited to such the EU to act upon.
participation. And their influence in policy However, their role in other aspects of the
making has become so prominent that they policy, notably the conservation policy, remains
certainly deserve a section of their own. very controversial, notably on two grounds:
This is certainly not just a fisheries issue.
Like in many other policy areas, the influence
of NGOs has been steadily growing in recent 3
decades. By one estimate, the number of their-trust-in-the-commission-over-scientific-
transnational NGOs increased more than advice/
Fisheries governance and the CFP 203

• Large parts of the fishing industry still see transport. In other cases, it has been underlined
them as hostile to their legitimate interests, that while the negative effects of fishing of
and often question their real motivations for the marine environment have so often been
such hostility. denounced by NGOs, the (much more sub-
• In recent times, their level of influence is stantial) effects of livestock production on land
such that it has raised questions of legitimacy ecosystems and on climate change receive
as compared with other human activity surprisingly little attention.
and other societal interests in the marine
environment. The case of Pew
NGOs are very numerous and also very The case of the Pew Trust deserves special
varied. While some privilege uncompromising attention, given its considerable influence and
campaigning, sometimes very aggressively, leadership among the environmental NGO
other favor cooperation with the admin- community in Europe in recent years, in par-
istrations and the industry. In a different ticular on issues related to the CFP. According
context (that of anti-globalization NGOs), a to publicly available information4 the Trust, a
useful distinction has been drawn between single entity, is the successor to, and sole ben-
“stake-wielding” NGOs, those who are often eficiary of, seven charitable funds established
seen in the streets and heard often with a between 1948 and 1979 by the adult sons and
strident voice, and “stake-asserting” NGOs who daughters of Sun Oil Company founder Joseph
prefer to participate and influence the system N. Pew. According to the 2009 annual report, as
(Bhagwati 2004). of 30 June 2008, the Trusts owned over US$ 5.8
billion in assets. For the 12 months ending on
NGOs and legitimacy: funding that date, total revenues were about US$ 360
Whatever their attitude, their role is in any million and total expenses were about $250
case controversial, and their sheer capac- million, of which about $14 million were for
ity to influence political decisions inevitably operating costs and fund-raising expenses.
poses questions about their legitimacy and These impressive means are focused on
their representativeness. They encapsulate reducing the scope and severity of three
the debate between representative democracy major global environmental problems, among
(that they use as lobbyists) and participative them the:
democracy which they influence considerably
Destruction of the world’s oceans, with a particular
through campaigning. The recent trend toward
emphasis on marine fisheries (emphasis added).
increased (but superficial) flow of information
through new technologies and social media That the huge funds coming from an oil com-
plays very well with NGOs. pany are dedicated to fight the world’s oceans
One of the criticisms that can be addressed to with a particular emphasis on fisheries raises
the NGOs is the way they establish their priori- an obvious legitimacy issue: is this NGO equally
ties that are in many cases determined by their committed to fight the effects of the consump-
sources of funding. This means that NGOs must tion of fossil fuels on the world’s oceans? Or
be judged not only on the basis of what they about the effects of land-based activities on
raise and campaign on, but also on the basis of ocean pollution and marine ecosystem health?
what they do not raise. Is the fishing industry an easy scapegoat for
A typical example is that of large transna- the world’s ocean problems when other human
tional NGOs fundamentally financed by activities have a much higher effect on these
foundations originating in the US oil indus- oceans?
try that are legitimately active in many areas
of human activity, but tend to shy away from 4

activity against the oil and gas drilling and Trusts/

204 Chapter 9

The amount of money originated from the oil they are not good at doing the fisheries manage-
industry does not disqualify the activity of this ment themselves: they are good as campaigners
NGO, if and when it is based on well-justified and advocates, but not as legislators.
arguments. But it certainly casts a doubt as to NGOs’ role in science has been on the rise in
the fairness of their strong focus on the fishing recent times. One of the basic tenets of good
industry and, by comparison, the little attention fisheries management is that scientists will be
paid to other human activities that may have given full freedom to adopt their recommenda-
a bearing on the “destruction of the world’s tions without any pressure from governments
oceans.” or interest groups. In this sense, the indepen-
dence of such bodies as ICES or STECF has
NGOs and their influence been crucial for the progress of the CFP. In
It is necessary to discuss the limits of the influ- Europe, NGOs are not questioning scientific
ence of NGOs in policy making. This author will advice. Rather, they often question the terms
contend that their influence has been positive of reference sent by managers to the scientific
in some cases where they have raised aware- community; and often disagree on whether
ness about issues that might otherwise have managers are asking scientists “the right ques-
gone almost unnoticed, and have put pressure tions.” This is healthy because it puts the pres-
on the system to ensure that fisheries managers sure where it belongs: fisheries managers, and
do their job properly. Cases like the influence of leaves scientists to their work without pressure.
NGOs for the Commission to take initiatives to This, however, is not necessarily the tendency
save North Sea cod at the turn of the century, everywhere. In recent times, certain NGOs are
or to save Bluefin tuna in more recent years, questioning the independence of famous fish-
illustrate these positive influences. eries scientists, based on the funding of their
In other cases, their influence is more con- research. This is the case for example, with
troversial, such as for example the intensive Greenpeace and other NGOs with Professor
campaign of the French NGO Bloom against Ray Hilborn (dubbed an “overfishing denier”
the authorization of the so-called “pulse trawl,” by Greenpeace), who withstands a public
an electric gear authorized only experimentally campaign against his independence (including
for a number of years under the CFP, and hotly complaints to the president of his University!)6
discussed in the context of the latest proposal on the basis of the – limited and transparent –
on technical conservation measures. Despite funding of his research by fishing industry
a scientific report by ICES that evidenced the interests. This is due to Professor Hilborn’s
limited negative effects of the gear (ICES 2018), disagreement with some of the NGO’s cam-
Bloom’s campaigning (largely using social paigning messages. That influence is ironic: if
media very effectively)5 successfully influenced we observe the sources of financing of some
institutional positions against this gear. of the NGOs themselves, it is easy to see, as
When NGOs are too intrusive and try to above, the influence of big economic interests
micromanage policy making, their influence in deflecting the public attention from their
is often negative, since they are often led by own impact on the world’s oceans.
ideology more than by evidence and generally In some instance, a certain NGO interfered
lack expertise in law making as well as political in an internal procedure of the Commis-
sensitivity over social considerations. Overall, sion leading to the adoption of a proposal on
NGOs are good at raising public awareness on annual TACs. The NGO used a Commission’s
the need for managers to do the right thing, but internal consultation document (not yet even

5 6

themes/peche-electrique/ denier/
Fisheries governance and the CFP 205

available to Member States!) to discredit the a number of them were not at biomass levels
position of the Fisheries Directorate General above Bmsy .
in front of the institution’s Legal Service. This For these reasons, the intervention of envi-
unacceptable practice shows that there should ronmental NGOs in the CFP, that clearly is
be a clear line between legitimate lobbying and there to stay, needs to be put in the right con-
undue interference. text: positive and useful to raise awareness
about important management issues (with the
above caveats), but not appropriate for detailed
Good awareness raisers, bad legislators
law-making. Clearly, they should continue
The experience of this author clearly demon- to be heard, but they should not dictate the
strates that environmental NGOs have been policy.
very positive for the CFP in some cases when
they acted on what they do best: raising aware- NGOs and Advisory Councils
ness about the need for fisheries managers to From the inception of the Regional Advisory
“do the right thing” and address certain prob- Councils following the 2002 CFP reform, NGOs
lems, as in the above-mentioned cases of North have been considered part of the stakeholders
Sea cod and Bluefin tuna. Pressure on the that constitute such councils. In the reform of
institutions and cooperation through the pro- 2013, their role in the new Advisory Coun-
vision of information by certain NGOs has also cils was actually increased, by requiring that
been, and continues to be, a key factor in the non-industry stakeholders constitute up to 40%
impressive progress of the EU’s policy against of the composition of their general assemblies,
IUU fishing. This is perhaps the best example of as laid down in Regulation 1380/2013 (EU
how a cooperative approach can be extremely 2013). This was a clear signal that NGOs were
fruitful. there to stay, and to increase their influence in
However, when NGOs try to micromanage the new CFP.
the policy, through proposals for specific legal However, it does not necessarily follow
provisions, they clearly lack knowledge on that European NGOs are embracing this new
law-making and, crucially, lack the necessary opportunity and using it to the full. In fact,
balance to combine environmental concerns the attendance of NGO members to AC meet-
with other socio-economic, or simply practi- ings is often patchy and incomplete. This may
cal elements (such as feasibility, controllability, be due to several reasons that go from the
etc.) that are equally legitimate and are essential alleged hostility of the fishing industry to
to guarantee good law-making. economic problems to ensure attendance to
Perhaps the best example is the inclusion, in all meetings. However, there is a factor that
Regulation 1380/2013, of the expectation to emerges as a more worrying: some NGOs
have all stocks with biomass levels above Bmsy . admit that if they have to maximize the use
This was the result of very effective influence of of their limited resources, they find it more
certain NGOs in the decision-making process. useful to invest in lobbying decision-makers
Even as an aspirational objective only (and rather than participating and seeking consensus
the NGOs concerned wanted it to be legally recommendations in the ACs.
binding), we have seen in other sections that If the ACs are to play an important role in
having all stocks above Bmsy may not be eco- the CFP it is essential that their components do
logically possible. Including in the legal text not undermine them by outside lobbying. Obvi-
an aspiration that is unachievable is not good ously, this concerns the industry just as much.
legislation: it can only produce frustration Perhaps the way to get there is to increase the
and a false sense of policy failure. If all the trust by the regulators in the recommendations
main stocks are within Fmsy levels by 2020, it of the ACs, so as to ensure them a high rate of
would be a tremendous policy success, even if success of their recommendations, as a way to
206 Chapter 9

discourage, as useless, external lobbying against has proven so fruitful in a number of cases,
the ACs’ recommendations. shouldn’t it be promoted further in the current
context? And (ii) for the future structural pol-
Is cooperation between industry and icy, shouldn’t this kind of partnership have a
NGOs possible? higher level of priority and visibility?
As mentioned above, certain NGOs, such as In any case, this cooperation is not just a
for example the EDF in the US, and the World matter of funding. Much more important is the
Wildlife Fund in Europe are well-known for realization of its strategic need. In a context
their collaborative approach with the indus- where the oceans are increasingly occupied
try, through a number of specific projects. by different human activities, most of which
These examples alone demonstrate that such have no regard for the health of the marine
cooperation is possible. Of course, other NGOs ecosystem (energy, transport, etc.) the two
prefer not to cooperate and choose instead to most significant stakeholders who need healthy
campaign against certain fishing activities. And marine ecosystems (the fishing/aquaculture
certain parts of the industry resent so much industry) and who advocate them (environ-
the NGO campaigning that they cannot come mental NGOs) should have a strategic interest to
to terms with the idea of cooperating with cooperate. Some of this cooperation is already
them. However, some parts of the industry taking place, but a lot more is necessary in
have demonstrated that they are more than the future, and this constitutes a fundamental
ready to do so. This shows that cooperation challenge for future ocean governance.
between industry and NGO is a possibility, but
only when and where there are two willing
partners, from both sides. The role of science
The Commission has indeed tried to favor
this kind of cooperation. Beyond the composi- The new CFP and fisheries science
tion of the Advisory Councils that we discussed The CFP is a science-based policy. Regulation
above, other instruments have been estab- 1380/2013 requires that all proposals from
lished. The fisheries structural fund (Regulation the Commission be made taking into account
508/2014, EU 2014abc) foresees the fund- the best available scientific advice. Under the
ing of such activities, though rather vaguely: reformed CFP, science will play an even higher
while its Article 28 establishes a clear basis role than in the past, for a number of reasons:
for partnerships between scientists and fish- A good, reliable, and respected scientific advice
ermen, Article 29 considers funding for the is a fundamental element for good fisheries
“Promotion of human capital, job creation governance. In the EU, we have come a long
and social dialogue.” Within this overall title, way in terms of improving the advice and, in
funding is possible for social dialogue at Union, particular, improving its understanding and
national, regional, and local level involving acceptance by the stakeholders. However, this
fishermen, social partners and other relevant is a process that can never be considered final-
stakeholders. ized. More improvements are still necessary in
The text is intended to promote social dia- the current scientific basis for the CFP.
logue with trade unions, but NGOs are certainly • There are new requirements (MSY, dis-
other relevant stakeholders so that the indus- card ban, long-term plans, multi-species
try/NGO dialogue could indeed be supported approaches, ecosystem approach, etc.) that
on that basis. The question is to what extent require new advice while, at the same time,
this possibility (true, almost hidden in the text) the traditioinal advice (on annual TACs,
will in effect be promoted by national author- technical measures, etc.) will still be nec-
ities when implementing the CFP. This has at essary. This implies that there is a growing
least two components: (i) if this cooperation demand for extra advice in the new CFP.
Fisheries governance and the CFP 207

• The requirements on transparency and on the Marine Strategy Framework Directive

the diffusion of science are ever growing, (MSFD) and notably the determination of
including new “clients” such as the Advisory the level of fishing that is compatible with
Councils, the media and so on. This implies good environmental status.
that scientists must spend more and more • Future advice, which may include the devel-
time explaining to different audiences the opment of multispecies approaches, the
scientific results. effects of climate change or the need to
• The areas of scientific expertise are enlarging produce more food from the sea.
(economic and social science, environmen- What is important about these layers is that
tal science) and so is the need to develop the addition of new ones does not make the
inter-disciplinary approaches. old ones obsolete: the old scientific advice is
• The scientific community is increasingly not replaced by the new one, and still needs
required to look into new areas (wider to be improved, resulting in an ever-growing
marine environmental questions, global number of layers of advice necessary for the
warming, etc.) without necessarily having policy. This represents a double challenge:
additional resources. • For the scientific community, how to be able
• Last but not least, the challenges are also to produce the new layers of advice while still
important for the administrations and stake- producing (and improving) the traditional
holders, notably to ensure that they have layers.
the minimum scientific literacy necessary to • For managers to be able to absorb all the
understand the increasingly complex science. accumulating layers of advice. This implies
This clear increase in the demands for advice having a critical mass of officials with the
intervenes in a context where the human time to read and the expertise to understand
resources for fisheries science in Europe are not such advice.
growing, and where the best scientists have to • For stakeholders, to be able to follow the
use an increasing share of their precious time advice and to establish all the necessary
in disseminating science and in handling the cooperation mechanisms to keep up to these
administrative part of their bids for research developments.
funds. The question then is: can the European In sum, the ever-growing number of layers
scientific community face up to the challenge? of the scientific advice is a challenge for all the
players of the system, and not just for scientists.
Scientific advice, a cumulative process
in layers Improving scientific advice
The scientific advice for the CFP must develop A number of initiatives have been taken in
following policy development. This results in recent years to address the above problem:
the introduction of new needs for advice as new • Streamlining the provision of advice by
policy layers are added. One can distinguish a avoiding duplications between different bod-
number of layers: ies. Under the old CFP, all advice for the
• Traditional advice that is necessary for annual Commission had to come from the STECF
TACs, technical measures, etc. even when the original advice had been
• New advice from the CFP reform of 2013. prepared by ICES. This produced an obvious
This includes MSY projections, fishing mor- duplication of efforts that has now been
tality ranges for multiannual plans, the eliminated, thanks to the Commission’s
effects of discarding and so on. insistence in the context of the 2013 reform.
• Economic advice, gradually included as a • Increasing the EU budget for data collec-
mainstream part of the advice system. tion, in the context of the new structural
• Advice on environmental questions, includ- fisheries fund, as well as the percentage of
ing for example the implementation of contribution from the EU. For the period
208 Chapter 9

2014–2020, the EU has assigned EUR 520 annual surveys are important to check trends).
million to finance data collection with an Rather, fisheries science, both biological and
80% co-financing rate (EU 2014c, Articles economic, require time series. Building now
13 and 94). the right time series is essential to ensure we
• Continuing funding fisheries science in Hori- can respond to the scientific challenges of the
zon 2020. The research project MyFish on the future.
management of mixed fisheries is an excel- However, as we will see below with the prior-
lent example.7 itization of the evaluation process, the financial
However, all these initiatives have not fully means and the human base for basic research
resolved a fundamental problem: the stagna- and data collection are limited. It is important to
tion of Europe’s workforce on fisheries science. ensure that the priorities are well-established.
This is a complex problem. It can be related to In this regard, one must abandon the idea that
the low attractiveness of such a research area more data always means better assessment.
for young talented scientists, given the low Figure 9.1 shows how the relationship between
curricular value of fisheries science publications more data and better assessment is not just
in ICES for example. But it is also related to a simple one where more data automatically
the current trends in the funding of science. It results in better assessments.
has been reported that the increase in funds for Although the general trend is that the more
fisheries research in the past has not resulted data available, the better the assessment, there
in an increase in the amount of research done are cases where the data are so abundant that
or in the number of scientists, but rather in the the assessment would be equally good even
replacement of other sources of funding, with with fewer data. In other cases, the quality of
no net increase in the amount of work done at the assessment is low, but an increase in the
the end (Penas Lado 2016). Clearly, other ideas data will not necessarily result in an improve-
must be developed. ment of the assessment, because the problem
is not in the amount of data but rather on the
Data and science type of data and the methods used.
The crucial importance of good data for good This is of course a conceptual picture, but
fisheries assessment has been abundantly it indicates something important: a good data
reported. In this regard, the importance of the collection strategy is not just about collecting
data collection regulation for the improvement more data: it is about prioritizing data collec-
of scientific advice for the CFP must once more tion where additional data will provide the
be underscored. And the CFP of 2013 went most important gains in the quality of the
even further than even before by taking two assessment. This is important in a EU context
significant steps: (i) including the collection of where the successive accumulation of layers
scientific data as a legal obligation for Member is producing a saturation in the provision of
States (Article 25 of Regulation 1380/2013); scientific advice, where the main bottleneck for
and (ii) increasing the budget dedicated to this the provision of good science may not be just
objective in the new fisheries fund (Article 13 data, but time for scientists to process the data
and draw the best possible conclusions.
of regulation 508/2014).
Furthermore, the data collection should be
Given the high demand for new scientific
stable: different levels of availability of data
advice for the new CFP, the implementation of
over time distort time series and can induce bad
the new framework of data collection is of fun-
management. To a certain extent, data stability
damental importance. Fisheries science cannot
is even more important than data richness. An
work on annual snapshots (although certain
interesting study by Rudd and Branch (2017)
found through meta-analysis that constant
7 reporting (either over or under-reporting)
Fisheries governance and the CFP 209

Good assessment Assessment will

possible with same or improve with more
less data data


Data poor: too little Data rich but poor

data to allow for good assessment: different
assessment data or method?

Figure 9.1 Conceptual relationship between data availability and assessment quality. Source: Inspired in the
presentation by Francisco “Cisco” Werner. Bevan series of lectures, School of Aquatic and Fisheries Sciences,
University of Washington, Seattle, 12 January 2017.

results in recommended catches that are sus- This should not have to be necessarily the
tainable. On the contrary, when there are case. While certain short-lived stocks (i.e.
trends in the level of reporting over time, anchovy, sandeel, etc.) strongly fluctuate annu-
the improvement of catch reporting produces ally so they have to be evaluated every year,
resource under-utilization, while the deterio- many long-lived species could be evaluated
ration of catch reporting produces overfishing. only every second or third year without a sig-
They conclude that while quantifying total nificant loss in the quality of the management.
catch is necessary for understanding the impact Indeed, in some Regional Fishery Organizations
of fisheries on businesses, communities, and dealing with long-lived species, such as Inter-
ecosystems, detecting trends in reporting rates national Commission for the Conservation of
is more important for estimating fishery status Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), the evaluation of the
and setting sustainable catches in the future. main stocks is done every two or three years.
In the case of deep-sea stocks, subject to TACs
since 2004, these TACs were bi-annual because
Streamlining the evaluation process: the stocks were evaluated every second year.
stock prioritization This would have obvious consequences on
One of the reasons why the EU scientists are the annual character of TACs, something that
over-saturated is that the scientific advice is has never actually been seriously discussed.
provided annually for all stocks, at least for the The possibility of evaluating certain tradi-
Atlantic. This does not mean that all stocks are tioinal stocks only every second or third year
fully evaluated scientifically, but the scientific could allow scientists a more efficient focus on
community produces annual advice on all important issues every year .
stocks. In fact, in most countries, the scientific
literature shows an accumulation of publica- Data vs. thinking time
tions on a relatively low number of species, For years, data deficiencies for the advice of the
while for a number of important commercial CFP have justified a priority in providing for
species there is little research done or, at least, such data. Today, the provisions on data collec-
published (Aksnes and Bowman 2016). tion of the CFP by and large ensure a very good
210 Chapter 9

coverage of data (including those necessary for the cost/efficiency of the scientific evaluation
economic analysis) for the policy. But at the system. The system uses several criteria to
same time the advisory system is becoming so classify different stocks in different levels of
saturated with ever-increasing demands that priority, such as:
a different problem is emerging: that of the • Fishery importance. The most important
automatic nature of the advisory process. The stocks economically are given top priority.
availability of data combined with standardized This is evaluated using, when relevant,
methodologies allow for a very effective and the estimated importance of the recreational
automatic provision of advice. But that has a fishery. Other sub-criteria, such as the stocks’
fundamental downside: the risk that the advice importance for subsistence fisheries are also
will become too automatic. European scientists considered.
are already warning that in some cases the • Stock status. This criterion gives higher priority
application of models is too automatic due to for stocks that are in greater need for conser-
lack of time, so the system increasingly tends to vation and management actions.
churn out stock evaluations based on standard • Ecosystem importance. This gives priority to
methods, but with very limited time for revi- stocks that are important as forage for one or
sion. As a result, some scientists argue that the several of the main species. It also considers
main limiting factor for good advice to the CFP their role as predator or competitor of the
is no longer data, but thinking time to filter out main species.
the model results with the basic knowledge of • Assessment information. Relatively higher pri-
the fisheries and the biology of the species. ority is given to stocks where there are unex-
This is clearly a very important reflection. pected changes in stock indicators that may
Given the impressive increase in scientific reveal substantial changes in stock status.
advice that the policy has to produce, it is Overall, this strategy, which is always open
important to ensure that the future provision of to refinement, provides an extremely objective
scientific advice will not just pile up more data, way to streamline the scientific work in a way
but that it will provide for time and capacity to to maximize the output of an overstretched sci-
process the data and allow for in-depth discus- entific community.
sions over and beyond the results churned out
by the evaluation models. Science and the management system
Scientific advice and trust
The US case As we will see below, creating trust among the
In the US, the National Oceanic and Atmo- actors is an essential condition to improve fish-
spheric Administration (NOAA) has a well- eries governance. And that trust must affect,
developed strategy for the prioritization of the perhaps in particular, the scientific advice. This
scientific evaluation work for setting TACs. This requires a “culture” that ensures that fisheries
strategy distinguishes different types and levels scientists can produce their best advice with-
of scientific evaluation (Methot 2015): out pressure. Scientists themselves observe
• Full assessment level frequent meddling or pressure in their work,
• Baseline monitoring/data-limited assessment for example when certain stakeholders are
level disappointed with the outcome of the advice,
• Ecosystem-linked assessment that they consider against their interests or
• Benchmark/prototype assessment when the local industries expect local scientists
• Full update to back their socio-economic considerations
• Partial update. (Rindorf et al. 2017). Other examples are
The justification of this strategy is clear: NGOs’ expectations that scientists will support
research and evaluation are expensive, and pri- their ecological sustainability concerns (Knigge
oritization is absolutely necessary to maximize et al. cited in Rindorf et al. 2017).
Fisheries governance and the CFP 211

It has been clear for some certain time that and thus the cost of such a process should
the improvement in stakeholders’ trust in not be considered a subsidy, but a service that
the scientific advice would require a different public authorities should be fundamentally
approach in the way the advice is produced, responsible for.
presented, and explained. Schwach et al. (2007) There is a clear need to ensure full under-
summarized it very clearly by indicating that standing between industry and science. In the
all major stakeholder groups are calling for a EU, in addition to the transparency already
more interactive system to produce a common applied by ICES and STECF, and the funding by
knowledge base. This would bring uncertainty European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)
from its marginal role as the “leftovers of cer- of industry/science partnerships, there is still
tainty” to the heart of the science process, and room for improvement. Certain ideas applied
would require stakeholders to help address in the US East coast could be applied in the
uncertainty and negotiate a more realistic CFP, such as the parallel scientific/commercial
placement of the burden of proof. surveys, or the participation of industry mem-
This is of particular relevance in the context bers in the survey campaigns, can contribute
of two fundamental governance questions: the further to improve the trust and understanding
need to place the concept of “uncertainty” as a between these two fundamental actors of the
central one in the management process, and the policy.
need to develop more collaborative approaches
to management.
Science and managers
Science and the industry
The independence of scientists and managers
The independence of science is a fundamental is also a point worth mentioning. As the soci-
tenet of a healthy fisheries management system. etal pressure to manage fisheries “according
Although a partial contribution from the fish- to scientific advice” mounts, there can be a
ing industry to science (as part of “cost recov- tendency by managers to rely more on bio-
ery” schemes) can be a good idea (see Chapter logical scientific advice as the sole source of
11, “The fisheries control system”) particularly decision-making. This sometimes allows man-
in terms of providing funds or other means to agers to “hide behind the scientific advice” and
ensure a better collection of data, it is essen- not do their job, which is to combine that advice
tial that the process leading to the provision of with other legitimate considerations. Typically,
advice remains independent. the demands from managers in this context
In recent times, some extreme positions have tend to downplay uncertainty by asking scien-
been taken, from those who consider that a sci- tists to provide clear advice that they can use
entist having received 10% of his research funds without having to take too difficult decisions.
from the fishing industry is no longer objective This has often been referred to by this author
(see under “Environmental NGOs and the CFP” as the “give me a figure” syndrome.
above), to others who consider that government Certain authors have illustrated this, notably
financing of research is a “subsidy” with nega- in relation with the emphasis on single-stock
tive connotations (Sharp and Sumaila 2009). TACs as the one and only instrument for man-
These extreme positions are to be avoided. agement (Schwach et al. 2007):
While the contribution of the industry to sci-
ence can, if properly handled, be a positive The attempts by managers to use science as a
legitimate device for the institutionally strong but
development in the sense of increasing indus-
technically flawed TAC system result in demoral-
try’s responsibility on the management system, ized scientists who do not believe in what they are
it is clear that the final provision of the advice, doing, in undue demands for flexible advice with
on the basis of available evidence, must be no room for interpretation, and in continuous
done without any meddling by vested interests, inflation of the science boundary.
212 Chapter 9

One example of this phenomenon, among is arguably shrinking for many observers, and
many others, is ICES’ reply to a request for certainly not expanding for most. There seems
advice on the level of disturbance of the bottom to be a problem of low attractiveness of the
of the North Sea from trawling, in the context research area among brilliant young European
of the implementation of Descriptor 6 (seafloor students. The causes can be varied, but two
integrity) of the Marine Strategy Framework regularly mentioned are the bad image of the
Directive (see Chapter 8). The report (ICES fishing sectors as one in permanent crisis and
2017), in addition to providing plentiful data frequently criticized, or considered to be in
on the levels and impacts of bottom trawling in the verge of collapse, and the low curricular
this sea basin, repeatedly indicated that it was value of some of the publications generated or
not for scientists, but for managers, to decide even the difficulty in publishing in scientific
how much bottom trawling is acceptable: that journals the kind of scientific work required by
is a decision that depends on policy objec- ICES and STECF. Some consulted also mention
tives. That was a clear demonstration that the the relative low priority accorded to fisheries
managers had asked them not just to provide science by various governmental and private
advice, but also to give a policy judgement. sources of research funds.
This is certainly not just a European problem. The EU has tried to contribute to this, inter
In other parts of the world, sometimes, man- alia, by ensuring that there is basic funding for
agers short-circuit collaborative methods by data collection, but the problem runs deeper.
asking scientists directly to recommend the Even if basic data collection is well-funded, in
most appropriate strategy (Punt 2017). Europe there is still a high number of stocks
These considerations require that the bound- with very little or no research and evalua-
ary between advice and management be clari- tion. This contrasts with other cases, such as
fied further: those of the US and Canada, where fisheries
• The role of uncertainty of the advice has to be management extends even to a high number
accepted by managers and placed at the cen- of secondary species, all of them having basic
ter of the management system, so that man- research and evaluation. For example, in the
agers do not place unreasonable demands on Pacific groundfish fishery in Canada, there
scientists in terms of eliminating such uncer- are as many as 40 stocks of rockfish (different
tainty. coastal species of limited economic importance)
• The terms of reference by managers must be being managed and subject to research and
clear in asking for options and their conse- (simplified) evaluation.
quences, but must not ask science to take a There are no easy solutions to this question,
position on decisions which only belong to but this is worthy of a strategy to try to ensure
managers. that the CFP does not run out of high-level sci-
As we will see below, this requires a new entists. Just as an example, in the US NOAA
paradigm in the relationship between science organizes conferences in universities to attract
and all the actors in the management work- young, brilliant people to fisheries and other sci-
flow. But it also requires the existence of a ences. At EU level, similar or other initiatives
critical mass of scientists and a high degree of must be put into place to ensure that the “stock”
understanding of scientific matters within the of EU fisheries scientists does not suffer from
administrations responsible, and particularly “impaired recruitment” in the years to come.
within the European Commission services.
Scientific literacy
The human base of fisheries science: a The problem of the availability of science is also
“low-recruitment stock?” a question outside the scientific community
A problem emerging in recent years in Europe itself. There is probably little point in increasing
is the human base for fisheries research, which the amount of science available if fisheries
Fisheries governance and the CFP 213

managers don’t know how to use it. There Progress in recent years has been impres-
is an issue about the “scientific literacy” in sive, particularly in transforming economic
fisheries administrations. It has been argued, analysis from a simple description of trends to
for example, that the failure of the initial stages analysis of causes and effects. While the first
of the CFP to address emerging overfishing was economic analyses presented by the Commis-
the lack of scientific literacy in the European sion were mainly descriptive, the most recent
Commission services in the late 1970s and early reports have started to analyze cause/effect
1980s (Holden 1994). relationships, so they are now in a position, to
Ensuring that the administrations concerned some extent, to explain the economic trends
(and not just the European Commission) dis- observed as a result of policy development. For
pose of a critical mass of fisheries experts, and example, recent reports clearly demonstrate
ensuring a relatively high degree of scientific the positive economic effects associated with
literacy among non-experts becomes an essen- the biological recovery of the stocks, something
tial element for good management, all the more that was previously a theoretical point; it is
so since the increasing complexity of the issues now demonstrated with hard data.
at stake and the associated scientific advice. The key to the recent development of the
Crucially, this also applies to the stakeholders. economic advice has been the inclusion of
We referred above to the training programs economic information into the support scheme
organized by the NMFS in the US. This seems for data collection, which has allowed, roughly
a very good idea to be promoted further. As as of 2007, the development of time series of
for the Commission services, ICES organize economic parameters that in turn have allowed
excellent training courses on fisheries science the study of trends in those parameters and
that have been followed by a number of EU how they relate to other policy elements.
staff. But over and beyond these interesting The next step in this evolution is the idea of
possibilities, it is very important that the staff turning economic advice from an instrument
policy of the European Commission ensures a of policy analysis ex-post to a real instrument
critical mass of scientific literacy in its services, for policy decision, and to do so in areas where
as an essential condition for the institution to economic advice has so far been absent. Some
be able to play its essential role in running this examples are outlined below.
policy in the very complex policy context of the
future. Economic advice for TACs
In recent years the Commission has started
Economic advice to provide economic advice to the decisions
Economic advice is very recent in the CFP and on TACs, notably on questions related to the
still lags behind biological advice as a funda- degree of dependence and possible economic
mental source of advice for the CFP. Although effects of certain fleet segments affected by
the economic advice is catching up, it still recommendations for substantial reductions in
suffers from a certain reputation of not being TAC levels. This kind of advice is very useful in
real scientific advice.8 Yet, the achievement turning the classic “December negotiation” on
of the objectives of Article 39 TFEU, as well TACs into a much more objective, transparent,
as those of Regulation 1380/2016 do require rational, and ultimately legitimate negotiation
that the economic advice be available to guide between science-based arguments on the bio-
decision-making as well as to ensure adequate logical and the economic consequences of the
reporting of policy progress. TAC levels.
For example, the TAC reductions advised by
8 A number of people consider economic advice as biological science can be compared with the
“politics” or as an excuse for not applying biological economic performance of the fleets depend-
advice. ing and their degree of dependence on such
214 Chapter 9

stocks, so as to evaluate in objective economic The opposite is also true, and certain
terms what is the real impact of a substantial instruments have been suppressed (such as
TAC reduction on specific, dependent fleet joint ventures) without a serious economic
segments, and their capacity to absorb a neg- study of their real effects, but rather on sim-
ative economic shock. This, alone, is turning plistic foregone conclusions (the EU “exports”
a political negotiation into an objective one its overcapacity to third countries). In the case
on how to combine biology and economics as of scrapping premiums (phased out after 2017)
part of intelligent and well-informed fisheries the absence of serious economic analysis for
management. the whole of Europe on the economic effects
under different scenarios and modalities has
Economic advice for other policy strands led to the suppression of an instrument that, if
Another important area where more economic well-designed and implemented, could still help
science would be necessary is the structural considerably the achievement of the objectives
policy. Many of the instruments that, with of the CFP.
certain variations, have been included in the Hopefully, the next structural instrument
structural policy in the fisheries sector (some (after 2020) should be able to judge the need
measures have existed since 1970) have never and opportunity of certain instruments (or the
been seriously studied in terms of their effect reintroduction of others) on the basis of a much
on the fishing industry and their contribution better-informed economic basis.
in achieving the CFP objectives.
Science in the information age
Theoretically, the structural policy should
This is an emerging challenge that will probably
not be permanent, but rather an instrument only grow in the future. For many years, the tra-
to solve structural deficiencies that the free ditional, peer-reviewed scientific advice was the
market is unlikely to resolve. In other words, only source of information for decision-makers,
the structural policy is there to solve market other than fishermen’s interests. Today, how-
failures. However, the lack of economic advice ever, traditional advice has two new competi-
on the effects of many of these measures has tors: (i) advocacy campaigns by NGOs, which
traditionally produced a rather uncritical con- include an increasing amount of technical argu-
tinuation of many of these measures without ments; and (ii) highly publicized science, often
a serious analysis of whether they resolve not the best science, but the one that captures
a market failure, or simply continue as an headlines and influence public opinion.
acquired right regardless of their need and The relative influence of these new players is
effects. inversely proportional to the level of scientific
As we will explain in Chapter 14, the future literacy of decision-makers, but also to the
may question the continuity of today’s generous time available to read the traditional science.
structural policy. If that is ever the case, there The choice between a long, complex, often
would be a need to prioritize funds much better, user-unfriendly scientific advice and a leaflet
to focus them to resolve the real market failures. with a few catchy arguments, or against catchy
For example, what is the effect of tempo- headlines in the media is a very unfair one. If
rary laying-ups or vessel modernization in the managers lack scientific literacy and time to
overall balance between fleets and resources? read the science, the risk that more and more
This has never been studied seriously, and dis- management decisions will be based on the easy
cussions on the need and opportunity of such arguments rather than on the complex ones
instruments has traditionally taken the form of from the traditional advice significantly grows.
political discussions dominated by pressure by And as the weight of public opinion, which
certain constituencies against opposition from can be captured by headlines but will never
ideological opponents, none of them with solid read the complex advice, grows in influence
economic arguments to hand. for decision-making, it is clear that the role of
Fisheries governance and the CFP 215

scientific advice will be more and more under The case of MSC
pressure in the system. The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) has
This will require scientific literacy among become in recent years the most extended and
the players, as explained above, but it will influential certification system of sustainable
also require that the advice system itself will fishery resources. MSC now claims that 9.9
make an extra effort to be more readily under- million tonnes of fish (close to 12% of total
standable by non-experts. This opens up the fish production in the world) as being certified
need for scientists to invest more on explain- by them. They have certified 313 fisheries in
ing the advice to a much larger public than 30 countries and 91 more are being evaluated
today. for possible certification.9 At the beginning
MSC-certified fish acquired market advantages,
including in some cases higher prices. In recent
The role of consumers: years the MSC is becoming so influential that in
certification systems certain markets in Northern Europe fishermen
want their fish certified simply to preserve their
The consumers are playing an increasingly market share, and consider that non-certified
important role in the development of con- fish will eventually be squeezed out of their
sumption patterns, although their influence is own markets.
still very varied among European countries. For This influence will contribute to shape up
example, in the German market, consumers attitudes in the fishing industry by providing a
are highly sensitive on sustainability issues and very strong incentive to adopt sustainable fish-
are ready to pay a moderately higher price ing practices: losing an MSC certification carries
for sustainable seafood. In such a market, the a risk of being excluded from certain markets,
fishing industry actively seeks the certification and this may be in some cases a strong incentive
of their products, not even to increase their to accept unpalatable management measures.
market share, but actually to prevent being This in principle goes in the same direction as
squeezed out of their own markets. In certain the new CFP, so one can consider that MSC can
European markets, supermarket chains are indeed reinforce the Commission’s drive for
gradually considering selling only certified sustainable fishing. The question is, however,
fish. In southern Europe the situation is differ- whether the criteria for sustainability estab-
ent, with consumers tending to favor quality lished by MSC are the same as that established
and freshness over sustainability, but one can in the rules of the CFP, and to what extend they
certainly argue that the trend will arrive in such reinforce each other.
markets in the years to come. Although the MSC has certainly contributed
The role of consumers as a driver for pol- to raise awareness in the fishing industry about
icy change was clearly shown in the last CFP the need to ensure sustainable fishing practices,
reform of the CFP, where the Commission’s its criteria to certify fisheries is not without crit-
campaign to promote sustainable fish had a icism. While in some cases MSC has certified
considerable influence on the European public fisheries, in some other cases they have certified
opinion. Significantly, this campaign raised the fishing practices. This is the case for example, of
question of sustainability but it did not indicate the fish aggregating device-(FAD)-free fisheries
what specific fish was sustainable. This shows by the Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA)
that even in the absence of such guidance (that in the Pacific. According to this certification,
was actually provided by different non-EU tuna fisheries without FADs are deemed sus-
initiatives) the appeal to consumers can play tainable while fisheries with FADs are not,
a very important role in shaping up policy all for the same stocks. This has given rise to
through the influence of public opinion on
administrations. 9
216 Chapter 9

serious questioning of this certification. By dolphin mortality by the alternative techniques

certifying the fishing technique rather than is actually sustainable.
the whole fishery, the certification no longer This question has been very well illustrated
reflects the sustainability of the fishery as such. by James Joseph (1994). The implementation of
As the industry concerned has pointed out, this this certification has had a considerable effect
kind of certification means that the same vessel on fishing practices: the US tropical tuna fleet,
fishing the same stocks with two different tech- to avoid any problem with this certification, had
niques can catch sustainable fish in one haul to move to the western Pacific, where the catch
and unsustainable fish in the next one (Moreno of tuna is not associated with dolphins.
et al. 2016). To this day, this certification remains one
Another good example is the criticism to the of the most powerful ones in the fisheries
MSC standards by a number of environmental world, notably due to its relative simplicity and
organizations that consider that MSC’s certifi- because it appeals to an issue (killing dolphins)
cation standards largely ignore the effects of the that a large part of consumers worldwide have
fisheries certified on by-catches of sharks and at heart. Meaningfully, this certification has no
marine mammals. This has led MSC to regularly impact on the fish (the main species affected
revise its own standards to try to accommodate is yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares) but it
such considerations, so the certification is not has a tremendous impact on the fishery by
fixed in time, but subject to evolution through- purse-seiners.
out the years (Agnew et al. 2014).
The question of a possible harmonization
Other certification systems
of criteria between the EU and MSC has been
A different approach is that of the Monterrey
often floated as a possibility. This idea, however,
Bay Aquarium, that rather than certifying
seems very difficult to implement in practice.
seafood, it provides consumers with informa-
The EU would have a problem of principle if it
tion about the status of different species, so that
should adapt its standards to those of a private
consumers can make informed choices when
arrangement. And MSC may consider that
buying it.10
adapting to EU standards may question its role
Other systems are being developed with
as a global certification system, well beyond the
similar objectives. Among them, it is worth
specific case of the EU.
mentioning one that has the ambition to
become a world standard: The Global Sustain-
The dolphin safe certification able Seafood Initiative (GSSI). GSSI is a global
This certification was originated when it became platform and partnership of seafood companies,
obvious in the 1990s that the fisheries for yel- NGOs, experts, governmental, and intergov-
lowfin tuna in the Eastern Pacific Ocean ernmental organizations working toward more
involved a high level of mortality of dolphins. sustainable seafood for everyone. This initiative
Since then, different measures have been taken sets sustainability standards based on Food
to ensure that the tuna can be caught without and Agriculture Organization (FAO) guide-
or with very low dolphin mortality. Promoted lines, and is sponsored by different partners
notably by an environmental NGO (the Earth around the world, notably from the fishing
Island Institute), this certification does not industry.
concern the sustainability of the target species,
but only the side effects of the fishing activity
as regards the mortality caused to dolphin
populations. Importantly, the certification is
given to fishing techniques for their low impact h79_tHnqLTcOi2Oetg_V92-x-_P-vehUrUtK_
on dolphins, regardless of whether the level of FzkZ2RoCa9Pw_wcB/
Fisheries governance and the CFP 217

The growth of different certification systems The possible establishment of an EU-based

has been such that FAO had carried out a com- eco-label would have a number of difficulties:
parative study of the existing schemes, already • What would it certify? From the above dis-
in 2001 (FAO 2001). FAO distinguishes three cussion it follows that an eco-label cannot
types of certification schemes: possibly inform about all the objectives of
• Type I environmental labels are those Article 39 TFEU. Then what of the objectives
based on voluntary multi-criteria prod- of that article would be reflected in that
uct life-cycle assessment of effects with label? And why?
verification through a third party. • As we saw above, the sustainability of a fish-
• Type II environmental labels are based on ery for a stock is not necessarily related to
self-declared claims by producers, importers the level of preservation of biodiversity in the
and retailers on products and services. ecosystem where it lives. What policy objec-
• Type III environmental labels provide quanti- tive should prevail in the certification?
fied product information according to pre-set • For the EU it would be difficult to imply
indices, similar to general consumer informa- that a stock under the CFP could be
tion on product packages. non-sustainable; this would be equiva-
This clearly indicates that certification or lent to publicly admittingthat the policy is
information systems are extremely varied and
not working.
put emphasis on different aspects of the fishing
• Ultimately, there is a question of fairness and
activity and the exploitation of resources. The
equity that is difficult for a public adminis-
idea of any certification system for EU fisheries
tration to establish. If a stock is overexploited
would start, then, by a consideration of the
and catch levels under the CFP are estab-
main questions that European consumers care
lished at very low levels, and such low levels
are respected, why is there a need to tell
It is important to underline that during
consumers not to buy that fish? One can
the 2013 reform process, the European Com-
construe the opposite logic: if a stock is in
mission used, very successfully, campaigns
trouble, there is a need to reduce catches, but
in the mass and social media to raise aware-
not to reduce income to fishermen; on the
ness among European consumers about the
contrary: it could make sense to ensure that
need to consume sustainable fish. But while
fishermen can have a viable fishery on the
this proved successful, the Commission could
not complete such a campaign with any spe- basis of much lower quotas, and this would
cific definition of what sustainable fish actually imply better prices for the limited fish avail-
meant, in a clear demonstration of the difficulty able, and not the lower prices that would,
to turn the generic interest on sustainability presumably, result from a low qualification
into a workable, reliable, and fair formula for in the label.
certificating fish. Perhaps the most positive contribution of an
EU-based eco-label would be that of unifying a
Public or private labels? very dispersed system of eco-labels and provid-
The initiative by the European Commission to ing a guarantee of impartiality. However, the
conduct a public consultation on the possibility diversity of labels is justified by the diversity of
of an EU label for sustainable fish was inconclu- interest by consumers, and the impartiality of
sive, showing a considerable division between the EU is, unfortunately, not necessarily some-
citizens and stakeholders (EU 2016b). This is thing many consumers would take as a given.
not surprising, since the debate has always Overall, today, as in years past, the prospect of
been complex and divisive. But the question an EU-based eco-labeling system poses many
is: is there a case for an EU-based eco-label for questions and does not seem to provide too
European fisheries? many answers.
218 Chapter 9

What to certify in the future? task, likely to induce more confusion in the
The certification systems referred to above are consumer.
largely private, and their variety may induce Overall, it seems very unlikely that the CFP
consumers to a certain level of confusion as will ever have a public certification system.
to what they exactly mean and, meaning- Instead, the possibility of adopting guidelines
fully, who and how controls the adherence of and minimum conditions for the acceptabil-
seafood companies with the conditions of the ity of private labels seems more realistic. These
label. This is not surprising: many different conditions would be, for example, requirements
communities care about very different things. to ensure that the certification is transparent
Biological sustainability is important for certain and fair, and not based on false information or
consumers; others are more inclined to buy influenced by vested interests.
on the basis of geographical origin, or by the
type of fleet which has caught the fish (arti-
sanal or industrial). Other consumers favor fish
Governance in the reformed CFP:
the example of multiannual
caught while respecting social conditions and
others based on human health considerations.
It seems difficult, if not impossible, to establish
To analyze the current governance of the CFP
a labeling system that will address all these
as reformed in 2013 the best example is that of
questions at once and, at the same time, be
multiannual management plans (MAPs), which
simple and understandable. For these reasons,
were identified as the main management instru-
it is difficult to imagine a single eco-label for
ment in that context. Article 9(1) of Regulation
fisheries management that could put together
1380/2013 establishes that:
all those elements. And, if the idea is to make
an eco-label only for a certain question, such Multiannual plans shall be adopted as a priority,
as the sustainability of a given fish species, based on . . .
then the question is why such a label should
This language clearly underscores the empha-
inform consumers about the achievement of
sis of the co-legislators on the use of this kind of
that policy objective for that species, and not
instrument as the main framework for fisheries
about other – equally legitimate – objectives of
management in the CFP. Not only that: certain
Article 39 TFEU?
features of the regulation, such as the limitation
The different objectives referred to above are to three years of the validity of the discard plans
in fact independent and may have little overlap. was also justified by the need to consolidate
For example, a stock can be sustainable in a MAPs as the carrier of these measures. The
fishery with very poor working conditions, or a understanding was that by the time the discard
fishery with very high income for the producers plans were necessary (2015) not all fisheries
can be unsustainable. Likewise, a fishery for a would yet be covered by MAPs, and so the
stock can be sustainable in an ecosystem where co-legislators decided to allow these discard
all the biodiversity has been lost, or a fishery plans to be adopted through regionalization
can be unsustainable even when conducted for a limited period of time, so there would
with an environmentally friendly gear in an be an incentive to ensure that within these
almost undisturbed, high biodiversity envi- three years all fisheries would be covered by
ronment, if the catches are too high. Since the MAPs. The reasons for this emphasis were
objectives of Article 39 TFEU are fundamentally twofold:
socio-economic, certification systems may also • Institutional, because the adoption of the
refer to the working conditions under which MAPs by co-decision (unlike annual TACs)
certain fish are caught. But combining all possi- made it very important for the European
ble criteria in one single level seems a daunting Parliament to ensure that the main thrust
Fisheries governance and the CFP 219

of the conservation policy would be a which ended somehow in limbo when the F
co-decision act. level established as target was reached.
• Substantial because it was understood that • The implementation of the effort manage-
the achievement of the MSY 2020 objective ment system included in some of these plans
would require a balance between gradual- was patchy at best. In other cases, effort man-
ness and discipline that has always been the agement was not effectively implemented
trademark of the MAPs. because it was seen as an obstacle to fully
For these reasons the experience of decision- fish quotas under relative stability.
making around MAPs represents the best The new plans, to be adopted by co-decision,
example of the interplay among the three are an excellent opportunity to learn from that
institutions in the decision-making process experience.
of the CFP, and the best example of what
works better or worse in the governance of Multiannual plans and the role of the
the CFP. institutions
The adoption of multiannual plans has been
Background the main battleground for the co-legislators
Although the 2013 emphasized the need to after the introduction of co-decision as the
adopt multiannual plans as the main gover- ordinary legislative procedure of the CFP as
nance instrument of the CFP, such plans are a result of the entry into force of the Treaty
much older. They were actually incorporated of Lisbon. As a new procedure, after more
as an instrument in the 2002 reform (EU 2002) than 30 years of decision-making by Council
and in subsequent years, a number of different alone, co-decision has been a governance chal-
plans were adopted, starting by the recovery lenge in terms of striking the right balance of
plan for cod (EU 2004a) followed by many power between the co-legislators and between
others until 2008. The main different between them and the Commission. In Chapter 3 we
the two generations of multiannual plans is that referred to the difficulties associated with the
before the Treaty of Lisbon, they were adopted adoption of the long-term management plans,
by Council alone. After the new Treaty, they or the amendment of the existing ones, as
are adopted in co-decision by Council and the ultimate expression of the new balance of
Parliament. power stemming from co-decision, and how
The implementation of the old plans has fishing mortality ranges contributed to solve
provided important experience that should be this problem.
taken into account when dealing with the new
generation of plans being prepared under the The different roles of Council
reform of 2013: and Parliament
• In some cases, the Council had a problem Council and Parliament are co-legislators on an
following its own rules: in the case of cod equal footing, but in fact their respective role
and southern hake, it did not want, in some tends to be different, and this has a bearing on
cases, to follow the plan when establishing the overall governance system:
annual TACs or effort levels. The idea of • Council tends to pay more attention to prac-
self-discipline was often not achieved. tical questions of applicability and enforce-
• The cod recovery plan illustrated the ability. It takes a more flexible view of pol-
dichotomy between the need to recover icy objectives. It also tries to keep as many
individual stocks and its effects on other questions as possible outside co-decision, to
(healthier) stocks in mixed fisheries. be decided by Council alone, in the context
• The objectives of the plan once the objectives of annual TACs for example.
were achieved were not always clear. This • Parliament tends to reflect a much wider
was the case with the northern hake plan, scope of societal interests, such as
220 Chapter 9

environmental concerns or specific prob- very specialized, very detailed and very pre-
lems of small-scale fisheries. Parliament has scriptive policy, that requires the handling of a
often defended more ambitious interpreta- great deal of technical information and knowl-
tions of the objectives of the policy, and has edge of the real world. For the Commission to
insisted, for example, in imposing biomass- play its role in the governance of the CFP, it is
related thresholds to apply fishing mortality essential that it has a critical mass of staff with
ranges, much in line with NGO positions. technical expertise, with hands-on experience
The trilogues to decide the two multiannual in the policy, and with knowledge of the real
plans in force (Baltic and North Sea demersal world.
stocks respectively) have been the battle-
ground for the debate on the interpretation How has co-decision fared for the
of policy objectives, as indicated in Chapters 2 CFP?
and 3, with Council advocating more flexible Co-decision is a procedure well-designed to
approaches and Parliament defending more provide a higher democratic control in EU law
ambitious ones. making. However, that improved democratic
control comes at a price: increased complexity.
The Commission as an honest broker This complexity has different implications in
The role of the European Commission as the different policy areas:
exclusive provider or legislative proposals • In areas of a low legislative production,
underlines the important role of this institu- for example policy areas based on a few
tion. What the Commission proposes has an directives, spread over many years, the com-
influence on the final decision, but can and is plexity of co-decision is easier to handle by
often changed or rejected by the co-legislators. co-legislators and the Commission alike.
But the role of the Commission is not just to • However, in areas with a very high legislative
make a proposal, it is to act as an honest broker production, and with a high level of technic-
in the co-decision process. ity, the complexity of co-decision represents
Every trilogue is different, but the experience an added difficulty because the system has a
of this author after half a dozen important tri- limited capacity to handle too many regula-
logues is clear: the Commission has more influ- tions all at once.
ence (and a more positive one) when it plays The CFP is clearly on the second case: the
less politically, and concentrates on providing CFP’s legislative production is very high and
credible policy advice, based on its experience often with a high technicity, given its character
on what works and what doesn’t. It is in this of exclusive competence and its tradition of
context that it can build the trust necessary for micro-management. In this context, adopting
the co-legislators to give it the essential role of so many complex, detailed rules by co-decision
honest broker. represents a big challenge to the legislative
For that to be the case, the Commission system.
should ensure a high level of expertise by its Reducing the number of regulations is not
officials as well as a good system to preserve necessarily bad news, many would argue. That’s
and exploit the accumulated wisdom and expe- why a simple comparison of the total number
rience. This is something that can be at odds CFP regulations before and after co-decision
with the current policy of mobility of the staff, may not necessarily be a good indicator of
which can have some positive effects, but can how the system fares in terms of its effi-
also have a serious drawback: it does little to ciency in adopting policy. A more meaningful
preserve the critical mass of experience and comparison may be that regarding the num-
expertise in the services. ber of long-term management plans, that all
This is important in all policies, but perhaps three institutions consider the fundamental
even more in the CFP, given its character as a instrument (apart from annual TACs) of the
Fisheries governance and the CFP 221

conservation policy. Since these plans were CFP, has also an unintended consequence. In
introduced in the 2002 reform, and up to 2009, Chapter 10 we will look at the multilateral
the Council (alone) adopted and amended management of international fisheries. It is
seven multiannual plans. After 2010, at the commonplace that reaching agreement on
time these pages are written, only two (the the management of a fishery shared by many
Baltic and North Sea demersal plans) were countries is very difficult and time consuming.
adopted and those only after 2016. From 2010 The example of the management of tuna fish in
to 2016 (the first years of co-decision) no single ICCAT among well over 50 countries is a good
plan was adopted or amended. At the very example. Traditionally, adopting management
least, it has taken a lot of time to take off as the measures at EU level was easier, and quicker,
CFP’s ordinary legislative procedure. than doing it at multilateral level, including
This is the result of an increased complexity of non-EU countries with very different interests
the decision-making process, and an increase in and agendas. But is this always the case today?
the level of ambition and the scope of elements If we look at the Mediterranean, for example,
to incorporate in legislation between the two the traditional wisdom was that the EU should
co-legislators. As a result, it is becoming increas- go ahead and adopt its own conservation policy
ingly difficult to adopt multiannual plans under in view of the difficulty to agree at multilateral
the new system. The inevitable question, then, level in that sea basin. But the experience of
is: can the CFP adopt all the necessary legisla- the difficulty to adopt the two EU plans pro-
tion, on time, under co-decision? The question posed by the Commission (see Chapter 5) and
leads to another one: can the CFP afford to con- the relative success of the multilateral body
tinue with its tradition of micro-management of (the General Fisheries Commission for the
the policy? Mediterranean [GFCM]) in adopting certain
Co-decision in the CFP must re-adapt to plans recently seems to question this traditional
its core task: to take the important political wisdom.
decisions of the policy, and not use too much of The complexities of co-decision and the very
its limited time to discuss and adopt technical slow pace of progress in the trilogues contrast
details. This is certainly difficult because it less and less favorably with the flexibility of
requires a cultural change. This author remem- multilateral agreements where the Commis-
bers very well a Director General of a Member sion negotiates with non-EU countries and
State, with many years of experience dealing the agreement quickly becomes legally bind-
with the CFP, declare that: “on the general ing upon the EU.11 This represents a warning
principles we all agree; what is really political
for the CFP: the EU internal procedure to
is the details.” While there can be some truth
adopt legislation should not be slower and
in this, it is also true that a CFP where all
more difficult than an international nego-
technical details are decided by co-decision is a
tiation. There is something wrong if that
policy that will only be able to handle a limited
happens. This should open up a reflection
number of legislative initiatives and will hardly
on how to make co-decision a more efficient
ever find the time to revise and improve its
instrument for the CFP. The answer is clear:
own provisions, something that at the very
concentrating it on fundamentals, on polit-
least should be through for thought for future
ically important principles and objectives,
governance initiatives.
and decentralizing decision-making on more
detailed rules to another instance, for example
An emerging challenge: are EU
management plans quicker than
multilateral plans?
The above difficulties to adopt plans and,
by extension, any new legislation under the 11 Except in case of filing an objection.
222 Chapter 9

