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3-24 Chapter 3 Discrete Probability Distributions

Exercise 3.4 1. (Probability Mass Function; Discrete Uniform Distribution)

Since x = 2,3,4, a = 2 and b = 4. Therefore, the probability mass function of

2. (Mean and Variance)

Since a = 2 and b = 4, the mean and variance of X are

3. (Mean and Variance of a Linearly Combination)

The mean and variance of Y = 1OOX are
E(Y) = E(100X) = lOOE(X) = 1 0 0 3~= 300

Exercise 3.5 1. (Probability Mass Function; Binomial Distribution)

Since "a passenger showing up" is a success and the probability of a success
i s p = 1 - 0.1 = 0.9. Thus, the probability mass function of X is

2. (Probability)
The flight would have empty seats i f X < 120. Thus, the probability that the
flight departs with empty seats is

3. (Mean and Variance)

y = np = 125x 0.9 = 112.5 passengers
o2= np(1- p) = 125x 0.9 x (1 - 0.9) = 1 1.2 = 3.32

Exercise 3.6 1 . (Probability Mass Function; Geometric Distribution)

Since a successful optical alignment is a success, the probability of success is
p = 0.8. Thus, the probability mass function of X i s
f ( x ) = ( l - p ) x - 1 p = 0 . 2 " - ' 0 . 8 , x = l , 2 ,...

I 2. (Probability)
Answers to Exercises 3-25

Exercise 3.6 ( 3. (Mean and Variance)

(cont.) 1 1
p = - = - = 1.25 trials

Exercise 3.7 1 1. (Probability Mass Function; Negative Binomial Distribution)

1 2. (Probability)

1 3. (Mean and Variance)

r 3
p=-=- = 300 fills
p 0.01

Exercise 3.8 1. (Probability Mass Function; Hypergeometric Distribution)

N=75, K = 5 , n = 1 0
max(0, n - (N - K)) = max(0, 10 - (75 - 5)) = max (0, -60) = 0
min{K,n) = min(5, 10) = 5

2. (Probability)

3. (Mean and Variance)

p = np = 10 x - = 0.67 unacceptable washers in the sample of 10 washers
3-26 Chapter 3 Discrete Probability Distributions

Exercise 3.9
I (Binomial Approximation; Hypergeometric Distribution)
The probability mass function of Xis

(Note) max{O,n - (N - K)} = max{0,50 - (500 - 100))

= max(0, -350) = 0
min{K,n) = min{100,50) = 50


The approximate binomial distribution of the hypergeometric random

variable Xis

~ x ) = ( nx) p x ( - p ) n - x =[~)0.2x0.8s0-x, x - 0 to 50

K 100
(Note) p = -= -= 0.2
N 500

Based on the binomial approximation,

P ( X = 10) = f (10) = = 0.140

Since n is relatively small to N (n/N = 50/500 = 0. l), the binomial

approximation of the hypergeometric random variable X is satisfactory.

Exercise 3.10
I 1. (Probability Mass Function; Poisson Distribution)
h = E(X) = 2 crackslmile x 5 miles = 10 cracks every 5 miles

1 2. (Probability)

3. (Mean and Variance)

p = h = 10 cracks every 5 miles
o2 = h =1 0 = 3 . 2 ~

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