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BSN 2 / I - 3




Health Conditions and / or Problems and Family Nursing Diagnoses

 Prescribed diet intake and  Potential for enhanced capability for

adjustment as presence of wellness. health maintenance.
- Mrs. B stated that they have
been controlling and strictly
selecting the food together that
is appropriate for their proper
and prescribed diet.

 Exercise and activities as presence of  Potential for enhanced capability for

wellness. healthy life-style.
- Mrs. B stated that she always
make herself busy with easy
things to the in their house like
cleaning as long as it is not that
much stressful and this serve as
her daily exercise.

 Monitoring of health condition as  Potential for enhanced capability for

presence of wellness. health management.
- Mrs. B stated that they are now
monitoring their health status
after finding out that they are at
risk of complications.

 Maintenance of prescribed  Potential for enhanced capability for

medication as presence of Wellness. health maintenance.
- Mrs. B stated that they taking
their daily medication
maintenance as prescribe by
their physician in order to
maintain their health and risk of

 Alcohol intake as presence of health  Inability to make decision with respect

threat. to taking appropriate health action
- Mr. B stated that he still related to failure to comprehend the
consume alcohol sometimes nature of the problem.
even though he know that It
could be a threat to his

 Predisposition to diabetes as  Presence of risk factors of specific

presence of health threat. diseases.
- Mrs. B stated that diabetes is in
their family’s blood.

 Having Domestic animals as  Inability to provide a home

presence of threat. environment conducive to health
maintenance related to inadecquate
- Mr. B stated that they have been knowledge of preventive measure.
raising domestic animals as

 Diagnosed with diabetes as presence  Inability to recognize the presence of

of health deficit. the condition related to attitude in life
- Mr. B stated that he was which hinders recognition of the
diagnosed with diabetes that he problem.
acquired a years ago due to
unhealthy life-style.

 Diagnosed with hypertension as  Inability to recognize the presence of

presence of health deficit. the condition related to denial about
- Mrs. B stated that their blood its existence as a result of fear of
pressure in the arteries is consequences of diagnosis of problem,
persistently elevated and that specifically physical consequences.
makes them diagnosed of
hypertension according to their

Diagnosed with hypertension as presence of health deficit.


NATURE 3/3 x 1 1 It’s a health deficit.

MODIFIABILITY 1/2 x 2 1 Mr. and Mrs. B stated that

they have been controlling
and strictly selecting the
food together that is
appropriate for their proper
and prescribed diet.
PREVENTIVE POTENTIAL 2/3 x 1 0.67 Mr. and Mrs. B stated that
they are now monitoring
their health status after
finding out that they are at
risk of complications.
SALIENCE 2/2 x 1 1 Mr. and Mrs. B stated that
they taking their daily
medication maintenance as
prescribe by their physician
in order to maintain their
health and risk of
TOTAL= 3.67

Diagnosed with diabetes as presence of health deficit.


NATURE 3/3 x 1 1 It’s a health deficit.

MODIFIABILITY 2/2 x 2 1 Mrs. B stated that they have

been controlling and strictly
selecting the food together
that is appropriate for their
proper and prescribed diet.
PREVENTIVE POTENTIAL 1/3 x 1 0.33 The family does recognize it
as severe and immediate
problem because they think
that they could prevent it by
taking they prescribed
SALIENCE 2/2 x 1 1 The family does perceive it
as a problem as long as they
are monitoring their health
TOTAL= 3.33

Alcohol intake as presence of health threat.


NATURE 1/3 x 1 0.33 It’s a health threat.

MODIFIABILITY 1/2 x 2 1 Limitation of consumption.

PREVENTIVE POTENTIAL 2/3 x 1 0.66 The couple are aware but

the father can’t still resist of
consuming it.
SALIENCE 2/2 x 1 1 The family recognized it as a
problem however Mr. B
believes that this is not that
much of a risk as long as he
only consume it
TOTAL= 2.99

Having Domestic animals as presence of threat.


NATURE 1/3 x 1 0.33 It’s a health threat.

MODIFIABILITY 2/3 x 2 1.33 Mr. B stated that they have

been raising domestic
animals as practice.
PREVENTIVE POTENTIAL 2/3 x 1 0.66 Mr. B didn’t have the
knowledge and awareness
about how could it affect
their health.
SALIENCE Acceptance.

TOTAL= 2.32

Predisposition to diabetes as presence of health threat.


NATURE 2/3 x 1 0.66 It’s a health threat.