Addressing variability • The phenomena are not necessarily stable

and uncertainty over time. The abundance of resources can
be subject, beyond short-term fluctuations,
The marine environment and its resources are, to trends, that only sufficiently long-time
by nature, variable, and their relative abun- series can detect. This implies that policy
dance is subject to a high degree of uncertainty. should tend to be based on trends, not on
The variability is and will always be significant, short-term fluctuations.
and the uncertainty can to some extent be • The trends are practically never monotonic:
reduced through improved research, but can even clear trends are subject to ups and
never be removed entirely. That means that downs. This also indicates that ups and
any governance system for fisheries has to take downs do not say anything about stability
or change in the long run. Again, look-
this variability and uncertainty into account.
ing at trends is essential to understand the
Yet, fisheries management under the CFP has
underlying problems of natural resources.
somehow evolved under the illusion that vari-
It is important to bear in mind that long-term
ability and uncertainty can, to some extent, be
objectives are necessary to focus the policy in
ignored, or even that it can be legislated.
their delivery, but the corresponding long-term
Figure 9.2 illustrates the evolution of the
targets should not be considered fixed, magic
biomass of the saithe stock in the North Sea
figures; in reality all targets in the management
and the west of Scotland. This stock has been
of natural resources are to some extent moving
considered within Fmsy objectives for a number
targets, and the policy must be adaptive to take
of years and is generally considered a very this into account. A good example is the MSY
stable stock. Yet, as we see in the figure, this itself: enshrining this concept in EU law is a
“stability” is subject, over the years, to consider- very important contribution to give the CFP a
able fluctuations. One can use this example to long-term perspective that was badly missed
understand what stability means in the context before. But the MSY values cannot be con-
of the management of fishery resources: this sidered fixed, sacred values that are expected
is really how stability looks like in the real to remain unquestioned and unchanged over
world! time. On the contrary: MSY is inherently vari-
The variability of the resources and the uncer- able and difficult to define, not only due to
tainty of the scientific advice has two elements multispecies and mixed fishery interactions,
with a bearing on governance: but even in the narrow single-stock approach,

Spawning Stock Biomass Blim

500 MSYBtrigger
SSB in 1000 t





1967 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992 1997 2002 2007
Figure 9.2 Evolution of the spawning stock biomass of saithe in ICEAS areas IV and VI. Source:
Fisheries governance and the CFP 223

where productivity and growth of fish popu- Curiously, the industry also contributes to
lations are constantly changing (Mace 2001; this in some cases, since they want certainty
Ulrich et al. 2017). for investment, and often require the system
Indeed, this is not just a problem for fisheries to provide such certainty in a context where
managers; the management of the marine nature does not. This may be also be influenced
ecosystem as such is subject to a very high and by the banks, which require such certainty
inevitable level of variability, and this makes in their credit policy to the fishing industry,
any certainty on the future projections on the often also ignoring the traditional fishermen’s
marine ecosystem a “grande illusion” (Planque culture, which understands variability and
2016). uncertainty as a fact of life.
Proofs of the frequent tendency of policy Of course, there are also good reasons to have
makers to ignore the variability are the detailed a policy favoring stability: a policy permanently
regulations that aspire to cater for all possible questioned or modified would not contribute
scenarios, the establishment of very detailed to alleviate the uncertainty: it would proba-
policy objectives that are often based on fixed bly aggravate it. No policy can work under a
parameters, the emphasis on the “level playing permanent questioning and revision.
field” that often ignores regional differences,
Overall, the policy must look for a reasonable
and the extensive use of hard law, very slow
balance between two opposing factors:
and difficult to modify as variability acts upon
• The need for policy stability, to provide the
the marine environment. This tendency consti-
industry with a long-term perspective for
tutes a whole tradition of dealing with fisheries
planning their activity ahead as much as
management on the basis of fixed parameters.
There are many examples of how this tradi-
• The need to accommodate the inevitable
tion influences the governance of the CFP:
variability and to deal with the uncertainty
• The importance given to inter-annual TAC
in a way that will allow for policy adaptation
variability, established for a long time around
whenever necessary.
the plus–minus 15% inter-annual TAC
This question has in fact been examined
variation, regardless of the circumstances.
by scientists. The ICES/MyFish symposium
• The still frequent use of the “reverse precau-
identified three main considerations around
tionary approach,” where administrations
the variability that require further attention:
and the industry often refuse adopting
measures “until we have clear scientific (i) the need to communicate the uncertainty
proof”. and variability; (ii) the importance of consid-
• The “fear of the precedent” which often ering spatial dynamics and changes in spatial
prevents the adoption, under the EU system, distribution; and (iii) the process by which
of policies that are well-adapted to particular variability is included in the policy decisions
circumstances. Member States not directly (Rindorf et al. 2017). These three elements are
involved oppose such policies for fear they worth examining in more detail.
will eventually be applied in their case, as a On the basis of that analysis, the policy
result of the “level playing field” philosophy. should establish as clearly as possible what are
• The legislation, often unchanged during the elements that require stability over time,
decades while the environment and the to provide for legal certainty and long-term
fishing activity itself are ever fluctuating. planning; what are the elements that must be
• The request for advice by managers that kept flexible and open to frequent change to
ignores uncertainty can produce frustration better reflect variability; and what are those
and inefficiency in the science/management/ where geographical differences in policy are
stakeholder complex. justified.
224 Chapter 9

Communicating the uncertainty Some stock distributions change annually with-

The variability and uncertainty of the fishing out clear or predictable trends, while others
activity is not just biological, it also concerns have shown, over time, a clear trend in their
all aspects related to fishing as a social and displacement: such is the case where certain
economic activity. There is a clear need for species are moving the area of distribution
awareness, assessment, and dissemination of northward, as a result of climate change, as we
information about variability in all aspects will see in Chapter 12. The consequences for
of fisheries management (Punt 2017). While management in both cases are clear: a policy
this variability is well-known by scientists, the based on fixed areas will end up producing a
awareness by managers and other actors in the mismatch between the management system
management is often less than obvious. This and the reality in the fishing grounds.
requires a good, active policy to communicate A good example is the use of certain area
the variability and uncertainty. closures. In the early 2000s, the Commission
In Chapter 3 we have referred to different examined the possibility of using closed areas
models of management for mixed fisheries, and to dissociate cod from accompanying stocks in
how scientists can build scenarios considering the North Sea. But scientists showed that the
different levels of overall exploitation and their areas of spawning changed every year, so it
overall impact beyond single-stock considera- was not possible to identify specific and stable
tions. These are a prime example of the need spawning areas that could be subject to an
to communicate the uncertainty. Any such annual or seasonal closure, unless such closure
scenarios may actually lead to a modification was so large that would be economically unac-
of fishing patterns and fishing behavior, thus ceptable to everyone. The possible closure of
invalidating the initial models. Such possi- cod spawning areas thus would have required
ble changes will always remain as the largest real time measures that the governance system
unknown (Fulton et al. 2011). This ultimately of the CFP is just not adapted to. Another
means that avoiding risks should be prioritized example is that of the displacement of the areas
over achieving a given optimum (Hilborn et al. of distribution of many EU-regulated stocks
2015; Ulrich et al. 2017). that are gradually turning their traditional
The challenge is to turn what is well-known management areas under the CFP obsolete, as
by scientists in their everyday work into the they no longer reflect the areas where the fish
agenda of fisheries managers and stakeholders. occurs.
Somehow, the uncertainty has to come out of Addressing that spatial variability, and dis-
the scientific circles and be fully integrated into tinguishing annual variations from trends is
the mainstream of the management system subject to much ongoing research (Rindorf
(Dankel et al. 2012). This will require a cultural and Lewy 2012). But, as ever, any progress in
research has to be accompanied with adapta-
change in the governance of the CFP, where
tions in the governance system to ensure that
administrations should be well-equipped to
the policy can adapt to the incoming scientific
grasp the implications of uncertainty and be
ready to make difficult decisions on levels of
A key question is how the CFP can adapt to
risk and their trade-offs.
the spatial variability. True, regionalization is
an important step forward in that regard. But
Spatial dynamics the scope of regional decision-making is still
Fish stocks are very well-known to be highly very narrow, and limited to a small number
mobile, and their management must also con- of measures and within a narrowly defined
sider their spatial dynamics. The movements of framework, as shown for example in the case
fish stock can respond for different reasons, and of the discard plans. Of course, an excessive
they can be random or follow certain trends. emphasis on more spatially-specific measures
Fisheries governance and the CFP 225

might eventually affect well-established princi- matter of urgency submit a proposal for revision of
ples of EU law such as non-discrimination. The those ranges.
dividing line between adaptation to local con- That means that the adaptation of the fish-
ditions and discrimination is probably blurry, ing mortality targets, subject to variability and
but that is not a reason to limit such region- improvement of advice, must be done through
alization. Rather it should justify a serious fully-fledged co-decision on an urgent proposal
discussion of what are the policy areas and from the Commission, still a heavy procedure.
aspects where the policy can be adapted to local This author keeps memories of how this was
conditions without affecting the principle of decided. While the Commission had proposed
non-discrimination. that these targets be quickly adapted through
Addressing these questions has always been much quicker delegated regulations, the legis-
a problem in the CFP, given the rigid and fixed lators rejected this idea, notably to keep these
nature of its management system. For this rea- changes under their control. The underlying
son, addressing spatial variability is another rea- reason for this was the lack of trust in the
son why a change in paradigm is necessary, as Commission (even despite the assurances that
we will outline below. it would only modify these targets if and when
ICES would so suggest). Rather than the need
A governance system that quickly for quick policy adaptation, it was control on
incorporates variability decision-making that prevailed. This is just one
Marine ecosystems are highly fluctuating, and among many examples that illustrates how the
over and beyond important periodic varia- CFP has given itself a governance system that
tions there are also trends that can only be tends to favor stability and top–down control
of decision-making over adaptability to a vari-
observed over relatively long periods of time.
able and uncertain policy environment. This
This makes it inevitable that the parameters
is an example of why the policy must exploit
estimated by science to manage the fisheries are
the possibilities for adaptive decision-making
highly unstable. Good science and management
much more.
require that the system, from the provision of
But there is an optimistic perspective: the
advice to the adoption of management mea-
above requirement was subsequently elimi-
sures, be equipped to adapt quickly to changing
nated in the following multiannual plan, that
for demersal stocks in the North Sea (EU 2018).
One of the best examples of the need for vari-
There, the F ranges are not spelled out in the
ability to be incorporated in governance is that
regulation, and are simply referred to as those
of the single-stock reference points. Scientists
recommended by ICES. This is an extremely
perceive that changes in reference points are
positive development, but it took a very nega-
a fundamental aspect of the system, so these
tive experience to ensure that the co-legislators
changes should be speedily incorporated into
would change their minds: the case of a Baltic
the governance system (Gaichas et al. 2017).
herring stock where ICES modified its estimated
In the CFP, the example of the Baltic Sea
Fmsy range so the Baltic MAP became quickly
management plan, adopted in 2016 (EU 2016a)
obsolete and had to be modified by co-decision!
shows that the modification of the fishing
Another clear example that the policy should
mortality targets is still subject to a rather
always be ready to learn from mistakes.
complicated procedure. In fact, Article 4.6 of
regulation 2016/1139 reads: The other source of uncertainty:
the management system
Where, on the basis of scientific advice, the Com-
mission considers that the fishing mortality ranges Interestingly, while the notion of uncertainty
set out in Annex I no longer correctly express the is generally associated with the natural fluctu-
objectives of the plan, the Commission may as a ations of natural resources, outside the control
226 Chapter 9

of managers, other sources of uncertainty also fully integrated into the way decision-makers
exist in fisheries management: the uncertainty do their job.
about human behavior. In an interesting arti- But this cultural change cannot operate
cle, Fulton et al. (2011) underline that fishers unless the governance system is adapted too:
behave in a manner that is often unintended by a very rigid system, based entirely on hard
the designers of the management system. This law will not be adaptable. For this reason, tak-
certainly requires that the drivers of human ing account of the variability and uncertainty
behavior should be much better integrated in requires a change in the governance paradigm,
the policy design. How to do this is another where the tradition of top–down, prescriptive
question, but one obvious conclusion is that management that characterizes the CFP (even
human behavior be integrated in policy making under the new regionalization) evolves toward
from the very beginning: what many authors a more flexible, participative, and coopera-
call co-creation.12 tive governance system. We will develop this
The notion of co-creation is not easy to imple- question below.
ment in basic EU legislation where the roles of
the institutions are well defined. However, in Testing policy development?
the context of regionalization, the system fore- The CFP, as a complex policy that results from
seen in the current legal basis is fully amenable long and often protracted negotiations, cannot
to this approach: the recommendations to be be changing all the time. This clearly calls for
made by groups of Member States could be policy stability. And often, the ideas of alter-
the result of a co-creation procedure where native approaches to a certain problem are
the Advisory Councils together with national dismissed as “untested.” However, a policy that
administrations would take the initiative from aspires to be adaptive should have the possibil-
the start. ity of testing new approaches. Yet, the tradition
of the CFP is that there is little or no room for
How to make the CFP more adaptive testing new approaches.
to variability and uncertainty? An exception is the traditional technical
The above example on the slow procedure for measures regulation (EU 1998) where the
adapting policy targets as science evolves creates general rules can be derogated in the case
a big divide between science and management. of experimental campaigns. But these provi-
To bridge this divide, scientists and managers sions have been used only to allow for certain
should collaborate to identify and communicate scientific campaigns, not to test new policy
the ecological and fishery processes that may approaches.
vary over time, as well as having a realistic esti- The new basic regulation (EU 2013) actually
mate of the time required to accommodate such considers, in its Article 7§1(h), the possibility of
changes in the management system (Rindorf using:
et al. 2017; Bailey et al. 2017). Pilot projects on alternative types of fishing man-
Incorporating variability and uncertainty agement techniques and on gears that increase
requires a cultural change, where decision- selectivity or that minimise the negative impact
of fishing activities on the marine environment
makers should be familiar with the concept,
(emphasis added).
and where the uncertainties expressed by
scientific advice will not be considered a hin- Yet, in practice, the regulation only considers
drance but rather a natural fact of life to be the idea of testing in the context of the devel-
opment of new control and data management
12 technologies (Article 38). Despite that, the test-
creating-ecosystem-based-fisheries-management- ing of new technical rules has traditionally been
solutions/ very limited, and the number of amendments to
Fisheries governance and the CFP 227

the regulation as a result of testing of new mea- adapting the policy flexibly, it appears that hav-
sures is limited. ing a mechanism to allow testing of new man-
In practice, the possibility of doing pilot agement approaches may be necessary and even
projects on alternative types of fishing manage- urgent.
ment techniques is barely used, if at all. This Such a mechanism shouldn’t be seen as a
is in contrast with scientific recommendations privilege: those testing new approaches would
that technical measures must fundamentally still have the same policy goals, but they could
have industry buy-in and must be carefully be given the possibility of achieving them
tested before becoming law (Suuronen and through different mechanisms. Likewise, they
should not be seen as precedents either. If
Sardà 2007).
the CFP wants to be able to learn from expe-
Furthermore, certain experiences proposed
rience and adapt to new circumstances, it
by stakeholders and certain national admin-
should become more open to the testing of
istrations, such as the management by effort
new approaches, and it should get used to
only or the anticipated discard ban, both in
different solutions being applied in different
Kattegat, did not succeed in the end. Although
fisheries, to better reflect upon the high vari-
the reasons for that failure were varied, it is ety of approaches and solutions advocated, or
obvious that a leading factor was that in both accepted, by different industry interests.
cases, the testing of new approaches required
derogations from certain current rules, and Policy monitoring: from description
such derogations were seen by other Member to causality
States either as a kind of privilege that would Any policy that learns from experience and
break the level playing field or as a precedent adapts itself must provide for the monitoring
that could be extended to their own fisheries. of its results, so the learning from experience
These facts deserve a reflection: once more, is based on objective outputs, and the adapta-
the rigidity of the CFP, its approach based on tions on objective data and not just on political
hard legislation (even for technicalities, even reactions.
for regionalization), and the emphasis on pre- The CFP has indeed a number of monitoring
serving the status quo clearly stand in the way of instruments: from the evolution in the state
the testing of new, alternative, and innovative of stocks developed under the Commission’s
policy approaches. This results in a tendency annual “communication on fishing opportuni-
to a policy “fossilization,” where novelties are ties” since 2006, to the increasingly complete
annual reports on the economic performance
extremely difficult to introduce. There are
of the EU fleets, and the EMFF indicators, the
exceptions, though, and perhaps there is no
CFP has an increasingly complex and complete
better example than the control and data policy,
set of performance indicators.
where new technologies have been introduced
However, there is still an important gap to fill:
and reasonably quickly incorporated into the
these indicators are still primarily descriptors
CFP’s acquis. But in terms of new fishing
of trends, but there is still very little in the
practices and, in particular, new management way of developing causality studies. In other
methods, the CFP is extremely resistant to words, the CFP has an increasingly good level
change and innovation, and the lessons learnt of knowledge of what happens, but it still has a
often have to wait to the next major policy low level of understanding of why the observed
reform, every 10 years, to materialize into new trends are taking place. In particular, there is a
policy approaches. very incomplete understanding of the driving
To meet many of the challenges of the pol- forces behind the trends observed: are these
icy, and to be more open to new approaches trends due to policy implementation? Or are
that would allow learning from experience and they the result of economic factors outside the
228 Chapter 9

control of the policy? Or in some cases do they alternative instruments such as recommenda-
happen just by serendipity? In other words: we tions, guidelines or more flexible instruments.
still know very little about the causality of the Among many other examples, one can
trends observed. cite the provisions contained in Regulation
A policy that is adaptive and tries to learn 2187/2005 (EU 2005) on technical conser-
from experience should improve its under- vation measures for Baltic fisheries, which
standing of the reasons and causes of the trends contain provisions on how fishermen should
observed, if such adaptations are to respond mend broken Bacoma nets to avoid reducing
to objective criteria on policy efficiency. This
their selectivity (!).
should be done without taboos. Policies should
be changed or maintained on the basis of their
demonstrable merits, but not just maintained
unchanged because it is “politically sensitive”
to raise their possible reform.
Is policy complexity inevitable?
Simplifying the CFP is probably one of the few
ideas everyone would agree on, from adminis-
Policy complexity: can the CFP
be simplified? trations to stakeholders. However, while a num-
ber of EU legislations are undoubtedly complex
Policy complexity seems to be hard-wired in (the regulation on technical conservation mea-
the CFP. It is so strong that it seems to persist sures (EU 1998) is often cited as an example of
regardless of legal changes. It is more than a this complexity), this complexity must be put
legal question: it is a cultural one. I will argue into perspective:
that under the current legal framework, the • This complexity is, more often than not, the
CFP could be simpler than it actually is. It is result of pressure from stakeholders, who
the tradition of decision-making that favors want the rules adapted to their particular
complexity. This implies that legislative changes circumstances. While everyone wants simpli-
are not enough to simplify the policy: it is the fication, most stakeholders are also opposed
practice that has to change, and this is probably to what they see as “one-size-fits-all” solu-
the biggest difficulty. Since 1983, the legal tions.
basis of the CFP has changed three times, but • The European waters are extremely diverse,
the deeply-rooted tendency to develop ever and so are their fisheries, so simple rules are
increasing complexity has not. poorly adapted to that diversity.
The complexity of the CFP has always been
• The lack of trust among different actors in
criticized as one of its main weaknesses and one
the policy makes simple regulations difficult.
of the main reasons of its low buy-in by the
Simple, non-detailed legislation is generally
stakeholders, and its simplification features in
open to different interpretations or options
practically all documents relating to the policy’s
for practical implementation. The mistrust
future prospects.
among different actors and the need to
Pastoors (2014) has illustrated the increasing
complexity of the CFP using as an indicator the ensure a level playing field in enforcement
number of words in the basic regulation of the have the effect of pushing law-making to
CFP over the years. This number actually fits develop very detailed rules, in order to
an exponential curve. Although this is a very dissipate the risk of different interpretations.
crude measure of policy complexity, it certainly • In turn, the very detailed regulations often
means that the CFP is traditionally responding underscore the difficulty to apply such
to new challenges by including more and more detailed rules in all circumstances, thus
elements in its legal acquis, rather than by using ignoring the diversity of situations where
Fisheries governance and the CFP 229

the rules may have different effects. This most resources in the US are distributed (and
originates the search for specific derogations managed) only nationally, in European waters
and special conditions that only increase the a high percentage of these resource are shared
complexity of the legal texts. with third countries and jointly managed with
• Finally, one should not underestimate the them. Furthermore, this will be made much
capacity of new, simpler measures to gen- more complicated as a result of Brexit.
erate more problems than they resolve. In this context, one cannot reasonably ask the
In a policy with a tradition of prescriptive CFP to have the same level of simplicity as the
measures, simpler provisions often create policy of countries like the US, Canada, Norway,
different interpretations that may end up New Zealand and so on.
causing confusion and time-consuming
work to iron out the difficulties. The evolution of the decision-making
For the above reasons (and possibly others) workflow in the CFP
one must have reasonable expectations about The possibilities of simplifying the CFP are
the simplification of the policy. In addition, the limited insofar as the adoption of legislation is
drive to simplify should always be conscious concerned. Over and beyond the obvious fact
that complex problems are not necessarily that under the Treaty of Lisbon co-decision is
best resolved by over-simplistic solutions. The the ordinary legislative procedure, there are
famous quotation by the American journalist other developments that do not facilitate policy
H.L. Mencken comes in very handy in this simplification:
context:13 “For every complex problem there is • The introduction of compulsory consultation
an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.” with stakeholders and with the public at
This may appear as a contradiction, but it is large.
not: the policy can and should be simplified, • The impact assessment.
but that also requires reasonable expectations: • The interaction with other EU policies, in par-
the policy can never be very simple, it can only ticular environmental policy.
reduce some of its unnecessary complexity. These relatively new elements have very
positive aspects: they improve the evaluation of
The complex political/geographical/ possible effects, help understand the overlaps
jurisdictional context with other policies, allow for improvements
The critics about the complexity of the CFP are from stakeholders, etc. But they also have a
often warranted, but this must be considered downside: they make policy making much
in the right context: Europe and its adjacent slower, and much less adaptive: from the iden-
waters have a level of complexity that makes tification of a problem requiring legislation, to
comparison with other policies (for example the actual adoption of that legislation, the time
the US policy under the Magnuson-Stevens elapsed can be of several years. In a number of
Act) unjustified. circumstances, this long period is sufficient to
In the US the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) discourage the adoption of the legislation in the
is a linear, 200-mile band without neighbors or first place.
limitations to East and West, while in Europe This is a consideration quite specific for the
the national EEZs only reach 200 miles in west- CFP. While in other EU policies, where legisla-
ern waters, while the other European seas have tive production is much lower (for example, one
a complex maze of EEZs limited with their new, or amended directive every five years) the
neighbors’ EEZs with median lines, overlap- CFP is managed through abundant regulations.
In this context, the long delays in producing,
ping claims and unresolved conflicts. While
or even amending legislation becomes a funda-
mental problem of policy complexity. This is also
13 a very important question: if a policy provision
230 Chapter 9

needs to be modified, and such modification is Actually, the main difference in legislation
slow and complex to introduce, even if stake- between the EU and the US in this context
holders and Member States all agree, this cer- is not policy complexity as such, at least as
tainly contributes to the overall impression that expressed in the number and complexity of
the legislation is heavy and complex. the legal acts. The real difference is that the
US provides for a level of flexibility and policy
The example of the US interpretation that is often missing in EU law.
The US could be expected to provide examples Other sources of complexity of the US system
of policy simplification. After all, according to (as well as the Canadian one) is the consid-
extended wisdom, the CFP is “over-regulated” eration of the special rights granted to the
while the US enjoys a tradition of preferring First Nations, that is, the communities of native
“small government” as part of the mainstream north Americans that have in recent decades
philosophy of most of the political spectrum. been accorded special rights for hunting and
However, things are not that simple. The expe- fishing, and who exert them with a variety of
rience of the northwest coast of North America means and interests. These First Nations are
provides an excellent example. This coast has quite varied, have a rather low level of hori-
continuous 200-mile EEZs shared by only two zontal integration (as they consider themselves
countries (the USA and Canada) which in different nations, even among themselves) and
addition largely share principles, culture, and introduce in management a considerable level
interests. By comparison with the North Sea of complexity which is absent in Europe.
(common waters among eight countries) or, There is, however, an important characteris-
even more so, the Mediterranean (with no place tic that makes the US model potentially more
for 200-mile EEZ anywhere, extremely rugged amenable to simplification: the fact that is based
coasts and extreme political and socio-economic on standards that can be applied through simpli-
differences among the 23 coastal States), it is fied means instead of hard law. The fact that it
difficult to find a place where fisheries man- is open to certain approaches based on private
agement could potentially be so simple. Yet, arrangements by the industry is a case in hand.
it is estimated that the Magnuson-Stevens Act In principle, recommendations by the
(MSA) interacts with six other pieces of major Regional Fishery Management Councils are
US legislation, so that fisheries management translated in often complex implementation
should conciliate fisheries rules with those of rules by the federal government. But these
such other acts as the National Environmental are certainly much simpler and quicker to
Protection Act, the Marine Mammals Protection implement and modify than even Commission
Act, the Endangered Species Act, the Coastal implementing rules, so overall the US system
Zone Management Act and around 100 other has an in-built capacity to quickly improve
legislative acts and Executive Orders (Penny the detailed rules as a result of the emerging
Dalton, personal communication). evidence coming from implementation.
In terms of the complexity of the legisla- In addition, when and where the industry
tion, while EU Regulation 812/2004 on the can agree to achieve the results through private
protection of marine mammals has 19 pages arrangements, simply subject to a performance
(EU 2004b) the US Marine Mammal protection standard, the system is open to that kind of
Act has 118 pages in the US Code of Federal solution. This is the case in a limited number
Regulations and has been amended two dozen
of circumstances, where the industry is sophis-
ticated enough for this kind of business-like
approach. Whatever its extension and poten-
14 tial development, the system accepts this as a
revised_2017.pdf/ possibility, and certain good examples exist, in
Fisheries governance and the CFP 231

particular in the fishing area that constitutes the is an added complexity: having to apply dif-
best management model in the USA: Alaska. ferent rules when crossing an imaginary line
makes their operation much more complex
and burdensome. When the first Discard
Can regionalization reduce
Plans were presented and adopted in 2014,
they established different rules for each sea
The regionalization of the CFP introduced in
basin in European waters, reflecting alleged
the CFP in its 2013 reform intended, inter alia,
specific local conditions. This was strongly
to simplify the policy. Is this going to be the
criticized by fleet segments that have quo-
case? It has been argued that the new process
tas in more than one sea basin, since the
should allow a much better integration between
changes in legislation as they changed sea
fisheries and environmental policies, as well as basin were considered an unnecessary policy
a better adaptation to the conditions of specific complexity.
sea basins, but not necessarily simplification Ultimately, the simplification of the CFP will
(Osterblom et al. 2011). fundamentally require a change in governance
We must bear in mind that the regional- as we will see below.
ization of the CFP intended to simplify EU
legislation, that is, to remove from the EU Can guidelines replace regulations
legislation much of the minute technical detail in the CFP?
that it contains, still today. The idea was that The above example of the US where the
the technical aspects would not be legislated basic legal rules are fundamentally developed
by the EU but rather by Member States con- through guidelines, more easily updated and
cerned in a given area/fishery. The implication adapted, could be examined in the context of
of this is that EU legislation, as such, would the CFP. Theoretically, the possibility is limited
be simpler. However, this does not mean that by the fact that the basic regulation requires
for the ultimate users (notably fishermen and that a number of instruments, such as man-
fisheries inspectors) the complete set of rules to agement plans and technical measures should
be applied in any given place at any given time have the form of legally-binding acts. This
will necessarily be simpler. This will depend on certainly limits the possible scope for guidelines
the ability of Member States (with the crucial as an instrument to develop the basic rules.
participation of the Advisory Councils) to find However, the regionalization process could
ways to legislate the details in a more open, introduce the possibility of enlarging the scope
flexible, and non-prescriptive way than it has of non-legislative rules.
been the case in the past. Indeed, the basic regulation (1380/2013)
This is not simple. Whether Member States does not prescribe in all cases how many
under regionalization will achieve this, it will rules will be established by co-decision acts
depend on a number of factors: and by regionalization. If there is political
• The ability to develop trust, so less detailed will from both co-legislators, the basic leg-
rules can be applied while ensuring that the islative acts could be very simple and focused
level playing field will be respected. In this on major objectives and targets. Nothing in
regard, the work of the European Fisheries principle prevents a great deal of technical
Control Agency seems crucial. rules being established through regionalized
• The ability to find a reasonable balance for decision-making.
the dichotomy harmonization/adaptation to In turn, the regionalized process is still less
local conditions. Legislation adapted to local prescriptive, so in theory it would be possible
conditions is fine, but only for those that that the Commission regulations adopted under
fish always in that area. For those who fish the regionalization process would be also very
crossing lines, adaptation to local conditions simple. In that context, the Commission could
232 Chapter 9

issue guidelines, to be applicable to all region- value of the fisheries (Rindorf et al. 2017;
alized decisions, that would simply establish Bailey et al. 2017). In addition, the gradual
some standards but would leave ample room introduction of collaborative methods has
for maneuver in different regions (through the increased the trust among stake-holder groups,
advice of the Advisory Councils) to apply such improving communication and mutual under-
guidelines in a flexible way, adapted to the standing (Mackinson and Wilson 2014). This is
regional characteristics. extremely important: as we saw above, trust is
The real challenge, in this context, is to build the key factor to simplify the policy and make
trust among Member States in different areas it more flexible and adaptive.
to the effect that a system largely based on
guidelines will be sufficient to ensure the level Results-based management
playing field that, for so many national adminis- The whole idea of collaborative management
trations, constitute a political priority. This trust, also implies that policy cannot be as prescriptive
as we will see below, will require an impor- as that corresponding to traditional, top–down
tant change of paradigm in the governance of policy. Collaborative management implies
the CFP, from a prescriptive to a collaborative therefore results-based management. However,
system. results-based management is extremely hard to
develop in practice. Stakeholders prefer part-
nership than co-management. Co-management
Changing the paradigm: from comes at a high cost: commitment, resources,
prescriptive to collaborative and organizational capacity are a challenge, that
governance only relatively few interests can afford, or are
ready to invest on. In addition, existing authori-
The above sections look at the problem of the ties show resistance to losing power and control
governance of the CFP from different angles. (Santiago et al. 2015).
But there is at least one element that stands out The advantages, however, would be sig-
as an underlying problem to resolve: despite nificant. Results-based management would
the recent reform, the CFP is still largely a provide much needed flexibility to adopt
central command policy, based almost entirely ad hoc solutions in different cases; it would
on hard law, difficult to modify as a result of dramatically increase the buy-in to the pol-
experience and learning, extremely complex icy by stakeholders and would simplify EU
and rigid, and thus not easily adaptable to vari- legislation. Co-decision under a tradition of
ability and uncertainty, and where the advisory micro-management is increasingly in diffi-
input from stakeholders is limited to a few culty to deliver policy development on time.
policy strands. Addressing these shortcomings Results-based management can fit in this con-
requires more than the changes introduced text: by changing the paradigm, from detailed,
in the 2013 reform with regionalization: it prescriptive regulations to much simpler ones
requires a change of paradigm. The CFP should based on objectives and standards; the notion
evolve from a prescriptive policy to a much of results-based management could perhaps
more collaborative one. The question is: can make headway in the future.
this be done?
Scientists have developed a basis for this evo- Does the CFP have the structures
lution in recent years. Collaborative approaches for collaborative management?
for fisheries management have multiple advan- The answer is yes: Advisory Councils. Here, a
tages, including increased transparency of comparison with the US Advisory Management
scientific advice, greater inclusion of eco- Councils reveals a fundamental difference in
nomic and social concerns, inclusion of local the way they work, but not so much in terms
knowledge, as well as potential for increased of their legal basis and their formally advisory
Fisheries governance and the CFP 233

character. The US Advisory Councils do not This, in turn, requires that managers estab-
have, on paper, more responsibility than the lish the framework that the NGOs will consider
CFP’s ACs; the difference is in the practice. satisfactory, and in the light of some of the pre-
The ACs have a composition where the main vious chapter, this clearly remains a challenge.
stakeholders are included. Rindorf et al. (2017) But this also requires other things, such as the
indicate that existing governance lacks struc- acceptance by the NGOs that their role cannot
tures to provide, in addition to the ecological be to micro-manage the policy: the industry
and economic input, the social dimension. knows much better how to micro-manage
Several authors consider that effective collabo- itself.
rative management would require a structure
that defines clear stakeholder roles, responsibil- Creating trust
ities, and mandates, such that the collaboration In addition to the changes in the governance
between stakeholders and scientists from dif- system, there is an element for collaborative
ferent disciplines can be productive and have management that goes beyond structures; it is
an effect on management (Eliasen et al. 2015; an intangible that we can refer to as “trust”:
Ramírez-Monsalve et al. 2016). trust among the industry actors, that all have
For the current Advisory Councils to become legitimate and similar interests, trust between
industry and government, between industry
the right stakeholder bodies for collaborative
and science, and so on. Collaborative manage-
management there would need to be some
ment cannot work properly, even under the
changes, inter alia:
best structures, if there is no such trust.
• The need to end the frequent strife between
The experience of the US is very mean-
industry and environmental NGOs, notably
ingful: while cooperation is excellent in the
by making clearer the “rules of the game”
NW Council (which manages fisheries in
and dissipating different interpretations of
Alaska, for example) it is notoriously worse
the real objectives of the policy.
in New England, where industry members are
• The full participation of under-represented
less likely to agree on their own and much
interests, such as those of the small-scale sec-
more prone to call their representatives in the
tor, or those representing local communities.
US Congress in search of influence for their
• A higher level of trust by national adminis-
interests (D. Fluharty, J. Armstrong, personal
trations; for stakeholders to consider that the
heavy investment necessary to make the ACs Several factors favor this trust, and they are
work is really worth the effort. not necessarily available in all cases:
• A better combination of the work of the ACs • The state of the stocks. When there is little
with that of the scientists providing the sci- overfishing and the economics of the fishery
entific advice. are good, collaborative management is much
On the question of the NGOs and their role easier. Sacrifices for conservation are much
in the ACs, there is much to learn from the easier to assume and the general atmosphere
US experience. This author has seen how the is much more relaxed, open to cooperation
industry has discussed openly many options and innovation. On the contrary, in cases of
for management without any direct interven- strong stock depletion, high stress conditions
tion from the NGOs. The reason seems to be are a barrier to collaboration. This implies
that the system provides NGOs with sufficient that in areas where cooperation is weak, the
guarantees that the management will have to improvement of stock status should facilitate
accommodate a few, but clear and important better future cooperation.
principles, and they are happy to stay out of • Geography. Collaboration is certainly
the industry discussions just as far as the final stronger when all actors are considered
outcome is in conformity with such principles. fully legitimate. In areas where non-coastal
234 Chapter 9

fisheries interests are involved, there is less reassuring enough for NGOs so they don’t
trust because some coastal interests question need to get so involved.
the legitimacy of long distant fishermen to • The Commission can contribute to building
be there in the first place. This can partially trust also by ensuring a critical mass of offi-
explain why collaboration in the Baltic Sea cials with in-depth knowledge of fisheries as
(where only coastal States fish) is easier than interlocutors with science and stakeholders.
in western waters, where the presence of When and where it has ensured such cred-
Spanish and French fleets is often questioned ibility, it has been able to broker solutions
by fishing interests from the British Isles. based on trust.
• The work of the EU fisheries control agency, • Last but not least, trust is also an institutional
EFCA, is a crucial contribution. Probably only question. In the US, the trust to implement
EFCA can dissipate the image that control the 10 standards with different solutions is
standards are not the same, and that certain largely provided by NOAA, a well-respected
national authorities are more lenient than body whose expertise and even-handedness
others. The joint Deployment Plans are an is not fundamentally questioned.15 The Euro-
excellent instrument to build trust. The more pean Commission cannot provide such trust
EFCA intervenes in control, the more trust because it is seen as a political body, not an
can be created that the system is “fair.” administrative one. In this context, the idea
• The lack of institutional trust is also a prob- of having at EU level an “EU-NOAA” could
lem. We have seen in Chapter 2 the question be dreamed up. The control agency pro-
of F ranges between Council and Parliament. vides an example of such highly-respected,
And trust in the Commission is also low, professional body. Could EFCA be extended
notably for fear of it being too conservation- to act as honest broker in translating more
ist. This requires as a crucial contribution, the flexible, results-based regulation into dif-
clarification of the rules of the game and, in ferent practical solutions in different EU
particular, to clarify further how to interpret fisheries?
the objectives of Article 2.2 of Regulation In Chapter 14 we will come back to this
1380/2013; including all the questions we question.
saw in Chapter 2.
There is no magic formula to create such trust,
and it is obvious that trust is an intangible that
is hard to create and easy to destroy. But some Agnew, D.J., Gutiérrez, N.L., Stern-Pirlot, A., and
ideas could be discussed on how to build such Hoggarth, D.D. (2014). The MSC experience: devel-
trust: oping an operational certification standard and a
market incentive to improve fishery sustainabil-
• Trust can be favored by entrusting the Advi-
ity. ICES Journal of Marine Science 71 (2): 216–225.
sory Councils with more responsibility for
decision-making. The experience of ACs is Aksnes, D.W. and Bowman, H.I. (2016). An overview
that in certain cases they have successfully of global research effort in fisheries science. ICES
built trust among different industry interests Journal of Marine Science 73 (4): 1004–1011. https://
that did not talk to each other previously.
• Trust between the industry and NGOs can Bailey, J.L., Liu, Y., and Davidsen, J.G. (2017). Bridg-
ing the gap between fisheries science and society:
be favored if the system, and particularly
exploring fisheries science as a social activity. ICES
the Commission, establish very clear rules
Journal of Marine Science 74: 598–611.
of the game. As we saw above, in the US Battista, E.W., Kelly, R.P., Erickson, A., and Fujita, R.
much concertation takes place among the (2019). Fisheries governance affecting conservation
industry without NGOs intervening directly. outcomes in the United States and the European
Arguably, the rules of the game (and in
particular the Fmsy “as reduced by”) are 15 Even if there is abundant litigation.
Fisheries governance and the CFP 235

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The CFP and international fisheries

The external dimension as an quotas shared between the two. Once Brexit
essential part of the CFP takes place, and whatever the conditions agreed
on the future management of these stocks, the
Introduction CFP will not be the same again and the inter-
European Union (EU) fisheries have a very national cooperation for the management of
important component of international cooper- stocks will become not only important, but in
ation. Contrary to other cases (USA, Canada, fact predominant.
Australia, New Zealand, Iceland) where the This implies that the EU must actively partic-
fishing takes place primarily within the exclu- ipate in the management of shared resources,
sive economic zone (EEZ) of the country, the both bilaterally and multilaterally. As a conse-
international dimension of the Common Fish- quence, the “external” policy is an essential part
eries Policy (CFP) is comparatively much larger. of the CFP, one where the reputation of the pol-
This is the result of several factors: icy is often at stake, and one that has regularly
• The important overlap between the Euro- contributed to shape up internal policy.
pean EEZs and those of many of the EU Indeed, the internal and external policy influ-
neighbors, and the high proportion of EU ence each other. For many years, however, the
fisheries that take place on stocks shared two parts of the policy have been run separately.
with third countries. While the internal policy was a stand-alone pol-
• The existing network of bilateral fisheries icy where the EU decided on its own, the exter-
agreements with third countries and the nal policy has traditionally been dominated by
participation of the EU in many regional what can be negotiated with bilateral and mul-
fisheries organizations. tilateral partners that did not necessarily share
• The long tradition of distant water fishing by the EU’s view and priorities. In many cases, the
a number of EU Member States. external policy has been dominated by the over-
• The key position of the EU as the world’s first riding interest to defend the legitimate interests
import market of fishery products. of EU fishermen in very competitive contexts,
• The active role of the EU in the development and this has in certain cases taken priority over
of the international governance of fisheries. the adoption of sustainable policies for all con-
Today’s CFP is therefore highly dependent cerned.
upon cooperation with third countries. This This state of affairs was favored by the general
will be greatly exacerbated by the withdrawal lack of objectives and principles inspiring the
of the United Kingdom from the EU: nearly 100 international dimension if the CFP, giving rise to
stocks occur in EU27 and UK waters and have a policy often inconsistent with the EU internal

Quo Vadis Common Fisheries Policy?, First Edition. Ernesto Penas Lado.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

238 Chapter 10

fisheries policy. This has certainly changed in The EU as the crucial actor
the last CFP reform of 2013, in which for the in international fisheries governance
first time ever the basic regulation of the CFP The management of fishery resources exem-
has laid down the principles that must inspire plifies the absolute need for multilateral
the CFP’s external policy, which are the same as approaches as the best way to ensure sus-
those inspiring the internal one. tainable and equitable exploitation. Although
Over the years, the CFP (including the the international management of the ocean’s
internal policy) has been influenced by devel- resources initially evolved largely on the basis
opments taking place in the external side, so of unilateral action (for example, the unilateral
the links between the two policies are clearly declaration of 200-mile exclusive economic
two-sided. For example: zones by Iceland and some south American
• The notion of a long-term management plan countries in 1975) the entry into force of the
was adopted and promoted first by the EU United Nations Convention on the Law of the
in certain multilateral negotiations rather Sea (UNCLOS) in 1994 represents a crucial step
than in internal policy. The long-term plan toward the multilateral management of the
for the management of Atlantic swordfish ocean’s resources.
was adopted by the International Commis- In this context, the EU is the world’s most
sion for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas important actor in shaping up this multilateral
(ICCAT) in 1997, with a crucial contribution policy:
from the EU long before the first such plan • The EU legitimately fishes in the three main
was adopted in EU waters, namely, the cod oceans of the world, and participates in most
recovery plan of 2004 (EU 2004). regional fishery organizations.
• Certain decisions on allocation of EU fishing • The EU (and its Member States) is a signa-
rights within regional organizations have tory to all the important conventions dealing
been a precedent for the internal allocation with the management of fisheries, while
of the EU quotas among Member States: other important powers around the world
the case of bluefin tuna, allocated in 1998 are not signatories of all instruments. And,
following the ICCAT allocation formula (EU unlike other powers, the Union inscribes
1999), is the best example. all its international actions in the respect of
• A number of improvements in control and international conventions.
monitoring of fisheries in the CFP were • The EU is the world’s main donor of devel-
introduced as a result in negotiations in opment aid, and thus contributes crucially to
certain regional fishery organizations, such the developing States’ efforts to build capacity
as Northeast Atlantic Fishery Organization for management.
(NAFO), Inter American Tropical Tuna Com- • The EU is the world’s first market of fish,
mission (IATTC), or North East Atlantic which gives it both the opportunity and the
Fishery Commission (NEAFC). responsibility of influencing fisheries gover-
The obvious links between the internal and nance through trade, in particular as regards
external dimensions of the CFP means that the the fight against illegal fishing.
CFP itself is highly dependent from the interna- These factors make the EU the most impor-
tional governance of fisheries, but it also implies tant contributor to the multilateral manage-
that the EU must have an important responsi- ment. Over and beyond the defense of its
bility in shaping up such international gover- legitimate economic interests in international
nance. Let’s look at the most important aspects fisheries, the Union continues to play a key
of the international management of fisheries. role in shaping international policy. Nobody
The CFP and international fisheries 239

else has the capacity and influence to promote of the US coasts and EEZs. In addition, the
multilateral, cooperative solutions for the inter- long tradition of long-distance fishing in the EU
national fisheries governance. While other makes the EU fishing management system
world’s powers tend to favor, in different ways, highly dependent upon international fisheries
national interest and unilateral action, the EU management. Some figures help understand
is the only world power that unmistakably this:
promotes multilateral solutions, and this makes • The EU has over 20 bilateral agreements with
it an absolutely essential actor in international different countries of the world.
fora. This strategic element clearly goes beyond • The EU fishes in almost all oceanic areas of
the most evident and immediate economic the world and participates actively in most
interest of EU’s operators. regional fishery organizations as a full mem-
One cannot overstress the importance of the ber.
role of the EU in the context of international • The EU external sector represents a very sig-
fisheries management. The Law of the Sea, as nificant contributor to economic activity and
represented by the UNCLOS has been ratified jobs in certain areas of the EU, and supplies a
by 168 countries,1 but for example the United very important part of the EU fish market.
States have not done so. The EU ratified it on 1 The joint management of stocks internation-
April 1998 and all EU Member States have rat- ally is also very challenging, given the legal and
ified the convention too. political implications of this activity and its over-
In the international arena, some countries lap with many other human activity and inter-
pursue aggressive agendas of development of national governance issues:
long-distance fleets; others believe that coastal • International management of fisheries often
States must extend their jurisdiction over the overlaps with international politics (i.e. the
200 nautical miles of their exclusive economic fisheries agreement with Morocco and the
zone as the best way to sort out problems in question of the Western Sahara).
international waters; others are oblivious to • Fisheries overlap with issues of development
the problem of illegal fishing. Of the important policy, in terms of capacity building, alloca-
blocs, only the EU has a clear agenda of respect- tion of fishing rights and so on.
ing the international order as represented by • Illegal fishing clearly overlaps with trade
UNCLOS and, at the same time, has an active policy (through the illegal, unreported, and
policy against illegal fishing, and in favor of unregulated [IUU] legislation) and with
the improvement of multilateral management other kinds of illicit activities at sea (piracy,
and the empowerment of developing countries. human trafficking, labor issues, etc.).
This puts the EU in a privileged position to lead The above are just a few examples of the wide
the search for an improved, multilateral, and implications of international fisheries activity
fair governance of the world’s fisheries. and management, and illustrate the importance
of ensuring good governance.
The external dimension of the CFP Governance is also essential to ensure an
and international governance international level playing field. In its absence,
As we saw above, the EU coast and jurisdic- the result is a tendency for a “first come first
tional regime is extremely complex, particularly served” type of initiative, and this undoubt-
when compared with the remarkable simplicity edly benefits only those without principles.
As the EU is an organization based on very
1 solid principles (rule of law, respect of inter-
chronological_lists_of_ratifications.htm/ national law and agreements, fight against
240 Chapter 10

corruption, etc.) the lack of good international in this context, MPAs must also be discussed
fisheries management only benefits those with- from the point of view of their potential con-
out scruples. In this light, international fisheries tribution to international fisheries and ocean
governance is not only necessary to better man- governance.
age the common international resources; it is The current process of negotiation in the
also the best way to defend the legitimate Euro- United Nations of the future Agreement on
pean interests in that international context. the Protection of Biodiversity in areas Beyond
All the above considerations clearly point at National Jurisdiction (known by its acronym
the international governance of fisheries as a BBNJ) is largely about how to establish these
crucial question for the future of EU fisheries. areas. To the extent that these areas will include
Much of what will characterize the CFP of the international waters, they have very important
future will be played in the international arena. implications on the international management
At the same time, the EU as a global player of fisheries.
and the “champion of multilateralism” has a MPAs have become in recent years a very
particularly important role to play in those fashionable idea, strongly supported by an
developments. The EU has understood that array of interests including Non-Governmental
role very well, as demonstrated by the recent Organizations (NGOs) and relevant scientists
initiative on the world’s ocean governance (EU (Walters et al. 1999; Pauly et al. 2002, 2005).
2016). This communication includes, inter alia, Their specific role in the Mediterranean is also
two important questions related to fisheries: highlighted (Coll et al. 2012). In this context,
the improvement of the management of inter- MPAs are often presented by their advocates
national fisheries, and the increase in marine as the best alternative to the alleged failure of
protected areas (MPAs). traditional fishery management systems.
Beyond this important communication, In the mainstream public opinion and large
which has a much wider focus than fisheries, parts of the scientific community it is taken
the future of international fishing has a number for granted that these MPAs provide evidence
of challenges that must be faced. These include about the social, economic, and environmen-
the current initiatives to increase MPAs, the tal benefits of full protection of the marine
fight against illegal fishing, the problem of the environment in such areas. However, such
world’s fleet capacity and the need to improve an approach is also subject to considerable
the multilateral cooperation for management, skepticism. A recent study by the Food and
including the crucial question of the role of Agriculture Organization (FAO), based on a
developing States. These are all issues where number of case studies (FAO 2017), showed
the EU, or indeed any other individual player that:
around the world cannot act on its own; these The positive outcomes observed relate to the
are the kind of challenges that require an improved social cohesion and participation, con-
improvement in the current mechanisms and servation and incomes, but concerns are also
instruments for multilateral cooperation. expressed about lack of attainment of expected
outcomes. It is stressed that no generalisation on
the efficacy of PAs in supporting livelihoods is possible.
(Emphasis added)
Marine Protected Areas:
the miracle instrument? In the Mediterranean, where this instru-
ment was favored in the 2006 regulation (EU
One of the most important challenges of inter- 2006) there is evidence of spill-over, shown
national fisheries governance is that of the by a negative gradient of fish abundance from
establishment of large scale MPAs. In Chapter the MPAs to the fished areas. However, the
8 we discussed MPAs from the point of view of spill-over is limited to a few hundreds of meters
their contribution to protect biodiversity. But around MPAs, which is an important factor
The CFP and international fisheries 241

when considering size and design of these areas and biomass, up to several orders of magnitude,
(Harmelin-Vivien et al. 2008). than nearby areas, and providing socio-
The initiatives to establish large MPAs around economic benefits even beyond their bound-
the world are achieving momentum, in differ- aries (D’Agata et al. 2016; Bertzky et al. 2012;
ent international fora and through a variety Costello and Ballantine 2015; Lester et al.
of public and private interests, including an 2009).
important contribution from philanthropic The importance of MPAs for biodiversity con-
organizations and individuals. The issue is cer- servation is clear, and indeed EU policy has pur-
tainly popular since it resonates well with many sued this approach with considerable success,
audiences, over and beyond its objective merits. for example in the context of the Nature 2000
The problem of MPAs is often that they are network. However, the usefulness of MPAs as
proposed (and adopted) before their specific a mainstream fisheries management instrument
objectives are clearly spelled out. This author at the international scale is much less clear-cut.
has argued that MPAs are often a solution in Some well-known authors have considered
search of a problem. In reality, the logic should MPAs as a fundamental instrument to ensure
be the inverse one: in the face of a problem the sustainability of the world’s fisheries. The
or objective, one can evaluate if an MPA is
philosophy behind this is that in the pre-
the right solution. Of course, in many cases it
industrial era, fishery resources were “pro-
is: when and where the objective is to protect
tected” by the lack of access of human beings
biodiversity in a well-identified area, as it is
to an important part of the marine resources.
the case with the Natura 2000 network in EU
Pauly et al. (2005) consider that in addition to
waters, or to protect relatively stable areas with
the classical fishery management instruments,
aggregations of juvenile and spawning fish,
non-conventional instruments such as MPAs
they can be a very useful instrument.
are necessary to re-establish the protection
However, when they are established in very
of these zones as refuges, to make possible
large areas, comprising different ecosystems,
the apparent sustainability of pre-industrial
involving many mobile species, and without
clear objectives, their justification is less than
obvious, and so is the possibility of monitoring However, this faith in the value of MPAs must
their relative usefulness. The on-going pro- be compounded with many other elements:
cess to declare as an MPA 30% of the EEZ of • MPAs displace, not reduce fishing effort. For
the Seychelles is a case in hand: after having an MPA to have positive effects, it is neces-
received widespread praise as an example of sary to know how the fishing effort will be
how private money can contribute to preserve displaced, and whether the areas where the
the ocean’s biodiversity2 , plans for fast-track effort is displaced have the capacity to absorb
oil exploration in other areas of the Seychelles it (Sen 2010). Otherwise, unintended nega-
EEZ have been revealed.3 tive effects can take place.
• MPAs can modify access to the resources,
MPAs: what objectives? with large, ocean-going fleets being more
The positive effects of MPAs are widely able to adapt and fish elsewhere than local,
recognized, by many authors, as effective con- small-scale fleets. The above-mentioned case
servation tools supporting greater biodiversity of the Seychelles is clear; while local fish-
ermen may lose access to some areas, large
2 scale tuna fishing will still be conducted in
22/debt-for-dolphins-seychelles-create-huge-new- most of the waters of the Indian Ocean.
3 • Many ocean resources are highly migratory
new-frontier-seychelles-plans-fast-track-drilling- and are not necessarily amenable to zonal
despite/amp/ management; what counts in these cases is
242 Chapter 10

the total fishing effort exerted in a very wide And again, the more targeted the areas for
area of distribution. specific purposes, the clearer the value of the
• The hypothesis that the pre-industrial fish- measure. That’s why the “blanket” approach
eries were “apparently sustainable” is not of multi-purpose MPAs tends to have a much
warranted; history tells us about many cases less clear cost/benefit ratio.
of collapse and exhaustion of many marine A study of 87 MPAs revealed that the effects
resources even before the pre-industrial era of MPAs increase with the accumulation of five
(Roberts 2007). features: no take, well-enforced, old, large, and
Overall, the problem with MPAs is that they isolated. However, the same study recognized
do not, by themselves, resolve the question of that global targets based on area alone will not
the overall fishing effort exerted on the world’s optimize biodiversity protection: better MPA
resources. While there can be positive effects if design, durable management and enforcement
and when the MPAs protect spawning or juve- are crucial to ensure their conservation value
nile aggregations of fish, the effects are poten- (Edgar et al. 2014).
tially very varied as a function of the mobility All these questions are very important
and distribution of the species concerned. because they imply that the idea of very large
It is very important to ensure clear and trans- MPAs with general objectives and little or no
parent objectives, since the effects of MPAs are means for monitoring and enforcement are not
highly variable, and can even be negligible, necessarily a good idea in terms of cost/benefit
such as for example in the case of highly mobile analysis. Though increasingly popular, their
species with little or no by-catch or habitat relative merits should be analyzed objectively
impact. Just assuming that the more MPAs the and not just taken for granted as dogma.
better for ocean conservation is misguided. As
Hilborn et al. (2004) indicate: The Aichi targets
The so-called “Aichi targets” are the best expres-
If MPAs are implemented without a case by case sion of the current efforts by the international
evaluation and monitoring, there is a risk of unful- community to protect marine biodiversity
filled expectations, the creation of disincentives
through an international instrument. The
and a loss of credibility of what is potentially a
United Nations Decade on Biodiversity serves
valuable management tool.
to support and promote implementation of the
It is very important to underline that the objectives of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity
value of MPAs is largely a function of its objec- and the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, which were
tives and associated conditions of application: adopted at the 10th Conference of the Parties to
the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD),
• If the objective is to preserve biodiversity, in Nagoya, Japan, in 2010. Concerning marine
MPAs can be the ideal instrument, if and biodiversity, target no. 11 agreed in Nagoya is:
when the areas of high biodiversity are By 2020, at least 17 per cent of terrestrial and
well-identified and the MPAs reflect those inland water, and 10 per cent of coastal and marine
areas. However, if the MPAs correspond to areas, especially areas of particular importance for
a “blanket” approach encompassing areas biodiversity and ecosystem services, are con-
of high biodiversity with others without served through effectively and equitably managed,
particular value, the cost/benefit ratio can ecologically representative and well-connected
systems of protected areas and other effective
change substantially.
area-based conservation measures, and integrated
• If the objective is to manage fisheries, many
into the wider landscapes and seascapes.
considerations must come into play, notably
the mobility and distribution of the stocks These targets are implemented by the EU,
to manage, the access to the resources by which reports periodically on how they are
different fisheries communities and so on. implemented in European waters (EU 2015).
The CFP and international fisheries 243

