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Diversity in an Aging Workforce:


Nabila Anisa 2206008722

This regulatory and executive body performs the monitoring of

pharmaceutical and over-the-counter medicinal drugs (medications),
vaccines, specialty chemicals, food supplements, food standards,
herbal medicine, and cosmetic products that will be approved, sold,
and distributed in Indonesia including the permissions to be given to
imported products of abovementioned categories.

Named FDA (Indonesian: Badan Pengawas

Obat and Makanan) or Badan POM (BPOM) BPOM label procedure is regulated under BPOM Regulation
which refers to the Indonesian Food and Drug No. 27/2018 regarding the supervision of food and drugs entry
Administration is a branch of government into Indonesia as well as BPOM regulation No.26/2018
institutions and is liable for the safety of public regarding the BPOM e-licensing service.

Generational Three Millennials Conflicts Effect

Conflict Generations
Grown within organizations The most reliable resources Conflicts occur mainly due to Conflicts among co-
There are three generations
to help organization facing the differences in workers or superiors/
as more generations than ever in BPOM: Baby Boomers,
increasingly complex technological mastery, subordinates are not
have entered the workforce Gen Xers, and Millennials.
strategic challenges because orientation to change, the conducive to achieve a
and are working together.
their mastery of technology relations of the high good performance.
is better than the older intergenerational and formal
generations. communication.
Challenge or Problem in the Organization
The Boomers and Gen-X are more formal, whereas
Formality Millennials prefer informal communication

Orientation to The Old Generations are more reluctant toward

Change change, while Millennials are more enthusiastic.

Master of The Old Generations are not familiar with the latest
Technology technology, whereas Millennials master it more.

Perception on Millennials from The Old Perception on Millennials from The

Generations: Millennials:
• Poor Manner. • Have idealism and demand to know the
• Have better knowledge and skills, especially purpose and contribution in the work.
related to technology. • Demanding equality and appreciation.
• More open in communication to convey idea. • Like challenges and changes.
• Less sense of responsibility and easier to give
Challenge or Problem in the Organization

Different age ends up with

different work values Assumptions
Growing power of Millennials in
The values then clash in the way they work, and they
the workplace is somehow a
end up getting angry and blaming, rather than just
threat to Baby Boomers.
working it out. When faced with the conflict, they
choose to escalate and assert our position, rather than
seek to understand and find common ground.

Different Life Stages

Power and Control and Career Stages
Millennials are already the largest segment of Some differences between younger and older
the workforce, and that dominance will only co-workers immediately: the way they dress,
grow in the coming years. It is estimated that how they use technology, and how they
Millennials will make up 75% of the global communicate. People decades apart in age often
workforce by 2025. On the other hand, top find that they have different attitudes about the
leadership tends to lean more toward Baby workplace and appropriate behavior. Sometimes
Boomers. because of the era during which they grew up,
but also because of their different life stages and
career stages.
Solution Based on the Book
(Managing Age-Related Diversity)

Provide equal access to Provide mentoring

Provide frequent
training and learning opportunities whereby
recognition for skills,
opportunities when it older workers can pass on
experience, and wisdom
comes to new technology. accumulated knowledge to
gained over the years.
younger employees.

Ensure that older workers Give the employee

Design a work environment
receive sensitive, high- considerable autonomy and
that is both stimulating and
quality supervision. latitude in completing a task.
My Recommendation to Solve the Problem

Use mentoring as a solution to any View generational

perceived clash between old differences as a learning Think more about life stage and individual
generations and millennials so that opportunity. Take an career desires than about generation.
they can recognize the value both advantage of early adopters
generations. (To build a good of technology from younger
communication) people.

Understand the role of power Identify the interests behind the Recognize that a worker’s role
and control in creating conflicting positions. Think about those
in the organization is a better
conflict. This will reduce the generational issues without letting
yourself get too attached, and focus on predictor of developmental
tension if you understand each needs than generation.
the fundamentals of conflict resolution.
BPOM is a branch of government institutions and is liable for the safety of public health. There are three
generations in BPOM: Baby Boomers, Gen Xers, and Millennials. Conflicts occur mainly due to the
differences in technological mastery, orientation to change, the relations of the high intergenerational and
formal communication. The conflict can be reduced or even resolved by providing equal access to training
and learning opportunities when it comes to new technology, by viewing generational differences as a
learning opportunity, by thinking more about life stage and individual career desires than about generation,
by understand the role of power and control in creating conflict, and identifying the interests behind the
conflicting positions.
● Irhamahayati, Hubeis, M., Hermawan, A., & Djohar, S. (2018). Generational conflicts at the
indonesian public sector workplace from the millennial’s perspective. Polish Journal of
Management Studies, 18(2), 151–161.
● Kreitner, R. (n.d.). Organizational Behavior tenth edition.

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