MODIFIABILITY 1/3 x 2 0.33 Mrs. B didn’t recognize it as

a problem at all as long as
there is no symptoms.
PREVENTIVE POTENTIAL 1/3 x 1 0.33 Mrs. B only think that as
long as she limit her sugar
intake she will not acquire
the disease.
SALIENCE 0/3 x 1 0 They don’t recognize it as a
TOTAL= 1.32

FIRST Hypertension 3.67

SECOND Diabetes 3.33

THIRD Alcohol 2.99
FOURTH Loss of hearing 2.32
FIFTH Predisposition of diabetes 1.32
Family nursing care plan
Health Condition Goal and Objectives of Intervention Plan Evaluation Plan
and / or Problems Care Method of contact, Resources available in Outcome criteria Methods / tools
proposed actions, methods the family
of teaching
Hypertension as presence of Goal of care: Method of Contact: Home Visit Human Resources: The family can now already Home Visit
health deficit: The family will be able to Time and effort for both the change their attitude Health Teaching and
Inability to recognize the recognize the risk of the Activities: family and the nurse. towards the problem. Demonstration.
presence of the problem problem disease and be able 1. Discuss the nature, signs,
due to attitude or to verbalize/demonstrate the symptoms and Home Resources: The family have now Instant feedback on
philosophy in life which nursing care management for complications that might Considered herbal medicines additional knowledge about the family to know the
hinders recognition and hypertension. arise due to hypertension. that is available in their home. herbal medicines that could strengths and weak
acceptance of the problem 2. Explain hypertension and help prevent the points of discussion.
S: Objectives of care: its effects in the heart and manifestation of the
- Mr. and Mrs. B stated that Within 3 days of nursing other body organ. problem disease.
their blood pressure in the interventions and health 3. Instruct in promoting a
arteries is persistently education, the family will be healthy lifestyle through
elevated and that makes able to: reducing of foods that is
them diagnosed of a. Determine the risk high in salt, fat and
hypertension according to factors that contribute cholesterol.
their physician. to hypertension such 4. Instruct in promoting
O: as age, lifestyle, family stress avoidance/reducing
Mr. B: Mrs. B history, and dietary techniques such as rest,
BP: 130/80 BP:140/90 intake. relaxation and adequate
PR: 96 PR:92 b. Incorporate low sleep.
RR: 20 RR: 18 sodium and low-fat 5. Provide information about
T: 36.6 T: 36.8 foods into diet. natural resources in their
c. Verbalize preventive home/area that could
measures in treating prevent hypertension such
high blood pressure as herbals.
through herbal

Activity 2: Position/Argument Paper
Instruction: The WHO has announced that COVID-19 is already a pandemic. In response to this situation, some places in the Philippines have been placed on community
quarantine. With this intervention, issues related to violation of personal rights have surfaced. However, the government said that community quarantine is important to ensure
public safety, which is more important than individual rights. What is your position in this issue? Do you think that public safety is more important than individual rights?

I strongly agree when the government said that community quarantine is important to ensure public safety, yes very important, which is also more important than
our individual rights. I am grateful to everyone who is directly working on this virus, and it motivates me to ensure that we as a society do what we can to help right now. At this
time, we must ensure that we do our role to prevent future pandemics from having  such a firm grip on so many peoples’ lives. For us second-year students, has enough
knowledge to perhaps stay on and work in the front line, we always wanted to help, but we also fear the risk to our own lives and to the others. The main goal of our government
and frontliners right now is to stop the spread of this pandemic disease, so only those professionals are allowed to work in the field, because they couldn’t afford to have another
person get infected that may become the continuation of the spread of this disease. Even though we are not allowed to work in the field, we student nurse could still provide help
to our frontliners by sharing our knowledge to other people. We can still provide evidence-based practices to other people that will make them aware how to keep themselves
safe during this times by providing them a knowledge about infection control procedures. We could also help in advocating safety measures that they required for the sake of
everyone. The same thing applies as being a member of our family, we could be a role model to the other members of our family in health management. We could also
demonstrate those evidence-based practices to keep our family safe and away from the risk of this pandemic disease. Identifying our role during this time of crisis is very
important, and last but not the least, we should be aware of our part being a responsible citizen, for me the best thing that I could do as a citizen right now is to have discipline by
following rules and regulations from the higher ups or the government. I mean following those rules and regulations that they gave to us will surely contribute in preventing the
spread of this pandemic disease. I believed that discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. As an ordinary citizen right now, we should think that public safety is
more important than arguing our individual rights, this is the moment that all of us should work together and do what we can to help each other, locally and globally. Together we
pray and believed, and together we shall overcome this crisis.

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