The Aichi targets are very loosely defined, MPAs set-up within a network of multiple-use
leaving ample room for maneuver on how to areas is more likely to achieve conservation
identify the areas to be protected as part of the objectives than large off-shore no-take areas
10% target. In reality, the protection of marine that are difficult if not impossible to monitor
areas poses a problem of balance between two and enforce.
factors: the relative value of the areas in terms The question is, however, complex, and
of the biodiversity they contain, and the impor- certain authors argue that the drive to declare
tance of the current human use of such areas, very large-scale MPAs in remote seas puts
and thus the economic and social difficulty to pressure on governments to pursue similar
protect the areas against human use. agendas closer to home, in heavily exploited
Ideally, the best areas for MPAs are those areas (Singleton and Roberts 2014).
with a high biodiversity and low human use, The above trend toward large areas is, in
but these tend to be scarce in areas close fact, contradictory with the approach favored
ashore. The difficult part is what to do with by other instruments, such as for example the
areas of high biodiversity and a high level of Natura 2000 network established under the
human use. The Aichi target approach has a EU’s habitats (EU 1992) and bird directives (EU
fundamental flaw: if focuses on a percentage 2009). In these cases, the protection regime
of marine areas protected, regardless of their affects relatively small, but very well-identified
value to preserve biodiversity. This has pro- areas where the species or habitats to be pro-
duced a tendency to establish very large MPAs, tected are also well-identified. In addition, the
notably in distant, unpopulated areas, to fit control of fishing activities in these areas is an
the objective while avoiding more conflicting integral part of the CFP control and enforce-
areas. This phenomenon has been called a “just ment obligations. This allows, inter alia, mon-
add water” approach, which fails to address the itoring and reporting on how the closed areas
need to protect coastal areas where most of the are contributing to achieving the objective.
biodiversity is actually found. The example of the marine Natura 2000 areas
This difficulty tends to lead to the establish- established in the EU is a very positive one: they
ment of large MPAs in remote locations as an are well-identified areas of demonstrated high
“easy” way to comply with the Aichi targets biodiversity; their objective is clear (to preserve
while avoiding too much social conflict. The such biodiversity, not to do fisheries manage-
problems with that approach is that the recent ment); and their extension is proportional to the
increases in the designation of very large MPAs area to be protected and avoids unnecessary clo-
around the world threatens to undermine the sures to the sustainable fishing activity. This is
objectives of the Aichi targets they are aiming perhaps a model worth promoting in the inter-
to address. The push for such designations in national arena also.
countries’ overseas territories deflects attention
and efforts from the challenge of designating The notion of “ocean grabbing”
and effectively managing MPAs closer to home MPAs also raise an important question of fair-
(Jones and De Santo 2016). ness in the way countries around the world
Indeed, this question goes to the core of the benefit from the bonus of the ocean’s resources,
problem: what is the best way of protecting and this is an essential question in terms of
biodiversity: to identify and protect (arguably international governance. A number of authors
much smaller) areas of well-known high bio- argue that the initiatives toward the establish-
diversity, or to protect much larger areas with ment of large-scale MPAs amount to “ocean
much less clear biodiversity value and objec- grabbing” by certain vested interests, whose
tives? De Santo (2013) argues that the push legitimacy to do so is at least questionable
for quantity over quality undermines sustain- (Bennet et al. 2015). This is particularly so for
ability and social justice: well-managed no-take those cases where the MPAs are sponsored with
244 Chapter 10

private money from non-profit organizations. The ultimate MPA: a ban on high
In certain cases, the sponsoring consists of writ- seas fishing?
ing off the public debt of certain governments
in exchange for the declaration of these MPAs, The ultimate consequence of the initiatives on
as is the case in the above mentioned MPA MPAs is the idea, proposed by a certain number
around the Seychelles. of private and public advocates, of banning all
The reasons to question such approaches are fishing in the high seas; in other words, to turn
diverse: the world’s high seas into a huge MPA.
• The sources of the private funds behind these This idea resonates well with many audi-
initiatives are not always clear, but in some ences, which include some scientific under-
cases, however, they are all too clear: large pinning, arguing that such a measure would
real estate interests or oil companies. What improve coordination across EEZs, reduce over-
looks like a commendable initiative to protect all exploitation and protect sufficient range
the ocean’s biodiversity can reflect the inter- of the stocks to allow rebuilding (White and
est of these companies to deflect the public Costello 2014). Certain estimations conclude
attention to other threats to the marine envi- that this measure could increase catches within
ronment, or to “grab” these areas and expel EEZs by around 10% by 2050, against a likely
other economic interests to have an almost reduction by 6% expected from “business as
private use of their resources. usual.” This would also build resilience against
• The consultation mechanisms leading to their the effects of climate change, which are likely
establishment often ignores altogether some to reduce available resources in tropical waters
of the stakeholders more directly concerned, (Cheung et al. 2017).
such as small-scale fishermen, by far the most Other authors have estimated that such an
affected. action would increase the production within
• The large areas have very generic objectives, EEZs by 18% through “spill-over” of the con-
making it very difficult to judge, and to eval- servation effects in the high seas, with no loss
uate scientifically, the relationship between in global catch. In addition, they argue that
these objectives and the effectiveness of the the inequality of the distribution of catches,
instrument. In the absence of such objective today largely dominated by high-seas fishing
evaluation, dogma is more easily imposed. nations, would be reduced by 50%, that is,
• Large areas may also affect much more small- global catches would be more equally dis-
scale interests without the capacity to dis- tributed among all coastal States of the world
place their activity to areas outside the MPA, (Sumaila et al. 2015).
while large, industrial interests (including The idea may seem attractive, both from a
IUU) have shown remarkable ingenuity to conservation viewpoint but also from a per-
find alternative fishing grounds. spective of increased “equity” in the way the
These initiatives are very popular for the world fishery resources are utilized. However,
general public, but can represent a privatization a number of initial objections can be made to
of the world’s ocean to less than transparent this idea:
economic interests, and following procedures • The ban on high sea fishing may aggravate
dominated by the availability of large sums of fishing pressure within EEZs. Vessels cur-
money, and not necessarily by good and fair rently fishing in the high seas could easily
governance. Attractive though they may seem, find ways to have access to EEZs through
it is important to bear in mind that nothing either public or private agreements. Or, even
can replace good, fair management by public worse, through IUU activity: most illegal
authorities including consultations with all activity in the world’s fisheries actually takes
interests concerned, including notably those of place within EEZs; a ban on high seas fishing
the most fragile. would likely increase this pressure.
The CFP and international fisheries 245

• Who would enforce such measure? Cur- is – on average – at a healthy 15% of net profit
rently, high seas fishing is controlled by margin. Trends are positive (not only in eco-
high-seas fishing nations as part of their nomic performance but also in catch per unit
obligations under UNCLOS. If no high seas effort [CPUEs]) and net profits have increased
fishing is authorized, who would have the in recent years. Among these fleets, the most
interest to deploy the very expensive means profitable is that fishing in NAFO waters, an
to enforce it? area very strictly managed and controlled. This
• It would not resolve the problem of illegal compares very favorably with, for example,
fishing: this is well-known to take place the small-scale sector in the Mediterranean,
mainly within EEZs, where the coastal States which show the lowest levels of profitability.
have weak governance and enforcement This clearly shows that high seas fishing can,
systems. in a context of sound management and strict
• The main argument in favor, the so-called enforcement, be sustainable in biological as
spill-over effect, has been well-demonstrated well as economic terms.
for MPAs in a number of cases (Buxton et al. Overall, the idea of banning high seas fishing
2014), but at global level it is more doubtful. resonates well for many audiences and will
If relatively clear for highly-migratory fish, certainly be around for debate in the years to
it remains doubtful in the case of demersal come. However, the proclaimed advantages
stocks where important abundances exist are less than obvious and a full evaluation
in distant, deep-waters. The spill-over effect of its effects, both in terms of fishery conser-
is a function of stock “viscosity,” a notion vation and management, as well as in terms
well-demonstrated for certain stocks but of distributional effects, seems necessary to
poorly known for many others. ensure that the question is handled on a solid,
• Last but not least, the question of “equity” non-ideological basis.
is multi-faceted. Certain self-qualified devel-
oping countries consider that a more A ban on high seas trawling?
“equitable” distribution of fishing rights This is another idea that we can consider as a
means their right to expand their fisheries minor version of the complete ban on high seas
in the high seas. The case of China, whose fishing. Like the former, this idea is also very
high-seas fishing fleets have exploded in popular among environmental NGOs and also
recent years, illustrates this point. resonates well with other audiences. Some of
its proponents have depicted an image of the
High seas fishing: economic world’s sea bottoms being almost completely
nonsense? wiped out by trawling activity. A recent article,
The idea of high seas fishing has also been pre- focused on the global footprint of fisheries, esti-
sented by some authors as economic nonsense mated that industrial fishing occurs in >55% of
(Sala et al. 2018) arguing that such activity the ocean area, and that “the absolute footprint
can only be maintained through very high fuel of fishing is much larger than those of other
subsidies: the authors estimate that 54% of all forms of food production” (Kroodsma et al.
high seas fishing would be unprofitable without 2018). This article received considerable atten-
such subsidies. This study, however, does not tion by the media and projected a very negative
explain why, for example, long distance fleets view of the fishing activity and in particular
fishing in the high seas are among the most trawling by industrial vessels. However, as we
profitable of all EU sectors, despite the absence saw in Chapter 8, the comment on that article
of any specific subsidy for this segment. For by Amoroso et al. (2018) demonstrates that
example, the last study on the profitability when more detailed resolution is applied, the
of the EU industry (EU 2018) indicates that effect of bottom trawling is very significantly
the performance of the EU distant water fleet lower.
246 Chapter 10

That bottom trawling affects the sea bot- Another question is that of the alternatives to
tom has been abundantly illustrated (Kaiser trawling: if the problem with this activity is the
1998; Jennings and Kaiser 1998; Hinz et al. disturbance of the sea bottom, would it be pos-
2009; Lindholm et al. 2015). These effects sible to shift from trawling to other kind of fish-
are variable depending on the type of trawl- ing (i.e. long-lining?) as an alternative? This is
ing and the nature of the sea bottom, but certainly worthy of consideration, and the exis-
may include smoothing bed-forms, removing tence of a number of profitable long-line fish-
structure-forming invertebrates and remov- eries for deep-sea resources demonstrates that
ing structure-building organisms that create at least in some cases the ban on trawling could
habitat. perhaps be compensated by fishing with other
While these effects are more clear-cut in the gear with less impact on the sea bottom. This,
case of sea bottoms with complex communities in any case, would have to be fully evaluated
of invertebrates, such as coral, sponges, and the before a dramatic measure like a complete ban
like, the effects on sandy or muddy bottoms can on trawling in the high seas is considered.
indeed be very limited (Lindholm et al. 2015).
This implies that the generalization of conclu-
sions on the effects of trawling must be taken International governance
with care, as these effects are largely the result and developing countries
of the type of sea bottom under consideration.
There is abundant scientific literature on the In Chapter 12 we will look into the question of
real effect of bottom trawling in the world’s the state of conservation of the world’s fishery
oceans. A recent study confirms that bottom resources. An important conclusion emerges:
trawling is highly aggregated, with effects on while the overall trend worldwide is rather
seabed biota being dependent upon penetra- negative, this trend has many exceptions: those
tion in the sediment; this is lower for otter of developed countries, and multilateral orga-
trawls (6% of biota removed) and highest for nizations dominated by these, that in recent
hydraulic dredges (41% of biota removed). years have managed their fisheries relatively
Median recovery times post-trawling (from well and can now enjoy a positive trend in the
50% to 95% of unimpacted biomass) ranges abundance of their fishery resources.
between 1.9% and 6.4% years. The study This implies that the problem of the con-
also established a methodology that enables servation of the world’s resources lies to a
the assessment of the trawling impacts on an considerable extent in developing countries
unprecedented spatial scale (Hiddinck et al. and in poorly managed international fisheries.
2017). This may be the result of their lack of means,
For European waters, another study has lack of tradition or even in some cases lack of
recently evaluated the footprint of bottom political priority to carry out fisheries manage-
trawling and has identified the areas and the ment. Any future global governance of fisheries
level of impact of this technique (Eigaard et al. should take this into account.
2017). These studies (among others) allow for
an objective consideration of the problem based International fisheries governance:
on very specific evidence, and should be the a rich country’s agenda?
basis for any possible future decision on this Ocean governance is a notion often developed
topic, over and beyond the more media-savvy and advocated by developed countries, while
approach by Kroodsma et al. cited above. many developing countries view that notion
There is still however a lot to investigate on with some suspicion. Yet, it is in develop-
this question, and the need for more data is ing countries that there is a clearer need to
well-assessed, including data leading to best improve fisheries management. International
practice (Kaiser et al. 2017). ocean governance is seen by a number of
The CFP and international fisheries 247

developing countries as an attempt by rich The EU is the world’s first contributor to aid
countries to limit their access to the resources, to development, and this important policy has
by establishing restrictions that generally tend always been available for matters pertaining
to perpetuate a status quo that prevents new to fisheries management in the incumbent
entrants in the system. From that perspective, countries. However, this policy does not impose
progress in this area seems only possible if priorities. The EU cannot decide that part of its
developing countries are given what they see budget be dedicated to improve fisheries man-
as a fair opportunity to enter the club of those agement if the countries concerned prefer other
who benefit from the ocean’s riches. This has priorities. For this reason, the contribution of
at least two components: (1) capacity building, this policy to improve fisheries management
through aid to development and (2) access to has always been incomplete. Perhaps the most
the fishing rights. important element to convince many of the
In the absent of good ocean governance, cer- receiving countries of the need to use part of
tain countries benefit unfairly. However, all too the development funds for this purpose is the
often developing countries see little incentive in EU’s action against IUU fishing. Countries being
investing in this question, preferring unilateral investigated and identified as contributing to
action instead. this fishing have consistently showed interest in
This is somehow a vicious circle: develop- improving their management, using if possible,
ing countries see little benefit in engaging in development funds.
improved management if there is no guarantee For these reasons, the combination of the
of a better deal in the overall share of the development policy and the parallel pressure
ocean’s resources. On the other hand, some exerted by the EU on this question seems to
developed countries (including those of the be a far more efficient system to build capacity
EU) promote ocean governance but at the same in developing countries, and underscores the
time want to preserve their acquired rights to positive side-effects of the EU’s IUU policy in
exploit the ocean’s resources. How can a deal recent years.
be struck? As we will see below, partnership Fight against poverty
seems the way to go. Among the objectives to be sought by good gov-
ernance in developing countries, the use of fish-
Capacity building ing for poverty alleviation is an obvious one.
The need for capacity building is well- The sustainable livelihood approach (SLA) has
recognized under UNCLOS as well as in the been defined and applied as the main standard
EU development policy. Indeed, the UN has to apply in fisheries development policy (Allison
established a specific Assistance Fund to help and Horemans 2006).
developing States improve their governance. However, the needs and aspirations of many
However, an analysis of the UN webpage con- developing States are not reduced to that. The
cerned reveals that most of the contributions SLA mentioned above is actually an issue for
to this fund are focused at supporting legal countries with extreme poverty and famine.
claims for sovereignty or jurisdiction by coastal However, for many other countries also con-
States, but not to support actions on scientific sidered as “developing” (let’s bear in mind
advice, management, and control of fisheries. that China still considers itself a “developing
In addition, the Fund is currently exhausted.4 country”!) the challenges are different. They
Clearly, the UN trust fund is still not a significant include in some cases the need for capacity
contributor to improved fisheries management building, but most importantly, the aspiration
in practice. for a larger “part of the cake” of the ocean’s
4 Beyond that, the fight against poverty does
fishstocktrustfund/fishstocktrustfund.htm/ not mean that the fish to be caught will be
248 Chapter 10

eaten by the local populations in developing • From the developed States’ side, it is difficult
countries. In fact, more often than not, fish to convince the industry to give up rights
(even local fish) is more a cash crop than a that they obtained after years of effort, risky
direct source of food. In a number of cases, investment and hard work.
the fishing rights by developing countries are Some developing nations often claim fishing
exerted by operators whose interest is to sell rights without having the capital, the technol-
the fish abroad, in exchange for cash. Certain ogy, the tradition and the markets for fishing. In
African countries with abundant resources in addition, more often than not they want to fish
their EEZs see how much of this wealth goes to export their catch to the same countries they
away to produce fishmeal, to feed other sources want to replace in the world’s fishing grounds.
of animal protein, generally in very distant How can this be resolved?
countries such as, again, China.5 As we saw above, the idea of closing all
These are, in any case, sovereign choices by fishing in the high seas has been presented also
the developing States, and nobody has the right as a way to redistribute fishing rights on a fairer
to tell them what they should do with their fish. way, to the benefit of developing countries
The question boils down to one: to alleviate (Sumaila et al. 2015). However, in that analysis
poverty, do these countries have a fair access to we see that some of the “winners” of this mea-
the ocean resources? sure would be, inter alia, the US, Guam (US)
and the United Kingdom, which are hard to
Access to fishing rights classify as developing countries. This is certainly
We have seen in various sections of this doc- counter-intuitive.
ument how crucial it is for good fisheries One promising way forward would be to
management that the allocation of fishing develop the idea presented already by the
rights be resolved. In certain Regional Fisheries European tropical tuna industry to invest in
Management Organizations (RFMOs), existing third countries in a way that these would ben-
allocation keys are under almost permanent efit from the revenues of the fishing activity,
questioning. In some cases, the problem has but using Europe’s technology and capital, as
been tackled through the preparation of allo- well as the European markets. In fact, language
cation criteria to inspire future allocation to this effect was included in the conclusions
exercises. This type of initiative, however, is of of the third session of the Kobe process (see
very limited use, as the experience of ICCAT section on “Global fleet capacity” below). This
in 1999 clearly demonstrates: on that occasion, idea would provide a win–win situation for
ICCAT did actually agree on a set of allocation both parties, and would have the crucial advan-
criteria, but to strike a deal the criteria were so tage of being agreed by the party that would in
general that almost any allocation key could principle have more to lose: the industry from
possibly be justified on that basis. developed countries.
This issue is extremely difficult, yet it is essen- Unfortunately, this idea has not made signifi-
tial if progress is to be made in fisheries gover- cant headway in practice.
nance. The difficulty can be easily understood A new partnership
from both sides: The key to resolve the above problem is part-
• From the developing States’ side, it is impos- nership. Partnership between the industry in
sible, either legally or politically, to deny developed States and the local interests in devel-
them access to their fair share of the ocean’s oping countries to jointly run a healthy and
resources. sustainable fishery, using developing countries’
increased fishing rights through developed
countries’ capital and technology. Failure to
5 establish these partnerships can only lead to
threatens-west-africans-livelihood/a-44506336/ frustration in both sides, for the benefit of third
The CFP and international fisheries 249

parties, such as China, that do not hesitate to catches6 could be exploited through small-
extend their investment in the world fisheries scale fishing.
squeezing out existing interests and preventing Overall, the above partnership is indeed a
the development of new ones. very valid model for at least those cases where
Such partnership, to be sure, also has oppo- small-scale fishing is not a practical option, or
nents: for many NGOs, the development of perhaps even more simply, for those cases that
fisheries in developing countries must be developing countries in question would choose
done based on a small-scale basis, away from based on their own sovereignty.
large industrial interests. Theoretically, this
is supposed to represent a more inclusive, Large-scale MPAs and developing
labor-intensive, and autonomous way of countries
developing fisheries, for the benefit of local Large-scale MPAs and the defense of small-scale
populations. fishing often go hand in hand, notably because
This deserves careful analysis: while it is true they tend to share certain advocates (envi-
that small-scale fishing can be extremely impor- ronmental NGOs). However, both things
tant in many areas of the world (and not only are not necessarily compatible; in fact, they
in developing countries), it is also important to tend to work in opposite directions. Indeed,
remember that the small-scale option must not large-scale MPAs have a much greater impact
necessarily be the only one, or even the best, for for small-scale fishing than for large-scale fish-
a number of reasons: ing. No-take zones affect much more those
• Developing countries have the right to who cannot displace their fishing activity to
choose their own socio-economic model to other areas, whereas most ocean-going vessels
develop their fisheries. Trying to impose can easily change fishing area and continue
a specific model on them is somehow fishing outside MPAs. When considering MPAs,
neo-colonialist. one should not take for granted that they
• In many cases, small-scale development is would benefit mostly small-scale fishermen
simply not viable. There is no better example from developing countries. Depending upon
than Namibia. Its extremely rough seas and how they are designed, they may have the
absence of coastal population in very large opposite effect.
areas of their territory makes it impossible There is another important side-effect of a
to rely on small-scale fishing. Certain NGOs policy on large-scale MPAs: since their estab-
have criticized the Namibian model of fish- lishment implies the termination of certain eco-
eries development because it is based on nomic activities, there is much more resistance
large-scale industrial fishing through foreign for their establishment in areas densely popu-
investment. However, just looking at a map lated and intensively exploited. These generally
of Namibia, and knowing a little about the correspond to developed States. This, in turn,
Namibian Sea under the Benguela current, combined with the quantification of objectives
is more than enough to understand the (the 10% Aichi target) may produce a tendency
Namibian approach. to establish large MPAs in remote areas with
• Another case in hand is that of the countries low activity and low social and economic resis-
(small Pacific Island States) constitut- tance, or simply in areas where vested interests
ing the Parties to the Nauru Agreement are less articulate in defending their economic
(PNA) who exploit their abundant tuna activity. These circumstances may gener-
resources through licensing of foreign (very ally coincide with developing countries. As a
large) vessels. It is difficult to see how result, the need to achieve quantified targets,
the tuna occurring in a maritime area of
14.3 million km2 and producing 25–30% 6

of world’s tuna catches and 60% of Pacific .pdf/

250 Chapter 10

combined with different levels of political/ et al. 2011). This is clearly due to the fact that
economic resistance, may result in MPAs being the self-restraint practiced by certain blocs (the
established disproportionately in developing EU, Japan, USA) is more than compensated by
countries’ remote areas, both questioning the the increase in fishing capacity and effort by a
objectives established in the first place, and number of developed countries, notably in the
especially the fairness of the whole process: Far East.
in the end those excluded may tend to be In the above context, the exponential growth
small-scale interests from developing countries. of the Chinese long-distance fleet is a major
cause of concern. According to FAO, China has
increased its total combined power of its fleets
Global fleet capacity in recent years notably through an increase in
the average engine power from 64 to 68 kW
A problem of global governance between 2010 and 2012, while for example
The uncontrolled development of fishing fleets the EU the downward trend in terms of num-
(very particularly from the Far East) represents bers, tonnage, and power has continued (FAO
one of the main threats to the world’s ocean 2014). Data from the Chinese Association of
resources today. While the need to cap total Vessel Owners show that in 2016 China had
capacity is recognized by everybody, practical more than 2400 ocean-going vessels. Of these,
efforts to do so at a global level have failed. around two-thirds are flagged in China and
Roughly speaking there are three groups of around one-third are flagged in third countries,
countries regarding fleet capacity: most of them flag-of-convenience ones.
• Countries having voluntarily capped their According to FAO, most Asian countries
fleet capacity. Mostly developed countries, have shown considerable increases in marine
they have decided to limit the size of their catches in the last 10 years, with the exception
fleets even in the absence of an international of Japan and Thailand. Myanmar, Vietnam,
agreement to do so. The EU, Japan, and the Indonesia, and China have shown continuous
US are part of that group. growth, sometimes in an astonishing decadal
• Countries having small fleets but wish- increase (FAO 2014). The Asian fleet is more
ing to expand them. Typically developing than an order of magnitude larger than any
States that see fisheries as a possible area other region in both capacity and effort, and
for economic development. Many of them, continues to increase. Most other regions have
however, lack the finance or the know-how stabilized capacity, in particular Europe where
to do so, but maintain their aspirations. India such capacity has declined. Overall, the devel-
or Brazil are good examples. oped world as a whole has reduced capacity
• Countries developing their fleets without in recent years while developing countries are
limitation. These are increasing dramati- showing the greatest relative increase (Bell
cally their capacity without control. China, et al. 2016).
Taiwan, and Korea are leading this group.
They do so both with vessels under their own The Kobe process
flag or vessels under third countries’ flags The so-called Kobe process was an initiative
(notably in flag-of-convenience countries). A to try to find a solution to the problem of
significant part of this uncontrolled growth is the world’s tuna fishing capacity. Originated
linked at different degrees with IUU fishing, in Japan, who organized the first meeting in
notably in the case of China. Kobe, the process organized two subsequent
The overall trend is one of continuous gatherings, in Spain and the USA, but went no
increase in the global world’s fishing effort, further due to lack of progress.
particularly in the tonnage class of 100–149 The process, attended by most tuna-fishing
gross registered tonnes (GRT) (Anticamara countries and by the five RFMOs dealing with
The CFP and international fisheries 251

tuna fish, was made very difficult notably by • There has been very limited transfer of capac-
two factors: ity from developed to developing States, at
• The absence of China, whose fleet has grown least in terms of genuine investment. In fact,
in recent years into the largest in the world. most of the investments have taken place as
This made it difficult for participants to make IUU to flag-of-convenience countries by Far
strong commitments on self-restraint in fleet East operators.
development when the biggest player did not As a result, the increase in the world’s fleets
even attend. still continues fundamentally unchecked, and
• The legitimate interest of certain developing not only for tuna fishing, but also in other types
countries to develop their fishing rights. In of fishing.
particular, the small island developing States In the context of the IUU dialog between the
of the Pacific viewed the process as an excuse EU and China, the latter showed no intention
by wealthy, long-distance fishing nations to whatsoever to check the tendency described
preserve the status quo. above of an explosive increase in their ocean-
The Kobe 3 process adopted some recommen- going fishing fleet. This is the clearest demon-
dations on the question of capacity. However, it stration that the problem has not yet been
did not create any over-arching system to deal resolved.
with the transfer of capacity among oceans and The current initiative by the Commission on
charged every tuna RFMO to evaluate capacity. global ocean’s governance would have been
On that basis it recommended that: an ideal context for new political initiatives
Kobe III participants recommend that developed in this regard. Unfortunately, this idea did not
fishing members freeze large-scale purse seine make the “final cut” of the selected initiatives
capacity under their flag. Based on the status of (EU 2016). Although the important initiative
the stocks, each RFMO should consider a scheme on IUU will help in this regard (as much of
for: the current development of the Chinese fleet
• Reduction of overcapacity in a way that does is through flags of convenience) this kind of
not constrain the access to, development of, and
initiative alone will not solve the problem.
benefit from sustainable tuna fisheries, includ-
ing on the high seas, by developing coastal
States, in particular small island developing A key factor: the allocation of fishing
States, territories, and States with small and rights
vulnerable economies; and The limitation of the world’s fleets is made
• Transfer of capacity from developed fishing extremely difficult by the lack of agreement
members to developing coastal fishing mem- on how to share the capacity ceilings. As we
bers within its area of competence where
saw above in the section “A problem of global
governance,” any attempt to limit global capac-
It also adopted some vague language by par- ity is still seen by many countries as a way to
ticipants to cooperate in the fight against IUU limit their legitimate right to develop their own
fishing. Overall, the Kobe process made limited fishing industry and take their fair share of
progress in addressing the problem: the world’s fishery resources. This implies that
• Some RFMOs have adopted capacity freezing there is no possible solution to the problem
measures, but some of these have in fact of global fleet capacity unless there is some
been completely undermined by the need agreement on how to allocate such capacity
to accommodate new entrants from coastal among the countries.
States having a genuine right to fish in the There are some examples of how this can
high seas. be done. The best example of a limitation of
• These limitations are not adhered to by fleet capacity as an instrument for management
a number of countries that act as flags of is that of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna
convenience. Commission (IATTC) which at the end of the
252 Chapter 10

1990s, upon the increased interest in fishing in developing ones, so that the legitimate
in the area by a growing number of countries, aspirations of the latter can be satisfied
established a vessel capacity ceiling. This was through partnership with the former, thus
difficult to establish because of the need to preventing IUU investment.
accommodate the legitimate rights of all States • Opening fishing rights to a market mecha-
with a right to fish. The allocation of capacity nism that would ensure a minimum share
rights even gave fishing rights to countries of the total capacity to developing countries,
like Costa Rica that at the time did not want so that these could use them either through
to develop a fleet. Even so, at the end of the their own development or through foreign
1990s a difficult agreement was reached and investment.
IATTC established a capacity ceiling allocated to In any case, there is hardly a more pressing
participating countries. question of international fisheries management
In subsequent years, however, the closed than this one. One way or another, the EU will
nature of the allocation raised problems with have to play a key role in finding a solution. As
coastal nations, such as Peru, that could not indicated above, the current emphasis by the
accept that a coastal State like them would be EU on the improvement of the world’s ocean
denied the right to fish in the area, by virtue of governance should provide the right frame-
their lack of a capacity quota. Similar claims by work where this important question could be
other countries resulted in a repeated adapta- addressed.
tion of the capacity ceilings that, by admitting
new entrants, ended up losing much of its value
Fisheries enforcement at global
as a management instrument. level: fighting against illegal
This experience is an excellent illustration of fishing
how the legitimate aspirations of countries to
have a share of the cake stands in the way of Introduction
a stable agreement on capacity. The solution is IUU fisheries are one of the main problems
not simple or straightforward, because indus- of today’s fisheries around the world. Its
trialized nations having the tradition (and the impact on the world fisheries is, by its own
markets) are understandably reluctant to give nature, difficult to estimate, but different
up the status quo to accommodate new entrants, sources advance amounts ranging between
but also because some developing nations reg- 11 and 26 million tonnes a year, in a context
ularly make over-ambitious, unrealistic claims of total catches of wild fish being around
for fishing rights, not supported by a real capac- 90 million tonnes. The European Commission
ity to use them in practice. In the end, only estimates the economic value of IUU fishing to
a few countries in the Far East, as mentioned be around €10 billion a year, that is, 19% of the
above, have benefitted from this situation, by worldwide reported value of catches.7
taking advantage of the lack of limitations to It is important to emphasize that IUU fishing,
increase their fleets at unprecedented levels in in the context of the CFP, is not just any illegal
recent years. fishing activity, but rather an illegal activity
There is probably no single solution to that takes place regularly and is not controlled
this problem, but at least some ideas can be or penalized. This is an important distinction
explored: because many vessels can commit infractions,
• Extending the approach initiated by IATTC even serious ones, but that does not make them
in the 1990s to other RFMOs, even if their IUU, if they are sanctioned by either the coastal
efforts to cap capacity have to be re-opened
regularly. 7
• Establish within the RFMOs a system to facil- docs/publications/2015-04-tackling-iuu-fishing_en
itate investment by industrialized nations .pdf/
The CFP and international fisheries 253

or their flag States. IUU is therefore about illegal Failure to address the problem leads to a
behavior mixed with impunity. pre-identification of the country concerned,
The negative effects of IUU fishing are followed by a cooperation initiative from the
obvious: EU to improve fisheries management in the
• They discourage compliance by non-IUU country in question. Only consistent and
fleets. repeated failure to engage in that cooperation
• They produce unfair competition in the mar- can lead to the identification of that country
kets for the law-abiding fishermen. as non-cooperating and thus to the application
• They undermine the ability of developing of trade measures as a very last resort. Both
countries to develop their own, legitimate the pre-identification and the identification are
fishing industries. lifted when the country in question improves
• Their unreported nature undermines data its fisheries management.
collection and the production of good scien- The system is not protectionist: in case that
tific advice. trade measures are applied to a third country,
• In some cases, IUU fishing is also associated the EU operators fishing in that country would
with very poor working conditions, and even be first affected: they would not be able to
slavery. sell their fish in their own market. The whole
In the US, the IUU activity is also strongly system is not based just on the “threat” of trade
resented as a source of revenue and job losses measures, but on cooperation. A number of
for local communities. For example, the Alaska developing countries have benefited from the
Bering Sea Crabbers have estimated that unof- EU development aid, or from the new genera-
ficial over-quota catches of king crab by Russian tion of bilateral fisheries agreements to improve
vessels amounted to 10 million pounds in 2014, their fisheries management systems. Thanks to
mainly from vessels with Russian ownership this cooperation, more than 30 third countries
and crews but flagged in such countries as Sierra have improved their systems to fight IUU. In
Leone, Myanmar, or Belize, and imported into some cases, such as Indonesia or South Korea,
the US market partially processed without indi- the improvements in their fisheries manage-
cation of origin. This provokes important losses ment and in their handling if illegal fishing has
of revenue notably through depressed prices in been nothing short of extraordinary.
the US market (Anon 2016).
The fight against illegal, unreported, unreg- A multilateral IUU policy
ulated (IUU) fishing must be therefore a The EU’s IUU policy, successful as it certainly
fundamental objective of any international is, still has a major drawback: it is applied by
governance of fisheries. the EU alone. Neither the US system nor the
Japanese one (the other world’s largest fish
The success of the EU IUU policy markets) are nearly as efficient as the European
The fight against illegal fishing is one of the system. Ensuring that this policy is applied
most significant and successful policies within by an increasing number of countries, and
the framework of the CFP. Although other particularly by the biggest importers of fish is
countries around the world are also applying essential to “close the circle” and increase the
measures against illegal fishing, the EU system, effectiveness of the policy.
based on Regulation 1005/2008 (EU 2008), is In this regard, the recent entry into force of
the most advanced and effective one available FAO’s Port State Agreement is excellent news.
today. With 51 ratifications (including the EU, Japan,
The system is based on documenting the and USA, three main fish markets, but still
origin of fish imports to the EU. When and excluding China and Russia)8 the Agreement
where there is evidence of IUU fishing from a
given country, an investigation is conducted. 8
254 Chapter 10

is formally in force. FAO itself recognizes, that In the long run, there will have to be an
now the priority must be the effective imple- increasing integration and coordination by the
mentation of this agreement. This requires inter different services concerned in the fight against
alia the development of the access to infor- these other activities. This is not simple, inter
mation. The High Sea Vessels Authorization alia because the legal basis to act in these areas
Record is a fundamental step. Current coverage is not always necessarily there, at least to use
and completeness of this instrument is vari- trade measures as a deterrent as in the case of
able. Even more importantly, imposing as an IUU fishing. However, the recent example of
obligation the vessels International Maritime the establishment of an EU Coast Guard facility,
Organization (IMO) number as Unique Vessel integrating different maritime surveillance sys-
Identifier would provide an extremely valuable tems dealing with different types of crime at sea
instrument that would allow tracing all vessels clearly sets the tone of the kind of cooperation
regardless of any change of name, flag, or that can be developed in the future. And, in
owner: the ultimate instrument to track and act this case, the question is effectively included
on identified IUU offenders. in the Commission’s global ocean’s governance
The EU has identified the need to make initiative.
further progress at a multilateral level on the
fight against IUU fishing one of the priorities Dreaming on: a “social IUU”?
in its recent approach on the improvement of There are very many examples where vessels
the global ocean governance referred to above. (IUU or not) apply very poor working condi-
Today, IUU operators can still sell their illegal tions which, if not properly slavery, undermine
fish to a number of alternative markets around basic human rights and represent a distor-
the world in the event of a trade ban from tion of the competition against vessels that
the EU. Only when all the large fish markets respect such rights. Among them, it has been
around the world establish a coordinated ban demonstrated that certain IUU vessels actually
on that fish will the illegal activity be severely employed slave labor. Certain countries, such
curtailed. This calls for a stepwise approach to as Indonesia, have taken action against this
further increase coordination with like-minded practice (following an EU investigation on
countries. But this is difficult and time con- alleged IUU activity by Indonesian vessels) and
suming, and requires a level of priority for the have actually taken very dramatic measures to
external EU fisheries policy that is not easy to publicly discourage illegal operators, such as
meet in today’s context of reduction of human sinking confiscated IUU vessels.
resources in the EU institutions. However, the international legislation to
deter IUU activities (see FAO’s Port State Agree-
What future for the fight against IUU ment above) and the EU’s legislation provide
fishing? a legal basis to act against activities in contra-
Beyond the very obvious need to develop a vention to fisheries measures, but they do not
more multilateral approach in fighting IUU provide a basis to act in case of contravention
activity, there is another crucial question: the against basic human rights.
overlap between illegal fishing and other illegal The entry into force of the Work in Fishing
or illegitimate activities in the world’s oceans. Convention (No. 188) of 2007 by the Interna-
Illegal activities such as slavery (or illegitimate tional Labour Organization (ILO) represents a
such as extremely poor working conditions in unique opportunity to provide a legal basis and
certain third country vessels without adequate an international political legitimacy for coun-
legislation), smuggling, and piracy have been tries to act against vessels that do not respect
conducted a number of times using fishing ves- basic workers (or simply human) rights on
sels, and certain IUU offenders are also involved board fishing vessels around the world. So far,
in other kinds of illegal activity. only ten States have ratified this instrument,
The CFP and international fisheries 255

including two EU Member States (Estonia and measures promoted by such RFMOs as the
France).9 Certain NGOs are very active fighting Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC),
against these practices. Upon entry into force where the weaknesses of many of the
of the 2007 ILO Convention the opportunity coastal States of the region are addressed
is there to launch an initiative to act decisively through cooperation (and funding) from
against vessels involved in these practices and long-distance fishing interests such as the EU
even against flag States tolerating them in their or Japan.
vessels. • Where RFMOs are not present or are not
This will not be straightforward, in particular operational, there is little cooperation among
because lack of progress at the level of the coastal States. West Africa with the Fishery
World’s Trade Organization (WTO) in matters Committee for the Central Eastern Atlantic
pertaining to social policy. While WTO rules (CECAF), or South America (outside IATTC)
allow measures to protect natural resources, are examples of non-operational or inexis-
the lack of progress on issues related to social tent RFMOs. In these areas, the cooperation
dumping would make the above initiative among coastal States for the purpose of the
legally difficult, since any trade measure to management of shared resources is very
be applicable by the EU would have to be small. Where such cooperation exists (for
impeccably compatible with WTO rules. example, the PNA on Pacific tuna) it is
However, an increasing number of people, in difficult to see if such cooperation would
view of the success of the EU’s policy on IUU, have ever taken off without the previous
are wondering why it is possible to apply trade establishment of the Western and Central
barriers to protect the fish, but not to protect Pacific Tuna Fisheries Commission. Again,
human beings. Different sectors of the indus- the establishment of an operational RFMO
try are calling for action against forced labor on was instrumental for the cooperation among
board European fishing vessels, but this cannot coastal states to take shape.
be handled by Europe alone. Sooner or later this • Strong, operational RFMOs are the best
question will have to be addressed as a funda- guarantee against illegal fishing. A number
mental global maritime governance issue. of them elaborate lists of IUU vessels, thus
facilitating the implementation of measures
against such vessels and those providing
The improvement of RFMOs them support or tolerating their activity.
Reinforcing RFMOs is also essential to ensure
Why RFMOs are so important that fisheries management remains in the
RFMOs are the fundamental instrument for hands of fisheries management organizations.
carrying out the multilateral management of Failure to do their job results in environmental
fisheries. The Commission has clearly identified organizations (i.e. The Convention on Inter-
the reinforcement of RFMOs as one of the national Trade in Endangered Species of Wild
keystones of the improvement of the world’s Fauna and Flora [CITES], etc.) taking over the
ocean governance (EU 2016). This is justified management. The case of sharks is well-known:
for a number of reasons: NGO-led boycotts of the transport of shark fins
• RFMOs promote and develop cooperation resulted from the failure by ICCAT to regulate
among coastal States that would probably shark stocks.
would not exist otherwise. Areas such as
the Indian Ocean benefit from the data col- The necessary improvements
lection, scientific advice and management FAO (2014) has made an excellent summary of
the situation of all the RMFOs in the world. A
9 number of these have made a lot of progress but
11300:0::NO::P11300_INSTRUMENT_ID:312333/ still have a number of weaknesses, inter alia:
256 Chapter 10

• Incomplete geographic or species coverage. Improving scientific advice

• Coordination among RFMOs. We saw above that a basic pre-condition for
• Insufficient participation of developing fisheries management is the availability of sci-
States. entific advice, and that most of the problems
• Patchy scientific advice. with fisheries management around the world
• Limited capacity for enforcement. are related to unassessed or poorly-assessed
• Need to adapt to new challenges such as cli- stocks. Although this is a question that can be
mate change. partially addressed by individual countries, in
Let’s look at these issues one by one. many occasions the very wide distribution of
certain stocks and the small size of a number of
coastal States makes it very difficult to improve
Geographical and species coverage
scientific assessment on a country-by-country
While the coverage of tuna organizations is
basis. Here, the importance of RFMOs to
practically complete, for non-tuna organiza-
improve regional scientific advice is key.
tions, there are still large areas of the world
In particular, for widely distributed stocks
that are not covered by operational RFMOs.
(notably small and large pelagic fish), and in
The particular case of NW Africa is paramount:
areas where coastal States are small and even
although there is an organization to manage
coastal resources are straddling among sev-
resources in this area, the CECAF mentioned
eral countries, tackling scientific advice on a
above, this organization is hardly operational.
country-by-country basis is not efficient. The
Little wonder that this is one of the areas around
case of the numerous small countries in the
the world that suffers a significant amount of
Gulf of Guinea in Western Africa is the best
IUU fishing and mismanagement. Other areas
example. In these cases, the scientific bodies
are also unregulated internationally. A case in
established under RFMOs can play a key role in
hand is that of the fishery for squid between
improving scientific advice. In this context they
Argentina and the Falkland Islands, where
can provide coordination, training, appropriate
earlier attempts to establish a RFMO failed
geographical coverage and strong incentives to
because of the conflict over the sovereignty of
collect scientific data and advice. In addition,
the Falkland Islands.
their activity and their bids for research funds
In a 2016 report FAO maps the areas of
can be very effective in mobilizing sources of
the world where there are significant fishery
funding for such research from various sources,
resources that are still not managed by an
such as the EU or even the World Bank and
international management organization. While
other institutions.
tuna fish are well-covered by these bodies,
demersal resources still suffer from a number
of unregulated areas including international Coordination among RFMOs
waters (FAO 2016). Even in the case of tuna organizations where
Beyond the geographical coverage, there is geographical coverage is practically complete,
also an issue of species coverage. In particular, there is an issue with the coordination among
the management of sharks has in some cases the existing RFMOs. Many vessels fishing for
suffered from an alleged lack of mandate of cer- tuna are ocean-going and can fish anywhere
tain RFMOs to manage them, even when the in the world. That implies that if one partic-
geographical coverage was assured by existing ular RFMO becomes much stricter and more
ones. For example, the case for a dedicated fish- effective than others, there is always a gen-
ery organization has been already convincingly uine chance that many vessels will displace
made (Herndon et al. 2010). their activity to another ocean, where the
The CFP and international fisheries 257

corresponding RFMO would be less effective in aggravated by climate change that seems to be
controlling abusive practice. producing a displacement of fish abundance
We saw above the case of the Kobe process, away from tropical and subtropical waters to
where all RFMOs participated exactly for that higher latitudes.
reason; controlling fleet capacity in one place is We saw this question above in the context
useless if this can produce a displacement of the of the global fleet capacity, but obviously the
excess capacity from one ocean to another. This same applies for the allocation of catch limita-
issue can only be resolved through coordination tions that apply in a number of RFMOs. It is
among the RFMOs in different oceans so as to important to underline that this is typically a
make such displacements impossible. developing country issue: in those shared only
Failure to address this can lead to problems by developed states, such as NAFO or NEAFC,
even beyond fisheries. Pinsky et al. (2018) have existing allocation keys based on historical track
summarized it in very dramatic terms: records are fundamentally unquestioned, with
the exception of the cases of important recent
An alternative future of widespread non-cooper-
displacements of biomass as a consequence of
ative management over new transboundary stocks
risks extensive overfishing, decline in global food
climate change.
and livelihood provisioning from the ocean, frac- The experience of ICCAT, with a growing
tured international relationships, and political con- number of members who legitimately claim
flicts that could spill over into other, non-fishery their share of the cake, constitutes the best
areas of international politics. example, in particular because this continuous
pressure for re-opening allocation keys has an
These words may sound overdramatic for
important risk: that in order to accommodate
some, but for all those who have witnessed how
new entrants while minimizing the effects on
fisheries non-cooperation can quickly escalate
existing quota holders, the overall catch lim-
into much more serious conflict, addressing this
itations will be increased well over scientific
question is of the highest importance.
There is not obvious solution to this problem,
Further improving developing states’
particularly in areas where developing coun-
participation: the allocation of fishing rights
tries may wake up to their rights under the Law
Even more important than capacity building to
of the Sea as coastal States. Over and beyond
improve the participation of developing states
the regular updating of allocation keys (an
is the question of the fair allocation of fishing
extremely difficult process that would deviate
rights. In reality, many of these countries have a
the efforts of the RFMO from management to
very limited access to the fishery, either because
allocation) it is necessary to look at more cre-
they have low quotas for the fisheries where
ative initiatives, like for example that suggested
catch opportunities are limited and allocated,
by European tropical tuna operators, which
or in the case of open fisheries because they
consider the possible establishment of a market
lack the capacity to compete in such open
of fishing rights that can potentially benefit all
circumstances. While this is not necessarily
States involved.
unfair for developed states that have tradition-
ally invested in developing these fisheries, this
situation is certainly seen as unfair by many Enforcement
developing States. These tend to consider that The level of enforcement by different RFMOs is
the weight of historical track records makes it extremely variable. While some, such as NAFO
difficult for them to expand their own fisheries. or NEAFC, have quite effective control mecha-
As we will see in Chapter 12, this fact may be nisms, other organizations still lack appropriate
258 Chapter 10

mechanisms. This is particularly grave in certain • Lack of multilateral efforts. Many initiatives
cases, notably around Africa, where important (such as the EU’s IUU policy) are still unilat-
IUU activity is still rampant. eral and not applicable by everybody.
The lack of “teeth” has been one of the most • Control and enforcement is expensive and is
common criticism of RFMOs as the main instru- not necessarily a high priority, in particular
ment for international fisheries management. for developing countries.
Certain coastal States, known for aggressive • Many undesirable activities in the world’s
policies of extending jurisdiction beyond the fisheries do not have a clear legal basis in
current 200-mile EEZ, regularly resort to this international law to allow for international
argument to justify their bid for a wider juris- action.
diction by coastal States. From that perspective, Bad enforcement is not in the interest of
ensuring good enforcement is indirectly a very sustainable fisheries and, in most cases, benefits
effective way to prevent developments by only certain illegitimate economic interests.
coastal States outside the rules established by The need to improve enforcement is crucial to
the UNCLOS. ensure the survivability of legitimate fishing
Perhaps the most effective instrument to interest in both developed and developing
ensure compliance, over and beyond the very countries.
costly joint inspection and control schemes, is Beyond the highly successful anti-IUU policy
the decision by RFMOs to identify IUU activ- of the EU, the issue has also raised consider-
ities, and to propose trade measures to them. able interest in the US. It has been estimated
Already in the late 1990s, ICCAT identified that between 20% and 32% ($1.3–2.1 billion)
certain countries as not respecting bluefin tuna of wild-caught seafood US imports are ille-
and swordfish total allowable catches (TACs) gal (Pramoda et al. 2014). These estimates,
and, on that basis, the Union adopted its first however, have been seriously questioned as
trade measures against the countries con- exaggerated, and very recently the above article
cerned, in anticipation of later measures under has been retracted.10
the IUU framework. Today, a number of RFMOs US policy was boosted in 2015 through the
draw lists of IUU vessels that subsequently are establishment of a Presidential Task Force on
included in the EU list of vessels not authorized combating IUU Fishing and Seafood Fraud, to
to land their catches in EU territory. be developed through a 15-point Action Plan
Although spectacular progress has been car- for implementing the task force recommen-
ried out through the EU’s IUU policy, the role dations. Under the new US Administration,
of RFMOs will remain fundamental. They can however, it is still to be seen if and how this
provide two precious elements in the fight plan will be followed up in practice.
against illegal fishing: the access to detailed,
reliable information on illegal activities in the Getting ready for climate change
fishing area concerned, and especially its mul- Climate change will have consequences on the
tilateral character, which will protect trade work of RFMOs. In particular, the following
measures from challenges in the World Trade issues emerge as particularly relevant:
Organization much better than any unilateral • The number of trans-RFMO stocks will
measure. increase. There are already cases of shared
Enforcement is the weakest part of any inter- stocks, for example, between NAFO and
national system for the governance of fisheries. NEAFC.
While certain RFMOs (NEAFC, NAFO, ICCAT) • In certain RFMOs, the evidence that some
have established good control and enforcement stocks may be migrating poleward may
schemes, many activities in world fisheries still
remain largely uncontrolled. This is due to sev- 10

eral factors: controversial-iuu-science-paper-fina/

The CFP and international fisheries 259

produce a race to fish while the fish are block any agreement for years. This was the
still there that will do nothing to ensure case for Atlantic mackerel, that for several years
sustainability. lacked a management system since the “coastal
• Conversely, in the RFMOs “receiving” the States” could not agree on a new allocation
fish, there is the risk that slowness in regu- key, so they established autonomous quotas
lating the new resources will endanger their corresponding to their own claim for a quota
sustainability. share: the total sum of these autonomous quo-
• And in all cases, because the inter-area tas by the coastal States was, for years, largely
movements of fish will call into question in excess of the total TAC recommended by
existing allocation exercises, not only among science.
RFMOs, but also within them, since the This system, however, despite its obvious
gradual “loss” of a fish from its traditional inefficiency, seems to be extremely difficult to
area of distribution, no matter how slow change, and it constitutes an anomaly in the
and gradual, will alter the status quo. A context of an international cooperation that is
status quo which, in addition, is seriously full of examples of much better management
questioned by many countries already. systems. It is all the more an anomaly since
These issues must be addressed by RFMOs in the coastal States are signatories of UNCLOS
a cooperative way, something that will require and some of them are widely regarded as hav-
a new approach among them, when for so ing very successful fisheries management at a
many years they have worked as separate enti- national level. In the context of international
ties (perhaps with the exception of the tuna fisheries management, this anomaly will have
RFMOs under the Kobe process), completely to be addressed one day.
independent from each other. Any improvement of international fisheries
governance, even more so in the EU’s own
NEAFC and the “coastal states backyard, would be very difficult to under-
arrangement” stand if this question is not addressed. Climate
A case of particular interest for the EU is change (see Chapter 12) will only exacerbate
the so-called “coastal States arrangement” this problem, notably by altering the geograph-
which decides on the management of the ical distribution of the stocks (as was the case
widely-distributed stocks (Atlanto-Scandian with mackerel). This only underscores the
herring, Atlantic mackerel, horse mackerel and urgent need to address this question head-on.
blue whiting) in the North East Atlantic, the
area theoretically regulated by NEAFC.
Under this arrangement, NEAFC decides The changes in the traditional
on management measures applicable only to status quo of the oceans
international waters and only once the coastal
States arrangement has been decided in the first This is an important emerging challenge, which
place. This is a completely unusual arrange- cannot be identified with any particular event,
ment: while NAFO or ICCAT take measures but whose effects are becoming increasingly
that are applicable both to EEZs and interna- apparent. The most important questions are:
tional waters, in NEAFC nothing is decided (i) the increasing privatization of the world’s
unless there is previous agreement by the oceans; and (ii) the change in the rapport de force
coastal States. The problem is: this arrange- among traditional and emerging fishing nations
ment is informal, has no solid legal basis, no around the world. But it is also important to
voting or enforcement mechanisms and no refer to another challenge whose effects are less
dispute-settlement procedures either. obvious, but that have a significant potential to
As a result, measures tend to be taken only affect the place of fisheries in an increasingly
by consensus, thus allowing some States to complex world: the effects of the information
260 Chapter 10

society in the way decisions are made, and in rigs, more than anywhere else in the world.
the way different interests defend their case. This implies that a significant part of the North
The challenges mentioned below require a Sea has become incompatible with fishing
new thinking about how the fishing sector activity.
must situate itself within this emerging world, Seabed mining is still relatively undeveloped,
characterized by the emergence of new players but the potential for a much higher levels of
in the marine space and the development of a exploitation is obvious. Since its inception in
much wider policy context than ever before. 1982, the International Seabed Authority (ISA),
charged with regulating human activities on
The increasing privatization of the the deep-sea floor beyond the continental shelf,
world’s oceans has issued 27 contracts for mineral exploration,
Traditionally, we used to think about the oceans encompassing a combined area of more than
as free space, free of physical barriers for fisher- 1.4 million km2 . Many of the regions identified
men to chase their resources. The only barriers for future seabed mining are already recognized
were those established by law, but beyond that as vulnerable marine ecosystems (Miller et al.
the ocean was free space. This is changing. An 2018). And this is only the beginning.
increasing proportion of the world’s oceans are As we saw above, the international commu-
being occupied by other economic activities that nity (including the EU) is committed to establish
affect fishing, that prevent or limit it, or that can 10% of the oceans as MPAs, and important ini-
affect it in different ways. tiatives are taking place to increase that target to
The number of marine wind parks is 30%. These MPAs may have different character-
sky-rocketing in many areas of the world. istics, but they all coincide in the need to make
In Europe, the shallowness of the North Sea them “no-take” zones, that is, zones where fish-
makes it an ideal area for such development. ing is prohibited.
The high priority accorded to the development In some specific cases, this development is
of sustainable sources of power makes these however compatible with the development
developments a high political priority that is of high-end coastal tourism, including recre-
without comparison with the small weight of ational fishing, in what corresponds to a real
the fishing sector in the economy. For obvious privatization of hitherto public areas for the
safety reasons, wind parks are incompatible benefit a few interests.
with fishing.
In the North Sea alone, 40 wind parks have The emergent fishing nations
been established up to 2016 and many more are In recent years, the development of new fish-
planned. These are not just coastal: some parks ing fleets is dramatically altering the traditional
are beyond 100 km from the coast. Added to status quo. While the traditional developed fish-
other uses (see below) and to the environmen- ing countries (Japan, the US, the countries of
tal protection through Natura 2000 sites, fishing the EU) have applied policies to self-limit their
activity will be increasingly squeezed out of its fishing fleets, and while many developing coun-
traditional area of activity. tries have not yet succeeded to fully realize their
If this is resolved through a law of the jungle plans for an expansion of their fishing sectors, a
approach there is little doubt who will be on the few countries around the world account for an
losing side. This is why it is so important for the unprecedented increase in the overall capacity
fishing sector to embrace the maritime spatial of their ocean-going fleets, in particular China,
planning that the EU has adopted as a Directive Taiwan, and Korea.
(EU 2014). The countries of the Organization for Eco-
Oil and gas drilling are older than wind nomic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
parks, but the activity is still important. In the have been reducing their capacity in recent
North Sea alone, there are 184 offshore oil years from 5 120 000 gross tonnage (GT) in
The CFP and international fisheries 261

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The economics of fishing in the high seas. Science
Advances 4: eaat2504.

The missing elements of the 2013 Policy


What the 2013 CFP reform large-scale fishing, the control system (that had
missed been subject to a reform in 2009) including
the idea of cost-recovery, and the fleet policy
The 2013 Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) as an alternative to rights-based management.
reform achieved three major policy changes: As for the structural policy, a new regulation
the landing obligation, the objective of maxi- was adopted with a number of interesting new
mum sustainable yield (MSY) by 2020 and the features, but it is legitimate to question whether
regionalization (EU 2013). These have been the new regulation (EU 2014) really met all the
discussed in previous chapters. There were, expectations.
however, certain other issues where the CFP The issues that were not incorporated into
reform did not achieve any substantial change, the CFP in 2013 are still important; they will
and where the Commission proposals did not be around in future discussions and they had
succeed. important support. It would be a mistake
to dismiss them; they should be part of the
The issues beyond the “big four” on-going and future debate because the relative
The 2013 CFP reform was dominated by dis- balance between support and rejection is not
cussions on the so-called “big four” issues: necessarily fixed in time, and there is plenty of
MSY, landing obligation, regionalization, and experience showing that yesterday’s political
rights-based management. While the first three “non-starters” can become tomorrow’s oppor-
were adopted in the new CFP, the fourth tunity for a number of actors as circumstances
(rights-based management) was not. This issue change.
therefore remained as a pending one that, short
of a majority in favor, received nonetheless
support from a number of Member States in Rights-based management
Council and a number of stakeholders.
In addition, many other issues were subject Rights-based management is a generic group
to important discussions that, ultimately, did of management instruments based on the
not result in important innovations in the CFP. notion that fishing rights are allocated to pri-
But their importance is such that it is easy to vate owners, generally as percentage shares of
anticipate that they will remain on the agenda the resources available. Among rights-based
of future issues to discuss in the CFP. Among management (RBM) systems, the best known
these, it is important to mention the fleet are the individual transferable quotas (ITQs)
policy, the dilemma between small-scale and where the fishing rights can be freely traded

Quo Vadis Common Fisheries Policy?, First Edition. Ernesto Penas Lado.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

266 Chapter 11

among operators. Many such systems are used In general terms, both theory and empirical
to manage fisheries around the world. New evidence suggest a robust link between strong
Zealand, Iceland, Canada, the US and Norway, RBM systems such as ITQs and economic
among others, use this kind of system for all or performance of a fishery, although the link
many of their fisheries. with ecological performance is more tenuous.
The Commission has discussed RBM on var- The idea behind such systems is that, once
ious occasions, particularly in recent years, as the fishermen have a financial stake in the
examples of this kind of management have returns from sensible investment in sustainable
multiplied in many countries around the world practices, they are more easily convinced to
including some EU Member States. In 2007, the make the sacrifices required to rebuild and
Commission issued an unprecedented commu- sustain fisheries at high levels of economic and
nication on this issue (EU 2007), recognizing biological productivity (Costello et al. 2008).
the difficulties of conciliating this principle with In the specific case of the EU, it has long been
relative stability but inviting Member States shown that economic gains can be achieved in
nevertheless to debate it. As with some other each Member State through the introduction of
initiatives, no real debate took place following RBM, particularly in mixed fisheries (Squires
this communication and the question of RBM et al. 1998). This confirms that the opposition
remained a non-issue until the Commission to this kind of mechanism by many actors of
revived it in the context of the preparation of the CFP is not necessarily based on economic
the 2013 reform. grounds, and stands in the way of an improve-
In that context, RBM was considered only at ment of the economic outlook of the industry
national level. The initial idea of RBM between in Europe.
Member States was abandoned at an early stage The proposal by the Commission for the 2013
of the consultation process prior to the Commis- reform in 2011 introduced RBM through a for-
sion’s proposal, due to very strong opposition mula, the TFCs, which carefully avoided the
by many Member States, which considered that impression that the instrument would amount
such a possibility would lead to a breach of rel- to privatization of the fishery resources, some-
ative stability. thing contrary to the constitution of certain
Member States. The Commission proposed
Is rights-based management good or the instrument based on the existing experi-
bad? ence showing how RBM improves economic
In the EU, RBM systems are used at national performance and reduces fleet capacity. In
level in several Member States. The systems consequence, it also proposed to eliminate the
used by the Netherlands and Denmark are the fleet policy (as unnecessary) and the scrapping
best known. The generally positive results of funds: no taxpayer money should be used to
these systems led the Commission to propose reduce capacity if a market mechanism could
them in the context of the 2013 CFP reform, successfully do it.
in the form of transferable fishing concessions Despite the above arguments in favor, there
(TFCs) at national level (and allowing for the were also very critical voices against this kind of
exclusion of small-scale vessels). However, for system. As a few examples:
a number of reasons explained by this author • For some authors, RBM systems do not
(Penas Lado 2016, chapter 16), this proposal guarantee sustainability themselves, and
did not succeed. It is however important to must be combined with other management
re-examine the case of the RBM instruments, instruments (Chu 2009).
notably to evaluate if they could contribute • For others, the advantages of strong RBM
to a better implementation of the CFP as systems may be obvious when studied under
reformed in 2013 and in particular the landing certain disciplines (economics), but not so
obligation. under different ones (social science), and
The missing elements of the 2013 Policy reform 267

their evaluation must take account of all had distributional consequences, in that the
relevant effects (Gibbs 2009). lower number of vessels tended to be coun-
• Social scientists tend to be very critical of terbalanced by reductions in the number of
ITQs on account of their effects on certain shareholders (Brinson and Thunberg 2013).
small-scale communities, who tend to lose When considering RBM, it is important to
out when market instruments are applied. have clear expectations as to what these systems
For example, when studying the French can provide and what they cannot. Tradition-
system to allocate non-transferable quotas ally, there is little doubt that RBM systems are
through producer organizations, it was found positive for the economic rationalization of the
that this non-transferable system success- fishing sector, providing for higher profitability,
fully avoided concentration of fishing rights; high industry involvement and responsibility
it included greater equity within particular and higher flexibility to deal with discard ban
sub-fleets; and in some cases greater benefits policies. It is equally clear that RBM has dis-
for the small-scale fleets (Bellanger et al. tributional consequences, with the number of
2016). quota holders tending to be reduced. But what
• European NGOs are very critical because remains less clear and always controversial is
ITQ systems do not necessarily contribute whether RBM systems actually contribute to
to favor more ecologically-sound fishing fish conservation.
practices: the market of fishing rights tends
to be dominated by economic muscle and Why did TFCs fail in the 2013 reform?
competitiveness, not by environmental The reasons why the Commission proposal
friendliness. on TFCs failed in the 2013 reform have been
It is therefore of interest to review the use explained by this author (Penas Lado 2016,
of these systems in different contexts, to try to chapter 16). It is important to revisit this ques-
draw some conclusions based on experience tion in the light of the further development in
and considering their overall effects as regards the policy.
the different policy objectives. TFCs represented for a number of fishing
A meta-analysis carried out by Costello et al. industry segments and Member States’ admin-
(2008) on data on stocks managed from 1970 istrations a radical breach with a long tradition
shows that well-designed catch-shares (another of paternalistic, government-led management
name for RBM) may prevent fishery collapse of fishing rights. The very notion of submit-
across diverse taxa and ecosystems. Although ting fishing rights to a “market” (even one
the global rate of adoption of catch-share sys- limited to operators owning vessels flagged
tems has grown since 1970, the fraction of fish- in a given member State) was considered by
eries managed under catch-shares still remains many actors in the policy as a sign of an “ul-
small. This implies a considerable potential for traliberal” socio-economic model, and opposed
improvement if these systems are extended fur- on ideological grounds. In other cases, the
ther. national administrations responsible felt that
By comparison, in the US, a very interesting TFCs would remove their power and influence
study in 2013 of the 15 fisheries subject to a and this would turn upside down a tradition of
catch-share system at the time revealed inter- paternalism. Others clearly declared that their
esting conclusions. The catch-share programs objective for fisheries management was led
were successful in having fishermen improve by “social engineering” incompatible with free
quota limits, improving efficiency and eco- market considerations. These considerations
nomic benefits, and ending the race to fish, are not likely to disappear any time soon.
thereby reducing the pressure of fishermen to In some specific cases, opposition came from
fish during unsafe conditions. They were also fear that the TFCs, even if proposed only at
effective in reducing capacity. However, they national level, would actually be extended to
268 Chapter 11

EU level as a result of a possible case in the and allows other fishery-dependent businesses
Court of Justice, based on the case law of the to plan more effectively. The catch-share sys-
Agigate ruling. tem is voluntary. Catch-share programs are
On the other hand, the opposition was not just one management option regional fishery
unanimous. A number of Member States actu- management councils can choose to meet their
ally supported the proposal, and so did some management objectives. Catch-shares are not
MEPs in Parliament. The European industry required and are not appropriate for every
was very divided, and not only along national fishery.1
lines: in the larger fishing Member States, Regular evaluations of the catch-share sys-
different positions had to be combined, and tems of the US are carried out. They consistently
even different regions held opposite views. For show that the expectations for economic per-
example, in the case of Spain the regional fish- formance are met. Capacity of active vessels
eries minister from Galicia was in favor, but the is reduced, prices have improved, average
regional minister from Andalusia was against, revenues per vessels have increased, and the
curiously for fear that Andalusian fishing rights season length has been restored in fisheries
could be bought by Galician operators. where effort control had been required to
The support to TFCs was, albeit in a minority, spread out landings and avoid early closures.
very strong and also based on a variety of However, the system has distributional con-
arguments, and notably on its demonstrated sequences, in particular the consolidation of
merits to favor economic self-sufficiency and quota use and the accumulation of ownership
rationality. This confirms something that is (Brinson and Thunberg 2016).
very important for future policy debates on
the question: that the use of rights-based man-
The Icelandic case is of particular interest for
agement is extremely divisive, and although
one main reason: fishing is the bread and butter
short of majority support, it also enjoys many
of the country, and that implies that they abso-
favorable views around Europe. While its uni-
lutely have to get their fisheries management
versal application seems out of the question
right: their economic survival largely depends
in the foreseeable future, its partial applica-
on that.
tion when and where Member States and the
Iceland applies a very complete ITQ system
industry would agree seems an option worth
to manage its quotas. Today, Iceland’s fishing
exploring. We will come back to this question
industry is one of the most competitive and
in Chapter 14.
profitable in the world, and has remarkably
recovered from the effects of the financial
The experience of third countries
bubble. This has required losing employment,
The experience of a number of third countries
closing down factories and scrapping vessels,
on the use of RBM is extremely interesting as
but has allowed an increase in profitability,
a source of inspiration. Let’s see some of the
in particular for the enterprises dealing with
best-known cases.
fish processing, less affected by the high costs
of fuel and license fees (Gunnlaugsson and
The US case
Saevaldsson 2016). As in the Norwegian case,
According to the catch-share policy in the US,
the increases in profits may not be attributed
part of the catch – or a share – of a species is
entirely to the ITQ system, but it is the ITQ sys-
allocated to individual fishermen or groups.
tem that has allowed the concentration of the
Each holder of a catch-share must stop fishing
activity in the hands of the most competitive.
when he reaches his limit. In most cases, fisher-
The Icelandic system is led by the need for
men can buy/sell or lease shares in a given year.
economic efficiency. However, this does not
This allows them to plan their fishing around
the weather, markets, or other considerations 1
The missing elements of the 2013 Policy reform 269

mean that the system is socially blind: on that the outcomes for fisheries science, stock
the contrary, the system allocates 17% of the status, multispecies management, ecosystem
fishing opportunities for small coastal com- effects, and fishing industry accountability
munities based on small-scale fishing. This is have been mixed, although mostly positive.
an extremely interesting example of how an New initiatives to further improve the system
ITQ system can indeed combine two different continue to be researched and implemented.
objectives: a main one geared up to economic Overall, the authors believe that the positives
efficiency, and another one with a clear social considerably outweigh the negatives, and the
objective in mind. This is an example that the initial design has proved to be a system that can
EU policy should bear in mind. be built upon.
Interestingly, and like in Norway, the number
Norway of species subject to ITQs was initially limited
RBM have been applied in Norway on a gradual and grew only gradually over time (Bess 2005),
basis, with an increase over time of the number so the system is not a one-off effort to manage
of vessels and fisheries involved in the system. all fisheries, but a system gradually extended
According to Hannesson (2013), the process and improved over time. Within New Zealand
was gradual because of significant “ideological” there is growing evidence that their Quota
opposition to this kind of system from certain Management System has lessened the ecolog-
quarters, as well as from other operators as a ical consequences of the incentive for fishers
result of the observed changes in the number, to “race for fish” at the same time that the
location, and type of vessels benefiting from industry has experienced substantial growth in
the system. the volume and value of production (Bess and
The system has produced an enormous Harte 2000). The security of tenure in access
increase in the value of landings per fisherman. to the fisheries resources allows ITQ holders
This conclusion has been nuanced by Heen to develop high value products that improve
(2014) in the sense that the increase in prof- their competitiveness in overseas markets. The
itability cannot necessarily be associated to the system has also been an effective means for
ITQ system alone. In any case, it is significant the Government to meet its obligations to the
that, despite the above hesitations, the system Māori under the Settlement Act 1992 (Bess
has been gradually extended to more opera- 2001). This implies that the system is amenable
tors (by 2013 Hannesson considered that ITQs to taking into consideration the special rights
covered the bulk (75–80%) of Norwegian fish- of certain communities within the countries
eries), without any significant backlash: once concerned.
the system was established, it has continued A remarkable feature of the New Zealand sys-
being extended without major calls for a return tem is its total absence of social objectives: all
to the old system. quota holders exploit their shares as they see fit.
This implies, for example, that the fishing rights
New Zealand held by the Māori are not subject to any par-
The ITQ system established in New Zealand as of ticular management system, or any protection
1986 is one of the best known and better studied to small-scale fishing. In fact, the Māori exploit
and evaluated in the world. Mace et al. (2014) their fishing rights largely by leasing those rights
offer a very complete evaluation of how the sys- to other fishermen, including foreign large-scale
tem has operated and delivered on policy goals. fleets. This is another important point for reflec-
The above authors recognize that at the time tion: there is an alternative to the active protec-
of the initial design, a number of issues were not tion of the small-scale interests: providing them
adequately considered and subsequent efforts with a fair allocation of the resources and allow-
to address these issues have been challenging, ing them to exploit them as they wish. We will
many not yet fully resolved. They conclude discuss this question below.
270 Chapter 11

Some lessons learned decisions about transferability of quotas and

Overall, ITQ programs have been incorporated the political and historical context, and pre-
into many marine fisheries management strate- existing industry structure, to the acceptance
gies for 30 years, but their implementation and performance of ITQs (McCay et al. 1995).
and utility remain controversial. According This certainly explains the different attitudes
to a study in 2008, eighteen countries used about this instrument from different Member
ITQs to manage several hundred stocks of at States, and from different regions and fleet
least 249 species. ITQs were adopted in these segments within them. This, in any case, clearly
countries for many reasons: overcapitalization, indicates that one-size-fits-all ITQs in Europe
economic gains, safety concerns for fishers and cannot work. Much more differentiated and
political change. The implementation of ITQs partial approaches should be necessary to adapt
did not translate into consistent changes in any ITQ system to the different political and
stock biomass. This suggests that alternative historical context.
or complementary measures are needed to Importantly, the implementation of RBM is
sustain those fisheries, such as combining ITQs not incompatible with measures of “social engi-
with more effective total allowable catches, neering” to protect certain collectives from open
better enforcement and monitoring, and imple- competition. In fact, most such systems around
menting aspects of ecosystem-based fisheries the world consider different ways to protect cer-
management (Chu 2009). tain interests; from the allocation of resources to
This is also important to bear in mind: ITQs tribes or first nations in North America, to the
seem to be much more a system of economic reserve of around 17% of quotas to small-scale
rationalization of the fishery, but it is not a sys- fishing by rural communities in Iceland, there
tem to manage biological resources in its own are many ways in which the rights of certain
right. This is important to remember because it interests can be protected. The only case where
shows that RBM systems are neither a closed, no such “social engineering” takes place is that
fixed system nor a one-size-fits-all approach. of New Zealand, where in fact the Māori com-
On the contrary, the experience of the three munity owns a very significant part of the coun-
countries referred to above shows that RBM try’s fishing rights that they are free to sell if
is a methodology that: (i) can be designed to they wish.
deliver different goals, according to the polit- This social engineering is not always success-
ical/economic priorities of the governments ful, and certain regions and collective interests
in question; and (ii) even if getting the initial generally tend to lose out regardless. In addi-
design right, RBM is amenable to continuous tion, in a number of systems the high value
evaluation and improvement, so the initial attached to the fishing rights makes it difficult
scheme can always be improved over time for newcomers to invest and buy new fishing
on the basis of the on-going experience. This rights, thus undermining generational change.
adaptability is in sharp contrast with the sys- For this reason, all systems are dynamic and
tem of management and allocation established evolve gradually as problems come up.
under the CFP, which clearly lacks adaptability: Finally, it is also important to mention that a
the stocks covered and their management and number of RBM systems around the world are
allocation have been fundamentally unchanged associated to different forms of cost-recovery.
since 1983. While in New Zealand the industry pays for
All experiences show that ITQs are extremely research and control, and in NW Canada the
variable in design and objectives, and that industry pays between 7% and 10% of their
different countries and communities will react profits to fund the management system, in
very differently to the idea and its implemen- Iceland the industry pays a fee (up to 6% of
tation. A comparative study of ITQs in the US the value of catches, and 3% of the value of
and Canada showed the critical importance of exports) that goes to the state’s coffers. And
The missing elements of the 2013 Policy reform 271

this fee does not cover the cost of observers on initial proposal for TFCs in the last reform (EU
board, also paid for by the industry. Under all 2011) would defer economic efficiency in the
these models, the high profitability of the fish- long run. The system also had its downsides:
eries activity under RBM allows for the industry in particular the reduction in the size of the
to pay all or at least part of the cost of the man- fleets. However, this was the case also in other
agement system, thus reducing the burden on fleet segments in other Member States not
taxpayers. subject to ITQs, and it is not warranted that the
fleet reduction was due mainly to the imple-
The experience of some EU Member mentation of the ITQ system. In addition, the
States loss of activity observed in certain ports as a
ITQs or similar systems have been applied in a result of their fishing rights being purchased
number of Member States, to manage all or part from other ports is also a typical effect of ITQs,
of their national quotas. The two better studied but in the Dutch case this was compensated
cases are those of the Netherlands, that estab- by alternative jobs from other sectors as well
lished ITQs in 1985, and Denmark that intro- as by fish processing of fish coming from
duced the system in 2007 although there are abroad.
also other cases. It is important to underline that the Dutch
system is based on the marketization of catch
The Dutch case rights, not on privatizing fish ownership. This
Among EU Member States, the most impor- is important because one of the main diffi-
tant experience is that of the Netherlands culties encountered in the discussion on the
that introduced an ITQ system shortly after Commission proposal on TFCs was the legal
the inception of the CFP. This system is very and political opposition in some Member States
well-analyzed by Salz (1996) and Van Hoof to what they considered a “privatization” of
(2013). Interestingly, the transferability of fishery resources.
the quotas, initially established in 1975, was
introduced following the evidence that the Other EU cases
system was not being effectively enforced The Danish ITQ system, introduced in 2007,
and that a de facto, non-transparent market of is analyzed by Anderson et al. (2010). The
quota transfers was actually developing. The findings confirm that resource rents are larger
ultimate motivation was the improvement of under an ITQ system than in fisheries regulated
quota compliance and economic performance, by various form of entry restrictions and effort
with open and transparent markets, and the regulations. However, this improvement is not
co-management groups established between neutral: evidence shows that such a system
industry and government were considered a favors larger vessels over small ones. This, how-
key of the success of the system. It is important ever, seems to be a result of the design of the sys-
to draw a comparison between this and the tem, where economic efficiency considerations
also de facto and non-transparent market in prevailed over social engineering arguments.
fishing rights developing under relative stability In Sweden, the introduction of an ITQ sys-
through foreign investment and intra-company tem for demersal fisheries has been subject to
transfers and swaps. a study on its consequences. Waldo and Palrud
The result of the implementation was a rapid (2013) estimated the reduction in the number
improvement in the profitability levels of the of vessels between 30% and 50%, with an
industry, with a reduction of input of capital important increase in profitability, allowing for
and labor and a more efficient and sustainable competitive wages and future contribution of
use of the resource. Van Hoof (2013) further the industry to the costs of management. The
indicates that the limits to transferability, such design also allowed for special measures to
as those proposed by the Commission in its protect small-scale fleets.
272 Chapter 11

The above examples are very illustrative, but question. Indeed, the quota swap system lacks
both cases underline the importance of adapting many of the features of an open EU market
the design of the system to local circumstances. like those operating under the single market
No “cut and paste” is possible. legislation. In particular, quotas are swapped
among national administrations only, not by
Rights-based management particulars, and in the form of swaps as in a
and discards barter economy. And, especially, the system has
A very important question to analyze is the con- no transparency.
tribution of ITQs and similar systems to address In Chapter 2 we referred to the application
the challenges of a non-discard policy. The of the principles of the internal market to EU
experience in this regard is extremely useful. policies, and how this includes fisheries policy.
The European Parliament commissioned a very The European Commission insists on the high
illustrative study on this topic (Anon. 2014). economic value of implementing the internal
This study confirms that nations that have market through:
adopted rights-based management generally
increased competition, increased specialization,
have comparatively low discards.
larger economies of scale, allowing factors of pro-
The reasons are obvious: ITQ systems allow duction to move to the area where they are the
for real-time purchase of the quotas of any most valued, thus improving the efficiency of the
choke species that the individual operators may allocation of resources.2
encounter. ITQs, in this regard, maximize the
efficiency in the use of national quotas and This raises a simple, straightforward question:
minimize choke species effects. As an example, does relative stability contribute to achieve the
in an interesting case study on the ground- EU internal market? In this section we will try
fish fishery in British Columbia, discard levels to argue that it represents an obstacle to the
declined after the introduction of observers achievement of the internal market, in partic-
on board. When ITQs were additionally intro- ular as regards the idea of “allowing factors of
duced, total discard fractions declined for most production to move to the area where they are
species (Branch et al. 2006). the most valued.”
Despite these evidences, the relationship Overall, there is no such thing as an EU
between RBM and the implementation of the market of fishing rights worthy of that name.
landing obligation was not discussed in the However, based in the four freedoms within the
process of adoption of the reform. The Com- EU, it is possible that foreign operators buy ves-
mission did make the case repeatedly, but the sels and their associated fishing rights in another
RBM and the landing obligation debates took Member State. This practice is very common
place separately without enough discussion on and means, for example, that certain vessels
their relationship. Any attempt to link both flying the flag and exploiting the quotas of a
issues met opposition on the grounds that the Member State can have ownership, crews and
CFP already has a system of exchanging quotas: landing and marketing sites in another Mem-
the quota swap system. However, given the ber State. Attempts to prevent this through
limits shown by this system (see Chapter 6), national law, as in the famous case of the UK’s
this remains a pending question. Merchant Shipping Act of 1988, were annulled
through landmark rulings of the European
Is there a market of fishing rights Court of Justice: the well-known cases Agigate
in the EU? and Jaderow. In other cases, this practice may
Fishing rights can be exchanged by Mem- be limited by national legislation requiring
ber States under the quota swap system (see different conditions to foreign ownership to
Chapter 6). Whether this would correspond to
a real “market” of fishing rights, that is another 2
The missing elements of the 2013 Policy reform 273

ensure the economic link between the quota up to now. The fact that the CFP, after more
holders and the Member State concerned, as than 30 years, has not been able to evolve along
established in the Jaderow case law. In some the lines of other economic sectors in the EU in
other cases, the practice is made difficult by developing a real internal market is a clear sign
requirements of affiliation of all crewmen to of backwardness of this policy from the point of
the Social Security of the Member States where view of European integration.
the vessel is flagged, regardless of their EU Having clear and transparent information
nationality. about this quota swap system may be a very
Although there is little information about the useful tool to determine to what extent the
extent of this “hidden” quota market EU-wide, national quotas under relative stability have
the question can be examined based on the been exchanged through this non-transparent
best-known case: the so-called “quota-hoppers” market, and what is really the magnitude and
in the UK: the Spanish and Dutch interests hav- importance of the “economic link” between
ing bought UK-flagged vessels and UK quotas. Member States and their national quotas.
Despite the high political profile of this kind of Although there may be certain reticence to
investment, a study of the European Parliament do this (the exercise would show up the level
has shown that the impacts in the UK were not and the Member States withholding unused
very significant, in terms of employment for quota without clear justification) the potential
example (cited in Hatcher et al. 2002). From an contribution to this idea to facilitate the imple-
exclusive economic perspective, there are good mentation of the landing obligation should be
economic arguments to grant fishing rights a powerful motivation for it to be explored
to other nations (Munro et al. 1985, 1989). and developed. Some ideas are presented in
Foreign operators investing in UK fisheries Chapter 14.
place a greater value in quota assets than did
the former UK owners. Hatcher et al. (2002)
argue that if the benefits from resource rental Small-scale fisheries: no specific
charges and/or access fees outweigh any cost in policy
terms of lost domestic production and employ-
ment then it is rational (if not always politically The issue of small-scale fisheries has always
acceptable) to use one’s own human and capital attracted a lot of attention in all fisheries man-
resources elsewhere in the economy and to sell agement fora. In the EU, the discussion about
fishing rights to foreign currency. The authors some kind of special treatment for this sector
also conclude, crucially, that: features every time the policy is reformed. In
practice, a certain special treatment is already
While this could result in increased efficiency . . .
there would undoubtedly be distributional impacts.
granted to this sector, notably in the form of
exemption from a number of EU obligations
That is the real problem of an EU-wide mar- that apply only to larger vessels. For example,
ket of fishing rights: while it would undoubtedly certain obligations under the control regulation
contribute to economic rationality, it is the dis- (1224/2009, EU 2009a), such as the electronic
tributional impact that makes it so politically logbook or the vessel monitoring system only
difficult, in a policy shaped in the late 1970s on apply to larger vessels.
the basis of distributional difficulties. Different In addition, under the new structural instru-
authors (Symes and Crean 1995; Schweiger ment, the European Maritime and Fisheries
2010; Penas Lado 2016) have stressed the cru- Fund (EMFF) (EU 2014), they enjoy a higher
cial importance of the distributional aspects in aid intensity than larger vessels, and Member
the birth of the CFP (the search for national States are under an obligation to elaborate a
interest rather than the common good) and specific strategic program for this part of the
how these have continued to shape the policy fleet, to ensure they are not squeezed out of
274 Chapter 11

the structural financing under Regulation 508/ sustainability and impact on the environment;
2014 (EU 2014). and (ii) those related to economic and social
Small-scale fishing seems to be everybody’s equity. Both are important. In this document,
priority, from national and local authorities however, we concentrate on the first one, since
to NGOs. Yet, this is clearly not enough, as the question of social and economic equity is
the small-scale sector is generally not doing much more a political question where differ-
well economically and continues to be largely ent national governments within the EU, and
excluded from investment. Recent evidence on beyond, have entirely different (but equally
the economic performance of EU fishing fleets legitimate) views, aspirations, and objectives.
shows that despite the overall improvement in
the economic performance of EU fishing fleets, Defining small-scale fishing: more
most of the fleet segments that are making difficult than it seems
losses are small-scale (EU 2018a). This is clearly One of the problems encountered when dis-
a cause of concern. The theoretical political cussing issues related to small-scale fisheries
priority they enjoy does not translate into a is the definition of this sector. The EU, tradi-
positive trend in their levels of profitability. In tionally, has defined the sector through the size
Europe, they are largely lagging behind more of vessels and the gear they use. Small-scale
industrial sectors. They are often squeezed out are vessels less than 12 m in length and that
from financing under the structural funds and do not fish with trawl gear. This definition,
innovation in the sector is almost inexistent. however, has always been questioned by many
The issue was debated in the reform process. and, during the negotiation of the 2013 CFP
However, the final text of the basic regulation reform, a lot of time was devoted to discuss this
1380/2013 does not contain specific provisions very issue.
or a separate regime for small-scale fishing. Critics of this definition argue that many
Only in the context of the structural policy, the vessels can be longer than 12 m and still have
new structural fund, the European Maritime many of the characteristics of small-scale fish-
and Fisheries Fund, EMFF (EU 2014) contains ing, such as coastal activity, social structure
certain elements of positive discrimination based on the owner/skipper model, catching
in favor of these sectors, consisting of higher local fish for local consumers, low capitaliza-
financing levels and the obligation for Mem- tion, and so on. On that basis, alternative ways
ber States to present a specific plan for their of defining small-scale have been proposed,
artisanal sectors and secure priority financing including parameters such as the time of fishing
for them. This was done on the initiative of or the structure of property.
the European Parliament and met consider- In the end, however, the advantage of the
able opposition from Council, notably because under-12 m, non-trawler definition is its great
Member States wanted to have free hands simplicity and its easiness to control and man-
on the priorities for spending, and because age. A vessel size is simple to measure and is
certain Member States (i.e. the Netherlands or stable: it does not change over time, and the
Belgium) do not have a small-scale sector. trawler structure is also stable and not easy to
The question is important because there is a modify for different gear. This makes this def-
significant trend toward the consideration of inition very easy and stable. On the contrary,
small-scale fishing as being more sustainable. all other criteria are complex and crucially,
NGOs are well-known for favoring this type of non-stable. It is easy to see how complex it
fishing and academia often expresses support would be (in a policy already considered too
for this view (Pitcher and Cheung 2013). complex) having to check a vessel’s individ-
When analyzing the merits of small-scale ual fishing time and structure of property to
vis-à-vis large-scale fishing we must con- decide whether it would be entitled to a special
sider at least two aspects: (i) those related to measure. As for stability, property, and fishing
The missing elements of the 2013 Policy reform 275

time can change, and so would the vessel’s of vessels that operate in distant Irish waters.
qualification for certain measures. This clearly shows that long-distance fleets
Not surprisingly, the traditional definition has are often based in relatively small ports well
survived to this day. outside metropolitan areas. In all these cases,
the protection of local communities would
What small-scale and large-scale can imply the protection of these large-scale
provide sector vessels.
At global level, FAO considers that strengthen- • It can provide certain economies of scale
ing small-scale fisheries is crucial to empow- that can allow for productivity gains, as
ering the sector’s operators to secure their demonstrated by the recent Commission
livelihoods and to contribute to food security evaluations of the economic performance of
nutrition and rural poverty reduction (FAO the European fishing industry (EU 2018a):
2014). long distance fleets enjoy a very healthy 15%
From a European perspective, small-scale of net profit margin. Trends are positive (not
fishing can provide a series of well-known only in economic performance but also in
advantages: catch per unit effort [CPUEs]) and net profits
• It is more intensive in terms of employment, have increased in recent years.
as shown by the annual Commission report • Experience shows that large-scale fishing
on the economic performance of EU fleets tends to be more strategic and amenable to
(EU 2018a). rationalization, long-term planning and self-
• It can provide consumers with fish of excep- management, and can assume costs of
tionally high freshness, quality, and variety. management, thus reducing taxpayers’ inter-
• It can interact positively with other economic vention.
sectors such as tourism. The prospect of find- • Certain large-scale fisheries are among the
ing fresh, local fish in local restaurants con- best managed and most sustainable in the
stitutes an important added value in coastal world. The fishery for Alaskan pollock is the
touristic areas. best example: conducted by large industrial
• It contributes to fix the population in small vessels, it is fully sustainable and includes a
coastal towns that may otherwise tend to be number of advanced measures of by-catch
deserted for lack of economic opportunities. avoidance.
• It generally provides women with a more The above indicates that the two sectors
substantial role, notably in shaping the are not mutually excluding. In fact, the con-
management by local communities. flict between the two exists only in a certain
All these advantages are true. However, number of areas of overlap. Resolving these
large-scale fishing also has a certain number of areas of overlap seems the best way to promote
advantages: small-scale fishing, rather than proposing the
• It can exploit resources in more distant, suppression of large-scale fishing altogether,
rough fishing grounds where the small-scale presenting them as “monster vessels”, as some
sectors could never accede. These resources NGOs advocate.3
are either exploited by large-scale vessels or
are not exploited at all. The comparative impacts
• Contrary to extended belief, some large-scale of small-scale vs. large-scale fishing
fleets are based in small coastal towns with The debate on vessel size is often accompa-
little or no economic alternative. Ports like nied with allegations that small-scale fishing
Concarneau (population 20 000) in France or is more selective, or implies fewer discards, or
Bermeo (population 17 000) in Spain are the
base for the large-scale tropical tuna vessels. 3

Burela (population 9000) in Spain is the base campaigns/oceans/Fish-Fairly/boat_list/

276 Chapter 11

has a lower impact on marine ecosystems, or the environment where they operate. Often
even that it is more desirable economically or enough, the rather “social” perspective that has
socially. Are these allegations true? often dominated their management can result
This analysis is made very complex by a num- in levels of activity that are more difficult to
ber of factors that go beyond vessel size. Some rationalize (and reduce) than those of the larger
of these factors are: fleets. The difficulties to reduce fishing pressure
• The gear used. Many of the effects on the and improve selectivity in the Mediterranean
environment largely depend on the gear (comparatively dominated by small-scale fish-
used. And, although certain gear are more ing) is perhaps the best demonstration that
typical of large vessels, they can also be used small-scale does not necessarily mean sustain-
by small ones. Trawl is the best example: ability or low environmental impact.
while trawl fishing is generally associated Overall, it is difficult to conclude as a gen-
with large vessels, there are also many eral point that small-scale is “sustainable”
examples of trawling activities by small-scale while larger scale is not, as some NGOs like
vessels such as the small-scale dredges to to describe. Apart from the fundamental point
fish for bivalve molluscs or the UK’s “super that the sustainability of a fishery depends from
under-10s”. the amount of fish removed and not from the
• The areas of fishing. Sometimes artisanal number and size of vessels responsible for the
boats operate in fragile coastal ecosys- removals, small-scale fishing represents a very
tems. The activity of the French gangui (a important social component of fisheries man-
small-scale trawl) in Mediterranean seagrass agement, which one can defend and promote
beds (important breeding areas for many on very many legitimate grounds (employment,
species) is an example among many. fixation of local populations and preservation
• The distance from the base port, with impli- of cultural values in remote areas, provision of
cations on fuel consumption and on impact local fish for tourists, etc.) but these arguments
of coastal zones of high biodiversity. do not require the simplistic consideration that
• The different end markets of the catch con- small-scale fishing is either more sustainable or
cerned, that can change substantially the pro- ecologically sound.
portion of the catch retained on board or that
discarded as by-catch. What can we learn from aboriginal
• Ultimately, sustainability is about the total fishing rights?
fishing pressure exerted on a stock, not a In several countries around the world there are
question of how many vessels are fishing specific policies focused, if not on small-scale
and of what size. fishing, at least on fishing by traditional com-
All these elements must be studied carefully munities that tend to use traditional fishing
to avoid simplistic generalizations that tend to methods as a way to preserve their cultural
consider small-scale fishing as “sustainable” as heritage and lifestyle. Although these can vary
opposed to larger scale fishing. considerably, the cases of the Māori in New
Zealand, the First Nations in Canada and the
A very variable picture tribes in the US are good examples of policies
In terms of environmental impact, small-scale where a part of the fishing rights is reserved for
sectors can also be very detrimental for the fishing by these local communities. Although
environment: their focus on small, juvenile there is no equivalent in the EU to these com-
fish in many cases, their activity within coastal munities, the experience of managing two
areas that are often breeding grounds for many different worlds in the same system is worth
fish species, the high density of their activ- looking at.
ity in coastal areas, etc. are all factors that The model of the Māori in New Zealand is
can generate a very substantial impact on very particular in that they chose to operate as
The missing elements of the 2013 Policy reform 277

any other quota owner, as we saw above. But significant, because the European Parliament
the US tribes and the Canadian First nations has demonstrated to have very different
offer a number of experiences where the same (and generally more ambitious) positions on
stock is exploited under two separate regimes: fisheries control than Council.
(i) one for the aboriginal communities, often • The proposal is not adapted at all to some
using traditional fishing methods and managed new features of the CFP and, in particular, to
following their own social traditions; and (ii) regionalization.
another for commercial operators using mod- For, at least, the above reasons the European
ern fishing methods and management systems. Commission has introduced a proposal for a
What is particularly interesting is that the two reform of this policy, with the aim, inter alia,
systems can be used for the same stocks, whose of adapting it to the reformed CFP (EU 2018b).
TACs are divided in quotas for the two kinds of This proposal reflects very well the position
community. of Member States’ administrations, that can
The main lesson that can be drawn from be summarized as “evolution, not revolution”,
these examples is that a good management implying that such administrations are averse
system can incorporate two entirely different to dramatic changes and to very creative ideas,
regimes, that the fishing rights can be allocated and prefer instead to introduce rather limited
to these different regimes in a meaningful way changes in the existing framework.
ensuring the overall responsible management This is very important to bear in mind. If
of the resources, and that this is in no way seen the CFP is largely conservative, as we saw
as discriminatory or unfair. in Chapter 1, it is all the more so in matters
pertaining to fisheries control, a national pre-
rogative of national administrations. The pos-
The fisheries control system sibilities to innovate policy approaches in this
area are particularly low.
In the 2013 CFP reform, the control system
was not discussed, since a new control regu- The dichotomy between EU policy
lation had been adopted a few years earlier and national control
(2009a), so it was considered unnecessary to The CFP is an exclusive competence of the EU.
reopen a recent policy decision. However, it However, its control is an exclusive competence
is obvious that the reform of 2013 introduced of Member States. This dichotomy is one of the
new policy elements that were not consid- sources of what has long been considered a
ered in the 2009 control reform. Despite its significant weakness of the CFP: the insuffi-
very important improvements, the new con- cient control of the rules. This dichotomy is
trol regulation of 2009 has quickly become difficult to understand outside the EU, where
somehow obsolete, for a number of reasons: it is generally believed that those who manage
the policy should also be those responsible to
• The regulation was adopted just before the enforce it.
political drive toward CFP reform started In Europe, control is still a full competence of
with the 2009 Green Paper (EU 2009b) and Member States, and these are still very adamant
still represents the “old approach” to policy in wanting to keep this activity under national
making. competence. Yet, national competence to con-
• This regulation was the last important one trol a European policy is in itself a contradic-
adopted before the entry into force of the Lis- tion, and a source of inefficiency. In addition,
bon Treaty and co-decision for the CFP. The as happens in other policy areas, the necessary
regulation therefore represents what Council cooperation among national administrations on
wanted, not what the two co-legislators control matters is still riddled with reticence and
want under co-decision now. This is very lack of trust.
278 Chapter 11

A report of the Court of Auditors in 2007, possible to make any progress in this regard
denouncing the insufficient control of the CFP, since national administrations consider this
was one of the main drivers of the ambitious a question of national sovereignty. It is also
reform of the policy proposed by the Commis- true that although most sanctions for fish-
sion two years later. After one new control eries infractions are considered administrative
regulation, an important investment by the penalties, some of them in at least a number
European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) of Member States pertain to penal law. While
and increased control means through EMFF, Member States may be ready to harmonize
the situation continues to be unsatisfactory, as administrative sanctions, they are not ready to
summarized by a new report of the European do so in penal law.
Court of Auditors (EU 2017): Having an effective system of fisheries sanc-
tions is not only necessary as an instrument
The Member States were not yet carrying out all of the CFP for its own sake, but it becomes
the required controls, and that the control system
even more important in the context of the
itself needed to be updated. There were weaknesses
current IUU policy, where the EU requires that
with the verification of the accuracy of their fleets’
capacity, with the control of small vessels, with the the countries exporting fish to the EU market
reliability of reported catch data and with the equal have, inter alia, an effective system of deterrent
treatment of fishing operators in the application of sanctions for fisheries.
sanctions. On the occasion of the adoption of the con-
trol regulation in 2009 (Regulation 1224/2009)
In other words, despite significant progress, there was no question of including any har-
the poor control continues to be a fundamental monization of fisheries penalties. However,
weakness as well as an important embarrass- it is to be borne in mind that this regulation
ment for the CFP. was adopted just before the entry into force of
As the control regulation of 2009 is currently the Treaty of Lisbon, that is, it was decided by
under the five-year review, it is opportune to Council alone. In the context of the on-going
revise certain aspects where progress has been revision of that regulation, the picture changes
slow or non-existent. In particular, the issues of dramatically since any amendment of Regu-
the harmonization of sanctions, and the powers lation 1224/2009 will have to be done under
of the European Fisheries Control Agency must co-decision, and one can certainly expect the
be discussed. But other possibilities must also European Parliament (which tends to have
be explored, such as for example the use of strong views on control and enforcement) to
industry-based self-control mechanisms, and take a much more positive view of harmonizing
also the possible contribution by the industry sanctions than Council ever had in the past.
to the very important costs of fisheries control. There can be ways of addressing the strong
Ultimately, the challenge of controlling the opposition of Member States to the harmoniza-
main new element of the reformed policy in tion of penal law in fisheries policy. A strict
2013 (the landing obligation) will certainly be harmonization would not as such be adequate,
a test case of the ability of the control system of because the same sanction would have dif-
the CFP to face up to the challenge. ferent meanings for different fleet segments
and for different Member States with different
Harmonization of sanctions? standards of living. However, some common
The harmonization of fishery sanctions among criteria could be established, such as sanctions
Member States is an issue as old as the CFP representing a certain percentage of the value
itself. Even though the value of such har- of the catch. That is, the proportionality of the
monization is recognized by all, in terms of penalty taking account of several parameters
ensuring a real level playing field among could at least be established. And, ultimately,
national administrations, it has never been the possibility of a recommendation by the
The missing elements of the 2013 Policy reform 279

Commission, that would not be legally binding field would not be based on an excessively
but would have an orientation effect, could also prescriptive legislation, but rather on the idea
contribute to a better harmonization. that different and simpler control systems could
This question is important because non- exist in different areas while avoiding the
harmonized sanctions are a source of mistrust impression that such systems mean getting one
among Member States, and do therefore con- particular fleet segment or Member State “off
tribute negatively to the necessary trust building the hook” in terms of control.
that this document strongly advocates as a pre- The CFP is today nowhere near admitting
condition for a simpler and more collaborative this possibility. But today the CFP has many
policy governance. features that would have seemed unthinkable
not so long ago. If the EU wants to advance in a
Enhanced powers for EFCA? simplified yet effective control policy, including
This is another very important question for a much higher involvement of the industry
the future of the control of the CFP. EFCA, itself, the idea of these enhanced powers for
established in 2002 (EU 2002), was conceived EFCA should not remain forever a taboo.
as an instrument to ensure coordination of
the national fishery control system, but not to The control of the landing
establish a fully-fledged EU inspection system. obligation: a test case
However, there are reasons to justify a possible The introduction of the landing obligation
re-thinking of this state of affairs: represents a huge challenge for the CFP, and
• The experience of EFCA over the last one where the very credibility of the policy will
10+ years, showing that, although the coor- be at stake. Controlling the level of discards
dination of inspections among national admin- on board is difficult and costly, and almost
istrations has been a big success, there inevitably requires monitoring of the activity
are areas where progress has not been on board the vessel. No amount of control on
made, notably the follow-up of the detected landings can provide the necessary evidence
infractions by the Member States’ legal to effectively enforce a non-discard policy. The
systems. methodologies available for on-board monitor-
• The precedent of the establishment of the ing are of two main types: observers on board
European Coast Guard facility in 2016 (EU and CCTV cameras.
2016), notably to respond to the challenge The control of the EU landing obligation
of immigration in the Mediterranean basin, has been subject to important methodological
has shown that the level of integration and development by EFCA. Yet, the current level of
cooperation of Europe’s national maritime control of this measure is generally considered
surveillance systems has reached a point that very low. There can be different explanations
not so long ago was unthinkable. for this, but the one that looks more obvious is
In this context, the idea could be that EFCA that, in the early stages of the implementation,
inspectors would have the status of Commu- when the rules are still under development
nity inspectors and would have the power and when the economic effects of this policy
to establish infraction reports that Member on the industry are still to be fully evaluated,
States’ authorities would subsequently have most control authorities of Member States,
the obligation to follow up in national law. if not all, apply a prudent policy of warning
If combined with harmonized sanctions, this but not necessarily sanctioning the observed
would create a real level playing field that infractions.
could eventually build up the level of trust that, This does not seem to be a problem for the
in turn, could allow more creative systems of time being, but it is just a question of time that
control, simpler, and more adapted to particu- it will become so. A policy on discarding (a very
lar local circumstances. But this level playing ambitious one in fact, if we compare it with
280 Chapter 11

that of other countries) can be easily discredited The management system: is

if it is seen as not being seriously enforced in cost-recovery possible in the CFP?
practice. This could be a very serious source In certain countries the costs associated to the
of embarrassment for the CFP in the not so management of fisheries (notably research and
distant future, and measures should be taken control) are – at least partially – paid for by
to address it. the industry enjoying the fishing rights. This
As we saw above, a serious enforcement of seems to increase the sense of “ownership” and
a discard ban requires monitoring on board. responsibility vis-à-vis a responsible implemen-
The CCTV cameras, strongly advocated by tation of the management system. The question
Denmark in the last decade can be an effective is: is this kind of – at least partial – cost recovery
mechanism, but their use is still limited, despite a good idea worth developing for Europe?
the quota top-ups applied in certain TACs to The question is inevitably linked to many
encourage their use. Strong opposition by some others: if fishing quotas are a public property
Member States still stand in the way of their in Member States, should their exclusive users
extension to many more fisheries. In addition, enjoy them free of charge? Many other activ-
technical difficulties remain to be solved as ities where private interests enjoy exclusive
related to the use of CCTV cameras in fisheries access to public property are subject to payment
with high diversity, where the small sizes and of a canon: the concessions for the occupation
large number of species would make species of public land are subject to concessions against
identification through TV imaging very diffi- a canon in all Member States. Should fisheries
cult. As for observers, these have been used be an exception?
only in a few specific circumstances, such as The costs of fisheries management have
for example in deep-sea fisheries, and also never been evaluated at EU level. However,
in certain international fisheries (the North- this kind of analysis has been carried out in
west Atlantic Fisheries Organization [NAFO] certain important fishing nations or provinces.
is the best example) but in these cases the For example, Arnasson et al. (2000) evaluated
observers have been the result of international the costs of fisheries management as a percent
agreement. of gross value of landings to be very high in
Overall, if the landing obligation and, by Newfoundland, Canada (15–25%), very low
extension, the whole of the CFP is to be credi- in Iceland (about 3%) and more moderate in
ble, the EU will have to tackle, sooner or later, Norway (about 10%). This raises the question
the question of the effective enforcement of of the economic efficiency of the management
this new policy. And, despite the best efforts by system, and whether the same benefits could
EFCA to develop methodologies; there seems to be obtained at lower costs. In this regard, the
be no better alternative than either cameras or authors conclude that the lowest costs are
observers on board. These methods do not nec- found in the country having, arguably, the best
essarily have to apply to all vessels, but at least managed fisheries, which implies that better
it would be important that a significant number management is possible with a lower cost for
of them are seriously monitored, either as (i) the taxpayer.
a percentage of the total; or (ii) on the basis For many years, the popular wisdom was
of vessel size; (iii) on the basis of the level of that the European fishing industry was eco-
discarding; or even (iv) on those volunteering, nomically weak, so that the idea of taxing
in connection with some kind of incentive. them further under a cost-recovery scheme
The EU should not wait too much to resolve would be fatal. At present, however, the eco-
this question as a matter of fundamental credi- nomic situation of the fleets (though not
bility. As in many other instances, this question all of them) is improving, as shown by the
could well be subject to another test case, where Commission’s recent reports on the economic
a given fleet segment of fishery could lead the performance of the European fishing fleets
way in exchange for some kind of incentive. (EU 2018a). In particular, the resource rent
The missing elements of the 2013 Policy reform 281

in European fisheries is increasing, and this from it, but only limited progress toward
means that European fisheries already produce the objectives of increasing efficiency and
a net benefit to society. In this scenario, the accountability and devolving responsibility to
old wisdom must perhaps be revised, and the stakeholders. The industry still requests greater
idea of some, at least limited cost recovery public funding of marine research (although not
should not necessarily be seen as out of the as an alternative to industry’s paying its share);
question. and improvement of government planning
There is also a potential link between the processes to provide clear linkages between
use of RBM (see above) and the possibility of fisheries-management needs and all required
applying cost recovery. The above study by research, less research-provider influence, and
Waldo and Palrud (2013) demonstrates how use of the most appropriate funding mechanism
the implementation of rights-based manage- (Stokes et al. 2006).
ment can produce the resource rent allowing Interestingly, there are no significant allega-
for some cost-recovery to be implemented. tions of bias in the scientific advice toward the
In any case, the fact remains that the CFP industry that finances it. Arguably, the property
is still very closed to this possibility and its rights lead the industry to request the best pos-
legislation is sending a very clear message: the sible advice to ensure long-term profitability of
funding of science and control are important their investment, so that the incentive for advice
priorities but must be assured by the admin- that would privilege short-term benefit does not
istrations, with a very high contribution from seem to be there.
the EU. The new basic regulation stipulates that
Member States are responsible for discharging
Is self-control an option?
these obligations (EU 2013, Articles 25 and 36)
Among other issues to examine, one is par-
and the new structural instrument EMFF pro-
ticularly innovative and worth exploring:
vides extremely generous EU public funding for
self-control by the industry. Top–down control
those two purposes (EU 2014, Article 13). This
is expensive, largely ineffective and always
has a positive angle, as mentioned above, but
burdensome and complex. The idea that the
it also has a negative one: by putting so much
fishing industry will take care of controlling
emphasis on paying for control with taxpayers’
money, the opportunity for cost recovery seems itself under certain circumstances is appealing,
to vanish as unnecessary. This question should but its feasibility is in question.
be discussed eventually. The idea in fact has been floated a number
of times, but it never went far. The main rea-
Cost recovery in third countries son is the importance attached to the notion
A number of countries around the world have of a level playing field and the lack of trust
systems of partial cost recovery, that is, the among Member States and fleet segments
industry pays a part of the budget dedicated within them. If applied seriously, self-control
notably to fisheries research. The best example by the industry could actually be stricter than
of cost recovery is that of New Zealand. that exerted by the authorities. The experience
The introduction of a cost-recovery regime of self-regulation of fishing time in certain
for fisheries services in New Zealand took place Mediterranean ports is encouraging: peer pres-
from 1994 onwards. This was possible following sure ensures that these self-imposed rules are
the establishment of the quota management strictly adhered to. Arguably, much more so
system in 1986 based on individual transfer- than the rules imposed by EU or national
able quotas that allowed for a considerable law.
capitalization of quota holders. However, such rules apply today without
A critical review of this system by the indus- any problem when they are locally applied and
try reveals success in providing high-quality enforced, but when different fishermen from
research largely funded by those that benefit different ports share a resource in a common
282 Chapter 11

fishing area, such schemes are much more that, one way or another, would have not been
problematic. possible without a reduction of fishing capacity.
As in other examples related to policy gov- Another question, however, is whether the
ernance, it would be a mistake to think always reduction has really been the result of the fleet
in terms of adapting all the policy to this alter- policy or the effect of the economic evolution of
native approach, under the principle of level the industry, where gains in productivity allow
playing field that stifles policy innovation. The for the same fishing with fewer vessels (and
CFP should be more open to experimentation. lower costs). What is clearer, however, is that
The idea could be to make self-control an expe- the respect of the capacity ceilings of the current
rience applicable by a certain fleet segment policy does not prevent the possible increase in
in a certain area, where the industry and the capacity of specific fleet segments. As a result,
Member States involved would agree to do some authors consider this policy ineffective,
so. The conditions for the experiment could both in terms of its overall effect and also in
be fixed in a way that would ensure that the terms of its inability to curb the important
industry concerned would not be considered development of certain fleet segments within
positively discriminated, and would be closely the overall ceiling of some Member States
monitored to study the effects of such scheme. (Villasante 2010).
In Chapter 14 we refer to the fundamental Criticism of the ineffectiveness of the EU fleet
question of testing new policy options as one of policy has been around for a long time. Cer-
the fundamental steps to make the CFP more tain authors, already in 2000, considered that
adaptive to the emerging challenges. the reduction in harvesting capacity is less than
the nominal reduction in physical capacity and
Delegated management? that there is potential for harvesting capacity to
An idea that would be interesting to test is that increase, if the remaining vessels improve their
referred to in Chapter 4 and applicable to cer- efficiency (Pascoe and Coglan, 2000).
tain fisheries in Alaska: the possibility of having Indeed, the Commission itself has not shied
certain rules (in that example, moving-on rules away from self-criticism in this respect. In addi-
for by-catch avoidance) agreed by the sector tion to the above arguments from academia,
but enshrined in legislation so as to allow it recognized that the nominal fleet capacity
private fishing cooperatives to penalize those ceilings did not reflect a real level of harvesting
who do not respect the rules. This is a cre- capacity and, in addition, even had room for
ative combination: the rules are legally-binding maneuver for increase (EU 2009b).
legislation, but their management in practice,
including enforcement measures, is delegated Fleet policy in the 2013 reform
to the cooperatives. With all the necessary legal The fleet policy was necessary in the past, to
adaptations, this type of scheme could be one revert the tendency to increase capacity in the
day tested in the EU. first years of the CFP, instead of adapting it to
available resources. The obligation to achieve
objectives of fleet reduction was suppressed in
Fleet policy: does it still have 2002, and since then the fleet policy has been
any sense today? reduced to a general obligation to respect an
overall capacity ceiling (high enough so that
Background all Member States respect it without problem)
This policy has always been controversial, com- and to ratchet down that ceiling when capacity
plex and, arguably, also ineffective. Nominal withdrawal takes place with public money, to
fleet capacity has been reduced all across the EU ensure that it is not rebuilt. This was combined
(EU 2018c), and the current status of fishery with abundant EU funds for voluntary scrap-
resources in the EU indicates an improvement ping that has been phased out since 2017. The
The missing elements of the 2013 Policy reform 283

question is: given that EU fleets have all been carried out on taxpayers’ money. It then offers
reduced, to levels that today appear to be much the possibility of addressing specific cases of
better in balance with resources (although with scrapping for those who volunteer on the basis
exceptions) and that the existing policy is in of their own interests. This makes fleet adjust-
fact not limiting capacity (all Member States ments an economic, not a political decision, an
have voluntarily reduced capacity below their idea that was behind the Commission proposal
ceiling), is the fleet policy still relevant? for RBM. Sooner or later, this question will
As mentioned above, the biggest disappoint- have to be re-discussed.
ment of the 2013 reform was the failure to Are capacity ceilings limiting
make RBM compulsory at national level so as anything?
to replace the traditional fleet policy. This fail- Since the current policy is based on the princi-
ure led to an alternative fleet policy consisting ple of national ceilings in capacity, the obvious
of an enhancement of the existing system since question is: are these ceilings really limiting
2002. The only improvement was a greater anything? The reply is very clear in Figure 11.1:
emphasis on the need to evaluate properly the all Member States have nominal capacity levels
existing overcapacity by fleet segment, and the that are below the ceilings, sometimes well
linkage of that evaluation with the access to below. This means that current capacity in
certain structural measures under EMFF. On Member States is not being limited by these
the contrary, the elimination of aid to scrapping ceilings.
after 2017 meant the loss of the only instrument One can certainly ask the question of what is
left in the policy to remover overcapacity. the added value of a policy on capacity ceilings
that do not limit anything. Is there really a
The US case risk that, in the absence of such ceilings any
The US system does not impose restrictions on Member States would actually increase its fleet
fleet capacity, but it does not subsidize the fleet capacity beyond that point? The key to the
either. It is a system where the industry enjoys answer is the ban, introduced in 2002, on the
more freedom and fewer limitations, but where financing of the construction of new vessels.
they have to be economically self-sufficient: the With such aid, one could hold the view that
only public funds available are for scrapping, there is a risk of the capacity being rebuilt.
through the capacity reduction programs,4 but However, since the suppression of such aid,
not for modernization and other actions as is new vessels are to be built without public aid.
the case in the CFP under the EMFF. The US In these circumstances, the on-going experi-
system also includes a fishery disaster assis- ence shows that such new capacity is simply
tance5 to compensate for the losses incurred by not being built, and thus the risk of removing
natural disasters. the ceilings seems in principle rather low.
Interestingly, these buy-out schemes have Another related question is that of the alleged
been proposed on different occasions, but influence of capacity ceilings on vessel safety.
always according to a bottom–up approach. The EU has been criticized frequently for risking
This approach is very interesting because it human lives through its limitations to increase
removes any subsidy that might be considered capacity. As the argument goes, the fleet policy
as capacity-enhancing, so any possible irre- would limit vessel size and this would prevent
sponsible growth in fleet capacity will not be fishermen from building larger, safer vessels.
This is a completely unfounded allegation.
Firstly, the EU fleet policy does not limit indi-
vidual vessel size at all. Secondly, there is room
for an increase in overall capacity if need be, as
5 shown in Figure 11.1. And thirdly, it is a false
financial-services/fishery-disaster-assistance/ assumption that smaller vessels are less safe. On
284 Chapter 11


Figure 11.1 Fleet capacity by Member State as a percentage of the total national capacity ceilings. Source: EU

the contrary: a very interesting report by the US “technical creep” provided for by the invest-
Coast Guard on fishing vessel fatalities shows ment in better gear, more efficient fish-finding
how the rate of accidents per 1000 vessels equipment, storage techniques and so on, has
increases with vessel size, to reach a maximum always been open and inconclusive. According
for vessels between 60 and 70 ft6 (Dickey 2008). to a recent study, in only a few years the reduc-
That means that small-scale vessels are actually tion of overall capacity has been higher than the
safer than mid-sized vessels. The reasons are estimated technical progress. This means that
also specified in the above report: mid-sized in general terms the technological efficiency
vessels, unlike small-scale ones, venture far- always grew faster than the real reduction of
ther away from the coast or in worse weather fishing capacity (Villasante and Sumaila 2010).
conditions, thus actually taking more risks. This conclusion seems to be at odds with
the general improvement in the state of EU
Is there a case for fleet policy? resources in the last decade (at least in the
The nominal capacity of European fleets has Atlantic) as a result of a reduction in overall
been diminishing for the last 30 years (Penas fishing effort since the turn of the century (see
Lado 2016, chapter 5). Today, all European Figure 12.1 in Chapter 12), and the more recent
Member States have overall capacity ceilings increase in the profitability levels of many fleets
comfortably within the capacity ceilings estab- segments (EU 2018a). These improvements are
lished by the CFP’s fleet policy as we saw difficult to conciliate with an increasing overall
above. However, this does not mean that the fishing power. There is, however, a possible
real capacity, understood as the “ability of the explanation to this apparent contradiction:
fleet to catch fish” has been reduced at the same the increased number and total capacity of
level, or even that it has been reduced at all. the “inactive” vessels in a number of Member
The question of the balance between the States, as demonstrated by the annual report
reduction in nominal capacity, expressed in on the EU fishing industry. In other words,
gross tonnage and engine power, and the according to this hypothesis, the European fleet
is being reduced in total numbers, but also
being reduced in terms of the percentage of
6 18 to 21 m. active vessels.
The missing elements of the 2013 Policy reform 285

The best example of the limited use of the But with a few years of experience, is this really
fleet policy is the Mediterranean. The 2013 true?
reform established the same objective, MSY by
2020 for all stocks, in all EU areas, including Some positives . . .
the Mediterranean. However, as shown by the The EMFF of 2014 has included a number of
annual Commission communication of fishing positive elements to become effective in sup-
opportunities (EU 2018c), the levels of fishing porting policy implementation:
mortality with respect to Fmsy in this area are so • The emphasis on the financing of control and
high, that it will be necessary to reduce them data collection, essential elements to ensure a
dramatically to get anywhere close the policy good policy implementation.
objective. If this is to be done under the current • The different conditionality mechanisms,
capacity levels, the fishing effort corresponding that make access to the funds conditional on
to the necessary reductions in fishing mortality the fulfillment of a number of obligations
would not be sustainable economically. The under the policy, both in terms of the obli-
only way in which the reductions in fishing gations of individual operators, and those of
mortality could take place while ensuring a Member States. Another question is the level
reasonable level of economic viability in the of implementation of these mechanisms in
fleets concerned is by reducing the capacity practice.
of certain segments substantially. This is com- • The continued emphasis on some social
pletely at odds with the existing fleet policy objectives, such as safety on board.
that indicates a total capacity that is lower than • The special conditions given to small-scale
the ceiling, and also with the associated policy fleets, demonstrably squeezed out of struc-
on scrapping, phased out after 2017. tural funding in previous exercises.
It can certainly be argued that, insofar as • The continuous emphasis on community-
quotas are adhered to, it is not important if part based local development, a useful tool
of the European vessels are inactive. However, to promote local development in fishing
to the extent that European fleets have a “dor- communities.
mant” part that could theoretically be activated • The emphasis in funding actions to develop
at any given time (without overshooting the more sustainable and selective fisheries,
legal capacity limits!), this poses a question of as well as to improve industry/science
whether the fleet policy as it stands today is cooperation.
of any practical use. In a CFP so criticized for • The funding of actions to improve the respect
its complexity, it is worth discussing if a policy of environmental legislation.
with so little demonstrable effect deserves to be These elements are objectively important to
continued. ensure that the new structural instrument con-
tributes to the implementation of the new pol-
icy. However, this regulation fell short of what
The EMFF: an instrument was necessary to tie up the public funds with
to accompany the reform? the achievement of the new CFP goals.

The EMFF (EU 2014) was adopted a year later . . . and some negatives
than the new basic regulation of the reform The least positive aspects can also be identified:
(EU 2013). This provided for an unprecedented • The regulation has too wide a focus, with
opportunity to shape up the new structural too many measures many of which have
instrument as a tool to facilitate and promote no relationship with the achievement of
the implementation of the reform. Indeed, the policy goals. This makes the regulation an
idea that the EMFF is a bespoke instrument to all-purpose tool, more than one focused on
promote reform has become a commonplace. accompanying policy change.
286 Chapter 11

• The main instrument to cut any remaining because there are more than obvious differences
overcapacity (scrapping premiums) is phased between the two. However, looking at the US
out. system is always a good way to discuss inter-
• Excessive harmonization, and no possibility nally in Europe about our own policies, and
for regionally-specific measures. For example, perhaps to reconsider if some of the things
scrapping could be much more necessary in we tend to take for granted in policy-making
certain regions than in others, but conditions should not also be part of our reflection on the
are identical. The same applies to temporary future structural policy.
laying-ups. The US structural policy is made up of two
• No clear objectives to be achieved, and weak types of measure:
links with the main policy objectives (MSY, • Fisheries catastrophe relief. This is a type of
landing obligation, etc.). measure intended to palliate various effects
• No progress at all on industry respon- of unforeseen circumstances that are not
sibility: everything is paid for by public attributable to normal management or to
administrations. There is little in the way of the normal conduct of a private business.
co-responsibility by the fishing industry in It is applied generally on request from the
co-financing necessary changes in control Regional Councils in a very flexible manner.
requirements or fishing practice. The unforeseen circumstances are generally
• The regulation is also too reticent on climate natural events (such as red tides, oil spillages)
change, while its effects were already known but theoretically can be applied also to other
in 2014. type of catastrophe.
It is premature to evaluate what is the con- • Transition to sustainable fisheries through
tribution of the EMFF to the implementation of fishing capacity withdrawal. This instrument,
the policy adopted in 2013. Many actions are like the EU’s scrapping premiums, is applied
on-going, the level of budget execution is still in the US on an ad hoc basis, at the request
low and much of the best use of that budget may of the States or the Regional Councils, and
be yet to come. However, something seems to applied on a case by case basis.
be already apparent: if one of the objectives of These measures have something in com-
the fund was to facilitate the implementation of mon: they are not permanent schemes, but
the new policy obligations, the evidence shows measures to be taken if and when necessary,
that the level of investment by Member States as determined notably by recommendation
in more selective gear to contribute to imple- from the Regional Management Councils. Is
ment the landing obligation is very low, and that this kind of structural policy thinkable in the
the contribution of the structural instrument to EU?
accompany the substantial reductions of fish- This type of structural policy cannot be just
ing mortality necessary to make progress on the copied in the EU. At least two factors make this
conservation policy in the Mediterranean is also type of policy difficult to apply:
disappointingly small. At least on these ques- • The fact that the funds are not previously
tions it seems easy to conclude that, for the time allocated to anybody, but used when and
being, the EMFF is not significantly contribut- where necessary. This would be difficult to
ing to facilitate the implementation of the most conciliate with an EU policy where alloca-
prominent feature of the reformed policy. This tion of structural funds is considered as part
is a cause of concern. of the political status quo of the policy. The
possibility that, for example, much of these
The structural measures of the US funds may end up being used to pay French
as a point for reflection oyster producers to palliate high mortalities
The experience of the US is certainly not produced by an uncontrolled disease, instead
one that Europe should “cut and paste,” of benefiting modest artisanal fishermen’s
The missing elements of the 2013 Policy reform 287

communities in poorer Member States would Brinson, A.A. and Thunberg, E.M. (2016). Perfor-
be politically difficult. mance of federally managed catch-share fisheries in
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The global context: emerging challenges

The status of the world’s fishery by many prominent scientists (Stokstad 2009)
resources including Worm himself, the image of a total
collapse of the world’s fisheries by the middle
The future of the Common Fisheries Policy of the century is so powerful that it remains
(CFP) will certainly be influenced by the global strongly anchored in social media and is fre-
trends in the perception of the status of the quently cited in public debate, often being
world’s fishery resources. The use of the word taken at face value as the undisputable scientific
“perception” in this context is intended to evidence.
underline the growing importance that images That doomsday scenario has been supported
and stereotypes have for the public at large by well-known scientists such as Daniel Pauly,
in shaping up societal positions on fisheries who successfully took the debate to the public
management around the world, over and media, stating that (Pauly 2009a):
beyond the real situation of the world’s fishery There are basically two alternatives for fisheries sci-
resources based on the best scientific advice. ence and management: one is obviously continuing
This perception will have a crucial role in with business as usual. This would lead, in addi-
future political debates where the place of tion to further depletion of biodiversity, to intensi-
the fishing activity in the framework of ocean fication of ‘fishing down marine food webs,’ which
ultimately involves the transformation of marine
activity and governance will be at stake. This
ecosystems into dead zones.
perception will have serious consequences on
the way modern societies will look at fishing He also created a new, catchy term to refer
activity in general and the fishing industry in to this apocalyptic situation: Aquacalypse. In
particular. In these times, when public per- this analysis, the critical view of the status
ceptions are so easily influenced by superficial of the world’s fish resources included a cri-
information, it is essential that the future tique of Food and Agriculture Organization’s
development of the policy be based on in-depth (FAO’s) evaluations, notably on the basis of a
knowledge of the reality. presumed under-estimation of the catches by
the small-scale sector (Pauly and Froese 2012).
The Pauly/Hilborn controversy According to this school of thought, fishing
In recent years, certain authors have predicted capacity has increased 10-fold (25-fold in Asia)
the collapse of the world’s fishery resources by since the 1950s and, if real catches are properly
2048 (Worm et al. 2006). These forecasts have recorded or reconstructed, the global marine
given rise to a hot public debate. Although yield is not stable, but has actually halved in
this article has been abundantly questioned that period (Watson et al. 2013).

Quo Vadis Common Fisheries Policy?, First Edition. Ernesto Penas Lado.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

290 Chapter 12

Such a doomsday scenario, prominently many resources being overexploited, there are
displayed in newspapers worldwide, imply that positive trends in many fisheries around the
current management systems are not effective world, so there is not objective basis for that
so that new, more dramatic approaches are doomsday scenario.
necessary. These views have been actively used Later studies to resolve this question have
by environmental Non-Governmental Organi- shed new light on the debate, showing that fish-
zations (NGOs) to call for dramatic solutions for eries management is providing for the recovery
the management of fisheries. of stocks in many areas of the world, and that
In the wake of this campaign, important the current trends in stocks status show stability
personalities have joined the debate, often in fish abundance, and not a collapse (Worm
advocating very extreme solutions. Such is the et al. 2009).
case of Professor E.O. Wilson, Professor Emer- As regards highly-migratory fish, in 2015,
itus at Harvard University, who proposes that 76% of the world catches of tuna came from
humankind should set aside 50% of the planet healthy stocks, which contradicts doomsday
undisturbed for environmental protection, scenarios about stocks collapsing, according to
including the elimination of fishing in the open data from the tuna multilateral organizations
sea.1 Another example is that of Dr. Sylvia (Juan-Jorda et al. 2011; Pons et al. 2016).
Earle, highly-regarded marine biologist and Other studies present themselves as being in
sea-explorer, who currently advocates a stop in the middle of the debate, and propose as a solu-
all fishing of predator fish (considering them tion a community and ecosystem-based man-
equivalent to Bengal tigers) and considers all agement favoring small-scale fisheries (Pitcher
fishing “a torture to wildlife.”2 and Cheung 2013).
All these contributors depict a very negative FAO, in its 2014 report on the state of world’s
image of fishing activity and promote the idea fisheries, estimates global capture fisheries pro-
that current management methods are neither duction as representing “a continuation of the
sufficient nor adequate to handle the current generally stable situation reported previous-
threats to the oceans from the fishing activity. ly” (FAO 2014, p. 5). Although there is a
Among these alternative management scenar- recognition that a lot remains to be done (For
ios, the establishment of very large marine 2011, FAO estimated that 71.2% of stocks
protected areas has been suggested as the ideal were exploited at biologically sustainable
solution, giving rise to a tendency, largely levels, but 28.8% were exploited at unsustain-
favored by many environmental NGOs, to pro- able levels), little in this report hints at the
mote this kind of instrument as the solution to doomsday scenario first described by Worm
the world’s fishery management failures (Pauly et al. (2006).
2009b). Overall, most of the scientific evidence shows
The debate has gone public, and some media a trend: where serious management takes
have called it an “epic battle” notably between place, fishery resources seem to be increasing,
Daniel Pauly and Ray Hilborn, the two best while the decline appears notably in areas
known personalities representing opposite where management is poor or non-existent.
views on this question. In fact, the 28.8% of stocks that FAO consid-
Branch (2008) inter alia have questioned ers as exploited unsustainably, come largely
the methodologies proposed by the Pauly from areas where traditional fishery manage-
school and have underlined that, although ment is still lacking or is very weak. Costello
the global picture is not necessarily rosy, with et al. (2012) indicate that in particular small
unassessed stocks are in substantially worse
1 condition than assessed fisheries, and that, if
2 correctly managed, could bring about impor-
biologist-sylvia-earle-profile/ tant increases in abundance (56%) and fishery
The global context: emerging challenges 291

yields (between 8% and 40%). This implies So, who is right and who is wrong?
that current management is not the problem; The evaluation of the state of the world’s fish-
the problem is its absence in many areas and ery resources has been attempted by different
fisheries. methodologies, inter alia:
Overall, with good management, FAO con- 1 FAO Sofia (FAO 2016). This report is the
sidered in 2014 that fishery resources will not most complete overview of capture fish
only not collapse, but they have a potential for production and stock status, with trends and
an extra increase of around 16.5 million tonnes, geographical breakdown, thus allowing for
worth US$ 32 billion (FAO 2014, p. 7). In its an analysis of trends and differences among
more recent analysis, FAO (2016) gives a fisheries and regions.
slightly more negative view, stating that marine 2 The random access memory (RAM) Legacy
fish stocks have not improved overall, despite Stock Assessment Database (Ricard et al.
notable progress in some areas. For FAO (2016) 2012), a permanent database regularly
the number of stocks fished at unsustain- updated and improved which includes time
able level has been increasing since the 1970 series of fishing mortality and biomass by
although the increase has leveled off in recent region, thus allowing for a dynamic evalu-
years. As for the under-exploited stocks, these ation of trends in stock status as a result of
have been decreasing up to the level of 10% in management.
2013. In any case, the total production of cap- 3 The panel regression by Costello et al. (2016)
ture fisheries reached a peak in the late 1980s assembled the largest-of-its-kind database
and has remained stable, fluctuating around and coupled it to state-of-the-art bio-
90 million tons a year ever since. Clearly, cap- economic models for more than 4500 fish-
ture fish production is stagnant, but it is not eries around the world.
collapsing. Importantly, FAO continues to think 4 The “ensemble approach” by Rosenberg et al.
that there is a potential for increase of that pro- (2017) which analyzed 785 stocks and clas-
duction, coming from two sources: the limited sified them on the basis of the relationship
(and shrinking) under-exploited stocks and, between current biomass and Bmsy.
5 The expert opinion survey by Melny-
specially, the increase in over-exploited stocks
chuk et al. (2016), where fishery experts
thanks to better management.
from diverse backgrounds were invited to
More recent estimates identify significant
complete a survey characterizing the man-
room for increase in fish production. Meaning-
agement systems for 10 species in their
fully, this increase may come from two sources:
country of familiarity, to arrive to a global
the improvement of management in currently
picture on stock status and the effects of
overfished stocks, but also from fishing harder
(at least in the developed world) stocks that are
6 The Ocean Health Index3 which calculates
currently fished lightly (Costello et al. 2016;
the status of the world’s fishery resources on
Hilborn and Costello 2017), although this later
the basis of the relationship between their
possibility is limited by consideration on eco-
biomass and the biomass that would deliver
nomic feasibility. In any case, this study shows
maximum sustainable yield (MSY).
how the world’s fishery resources can indeed
7 “The Sea Around Us,” a research group
produce higher yields than today, rather than
of scientists of the University of British
collapsing towards the middle of the century.
Columbia. This group represents the views
These increases are compatible with increases
of Daniel Pauly and his school of thought
of the biomass of the fish in the sea. This is in
contrast with other economic sectors where
economic growth implies trade-offs with the 3

environment (Hilborn and Costello 2017). components/fisheries-status/

292 Chapter 12

referred to above. They base their methodol- management systems and the improvements in
ogy largely on the notion that the evolution enforcement.
of catches (which they recalculate from When evaluating this question, it is neces-
FAO’s statistics) is directly proportional to sary to be very careful about how different
fish abundance. authors refer to “over-exploited” and other
These methodologies, not surprisingly, arrive related terms. Rosenberg et al. (2017) eval-
at different conclusions and refer to common uate 785 fisheries around the world and
concepts such as “overfished” with different found that 56% of these (439 stocks) were
standards. For example, if we take as a reference below Bmsy and considered that, contrary
the work of FAO (2016), the 2048 doomsday to the FAO classification referred to above,
scenario is not confirmed. Although the situa- these stocks were “over-exploited” and not
tion clearly needs to improve in many places, “fully-exploited” as FAO indicates. To add to the
there is no basis to say that the fisheries will confusion, let’s remember that the US considers
collapse by the middle of the century. How- over-exploited only those stocks with an abun-
ever, FAO’s idea that world’s capture fisheries dance lower than half Bmsy , and if all stocks were
are stable is still strongly disputed by certain exploited at Fmsy half would be below Bmsy at
authors, who believe that the “stability” of any time.
catches referred to by FAO is an artifact of The different evaluation methods produce
their (allegedly poor) estimation of real catches, different results. They all coincide, however,
suggest that FAO’s “stability” is a myth, that the to underline that there is still a lot to achieve
situation is being degraded, and on that basis and that many stocks around the world are
consider that if the situation continues, there overfished and need effective management to
will be a crisis by mid-century (Pauly and Zeller ensure their sustainability. Only one approach,
2017). that of The Sea Around Us actually insists on
That point is made stronger in a book by the doomsday scenario of a major fish stock
Pauly and Zeller (2016)4 who insist on using collapse in the middle of the century. However,
catches as an indicator of fish abundance and, they do not look region by region to show
by “reconstructing” historical catches make the that stocks are increasing or stable in coun-
point that what FAO considers stable situations tries where 1/2 of the world’s fish catch comes
in reality correspond to declining abundances. from.
The problem of this approach is, as stated by These examples clearly show that easy, popu-
Paul Fernandes in his review of the book,5 that: lar messages about the status of the world’s fish-
eries must always be taken carefully and with
trends in catch simply do not always reflect trends a clear idea of how the different categories of
in biomass, particularly where there have been sig- stocks are defined in terms of their conservation
nificant successful management interventions. status. In other words, that doomsday scenarios
about the collapse of fisheries must not be taken
In the managed fisheries, lower catches cor- at face value, and that the question must be con-
respond to lower levels of fishing mortality sidered seriously looking at different sources to
due to management and not to lower fish have a balanced picture.
abundances. In fact, as we will see below, in In that regard, the bulk of the scientific evi-
the NE Atlantic a reduction in catches is com- dence shows that the situation of the world’s
patible with an increase in fish abundance, fishery resources is very variable, with many
as a result of the restrictions imposed by the problems still to be resolved, but with many
cases where the trends are positive, as a result
4 The of sound management with traditional and
book summarizes the work of 15 years financed
by the NGO Pew Charitable Trust. well-tested methods. Over and beyond the
5 overall trend, the areas of the world where
The global context: emerging challenges 293

good, traditional fisheries management is These data show for the EU what is true
conducted, the evolution of fishery resources for the whole world: fisheries manage-
is positive. Doomsday scenarios are not war- ment, though slowly, works. The poor state
ranted by a large majority of the scientific of Mediterranean fisheries can certainly be
evidence. related to the traditional absence or insuffi-
ciency of a fisheries management worthy of
The case of the EU that name, both at EU level and even more, at
The European experience, in this context, must multilateral level for the whole of the basin.
be considered: while the status of stocks (in the It is also important to check on the allegation
Atlantic where the time series of data allows that overfishing around the world is reducing
this) showed a negative trend for many years, the average size of fish. A 2014 report by Inter-
stock abundance has been increasing in recent national Council for the Exploration of the Sea
years, and the number of overfished stocks is (ICES) for the North Sea shows how this index,
diminishing during this period. This was shown which was considerably reduced in the 1980s
in Figures 1.2 and 1.3 in Chapter 1. and 1990s to an all-time low towards 2001 (see
In the case of the European Union, after Figure 12.1) has increased since then, following
many years of failure to manage fish stocks, the the overall reduction in fishing mortality as of
changes introduced in the turn of the century the turn of the century.6
have resulted in a positive trend in recovering Figures 1.2, 1.3 (Chapter 1), and Figure 12.1
stocks, to levels that are close to producing MSY together clearly show that where management
(Cardinale et al. 2013). This is also confirmed takes place, the status of the stocks improves.
by the annual analysis commissioned to the It can certainly be argued that progress is not
Scientific, Technical and Economics Commit- quick enough, but it can certainly not be argued
tee for Fisheries (STECF) by the European that the doomsday scenarios described above
Commission. These trends appear in the last are about to turn into reality in EU Atlantic
decade. However, it is important to underline waters.
that the reduction of fishing mortality that
has made that possible started years earlier,
as shown in the figures referred to above.
These positive trends, however, do not take
place in the Mediterranean, where the state of
stocks is still that of an extremely high level of extraction-of-species,-including-incidental-non-
over-exploitation (Cardinale et al. 2017). target-catch.aspx/





0 Figure 12.1 Time-series of the large fish

1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 indicator (LFI) for the Greater North Sea.
Year Source: ICES (2014).
294 Chapter 12

Does fisheries management re-invent fisheries management with more

work? dramatic or precautionary systems, but rather
to ensure that all significant stocks are managed
All the above discussion has a very obvious con- properly. Put it another way: the problem is not
sequence: if resources are collapsing it means current management; it is the lack thereof. On
that current management of fisheries is not this basis, some authors propose that manage-
succeeding, so that a different, more dramatic ment should concentrate on a number of “hot
kind of approach to fisheries management spots” where effective fisheries management is
is necessary. On the contrary, if fisheries are basically missing (Worm and Branch 2012).
not collapsing, this means that existing man- Costello et al. (2016) state that, although
agement is bringing gradual positive results, business as usual management would produce
so it is necessary to continue with current a continued collapse of many of the world’s
management efforts and improve them where fisheries, sound management “common sense”
they are not yet effectively applied. This is reform could generate annual increases exceed-
therefore a debate on whether traditional fish- ing 16 million tons in catch US$ 53 billion in
eries management can and is providing results profit and 619 million tons in biomass. In other
and whether dramatic alternatives would be words, common sense fisheries management
necessary and justified. has the potential to bring about a very substan-
What we understand by traditional fish- tial improvement in both the situation of global
eries management is best represented by that fish stocks and in their biological and economic
exerted notably by developed countries. It is outputs. The above authors also showed that
clear that the poor state of conservation of business as usual did not lead to overall collapse
many fisheries around the world corresponds and long-term yield wasn’t much lower than
to developing countries where such tradi- the current one.
tional fisheries management is not applied, or In Europe, Smith (2013) has summarized the
only very inefficiently so. In fact, comparative contribution of traditional management to the
studies based on meta-analysis have shown a improvement in the state of European stocks:
very clear correlation between the status of
conservation of stocks and the development Fishery management is widely perceived to be
of fisheries management, and this, in turn, is failing, and proposals for new approaches abound.
also correlated with the socio-economic status However, evidence is accumulating that tradi-
of the country in question (Melnychuk et al. tional approaches, where properly applied, do
2016). work. European management of fish stocks in the
north-east Atlantic may be the latest case in point.
An evaluation of the traditional fisheries
management methods has also been realized
using meta-analysis by Hilborn and Ovando It is important to bear this in mind. If prop-
(2014). This showed that stocks that are scien- erly conducted, fisheries management works. In
tifically assessed are in better shape and indeed Europe too, under the CFP, this is also the case.
are not typically declining but rebuilding, and While it is important to keep the policy under a
that large stocks appear to be in better shape permanent critical scrutiny, it would be a mis-
than small ones. The latter may be due to take to discredit the policy entirely as useless
the fact that larger stocks generally receive or ineffective. It is not the implementation of
more attention and investment in research and the CFP that is a problem, it is its absence or its
management than small ones. This implies that bad implementation. And while it is obviously
current management methods can (and often imperfect and should always be improved, it is
do) lead to sustainable fisheries, so that more not justified to use legitimate criticism to pro-
precautionary management is not necessary. pose its dismantling and its replacement by an
In other words, what is necessary is not to unknown, untested alternative.
The global context: emerging challenges 295

We have referred above to the failure to in subsequent years. In 2013, fish accounted
improve fish stock status in the Mediterranean for about 17% of the global population’s intake
basin. Apart from other factors (the responsibil- of animal protein and 6.7% of total protein
ity of non-EU countries in this basin) one can consumed (FAO 2016).
also conclude that it is the absence of manage- The growing demand for fish in recent
ment of Mediterranean fisheries under the CFP decades has been met notably thanks to farmed
that is the problem. Despite its shortcomings, fish, both marine and fresh water. While cap-
the CFP is succeeding to rebuild stocks in the ture fisheries have been stable since the late
Atlantic after many years of management. In 1980s, aquaculture production has been increas-
the Mediterranean area, it is the traditional lack ing steadily and in 2014 a milestone was reached
of management under the CFP that can be held when the sector’s contribution to the supply of
responsible for the failure. fish for human consumption overtook that of
wild-caught fish for the first time (FAO 2016).
FAO data also show very important elements:
The “perfect protein”: can
the world afford • Arable land in the world has been stable
to under-exploit its fishing since the mid-1980s. This means that progress
opportunities? in agriculture requires more intensive prac-
tices, or chopping down more forestland.
Fish are caught without fertilizers, pesticides, • As people improve their income and get out
antibiotics, or freshwater. Combining that with of poverty, their preference for animal pro-
the generally low carbon footprint of most fish- tein increases.
eries compared to land-based animal protein • Poorer countries tend to fulfill their demand
alternatives, and we have “the perfect protein” for animal protein with more fish, as com-
(Sharpless and Evans 2013). pared to wealthier countries. This means that
Still today, the main source of worry about fish is “animal protein for the poor.”
the capacity of the world’s oceans to sustain- What this means is that fish represent a key
ably feed the world is the over-exploitation of component of any strategy of reducing poverty
resources, and the fight about it must continue and hunger around the world. In view of the
to enjoy full priority, in particular in these areas projections on the growth of human popu-
of the world where effective fisheries man- lations, there is little doubt that fish protein
agement is still not applied. However, as the will be called to represent an increasingly crucial
example of certain developed nations shows, role in supplying humankind with high qual-
the new emphasis on the preservation of bio- ity animal protein. Any attempt to conserve
diversity is raising a new problem, namely, the the world’s ocean resources largely as nature
under-exploitation of certain resources. The reserves, or to manage resources in a way
question is, while we need to continue to fight that produces significant under-exploitation
against over-exploitation, can we at the same of sustainable resources should bear this
time afford to under-exploit other resources? in mind.

Hunger and poverty: fish Are the land-based alternatives

consumption and the global demand better? Protein from livestock
for fish The challenge of producing protein for a grow-
According to FAO, world per capita apparent ing global population is subject to endless
fish consumption increased from an average discussion, including many advocates of an
of 9.9 kg in the 1960s to 14.4% in the 1990s increasingly vegetarian diet as the only possi-
and 19.7% in 2013, and preliminary estimates bility, in view of the effect of animal farming
point to at an increasing trend beyond 20 kg on biodiversity and climate change. However,
296 Chapter 12

animal protein has been essential in human catfish production in freshwater (Hilborn et al.
evolution, and it is not obvious that the future 2018).
of humankind should necessarily be vegetar- All these data must be compounded with
ian. Besides, people like animal protein, so the growing evidence that consumers deprived
the question is: what is the kind of animal of one food source will shift their demand for
protein that is healthier and has a lower impact other (Brashares et al. 2004). This is extremely
on biodiversity and climate change? Are the important: any policy that will restrict the
land-based alternatives to capture fishing and exploitation of marine protein more than is
aquaculture better in that regard? necessary to ensure full sustainability will
We saw in Chapter 2 the effects of animal result in an increase of the consumption of
protein production based on livestock, and animal protein produced on land, with a higher
how they compare very unfavorably to fish environmental impact. When judging the mer-
in terms of biodiversity reduction and con- its of seafood protein and its environmental
tribution to greenhouse effects. This clearly impact, this has to be done in the context of the
points to fish and other aquatic animals as comparison of such effects with the land-based
not only the healthiest, but also the most alternative.
environmentally-friendly of all animal proteins. The two lowest-impact production methods
The global impact of different food pro- of protein are certainly capture fisheries and
marine aquaculture practices, while the two
duction systems has been studied in recent
highest impact methods are cattle raising and
years. Although these effects can vary up to
freshwater aquaculture. This emphasizes the
50-fold even for the same products, depending
key importance of seafood in the future of
upon production methods, transport, and other
animal protein supply to humankind.
factors, certain patterns clearly emerge. In gen-
eral terms, it appears that the impacts of the
A question of equity: the notion
lowest-impact animal products typically exceed
of “leakage”
those of vegetable substitutes, providing new
The question is not just one of balance between
evidence for the importance of dietary change
supply and demand of seafood, and their sub-
(Poore and Nemecek 2018). The production
sequent effects on the world’s ecosystems; it is
of food on land is very resource-intensive:
also about equity, because the effects of fishing
covering 43% of the world’s ice and desert-free
policy are differently felt across the globe. We
land, it creates c. 32% of the global terrestrial referred above to the very dramatic proposals
acidification. It is also responsible for 2/3 of total by highly-respected personalities about massive
freshwater consumption, driving 90–95% of reductions in fishing activity in the world.
global scarcity-weighted water use. Besides the point that these measures would
Concerning the production of animal pro- reduce considerably fish supply and thus aggra-
tein, a study carried out reviewing 148 animal vate pressure on land ecosystems to produce
sources of food (comparing them in terms animal protein, it is obvious that the effect of
of energy use, greenhouse effect, release of the shortage of seafood would be felt primarily
nutrients and acidifying compounds) showed by developing nations. This raises a question of
that the lowest impact forms of animal protein equity.
come from species that feed naturally in the As we saw above, fisheries management is
ocean and that can be harvested with low producing reasonably good results in a number
fuel requirements. In more specific terms, the of developed countries around the world, but
study found that the lowest impact production where sound management does not apply,
methods were small pelagic fisheries and mol- resources tend to be over-exploited. Actually,
lusk aquaculture, whereas the highest impact both things are related: given the global demand
production methods were beef production and for fish, good management in some areas of
The global context: emerging challenges 297

the world can contribute to a greater impact of obvious solutions to the problem of leakage is
fisheries in other areas. We saw above the high to ensure that the import markets fully exploit
level of under-exploitation of fish resources the resources at their disposal in their own
in the US. Yet, the US imports seafood from waters, so as to minimize their impact on third
third countries. In this connection, it has been countries.
argued (Helvey et al. 2017) that:
Fisheries: a key component of future
The full impact of US seafood consumption pat- diets
terns needs to be considered at the global level in
All the above considerations must also be com-
light of continuing efforts to further marine bio-
bined with considerations of the value of fish
diversity protection. Failing to do so only serves
to counteract the effectiveness of domestic actions as health food. It is obvious that the world’s
by externalizing negative environmental costs to future needs for food simply cannot be fulfilled
others. in quantity and quality without an increasing
contribution from fish and other marine organ-
The effect of exporting to third countries isms. This makes, on a global scale, the potential
the environmental protection of the import- under-exploitation of fishery resources a prob-
ing countries, thus increasing pressure on the lem as serious as that of over-exploitation,
exporting ones is referred to by the above in that it contributes to exploit inefficiently a
authors as “leakage.” The authors examine fundamental source of healthy animal protein
a series of possible solutions to this problem, that the world will so badly need in the years
including the support of good management in to come.
third countries, but also a recognition of the This will be very variable for different coun-
externalities of management decisions and the tries around the world. Certain countries with
consideration of capture fisheries as part of very extensive farmland will still be able to feed
the food system. all their people and even export food without
A number of years ago, the EU policy of exploiting their fishery resources, and may be
financing the export of redundant fleet capacity tempted to under-exploit these resources and
to third countries was criticized as “the EU consider the oceans as areas of low priority for
exporting its overcapacity problems to other food production and high priority for recre-
countries.” This policy was discontinued largely ation and biodiversity preservation. However,
due to this bad image. It is interesting to observe the world as a whole simply cannot afford that
that the more the US and the EU protect their option, and many countries around the world
waters to preserve biodiversity, the more pres- see today’s emphasis on the conservation of
sure will be put into third countries ecosystems. marine biodiversity through the extension of
Given their seafood consumption patterns, it “no-take zones” as a “rich country agenda.”
will also become clear that the main import This makes full (sustainable) exploitation
markets in the world: Japan, the US and EU of marine resources a world need, but not a
would be, allegedly, exporting their impact on need for a number of influential countries,
marine ecosystems to third countries if they thus making the solution very complicated.
fail to exploit fully their own resources. This is This author has already referred to the cru-
something to reflect upon. cial importance of the distributive aspects of
The solution to the problem of leakage is not fisheries management in the EU (Penas Lado
simple, and it varies for different countries. It is 2016; chapter 2). On a global scale, the above
clear that while the US could reduce its leakage situation represents a huge challenge which
through full exploitation of its resources, Japan will, sooner or later, have to be addressed.
has limited or no room for maneuver to do This challenge is all the more important
so, and the EU is somehow in the middle. In in the context of climate change, as we will
any case, it seems clear that one of the most see below. Certain forms of aquaculture and
298 Chapter 12

capture fisheries are among the lowest-impact of aquatic food has reached levels of around
systems for the production of animal protein 160 million tons in recent years it has been
(Hilborn et al. 2018), and thus represent an only thanks to the development of aquaculture
advantage as compared to livestock production (FAO 2014).
on land in that particular context. Yet, certain types of aquaculture still suffer
from frequent criticism as being “unsustain-
able”: the farming of carnivorous fish is often
Aquaculture: the seafood of the believed to cause undue pressure on the cap-
future? ture fisheries for the forage fish used to produce
fish feed. While it is true that using wild fish
FAO (2016) has reported on the growing role to produce farmed fish can be considered an
of aquaculture in the overall global supply inefficient way to use fish protein, it is also
of seafood. While the production of wild fish true that the general state of forage fish stocks
from capture fisheries has been stable since is not necessarily worse than that of human
the 1990s, aquaculture production continues consumption fish, an argument that tends to
growing and has already overtaken capture dissipate the fear that this development will be
fisheries, and the trend continues. There is no detrimental for forage fish species.
doubt about the crucial role that aquaculture Certain authors have warned that aqua-
will play in the world’s future supply of seafood. culture development (at least fish farming
This is the fastest growing animal-food- for carnivorous fish) requires huge amounts
producing sector in the world, but there are of wild fish as feed and this raises issues of
considerable growth disparities among coun- food security and malnutrition in developing
tries. One factor that contributes substantially countries (Pauly and Zeller 2017). However,
to these disparities is the stringency of envi- different authors have indicated that, despite
ronmental legislation. A cross-country analysis certain bad practices, aquaculture has a lower
showed that developed countries with stringent ecological footprint than other, land-based ani-
policies have a difficulty in balancing act when mal protein production systems (Ye et al. 2017).
promoting aquaculture development, to the Importantly, the dependence of fish farming
benefit of developing economies with more on wild fish is steadily decreasing. FAO (2016)
lenient regulations (Abate et al. 2016). indicates that the amount of fishmeal and fish
The difficulties for aquaculture development oil used for animal feed has been decreasing,
are generally similar in much of the developed and is now being used more selectively as a
world, including for example the US (Knapp strategic ingredient in lower concentrations,
and Rubino 2016) where social opposition particularly in key stages of production, such
and the governance system, inter alia, hinder as hatchery, broodstock, and finishing diets. In
the development of the industry. Aquaculture fact, despite the spectacular growth of aqua-
development also poses a number of questions, culture around the world, the share of human
notably in terms of the relationship between consumption of the capture fish has increased
this activity and capture fisheries. in recent decades up from 67% in the 1960s
to 87% in 2014. In other words, aquaculture
Aquaculture and capture fisheries: production has been sky-rocketing despite a
are they compatible? reduction of the use of wild fish as feed.
Aquaculture has shown an impressive growth There has been an impressive tendency in
in the last decades. Since the 1990s, while the recent years toward replacing the use of forage
production of capture fisheries has remained fish from the production of fish meal toward
stable around 90 million tons a year, aquacul- direct human consumption. This is largely due
ture production has been growing steadily to to the development of alternative fish feeds
around 70 million tons a year. If the production notably from vegetable origin. The proportion
The global context: emerging challenges 299

of fish meal and fish oil in the diets of farmed • As for the offshore dimension, the new direc-
fish are decreasing (Little et al. 2016). For tive on maritime spatial planning should
example, the contribution of fish meal and provide the basis for Member States to iden-
fish oil from capture fish to the diet of farmed tify potential areas for offshore aquaculture
salmon decreased from 65% to 24% and from while reducing conflict with fisheries (and
19% to 11% between 1990 and 2013 (Ytrestoyl other uses).
et al. 2015). The food conversion ratios (the That means that the instruments to ensure
ratio of food fed to fish produced) over the development without major conflict with cap-
past 25 years has fallen from 3 : 1 to 1.3 : 1 ture fisheries are in place. Whether they provide
(Ye et al. 2017). a solution and prevent conflict between the two
These trends, however, must also be com- activities will rely heavily on the way Member
pounded by the fact that vegetable alternatives States implement such instruments in practice
to fish feed may actually have higher envi- and on the level of priority that they will accord
ronmental impacts than capture fisheries for to aquaculture in the context of their ocean and
forage fish. For this reason, the alternative use coastal management.
of fish trimmings, and other low value marine
by-products for the production of fish feed Is aquaculture ecologically
constitutes an extraordinary development and sustainable?
an excellent example of circular economy. With Aquaculture has a negative image among envi-
these evidences at hand, there seems to be no ronmental organizations. This image has impor-
major conflict between further development of tant consequences: the licenses in coastal zones
aquaculture and the sustainable exploitation of are frequently opposed on grounds of their
capture fisheries, including that of the forage presumed effects on the marine and coastal
fish species. ecosystems. In some EU Member States, this
A different problem altogether is the conflict has resulted in an extremely low number of
between aquaculture and other uses of the new licenses being granted for aquaculture
limited coastal space. Competition for space has in recent years. Of particular relevance is the
long been identified by the European Com- conflict between aquaculture and coastal areas
mission as one of the main bottlenecks for the protected by the Natura 2000 network that has
development of aquaculture in Europe. Finding been a frequent cause of conflict and litigation.
physical space devoid of conflict with other uses
is perhaps the single most important barrier to The (real or perceived) negative effects
this development in Europe and in many other of aquaculture
places in the world. In many cases, the activ- Aquaculture tends to have a negative image in
ities potentially overlapping with aquaculture terms of environmental impact. NGOs are very
development are unrelated to fisheries, so that critical of this sector (particularly when it is for
the interaction of fisheries–aquaculture, from sale, not for self-consumption) and science has
that point of view too, is not the crucial one. also been extremely critical with the farming
Two kinds of solutions clearly emerge in any of carnivorous fish, considered as a practice to
case: integrated coastal management, and the “raise tigers” in reference to its allegedly low
development of the offshore sector. trophic efficiency (Naylor and Burke 2005).
• Integrated coastal management is an obliga- This negative environmental image is due to
tion for Member States under the new CFP. a number of reasons:
As a precondition for benefitting from Euro- • The preference of aquaculture facilities for
pean Maritime and Fisheries Funds (EMFFs) Natura 2000 areas, due to the importance of
for the development of aquaculture, member clean water for this sector.
States should “do their homework” in terms • The traditional use of antibiotics in fish
of integrated coastal management. farms. Although impressive progress has
300 Chapter 12

been made, the bad image resulting from this excessive and the areas affected can regener-
old practice still remains. ate. In other cases, the accumulated detritus
• The “genetic pollution”: the escapees from can be extracted and used for other purposes
fish farms (with a very low genetic diver- on land; certain pilot projects have been car-
sity) mix with the wild stocks reducing the ried out in this regard.
genetic diversity of the wild populations. This • The question of the destruction of mangroves
also remains as a perceived problem despite in some developing countries is a problem
important progress in reducing escapees in principle beyond the CFP. But the more
from farms in recent years. the EU is self-sufficient in the production of
• The production of residues that accumulate seafood, the less it will put pressure on third
in the bottom of the farms, producing anoxic countries to cut down their mangroves to
conditions. export to the European market.
• Beyond Europe, the production of certain Overall, the environmental problems tradi-
species, such as shrimp, has been made tionally associated with aquaculture are being
in many cases at the cost of cutting down addressed at different levels. While it would
mangroves or other highly valuable coastal be too simplistic to pretend they have disap-
ecosystems. peared, they must be examined in the context
These are (or were) real concerns, and the of the advantages that this sector represents as
future of aquaculture certainly requires that a fundamental source of food.
these concerns be addressed and resolved.

Can the negative effects be solved or The positive effects

mitigated? Over and beyond the increasing ability to
The aquaculture industry and the adminis- address its well-known (and much publicized)
trations responsible, conscious of the above shortcomings, aquaculture development can
problems, have taken numerous steps to also have direct positive effects on the environ-
address them, inter alia: ment:
• The conflict between aquaculture and Natura • Compared with the production of animal
2000 sites is complex, and can give rise to protein on land, protein from aquaculture,
different solutions. In Ireland, for example, and particularly mollusk production, has
the conflict with Natura 2000 has led to a generally low carbon footprint (see for
the development of salmon farming off- example Hilborn et al. 2018) and can there-
shore.7 In other cases, such as Galicia, NW fore contribute to mitigate climate change.
Spain, coastal planning has addressed these • Mollusk aquaculture is well-known to con-
concerns by establishing a zonation that pre- tribute to clean fouled water9 .
serves Natura 2000 areas while identifying • Aquaculture needs clean water. Producers
zones for aquaculture development8 . are, unlike many other economic sectors,
• Escapees have been reduced considerably, strong advocates of high standards of water
thanks to new practice and protocols based quality. In this regard, they should be natural
on accumulated experience. allies to environmental NGOs.
• The accumulation of detritus is handled with For these reasons, among others, aquacul-
different methods. One in particular consists ture, and very particularly mollusk production,
of moving the cage sites periodically, so the must be seen as an opportunity more than as
accumulation of detritus from the pens is not an environmental problem.

8 farming_could_help_to_clean_fouled_waters/
The global context: emerging challenges 301

The offshore option Aquaculture and wind parks

In recent years aquaculture has initiated its One of the most promising developments is
development offshore. The advantages of their that of the multi-use of wind farm projects. The
offshore option can be summed up by the combination of wind farms and aquaculture
traditional saying: “out of sight out of mind”. In facilities may actually represent an opportunity
other words, when aquaculture is no longer vis- rather than a threat. Incompatible with other
ible in the coastal zones, conflict with other uses uses (navigation, capture fishing, mining, etc.)
wind farms can be easily made compatible with
and worries about its effects tend to disappear.
certain sea farming practices. By associating
In recent years, technological development
itself with wind farms, aquaculture can benefit
has been impressive. Today, offshore fish pens
from the high priority that wind energy enjoys
can be entirely submerged, and be equipped
in most if not all coastal countries.
with automatic feeding systems (thus reduc- Some authors have identified the opportunity
ing the costs of transport and handling of of developing a fourth dimension in the plan-
the feeding operation) and with cameras to ning of wind farms, by making them adaptable
monitor all aspects of the farm from land. In to farming practices through “eco-engineering.”
addition, offshore farms have also an advan- These can actually produce a better resistance
tage in terms of the high energy environment of the ecosystem in the long run to anthro-
where the detritus they produce is much more pogenic pressures and reduce multi-user
effectively diluted and recycled by the marine conflict in the maritime space (Lacroix and
environment. Pioch 2011).
The real potential of marine aquaculture Specific projects such as MERMAID10 are
is illustrated by the estimation that the cur- developing the potential to combine offshore
rent total landings of wild-capture fisheries production of food and energy by developing
could be produced by using less than 0.015% ideas on how different industries can work
together (Christensen et al. 2015). Other stud-
of the global ocean area. That means that if
ies, on complementary benefits of alternative
we consider the offshore option, the limiting
energy and suitability of offshore wind farms
factor for development would not be the limi-
as aquaculture sites11 revealed that less than
tation of physical space, but other factors such
3% of the total area leased for an offshore wind
as governance and economics (Gentry et al. farm is actually occupied by the offshore wind
2017). farm piles and foundations, so there is ample
Offshore aquaculture can still pose problems space between the piles to start aquaculture
of conflict with other uses of the maritime operations without disturbing the main activity
space, such as capture fishing, tourism, or sea of electricity generation.
transport, but the development of maritime Many other initiatives and studies exist in this
spatial planning can be the answer to these area and, while the energy industry may not
potential problems. Overall, offshore aquacul- be enthusiastic about sharing their maritime
ture is an option that, particularly in countries space with aquaculture, they can be receptive
with a high population density in coastal zones, to study habitat enhancement as a means of
holds the promise of further development mitigating the impact of offshore wind farms
largely devoid of the kind of conflict that on the marine environment. This can be an
opportunity to develop a strategic partnership.
has so far held back development in the EU.
Furthermore, there is a potential to develop
certain types of sea farming simultaneously 10
with other uses of the marine space, such as 11

windfarms. Seafish_aquaculture_windfarms.pdf/
302 Chapter 12

Land-based marine aquaculture And in a context of limited natural resources to

The very enunciation of this possibility seems exploit, this implies that the gradual reduction
a contradiction in terms, except that it is not. of jobs at sea is a natural trend, not necessarily
In addition to already existing practice (for a policy failure.
example, turbot farming in land-based tanks), Figures 1.4 and 1.5 in Chapter 1 show how
in recent times different projects have been the reduction in the number of jobs at sea is
testing farming of seawater species in green- accompanied by an overall increase in salary
house facilities on land. These tend to be based levels and in the overall profitability of the
on closed systems with re-circulated seawater, sector. And, although this is very difficult to
powered by solar energy and with combined quantify, the safety and working conditions
species and full recycling of waste, including on board fishing vessels have dramatically
the use of the waste organic matter as fertilizer improved under the CFP.
for associated greenhouse farming. The advan- Despite this, in recent years the problem of
tages of this kind of aquaculture are that they employment in EU fisheries is not just the loss
avoid competition for space in the overcrowded of jobs on board; it is also, or even primarily,
coastal zones, they can ensure zero waste and the lack of attractiveness of the jobs. This is
the production can be much better planned shown by the tendency for crews to be made
and controlled to fit market needs, regardless of up largely of foreign workers: in many Euro-
weather conditions or other random factors. pean fleets, young people simply do not want
This kind of practice is extremely promising, to work on board a fishing vessel anymore.
in that it can resolve many of the problems men- This turns the whole question from one of job
tioned above, in particular related to the compe- losses to another one of lack of attractiveness of
tition for space in coastal areas, a problem that is such jobs.
practically impossible to resolve on most of the For the above reasons, the question of employ-
European coasts. ment in the CFP must be examined from the
point of view of employment quality, and not
just quantity. The normal evolution in a healthy
Fisheries and employment
fisheries sector is to have fewer jobs at sea, but
better paid, safer, and more attractive jobs.
As we saw in Chapter 2, Article 39 9 of the
Treaty on the Functioning of the European
Employment at sea
Union (TFEU) establishes, inter alia, the objec-
The mechanization of the fishing activity
tive of:
inevitably leads to a reduction of the number
The optimum utilisation of the factors of produc- of jobs at sea. The EU is frequently criticized for
tion, in particular labour.
having produced a substantial reduction in the
This clearly implies that optimum employ- number of jobs in the fishing industry. How-
ment is among the key objectives of the fisheries ever, this is by no means a result of a specific EU
policy. The Treaty, however, does not provide policy. Rather, it is the inevitable result of the
further guidance as to what this “optimum uti- technical progress in fishing vessels that makes
lization” is about. Traditionally, in any case, the it possible to fish more with fewer vessels and
CFP has been criticized for the continued loss smaller crews. In the most successful fishing
of employment, at least on board the fishing countries, the tendency in recent years is very
levels. similar.
However, judging the performance of the
CFP on the basis of the losses of jobs on board is What happens in other countries?
far too simplistic: the fishing industry, like any The reduction of employment in the fishing
other industry, is always subject to technical sector is strongly resented in many fishing areas
progress which increases labor productivity. of the EU, and is often blamed on the “failure
The global context: emerging challenges 303

of the CFP to preserve employment.” However, • Food, accommodation, and medical care at
the most successful countries in the world sea; and
in terms of management (often presented as • Employment practices, insurance, and
the model the EU should follow) have been liability.
losing jobs at sea in recent decades, as a result This convention must be ratified by EU Mem-
of greater automation and increased fishing ber States, which are competent on social policy.
power of modern vessels. In the EU, only two member States had
In Iceland, the official Government’s website ratified this instrument by the time these pages
indicates that: are written. However, the EU social partners
in the sea fisheries sector, European Trans-
The highest number of people working in the fish- port Workers’ Federation (ETF), Europêche,
ing industry was in the 1980s about 16 thousand
and European Farmers and European Agri-
employees. After that the number of people has
declined constantly to the current level of about Cooperatives (COPA-COGECA), agreed on a
eight thousand. common text implementing the provisions of
the ILO Convention in 2013 and requested the
This reduction, however, corresponds also to Commission to implement their Agreement by
an increase in the average levels of salaries by a Council decision (in accordance with art. 155
fishermen. This shows the trends toward fewer and 153 TFEU). In 2016, the Council adopted
but better jobs. a Directive to implement the Social Partners
In Norway, the number of jobs has been Agreement. Both the Convention and the EU
steadily decreasing for many years. According Directive entered into force on 16 November
to FAO, full-time employment in the catching 2017 (EU 2017).
sector decreased from 17 087 in 1996 to 13 260 In the context of the future implementation
in 2003. And the trend continues. of this convention, which we must consider a
These two examples, coming from countries fundamental step in ensuring better working
generally acknowledged as successful examples conditions in a sector that has long been char-
of preserving a thriving and competitive catch- acterized by extremely long working hours,
ing sector, illustrate the point that the reduction less than perfect safety and often low hygienic
of jobs at sea is not necessarily a sign of pol- conditions, the full implementation of this con-
icy failure, but rather an inevitable tendency in vention will imply better working conditions
modernizing fisheries. and, hopefully, higher attractiveness of the
From the above data it follows that the ten- fishing industry for young Europeans.
dency toward fewer jobs at sea is neither an However, this will obviously come at a cost.
exclusive EU problem, nor an exclusive prob- Such better working conditions cannot be
lem of the fishing industry. Other industrial achieved with very high numbers of workers
sectors also have a clear reduction in the num- on board with low wages. The inevitable con-
ber of jobs, all as a consequence of productivity sequence of the convention is better, but fewer
gains. The question then is not just number of jobs at sea. The Commission reports on the per-
jobs at sea, but also the quality of these jobs. formance of European fleets show a correlation
between the quality of jobs (in terms of salary
The ILO convention levels) and the gains in productivity (higher
Convention 188 of the International Labour profits and lower employment) in the sectors
Organization (ILO) is an international instru- concerned (EU 2016).
ment concerning working conditions on board This only underscores the need to consider
of vessels with three clear objectives, notably to the question of employment in the fishing
improve: industry not just as a quantitative question, but
• Safety on board fishing vessels; notably a qualitative one, where the inevitable
304 Chapter 12

loss in the number of jobs at sea should be con- The question of ownership remains contro-
sidered against the gains in the quality of these versial, in at least two aspects:
jobs. In this vein, as we suggested in Chapter • The rapport de force between small-scale own-
1 under the heading: “Optimum utilization of ers and large-scale owners which determines
the factors of production, in particular labor,” important policy positions in the industry and
the improvement of working conditions on administrations concerning the extent of the
board EU fishing vessels, including high levels use of market mechanisms in fisheries man-
of income, should be considered an element of agement.
policy success according to Article 39 TFEU. • The question of foreign ownership of the
fishing fleets and fishing rights. Although
this should not be a problem under the
The property of the means four freedoms of the EU (capital, citizens,
of production: who owns investments, and services) it is certain that
the fishing rights? Does it investment in the fishing fleets (particularly
matter? the small-scale ones) by foreign interests is
still surprisingly resented in many Mem-
Why the structure of property ber States as an unacceptable invasion of
matters their coastal communities. In addition to
The question of the property of the means of the well-known case of the UK’s Merchant
production and its possible influence in fisheries Shipping Act of 1988, other Member States
management has gone completely unnoticed also voice strong opposition to any foreign
for many years in the context of the CFP. Yet, investment (even from other EU countries!)
it is easy to imagine that depending upon the in their fishing industry.
ownership of the fleets and the ancillary indus- This of course does not stop the significant
try, certain policy options may or may not be changes in ownership of fishing vessels and
acceptable by the industry. An obvious example their associated fishing rights. Despite the lack
can be that of rights-based management: where of data and the lack of transparency of many of
the ownership of the vessels and the fishing these changes in ownership, such changes con-
rights is distributed among a myriad of boat tinue to be significant in Europe and they often
owners strongly attached to their local com- concern non-EU interests as well. In certain
munities the industry is likely to oppose such a Member States, for example, there is an impor-
mechanism. However, where the ownership is tant penetration of Icelandic fishing interests,
concentrated in fewer hands, and particularly and the important penetration of Norwegian
those of investors from foreign countries, such interests in the EU aquaculture industry is also
a mechanism can be much more desirable. a well-known phenomenon. For these reasons,
Few studies are available on this question, it is clear that the question is important and
largely due to the less than transparent struc- has a bearing on the management of European
ture of ownership in the fishing sector. This is fisheries.
particularly true for the large-scale fleets, where Investing in the fisheries sector may be con-
ownership is often hidden behind instrumen- sidered by many as a risky business, given
tal ownership. On the contrary, the structure the troublesome image often projected on
of small-scale sectors is generally clearer and the fishing industry and its management.
more transparent; here, the figure of the boat However, it has been argued that investing in
owner/skipper is still largely predominant. The well-managed fisheries can indeed be very prof-
European Commission has recently commis- itable, due to potential large and quick returns
sioned a first study on this question, which on investment in well-selected cases (Serge
by and large has long remained opaque at EU Garcia, personal communication). In any case,
level. the fact is that the ownership of the fleets and
The global context: emerging challenges 305

fishing rights in Europe is, from abundant anec- As a matter of free markets, the Commission
dotal information, changing intensely, which should take a hands-off attitude, except to
suggests that ownership is not necessarily ensure that the EU’s four freedoms are strictly
stable over time. And this raises the following respected. But beyond that, the monitoring
question: if the ownership of fishing rights is of what is happening should be a matter of
changing, can these changes lead to changing interest, in so far as it could have a bearing on
positions in the European fishing industry as what the EU “industry” may be ready to accept
regards its position on management options? at any given moment.
And can these changes influence the posi- Overall, the question of the property of the
tion of their national administrations on these means of production is not as such a policy
issues? strand: the market should work properly under
general EU rules. However, providing trans-
What possible effects parency as to what is happening can shed some
on management? very interesting light as to the possibilities for
In the absence of data in Europe, one can only developing certain management instruments in
theorize about the possible effects of different the future.
structures of ownership in the attitude of the
fishing industry to different fisheries manage- Climate change and fisheries
ment options: management
• The use of market mechanisms as rights-
based management is much more acceptable Despite the existence of well-organized global
for large interests than for small owners. warming deniers (Dunlap and McCright 2011)
• Relative stability is also seen differently by this author takes the view that the proofs of the
large owners with fishing interests in more existence of a phenomenon of global warming
than a Member State than by small owners induced by human activity are so overwhelm-
entirely dependent upon national quotas. ing that they are impossible to ignore. This
• Non-EU owners are unlikely to have the is more than a personal opinion. At least for
same views on the rigid allocation keys two reasons the CFP must assume that global
under relative stability as the owners from warming is real and that it will have effects on
Member States depending upon national European fisheries:
quotas. • The precautionary approach, which means
The stakeholders’ position on the above the CFP should take measures to address
points (and, by implication, the position of well-identified problems even if the proofs
their national governments) is likely to evolve are not definitive.
as changes in ownership take place. This is of • The obligation of the CFP to base itself on
course a slow process, as these changes in the best scientific advice available. Even if
ownership are gradual and often discreet. In certain voices disagree, this is, beyond any
addition, the changing position of stakeholders doubt, that of the International Panel on
are probably slow to trickle-down into national Climate Change (IPCC) (see below).
positions on management. The last report of the IPCC, published in 2014,
In any case, this is a question where the contains specific sections on the effects of global
Commission cannot and should not intervene warming on the world’s ocean systems (chapter
(except in cases of breach of internal market, 6) and on the “Food security and food produc-
competition, or state aid rules for example). tion systems” (chapter 7) including fisheries and
But monitoring the situation and investigating aquaculture. It is important to revise their main
where we stand on this question will be impor- conclusions because their implications are sim-
tant to gauge the industry’s readiness to accept ply impossible to overlook by managers of ocean
certain policy changes. and fishery resources worldwide.
306 Chapter 12

Global warming and the oceans the observed responses to acidification are
Chapter 6 of the panel summarizes its findings not yet outside the natural range of variation
adding an evaluation of the level of confi- so the overall effects remain more uncertain.
dence of the conclusions, to allow managers • The expansion of anoxic zones (“dead
to evaluate the associated risks. A number zones”) will constrain the habitats of oxygen-
of the conclusions are important for the CFP. breathing organisms and favor anaerobic
Importantly, the panel qualifies its conclusions microbes (medium confidence).
with a level of confidence, to fend-off allega- • In certain ecosystems, water cooling will take
tions of scare-mongering by certain parts of place, resulting in more intense upwelling
public opinion, who think that governments and higher productivity (medium confidence)
and people should not be scared on the basis of but also enhanced hypoxia, acidification,
uncertain conclusions. and associated biomass reduction in fish and
Some of the conclusions by the panel clearly invertebrates.
demonstrate the effects of global warming • Environmental drivers acting simultaneously
on the world’s oceans with a high degree of on ocean organisms often lead to complex
confidence. The consequences, however, are responses (high confidence) which are difficult
not necessarily always negative for all oceanic to anticipate.
systems, and the effects may combine and may • The combination of global and regional
result in unforeseen consequences: climate change with local anthropogenic
• Climate change alters physical, chemical, and factors (overfishing, pollution, etc.) results
biological properties of the ocean (high confi- in enhanced vulnerability of natural and
dence). human systems (high confidence).
• The fossil record and current laboratory work • The progressive redistribution of species and
confirm the link between key environmen- the reduction in marine biodiversity in sen-
tal drivers and responses of ocean systems to sitive regions and habitats puts the sustained
climate change (high confidence). provision of fisheries productivity at risk
• Vulnerability of most organisms to warming (high confidence).
is set by their physiology, which defines their • With continuing climate change, local adap-
temperature ranges. tation measures (such as conservation) or a
• The warming-induced shifts in abundance, reduction of human activities such as fishing
geographic distribution, migration patterns, may not sufficiently offset global-scale effects
and timing of seasonal activities of species on marine ecosystems (high confidence).
(very high confidence) have been and will be In the light of all the above points, it is clear
paralleled by a reduction in their maximum that global warming poses a huge challenge to
body size (medium confidence). This will fur- the oceans and the human activities that depend
ther result in changing interactions between from them. It is particularly important from the
species (high confidence). above conclusions of the IPCC that:
• By the mid-twenty-first century, spatial shifts • There have to be global solutions because
of marine species will cause species richness local solutions may not suffice.
to increase at mid and high latitudes (high • Many effects are difficult to foresee, and this
confidence), resulting in global redistribution implies more research and more precaution
of catch potential for fish and invertebrates, in management.
with implications for food security (medium • Many effects will be different in different geo-
confidence). graphical areas, so one-size-fits-all fixes will
• Rising CO2 changes carbonate chemistry not work.
producing ocean acidification, with impacts Although the effects of sea temperature on
ranging from organismal physiology and species distribution are much better assessed
behavior to population dynamics. However, than those of ocean acidification, studies show
The global context: emerging challenges 307

that future levels of acidification could mediate • Changes in temperature and precipitation
temperature-driven shifts in species distribu- will contribute to increased food prices by
tions, thereby influencing future biogeography 2050 (medium confidence).
and the functioning of marine ecosystems • Adaptation in fisheries, aquaculture, and
(Calosi et al. 2017). livestock production will potentially be
A problem that may be of particular relevance strengthened by the adoption of multi-level,
in the Mediterranean is that of the invasion of adaptive strategies to minimize impacts. For
non-native species. This has been considered fisheries this implies preserving ecosystem
as the biggest threat for the world’s ecosys- resilience, enabling occupational flexibility
tems (Margolis 2007). Although the problem and developing early warning systems for
is caused by the Suez Canal that opens the extreme events (medium confidence).
basin to Red Sea species, the problem is cer- • A range of potential adaptation options,
tainly aggravated by climate change: without beyond production, includes food processing,
it, many species of the Red Sea would not be packaging, transport, storage, and trade.
able to colonize the Mediterranean due to the • The points above are extremely important as
temperature difference. food for thought, particularly with regard to
The EU as a fundamental contributor to the the following aspects.
world’s maritime agenda has to consider all
• The different regional implications of global
these challenges as a fundamental part of its
warming, with more negative effects on
future initiatives on maritime governance.
tropical areas, pose a difficult distributive
problem, which only adds to the problem
Global warming and food production
mentioned above of the level of exploitation
The report of the panel also dedicates an
of marine resources and its implications on
extremely important chapter to the effects of
food security. Global warming will certainly
global warming on the production of food. A
aggravate these distributive problems.
number of its conclusions are of relevance,
• The negative effects on land, with lower pro-
directly or indirectly for the management of the
duction and higher prices of land-based food,
world’s fisheries:
would only make more crucial our future
• Climate trends are affecting the abundance
dependence on seafood. Again, the point
and distribution of harvested aquatic species,
made above on the need to fully and sus-
both freshwater and marine and aquacul-
ture production systems in different parts tainably exploit the world’s fishery resources
of the world. These will have negative con- becomes more crucial in the light of global
sequences on nutrition and food security warming. The world simply cannot count on
especially for more vulnerable people in producing all the future food needs through
some tropical developing countries, although agriculture and livestock alone.
in other regions there can be benefits in • A recent study on economic effects estimates
aquatic food production (medium confidence). that global fisheries revenues could drop
• All aspects of food security are potentially by 35% more than the projected decrease
affected by climate change, including food in catches by the 2050s under high CO2
access, utilization, and price stability (high emission scenarios. Regionally, the projected
confidence). increases in fish catch in high latitudes may
• Global temperature increases of c. 4∘ C or not translate into increases in revenues
more above late twentieth century lev- because of the increasing dominance of low
els, combined with increased food demand value fish, and the decrease in catches by
would pose large risks to food supply globally these countries’ vessels operating in more
and regionally, particularly in low-latitude severely impacted distant waters. Also,
areas (high confidence). developing countries with high fisheries
308 Chapter 12

dependency are negatively impacted (Lam tropical and sub-tropical waters (Barange and
et al. 2016). Perry 2009).
FAO has also evaluated the effects of climate A recent study using satellite imaging found
change on the world’s fisheries.12 These effects no significant trend in global annual median
are summarized as follows: chlorophyll from 1998 to 2015 (Gregg et al.
• Indirect wider socio-economic effects (e.g. 2018). However, in certain areas like the Indian
fresh water use conflicts affect all food pro- Ocean, there is an important change in the
duction systems; adaptation and mitigation composition of the phytoplankton species,
strategies in other sectors impact aquatic sys- with mid-sizes species such as diatoms and
tems in general or fisheries and aquaculture chlorophytes declining dramatically and their
directly). decline being compensated partially by much
• Biological and ecological responses to phys- smaller cyanophytes. This is significant because
ical changes (e.g. productivity, species cyanophytes may not be retained by filter
abundance, ecosystem stability, stock loca- feeders such as pelagic fish, so even if total
tions, pathogen levels and impacts). productivity does not decline substantially, the
• Direct physical effects (e.g. sea level change, ability of primary production to be incorporated
flooding, storm impacts). to the food chain may actually change.
The growing evidence of the effects of global Changes in sea temperature are expected to
warming has led certain countries, and cer- drive most marine species ranges toward the
tain regions of the world, to develop very poles, expanding the range of warmer-water
forward-looking strategies to adapt. A case in species and contracting that of colder-water
hand is the US State of Alaska.
species. A possible effect of these displacements
is that they will affect different species differ-
The effects of climate change ently, thus potentially accentuating predator-
on fisheries and aquaculture prey mismatches. In the specific case of the
The effects of climate change on fisheries and Mediterranean, the narrowness of the basin
aquaculture have been studied for a while. makes it difficult for traditional species to
Although the evidence is still preliminary and mover northwards. This results in these species
much more research is needed, the situation being gradually squeezed by new species to the
was summarized by FAO through a dedicated northern rim of the basin, thus increasing bio-
overview (FAO, 2018). diversity and substantially altering traditional
A first question is the possible reduction in
species composition.
ocean productivity. As surface waters warm up,
As for ocean acidification, due to the increase
sea water stratification will increase and this
in the CO2 dissolved in sea waters, the effects
may cause lower levels of upwelling and thus
are still very difficult to predict, but they will
lower primary production of phytoplankton.
likely be particularly severe for shell-borne
However, in high latitudes the residence times
organisms, tropical coral reefs and cold-water
in the euphotic zone will increase and so will
primary production through an extended grow-
Important uncertainties and research gaps
ing season. Overall, it is difficult to predict if the
remain, in particular the effects of synergistic
global primary production of phytoplankton
interactions among stressors (fishing, pollution,
will be reduced or increased, but it certainly
etc.), the occurrences and roles of critical
seems that there will be increased geographical
thresholds and the ability of different marine
differences in ocean productivity, generally in
organisms to adapt to the evolving circum-
favor of waters closer to the poles and against
stances (Barange and Perry 2009).
However, the effects are not only to be
12 expected on marine biota. Fisheries are social–
The global context: emerging challenges 309

ecological systems, and the changes of pro- How to address the problem:
ductivity and distribution will mean that the case of Alaska
populations dependent on fishing will be In the US a number of initiatives are being taken
exposed to a number of direct and indirect to address the problem of global warming on
impacts, including displacement and migra- fisheries. Recently the US National Oceanic and
tion of human populations, impacts on coastal Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has set up
communities and infrastructures due to sea the OceanAdapt website, with the objective of
level rise and changes in the intensity and tracking fish populations as the climate changes.
distribution of tropical storms. The case of Alaska is of particular relevance.
The vulnerability of human population to The SeaGrant Alaska project has developed
these changes varies considerably, with poorer ideas on how to adapt Alaskan fisheries includ-
and less empowered countries suffering the ing the necessary adaptations in science, gov-
most acute effects, and with higher expo- ernance, action by fishermen and fishing
sure by those countries already suffering from communities and so on (Johnson 2016).
over-exploitation and over-capacity (Daw et al. Although the adaptation to global warming
2009). These effects will have a strong bear- has to be adapted to local conditions, the South
ing on fisheries management: in developed Eastern Bering Sea Regional Climate Science
countries these changes mean the need for Strategy has the value of including all the
the management system to adapt to changing essential elements of what should be a general
distribution patterns by adapting management strategy to adapt to climate change. This plan
areas. For the international community it has six steps:
means that there may be increased inequality 1 Identify climate informed reference points
in terms of access to the changing resources, for managing living marine resources. This
with important consequences in terms of food implies, for example, revising the esti-
security. mations of parameters such as Bmsy to
As for aquaculture, climate change will imply adapt them to the new climatic conditions
significant impacts notably through sea level emerging.
and temperature rise, changes in monsoonal 2 Identify robust strategies for managing
rain patterns and extreme climatic events and resources under changing climate condi-
water stress. The increase in water temperatures tions. This implies identifying management
may have negative effects on aquaculture in strategies that will not be so dependent from
temperate zones because such increases would climate-related uncertainty.
exceed the optimal temperature range for the 3 Design adaptive decision processes that
organisms currently cultured. However, it may respond to changing climate conditions. This
have certain positive effects such as an increase implies that fisheries management cannot be
in growth rates in tropical and subtropical based on instruments and principles that are
waters (De Silva and Soto 2009). too heavy or difficult to modify and adapt.
Beyond the effects on the farmed species 4 Identify the resources and dependent human
themselves, another source of concern is the communities most affected by climate
possible effects of the warming of waters in change. This is very far-reaching because
the extension and prevalence of certain dis- it implies that the traditional distributive
eases. It has been reported, for example, that policies may not correspond to future needs
warmer waters are increasing the prevalence under changing climatic conditions.
of certain bacteria in oysters, not only increas- 5 Identify the mechanisms of climate impacts
ing oyster mortality, but also representing a on resources and dependent communities.
threat to human health. Other species may also This is essential to identify the type of cor-
contribute to increase toxicity such as certain rective or compensatory action that may be
species of toxic algae. needed.
310 Chapter 12

6 Track trends in ecosystems and depend- aquatic environments due to their documented
ing human communities and provide ubiquity in marine ecosystems, long residence
early warning of changes. This means that times, and propensity to be ingested by biota
adaptation to climate change also implies (Anderson et al. 2016).
a permanent monitoring of the situation to Micro-plastics have different origins, but can
ensure that negative changes can, to the be classified in two categories: (i) those pro-
extent possible, be anticipated. duced intentionally through specific manufac-
The above six points are an extremely useful turing processes (microbeads, resin pellets, etc.)
source of inspiration to adapt any fisheries man- generally called “primary micro-plastics”; and
agement system to climate change. In addition, (ii) those resulting from breakdown of larger
however, and beyond this regional strategy, a plastic material, generally called “secondary
worldwide strategy is also necessary, notably to micro-plastics” (Andersson 2014). Recent evi-
address the global distributive problems identi- dence also suggests some may come from
fied above. shedding of synthetic fibers from textiles. In
any case, their presence in the ocean is often
associated with poor wastewater management
Marine pollution: the example
(Markic and Nicol 2014).
of micro-plastics and marine
Distribution and incorporation to the
food chain
In addition to the effects of climate change,
Plastics have been well-known to accumulate
the future of fisheries is also dependent upon a
in oceanic subtropical gyres, such as the Sar-
number of challenges concerning the preserva-
gasso Sea (Law and Thompson 2014). In the
tion of the marine ecosystems. It is opportune
North Pacific gyre, a study found six times
to bear in mind that, although fishing alters
higher abundance of micro-plastics than zoo-
the marine environment, this activity is by
plankton (Moore et al. 2001). However, given
no means the only threat to the preservation
their floatability and longevity, they are also
of the marine ecosystems. Marine pollution
distributed throughout the marine environ-
represents a fundamental threat as well, and
ment through hydrodynamic processes (Law
the problems to fishing and the environment
et al. 2010). This includes also accumulation in
posed by oil pollution, heavy metals, pesticides,
marine sediments.
and the like have been well known for many
Micro-plastics are of extremely varied sizes,
including microscopic ones, equivalent to many
However, among the different problems
components of plankton. The potential for
related to marine pollution, there is one that
their incorporation to the marine food chains
emerges as a problem for the fishing and aqua-
through suspension feeders is obvious. As for
culture activity in the future: the problem
their incorporation into sediments, it has been
of micro-plastics, for which new evidence is
observed that they can also be ingested by
being put together by scientists about their
detritus feeders, thus entering the benthic food
abundance, accumulation and, crucially, their
chain (Murray and Cowie 2011).
incorporation to the food webs and its effects
Micro-plastics may also have other secondary
on consumers. The emergence of this problem
and its potential effects on the future of marine effects: in particular they can also provide sur-
ecosystems and their exploitation deserves face for the attachment of other marine pollu-
much attention as an important challenge. tants and toxic chemicals, thus enhancing and
Micro-plastics have been traditionally defined aggravating the effects of such chemicals (Mato
as plastic elements of less than 5 mm in size, et al. 2001).
but lower threshold levels (0.5–1 mm) are also There is also evidence of plastics providing
used by other scientists. They may pose a risk to hard surfaces for fouling, thus allowing sessile
The global context: emerging challenges 311

species to find adequate substrate in these This advice represents a serious warning that
plastic particles, which may subsequently drift the issue of possible toxicity of marine species
to other marine areas, increasing the risks that have ingested micro-plastics deserves a lot
of invasive species, with subsequent risks for of attention and must be addressed head-on,
ecosystems as well as for aquaculture practices. sooner rather than later.
There is abundant evidence of toxic effects
by plastics or at least a number of its chemical What to do?
components (Markic and Nicol 2014; Anderson The problem is more difficult to address than
et al. 2016). These may have direct toxic effects that of macro-plastics. The European Commis-
on many marine biota after being ingested. sion has recently proposed a strategy to address
Although the research on this topic is recent the latter, notably on the basis of the concept
and still largely under development, its poten- of circular economy, which includes inter alia,
tial effect on the marine ecosystem is extremely collection, and recycling (EU 2018a). However,
worrying, particularly considering the persis- micro-plastics and microfibers are much more
tence of micro-plastics and the continuous rate difficult to handle, since physical collection of
of production and dumping of plastic material existing plastics cannot take place, or at least not
around the world. with current methodologies.
The problem is technically very difficult to
The effects of micro-plastics
resolve. Methods devised to remove plastics
on consumers
from the sea are effective only for relatively
The incorporation of micro-plastics in fish and
large pieces of plastic, but micro-plastics are
mollusks poses the next question: what is their
much more difficult to remove, at least using
effect on consumers? This is an area where
physical methods.
research is very recent and still largely incon-
At least two types of solution are necessary:
clusive. In addition, as it happens always with
• For primary micro-plastics, where removal is
toxicology, the levels of risk for consumers are
probably impossible, the only solution seems
not only a function of the toxicity of the prod-
to be the phasing out of their production.
uct in question, but also of the total amount
Indeed, certain European Member States, led
of product ingested. The potential effects of
by the Netherlands, have taken initiatives
the ingestion of micro-plastics in vertebrates
in this regard in the context of the United
can in principle be considered similar to those
Nations Environmental Programme in 2015.
of macro-plastics, which includes a variety of
This type of initiative should be fundamen-
negative effects on health and reproductive
tally supported and encouraged not just as
capacity (Wright et al. 2013).
an environmental problem, but also one that
The most obvious threat for consumers is
can potentially affect human health and food
that of bivalve mollusks that feed by filtering
plankton and that are known to accumulate
• For secondary micro-plastics there can be
micro-plastics present in their environment.
other solutions, such as current initiatives to
In a study conducted with blue mussel and
remove large plastic materials, better waste
oyster, Van Cauwenberghe and Janssen (2014)
water management and the development of
concluded that:
biodegradable plastics.
The annual dietary exposure for European shellfish There is a need to invest on research on meth-
consumers can amount to 11,000 micro-plastics ods to detect high-content micro-plastics in fish
per year. The presence of marine micro-plastics
to protect consumers. But in particular there is a
in seafood could pose a threat to food safety,
need to address this issue as one of global ocean
however, due to the complexity of estimating
micro-plastic toxicity, estimations of the potential governance. In this regard, the recent initiative
risks for human health posed by micro-plastics in by the Commission on the matter provides
food stuffs is not (yet) possible. for the right platform where solutions must
312 Chapter 12

be found. These will require active policies to Fisheries in the information age
reduce and eventually eliminate the production
of non-biodegradable plastics around the world Today’s information society is changing the basis
and substantial improvements in wastewater for decision-making in all policy areas, notably
management. But it will also require the much by the increasing influence of short-term,
more difficult problem of how to remove (if at superficial messaging in public opinion, and
all possible) the high amount of plastics already consequently in political positions and priori-
present in the oceans that are gradually being ties. Fisheries are no exception.
incorporated into the food chains.
This is also clearly an issue where the interest The influence of the information
of the fishing industry and that of NGOs will society on policy making
tend to converge. In Chapter 9, we discussed Ultimately, fisheries management suffers from
the relationship between NGOs and the fishing all the problems of the information age, just
industry, and how the future should be one like traditional politics, increasingly questioned
of cooperation rather than confrontation. This by the flow of superficial information that
issue is probably one where this cooperation can somehow replace the in-depth analysis of
may take place: the fishing industry here is objective data and evidence. A characteristic of
clearly on the receiving end of an environ- current populism is the presentation of reality
mental problem. It is not the industry that in very negative terms, to undermine the ways
of addressing societal problems, thus giving rise
is creating it: it is suffering from it, and the
to social demand for radical, untested alter-
industry’s interest and the environmental one
native approaches. As Pinker (2018) points
should coincide almost seamlessly.
out, today’s populist view of the world’s affairs
For the above reasons, the fishing industry
is based on a false image that the world is
should take a clear initiative. Although the
relentlessly deteriorating, when the contrary
solution to this problem involves a wide range
is true, as shown by the objective data and
of governmental and industrial interests, well
in-depth analysis. The alternative is the attach-
beyond the reach of the fishing industry, the
ment, more than ever, to the values of the
latter should lead by example. Anyone familiar
enlightenment: science, reason, humanism,
with wild beaches in coastal areas of high expo-
and progress.
sure will have seen the accumulation of plastics
A similar phenomenon occurs with fishing,
brought ashore by the tides and the currents. It
particularly with the publication of certain
is safe to assume that most of these plastics come scientific papers that depict very dramatic
from vessels at sea, which simply throw their doomsday scenarios, such as for example those
rubbish (including plastics) overboard. Many of predicting a total collapse of the world fisheries
these are probably fishing vessels, oblivious of by the middle of the century, as we saw under
the possible negative effects of these plastics on “The Pauly/Hilborn controversy” above. The
the very resource they depend on. publicity given to these publications, and the
Over and beyond some existing experiences multiplication by the social media constitute a
of collaboration to remove plastics from the powerful tool to carry a message that fisheries
marine environment, the fishing industry are leading to collapse with the implication that
could lead by example by adopting an active fisheries management does not work so that
policy of not dumping plastics in the sea, and more radical solutions are necessary.
use it as an example to the rest of society about A good case in hand is the article by Kroodsma
the dangers of plastics in the marine environ- et al. (2018) mentioned in Chapter 8, which
ment, and about how an industry can take a provided a very negative view of the effects
problem head on and actively contribute to of the fishing activity on the world’s oceans,
solve it by setting the example. and received considerable attention in the mass
The global context: emerging challenges 313

media and the social networks. A reply to that The bad image is largely unfair:
article by Amoroso et al. (2018) providing a • Many resources are accessible only through
much more accurate view on the question industrial fishing. Fisheries for Greenland
received practically no media attention. halibut in the Northeast Atlantic Fishery
This represents a challenge not only for Organization (NAFO) area, at more than 200
the fishing sector, but also for the scientific nautical miles from the Canadian coast in
community: the recent trend to publicize cer- the NW Atlantic, in ice cold, rough seas, can
tain scientific works may introduce a bias in simply never be conducted by small-scale
public opinion, in that this most publicized fishing.
work is certainly not the only available and, • Industrial fisheries can be sustainable. In
also arguably, not the best-informed and more addition to the example above, a number
balanced either. of fisheries for tuna by industrial vessels are
also sustainable (Pons et al. 2016).
The bad image of industrial fishing • The sector tends to be more strategic, take
In a world where the superficial image on initiatives and assume part of the cost of man-
an activity can have significant effects on the agement.
position that public opinion (and subsequently • It is generally easier to control. For example,
governments) can take on that activity, it is in the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Com-
important to refer to the important problem mission (IATTC) tuna fisheries, all vessels
of image of the fishing activity in general and over 400 gross tonnage (GT) have an
industrial fishing in particular. This is leading observer on board.
to increasing initiatives to declare larger zones • Economically, it can be profitable and effi-
as protected from commercial fishing in certain cient, and not necessarily more dependent
countries (Hilborn 2018). on subsides (EU 2018b).
The divide between small-scale coastal fishing • In some cases, industrial fishing is actually
and long-distance industrial fishing is clearly the preferred option to exploit certain fishery
influenced by the position of a number of NGOs, resources by coastal communities. The eight
which consider large scale industrial fisheries small island States of the Pacific constituting
as unsustainable by definition, regardless of the PNA (Parties to the Nauru Agreement)
their relative merits in terms of conducting have chosen a system of licensing large-scale
sustainable fisheries. Public campaigns such foreign fishing vessels as the most efficient
as Greenpeace’s “monster boats” are a good model to exploit profitably their immense
example: they consider that large vessels are tuna resources of their exclusive economic
bad per se, without reference to whether they zones (EEZ).
conduct sustainable fisheries.13 Overall, there is no basis to say that industrial
The argument is biological, but also social: fishing is less sustainable than artisanal fishing
industrial fishing is always presented as remov- per se. Yet, the campaigning against it contin-
ing fish resources that could (and should) be ues to be rife. It has been suggested (Hilborn
exploited by small-scale coastal communities. 2018) that one way to fend off these unfair alle-
The fact that some of the industrial fisheries gations is for the industry to voluntarily ensure
around the world (for example the Alaskan full transparency in their activity. This coincides
pollock fishery in the North Pacific) are among with the experience of this author in connec-
the most sustainable and that they exploit a tion notably with the non-discard policy (Penas
resource in an area that could not possibly Lado 2016); in the face of a challenge, what the
be exploited by small-scale fishers, does not industry will not do voluntarily will probably
change the negative image of this segment. end up being imposed on them top–down. The
13 industry should be proactive to respond to the
FairlyOLD/boat_profile. allegations about the destructive nature of their
314 Chapter 12

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ultimately be imposed on them in much worse Global fishery prospects under contrasting manage-
terms. ment regimes. Proceedings of the National Academy
of Sciences of the United States of America 113 (18):
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Sharpless, A. and Evans, S. (2013). The Perfect Protein: Ytrestoyl, T., Aas, T.S., and Asgard, T. (2015). Utili-
The Fish Lover’s Guide to Saving the Oceans and Feeding sation of feed resources in production of Atlantic
the World. New York: Oceana. salmon (Salmo salar) in Norway. Aquaculture 448:
Smith, A.D.M. (2013). Fishery management: is 365–374.
Europe turning the corner? Current Biology 23 (15):

Adapting the CFP to emerging


Adapting the CFP beyond reform is the emergence of new challenges that were
not so obvious when the last reform took place.
In Chapter 1 we referred to the balance between Facing these challenges simply cannot wait for
policy stability and policy change. This balance 10 years until the next reform. The policy has
is tested repeatedly on the occasion of the to try to adapt to these challenges within the
reform of the common fisheries policy (CFP) existing legal framework. This is desirable and
that takes place roughly every 10 years. But possible.
policy reform is much more than that: Some of these challenges may be gradual, and
• Policy reform is also a gradual but determined their effects may become evident only in the
change of practice within a given legislative mid-term. This may give the impression that
framework. they are not “urgent,” and that addressing them
• Policy change is also anticipating problems can be a matter for the next policy reform. But
and planning possible solutions before their that would be a mistake: good policies should
consequences are fully realized. always anticipate problems, not just address
• Policy reform is also implementing the policy their consequences when they become obvious.
in an intelligent way in the light of emerging We can distinguish several ways in which this
evidence. gradual change can take place:
• Policy reform is also learning from mistakes • In some cases, the policy can develop through
and correcting measures when necessary. strategic plans that will identify a problem
All this means that the period between two and propose a roadmap to addressing it,
policy reforms should not be necessarily a
using policy elements already existing or
period where no change takes place and the
proposing a combination of these existing
policy is applied automatically, but rather a
policy elements with others to be developed
period where the policy should improve grad-
in the future. The adaptation of the policy to
ually under the existing legal basis. As has
the “perfect storm” referred to in Chapter 4
been argued in previous chapters, a number
is a good example. But perhaps a better
of significant changes of practice could take
example would be a strategic plan to adapt
place without modifying a comma of the basic
the CFP to climate change.
regulation of the CFP.
• In other cases, the policy can be adapted by
Emerging challenges and the value learning from experience and introducing
of long-term strategic thinking new elements (all under the existing basic
One of the reasons why the policy should regulation). A very good example is the
always be subject to improvement and adapta- evolution of long-term management plans,
tion, even in the absence of legislative change, where the second plan (for the North Sea, EU

Quo Vadis Common Fisheries Policy?, First Edition. Ernesto Penas Lado.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
318 Chapter 13

2018) introduced two important elements the adaptation to climate change constitutes
compared with the first one (for the Baltic a test case of the ability of the CFP to think
Sea, EU 2016): the target and non-target ahead, to try to anticipate the problems rather
species approach, and the fast-track adap- than reacting to them. In other words, climate
tation of the biomass and fishing mortality change provides the CFP with an opportunity
parameters. to demonstrate that it can be a proactive, not
• The evolution of the policy can also take just a reactive policy. But for that to be the case,
place, still under the same legal basis, by it is important that the evidence of the effects,
developing the non-legislative elements to present and future, be clearly spelled out.
facilitate or promote the implementation In any case there is an obvious effect of
of policy instruments hitherto not imple- climate change on the traditional management
mented. We have referred to the possible system of the Atlantic and Baltic Seas, based
implementation of real-time closures as an on single-stock management in rigid manage-
effective tool to reduce discards, and how the ment areas with rigid allocation keys: climate
legal basis exists and only needs other change is a very dynamic process for which
accompanying factors to be applied in the fixed, rigid management system applied
practice. since 1983 is fundamentally ill-adapted. The
The crucial factor for the timely adapta- management system applicable in the CFP for
tion of the policy (indeed, of any policy) to more than 30 years and its fixed nature will
these emerging challenges is strategic thinking. have to be adapted to face the challenge of an
This is one of the most important roles of the increasingly dynamic marine ecosystem. This
European Commission: the instrument of the also means that in the Mediterranean, where
Communications to the European Parliament fisheries management is 30 years behind, there
and the Council are an ideal format to put is an opportunity to establish a management
forward strategic thinking and proposing a system that, from the beginning, will develop
long-term plan to implement the necessary a more flexible and adaptive fisheries man-
policy changes. In a time where policy com- agement system that will address the dynamic
plexity is on the rise and where the everyday nature of the processes taking place in that
responsibilities leave those responsible with basin.
very little time for strategic thinking, it is
important to underline the value of this kind of The evidence of climate change in EU
instrument. fisheries
This fundamental question has been subject
Adapting the CFP to climate to a specific analysis by ICES, on request from
change the Commission (ICES 2016). This report, of
exceptional importance for the future of the
We saw in the previous chapter how global CFP, refers to a number of different causes
warming is starting to affect fisheries manage- for the shift in stock distribution. Temperature
ment worldwide. The question immediately changes (and thus the effects of climate change)
arises: how does global warming affect the seem to be the main driver for the observed
CFP? What changes or adaptations would changes in distribution. And, ultimately, what
be justified on this basis? And in what time is important is to evaluate to what extent these
scale? shifts, whatever their cause, may have on the
The changes introduced by climate change management of the stocks.
are gradual, and their effects become apparent ICES found that, among the 19 species
very gradually too. This implies a risk: thinking studied, most exhibit some changes in their dis-
that these changes are minimal, so no urgent tribution, with the exception of Greenland
change of policy is necessary. For this reason, halibut, Norway pout and spurdog, for which no
Adapting the CFP to emerging challenges 319

evidence was found. Among them, eight were The consequences of these shifts are very
identified as being subject to very significant clearly spelled out by ICES:
displacements of their traditional areas of
distribution; these are called by ICES “big The main management implication is the mismatch
movers.” between regional abundances and TAC allocation,
with hake and mackerel as clear examples. This
The following species were identified as “big
mismatch, in combination with the landing obli-
movers” by ICES:
gation, could result in choke species issues and
• Anchovy (Northward shift in the North Sea) challenges the relative stability currently used to
• Anglerfish (regional changes in the North distribute quotas.
• Cod (northward shift) Climate change is likely to continue aggra-
• Hake (expansion in the North Sea) vating these shifts. According to ICES, the
• Herring (changes among different manage- main risk areas are the North Sea (warming
ment areas) and latitudinal shift), Celtic Sea and below
• Mackerel (major changes across northeast (warming and lower primary production),
Atlantic) west of Scotland (northward shift), Norwegian
• Megrims (regional changes in the North Sea, Sea and Skagerrak and Kattegat (increase in
Bay of Biscay, and Celtic Sea) abundance).
• Plaice (changes among different manage- It must also be borne in mind that not all shifts
ment areas). in abundance and structure are due to climate,
Figure 13.1 shows the changes in distribu- some of these changes are due to fishing (Bell
tion of anchovy in recent years. The presence/ et al. 2015). It is important to distinguish the
absence method shows clear increasing patterns effects of climate change from the effects of fish-
in anchovy occurrence probability in northern ing: adaptation to climate change should not be
divisions. an alibi for poor fishery management.

Anchovy 2011–2015

Figure 13.1 Changes of distribution of anchovy in northern European waters, between 2011 and 2015.
Source: ICES (2016).
320 Chapter 13

A case study: Atlantic cod mortality of newly hatched cod larvae, thus
The above conclusions are applicable glob- resulting in a decrease in recruitment between
ally, but the problem for Europe and the CFP one quarter and one twelfth of last decade’s
is better illustrated by a case study: Atlantic recruitment (Stiasny et al. 2016).
cod, an iconic species that has been at the These predictions, uncertain though they
origin of many of the innovations and changes are, clearly point at a fundamental change
introduced in the CFP. in the way the CFP will have to handle the
The potential effects of climate change on management of fisheries in European waters
the distribution and productivity of cod were and the relationship with the Union’s northern
already studied some time ago by Drinkwater neighbors.
(2005). Already at that time it was consid-
ered that stocks in the Celtic and Irish Seas The consequences of climate change
were expected to disappear under predicted in the CFP
temperature changes by the year 2100, while The effects of climate change will, beyond
those in the southern North Sea and Georges reasonable doubt, have consequences for the
Bank would decline. Cod would likely spread CFP. These will concern both the domestic
northwards along the coasts of Greenland and management in EU waters and the bilateral and
Labrador, occupy larger areas of the Barents multilateral management of shared fisheries
Sea, and may even extend onto some of the and fisheries in international and third country
continental shelves of the Arctic Ocean. In waters. This has already been recognized in the
addition, spawning sites would be established scientific literature (Arnason 2012).
further north than was the case at the time. The total allowable catch (TAC) and quota
However, this does not mean that overall system and the relative stability are established
productivity would be lower since individual on the basis of the ICES management areas.
growth rates for many of the cod stocks would However, as we saw above, the areas of distri-
increase, leading to an overall increase in the bution of many stocks have been changing over
total production of Atlantic cod in the North the years, and this change is being accelerated
Atlantic. by climate change. This means that the tradi-
More recent studies in the Kattegat confirm tional management associating stocks and their
that future and ongoing rises in sea surface relative stability to specific ICES areas is gradu-
temperature may increasingly deprive cod in ally becoming obsolete. The already mentioned
this region from shallow feeding areas during 2016 ICES report on this question illustrates
summer, which may be detrimental for local the scale and importance of the geographical
populations of the species (Freitas et al. 2015). displacement of the area of distribution of a
In contrast, in waters of the Barents Sea number of European stocks.
the situation is the reverse. According to a The problem is similar in the case of resources
recent study (Kjesbu et al. 2014) the Barents shared between the Union and third countries
Sea cod stock has recently increased markedly of the NE Atlantic, such as Norway, Iceland, and
and the spawning stock biomass (SSB) is now the Faroe Islands. The case of Atlantic mack-
at an unprecedented high. The study shows erel can be considered, arguably, the first case in
that management alone was not solely respon- which the displacement of the area of distribu-
sible; prevailing climate, operating through tion of a stock (arguably due to climate change)
several mechanistic links, positively reinforced altered the traditional agreement on allocation
management actions. among the parties concerned, leading to a con-
Beyond the effects of temperature, other flict over the distributive arrangements for that
studies are evaluating the effects of ocean acid- stock. This kind of phenomenon is likely to hap-
ification. It has recently been estimated that pen with other stocks as their area of distribu-
increasing ocean acidification could double the tion gradually changes.
Adapting the CFP to emerging challenges 321

Beyond issues of management and alloca- a 7-point plan to adapt the US management
tion, changes in stock distribution may also system to global warming, based on a new
have effects on economic performance, due to science strategy to address all the presumed
changes in the abundance of the traditional effects of climate change. The points are:
species and the difficulty to replace them with • Determine climate-informed reference
new, emerging ones in traditional markets. points.
In the international context, an obvious • Identify robust strategies for managing
consequence is that the traditional allocations marine resources under changing climate
agreed in the context of Regional Fisheries conditions.
Organizations, already subject to questioning • Design decision processes that are robust to
and tension, will likely aggravate in the future, climate change scenarios.
as we saw in Chapter 10. • Predict future states of resources and ecosys-
Global warming will also question many tems and dependent human communities.
other aspects of the CFP. The higher frequency • Determine the mechanisms of climate change
of storms and the possible deterioration of related effects on ecosystems.
coastal infrastructure may displace the main • Track trends in resources, ecosystems, and
focus of the structural policy toward mitiga- human communities to provide early warn-
tion. The changes in economic expectations ing to change.
as a result of the geographical displacement • Build and maintain the science structure to
of traditional stocks may aggravate conflict fulfill the mandate of the NMFS under chang-
among Member States, regions, fishing com- ing conditions.
munities or fleet segments. The growing public These steps are of a general nature, not
interest in climate change may also introduce country-specific and can constitute a reference
new demands by consumers, which can be of what the EU could look into when con-
an opportunity for those taking measures to sidering a similar plan. But specially, they are
mitigate negative effects on global warming. anticipative, not reactive, something the CFP
The markets may also have to start looking at must improve on for the future, thus reflecting
species currently unknown or having a low the fact that the gradual nature of the climate
value. change effects can induce the error of consid-
All these questions are of such gradual nature ering that “we have plenty of time” to react.
that they may not seem to justify urgent action. In practice, the above strategy responds to the
That is their main risk: that they will be consid- opposite philosophy: that it is not too early
ered as a low priority, and that could mean that to adapt, and that if no change is introduced,
the CFP may one day have to address their neg- then the effects of climate change will no doubt
ative effects rather than anticipate the possible catch up when it is too late.
adaptations to mitigate them.

The US example A strategic plan to adapt the CFP

There are good examples of how this is being to climate change
addressed in other places. A fundamental step The US example above is an important source
by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric of inspiration for what is a fundamental debate
Administration (NOAA) has been to adopt a for the future of the CFP. The consequences
strategy to adapt the science basis for the pol- of climate change are such that the CFP needs
icy to climate change.1 And NOAA’s National to develop a strategic plan to adapt to this
Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) has adopted challenge. This plan cannot wait until the next
policy reform; it has to be addressed now,
1 among other reasons because much, if not most
national-climate-strategy/ of what needs to be done, is possible under the
322 Chapter 13

current legal framework. Possible elements for and west) the new scenario required a new
such a strategy are presented below. allocation key, which was negotiated ex novo
(Penas Lado 2016). It is difficult to see how
New scientific advice the displacement of the fish could simply be
There are several questions that will have to be followed by a corresponding displacement of
integrated in the scientific advice as the CFP will the traditional fleets catching it, without any
try to grapple with the effects of climate change. change in allocation. If we take the above
Some of the most obvious ones are: example of anchovy, the extension of the stock
• Re-evaluating parameters such as Bpa , Bmsy , to the North Sea would have very clear implica-
and even fishing mortality rates as a function tions for the fleets having the traditional fishing
of changing circumstances. rights; coastal purse-seiners from Northern
• Observing changes in the natural distribution Spain could not possibly go to Kattegat to fish
of the stocks, (ICES 2016) further to the 19 that anchovy, while Danish industrial vessels
stocks already studied by ICES. would probably not be able to avoid catching
• Observing the changes in the composition of it in that area. In these circumstances, keeping
species, including the presence of invasive the traditional allocation keys would be an
species, and assessing the ecological effects, extremely inefficient way to allocate resources
including the new species relationships. to the fleets that could catch them profitably.
• Assessing possible changes in the overall pro- Obviously, the same would apply to all other
ductivity of fish stocks in different areas, and stocks subject to significant displacements.
the contribution of different species to that This would be difficult to do because it may
productivity. have some inevitable consequences on relative
• Evaluating how the changes in stock abun- stability. But failing to do so will only lead to an
dance and location can affect the economies increasing number of conflicts. As we will see
of coastal communities depending upon in Chapter 14, it is better to take these issues
them. head-on, and try to resolve them through a
This should be subject to a specific debate transparent, deliberative process rather than
where all possible questions of interest should having to resolve the emerging crisis on an ad
be discussed between science, managers, and hoc basis.
The effects on the EU shares
Revising management areas of international fisheries
This is the most important and clear chal- The allocation of shared stocks is and will
lenge for adapting the CFP to the effects of always be controversial and subject to pressure
climate change. The traditional management for change. These pressures exist in certain
areas for the EU-managed stocks (the areas international organizations even regardless of
for which catch limitations and allocation keys climate change: as coastal States develop an
are established), were established in many interest to fish for certain stocks, the existing
cases several decades back, and are becoming status quo becomes more difficult to accept
obsolete, as an increasing part of the biomass of by them. The best example is ICCAT, where
the stocks concerned may occur outside these the allocation of bluefin tuna is permanently
management areas. This has the potential effect subject to pressures to allow new entrants.
of undermining management and creating In the neighboring EU policy, it is already
conflict. obvious through the example of Atlantic mack-
There are precedents in the way changes erel that the displacement of the biomass north-
in management areas have influenced quota ward will create new expectations for higher
allocations. On the occasion of the division quotas by countries of the North Atlantic. And,
of the Baltic cod stock into two stocks (east given the important role that some of the
Adapting the CFP to emerging challenges 323

shared stocks have in the overall balance of focusing the future structural policy to more
quota exchanges between the EU and Norway, clearly defined objectives.
climate change will likely exacerbate these
effects. A mitigation strategy
These cases call for a forward-looking EU We have seen in the previous chapter how
strategy to combine the defense of the legiti- different systems of food production have very
mate traditional fishing rights while addressing different levels of impact on climate change.
the changing picture in which new players Beyond that, a recent study has also shown that
are claiming a higher share of the common these impacts can vary up to 50-fold for pro-
resources, as we referred to in Chapter 10. ducers of the same food (Poore and Nemecek
2018). This implies that there is a considerable
Revised structural policy to facilitate room for mitigation at the level of producers.
adaptation An associated question, also developed by
The European Maritime and Fisheries Fund the above authors, is the active participation
(EMFF) adopted in 2014 represented proba- of consumers in a mitigation strategy. Through
bly the biggest departure from the traditional increased information on the carbon footprint
status quo of the structural policy since 1970, of different types of seafood (and other source
perhaps with the exception of the suppression proteins) consumers may have a fundamental
of aid to the construction of new fishing vessels role to play in choosing food items with a
adopted in the 2002 reform. Even so, regu- (certifiable) lower impact on climate change.
lation 508/2014 still contains many elements
and eligible actions that make it look relatively . . . And a new policy approach
similar to previous instruments. The above adaptations are also an opportunity
Article 41 of Regulation 508/2014 on Energy to advance in the new paradigm of policy
efficiency and mitigation of climate change lays making under the CFP, as explained in Chapter
down a number of measures aiming at reducing 9. Indeed, the effects of climate change are
the effects of fishing on global warming, but likely to be gradual but continuous. Its very
these are practically limited to reducing the nature means that the changes to the pol-
carbon footprint through improvements in icy are not necessarily radical changes every
engines, and there is no obligation for Mem- 10 years, but rather a slow and gradual process
ber States to prioritize the adoption of such of policy adaptation and adjustment in small
measures. steps, and this, in turn, calls for a much more
As the effects of climate change unfold, the flexible policy, where technical rules could be
structural policy should become much more easily adapted through collaborative manage-
ambitious in this regard, and should consider a ment, and hard-law regulations are kept to the
whole new set of possible measures, including minimum necessary.
for example:
• Funding of projects to develop new markets
for the new species compositions that may More food from the sea
• Funding of projects to compensate local As we saw in the previous chapter, protein from
losses due to the displacement of traditional seafood will have to play an essential role in
species. the future supply of food for humankind. And
• Infrastructure actions to cater for the possible the effects of global warming on agriculture
displacement of adequate areas for different and husbandry on land will only exacerbate
types of aquaculture. this role. So far, the CFP (just as the fishery
These are just examples of what should be, policy of most developed countries around the
sooner rather than later, a new emphasis on world) has been judged fundamentally on its
324 Chapter 13

performance to reduce overfishing and achieve capture fisheries for small pelagic fish, whereas
sustainable fisheries. In the future, however, the highest impact methods are beef production
the policy should also be fundamentally judged and catfish farming in freshwater.
on its ability to maximize the production of This is extremely important, because it gives a
sustainable seafood. An objective that, after all, signal that the development of seafood produc-
is that of Article 39 TFEU. tion is preferable to that of land-based animal
Europe is well-known to have a significant protein, and that the production of the extra
deficit of fish: the EU produces only 46% of food that humankind requires should be pro-
the fish it consumes (see Chapter 1). This rep- duced from the oceans as much as possible.
resents a policy failure since Article 39 TFEU
is clearly about food security. And while much Is the EU producing enough food
of the imported fish comes from countries
from the oceans?
with well-managed fisheries (Norway, Iceland, As we saw in Chapter 2, Article 39 TFEU is
clearly based on the notion of food security
etc.) much also comes from poorly-managed
for Europe. In this context, the above question
fisheries. This implies that the EU’s failure to
is not rhetoric: it amounts to asking whether
take full advantage of its fishery resource also
the fundamental objective of the fisheries
contributes to over-exploitation in certain third
(and agriculture) policy is being achieved. The
countries (see “leakage” in Chapter 10). For this
answer for fisheries is straightforward: no.
reason, improving the production of seafood in
Figure 13.2 shows the evolution of the pro-
the EU is also an imperative of the EU’s legal
duction of capture fisheries and aquaculture in
the EU.
The figure shows that the EU is not being
Seafood vs. land-based food
able to increase substantially its production of
This debate is also important from another point
seafood. While capture fisheries seems to look
of view: the comparison between the effects of
more promising (the lowest level of production
seafood as compared to land-based food. This is
took place in 2012 and has increased slightly
important because it shows not only the pos-
ever since), aquaculture production remains
sibilities of developing seafood production, but
stagnant. As a result, the self-sufficiency rate of
also the need and opportunity to do so.
the EU in seafood is in the vicinity of 40%, and
Emerging evidence of the carbon footprint
not growing, as shown in Figure 13.3.
and other environmental effects of seafood
clearly show how it compares favorably to Some background
many land-based animal protein production The need to produce more food from the sea has
systems. In a recent meta-analysis of ca. 150 been clearly identified by the European Com-
animal protein production systems around the mission as a very important strategic objective,
world (comparing them for energy use, green- and a fundamental element of its global ocean’s
house gas emissions, release of nutrients and governance strategy. A report by the High-Level
acidifying compounds) many seafood sources Scientific group appointed by the EC (EU 2017)
have a lower carbon footprint and a lower considered in particular 15 options to work on,
environmental impact than livestock produc- as follows:
tion on land (Hilborn et al. 2018). This puts the 1 Improve management of the established
production of seafood in a very positive light fisheries on wild species.
in terms of the challenge of feeding the planet 2 Tackle the problem of discards and other
while fighting climate change and reducing wastes.
impact on the ecosystems. 3 Redirect part of the landings from reduction
In effect, the study shows that the production to direct human consumption.
systems of animal protein with the lowest envi- 4 Harvest wild species at lower trophic levels.
ronmental impact are mollusk aquaculture and 5 Support mariculture.
Adapting the CFP to emerging challenges 325










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Aquaculture Catches
Figure 13.2 Evolution of the total production of capture fisheries and aquaculture in the EU since 2000. In
thousands of metric tonnes. Source: European Commission Services.

14,00 100,0%

Apparent consumption


Self-sufficiency rate


4,00 30,0%


0,00 0,0%
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Apparent consumption (million tonnes) Self-sufficiency rate
Figure 13.3 Total apparent consumption of seafood by the EU and self-sufficiency rate (percentage of total
consumption provided by EU producers). Source: European Commission Services.

6 Integrate multi-trophic aquaculture. 12 Involve citizens and relevant stakeholders.

7 Support rights-based management. 13 Prioritize resulting new jobs.
8 Support start-ups. 14 Introduce financial strategies.
15 Design new coastal and engineering devel-
9 Ensure the long-term viability of start-ups.
10 Provide trustworthy consumer information.
The above ideas are an interesting approach
11 Cultivate new approaches to social respon- to the question, but from a fisheries manage-
sibility. ment point of view they are of very variable
326 Chapter 13

interest, and in some cases do not go far enough species. This example encapsulates the debates
in analyzing potential issues of interest. between sustainable exploitation of marine
Some of the above ideas have been discussed resources and environmental conservation. In
in previous chapters (rights-based manage- any case, the quotas established by CCAMLR,
ment, mariculture development, redirecting based on the best scientific advice available, do
low value fish for direct human consumption, take into account the role of krill as food for
etc.) and we will not revisit them here. But whales. Theoretically, nothing should oppose
there are certain questions that require a more (if the science is right) that the full potential of
in-depth analysis. krill be exploited as is the case with so many
forage fish around the world.
Are there untapped fish resources?
The increasing pressure on the world’s sources Mesopelagic fish
of animal protein makes it opportune to ask These stocks are known to occur in relative deep
this question. In principle, there can be three waters of the continental slope and the open
sources of additional capture fisheries. The sea, and tend to be associated to the ocean’s
first and most obvious one is that of exist- thermoclines. They live at greater depths in
ing, well-known resources that are not fully daylight (several hundred meters) but migrate
exploited. As referred to above, many scientists to shallower waters (up to 50 m) at night to feed
have identified a number of resources where and be fed upon. Neither pelagic nor demersal,
additional yields from the ocean can be derived these stocks have long been relatively ignored
from fishing harder. But beyond these, there are by the fishing industry, although scientists have
also other resources where the extra potential is referred to their potential for some time.
identified but not fully realized. Two examples The main difficulty to exploit these species is
are worth mentioning: krill and mesopelagic their still unclear role in the pelagic ecosystem.
species. In particular, their role as food for large pelagic
fish that are either exploited (tuna, swordfish)
or need protection (threatened sharks).
FAO carried out a study on the potential of
Krill (Euphausia superba) is not a new or
mesopelagic species for commercial harvest-
untapped resource, but it is still one that, by
ing,3 and considered that several factors should
virtue of its sheer productivity and abundance,
be taken into account: behavior in relation to
is still often referred to as amenable to expan-
fishing techniques (schooling behavior), diel
sion. Some countries are already exploiting the
migrations, attraction to light, potential yield
krill (Norway) or having plans for a substantial
and variability, and marketing and processing
development of this fishery, like China.
CCAMLR has established a number of man-
Overall, it seems prudent not to count on
agement measures for this species. Total catches
these resources as a real possibility until their
are, however, not increasing, and have evolved
ecological role is clarified further. When the
from levels around 40 000 tons between the
idea of reserving a part of the biomass of forage
late 1970s and the early 1990s to levels in the
fish for their predators is making headway in a
order of 20 000 tons in recent years, so there
number of management systems, the possible
seems to be a substantial potential for addi-
exploitation of mesopelagic fish should first be
tional catches.2 However, even CCAMLR catch
assessed in the light of its possible contribution
limits are seriously questioned by NGOs. The
to sustain the biomass of tunas and other large
reasons are obvious: krill constitutes the main
pelagic fish.
food source for a number of whales and other
2 reviewoftheworld034721mbp/page/n1/
Adapting the CFP to emerging challenges 327

Exploiting the lower trophic levels initiatives, some of which have already been
This idea is based on the evidence that the abun- referred to in different chapters:
dance of marine organisms decreases as trophic • Advancing toward more multispecies man-
level increases. Traditional wisdom assumes agement (see below), thus eliminating choke
that as we escalate on the trophic pyramid of species affects.
the sea, each trophic level has roughly 10% of • Promoting the consumption of low value
the overall abundance of the trophic level just species, through European-wide campaigns.
below: zooplankton production is roughly 10% • Revising relative stability to have a better
of that of phytoplankton and so on. match between the basket of fishing rights by
The implication is obvious: by shifting con- Member States and fleets and the economic
sumption patterns to low trophic level organ- interest of their markets (see Chapter 14).
isms the total production of seafood would These ideas can be developed gradually, some
be much higher. The fact that a significant part of them without necessarily changing the legal
of the production of low-level fish (short-lived, basis of the policy.
plankton-feeding fish) is used to produce food
for farmed fish of high trophic level encourages Changing the policy paradigm: a
this idea: by shifting from salmon to sandeel we policy based on exploiting
could dramatically increase the production of the surplus of the marine ecosystem,
food for humans. This is in fact the most promi- not individual stocks
nent idea of the above study commissioned by We have abundantly referred to the inefficien-
the EU. cies of a fishery management system based on
Things are not that simple. For that overall objectives and strategies designed to manage
strategy to work, a number of considerations individual stocks. To address this question the
should be made: policy could evolve by introducing the notion
• The human consumption market would of maximum sustainable yield (MSY) of the
need to accept the low-value species, some- ecosystems or, at least, of well-defined groups
thing that may be culturally difficult to do in of stocks. The changes suggested above would
mature fish markets. require a change of paradigm in the definition
• In terms of prices for fishers, the advantages of policy objectives. To achieve the change of
are not obvious: while most low-level fish policy necessary to support the above ideas,
fetch very low prices, the highest prices are the basic regulation of the CFP would need to
always associated to high-trophic level fish. reflect the maximization of the production of
• The ecological effects of a higher rate of sustainable seafood as a central policy objective.
exploitation of low-trophic level organisms Such strategy would also have another
and a lower rate of high-level would need to advantage: it would provide for a much higher
be evaluated. This is far from being obvious, stability in the supply of fish. Figure 4.3 in
particularly in the light of the notion of Chapter 4 shows the evolution of the abun-
balanced harvest (see Chapter 8). dance indicator SSB/MSY Btrigger in a number
The idea in any case is attractive and would of groups of fish in the greater North Sea. It can
need to be studied more in depth to address the be observed that while the specific groups of
above (and possibly other) shortcomings. species are very highly variable in abundance
over time, the total portfolio of species remains
Improving quota consumption remarkably stable.
As we saw in Chapter 2, the consumption of This would of course also have significant
quotas in EU fisheries is lower than 80%. An downsides, such as those of the market prices
obvious way to increase food production would of different species and would also require a
be to increase the efficiency of quota consump- more flexible way of allocating fishing quotas:
tion. This would imply a certain number of the same amount of fish would have different
328 Chapter 13

market value depending upon the catch com- to the conduct of the fishing activity, the range
position of the total production of fish at any of associated issues being considered as part of
given moment. This implies that an important the overall heading of “fisheries management”
part of this part of the strategy would be to use has not ceased to expand.
the market mechanisms of the CFP to promote At present, the management of marine fish-
the consumption (directly or through process- eries is at a crossroads where, beyond the
ing) of species with hitherto a low market value management of commercial fisheries, there
and/or largely unknown for most consumers. are important associated questions related to
In any case the focus on total sustainable the restoration of marine habitats, biodiversity
output from the oceans may actually contribute conservation, greater returns to fishing com-
to a more efficient and more stable supply of munities, food security or poverty alleviation
fish for European consumers. This is an idea (Grafton et al. 2008). In recent years, the CFP
with far-reaching consequences for the policy, has gradually lost its traditional policy isolation,
some of them probably requiring some changes and today it is increasingly influenced by other
in the basic regulation of the CFP. But if the policies, notably environmental policy (Princen
objective of food security the Treaty is to be 2010). This has inter alia, one important con-
taken as a real priority, a discussion on possible sequence: fisheries management is no longer
options to bring about this change may have to a matter of interest for fisheries constituencies
start sooner rather than later.
alone, but for society at large. Yet, this gradual
but substantial change is still largely ignored by
Developing new aquaculture practice
many stakeholders, and often not fully taken
As we saw in Chapter 12, aquaculture can still
into account in the management system.
have a significant potential for growth in the
The recent development of the integrated
EU, but this will require a new approach, based
maritime policy, together with the new
on diversification and on exploiting the physical
Commission’s integrated approach to ocean
spaces where competition with other activities
management, as represented by the Marine
would be lower than in coastal zones. We
Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) change
have already identified offshore and land-based
the place of the CFP in the context of mar-
greenhouse aquaculture as two promising pos-
itime affairs (van Hoof and van Tatenhove
sibilities. Their development would require a
2009). Once isolated and protected as a
dedicated approach to the EU policy to promote
stand-alone policy, the CFP will have to face
their investments, with new policy compo-
in the future a growing influence from these
nents such as for example maritime spatial
planning. two policies, which imply different stakehold-
ers (some of them far wealthier and more
influential than the fishing industry) and a
The integration of fisheries different institutional competence. The MSFD
policy into a wider policy is mixed competence, unlike the CFP, and this
context means that the isolated EU decision-making
will be exposed to a completely different
The wider notion of fisheries decision-making process, where the most
management influential stakeholders will not be the fishing
The CFP, and in general all fisheries manage- industry, and where decisions will be made,
ment policies, are a sectorial policy that “only” affecting the fishing activity, in a way that the
deals with fisheries. However, the meaning of CFP itself would probably never do.
“fisheries management” is one that evolves over This may have different consequences, some
time. While in 1983 the initial CFP only dealt of them difficult to predict. However, it would
with a narrow range of questions, all restricted seem clear that the fishing activity will have
Adapting the CFP to emerging challenges 329

to fight for its place and legitimate inter- something where the fisheries sector cannot
ests in an increasingly complex world. This compete with other societal interests. For this
will require, inter alia, an institutional setting reason, it is important that an integrated ocean
and governance systems that put fisheries governance system be developed which gives
in a fair place when it comes to considering fisheries (and aquaculture) a place at the nego-
trade-offs among different maritime activi- tiating table on an equal footing with other
ties, but it will also require a fishing industry maritime sectors.
that will be well organized and integrated to A good example of how this can be achieved
defend its legitimate interests, and this means is the implementation of maritime spatial plan-
that the traditional paternalism must gradually ning. The EU Directive adopted in 2014 (EU
disappear. 2014) brings an opportunity to discuss all the
uses of the marine environment in a structured,
The relationship between fisheries objective, and fair way, thus preventing that the
and other economic sectors occupation of the maritime space will respond
Fishing is commonly considered as a relatively to the “first come first served” principle, which
small economic sector within the maritime in the long run would certainly not favor the
economy, somewhat dwarfed by the sheer fishing industry. The opportunities offered by
economic force of the energy or transport sec- this directive should be seized by the fishing
tors. However, in terms of its socio-economic industry as the best way to defend its legitimate
importance, marine fisheries is probably second interests in a context of growing, and increas-
to none of its competitors in the world’s oceans. ingly conflicting, occupation and use of the
Capture fisheries employ tens of millions of maritime space.
people (FAO 2014). The total value of capture
fisheries is estimated at US$ 80 billion and, The challenge of science vs. social
including processing and retailing, the total influence
value is estimated at US$ 200 billion. While the The fishing industry must also consider the
total economic value of fishing in the oceans wider context of the current trend toward
is relatively small compared to oil and gas and the increasing influence of public opinion by
maritime transport, the importance for employ- quick information and campaigning, largely
ment is far greater, and its role in food security through social media, which increasingly seem
is of utmost importance (Hilborn and Costello to replace in-depth analysis as the main driver
2018). for policy action.
Fisheries have never been an isolated activ- Fisheries issues that years ago were discussed
ity, but in recent times the interaction between only in fisheries constituencies and based on sci-
fisheries and other uses of the maritime space entific advice, are now increasingly dominated
are increasing. There are some clear examples by a public opinion understandably influenced
such as fisheries and energy, where the devel- by the easy and quick access to many different
opment of marine wind farms is reducing the sources of information, including a number of
sea surface available for fishing; or environmen- them of doubtful legitimacy, or many others
tal protection, where different initiatives both defending vested interests.
at EU and international level are calling for the In today’s world, the effect of public opinion
protection of larger and larger marine areas to on fisheries policy is increasing, and is clearly
preserve marine biodiversity, thus reducing the there to stay. This implies that there is a growing
surface available for commercial fishing. challenge in keeping the knowledge base for
In the future, these interactions will require fisheries decisions away from campaigning and
ever more complex policy decisions. Today, the various influences available in social media,
some of these decisions are made on the basis and in keeping such decisions well anchored
of political influence or sheer economic power, on a solid, reliable knowledge basis that, by its
330 Chapter 13

own nature, is hardly amenable to quick, easy the Commission services, must ensure a high
dissemination. level of understanding of the scientific basis for
A good example of this is the tendency to management. A high level of scientific literacy
consider the repercussion on social media of an is absolutely essential to be able to tell apart the
idea or a position as a measure of its success, reliable scientific information from the noise
regardless of its own merits when analyzed from today’s information society.
with calm and objective criteria. The risk of
taking decisions on the basis of this social Bridging the chasm: a “new deal”
influence (not always innocent or objective) between the fishing industry
instead of well thought-out arguments is very and environmental NGOs?
real for the fishing industry. This is also the case As we saw in previous chapter, particularly
for many other economic sectors, but in the in Chapter 9 on governance, the differences
specific case of fisheries, its relatively small size between the fishing industry and NGOs is a
and economic muscle when compared to other source of continuous friction in fisheries man-
sectors present in the maritime environment agement. The question is: could what seems an
(energy, transport, etc.) or competitors in the inevitable confrontation based on two oppo-
food production market (livestock) makes this site conceptions of the management of the
industry particularly exposed to the above risk. oceans’ resources, one day become some kind
This question has wider implications, in of alliance?
that the above trend is part of a much larger
phenomenon where social media introduce an From enemies to strategic allies?
element of superficiality and immediateness in The idea is not necessarily far-fetched, in partic-
the way different societal interests shape up ular if we look into this question from a strate-
policies through influence. In this new context, gic point of view. In effect, as we have seen in
it becomes increasingly difficult to separate this section, the world’s oceans are subject to an
the solid evidence from the noise, and the real increasing degree of utilization by a number of
position of society from the trends visible in the human activities with an economic interest.
social media. Many of the economic uses of the seas, such
In recent times, there has been a multipli- as transport, energy production, seabed mining,
cation of headlines in the mass media coming oil and gas drilling, and so on, do not depend
from well-publicized scientific articles (see for on a clean environment to prosper. On the
example, Kroodsma et al. 2018). These have a contrary, if certain areas are environmentally
remarkable capacity to mobilize public opinion. degraded, those industries could claim that
However, whether these articles really repre- any objection against their activity would be
sent the best available science is a different unjustified, since there would be no pristine
question. nature to protect in these areas. Often too, the
This challenge calls for a reinforcement of tourist industry is also responsible for a high
the instruments to provide a reliable, objective degree of occupation of the coastal space, with
basis for policy making. For the fisheries sector, the inevitable loss of coastal ecosystems.
this implies that the scientific advice (including In turn, the industries that do require clean,
of course economic and social data) must be healthy marine ecosystems to thrive are mainly
preserved as the basic source of information fisheries and aquaculture. If we look at this
for decision-making. The fishing industry, with question from that particular perspective, one
little capacity to win the battle of economic could actually think that these industries should
and social influence, must wholeheartedly be potentially the best natural allies of NGOs
cooperate with the provision of good, reliable in preserving the health of marine ecosystems.
science. This is their best defense, but this also Can this potential be really developed in the
implies that fisheries managers, particularly in future?
Adapting the CFP to emerging challenges 331

How to promote the strategic partnership collaboration, that will be, again, of common
The strategic partnership cannot be established interest.
with all NGOs. These are very varied in terms In the emerging context of marine man-
of their agendas, methods, objectives and, cru- agement, and taking into account the sheer
cially, funding. Some NGOs have their raison financial muscle and political power of some
d’être in a permanent struggle against a number of the players, the fishing industry needs allies
of fishing practices, and no cooperation with to continue its legitimate operation. They need
the industry seems likely to happen. However, allies who advocate the preservation of the
other NGOs are based on a different princi- ocean space as an area of high production of
ple, that of cooperation with the industry. In seafood, which in turn requires healthy marine
Europe, an NGO like WWF has successfully ecosystems. It does not take much to realize the
engaged in a number of cooperation projects strategic challenge and opportunity.
with the fishing industry.4
Another example is the Environmental
Defense Fund (EDF). Founded by scientists, Recreational fisheries in Europe
EDF members are evidence-based advocates.
They find economic incentives to drive envi- Recreational fisheries are very important in
ronmental progress.5 EDF advocates using Europe, probably much more than they are
sound science, economics, and law to find usually given credit for. This importance is
solutions that work. It is non-partisan, and its twofold:
work often advocates market-based solutions • They represent a very significant level of
to these problems. EDF has a long history of economic activity, notably through ancillary
partnerships with corporations, fund managers, activities, such as travel, boat rentals, lodging,
landowners, farmers, fishermen, and other etc.
groups.6 In the US, they have become a crucial • They represent in a number of cases a very
actor in the development of a sound policy substantial contribution to the fishing mor-
from both an economic and an environmental tality of certain stocks and have therefore
standpoint, notably through their work within a significant impact in the management of
Regional Advisory Councils. such stocks. The fact that this mortality is
An idea to consider is that of developing often not evaluated and incorporated in
specific collaboration projects in areas where the evaluation of stocks can undermine the
there is a clear common interest. For example, quality of the advice and the management
developing a plan to make the European fish- measures adopted.
ing industry “plastic free” (by phasing out the Yet, recreational fisheries have traditionally
use of plastics on board fishing vessels and by been practically absent from fishery manage-
ment under the CFP, and different attempts to
contributing to the recovery and subsequent
include them have met considerable resistance.
recycling of plastics in the sea) would be a
Overall, however, the exclusion of recreational
win–win for both parties. The idea of develop-
fisheries from the CFP is at loggerheads with
ing a new prototype of fishing vessel, with a low
the emerging evidence of its importance. The
environmental impact, low carbon footprint
current status of this activity certainly deserves
and optimal safety and working conditions on
a re-evaluation.
board could also be an excellent opportunity for
Hyder et al. (2014) provide an excellent sum-
mary of what recreational fisheries represent
today in Europe: 8 million anglers spending
5 over EUR 8 billion a year. A study in the UK
6 revealed that recreational sea fishing repre-
Defense_Fund/ sented EUR 1.55 billion in 2012, supporting
332 Chapter 13

an estimated 10 000 full-time equivalent jobs commercial fishing. To ensure that fish popula-
(Armstrong et al. 2013). In France a similar tions are not over-exploited, managers monitor
study estimated EUR 1.3 billion in 2006 and recreational fisheries through surveys. These
2007 (Herfaut et al. 2013). surveys are regularly reviewed.
In terms of contribution to fishing mortality The management of these fisheries is part of
of stocks regulated under the CFP, studies in sev- the mainstream fisheries management through
eral Member States estimated that recreational the eight Regional Fishery Management Coun-
fishing was responsible for around a quarter of cils. These Councils discuss, inter alia, crucial
all fishing mortality on sea bass in the North questions of the allocation of total catches
Sea, English Channel, Celtic Sea and Irish Sea between commercial and recreational fisheries.
(ICES 2014a,2014b). In Germany, recreational For this purpose, NOAA’s Southeast Fisheries
fishing for cod has represented as much as 70% Science Center has produced three technical
of the German commercial cod landings! (Eero papers to inform councils’ discussion related to
et al. 2014). The effects are obvious, not only allocations between 2008 and 2014.
in terms of the total fishing mortality, but also, In the US, recreational fishing has a very high
in the case of catch and release, there can be profile. The Magnusson-Stevens Act includes
mortality due to hooking and handling stress recreational fishing among the key activities. In
(Suski et al. 2003) and behavioral changes its Section 2 on “Findings, Purposes and Policy”
that may favor mortality from other causes it states that the US fishery resources:
(Cooke and Philipp 2004). A more recent
. . . contribute to the food supply, economy, and
study revealed that among 20 stocks studied,
health of the Nation and provide recreational
the percentage contribution to total removals opportunities.
(recreational + commercial removals) by recre-
ational fishing ranged between 2% for Atlantic Recreational fisheries are an integral part
mackerel in the North Sea and Skagerrak to of the core purposes of the law. This contrasts
43% for Atlantic pollack in the Celtic Seas and with the lack of references about this activity in
English Channel (Radford et al. 2018). EU law. The consequence of the above text is
It is remarkable that the CFP has so far that recreational fishing constitutes in principle
ignored such a significant source of fishing an integral part of the US fish management
mortality in a certain number of stocks. This system. It is one that is subject to specific con-
is due to political opportunity, and the idea siderations: in 2018, US Congress adopted the
that trying to regulate recreational fisheries Modernizing Recreational Fisheries Act,7 which
would amount to typical EU over-regulation recognized that commercial and recreational
that has been subject to so much criticism. fisheries are different and their management,
For a stock known for a high incidence of though science-based, should take into account
recreational mortality, on the occasion of a these differences.
very difficult discussion on how to handle such Overall, however, the management of recre-
mortality, only one Member State (Germany) ational fisheries in the US is not necessarily a
actually provided data on recreational catches. success story. The complexity of the activity and
The incomplete information about recreational the extraordinary number of participants, the
fishing seriously undermines the EU’s efforts to sheer difficulty of collecting data, the almost
manage the stocks properly. hopeless enforcement in many cases, and even
the differences between the Federal Govern-
The US case ment and the States, all these factors raise
In the US, recreational fishing is an increasingly frequent questions as to what is the purpose
popular activity that, for some species, takes
a significant amount of the total number of 7

fish caught in a year – sometimes more than 1520/text/

Adapting the CFP to emerging challenges 333

and the added value of this management. EU (2018). Regulation (EU) 2018/973 of the Euro-
However, the US system has the merit that pean Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2018
the whole activity is not simply ignored, and establishing a multiannual plan for demersal stocks
in the North Sea and the fisheries exploiting those
that whatever the management solutions, at
stocks, specifying details of the implementation of
least the dimension of the activity and its
the landing obligation in the North Sea and repeal-
influence on the overall resource management
ing Council Regulations (EC) No 676/2007 and
system are addressed and taken into account. (EC) No 1342/2008. OJEU L179 of 16.7.2018, p. 1.
This certainly goes beyond what the CFP has FAO (2014). The State of World Fisheries and Aquacul-
traditionally done. ture: Opportunities and Challenges. Rome: Food and
Agriculture Organization, 223 pp.
Freitas, C., Olsen, E.M., Moland, E. et al. (2015).
References Behavioral responses of Atlantic cod to sea tem-
perature changes. Ecology and Evolution 5 (10):
Armstrong, M., Brown, A., Hargreaves, J., Hyder, K.,
Pilgrim-Morrison, S., Munday, M. et al. (2013). 2070–2083.
Sea Angling 2012 – a survey of recreational sea Grafton, R.Q. Hilborn, R., Ridgeway, L., et al. (2008)
angling activity and economic value in England. Positioning fisheries in a changing world. Marine
Defra report, © Crown copyright 2013. Policy 32 (4): 630–634
Arnason, R. (2012). Global warming: new challenges Herfaut, J., Levrel, H., Thébaud, O., and Véron,
for the common fisheries policy? Ocean and Coastal G. (2013). The nationwide assessment of marine
Management 70: 4–9. recreational fishing: a French example. Ocean and
Bell, R.J., Richardson, D.E., Hare, J.A. et al. (2015). Coastal Management 78: 121–131.
Disentangling the effects of climate, abundance and Hilborn, R. and Costello, C. (2018). The poten-
size on the distribution of marine fish: an example tial for blue growth in marine fish yield, profit
based on four stocks from the Northeast US shelf. and abundance of fish in the ocean. Marine Pol-
ICES Journal of Marine Science 72 (5): 1311–1322. icy 87: 350–355.
Cooke, S.J. and Philipp, D.P. (2004). Behavior and .2017.02.003.
mortality of caught-and-released bonefish (Albula Hilborn, R., Banobi, J., Hall, S.J. et al. (2018). The
spp.) in Bahamian waters with implications for a environmental cost of animal source foods. Fron-
sustainable recreational fishery. Biological Conserva- tiers in Ecology and the Environment
tion 118: 599–607. 10.1002/fee.1822.
Drinkwater, K.F. (2005). The response of Atlantic cod van Hoof, I. and van Tatenhove, J. (2009). EU marine
(Gadus morhua) to future climate change. ICES Jour- policy on the move: the tension between fisheries
nal of Marine Science 6 (7): 1327–1337. and maritime policy. Marine Policy 33 ((4): 726–732.
Eero, M., Hjelm, J., Behrens, J., et al. (2014) Eastern Hyder, K., Armstrong, M., Ferter, K. and H. Strehlow
Baltic cod in distress: biological changes and chal-
(2014). Recreational sea fishing – the high value
lenges for stock assessment. ICES Journal of Marine
forgotten catch. ICES News and Events. Available
Science, 72 (8): 2180–2186
EU (2014). Directive 2014/89/EU of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014
establishing a framework for maritime spatial plan-
ICES (2014a). Report of the Working Group for the
ning. OJ L 257, 28.8.2014, p. 135–145.
Celtic Seas Ecoregion (WGCSE) 2014, 13–22 May,
EU (2016). Regulation (EU) 2016/1139 of the Euro-
pean Parliament and of the Council of 6 July 2016 Copenhagen, Denmark. ICES CM 2014/ACOM: 12.
establishing a multiannual plan for the stocks of ICES (2014b). Report of the Working Group on Recre-
cod, herring and sprat in the Baltic Sea and the ational Fisheries Surveys. 2–6 June 2014. Sukarri-
fisheries exploiting those stocks, amending Coun- eta, Spain. ICES CM 2014\ACOM:37.
cil Regulation (EC) No 2187/2005 and repealing ICES (2016). Report of the Working Group on Fish
Council Regulation (EC) No 1098/2007. Official Distribution Shifts (WKFISHDISH). 22–25 Novem-
Journal of the European Union L 191 of 15.7.2016, ber 2016. International Council for the Exploration
p. 1. of the Sea. ICES CM 2016/ACOM: 55.
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Scientific Advisors. Scientific Opinion No. 3/2017, Synergies between climate and management for
71 pp. Atlantic cod fisheries at high latitudes. Proceedings
334 Chapter 13

of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States Radford, Z., Hyder, K., Zarauz, L. et al. (2018).
of America 111 ((9)): 3478–3483. The impact of marine recreational fishing on key
Kroodsma, D.A., Mayorga, J., Hochberg, T. et al. fish stocks in European waters. PLoS One 13 (9):
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Penas Lado, E. (2016). The Common Fisheries Policy: The Stiasny, M.H., Mittermayer, F.H. et al. (2016). Ocean
Quest for Sustainability. Wiley Blackwell, 392 pp. acidification effects on Atlantic cod larval survival
Poore, J. and Nemecek, T. (2018). Reducing and recruitment to the fished population. PLoS One
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and consumers. Science 360: 987–992. Suski, C., Svec, J., Ludden, J. et al. (2003). The effect
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in EU fisheries policy. Marine Policy 34 (1): behavior of male smallmouth bass. Transactions of
36–41. the American Fisheries Society 132: 210–218.

Some ideas for the next CFP reform

A vision of the future CFP • The CFP is cheaper and simpler to manage.
• Fishing operators are given incentives to
In Chapter 1 we discussed the case for policy behave responsibly and fully participate in
reform and adjustment. It is important that any the decision-making process.
idea of future policy evolution will be inspired • The EU contributes to improved fisheries
by a long-term vision. This was the case in the governance around the world.
2013 reform, that started by the Green Book In fact, this vision is still perfectly valid today.
on policy reform published in 2009 (EU 2009a). The question is then twofold: (i) is the CFP
For the first time in the Common Fisheries Pol- reform in 2013 contributing to achieve that
icy (CFP), the analysis of the (then) current pol- vision? And (ii) are there new important chal-
icy was carried out based on a future vision of lenges that the policy must address for the
how the policy should look like in the future. future?
The question is: is the Commission’s vision of The best basis for a possible future reform of
the future of the CFP still valid today? Or does the CFP would be a revised vision of the Euro-
it need to be updated? pean fishing sector toward 2030.

The 2009 vision: is it still valid today?

That vision in 2009 depicted a CFP in 2020 that New elements of a vision of the
should ideally be characterized by: future CFP
• Fishery resources recovered from overfishing By and large, the vision of 2009 is still valid for
with more and larger fish at sea. the future. However, it needs to be updated,
• Fishermen earn more and become finan- notably in the light of the relative failures to
cially self-sufficient, attracting young people implement such vision under the 2013 reform,
in coastal regions to the activity again. but also to adapt the policy to new challenges
• The fishing activity is conducted with that in 2009 were not as evident as they are
environmentally-friendly gear and practices. today. A vision of the CFP in 2030 should
• Small-scale fishing produces high-quality include at least some more elements:
local produce that benefits from a favorable • The Mediterranean fisheries are fully inte-
image by the consumers. grated into the policy, with bespoke manage-
• The aquaculture sector supplies a growing ment methods adapted to its particular
percentage of Europe’s seafood consumption. features, realistic objectives being achieved
• The fishing activity is fully integrated with and coastal communities, largely based on
other economic sectors in Europe’s coastal small-scale fishing, thriving based on high-
zones. quality fish for local markets.

Quo Vadis Common Fisheries Policy?, First Edition. Ernesto Penas Lado.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

336 Chapter 14

• The policy has been considerably simplified, know what we really want to achieve. The
and the new stakeholder bodies take the ini- points above are all desirable and achievable
tiative to design policy instruments that are objectives.
best adapted to deliver the objectives estab- The vision would imply the re-thinking of
lished by the CFP legislation. a number of questions in the policy, from the
• The policy is adaptive, it allows for testing definition of objectives to the revision of cer-
new approaches and incorporates quickly tain pillars of the policy. These are presented
new ideas and improvements resulting from below.
• The policy is well-adapted to the gradual
effects of global warming: it monitors exist- New policy objectives
ing changes and is adaptive to mitigate their
negative effects. In Chapter 2 we touched upon the question of
• European fisheries and aquaculture increase policy objectives. The way these objectives are
their sustainable production of seafood, formulated is extremely important to determine
through exploitation of capture fisheries at the course of policy implementation, as well
maximum sustainable yield (MSY) levels, as to ensure realistic policy expectations. From
and an effective system to ensure that all the experience of implementation of the policy
available quotas can be effectively caught, reformed in 2013 one can identify a number of
as well as through further development of questions where the policy objectives could be
aquaculture. reformulated.
• European fisheries have a low level of • The MSY objective should be modulated to
discarding and waste, and many species for- make it clear that it is not a magic single point
merly discarded are used for various com- but an area around which different combina-
mercial purposes. tions of policy objectives can be sought.
• Although the total number of fishermen has • The policy should dissipate any doubt that the
continued to shrink, those remaining are operational parameter is fishing mortality,
well-paid and enjoy good working condi- not biomass.
tions; the job of fisherman in Europe is again • Future policy objectives should be better
attractive for young Europeans. aligned with those of Article 39 TFEU, and
• Coastal communities are thriving through could set out to gradually develop more
a combination of varied economic activities multi-species approaches to management
related to the maritime economy. All mem- and, to start the process, establish that the
bers of these communities can benefit from estimation of parameters such as Fmsy should
these activities and not just a few. be done taking into account ecosystem
• Fisheries management is well-integrated into effects, as we saw in Chapter 3.
a wider policy context including a seamless • The policy should focus on the main stocks,
coordination with environmental objectives not all stocks. This would require a defini-
and effective mechanisms to decide on prior- tion on how to determine the stocks that will
ities among maritime activities. be directly subject by management, including
• International governance will be more effec- Fmsy objectives.
tive, based on multilateral solutions, with • The date of delivery of the fishing mortality
developing States playing an active role in objectives could be made more flexible to
international efforts. account for certain factors:
These elements of a future vision represent ✓ The Mediterranean case. Given the situa-
an important update to the 2009 vision. Having tion of the stocks in this area, the policy
such vision is extremely important because could establish more modulated times for
long-term objectives can only be defined if we the delivery of policy objectives, due to the
Some ideas for the next CFP reform 337

much larger distance between current F An improved governance system

levels and Fmsy target levels;
✓ The particular difficulties of mixed fish- To be flexible and adaptive, the CFP must revise
eries. its governance system. The CFP will continue
• The policy should open the door to the pos- to be governed under the terms of Articles 43§2
sibility that management will focus more on and 43§3 TFEU, but this actually allows for a
groups of stocks and not only on individual considerable improvement in practice.
• The objectives for the reduction of discards A more flexible, adaptive CFP
could be reformulated to ensure that differ- We have advocated that the CFP needs to be,
ent situations can be treated differently, while even beyond regionalization, more flexible and
establishing in all cases the guidance to adaptive. Can this be done under the reformed
reduce discards as much as practicable. policy of 2013? In Chapter 9 we referred to the
• The policy could establish among its objec- idea of developing guidelines instead of legisla-
tives the maximization of the – sustainable – tion to provide such flexibility. Can that be done
production of seafood. in the future CFP?
• The objective of adapting the policy to the
effects of global warming should also be Can a legislative approach be flexible
and adaptive?
clearly specified.
There is room for the development of a more
• The new set of objectives could also include
flexible and adaptive approach to the CFP.
the improvement of the economic efficiency
Ultimately, the amount of flexibility is inversely
of the management system (to improve the
proportional to the level of detail of the legis-
economic output from the available resources)
lation. The fewer the rules the more room for
and the improvement in employment quality
implementation by non-legislative instruments.
in the industry.
And with certain exceptions, nothing in regula-
• That objective could also include the contri-
tion 1380/2013 obliges the co-legislators or the
bution of the CFP to achieve the EU internal
Member States under regionalization, to pro-
duce very detailed legislation. The real difficulty
Beyond the objectives, the future policy
for a more adaptive CFP it is the long-standing
should also establish adapted tools, such as:
tradition of micro-management by the admin-
• An enlargement of the scope of regionaliza-
istrations and the tendency to ensure a level
tion to include more policy pillars (including playing field that always pushes governance
for example control), so as to allow for “pack- toward the definition of very detailed rules
age approaches” by sea basin. and harmonized legislation. This is not disap-
• Further clarification of the principles appli- pearing through regionalization. Actually, this
cable to the co-decision acts, where these process seems to be simply producing the same
would concentrate more on principles and phenomenon albeit at a regional scale.
objectives and less on micro-management of As we indicated in Chapter 9 and will see
technical questions. below, the real difficulty is not the legal basis,
• Inclusion of the consideration of guidelines as but the need to create trust among the policy
an instrument to help implement the objec- actors, a trust that can allow the industry to
tives, including possible delegation to indus- devise flexible solutions through approaches
try organizations. that can be modified more quickly and flexi-
These elements are not necessarily all entirely bly as they are implemented, a trust that will
new, but they could be worked out in a way reassure Member States that different solutions
that will be clearly identified as priorities for the don’t mean less demand on producing results,
future evolution of the policy. so that nobody is seen as “getting off the hook”
338 Chapter 14

on fundamental obligations, a trust that the it is this trust among operators and between
Commission will respect these solutions. A pos- them and the authorities that allows them to
sibility to explore is that of the industry-led have a successful policy.
initiatives that are endorsed by the EU, so as
to provide industry organizations the capacity
to manage and enforce the rules, based on the A new legislative culture:
concentrating on political objectives,
results-based principle.
not on micro-management
Co-decision can allow a new legislative
How to build trust?
approach: more concentrated on deciding pol-
This is perhaps the most difficult question of
icy objectives (deciding the “what”) but leaving
all. By definition, trust cannot be legislated. It
much more flexibility on the means to achieve
is an intangible value that often results from
long historical traditions that simply cannot such objectives (not deciding the “how”). This
be reproduced in areas without such tradition. would imply leaving much more freedom
This author has already written about the differ- for regional decision-making with a much-
ences in the level of trust between, for example, enhanced role for the Advisory Councils (ACs),
two areas like the Baltic Sea and the EU’s west- and also more fast-track procedures to adapt
ern waters: while in the Baltic there are no legislation through Commission acts.
“fishermen from abroad” (only Baltic coastal This would have several advantages:
states fish there) and have a long tradition • It would allow for greater involvement of
of joint management through the old IBSFC; the Advisory Councils, thus increasing their
in western waters the presence of Spanish or “buy-in” to the policy.
French fishermen in British or Irish waters is • The policy would be much more quickly
still resented in the British Isles and this is a adaptable to changing circumstances, or to
considerable obstacle to build trust. learning from experience. It would also be
However, this is not an impossible task. In more open to experimental approaches.
Chapter 9 we already identified a certain num- • It would help make the co-decision process
ber of specific actions that can favor the devel- more efficient: by legislating in less detail,
opment of trust. And experience shows that a co-legislators could increase the number of
number of factors may contribute to increase important regulations they could deal with.
such trust, beyond the specific action by the This would also allow the whole system to
institutions: Investment abroad is probably a be more responsive to new challenges.
key factor. As fishing interests become more There would be difficulties too: for example,
entangled through foreign investments, the greater emphasis on monitoring results or,
national factors that are at the origin of much arguably, increased risk of objectives not being
of the CFP’s mistrust may tend to diminish over achieved. This should of course be considered
time. As an example, no matter how adverse against the advantages: a compromise between
the British public may be of Spanish or Dutch these and the possible risks would need to be
investment in the UK fishing sector, this author struck.
has witnessed how a Spanish operator own- The main difficulty of this approach may be
ing a UK-flagged vessel has seen his interests the resistance to change by certain administra-
defended by a well-known UK industry rep- tions, and possibly also from certain industry
resentative. The increase in cross-investment segments that may be more at ease with the tra-
in the EU fishing industry can be a significant ditional paternalistic management. This implies
contributor to build trust. that this kind of approach could be introduced
All these questions, of course are not easy, gradually, in those cases where the administra-
or doable in the short term. But they deserve tions and the stakeholders concerned would be
attention because the US experience shows that willing to accept the challenge.
Some ideas for the next CFP reform 339

A new decision support framework (d) Educational resources, to ensure a high

The introduction of multispecies fisheries con- level of scientific and management literacy
siderations, trophic relationships, choke species among all players involved.
effects and so on will have a very clear effect The future CFP simply cannot continue to
on governance: increased complexity. Today, be run based exclusively on an extremely
it is already difficult to discuss the biological, heavy and slow procedure where everything,
economic, and political implications of setting from fundamental to technical or secondary is
a single-stock total allowable catch (TAC) at decided by co-decision. And, since future policy
levels corresponding to two different values of will inevitably introduce additional elements
fishing mortality. It will then be much more of complexity, it is necessary that the gover-
difficult to fathom how to come to terms with nance of the CFP will have these instruments
a matrix of different possibilities with different to facilitate decision-making.
trade-offs. This calls for the development of
tools that will translate these trade-offs and
their biological and economic implications in a
user-friendly manner. The future of regionalization
These decision support tools will have to
be used within the institutional framework, I have advocated in these pages the extension
which will not change under CFP reform. The of the scope of regionalization as one of the
EU research program MareFrame1 is develop- ideas for the future. Article 18 of Regulation
ing very interesting tools to allow for a better 1380/2013 does not necessarily limit the scope,
implementation of the ecosystem approach in since it states that this process will apply “where
the CFP. What is of particular interest of this the Commission has been granted powers” but
program is that it provides for instruments for then it clarifies that this includes multian-
what will be a more complex decision-making nual plans, discard plans and regulations to
framework, that will need to evaluate the implement environmental legislation. Article
trade-offs of different policy options. 18§7 allows Member States to present joint
The program develops four main areas, which recommendations, but does not clarify what
we can consider as the essential elements of follow-up should be considered.
support to decision-making in the emerging Overall, Article 18, even if formally does not
scenario of more ecosystem based (particularly limit regionalization to the above questions,
more multi-specific) management: it does however put emphasis on them, and
(a) The co-creation process, whereby stake- makes it a political question for co-legislators
holders participate from the beginning in to decide if in a different context they may
the conception of the management instru- decide to grant powers to the Commission. And
ments. in any case, Article 18 is within Part III of the
(b) The further development of ecosystem regulation, on conservation measures, which
models, to respond to the increasing need to seems to imply that regionalization does not
include multi-species and other ecosystem- apply to other policy pillars of the CFP.
based elements in management. This represents an important limitation,
(c) Decision-support tools, to facilitate the because a new governance requires the prepa-
evaluation of options, and their conse- ration of package approaches, that could put
quences, of an increasingly complex deci- together different policy strands in coherent,
sion framework. mutually supportive policy elements. The
future legal basis could foresee the possibility
of these package approaches implying regional-
1 ized decision-making involving different policy
.html/ choices.
340 Chapter 14

As an example, the recent proposal for a not even just economic (profit levels) or social
management plan for demersal stocks for the (employment levels) but very often impinge
Mediterranean (EU 2018a) foresees an effort upon other values such as, for example, pride,
management system for trawlers. To be com- the preservation of tradition, and so on.
pleted, this plan would ideally include, for These considerations lead to decision-making
example: being often based on what is socially acceptable,
• A special control regime to cater for the need whatever the values behind such acceptability.
to focus control on the effort levels. Including these considerations in decision-
• A special system of incentives to promote bet- making, as part of the objective criteria, is
ter gear selectivity that may need to derogate extremely difficult, if not impossible. For this
from some current technical measures. reason, the idea has been developed in a num-
• A specific scrapping program to remove ber of cases of including such considerations
excess capacity and allow the remaining from the very beginning of the decision-making
vessels to be able to operate under profitable process, through the so-called co-creation, that
conditions within a framework of reduced is, the participation of stakeholders from the
overall effort levels. initial stages of policy design.
These ideas are not possible today under
regionalization. To introduce such elements,
the proposal would have needed to propose Creating breathing space for the ACs
amendments to three important regulations, The above ideas imply very pro-active Advisory
and this completely discourages such initiatives. Councils. This, in turn, requires the ACs to
A new paradigm of governance would imply be ready for such an enhanced role, but it
the possibility of allowing regionalization to also requires that the other actors involved
foresee bespoke packages of measures that in decision-making leave the ACs sufficient
would achieve the general goals of the pol- breathing space for them to have a substantial
icy but would be tailor-made for the specific role to play. If co-legislators, the Commission
features of the fisheries concerned. and national administrations continue to decide
on everything, including details, there will be
The notion of co-creation and the no space for the ACs to do a meaningful job.
“irrational” part of decision-making Asking the ACs to do more implies the other
Those associated with decision-making pro- actors of the policy to do less:
cesses know all too well how decision-making • Co-legislators should legislate with less
is, very often, subject to political considerations detail. This is essential. If the tradition of
that may not correspond to rational crite- prescriptive legislation continues by the
ria, be it scientific advice or long-term versus co-legislators (with an important influence
short-term economic interest. These decisions by the Commission) then there will be no
are often considered “irrational” since they breathing space for ACs. One cannot moti-
do not seem to correspond to well-supported vate ACs to invest in developing policy if
“objective” criteria. their role is restricted to very narrow, or very
Actually, these “irrational” parts of the secondary policy elements. In particular, it
decision-making probably only show the level will continue to be for co-legislators to decide
of ignorance of decision-makers as regards the the “what,” but the ACs should have more
interests of the social groups concerned, for of a say in the “how” and this can only be
whom the alleged irrationality simply corre- done if co-legislators don’t try to do both.
sponds to their societal and cultural values • National administrations should not try to
and expectations. The notion of rational is dominate the decision-making process under
by definition arguable, since it may reflect a regionalization as a purely political process.
very wide variety of considerations that are If this is the case, the process will fail to
Some ideas for the next CFP reform 341

get decision-making closer to the fishing in terms of resources, and in this context the
grounds as it was intended in 2013. possibility of revamping the mandate and the
• The Commission and the ACs should ensure funding of producer Organizations, to play a
a positive dialogue where sufficient flexibility crucial role in governance, over and beyond
and trust should be provided to ensure that their original mandate focused on markets,
the ACs see that it is worth investing in their could be an idea to explore.
This is not necessarily a question for legisla-
tion, at least not the only factor. Rather, this A more executive role for the Advisory
would correspond to a change of culture, where
In the context of a more collaborative CFP, with
the legislators would set principles, but not tech-
nical details. an increasing weight of bottom–up initiatives
In addition, more breathing space would also under less prescriptive legislation, the idea
be created for the ACs by admitting regionalized of the industry making private arrangements
decision-making for a wider range of policy beyond legislation must also be posed. Indeed,
instruments. As I have argued, the scope of some US Regional Councils have demonstrated
regionalization in the 2013 reform was rather that the industry can accomplish certain objec-
narrow. Once regionalization reaches cruise tives through private deals outside the control
speed, the question must be asked whether of the federal government. Can this be done in
this procedure shouldn’t be allowed for a wider the CFP?
range of policy pillars, so as to give the ACs the In a policy with a tradition of top–down
possibility of developing “package approach- prescriptive rules, this possibility seems rather
es” on policy that would fit their particular unlikely ever to materialize. However, certain
circumstances. precedents may actually point to the con-
trary. For example, the Southwestern Regional
A new structure for an enhanced role Advisory Council struck a deal on the manage-
for the Advisory Councils ment of anchovy in the Bay of Biscay through
Under the new governance scenario, the agreement between the industries of the two
structure and function of the ACs should be Member States concerned. In more recent
enhanced. Some ideas are worth exploring: times, the industry-led management plans
• Getting data collection and scientific advice agreed and proposed by the pelagic industry,
closer to the ACs, following the US system. even if devoid of legal value, are important
• Organizing training sessions for AC members, attempts to establish management frameworks
so they can become more familiar with the that decision-makers can at least consider as
basic concepts of fisheries science. important guidance on what industry can do.
• Allowing for certain decisions to be imple- In previous chapters we have seen the need
mented through industry private agreements, to develop strategic partnerships between the
outside legislation, but with an obligation to fishing industry and the environmental NGOs.
achieve results. These partnerships could well be developed in
• Providing for special aid to currently under- the framework of the ACs, thus giving these
represented interests, such as small-scale bodies a much more proactive role, including
sectors, so as to ensure an inclusive level of the possibility of using private deals, which
decision-making within the ACs. could subsequently be endorsed by EU or
As mentioned in Chapter 9, it would be national law.
important to analyze how the industry can take This development can be facilitated by new
up the challenge of a more bottom–up policy technologies. A very good example is the
where their participation in the ACs would be approach proposed by Kraak et al. (2012)
more proactive. This would be very demanding whereby a detailed spatial management of the
342 Chapter 14

fishing activity can be used to refine man- What would then be the alternative? The idea
agement and promote responsibility by the of a specialized EU Agency has been floated by
industry, through a system of “fishing impact some. Although a new agency seems out of the
credits.” Current technologies already allow question, the possibility of using the European
fine tracking of individual vessel behavior, thus Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) (whose repu-
opening the door to that kind of approach. tation for technical competence and neutrality
That is just an example, but current technolo- is solid) with an extended mandate (and addi-
gies, starting with the electronic logbook, cam- tional resources) could eventually be discussed.
eras on board, submarine cameras to monitor
the catch composition of trawls before they hap-
Relative stability: why it should
pen, and so on, change the traditional wisdom
that fishermen don’t know what will fall in their
nets, or that they cannot all be tracked individu-
In Chapter 6 we saw a number of possible
ally. These new technologies have the potential
adjustments to the fringes of relative stability
to allow for new policy approaches which are
to facilitate the implementation of the landing
more reliant on individual fishermen’s behav-
obligation as of 2019. But in the long term, the
ior. As we have seen in Chapter 7, these are
policy, for a number of reasons, requires that
much more efficient than general, static rules to
the possibility of seriously revamping relative
obtain results, if and when the adequate incen-
stability be considered as a possible element for
tives are provided.
the next round of policy reform.

Who would be the arbiter? Why question the CFP’s cornerstone?

In order to develop the idea for ACs to be more Relative stability is here to stay. Not only does it
influential, there would need to be more issues enjoy ample political support from most actors
regionalized and more flexibility of objectives in the policy (as every CFP reform demon-
(and possibly some guidelines). However, this strates) but it has proven over the years to
requires an arbiter. In the USA, this is the be a pre-condition for the establishment of a
National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), meaningful fishery management policy: in
widely recognized (even despite frequent lit- other parts of this book I have indicated that in
igation) as an efficient arbiter because it is the absence of a system of sharing out fishing
an agency (not a political body) and has full rights, no effective management system can be
technical credibility. Who would be the arbiter adopted.
in the EU? Could the Commission do it? This However, the idea that a stable system of
would be ideal, but it is difficult in practice for sharing of fishing rights necessarily means
a number of reasons: allocations fixed forever is not warranted. Over
• The Commission is seen as a political body, and beyond the cases where the allocation is
not a government agency made up of neutral left to market mechanisms (individual transfer-
professionals. While the services of the insti- able quotas [ITQs]), there are examples where
tution do enjoy a reputation of competence allocations are decided at governmental level,
and neutrality, the Fisheries Commissioner is, but the specific percentages assigned to specific
on the contrary, seen as a politician. management areas and quota holders is vari-
• As for the technical ability, the NMFS has a able according to the distribution of biomass,
human resource base, made up of prestigious which is regularly monitored through surveys.
scientists and other officials that offer more The case of the International Pacific Halibut
than sufficient guarantee of technical ability. Commission, between the US and Canada is
The Commission services, on the contrary, perhaps the best example.
tend to be increasingly made of overstretched In the CFP, the experience showed that the
non-specialized officials establishment of the policy required six years of
Some ideas for the next CFP reform 343

difficult negotiation to agree on the initial allo- fishing rights among Member States makes
cation of resources. Only when this was adopted ministers focus on “their” national quota, not
was it possible to put into place a conservation on the TAC level, and as a result TAC levels
policy. This fact is always important to bear in have been frequently raised over sustainable
mind. The question is, however: if relative sta- levels to accommodate one minister, while the
bility is here to stay, does it have to stay without rest did not ask for such an increase.
any change or should it evolve to adapt to the As an example, a former British fisheries
evolution of the policy? minister declared, following a TAC decision in
Questioning relative stability is not a choice, excess of scientific advice that “the arguments
it is a necessity, because of choke species (see about TACs are not about conservation, unless
Chapter 6), climate change (see Chapter 12), of course you are arguing about another coun-
low quota consumption/inefficiency to produce try” (cited in Carpenter et al. 2016). Beyond the
food (see Chapter 2) and ultimately, Brexit. cynicism or sense of humor of the statement,
Under these circumstances, maintaining an that phrase encapsulates the problem of relative
allocation system fixed in time and space more stability: it places the emphasis on securing a
than 30 years ago is simply not possible. While national quota entitlement the following year,
the principle can be maintained, the specific frequently to the detriment of the biological
allocation keys and the areas to which they and even economic rationality of the whole
apply will inevitably have to be adapted if the system. And then one can always be very
CFP is to stand a chance of delivering its conservationist with somebody else’s TACs.
objectives. On the contrary, fisheries economists have
evaluated the gains associated with a liberal-
Adapting relative stability: legally easy, ization of fishing quotas within the EU, and
politically difficult have clearly concluded that they would provide
Curiously, what the most deeply-rooted princi- economic gains for all (Andersen et al. 2009).
ple of the CFP is, in strict legal terms, extremely In addition, scientists have long emphasized
easy to modify: it is a prerogative of the Coun- that the success of the management system of
cil of Ministers, under Article 32§3 TFEU and the CFP is severely constrained by the strong
can be modified at will by Council by qualified and systemic focus on maintaining relative
majority. However, even if legally easy, a sub- stability among Member States (Schwach et al.
stantial revamping of relative stability is so deli- 2007), which stifles innovation and prevents
cate politically that it is hard to see how it could more economically rational approaches.
take place outside the framework of an impor- From a biological point of view, relative
tant policy reform, including other substantial stability is also far from satisfactory. Reiss et al.
elements in the package. (2010) indicate that a policy based on TACs for
the main target species is unlikely to mitigate
Are individual annual quotas under the impacts of fishing on non-target species.
relative stability biologically It can be added that the tendency of relative
and economically rational? stability to raise TAC levels far beyond scientific
The concept of relative stability has been crit- advice only aggravates this effect.
icized directly or indirectly from a number Overall, relative stability has been remark-
of angles, as an inefficient system to ensure ably stable over the years, but this is due much
good decision-making. For example, Carpenter more to the inertia of the system, and the lack
et al. (2016) and Khalilian et al. (2010) have of appetite to embark on a difficult and com-
criticized the decision-making on TACs, show- plex exercise of revision, than on the basis of its
ing how the system substantially produces objective biological and economic rationality.
higher TACs than would be biologically and However, these considerations will not neces-
economically rational. The fixed allocation of sarily apply forever. There are several reasons
344 Chapter 14

why some current allocation keys may have to There can be different ways to introduce the
be adapted in certain cases: necessary adaptations to allocation keys so that
• They were established in many cases a long it can face today’s challenges and still be an
time ago, and since then the stocks and their extremely useful instrument. There could be in
abundance have moved geographically. This fact a number of possibilities, as below.
is clearly aggravated by climate change.
• The economic interests of the fishing exploit- An enhanced market of fishing rights
ing the stocks concerned has also changed, among Member States
with many stocks of importance not having The current system of voluntary quota swaps
relative stability while other, secondary ones is insufficient to re-balance the rigidities of
still being subject to it. relative stability. Since the implementation of
• The introduction of the new CFP objectives the landing obligation, the number of swaps
has raised the problem of “choke species” is actually being reduced, not increased (see
(see Chapter 6) that risks derailing the Chapter 6). The reason seems to be that in
smooth implementation of the new CFP. the new context, Member States become more
• Relative stability resolves – partially – its prudent before agreeing to a swap, since they
rigidity by a “market” mechanism: quota do not know if, at the end of the year, some
swaps. But this mechanism is proving very of the stock they are ready to swap may actu-
inefficient to meet the challenges of the new ally become “choke” at a later stage. In other
CFP. cases, Member States seem to shy away from
In fact, the relative stability established in the swapping to reduce total catches and keep prices
CFP of 1983 was a principle, with the intention high. Given the voluntary nature of this system,
of being adapted as necessary. Article 4 of Reg- it is difficult to see how it could be enhanced.
ulation 170/83 (EU 1983) reads: In addition, the lack of transparency of the
system of quota swaps casts serious doubts
1 The volume of the catches available to the about its fairness. For example, given the prac-
Community referred to in Article 3 shall be tice of intra-company swaps (swaps promoted
distributed between the Member States in a by companies owning vessels in more than one
manner which assures each Member State Member State) some operators complain that
relative stability of fishing activities for each of such intra-company exchanges do not fairly
the stocks considered.
allow them to participate in swaps negotiated
2 On the basis of the contents of the report
by their national administrations (Hoefnagel
referred to in Article 8, the Council, acting in
accordance with the procedure laid down in et al. 2015). In addition, the annual nature of
Article 43 of the Treaty, shall enact provisions the quota entitlements and the lack of guaran-
effecting the adjustments that it may prove necessary tee of obtaining supplementary quotas from the
to make to the distribution of the resources market seriously limit the fishermen’s ability to
among Member States in consequence of the plan their economic activity in the long-term,
application of paragraph 1. (emphasis added) and tends to result in year-by-year economic
planning (Andersen et al. 2009).
In practice several allocation keys have been One possibility, suggested by industry rep-
modified or created over the years (Penas Lado resentatives, would be to ensure full public
2016). This means that it is conceivable that, transparency of the levels of quota consump-
while the principle of relative stability will be tion by Member States. The industry frequently
preserved, some of its specific management complains that they don’t always know who has
units and/or allocation keys could be modified. quotas left of their choke species. By making the
This need has in fact been recognized by a quota management database fully available to
certain number of interests in the industry, the public, the industry could check out where
notably in relation with choke species. available opportunities lie, and may indicate to
Some ideas for the next CFP reform 345

their national authorities the interest in agree- result of this is that the production of milk is
ing on certain swaps with other Member States. increasing much more in some Member States
There may be reticence to do this, particu- than in others and thus the traditional status quo
larly from the Member States that under-exploit is being broken. Could the fisheries status quo
their quotas, as such transparency would clearly ever be broken?
expose the level of inefficiency of the current Always bearing in mind the differences
system. However, the need to ensure the effi- between the two instruments, what is interest-
ciency of the CFP, in terms of implementing the ing about the case is the explanation of the rea-
discard ban and also on the wider objective of sons why the EU scrapped milk quotas. In short,
ensuring a high level of exploitation of its sus- milk quotas were suppressed for four main
tainable resources, should be more than enough reasons:
motivation to overcome this possible reticence. • Milk quotas raise prices;
• They distort the market;
A European market of fishing rights? • They are costly to administer; and
The case of milk quotas • They are unfair.
An extreme proposal would be to create a As indicated above, milk quotas are not the
European-wide market of fishing rights, for same as fish quotas. However, what is interest-
example though the establishment of a system ing to note is that both quotas are based on the
of tradable fishing rights. This idea was indeed same article of the Treaty (Article 39). Yet, the
initially considered by the Commission services CFP has never questioned the role of fish quotas
in the preparation of its proposals for the 2013 under relative stability on their effect on market
CFP reform. However, the idea found such prices, on whether they distort the markets,
strong opposition from much of the industry on the cost of their administration and on
and most Member States that it was discarded their fairness. Nor has the CFP ever wanted to
as an option at a very early stage. Obviously, analyze the competitiveness of its industry that
the opposition to this idea was based mainly must compete in an increasingly open market.
on the evidence that such a market of fishing Why?
rights would change relative stability. It is also true that the European Court of Jus-
The example of fish quotas could draw some tice has, on several occasions, clearly withheld
interesting conclusions from the case of the the principle of relative stability, therefore its
milk quotas as part of the Common Agricul- questioning may have also legal implications.
tural Policy (CAP). The milk quotas per Member However, in the present context, the emphasis is
State were very different from the fish quotas: not so much whether the principle should sur-
rather than an instrument to limit catches of vive, but rather if the specific quota allocations
an exhaustible resource, milk quotas were set agreed more than 30 years ago are still the right
up in 1984 as an instrument to prevent excess ones, notably in the context of the new policy
production and associated falling milk prices. after the 2013 reform.
The comparison should not be made between
milk quotas and fish TACs, but rather between Does relative stability raise prices?
the use of Member State-specific limits to milk There are no studies on this question. It is
production and the Member State-specific therefore difficult to ascertain if relative sta-
and fixed catch limitations derived from the bility has any influence on prices. However,
overall TACs. the very fact that there are no studies on this
Unlike national fish quotas that continue question exposes the problem: relative stability
unquestioned, milk quotas were discontinued is applied because it is always considered a cor-
in 2015, to allow EU producers to increase nerstone of the CFP, regardless of its economic
production, improve competitiveness and con- rationality. It is a striking example of a policy
quer emerging foreign markets. One obvious that has survived for over 30 years without ever
346 Chapter 14

being questioned from the point of view of its by the limited and non-transparent market of
economic rationality. fishing rights (the quota swap system) and can-
In any case, anecdotal information confirms not always be compensated by intra-EU trade,
that some Member States refuse swaps of often constrained by the cost and conditions of
unused quotas as a mechanism to keep prices transport and other factors.
high: if certain unused quotas are transferred
to other Member States and caught, they fear Are quotas under relative stability costly
prices may be reduced by the increased offer. to manage?
The notion of “costly” management is of course
Does relative stability distort the markets? relative. If preserving the system of relative sta-
There is at least one significant element of mar- bility is a high priority for most Member States,
ket distortion in relative stability: the catches of it is probably fair to say that running the sys-
national fleets are not always adjusted to their tem is not expensive. The question, however,
national markets. In some cases, Member States is whether there is a simpler system to manage
under-exploit stocks of high value in other fishing rights.
European markets, while Member States hav- In any case, the management of quotas
ing those markets have low or no quota of such involves in most cases a high degree of involve-
stocks. There are no specific studies to quantify ment of national administrations, including
this. However, abundant anecdotal informa- notably all the control and enforcement sys-
tion and expert advice shows a disconnection tem, the sampling and reporting and the IT
between the basket of fishing rights of Member applications to run the system. Overall, these
States and the demands from their markets. systems are complex and expensive, and even
For example, according to data from the relatively well-off Member States frequently
European Market Observatory for Fisheries and complain about difficulties in running the sys-
Aquaculture (EUMOFA), a stock such as horse tem effectively and on time, based on the heavy
mackerel (Trachurus trachurus) is caught by the administrative burden it represents.
Dutch fleet and sold largely for export at prices The example of other countries (New
around €1/Kg, while in Portugal the same stock Zealand, certain fisheries in Canada and the US,
is sold for around €2/Kg in the domestic market. etc.), where the quotas are managed largely
Another case in hand is blue whiting (Microme- through market mechanisms and with a finan-
sistius poutassou) which the Danish fleets catch cial and operational contribution from the
for fish meal at prices around €0.1–0.2/Kg, industry itself are the best examples of how
while Spanish vessels catch the same stock for these expenses can be reduced to a minimum.
human consumption at prices around €2.5/Kg. This means that the heavy administrative
It can certainly be argued that this is not a burden of running a government-led quota
problem since the market is the whole of the management system is not an inevitable conse-
EU, so Dutch and Danish fleets could sell their quence of fisheries management, it is the result
fish at much better prices in the Iberian mar- of a political choice not to let the market play
kets, and help supply their markets. However, its part in such management.
it is not always easily doable and economically
rational to land fish for a variety of different Are quotas unfair?
European markets, some of them perhaps This is by far the most difficult question to
quite distant. The effect of this disconnection answer. It is for sure, however, that if that ques-
is that the overall economic rationality and tion is asked to different operators, most of them
effectiveness of the system is probably lower would reply yes, albeit for opposite reasons: it is
than it could be: operators may have fishing unfair to many of them, but for different reasons
rights that are not always well-adapted to their for different people. A non-written principle
usual markets. This is not fully compensated of EU policy is that a good policy is the one
Some ideas for the next CFP reform 347

that leaves everybody “moderately unhappy,” these ideas are not mutually-excluding, so a
that is, that the policy is a good compromise combination of some of these ideas, even in
without winners and losers. Is this the case different TACs, may be a way forward. As I have
with relative stability? repeatedly advocated in these pages, the search
Traditionally, it has strong defenders who for a one-size-fits-all solution can seriously
consider that allocation keys should not be stand in the way of more effective, partial, and
touched at all. They are fully satisfied with exist- fishery-specific solutions in different cases.
ing keys. Others, however, are very unhappy,
although for the opposite reasons:
• Spain is by far the unhappiest Member State, Renegotiation of a limited number
of allocation keys
on grounds that the allocation keys agreed
upon accession did not reflect at all Spain’s A limited number of TACs could be subject to a
track record in the fishery and current eco- revision, while maintaining existing keys for the
nomic interest and dependence from the fish- rest. The choice of the stocks could be done, for
eries concerned. example, based on the following characteristics:
• Ireland is another traditionally unhappy
Member State, for the opposite reason: Irish • A well-demonstrated problem of choke
waters include a high percentage of EU species.
fishery resources, but Irish quotas are lower • A very low level of quota utilization, over
than such a percentage. time, by one or more of the quota holders.
Both arguments cancel each other in any • A consistent history of swaps, showing the
discussion on relative stability, but the above permanent need for adjustment of certain
examples illustrate that, at this point in time, national quotas.
the allocation keys agreed more than 30 years A precondition for this exercise would to
ago are not necessarily something that leaves ensure the transparency of the information on
everyone “moderately unhappy.” quota utilization and exchange, so the adjust-
But this traditional situation is now changing ment would be designed on systematic and
fast, due to the implementation of the landing transparent criteria and based on experience.
obligation in the CFP. Here, even Member States It has been reported (Penas Lado 2016)
that always defended the continuity of relative that at least on two occasions, important rel-
stability, are now questioning certain aspects of atively stability keys have been re-negotiated:
it, namely, those leading to the choke species Baltic cod and blue whiting are examples that,
problem. For all the Member States or fleet seg- when needed, Council can indeed re-negotiate
ment affected by this problem, it is difficult to well-established allocation keys. While not
see the current allocation keys as fair. The above minimizing the difficulties, these examples
(very superficial) analysis shows that there may show that, at least for a reduced number of
also be reasons to question relative stability, or well-identified stocks with important mis-
at least some of the allocation keys under it, and match problems, such re-negotiation is actually
to suggest its revision. possible.
Although there is a tendency to avoid
Evolution through adjustment re-opening allocation keys, or even to talk
A full renegotiation of all allocation keys would about it, under the all-embracing argument
seem out of the question, as too complex, that this would amount to “opening Pandora’s
delicate and, probably, also unnecessary. A box,” the above cases show that this fear is
softer approach would seem more realistic. In overstated, and often reflects a simple desire
this regard, there can be very different ways not to engage in difficult exercises, a kind of
in which much-needed flexibility or adjust- “institutional inertia” to avoid difficult problems
ment can be introduced in relative stability. All even if solutions are badly needed.
348 Chapter 14

A partial application of rights-based through fixed national quotas. This could be

management done as a test for those willing to experiment
As we have explained, the idea of an EU-wide with the system, without any obligation of it
market of fishing rights was opposed by a becoming the rule in all areas and all fisheries.
majority of stakeholders at an earlier stage of The effects of RBM could then be examined
the preparation of the proposals for the 2013 on the basis of the results by those willingly
reform. This opposition is most unlikely to accepting the system.
change any time soon. However, for certain
segments of the industry (notably the pelagic A revision of the species under relative
trawler industry) this idea was worth consid- stability
ering, and even extending it to Norway! This The species currently subject to relative sta-
points to the possibility of introducing certain bility (or not subject to it) is largely the result
TACs where part of the national quotas (those of the historical evolution of the policy, not
corresponding to the large-scale industry ready necessarily the result of an analysis of what are
to play into this) could be allocated initially to the key species, the ones that determine the
Member States, but be subsequently subject behavior of skippers in the fishing grounds. As
to quota transfers among the different vessel a result, today certain very important species in
owners at European level. This could even European waters (i.e. sardine, sea bass) are still
be considered as an experiment and depend- not included into the TAC and quota system,
notably due to the difficulty of agreeing to an
ing upon results, could perhaps be extended
allocation key, while other, very secondary
partially to other TACs and fleet segments
species (i.e. pollack, dab, and flounder) have
interested, always on a voluntary basis.
TACs and are subject to the discard ban even
All the above considerations are, in any case,
though they are very marginal in the fisheries
unlikely to lead to the dismantling of relative
where they are caught.
stability and its replacement by a liberalization
In Chapter 6 we examined the question from
in the trade of fishing rights among Member
the point of view of contributing to reduce
States. However, when looking at rights-based
choke species effects. But the revision of species
management (RBM) one must always bear in
under TAC could be done on more general
mind that their application does not necessarily
objectives, taking into account the overall
have to be universal. In fact, only the New
value of TAC setting of secondary stocks on
Zealand system applies to all fisheries without
the target species and on the general effects
restrictions. Many examples around the world
on the marine ecosystem. As we saw in that
show how RBM systems can work for part of
chapter, the scientific basis for this exercise is
their fisheries, for very different reasons. This
beginning to be available: a recent International
has also been the case (see Chapter 10) with
Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)
the EU Member States that have implemented
report2 states that TACs of certain secondary
these systems: they have introduced them at
stocks could be removed without a significant
different times for different fisheries, showing
risk of contributing to overfishing of the target
that RBM-managed fisheries can coexist with
traditionally-managed ones.
Such a revision would not only resolve some
All this implies that it is perfectly possible to
of the rigidities of relative stability, but would
apply RBM to a certain fleet segment, and/or to
also re-focus the policy to the most important
part of the fishing possibilities available. This is
issues and would increase the cost/efficiency
already applied in some countries. At EU level,
and simplicity of the whole policy.
the idea could be to reserve part of the TACs,
at least for certain species, to management 2;
through RBM, leaving the rest of the TAC and/ 20Reports/Advice/2018/Special_requests/eu.2018.24
or the rest of the species to traditional allocation .pdf/
Some ideas for the next CFP reform 349

The establishment of a two-tier quota • Ling in ICES areas I and II

system • Bluefin tuna in the East Atlantic and Mediter-
The philosophy of this system was that the allo- ranean
cation of fishing rights should be done on the • Swordfish in the North Atlantic
basis of the main species (the first tier), those • Black scabbardfish in ICES areas V, VI, VII,
that determine the basic activity of fishermen. and XII
On the contrary, the allocation of secondary • Roundnose grenadier in ICES areas Vb, VI,
species (the second tier) should not necessar- and VII
ily follow the same allocation, but rather a • Red seabream in ICES areas VI, VII, and VIII.
complementary one where catch allowances The system of by-catch quotas is largely used
for such species are calculated based on the in the US system to ensure that the quota
–inevitable – by-catches of these secondary holders of the main target species are not
species when fishing for the target ones, and all held back because of their absence of quota
based on the best scientific advice on by-catch of certain secondary ones that are impossible
levels. to avoid. It is relevant, in this context, that
This is of course easier said than done, mainly these by-catch quotas are established according
because among different fleets and Member to recommendations from regional Advisory
States there is a different notion of what is a Councils based on information of real levels
first-tier or a second-tier species. But defining of – inevitable – by-catches.
these species as first or second-tier is some- It is important to emphasize that by-catch
thing that can be agreed for different areas, for quotas can provide a level of flexibility that can
example by asking the Advisory Councils do so. successfully reduce discards, protect fish stocks
In the US, certain fisheries allocate the main and enhance profits of the fleets in the long
target species and then, following recommen- term (Simons et al. 2015). This means that such
dations from the industry itself, certain by-catch a solution is not a “desperate” one to resolve
quotas are established to avoid choke species choke species effects.
effects. The experience in some of these cases is
that the industry is often more efficient to take Handling over-quota catches
this kind of decisions than public authorities. Another solution can be to allow certain levels
of catches of fish beyond quota, but to sub-
The establishment of limited by-catch ject them to a different market regime that
quotas would discourage economically such practice.
The idea of establishing certain – limited – by- In that sense, while inevitable by-catches of
catch quotas is not new, and has been used in over-quota fish could still be landed (avoiding
many management systems around the world. the species concerned to become choke) the
Meaningfully, there are also some precedents in market value of such fish would be lower, thus
the CFP. That is their biggest advantage: they discouraging such a practice to the extent pos-
are a well-known feature of the CFP already, so sible. Two examples can be mentioned in this
their introduction in certain stocks would not context: New Zealand’s “catch balance regime”
be a revolution, but just an extension to new and Iceland’s system of retaining 50% of the
stocks of an approach already applied under the value of the over-quota fish.
CFP. Examples of existing by-catch quotas are: The catch balance regime was introduced in
• Tusk in ICES areas I, II, and XIV New Zealand in 2001 to cater for situations
• Tusk in ICES area IV where vessels would catch in excess of their
• Tusk in ICES areas V, VI, and VII individual quota. Rather than using penalties,
• Blue ling in ICES areas Vb, VI, and VII the system uses economic incentives: if fisher-
• Blue ling in ICES area XII men do not manage to buy quota to cover all
• Blue ling in ICES areas II and IV their catches, they can still land and sell their
350 Chapter 14

excess catches, but they have to pay a high 3 That sum, however, would represent tonnes
“deemed value” of such catch, which is set at a of fish, not value. And a tonne of sole is
high value to encourage fishermen to obtain all worth much more than a tonne of sandeel.
the necessary quotas in advance. To compensate for that, the same calculation
Such a system requires the existence of a mar- as above would be done by multiplying the
ket for quotas, something that does not exist average number of tonnes per stock by their
at EU level and at national level only in a few cod equivalent, which is a well-accepted
Member States. Beyond the obvious interest of proxy to market value.
such a system at the level of Member States, 4 This would provide a total average quota enti-
the use of the economic incentives at EU level tlement for every Member State expressed
could also be explored, for example by admit- in cod equivalents, as the best proxy of the
ting excess catches but against a high sale price entitlement of every Member State to benefit
that could be used to fund fisheries control and from Europe’s fishery resources. This would
research. be the new expression of the existing relative
In Iceland, for example, a system operates by stability.
allowing the landing of over-quota fish but dis- 5 The above entitlements being fixed by Mem-
counting 50% of the sale value of such fish that ber States, then the individual quota enti-
is subsequently dedicated to research. tlements by stock per Member State would
The above systems, with perhaps certain be compared with every Member State catch
adaptations, could be at least tested in the EU. composition in the fishing grounds. From
In Chapter 9 we referred to the need to include that comparison, transfers would be done to
the possibility of testing new approaches. This match, as much as possible, national quota
possibility could be used to run tests in reduced entitlements with the real catch composition
fleets to see what effects they would produce. by Member State, and all respecting the over-
all cod equivalent quota by Member State.
A revamping of relative stability: This method would allow something extreme-
from single-stock shares to combined ly important: it would maintain the essence of
shares relative stability (every Member State would
All the above options are based on the same keep its proportional share of the fisheries’
model: preserving the notion of relative stability bonus) but the specific allocation by stock
based on single-stock TACs and their respective would be much more adapted to the real world.
allocation keys. But a different, more radical The advantages of this approach would be clear:
approach is possible: turning the principle from
a system of fishing rights on individual stocks • This new system would practically eliminate
to one based on the overall production and the choke species generated by today’s alloca-
economic benefit obtained from all the fisheries tion keys, thus facilitating the practical imple-
as a whole. mentation of the landing obligation.
This would be surprisingly easy to do in a few • This would allow a much more efficient rate
steps, as follows: of quota consumption, thus increasing the
1 Summing up all national quotas for all stocks sustainable production of seafood.
combined. • This would also reduce considerably the need
2 Doing that sum for a number of years (say, for quota swaps.
the last 10 years) to average out changes • The system would also likely increase the
in TAC levels affecting different Member profitability of the industry by matching
States differently. The average total quota for fishing rights with the species found in the
the last 10 years would represent the total fishing grounds.
amount of fish that every Member State This idea could be implemented if there are
obtains under the current allocation keys. two main conditions: political will to re-open
Some ideas for the next CFP reform 351

a politically difficult issue, and a very good so distant from any MSY-related objective
communication and education strategy, to that it would be necessary to provide for
overcome the likely resistance that may occur more time to achieve the objective, so that
by all those who consider relative stability a the necessary reduction in fishing activity
sacred cow that cannot even be discussed. would be possible to achieve by the industry.
However, the price of not doing this exercise The need to advance at multilateral level
would be higher: unless it evolves, relative within General Fisheries Commission for the
stability will become farther and farther away Mediterranean (GFCM) also calls for a more
from the reality of the fishing grounds and gradual approach.
this will make it increasingly at odds with the • Effort management combined with time/area
effective implementation of the policy and with closures would seem to be the preferred
the industry’s economic performance. In other instrument, but TACs might also be applied
words, it will lose the very reason why it was to certain fisheries, such as for example those
established in the first place. on small pelagic fish.
• Specific instruments in the structural policy,
to address the exceptional circumstances
The Mediterranean: a new existing in this sea basin, and this could
management paradigm include specific scrapping programs.
• A very flexible system to take into account
In Chapters 1 and 5 we stressed the enormous the need to learn from experience and adapt
differences between the Mediterranean and the the approach as necessary.
Atlantic in terms of policy development and • Specific provisions to adapt the management
results. Attempts to “cut and paste” Atlantic to the effects of climate change and the asso-
policy to the Mediterranean have failed, and ciated invasive species.
will continue to do so. It is therefore opportune • A special effort to facilitate the adoption of a
to discuss if, in the context of the next reform, full and systematic system of management of
the CFP could change the paradigm in Mediter- the main fisheries at the level of GFCM.
ranean fisheries and adopt a distinct policy, In sum, the Mediterranean needs a special
with specific policy objectives and, perhaps, effort to bring stock recovery and thus should
even with specific instruments. as much as possible reflect the specific charac-
This idea runs counter to the EU tradition of teristics of this sea basin. Otherwise, the current
ensuring a level playing field through policy approach based on a theoretical level playing
harmonization. But given the very different sit- field with the Atlantic becomes only an alibi for
uation and policy results as shown in Chapter 1 failing to make any effective progress.
it is necessary to be bold and think about an
entirely different approach. This approach Should the CFP manage
could include the following components: recreational fishing?
• A new definition of policy objectives, focused
on a high and sustainable yields of mixed This question has always been politically
fisheries, and much less dependent on spe- charged. In a policy characterized by a high
cific objectives for individual stocks. In other degree of detail as corresponding to exclusive
words, more ecosystem-based policy objec- EU competence, certain attempts to interfere
tives where the emphasis would be put on with the national (even regional) management
the notion of “optimal harvest” of the marine of this activity has been resented and opposed
ecosystem, a somewhat equivalent to an as an undue interference by the EU on issues
“ecosystem MSY”. that are best managed at national or local level.
• The deadline to achieve this objective should However, in certain specific cases, there is an
also be realistic: the point of departure is obvious need to include considerations about
352 Chapter 14

this activity to ensure that the EU fish manage- The current situation has to be revised, at the
ment policy can achieve its objectives: when very least for those stocks where recreational
and where the contribution of recreational fish- fishing represents a substantial contribution to
eries to the overall fishing mortality of a stock fishing mortality. Drawing from the example of
is very significant, it seems necessary that the the US, recreational fishing should not be taboo
EU system should at least take this activity into in the CFP. It should be openly integrated in
account. The recreational fisheries interests are management, at least for certain cases. And this
increasingly active in vindicating their activity. may provide certain surprises, in particular that
They are already represented in the Advisory in some cases the recreational catches may not
Councils, and regularly advocate their case correspond to relative stability. This probably
publicly, underlining its economic importance. contributes in no small measure to Member
In other cases, such as the Mediterranean, the States’ reticence to consider this activity. How-
impact of recreational fishing is such that this ever, the lack of information on these fisheries
led the industry to request some management only hampers good scientific advice and con-
measures: the prohibition by fishermen to use tributes to establish an unrealistic picture of
professional gear, as established in Regulation the biological and economic implications of
1967/2006 (EU 2006). management.
The issue of recreational fishing was not The CFP should integrate the effects of
touched upon during the negotiation for the recreational fishing in the evaluation and man-
2013 CFP reform, but it was discussed on the agement of those stocks in which recreational
occasion of the negotiation of the current reg- catches represent a significant part of total fish-
ulation on the fisheries control system of the ing mortality. ICES should bring all the data on
CFP. The solution found was to consider that recreational catches and integrate such data in
only in special circumstances will the Council the evaluations. TACs should subsequently be
take management measures (EU 2009b): established taking these catches into account.
Subsequently, each Member State should
Where a recreational fishery is found to have a sig-
decide what part of its national quota should be
nificant impact, the Council may decide . . . to sub-
mit recreational fisheries . . . to specific manage- exploited commercially and what part would be
ment measures such as fishing authorisations and set aside for recreational purposes. The recre-
catch declarations. ational fisheries themselves should continue to
be subject to national management: “Brussels”
This provision, however, has never been should not be establishing the specific rules
invoked in practice. Apart from being mis- applicable to these fisheries.
placed (it is not a control provision), this article This would not apply to all stocks, but only for
has implications for which the CFP traditionally those where the scientific advice would show a
has preferred to stay out. high contribution of recreational fishing to the
Yet, reality shows that recreational fishing total fishing mortality. The CFP would establish
can be a very significant component of the criteria to determine what “high contribution”
fishing mortality of a certain number of stocks means.
in the EU. In such cases, experience shows that
the exclusion of recreational activities from the
purview of the CFP only complicates manage- What future for the fishery
ment. Short of direct regulation, at least on the structural funds?
most important cases the CFP has to ensure that
the effects of recreational fisheries are taken The structural funds have been an integral part
into account in the evaluation of certain stocks of the CFP from the beginning. In fact, the first
and that the corresponding catches be reported regulation providing for structural measures
and counted against overall catch limits.
Some ideas for the next CFP reform 353

for the fisheries sector dates back to 1970 that continue to be necessary even in the absence
is, 13 years before the birth of the CFP itself. of any objective analysis demonstrating if they
Despite the changes over time, the CFP’s struc- actually address market failures.
tural pillar has been extremely stable in many As we saw in Chapter 9 as regards economic
other respects, such as for example regarding advice, there has been little progress in iden-
certain measures that have continued for a very tifying the real market failures in the fisheries
long time: policy. There are also important interests, both
• Aid for the modernization of vessels, under in the industry and certain national adminis-
evolving conditions. trations, who consider that the fishing industry
• Aid for temporary cessation of fishing, also is a strategic food-producing sector that, by its
under evolving conditions and with an end own strategic nature, should enjoy public eco-
date in 2017. nomic support over and beyond market consid-
• Clear support for the development of aqua- erations.
culture. That philosophy has contributed to create
• Aid to equip vessels with control and surveil- a tradition where structural measures are
lance material becoming compulsory under renewed without analysis of their real effects
EU law. and needs, but rather as an acquired right.
These measures have continued in a context If this philosophy continues to be applied by
of insufficient or completely absent evaluation co-legislators, the risk that the policy will not
of their effects. In some cases, one can also argue be used to support policy change, but rather
that certain types of aid are not always necessar- to preserve the status quo will continue to be
ily consistent with the basic philosophy of the significant. For that reason, it is important
EU structural funds. For example, one can won- that the future discussions on the Commission
der why the EU should pay for the equipment proposal for a new fisheries fund (EU 2018b)
on surveillance and control (video manage- will address this question as the one that should
ment system [VMS], electronic logbook) that inspire the final shape of the fund.
EU legislation requires. The general trend in the
structural funds is that they should not be used What structural funds for the future
to allow for the fulfillment of legal obligations CFP?
under EU law. Yet, this funding creates a certain The discussion of the future structural funds
dependency from the EU funds: Member States will, unfortunately, be de-coupled with that of
can argue that if such funds are not available, the possible policy reform. Unlike the excep-
it would not be possible to fully comply with tional circumstances of the current fund,
EU law! This compares with the situation in adopted in 2014 right after the 2013 policy
other non-EU countries where the costs of reform, in this case the new fund should be
management (scientific advice and control) are ready by 2021, before any decision on possible
totally or partially paid for by the industry itself. future CFP reform will be made. This makes
it particularly challenging to ensure that the
An instrument to promote policy new fund will reflect the possible changes of
change, not to maintain the status the policy and ensure it can be a real tool to
quo accompany such changes.
EU structural funds are there to address Mem-
ber States’ structural deficiencies, so as to make The new proposal
itself unnecessary when such deficiencies are By the time these pages are written a proposal
corrected. In practice however, much of the for a new structural instrument will has been
structural policy has been used to maintain the adopted by the European Commission, to cover
status quo and even in some cases to prevent the period 2021–2027 (EU 2018c). It is, again,
change. The policy has perpetuated itself, by premature to anticipate how the proposal will
taking for granted that a number of measures fare in the future trilogue with the co-legislators,
354 Chapter 14

but at least the proposal contains a number of high, given that the discussion on the 2014–2020
interesting elements that could address the financial perspectives was difficult at macro-
above shortcomings: economic level, and also the fact that new poli-
• The proposal recognizes that the ex-post cies (i.e. climate change) came into play. This
evaluation of the European Maritime and success in securing a very substantial package
Fisheries Fund (EMFF) 2014–2020 recom- of structural funds for fisheries and maritime
mended improving the link between the policy was due, inter alia, to the presentation of
funding and policy objectives, a clear recog- this fund as an instrument to accompany the
nition of the weakness mentioned above. implementation of a newly modified policy.
• It establishes four objectives, including These favorable circumstances may not nec-
“fostering sustainable fisheries and the con- essarily be repeated when it comes to decide
servation of marine biological resources.” on the structural priorities for the period
This priority includes support for achieving 2021–2027, for at least two reasons:
MSY objectives, implementing the landing • Brexit may imply a reduction of contribution
obligation and, support to science and con- to the EU budget, as the UK is a net contrib-
trol and, crucially, inclusion of well-targeted utor.
scrapping funds. • There may not be a reform agenda justifying
• The identification of climate change as a a substantial fisheries fund.
fundamental objective of all the structural • There may be a tendency to simplify the
policy (30% of all funds should be related to funds and eliminate the smallest of the five
that objective). It will however be important ESI funds currently available. If the current
to see if the specific nature of the mea- EMFF is subsumed into a larger fund, there
sures finally agreed by the co-legislators will is a possibility that total funds really available
indeed contribute to achieve the ambitious for fisheries may diminish.
goals established. The above scenarios are all theoretical. By the
• A second objective is focused on the EU’s time these pages are written, it is too early to
food security including aquaculture and anticipate what changes will be produced in the
market measures. This is a very important structural funds as of 2021. However, the sce-
point to address the fundamental strategic nario of a reduction in the fisheries funds must
question of maximizing the production of at least be considered as a possibility, and sce-
seafood (see Chapter 13). narios must be prepared on the future shape of
These are promising elements. The upcoming such funds if the budgetary reduction ever takes
negotiation of this fund will be essential to see if place.
the structural pillar of the CFP can, once and for One obvious consequence of a reduction of
all, become the fundamental financial support the structural budget would be the need to
that the policy needs to accompany necessary target better the lower funds available. The
change, both to address policy objectives and to current EMFF, despite its consideration of a
face emerging challenges, and not just to pre- fund “to accompany the implementation of the
serve the status quo. new CFP” as adopted the year before, actually
The following are some ideas for reflection enlarged the scope of the measures available
with a view to the future discussion about the more than ever before. In doing so, it clearly
instrument that will replace the current EMFF lost focus on the main objectives of the CFP. If
after 2020. anything, the future structural policy should
try to recover the philosophy of the initial
The need for better targeting Commission proposal for the EMFF: to focus on
The budget of the EMFF for the period fundamental policy objectives to be an effective
2014–2020 is €5 749 331 600 (EU 2014, instrument to accompany their achievement.
Article 13). When decided, this amount was Some of these possible new challenges are
considered very satisfactory, even surprisingly referred to below.
Some ideas for the next CFP reform 355

Adaptations to new challenges: from global The answer is not straightforward. One rea-
warming to Brexit son for this is that the idea of a market failure
The EMFF was theoretically adapted to the is not unequivocal; different Member States
new context of global warming. However, it is and stakeholders have different views about
not straightforward to see the results of this. this question, but perhaps more importantly,
We have presented the idea of the need for an because the effect of the different structural
ambitious plan to adapt the CFP to the challenge measures on the CFP have never been really
of global warming. This will have to imply a evaluated from that perspective.
shake-up to some traditional visions of the This is changing, notably since the services of
structural policy that are traditionally based on the Commission undertook to revamp the eco-
business as usual. nomic advice to the CFP, on the basis of the time
Brexit will be another challenge for the struc- series of economic data now available under the
tural funds, and not only because of the likely data collection policy. One of the uses of these
reduction in funds, but also because of likely new analyses can be (and should be) to eval-
changes in areas of fishing and even traditional uate the effect of different structural measures
market circuits. The need to create new mar- of the CFP into the general delivery of policy
ket opportunities outside the UK is already a objectives.
well-identified problem by the Irish industry, for For example, the need and opportunity
example. This implies that the industry of the of continuing with policies such as the
EU-27 will have to undergo adaptations to this co-financing of vessel modernization, or tempo-
effect. rary cessation of fishing, has never been evalu-
This, incidentally, may also have other effects: ated on the basis of a serious economic analysis.
as the effects of Brexit will be very different How do these two instruments influence the
for different Member States (high for Ireland, larger question of fleet overcapacity? Have they
Spain, France, and North Sea Member States, delayed the solution to the overcapacity prob-
low for Mediterranean and Baltic Member lem? And, especially, have they contributed
States). This may also prompt a re-discussion to achieve any of the objectives of Article 39
of the allocation of fisheries fund among EU TFEU? And the problems they have addressed,
Member States, with those most affected by are they difficult or impossible to solve through
the possible loss of UK fishing grounds, and market mechanisms?
markets claiming a higher share of funds on As these questions are increasingly answered
account of the higher impact of Brexit on their by economic analysis, it should be possible to
fishing industries. start looking into the different measures today
still available under EMFF to see which ones are
A mechanism driven by market failures
really necessary to favor the achievement of the
The future EMFF could focus more on the
policy objectives of the CFP and that the market
market failures of the policy. The CFP, like all
forces themselves do not guarantee.
EU policies, develops under an open market
economy. This is, after all, one of the essential
conditions for membership to the EU. The Financing the fulfillment of legal
structural policy is not there to replace the obligations?
markets, but to correct their inefficiencies. This This is a necessary, though politically delicate
initial philosophy has long been ignored since debate. Theoretically, the structural policy is not
the different structural instruments of the CFP meant to subsidize the investments necessary
have indeed applied many instruments that, for private operators to fulfill their legal obliga-
at least in theory, could and should have been tions related to EU law. Yet, this is exactly what
handled by the free and open markets. Then the the CFP has been doing all along, for example in
next question is: what are the market failures the case of VMS and other control equipment.
of the CFP? Should this continue forever? The question is
356 Chapter 14

related to the opportunity of discussing some often fails to attend meetings even if financing
form of (at least partial) cost-recovery by the is available. Lack or insufficiency of a public
industry. The EU policy in this question is in support system to the full participation of the
stark contrast with the tendencies observed industry will benefit the most industrial sectors
in the most successful cases of fisheries man- that, unlike artisanal ones, can afford to invest
agement around the world. To the extent in governance. If the future CFP considers mov-
that the structural funds will continue taking ing in the direction of a more collaborative sys-
for granted that control equipment to fulfill tem, it will have to provide the means to ensure
legal obligations will always be paid for by the that all the industry sectors are given a fair
administration, any possible debate on cost chance of being well-represented in the process.
recovery will never happen. This point may appear contradictory with the
Another related question is whether the previous one, but it is not. While control is a
structural funds should continue co-financing national competence, the management of fish
Member States’ investments on control, which stocks is part of the core responsibilities of the
remains their exclusive competence. The tradi- EU. And while the obligation to abide by EU law
tional wisdom that this aid has been instru- is an obligation for private operators regardless
mental in improving Member States’ control of any financial aid scheme, the management
capabilities should not prevent a discussion system is an EU competence where it makes
on an important question: why should the EU sense that the EU tries to ensure all possible
continue to pay a large part of the investment support mechanisms to facilitate its successful
(and even running costs in some cases!) on functioning.
control when Member States fiercely keep this
policy pillar under national competence?
Introducing market mechanisms
in the CFP?
Financing the contribution to governance?
I have advocated above that a more collabora-
In Chapter 11 we saw why and how the Com-
tive approach to governance would mean, inter mission to apply RBM at national level did not
alia, a heavier investment from the industry in make headway in the 2013 reform. For the
the decision-making process. This involvement next reform, it is relevant to raise the question
would be burdensome for the industry, even again, albeit under a different perspective,
more than today, when certain sectors of the learning from the 2013 experience. RBM can
industry already wonder if participation in ACs have several advantages:
is worth the investment. Whether it is through • It can contribute to introduce much-needed
providing Producer Organizations a role in this flexibility into the fixed allocation of fishing
context, or through other means, it would be rights under relative stability, as we saw in
important to consider the financing of the par- the section on “Relative stability” above.
ticipation in the Advisory Councils and perhaps • It would facilitate the resolution of the prob-
other forms of getting involved in governance. lem of choke species and would contribute to
Today, ACs enjoy a Commission financing make the landing obligation more effective in
through a lump sum of €300 000 a year. This practice.
can cover travel costs to participants, but it is • It can contribute to a better balance between
more than questionable if this sum can really fleet capacity and resources and to a general
cover all the involvement necessary (includ- improvement in profitability and competi-
ing outside AC meetings) for a collaborative, tiveness.
bottom–up decision-making system. And this • It can increase the industry’s responsibility in
is particularly important for small-scale fish- the management of the stocks.
ermen. We have already referred to the de • It can facilitate the introduction of cost
facto under-representation of this sector that recovery and other mechanisms of direct
Some ideas for the next CFP reform 357

participation of the industry in the costs of those Member States participating voluntar-
management. ily. The percentages and conditions could be
Yet, as we saw in Chapter 11, the idea of recommended by the Advisory Councils.
introducing RBM even at national level was The above debate is politically delicate and
rejected in 2013. Should the Commission difficult. But the potential benefits of RBM
try again? The answer to this question is, in systems, particularly under the new CFP with a
principle, straightforward: no. That is, if the discard ban and a serious problem with choke
proposals are the same as in 2013. But we have species, the question could be given some
to remember that in 2013 there was also a consideration. The idea of testing this kind of
number of Member States and members of the instrument as a pilot project within a certain
European parliament that were in favor. This fleet sector willing to give it a try justifies the
makes it opportune if RBM could be proposed need to accommodate the possibility of testing
again but under different conditions. new management approaches in the CFP as
suggested in Chapter 9.
An alternative approach: RBM partial
and optional
In Chapter 11 we examined the reasons for A specific policy for small-scale
the failure of the RBM proposal in RBM. These fishing?
reasons are legitimate, and are not likely to
disappear any time soon. A possible alternative The possible establishment of a more specific
would be to introduce RBM only partially policy for small-scale fishing within the CFP
and voluntarily at EU level, and then let the could be discussed for a number of reasons:
experience determine if other Member States • A separate policy could include an allocation
and or fishing segments would consider the of fishing rights for the small-scale sector that
experience positive and would like to join in would be “protected” from market mech-
the system. This is, after all, how RBM systems anisms. This in turn would perhaps allow
have tended to be introduced: first in some the consideration of market mechanisms
fisheries and then extended to others if and for the large-scale part of the fleets with-
when the experience showed positive results. out the fear of undermining the small-scale
Under this different light, some options may sector.
be worth considering: • The use of structural funds has always been
• Partial application of RBM to a limited num- dominated by larger fishing interests, and
ber of fisheries, for example those where the the small-scale sector has been, very often,
industry concerned would be in favor. In the squeezed out from the structural investment.
past, the European pelagic fleet (including As mentioned above, the key for the suc-
Norwegian interests) has been open to this cess of a separate policy would be to ensure
possibility. This would not constitute a prece- these interests a fair share of the resources. At
dent to other fleet segments if they are not present, since the responsibility of allocating
ready to go down that road. national quotas is an exclusive competence of
• Allocating part of the TACs for this purpose, the Member States, the CFP cannot impose,
thus leaving a percentage of national quotas only recommend that Member States allocate a
to Member States (notably for their more fair amount of these national fishing rights to
artisanal fleets) but bringing to the market small-scale fishing. However, for future debates,
a given percentage of the national quotas. the idea that the CFP itself will establish some
This would combine a traditional policy (for minimum share of the overall resources to be
small-scale fisheries for example, or for those allocated only among small-scale sectors of the
unwilling to participate) with RBM, in rela- EU could be explored, in the context of the revi-
tive percentages that would be agreed among sion of relative stability advocated above. This
358 Chapter 14

share could enjoy, for example, the protection A reformulated discard policy
of not being transferable to larger scale sectors
under any circumstance. This share would not Even before the overall evaluation of the policy
be the same in all Member States: it would have that usually precedes any policy revision, the
to take into account the relative importance of current experience on the implementation of
small-scale fishing in different Member States the landing obligation of 2013 allows us to
and even the absence of such a sector in a few draw some conclusions on the need for certain
ones, like the Netherlands or Belgium. changes in the way the policy is defined.
This would have a twofold effect:
• Providing the small-scale sector with a sense New objectives
of protection that would allow them to look In the section on “New policy objectives” above
at their own future in a more creative way, we introduced the idea of new objectives for
without the fear of being swallowed by larger the policy on discard reduction. These new
interests. This would also allow the adop- objectives could have inter alia the following
tion of special regimes on control, technical elements:
measures and so on, well-adapted to this • A general objective to reduce discards as
sector. much as practicable in all fisheries, taking
• Liberating the larger scale sector and allow- into account the different levels of discard-
ing them to take more business-like manage- ing in different fisheries, with a special
ment practices, that today the CFP does not consideration for mixed fisheries.
• The setting up of a mechanism to enhance
favor, notably for fear of affecting the small-
quota exchanges when necessary to facilitate
scale sectors.
Possible elements for a specific small-scale
• An obligation to monitor discard levels
policy could be, for example:
(through observers or cameras on board) at a
• Provide a specific framework for these fleets,
significant part of the fleets. This is important
including control, the collection of data, and
because a more flexible approach should be
so on. It should be a simpler, lighter system,
accompanied by more strict rules on imple-
based on sampling.
mentation to ensure the credibility of the
• Ring-fence a proportion of national quotas
to this sector. That proportion would be
• A general objective of increasing selectivity
different for different Member States, but it
so as to minimize the amount of unwanted
could be enshrined in EU law to ensure its catches.
long-term stability. These quotas would be • The establishment of a plan to take care of
protected from quota trading mechanisms. inevitable unwanted catches, along the lines
• Establish an obligation for Member States to of existing experience in third countries.
limit access by larger boats to certain areas The overall objective should be to have more
of fishing, so small-scale vessels would have flexible objectives for the reduction of dis-
exclusive access to certain fishing grounds cards. In exchange for this flexibility, the policy
within Member States’ territorial seas. should give itself more instruments to ensure
• Have a specific chapter of the structural pol- that this flexible approach is really implemented
icy with ring-fenced and specific measures for in practice, in what would be a fundamental
small-scale fleets. change of philosophy as compared with today’s
These ideas would need to be modulated dif- policy.
ferently in different Member States according to In any case, the need for these new objec-
the relative weight of this sector in each of them, tives would be determined by other factors,
and even simply not applied for those Member notably the full use of existing and other pos-
States where this sector does not exist. sible flexibility mechanisms advocated in these
Some ideas for the next CFP reform 359

pages. Questions such as the evolution of the would be entirely dedicated to support fisheries
policy toward more multi-species approaches science and monitoring (for example, to pay for
or toward the introduction of changes in rel- observers).
ative stability or to the partial introduction
of RBM would have an important impact on
the discard policy. The more such flexibility Do we need to change the basic
mechanisms are introduced, the less necessary regulation?
it would be to introduce flexibility in the policy
objectives themselves. These questions should A number of the changes suggested above
be discussed together at some stage. would not require modifications of the current
basic regulation. As explained in Chapter 1, this
Accepting (while discouraging) basic regulation contains a number of features
over-quota landings that have not been fully developed in practice,
In certain countries, there are also mechanisms so introducing certain new policy strands may
to admit over-quota landings under certain con- simply require the political will to do so, and can
ditions that reduce choke species effects but at be done under the current legal basis. In other
the same time encouraging avoidance of such cases, however, the implementation of alterna-
catches in the first place: tive approaches may require either legislative
• The New Zealand system of “deemed value” change or at least legislative clarification.
allows over-quota catches to be landed, but In this section we provide examples of
sold for a price fixed by the government with whether the ideas suggested in this book could
the intention of rendering such landings be carried out on the current legal basis or
unattractive. whether changes or clarifications would be nec-
• In Canada, the groundfish fishery of the west essary. This is done based on experience, not on
coast has for many years already accepted legal expertise. This experience points at a long
over-the-quota landings, but the value such tradition of legislative flexibility when needed.
landings has not benefited the fishermen
concerned, and has been used instead to Policy changes not requiring
finance fisheries science and monitoring. legislative change
• In Iceland, a similar system allows over-quota Examples of policy reform that do not require
fish to be landed on condition that 50% of change in the current basic regulation can be:
their sale value be taken by the State to help • Less detailed and prescriptive legislation. As
finance fisheries research. we have argued, nothing prevents the
Such mechanisms are not foreseen in the co-legislators, under the current legal basis,
CFP. True, they may not be simple to imple- to concentrate EU legislation more on prin-
ment, in particular in the cases where catches ciple and objectives and less on prescriptive,
of a given stock can be landed in very different detailed rules. This interpretation may be
places, and where official landing statistics questioned by lawyers, particularly those
take some time to collate and become official. specialized in institutional questions. A
These are real problems that cannot be ignored. tendency to leave more details to regional-
However, the increasing use of the electronic ization, or to other forms of decision-making,
logbook introduces the possibility of real-time could be considered by some as a failure to
monitoring of catch levels by Member States, preserve legal prerogatives.
at least for the largest vessels equipped with • A revamped relative stability. Relative stability
this technology. This opens up the possibility of is a principle, not necessarily a specific set
developing, perhaps as a first pilot phase, the of allocation keys. Indeed, some substantial
idea of allowing certain landings of over-quota changes in specific allocation keys have been
species, under the condition that their value introduced in the CFP without any legislative
360 Chapter 14

change at all. The example of blue whiting • A new definition of MSY objectives, specify-
in December 2005 has been explained by ing the elements of flexibility referred to in
this author (Penas Lado 2016). This demon- the section “New policy objectives” above.
strates that relative stability can be revamped • Some of the new policy objectives men-
even in the absence of legislative change. tioned in that section above would need
A different question, however, is whether to be included to complement the terms of
such revamping could take place outside the current Article 2.2 of Regulation 1380/2013.
framework that a policy reform can estab- • Variable objectives of the landing obligation.
lish, but that is more a political than a legal The new approach advocated above would
question. require changes in Article 15 of regulation
Policy changes requiring clarification • A larger scope for regionalization. Article 18
or interpretation
of regulation 1380/2013 would need to be
Certain policy changes may not require a new
adapted to include more policy areas that
legal basis, but perhaps simply an interpretation
could be subject to regionalization.
of the current one. Among these:
• A possible new role for EFCA in the context
• The role of Bmsy . In Chapter 3 we explained
of the above process.
how the MSY concept, and the “aspira-
• A new regime for small-scale fisheries. A new
tional” objective of Bmsy could be worked
article would be needed establishing a clear
out in practice. While the text of Regulation
definition of small-scale, the possible deroga-
1380/2013 can legitimately be interpreted
tions from the general rules applicable to this
along the lines of the ideas exposed in this
sector, and the possible specific instruments
book, this is by no means agreed by every-
to be applicable to them.
body, and a number of decision-makers
• A new regime for recreational fisheries. Over
(notably some MEPs in the European
and beyond Articles 51–54 of the control
Parliament) and stakeholders (notably envi-
regulation (1224/2009), a new article would
ronmental NGOs) are either unconvinced
precise the specific scope of fisheries and
or adverse to such interpretations. This is
measures to be subject to EU management,
therefore an area where, short of legislative
as well as the policy elements that would
changes, at least the future policy should
stay at Member State level.
make an effort to clarify the interpretation
This list is non-exhaustive and only shows
of the basic objectives, to dissipate disagree-
the possible need for legislative change that
ments that only add complexity and difficulty
may be needed depending upon the intentions
in the adoption of management measures.
of the Commission and the co-legislators on
• Multi-species approaches. Theoretically they
policy reform. Although much can still be
can be applied, but the legal basis does not
done without questioning the current basic
entirely resolve the conflict between that
regulation, some policy changes or adjustments
option and the reference to “all stocks” in
would make it desirable to revise some of the
other parts of the text. A clarification of the
existing provisions of Regulation 1380/2013.
real meaning of “all stocks” could be made
without changing the legal text.

Policy changes requiring legislative References

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tas within the European Union. Marine Policy 33:
create a new legal basis and, in other cases, to 497–503.
further clarify provisions that are too vague and Arnason, R. (2012). Global warming: new challenges
open to different interpretation. These can be, for the common fisheries policy? Ocean and Coastal
for example: Management 70: 4–9.
Some ideas for the next CFP reform 361

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Advisory Councils (ACs): Stakeholder bodies account the effects of fisheries on the ecosystem
established under the CFP to advise on policy and the effects of the ecosystem on the fish stocks.
decisions. Fmsy : Fishing mortality consistent with achieving
Acquis communautaire or acquis: EU legislation maximum sustainable yield.
applicable at any given moment. Fish mortality: Fish mortality is a parameter used
Blim : Limit reference point for spawning stock in fisheries population dynamics to account for the
biomass (SSB). loss of fish in a fish stock through death. The mor-
Bmsy : Spawning stock biomass (SSB) that results from tality can be divided into two types:
fishing at FMSY for a long time. • Natural mortality: The removal of fish from
Benthic community: The benthic community is the stock due to causes not associated with
made up of organisms that live in and on the bottom fishing. Such causes can include disease, compe-
of the ocean floor. These organisms are known as tition, cannibalism, old age, predation, pollution
benthos. Benthos include worms, clams, crabs, lob- or any other natural factor that causes the death
sters, sponges, and other tiny organisms that live of fish. In fisheries models natural mortality is
in the bottom sediments. denoted by (M).
Biodiversity: The variety of plant and animal life in • Fishing mortality: The removal of fish from
the world or in a particular habitat, a high level the stock due to fishing activities using any
of which is usually considered to be important and fishing gear. It is denoted by (F) in fisheries
desirable. models.
“Brexit”: Neologism referring to the exit of the Marine Protected Area (MPA): Protected areas of
United Kingdom from the European Union. seas, oceans or estuaries. These marine areas can
Choke species: A term used to describe a species come in many forms ranging from wildlife refuges
with a low quota that can cause a vessel to stop to research facilities. They restrict human activity
fishing even if they still have quota for other for a conservation purpose, typically to protect nat-
species. ural resources.
Co-decision: A procedure, in the European Union, Maximum Economic Yield (MEY): The value of
that requires consensus to be reached between the the largest positive difference between total rev-
Council and the Parliament for legislation to be enues and total costs of fishing (including the cost
adopted. Since 2010 it is the ordinary legislative of labor and capital) with all inputs valued at their
procedure for the CFP. opportunity costs.
Council of Ministers: Government ministers from Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY): The max-
each EU country meet to discuss, amend and adopt imum level at which a natural resource can be
laws, and coordinate policies. routinely exploited without long-term depletion.
Demersal fish: Demersal fish live and feed on or near Pelagic fish: Fish living in the open ocean near the
the bottom of the sea. surface, as opposed to coastal areas or the ocean
Discards: Discards are the portion of a catch of fish floor.
which is not retained on board during commercial Spawning Stock Biomass (SSB): The combined
fishing operations and are returned, often dead or weight of all individuals in a fish stock that are
dying, to the sea. capable of reproducing.
Ecosystem approach: Ecosystem approach to fish- Regionalization: In the context of the EU’s Com-
eries management. Management that takes into mon Fisheries Policy, procedure whereby groups of

Quo Vadis Common Fisheries Policy?, First Edition. Ernesto Penas Lado.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

364 Glossary

Member States are authorized to develop basic EU one or two boats, on the bottom or in midwater
fisheries legislation applicable in a given area. (pelagic). The cone-shaped body ends in a bag or
Relative stability: Principle according to which fish- cod end.
ery resources managed by the EU are shared out Treaty on the Functioning of the European
among EU Member States as fixed percentages. Union (TFEU): Current legal basis for the EU.
Total Allowable Catch (TAC): A catch limit set for Adopted in 2009, entered into force in 2010. Also
a particular fishery, generally for a year or a fish- referred to as “Treaty of Lisbon.”
ing season. TACs are usually expressed in tonnes Trilogue Neologism referring to the “dialogue of
of live-weight equivalent, but are sometimes set in three” (Council of Ministers, European Parliament
terms of numbers of fish. and European Commission) whereby the three
Trawl: The trawls are cone-shaped nets (made from institutions negotiate EU legislation under the
two, four or more panels) which are towed, by co-decision procedure.

ACs: Advisory Councils NMFS: National Marine Fisheries Service

EFCA: European Fisheries Control Agency NOAA: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis-
FAO: Food and Agriculture Organization tration
GFCM: General Fisheries Commission for the RBM: Rights-Based Management
Mediterranean RFMO: Regional Fishery Management Organization
ICCAT: International Commission for the Conserva- STECF: Scientific, Technical and Economics Commit-
tion of Atlantic Tunas tee for Fisheries
ICES: International Council for the Exploration of the TAC: Total Allowable Catch
Sea TCM: Technical Conservation Measures
ITQ: Individual Transferable Quota TFEU: Treaty on the Functioning of the European
MCRS: Minimum Conservation Reference Size Union
MSY: Maximum Sustainable Yield UNCLOS: United Nations Convention on the Law of
NAFO: Northeast Atlantic Fishery Organization the Sea
NEAFC: North East Atlantic Fishery Commission

Quo Vadis Common Fisheries Policy?, First Edition. Ernesto Penas Lado.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


Advisory Councils, 99, 120, 130, 155, 195, 196, 198, Ecosystem approach, 50, 52, 53, 75, 81, 83, 84, 149,
199, 200, 201, 202, 205, 206, 207, 226, 231, 151, 161, 162, 164, 176, 179, 180, 181, 182,
232, 233, 234, 331, 338, 340, 341, 349, 352, 206, 339
356, 357 EFCA, 132, 133, 234, 278, 279, 280, 342, 360
Aquaculture, 15, 17, 18, 22, 36, 120, 135, 165, 171, Environment, 4, 18, 22, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32, 37, 38, 39,
176, 178, 180, 206, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 43, 44, 45, 46, 50, 71, 77, 81, 117, 118, 121,
300, 301, 302, 304, 305, 307, 308, 309, 310, 142, 145, 151, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166,
311, 323, 324, 325, 328, 329, 330, 335, 336, 167, 168, 169, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176,
346, 353, 354 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 183, 184, 185, 192,
197, 198, 199, 200, 202, 203, 205, 206, 207,
Baltic, 7, 18, 32, 35, 44, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 211, 216, 217, 218, 220, 222, 223, 225, 226,
77, 78, 81, 82, 83, 91, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 229, 230, 231, 233, 240, 244, 245, 249, 255,
101, 107, 114, 127, 129, 142, 144, 145, 148, 260, 267, 274, 276, 285, 290, 291, 296, 297,
149, 150, 157, 162, 166, 181, 220, 221, 225, 298, 299, 300, 301, 306, 310, 311, 312, 324,
228, 234, 318, 322, 338, 347, 355 326, 328, 329, 330, 331, 335, 339, 341, 360
Biomass, 12, 14, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 30, 44, 45, 47, 48, (European) Commission, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 13, 18, 19, 20,
49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 58, 59, 60, 62, 64, 72, 76, 79, 25, 45, 47, 54, 55, 56, 57, 62, 65, 66, 77, 81, 86,
80, 85, 93, 101, 151, 166, 174, 182, 205, 220, 97, 100, 103, 104, 111, 112, 113, 114, 120, 122,
222, 241, 246, 257, 262, 270, 291, 292, 294, 123, 124, 125, 126, 129, 142, 145, 146, 151,
306, 318, 320, 322, 326, 336, 342 152, 155, 161, 162, 166, 183, 184, 194, 195,
196, 199, 202, 204, 206, 207, 209, 212, 213,
Climate change, 2, 9, 23, 95, 96, 98, 105, 120, 177, 215, 217, 219, 220, 221, 224, 225, 227, 230,
203, 207, 224, 244, 256, 257, 258, 259, 286, 231, 234, 251, 252, 254, 255, 265, 266, 267,
295, 296, 297, 300, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 271, 272, 275, 277, 278, 279, 280, 282, 283,
310, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 285, 293, 299, 303, 304, 305, 311, 318, 324,
343, 344, 351, 354 327, 328, 330, 335, 338, 340, 341, 342, 345,
Co-decision, 8, 56, 57, 108, 192, 194, 218, 219, 220, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357
221, 225, 229, 231, 277, 278, 337, 338, 339 (European) Parliament, 2, 8, 18, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 62,
Council (of ministers), 1, 2, 7, 8, 18, 30, 55, 56, 57, 87, 106, 127, 129, 144, 154, 183, 192, 194, 218,
106, 127, 146, 163, 192, 194, 219, 220, 221, 219, 220, 234, 268, 272, 273, 274, 277, 278,
234, 265, 274, 277, 278, 303, 318, 331, 343, 318, 357, 360
344, 347, 352
Court of Justice, 7, 36, 127, 268, 272, 345 Fishing mortality, 13, 14, 20, 25, 36, 44, 45, 47, 48,
49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61,
Discard(s), discarding, 6, 11, 12, 29, 34, 36, 55, 63, 66, 64, 66, 67, 73, 76, 77, 78, 79, 83, 91, 92, 93, 96,
73, 74, 97, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 101, 104, 106, 107, 112, 117, 120, 126, 141,
118, 119, 120, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 142, 143, 144, 145, 147, 150, 153, 155, 162,
128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 166, 182, 183, 192, 198, 207, 219, 220, 225,
140, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 151, 155, 156, 285, 286, 291, 292, 293, 318, 322, 331, 332,
157, 162, 169, 181, 185, 186, 191, 193, 195, 336, 339, 352
196, 201, 207, 218, 224, 227, 231, 267, 272, Fleet, 5, 11, 17, 21, 36, 40, 43, 58, 65, 66, 71, 77, 78,
275, 276, 279, 280, 313, 318, 324, 336, 337, 85, 90, 94, 95, 104, 108, 112, 115, 121, 122,
339, 345, 348, 349, 357, 358, 359 125, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 136, 137, 143,

Quo Vadis Common Fisheries Policy?, First Edition. Ernesto Penas Lado.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

368 Index

Fleet (cont’d), 5, 11, 17, 21, 36, 40, 43, 58, 65, 66, 71, Multiannual plan, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 68, 83, 84,
77, 78, 85, 90, 94, 95, 104, 108, 112, 115, 121, 99, 105, 142, 192, 207, 218, 219, 220, 221, 225,
122, 125, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 136, 137, 339
143, 146, 148, 150, 152, 155, 156, 166, 168,
169, 170, 171, 172, 181, 195, 198, 213, 214, North Sea, 44, 47, 49, 54, 58, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66,
216, 218, 227, 231, 234, 239, 240, 241, 245, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 80, 82, 83, 84, 85, 99, 111,
248, 250, 251, 252, 253, 257, 260, 261, 265, 112, 114, 118, 120, 125, 130, 136, 153, 167,
266, 267, 269, 270, 271, 273, 274, 275, 276, 168, 175, 182, 183, 204, 205, 212, 220, 221,
278, 279, 280, 282, 283, 284, 285, 297, 302, 222, 224, 225, 230, 260, 293, 317, 319, 320,
303, 304, 321, 322, 327, 346, 347, 348, 349, 327, 332, 355
350, 355, 356, 357, 358
Plastics, 171, 179, 310, 311, 312, 331
Governance, 87, 123, 129, 130, 147, 152, 163, 181,
183, 191, 192, 199, 200, 202, 206, 210, 211, Regionalization, 4, 60, 146, 151, 152, 156, 163, 192,
218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 193, 194, 195, 196, 199, 201, 218, 221, 224,
231, 232, 233, 237, 238, 239, 240, 243, 244, 225, 226, 227, 231, 232, 265, 277, 337, 339,
245, 246, 247, 248, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 340, 341, 359, 360
255, 258, 259, 279, 282, 289, 298, 301, 307, Relative stability, 2, 9, 33, 35, 46, 47, 54, 55, 64, 65,
309, 311, 324, 329, 330, 335, 336, 337, 339, 66, 72, 81, 82, 83, 86, 105, 112, 120, 121, 122,
340, 341, 356 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 136, 142, 143, 147,
148, 149, 181, 182, 183, 219, 266, 271, 272,
IUU, 37, 170, 202, 205, 239, 244, 247, 250, 251, 252, 273, 319, 320, 322, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346,
253, 254, 255, 256, 258, 278 347, 348, 350, 351, 356, 357, 359, 360
RFMO, 170, 248, 250, 251, 252, 255, 256, 257, 258,
Landing obligation, 4, 9, 19, 27, 28, 33, 34, 35, 36, 46, 259
47, 54, 65, 66, 68, 73, 74, 76, 83, 88, 111, 112,
113, 114, 115, 118, 119, 120, 122, 123, 124, Seafood, 10, 12, 14, 22, 33, 37, 38, 52, 79, 164, 177,
126, 127, 128, 129, 131, 132, 133, 136, 137, 184, 215, 216, 218, 258, 296, 297, 298, 300,
142, 149, 151, 155, 156, 157, 185, 195, 265, 303, 311, 323, 324, 327, 331, 335, 336, 337,
266, 272, 273, 278, 279, 280, 286, 319, 342, 350, 354
344, 347, 350, 354, 356, 358, 360 Selectivity, 53, 61, 72, 73, 84, 85, 86, 92, 94, 99, 106,
107, 117, 126, 127, 129, 130, 136, 149, 150,
Marine protected area, 106, 174, 177, 240, 290 151, 152, 153, 156, 157, 184, 185, 226, 228,
Maximum economic yield, 45 276, 340, 358
Maximum sustainable yield, 3, 18, 25, 27, 41, 43, 44, STECF, 20, 82, 92, 94, 101, 102, 103, 104, 129, 145,
49, 55, 59, 71, 73, 91, 144, 166, 191, 265, 291, 147, 196, 199, 200, 204, 207, 211, 212, 293
327, 336
Mediterranean, 6, 9, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 21, 60, 61, 77, Technical measures, 62, 84, 85, 86, 91, 97, 107, 112,
91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 129, 130, 149, 150, 151, 152, 155, 157, 162,
103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 112, 114, 124, 192, 206, 207, 226, 227, 231, 340, 358
131, 142, 147, 148, 149, 151, 156, 157, 162, Treaty, 8, 9, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28, 44, 45, 56, 57, 161,
165, 195, 221, 230, 240, 245, 276, 279, 281, 167, 191, 219, 229, 277, 278, 302, 328, 345
285, 286, 293, 295, 307, 308, 318, 335, 336, Trilogue, 25, 54, 57, 60, 128, 220, 221, 353
340, 349, 351, 352, 355
Mesh size(s), 87, 91, 106, 107, 112, 147, 149, 150, Western waters, 35, 65, 122, 125, 137, 146, 229, 234,
151, 152, 156, 157 338
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